The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 28, 1876, Image 3

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ni.oojisn mm, rniDAY, jct.vii, im
Call Itonit Time TnMc.
Accommodation Train MS A.M.
Mall Train i T.34 A..M
Express Trnln Us I'. M.
" " t.U V. M.
Accommodation Train A.M.
lti'L'iilur Hxpress 4.04 l M.
Tlirnnicli cars on Kxprcss train cither to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
t'ntawlssa niul Wllllnmsport.
7.8S A. M.
4.M 1'. M
11X3 A. M
T.fiT P. M.
lt.S.1 A.M.
I'ru-l is saiil lo have iiimlo Its nppcaraneo In
nunc parts during lle paH week.
Charles Unangt, Ksip, ami wife, of New
York, nru spcnilint; tlie Minimcr at homo with
their patents.
Tim Mnnlour County Agi tt-iillnral Society
will liolil pxlillilttnn In Danville
on tlie '27th, iiStli, 31tli nml liOlh of Scpteinher.
.Incol) Alii, who has boon nlient from lionie
fo" tlic 1al live years, In tlio Unllcil Slates ser
vice, returned recently, lil-i llinu of cnli-dini-nt
having expired.
The festival lielil In Cailin.m's store room last
week for the benefit of St. ColuiiiliMII'i church
win will nttcnileil, The net proceeds were
nljout seventy-live dollar.
The wheat crop in lids County is reported to
he poor, koine saying that ihey have
hanlly cot luck what they sowed. In the Wat
nml in I'uropo the yiehl Usald to be c,noi.
Wo occasionally receive n paper returned
through the post oflico wllh simply the tinmo
of tlio sulncrlhcr on It, An our tlmo Is too
much occupied to Kpcnil it day looking for tho
address of Mich perilous, we pay no attention to
them. It inny iu well ho urulcmtood that we
will discontinue no paper union tlio s'nWriber
sends hU nddreM In full nml payi hit iithKriplion
171 It ilnlc ttf tlnpixtgc. Tho law penults us to do
this and wo jiroKie lo carry it out.
The steam fire i-iiglnn (jurntloti Is being ns;i
luted. We wuuld rejoice to m'o our fire compa
nies the powwors of. a fine Silstiy If we hnd
nny uo for It, hut just nt present It would he an
etcphaii(. Without nny lipmcdlato usuraii9e if
water works', it would he u!iwielto expend sev
eral lhoiian(l dollar fur n puichlno that would
he worthletu without them. We must have 11
supi ly of wuler niul then wo can hegin to talk
nhoiit n steamer.
Mr. Li-oni Melllck, who has been pursuing
his legal studies) In l'hl lailelphln for the past
year, is spcndlne; tho suminer with his parents
in hight Street.
We hear rumors of n large fire In Hast Nan"
icoke Inst night. None of the particulars have
yet reached here, further than that Mr. Itisc
wickjfornierly of llloonisbuig,ls oneof the loscrf.
A l!Alt).'
It ! pinper that I should explain to my
fill-nils Hut business engagements will prevent
me from making 11 inuvnsa of the County tu
solliit votes tis 11 eaiiilldato for Conguss. My
devollon nml services to tho party nre known J
and I believe h people, unaided, nro .fully
compilei tlo judge of the qualifications of a can
didale fur that Important office without perso
nal solicitation.
tf C. It. IlltOCKWAV.
We havo forwarded to the various election
districts the tiikits and 1 lection papers for tho
delegate election to be held Saturday, August
Bill, The names of 11 thu candidates are print,
id on one ticket in alphabetical order. In vol.
iug instructions tho voter should strike out nil
the names on thu 1 1 .t i-xcipt his choice. One
candidate is li lie selected lor each nthec, ex-
eept liepro-c-ntntivc nnd Associate Judge, for
which two candidates arc to bu named. The
tickets ami election papers nro lo bo returned to
the Coiivintinu, . - l!w
The sign boards in 1'ine, Sugarloaf and some
other townships are not up according to law. If
constables do not attend to this pint of their
business they had better bo a little cafe fill how
they swear to their returns at September .Court.
ltev. l- Old, formerly of this County, but fur
the last ten years rector of a parish in Zanes
llle, Ohio, conducted the services at St. l'anl's'
J'picopal church 011 Sunday last. Thechurih
will be open next Sunday.
l-'or reckless, wilful, malicious mi'-ttatcincnls
on political ipiestions the InicMiitnj Glmmiile
hill no It even beats tho i.YiiiniVim of
this place. It shows a lack of intelligence
ainnng the reades of such a jnurnal when they
can tolerate such stull.
Our readers will find In another column Iho
advertisement of the "I'cabody Medical lu-di
Blitule," of llixton, which publishes the ini
inensely popular wo'rk entitled "The Science of
Life, or .Sidf-l'reservatiou," It should lie in
the hands of every youni man and every per.
sou sullering from a decline of the physical
powers. The Institute nl-.ii publishes those in
valuable treatises, ''Sexual l'hysiology of Wo.
man,', and "Diseases of the Neives and Ner
vous: Maladies." Avery elaborate ami costly
gold medal has recently been presented to the
author of llieseiworks bv thu National .Medical
Association. Duii'l fail to read the advertise
that wo rend and re-rend, In Intensified form,tlio
bloisly stnr Of oo llil.l Mini Dig Horn Hlvers.
Uusd-r nnd' his three hundroil, nmhushed by a
wily foe nnd melting nwny in dinlh before odd
rendered doubly nnd terribly formidable by be
wildering shrieks anil stealthy modenf lighting,
recall with vlvjd effect tlio, trngeily of llrwl-
lock Held, whoso detnlls nteso grnphlcnllv
nnd fully tmirntul In that wonderful book, "Our
Western llorder One Hundred learn Ago."
Or If other parallels bo sought, they nhound
in Iho snmo brilliant, stirring nml faithful vol
ume; for Custer ami llig Horn, Cnnby nnd the
J.nVA lleds, Modoc nnd Sioux, nre hut repetl-
lions, now fainter, r.ow fiercer, of Dflncll nnd
llloodv Itui), Crawford nnd Ilattle Island, liar-
ncr and the .Miami Tonus.
Tho new story, whether of victory or defeat,
massacre or escape, eunuii.g or adventure,
treachery or dash, hardship or retreat, Is hut an
ipltoino of the old filled with its quaint and
1 1 r i 1 11 i t i v e portraitures, haloed about by thrilling
traditions, nnd sanctified to us by thu facts that
our fathers were a part of It nnd theso our
dwelling ptares wire scenes in the midst (if It,
Ot!tt WnsTtutN I' 100 vears ago. A
new nml rnre Historical volume of llorder
Ufe, Strugglo nnd Adventure, by CllAUl.ta
McC'UltliV Co.. Philadelphia, l'a.. Cincinnati.
O.i Chic.iao. Ill,, and St. Louis. Mil, nnd sold
by Agents. 1-or terms and illustrated Lircillar
address the I'nhllslieis.
Di:.vrn ritOM A Ki.y'h Hitk. Mr. Kdwaid
Jo-eph, of the linn of M. Kotosk h Co, hatters,
n uomlsng young man of nbout twenty-five
years of nge, died to-day fipm tho bile of some
insect. While driving on Sunday afternoon
last he felt something which lie suposed to be
a lly on his upper lip, and immediately after
ward was sharply stung, llo paid no attention
to tho matter at the time, hut some hours after
ward his lip began to swill nml became very
much Inllamed. In n day or two thcswtlling
extended to his face, nnd subsequently to his
body, nnd the services of Drs. Craig and Mac
dnnald were obtained. The young man took to
his bel on Wednesday, but his friends did not
anticipate fatal results until this morning, when
ho became deliiious. His death. look plate
about nine o'clock, Although of late few deaths
from tho bite of flics (ceding on decomposed
matter have been reported, yet some years ngo
.suvcral cases occurred in tontreal from this
caiike within a. i-hort period of each other:--Monlrcixl.
