THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCEAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. VEGETINE Strives st 1 10 Mut ot disease liv piitlfvlni llio Wood, rest irliij llio liver nml kldnojH tu healthy notion, In iliurnllng tnu nervous system. V pro I Inn Is Hot a vli nauseous rtiinnnunil. which slmnl' HOI II VI n. nauseous piilnniilinil. wli ell fclmnlv lmrii'1 ttie linnets, hut nutii ill i mm' to purify Iho blood ami Ihcieb) restore tho lu.Mll It, l?iIIin In now prrscrlhe d In cases ot Hrmf uln and other dis eases of the W.hi, b many ot the best phi slclans, owing to Its greut success lu curing nil discAsoaof this nature. VcKolhin difl not decolie lnvnllds Into tolas hopes bv purging and creating a ncillioui nppellte, hut aslsts imturii In dealing nnd purifying the whole system, leading the patient gradually to perfect health. VfRCllllO Was looted upon ns nn etp 'rlnient for some time by home of our liest physicians, hut Hump must Incredu lous tu reiton! to Its merit are now IU most ardent friends and suppoiiers. VvffotlllO Instead nt being k puffed up medicine, has worked Its wa- up to its present astonishing success bv actual lnrlt In curing all diseases ot tho blood, ot whatever nature. VCRCllllO rajs a Boston phyMclin, "has no equal as a blood lltirlller. I'l'iirlnirnf ILstnam womlerhil cures, nfler nil other r.imoills had Mlli-d, I vlHtcd Iho Utioratory 1 coti' lnecil Iniself of Its irenultie, merit. It. Is ore. p in'd rrenvharUs, roots and Iwrbs, each of which li lilulilv nrroptlvn nitil IKmit tint vimn,itn,l.,l In i,iii, n manner a to produce astonishing results." Vvpptliio Is nrknowlodgiHl and recommended by phvstclans nnd nDothecnrlos In be tlio best pill trier und cleanser ot the b'ood set discovered, and thousands speak In IU pi also who have been restored to health, moor. WHAT IS NEEDED. Uostos, Feb. is, 1871. Sir. 11. It. STUVKNJ! Bear air About ore yeir since I found mnelf In a feeble, condlllon from general debility. Vfoktink was strimiily recommended to me bv a friend who had been much benefitted by Its use. 1 procured the article and arter Msltig several bottles wan restored to health and discontinued its use. I feel quite wmil- lent t hat there Is no medicine superior to It for those, comnlalnts for whb li it Is especially prepared and would cheerfully rei'omnienrt It to those ho feel that they need something to restore them to liorlect health, llespectfully yours, It, t.. l'KTTKVmi I. Firm of S. M. I'ettlnglll t Co., 10 suae st , Ronton. CiNcistun, Nov. 2S, is;. .Mr. II. ft. SirvKssi Dear sir The two bottles ot VeneTiNE tiirnMiod mo by your ugent, my w ifn has used it n (treat beu ent. For a long tlinti she has been troubled with dl. rlurss und costlveiicss; these troubles ate nowen llrelv removed by tho use of Vkiisms. Sho was al so troubled with lnspepsla and Ocncrul Debility j and lias been greatly betietltted. Titos. tlti.noBr, Walnut St, Feol Myself a New Man. Natick, Mush., Juno 1, IST'i. Mr. It. H. Ktktbss: Henr sir Through the advice ond earnest persu.v Mun of Rev. 13. S. liest, of this tilace, I have been tak ing Vkostim for D) sjiopsl.i, cf which I u vesufrered ror e irs. I have ued only two bottles and already teel mvselt a new man. Kespectfullv, Dr. J. W. Cahtkb. li opart from a Practical Chemist and Apothecary. I!'tox, Jan, 1, 174. Dear s'r This Is to rertlfy that I lui viM at retail IWi, doen (132 bottl.'s) of jour vP.ktinic since April u. Is;-', nud Can truly say that It lin-s k'lven tho liestnitl: taction of any remedy for thecomrlalnts for hlch It Is Jt I ever sold, .scarce ly a dav p ises without some of mv customers testl f.vliiir to Its merits on themselves or tlielr n lends. I uln Dcrtectly cognizant ot boveral c.ises cf erofulous Tumors being cured by VtaiTixis alone In this tlctn- i iy. cry rrsuecuuuy youi s, A.I. To II. It. Stevens, Esij. . (HLMiN, 4CS Uroadtvay. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. July w,-lm. . CO MPLBTE BONE MANUHE FOB Buckwheat and Fall Crops iHTOWN COMPLETE 10NE MKSM MANUFACTURED BY BREINIG&HELFRIC LEHIGH VALLEY Tr u 1 1 ri v -For over 10 years this brand hs held Its reputi on In contact with many competlni; fertilizers. ONE ORAUB ONLY. No variety ot names with accommodating tcale ot prices. ItECOMMKNDSD. By farmers' clubs, agriculturists, planters and FOR SALE 13 Y A.J. Albertson, II. Ulteay, J. II. tteesholtz, Kreas Uros., E Thompson, V. W. Woddrop, Itohrsburg. Itupcrt. Catawlssa. lierwlck. Danville. Ittverslde. The following testimonial was received several years ago. A FARMERS Cl.CU KKCOailKMH THE t'Oari.l'T! liONE MiNVHE AS TUK BKT FEKTIL1ZEK IN I'.IK. Oreenwood, Columbia Co., Oct 15th. Messrs. Beeinio IIei.ikicii. (leutleia-n : We, the undersigned, having used yourcoinplte Uoiih .Manure thn past season, pro i ured of your agent, A I. lbertson. hereby unirm It W be the bct fertilizer In use. Wo fully recom mend It to runners. fr It Is nil that ou claim tor It. Yours, Ac. WILLIAM I'NOElt.U.U MATIIEIt, JOHN KTANTOM, A. DKEIHI KI'KIN, UfcO. OIUTON, A. FAIlt.MAN. Junet 78.-Sm. fl 1 iCOUHTEfl,PLATF0RR WAGOH&.IRACK CCAOENTS WANTED 3SND n)l FI1CC L13T . MAHVINSAFESCIILECO. 265 BROADWAY AI.Y. 121 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA.PA, 108 BANK ST. CLEVE. O. Ms r b si. n.-ly. THE TRIUMPH TKUrfS CO No.KH Bowery, New York, I TO WHOM WAH AWARDED TIIK ron THE Best Elastic Truss ai Soprter At Uie (real American Institute Fair (S1IW10M 1I7.) Ottai llrrrciE in Feok ic it) 3 Urn, aku orris oa a I'm Tur Citoror Cess. They employ s Unt-clitt Lady burgeon. Terms jiodmatt. Carta ouaraaieiA. Tut utual dlseuuau iu HutriiiiK of HUAbinUrv. Xxslnlnatluna KtM Orders Rued by u-ll. nu hb cams iw vinvur Dr.G. W. II. UUKMIA (Itneral SUDnrlatandt at. (Urwirli omtwlSII Cluituut, SU, 1'lJlfu.a Jlpliin, ro iHM.-J.-!. VALUABLE PROPERTY at I H I Y A T K HALX. Tt suUs-flPtr Mtar lor ili.'