The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 04, 1876, Image 2

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320JKWAVi EUVSLL, Editors.
limOMKlUJUti, PA.
Friday. Any. IB 7(5.
To-mnrrntv (S.iltirttiiy) in the tlay for the of delegate to the county enliven
tion wliicli meets iniTuesiluy nfteriit.nn next.
It Is Important tlmt there should bo u full
Mto, iw thu ileletfiitea nro. oulliri'il to act nc
cnnling In llielr Instruction, mill every
tuivnsliiti slimitil Llieroftirti itnlt overt- vnln In
onler tlmt the delegate may represent the
majority ; nnil not simply thine who may
ohiKjito to vote becati'o it Is convenient.
Another reason for a lull turn out Is that the
precedent Inn been ostaulislicil by which In
rnse of a tie vote In Convention for any ollico
the person who Inn received the largest pop
ular vote shall be declared thu nominee.
The several candidates will undoubtedly do
nil they can to get cveiy man to the polls,
but It Is the duty of member.') of the Stand
ing Committee in the several townships and
ol every Democrat who has tho Interest of
the. party i.t heart, to assist in this. I'or the
information of voters we reprint instructions
concerning the use of the tickets. Write
Following uloso upon the terrible mft'st
ere of Custer and his band by tho simig.
Sioux, comes a rumor that (leu. Crook'
command has met with disaster ami ilm
mure men wero killed than Custer had In lib
command. The rumor is detibd both lit
Sherman nud by Sheridan, but theie re
mains in the minds of the people a slckem
nig ft ' I i I ir tlmt such a tula-droplm is ttllliin
Hie limits or possibility nud that the idb
lain of to-day may be a dread reality to-mnr-tmv...
Ornithine; seems to bo certain, which
Is, (hat even -uch experienced border lighter
as Custer have underrated the warlike abil
ities ol the Sioux, The Indians have so lime
hi en held iu contempt by the whites that
tho latter have grown earelesand have actu
ally ailbptoil as truth the western saying thai General
"one white man is as good as ten Indlnns."
There are weeping widows nud Hiirrowinj;
children In that frontier outpost to-day who
can testily that the while man's boast Is a
lie. The country might as well understand
this matter: The Indians areas well armed
ns our own troops; they, are expert In the
KOit riiEsinn.NT,
Tho Congressional committee on whiskey .SAMUEIi J. TILDEN,
mils on Thursday of last week, toolc the .,..,.,,,..,.
1'OtlVICK l'niMlliUNT,
Ilciuiirrallt- l;lrelnriil TleUet.
ni.Kiri'OH.S AT I.AIKIK.
I'iuiiI.ks It. II. Wlt-SOX.
DlSTUlUr KldCd'OllS.
to.tlmniiy of ex-sol citor llltlfnrd N'ibou.
mong other ,thliigi.jho gives Iho following
OiplanatUm oirihe siciiuliirrr By'l1'1 'to some
I the Ihbeock lelea'r.uns! tasked General
'.irli.r tehiit nxiililmiti.lll lie 1 1 III I of till)
1 Svlph1' telegram, and he gave mean explu
lat'lon ri Ih.'ell'-et thai "S$vllih'r win lewd
.I'.mi.ui with lim Hie rreslili u ol me
Hull, d ri'ales has been 111 intimate atsuoi.i-
linn nnil Unit .tin 1 1 in 1 Imthrri-d and atiiiov-
il t hi- President nut I one lime ll ciianeeii
hat McDimald's alleulioli was called InliT
it some I'l iee where hc was eiiher in reaen
for in the vicinage of Ihe Prcsidon!; ami
.10 sahl, "Win- lli.ll is pyipn. tioiiiinii
It'iheock said, "Do vou know that woman,
McDonald?" and Mae. said, es. I know
ler well." General Ilnbcock sahl, to Use
!.,i,,.r,il l',.rt,-r' own words. ''Hlio lias
.V ........ ........ . ... ...... idvltnf the Presdent a ureal ileal ol In ijco. II. Ko-Mniul
trouble; I wish you would re eve ,1.1m o u ;!nl
'icr In some way, and JlcDiiimlil said u ,lnU., n ltUiM
"rVrtnli.le. tli-it Is cuv. I can manaie hi r,
. . m.i ,-t. .!.. .
mil so iniporlant was ineservieo which mu iii,.iliJUlt.lli; uiu.m i ui.m mihi.y
ll 1.1 II.. . ll... l'nuil.l.itll Hint
if ll u nun ii.i.i.ii.. inn ..M."... ... .
the term Sylph been me n cnniinim mutter 'llio Di'iimeratlo voters uf the several districts (t lion, anil paid at least ono month previous
il hike hclwr-en uoner.ii iiniiencK mui . ..... .... . ... ...... 10 ul0
ltotwrt 1'. Stei-I
(lis.rgo II. Iit-ll
Win ll. Wright
'I'tniTin iiiisklil
.tuha Morgan
-i. ,. Mm 1 1 ..ill
I'ul, o. Jones
Win. K. Hawk
dm-i l l.lirtniior
ll. T. Tllliillu ler
15 .1. II. MeCullum
in V. W. Knot
IT -Inliu II, (Till
Is Thomas imwer
IV DAlliflllllll,
in s.'tjnstl in W'hnnier
il .I.iines.I, lliiilclt
11 .lutiii ll. (iiitiirlu
k.i it. M.dlliso'i
u niivi.i u Moins
si It. U. Iimwn
M Th.Hiins w. (Inijiion
n jionjjmm l'. Jioins
IllRest of r.ledlnn Laws.
k Polls open at 7 n. in, and closo nl 7 p. m.
Kvery malo citizen, twenty-ono vcars of
age, possessing the following (pialillcatlnns,
shall he entitled to voto nt nil elections i
1. Ho thall haw been n citizen of tho
United States ono month,
ii. Iloshnllhiive resided in tho slalo one
year; or, If having previously been n quail.
Red elector or native born thereof,
Mid shall have, leiuoved therefrom and re
turned, then ho shall have resided therein
dx months immediately preceding tho elec
3. Ho shall havo resided in tho district
vhcro ho Intends to voto two months Im
mediately preceding tho election, Instead of
ten days, as formorly.
4. If twenty-ono years of nge, or upward,
io shall havo paid, within two years, n statn
or county tax, which shnll hnvo been assess,
ed at least two month previous lo tho elec!,l o that both of them were in the Hownm Hie uenerai elections, on MtunlajMlicBtli ,.,.,
..i ..i n..i.. !.. .i...!- i. ... , . i. ...--.i.i-.... ii.ivnr Ait.-tur. is.ii. iHtu-i.i.n inn nniiM nr iiin-i. nnil i iiui-iKii worn ciii.ens iiiuhl inivo ueen
usuiii weiipons; uiej iigm in iniirowo ai, mi) t, as oeeaslou lillgui reniurc, oi n ...
not inline of battle, but as the Arab-light, lug one another under that n.une. lie al- -wjuodk In nalnrall.ed at least ono month before the
In living -omuls, dlmcult to brlnginto direct 'i',' T l'T nTX e aifd xouiTiS clretio"- nm "!".',t con to
c.ntiii t bu re.,lrl.,g con.tant walchfulne- ' J " ' 1 nl,Vm U Z- un T""' " f llt " c?l,UI,l,e,, ,,1,1IM1cl,?n;,t' l,rccclJ'"B'
.,, i . ,i e, . ,1,. . .Mcl'onalil lreiUeiili linn oeuisiou io ior . dul,L. , , t0 , ,10, .,t0n on0 caM. Tho elect on will bo held on "tho Toes-
to prevent the ilestruetlou of troops who are .....pond with each other with reference to ndlowl.n? Ihe llrsL Mondav of Vo-
kept In lino and onVrafalr mark for the dm movement of mutual Ir.ends and that tno canm, (or' nepn.sciallve, one ean.ll- 10 ,'" ' , , M" "'7 (,r"
i - . i. 1 1. pit nun rrlrrred to tho move- .... ...i .. ... i.... vember. bcllnr this vear tho 7th davoftho
Crookedness In the Into II. llucher Sivopo's
accjiiuils, while District Attorney for tho
Western Dislrlitol IViinsylvatlla, have been
recently discovered to tho extent of JHO,-000,
AriIHI!l'.AM, the linn. WlMIAM Ul.wr.l.l.
I'resl.lciit Jinlifo et the Court otojer ml
Il.ibeoek, Ilelku.ip. Avery, Joyce, M'Doii'
aid ami M'htce are for Hayes and Wheeler
Tweed, Connolly, Ingcroll nod the New .Monlour, nrnl the lltms. Iiiam Hum ami M.
Terminer anil tlenrinl Ji 1 HctUcry, Court of (junr-
torHi'sslniiaof tlie I'eiu o anil the Court of Common
l'leasniid Orilmns' Com t lullio Ills
tilct, eompOM'il of tho couiillfs of Coliunbla ud
York ciiinil ring tiro W for Tlldeii.