'V.. . -1. it. I. I .-I . S I tit. .
iu lentil iiiu iiiguri sinm.tni ui iieniin, h"
lure demands tho utmost reiridnrltv of the bow
els; n slight deviation brings many Inconveni
ences nnd paves the way to moro serious clan
germ Wo can rccommcni Dr. Itttll'd Vegetable
Tills as tho best tuedlcino for tho needs of the
digestive apparatus. . -.i
Tux ONtrKt-mi 1'iim rent ltn-rinii, The oldes
nml bcM hernia surgi-uns In tho worlrtani somsut
tho ndrantuges otlcred by tho Triumph Truss Co.,
834 How cry, N. V., whoso truss nml supporter wero
awnrdeil tho medal at the lato tesstonof tliottreat
American Institute l'nlr Send 10 cents tor their
new hook. March U 'is J'l
Jkisiucss iNoticcs
Chlckcring SlcinwnyMnUiushek ft Ilnlucs
Urn., l'lnnos nt Tlionins Muslo Store Dan
ville. " July 21,-lw
McKlnney's Is heiHlitmrters for nil kinds
nt uoots nna sin ei.
ATrr.NTloN. Tho Confectionery nnd Ico
Cri-nni Saloon, recently occupied by Mr,
Miller, comer of Main utiil Jellerson Streets.
will be continued by W. M. Mason, Cholto
Coiilcctiiitiery, Uigurs, vc , 11 speciality.
85 cents for slippers nt K. M. Knorr'n.
Ladles' French Kid Iltitton Shoes, nil
widths nml, at McKlnney's.
Syrups and Molasses nt price h lo suit the
tunes at M. ,M. llilsscll s.
Ulii Id ren's Protection lodges just received
ut I,, m, Knorr s, - -
Ilaiianas, l'inr Apples, Oranges nnd Lem
ons, nt M. m. itiisseii s.
The largest line of Slippers Is nt MclCin
Sheet Music. Music, linoks and Mttsical
Instruments ci-nerallv in endless varietv nt
1 hoinas Mnsio. Store, Danville. July 21. '4 w
And still they go, to I. W. Hitrliuaji's for
iiieu Culled. '
Ladio's KliVriiul Men's I-'inc Slippers just
received at E. M. Knorr'n.
Men's Lasting HooTs verv clieuii at Mc-
Clinton C. Swisher, formerly of Mnomdnirg,
graduated at Yale College in the class of 1&70.
Mr. Swisher is endowed with many good quali
ties' and we wish him sueeesi in whatever call
ing he may choose for his life work.
l'robably the oldest pi inter now living in Co
lumbia county is Thomas Trenth, proprietor of
Trench's paper-mill, uear Light Street, lie is
about seventy years of nge. We are told that
he was employed in printing thu first edition of
Cobb's spelling-book.
A festival for the hinefit of the Hescue l-'ire
Company will beheld in the Opera House on
l-'riday nnd Saturday evenings, July '.'8th and
2!lth, Kefieshiucnls will be served both even
ings. All should come.
We publish the following as a specimen of
numerous letters wo are Reviving. Our liberal
oiler is being accepted by many intelligent citi
zens ihioughout the County. Anolhir opportu
nity of the kind will nut be given soon ag.lin,
and every body klioiild avail himself of it now.
Catawissa, l'a., July 2-Jnd, 1S7C.
Misssus, llnoi KWAV oc Ki.wni.i. :
VMn- .Sir: Suing )our advertisement for
the Campaign Col.r.MiUAN from August Ut un
til alter the election in Novcmlier Ibr GO cents,
and sciing, or rather reading, your paper Ibis
evening lor thu liist time 1 iiku it very much,
and enclosed you uill ti .d SO cents to pay for
the paper for that length of time. Youis, Aic,
A very marked and agreeable change in the
weather took place on Saturday last. After
Hwelti-iing for weeks with the lUerniouutcr nt
1)3 degrees, it was truly refreshing to find it
ranging from 50 to 70. The cool weather has
continued up to thu piesent. Splendid Lr the
Centennial show.
Wo would return thanks to a number of gen
tlemen of Catawissa for their kindness in a rep
resentative of this paper while 00 a business
visit to their Through their assistance
ho succeeded belter in tho object of his trip
than ho possibly could have done without them.
At llloonisburg Oper.i House, August 2d nndi
ltd, 1S70,, under thu management, of. S. K. White,
formerly a school hoy nml teacher in this part
of the Slate. Don t fail to see this beautiful
entertainment. ' Fully a hundred voices will
take part among the happy picnic, thj fairies or
gipsies. All appear in character mid costume
The work has for its object the teaching of kind-
nes 10 the sullering and a trust in divine aid In
times of need o do not be afraid you are coin
ing to some trilling show. It will delight every
body and bin 111 nobodv. Tickets and reserved
seals can be secured without extra charge at (!
A. Clark's book store.
Tho annual meeting of the Columbia county
Sabbath School Association will bis held ill the
Presbyterian church at New Columbia, Hem
lock township, on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, the 21), 30 A 111 days of August next.
M. W. N'i'ss, Sec'y.
The enterprising ilruggitSj Moyer ISrothers,
are enlarging and rilittlng their prescription
department. They have employed Maisliall (1.
Kinney, Jr., a practical pluirluncuitUt of large
experience, to take charge Of this brunch of
their extensivo trade. Wo congratulate, them
011 Figuring the services of so able an nsMsstant.
Democratic "reform'' means turn out S0,000
It-'pnblican ollice-holders and put in their pi ices
80.000 Democrats, LemiliitiiJ Vl.fi11i1le,
Well, yes.if lliey are all like 11,-1 ku ip.Schenck,
llahcnck, Shcppaid, Knbeson, and so on, "Re
form'1 means the nppoiulmint of hone.-t nnd ca
pable men,
Kastj Hai.i,. On Saturday last thu Pastimes
of Itloiimsburg met and defeated thu Kxcelsiors
of Oraifgevillo and Light Street. Tho Kxcel
siors are a i-trong picked nine, and the Pastimes
may feel proud over their victory. The game
was played at Light Strict.
j-ahtimks. I r.xn:ti,ioita,
O. It. . O. It,
Buckingham, II.2h 1 fi llrown, r f It
Ilalev, s s .'I -I Low, p -l
I'ps.Sh !! -1 McDowell, ' 2
Ituckingham, R.,c 1 (i Yohe, c f !
McICelvy, If '.',4 Conner, 1; -1
Laycock, r f ft I Vanderslice, N., 1 f 11
lioyce, p -l 1 Oirhait, 2 b 2
Maloy, l.b T. 2 Vanderslice, J.,Ub 1
Smith, c f -1 2 Delaug, 1 b -1
Pa'times ICxcelsinrs
27 21)
2 II
Six good second-hand Pianos for salo at
0. Thomas Music Sloie, D.inville. ranging
in prices front $12,"i, to $2o0. July 21,-lw
A full line of Tobaccos, ut wholesale- and
retail al M. M. tcu-sell s.
Plain Laco Gaiters
nt K. M. Knorr'n for
-I r, 0 7 S 9
1 '.' 1 1 2 5 li 2-2!)
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
Fly catches lWltiieH, S Kxcel-iors, 0.
Double play, K. linekingliain and Maloy.
Umpire, K. Kockwell, of New York City.
Time of game, i! hours.
The fielding of both clubs was excellent
the P.utimcs winning- the gamu by superior
The Pastimes return th inks for the kind
treatment they ivi eived from the KxcelMors.
Tho twenty-third annual session of the Penn
sylvania State Teachers' Association will h.i
held in Horticultural Hall, Wert Chester, on
the Rlh, Ijlh and Kith of next month, Several
distinguished iihicatorss from abroad are ex
pected to be present, l'oardiug at hotels fiom
l$l.ot) to S2..r0 per day ; in pilvate families from
$1.00 lo ifl.oO per day.
