The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 28, 1876, Image 2

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    jib jirliitttluati
25i3SWA7i ELV?-StX,Silto.
nLooanuiio, pa.
Fi'idny. .'1 u 1 y Qrt, 1 8 70.
t - rrssx. Jin atii.
-ladies HiMrty, .Innii-s Carroll, James Iloyle
nml IIiikIi McMillan were cunVli'liil nf inlir-ili-r
in tln first il--g,roc,iit I'ultsvllli-iiii llie
lnt, lot killing I'lilltvinnii Yiwt at Tiiinmiim
year ago. Ktnrty, liiirinj? (lint men nf
Ills division niiglit be, cutlet mi
Alex O.Hiiipbfll, lirtily.intlT ill Hturiii Hill,
tu luriilsli tlm msiisslns, mill it was arranged
lietwecii thrm thnt moil I'ln'ii Sturm lltll
slnnllii kill Yds If In return tlio Taiiinnita
ini'il would supply men to kilt John l'.Innes,
mine boo, wlni 1 1 it. 1 discharged nml lilack
liled two Mollies k'lmigiig4ii Campbell's
itrsroitr npTim chimb
Hourly pent III ltnl to In the work with:
Cuinpliell sent McUehaii ami lloylc to uu
the pinto! ; Curoll received and Instructed
the murderers nml Kent them to thu spot
which had been chosen as the best place to
do the deed, with Dully a jpllde, who Inrn
nl them over to Kerrigan, who was waiting;
to pilot them homo by an Indirect anil little
traveled road. McGelmn and llovle, croiieh
lug in the shade of a tree, .within tifew feet
of the lamp which it was Yost's duty to cx
tlngilisli, waited fur their victim, and, a? lie
was standing on the ladder, with life arm
stretched nut to reach the light, both shot
Into him, one bullet from Mclleliun's pistol
penetrating the lung of Yost and causing
hi death within a few hour. JIc(3ehan
and lloylc, under guidance of Kerrigan,
reached their homes, meeting only one per
son, who recognized and spoke with them.
All lliti parties congratulated themselves on
the neatness of their job, little dreaming
t lat the boastful tales which they ha 1 told
their friend and brother Mollie, Mel'arloii,
the detective, were at unco revealed to Mr
Oowen, and that fr-ini the 1st of August,.
lS7.ri, until they were arrested last February,
justice was only waiting for the full ripeness
of events to pounce upon them and call them
to an account for the terrible deed they htul
done. To-day every person connected with
that murder except Thomas Dully occupy
condemned cells Campell at Mattch Chunk,
for ho was tried and convicted there for the
murder of John P. Jones. Duffy's convic
tion is u mere question of time, nnd before
another year rolU around all oftticso men
will have gone to their last account.
The congressional committee on naval af
fairs have been Investigating the administra
tion of that department by Secretary Qeo.
M. lUobeson, and have brought to light somo
damaging testimony. The committee has
not yet reported, audit is understood that
there will be a minority report, us the He
publican members would not dare to let the
case go without an attempt to whitewash
ltobesop The following resolution will be
presented with ,thc report : ,
Resolved, That these legal question, to
getha; with all the r lofs taken by this con -mittuc,
be reterreil to the committee on thu
judiciary, with power to hear additional tes
timony and argument, if they see (it:- to ex
amine and report whether such violations 61
the law as are referred to herein constitute
mi impeachable nfl'ense under the Coustitu
tian, and if so, then they shall report arti
cles 01 iiupeiiuiiiiiciii, aguinsr. ueorge .11.
Kobeson, Secretary of the Navy; but if they
shall find that Under existing laws such acis
and doings ot the said secretary .are not im
peachable or otherwise punishable, then
thejr shall report what additional legislation,
in their opinion, is necessary to make said
laws sulliciently puuitirn to protect the pub
lic service,
Just at this juncture of affairs, ns we are
entering upon u Presidential campaign, what
a sight would be presented to. the American
people by the impeachment of the Cabinet.
oflicers of Grant's administration 1 Can it.