A sou of .lellerson Davis belongs to tho
Chicknsaw (Itiards, of Memphis, Iho com
pany which recently tendered ls Fervleeslo
the government to nvengo the death of Custer.
lli'iniEs. Assorl.ito .Huli.TS of Coliuiitil.i county, haro
Issued their precept, bearing date tin I8tli day of
May, In Uw ear of our lord ono lliousanu eiijui
hundred and siivcaty-slr, mid to nio clliccted for
holding n court of dyer and Terminer nud (lencral
ijunrter Sessions of tho reiice, Court of common
'lins nnil Orphans' Court, In Illoomstmrff, In tho
county of Columbia, on tho first Monday, being tho
4lh d.iy of So tcinlH-r next, to continue two weeks.
Notloo Is hereby glren lo the coroner, lo uio jus-
Ileus oflbo Pence, and tho Constables of tno ruin
county uf Columbia, that they bo then and tlwro In
their proper person nt io o'clock In Uio forenoon or
i:. r. Kt'NKUt.s wmn op Won
has iiuver been knimn to full In thevinruf weakness,
lltlf.l..1n.l .till. .V...hl..ln.l llw1lB....ulllr... Inn....lln.i
Ia. r,i i,..ii.i- i salt 4th day off eptember, lth their records, Inqtib
weakness, horror of disease, weak, nervous tremb- sltlms and other, to do those tlilnK
llnir, dreadful horrcr of death, night, sweats, cold which lo their oniees appertain to bo done. And
feet, onknoKS dimness of vision, languor, universal thofio that am bound by recognizance to prowulo
inuiiii.i. ..,i.. . nir.ilnst tho m Ison-r.t tlmt nro or may bo In tho Jail
ultli dysi. ptln sj'intoms, hot hands, flashing of thn of tho sal t county of Columbl.i, to In then nmt there
iniir.iiriiiuii.fii.ii .t in .,!n,i ..i....unM.m ni.,1 in nros( culo them as shnll bu lu it. .Tiunrs ar re-
. .t.. .... ...i!l..r f.llt
horsemen nud their. mall but fleet ponies are Um briilge ImMnVsV " He said
muri) tliiin a match fur the he.ivler horses ol . , .vitiiniitpnlmr nnv further lulu expla-
tho cnvalr); they know thocnuntry perfectly, nation, that the mo-t ineslitiiablo service in Also, at tlw sumo llniuimd places and In tho sair
every foot ol ground having been traversed my power lo render to the President of the manner, tho lii'inocrntlo electors of each illstri.
. r ii .i i i i mi United States would bo to shield nnil save will elect ono iwrsuu to none as member of 11
by them lu hunting or in fighting. Ihese General ll.ibcock from exposure; that thc-o county standing Committee.
ono can.lM.ito for Jury Commissioner, and
to transact such business as tho Inteiusts ot tho
Democratic party may lequliv.
are Incts ami not oven the insurances ol l llteH were of a character that could not
Sheridan, comfortably secure at Chicago ho gone Into without giving all parties the
hundreds of miles nwav, that "everything Is very greatest trouble am concern, i i ....
i i it ... i ..i i i ..ri.,Yt tho General that I won hi do what I cnulil
lovely" will .piiet the apprehensions of Intel- "Zu"" (urn n..heoek was hon-
ligeiit men. Sheridan thinks tiiero is no I (vttlv'nml siilnrelv dealt with, and that no
Ily order of tho County Committee,
roil uovmiNon is isia.
need of volunteers and that the forco of reg- Injustlco was done him, but that lurther
tho names of ns many persons for delegates ulnrs now or shortly to be mi tho scene ol than that I could not and would not go ; thai
" " . .... r . . I .1 ...... ...n-i 1.. tlm ll.llllU 111 111 flf'lll
tvs your district Is entitled to, nt tho top or action will be found sufl.cient to cope w tli 'g ,,mli,, ml I would urge upon
the ticket. Strike oul'nll names of canili- H'o Indians, l'crhaps so, but tho people de- ,im ie u im)Ortlim.0 to all parties
nini.,1 ll...t t.if ul.n1l ,n Jinrr y inMt u tl H ! 1.1 1... lomln III Vi.titr
. , ., . , i rn if i nmiiu tiiut tuir) nni (limn uu nuwi I' Lllll 11(1 III 19 ill Ml Pll'Mmi mj iiimi m
dates tor Congress and bhonir except one, TUey will not be .tl.fled to Imvo enco to General ll.ibcock's connection with
nud nil names for Associate Judge, and Rep- n,K.r.uj0I,!, prolonged and hundreds of lives the ring.
r....inilv ..Trout two. fur whom vou wish ....lit...... i,i ..i,.,i h, .mIi ,i.iv Wilson alterw.irds spoko to tho IVesidont
1 " ' 1 IHI .IIV..UU. Ill U.U1.1J .. vw . . - ... I
... .. .. ... i i i. ,i t t.i ....... n.o i aoouL nils cxoiauaiii.ii. iinu u. uu.uau ... ,
to Vote. WrilO Uie inime OI n gOOU nctive mm mm u imiaumge. n ".iinu wo , . ,,, m.i.
Denuicrnt at tho bottom of the ticket for Mood .ml money to send a largo force at L! Go tr.U ftr, 1 n
, - ., c ,. ... , imi'B and out this outbreak than to .111 si.ucme'ii came iroiii uoiu.r.n unit.,
up depicted ranks and ihiwdlo along until cx-secretary ol the nos.deiH wuo conun ueu
member of the Standing Committee, and
then yo and vole.
On Tuesday last thu voto was taken on
the articles of impeachment of ex-Secretary
of W ar lielknap anil rmultml In his nciiuit
t.d, tho requisite two thirds not voting for
cmviction. Twenty five Senators voted
want of ammunition compelled tho Indians
on iutimato terms nt the White Homo alter
steadily for acquittal. The verdict will not t,1(J mimIer of whito Thh
. ..... 1 i e i. ! ...
In tt.nmrni.i.U. noil l.rnfs friendshlll Uriltlt kllCW WlKlt I'orlCr 1111.1 Sam Ol mill.
nhttl I. ,l r.,ll,l . in answer to mo question uu ynu u-
iind replaced their dulled scalping knives by "eve, and Hid you not at me li ne oei.evc.
ali.iri.ui- nii.l lr....iur nniu lUlll H1U OXIIIllllllllUII 1). UC1.1UI iuiia-i --
" " -, ,...... ,.1 ....!.,.
The Indians have been shamefully treated " 'l'" 'sp.c:ies, was .o.-., iu uc,.
-there is no doubt of thal-but what is done yu "'"nuoiiig your iiiiiy ... u... i.....u..
Is dono and cannot now ulford nn excuse
llloomsbiirg K
' W
Con ngliam N
Ci.ii)iighim s ,
llreenw.iod ,
Sit. Pleasant
.... 1B4
I It
,411 tt
Ily Ilulo tho ratio Is Uxed at on voters for a delegate,
Friday, Scplembcr Stli, is tho last day for
being assessed.
Saturday, October 7th, is thu last day for
securing naturalization papers.
Saturday, October 7th, is tho last day on
which taxes can bo paid in legal tlino lo
Tho nbnvo dates should bo carefully re
membered and acted on by nil voters.
Democrats, This Is Yiiur HccotiI.
The Democrats iu Congress adopted tho
following resolution, jilTered by Mr. Hoi
man, of Indiana. It is known ns tho anli-
tubiidy, nnti-loan of public credit manifesto :
J!eo!vcd. That iu tho iudement of this
House, in the present condition of tho finan
cial nlfairs of tho Government, no subsidies
in money, bonds, public lands, endorsements,
or by pledge of tho publio credit, should bu
granted by Congress to associations or cor
porations engaged or proposing io engage
in publio or private, enterprises, nnd all
appropriations from the public Treasury
nro to bo limited nt th's timo lo such amount
only as shall bo imperatively demanded by
the public service.
On this Mr. llolinan demanded the pre.
eniptlom on Ihe fuce, purlfjlng tho blood, pain In
tho back, hcnilness ot tho cjellds, froipicnl black
spotslljlng before tho eieswllh temporary suffii
(.Ion mid loss of bight, wantof attention, etc. These
symptoms all nilso from a wenkne's and to remedy
that uso II. 1'. KcNsr.i.'s lllllir Wine uflron It
never f.ills Thousand aro now cnjojlng health
who havo used It Tnk" only K. F. Kcnkki.'s.
