THE COLUMBIAN OLEMtlll DKMOCHAT, STIR OF TIIK HOHTII AND COI.CM I1IAN CONflOM DATED.) jstiod weekly, every Friday morning, ixt Ilt.OOMsllURU, COLUMIliA COUNTY, I'A. Tiro dollars per year, payable la ndvnnco, or mlng tho) tar. After Ilia oxplratlon ot th.iyear i.M will he uiiargud. To subjcrlbors otil of tlm county tlio terms are 1 1 per ) ear. strictly In udvniii o -f j i If nut paid in advance anil f 3.00 If puj mciit ho elated bdiond tho year. No tupor discontinued, except nt tlio opllim of tlm publlfshers, until nil arrearages lire paid, but lonir continued credits nftor tho expiration of tlio tire" j our UI nut be (If en Atl.papcrssentoiitot tlio state or to distant post filtlces mint lie paid for In advance, unless a respon sible person lu Columbia county assumes to iui tlio hiibscrlittoii ilitu on demand. pot 1'Atlu Is no longer eiucted from subscribers In tlio county. JOB IPIEtTISrTIItSrG-- Tho Depart ment of tho Cot.eunuN Is very complete, and our .1 b 1'rlntlnsr will compare favoru ly wltli lliatot the large cities. All work donoon demand, neatly and at, moderate prices. Ono Inch, (twelve lines or Its Mtilralf nt .In Nonpj rell type) one or two Insertions ll.5fl three Insti tlons, I 18, tJ.W. KfACII. One Incli . . . Two Intliis I III CI' lllllll'S Four Inches (unrlcr column llitlf rmtlilnli in. ti.M) II. VI Bill . 7.1k! lit.llO IK. U IU r.. o i ii .ix 1 SIM) till. I0' r.'ii II. HI II OH 11.1X1 fvt. ?.t mi U.IKI 1i.HO If. 01 1Y. 110.(0 19.10 IS II .! to I'll Ono column :!.ajiO 8f.!liO 4H.0U 00.00 lUO.t , IJ.IH IS.(I KD.IM KO.ial UK tO ... . . - nimrtfirl 1. Trull. stent advertisement nmiiUie paid for before Inbcrted except where parties have accounts. U'gal ndte rtlsemcnts two dollars perlncli forthrw insertions, and at that rats for additional Insertions without reference to length. ... Buecuuir's, Administrator's and Auditor s notices tUTranstenjr Local notices, twenty cents aline, regular advertisements li.ilf runs. cards In the "lluslnoss Dhcctory" column, one dollar per year for each lino. g:l,SBtfflT'S41tor.ttaPpri.ter.. BLOOMSEUIIG, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 4. 1876. TIIK COLUMBIAN, VOIi. X, NO. 31 COLUMHIA DKM0CI1AT, VOL. XXI, NO. IB lie DLOOMSIIURO DIRECTORY. QCllOOL ORDERS, Mank, iust printed anil for sale at the Coi.uitntAN onice. j neaiiy oounu in Bmnu .oooks, on nana and Fob. I, BIjANK DEEDS, on Parclini.-nt anil Linen Paper, common and for Administrators, lliccu turn and trustees, for sale cheap nt tho Coi.ihman onice. rARRlAOE CERTIFICATES lint printed and for salo at the Coi.uuiuix oilleo. Mlnli. teriof the (losncl and .loitlcos should suonlv them helves with these necessary articles. USTICUS mill UtitflbTcHrKee-llit Is for'wiTe nt tlio Coi.vmiiian ofilec. They contain I ho cor rected fees as established by tho last Act of tlm Leir il.itiiro upon tlio subject. Every Justice and Con stiiblo should liavo one. V1' iNPUK XOTKS jiit iirlntcd and for Palo ciieap ai mo i;oi.uHttiAN ujiice. MKHCIIANTS AKUUUOCEIIS. Q II. JIILIiKIl t SON, dealers In IO Hoods, groceries, queenswaro, flour, Kiuiun, notions, etc., tlaln street. Dry salt, T II. MA1Z1'., Jlamniotli Oroccrv, (me (Iro t) , icrlcs, fruits, Nuts, Provisions, lc, Main and Ocntio streets. HOOTS AND 8IIOHS. I.'VIIV l.'ll.'lM M...,r....i,,H.,, n.,,l ,l.,.,l,.f 1 JV.1 1, j JV J,, .1 ,11, lil.MKM.ll li.l ni.n 1 In liinila fiiwl Rlinnw i rrtif M liS. el il.. Inlll Kl... .ial Illoomfcburg. M. KNOIlll, Dealer in liools and Slioe, lit . latest mid best styles, csrner.Maln nndMmkct Mn els, In tho old post otlice. clocks, WATcims, .c C S llottL " K. SAVAdK, Dealer in blocks, "Wntclies and Jewelry, Stain St., Just below the Central 1'ltOl'USSlONAL CAllDS. 1 ,1 15. IKKLKH, Attorney nt I,aw. llooins in il llxcliango Iilock, 2d floor, llloomsburir, l'a. e9 (I. HAHKLEY, Office j , In llroner's bulldlne, 2nd story, Itooms 4 J: 6. Oct. 1C, '75. TU. WM. Jt. KKHKH, SiirL-eon and l'liysi J clan, onice H. U. comer llock and Market Hrrccts. Tit. KVANS, M. D., SuiKeonnud l'liysi . clan, (Offlco und Itesldenco on Third street, cornor Jefferson. jTjIcKKLVY, M. D., Surgeon and I'hy . klclan, north sldo Ham btreet, below Matkct. 11, liOWSON, '. In Ilartraan's building, Main street. Office s AMUKI, JAC0I5Y, Marble and T.rown Stone works, isast uioomsourg, uern its ruau. II ltOSKNSTOUK, Photographer, , Clark & Wolf's hlore, Main btreet. K. II. C. 1I0WKK, Surgeon Denllst, Main Hut HUUtV tU'J VUUit IIUU3C, MISCELLANEOUS. T) AVID LOWENHKHO, Merchant Tailor Main St., above central noiei. S. KUIIN, dealer in Meat, Tallow, etc., . Centre street, tetween Second and Third. riMIOMAS WKltli, Confectionery and lUkcr' X wholesale and retail, Exchange llloclt. G W. COIUCLIj, Furniture loom, thrce , htory brick, Main blroct, west of Market st. OHANGEVILLK DIUECTOUY. A 11. HEHUINO, Carpenter and builder, Main btreet below Pino. UUGK 1I0KN. M I Tt tV 11 OUUi.UAl KJk) 1 fit I ci Jll r p. tir it c;ifnvr T'rn t t :.. CATAWISSA. AY M. II. AllIiOTT,, Main btrcci. BE. DAM-MAN, Mer.liant Tailor, Second , btreit, Itiilililns' bullillng. "V-M. 1,. KYURLY, ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Pa. onllecllons proinplly inailo and reiulllcd. onieo oopojtto Catawl&sa Deposit Hank. tiin-UH pyTOTICE. I rom this date the llloonisburg Oas Company will mt. in f en Ice pipes at llrst cost aud turnlili and bet un to s lit tour ilc.ll.ira each. 'I he company nave on I. ami n lot or gus tar suited or iulutliiif roufs, anil jiosts or other tlu'bers placed under ground. Price lo cents per gallon or 12.50 per barrel. Oc. 13,15- 0. W. MlLLEIt, net Tho Cook's Companion, Improved Kitchen Slicing Utensil. A novel Household Artlclufur slicing Ilittin, Mnv, Sai'sioi!, Nooui.ts, S'tOKrim.rx, Kkciis, Canui, Ac., Ac. Tho Machine Is easylo regulate, and veryMinplu to use. It takes up but Utile room lu tho kitchen. (liincKas, UriciiKus. lloltL KEtl'lllis and Lvliiy Family should have one, I'tlcu 11, and cheap at that. Call aud see thorn work ut Hie l'uinlture store of E. It. FUKMAN, Sole Agent Cor Columbia county. May 20 3m lliooinsburg, l'a. OECUItE AN AUIv.NC Y O "llJ or IU0 prr nrtk. "The tier rtattg ami ntw out of orJer." HOMESTEAD $20 SEWING $20 MACHINE l'or Domestlo I'te. With Tablo and Fixtures Comnloto, only $21). A perfect and uiifipulli'il, large, strong and dura ble uiai hi lie, cunst i illicit rlcgaiil anil snliil, fiumllie U'al uiaUilal lih liiatheui.itical preiistun, furcoii btaut family use or iiumir.ict .ring purimses. Al wus ready nt a iiioiiii'iit's notice to do lu day's wuik, lii'tiroutof order, and ill last u griirratlun Willi inoileratn cure; easy lu uiulersluuil and nun ngo; light, bruootn, and birt runnli.g, like iliu nrll li gul.iled luuMiiieul of a lino wulih; btuiple com pact, enielent und rcllaijio.wlthalttheliui ruieiiiFnis In be found lu tlio hlglwst pi Iced uiachlnes.warraut oil to do Hie same Murk, the saiue way, and as rapid unit Hiiioolli as u $7S iiiaclilun. Aiini'LiiOMliHlgi'dtrl uiiipli of liigeiiloiis skill, i sM-nilally th uirklug omuu's friend, and tar In advance uf all i. miliary ma'iilues fur absolute stieugth, reliabllllv und general usefulness; will hem, fell, tuck, beam', t,ulll, bind, braid, cord, gather, rurttu, bhlrr, plall, Iuld, hcallop, roll, einbroluf r, runup breadths, Ac., Willi wonderful rapidity, neatness und case.sews the hirougebt lasilng billch eciuully II do unu biuooili through all Muds or goods, from tlikknesMH of Ijio.iiI.