Centre street fiom Main down has been gieat
ly improved by a layer of ilndir and gravel,
When (ho pioper peixins Income convinced
that it Is their duty to put that portion of the
street from Main lo liosiinont Cemitcry in a
passable uonJilioti Ihey will hotiititltd to the
thanks of (be citizens, il they don't wait too
'Aitaia" iUAiN,
Archie, our coloml friend nml brother, Is
others unhappy or Is in trouble, himself,
never so happy as when ho has made
lib has been the subject of many a local In the
Col.UMlilAK, and Is quite familiar with our Po
lice und Justices. Now it seenn that on Thurs
day evtning of lut wtck a number of colond
men 1 i-sol veil, list, to fill themselves with ben-
zinc, tecunJ, tu have a quarrel, nnd hi.-lly, lo in-
Joy 11 fight. The benzine they Imbibed general
ly ; ihu quarrel was iiiUicllani oils, but (he fight
was a duel between Arihleiind hisiolorisl frlind
.Klout. The first kuoik-down uus made by Ar
.chie, but thu fiist blood uns drawn by Stout,
who used a dirk to such iidvnnlage that he soon
Jiad nine gashes in Auhte's body, an ugly emu
being ncinsH las loins, Aiehle, lioever, pur
sued Smut to lion Street, where Ihu former fell
finm loss of blood. Ho rt turned to Ihe Fx-s-h.iiigc,
mar whhli the liouhlu begun, and Dr,
Jteber rewesl up Ids wounds, and Archio pro
eeiliil home a liltlu tho worm fur wear. Con-
stable Woislwurd failed lo find Stool, who had
Ofcnuiveour Itepubllcaii friinds nrodtsap
H)iuti-d lliat this ini iili nt did not oivur in Lou
ishiua or South Carolina, It wouhUiiavu been
u first elas.1 ba-ls fur a liri-t cluss "outrage," nod
franllo appeals would have been made InSccru
tary Cauieron to dtlaeh 11 couple of Itcgiiucnts
from Sitling Hull's fiont niidund them to the
nceiio of the niilruije to "jirolut Ihe colurisl man
in lih rh;hL." .
liooti Norici:s.
KL'l.lX'i It" MAllAZINi:.
The ICchclic for Augu-t contains an excellent
portrait of-Mr.' A. It. Rpollord, Librarian' of
Congtess, which is accoinpauied in the letter
press by a In ii f but appreciative skilihof his
life. The liteiary e-oitintsof the number nru
copious nnd various, with an unusual proportion
of light and 1 lilt ll.'iinlug aiticles, as befits the
n-a-on, and yit olfi iliig nothing whhli is not
li-tiui lly worth leading on its own account,
liOIil.NsoN's Ai;i niMi.-rics.
Wo have reieived fiom Charles W. Send,
agent fir Ivison, lll.ikein 111, Taylor A Co., of
New York, 11 series of Itobiuson's Arithmetics,
revjsul by Daniel W. Fish, A. M. The set con
sists of a First Hook which contains nil tin
t-leiuentnry principles nrrnngtd in u systeuiatie
and mulytical manner nupeuor to any thing
ol the kind that has vet nunc to our notice.
I'lic Complete Arithmetic con-ist of two vol
umes the first cariyihg Iho student to Perct-n-tnge,
and tho nionil computing Ihe study.
Kvery subject is ably and fully ticatnl, and It
is our belief that these hooks will soon super
bedu many other arithmetics now in ue.
Liver b'liliinluiiit.
Hy ll.V.Tiew, M..l dftho'WorldV Uls-penmry-,
Iliilliilo, N. Y , Aulhor-of 1'Tlio
People's Common Senso Medical Adviser."
etu., etc.
The liver, is, trcuLdcpuritiiig.iiitify-
101 organ 01 inn system, nun 11:1s vi ry up
liroiiriately been termed the, "housekeeper"
of our licullh. I have observed in the dis-sccliiig-rooni,
and also inniaking ph4-nur-
tern examination of tlio bodies of those who
have) died of tlill'ercnt diseases; that in u l.m'c
proportion of cases, the liver Inn given evi
dence 01 Having at mule 111110 ueeu diseased .
Liver alli-clioiis are equally prevalent in
beasts. Kveiy butcher knows that thu
liveis nf rnttle, sheep, and .swine, are ten
times ns Ireqiiently diseased as any other
organ. A healthy liver each day secretes
about Iwo and tt halt pounds of bile. When
it becomes torpid, congested, or U, lrom any
cause, it lie disabli.d intlie performance) of
its ditties, it is evident that tho elements of
the bile iiiiist remain 111 the blond, thus, trri
tilting, poisoning, and perverting, every vi
till process. Nature attempts to rid tho .sys
tem of these noxious materials by means of
other organs, as tlio ndneys, lungs, skin,
etc., which becomes overtaxed in perform
ing their additional labor, and arc unable,
to withstand tlio pressure. -
Tho brain, which is the great electrical
center of ail vitality, becomes ovcrstiinuhi
ted witli unheal thy blood, nnd fails to normal
ly perform its functions. Hence there is dull
ness, headache, impairment of the memory,
iliz.iucs, gloomy iorebodings, and irritabil
ity of temper. When the blooel is diseased,
the skin manifests discolored spots, pimples,
blotches, boils, carbuncles, and scrofulous
tumors. The stomach and bowels, sooner
or later, becomes allectcd, and constipation,,
piles, dropsy, dyspepsia, or diarrluea, is the
inevitable result.
A sallow color-of the-skin, pr yellowish
brown spot.-, on the face and other pints of
tho body ; dullness and drowsiness, with fre
quent headache; dizziness,- bitter or bad
taste in the 'ho throat.
and internal heat," palpitation of tlio heart,
1 ilrv. teasiugicsiuili. soro -throat, unsteady
appetite, sour stomaeh, raising ol'tlie food,
.... 1 ., 1. .,..,; t 11, ,. i,r,..,,. .,:'..
ness and vomiting, elistrcss. heaviness, anil
a blo.ited, or full lccling -about the stomach
and much; njrgravaung 'pains-111 the sides,
luck, or breast and atioilt Iho shoulders; col
ic pains and soreness through tlio bowels;
constipation, alternating witli diarrluea ;
piles, flatulence, nervousness, coldness of
t lie extremities, 01 blood to thu mail
with symptoms of apoplexy; numbness of
tho limbs (especially nt night), and chills,
alternating with not Hashes; kidney und
other uritiarv difficulties, dullness, low siiir
it, and gloomy forebodings. Only a few of
tliesu symptoms will bo likely to bo present
111 any case at one time.
Till! ATMMl'--Take Dr. Vkm's Got-
ilen Metlkul J)Umven, witli small dotes of
his 1'lemant J'urgatiee l'etkh, which act a
1111 alterative on the liver. For Liver Com
plaint and the various nllietions caused bv a
diseased liver, these remedies are uiisiirpass
(d. Tho (loiden Medical Discmery doe
not simply iiall'mle thu disease, but it produ.
cess a hinting effect Hy its use, the licr
and stomach are changed to 1111 active, h
thy state, the appetite 11 regulated, thu blood
puriheil anil enriched, ami the entire system
reuovut -d and restored to he.ilui.
Thu Discovery is sold by druggists. It, V
Pierce, M. D., Proprietor, World's Dipuu
Kiiry, Uiillaln, N. Y,
S2.00 will buy a Nice Pair of lSlttton Gai
ters tit K. M. Knorr'n.
A lull lino (it tireen und l nek lens, n
all qualities and prices at Ru-sclrn.
Mason Si laiuliu. (Ico Woods, nnd the
LoleJiratcd .Standard Organs at Thomas
Music Store. Danville. July 21,-lw
French Dressing at 10, M. Knorr'n.
Have you tried Kirbv's WildCherrv Couidi
JJ.ilsam' A very palateablo compound for
the various affections of tile-throat and limes
it lias been used with success, in seven cases
01 asthma giving nisiniit relief and 111 many
cuts Hlcctihg a pernuinent cure. Price fit)
cents per bottle and positively warranted to
give entile satisl.iction er money refunded.
Kirbv's Magic Hclief for the instant cure
ot severe and nettle pains.
- Kirby's Tasteless Worm Lozenges, pleas
ant, sale and cfiecttial.
Kirby's Horse and Cattle Powders arc the
bi'st pnwdeis for stock, in'aniifacluied. Try
them and bo convinced.
Kirby's Camphor Ico for sunburns, sore
lips and chajiped hands.
dill's llilhous and Liver Pills arc recom
mended by the first Physicians.
Tho above preparations are for sale by all
Druggists and dealers in medicine.
Moyi:k HitoTiir.its.
July 21,70,-ly Wholesale Agents.
Dauchy & Co's. Advt's.
Centennial history
U.cMU f,.lj-r tl,,iti nnv ntlii-r IksiIc. lino llL-eilt nutd
(11 o-plcsln olio day. Henri for our extra K'tnis to I
agents, Millniiin rinnisiiinH 1,11., innuuciiuiu.
iiJiiiy? iw.
