THtiVOLUMIUAN AN1 DEMOCRAT, BJLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. llOi del i WIV tint lni FI17 nra cut 7.1 ll ids' HO t eii. Cum 'in luui tu I Orel I'itt'irtiiltmif, c B.IDJKvVAY.'j E,V;tL,Edi5r5. umoMsimua, pa. F r 1 a n v, Au g. .18. 1 8 7' 0. 1 ENNSYIjYAX'IA TO TIIK 1'OUK. Wc are i.illing Hint our opponents should in ii' c in the delusion that tlio Democracy t f tl'I -,.ite do not intend to tnnko an active carm i. cuivai thl'lFalldiul wo do not with ii of mir friends to entertain tlio eatno bo ll f. l'wn if Pennsylvania were n doubt i'ul si.ito, tactics would dlctnto that sho ' mil tako n part in tlio fight along the Whole lino. Wo well remember that nl the liatt'o "-f Hpottsylvnnln, after Hancock with I'm h ,-,)ul Corps had achieved his magnifi r victory, the Fifth Corps on Ills right v. as irihrcd Ui nttnek tlio enemy in their fr in, u i.o wcro well entrenched, and had rem .(.(;iy repulsed our asstilts. Tho Pa. 1 . nros, le.l by McOnudlcvss and Knt led tho vd os attacks, and whilst tho encmlys A worst were not takon.iV lent the Confederates wlf ''t i"'f'i iid prevented tltcni from recti jjjji f ''" weakened Jlank. In this way y piriuruied as important a servico as their ci nirndes who captured Johnson's 1)1 vi don. Tho moral is, give the llepublleam A of iforh in Penniytcania, even f tec do Iut why should wc despair of Pennsylva nia , Iho fctato is naturally Democratic. It was so in anto-war times. It was so in lw 2. It was so overwiiclniingiy in 1874, notwithstanding the fearful gcrryniandering mid by a K . tical legislature. Packer in 18S9 11 ii'id lsuekalcw in 1872 were elected by tho pcjple, but counted out by the scoundrels. jjri 1 n.'. r tlio revised Constitution, and vigilant ,,! wntch;ulucs3, thi. frauds of those years can iijf tint bo repealed, toej In no State is tho common distress more severely felt than in Pennsylvania. Her 1 indu-trl's aro nil prostrated, and thousands of laboring men, now on tho verge of starva rj tion cuii trace i L directly to tho doors of Had vp) ,t' 'n,'oni misrule, and coiruption; and iwrf In l'.' eh .'Hon ol Tihloii and Hendricks they jj oo hi'u. -t uovernutent, n icditction ofex nm l,e,,L tsls tnd cvnsecpiently a revival 'iiil tf bu lries.1. )V 3 cmr opponents nro divided. Jilaiuo was tho choice of tho Republican masses (or yr'. Presidcut.but tholJamoronsaiid ollico holders ji Riiveinemn iion-oniiiy m nominating llaves. They asked lor broad Mid were given a stone. Our party is united, and nut a word of dis ulfecliim is heard. Lot us tlmii go to vvotk ntonce. Organ ize every precinct and fcIioo! District. 1'or year.i tho Democratic voto hits not been brought out. KITectivo oraiii?ation will correct this. In this County lint year wb bad over 2100 majority, mid yet hundreds of Democratic voters remained at home. Tho work of organization depends mainly upon tho people, and if.lliey act promptly and clUeiently l'eniiiylvaiihi will ho placed in thoTilden and Hendricks column by 20,000 majority. T11K l'OTTSVIIihi: TRIALS. A great sensation was created on tho 10th inst., in tho ll-llio Mnmiire trials by the appearance of Prank Mollugh a tool of tho Jfollio conspirators, on tlio witness stand, to corroborate the evidence of Jlcl'arlen the detection Thero was a perceptible bhuddcr among his fellow-co.ispirators when .McUitgh kissed the Uook after tho Clork of tho Court had repeated to him the solemn injunction that ho was to tell "the truth, tho whole truth; and nothing but tho truth " "Women especially, who had hitherto -nhown more stoicism than tho mulo conspirators, evinced tho deepest solicitude. They bent forward their headj upon their hands and for tho "a first time showed in their cycs3 The gang in the dock trembled and Jack ICcboo Nj turned paler than ho ever did. Frank pri? Mcllugli belongs to Mnhanoy City, and was secretary of tho divUiou of tho Mollios at l'J that place: Ho has always been n wild young fellow, and is tlio only one of tho prisoners A. 3 nt present on trial who h&3 been out on bail. J'-jjl McIIugU corroborated tho evidence of JIc Km Parlen in almost every particular, and is a c. v first-class witness for tho State. r, lri.rn ye. p The jury in tho casoof tho Commonwealth versus Jack Kchoe, county dblegato of ttio Met "Mollies" In Schuylkill county,and Canning, county de'.gato of tho older in Koithuinber ' bnd county, and six other prominent mem- mu bers of tho organization, found them nil vj guiltyjof a sault and battery with intent to Aij kill Win. Thomas. Frank Mcllugli, who turned Stale's evidence, was recommended t to tho mercy of tho court-. The samo men are btin tried now for conspiracy to kill I William and Jesse Major at Mahanoy City. TIM) UN ON 1'INANCKS. fi mo f-l'onr Uepublican cuilois and orators are somewhat hysterical about tha podlinn ofTildeu and ileudrieks on tho question of Financo and Currency. Tine, our nppo naits know litllo about tho subject as shown by their past management of it nor ftiu they lun. t enough to publish tlio views of cur candidates. It may lull their fears to lead tho ti 'Hawing irom tho Pliihi. Ledger, owned by Child, Oram's intimate and lonfidential frhnd, and considered sound autlioiity on fi iisik ial questions. W,- h,te ulicndy nottrtil the open ntowal of c.i 'i '.f iho candidates iismiil fur l're d'i,t . !,d Ylie-Prcshlent of i!io United r- uii , and in no direction is there anv pro 1 i n y of a direct leaning to nu 'nftation en Mr umenry. 'ihciois not tho least dan cer tl at cither of our political pavli -s will adopt uny fucIi piograiniiie. (r- Tho Republican organs who nro lilusdng fio Dtmcxr&tlc Hoiuo without Mint me ovtrd'dng the mutter. Kvcu the New York 'J'Mvue in Us liwuo of Wednesday has tho following conipiitaonUry noi'ire : Lot il has mudd n nicer 1 In l Ii roe dirue. tl r. It rxpo.ud a coriupt 'ier.ritary of War ai. i dri'Vo him from (.flue, It invi'M lifted 11.1 u:i-iTup'llo;u Minister to England, und scourged him homo. It riduculappropila ti nn sometime! whely, often iinwlmdyj but nt id! events it reduced them, and , tor Bll.o pivscut, checked tho euorui'ius ohiendl tuns of public money. For thoso let this Congress have all thanks ; and lot us frank ly say, too, that tho whole credit is due to tho Democratic Houno. Republican papers plcas9 copy. It is with pleasure v-' It") of tlio renenn luatluii of lion. W. C. Plunr.n'.cr of Craw- furd C'-unty fur tho LejUlflUrt', una Mirn dirS istly bono for his rceleetiou, Tho Demo- craU of Miflllu hliould also return Ilifli, J. y j W, Parker. The Dsraoornti need Mu'i and cxprrionco In the lower Iluuse. There not been an over supply of clthr recently. n Now Hut llelkiisp lvi acquitted by y,,0. ii, Uepublieun ,Simtor, 011 thu ground s i t:.d. lie did not slenl niere thnu Ida prlnd ''? put, Grant, hd not Onuionn bitter ieIgn, m and let Relkimp reume lf-e old imst u Uto- , rotary 01 warr not mm it wouiu uoanun : 7, . ,,,nni !, Hi would bo a iindteiilloi..'' Wo only inakol Smw P. Gary of Ohio, wUoo Ieltor of ac, the stifgetiti, I coptanCo will bo pnUWitd In fw dny. (Il'll COUNTY NOMINATIONS. As Is usual in Counties having strong par Umii ninjoi itie, we had a Inrgo uuniber of enudidfltp for tho various o1T1i?m to bp filled itt Ihp coming election, and the oonlcst was umiMinlly warm. Isovrr, prrlini, was the County so Ihnmturjily ranvased, and there fore the nuinber of broken pledge was uu usually Iflifre. P.ut the proceedings of the Oonronllou were so entirely fair and har monium, that llm disappointed ones must accept defeat with resignation, n itiany good men have had to do before. Tho people have settled tho question, and on a voto of three fourths of our party strength In the County, lly their decision wo muft abide. As tho contest lor Congress mulled in a tlo vote between tho delogUos, and as tho pro Cedent of taking tho popular majority was rejectcd.althougli It was adopted in tho rules for future management, wo refrain from al luding to tho candidates in this connec tion. 1-3. J. Mcllonry of Fishingereek was nn animouly renoiulinled for tlin Legislature. This was a well deserved compliment to n faithful and elllcient llepresentallve. His colleague. D.ivld H., of Jlaiu Towushlp is a man of excellent reputation, sterling good sense, and will conscientiously dlschargo tho.dutios of his ollice, V. Ii. Shunian was chosen as Associato .ludgo from tho South side of tho river. Ho Is well known to tho people, bears nu un blcmidiod character, and will perform his judicial duties with uprightness and fideli ty. Tho other Associato named was I. K. Krlckbatim, Kiq., of, llcnton for many years a Justice of tho Peace. Ho has long been noted for integrity, and cottrleotunoss, and will provo a lit successor to Hon. Irani Dorr. John W. HolTuian, after n warm contest, was nominated lor Sheriff. Jlr. Hoffman formerly resided in Ccntro Township, from whence he recently moved to this place. He' is a farmer by occupation, and this is lils first effort for an ollice. He is tobcr, in dustrious, and thoroughly competent for tho duties of tho ollice. 