-IuI u nr leather, lth nno or riiaiso 1'nitou, linen, bilk or twine, lilies jierfct tallbfacil'iii. will earn Its cost several times oier lu a beasou lu tho woi k It does, or make n gnod living or anv mail or wouiuu wlui do .lies lo lire It for tlni purpusti; woiksso tallhtul and easy the imji units or ililldreu i'uii usv It n II liyill daiuage, Pi leu ot ma chine Willi li.'ht table, full) ciUIirsl forfun.lly woik in Half case, cuer,ile duwers aud cabinet styles i-acu in ciiiii bnuioingii i'iiv raies. hale uediery iruaiunti cd. fu-e troui damage. Kxti'at uturv oam- phliU lllUbtlulid with eiigiavliigs of tlio hovtial hiyie.s m laaeniiie.s ii'ieii'iu-es, uutiy in si'wing.Ac lualled Inc. louilileiillal terms wllh liberal Induce mollis lochtilpilidiigllergyiueu, Icudieis, biiblnehs men, traielllig orlucal atcnls, AC, who desire ox ilusiie uuencles, fuiiiUhril mi application, Addrosa tjuiiu ii. neuuuu a. v-u., i,ju muaunuv, isew lum, May Vfi-Hni. GO TO THE SIGN OF TII10 T 3cr !DT A ixr nt tho new tobacco btoio on Main Mreet, below M urket, for good 'I obaceu und Segars, wheru (icorko OS .,ril.M i. n ii l.rli.L- u gainst poor itD(k and high lultta, TLubo who buy SITTING In grealost roinfort cnjojlng I ho flagrant wend roinfort inlojlng lh m A bitting nuu thoutfearot bitting OR HIS KOM.VINd-KSlVKS. J UliO S'.', IC.-Slll. Tho Ml Street Indicator. THIS WEEK'S ISSUE SENT FllEl: contains rictoi la) Illustrations of nulls and Hears, Also, full andicuipli-te Instructing now to oiwrate lu MuVu und stuk ITlilleers. Caoltal Liu aud nH'ctnluii.i. Alio, a list cf VluLH I'lfuiluuns lo viui s. "iriia ror it.- . . ... Ill CK WAI.1 Kl! i. CO , Uthktr Hid BKikPI. .K Ovllu if. m ii ki.,fttv vbik city, llUSINISiS GAUDS. QIl. A. I,. TUltNEH, licsidciico on Sltirliflt Plrcctono door below 1). .1. Waller's. Onlen river IvtiOtiiifl llrmf Klnfri. nmen hnnrs frnm 1 to 4 p. in. for treatment of diseases of tho Eye, Ear and Throat. All calls night or day promptly attended to. Apr.23'7B-tf D U. J. C. HUTTKK, PHYSICIAN HtmanoN, onice, North Market btreet, Mar.7,'74 y Moomsburg, Ta. JH. II. E. UAltDNEK, 1'HlSlUlAiN AMI SUltUIiUN, HLOOMSIIUIKI, PA. (mice abovo J.Schuylcr i Son's Hardwaro Store. Apr.23'75-tt s AMUKI, KNOHlt, A T T O 11 X E Y-A T-L A AV, HLOOMSIIUIKI, l'A. Ome. Ilartmnn'B lltoek. cornet Mnln und Market nuvi'ia oei, s. 'ia E. e. onvis, ATTOIINKV-AT-I.AW. Ot KicB-Hooin No. 1, "Columbian" llutldlng. Sepl. IS.1S70. c 1 W.MILLKlt, ATTOHNKV-AT-LAW Onieo In llrower's building, second floor, room No. 1. lliooinsburg, Pa. tllyl,73 y c 1 II. & W.J.UUCKAI.KW, ATTOltNEYS-AT-LAW, llloomsburg, Tj. Oftlco on Main street, first door below Court House Mar.c,'7i y 11. E. .t J. M. CLAKIC, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, nioomsburg, Pa. April 10,'71-y Ofllco in Knt a llutldlng. A. CHETEL1KQ SSIITn. IIF.BVKV KWIN0 SUITn. A CltEVELING SMITH & SON, ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW, Hloomsburg, Pa. rr-All business entrusted to our caro will redeye. prompt attention. Julyl,'73 y I. IIILLMKYEK, Al IU11.MS1 AT LAW, OrncE Adjoining C. H. & W. J. Huckalew. llloomsburg, Pa. Apr. 14,'76-ly. K. II. I.11TI.K. ROU'T. II. LITTI.K. Jg II. & 11. 11. LITTLE, Al lUltilil-A l-i-AW , Hloomsburg, l'a. lamuHlncss before tho U. S. Patent OIDce attended to, Ofllco In the Columbian llulldlng. ly 33 E KOCKAVAY A ELAVELL, A T TO It X E Y S-A T-L A AV, Coti'uniAM lii'ii.tiiMi, llloomsburg, Pa. Members of the United States Law Association. Collections liunle In nny pint of America. Agents or I'ontmeutai i.tre insurance company or Nework. Assets nearly 7,noo,ooo. Tho best In the country. Send for dcscrlptue pamrhlet. tf "yiLLIAM UUYSONi attoi:ney-at-laav, Centralia, l'a. Feb 19, '7S-1.V. HAltMAN & II ASSERT. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, Kant .Street, boloAV Eail Roiul, LOOMSBUG, PA. We res)ieet fully call punlle atl g facts thai : They inanufaci enllon to tho follow- iciuie first class MINE CAR AV1IEELS AND AXLES and all kinds of Coal Breaker Castings. They also make all kinds of Car, Machine, lirldge and other eastings used by coutruciois generally. They.also lii.ililit.ieluio HEATING AND COOK STOA'ES, nnd ure prepared lo furnish till kinds of repairs, such us Urates, I Ms, l'lin llilck. Mrelcliers, Ac. They keep cuuslanlly on hand PLOWS AND PLOW POINTS. Larce Iron Kettles. Parmerx Helta. Sled Soles. Wac- on lliixes. Cellar Urates, Ac, '1 hey are also prepared to furnish Saw and Grist Mill Machinery) bhaftlug, Pulley's, Ac. They.poy special attention to Repairing Threshing Machines Heapers, Ac. Tho ITonrletors are both practical mechanics. Try them, Dec. 3,l875-m VMKIUOAN AND 1'OKKHiN PATENTS' IIii.voiir Co.. hiicieksors to ChlMoan. . I: Co., Millcliors. Patents piocured lu ml euuiiutis. NO KKES IN AUVANCK. NocllSlgO UllU'SHtllO pillCIlt Is grunted. No rei s for lunklng prellinlnury exam Illations. No additional fees lur obtulntiitrandcon- iliiclliiga relieailng, 11 u recent iJiilsluti or the Couimls.sioner ai.i. rejected utipllcutlniis mav bo re vived. SHdal ntleulLin glleu lo liiU'iru'i-liie luses tM'foro the Patent Olltce, extensions lietoie Congress, Infiliigi uieiit suns In illllrreiit states, and all Iltlgu tlou tippcilaliilng to luii'iitlons or iiatents. Send stump to llllmoio Si Co. for pamphlet of iUI luges. LAND CASKS, LAND "WAltitANTS AND sciur. enntested land cases nrosecuted before tho U. H. ceneial Land onice and Iicp.uluient of I he Interior piliulu laud clnlius, mining mid pre-emptliiii clatms, and houiestoad east s attended lo, laind berlp lu 4(1, so and Hie acre pieces for bale. ThU berlp Is assigna ble, anu can ne locuieu in me name oi me purchaser upon uuy Don rnini'iit land bublect tu private entrv, al il V.i )ieruciu, Itlsof v.iluowlth bounty land Wurnints. Send btauip lo UlliuuroiS: Co. for pamphlet of luslrucllons. A Itlt K A HS OF PAY AND BOUNTY. Olllcers, soldiers and bailors of the lato war, or their heir, in ti Hi many cases enllUed to money Hum the government of which they haveno knowledge. v I lie full hlsloryof seivue, und blulu amouiitnf puy and tmunly leeelied. btu iiptolilluioiu A Co., and u lull reply, alter examination, will be gltcujuufrce. PKNSIONS. All officers, soldiers ond sailors wounded,ru)tured or lujured Hi the late wur, huvreier slightly, can ob tain u iienblnii by addruMng Olliuore A Co cabes prosecuted by liliuioru Co. U-tuio the su pi erne court of the United MuU'S.lliucouit ot claims, and the southern claims commission. liuih depailinenl of our business Is conducted la a sBiiarute bmeau. under charge of Uiusame uinvil- enced niriles i inp'oyed by the old lino. Prompt aU tvntlon to all business entrusted lo MILAIOIIK t CO, Is thus betuied. Uo deslielo win kuocess byde bervlug It. Address, OILMOIIK 4 CO., CM V street, Washington, U. O. Jau Jl,'7t-tf. UEAS IIUOWN'S INSUItANCE ADEN. cv, lucnaugo Hotel, Lioomsourg, l'a. Capital. itna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut,,, n,50o,ou(l 1.1 e rpool. Loudoii and Ulobt ,.,,,.,, Wi,ui o,v. v lloyalof Llvorpool , , ltMO.ouo Uuicdualilro 10,000, ou Vin Association. Philadelphia ,,,,,, Aiuerlcauof 1'hlludiilplila,,,,. .. 