bo that Ulysses the Gift-taker has remained
unspotted in character while surrounded by
such men ns he. baa made his confidential
advisers? The cars of, .the Jackass are be
ginning to protrude from under tho Lion's
Tim Fliium-lnl I'lnnk Initio llfinililli tin
Ivlitorn Columbian When I read tho 4th
Ket-oltitlnn (the Financial Plunk) In tho
Cinuliiuall Platform, the Impression aa
Ilk" the memory of oilier days, It seemed
til inu that I had either read or heard some
thing like that before. It turns out thnt
this Hmoliilfiiii 1, In ell'ccl, copied from n
speech delivered by Gov. Tlimiia. It, Hen
dricks - now I lie Democratic i-nihlidato lui
Vice Piesldent Imll.uiapolU, lud, Sept 1 1,
1S7(I. .That tlu reaior,s iuay,ee,tljq je,niarj.i
blo coineldince, I herewith luriilsli you
with botli'iloetimente,' iit-pimllel column-;
lUn-ui.ieiN 1'i.monu
IV. Ilv the llrst"
act of Congress signed
by President Grant,'
tli tt National Govi rn-
uiejit assumed to re
luqvo nliydoilhtri of Its
piifposo to ilioh.irg,e
all ju-t obligation to
pililii! eredllois, and
solumuly pledged it;
Cm illi to make provi
sion at the earliest
practical period lor
the redemption nf the'
United states notes in
co l ii. Commercial
prosperity, pub Me
merits, and 'National
lly tho (lrst act
signed In 18GII, the
laith mid honor of the
country1 are pledged
In Urn uiymenl ot the
Interest hearing nbll-
gallons of the United
t!lates In gold,' , ,
What is the .-Hi-it ol
the net of lfvuS), plodg
lug payment in gold.
Upon that question I
have no douiits Con
gross passed it, and
ine rreMOent npprov-
I anil signeil it
out and Meady pro
gress to specie payment.
credit demand that: 1 hey had tint cinsti.
tl.f.. .......l... I., tiitlniiill iiiiu--r
filled bv a coiitiuu- Uieir acts within the
sphere ot their pow
er bind the people.
Millions of the bonds
have been sold, ahd
the purchasers must
be paid in accordance
with the pledge gi ven.
A lower standard
cannot be set up fur
the llovernmeiit than
that which measures
the right and liabili
ties of individuals
Tho counsel forilie def'enso have persistent
ly striven to make tho case a jmlitical ono in
every sense Tho argument is about closed,
and .the result will lc known in n low days.
On Wednesday Mr. Carpenter occupied the
cutiro session of tho Senate in an effort to
niako it appear that his client was simply a
victim of political perf-ceution. In other
words, that when a Cabinet officer is caught
in corruption and bribery, and lending -his
high office to avarice, and brought to
answer to. the country, this, is isjlitieal perser
cutinu. There was n time when tho Senate
of tho United State would Bcarooly have lis
tened to such a paltry plea. .Hut .now, with
n Republican majority in tlio Senate, wo are
anxious to co if they have .suflicicut liackbojio
. to convict a Kiiilty Cabinet officer at the, very
outset of tho Presidential campaign.
Fiied SArE.-f.ieiiC'Fred Grant belongs'
to ihe unfortunate Seventh Cavalry 'Regi
ment which cuc6ubtcred Sifting Hull arid
farod so badly uiider Custer, 'at Hlg Horn
river, on tho 25th of June, A Washington
dispatch says:
"It is not t'ruo, ns has been' generally sup
posed, that Xleut. Fred Grant, an officer of
the Seventh Cavalry, was with his command
In the Indian fight. Lieut. Fred Is in Wash
ington, n resident'ot1 the' Executive Mansion
lamenting (hat liia father's services during
the wr do not protect htm from the ceiisilru
of the ludepstidetif'press; Three of FredM
classmates already All soldiers' graves,' hav
Ing'fttllen by bullet, shot froni the lul'ctt
Improved arms, furnished by the peace com
mission, and the President's oldest sou has
no desire to share, such glory 1'ur years to
f-llltlA ' ' ' '
Tho fast mall trains have been taken pff,
mid some nf our exchanges am attempin
to thr-iw the blatnuoi)ho,lJeiiiieral!c Uout
nt uongre, lor,, tailing hi apprp,
priution to meet expeiias. Other tilings.