.lioi' ll tKIH F 1,11,11 HI VIVVVM .imuiw VWCAIHS WUK, .labia and neccuaryomtiwitdtnn. Altbliarvauaut ( s uitlulutu U. aboia ij larger uta. TkM ji rooalb Alalu road act UliOwutvr, KUUIaj "tietlt lonUdp. P t Agricultural. Poultry Manure. Hen mnmiro Is much morn valuable tliiin Doople generally suppose It to bo m n lertll Izcr. It con tnl us pliosphorlo Auld nml til trogcit, wltli n trnce of polftsli, In qunntity to wnkp It worth twenty-six cents per hnsli cl, nocorillii(t to t lie wholcsnlo comincrclnl vuliie of tlicso llut, when pro perly nppllnl to crops, It proves Itself to be worth from fifty to seventy cents per bushel In tho Increase of crops. In a ense where n bushel of hen inanuro was applied to corn In tho hill, It produced seventy pounds of found corn In the ear ovet what tho saino number of hills adjoining produced, to which tin fertilizer was applied, llut this manure, re quires to bo composted somo months before it Is Used. I begin in May to compost all tlinl has been gathered during tho winter and spring, kept in barrets nnd welt packed down, and covered so that none of Us virtues will escape. I first spread n layer of soli then a layer of hen manure, and so on with altcruato layers, about four times us much soll'as tnu nn re to eacli layer, I make tho heap Mat on the top to catch rains, and cov er nil with coarse hay or straw. In tho fall I havo the heap shovelled over, mixing it thoroughly, cover again and leave It till tho next spring, when it is in good condition to tiso on any crop. If hen manure bu used before It has time to become incorporated with tho soil with which It Is mixed, it is npt to kill vegetation. Kor 'nstance, if a bumllul be put lu a hill of corn, und mixed with the soil, and the corn be then planted, it would bo liable to kill tho corn when iu roots cunio in close contact with it ; but when laying a whnlo season in a compost heap every part of the heap becomes equal ly strong, and tho original mnmiro is not visible. Fowl housed should bo so constructed that 'he manure can be easily gatbert donee in two weeks or oftener. If one lias superphos phate, bono dust, or any other commercial fertilizer, to be used in the hills of crops, it is a good plan to mix such fertilizers with the compost heap of hen manure tit the time of planting, adding more soil, then graduating the quantity used to n hill by its strength, a handful generally being tho quantity used, when mixed with four times the bulk of fertilizer In soil. Uutler froni Jersey Cows. It is an established fact that Jersey cows will produce more butter Irotii a given quan tity of milk than any other breed of cows. Tim Alderney and Jersey cows in the Uni ted States may bo said to bo the same. A few vears ago they were all, or nearly all, culled Aldcrncys ; but lately they are all call ed Jerseys, it being claimed that the stock in tills country is more properly Jersey thau Alderney. Both breeds came originally from two islands in tho British Channel, nnd the two. breeds, aro so nearly aliko that they had better all go by one name. Ii a family need but one or two cows, the Jerseys aru recommended for giving very rich milk. They do not give a largo quantity, but about double the butter can bo mudo per quart than from that of other breeds. A five year old cow lately made S'20 ths. of butter in 2i)l days ; and although these cows give but six or eight quarts of milk per day, they aver age at least one pound of butter a day tho year r iitnd, and the buttei is much super ior to that made from other cows' milk This breed of cows are dear, a yearling heif er being generally worth from $75 to $100 and the young cows from $125 to $150. They are not desirable generally as dairy cows, nor for any person who sells milk, it be ing too rich to sell fur its value. The Farmers' Friend. The swallow, swift and uighthawk are the guardians of tho atmosphere. They check the Increase of insects that otherwise would overload it. Woodpeckers, creepers und chickadees lire the guardians of the trunks of trees. Warblers and Jly.catchers protec tho foliage. JJluckbiids, tbruslits, crows and larks protect the surface of the soil, snipe and woodcock the soil under tho surface. hacu tribe lias its respective duties to per forin In tho economy of nature; and it is an undoubted fact that, if tho birds were all swept away from oil' tho earth, man could not Jiv3 upon it, vegetation would wither and die, insects would become so numerous that no living thing could withstand their attacks. '1 lie wholesale destruction occa sioned by the grasshoppers, which have late ly devastated the West, is undoubtedly tlauscd by the thinuingouto 1 the birds, such us the grouse, priario hens, ect, which feed upon them. This gnat und inestimable service done to tho iarnier, the gardener and florist by tho birds is only becoming known by sad experience, spare the birds mid save your fruit ; the little corn and fruit tu ken by them is mure than compensated by the vast quuntitlesof noxious insects destroy ed. The long persecuted crow has beeu found, by actual experiment, to do far more good, by the vast quantity of grubs und iu socts it dsvours, than the little harm it doe, iu a few gruiusofcoru it pulls up. The crow is one of the farmer's best friends. Spriivj' field ItepulHcan. Destroying lite Caterpillars. Don l let the caterpillars live In your or chard. Their nests am an eyeioie, and ser iously Injure the trees they infe-t. Just the time when the tree needs its foliage to pr mote its health, growth und life, the worms come forth and generally trip it Then nature tries to repair the Injury by clothing it iu a new dress ; hut time is re quired to accomplish Ibis, and in the mean tiiuit the ordinary and unturit process storing up material to pr..'rvu Its vigor, his been inttrtered with. It Is an evidence uf shll'tlessiiess to permit tills sort of thin to go ou, und is inexcusable. Hie worms hyberuate, and go through their trunsfor mutiuns, coining forth perfect insects ima ges or butterflies and each female laying hundred ot eggs, and tuns increasing cuur mously iu numbers the following year The nests