To which we InvHft ihe Inkrcited Attention and toreful Scrutiny of
WE havo but Ono 1'rlca for All Trice mourn of noceulty tho Tssvr-
J cit l'rlce
WE rccclvo CttiU l'syment fiOm All -s ASlt raves eipchio of collecllom' nj
J . lo iics from td elcbU
WEglrouauarautCoi-rulccttnirAU . , 1 ., ,
s rTSJJEauftrante8.rrotc(-titholnire,whi.
, x may not to ajudgoof goods
WE ltctuni Itoncy when wo cannot
suit All rely on Immeniio al and aro sal-
r- VV l.lloJ Willi a very imatl pcrccnt-
WE buy our gooiH at tint Lands, In ngo of profit.
Immetiio quantities, niul at tlio
lowest rrlcca for Cash - -rTIs easy to buy of us, rlnco all aro treated
' ri, ,, in, . ,,, i. nllLe, 110 ono getllnj favors that
WK "my ECXnt"h, ro lo.Hed to ether.
WE Inspect every yard of t-oods that -pICKErtlNO and debato aro dlno away
goes into our garments byus.cTrryliodygctsourbestwlUi-
out having to aslc lor It
WK put a tlclict on every rormcnt,
ahowlnir plainly its quality and Cvv larR experlcne e, eapltal and facll-
price V itlcsMoiuoforiho-iHjoplc'sbcncnt
In lowering prices
WE cut ofT every item or unnccevary
cipendlture -IXTE fill orders rccclvcdbyreatl from alt
' , 17. VV parti of tho UnltcdSlolcs. WrtUi
In addition to our Immcnso Ftock of I'.eady-Mado Clothing, wo havo a Magnltlceiit Uno
of Iten's and Hoy's Furnishing Goods, Shirts (of our own make) and tifidcrwcar, all at tho
Very Ixiwcst Trices.
. 1.1. rt..
i;qji Tiiouyiftids of ouf remiera win visit i B. -
AND ALIs THROAT DISHASBB' gwa aad the charges are reasonable, to do no thy
inn.-rt. innkenll nrrftngeiiicnis ueium
can bo done by corrcsixmeleneei with tho proprietor.
Thta directory will, bo found nucli on nro fully up to
these re'iulreinents. .
O r.
S T -A- r 3D -eE.)
ni iMrffi
maniii;acttjbb !, .,' ., ,
Tlio terrible file nf Cinder iiml hi. gallant
tlneu liunilreil aililn anutlic-r trnejlu tliniitir tu
the jjreat Imeik of bonier t'ventH wlio.-e) 'begin.
at I tiff (lutes friiiu tliu eailiect t-etlleuie-ntu nf nur
(iniiili)-, wliu-e end hliull be only wlieu tlie In
iliaiH ha 11 raeu i-liull liavu beteuuu xlluet.
Tlie liorioia eif tlie Mialpe ennnii!i:u are yet
fre.ili In nur nil uinrie-s, The liUtoilc l.avu
llnlrf, Iuiliau eui-nliii; Imilllng tlie ikill of eitir
Holillery for tu leng it lime, Fampu malignity
nnd treachery culminating in tlio ili-alh of llie
bravo Cuuby anil (ithe'rx wliiu-u lni.ion w,n
honorable treaty anil faoe all thene nru Mill
remeuibereil with a MiiiuMcr. Their1 iiiirallils
in ilcviee nml ulrnelly 1110 only found in the
ileeiU that roni.oe tlie hielnry of lliu");irk unil
llloiuly (liuunil," eir nniiuig thiii-c wliii li mini;
the bluoily traekn of the Ireae-leMtia .Mlngnei',
ile'iieeuiling fieun their Oient I.akufaitiiiviiiHiii
on the iiiuiiniie'itiiig Irilien niul i-cltK futiitrt f (lie
8ii-iiii'liniiiin and Alligheny,
Ku wills tliii" henrt-i tnillng stuiy nf Custer nil
lile men, uhleli Iuh be-in irung Unui the cuiiii
try no Miilileuly, nml whieh U lieing reiul niulil
team nf Mrmw.aiiil calla nf vtngeai'ce, fiom erne
cuil of ihu JjiiiI tu Ihuntlicr, Somu may I'uul iU
urallel In the JiUory of I.uhiIiIi.h anil liU llitee
liuiiiln-il ; mini1 may nek lor itkcKaeritieen auiiil
the MiiitiUtof tlio ScottUIi Chiffii or lVilUli l'u
IrloU. Hut it In only when we turn to the
thrilling elinjiteri of our (1J llotiler Jlietory
l'eruviati S)i'iip Alciltolic Tonics.
Il lui-t be-en u ilesiilemtuui with tlie inei
cal prolusion to proeuru 11 iri'.irulioii of
iron lii-i (ibje'etiiiuulilu tliiiu any nf (lio.-u
now 111 iim', which mien iirnuiicu tiulavnra
ble elleet 11(11111 tlie Hysteni, i-sneel.tlly when
iiu.ireu wuii aieonoiiu iiiiius.
Ill liutliy i-ilte.1 eif ilelnlily nml convale
ceiieii from ilisia--e, where 11 tonic is imliei
teil, wine, liranily, lmrter, &c, hao Ini 11
reeiiinuii'iiileil ; but'tncnearo nt veiy iluiilit
l'ul ellieaia', tu miv tliu liat. Aleiilicil u
never (llge.-iteil, it lauktil itinonir the diiluv.
iiiu Minimi, unit m iiieHtiauiu ut ullnnliui;
ntitiitloii. Itciiatii (jeiienilly an unnatural
uxuiieiuc 111 nun ueruuHineni ut 1110 circuiti
tluii, irritating tlio whole Hysteni by preven
ting the blood iruin lining its carbon. Again,
how illlllcult it is tu obtain nn article ap
proaching to purity, ulino'jt till thu wines,
brnniiicH, porters, die., being-'moro or le.n
Such being tho caso with regard to tho
siiiriiuoiH iJieimrauons 01 iron, unit tlio ill-
coliulic drinks, of wliiclt any one can satisfy
iiiuiseii uy iiivemigitiiug tliu suuii'ci, an op-
portiuiity i-e now presented in tlio Peruvian
Csyrtip, lor the trial of an urticlo in treneral
ptactice, wliicli lias llio very strongest ro
ceiuiiueudutlnns from medical and scientific
men ol tho highest diameter a prcpara
tlon which so hapiiily eoinbliitM the'protox
ido ol'irou wit tbcollur cqiijtlltunt parti
uiiu iiiu eiieet uiciociu iu iiiu use ui iron
sails nro entirely obviated. 1
l'"ur till, canes 111 which irrm or nny, onia
U needed ill I rf nreuuratioii Is confidentlv
believed a ho (ar ?iticT)o"r to nnj other. It
liecina tii I'lirlfy tha'ery'jountaili ol Jiqalth.
Marriaqes'. '
KHKCiri'-SCIlWKlTENIlKIHElt.-Oii is Inst,, by
ltev. A, It. Ilotleiisti'lii, Mr, .Ijcoli KuttW, to Miss
It ut Llo li. b(litpiculiel4er, both of Miniln.
1IAUT. In llolli'iitiui-k, on I'rliUy dientni;, thu
Ittli lust., nr. Kuuiuel liar;, iifi'd ulut Uijears.
tilllllUNH.-Iu lleiiteui 1 11 tlni 18OH1 lusl.,Mr,Thouias
tllbboiii, uKed 01 earn a mouths and u djj a.
Ktlicmuiui.-lii itenloa towiiKhip 011 thu loth
urn., Mrs. ilargari-t hrtcwiMini ai'e-il u yean.
VALKt!lt In Hhklahluny on soili lust,, of Men,
tupltu, Wllllo Kuapp, on el II. E. i T. A. Wulier,
ta nioniux.
C. W. Xeal & Uro. oiler their superior coal at
the following extremely low prices viz.:
Xo. 2, 3, & 4, $3.80 per ton on .wharf, $-J.l." del.