1'or Jury Commissioner, Kit Bobbins of of Fishingcrcel; was selected. The ollico re quires a concientioiu,prudcnt man, as much of Iho proper administration of Justice- He-J ponds upon him. Wo believe Mr, Ttobbins In be antitely qualified for the position. Now thStt our nominatioi'.s are iniido there should be no further dvlay in tho thorough organization of tho party. Everything is to bo gained by prompt action. rooii HOWAItl) I A recent number of the Ou:etlc& Jiiillclin, has tho following : Kvidently General O.O.ltownid shaics tho views recently expressed in an editorial in theso columns, concerning the necessity fur caution lest the Into lehels obtain control of tlio government through tho triumph of tlio Democracy. In a paper of his published in tho Atlantic Monthly lie s.iys : "Just now it seema almost a shanioMo havo lived to nilnglo in these- times. Thosn who sought tho nation's life are becoming its rulers; but our Union heroes havo a proud satisfaction in knowing that thoy wcro tho direct means of killing Fccesinn, stnto supremacy, and slavery in America, and that it is only tho onlarged generosity of tho victors that has lilted up tho vaiiquMicd into the higher position of power." Wo used to liavo somo respect for the opinions of our cotomporary, because there wcro Hashes of independence that did it credit. Of lato it has become a thick and thin organ. A word, however, as to Howaul. Ho has been styled '"an eminently ChristianSoldier," and wc suppose that that was tho reason Grant was so much atTaclicd to him, and why Sigel was removed from tho command of tho Eleventh Corps to mako room for him. To his lead. may bo attributed thodiater at Chanccllorsvillc, and nearly its repetition at Gettysburg. ,Ho thinks it is "almost a shaino to have lived to mingled in theso times." Is it be caiiso a Democratic Congress h.v exposed tho incapacity and rottenness of the present administration, or is it because tho speculations of this "eminent Christian Soldier" as Chief of tho Frecdman's Bureau, havo been brought light " Howard and his agents not only swindled tho Government, but tho ptior blacks under his charge. Tho college which v.-as to bo established for their improvement was a speculation lor his bene fit, Tho bank at Washington which was to seccivo their nmall earnings, robbed them and enriched Grant's fiicnds. Hut this j'ioushypocritofurthei- complains that thoso who sought tho nation's life are becoming its rulers." What bosh ! The people should rulo in this country, and tho South is very far in tho minority. Intact, sineu the war it was a buurce of strength to thu Itepublicau party by adding to their ranks 800,000 culoied voters, lint Howard forgets that is was Republicans who urged Jcii. Davis' release, that it was Grant who secured immunity to Lee, promoted Long street and Orr mado Ackerman his Attor ney General, and took Moaby, tho Guerrilla chief, to his bosom. Let us hear no moio from Howard. Somo of our weak minded Republican cotcmporaries are alarmed about Gov. Til don's connection with tho St. Louis Alton, and Tcrro Ilnuto It. R. In order to caso their minds wo quoto tho following from the N. . Tribune, a devoted Hayes organ, and certainly authority among our opponents: Tho answer of Cor. Tilden and other de fendants concerned In the St. Louis. Alton and Tone Hauto Railroad Company trans actions, is lwi;,v but perspicuous and to tho poiiii. 11 snows mm, t no company was nn m.Misy benefited by iho necwaion ofGov. Tibltu ami his frionds to its control. Tho transactions in tho slock wero individual acts Mid not those oflnistees. Thu amount paid Mr. Tilden fur legal services wero lor specific work done, und his charges wero less than they might Justly havo been made. In short, there ii no apparent occasion for tho mud-throwing about this busim in which Gov. Tilden's op).oneuts havo so vigorously Indulged. Such stuff' its this could wily rmanafo fliiii ll.(u'rtiry Amritm "Tho Alabains, clrtHl ,11 )ns'!o IVoo cr.ittc as about 2 i,Mti nuijnrity. t w really ivstonUhing that tl.tro wo any Re publican Kites cwt at nth" Tu tho nbovw ssnteiico liicio are two w(;uificatitorior.s. 1'lrtt, tho majority w over 40,000 th eluotion was a quiet ne, there i.ot being even a dog fiht, HAeond, Tho State, has not been usually Dsmocratlc, Grant having liad'l,2S0 majori ty In 1808, and 10.823 majority in 1872. Next I Frd, Grant, son ot U. S , wanted to lie a Midler, wm appointed aodetat Weit Point, iducntcd nt the publlo expeme, and adgn el to the Seventh O.wdry, Utely oominnu dd by tho galkint Ouitor. Why do he. not Join his Regiment? Is Itoownrdle, or Is It because the President's, win is to be kept from d.Aiger? He should share in tho dan ger nf his oommand or glvo way to inoreJ worthy uiatetlM. Thq QrKuUck party have had a Jurd Unto i-a finding Ronndldato for Iho Vio Pie. . tm. I - L tit - woncy, iiioy iauav iaHm 011 wemroi ADJOIlltNMIlXi W C0NH1H183. After along scailon, tho bushiest is at last finished, and CegrciH adjourned on tho IfithliiKt. 'ilirre 1ms not been n gient deal accomplishes! In tho way of legislation, but tlin work done by tlio Houo In bringing to light tho frauds and corruption of the pre sent administration has been of more servico h the nation than any amount of law making could havo been, ltnlso savod tho people $8o,0J0,000 In culling down appropriations'. Tho Republican Sonnto lias shown ltelf striclty partisan, and refused tongieotomany measures originating in tho House which wcro loudly called for by tho poople. llel knap, guilty by his own confe.olon, was ac quitted, tho repeal ol tho resumption act allowed to fall without notion, and 'many other (icts of omissian or commission done, simply becnuso tho prospects of tho Repub lican Presidential candidates might bo affec ted by the Senate acting like honest men, in unison with tlio Houso. It looks very much as though they had taken tlio wrong horn of Iho dilemma, for many citizens," hitherto iepublicati3 arn being tliivcu from tho ranks of that party, to vote for reform. Whether tho Senate has ncted wisely, will bo shown nt tho November elections. Uofnro adjourning Mr. Hanks submitted tho following: llm1, That tho houo of Representa tives at tho moment of closing its present session, tenders to tho Hon. M, O, Kerr, its beloved presiding officer, tho unanimous ex pression of the heartfelt sympathy of its members in his nflliction nnd tho hope that tho recovery of his health may soon give to liis country tho benefit of id's counsel nnd oxnmplc. The resolution was declared unanimously adopted by tho speaker pro lent,, Mr. Say lrr. A copy of tho resolution was orderod tele graphed to Mr. Kerr. At seven o'clock n messago was received from the t:onato announcing that tho senate had passed a joint resolution for tho fin?' adjournment of congress at 7.30 p.m., and is was adopted. Tho cniniuilteo of thrco appoint to wait nn tho President and anuotii'o that both houses wera ready to ndjf'jn)) reported that the President ha 1 no ''jrtlier communication to make. Tho Speaker pro tern., then an nounced I'-.a't tli(. hour for final adjournment hnviii'nirrivod "thanking tho hnii3o for its Wirtosy, tho first session of the Forty fourth coiicipss stands niipiuruca without uay. Mr. Garfield (Mr. Clymer having taken the chair) offered the resnlminn tendering the thanks of the hoti'" to Mr. Siyler. speaker pro tern., Cor tho efficiency anil ability with which ho discharged tVo tiylng anil arduous duties of his ollico during tho iircscnt term of service. It was amended by uaninious consult so as to include the uamn of Mr. Cox, of New York, and unnnimotislv pass oil. SHAM IiKWlM. Hayes, in ids letter of aeeeptanee, spe ciously iiromi.