of these caterpillars may b easily seen, and the whole of them destroy ed. This Is done by fixing u swab, dipped iu gas tar and luiteucd on the, end of a po long enough to reach tho nests, (las tar an elfuctual remedy. It kills every worm touches, lie, sure ami touch every Autuuiu l'luuts, 1'. Barry furiilshes to the Itochester Ituraf Hume u statement of some of his expert menu In fall planting. Last fall, quite late, aller the hurry or the season was over, he set out SOO dwarf pear trees. After they were set, the earth was drnwnup aud around the basa about tlx or more inches, to protect the roots, and sullen tho trees against th wind. Towards the end of May the lartu- wm leveled, vigorous new roots were thrown out from the quince stock, and the trees are all growing rapidly. He thinks that for most years fall planting Is best, To which we may add, that the harm likely to result from It ire nerslly arises from bud drain- ago,' ami, fjoiw a neglect of the surface irom winter sottllnif. (live tbti trees li irood. dry. ricu ui'iiiom, sun Krrp u( sunavv wvium through spring und summer, und fall set iron will get a better Hut than thone irata fnted iusirlng. tVfrV Gtntfaxwi, M L'OllTA NT TO ALL. The discoverer and compounder ot the far-famed Compound Sprnp of Wild Cherry and other voluablt preparations, entered upon his professional career with tho important advantage of a regular medical education In one of the oldest and best, schools In Fhllsdelpnia, and, perhaps, In to world Ho subsequently served a faithful term uf practice In the l'litiad'lpliia Dispensary, and for ma ny Jears attended In the Hospital. In the-e institu tions he enloi ed the most ample opportunities ot ob taining an insight Into diseases In all their vailous ...... .. ..... .ii ..ul..rl.ilnliii. fl,. !(wl mMlhorls of the! treatment. In otltrlng, therefore, to llio pro- ploot the United mates mo trims ui ins eiiensno professional eiperte nco in tho medical compounns as the best results ot bis skill nml observation, lm feels unit, in u but. nrofTetini? a roov to every family throughout llio land, resting, as ho does coutldcntlj In the merits and rnloallous virtue ot the remedies he herewith commends. Theusl amount ot tesll mony rroni a parts oi ine worm nus proven TOlt SWAYNiTS COMPOUND HYlll'l' OF WILD lli lltY" the most emcacious raneoy anown, anu It la admitted by our mot eminent plivslclans, and uSIwliuhaie witnessed Its wonderful healing prop, eitle. Tho WILD UIIRIIIIY In all ages of the vror d and In all countries where It Is knon n has been Juu celenrateo tor lis wonucnui incuicinai qualities. l,iillin ttrt. nnwer to euro somo of tho worst anil most dlstrtssing diseases among us was never fully ascertained until Iho experiments ot that sktlfull physician, Dr. Hwavnc, had demonstrated Its high adaptation, in coinblnnl Ion Willi line Tree Tar, anil other equally valuable vegetable Ingredients, hlch chemically combined renders II' aeilon tenfold mure certain and bonetlclal In curing nil diseases ot the throat, breast and lungs.. Dll. sWAYNK'S WILD lllillllv COMPODNn strikes anno root oi aiscaso by purifying tt.Q blood, restoring the liver and kid nets to heaUhy action. Invigorating tho nervous and shattered constitution. If your druggist or store keeiier docs not have It, do not be put off by any other remedy that may bo ollered, but send to us df rect.und we will forward a half dozen to any address, freight paid, on leceipt of the price, II per bottle, or $itfio half doen. Address letleis to lm. HWAYNK X SON, :kio North With sturt, Philadelphia. No chat go Hill be madu for advice. Hit Tour Druggist lor Tluin, ir....l... in, nil nliii vnluu lien 111 shuUKI never lie without Dll. SWAYNlwS TAIt AND SAItSAl'A- KII.LA rllil-s, as inev iiiniiy mo oioou, iniium mi obstructions, cleanse, the skin ot all pimples ana blotches, uuu oiing mo ricn coiorui neaiui iu mc ia oclieek. reinule irroguiailiies aro resioiru iuu ihiiIUiv luiidltluu. They aro u certain euro tor Mtk undNenous Headache. Asa Dluuer 11!l, nothing can exceed them : tuku one. two, or three, us may hi found necessary; unlike others, they nelilur gripe, IPJIIUCO IiaUSOa, Ol UIIJ UIIICl UUIUt-llSllllL OVimwilwu, .hue ttievuio as noiveiful as it is ooss.ble torn medicine to bo ami be hai inless. Tueso rills cleanse out Hie disordered humors, enrich and puilty tho blood, remote nil unhealthy bilious seci el ions ot the stomach and bun els, causing a peiteetly healthy state ot the llier, andiuo undoubtedly the beslea that tic ond utitlbllloiis medicine J et discovered ; nud euro determined unit uiu sick miuii nave iiieiu ui, once wit mil lue means oi mo poorest ra ream ii ii il" :il I'illa.) If jour druggist or storekeexr iuiii, tiiein.iio not be liiiLun" bvnnv othirs that iiihv bii ollered lu their place, but send to us di rect, and we will forward by lu.ill, ou receipt 01 the ice, M cents u uoa oi lli uijAeaeo i. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne's Ointment, Is particularly ndnpteil to all forms of bkln dis eases. Cures even when all other reme dies and treal mem fall. Cures Tetter, Salt Kheiim. Scald lb ad, lllngworm, Pimples, Sores, Army itch, Iilotches, s- urvv, llliiontc KrjUpelas ot the face. irncr's lieu. rarle Itch Koro Heads, umors. Piles. All Kruptlous, SWAVJVK'S OIXT3li:,VT Seems to cure ev ry case, leaving tho bkln smooth una clear vt uuoui a oiemisn beninu. Itching Piles s irencrallv preceded by a moisture, like nersnlra. Hon, distressing itching, as though pin worms were crawling iu or uuoui. tun recium, particularly at nlglitwhen undresslng.or In bed arter gelling warm. It aoneurs In summer as well as win er. oftentimes shows itself around the prl ate parts, and Is not coti- nneu iu mates uniy, inn is quue as iretpient mat ie males are sore y anilcted, iiarlleularly In times of pregnancy, extending Into the vuglna, proving dis tressing almost beiond the nowers of endurance. longstanding, prouoimced Incurable, iue ueeil letiuaueuuj uuieu oy einipiy