Ilewnrenf count fl felts and base Imitations. As
Klliiki'l's III Iter U Inert Iron Is so well known all
over Iho cotmlry, druggists themselics m.iko nn
Imitation ni.d try to palm It off on their cuMomeis,
when they e.ill for Kniikf l's Hitter Winn of Iron,
K unkcl's Hitler Wlnoof Iron Is put up only In It
bottles, nnil has n yellow wrapper nicely put on the
otiLst.lo with thu proprietor's photograph on tho
wrapper of each bottle. Alivnis look for the photo-
graph on the outMilo, and ) on will always bo sure to
get tho genuine. $1 per bottle, or six for $5. Sold by
Druggists and Dealers, everywhere.
n. I'. Ki'nkhi.'s Worm Sj rup never fulls to destroy
11 ii. Sea and Stomach worms. Dr. Kcsiirt, tho only
successful Physician who removes TnpowormlnJ
hours, alive with head, and no feo until removed.
Common Rcno teaches if Tape worm bo removed all
oilier worms can bo readily destroyed. Send for
circular to Dr. Kunkel, No. sr.9 North sth street,
Philadelphia, 1'a or coll on your druggist and ask
forabottloof Uunkcl's Worm Syrup. Price J I. On.
It Never falls. July.
fpl.-slcl In their attendance, ngreoahly
to their notices. Dated nt llloomsburg the 18th day
of Mnv, In Iho year of our jtttn ono
lS. I thousand eight hundred and Reveiil T-sIx
I nnd Iu tho one hundredth year of thu Inde
pendence of Iho United Stutcs of America.
Shell d's onice, C 1 1 A S). S. roi l.N W A 1.1 ).
nioomsburg. Aug. 4-m Shci Iff.
Attontion Agonts. JS& iTnT:
sires to peciiro an ni ilre nnd energetic innn to act ns
illstilct agent In Columbia couniy. Terms liberal.
Hero Is mi opporliuilt tor some wills awnkn icliablo
innn to secure a good contract miis a paying busi
ness. Pur further particulars terms Ac., cnlUm or
address r, I). PKIiciVAI., Manager fur Pennn., at
Walnut nt., 1'hlla. Aug. 4,-al w
Juries for Sept, Term, 1870.
Iiloom-J. K. Hycr, Jonathan Troub, II, J, Clark. K. Adams,
llrlarcrcek-lleo. Jt. Power,
Catawlssa-N. 1. John, K. II. Drlesbaeh.
Ci-nlro Henry Croup.
(Ireenwood-Wm. J. Trl.!eplcce, till, Wm. P,
Mather, Panln i:es.
Malnt. K. U.ngenbergcr.
Montour Win. Peers.
Ornngo-M. C. Keller,
l'lne Oeo. (lelty, John Ixire.
Uoai Ingcreek Wm. llhodes.
fccott-l. W S.inkey, W. II. Leo, M. 0. JlcCollum
Charles Johnson. '
Siignl loaf-Cyrus II. Lnrrlsh, C'nrk Kile.
PlllsT WKKK.
greatly surpriso tho country. Tho Repub
11 can party on the eve of a presidential cam
paign has load enough to carry without
having to stagger under tho weight of a con
victed cabinet officer. Tho Interest in tho
trial has lung sinca died, but Iielknap is as
efTeo ually disposed of, so for hs public opin
ion Is concerned, us if ho had been declared
guilty. There is but one point iu this ver
dict of the Senate which is of real iinpor
. for fUbcock ?' Wilson answered, "most those limits for the largest fractious of a ratio,
iness of undoubtedly I did and do." Why did Grant moomsburg, Pa., July is, istc.
slaughter and mutilation must bu. stopped
continuo his iutimato relations with Porter
and if it is not dono speedily there will soon
after ho knew of tho damaging statement
arise such an universal hurst of indignation "liUl l l,rturir " as euner ,.i
from the people that even l'iegan Phil may told the truth, and Grant did not dare
prick his ears and call for volunteers to aid lo ul tl,u """ "'"&
his regulars. llia ovv" c,lilr'u;tcr should bo blackened in
- -..- i iv usuu s eyes in uiuc. iuai ma i:i,
(INK MOltK HSFUIITU.NATK. mlirht bo acnuittcd iu tho eves of tho world.
but no district to have less than two or more than v;ous oucution, which was seconded by a
... OP, I,, lit.. ...... n,,,l ,tltn,.lt,.n 1 .rt 1... ton. I.. ,.l,l.ln I ' '
iiaii.ii , utu ui tuj trt. .uu jiv.- iiii
were demanded nnd ordered, nnd tho result
was 20T in favar of tho resolution to !)3
Gaudidates. against it.
Wo propose to keep this ilecinration ot
w o re authorized to announce tho following per- ne.ncratin nriiieloles beforo the oeonle.
tho Dcmucratlo rules of Colunibla cuui.ty ;)
Is Judge Rlaek in earnest in his bold, bad I Either horn of tho dilemmais an unpleas-
defense of Relknap? Dues ho believe that ant ono fur our most estimable President to
It was not denied on the trial that the bribery and corruption and gift taking take hold of. It is either relation with ti
ISelkuap received money from Marsh, on and bartering of official position for money lewd woman, or complicity witli tho wills-
account of tho post tradership held by the which lias characterized and disgraced this key ring
latter but the plea was made by Hon J. S. administration is indeed condoned by its
lllack, one of his counsel, that in sodoing he universality ? What, because tho President
only followed the precedents established by has accepted gills and returned to tliedonorr-
his predecessors in office. The Seiinle have I lucrative ullices; the Postmaster General
acquiesced in this opinion and we may now passed straw bids, and divided tho spoil the Senate of tho United I filched from tho Treasury; tho becretary
of Omnije.
Washington. ). C , Aug. 1st, 187(5.
Mai. lllulord WiUon, late Solicitor ot the
Treasury, was all day on Friday beforo thu f l.iiiimltf.,1. iliVPllir.ifillir llll At. l.OIMS
...... ... . .1. x- .1.1!. .1 1 .. I ! """0" ' O
states ao not esteem urinery a crime pro. oi mo avy niauu uis inuusaiius uui, ui ",a Whisky frauild. His testimony is very vol
vmeuitcan ue suown mat oiuer men in meglumine transactions wun iue uuver.i- urninoU4 uml poluU atgnificiiitly to thu fact
similar positions uavo uiKeu money in re- ineni; uie oecreiary m mo ircusury uivi-
turn for the gift of official positions. This ding with li.ibcock and other bite House
is truly a monstrous doctrine tin mon- retainers, probably including "sylph, the
strous for belief wero it not that the records I plunder of tho crooked whiskey ring, justi
of the trial and the argument ot counsel tics Uelknap in selling with the knowledge
amply prove it. Absolutely there has been of the President, tho Post traderships and . , k, ., teatimuliv ot- SOIlll) 0f tue riK
nothing done in ashington suico tho closi throwing his wile's cloak over the trausac- t0'umlvict olleM Tno case looks bad for
of tiie war wlilcu evidences a luwer standard tion ? It he does, then the tulclul atmos
ot morality among our public men than this phero of Washington has destroyed the fiuo
lnghtful decision in Uelknap s case. There perceptions of honesty heretofore supposed
will no doubt be specious arguments by the to be held by Judge lllack.
Senators who voted against conviction to Uelknap was entitled ton defense, as every
prove that their votes wore cast from high criminal is. lie had u rightto the services
nnd conscientious motives, but the awkward of tho ablest Counsel he could procure
that the President certainly did all he cuuld
to shield Uabcock and others, strongly ob
jecting to allowing any to turn state's evi
dence, though convinced that there was no
oilier possible way to get at the facts than
fact still remains that Uelknap lall intents They were bound to ceo that no testimony
nnd purposes pleaded guilty auur relied for was admitted ngaiust him but that which
his defense solely on the extraordinary ex- I was strictly legal, that he was tried under
cuso that hU predecessors had done the same, the due and well established forms of law,
If tho honor and dignity of the Senate has and tho strictest rules of evideuce. That
fallen bo low as this, we may well pause was their duty and his right But beyond
aghast. The acquittal ot itelknap amounts that no counsel is required to go.
to nothing ami had tho evidence brought Judge Ulack had no right to put his high
out on his trial proved him innocent would character fur integrity, and his admitted
not have caused a ripple of excitement, but scrupulous hense of official nicety iu the
he was not innocent and has been set free scale in favor of a criminal whom the evi
Grant as it now stands and unless ho can in
some manner explain it will be ovciwhclm-
ing. There is no probability that Congress
will adjourn this week. Tho "dead lock" is
as tight as it was this timo last week tho
Senate standing much iu the position of the
mau who hung tho jury ; when asked abuut
it he said 'I couldn't help it there were elev
en. obstinate fellows against me'.
No news from the Indian war. Recruits in
small numbers are being sent to tho West to
fill up the regiments nud put them upon a
war footing, as eight or ten aro sent to ono
company, fifteen or twenty to another, and
so on. The judgment of tho Senato as a
Court of Impeachment will, it is thought
of llloomsburg.
of lllo'imrburij.
of liloomxburij.
of liriarmek.
of tuhingcrcel:
of Jladiton,
of Jllonmsbury.
of lllooiilsburij.
of Moonuburg.
of Centre.