11, iiiSU ,'i.(l,j "
11 0. 2.'2o u " " ' 2 CO "
'o linieburners. S2 00 ncr ton on wharf.
iiiacKsniun a iinnu. . ;
lllocksinith'n bituiiiinou, COO " " " '
20 cents for delivery of one-half to'n or under
They will fill up ccal-houses at $3.50 per ton
for No. .V delivered, and il per ton for JCo. 4.
delivered. All prompt cadi.
l'.uptiire eiuid In fiom :o to 91) dajs by the Til-
uinph Truss Co.. of 33 Itowery, N. Y who olTer fl,-
iwotnraippture they (-aiiuot cure;. Sceadejtlai--uient
renU i-iitfe.f J'ivsji .uUitrjioltiJnn bcjiinu
ci-iiis lur ue-bcnputo 00 or trlunipii Iiiiplure
Cine. - -M-arclwi-.'ie'l-
I!1:aIi "and nixsiiiKK.
lletmnn's Capeine'i'oro'iH IMSi'ters aro an
ociuioinicnl, clejiucprtaiti ajid pfejfulrein-
mii sui jiii-siiij; in viucyey any uiinwii puis
ter, liniment orcoimioiuid.''
They are particularly-0 iTectivc, nnd will
positively relieyp and 'euro f. Acute inn
Chronic HUeuinhlisni, Bciaticti Nttiraltiia
Nervous Diji-u.eS, Stubborn Ckild-JKidncy
... - ' . .' lr
t-oiiipiaiiils anil nil disease,-! lorwliich a po
rou-t plaster has been used, in nn ' astonish
ing shor.t time, . .1.1
Capcine is tho greatest inedicliio kntnvn,
Capcipc i'a tuperiur to electricity nntl "moro
llciison'a Capcine t'orous l'laeteri) relieve
nt once und cure ipiickly. Try thc-ni, Price
2.1 CtH.
riuiiMACiuricii. (ui:uitrn,,M. V
.May 10, 7li ly. .
Themcellciil value of a niusinril nl.isn r Is umlr-r.
hlllllll III l-ll-l'l fllMlIK 11, n.. In
puiliiL-a nuuitle-u i-n'ii ofii-n 11. 1' jiiusiimi u i.r 1,0,, 1
(nudity and will riot act. eauslusr erreat hiifteiliiif.
1 ins 1 1 1 11- lni-ntie-ciitt-tir-i, m iiru f,.t . ,.v, .,,,.,..
uy lie iioiii iTeiwrcd -Miist.ud 1'liMer. It Is a emit,
liiiprineineut un the ordluiuy ankle. It Is very
clean and can be applied and ii ukiti d wttliont dls
eolurlli the ilullilint'oi-rtmiitr thesMn. It does nut
uetcilnrul with iirt. it s alwavh rumble, 10, only
the best quality ol nuMflid uv-il In Its
.t-ii. ,i.iii-uti, lur ut- i v 11011 i-iji. v s nn v
(Upturn: It In water. It is sold to imir ir.i i.u nt.
u iiio iiu, tun. 11 .our uriiLrL'isL eiui iioi. sunt, v
Hay 19 l'lim l,iii. (it leal ulii-iulstk, X
t-'OAl,. COAI.
Illil IMalilislicil I'lial Tai-d.
C. W. Ni:.U, ,V Jlito,. Wlinlesale &. Itetnll
Dealers ill all sizes ol the bi'.sCiiuajitie.s of
Ued and Whito Asli lit tho veirv InWe'st
tnarket rates, llnvecoiisluirtlvoti bund luriru
stocks of! , . .1 . ..,4 . , , , , ....
lilacksitilth'n Anthracite,
and Uineburner'ft Coal.
Kspeeial atletitloii given to tlio preiuira-
ttou ol coal Ltforu leaving our yards, (irain
and Lumber taken in exchange for coal.
Coal delivered to nny part of tlio town at
abort notice. Orders lettst I. V. McKelvy's
storo, or at our office, will receive prompt lit
tentipn. Olllce and Yurds at William Ncal
die bons' I- iirnaco, l-.ast Uloomsbtirg, Your
patronage respectfully solicited.
teJAi... IY 11 j CUAI,
' ' ' - ; ( 'Tlio' Ik'sL in Quality ! ' ''
,' . TI10 Lowest in Prices !
'. '"' Tlie Eidiet Terms! e - . ,'..
YOU "W IX, L FIND AT ' ' '
July 21, 'Tr.. -tin.
J. Weaver & Go's, Adv'ts,
Hotel Directory
Put up only in tll.UE IlOXKS.
ATricel timl Ml 10 lt'Mic1'.
Kornnle liy driiKKlstH gciicriilly, anil JOIIN8TOK
I1ULI.OWAY & Co., I'lillndelplila, l'a.
11 juijt i-4v.
lo.nth KXCt
TIHU'AMW ot tin htrc nitrt4
fturiall In )! ttil fsU iw.u4 lirw, ftnd ( w
Mnt I.,IMI irtfifrl II tt Uii 7fM M rvoa
' lntitnn 1 m M'irmHtttt. ' IttlrMnttlon br
Mil. II. It. TO, K. M,fno tot.lrt hart
fin tI.Bft'l it outowlti nil tir br tm 1
fit I Hliit.teriMy "fKV" ((MI.VtMf
Hi ailrri us. It la nln,ii,l t " Tknt,im.t
fill y.ttalt, I.nriiVpii'iirMl.ttri t xlr lrm, frtt.
Adeirut, A. ! WukUiUutwi it LuM Ilutor Couo.
July T IW
Men ornn,irnli.K4ti 16 tlS'tVcfVookM Bclllhff
and itb ansoicmcDs.
Conmlele In Ilia tlnllllnir lilsto i of ion eventful
yt-nri iiinooi nit' Kr.-nt "nxinuiiioii '1,1110 iu uc
si rlolloli of oar inlirlitv ri'soun-es In nerlrultun'.eoni.
Iiu-ree, minerals. in:iuur,ie-t ill f-, nulurul nonili-rs.
cinl'iillli H. Ac , nil rlclily lllnstr te-il. A "Century"
mini nml "lllrir-'yn le" rrt-e. pells inaree lleiis
IV fust 1,00 more neohts Wntiteii crtilrklv fur tills
linn our m.ituiiiru "i.n-i; en' i,iw.MiTO.i;i"
I(1,0(M) nlrcmty sold, iilsonow lilblr, l,onu lllilslrn.
ttous llai nn 1'iiiial. I'or eitr.i t-rtru wrtie In Itnli-
liiinl Hi in., I'liuiMiers, nal.,(leliihlA. il.tuUTvr
(IN 11 1 r, l.l-uwi-r.ii ,,,.
on Hircel, from tltitli to ItKli Ktrri-I., 1'MUdtl-
HtUHlsnmest inrt ot Wi-yt lHllndelpli ffj" PJ?
wr lo Centennial (irounilB j rftw. UiilliIliiKS pf brlcV.
id Mono, anil now ure I'npsc tv tor tew
v ii ni!K iiaV. Ilreiilfnatunil
supper w'ctH. ennli i cnreful nttendantu mid frlvnl"
wdlrlitncn ! larce pattli s nrcnmmTxmted In se'iiarnto
.1UUO VJ-llll.
Babcock & Wyeth's Ads
rersons dciertnir to take out. Patent, or desiring
Information from the I'mted ftales l'Atcntpfrice,
sliouta coniUlt I. A, I.EIlMANX,Sot.iciTOB or Atur.i-
CAN A.NI1 KOUMOM 1'iTENrS, WttHllDgtOn, I). C. Kl'
ami uat Ions iri-i). NO PATENT NO PAT. Send for
July 7, '5C.-lm.
OOrn Howard for nn Incurulile caso.
ij)W I'm.Kii. bi-Inir sworn. sal : I in
1 kj.1, uivhilutiil to 1'rofcwoc'H cuiilr ls.vj: luiteilo
eott-d 40 jear.s,exrluslii.-ly to ItlieUiiiatlsm,S'eurulgla,
(lout. Kidney unil Liter itlsea-si-H. I truaranteo l.r.
ntiers luicinnatio iteuieuy, Klilncy. ejordlal, ar.d
I lvii Ini4. :L fwrmiini,nt. i-iln- or will rofituil tnntiAtr.
I'ainpliletJi, Itefereiiees, and .Medical, advice sent by
man, Knui-s. Ainin-ss nr. finer, so p. t ourin, i-nua.
Jill' Sli iTtT." If. h .V. tv
Elm Avenue Hotel,
Vj . Street, opposito
Wiht tml of Mnclilnory iinu.
n o n 1' o'o IVE S .