Imvo ueeu Kept moviog lu spite, ot the nl
legtdwautof money, but tlp managers of
the machines, liopiiu 'o aruusj thu fseljhgs
of thu i-eophi by delaying the(r limits a few
hours, have utopppd these list trains, and
now iry nut Hgainst Democrallu reform,
The attempt Is too thin, and will 'lo easily
Men tliri ugh by nil intelligent men
Tie carpet bag Govrpnra who started
tho ptitrnge pijjlut jllainb.urg, down, south
mid liuuieiU(.ly rul''d o. Washington tij
nsk or troops ju order Jo cqnirol the com
ing election were politely requested wy , the,
Keeretury ol war to go uome unit attend to
tlielr buslnoss. The- prutensa. was.. so slim
t' st uveii Don Oiiuerou would not:uouute
UAiue ir. i' -.. j. . -i .
It Uronceded that Gov. Tllden Is sound
on the liuaiicial question, and, since, the He
pulilieans Imvo so emphatically endnr'ed
the soundness of Gov. Hendricks, by adop
ting his speech, as tho fiuaiiQial plank in
their platform, it would seem to place it be
yond their power to raie n-uy issue on this
Cony.voham, Pa., July 22nd, 1876.
Ed's. Columbian: -1 am informed that a
Congressional Convention for that portion ot
Luzerne county embraced in the Klcventh
District has licet) called to meet on the 2'Jth
of July, (Friday), nt some point to me un
known, lor me. purpose ot selecting Con
ferees to nominate.a candidate lor Congress.
What I desire to know is by what authority
that Convention is called, t am also told'
that our legislative conference for ibis Dis
trict is to meet the d.iv followin-r. Now how
can the deegates. attend both, as there are
8- miles distance between the two point'
Tho nliovo communication, wo think.
should properly have been addressed to the
Chairman of the Luzerne Committee, or to a
Luzerne Democratic paper. We are iirno-
rant of tho Luzerno rules governing such
cases, niid we cannot tell what authority
calls'n congressional convention for' tho Lu
zerne portion of the Klcventh District. '
s a matter of general information we
can only say that our Congressional District
takes from Luzerne the towliships of Nesco-pec,-
Hlack Creek, Sugarloaf,' Uutler, Hazle,
t-oster, Hear Creek, Ruck, Roaring Ilrook,
Salem, Hollcntfack (now, we believe, divid
ed into two districts), Huntingdon, Fair-
mount,' Spring Hrouk-, and that part of tho
Cityol Scrantoii' south of 'Roaring' Ilrook
creek and east of Lacknwanna'river, and the
boroughs- of Dunmnre, New Columbus,
Goldaboro'-, White Haven, Jeddo, and Ha
Of these townships and boroughs New
Columbus, Fairmouut, Huntingdon and Sa
lem are in the Second Legislative District.
White Haven and llollenback nre in the
Third District.
Jeddo, Hazleton, Ilac.k Creek, Hutlcr,
Foster, Hazle, Nescopeo and Sugarloaf are
In the Fourth District.
Goldsboro, Hear Creek, Ruck, and Spring
Hrok are in the Fifth District.
The undefined portions of the 11th and
12th wards of Scrauton are in tho Sixth Dis
trict. DuiiRiore nnd Roaring Brook are in the
Eighth District.
Now if these various townships nnd bor
oughs can send .the proper- delegates at tho
proper lime to nominatt two icandidates for
Congress, and at the same time meet in two
senatorial, one county, and eight legislative
conferences, and do tho thing clean and
square,- tho people, about election time, will-
want to know how they did it.
The I ml inu War.
KlinntDAN to take Tin: Fir.LIl.
WA8HIS0T0.V, July 23. Tho last of the
new detachments sent to reinforco our troops
engaged in fighting tho Sioux Indians are
now on the way westward. Gen.
the judicious distribution of the tho troops,
wlilcti were stationed on the Atlantic sea-
baard, bin been able, notwithstanding the
prcscijt numerical weakness, ol our army, to
respond promptly to the calls of Gen. Sheri
dan for reinforcements, and no volunteers
will bo needed to push tho Indian war to a
successful conclusion. Gen. Sheridan re
ports from- Chicago that' everything is-mak-ingH
satisfactory progress', nud that active
operations will ba resumed within a few
weeks. It is'otllcially reported-here; tbntai
sooinu the necessary preparations' are- made
and life supplies forwarded, Lieutenant
General Sheridan' 'will take the field-and
personally 'superintend tho -movciueiits- of
troops, a hu tlid iii JiiJ suecessfut campaign
of ltjtiij- and 1809 against tlfe Cheyeniies,
Kiowas, 'ArrapalioeSjiuld'Co.uaiichc betweeji
the Platte and the -Red river of 'the south.