Gov. Chamberlain, of South Carolina
mado a great mistako politically when ho
broke with Patterson nnd Moses. Now
when ho wants to wave tho bloody shirt,
and call for troops, nnd re-elect himself, he
finds that his plan of campaign is patented
and that the patentees aro not disposed to
assist him. Thcro have been few more rid
iculous occurrenciB thin the studs received
by Mr. Chamberlain, who went to Washing
tin with an undoubted outrage in hand ex
pecting deferential treatment according to
his deserving, nnd is politely sent back with
instructions to redress it himself. Of what
lurther uso is the bloody shirt if tho federal
army no longer follows its crimson signal
ling t t'urman, J. . Hoff
man, 0. W. Mtcruer, KllJ.ih Mrohm.
Iienvlck-J. II. lloit, w. ll. woouin.
Ucnton-JohnChapIn, Wm. smith, Samuel Apple
Peaver-IJoyd Culp,
rii, i fniimin,r niinriitifneiita of real and I Cfttnu Ks.i c.wntir llhawii,
personal pmiieny w-i np.iit iu nmunsni m-i;i-iii.iii.i centralla A, II. lortner,
l.aiP IIITII IIK-U in ll.C lil.u-u Ul III" unu i in vur III. ...i Pn.tli.r
.... .Ik.n.mlr l.inln. II, it irillOH nr 11,111 1. II II 11 Will 111. I l ini, ...ix ...v. .
presented fur absolute confirmation to too iirpnnns' (ireenvood-reter w. coie, isaac iie.icocu
Court to be belli in moomi)Urg,iu unci conn
ty, on .Mondav, tho 4tli day of Sep. Iin. at 2
o'clock p. in., of said day unu-ss exeepllonsto such
coniirm.iuon nro pieiiousiy men, in wiuen mi pri
sons IntcrtMcd Iu Mild estates will take notice:
1. Widow of William 11. Lemon. Into of Mt. Pleas
ant, ton nsmp, iieceoseu
i. Widow of William H. Kclchncr. Into ofMimin
lownsuip, deceased.
.1. Widow ot Edward Lewis, lale of tho town of
HloomsbiioT, deceased,
4. Widow of Ci rus (irubcr. late ot Hemlock town
ship, deceased.
ft. widow of Michael Orafer. lato of tho town of
iinomsniirt,', necensen.
6. Widow ot Utcriro Scott, lato of
7. Widow ot David Davis. Into of Beaver town
ship, deceased.
8. Widow of James Crimes, lato of Xtouut l'leas-
nut township, deceased.
v. widow of Miles suturr. lata of suirar oat town-
f.hlp. deceased.
in. Widow of William llunjnn, lato ot Madison
Lukson-James Mocker.
Ijoiist-Si.l. Mnwrer.
Madlson-ltobert. Fruit, .V. Wclllvcr, J. M. Smith,
William 11. Dcmott, John Christian.
Montour- Wm. J. Hldleman, W. 11. Tubbs, J, o.
(julck, W. M. Monroe,
Mt. Pleasant J. C. Mordan.
Oratisro-Oeo. 1'. sttner.
Ino-llcnry Fornwald. Klljah ruimer, J. ii. cor-
Itoarlnf;creck-.Tohn Ii an.
Scott David Jones, John Mussleman.
Sujruiloaf-EIIJjh l'etcrninn.
si:cond wuuk.
A Health 1 roin ol i n tr Kliiniilniit.
rhviclnns. who certainly ouirht to bo the
best of mieh matlpr. declare Hint township, deceased.
tvli.ilii.iimn ft..,..ln,.f I. nnlv rlnatranlitn I 11. WldOW Of I.tWrcnCO Walters. latO Of Mlfllln
but essential lu many instances. When tho tBW"T'' 1 ,
temporary good effect of a sound stimulant ltioomsburBi Aug. h, isTO.f
is couiirmeo aim reniierea perinaiioiu, us in
, H. JC011T
tho case of Hosletter's Stomach Hitlers, by T) EGISTER'S NOTICES.
the action of tonic and alterative principles JLV ot'ci
Vntien is liel-ebv piven to nil letratees. crcdl
pnml.l.m.1 u-lH. If If Wnmni. InHnHnlv n nm "i and oilier perso is nieresiid, in u.e, cu cs . .
,v" ' ', . uio rcspi'ciivu iutcihmim hiki iiunura, iiiuuui; iui-
cfiicacmiH iw n of plivmcnl cnprirv lo ln utiinlnistrutton and KuanUim accounts hao
ami a corrective of those conditions of tho SMlftif?!!!!, V,??1..'.".',,
body which invito disease. The Hitters
have received the etnnhatic sanction of med
ical men who havo observed the elfect of
that popular stimulative cordial ns n remedv
for weakness, liPrvousness, dyspepsia, consti
pation, inactivity ol the liver, malarious te
vcn. and many other dlenes. Its basis is
sound old rye. the purest liquor known to
commerce, anil itsell possessing tonic pro
perties of no mean order.
.liny imo
nizabaii Levan, late of lioarlntfcrcck township, de-
cuui.ty, nnd will bo presented tor coi.llrmatlon and
nllmtntii'ii In thu llrnlianiC I'nuit to bo held 111
liiiiij.i.-ii.urK, mi .iium.;i . nil- in. uaj u. t,'ti;uiui.i
lSib, III V O C10CK, p. 111. Oil KilIU U.IJ l
1. Tho account ot Joseph Ixsvnn, Administrator ot
G. Tim llrKt. nrrnont of Samud Kevbard. Admin
Mratornf '1 boiiuis I'ry, lato of tho boroufli of ller-
w lek. deceiiH-d.
a. 'ilin il mil nieountof M. (1. Ktnncv Guard an ci
jonn ,mc Powell a ininiir i uiui in i iii-imiiro .Mi-wum-u
nnd l.ei;.itee ot Matthew .Mo Dowell, late of Soott
lOwiiMiip, uecenseu.
Tim neeiiunf. of lllroin Tenler nnd Ell Dealer,
Adminlslri.lnrsol Cat luirlno Dealer late of l'lshlrar-
crieK lo iisuip, uecwaneu.
r,. Tho Hist and mini account of John lkeler Ad-
mlulMralur of Leander Curuiui.Jutc of Demon toiwi-
ship, deceased.
c. Tho account of Abraham nice, Administrator
llloom-c. C. Jlarr, J. C. Itutter, I. W.Hartman, r.llas
Doaver-J. A. Losee, Fred Hossler,
Derwlek luhn .McAnall, Ceo. A. Ilucklncham.
Hrlarereek-Samuel Conner, A. II. Croup.
CntaivlRsa-S. D. lllnard.
CVntre Anron Kclehuer, Snmtiel DIcttcrlck.
Franklln-fleo. Hartman.
(Ireonwood-lt. I. inch, Wm. Davis.
Hemlock Dantel Yocum, Anron Smith, Wm. II.
Locust l'ettr Miller, Isaiah Howcr, LIvIngstono
Malu-Washlnston Fisher .7. W. Kclchncr.
Madison John llendershott.
llimin Jos. o. Wlntcrstcen, Dcnjamln roncbecker,
I). A. Hess, Andrew Mnglcy.
Mt. Pleasant Howard & Grimes,
rine Jacob Low,', It. W. Lyons.
Hoorlngcreck Michael Iloach, John Hampton,
Hcott-H. II. l'ursell, David Whltmlre,
lers fif Adinlnlstrntlon on the esttn of Oli
ver l'hlllliis. lato of tho Town ot lilimmfiburir.eounty
of Columbia, Slato of I'eniisjlvauln, deceaiod,
bavo ueen uranusi io ii k. urvis, or iiioomsouri
I'.i., to w horn all persons Indebted Ui said estate aro
lenuested to mako payment, and thoso havlnt
claims or demands will mako known tho samo with
out delay. II. II. oitvis,
July M,-Cw.