ujijiiyiug SWAYXE'S OIXT3IE.VT. K XT II ACTS FROM LETTKHH. Dr. Hwayue Son : Gentlemen The box of Dlut- ment vou sent me by mall cut rd me entirely of Itch. Ing riles, which I suncredwlth fortlvo years. Kn closed dud tlfly cenLs for another hot for a friend ot UlinU. AMOSEW J. 11EAC1I. Farmweu station, Loudon i.o., va. Kev. Isaac Holland, Webster. Taylor county W.Ya. writes : November so. 16,5 I havo been a suflerer from Itching piles. I procured a boxot )our ointment last spring which gate me Instant relief, and fexl confident it will ctloet a permanent cuio Kuclosfd Und ntty cents, for which please bend me another box by mall. An Eruption of 8 Vears Standing. I was troubled with nn emotion of eliut vears Itching. Intolerable at times ; tried many prepara tlonn without finding idler. Through tbo ue uf wajne s Aii'iicunng uimincui i am entirely cured. ooMErn i.iuixar. At Ilortsman t Pros., cth and Cherry, I'hlio. X was entirely cured of Setter in Its worst form by Dr. Swayne's AU-Ileallng oint ment, nuu rtiiAii uc un,,ij w cijiiuiu uiy case to all ITUU IUU I.U1I UHIU uic. .iiyks aicr.isi.rT, vest rnn note!, Wd Street, tielow lximbard, Philadelphia, Sent bv mall to any address on rectlot of nrlee. so lems u uvi, Describe sympuims in all comtnun cations, and ad. dress letters to Die s'.VAYMC c SON, Phlladelnhla. IIUVIWU IUI .u,ii.i-. FOH SALE BY ALL DItUaQISTS. Sole Proprietors and ilanufactui ers of SWAYNE'S PANACEA, celebrated all over Ihe world for Its remarkablo cures of Scrofula, Mercurial und Sjpldlltlc complaints. nuu lUKwn wui-ir n. iiuiiiie irusui llie parent causes development of syphilis or Scrofula in the child nollilmr luseier rirotedan effectual in mm. liieieiv iTaiiieiiiini; every vesugnoi i nene dangerous coinplalNl.s und all diseases arising from Impurity of the blood. its particular to outainthe genuine, as prepared by Hit. tUVA Nh A- min, S3'i r" cth st.,plillidelphla. See that the nauio Is snelled coneetu. hiviVM1. as there aie preparations ot somewhat similar name iu tuu market. IS YOUR HAIR FALLING (III TURNING QUAY? IK SO Ut) NOT FA 1 1, TO USE OUT Tho most tendon Ilnlr Cutor rehlnn. landon Hair Color llcstorcr Loudou Hals Color ltestori.r ltellable Hair Kcstoratlve ever Introduced lothe American l'eople For ltcstorlug (J ray Hulr and Preventing Ualdut&s. The great Luxury of the Dress Iloom. Loiiduu llalr Co or llrstorrr lxiudou Hair Color llettorcr London Hair Color Itestorer loindou Halrcoir Kestortr loindou llalr Color Itesiour l.oi, Uun Hair Color Kestorer lauidon Hair color llesioier lomdou Hulr Color Uestortr loinoou usir color Itesloit Looduii llalr Color Itetlore ljndon llalr color llesture IajiiiIou llalr color Icestore l.oudon llalr Color Ittblorer Louduu Hulr lilor lteunt.r laiudon llalr Color Kestorer London llalr Color Kestorer Ixnduu Mur color Kestorer IvOndon Hair Color ltestorer loiudon Hair Color Kestorsr I jjndou Hair Color Keportur 1-ooJou llalr Color Iles'orer Loudon llalr color ltestorer London llalr color Kestorer luuuoa u air color ueaiortr 1. It will restore gray hair to Its original color. , it wld uiaka tbe hair grow on bald heads, s, It will restore the natural secretions. 4. It will remove all daadrun anu tuning, t,. II will make the hair toft, glossy and BeilUe s It will preservs lbs original color to bid age, t. It will prevtnt the balr from tailing on. s. It will vura alt dlssasesUtLt scalp. 76 Gonts pox Bottloi. I bottles ti, Sent by express to any address en i colpt ot price, Address ordurs to lux. bwayne ww.uaMurih 80LI1 BY All UKlliUISTS, BAUGH'S GROU1MD BOIVTES, A0ID3 and OHEMIOALS roit lALL SliKDING. !o; 1 Lower Prices, Samples &cnt Free, Analysis Guaranteed. EXAMINE AND OlIOOSE ritoM Tin; roi,i.owisn Oltl Kstablishcil Articled, HAUOH'S GROUND RAW BONES In bags on board of Cars at works at the following Cash Prices. loo Tons nnd over, floperTon w " to v ions, ao ii 4 ji " M SJ " " g II JI II I'lils linno is Ground ruro: Is not steamed or linked, ami ino sunn uone nits not uccu selected from it. BAUGH'S SlIlMIUlMMFOSrilATIi Hade from liaw or ttnburnod Animal Hones. Chtap or Cash, and Cash only. Wo are now selling our Haw Hone Stipcr-l'hosnate on the following liCHUNTKKIl ANAI.VSIS nitiinnln. - - From it to 4 per cent. Soluble and Precipitated I'hos- luinrie aciii - v " ii " Phosph.ilo of Lime, rendered Koiuoie - - - - r-i " At NKr t'nsli Wholesalo Fr ees to Dealers and Farmers, r. 0. 11. In I'hlladclplila, at llio following ,ow thicks: nu Tons nnd oxer, v per Ton, ll,noo Us. 5 " tl) us Tons, Ml " " " I ;i .. 3f . n ii 311 li 411 ' 31 " " " " 10 ii ! 29 S'i ii i 1 " ' 10 40 " " " " .Standard of Quulity Strictly Maintained Wlillo wo nunniineo n reduction In Iho nrlce of our HAW DOM". SHHLIl I'HOSPHATK. we would re- spoetfully represent to dealers tun! farmers Unit Its iami.uu ot quality lias been sirtcny niaiiiinineu. I he proporltous of Solutilo and precipitated I'hos- horlc Scld. nnd Ammonia hne never tieen lilirlipr Iuu ther are In tho urtlclo we urn now sclllne to our custuiuerH. This statement wo nuKo us a binding uarautee. BAUGH'S ACIIIIII..VT!:i Phosphate Roclc, Twelve l'er Cent. Soluble and Trecim'tutcd 1'liosplionc Acnl. We bcilevu Our Acidulated Phosphate Rock to bo supei lor to most of the Acid I'll ispnatn now In the market. Fanners that have used It for ".everul seusons urn well pleased with It, and the demand fur it Is rapliliv increasing. Uii'W.V. Ono Dollar D it Ton Ad dlttonai on all Prices If shipped from jjaiimiorc. Chemical Supplies OF A1.I. KINDS, Always on hand, and sold nt tho LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES For pure and good Articles. IfMlNII FOIt 1'ltHlU MSTS. LftND7ftSTER VcltDhI oalv from extra nuaUtvof l.umn. nml nut urunii ius given me iiik'iu'si H.iii-r.iciiou ror ihe uibi iwo j eai"s. rnce us iuw as ixny . Send ibr Price Lists inul Circulars. BAUGII & SONS, Manufacturers & Importers of Fertilizers & Supplies, jNo. 20, S. Delaware Ave., i'iiii.Aiii:i,piiiA.. No. 103 M St, Baltimore. July Sl-in. A UUITOit'S NOT1CU. 