General StierinaiiAvllI remain in Washing
ton, directing the general movements and '
providing the necessary means to iutUre the
success of the expedition.- -Tost i plan of
campaign which has been determined upon
is to make a combined movement of three
columns, with Fort .Ellis as thu base. Two
of the-columns' will move directly against
the IndiaiiiJ-aud1 one against thoir villages;
Get). SherdUn will, according to tho present
plan, establish his head quatters iu UielioUi
at whim advuuUgoous point on Uoose. Creek,
about -40. miles uorthwosti of Fort Phil.
Kearney nml near tlioisoouo of Gen, Crook's
butlleoii ine Rosebud uu thu 17tli nf June.
The two iof thesoi three columns will,
aiuoant in the -aggregate to between auOd
unit MMJ-mcii. In sueukiug.of the war Gen.
Sherinau says that it- will lie stubborn. und
bloody;' than tho Indian xhiettalns will
naturally have the -choice opposition, and
that lu order to-light will be necessary
tu meeUtbeui whenever they offer battle, or
wheHever they can ho caughu . .
Tho report that Sitting Hull, thu leader of
the hustile Sioux Indians, was. killed ju thu
Cutotht js JiH repealed aiming thu In
dians. . It will. Iliaku bill ifltlu lllllnr. in-.,'-..
Gl-uepl, liipiaii uiy( there lire' twenty
Chiefs, each . uf wjiouis d'ybo of' iillngl
nvw- i , , .,
Gov. Hayes' slgiiedlho'Lill til'ereailug'the'
ees and eiuolumentJi of Ohio dll'iUaVs
010,000 per unuuiii iu tho aggregate. Such
a liiim may be anxlotis'for 'relor'ni, but ' he
KlveV1ris'iip',i.roiu'l:s6'blr etrchchinei-i'-'
i : : o... 1 I.-.. i, i
A Sr.VliNilSU ItlTMOU.
Hon, F, II, Hnweii, lu his great ppceeli to
the Jury In the trial of Miinloy nt Pots'fllle,
u 'oil I he following Inngungo In speaking uf
the .Mottle Mstjillrcii'i ,'' -
"1 lisve sitfif llfiji lorganltnft'on w(ed a
polltUnl iioWHlli bJ Hntd?vliU-li hnsVciin-
t have r.-eelviM th.' Mntt(fflmi "fit lucpiinir."
Iielwcen sonin ol tlm liljtbest ntlicers of tlie
lute, mid tlie thief of the iinirilt-r.-rs, at
wiileli l.irge .iiiiis ol'iiiniiey were paid to se
cure the Mitts of this infernal assnelatinil to
turn tlie title of a stale election. God kuims,
never In the world was there a nvclatloii a
deep and as damning as that now laid open
to tlio people of this commonwealth for the
llrst time.
"Tben-wo tmultlay to . ,Yl Conry,- eoiu
missiiiuer ol this nullity : I hotline lias ceas
ed when a governor of this ntato darn to pur
thin a Mil ly Magulre j yon havu li.ul your
last pardon."
Mr. Goweu, nsgeiitlenriii .wlinsti ability
and luteurity are undoubted, anil to whom
the people of the foul regions ant uutler
great obligations, fur tuning freed them from
the reign of terror caused by the aliot iiius
frillies of tills blind of desperadoes, never
speaks hastily or unwittingly. We may ex
pect to hear .more Irom him on tlio same
subject hereafter.
A dispatch dated nt PottsviJIo July 21th,
gives usa little mure information, and If
there be any truth In the rumor It will occa
sion such a rattling among tlio dry bones
as was never heard In this commonu'ealth.
The following Is tho dispatch :
One of the Mollies Imprisoned here made
a confession to tlie authorities 'on Saturday.
It is supposed that Mich iel Lawlcris the
"squecler," and thnt ho has given a full and
detailed account ot the baigaiu made last
fall by which tlie entire Mollie vote of this
and Carbon countv weio secured for Gover
nor llnrlraiilt. ltwk-r ami Jack Keboe
were tlie ambassadors of tho Mollies lo liar
rlshurir, anil if Liwler has told all be knows
about it there will be a story told which will
make every decent citizen of this Common
wealth blush.
Tho Mituc.'i Chunk Democrat a.ks the fill
following pertinent question.