I I Ii. 1 lltl IICCUllIlL III J1UI.1LIII11 lllL'f. UtUl I
Vritlpo it lifirohv rrlrn tlmt f.iicll I'tillpr will nrpRpnt. I .f Un its lutn if Itcuvpr tnwtisliltt de-I I '
bl'u nnnllrHnti or n dki-lmrrrn lirwlnr thr I n.nlvnnf . . I I J
..n u'.n;. t ... ...i. n "".. , , . I il. I l,n.nln n.-fln lin nnntlMnnlAVn 1 en
I.1KK TO Illft I'Oi rCOr nimmnn ' CHI III rUHinilll.l I fir,nH.r ...! Mnnl nount .if Anron VnOtdlor I 'iibu n jr-iuj kiich uiaifuviui iui iiui. iwi uiij
(innrHlT .,f -in .ml . V linittnnii n mlnf.r rhlltl l,t Ul Vl - CUUll ui 1110 i i nb uiiuiiui miinun litunf m n I n 1 1 nr mil ti iipi 'mike I
jliUliunNUiAni i.x.iiiij. Bi TIl0 n,mi ucoount of Henjainln Zimmerman,
JL, . , , , , ... t , . . (Hurtlian or Uio ih-tsou anil Chititc of M'iry C. llel-
Notice is hproby clpn:t1iot .Tohn A. Mmstonlias ukr.u minor thil'l of I'cUt S. Ik'lwlif. lato of Hour-
UlkjClCCK lUITllbllip, UCtt'UhfU,
I'xhlhltod nml tiled nn iwrount as tl)t? Kxorutor of
.lohn Allfn. ticct'iicu, wuo wiw rommiuom arun i
be reudered to-dav. It U hitch time it wero
nnil nit sij ilm tiutilin. ii rn lippfwiiino tlrnl nt I
uuuungu u u.uuu. ucvauir, ,.u..., UM.- aenco proveu in ue Buiiiy, mm enueavor io Mi tll)jy wcre aisgiuted with the lleccher
cr iucu iiuu ueeu ouuu.imc.a umuio ui." uuu ueuaucu me wuoiu iuuuu seuiinieni. ui me i aj-jr The llaltiinore Gazette iu ulluuing to
mi mis kj ueni uye, mo cai.umaiu ui vuav country uyuueienso which is u more menace- ,i, tr:,,i mv ..i.out to close.savs: II is coun-
able blot upon tho character of the Senate, sel dJ ot deuy tlult lle reCeived money
mo uui.ii.iiu.Uu uuu iuo ,.KUj..c, ...... iu from M.ir8n thoy boldly admit that and try
to justify it on tho ground that in accepting
eminent reformer Carl Schurz.
The U. S. Senate Committee on Pensions I act itself.
have submitted a report cutting down the
proposed pension to the widow of Gen Cus
ter from S5Q to 130 ner month. A noble
deed truly and one of which tho senate Both these distingui.hed gentlemen are
Tiltlen aud Hendricks.
should bo proud. It would be a ereat coin- now at Saratoga, aud It is stated that their
fort to the country at large to know the letters of acceptance will bo published next
name of the distinguished statesman who week,
proposed this reduction. His constituents I In
omrhtto re-elect him when his term expires positively asserted, upon the best authority,
nnd present him with a service of plate, that there lias really uever been any serious
Such an economist should not gn unreward
ed. Should the senate agree to this con
temptible report it will utterly disgrace It
self and the people will more than ever des.
pl-e a body which is anxious to waste thou
saniUof dollars on Uxeless consulates nnd
second rate missions buthas spasm of econ
omy over a petty pensiuu to the widow of a portunlly until recently to give the attcn
gallant soldier.
Here's richness. It is reported that Mul
led Is to bu reinstates! as Supervising Arch.
iteel of tho Treasury, lie is the magnificent
fraud, It may lie remembered, who squan
dered hundreds of thousands of dollars of
thu public money, .debauched tho architec
ture of the country so far as Government
buildings were concerned, got mad when WIII1iuiih, the democratic candidate for Gov.
asl-ed ti account for his expenditures and Lrnr. will load off with the stale. In Octo
was filially kicked out of ofllce by Secretary b tlun paving the way for Tilden and
Hrlstow. Uraut Is determined to undo all lIm,,uf n November. Williams is a plain,
ot Jirifiow s goou wore u it lies in ins power.
Thu misery uf it all is that the people have
to pay for It.
That eminent fttutesmiin II. F, liutler is
again ii candidate for Congress hut he haH
moved into a new ill.trii t where his chances
look better. He could not do any particu
lar amount of mischief If elected nnd would
certainly enliven tho proceedings of the
House. By disgusting the people he will
probably hurt his own party more than bis
Warinoth, ol LmLlium, s reported to
lave I, uuent the sending of soldiers to
tho state: "We don't wautwiy whito troops
In Liuisiaua. They ufUliute with the peo-
nlu too soon and we can't use tlieni. Wo
want the oolored regiments to iutliniiUto
the ulggorj and pnvent them from Joining
tho democratic oranlz itlpm,
The course now beiug pursued by tho
New York Tribune is slightly bewildering
to thoso who have heretofore regarded that
I journal as consistent if nothing more. Ono
day's edition contains a savngo attack on
Grant's udmicistration and the next day
there appears a article laudatory of Hayes.
As Alio men who nro running Hayes are
Grant's advisers and friends it. is :i little dif
ficult to reconcile the diU'erent opinions ex
pressed bv the Tribune.
lle was u trutlilul ns well ns witty follow
who dose rihed the Tribune us a paper "foun
ded by j Ilonu-u Greeley and Iniiudered by
Whitcluw Ren
The Now York Tribune warns its Repub
lican friends that attacks upon the cliurac
ter of Giiiernor Tilden will mil mako tiny
votes for lluyes. It says.- ''The ability o
Guv. Tilden, nud his integrity i( purpoeo
may ns well be acknowledged by his oppo
nents. Men who honestly dts ro reform
will not belittle his services in this city nnd
Suite, nor will candid men doubt that he
would make nn earnest eli'nrt. if elected, to
honor liiniM-lf nud his party by u pure ail
Speaking of the Hamburg riot, the Now
York Tribune wiely siys: "We have no
hope of peace, order and good goiernment
in South Carolina, or iu any southern State
himilarly situated, until both political pnr
ties abandon the bad habit of making every
disturbance the occasion ot cheap election
.neb Chandler, repudiated by tho Michi
gan republicans iu the election of Christian
cy to the United States senate, is chairman
of the Itepiil'lienn National Committee, and
comuiauderiu-chiei of tho Hiiyesaml hee
ler forces. The "reform" element of iho re
publican party must feci by
the appointment ol such a leader,
A Noni.i: I'niNci:, To see Lieutenant
Grant walking down Stall) stieet, (-witching
a twenty-live nut cane, fighting Indians anil
CAM I' A I UN NOTES. saving his country, is one of the noblest mm
General Franz Sigel fights mitT ilden, nnd ""K0ic-l K- w tue bun. i.uU
was rewarded by a seat in tho Cabinet. Ono n great many of his old fellow-soldiers nio I J'mta-
of his Attorney Generals, Mr. Hoar, gave enlisting under tho samo flag. General Grant continues to unload him
him a library, the most unwelcome gilt he Tho llurtcue Grainier, of IVrrvsburir. Ohio. self. avilu, Si.rinefield Jtemtbliean. of tho
i i i m .i -
ever rcconeu, uuu i luniiiuui, u.o leacm, supports the St. Louis ticket nnd predict Republican party, audit begins to ho ap
Minister to l-.ugland subscribed twenty tliou- lullt it ,e elected. parent that the Republican party has got to
sand dollars to a campaign fund before he The Nortlinuniton (Mns .hmmnl. hero- ,il,nu,ir of General Grantor die the
was asKcu ior uis auvice in tno counsels oi ii..,,i,u ...,,i. t ,i....u., .,(J .,
. ,T i i i, il i . i .w.u.w ... l'..uin...i, winiu-(iinui..iuY ru ' ..iiwim-aill,
the nation. How could Iielknap bo expect- tlll ,,....... nni, nf , o, r.mlU
ed to do any better ? What is the dUU-reneo it,,,,.,.,,,,!,.,, Modern Women.
nwir.illir li..fw.iil f liu Pr.-dliloiit iin.t ll.dbn.i,. 1 ' I ll 1.. .. .! nl.tri- ilniili mir lin!lll1 f'lv-
solid, siibstautlal man, not brilliant, but re- If 1,r..i...ieni l.t Afnr-I, 1,10 (Mansfield) Ohio liberal, Oeiicrul I jllz.ition that llie women ol our times have ile-
liublo ami honest, lie Is mil ami lean ai.u i , (l,ii,nu,1 a , , ,, u , i. ......i nriucki-rlioirs paper, luvors tho elicllon ol 1 mmrulul in hiuitii unu n 1111 m.-v ore
lank, and is to tho democracy of Indiana ,.,,, it,Li n .... n,.i.i..i I'lden, and the St, Louis PJntfon
wnui nm iu i.iu iv,uiiiiv.iii9 ui
Illinois. He is a granger and will receive
w. ' account of Mary A, llrlt-
tulii, A'li..lulsiratlx ullh tho will MUncxeil of W. A.
J. Ililltntn, lulu of iularcreek township, deceased.
hi. Tim neeount of fleoriru W. Ci.riell.llxecntor ot
f.ii7.aocin w earer. inio oi me ioin oi.uooi.isoi.ik,
1. The Hist neeount of Jacob (1. Wilson and
Julia A. Wllion, Kseculors of Philip Wilson, lato of
l- l-MUUL-c-l eel. lownsiup, ueceaseu.