-es civil service reloriii." How ho can it, under tho head of Chandler, the chairman of tho national Committee, the Camcrons, Logans, Patter son", el nl, wo fail to see. Tho men who control Grii't would dic'atc to him. Rut to show tho fallacy of tho unmeaning promises, wo havo only to quote from Grant's second annual message dated December (ith 1870. Grant said : "Always favoring practical reforms, 1 10' spectfully call your attention to 0110 abuse if long standing, whiqh I would like to .ste remedied by this congress. It is a reform in tho civij-servico of tho country. I would havo it go bt yond tho mere fixing of 'the tenure of clerks and employes, who do hot require 'the advice and consent of the, Sen ate' to mako their appointments c iiplete. I would havo it govern not the teuhio but tho manner of making all appointments, There is no duty which so much p inbaras ses tho executive and heads of deiVirtments as that of appointments, nor is tiiero any such arduous and thankless labor s.mpossd upon our Senators and Representatives as that of finding places for constituents? "flic present system does not ecuro ,l"f best men, and often even not fit meh iV imblic place." This was tho promise, - what wnf "Vf ful fillment '. Iblknap Secretary of Fw; tho whiskey ring lead by R.ibcoekjXcloiiald, Joyce, Averv and McKco, persona friends of the President, and entrenched behind tho influence of tho White House. Relknap was bribed in tho War Department, Robeson robbed the Navy, Williams prostituted justice as Attorney, Delano sold contracts in tiio Interior Department. L"s ser rogues bko Shepherd, Clapp, and others lollowed in the wako of their superiors and tho wholo administration became corrupt from top to bottom, and Grant still not on ly attempted to shield his partners in ciime, but drove from position such genuino refor mers as Uri-to'.v nnd J en ell. And yet tho Republican Convention en dorses Grant, and Hayes follows suit. Tho only lcmedy is to elect Tiltfau and Hendricks, men of pure record and pnie- ileal reforms. THE LETl'Klt.S Ol' AITKITAXCK. Last i;cck we gave in full Gov. Tihb;n's let ter of acceptance of tho Democratic nomina tion for President. Fully understanding tho magnitude of the task and tho expectations which had been raised in regard to tho let ter, Mr. Tilden very properly took ample time for its preparation. It is .uuequaled as a political document for force- mid clcarne.-s, With a keen insight, ho points out tho evils under which we labor, anil with raro ability makes specific suggestions as to tho remedies. His positions are utterly unas sailablo ; and tho-o of our opponent s who so loudly demanded to hear from oir caudidato aro now abashed and silent. And tho prop ositions of tho Governor como with Iho moro furco because be has practically tested them as Governor of tho l-3inpire State. Gov. Dix, it was claimed, was a model Executive, and yet tho Canal and other rings thrived under 111 tit. lildeu not onlv br.iku them tin and punished the offenders, but reduced tho State taxation Irom iflo.dOOOO to $8,000,000 a. year. If on such a field so much could be saved tho people, it is easy to lnmgino how much his nerve and energy could accomplish as our Chief Magistrate. RnroitM would bo tho order of tho day, and Washington would bo purged ol tho scaly crowd that now in fest it. Tho Relknaps, Rabcooks and Shcp' iiard would give way to puro nnd able statpsioti), whoso time would bo given to the H'.ili'a of the nation ra'.htr limn to huro races and watering places. Tho letter of Gov. Hendricks, whirh w- publish this week, is a document worthv irf tho leputallon of Its author, and should lv- cuivo u cnretul perusal. It shows that (u- candidates aro not only In nooord with tlw platform but with each other, Tho much. debated financial anil currency questions nro handled 111 a clear mid stntosmanl.ku man ner, without any attempt at oration ordoub lo dealing. Tho letters of all tho candidates are now before tho people, nnd they in their sorer u!gn oupaeity must weigh tho argument and pledges, weigh the characters o( the writ ers, nnd then decide who thitll lead this nu tion for the next four years. Tho New York 'Vie wild of doinor Tilden. in lu iuuo of Fvbruury HO. 187C "II has ao far shown thut ho will nU nbntK una jot of hi Itone.t oonvletloni, or wmwnt lo any not v Moh ho Ulievai to U morally "wrong, to gratify any wofpnlltluteiu what flysr," And that In tha roanon why thc-poo. 'llo prftpow to oket Undo Sftuml to the. lilgliwt plat in the ia of U4 paopW. Opinion by Wn. I'.Uvcll, P. J. 1.O0U8T MOUNTAIN CO A I. AND IttON CI). cnNV.vnitAM m'iiooi. liinTitirr. X6. tip!. Term, 1 S7('. 1 ' h In their bill )ho (Vinplalnautsnllego thai tliCBchool directors of Conyngliani township havo levied and are proceeding to cidleet a building tax of two nnd ouo-half milts upon tho dollar of tho valuation of tho taxable properly in said district. That tho value of the taxable properly In tho district l-s $50,3,5 It! and that the tax levied amounts to $M21..1(( that the valuation of tho property of tho complainants assessed nt tho rate aforesaid is $181,010. It Is further nll.-ged that said levy Is unnecessary and illegal, inasmuch ns tho school board arc not engaged In erecting any school building nnd do not contemplate erecting during tho current year, nnd nlso Hint the district Is free of debt Incurred for tho erection of school buildings. It is admitted by the nnnwer of defendants that they are not engiejed in erecting any school building and that they do not con tomplato erecting anv such building or pur chasing any grounds for school purposes du ring tho current year; but allege that tho district is In debt in thcum of four hundred dollars for grounds purchased fur school pur poses In 1S75; lor desks and In school houses constituting fixtures thereof in tho mini of lour hundred nnd six dollars; also lor hard waro in tho erecting and fitting of school houses in tlio amount of about 900 also that about 0110 hundred dollar or moro nro roquircd to paint a school house which they have lately erected. Without a formal replication tho comihc.'I of tho parties havo agreed by writing here with filed to submit tho caso upon thu bill and answer, with a icqiicst that it bo special ly determined whether tho proposed applica tion of building tax to ilcaVs and seats at tached in school houses, is. lawful, und also what outlays upon school buildings during tho year a tax may l.i.vrully bo collected for. I!y tho !Wd section of tho Act 8 May, ISol, "school directors nro authorized once in each to levy a special lax not exceeding tho amount of tho regular annual tax for such year to bo applied bololy to tho purpo'a of purchasing or paying for the ground and tho building or erection of school buildings thereon." Paying fur lands purchased for tho nec essary hardware usrd in erecting a school house and for painting the buildings erected out of tho spo. ial building tax aro matters so plainly authorized by tho law that there is no room for doubt or cavil upon tlio sub ject. Rut it is earnestly contended by tho counsel fur complainaiitn that fitting tho school houses erected by directors with scats and desks is to bo paid for out of the general school fund, and not by a buildingtax. This view of tho law limits thu application of tlio building tax to the mere walls and roof of tho building, and stops short of making it a school building. It might as well bo said that a storo is a complete store, without tho counter and that a sclimil house is a complete building without setts and desks. Counter, tables, drawers and shelves pass with a store as realty. 1 Wishbiirno Real Prop. 17, Talcr vs. Robinson F,nb., X. V. Rep. -1S5. So pews in a church partako of tho nature of realty although owned by an individual, tho general property belonging to tho corpo ration that erected the chinch. 