What does this menu? Is it true that Jack
ICehoe, tlio leader of tho Molly Magulres re
ceived about 1,1110 from M. S. Quay, and
several others in the ortler sums ranging
from $.100 upward to influence their votes
ii;alust Judge Pershing last fall? Why did
Gov. Hartranft pardon the Molly Mairulro
'commissioner of Schuylkill county? Was
that part ot contract ? fciuoo the late reve
lation of corruption and fraud iu the Repub
lican party wo nre ready to bclievo almost
anything, but for the sake of the Statu of
Pennsylvania, lor the sake of the nation, and
in the name of of common decency and Im
munity wo hope that theso charges against
Gov. Hartranft are untrue. We can not
force ourselves to believu that even n repub
lican executive would hi far forget himself
as tocousoiro with agaugof thieves nnd nun
deters fur the purpose of securing-his elec
tion. And yet the evidence is damn'iii) .
Let John F. Hartranft explain.
Grist from IhTVutrago Mill. '
A correspondent of the New York World,
writes from Memphis. Tennessee, under date
of July Vi, says, two days ago n warrant wa
issued for the arrest of "Frances Thompson,"
foremerly.n witness before a congressional in
investigating committee and more lately the
most infamous procuress iu Memphis, Dr.
J. II. Nuttall, u well-known Memphis phy
sician, having been iu some wiiy advised
that there was suspicion as to the ti ue sex
of this vile creature, she was summoned be
fore tho recorder who ordered an investiga
tion by four of the most prominent physi
iu ihe city. These physicians fame into
court and testified that this pseudo. woman,
is really a imlii and iu iu no respect it woman.
Tlio court then imposed a fine upon ,-l-'rau-ces
Thompson," in default nf which tho (lie)
was taken with the chain-gang to tlie city
rockpile, after .having been stripped of fe
male attire and endued in the garb appropri
attto her (his) sox. Such is tho character
of the witness on whose testimony and that
of a negro named Lucy Smith, who lodged
nnd slept iu the same bed with "Frances
Thompson," Messrs. Washburn and Hroom
all, Republican members of a congressional
investigating committee to inquire into cer
tain alleged riotous proceedings, in tho city
of Memphis, iu tho year 1S0U, made report
that "the crowning nets of atrocity and dia
bolism committed were the ravishing of five
colored women." Tho rape of "Frances
Thompson," Messrs. Washburn nud Hroom
all go on to say, "is one to which reference
is here made." After starting, nccording to
the testimony of "Frances Thompson," that
seven men, who had policemen's stars on
their breasts and who were "all Irishmen,"
had on a certain night entered the house of
said "Frances Thompson," Messrs. Wash
bum nnd Iiroomall declare that "tho woman,
Frances Thompson, wns then violated by
four of the men, and so badly beaten and
bruised that she lay in bed for three dnys."
Tho testimony of "Frances Thompson," on
which Messrs. Washburn nnd Iiroomall
base their statements may be found on pa
ges HIG and 11)7 of their report. Thus the
evideuce of this perjured, negro, scoundrel,
dressed in woman's clothing, was mndo thu
thread of n horrible narrative, authenticated
by tho signatures of two leading Republican
members of Congress, printed ul the govern
ment expense and sent out by tons thrr ugh
the mniU under tho then existing franking
privilege, The vile fabrication served, its
purpose. Hut tho people against, whose
good name itnvns jlirected have lived down
the. base calumny and it is now their turn
to laugh. Probably there nre.two men why
by this fimo art) fuly impressed wilh the
truth pf the ndago that "ho laughs best who
laughs last," and those two are Eliiu H.
Washburn, Minister to France, and tho
Hon. John M. Urooiuall, of Delaware coun
ty, Pennsylvania. Republican luembers-of
Congress and Republican newspapers nt
present engaged lu grinding out u uew crist
from the "outrage mill" may profit by their
experience." VolttiiUle Slandared.
Hoard of Finance of tlie Centennial has
found It necessary to cut down expenses, and
tjhe work. has .been commenced lu -earnest.