A.t.,le room nnd '"' ')'w.Kpr!2&r.
ltooins ran tm secured by corresivjiideneu.
Juliet , 'to. un.
IWItl. iiiu.
J! EL Jf O X T H 0 TEL .
TKItMS 11.51 I'KIt l'AT.
Clinrleii 1'. nml-1. r. fleT(Ti, r Ilulllmurei,
ownbiw anu iMtoi'itiinoits.
Major. WiW. I.KI.ANU, Maiiufccr.
Its AttractlonSr-dapnctty, 1,iio ueU: 380 tett
loin: x 140 fitt wide ! 3 stories Iilgli J uuiltananir
,iht,ii i,v unitiiiiiircunH. l-rirnte n.irlors. en suite.
Mr. rates for l'artlos. Assuctatloni'. ,c
hotel All elintccs modurato mid aucommodatlon.s
Da. J. 1'
I graduated In
T. D. Kellogg'a Advtc.
works wonders nlth cattle. li rw's, fowta, and all
ollu-r (1'iuieMle animals. No livery stable keeper,
fctoeir ral-er, or fanner should bowltli-nit a caso of
tln-se liii'illclnes nnd a boot clelniMi!1n (llit'cltoua
for tiit-tr nsu. ikii-.uil K ct ki;i, 14.1 iir.imtsu,
New VorW, will send tlielrili-sf-rlptlru catalC(,-uo to
any atMies. on n-eelpt Of a tump. Hiclrs Is the
oiliest lloui,ropatliio i liurmacy In this country
louaueu la ima juue v-siv.
Kre'nob, (ierinan, Fpnnlsli and Italian ioten In tbe
i.i.o.i, .aii i-imiiri-H modi- rato mid luicoimnodatlons
tlrst-cl.vss. it Is within four bli cks of tho main en
trance of Hie (iraun e;cni(siniai r.xpo-inuJi,ic mu-
l.,rntl,, nf miv ( 'i-titcntititt llll-t. TlmeiB-
tlre house In sui rounded by ft inaitnlitcent srove ot
maplo trees, ot thirty ears growth, uinklui; It.tho
tooKst hulcl in I'liunucipiua. ina -iiirniuire siu
pqiiipineiitsor in eueirt i-buioiwiiiii'iii. bioui mo
must lllierul cliaructor 8inl iliirluc the season n tlrst
claK.ioreiiestr.m'111 fiinilri uiusic foMhOn'ttte-rtHlii-
mentor llio guesis. JiarKce.bircei inu.eiiy cient
the door.
Juno 3-i.-:in.
Elm Ave , Ite'low Tin U -Sccon St.,
"Milrectly (innastlo Main Kxlilbltlou llulldtnir. Ac-
I coiiiiiiod.Ulons for l,(vm guests portal urrailscw
ITtii'iits lor lariro narlles.. Teiuis,t-eJNS .l)OLL.K
I'llit DAY. ' roinfort.' ccnnomy and re isnnabio
i-harues.- i .Wi.Ii, UAIii;it i;u. ruiiauoipio.i.
iv July 7-1 m.
'XbiToiiecUiry i cvnipilnl liy -
.1. WEAVER & G0w
Vjivsiiaer AeH rtldliiu; ARCiit",
llo Smtthfleld Street,
pirrasnuito, pa.
Ernnoli omce.-isis Jtnrket street, I'lillav
Gonier Lraiii and jMavkefc Street
i .
Trm undersigned having been engaged in tlio
business for tlie past cigbt years would call the attention of country
dealers to their large and varied stock.
They defy competition by any house in or out of the large cities.
Th-cir siotilr consists of Paints. Oils.
Criass, Putty, P atcnt Mdciiics, Spices,
BEO E ' S 5iOaC.
Where may bo found u largo stock of Surgical Instruments,
Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept
in a well regulated retail Drug Store.
They aro also Sole Manufacturers of the celebrated
Slay 19, 'TC.-tf.
and SHveoniMlilril the coster r I r n T f IT 1) t J rm lmliilliiif, and pe-t a paint Unit
Is much li.llLilv,lm-l- und wilt V I I I'llll IV , t lj I I i 1 Ul luLu in lonir as kUv olhin-
paint, li iiviari-d readv for us In wliini i r am- color ileslri-d. Is oiiui.uivthousuiiilsnf tliu tlnetbullilliurs
Iu tliHroiuiirv, maiiv or alilrti hatn been palmed blxji-ars nml uow look its well us when first uliiU-il.
This ciikmic M, Prtl.N'r h.islnkiii 1 Ir.-t I'n iiiliuns ui ttvent) ot t he Mute t-'itirs of Ihu l.'nlon. samplocunl
of colors s.-nt five. Aililn s N. V. i: s A il il 1. 1' A 1 N '1' CO., IU Clumbers street, N. V., or M I L 1, K tt
juu,--,, n.y eiuii-r bireei, cieieianu, uiuo.
riKDAH VATrf AND TANKS. for brew-
Vyer. et) era, choiaUta, mahuf.icturers ond privato
llwelllnBS. (IHO. .1. llt'KKIIAltT & 6l,
nine n-4sw. iiuiioiiwoou m,, oeioiv uroaa.
T") ri!I!KU CiOODS of rve-ry ile-criplion,
i-liL-ltlnsr. I'lickliiir.-lloM'.-lloots niid Shoes, ctotti.
c. ill' 3Li it i;i, isi. e.y. J vue ;
,.. t'hllaiK'Iphls, Agents liubber Co.
inir, ic.
nut M.
June 9-ssw.
New ItEviSED LIution. 1,m,ooo aiticles, !,cuo cn
cratlirm. and 18 solemitd mam. ThuJIKST IIOOK
of universal knowledge tn the Ihditus, Nowln nnhllcullnTi r SPKIM MC.N -wllfi ToalNit
course ot, publication.9 SVKC'IMCN -wttC rap"seM I
ior-.'ocenis.-AeJiiia,A.yiiiu. 7 .
carAN. u. u-aVis-&'co Pbiia..
Apr8lyl . '
Draler In
Silvei-waie, Wiitcliif and Jewelry
' ' "at.OO.,tBTHO, PA.
Ladles' and Ocntle-me-n's lioid and Stiver1 Watches,
of American and l otxlgn, luumirtciurc.
Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks.
I'roitiiitl'j' i;xccn(t'el. 1
lllram J. Itceder. As'sleiice bf 1 Nitlian Kost'cnball'-
der, tu eiposo at public uato on i
Dr. Terry's VegetaWe Nerye Remedy,- 'SVTIjitnAv mi,
Koivalim'CVlora'''i''the'.vous ssteirr AlUllWAs, AUUU&l ..til, ISiO.
causlb'i; an liiiinedlaio and prorercure lu.Uie follv
luecai-es: nurvous elebUliy
the body. lassitude, 'wegj.-m-ssjn
at 10 o'clock turn., on .the promises, the falJonins '
irfalrrd nutrition u
tbe llurbs and bacK
tiidhpohitiun end Infapnclty n'-rxtudy, dullness ot
uplirotieuslon, lossof int-nioiy, n.rsloirto soele-ty,
timidity, hflf-dlstfifst. etUzlnesH. headache. Incident
tu 1 oth sexes, for. w hose beuctlt It Is elestened und
tt hosV IiappliK ss It tt III promote.
'I he u.ost eiiilDcnf iai.i.s)i lans ot thS country havo'
excrU'd ll-.i ms,e-Hfs to tliuutmo-t to check- inoln
eiiwnit; fat Vltvjesultliijf fruii) tne ri-hisnllon Cf 4he
nertew.. llueSiiL- tor liil.cnss-loil lovid much
stii-t1', lime nml l.ilior In cm ah-lihtnx h ifii edy tor
tin-pern ct ii!fi)nillti'iof fl.e u'cfious aysit-ni. It Is
t-r.n irvlmy IoIih tilli' lo alilleiiuii-u Iho siilvi-si. at-
tendtns my now method. 'Jliroeirh this remedy tha and 28 perches, inc.unre, wlifreoa Un lar?o
nerCAeau i-o ri-liLiie-u uuu iu sum u nay, uuw
(wrbtialtcivil or1-prostrated, they can lie perfet-tiy.
rt-vi, red ' IL ucus, on llio Uenc al once. e-t nltti
L'eiilloness ri-storintr tli6in1o a natural state, and
L ion ovlii'-tlii aboee dlbtrussliiL (tLseaSi-s.
r i:oth seies, more uj- U'"', tliroiieli the prostration
ot ihencrous s.fcieui, loiseint-ir energy, insucu
Ihstanci's tlieNcni' l.cuieetl may be itJi-d Umjii in
ICIIMIIIT 1111! 1 .lllL'llL 1UIO llllf tlL-OrUl )Olllll. ,
lUOe-r e lle-llil-oy is cnreiuiijr (.oiupouuucu anil
put un In boxes with full ,llii.cllcn. Pike, one Uol
any uuuii;m uii ini-iiiboi niicc
- Jilt. I. CIlAUNUlCrVmiUT,
., ui i i. i. r. I
Stay 12, 'TS-ly.