1-2. Tho fit-count of lllrnm Dealer. Admin
istrator of iianlel Dealer, lato of l"lshlngereek town-
first nni rltinl neeount of Alurtln W.
Nins, Admln-lstr.noi- of D.iulel Milpe, lalo of llaln
loiviihmp, ucceiusoo.
14. The second and limit account of W Imam II.
Cox Aiimiiiiiiiriitor or tno esinie or wtsiey Joun-
tou, inie oi ,-u.iutsoii towns... p, ueeeuieu
is. 1 ho II rM ami llnnl neeount ot Dllas W atts and
.ir.m-nii n. lien ine. At nn tisiraiors or mo csiui' huau. uic iiccoiniuiiy each can. ciinion if. i.euime i.uo oi i.reeu uou iuwhmiii.
Dor eleunlnv tl'-e, piws, inachluery, paints, ciuseu.
1'ecir, n lunatic. In tho onieo of tho I'rothonotary of
Columbia countv, whleli will bo presented to nio
Court fur allowance on the nfth day of September, and will bo confirmed otter four d.i)s unless
exceptions oe iiieu w.iiuii .no uiuu.
11. FRANK ZAItlt, 1'rotU'y.
Aug 4, lSi-tc
Warranted i iiunl lo any l'i!lu.h In ll.i- mnrliel,
anil lurriiiperior lu i niu-riui nii-u i.ii- uir
all piiriiti.eH lur tiiiiU it b. lu-.-.l.
Put up In ono pound metal cans, convenient for
use In families for making l.nrd soft so.ips, mid
for cli'Jinio; nurixjsi'h fx-uei-uuy. ni.ii.i.uiis iur i.j.i-
Ilauk of sui.burv lalo bank of Northumberhind
Issued In nanio of Win. Jiclielvy has been lost or
mislaid. Alt persons aro hereby cautioned against.
il- the same, as application has been mado
for ro-Issuing said ccrtiucato.
J . IV . .MCltKl.V 1 ,
r.Kceutors of Win. JlcKelvv. deceased.
Julyis, '7.1-3W.;
Estate of ir, '. Soudcr. deeeaied.
Too unilernlciied Auditor to make distribution ot
the balaiieo of the funds In thu hands of ll. A. Monitor,
Administrator or tho citato or W. 1-'. houder, latout
ColuinbU Co., deceased,; tlio liartles entitled
thereto, will utlend to tho duties nf Ids appointment
nt the onieo or C. 11. .t W. J. lluckalew, llloomsburg,
on Saturday thu Mtn day of August ltsTa, when uml
where all iersons haling claims-against tho said
estate are leipiesled to present tho samo before tho
.Miuiior or uo ueu.irreu ii'uin coining in ior a bii.iro oi
s.iidfu!id. w. ii. Ainiorr,
July 2i,' TG-4W Auditor.
s and -
He of I I
,,de- Vc
otlco Is hereby given that tho following recounts
ltcL'I&l er's (mice. 1
Illoou.-il.iirg, .Mig.3,is7ii.f
w. ii. jAcony.
Itnin l,.,i, n,I.O.ff,l ,. lll.( la, tlir. iil...i r.f II...
soltunlng wuler, washing sinks. mil frull titeblu thu u. TheaeLOiuit ot Jesse McnsrhtAid Michael Mensch clerk or tho orph-ins' Cniul of Columbia county,
spilng, It Is une.iualleil and content- Administrators of John late of Iraiikllu a-id hIIUhi presented to tho Court on thot.lhd.iy
eneo or pntkage. For bale by liiucers and Drug- tow i.shlp, deceased. or Suplember, next and bo confirmed ttllldn four
u.iys uiere.iiier unless cause no bliown tvny ll.ey
should not bi allowed.
Tho uccuiiiit of ltl A. llldlav ono ot tho Trustees
ot (ieo. lliaiay under tho will ot lieo. illill.iy deceased.
'Iho account or Dantel Dlehl surilrlng Hsiculor
ot Anthony Iilehlas 'irusioo ot Mary Probst latu
Mary II ck, filed bylleo. W. West, administrator of
Daniel lileld deceased. 1J. FllANK ZAItlt,
,i uiy us, jo.-io clerk o. c.
money Ilelkuup only followed the example
of those who were associated with him in
the administration of the Government from
the President down. It was tho President
who set theso precedents upon which Mr.
Belknap's counsel now fall back. His first
I .!.: . ...... t..!..l.l n.U.,l fr.,, (I,, .,.,
I.. llnllAn f n.,r,o ...ifmonl. it la v....ivV
ill WllllllUI.I.WII W. ...Mt.J O.WIV...VU. ..ai1. It II 1
WUli l.uu lie.l UIUI .UUllljl UUU IIUU1V. uuu
libraries, besides other presents, or who had
advanced his fortunes lu the army or In civil
life. Mr. Stewart his first Secretary of ho
Treasury had been a generous subscriber to
the hundred thousand dollar fund which was
given him at the close of tho war. Mr. O. II.
dill'ereuce of opinion between Tilden and
Hendricks upon any ijueMiou involved in
tho campaign, and that the delay in the at
pearauce of Governor Tilden s letter of ac
ceptance Is wholly due to the fact that the
governor has been so pressed with other
official business that ho has not hud an op
tion to his letter which so important u doc
uinent demanded
Governor Hendricks (.peaks not simply
hopefully, but very confidently, of tho suc
cess of thu national democratic ticket in
November. He thinks Governor. Tilden is
30,0)0 stronger in New York fur President
than he was for Governor, He has no fears
of the result in Indiana, believing that
Washburno had been his firm friend from
the day that ho entered tho army the sec
ond time, his defender in Congress aud his
advocate with Mr. Lincoln for promotion
after promotion. His first Secretary, Mr.
Uorio hud'druwu a good sized check to buy a
mansion for Grunt iu Philadelphia before he
of Culawissa,
of Mifflin.
of Seott.
of Jlenlon.
of Greenwood.
of J'ine.
of Mifflin.
of Catatvissa,
10. J. McIIENRY,
of Fithinyereek.
of Main,
of Centralla. ..1,,,-V' .1 III.. I.
l-i'.s,.l.f .V- llill'M Ittni-rlii-lilf and llIufl-(-lllt
I'nuili i- Is lahiablo fur tho di-lriiclloii of tho putato
bug, cotton woi m, grasshoppers, mice, rats, roaches,
Insects, imdieruiln of all kinds. It Is harmless to
men and animals, and far cheaper than runs green
Iur tho destruction ot in.iln. It is ulsoluvaluablo
as a Pisimectast, purlfjlng Iho air In hospitals and
bleu rooms, anil uesirojiug u.o .uui iui3.,i ...
t- l.n-s. blames, .no. I'm il l lit une i.uuu.i min. . u
do by Druggists and (Irooers oierj where.
YISMIIIKIl A,- IIAI.I., .Illlliiiliieliirern,
AUg. 4 -3m
it t.
Magnetic Soap."
The Chmpctt Soup that tan be uml for the follow
iny juatons .-
1Lr flno liu- tilll n-n nu fur n f ivo of anv other.
Vd. Ooly halt the usual rubbing being required,
theio Is abating of more than the entire com. of tno
sll.oll 111 l.ll.f.1- lllllt.M.
,t.i - i. i m nrn tnat.o Nttr.i-. i . ui.t.A,si. nun
WIIITU tvithoHt lUlll.IMlor SCAI.DINll, thus till
Injury to them Is avoided. There Is a sating In fuel jiebocca Fisher's uso ts. Chus. Conner's exrs.
and hard work', and lue wabi.iug is uuuo w in. Mlln's exrs ts,
con-iderable btretiglli from the ugricullural
lutereW of his btate, and Governor Hen
dricks thinks thero is no doubt of his elec
tion. He is also hopeful of a democratic
victory in Ohio,
Grunt Ought to Explain.
W' are among thoso who bellevo that
President Grunt ought to explain to this
Christian nation tvhyie.has pardoned seven
The only illllerencu between the unlmpe.ich-
ed President mid the ex-becrttary of War
is, that thu i. no took presents befure thu ser
vices were rendered and the other allerwurds.
This is a nice shade of legal aud moral re
sponsibility, but there Is no body In the
country so able to decide it ns those who
now have it uuder consideration. Tho Re
publican members have had all the experi
ence necessary to enable them to do bo.
i.hysliiiie null
literally u raco of invalids pale, nervou
I . 1.1.. .....1 1 1. ..,.1... .. II, . V . lllll t. UUI.