A number of attaches of the various bureaus
liavo been discharged, insuring a t-aving of
of $300 per week, while the wages of tho
,keepers"nt the money: gates have been cut
down from $-1 to '$.'1 per day, ami tbosd at
t,ho free gates Trout 'fll to '&2..10 per day f iu
..addition' to which 100 of' tlio guard we're
discharged. This retrenchment has beeii
begun tin account of tho decfesistng attend'
ancoafllje Exhibition 'mid the consequent
curtailment' of receipts. The gate keepers
objected to the'reduetiun of their wages, but
succumbed when Informed that there were
3,700 applicants for their places. It is'un
derstnod that tlio expenses of tlio Centennial
liavo heretofore looted up from $'tf,000 to
$10,001) per tiny, r about us much us tlir
expenses, of u large'cily. ' 1
Tlu' Yilebt'jlolia'wlc was struck by a squall
off Slnplejlpii, Loiig Isluml on the'20tli Ini't,
ami cupsried, X pitrly 'Uf ladles and gentle-;
men were oii'lioard'.'iiiid'foilr lives' were lust'.
jho accident oceuCred'tliWugl! the crelcss.r
ness in me captain In mil taking in sail
when the tlie galo came up! ' Ho hits been
dlicliaWed! ' ' "" '"'1''' "'
1''J MHIUU-'--
; Hi'-, OfiWwl'tQacr ls'danro'Uv'ili; '
run riti:stiu:KT,
i SAMUKLJ. tilden,
I n FoilVtCJC rtt&lliKHT if
Deiitoerntlr Kti-rlnrnl Tli kt-l.
ClIAitt.M tl. ItiVitAI.KW-S. II. Wll.sox,
1 Itoticrt I', steel
a.Utntvii u. iit-a-. .
3 Wlft It Wllifllt
4 TlHlill is V. tiitsklll
S' tldtui .Murirnli ' '
s .f. A. MnrrWm
T Cnl. tl. Junes
H Win. K. IhlHk
0 .tw-l I., l.ltlitm-r
I" II. T. Truinluui-r
It lleo. II. Ilunlitlid
) .1, ill ii N'l-nlott
11 J. II. Mcl.'.itiinit
14 li.iiilcl II nuns
.1. II. MrCulltiin
K W, Knot
-Tiitlll II. fill
Tliuniii mover
Hail J SinfUl
Sclitsllsn wtimner
tame .1, lln It'll
Julia II. tlninrlu
II. M.dllisun
Havlil K Mnirls
It. U. Iirnwii
'I lioiiris V, (Ir.nson
It Ileujaluln V, .Moirls
Tlio Democratic voter nf tlio districts c.t
Columbia iviinty will meet at their Usual pi lees ol
holtlliiif tlio win-mi election, mi s.iturtliij- the Mli
day of August, istfi, lietiveeli tlio hours of tlireo ami
Huveii o'cltKk In the ntlcrnnon, niid t-leit tlelt-iriites
liy liallot to repiesent Uio tllstrttt') la a t'uiinty
('oOMMitlon to lie hclil at the Opt ra House In lllooms
hitrif, on Tuesilny, lint Mi tiny of Atnjust, ls;n, ut
no clocK, a. in., to place In nomlnatluii ono can-
tll.lati! for Cong-re, tine enii-llilatt! fjr Senstor,
to ciinillitnli- for Ilcpresi'iitiillve, one- canal
tlutu (or SherllT, to cunilatcs for ARsixlatclutlife,
ono eamllilate for Jury Couiinlsslouvr, and
in irans.ui such oiisiness as the interests ol tho
Democratic party limy require.
Also, nt the sumo Hum nml plices nml In tho same
manner, the Democratic elector tif each district
will elect ono person to serve ns member of tho
Ctituity Htandlnj Comnitttee,
lly order of the Coilnty Coinmlttce,
WAIllir.K.r. lll'CKAl.HW,
ArroiiTioiMSNT oe Uki.k-utks kvohuinii to vors
1'crsiiliitf. - Delegates.
Hcner ;il? "..3
lleiitim lit 1 3
Item Iel." .Ml j
IlliHJini-bo rj; 1; -nit 4
W 113 a
Ilrlarereek tin -1
('atnulssa 1KI u
. Centre , 100 3
I'etitr.illa uu 2
fun) lignum N iss 3
Ciin.Mis'liam J g
Flshlnifeiiik va 4
Fmnklln 49 j
lreeioood Ifty I..3
Ili-mUick 15-2 3
Jackson Ill -j
Locust -jis ;.,4
Slain 1 lm u
Mnillsoii 1T7 3
.Mimui ,f...i; 3
Montour ;....ti y
Ml. l'leasant vo s
uriinsro ai 1
l'lne so 2
ltoarlngcreek w 2
seott '. 143 2
Suguiluar ...1GH.., 3
S.T5T To
ny lluli! tho ratio Is axed at Co oters for n tlelecate.
but 110 district to hae loss tlinn two or more than
f our delegates, and allowance Is to be made within
those limits for the largest fractions of a ratio.