An IJisToiucAi, I'Acr. I-Acryatrcntwliolia
1,1-ih linilily n lllliK tliu Inipioveil $'!) Homo
stuiil Settlni; .Maclilne for tlireo years, owns liu
ilttilliiiL; liou-c, lias a gooil account in Lank, is
clear of ill l,t, anil lias inoiiev at intc-rctt . llio
iniliiral csuisKjuciieo of K-curfng a gooil agencv
for suiierlnr nooils at the Inuekt prices. A nooll
liM-clai-HSe-wint; Maclilne, most useful reliable)
at all tinus, eay to uiulerstauel and control, tlie
same she! and lines' the same work ns any ma
chines Outsell at four times llio price. Tlieie'
U no machine at nny price belter, uf that will
do liner or more work, nml certainly, mine mi
low iu price hy many ilollars. The Uouicsteail
is widely known and usee! iu thousands of fam
ilies iu llil-'Kii-Urn and .Middle Slntis, ml ,jal
ly htisinilnK popular iu Ihe West. It will save
its cost seve-i.eltiiniw over in line scaou, ilolnj;
thu woik of the family, or will cain four or live
dollars u day for any man or woman wio cwa
for u living. It Is llie strcjnu,cl niacl,iiuo made,
Is rriidy at all limes to elo its work, makes ihu
stiongot anil finest stltili H inviiili-d, and J
fully (tcknnwlidgesl ns tlie Stiunluiil 1'umily
rie wilier Machine. 1'rice, coiujiletet for domes
lie use, $'J0, de-llve-ii-il at )our iliair, no matter
how remote you may le-slde. Jluslncss e-rnia-nciit
and houorahle, with more certain and rap
id sales, ami larger piolils than any other, lii
traordinury lllie-ral oilers made Id local or trav
fling iiginw wlie'te we liiivu ndinS cslahlUhesl t
or, if tliere Is no iigent mnr you, stud your or
der (Uriel tu Ihe huloiy, Addiiss John II
3Cendalt A Co., 030 Urftadway, New York.
All Icindls and
Corner Main and Center Streets
T Il-A OT O V S. A A l
situate In Locust Township, adj itnlnp lands former
ly lulonintr to Wm. llt-ach, Daniel leolirbilclvand ,Io
seplfl'axlou, cuntiilnln-'
frame bank barn, and a splendid
Th-! land Is under n'lrood C-it of Ion. TIiAs'
Is a uuver-Ultlni; sprlic of tt-ateiat ihj d.hir. Iu nil
respecis it is u ursi class arm
iKieiis eii'M ll. l en p-'rcntsif otirt-faurtli of
lar, exfressed to any address on receipt ot price. ' iii purcnase money lo oc p u l ut the striking down
noun conuriiiaewn oi smu nuu llie ri'iii'iUiliur three
ljns Vine Mrcct. l'hlla.
Ofllco Hours. Il a. tu. to 3 p. m., I loeipTwi.
March lu"(t.-ly,
1-ilerS. Ilrugler. Treasurer ot Hemlock School Dis
trict for the school year ending
Juno 1, IsTC.
Ur. Cr.
To bal. in liands of his predecessor, u.
H.tllrton I10UJ oJ
" am i duplicate ot tsT5 In hands ot
Wm. (Hi Ion. col 1S0J Mtf
" ain't dapllcale for biitldlntrln bauds
ot Wm. cirton, col 18(13 MJ,'
" To Male uppiopilatlun uot on
in- oidei-s ieueuin-d tor fuel, leiulrs
and coiitlnirenctt's C U
" I'.v oi dei-s rt-duBini-d for salaries of
Teachers for seven schools 10CQ w
" orders redeemed, paid on building
new school him-' s.vJ 13
" ordeis ri-ileeined for blanks and
publishing annual btatemi'ht tu 0
TlcaMirer's commission on 11953." 2'J Ut
" collet-tor scum uil-islQU on duplicate
Of ls!4 v 11)1 l
" exonerations on duplicate of ls;i ., 2J u-
" bal. In hands ot h 3 iiicUt-ce.wor. V.
11. ellilon Sis to
" uni t due 'township 1321 91
roiirthsin oim jear tht-rt-ufu-r with Interest fi-om luii nlst.
The tract is known aa tho "lloajlaiid tiact."
At tlio sama tlmo and nlsrs tha sitd Assi(-f.nA will
expose to public sale the Interest ot the said Natliau
ivosivuoanut-riniiccMuiu i
situate In Irficuit township, riiliiinlil.-r e'nonsv. -,i-
Joliilngl.indsof .loliniivuglaiul, Jaeub l-'ox, Jonathan
llcnV-u uhd others, lind containing ' 1 ' 4
and if 3 perches, and Known ns the "Olossnioicr
tracu"'' - '
. , , , II. J. HlXDim, Asslgnpc.
Jul? Vt-ts.
w. ii. a'huott'
to- Farmers.
ss co
1 0.3 0
lioiitlsnuo.iuis sciiooi )ear... .......,.Y....... 1 1.! o
bunds duo iturlnif nsxt school year...:,';',..,':, l,li e
Acciut-d lnu-rehtv.... .....-.r.,..-...i,.il lil to
(2740 la SI iu lo
outstanding orders for building purposes,
Total bidebtcdliess of IiMi let....; n,SSJ let
i:tl oiiT, ovcrbt-ur of l'oor of Hemlock Twp.
Ur. Cr.
Tobil.ioconiifcTwp.tast'sccitii'ment iit m
" aiu t aiiiiiiaii" dt Jit3 . . 2J3 vt
" " rec d of Win. Ileers., . W uu
l'.. um't paid tor support of paupers... . Ill 10
Oct, S, 18T3.-U.
Dealer in Law Blanks, Sunday Suhool Libraries, Depositary of tlie
Pennsylvania Bible Society,
liooliH and supplies not on hand can bo furnished
Oio Short Notice at tho Most Reasonable Rates.
Store in Excliaiiffo Hotel Building, Bloonislnirff, Pa,
Oct. , 1ST!
Of csilors sent fits1
N. V. Il N A At K 1
and saio oncthlrd the cast pf nniMIIl T i fTrp palntlnff, and pet a paint that
s uiie-li i Iniiuhomer laid will UI I IMMllyAl; I A I i 1 last ti. loo a. loni; as any oilier
i.H,, , tiM.. ,u, uai ii, u, iii oi uii j conn en, is em many cuuusauus in uiouiicsi uuuiuiiirs
.V.!''l.V!'.V;iWi!J1.'l'y.'','.w;lllc'ulia bseti nalntcd sliji-ais, und nuw look an Ht-llus Mhe-Ji llrst ilutcd.
I his (.tll-.MIttAI, I'AI.NT has taken Wrst Pnialuuis nt twenty of tl.o Halo nilraot Iho fiilou. hampln euid
,, , , Aiiiiress .Mii.i.r. ll uieoti, m Hater suect, fisvclund, Ohio,
' - ' , v.m,.,,n Bin,,,.,, I, MU l IW I j ,
.otl"e lit heivby Blicn IMt one black horse, one
1 in) mare, iilsnil cltlil tons of hay. and the other
js-isoiiiil piopeitv i t Wu. (iclJcr, now In bis
jmssi'sMou, luiMi Urn purchased by lue, und uiu
novf loaned lo him. iMI isrsonsurc wurue-d aialnst
.lutctfcrlui; with thu same.