1,100 ouo Alius uf Hartford.. Wyoming, of Wllkou Uarre..... ,,,,,,,,,, Karnieia Mutual ot Uauvlll , , luntllle Mutual Iloiuo, New York , ... Counueiclkl union 1,004,000 79,WI It.tO.tK II,0v0,UO4 tir,tU,UM itafcu'SVlT-y BLOOMS BURG TANNERY. O. A. HKKRIiVO 11 ESfECTEULLY nnnoiinces to the public Hint tin l,a ' "'ui"o tta I i(fi;m i SNYDER'S TANNERY, (old stand) Ulnomshurg, l'a., nttlin l'orks of llio lispy and Light street roads, whero all descriptions of leatlier will be tiisiln In tlm tnfist. substantial and workmanlike manner, and sold nt prices to suit tho times. Tho highest price In cash will at all times bo paid for GREEN HIDES of every description In ih country. Tlio publlcpat ronage Is ress'et fully solicited, llloomsburg, Oct. 1, 1675- CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY HLOOMS1HTIK1, l'A. M. 0. SLOAN it I1ROTHER H AA'E on lianil and for sale at tlte most reasonable rules a splendid stock of CAiiiti.ittrs, ntrrsair.s, and ovcry description of Wagons both PLAIN and FANCY, Warranted to be mndo of the best nnd most durable inaeerlals, nnd by tho most experienced workmen. Ail work sent out. from tho establishment will bo round to be of tho hlchest class and sure to L'lve tur fed satisfaction. They have alsoatluuassortmentof SLEIGHS of nil the newest nnd most fashtnnablo styles well and carefully made and of the best material. An Inspection of their work Is asked as Itlsbe- lleied that none superior can bo found In the coun try. Oct. 8, 1375 tf. MISCELLANEOUS. OROWN'S HOTEL, l!looinl.urg, l'a., li. Mohncr, Proprietor. Accommodations llrsU s. tl.25 to SI.M per day. ltestauruut attached. Octobers, '75-tf pENTRAL HOTEL, A F I R S T-0 LASS HOUSE, Oct. 8,'751y JOHN LAYCOCK, l'rop'r. IS1 TEAV SALOON AND RESTAURANT. The ui derslened has onenod n llrst-class Kallntr House In t lie Kxchango ltloek, formerly occupied by 11. Stohner. where his customers will find eierv thing In his line. JUliyiUn CllAlll-ii9. Feb 18-3m. 0. M. BROWN, bus removed his Hoot and Shoe Store from Hrown's Hotel to 1st door above Witconi-eller mid Minrtiless'. Tow nnda Hoots u specialty, itepalrlngdone at short notice. c 1 M. DRINKER, GUN ami LOCKSMITH. bowing Machines and Machinery cf all kinds re paired. Oi'fua llovsK llulldlng, Hloombbuig, Pa. Octl,'751y JXCI IANG E HOTEL, OiiiiohMc tlic Court IIoiinc, HLOOMSIIUIKI, I'A. The Laiioest andllnsT In all respects In tlio county W. II. KOONS. Oct. 8,'75-ly Proprietor. "y II O AV E L L, 3") E NT1S T. Ojllce In Ilurlman's Llock, M-conil floor, corner Mnln and Mniket Streets, r.I.OOMSlll'KO, PA, May 8-1y 17 J. THORNTON l, would uuiiounie tothe clllensof Hlooms liui gund vicinity Hint lie has Just received a full and Cuuiplete ussurtmeiit of WALL l'AI'Llt, WINDOW SHADKS, nnciiE), coriis, tasskls, and all other goods In Ids line of business All tlio newest unit most approved patterns of thedav ure alwujs to be found lu his establishment, Main street, lieluw Market. oct. 8.'76 .u.ui.n 1 will ((annul r,ouoi,ommerc. St.iFlnla. Jlarch 31 Urn. T II E EYE & EAR. DR. G-. C. McDERMOTT makes tho treatment of Diseases of the Ear & Eyo A SPECIALTY, and linsopenid lit Wllllamf poll, Pa. nn Institution tor the lie.'ilmciit und emu of patients sutlerlng Imin such diseases, oniiii lluitrs.-t mil 8a. in., 1 to 3, und 0 to 8 p. m, Call on or address ii. C. JSl'lli:il.1IOTT, ,11, l,, 73 Hdwln St., Wllllatnsport, IM. April ss-cm. PURE TEA-IN SEALED PACKAGES, llll'i'i'l friiiM Chliiu mid Jhiiuii. litl.IVLULIl ut Yoi'UOWN ImhiII, fivsh from tho (lAllliLNS of tli.-lr liUOWTil. Imported direct by THE WELLS TEA CO., 'M l'lillnii Street, N. Y. :n:- The difficulty of geltliig puro Teus i freillynne iiualll Hi the Pulled stales, litis Induced Tuu (m.ij '1 kA Co., lo blilp their 'I eus In sealed packages dli ect from the gardens In which they me gruim, and us a tuilhcrguaranti'i! of lliclr bilug ilillvcied Inthelr geiitiliie stale, they iiitrust the sale nf Ihi in only lo IrlluhloAgiuts the Hume of Iho lit airsl Agent to souls prliitid at llioliiot of llilsiidU'itlH'incht-so tlio tfus pass tluough none but lospuiislble hands, and will be lie I u n il at jour own door us Iieslius when they left the gardens of china and .luiau;tho pilieiilols tiilnted on each package, su Hi it no i rriirean iscur, Lver) b jdy buys Tea. i:crjbouy wishes lobuvlt uttlrbt liands-tho best ipiallltes at thu Jiiwebt prices. Lierjlmdy debit eswhi nlliey find liTca bultablu to tin Ii taMo-tu bo certain of getting tliesnmu art (ileal mi s, You can have ull llieso advantages by biijlng of THE AV ELLS TEA COM 1'AN A'. llvcnusc they Import their own teas, and sell them at wholesale prices without tho six orclsiil luter mediate proms usually charged. Hi-cause tho quullti U better ut Iho pilce than Ii sold by uny ulher house. Peeauhu their long i In China und Japan cnubles Ihein lo make bellvr bi-lectlons than ordi nary I 'ealcrs-aud to lntHjrt them wltngrealcrud vantages Heoiiuso they absolutely iiimranteo theipialltyof nli:ilielr g(Kls-fti.d kupthiiii to one luvailablu standard, so that yuu can ulwai s rely on tliciu. Hisiauso they ilu business for cah only unu thero fotoinukeno extra proilt from good customers to cover losses bv bad debts. llecause their agenU uro responsible and reliable men who Uillur Teas prcdnoly us recoil edirom tint Company, llecause liavlug onco tried these 'l eas, you will not need to go elsow here hereafter. WANT til A Druggist, or o'lier flrht-clahs mer chant, lu every town and city In the Tutted states, to whom will bo given the hOLK AOUNUY lor that locality. Address, for terms aud full particulars, TIIK WKI.IJj TKA CO.. P.O. Hor4M0, KOI Kulton Street, N.Y. July si, 7e.-jin. ThoJLatest and Best. "I.xt Mr Naui i Kikplt KioAkN,"a beautlfu sotigoml chorus by II. 1', Duiks. Mailed Ixutpild (or M csuti by VM. II. HONKIt & CO., Uuilo 1'uUulcrj tibd ixultrt. 3lllittl. lift, 11M I'lufktliUl lit, I'lilUdiiliiLUJ ?X WOOD Tn r.tuu!,kj', .Si.nLM ruamb.r .uj Or.rK.n r.'. Puirl . wllh -'l'.r linin;, 1. ... ,!, ,j , ,,, fcta , ,,, -"."n'Ji"1'"'' ""IO..rt..ll.lnrMl.ii,k n t,i ,11,11 ul LA no IS, ITI... SMALL. I l.l,-,. h. ",V" " .."i ;V!-' """ ln '"""" ,l"w' r Utiles of Nomination. Al Adopted ly the Convention, Dec, 20, 180. I. The annual County Convention shall bo held at tho Court House In llloomsburg, on tho secondTucs day of August, at oo o'clock p. m., and the Uetegato Klectlons shall bo held on Iho Saturday before, nt tho plaiesof holding the general elections lntliesev crnl election districts, between the hours of thrco and seven o'clock In the afternoon, II. The representation of districts In County Con vention shall bo In proportion to the Democratic veto of each as cast at the most I went election for llor ernor, but thewholo number of delegates bhatl not exceed seventy nor be less than flftvfour, and no district snail be allowed less than two nor more than four delegates. III. Until the nextelectlonforOovcriiordclegates shall bo allowid to districts upon a ratio of sixty voters for a delegate, allowance being made for tho largest fractlunn of a ratio. IV. iliu standing Committee shnll, whenever necessary, mako an npiiortlonmentot delegates to tho scleral districts under thesu rules and publish it, with the rules as amended, In the Democratic news pa pels of the County, at least tw o weeks beforo each annual convention. V. Voters nt Delegate Klectlons may give their Miles to n smaller number ot candidates than tho whole number to be elected, lu Iho m.iiniet provided In the fouith bectlun of tnu llloomsburg act of 4tli of Mnuli, lstO. VI. 