'lue uudersljued Auditor annoinfeii i fiKtHi.uia the money lalsed by tho Sherlil's salu of tho leal es tate ot .lesi-B li. Iilic suiting ihu lliu cicdltors. inclu ding the, proceeds ot other bheild's sales or the prop erty of Je I), nice now In Court, will attend to tho outies or lilt appolnliiient ut his omen i n c.iturday, tho 6th day ot August, isle, at 10 o'clock 111 the fore noon ot bald day. V. W. kill. I. ICR, July c, lsTO-iw. Auditor. AMIlNl.STItATOR'iS NOTICK. rjiiirs op wv, it. mit'iimm, nrc'u. Letters oi Auministrauoii on lh Kstate of Wm K. Ke eliner. of Minim to. r,im,ii,i.i r.,nriii ,i hao been granted bv the lleglster or said county to nui. i. nec.,oi milium tap., LOiuuibla count. Fa., to whom all nersons lmleiiii-ii tu woi i-'uiui.. quested to make payment, and those halng claims Rgainsi the said estatu w 111 uiako them known to tho said administrator without delay. , .... . nil K. 1ILUK, June xi-cw. Administrator. ,4 DMINlS'f UATOK'S NOTICE. . EsriTB or i.iwiiiscs winins ptckifsn. reuco Ualtcrs.latoot illffllu tow nsnlp, Columbia Co. ini,.wu, n.i uueu giauicti oy uie itegtster of salt ounty, to John ti. w atteis und'lJleaier Schwconeu iiciscr, ina an 'ious haMng claims ugulust the estate of tho decedent, aro loiiuested to piescnt tlR'iu fur settlement, and thoso Indebted tu the estate to. tiiulu p.ivment to tho uiiderslirni'dudmlulatratois JOHN S. WATTEItS, i,i.i-"w ri.:iiivui'ru7iiii;isKH Administrators. July T, 16-ct, I UDITOU'S NOTKM5. i. 101.K mis s. wll.i.iAU erirki'ii 1 lie undurslgned Auditor an,lted by the Court , ii ,i . i-iinm luiiiiuuia county, io inaico ais. v,i-, ... iiiuurj, HiiMuv iruiu tnu suie ot peisfina protH ityot Win. i elder lo and uiuunv tlm nnni,,, entllh-d Ui reeene tno tamo will meet saldpai ties at h soniieln CaUwlisaou Salurdij, July mh. 1SI6, ut lu o duel., u. m. ' V. I- EYERLY, Auditor. Juno no, tw. A unrroifs notice. SST1TB U' SLIZAUSril HOirir. bl'CElsi-n. 0 UmlerSlL'Ued AUdllnr til IiiuLm illklrllml Inn r.1 tno tuna hi the hands of tho Administrator or the es tate of Mlialmlli Koaeh, deceased, will attend to Uie duties or ids appointment, athls omcelu lilooms burg, ou Saturday, July tttth, is;. at lo o'clock-a. m.. wnen aiiti wneie ai m-num. iivin .iain, kgalnst the said estate, am icqulred to piesent tho , , ? , rtiiuiioi, nr nu ncuarrea irom com iuu in lur u fcnaie oi stuu lunu, E. R. IKELEH, June So.iHiMw, Auditor, 4: 1 ) M I N 1 ST 1 1 A TO 1 t'S NOTIOE. FSTATKOKWU IIL'NYllM. UU'Klhr.ti. tll'IH flf Aflllltll1l.trr.ll, In it. II, n i.wl,,,u r.f St'n, iuujaii.ia.iioi Mhaison loiviisiiip.i'oluiiiblacouul deceased, hate been eianud bv the l:. i,iki, r i.ikj co. to J, P, Runt an A. Halls Ruuvm. Adnilnlsirniors or wm. Iiiiiiyan, dee'd. All H-rsons having claims sguliitt the estate uf the deiedent me requested lu ,.vi,,t lunu ,uf Miueiiii'iu, uu'i loose inuenieil to tf '''"'o 1" imUu puymeut to the undirslgnid ..UU.IUMUUIVIS niiuuuv ucuiy. JOHN P. RUNYAN, t,.n., .. . 1,AVIH Ht'N YAN, Junevi-tt. Adiiituistralors. flMIK rNDEItSKlN'Kl), n presenllng fcveral X ..of tho most coiiwrviiilo und reliable A melt- cuu nru insurance Ciinpanlos, would beg leave lo otrcr hlsnrvlceBto tho cltliensot liloomsburg and vlclnltv, iciucstlug a reasonsblo share ol the public lilormbburg,Julyls,lH. W. J. POWELL. Otnco lu jjrowcr's liloclc July lllm. VULCAN IRON WORKS DANVILLE, MONTOUR COUNTY. PA. XM ILliIAM. II. LAW, Manufacturer ol TT "rought Iron Urldges, Boilers, Oasholdsr. Ftreiiroof llulldlngs, Wrougtt Iron Hooting, Rootling sTatnes, rioorlng aiid Doors. Farm dates and Feni nr. also WrougEt Iron l-lplig, stacks and all kinds ot Smith Work, o. Rspidrs promptly attended to Oct. S, ISTS-tl Tins ru is oh nu; wiru ROWELL & apHESMAN . Advertising Agents, YHIRP 4 CHESTNUT !.. T.LOUU, MO ft &Q() l' day ut htteft. famous vorihu oivnb ThP" RAW BONE w stock orowrntNa. AND Goutlomon's Dxohb CSroodrj. DAVID I.OWKNHKHO ln itos sltentlou to his large and elegant stock Cheap aid Fashionable Clothina, at hlsstors on MAIN 8THKKT, IN TIIK NEW 11I.OCK, llLDOUSIlUUU, rA whero Uo has lust received from New York and Phil, sdelphla & full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durable and nanasouio DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OV BOX SACIC, KKOOlC. GUM AND OILCLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OFALLS0I1TS SIZES AND COLOIta, He has also replenished his already lirg stock of CLOTHS AND CASS1MBHES, STRIPED, FKIUI1KD ,nd;plain VESTS, til I UTS, CliAVATS SOCKS, COLLAKS, IIANDKKHC1IIKF8, a loves, ;SUSPKNDER8, AND VANGY ARTICLES. IU has constantly on hand a large and well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Vestings, which ho Is prepared to make to order into any kind of clothing, on vory short notice, and In tho bost manner. AU hts clothing Is uado to w car and most ot It Is ot homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELUY, OF EVERY DESCRIITION, FINK AND CHEAP. HIS CASS OF JEWELRY IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AMD EXAMINE HIS (1ENKHAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAVID LOWENBERG. July l.'73-tf. ALBRECHT & CO, GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Tho A1.1111EC11T &. Co. ruNos tiro firkt-class in every respect, lioitig con Bidercd the lending Philadelphia make by musicians nnd competent judges. Through their extensive facilities, Messrs. Aliirixjit & Co. aro enabled to turn out instruments that aro not surpassed anywhere, and still sell them at prices within the reach of all. No l'iano is permitted to lcavo their factory unless satisfac tory to tho most minute particular, hence their guarantee of five years is a thing of value. All late im provements of importance aro fouud in these instruments. Messrs. Albreciit & Co. have re ceived tho most llattering Testimo nials from L. M. Gottschalk, Franz Art, Gustave Satter, J. F. Hiuuei.s hach, William Yoi,sieffer and many other eminent artists, besides being ablo to refer to thousands of private purchasers, schools, semi naries, societies and teachers. l'ianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed and shipped safely toany part of tho world, BrFor further particulars as to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Aroh Street, Philadelphia. July H, l"e.