1 Wash, 20, The old lest of physical annexation was exploded by Gibson, C. S., in Voorhis vs. Freeman, 2 W. & S. 1 1(i Hill vs. Seward 8 P. F. Smith 271. Soger vs. Petit 1 Weekly Notes, 220. In Mcigh's appeal 12 P. F. Smith HI), Judgo Aguew says; "Tho old notion nf physical annexation has long siuco been exploded in this State: On tho contrary tho question of fixture, or not, depends on tlio nature and character of tho act by which tho structtiro is put in place, tho policy of tho law con nected with its purpojo and tho intentions of thoso concerned in tho act." Rut whether tho seats and desks of a school house erected by school directors aro made fast to the lloor as was formerly tho caso in most school houses, or aro of the im proved kinds now generally used, in my judgment can mako 110 difference; in cither they arj necessary to constitute a school building. Tho purpose was that thoy should bo used as part of tho buildingaud a reasona ble construction of tho law requires that they should bo paid for, out of tho building fund. In thus holding I am not to ho understood as holding that a school hoiiso' not recently built, can bo re-scaled or provided with new uesks in place ot old ones, out of tho build ing fund. This would comu under Iho head of repairs which aro not to bo paid for out of tho special tax. The provision in thonct that this tax shall bo applied tilelj to pay ing for grounds nnd erecting school buildings excludes tho idea of appropriation to any of the current repairs which from timo to tlmo tocoino necossary about a school hcu?e. On this subject I fully concur witli Judge Walk or in Zimmerman s. school directors of Pincgrovo !i Legal Chronicle 2, in which ho held school directors cannot Icvey a building tax to repair old erections. In the answer of defendants they admit having laid tho tax in part to meet small nut- lays upon tho school buildings which will bo required during tho current year. To tho extent that they havo douo this they have exceeded their authority. Sinco tho argument a statement under oath ofono of tlio defendants has been hand ed to mo by whu h it appears that tho v.hnln .'lOo for seats and desks was not expended upon tho new buildings that tho amount expended for thoso was $2(iJvl", The items for the payment of which tho tax was lawliilly levied are : I'lrnt, parcliasu fur (truiuid S0iMI.ll. kia'H .'.llll leal,H lleVV llllillllllis. . '1 lili'J. r.lll of li.iidiv.iio for huiblliiKN Fuurlli, I'jluiluii' lwusu , 1 10 1 M vol 4.-, !,) no in, ui JSU 43 150 M Tu Hits tfi.iy lie properly added for Inlcnjst, e.-vUiicratlons und eomiulsstuiis That (imount will bo raised by a voto of it ono ituniirwiins ot 0110 por cut., on on the ftssntfcd value of tho tuxalilii topity nf tho dUtrict. Koiiio of it inny not hit realised at (moo, but that is 110 reason why thoso who mo ready to pay shall bo burdened with moro than their just propoilimi of the amount presently iiqiiirod. And how August 8, lH7d this cattsoratiui on to bo heard and was argued by counsel and submitted by agreement lu writing. Whereupon on duocousldpratlou it is onl -rod adjudged and decreed that tho defendants bn enjoined from collecting of tho complainants of tho tax now lovied lor building purposes nud in the hands of Peter Luby for collection, moro than seventeen ono hundredths of one nor cent on tho assessed valuo of their taxa bio properly rosnectlvoly. Tho .money col. lectod to bo applied in payniont for grounds purchased for school purposes for tho hard ware used in buildings lately ereotod by tho school directors for tho palming of tho fcchool hauo lately cresiod at Icuit Dale, nnd in payment of a debt con tracted to tho amount of two hundred nud slslyfour and forty-flvoonohnmlredth dollars for seats and dusks In school houses erected in the year 187fl. No patt of tho funds ruiu oy ina spociai iax i jr tiiiiiuing (inr lloM li 10 ll KUIIIIM It) rolHVn t" UUV amount upon sonool l,ou.w art they aiv erotd and ooinnltil. lhooiwU lo bo Wmdly divided blwtrtii tho complainants, and tho Mlionl dlreotom named ladsfondants. Injunction dlrctd ao onrdlng to tho'dtcre. Wm. RliWRIiTi, Prrtdt!it Judgs, National Doiuooratib Tickot. rou l'niMinr.xt, PAMUJSL.I.TILDKN, OF N13W YORK. rnn vici: nucstnr.s-i, THOMAS A.J UCNDKIClvS, OF INDIANA. Ki'iiinrriilli- i:ii'iiiiriil 'llcl.rl. Kt.KOTOtlS AT t,Aitnt:.' Ciiaiium it. Hem u.iiw-s. li. wiwov. msTitior KMttrrons. llobert I'.stpel mulel II. Itniw iieoifro 11, ui'ti Win, ii, wrlirlit i;. (I.isktll loliii Morfrnn .1. A, Morrison col. o. .Tones Win. K. lliutk .li'H I.. I.lirlttner II. T. Trilmbuik'r (SCO. II. ltmvlaiut .Mm xealon .1. )l. McCiinmnt, .1. II. MtOotluia 1". W. Kikk lolm 11. inn Tliomns Itmver ll.ivl.t sin.ul selinsihii wt'ntner .lnnios.l. ilnslctt, .luliu li. (luilirlu It. M.dlbson liavlil I.. Morris II. u. llrown Tiionins w. iir.iyson at llenjninla If. Morris. County Officers. "STATU SIIS'ATO!:,'' OIIAltLKS O. 11AR1CLKV. nf Jllaomtliurg. Subject, to Conrcrunce.l r.lSlMlfigr.J.TATlVIM, K. ,T. MoIIKNRV, nf I'isliingcrcc!.; DAVID S. RROWN, ' ' of Main. associati: .tunrttift, F. L. SH1IMAN, of Qittwhia. ISAAC IC. ICUICKISA.UM, nf JJenton. fiiiiir.irr, JOHN W. HOFFMAN, nf JHaatiuburg. JUUV COMMISSION!!!!, KLI R01511INS, of J'hhingcrtcl: ili'iti'ii'rnile SinmMng ('imiiiilili-t'. Ilonlon-W. II. .sinttli. ISerivlelt W. T. tmyil.-r. nitiiiiiisinirn I!. W. .1. inn kalew, llloonisburK W, II. W. Mrlief Holds' Url.iivive!: Win. Ijiinon. CitawiSM I!. M. Tunksbury, (vnlrall.i ManiiH Mellreaily. ceiilie II, A. Metineppi-iilit I'd-. !onjn'ib:iin N. Nlel l.cnlliin. ('(inj ngliam s. Veler I.uby. I'm n ki 1 n .in i-ol K n 1 1 1 !e. (ii'etiiiwooil-(l. W. Utt. Hemlock Win. (ilrlon. .I.ickson Wm. I,. Mmmlnr. I.orustr-Wm. II. l.'i'lnbiiM. Madison cunrail Krainrr. Main W. T. Sliiuuun. Mirilln-11. 11. Moiitffoincry. Monlour .1. (iordon. Ml. I'leiisnnt A. T. Iki'lcr. Ontnse Abrali.i'n Wblle. l'lne W. Kiiislinrr. i:u.nlii),-erepk .1. 11. KUh-jlt. .seott-(i. I l!nt. Hus.irloaf-!:. N. ViU. Digest of Kh't tion haws. Polls open at 7 a, 111. and elosu at 7 p. m. WHO CAW VlITI!. Lvery malo citizen, twenty-nno years of age, possessing tho following qualifications, shall bo entitled to voto at all elections: 1. llo shall have been a citizen of tho United States one month. 2. Ho shall havo resided in tho stato one year; or, if having previously been a quail lied elector or native born citizen thereof, and shall havo removed therefrom and re turned, then ho shall havo resided therein six months immediately preceding tho elec tion. !!. Ilosliall have resided in tho district vhcre ho intends to vote two months im mediately preceding the election, instead of ten days, as formerly. 1. If twcuty-ono years of age, or upward ho shall havo paid, within two ycais, a state or county tax, which shall havo been assess1 ed at least two months previous to tho clec tion, and paid nt least ouo montli previous to tho same. 0. Foreign born citizens must havo been naturalized at least ono month before the election, and muH conform to tho require ments contained in section -1, preceding. The election will bo held on "the Tues day next following tho first Monday of No vember," being this year tho 7th day of tho mouth. Friday, September 8th. is Iho last day for being Saturday, October 7th, is tho last day for securing naturalization papers. Saturday, October 7tli, is tho hist day on which taxes can ba paid in legal timo to vote. Tho nbnra dates should bo carefully re membered and acted on by all voters. IletiTiicltmeiit. what a iii'-MoniiATio imiwii or nr.i'iti:-hi:n-ta'I'IVJW has savi;d to thi: riioi'i.i;. Klevcu of tho twclvo .iipprnpriatlon bills have been passed or agreed upon in confer ence, which is equivalent at this stngo of tho sosslon to being passed. Tho bill yet tin passed is tho consular and diplomatic. Tho sums appropriated by each of tho eleven bills and the total of tho twelfth bill cs it passed tho hmtso aro set forth in tho following table : Jlediictiun Annul), I froM Appropriated J,cnl I ear, J-'.'.i'" f lJlll.diiJ IH.IHUUt, 4.H-M.CM Armv , Nnty Wutsl l'uiiit l'll. OtlllM I'tuslons Ilivpraislllnrbor ... Foitltluutlons Hundry Ch 11 Dolteiciieut , Uttl.WUi 1 1,07.1 t!,'JlI,4IW !i,4lls,lll 410, nun ., MHU,ll) l,tiJ,517 313, l0 11113,000 1(i,s.'