'I he delegate elections shnll bo by ballot nnd shall bo held and conducted by a .fudge und cleik, tu be hi'lecled by the Democruts In attendance, and the said utllcers shall keep u list of voters aim tally of V otis counted, to tie bentjby them to the Convt ntlou with their certltlcnto of Hie result of the eleclloii. VII. All eases ot disputed bents ln Contention shall bo disposed ot openly by a vote after hearing the respective claimants and their evidence. VIII. All delegutes must reside in tin districts they represent. In case of an absent delegutulie may depute another, If he fall to do so his colleagues In attendance may substitute for him. In ulher cases tlio Convention may till up the leoresentatlon from the cltleus of tho district In attendance. IX. '1 he voting in Conventions shall be open, and any two members may require the eas and naj s on nnv question pending. X. special Conventions maybe called when nec essary, )iy tho standing Committee, the proceedings of w hlch shall conform tu these rules. XI. All county nominations and all nrpolntmcnts of confeiees nnd of delegates to stale Conventions, shall be made lu Count) conventions. XII. '1 he Manning Committee i hull consist of one number from each election district, who shall bo elided bv the people al tho delegate elections, who shall choose their own Chilrmau; and any nveof thiiii shall be u quorum, when called together by tho Chairman. XIII. .No member ot tho Legislature shall be chosen bj this County as a Delegate to a stale Con vention dui lug his term uf office. XIV. In Convention a majority of ntl tho votes Elven shall bo necessary to u nomination, and no pertou named shall be iereinptorlly struck from the list ot candidates until utter the fourth vote, when the lowest namo shall bo struck oft and so on nteach successive vole until n nomination shall boelTccted. XV. (Delegates Instructed by the voters who se lect them bhall obey their Instructions ln Conven tion, and votes gli en by them In violation of thctr Instructions shall be disallowed by tho Convention All lustructlons shall be reported by the eicctlou ornccrs.) Tills rule Is repealed aud supplied by rule XVI. Conventions shall bo called to order by tho Chairman of the standing Commit lee, orlu lilsulj bence by bonio oilier Member thereof, w ho bhall en tertain and put to vote motions for tho election of a President and two Secretaries for purposes ot tem porary organization. XVII. Nu person shall be eligible to n nomination by u com enllon who has opposed tho Democratic ticket at the next pieccdlng election j but this rule shall apply only to cases ot opiwsltlon to tickets here after formed. XVIII. It shall bo n good cause ot challenge against any person offering to vote at any delegate election that, ho has voted against Democratic can didates ut Federal or state elections within two scars, or has opposed the Democratic ticket at tho last preceding election, or has taken or agreed to take money or other valuable thlng.or any pecuniary udvantuge, as a consideration for his vole at sncti delegate election, or corrupting or attempted to cor rupt any voter of the district with reference lo tho same ; but this rule shall apply only to cnubes of challenge arising subsequent lo lis adoption. XIX. , ,11 It shall bo made to appear to the satisfac tion of a majority ot a Convention that any candidate before It for nomination to any office bhall have of fered or paid any money or valuable thing, or made any promise or money or valuable thing to take ef fect In future, ns au Inducement to anj delegate to vote for Ulm ; or to uny other persou with iho view ot Inducing or sccurlDg the votes ot delegutes ; or It tho bame shall be done by any other person with the knowledge and approbation of such candidate, tho namo ot such candidate bhall uo Immediately struck from the list cf candidates; or it such fact bo uscer talned after his uondnatlon to any office and before the final adjournment. the nomination shall bo struck from the ticket aud tno vacancy supplied by a new nomination; and ln either case such person shall be Ineligible to any nomination by a Convention, or to elect Ion as u delegate, for a period of tw o j ears XX. If anv delegate shall receive any money or other valuable thing, or accept the promise of mon ey or other valuable thing, or any pecuniar advan tage to bo paid, delivered or secured In future, el llier to himself or to any other person for him, from uny candidate or other person for such candidate, as tin Inducement for Ids vote, or under any other pro text upon proof of the fact to tho satisfaction of a majority of tho contention, such delegate bhall be forthwith expelled and shall not be received ns a delcgalo lo uny future Convention for a porlod of tw o ) cars, and during that time shall also be Inellgl hie for any paity nomination, cases arising under this nud the next pnccdlng rule shall haio prece dence over all other business ln Convention unill de termined. XXI. Noneof these rules shnll bo altered one sclinteit at a regular annual convention, unless by a tote of iwo-thlids of ull the deli gates present, XXII. Caiidlilutis fur noinlmitlon may bo toted for directly, nl the delegate elections, and shall re n it ii delegate nr dlstilcl ot s lu contention lu pn. poitlon to lliclr pupulur vote In the several dlsttfcts. upon Iho Millie pilnilple on which delegutes are eli el.iLle under tho.Mh rule. XXIII. Niidelegatu It uny convention hereafter shall be entitled to u seal unless his credentials show that he Is Instructed fur some candidate for Iho va I tuns ( fllces to be filled, as but out lu the call for thu Coin cultoii. Proniwil Itulcs. Chapter I. Or tiii: Klixiion or IJtLtunts. I. Itcmalus unchanged. II. Hemalus unchanged. III. Ill-mains unchanged. IV. The delegate elections bhall bo by ballot and shall bo held and conducted bv u .ludge and clerk, lo bo selected by Iho Democrats In atlendance, and Iho said officers shall di-terHilim all questions of the right to vote, keep a list of voters and tally of votes counted, to lie sent by them to the Convention wllh their certificate of llm result ot the election, which ceitiricale shall bo pilm.1 facie evidence of the per sons tin riln named hating a right tobeatsln Iho Convention. V. All delegates must reside In tho districts they represent ; and In ease any delegate shall bo uiublu to attend ho shall be allotted to depute another citi zen of the district. Hut no other deputation or rep resentation shall bo allow ed. V. same ns eighteen In old rules. VII, Voters nt delegate elections may cast as many totes ns there are delegates to be elected and mat' oust Ihern all for one delegate, or maydltlde