-ly. Arci'balim Eoporlin TERMS! Actual tratelllio. boarding-, nnd other etponses; ntr dollars u keislnii, for lukliiglhorenon; snd ten ri nts a folio, (hundied woids, ) for willing UUl IIHU ItJllg'IlUIlU. nere tne iiiuuer lepiirieu iiiinic uaj nmm i exceeds fifty folios, the tive-dnllar fee will be lemltt- ed, si iithe trunserlMug into long-nanu ensrveu si flftem cents 11 tollo; but, 'n nil mch iusis, It fewer tliun i.fiy fullus are purchased, Ihe (lie dollurs will uu cnaigiu, ASuiess s. N. Wullir. A.M.. Court-stenog. rapher, liloomsburg, Columbia cuunty, l'enns)Ha- iuu. Reildence. Hon street, between "llitrd and Fourth. (unci- Willi v.. t. (111 Is. En..Ciiliimblsn-bulld. Ing; iiitraii(e,o,ioi,tii the cutt pule lo tho cuutl- liuuse vuiu, tusi door, IUU dcoi to rli'lil. omie-bour, Irom lwele 10 one 0 clock, lib is, HH-ly AN O TH EH NEW SI OKE IN TIIE OLD I'OST OFFICK 11UILDI.NU, Main Street below .Market, rCan be found one of the liest sclecUd axsortiaonls or Main- uuu uoys ueauy iiauj uotuiug und FU11NISHINQ GOODS. The undersigned titling sure that lie can bits en ure ittimacuou to purv'ii&ten, aou mat no can seii AS LOW A8 THE LOWEST lie Initios the puUle to call and cxiunlno Lis stock-. JESSE HICKP, Successor to M. C, Urittain, iisy is, t.-m NK GRAND OPENING! JtlLfAS lEN.DEN II A LL TTAV1NO rrsiinird llie business of Mcrelimi 11' . discing nt his old rttorc, on MAIN STKKKT, DI.OO.MSIlUnO, sun Tin roans iiotii!. Desires to call tlio attention of hts Friends sndths Public gencr.Mly.o his MBW, FULL AND VAltlKD STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits a share of public patronage HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF DHY UOODS, (lltOUEttlCS, QUF.KNSWAIII5. WOODRNWAItK, willowwaiu:, hoots & hiioks, lIAUDWAltt, FLOUlt AND FKKD In (.onncctloti with his stock of Jltrcnnndlso ho r.oiistntly keeps on hand in his yard, A FULL STOCK OF I Dressed anil Undressed Lumber, AND SII1NOI.ESOF I11S MANUFACTOHK. Bill Lumber mmlc a njicciulity. CALL AND SKE. Oct. S, 1ST8 tf. BLO ODVTSBTJTI?,C3- MARBLE WORKS. T. L. G-UNTON, Propriotor, MAIN STREET, 11ELOW MARKET. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds oj MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOES Wo tiso tho best AMERICAN and IT A I IAN Marble. He has on hand and furnishes to ouler MONUMENTS, TOMBS. HEAD3TOXKS, UllNS, VASES, &c. Every variety ot Marblo cutting neatly ciecutcd it tue lowest innrKci. prices. A lnntf nraetteali'miorlcncnnnd nersonal attention to business makes the propi letor confident of glUtig satisfaction. All ordeis by mall promptly attended to. t'. u. nox vni. SfcTA. 11. Work dehxtrtd fret oftharge.'WS Aug. l, '74-ly. T. L. (1UNTON, Proprietor, yA,NWIl,CiT m- WHOLESALE UROCERS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, 1'uiLiuiLrnu, Deaieisln TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUOAR, MOLASSES r.ici, sricss, bicihb sods, ic, ic. I unorders will receive prompt attention. tU-tf ROLLINS & HOLMES No. lTCentruStrool.: Plmta Gas and Steam Fitters IMANUF.VCTUltLIRS OF j? i asr -w aee, (1ALVAN1ZK1) IRON CORNICE, WINDOW O.U'S, AWNINGS, Wire Trellises. Ac. Dealers In Stoves. Kanc- cs, Eiirnncps, liaHlmora Ileitters, Low Duwn Orates, Mantels, J'UMrri, Weather Strips, tc. Also G-AS FIXTURES of thnliiti"-t ill Men. Special attention natd to rc- 111111 log e.eTiiig.Mui nines ut fiery ut'scnpmin, e-cuies, Locke. UWI llnnctm'. i'ev FIUIiil'. .te. Private Resi dences Heated by Steam ut u small cost abuve. Hot Air. eeu. xo, i 11. REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. AMH0NIATKI) SUPER l'HOSl'HATK. Circulars and unaljuls mailed free on application, For salo by Dealers generally, snd by the Importers uuu Aiuuuiuciurcm, J1IS1A1C J.AI.a.KV.H SS, No. 4, Hotitli Delaware Ave,, l'liiladclpliia Hai ch 10 (tn 71ilSfAPElISKEPT0HFlLE inr tub ppip nr HI 1 1 1 u ur 1 iul ur, 733 Siisom St., PHILADELPHIA, Who are ur nutberlsxl ncents, and w ill reeelr AdvortUeuenU at our LOWUST CASH IlATFJi. B0 "The 1 VHDINC1. ) subscriber Is now nreuared toiecelve board ors at bis house la ltoarlngcreek towniihlp, situated at -whstls known as rivs points. Ihe houw li con ducted ou Temperance principles, 110 Intoxicating liquors being sold ou the premises, uood rooms, exiellvnt libit end tbo ulnlorts of a private house lerms ressoctme, J. u. lit-iauitn. iisj , i.-vt. iionnug urees, rs. BUSINE'sS OAltDS. VISITINOOARDd, LKTt'Klt HkAWJ, UII.LHKAIIS, 1-Obrl'KllS. 40.. JtC. Neatly and Cheaply jirlnted nt Uie Coluu- IAN MIlltKt, IS I AK MniH.vltl, i.tsstioiit tijtitnpllbs tor vus ut Uiu OoLowsUH tlK, NEW GOODS ! A 1II5AVY STOCK, Cheaper than Ever! S. 11, MILLER & SON Have Just Received the largest and best supply ot CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They havo over offered tolliclr friends and cus tomers. (jlotlis, Cassimeres, and Sutinotte forMEN'y WHAH, Cloths, Akipacas, Merinos, for LA DIES' WKAIt, CALICOES, MUSLINS, CAMMUCS, nud every variety of Dry Goods desired. STOCK OF Carpets, Mata, Ottomans, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GIIOCERIES, including nil tlio varieties of COFFEES, TEAS and SIK1AKS, COUNTRY PHODUOE. and a general iiiiily of articles useful for llio table always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken In ex change for goods nt cash price. OCt.30,'H-tf CALIFORNIA THE CHICAGO di SORTH-'WiraTr.IlN RAILWAY Kmbrnees tinder fine nmnnRemeiit the Orent Trunk ltnllwnr Lines of the WEST Hiid NORTH-WEST.nnd. vutli Its numerous limnelie.s nud connections, tortus tlio shortest nnd quickest routo between Chicago nnd nil points In Illinois, Wisconsin, NoimmuN .1 U'HHItN. JdlNKKsiOTi, lOWt, NKIII11SS1. CllllfOmhl ana tno esiera i erriiones. its 'amaliit mill Cnliroi iila