.I,'jt 1(i,'iirt,lil t(i,lsi a,so,vm II,501,(H1 4,4',MI uuiuuve, oto.,. HlliUlW 4,WI,IW I.lfH.MS Cuii4tihir untlo . Total .. HHIIJ and Iilplo- 40i,'JS tim'lW.UW sl.Tlfl,!0'. Tho tenth and fifteenth Itouia Inthoabovo minimi, vUi Hi 11 h jtlidtiltvo nud tlm Indian nppropihiltniis, mo ostiiitnled nud given in round nuuibeis. Tho bills urn a.jrcod upon, but thi uitern tlnin. lu tho eonllroiioo ootuHllttetn havo ro ditoed tho totals and will ncuesitau 11 ctouplu ofimmen.ii sums in arithmetic, which tho clerks of iho o.)iiiiiiltloe,s 1110 yet ivithout timo to go at. Thu estimates 1110 brtod upon es tlnmtcs hi turn of tlio aggregate of thoio nltcrnlluns. As tho house stuitcdi.tit with a determination to cut tbiwu tho appropria tions for this year 1 0,1)00,000, the nbovo re suits will show how Mioceaaful has been tho ofjort, Patriot, The silly charge is mado by somo Ignorant persons that tho MnlUo Magtilrtrs of Scltuyl hill county wcro paidoncd by Gov. Hart rail ft, Kvcry school boy, nearly, know that pardons are recommended by tun bond nf pardons, two mombeis of widen aro Dom- .ipriitri. nud thut lin iiitiiiri(: tint without their i n . ,. '. nsout.(7nWi JMULa. xwty "scuooi w.y ougnt wi nnow, oven if tho witter ol tho nbovo dors not, that tho pardons roferrod to wero gruntnd previous to tho creation of tho Roard f I'milous, und whon Oovs. (leaiy nnd Harlrnuft hud iditlro wmiifll of tltB'jiiCtttlnu. NEW ADVERTISEMENT TiXRCUTOlt'S NOTICJ?. nr. eii kwtath or rims, wjarni.c. iKm. ltrs tnslnmi'lilns. fifl tin. rv.tftt,' nf Tltmnn Wiininnli', Into nf COIlimbliicolllilv, ileecnvd, lis'n Ix'i'ii iri-inti-il In the llc'lster of suld 1 ouii'v in M 11 limn K.u'i', of Ciitiilsn,C(iliiini;l,icoiihly,T!stTiit(ir, lo ulu'tn nil h rrtniw Imlcbii'd hit rpqiii'so'tl n iimkn 1'iiMniiit, nnd Hin'-p linltmr rlnlirin or doienuds njralnsi I tip mud imIhIo mil nvike llii-m known lo Hip mod Uxpcutor wlllioiit delay. 11 ll,l.l..u l.l nu, Aiiff, 1? cw tlst'ctitor, I)IMTiONVinrj"CtirsTltY "OF YOTKllS Art of .Innitnry as, 1974, s'ee, n follows! "AfLpr tlin iiSNHMlnptitsi lifiln bepn niliit'lplpil rill b. fnrc Ibp Tilf,lrtV lipxt fnllimlhe Hie llrsl. .Moiidny of Novpmlior In enrli enr. Hie nsspiwor slmll. 011 Hip fniininnir day, innhrplnni toHicl'jiin- v. 1 uiniiiiviuiiprs ui liie lllilliun 111 mi n'rri'"n ui sessi'd bv Win sl'ieo Hin return required 10 bainado li.f Hie llrsl, seetlon ot tills net." Tlilqirnr the rpttirn must Iip mule ph Hip "111 dnv ef Hi'itpinher, midon tlm tlio ipi'('illinr dnvs, S'pp tc.nlsT Mil nnd till, Hip nsspp'or slmllbont I he pine" ef hutcHnir ebptl"ii frnm 100'elnpk n. m Ina p. 111., find from 11 o'eleck i. tn tn i. m pitcb dny, fnr U10 riirpmu of lii'nilnit unit nulnir iiiniinll nppUPiiMnns 10 no ini'iii'io 111111 ror nsipssmrni nr rpRisiraii'in. l'ersoiis Inn nlrpitdv ipLdstpred pan cull linon tlio ns- spssur diirltiK tlin tfinn nbovo spcellled. lUMMSSlll'U1- 'I 1 iut, HluuiiMbiirg, Pa, AnrsTt W. KltU'KISAI M L'lPik. Columbia County OF BLOOAlSnilRG, PENNA. Fhrmerlv Ibp Hank of l!:ny. rpninvod ArrP tlrst. is'il. Is eoiivi'idently Us'nti d In Hie i pntral I'irl ut Hip town, nnd dues a iA'nprnl It NKINil busliipss. Molipi ipri'licd nn dpjwislt siitili'i'l, loptii'it; ivltb nut notice. Hppplu! nrraiiL-empiits nitidp till depos. iiur.S iuiu 11111 test uuuwi'u iimo uupusiis. 7ifc Dntfl on Xew Yuri; nnd J'illmlrplii'i. Collections miilonn nil Imnoitnnt, tonus In Hi" lT. H nt invest iiitosnf eelistii:e. bonds nnd stocks lniiiL-lit nud told, nud eon pons eotteptod. Hvery -purity Kit on lo doposltois that tmu I olTpred by any Ji.lllK. DitfotiN'T Dayb: Tucwlay and Friday,;, mix run oi:nt. Allif. 10, 'KJ-Clil. pvIS-OMlTIOX OF 1 ARTNKItSlflP. Notlee Is hereby (tlvpii Hint tho nnrtnershln litre- InMiei'ihllnM: Im'Ihiipii II. r. Hrlisli,iPh and K. 1 . llender ot' Vnu Cnmn. Columbia routilvts tblsd.iy dlssolipd. Tlio liuslncs will I si eonllliupd In-Hie nnderstsupd wti Is to pny nil bllls.tinil pullecc nil boo!; neeouiiis ana uoies uuu inu nrui. II. 1". DltlKSUAClt Ant;. llthSiv. SHERIFFS SALES. lly virtue ot sundry Mi Its nf n. l'.i. mid Vend. l!x. Issued out nl loo court ot Common Plena of Columbia county und lo mo directed, tvhl bp exposed to public sale nt tlio Court House lu liloumttmrg at one o'clock p. in. on MONDAY, SKPTKMIIICR '1111, 1870. All that certain lent ostnto situate In the town of llenlo.i, lleuion twp., cohiiiibln pountv, bounded unit deMTlbe.t us ti.lloivs : (Mi the 111.11 Ii liy I'.i'iiJ.i- niln Jiellenry, 011 the . sf bv II. Mellenrj and la pi el I on the east bv public und, unit on the south by mi alley, iimlitlnlii'.; ilu-n (pi.iners of .1:1 neiv; iiliereon are ereeU'd a duelllnt,- l.ouse, stole house, b.1111 und oiitliullilbiirs, mtn ilienpjiuriemnees. S.'1ed.'eu tntnexpeiittou and tube sold as tho propel tj of h.iimii.'l Ile.ieui'k. ALSO, At the same time ntnl pl.ipo, nil that ceitnlu plerc of Mud sllu.ito In l!rl.ii,eiP.'ktiip.,Ciinimbi.ieounty, adj ilnlmr hinds of .lohn Van Pell on tlm iiotth.Aieh liiuld i'oiilei' on the soul li,v, Kline on Hie iv si, nml lijnlel slbeii on Iho 111st: eo'iHdnlnsf Tluity Acres, more or less ; i'liereon nru erected a one nnd a halt slur hole., 11 shed and iithoi'nutbulMlnirs. Seled, taken Into e.vrutl.m nnd to be sold ns the pioi'uly ut Win. Linden iillh notlcu lo terru Un ions., At. the sarr.o time nnd pi ire.ull that certain pl.-ntn-tlouiu.d lri"t id land sltii'd" In the toit-nslilpiif I'T.iiikUn. b.iunded and deserined ns fntlotiK, to n It : 1111 1 he nort n by land of Wiil (i. rt-ber. on lln: liv land ot II. I'. cl.irk and (leo. IV. reiisieruiaker.on thu souib by land of Jaeob Untitle and land ot Valen tine Vuuiil, und on tlio west bv land or Win. Walt, benjamin l-'onl, nnd 11 Iildllie, eontalnlni; hunili'ed .mil ttrtj-lour acres and lllly-tiio perehe-i. moro ur loss, of ivhU'li theru aro aboiHone nuiabed uerei iiuio oriless under eulltvaiton. 'l'liero is 11 irood fraiuoliouse. one and a hill sloil'-s hth.a 1:01 .d fr.une turn, and other oulbulldlujfs tilth npple orenard and other fruit trees, ete. Seled, taken into execution and to bo sold as tho property of l'cter (1. Campbell. ALSO, At the samo time and place, nil H1.1t certain tract of land sltualo In lij.uimicioek tup., Columbia Co., bounded nnd described ns follows : Norib by land ol Hill ill Voi uin. west by land ot Yoeuiii .t llm.'er, south by 1 itnls of taljah llower.nnit easl In W1.1. (s liorn, con tabling 4o 111.1 iw, 111010 or test-, mi iildcb 111 e iivi'ied u traino diielllni; house, a Ir.iiao and lug stnlile. Scl.eil, taken Into execution anil to bo sold as the properly ol auocpu ihuk. ALSO, At the sam,! tlmo and place nil that eel tain real csta!" situate tu Heaver tuwnshl, Cobnnbl.l co'inly, lioitiutediiud d.ertljed IIS fulloll 1 : (ill Hie south Iw 11 pubhe load.ou 111" itcst by 1111 alley or street, noil h liv .1 liunue road, on 1110 easiov an au"y or siieei, on Miilcfi nro erected a train" taicrn sland, a I rami' siulilo and oiiriiulltllniri. ivltb tho arnui it naiiees. said 1 unl Is lliii litct trout tiy ISO In depth belli!; three tois In 11le.11 City la thu township und county aioio K.l'll. Set.ed, tnken Into execution and lo bo sold ns tho propel ty of saeplicii It ooui in; AIoO, At tho sninn tlmo nnd placo all eel tain lot ot Kiound slni.uo In tho Ii'iru'iim otceiiti'ail.1,1 uluiunei eounlv, I o'indeil and ctesciiuoit as fuiious i tin i:ie iioiitriii lot of f.LCUit Muitutabi Coat ami Iron Co., uu the south by property cr (leo. McKlhiin.t, on the Sail! lot bi !.!! '.'a teet front, 14 1 In depth, whereon Is e. c ! ov . .a s Aieiiu '. ami u 1110 e.w.L 11 an aiie . dieted a two story n.tuiodwelitiitf. ALHO, One other lot situate 111 sal 1 boroiiffh of Contrulla, bound, d on thu south by nronerly ot it llllam l'i lifer, on tho west by an alley, on the 1101 Hi by proper! 