tin in umong the delegutes as tliej bee til : And lu tho ease of a tie vot between delegates, tho question bnall be decided by di aw lug lots : Chapter II. Ok tiik Convention. I. Sauie as sixteen ln old rules. II . Same as set en In old rules. III. Sumo as nine In old rules. IV. in Convention a majority of all the votes glv-enhliall-be neocssurv to u nomination, nud no person named bhall be pcreiui'tnrllt btruck from the list of candidates until idler the second vote, when the lowest u une bhall be btruck off and so on at each suicesMve second vote until a nomination shup be effected. I'rm tiled that In the cuso ot a nomination of two candidates for the bame onice nt Iho bame time, It shall Im necessary lo a nomination that iho eanilldatii shull receive more than ono third of the vtholo cent enllon vote. V. All county nominations for officers to bo elected by the people bhull Isi inailo In and by the County conventions, except us licieln otherwise pio- VI. Insliuelluiis shall bo required upon liomln.v lions fundi Coimtv unices extcpt forcorouir.Mn tejor und Auditors, and shun be ulluwed upon oilier Humiliations, und candidates htill nielvo Com en llon voles lu propoitlou to their vote lu the respect. Itedlslilcts. VII. In cases where Instructions are not required bv the foiegolng rule It shall bo necessary to the Ultlng of Instructions that ut least, one-half tho voteis piesent ut the election shall take part In tho pioecedliiguf voting thereon. VIII. VotOKOf Inslructlonsforcaiidldatesbliallbo refolded and counted lu Convention: and voles lu violation of instructions shtll bo disallowed. IX. In case of a tie vote In convention made by Inkliucllons, the candidate who luus received tho highest popular v otu bhall bo dcclui ed nominated i Chapter III. OkI;iiuii'.ii.iiy, I, sameasiilniloeu In old rules. II, Same as twenty In old rules. III. No ierson shull bo eligible to a nomination bv u Convention who has opiiosed the Deiuoirutle thkU ut Iho hoxt piectdlngi licllou. IV. iiiuii as llili teen lu old rules. Chapter IV, Of Tllk STANIUMl COIHIIVJU:, I. Same as twelv o lu old rules. II. Humo as fourln old rules. III. In case of the deuth, declination orrcmoval of uuyciiudldatuputlu uilulnulluii by Iho Couven. tloo.b'fuie I he ilcaioiij u new nomination of a candidate bhull bo made by the standing Committee called together for that purpose by u publlo notlou. from umong citizens eligible uiidcriui-bo rules. IV. If a State Convention bhall happen ut n sea. mn of iheyeur pi ev luus lo the legular meeting of the counly Noiiiliialliig Convention ; then und lu that caso lie StuudlngCoiuinltU'e called lugi ther fur that purpose, by puuio notice shall elect the repn. benUitlvo delegates lor the Counly.uud hball unuolut bciiatoilal cohioncs from umong citizens eligible uiuli r these rules, tu select bcwitorlal delegate!. ., v...'l',".' chairman bhall call a upoelal meeting of the standing committee, upon request in writing of any live members i and lu the cull he shall state the business or purpose ot the meeting; au,i uu business shall be transacted other than thut mentioned In the call. VI. Special Conventions may b callod when npcessary. by the suuidlug Couiuiltloo, the proceed ings of which ahull conform to those rules. Chapter. V. Or Tin Item. Ir These rules or any ono or more of theintnay bo ltcred, tunesded or rescinded at any regular convention by a Yutt, or two-thirds U lit wholt liuiiibu uf deltgatei to tin OourenUon, SuUcrlle for tliti OsiufOilgn Coi.tMfcUN, Poetical. AVIXCOMII TO TIIK NATION'S. nr ii. it. sTonnAHii. Welcome, n thousand welcomes I Our emotion Demands a speech wo have not i It demands The unutterable largeness of tho ocean, The Immeusurablo broadness of the lands That owns us musters. Who la ho shall hpcalc ThU langunge for us 1 from what mountain peak 1 And In tho rhythms ot whut epic song, At onco serene and strong? Welcomes, ten thousand welcomes I II Is much, O sisters I o have done In coming here ; l'or from tho hour ye touch Our peaceful shores, ye arc peaceful, equal, dear! Not with exultations, O Sister, Mother nations 1 Do wo recelre your coming! for morn than many seo Cornea it Ith ye i do e see It t It Is w hat Is to bo Sotnodny among jour mtrlads, who will nomoro obeys But, iieaeeablo or 'warring, will then llnd out tho way Themselves to govern i if they tolerate Kaisers, and Kings, and Princelings, as to-day, It will be becauso they pity and arc too good to hate. Th New World Is teaching tho Old World to bo free : This, her acknowledgement from these, Is more Thau all that went before. Henceforth, America, Man looks up to thee, Not down at tho dead Itepubllcs I Ilise, arise I That all men may behold thoc. Ho not proud j Ho humble und bo vt I so : And let thy head be bowed To tho I'nknown, Supremo One, who on high Has willed thee not to die I lie grateful, watchful, brave ; See that among thy children none shall plundor, Nor rend asunder Swift to detect and punish, and strong to shield and 8.110 I Shall the drums beat, trumpets sound, And tho cannon thunder round? No, llieso aro warlike noises, and must cease; Not thus, while the wholo world from battle rests, Tho Commonwealth receives her honored guests She celebrates no triumphs but of l'eaco. ironi "llospes CivitatU ;" Scribncr for Awjtut. Miscellaneous. THE PAIUV OK THE WELL. Tlio civil war between the. Cavaliers and Puritans, which was then desolating tho land, had taken Landleigh Castlo iti its de structive course, and that onco lordly pile was now a ruin. An ancient well stood near its blackened walls, with a square coping of old, gray, mossy stones, into which flowed a translucent btream. At the back of this well was an antique recess of stone, from the centre of which the water took its course. The beams of early sunlight glittered on the water as a young cavalier approached the well. If there bo a spell called "sweet memories" which, they say, binds the heart to certain places, and it the loveliness of tho scenes in which one's childhood has been passed, serves to renew tho guileless joys of infancy, then, indeed, might Denzil Norman attribute to their influenco his in creasing reluctance to depart and rejoin his regimeut. Hut no; ho knew the spell that bound him to that spot was the charm of a simplo village maiden. Yes, from the mo. ment he had beheld tho lovely and gcutlo Alice lirooke, ho felt that his destiny was fixed. He knew the legend of the old well. Its waters were said to bo guarded by the fairy of the castle. She harmed but the wicked. Those who had ever beheld her, (which he never had,) said that her smilo was so sweet it made everybody who was fortunate enough to encounter it.gniul looking and happy. "Ah I famous fairy nf this well," he cried, apostrophizing it -"if indeed, such spirits exist between heaven and man how glad ly would I importune you to award me the allectiiiii of a village maiden. Then (ar far from the kingly courts and the hostile dins of warfare " He paused abruptly, for it appeared to him as if a voice answered him from the well. He listened intentlyand heard a sweet silvery voice mingling with the rippling of tlio waves, which chanted these words: Deuzll Norman I Dcnzll