Dlooi.Hliurg, l'ii. July is, ls;c.
(Wo 1 e niithoi lied to uunounco the following per
son us candidates for tlie olllees inuiu-d, suhjict to
tlio Democratic, rules of Columbia county ;)
I'Oll CONdllDS--'.
' nf Orange.
of liloomsbiirg.
roil niii:iiirr,
of lllonmnburij.
of lilooimburij.
of llriaicreeh.
of Fuhingertet,
of Madinuit.
of ltloomsbunj.
of llloomtbury.
of llluonuburg. .
of Centre.
of Calaw'ma.
of Mijjlin,
of Scott,
of llenton.
of Greenwood,
of Pine,
of Mifflin.
of Cutaieiima.
K. J. McllENRY,
of i'ithingcreek.
of Maiii,
of Centralia,
Cr.NTiis.NiAt,. The atlmissions 011 Mou
day were: Cash, 20,7." 1; free, 18.502; total,
:J1,316. admissions .wore nbout foil r
thousand more than on Siturdiiy, The to.
tul adiiilssion up to Monday, inclusive, were
2,425,019, and tho totul cash receipt $798,
528. The cash admissluus yesterday were
From, the 10th of May, tho average dally
expenses of tho Commission and the Board
of Financo have been about $9,000, . Tho
average daily cash receipts for tho same
time, have been exaotly $12,235,05.
, , Grant's latest.
Washington, July, 21. President, Grant
liai appointed G. O.,' Slieats. vho wmri
niovetl from tho nosltlon of Sixth Auditor of
the Treasury for Incapacity, to bo Customs
Appraiser, at .Mobile, Ala. Secretary Uris.
tow refused to annoliit uiivono to this nosl.
tion4 bccmiso (lierti u(e,no duties to be per.
1.. .'..1 ,-. ' 'i -
Tl.o republican cnnipiiigii fund has been
enriched to the amount of threo thousand
dollar. This Is the precise amount otlered
by Churles JL ReWl to Postmaster General
Jewell for the uppolniment ofUol. Walker
to tlio Erio post otllce'. Tho appointment
has hooii inatle and conllrniedi and Rcod uu
(loitbt lia been ni Cood ns-his wor.i. II' nnt
Cliairuian Hoyt should draw fur tlio money
nt dwo 1
Mr Miyijly will 1I.1 mt wnrk,oji tyiturduy
tha(.(laj js sitcrid (tf ryst. flr, Spprgtoii hull)
liiiiislf up on Saturdays. There is asliry (old
of a wl(o calletl on- Salpiday.aml inslse,
on sevliJU Idni, The .seryant liiijglrtil yhM Ile
wa.' I'lVf'l Id'n M;rvunt of (lie Ixird ' wlslus,
i" "fi'i'.H'r.-iTJi" 'i-'''K0,n 'deliv.iredand
Ir. Spurgixjn sent back Ilia, answer, "iVll iilni
that 1 am engaged' wtti h'ls ipasler." "'
" ' "If
WABHINflTflV. () H .tt.. 01 lorn
Sovcral of the appropriation bills which.
f, nine ueeu n uono tt foil ontIotl,bctn cell thu
HoKie hnd Sonato linvo'jjecif.agreed to dur-
ing tlio wepk, ami five Mill; remain to be
compromised. Four of tlieso'aro before con
fercuco comiulttees nnd tlio oilier, the river
and harbor bill, Is yet being discussed by
the Senate. It was understood on Friday agreement upon tho toughest
niul most hopeless one of tho.lot tho legis
lative, executive and judlcinl tins been" partially-
compromised, and it is confidently ex
pected that it may to-day be entirely disposed
of, rendering tlin'e"renValn'fng comparatively
easy of adjustment. Tho Senalo committee
to which wa referred tlio river and haibor
bill mndo a litlio cheap reputation by cut
ting nil ninny or tho appropriations grnnlid
by (lie House; but if the Housn committee
and the House were obnoxious to thechnrgi!