.... .... I iri.l.l UIIII I11ILI.-1I1 II r. in, ,.
i no uotrai supported Jlayes lor Uovernor , w ...... u. i.e nerH.ns of iho ro-
last fall. ,u. buxom Indies iluriu lirUlle of Ihe m-x In
Eour years of Hayes as President would .,'Yr" !! ? '"KS'S
be iu eil'ectu thlid term for Grant, becauu iriiiiiiii-iit n( inn n v t htiiii-aiHirt of can'rt of tlione
uuyes U phdgtil by UU It-tlcr o! acceptancu niltncnlH pmiimr u women, nr. rwnww in
to remove none uf flrant'H rclatlvi-s nrnl WmIh ni.j t n-ajy, JJlliiaIi'. J" KJ'
f t , - . I fecit il. by the coiabiimtlmi of etitalu vt'Kitablu
....... ' uvii'iioiu n nfiniriii uiii'i-iiii:. wiiilii iiu uiti'n iiw
Gov. Hayes signed the bill increasing tho exiul as'a cuie-all, but one which admirably fill-
!",... i.,,,l o ,,,,.l.,....,iJ ,.f ril.l.. . i.l..ll . or. (.nn. I fill, n ului'leni i.s of i.uriHjse. being H mi'"t IkjsI-
..m wi.u v ihviuui.uui III UUU. 1 lllb.n.1 ..VVU- I "" - . O" . . 1" e .1 I
,.,. . . .... ' I i vu nnd r.. ih hi reuiLilv fur tlilu-o wiukuesseK
uuu, iu the aggregate isucu u man may ho ;'ml 4,ulI1I)lall)U llmt il!-t the women of Iho
anxious ior reiorm, but uo gives no prmnlso iinint day. This natural spicilio cx.inpoun.l is
of rctrencliment. callnl Dr. P erce's l uvonto lTcxcrlptioii, 1 1
"From Imbecility, If not from worie can-
following are among thoso dln-ases in whieli
this wnmlrrfiil iiusliclno has worked cures us 1
I with n cirluinlv never belore ul'
Imiorlanl Coirtt tliiu;
llovri IN Hun:, Garfield is to be com-
iruiiirnrsi e.tivietf-il of intttiLr their idhelal I . in..i...,.i.i.,' ..r il,u 1...., t.. 1.1 t
powder- to.ald in defrauding the. revenue of t), wdford Is to bo his chief of staff.- "1 "p, !7 V'Z ZuZYft mly r:.lchn7;'UWek lack ".lervuu.
tho Unite.! Stales. We pressed, two weeks lMtlM woll uu ,,IU ,n lUo cri!liillllIjbief J'10 w"tfi Boveriifil nation In Chris endoin." um, (,l,llH'rn, m,)Ulyi fallli. .....I other displace-
ago, a fear that tlw men would business and Woodford Is de.cribedtv men lfU0 cnoui5hl and if (his is the sad result of mi nts of Internal organs, resulting from de hllhy
be back ,,, power, Th inirdonlng of rX,Zl Z' H KSS
even olfice holdeH. couvlclfd by juries Of l,.tl mid a lawver who never won Buoul UU1 W mBKa U -",l,lfc0' ti.t.. ami virv inanv oilier i-hronlo diseaM-s nil-
del'miidilig the revenue, I'.x.ks very badly to
We iiollcu that many of our exchanges us; and there are inlluialloiis tUttho fet
I.hvh mat hi a iu stake ill nubl shlin,' the time ol Mr, llrlstows jail uirm win v!iu on giv
for aitoessmenU. Wo iell IuU the wno error n tree tvlngs", 'ihe least prejuiliceu ousyf
cae." Jlotlon JM.
Tim Conkllug Club of Utlcn, N. Y was dent lo women, not proper tu mention here, In
composed of 700 members before tho Clnc.u- 'fcT XJZZ
Is, natl Convention. A' ter the Convention, a run the marvel of the world. It will nut do
General John Farnstvorlh, of Illlno
a prominent udtoiato of ubobtionl. m in otl.or mccUng was called to resolve It Into a Havia I harm in any male or condition of thu system,
. s r . I , . 1 . ...T . ... . . I I 1... - .1. .... I t... ..... .1... 1,1 l,.,lU ,nu L the la,t I kers will iuvoluutarlly think oflhe charge dayu. and ono ol Mr. Greeley's most ardent aud Wheeler Club, but only seven loval men P1""'?. "'"l'1"' itsuse ... ...u .uur .u..y
i . . . ji-i . ' . . I . . , .... .i ' ' . i.. io.i t. . .i - r I . . . .. ... '.. . I avoid inatbt-veresl oi oiueais iiiocuii-iiiiiniio
d .j for being, Initead of the Cth lis llmt campaign fund ihiiio in li2 UuiuJUo aapporUm In mi, hat taken tho stump fur answered to the cull, nud the mcetlug ad.
iniMt jMpcM iiavu it. I whisky ring, aim asK uaru fiuestions. i iimcu aim Aicnuncki. ijourncu nr tue.
a family physician. Favorite PrcM-ripllou
buhl L) Healers in muiiclius generally.
llKSr WEf.'K,
William llrown et al vs. John brown's ex.
liobt. uoir. ll .V Co. vs. Jokeph M. l-'n ek.
K II. Wolf et ux. vs. N. A, V. II. 1!. It. Co.
f ieo. K. 'I l i ui et nl ts. Jacob llrown el al.
Ell Kendlg t. Dalit. .Mori Is.
Milder, liartiiun X Co. vs. N. I.. Campbell. itin.ey ta .M eiuiipueu.
A. T. lkeler tu. Jonas 1 ely.
John lleacock ts. " "
Samuel J. i uso ts " '
tllson lilbbunsts " "
I,, v. Davis ts ' "
John J. tiollenry ts. 1). L. i W. It. 11. Co.
lien. Wlnterbteen vs. W in. Houghton.
Kilns Miller vs 1'. It. It. It Co.
John siiCulla'sex ts. (ieo. J. I.uecctal.
Jlary .MoAlarnot- et al vs. Mmou 1. Kiibo etal
II. W. Jlcltejnoldsetal vs. Jesse A. Losee.
Iintr r til, tlmi.
It is also guaranteed under a penalty of fifty dol
lars not to Injure tho ilothcs or hands, and as ono
tri.ii uiu ...iHtiiii l.iivnerson to uscerlala thotruthof would never pay the proprietor
to engage in an extensive sjbim o. utiiei using uuu
rtuiui kin-it ini-rlL fur his tuiiii unli-bs he
knew from poblilve exis rlenco that It ould prote
to oe in eteiy respect tviiai t eiauueu .u. iu
'I Ids Is also a buperloroapfort-iiAMNU und'ioii
T purposis.
wiioli;sau: fancy (iiiociiks,
Auir. 4 'TO (m. II. C. & Uo. Philadelphia, l'a.
t... virtnrt r.r ft writ, of Ki. Ka. Issued out of tho Court
of Common l'leas of Columbia county uud to ino di
rected, lllll uoexpobeil IO piiuuo baiu iu. uiu ..uuu
liouso in iiioomsourg u.
at ono o'clock In tho afternoon, all that ceitaln lot
Mlehael uroter's ndmrs.
Thus. IIUL'hes' ndmr ts. Jobeph Uueklo's udiurs.
Wm. sinner's exrs vs. Jacob liechtel et ux.
.luenli . Illn. lnrlltur vtt. Win. .tbtusliiL-er.
I'l.iiti o'k l-ii-ii iiik. i:o. or ra. vs.i. j. flic lenrv cl ni.
va. u.uu.ubuuiK uiuuue.
A. 11. Sharrelts et rd vs. llobert U. Howell.
vs. iiat iu Mroup.
11, P. sejbertts John 1. Creasy.
ll.ltllfl bllllLll t. .Illllll ll. Kloiblo.
Jarob i sr. 1 1 alt s. John I'Mier et id.
l e lows .V. Hater vs. .luhn A. .jtiCKsoii et in.
John (I, Jacoby ts S. a. Wilson.
lieuoen llsnei t s ... r . m-j oe. i ol a..
2nd Nut. liuukot'iltiistlllo ts. J. A. Iisee.
1 1m ic nro. ts. n. 1- ii.iiiman.
II ii.l A Hi-l-lne . tt'.ll. llrjifllev et. nl.
.Mimin School lilsirlc I vs. l'jtir J. Lantz it al.
Ju iti Vracer's udmrts. .tl. (I. 1 llglics.
Ctharluo Hess' iisots. John stlner.
1st Mit. uai.K ts, nam. .nun is.
I. w. JtcKeUvin. tt'ui. Shaffer ft id.
John Woodsldo & Co. vs. Hard. .Mori Is.
J. M. IiuW lttts. Samuel Cretellng.
.1. W. Saiikey ts. Jom-pIi IJIley.
J. W. Intln's Uso ts. Jbso A. Losee..
stmon A (ieo. Ilaubts. Samuel lluilner.