Norman I List tho Kalry of tho Well ; l'ocs aro coming-foes tire coining, Hero no longer thou must dwell. Happier days may on thee wait I Ply from lovo uud fij from fato ! Dcnzll was filled with amazement. The voico sounded to his car liko the wreathed choir of unseen spirits. Could it be posxiblo ho asked himself, that thero were such be ings as fairies, who watch our actions, uud know our inmost thoughts ? Tlio voice had ceased, but now another sound broke upon his ear a distant hum as of troops upon the murch. Tho warning was true, then he was in peril. The Round' heads were near. If detected, he knew he should be denounced as a spy.nml shot with out delay. Yet still he would not fly until ho had exchanged a few farewell words with the lovely Alice. Ho hastened back to the house ot Dr. lirooke, the village physician and the father of his love. Tho worthy doctor was sur prised at his return. "Rash youth!" ho exclaimed, "were you not admonished on your way hither to lly at once from Landleigh 1" "How know you that?" answered Dcnzll, in iiumzeinent. "Yes, I was admonished but 1 had not said farewell to Alice. "This is absolute inaduew," said Dr. lirooke. "Roy, boy,areyoti aware that faro' well may cost you your life?" "Not so,worthy host; I wear n good sword and possess a strong arm to back it," re plied Deuzil with tho confidence of youth. "Where is Alice?" "She is absent, but will shortly return j und when sho does I will send her In you," said the doctor, and left the room, As Dcnzll gazed listlessly from the win dow, a panel in the wall glided noiselessly to one side and through the aperture can o u lovely girl, boine eighteen years of age, clad in tho plain but becoming costume of a village maid. Slio closed the panel quietly, advnuceil to Deuzil's bide, aud laid her.hand upon his shoulder. He started up in joyful surprlne. "Ah, sweet Alico !" he exclaimed, "Deuzil, Denzlll" she answered Im patiently ; "why do you tarry here when every moment adds to tlio peril of your sulety 1" ''Chide ino not," ho returned, "since I tarried but to ask you if you will love mu when 1 am gone, us I shall continue tu love you 1" "Oh. Denzll, Dctizlll" sho responded, plaintively, "Is R generous to leave this Impression on the heart of a poor maiden, whoso last hope could be to unlto herself In wedlock with one of noble dctccnt like yours? I do love you nor blush to acknowledge that which is oi dear to me as the love of llfolUcIt, Rut, alas I hare heard it tald Vour liiuid tUvMisl 16 Miottitr.' "Another I AVhat other?" demanded Dcnzll, In surprise. Tho daughter of your father's friend, Lord Eustace Illount, nnd the proprietor of yonder ruined castle," answered Alice. "Lord Eustaco perished nt the battlo of Worce.ter," said Denzll ; "his daughter fled or wni lost In the conflict. Tlio heart and hand of IVnzil Norman aro free, Alice, and to you they will he true." Mtco made no further remonstrance, but she presently inquired : "You remember, then, the Lord I'Ustaco und his young, motherless daughter ?" "Alice, I do," ho unswered : "who over forgets tho companions of earliest years? Jle was my guardian she the playful com panion of my summer walks. All aro gone 1 Rut tho Influence of thcirgood wishes seems still to direct my destiny." l'hey were now disturbed by the abrupt entrance of a servant, who informed them that tho house was surrounded by l'uritans. and that they had evidently come in search of Deuzil Norman. Alice showed Dcnzil the secret panel and urged him to conceal himself. He did so with reluctance, and tUice awaited the coming of tho Roundhead soldiers with n fluttering heart. Iho Roundheads wtro uuder the com mand of the stem Colonel Ireton. Ho was much incensed when he found that Denzll had escaped him, nnd ordered his soldiers to seize upon the doctor and Alice, nnd bear them away prisoners. Dcnzil, who had lingered behind tho panel, fearing some such result, now made his appearance and gave himself up, to prcservo his friends. Alico cast a reproachful glance upon him as tho Roundheads marched him away. A brief trial was allotted to the young cavalier. He was adjudged a spy, and sentenced to be shot. Ho was placed for safe keeping in the chapel of tho ruined Castle of Landleigh, aud a guard kept vigi laut watch over him. It was night. A lamp burned dimly at the foot of a pedestal supporting the statue of a warrior beneath the shadow of whose shield Dcnzil Xormau sat immersed in gloomy thought. His dream of life ap peared to have reached its end. In half an hour, in that chapel, at the foot of his great ancestor, whoso battle axe did such marvels in Palestine over tho infidels, he, the last of his proud race, was about to sink ; and it must be without a struggle, ignobly, igno- miniously. Suddenly a voice of sweetest melody broke through the gloomy still ness : Dcnzll Norman Denzll Norman I List tho Fairy of the Well ; I am near theo Denzll hear me, Here shalt thou no longer dwelL lluppy days for theo await, Fly from love, and fly from fato 1 Denzil took up tho lamp to see from whence tho voice proceeded, but a sudden gii9t of wind extinguished it. Rut nt that moment the moonlight falling with radiant brilliancy on tho broken window of the gallery, disclosed to him the form of the fairy standing on the base of a lofty column. Neither form nor feature were visible, how ever, and a large white veil completely en veloped her person. She looked like the marble image of some sculptured saint. "DenziI,"sho said, in a voice that sounded strangely familiar to his ears, "the Fairy of theWell is the friend of true lovers and would have these live. Therefore take thou heart; the fairy is here to secure your flight. The King hath landed on his native shore." 'tlod save King Charles !'' cried Denzil joyfully. "Amen !" responded the fuirv; "thou shalt join him soon. Touch the right knee of the statue press hard and a door will open in the pedestal; through it you will find liberty. ! reed from this chapel, seek tho old her- initugo at the depth of the glen. A friend awaiteth thee there the fairy's friend. Pro nounce in his ear tho name of Alice Urooke; he will recognize nnd conduct thee to the feet of thy triumphant sovereign. Denzll farewell !" The moon-beams were suddenly obscured by a passing cloud; and when her light shone forth again, tho fairy had disappeared, Denzil hastened to obey her instructions. He found the secret door, entered the sub terranean passage to which it onducted and speedily emerged into a wood beyond the chapel wall. He" hastened lo the her mitage; and there, to his great surprise and joy, encountered his old friend and guardian Lord Eustace Illount, who ho thought had been untimely slain on AVurcester field. Lord Eustace's story was soon told. Ho had been Baved by tho Fairy of the Well. Wounded nigh lo death, concealed in the ruins of his own castle, she had been his nurse. His life proscribed, slie was his guardian angel, in she had been DenztPs. Hisbtoiy told, he told Denzil to go with him to tho King, assuring him that his sovereignly had been proclaimed in Loudon and that the fierce civil war was well nigh over. Hut Denzil must btoii by tho wnv ut i;octor lironfce's cotlago to