I.lno Is llie shortest ond bet routo for nil points In north em Illinois, lown, Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, uuiuruuu, .evuuu, uiiui, iiiiiurniu, uregou, (.liuiu. .lupaii uuu .vubirnuu. lis Cliicnco, UlndlNoii 6i SI. Paul I.lnc is the short line for Northern Wisconsin nnd Mlnne, sola, and for .Madison, St. 1'iiul, .Minneapolis, Uulutli, uuu nu puiuis iu uiu icui, iui iniieaL. im fVlnonti timl Nt. I'cter Line Is tiie only routo for Winona, Rochester. Onatonna, .iiaiiiviiiif, .i.. i nn, lj in. uuu nu jiuiuia boutheru und central Minnesota. Its (rccu ItayaiKl Itlui'iiuvtfo I.I no Is tbe only line for Jnnesv llie, Wntertow n, Fond I)u i ioIikiimi, Appieioti, iiretn nay, i:!ieanabu, No- k'aunee, MurquetLe, lloiiitliloii, Uancoclc and tho uiKG isuperiur comiiry. its Frociiort nntl TJiibtiiiic Lino Is tho only routo for Klein. Rocktord. Frccnort. and Ull jiuii ts tia i leciivii. jio ClilcnRO and itlilwankvc I.lno Is the old Ijiko Shore Route, nnd Is tlio only one passing through i:vatisun, i.ako lorc-t, lllRhlnnd rurk, wuukeguti, leucine, Kenosha lo illiivaukee. IMilluiaii 1'a'aco Carw are run on nil tliroucli trains ot this road. This Is the O.N'IA LINK running llieso cars be tween rnicngoiinu m. ratii,i;iiicago anu Jiuwauicee, orchleiiL'ouiid Winona. Atumanaourhieepeis connectwiin too ocrmim sieepeis on Uiu llnli n Pacific Railroad for ull points weMOl uiu .MivMiuri nier. on t he arrliol ot the trains from tho east or south the trains of tno chlcugo North-Western Railway leave C'hleaeo us follows tOrt VUUNCIL lll.L'Uti, iIUAIIA NII CALIFORNIA, TWO ui!t!iit,rii irains uiuiy, im i uiuiiau paiaeo nrawing room and Hleenlnir ears Ihrourh to Council lllutm. Foh tvr l'ivi. anu M inne a eoi is, tw o through trains dally, with I'ullmau palace cars attached to both trains. foh nscGN HAT ANUI.AKI KursHion. tw o trains oauy, wiin t'uiiiiuiu paiaee cars uiiaciteo, ana run, ning iiirougu io Miiniiieiie. For Milw al'ssi. tour through trains dallv. I'ull- man cars on night trains, parlor chair cars on day trains. for srARTi ANU vt iNosi nnn no ins n Minnosotu one through train dally, with l'ullraan sleepers to Winona. Foil Di'srot'i. via l reenort. tnothroucru tra ns oauy. w nu ruiuiiaii earA on lugut trains. For lirBrgvs anii I.a I'sovse, Ma Clinton, two through trains dally, with l'ullnmn cars on night trtttn to MCureL'or. iovu. ron moi'x uity ami 1 Alston, iwo trains aatiy.t'uir mail luru io .iiismjiiii uuey .niueiiuii. rim i.akk iiGNuvA, lour trains uauv. FOR ROCKr'OltP. hTBIILINO. KENOSHA. JANESVII.I.E. nml other pulnts,yott can haie from tno to ten trains dally. New vorK onice. no is nroainvav: uoston omee. 6 mate .street; Omaha office, SS3 Farnlium blreet; van Francisco offlco, 121 Montgoinrry htrect; Chica go ticket offices: M ('lark stieet, under Sherman House; corner Canal and Madison streets; Klurlo Micet doiot, corner W. Klnrln uiidCnual Mreels; ens Mieemi'iioi, corner cu.s anu hinzie Mrcets. For rates or Information nut attainable Irom our home ticket agents, apply to W. II. t-TENNETT, llARVIK HcnUITT, lien, i-up';, Chicago Feb. 4,'7-ly lieu. Pass. Ag t, Chicago. SILVER. CK&XSD WA.Zt.ZI. Eloetro-Phted Tablo Ware, AND Ornamental Att Iftjork IN ORK.VT VARIKTY, MANUEACTUUED BY THE 5 5 Q iiroailway, Now York, J ' The best Plated Spoons nud Foi ks aro thoso Silver Plated heai hit 011 the parts where necessjilly tho most wiur comes, nud bearing tho 1 ride Jlork. 1817 BOGEKS BUOTIIEltS XII. N. II.- This creat Improvement In Silver-l'lated Spoons and Forks Is applied alike to each grade ot I'lule, A 1, sand 18 07.., as ordered. The Process anu Machinery tor manufacturing llieso goods urn Tal ented. The Extra or "Standaid Plate" made by this Company Is stumped A 1, tltnply, and Is plated 20 percent, lieuvKr than tho oidlnnry market stand ard. SFlit Premiums awarded ut a'l Fairs where exhibited, m m W'oi Id's Fair ot 1612 to Amtrlcau Institute Fair, 1675, Inclusive. March 10, ie.-m. Awaidcd llie Higlieft Medal at Vienna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., fill!, Jiroadwuy, Nfio Vort, (Opp. Metiopolllan llolol.) lliNtfACTl HI llll'OSlEIlS ANU llEtl.kllS IN CIIUOMOS AND EH AMES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, UllJM-3, OltVI'HOS'JOl'ES & SUITABLE 1 aw s. We are headtinarters for et cry thing lu tbe way of Storoopticcras anil Magio Lantorns, Ilelng ilunufacturcrs ut the MICUO-SCIENTIEIO LANTEKN, STEItEO-I'ANOITICON. UN1VEHSITV STEHEOITICON, A DVEUTIHElt'S 8TE11EOITICON, AUTOITICON. SCHOOL LANTEItN, FAMILY LANTEltN l'EOI'LE'S LANTEKN, Each st) le b lng the best ot Its class In Uie market. Catalogues of Unterns snd Slides, with directions for using, sent uu application. Ahr enterprising man can make money wilt a H.1IW lAUICIU, SQrCut out this advcitlseiueiit for refer encejgj Feb 11,11 -Tin THE "MOODY SHIRT." MADE TO OltDEIt ONLY. A l'KKVKOT KIT QUA It A NTXKD. utstltmtn destrlrjif Ethli U will please drop us a line lactory No. tt Utkkwannt Avenue. . Address I1, 0.MOODV. iiutu lo,1iy kcrcoiton,' l. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES )HILAI)EI,1'IIA AND ItEADINO ItOAD AIIUAJMHMHNT OK rASSENOEll Til A INS. July U, 190. TILAtNS ttlTI HCrlHT 19 tOl.lOWB (8CNP1T HCIITIll For Now York, Philadelphia, Rending, I'ottsvlllo Tnmnqua, Ac, 11,53 n. tn For Catawlssa, 11,83 u. m. nnd T,SS p. m. For Wllliamsport,5,M a. in. und 4.0S p. tn. trains ron RVriRT I.EATI IS rot.LOWS,(l'NDiVKX CElTVli.) tcavo New Vorlr, s,45 a. m. Lenvs riUlmlclphta, 9,16 a. m. Lf.Te Reading, 11,8 a. m rottsvlllo. 