1 leu i 1 aeeuoueu ts. tt n luibiin.
Aaron Johnson ts. Tlios. shiiiuan.
Strictly 1'UltE Winn: LEAD 11 cents per pound,
guaranteed equal to any la the market.
JIONTOUil WHIT.: LEAD at lu cents per pound,
equal to any for durability.
MON'TOl'K SLATE PAINTS 8, U nnd 10 cents per
iwund, according to color.
MON'TOUIt METALLIC DHOW.N 8 cents per pound.
MONTOUR METALLIC 11110WN dry a and 3 cents
lr pound.
llest Quality of Paint Ilrushes at low prices.
which we bur In lariru nuantltle ami in tell nt
lowest Market prices.
AH our goods are guaranteed u n-nresenfeii nmi
our paints to bo ground In pure linseed oil, or Iho
lliwni: l l l.lliui-ll Ull IIC..IU..U.
send fur sample card aud price list with testimonials.
Solo Manufacturer,
Rui'EiiT, Pa.
May 5. 'M.-ly,
I Athi t tl letnri H. .Tui.iLM llotv.
of gioiimi biiuaio in uio ,111.1. m ima., u- ,,1,7.111:1'
SSlr.Y'fuWMMri s-ou'ih. rmuVliiTr WSr C Freas et al. Ki.i.i.s, and bv an alley, . ; i.L1'.
net i-ii net and l ine nihes lionton uui in. ... r-i-jutn.
..,it,.i.,ii.!. tirtv.
Ceutio bireel, and Ilfty thluo feet in depth, whereon
is erecicu u
contolnlnBTIIllHK Hl'dltU nooMSln Ihollrbt btory
uiui nu nr wild :. a. ll. in ling's lull rest lu thu nee-olid
btory Of lliebllllie Ituuill. meuuu bieij u. t-.iu .iu-
Joining building or ll. H. taniiaiia. miubii us iho
l.l'l.I.A (Ull-r..., -1 Ull ll nt.. i. ,.,, ......ov ii-.., .......
Olio llllUll.t-il alnl lutllierll .eel unu b.ii uieiien
fri.nt in. f '.-tilli. bliet-l. III. il 1 .eel ... ill-tit...
Neieii. inkeii inlo exieiillon and to bo bold us the
properly hi uiiuiiu
' i-,,imti..iiit nf Mile. I'liieliasei-s must Tiat ten ner
cent, or the piirehuM- inone), or at least enough to
cmerulli'iishsiil blrlklngdutui of bale, other vtlso
luoiwrty io no re-kiau ui
NlierllT'HOll CD CI1IS. . 10llWtt AI.ll.
llloomsburg, July 31, '.6. Mieillf.
Aug. 4, Tills
Thus. Downs vs. Hllns Hulls.
A. w. creamir vs. .in in killer.
Samuel N-lby ts. II. S. Marr.
M. (I- l'elfer it Co. vs. llarilson Ijo.
John A. Jnekbon et ul ts. Ki stoutyel.
enr st an M.ulz ts. iiunoiu Kierbon.
liirlbtlaii J. Abh ts. W m. lkeler.
Win. A. Kilo ts. l lark M. Kilo.
Aaron Knoi r et id ts. John l-'rens' admrs.
l.jilla .Uiiuierman s uumr ts. .lubii i-ieab'aumrs
t L IU.
I're.ts lirotvu vs. W, Ii. Iiarrett 'h admr.
I heudoio I". lint man vs. u. w. Cret ellng el al.
People's lire Ins. l u. of l'a, vs. s. II, Miller .V Son.
n.iti.i loos vs. .luiiii i iL'tim er.
Thos. l-'ry's admr va. Wm. Kry
Important to Lawyers.
.fustii.j.M r.f tin. I'eiici. Cunstnhlcs. Executors. Ad.
mhilrtrulors, (luardiau, Tuttushlp unicorn, and busl-
lies men yeneiuuy.
Wo hato on hand a largo assortment of legal
blanks to. thoiiMit.f Mr.ys, Jiisili isiind I'ou
hi. ilili. 'b hlttiiks if ull l bids, Nolo and l.uvlpl books
for Adiniiilbirai .rsio.
i a i u
Precipe f r Summons.
' KI. l'a.
Ilulo to lake ueposiuons.
" " Aibilrators.
1 ctnta apiece, or r huudred.
Petition for Appoint incut of (lunrdlan.
" ' Clllllll
Ilulo to tuko DeiJSltlons.
Marr In Debt, tilth Confession,
" Absumilt.
Mechiiides l.l 'li.
4 cents each or $3.w per hundred
1'etltluu fur bale ot Ileal EsUlo s cents each.
Subpieniui, Summons, Wntrunts, lUeculloiik, so for
u ceuus eui'ii.
blank Deeds
I'.iril.ment Deeds..,,
orphnirs Couit Sales
i ot.biuu.u a ran b... :
.-i In r intlr-irrJSrJll fnt lIJ
v niion . nmrr '
,, eccutseiuh
.... 1 "
s "
.... VorurilM
.. , B cents each
i '
hist lots. Notes. School Orders. Poor Ouli-ru. Store
Orders, nially bound, constantly on hund, or uiado
iu uruer on ruoi i tiuiieo,
We Lie prepared to do neater ub tvoi k lhau an j
Jilltom and 'rourli'lr.
Mortgaggu bond..
au fcinubui nuiib,.
other oflUu lu Uils county.
Kill All LL
AVfTT, ....
1 1
riuinr.ui mdlllUlC
rWUOM 1174
rriUflllt L f II I A
AUg. 4,1 1!.-JW.
Ily vlrtuo ot an order of tho Orphans' Court of Co
luinbl.i County, iho undersigned, Administrators of
tho estate of .laeub HdiiU, it 111 eiposft io publio Halo
on tho premises on
SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1870,
at o'clock a. m.,tho follott Ing described real tbtato
No. s. All that certain tract of land situate In Mt.
'leasant towiishlo. Ir. tho of i:.,u.mi.i . .if,,r,..
said, adjoining lauds of Thomas J. Vandersllce. (Ieo.
Suiltli and uibers, lonuilnlng in acres, moro or less.
'.-. -..uiuu iim.ui .aim t.iuaiu in tno
totvnshlnor Hemlock, and eoimtvi.r (i,,iin,,t.i , ...i.
lulnlug lands of John beagle, iberl Soiuers, iteuben
vb.v (.UU W.MS1D, 1.Utl.l.lll,U
more or less.
No. 2. All that certain iinilliifle.i n t.nir
part of tho I HON OltE lying under tho bill fii-o of tint
uboie described tract of land No. I. nud oxleudluir
also under thu surfueo of said land of bald Andrew
J. Itvaus mid wire, bltuato la tho loHnrhlp of 111 in- ..uu.tij u. uiuiiiuiu uiutcsaiu, usstiowtiuy
a draft herem annexed, of which bald iron ore lhi
nuiu uiu-uu ucueu iu nil, UClnOblioasof
.eu ua u-uuiu iu eui.ui.uil ttim llio said JIUKelVl
NealiCoof and la ono undotldud moiety or hal
No. 8. All that certain undlitded moiety or halt
part of tho IKON oitE Ijlng under iho suifacu ot all
that certain tract of land bltuato In Cooper totin.
ship In tho County of Montour, now owned by ono
John lluinpel, containing n ucres and 157 pcichcs,
luoru llaiuinl, contulntng bl acres uud 157 iVrches.
morn or less, of tihlch thu bul.l Jacob Harris died
seUed lu hU deraeiiu ns or feo us tenant lu common
with ono Charles It. 1'axton.
And It Is duereed that tho share of Sarah Ann liar
rls,u ldow, shall n main In tno hands of u.o purchas
ir durlneber niitural Uio and tim ii,t..r..i.t iS,r..r
bhail bu regularly nnd nmiutlly puld lo her by tho
I iiiiri-linitt,r 1.1b ln.trM uml i.ulI..u I... ..i..f
I aa.i,0, uuuiiHK iuu
Isos to bo recotei-ed bv dlstiubsor olherwlbe as leulK
am m-overablo lu llifs Coniinoiittealth, und at our
dcccasoherbhaics uf Ihe purehabo money bbiill bo
"S.'."?..!.1??;11'1" 1 u"lstl thi-rcto.
'I EHMS OV SALE. Tt a per cent of ote-fourth of
tint punhabo money lo be paid at tho btrlklug down
ofthoiiroieity,ihsc,iio.fourili lers lint tin iS-rteut.
lit llio i-oiiiiimatluii of bale, uml Ilm remaining thieu
Srmitlonul.rr l"l''"ltr-wlt" '""'
, , ,. JAMKS A. HAllUIrl,
Julyts-U. Admlulsiratoni.
BlJiHK MiTKfl,wilh orwitliobt eiempllo
fur aala at Uio OuLCViiiw oaloe.