exchange a few words witli his loved Alice. Tho doctor welcomed them both most joy- Hilly. "And Alice whero Is she ?" asked Deu zil, anxiously. "Whut Al'ice?" inquired Lord Kustaeo "Sho to whom I am engaged, my Lord," answered Lenzii ; "one dearer to me, tar dearer to me, fur dearer than life." "Engaged, Denzll ?" cried Lord Eustace j "you forget I have a daughter, named Kate, to whom In early life you ivere betrothed." "l'urdoii me.iioble Lurd, 1 was a boy then," remarked Deuzil. "The heart will not be commanded ; despite myself, I love another ; uud surely you would not covet tor your daughter the hand uf it mini who could never bestow upon her his aflectlon. Rut I cannot wed your daughter; my love my vow is irrevokuble. " 'Nay, fctuy until you have seen Kate,' urgtd Loid Eustaco; "let her plead for her self. Doctor, bring her hither." Dr. lirooke left tho room, but presently returning, leading a female by the hand who wore over head und pesson a flowiug white veil. "Here bho Is, Denzll," he said ; "you hove met Jier before, 1 am told." "The Fairy or tho Well I" cried Denzll In astonishment "Otherwise Kato Illount," replied Lord Eustace, pleasantly ; "who, uuder that dls guise (by various subterranean passages of the castle,) for years saved tho life of her proscribed father," "To such a daughter cau Denzll refuse his hand ?" asked Doctor Itrooko, "Doctor, do you, you, iny friend, urge me lo Ihlt upotacy l"- crUd Dentil, reproach VuMy Ho knelt Wore tlio fairy rtMly, "Oh, lady, I must nppeal to you," ho con tinued ; "you have proved my guardian spirit. I loved ere 1 beheld you ; I cannot glvo you tliAt which Is already given could not, even were you the divinity you have appeared." Tho fairy put back her veil and discovered the features uf Alico ilrooke. "Denzll dear, faithful Denzll," she ox- claimed tenderly, "It is 1 1" He started to his feet in fresh amazement, crying out joyfully, "Alice 1" "No, Kate, thy cousin," said the doctr r. "She but passed as my daughter to escapo the persecution of her father's foes. She is- the daughter of tills noble lord ; her true name, the Lady Catherine Illount. Say, will you now refuse her hand ?" Denzil eagerly grasped the hand which his cousin extended to him. "And now our mystery solves itself Into a sweet reality, exclaimed Lord Eustace, joyfully ; and lie joined their hands together and blessed them. AVhen Charles the Second, restored to the throne of his ancestors, summoned his de fenders around him to form his court, prin cipal among them camo Denzil Norman, Lord Eustace Illount and his daughter, then Lady Denzil Norman. The Prompt Juror. Tho Augusta, Qa., Constitutionalist says "Wo heard his Honor, Judge Gibson, on Tuesday, tell an amusing story of the wayn uror went for n conviction. He says ho was trying a murder case a lew years ago down In ono of the wire-grass counties, and experienced great difficulty in getting a jury; that eleven jurors uau been sworn in, and in the next panel that was brought ill was a small, lean, lank, cadaverous-looking fellow who had on one shoe, his pants wero nearly above his knees, his shirt open both back and front, and the aforesaid trousers were held up by a Blnglo suspender. Tho solicitor proceeded to ask the usual ques tions in such cases as follows : "Have you, from having seen the crime: committed, or heard of any of the testimo ny delivered under oath, formed and ex pressed any opinion as to the guilt or inno cence of the prisoner at the bar?" The "single gallus" fellow, in a clear and distinct voice, answered : "Not any." Second question "Uavo you any preju dice or bias resting on your mind for or against tho prisoner at the bar ?" Answer "I hain't." Third question "Is your mind perfectly mpartial between the State aud the accus ed ?" Answer "Hit are. Fourth question "Are you conscientious ly opposed to capital punishment?" Answer "I isn't." The State did not like the juror much, but it being late and jurors scarce, he was put upon tho stand to look at the prisoner in the usual manner, the solicitor saying : "Juror look upon the prisoner." Tho juror looked the prisoner firmly in the face, and then turning to the Judge, said in a firm, solemn voice : "Yes, Judge, I think he is guilty." A Trip With a Whccl-barrow. HOLLINO SPECIMl'.NS FOR TIIK CHNTHNNIAL, 1,400 MILKS ACROSS; TIIK COUNTRY. One afternoon about five o'clock a man and boy apparently worn with travel, nnd certainly bronzed by the sun und begrimed wilii the dust of the road, were seen trudg ing in AVest King, the man holding the han dles of an oilillv constructed aud haudsome- ly iiainted wheelbarrow,and the boy walking by his side. The man proved to be Mr. J. C. Temple, of tho town of Joplin, Jasper county, Missouri, the buy being his son Otto, aged 13 years. He said that he left Joplin on the 2Stli of February, accompanied by his son Otto, and an Englishman uamed Wilson. Some time last winter he made a proposition that if the Oronogo and Joplin Mining Company, of Jasper county would givi him fifty pounds of minerological spec- metis from their mines, lie would wheel them on a wheelbarrow all the way to the Ce'ntennial. Some beautiful specimens of ore were brought to him und he constructed a wheelbarrow thut would bo particularly suitable for so long a journey. The entire weight of the burrow, baggage, and speci mens of minerals is one hundred and fifty pounds, and the cost of the entire outfit was $125. The mineral; are specimens of zinc, lead, blackjack, spar and garnet, all from Oronogo and Joplin, Missouri mines. Mr. Temple and his son have travelled more than 1,-iOO miles. They have made as high as 27 miles, though they frequently stopped oft" at convenient points to recuper ate, at one place resting as long as five days. They camped out 27 nights, but generally they were lurnished with good lodging and hobpltably entertained along the route. Monuili iMl'ULiK. Hut one of the most singular things exists iu the case of a young man who not long ago visited a largo iron manufactory. He stood opposite a huge hammer, und watched with great interest its perfectly regular strokes, At first it was beating iiumt iiKo lumps of crimson metal in to thin, black sheets, but tho supply be- coining exhausted, at last it only descended on the polished anvil. Still tlio young man gazed intently on its motion ; then he fol lowed its stroke with a corresponding notion of his head ; then his left arm moved to the same tune ; aud finally he deliberately iJnc nl his list upon the anvil, and in n second it was smitten to u jelly. Tho only explana tiou ho could afford was that he felt an im pulse to do it, ii id that he knew, he should be disabled ; that he saw the cnuscqwiiicu in u misty kind of manner; but that ho still felt u potter within, ubovo benso and reason a morbid impulse, in fact, to which he biiccumbed, and by which ho lost a good right hand, This incident suifgests inanv things besides proving the peculiar nature uud power uf morbid impulses; such things; for instance, as a law of sympathy on a scale hitherto undreamt of, us well ns a musical tune pervading all things. Chamber's Jour nal. IlosTON Poi.iTKNiHS. AVe "oxpeet" that thero aro no people