1B.10 p. m and Tnmnqua, 1,00 p. m. Lcavo CaUwlssa, e,ss a, m. and t,oo p. m. Iavo Wllllamsporl ,18,00 m. and s.oo p. tn. Passengers innt from New York und Flitlado phta go throuati w uhout chaiigo of cars. J. 12. WOOTT1CN, Jan.U, HM tf, Ocncral Huporlntcndont. TOimiEUN COMPANY. CENTKAL JtAILWAY On nnd after November 10th, 1873, trains will lcavo SUNHURY ns follows I NORTHWARD. Erie Hall 6.20 a. m., nrrlvo lllmlra 1I.M n. m " Cnnnndalgua... s.ssp. m Itochcstor Ms " Niagara 9 49 " Ronovo accommodation ll.lo a. m. arrtio Milllams H1'J.6S p.m. Klnilra Jlall 4.16 n. tn., urrive Elmlra 10.50 a. m. Uuffato Eipress 1.16 a. m. nrrlvo llutralo a. m. SOUTHWARU. llntfalo Express 8.60 a. ra. arrive Ilarrtsburg4.60 s.m " " Klmlrallall 11.16 a. m., unite llurrlsbtirg n. in " Washington 10.30 ' " Ilaltlmoro 6.S0 ' " Washington 8.30 " Harrtsburg accommodation 8.40 p. in. arrUo Harris burgl9.60p. in. nrrlvo Baltimore 8.8.1 s. in ' Washington e.13 " Erie Hall 18.68 a. in. nrrlvo Harrtsburg I os a. in. " Ilaltlmoro 8.40 " " Washington 10.15 " All dally oxcept Sunday. V. M. HOYn, Jr., Ucnsrnl Tassenger Agent A. J. CASMATT, General itannger PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. I'lillatluluLln & Krie 11. 11. Division. SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON snd after SUNDAY, A I'll. 23, 1870, tho trains on llie l'liUnilAlnhln l.'rln Hall Road Dnistou will run as follows i ll'iTHVIiID. KRIllEXl'RCSSleavcs New York. .... 2 35 p. m .... 6.46 p. in .... 1.20 p. m ... o.i ii a. in rniinueipuia. ., ' " " liiilllmore 1 " " llarrlsbunr " arr. at Wllllnmsport .,12.20 a. in Lock Haven iu in Krio io.30 u. in ERIK MAIL leaves New York e.ssp. m I lilmdelphln 11.65 p. m " Ilallltnnre 9.10 p. m ' Hurilsblirg 4.2511.111 " Wllllniusport 8.35 n. m " Lock llaicn 9.40 a. m " llenovi iii.r,D ii, ni arr. at Krio 7.3 i p. in NiAOAiii icxi'iiEss leaves Plilladelplila.. T.20a. m " " " Ilaltlmoro 7. so u. m " " " Harrlsburg. ...10.45U. m ' " arr. at WllllamsKirt.. 2.10 p. m " ' ' Lock Haven.... 8.15 p. in ' " u Reuovo 4.16 p. m " " " Kane 9.00 p. m " " " isunalo SUNDAY EXPRESS leaves New York s.25 p. m " ' Philadelphia lies p. in " ' " lliiltlmnii) 9.10i.nt " " " liarnburg 4.10 ii. in " " arr. at Wllllamsport T.4U u. in EASTWARD. PIIII.'A EXPRESS loaves Eiio " " " I-uek Haven., " " " Wllllainsnort 6.10 p. m 2.10 h. in 3.06 p. In CIO u. Ill " " arrive s at Harrlsburg... iiaiiimoru. p. in " " " I'htladelnlila 9.25 a. m " " " New Yorlc 2.06 p. in DAY EXl'KUSS leaves Kano 0.05 a. m " " " Renovo le.loa. m " " " Ixick Haven. ... 11. On. in " " Wllllain8purt....l2 40 p. in " " arr. at Harrlsburg 4.10 p. lu ' " ' I'hllndulphla J.20 p. 111 ' " ' New Yorlc 10.15 p. 111 " " " liallliuore T.25 p. m " " " Washington. 8.62 p. 111 ERIE It All, leaves Erie.' 11.20 n. m ' Renuvo 8.65 p. 111 " " " Luck Haven Ii.05p.1a " " " WllllaiiiKport 11.16 p. 111 " " urr. ut Hsrilsliuig 2,4611.111 " " lialtlmure 7.35 u m " " " 1'UlUdiilnhlu 11. in " " " New Yorlc 'H)u. m FAST LINE leaves Wllllniosiiort 12.36 a. m " " arr. at llanlsUiig 3.6611.111 " " Italtlmoio 7.36 u m " " Philadelphia .S6 11. 111 " " NewYoilc 10.25 a. m SUNDAY EXPRESS leaves Wllllamsport... 8.15 n. m uit. at iinrri-iourg 11.40u.1u 11 " " 1'blladelphl.i 3.30 p. m " " Neiv Yorlc S.45 p. 111 " " llaltlmore T.25 p. m Erie Mall West. Niagara Express Webt,l,oclc Has en Accoin. West and Day Express East make close con nection ut Northumberland "ItU I.. II. R. It. tiki lib for WIlkcs-ltarioHud Scranlon. Erie Hall West, Niagara Express West, Erlo Kipiess West itiDl Lock Unien Accommodation West make close connection at Wllllamspoit wllh N. C. It. W. trains uurth. Erie Mall West, Nlugira EipieM West, slid Hay Express Uiist make close connection nt Ixick Haven wit 11 11. E. V. 11, R. trains. Erie Mull East and West connect nt Erie with trains on I., s. & M. S R. R. at corn with o. C. A A. v. it It. at Emporium ulth n. N. i. i 1: R. It. and at Driftwood Itli A v. Parlor Curs will run between Philadelphia nnd Wllllam'.poit on Niagara Express Went, File Ex- Iiress West, Philadelphia Express East Hay vrn ss East and simony Express East, bleeping Cars on ull night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, Dec. lT.'75-tf General 8upt. AWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND E.STERN RAILROAD. ULOOMSHUltO DIVISION. Tlme-Tublo No. tu, lakes etrcct at 4:30 A. 11 MONDAY, NOVKMREIl 21 1675. NORTH, bTATlONS. SOUTH p.m. p.iu. a.m. a.m. p m. 11.n1. h ua an S UI S 51 IU S 49 T 45 S 42 T 4 I a SI 41 Sicranton Hellevue TiDlorvlllo,... . ..Uicktitisniia I'ltlston 9 IS 9 4S "i vu 2 2 81 2 ss 2 45 2 vt 2 t,s 3 14 3 17 3 111 3 17 I '.2 S (7 3 ti I 87 I 45 4 Oil 4 15 4 21 4 . 4 37 4 41 4 4d 25 BU e ss S 43 I S' 0 55 T 01 1 OS T 11 T 15 I 25 7 85 7 40 7 42 7 53 5 ID 8 25 8 45 8 15 9 Hi 6 10 ( (5 7 I'S T to 7 40 T 45 T 521 S 10 S 15 8 40 9 43 9 ::l 9 1,3 y 31 25 10 IO 10 0 10 11 10 111 in vo 10 23 10 27 10 27 10 tl 10 85 10 40 1,1 44 10 53 T SS 7 21 T 22 3 ti v 201 . West l ltlston... 3 27 3 23 .H IS S 17 3 17 3 12 3 09 t 04 H 2 54 2 42 2 VI 1 25 2 9 2 13 1 10 2 IS 1 58 1 S3 1 49 1 43 1 41 1 25 1 10 1 15 V ISi Wyoming ilaltby .... ,ltennelt ....Kingston Kingston .I'll inoutli.luiic. ...Plymouth .... At ondule Nuntlcoko Ilunloek's itck. .MiliLshlnuy ...Hick's Ferry... ...Iicucli Haven... lierwlck .... ....Iirlar deck Willow Uroe..., .. ..l.lmo llldgc ...... ..tspy .Iilonnistiurg Rlllmrt 9 II II 07 9 05 T 18 7 15 T 16 7 07 7 03 li 58 e 5t t 45 c 10 6 in 0!) a 02 5 t 5 52 6 iS 6 40 6 M G V8 5 23 6 20 5 IS 4 55 4 50 4 S5, 9 15; b t9 8 t,S 8 51 S 48 S 41 S 30 S 19 S 14 11 15 11 17 II 23 S OS S 2 t ts: 3; 11 85 II 19 11 43 T 54 T 44 11 51 11 57 4 M 5 12 5 18 S 14 5 YU T 4 T 35 7 89 13 2 12 07 13 10 11 25 12 ti 12 l( CataHlssa 111 id 7 21 T 11 7 04 Clark's switel . . .ll.lllIliJO , 5 ti 5 47 t 53 10 ciiuiasky, T 0 Cameron 8 4T V Ri 1 Oil II 45 .Noithumberland. 12 51 u.111. p.m. p.m. u.ra. i. r. IIAIJt'lEAll. hi nt Ai 1 Uupoilutuident's otlirs, RruMon, Dec, 10, 1ST6, GLAZING AND PAPERING. M. P. liODINE, Iron Street lielow sco onu, uiouiusourg, ru., is pi spared to do al kinds of PAINTING, OLA.INQ, and PAl'EU HANGINGS In the best styles, at lowest niita, end utslcrt notice. srtleslwlog4iamvjlc u I) wills uj money cslllug on 1110. ' Allwork warranted to glvu sslUtacUou. Ciders solicited WM. V. BODINK, Vim, in Send s-f, to 0.1'. HOWELL f'O, New York, to I'sliiplilel ot H 0 pages, tontslnltig lhta of Ho .ivnailivia, KUUVSUUlUVCSSUOIIIUglSiHt or kdvcttu lug, March u, Vl