. - iVu. KlilCHIiAVM.
July, li, 10.-3W.
I ursons Indiblcd to II. I. Plcrrcnbach for prlntlne
orsuliseilit on lotliolUiMinsuN uieherly notined
that bis books but u forscu-raa nionlhs past Unit In
the hands of llio uiiderelifiii'cl tore-olltslloii, and
Uu seltlenicut of this nuio luust be promptly inuuu,
MarctiU-U. K-lJlVJ.
u.-lstunce rendered various
persons,. ,w . u
" clotlilm' and incdlcluo,-
exonerations niauo
, IS 45
" collectors per coaniire, iT,i.;,,;.... vi
" att(lruoy'leettpaUl.,S. . -"Tfr IBo oo
" muUeitfilupllcaCHand ti,l:fjil5t. " ffli
maVtnfioiiOittuJjlatobojrUpub. g- J
chailtt......'l 4 i l no
Jusllie's fees paid..
puhlMiliiv- sueleinont of OfeM-ors' -
account e,f Isll
" OlI!ClU.lW!rYtC'tf , ..
" balance duo Townahlp,.
1 OS
in w
In ev
ina,-iQ popoii.nviiui.i.iou)iu: pxiy
Tir Cr.
To balaiiesTfroinTast je?arJn liunUffll
Vim, cJlibnu.
,.Y.;$U5 Cl
m (lirton's duplicate; ISTS.......... dm 41
Win. Aiine-lmaii's dunllcute. ltill.i nil 41
lly worlc on roads by lllrlon ., WJ Kt St
" oit On road By Appelnun.".7...., " -jsi m
' sn!i.oKplauli and Umber, eitiwu. , u ra
" ifuibeT nnd plank, Apinlman....... n 31
" senlct's.titnou ,,....... 4t w
teielt'es.SvpisMm.liC.hl.-'.L.iL!- i N n tu
" nald Auditor Slclirtdo forlait vt,r
by ApH.-aiau..,.. v. , ....
" cioui latlous, dup. of tsti, tllrton ,
" collector iers?eiituij, "is; eilrtou.
" paid audlturs und Ink, ilIrton....
" puiu uuunors, ApiK'imaa
' um't duo Twp troni eiirlon
To um't duo A piicliuau fi out Tu p....... 4 a
tltell ot 1101 tit
We, the undersigned Auditors, hereby certify that
vu hae audited lot lore-oiiiL- uoiiiiniu nf
nfHsir, suK-nlsorscf roads, und school IreiiAurur
uno 11 uu luuu cuiii-ce u.s uujeu suiu-u.
WM. II. lll)i:.MIIKi:tl.l .
J'.1 ;t.'.y.l.IM.I.1,Ki t Auultora.
u. f vi.xiiUllOL.IWl.,
' HI
4 :
S03 04
I.e-itei-H lenueiueiiiary on tho estato of John
J. llaiktuy, late of lllooniibuitr. Col., Co., dei'cased
,1.11V wwi uauiiic-u u) lou I11U1SICI
eiiaries ii
J. I1K.ST1TI.1.'.
and everj body In -ei'uiit ot
We have creeled kilns nt e.r ne ur tbo Paper Mtll.on
the 11. If. & W. It. It. and 1110 now in w-ll
lliueateiy itusonablu prices nnd of sural quality.
"'ion iiiL- car proiupny mien uuu slllppcil 10
any station on the above road.
A full lino of l.t'MHKH. of all kinds, dressed
or In the rouifii., lJith und
bill 'I Imter to whit h we InMtu
tlio attention of rusto-ine-i
Orders lecelvcd and llllt-d for all kinds of l'it,v
ley stilct attcnltoii to business wo liopo to merit a
shaie or public putionage.
. . KNI'lILK A AliHOVr.
April 41, IblO. Catawissa, l'a.
1 lTlil'l'e il-'s: vevrifi.-
ISliTK (IK HUM lil'IClllSON necEisitn.
In thr lh-nlutni timet nf LUuuIIhu (Ajiiiiv.
Tim undersigned nudltor annoim,,,! tn
fund III bunds of Sainuel tlftrtert,-!.-. A.ln.fnl.m
uf Jjelllu Hutchison, -Iii-caseil. will, ultend m
Ihedutles of tils upiKiliittuent at the ortlco of l'rcezo
& Kmlr, Ifi llloomsburu', on htturclay, Viuifunti
1. isle, belwceu ,111 o'clock, . in., und s o'clock 1" uu
of said cli . when' and SberO ull iwmtins Inltlnir '
claims iifulnst the, said esUeto are renuested tu
nrcseni unit piovo tliu same be-foro the AUdttor. or
bo doburicd from uoudus Iu for a shnro of wild fund.
A T1M1 VIU'lMI e'l'lllllw.' V'PO,l
. ,t,,iom,uwiin tiwin
letters ot Admliilsiratlou on Uieestuteot Charles
l-'e-l lei 111.111, lateot the Hep, ot Cutalssu,county'of
Columbia, fli ce-BKed,liuvebei ii eruiitcd by.tbe ltcirls.
ter of suld couniv to Uif.ictle 1'ctii-rmau. All per.
dons liavilii,' claims airuliist 1luCbteile'of tho iftco.
tle-ut,re ii-iiut-stcit to present lluiiifor settlement
and rnofco Indebted to tlio estate to uako payment
Vllllllill.l lull IT 1 .r .s. ...
4uiiiiih,uiiii tit Afftv-tiii, nummiairavgr
Tlie UUdi-l-shrlll'd ulldltor Ulllsiluleil bv Urn Cnnrt
to uistrtbute: (lm billalif e In the liiindsxif tho Adnitu
lsiiutoiedJuh decensed to anl umpiii; the persiuia
entitled to tlio huiiie;nil ntleml to the duties of his
u!jiiniut'iii ue ins e-iiiui 111 .vuiauiAsa, on tiulurday.
Attk'usl ivtli, IsIO, belMi-cu te n 0'ctiK.k u. in. and i 111.
m., wben aud where till r"-rsusBru' tu-rcliy nottnisl
to tuaku tiielr clalgi. bcfoiv tlie Auditor or bj debarr
ed from coining tu on said f nnd.
, , ,. , Y, I.. EYHKI.Y,
Julyu-iw. Auditor.
11 granted by the IttvlsU-r of satd couuty to
I. llai kley, of lllooliisburir.l'olumbu county.
'. tO V, IlOlil Utl ne'l-SOUH nn, r..,
e-d lo muke pay incut, und those haMutf claims or
demands iiu-aliist. tliu suld estato will mako thcui
&,tu,Ti, w Ktiv Duiti i.jLts;uior miiieiui, eiciuy.
Ull,lll.l-.S u, IIAKKI.KV,
July 14. tiw.
rpilK UNUHItHIONlil), reprcaeiitlnir mreral
J. of th'i most eoiiservatlio und reliable Aincil. Hio liisuiiuicu Coinueiiliui, would be l-leo to
oner tils horUets to tho iiuu-iisot lllooiitshuru-uud
w.i.,..v- , V.JU19,.U 1, l-UflOUUUIU SUUrU VI I ITU pUUUO
Uloonisbure,-, July 18, 1616.
Pinco in tirouera mock.
1)uuku; i,j;rriNtj, .
III lie let. on thopicmlses, on Monday, July 14th,
islet, ut lu oVIw k 11. in., oei- booth boailiiEi ieck. oil
tho county ltiu U-lWes-n Columbia anil NoiauinUr
laud luuuUisut it islIijL neap Kilekbuuiu'H mill, 11
h linden brace eocreel lirluce, uifcel Plain, Id iu-1
(rout out inu out. Abpiiui.iu.sls fcti at
at tup, and s tie I bl;li, luo wlnif walls to bo IU lift,
aud to 1 feet lo(r.
I'luiiacanliOKvii 011 tho day of lettlniror ut tlio
ontcii. - 1 r
lly order of Coiumlsiloncntol Norlhutnbciland and
Columbia couullcs,
AiniTi WM. KItKKUAl M.
Coinmlsslonera' (iftlce, U'ltik.
lwoomsburff, July te, tif;ii.-wi
tn S''n l"r aV ttt boine. Samples wtrlli (1
, bnseo.s A Ce ritrlliuid, Maluti.
Mrcb in, 'ie-ty.