1 of M III l iiapuiilll, oil lite easl o.r l.ui osl -ivemje.iviieie- 011 Is elected a tivo and 11 half story frame, building with the itpnurtcnaiiies. f el,:i d, tiui 11 Into exeeuinn and 10 be sold us the rropcity ci btepnen iiiuinas. ALfiO. At the same time mid place nil that certain ronl estaro suuau; in .iiiuun nvp., 1 (iiiinibi.i eouui.v, liotiniled .mil ileM-ilbod as ration's : l.eelniibe at a stono In Hie r.ubllc road at t!v comer' laud ot faui'l Mntd-T, llieiieu by said sntder and tho hi Irs i f ,t.,uob Yohe, deoonsisl, south seveniv-tiv.i djyrees e.0.1 rd and4 ipnlb uercliLS 10 -1 rost.tlipueo lit lauds of .John it. lobe, south m deaTcci, iPi-t -in pciities to a stonp,then';ujs.iutli7Snuil Uu eoipi.irtei-decrees, ito'-t 'M perclies to a stone, tueneo south is mid ipun ter degrees tvest 111 perches to a stune, iheneo south u' ileirrees casta! and nlao Until pitches to stone, tlieneo south is'., devices 11 est I en perches to 11 stone, Iheneo by the 1 ind of .lohn it. Vohe, so'Uh 71 decrees east 11 and .1 ti nili poi ehes ton -.touuln Hue of Abrahai.i .ichiiepj.enliei-. r, llienie by 1110 s.,n,o siioih is., d'ifiees west ss and four tenth pci 1 lies to a stone, thence by tlu 1:11110 nod laud of Michael (iron r.s heirs, norm f.t nml n b df dajfres tiestss paihes to a slono In line of .luhiiAten, Iheneo bt the same mid land of Si-htvepjicn. Iiclscr und Daniel Houck, icrtli 1 1 ih'Ki'ens ( ast (H and fjur-teiitli to a stone, Hence bysa'd llotlek norib 0i dcKiee iv est tltelui pelellf s, tl.elico by paid llo.ieic or ratla r tho public load 1101 1 tint (leirin s pasi an.l-J tenth perches, thenee b salt road north C-J decrees, i.est s-10 ot 11 pen li theme by tlio same noitn d.'Kiee.s east ill pcicbes ; lln neo by Iho same nurih . .. ilee:rtc- ea.sruiiaud i-iu perils s to Iho nlni 0 ef heiilnnin'r s eontalulnu' .-evenly 1 K'ht 111 1 es nnd r. . perches, sltlet laeasure, on which nro ueilclalrauio srlit m.d siw mill, two diiclliic,' houses, met ii'iuk barn, wno'i shed mid oilier out btiddbus titili t'a.) iippui ton.111e.os., taken Into i-oeut loll and to bo sold as tho properly ut c'lnulos 21uc.i(.r, " ALSO, At tlio samo tlmo mid placo, nil tint real est uto sltuatu In the to nsldp of (ii'.iluo mid bounded on Ilia west by I'IiIiIhkck ik, on tho o.iit by Nallain riockenstceii, on Iho 1101 tn by Thomas lluielieiis.on tliosuiilli by i'oter I'e.Uer, containing slxly-sU ucnss moro or less on n blch nro creetid n ouo uudulialf slory bouso and barn, and other out btitldliius. Hi'l.Kl, taken Into CMCillhnl mid tu In sold as the property ot I'lrutn V. IMjdeii und inkabelh I'.iy den, AL?0, "2.t tho sill.U! tlliio unit pine 1 all that cci lain lie s suage and li'iu'tif land shtiito In scon titpCo., Co . hounded and d. -ctlbcd asiollotvs! On the last by u public loud leadln" from l,khtstiM tolOips, on the Kiulh by .Mooio crevolln, .lacob Mclllok and I. colli Mi lick. lv. st by nubile raid mid 1101 lb by Itoiici t htlir ! contatiitii'.' sofi nly-four acies moio or less, iiliereon lire civcied e. ttto-i-tury bi lei: house, bud; biru und uiiierout biilldluifs. SuUed, taken Intu oxecuitou mid to bo Suld as lliu propel ty ui Joseph It. V..i!ic.rsllcc. ALSO, At tho Riiiio time and placo nil Hint cutatn plan tntlon il(coor pal eel of land slluaiebi lienver town ship ; iHiunded und descillsdiis lollowsi Hoirliinlm; u 1 11 1 tono conn r on lino of land! of IIIiIooh llonsell, Iheiii eso'ith 1,'Viiity-olKlit demces tust, tivoliuu ihltd nnd rorli -tlio txMUies to hi host nut 0.1k. 1 hence 1101th ihlftt-.tlsht doicrtes easl forty rich's tu White 0.1k, Iht iiev naitb (liility.twn itpireos mist to wild line or I. oris of l.tdton iipinitl, llieneo al"d sai'i line or nu.'i iiorin 1111 uetives west lit ino pnuo of Ij-ifbiidni, C'lnbdiibiir sixty ueivs, iiiomor ip-.;., 011 widen oe u plank hotis 1axVs Im'I, tout a from" ban ih' fi d, win, urhoro'ithiuidliuri. Seized, taken lulu iM-iinluii und lu bo sold as tho pn'iwi ly uf peter I Isher, Jr. Al:o, All tlmt ei rtntn tract cl' land situate In l-'lshln'r- cnek luunt.hln, moienulil.lioundeU und descilbed us follows t U 1 liciiliiultiirut a Uiitlonttood crueriif I ts numls r thne, four mid live, 0.1 thoiiurih-vcst lank of I'lshliiKcrcek near thu foot brldiie, tlienio ill) Iho ei'cck, iiortb twenty Hirco mid ei.uhal! de yrecH imst, iilnoty pi iches ulotiK lot iiiimbcr live to a corner, thewo by iho tmno 1101 Ih luity-niio decries Most Ihlitv live perches tu a eom r uujolulotf fatids of William btuekcr.thcneo by bald land south seventy uei;iiius ivest suveuiy percucu lu puouu ruuu, tncneo nortli eltritty-nlno Ueeroes west, sixty threo parches alone lot nusibcr six to a slake, tlKiioo nlouir lot numtier two loutu loity-ono dofii'ds east onu liunilrid und liliicty-tito aniltlvo tcidlis ;iichos to the placo ut betlnnlDir. coin tiiuiluit KHVeiny-iteveti neres und onu licndred nud f ui ty perches. It belnsf tlio smno t.innlsPs iblcb Hainuiil C. liillllpH mm beset in 1'iilillt.s Idswlto by Indeiiluro btuiitufrtatu iho nth iluy oU'ebraiiry A. I). Islv. Klod, Isken Into execution and to bo sold ns Iho preiierty of l.mandu t'lmhHst. ALSO, All that cci tulii real ettnlo ntuato In tho towneldp nf .Madlsoo, Columbia county, bounded by lands of HiivldSniHuoii thu north, of Vi niicts l.tisoiitliu south, nf Jacob llroat nu tho, nud e( Jllcliui I Ulllisiuier 011 the w, tv hen on ore 11 but huusu nnd out building, ooriUMntuir ouo bundled uiiUidubiy. live oi . s moio or Inu, MImxI, Uilienlkio osiiilliui amltobeuiMusllui propei ty ot Jaiue a Will, and Jomi h V.'IU. Tr.HWiJ Of 8ALaPuiilia,in mutt py tt-n ir oanuol .MiSfnirtlwiB JiwnW, or ntlt ciiouji; 10 fsinrwiuMii si Hnnuir '10' pluisMTy t 1j HKOld at (ii(M, Wll Of Mi!, OUHifvilM CII,MlI,tttM, l OllKWALl). AU. ll.'U SilJiRIFlS SALES. liv virtue of writ of ft. Fi1.:1i.upi1 onl nf Win Court of common liens of UoHiitiblii county nnd in mn ni rpotPd, will bp mpnwd In public Mile ill tlio Cotitt llotisp in lilooiiiHbtirfron MOXp.VY, AUniTSTSflth, 18711, nt, ono o'clock lu tlio afternoon, nil t tint epi lnln Int or vronuil stlimtp In Hie Town ut lilooiiisnurn, co bmibliipoiiiily, I'a , iMimidi'd nnd di'serlbed ns fol lows, lo-tvlti I'.istnnidly bv Centre street., souili wiirdly by 11 lot of It, II. Vnnnnttn, tu stiiiiiilty by lot of Win. II. Konns, nnd nortlnfnrdty lit- nn nlley, isinlnlnliiB nttv-m'v.'ii feet nnd three Inches trout nn C'mitrc street, and lltty tliroo leetlti depth, whereon Is erected a t.Aittn! min i; mm.niN'o, eonttUnlliir'fllllllll PTOIH! !0(IM In fliofliM story nml nil ot sold 11. A. llnwllnjr's Interest in thn second slorvof tlii'snme iil dllie second story ol ttio nil Jolnlnif butldliiK of II. II, Vnnnnttn, known ns iho (il'Ub.i inn sf!, tvhlcli mid opera llnnsrt ronlnlns nno liiindred nnd rourteen leet ami six Inches front nn Centre stioet, mid tlfly-three feet tn depth. Helred, tukeii Into eveutlon and to bo sold ns tho tiioperty of Hditmit llmtlltigM, ALSO, llyilrltipof a wilt of boviul IVUs, nil tliosprer tA In lot s or piece of frrntinil, slnmte In tlio llorniiirli ot ivntrtiltn, In Iho County of LolumbU nnd stsln ot l'eiiiitviinln, iHimidid nlid desf rliiod ns f illoiis! lleffttinliiitnl Ihenortli-itpst pnrner i.f 1.01'iHt AvpiiIip nnd Mnln street. Hi 'lire south ettfht.v-scvcn di'irreps, iii'si one hundred nml forty fed. to 11 twenty font titdonlle.i tlicnni iilontr llti" ot s.ild alloy north tlu-eu dpuiws. Must lltty feel, HiPlieo north pltrhtv-'tpii dirrei'S, P.e't ono hundred nnd forty feel i'i ta.,l itljieiml Avetilli'! Illi'TIPe SOUItl HllTP ll"- irpps, nnv f"i't lotlie p'ure ot iH'lnnltiif. belnjt the tots imnked Willi, pletcti nnd Hvpltp In Il'o'k numwrsove'iiv-tnreo nivi ijinitnujieeiii, u llel 11 lire erepted 11 lurio tiv.l.stnrv frnmo tl'ltel. tvllh liuseini'lit nnd kitchen attached, stnbllhgnmt oilier out-biilldtnirs. Netted, nnd t iken In cxpcnltoh nnd tobnsotdns Hie propertyot llunry A. Weldcnsnul with notice to Mm. tvinvr, terre tenant nn I preient miner. londlilons of snle rinrhusem must, nnv ten ppr rent, of the purcb.ip money, or nt lensipnouL'h to rover ml posts nt Btrlklie; down of sole, otherwlso pn.iH'i ly 10 np le-suui at onrp, S' hf. IT'S Oil Oil CHAM. H. VOIIXWALI), lllnolnsliuru'. .Iuli'31, '-(I. Shuiirf. Am. 4, 'Id t s COUJIT IMtOUhA.MATlON. "s.T7"Irl';III:Af!. lf"' WlM.IM Kt.WM.t, tf rrasldont Jtidito of Iho Court otoyer nnd Terminer and (lencrnl .Tall liollvery, Courted (Junr- I sr Sessions ot tho l'oncontid tho Court of Common ripnsond orphans' Court In tho ccth Jmllelal Ills lilet, composod ot tho counties of columbli nnd Moiitour, und Iho linns. Iiiam Dbiui nnd M. 0 Ilt'iiiius, Assoplato Judijes of Columbia county, linte Killed Ilirlr pivccpt, bpmlnir dalo thfilldhday of May, In tlfo yoarot our Lord ono llioiiund tli.'hl hundred nnd setenty-alx, mid tn me dir. et"d for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer ami Jiinrlcr Hesslons of Iho Pence, Court of Common l'lous nnd orphans' Court, In lllKimslmrg, lu tin county of Columbia, oil tho tlrst Monday, bclnjthe Jib 1l.1v of Hpntpinlicr nnyt. In continue tun ttoeks. Kottcn Ih l.oreby clt'eit to 111" Coroner, lo tlloyus- tlees ofth'j l'enoe, and Iho Constables of tlio Sfit county of Columbia, that they bo then and there In Ihelr proper iK'i'son ntlu o'clock In (he forenoon of said Itlid.iy of September, tilth their records, liiqul sltlan.i nnd other remembrances, to do lliosp thing which to their olllces nppeitalu to lie done. And those that are lmund by recognizance lo jiroscculo mmlnst tho prisoners that nro or may bo In tho 1.111 of the snld enmity of Columbia, lo bo then and there lo prosecute thsiiius shall bo .lurorinro re H'.lested to hp punctual in their ut tendance, nirreer.bly lo thdr notli cs. li.ilednl U!oonisliur' tlio n.tli day . 