in the world an distin guished for courtesy as the people of Huston, A few days kinco a lady of that city, with her child, entered a Deacon street car, and mentioned to tho conductor that she desired to get out near Arlington street. No doubt astonished ut the variety of cars, ami the many directions from which they came and went, seemingly without regularity, she iu uocently but iwlltely remarked to the con doctor as he lauded her, " I'm very mucA obliged to you, I'm lure; but I'm afraid I've taken you out of your way 1" Kiuitiu': Dr Atffcn, In HatfrnM or ilnputt, (lor. Hendricks' Speech. Called Out nv a Surknadk-A Tullino Sl'Kr.CH Hi! SAVH HIS FINAL ACTION WILL nE SATISFACTORY TO INDIANA DEMOCRACY. At tho conclusion of the ratification meet ing tho band, accompanied by on Immense crowd, repaired to tho residence of his ex cellency, Gov. Hendricks, for the purpose of serenading him. In response to tho screnado the Governor came to tho door, nnd wan greeted with enthusiastic cheers. He said : Till! OOVHRNOll's) ADDltFA-J. My Fellow Citizens I thank you for this expression of your respect. There is ono question occupying tho public mind. It is whether the Democratic party ought to bo restored to power at this time. Many yearn ago it was iu power for a long period. Dur ing that time all concede that the laws wero just and equal, fair to capital and just to labor. Prolonged cheers.J The people were happy and the country prosperous. For sixteen years tke Republican party has been in pow er. It is eleven years since tho close of the war. Is the country, as any one patriotio and true, desires it to be? Is capital sccuro in its investment? Is labor blessed with re munerative employment? Aro tho laws equal ? Are they not partial ? During all this period the Democratic party have not had eontrol of any department or branch in the public service. At this session of Con gress our party has a decided majority in tho House. fApplause.l is it is It ill for tho country that it Is so? There may be much to criticise in what has been said and done in the House, but this stands prominently forth : That the Investi gations which it has conducted have devel oped a corruption in the public service hor rible to contemplate; worse, perhaps, than that which impaired the strength nud des troyed tho fortunes of France under Louis Napoleon before and during tho Prussian war. It is now shown, so that everybody knows it, that these corruptions and partiali ties have prevailed for many years, but they remained concealed liko a festering disease at the bone, uutil a Democratic House ap plied the knife. The result of all this was that all tho people, shocked at what they had supposed to exist, but which they now see, are determined to restore good govern ment. Tremendous applause. Daro any frank and honest man say that in llieso in vestigations the House has not done good work for tho country ? AVhatevcr criticism may be made upon what has been done in the Houso this is conceded : That in the ap propriation bill it has reduced the public expenditures from $20,000,000 to !i0,000,- 000 1 To accomplish this retrenchment, it has maintained n dreadful contest with tho Senate, and its action was denounced as re- olutionary. If, then, corruption be over thrown and expenditures reduced from $20, 000,000 to f30.000.000, will any one question thut it was well for the country that two ears ago a Democratic House was chosen ? Cheors. A distinguished citizen of tho government of New York has been nomin ated fur the Presidency. Is his election not also in the Interest of the people? Ho does not come with assurances upon the lips alone, but tho ltr.iui.Ti or Hid I AUOlt Inth iu the city of New Yurk and as Gover nor of the Slate, attest his purpose and his ability to maintain a sticce-ful cmili'st with partiality, iMrruiiti n ainl Irntid. Loud cht'crii. Ptiliticai I'm' uud Irienil alike have fallen under his blows. Cheers. Great mproveuiHiit in Iho city nl New York has been a partial result and a mlm-iinn of tlio taxes of the State from $ 1 7,0i 10,000 to $8,- 000,000, lightens tho bunions of labor and aud encourages tho iuvestinout of capital. Applause. As to Gov. Hayes, the Repub lican candidate, I would speak of him as well as his most impartial friend, but his election Is but a continuance in power of tho men who have controlled the policies and the appointments of Grant's administration. If elected, can he disregard Guv. Morton's power in Indiana; Cameron's sway in Penn sylvania, or Conklin's lordship in New York? " Cries of No 1 No!" They say he is mi honest man ; was not the samo said if Gen. Grant four years ago? In a speech which I made in the Academy of Music, the first in my canvass for Governor, 1 said that l left alone Grant would have made a better President, but the surroundings, tho influ ence, and the political power that could con trol his administration would bring upon tho people tho ill which we now deplore. At this lato hour you would not expect me to say more. I have been Informed that during the next week I will be formally no tified ot my luniinatlou on the ticket at St. Louis. 1 will then anunuiico my action aud I trust it will bo satisfactory to tho Demo cracy of Indiana, huthusiabtm and pro longed cheering. Again, gentlemen, I thank you for thu compliment. Loud cheers. A Tradition of Sauatoua Laki:. There U tin Indian super.-lltiuii attached to this lake which probably hud its sourco in its leinarkalilo hmclincBS and tranquility. 1 lie Mohawks believed that its stillness was wicred to the Great Spirit, aud that if a hu man voico uttered u sound upon its waters, the canoe of the olleuder would instantly sink. A story is told of an Englishwoman, in the early dujsol tho settlers, who hud feccaslon to cross this lake with a party of Indians, who, before embarking, warned her niiwt impressively of tho spell. It was a silent, breathless day, tout the cauoo shot over the surf ico nf tlm lake like an arrow. About half u mile Irnm the shore, near tho centre of the lake, thu woman, wishing to convince the Indians nf thu erroueousnebs of their superstition, uttered a loud cry. Tho countenances ot thu Indians fell iiitautly to the deepest gloom. Alter n minute's pause, however, they redoubled their exertions anil in frowning silence drove tho light baric swiftly over tho waters They reached the shore in safety, und drew up tho canoe, when tho woman rallied the chief on his credulity. "The (In at Pplrlt Is mercilul," answered the Kcuiufiil MuliHvik; "ho knows that a white woman cannot hold her tongue!" In Lo. Angeles, Cul., is a family with nine varieties of children. The husband and wife have each been married twice before and hud one child nt.e.ach former marriage, which makes four children, each one having different parents. The present wife's former husbands had each been married before, leaving u child by their former vtivus, which makes six children of different parents. The present husband's two former wives had pre viously married, leaving each une child, making eight of different parents. Tho pre nent hubaud aud wife by thlt marriage have tmo child, making nine, all living, nud tiu two laying the fcame 1'tirenta.