1 of Mav. In the tear nt our Lord oik I,, s. Mhousai'.l elKhl hundred nnd seienlv-sl , ) annul me one iiuiuireiuii year 01 1110 iniie- pendencoof Cm Culled States of America. Khcrltrsoi ". CHAS.S.l'OUNWAI.I), fllmitvslmrif, Au. 4 irt SherbT. Ttnnmrs mmmiaishmunts. it 'Hie folloti bur minralseiiipnts of renl and itciaonm proieiii seT ap.111 in tt uiown 01 iieecoeius mill l.icounM', under the Itutes of Cotitt. and will be .lie I'eeil Ull'll 111 (tie I'llll f ol Hie iii"iMer 01 i ill- in. sooted fin- .nh.olute continual ion lo Mio unman1 ( otiit to lie lietd tn llloomsbure;,lu and for snld con 11 11. on Tdondav. l ie 4t 1 uuy 01 sen. 1s.11. nt o'clock 11. in., of snld day unless pxceoilons to such connimation uro prctlousiy iiieil, ot ivnmi mi per Sains lineresilll ill said psiaies 11 111 (alio nonce: 1. widow of Willi im It. Lemon, lalo of Mt. Pleas ant loivnstiip, ueceasju. A'ldoifof William r. Kclelnicr, lato oIMimin townsiup, ucceaseu. a. widow r.l Ilihi'.ird Lewi, lalo ut tlio town ot llloonisbtiric deceased. 4 Widow of Cyuis (irnber, late of llemlccl: town. ship, deceased. widow uf Mlelnel (trover, late of tho town ot llloonisbitre;, deceased. c. widow of llcois'o Scott, lato ot Calawlssn, de- ceaseii. Widow ot David Davis. lato of Heaver town. snip, deceased. Widow ot James fit lines, lalo ot Mount l'leas. ant township, ueeen.sed. Widow rt Miles Sulllff. I.ito of town- snip, deceased. In. Widow ut William liiinyati, late of Madison lotinsnip, deceased. It. Wldnw of Lawrence Walters, lalo ot Mlfllln toitiishlp, deceased, licirlstei's Ollice, ) V'. II. Jt'-OliV llhioiusbuur. Ail!;. sjtjr liinbter, iS KG I STUIt'S XO'l' 1C1SJ. ill Notice Is l.c-reiiy trtteii to nil !e--atei's. credl- furs and other persons Interested In the estates ut the rcsiieillU' deeedi nts nnd minors, that thu fol lutvinLradmlnlstr.illouimd iruardlaii aecouuts have been tiled lu tho ulllon of.tlio itejflstei- of Columbia cotiniv, nun iviu no preheuceu 101 eouurni.iuou 'inu nll.munio lu tho ornliaiis' comt. to bo held In liloomsbui'i;, on .Monday, thn . lib day uf September ib.ii, at : uciocK, p. 111. 011 saui 11 ly : 1. Hienoeount of Joseph 7ivan, Adnilnl-Hatornf r.llzaiietli buvau, lale ot ItoaiingercuK loitnsliip, ue ceased. ?. Tho tlrnt account of Samuel Nevhard, Adinln- l-.1r.1tur 1 1 'i hoiiias I ry, 1.110 01 tha uuiuugn of Her Mies, deceased. .1. The tlnul account ot M. (1. Klnnei' (luiullnn c! Joiiu Meiioueil a Minor 1 hlld of 'I'liecuoie Moll. nt ell and l.o.'.ibo uf Mattliow .Me Duweil, lato of seoll luii'ii-hlp, lU ceased. I. The account of Hiram l'ealer nnd Bi 1'ealer, .dn.In:sir:uori, ui cainaiiuo I'eaier into 01 nsniiu; eueic luiiiisnip, uceeasod. r. Tho tli-st nnd tlnal ucoimt of John Heeler Ad mlidsliator of I,eauderCaiuiau,tate uf lietiion ton 11 ship, deceased. 1;. The account of nice, Administrator cf Michael lloals, late ci Healer township do eeased. 7. Tho ilrst nnd tlnal account 1 f Aaron MastelU (luardl.iuof Jeremiah I'., a minor child ut Henry 11011111:111, lutocr Mala luttnshlp, deceased. s. 'Iho U11.1l account ot benjamin .linuieiinnii (Itiurdlanil Iho peiS'Ui and of Miirvc. llel- v.l.:, c.mliioi' child of I'eler H, lluiiy, lalo 01 Itoai nueieek to'.viislilii, deceased. 0. ' account of Mary A. Ill It. tain, Adinlnidiatlx with Iho Mill nnnexed of V. J. 1:1, lalo of Ihiaiereek township, deceased. 1e. The account of (leoriro W. Coirell.Hxeoutor ;-of i:il.abeth W.einer, lato of iho ton u of b!uombum iijceased, 11. Tiio tlrst account of Jacob O. Wilson and Julia A. Wilson, Lxecuiors of I'ldllp WiUon, latu of i-isiiingcreei: totvnsuip, ueeoitsrd, 14. VhoruiUil necouiit of lllrnm l'enler, Adniliv ls'.i-alorof Daniel l'enler, lalo of I'lshlngci eel; toy, snip, iioeea.scd 1:1. 'Iho tlrst nut tlnnl account cf Martin W Miss, Adiniu-isii.ituruf Haldol sdilpe, lalo ot Main toitusiiip, (leee.wea, 11. Tlin second and acoiint of William Cox Aibiilidslrai-.r f thu cluto if Wesley John- sun, late or .ti.idi-oa lotvusnip, deeeiisPii. 11. 'lie! and Una! ucco'int tf I'.dis Watts nnd Joseph bi dllne, Ailui!iit.,iriiii.r.s of 1'iu enlalo of Clliituu 1). liedilne Into ot (11'i.ennuod lounsiilli ceased. , de. Hi. Tlie.ii'cc.iiiit cf .ICS'' iu1d Mlch.ul Mensch Adniiniraiur.-i (.1 .101111 aiensen 1.110 ui riauK. township, duceascd. 17. '1 he HIM uecoetitof 11. A. Watson, Kxeeulor of tlio List 1. ill uu Testament ot Win. liarber, kilo ol .uiimsuu iv iii-i, i', ,,'j..v.,-.i-.t. 13. Thu account of s, II, Miller, Triisloo of Mary lionucner, line 1.1 .tuuail luwusjiii, ueeeanen. Itoirlsier'HOmce. 1 W. II. JAConv. llloouisburi;, Auk, li.lSTd. f KesUter. LIST Ol" CAUSKS FOll Tit IAL AT fclUTUMIimtTLUM, 1670. ruisT tt ci.k. William Hrowu c l nl vs. John Drown' ox, Uubt. (101 roll ,v Co. is. Joseph M, l'rock, S. 11. Wolf et tlx. IH. JI, , V. II. li. It, CO. lieu, K. 'Iiyoit ct id vs. Jacob llrutvu et ill, Kll Keudle; is, Dalit, Mollis. Snyder, I lint man A. Co. is. I,'. I.. Campbell, I .oil Klulcy is N. I.. CuuiliU 11. A. T. I kcli r k, Jonas 1 1 ty. John lleaeock is. " " Sauiied J. 1 nu vs " " tt llsonidbbons vs " " I. . r, Davis is " " John J. ,1 cllenry vs. 1). I.. & W'. II. 11. Co. llenj, tVlnleisteeii is. Win. Hoiiiratun. Lll.i.s Ml!'crvsl'. It. It. I! 0.1. John Miculla'se.x is, Hen. J, Line 1 1 nl, MiiiyMcAlarnov c-t al vs. niinoii I'. Kits.) etui II. tt'. J.leliey Holds it nl vs. Jcuso A. Ium.; srcONI) Wi:i!K, Ilcbofc.i J'tlicr's use n. Clias. Connpr'fl ours. Win. Mini's iain is. MltliaeKliaiorli iidiuisi, 'I ho-. Iluuhes' ndiar is. Joseph lluc-klo's it'lmra. Win snyilei's pis vs. Jsoobluclilel et x, .1 10 in s. I tin l.-isii ,r vs. Wm. ',.,iisiutr. li ople s t ut, in. 10. of I n, ta J. .1. .Mnlli'iiry ft nl. ' " " " " " VS, HllSlil.Sblll 1.1111111' 1 ompan .'. m, A. 1:. Miuiiettsct nl vs. liobcrt c. iioutu. " is. Dai Id Ml oup. D, l", Seybeit is Jnhii 1'. I lousy, Daniel Siiillh is. John II. Kimble. Jaeob I'Mn r sr. el a is, John J'lslier Ot nl. I plluiti, u Hater in. John A. .luik-sou et ul. Julin (I. .laculv is h, ., Wilson, lleiibuii Klsui r 1 . D. 1", soy Urt 1 1 ul. imd Nui. llakkof ilti,',tlllo is, J, A. Lowe, 'lliiii liro. 11, II. I' iiidluuii, Hani. A, llickky is. W, II. liradloy et nl. MlWln bchool Hldrlct vs. ivtr .1, Lunl. tt nl, John Youk'ir'sniturvs, M. tl. Iliifhes. Csthatlnu Hess' iisovs. J0I111 Mlnir, 1st Nut. Haul; Ashland is. Danl, Mollis, I. tv, McKuivr vs. wm. hbauer i t id. Joiiu Woodsldo 4: Co. vs. Haul. Monls. .1. ai. Dew tins. Siuauci cmvelbiif, .1, V. Kankey vs. Ulley. J. it , Im Iu'h u"o vs. .Iokso A, 100. Sldion Se duo. llaub vs. noniui-1 UcQacr. Jfli'ii li ilnift nbucli is. Wm cmiion, Anion Johtison u, nio. ttliuniati, AlbiitwinioiiiK. Jouus Doly etui, t ry iltoat is. C. it. Uurui-s. Huiuutl J, Conner vs. Henry (;. Pious tt ul, Doivinuii & Jucksun vs. Henry I- I'rtsoj. W, 11. Kiino vs. k. J. Mciienry. btephon Hill is. MlilHs Seylnt. Tbos. liowna i-s. Hllas Davis. A. v, cruaiucr vs. John Keller. Samuel I cloy vs. 11. 8. siurr. M. tf I'tlter a Co. w, llHUIsoii Un. John A. it id is. K I fiuutv l cliHM'.nu aiiou is. IisiWd Kleiktifr. ciirlbtluii J. Aitli is. Win. Ikoler. Wm. A. raio vs. Chirk U. Kilo. .V" K.'"' '' ' 1 JuMa l'i"' mri. 'U Xtiaimiriaiiti'b (uiiur v. Jaim t'loas' ailinrti l'i ufti ffniwu Vi, w, n. lltfri'li tuliiri ' iHl tll H,.C0. tf IVl, W. 8. IL MllU r afiloii Attention Ascouta. 7?5 sires to wcurn an aetlro and iuii.ui m .JJnT dutiletiuront tn Columbia oom.i. '''"'"SHSi lloro is iiR opiwriiinlt. tnr ton wirte . U'P mail 10 Bpcuru n uwn iiivh i,-:r-' . ; Spss. l'or further pnrlleulnrj letms .. ral 1 011 iir luldresn F. c. l KllciVAl, Msmwrerfor .tou um sII ivwniitft., num. " " lilies for Sept. Term, 1870. (Irani) .unions. Ittoom-.!. K. nye r, Joniitnsn tituui, it, .1. cinrK. Ilornlck-Jolin K, A lUnis. lttlarereek-iloo. M. llowor. (Intawlssa-N. 1', Jolin, 11. II. HrlMtineh. Centre Henry Croup. . Hroenwood-Wm. .1. Trtplerltee, Adm till, 111. 1' Mather, I'.irvln lirtw. Mala-.!. 1:. Inncnbergcr. Montour Wm. Hoers. Ornn jo-M. C. Keller, 1'lno Cleo, deity, John Lore. l!o.irliiereek Win. Ilhodes. Meolt-sl. W. f nliHey, W. II. toe, M. C. McCollum Cli.ii1fls.ln1insiui. siigiirlonf-Cyrns II. Iflrrtsh, tilnik Kite. TllAYKIiSK JUIIOIIS. 1'IltsT WURU'i nioom-Abralmm Lonsr, C. H. I'lirmfin, ,r. w. noif- mnn, 11. W. Werner, Klljali Mretiiu. l'.crivlck1. 11. llojl, W. II, Woodln. llenton-,rolm Clinpln, Wm. Unrtth, Humid Applo- mmi. Heaver Lloyd Ctilp. Cntawlssa Caspar llhnwi. ntr.illa A. 11. rortner. Klslil t.ffrreck 1 1 1 r.i m I 'enler. (irpoitrood l'cter W. Cole, Isnao lteaeciCk. .luekaon .Tames Mocker. Locust sol. Mowrer. Mndlson-ltobcrt. 1'rull, 17. WMItver, .t. M. Smllli V.'llllnm 11. IX'inott, John Christian. Montour Win. . I. lildleifnn, V. 11. Tubl, .1.11. ljulcl;, W. M. Monroe, Mt. l'lensinl J. C. llordan. Orange (leo. P. Winer. l'lne Henry 1'ornwnliL I'.lljah l'mmcr, J, II. Cor- nelhn. !ont Inpcreet: .lohn Leinn. Scot t Imvld .lor.os, John M uasleiiHn. ntUarlouf-UIJah I'ctei man. HKCONIl WUttlv. Hlooni-c. c. Jlarr, J. c. llutter, I. WMInitmnn, Lllis Mciidetihull. Heaver.!. A. lsee, l'red Komler, iicnilck Inhu .McAmill, Coo. A. Ilr1arereek--Humiicl Conner, A. II. Croup. atattlssa-S. 1). llinnr.1, 'iitiD Anron Kelehner, Samuel Dletterlcl;. innklln tieo. lltirtmnn. f ircenwood-It. L. lilcli, Wm. Dal Is. llemloe!; Daniel Yoeuni, Aaron Smith, Wm. II. WioemnktT. Locust l'cter Miller, Isaiah Howcr, I.lilngslono Ye.ittcr. MalnWnshlngtoii l'lslior. .T. W, Kelehner. MailI.-,on John llendershott. Mlfllln Jos. o. Wlntcrstccn, Ilenjamln l'onebcckcr, I'. A. Hess, .ndreiv Mngley. Mt. I'le.isnnt Howard ft nilinos. I'lne-Jacob Urn?, II. W. Lyons. inrlnjjcreek Michael lloach, John Hampton, Hcott II. II. l'ursell, Hat Id Whltmlre. ri i',iiieiiu n.uoitn oo I lor,, Xl usi in: ok ot.ivEit I'liiu.ii-s, liKrK.tsr.b. 1 litlivie'i'li (Tmno vn-i'ioo i.iners 11 Aiiuunisiruuon on 1110 osnio or oil r I'ldlllns. Into of tlio Tnim of ltlnniiinlior.erioiitv of Columliln, Mate ct IVnnsilrnnln, deeensed. bate been ainiiled to 11. I!. 01 vis, of tllnoinsburir 'a tn tt horn all persons Indebted lo said estate nro reouested to mako nut meld, unit Hioho Innliii claims or demands will mako known tho mine with out delay. I). 1!. OHVIS, Administrator. July ss.-cw. A UDITOU'K KOTICK, JCrtiitr of IF. '. Sander, decerned. The undcislirncd Auditor to m.iko illstrlhutlon or the b.ilanep or Hie funds In Iho hands oto. ,. Soulier, Administrator of tlio 0 Into ot W. 1'. soudsr, lalo of Cohunbl 1 co deceased, nmnllir tho parties entitled thereto, will attend 10 the dimes of Ills ( appointment at the ollico of C. li. ic W. .1. ran kaluw, Iiloomsburir, on Saturday Hie 'Ji'.lhdiv uf August Isiil, tvhen I libera nil icrsons haibiif cliihus; nualnst tho snld estate aro nvpieslcd to lu-pseut tho samo before tlio .1111111 or or 00 (leuaned 11 0111 eomiiiK 111 lor asnuro or said fund. W. ILAHIIOI'T, JulysVTil-liv Auditor. GREAT EE DUGTION IN PAINTS, OILS, llUUSIIKrf and JAPAN DltYLIt. Strlclly l'l'Hi: Wlliri! I.HADH cents :pcr pound, guaranteed eipial to any In iho market. MON'TOUI! WHITi; I.IIAD nt to cents per pound, ' 'omul to any for durability. MONTOl'i: SLAT!! PAINTS s, 0 nnd 10 cents per pound, according lo color. MOXTOl'It MHTALLIC I1IIOWN s cents per pound. MO.NTOl'H JII'.TAI.LICIlIIOWNdry 2 and 3 cents per pound. ISest Quality of Paint lirushcs at low piiccs. PUHH jINSSJSD OIL wliMiwnbiir In Ur.;u ((uanlitlcR ami facllat luufat Market j-i Icc-j. JJEST JAPAN Ll. Allouriroddsnri! Kiiaranlppd as represented nnd our paints to bo ground In pure liniiced oil, orlho Heine lefiituled 0:1 ileniainl. Mend lor sainplu curd nml pi leo list with tebtlmon- IIKNUY H. ItKAY, Solo Jfanufacturer. P.ih'I'.ht, Pa. COUltT SALE OP ESTATE! Jiny n. 'Id.-ly. OKPJIANS REAL lly ilrtue of nn order of tlio Orphans' Court of Co. liiMbl.i fount v, tlio undersigned, .idtiiliJsiratois of the Onlalo of Jacob Hauls, tilll e.pysa lu publlo salo uutho piemlseboii SATU11DAY, AUGUST 10th, 1870, nt to o'clock a. m.,tlio foilotvlnj; described estalo tu tt ll : No. s. All Hint ccrinln tract of land sltuato In Mt. Pleiisaut toitu-ldii, in tho county ot Culutubla ufoie said, ndjolidnt; kinds 0! 'I'honias.l. V.imlei-bllce, lien, siniiiiund uiher.s, eoiiiali.lns' la an es, moio or loss, .No '.1. All Hun icitidii tractor land sltuato In Iho township of Hemlock, mid county of Columbia, nil Joining lauds tr John l.i'atfle,Albcilboiners,lteubeu UOifai I und others, contulnlns S EVENTY-JSIG1IT ACHES, moro cr lass. No. 2. All that co.taln undivided moiety or halt patt of the llti iN Olii: ly linr under tho suilacsi of Iho abote descilbed tract ot land No, 1. and externum; also under Iho sin face of snld laud of said Andrew .1, liv.tns and t.lfe, sllu.ilo In the tnwnrhlpof Ik 111 loel; nnd county ot Columbia utoicsuld, nsshutin bv a ilrall ht iel.i aidiexid, of tvblch said Iron 010 Iho xutd Jacob 11.11 lis died scliPd tn Ids denies uu us or leu us tenant In louiiiinn with tlin said MeKclvy. Neal ,v i n,, ef nnd la one uiidoildcd niololy or hiilt part thi leof, J.'o. c. All tint n 1 rul it undltldcd moiety or halt paitof iho IKON (jia: Ijlrujuiidirtliesuifucoor all Ih.iteeituln Had of laud sltuato lu Cooper town sldli In Iho County of Monlour. now owned by ono John llampil, eoiitalnlns si ncics nnd U7 peiches, mnru llamjiel, eontulidiiif 7 ncies uud 167 ikicIicm mom or Inss, of nhicli il.u said Jacob Hauls illul scued In Ids dcmeii ns ot fto as tenant In common with 010 chutlus It. I'axton. .Mid It lsd(i:rced that iho share of Sarah Ann liar blow, shall rc mum in tno hands of tho purchas. ir diirlna her uaiural Ufo und tho Interest ttuitfoio sliiill bo regularly and nnmiijly nnld to her by Iho purchaser. Ids l.elrs uul nsslfc-n-, boldlntf tho lii-fin. Isun lo bo urovire-l by dWipssor othniiUo ns iiutu uioiwiyinil Hlallds conimonitpultii, rmd nt our ilecek.i iirsli.iif.-. ol lliu puicliuso biuney shull bn lw,Jr .!!' !hu rirHcs lially fidlUcd ttiervtu. 'H'.lt.tlNOl. SAIj.-.-Teii liircectoi oiio-timrlhof His pun luiso money lo liopald til tlio sttlkliiL' down ofllia pro ci ty, thu oue-Iouilli less Iho ten pi r cent nt llm ti, of salo, nud tho reinnbdiii,' tbieo louillHln ono year iherealter, tilth Interest 110111, ooniliiiiutluii 11IU. WILLIAM IIAItlllS,, .ItilyiM-ts. U,l.,,,v?V IIIIIIUS, Adinliiktr mors 51 W 11 ' J'ie Vhtupnl Svip that con U tmed for the JMuko- iltrj J.'cllnolIS ; nt.- nr.o 1 or it III go ns for (m two of any other. til.-duly half lie muul iutlliiL' b(linfi((iilicd. Hi em Is a fining' of mom iliuli Iheintlioeonof lliu Suuplu Inter niece. .",',r?,1'e.,"il',ll''l',r" "if'du fiWLI.T, r MM N, and VMII'li: lillhi.ut I.OII.IMior sCAIHIMMIiUs nil Injury lollnialsaioidid. 'Ibciolsa suiluit In Hal iiiid liaid woik. nnd Iko woHilnif Isdouo Uiuloul half the iiklud lln.c, itUiiteOBuaiuiiltcd under arfr.nlly ot lltty dol. Mil not to Inluiotboilollits or hands, und us c.mi Itlnl will t nubs, uny urmii luuKeiiflm llioliulliof, llunoitiiti iiicnis, It would m tei iiuy tho lucptlilor liM'imui.-e iiniuixiiii!.,t! sysliin of iiduilinl ifund' eloltri such ilMlika mult for Us Hup milMb l.n kbt'iv HmumiA U1ul11.11. Iho tit would iijou ioUluoufy inpittvl.fciUiciBlniiiUIiii'll. ' !) -tt: ' u "'fsntw Bop lor kiuvuu 11 ml Ton LTiUllsH, WAHNKH ItilODKH & CO,, WHOLMBALIJ lAK0V (lllOOIUW, ll kH 8111. Acients, Auir, in!nl. H.ttJttJM. I'hmjWlihtaJ'A.. J