of jobbery and log-rolling in icportlng nnd
passing Mich a bill, tlie Senate has inclined
a greater weight of odium In restoring nil
the jobs eliminated by Its committee, nnd
adding other of its own. One substitute
and many nniendmcnls hnvo been inconti
nently voted down in that, body, nml tho
mil still remain, a monument ot folly nml
extravagance. There appears to bo 11 grow
ing tentiinuiit mining' tho member of both
parties to tako tho matter of river nnd har
bor Improvement out of the lintids of com
inlttces nml turn it over to tlio decision of
competent engineers,
The Ilclknap ense hnngs fire on account
of tho Indisposition of 0110 of tho managers
nnu 01 uarpenter or tho defense. Tlio testi
mony of Evans, wnlch was deemed of so
much consequence that tho trial was adioui li
ed to await his coiulng,did nnt really change
tbe(bcarings of thocaso In any particular.
It only wont to confirm Marsh, nnd might
liavo been dispensed witli without detriment
to Justice. Tho evidence is all in and it was
voted to rcstmio tho consideration of the case
on Wednesday. Mr. Illnir lias already made
a portion of his opening argument, and it
does not seem that it will occupy moro than
a very few days more, nlthough it if general
ly supposed that tho defendant's counsel will
make elaborate nnd protrncted pleas. What
those benntors who volcd against their juris
diction are going to do when n final vote is
reached is .1 conundrum npt easy to solve.
Tho lolief is'unhisitntincly expressed in
Democratic circles that'tho evidence against
Kobeson, mountains high, warrants his im
peachment, and it wns supposed thnt imme
diate steps in that direction would hnvo beeu
tnken. Hut prompted by judicial fairness,
the testimony ns taken may he submitted to
tho judiciary committee for tho opinion of
tho eminent lawyers partly composing it ns
to that ollicial's amenability to that method
or punishment Tor violation of law. Two
members of the Cabinet on trial nt the same
time would bo a refreshing spectacle to the
members of the party of "moral ideas."
The matter of making silver a legal tender
is being warmly discussed here nt the capi
tal anil the disposition to restore it to its old
placo is wide-spread.
The House committee on mines and min
ing has reported .1 bill providing for the is
sue nf coin notes for $50 nud tho multiples
thereof up to $10,000, to be redeemed by the
vnrious'mints and assay offices by the silver
and gold bullion on deposit there. Section
4 of tlie act provides "Thnt the coin notes
issued under the provisions of thin net shall
bo a legal tender foi all debts of the United
States, public and private, not specified to
be paid iu coin." Tho prospects for a re
peal of tho resumption net are brightening
with the discussion it provokes. Ono of tho
members of the committee on bnnking,lrere
tororo opposed to its repeal, is now counted
among those in favor of tlio measure. Should
this prove truo it is believed the currency
reformers have suflicieut strength in the
committee to report a bill fcr its repeal. This
will put the party representative, in Con
gress in harmony with the declarations ot
the St. Louis ronveiilion ami compromise
the only real ilill'ercnce.s between members of
tin- party iu dill'ereiit sections of the coun
try. Much consternation h,-u been created
among thu Republican Icadeis by tho many
rumois that Grant hud pardoned Avery anil
contemplated the same friendly action to
ward others of tlie wlii-ky ring, lie has
been luboied with, but he is rather an ugly
customer when bo get his back up, and
Here run be 110 doubt that it has assumed a
very defiant curve sinco Hayes' letter of ac
ceptance came out. The.iinprt-.ssiou is pret
ty general thnt ho nnd Attorney General
Taft are at loggerheads about it, anil nothing
that his highness may now do need surprise
any one. Ruxo.
About 700 clerks in tlio D.'pirtincnt at
Washington are to bo discharged,
Lu.eru.) county has forty-two represen
tatives in tho eastern statu penitentiary. -
August lljlinont has accepted the
lirership ut' the Custer uiotiiiniont fund nnd
stib'ctibed 100 towards it.
Thirty Millions of rabbits are consumed
iiiinii-illy iu England. The fur is largely
used iu tho 111:11111 f.ictu m of silk huts.
Rats have been making havoc among tlio
wheat iu Kern county, California. On ono
ranch they completely demolished a field of
100 ucres.
Tlm Scrauton Tiinex the Mormons are
'making an active proselyting campaign iu
the .North Branch valley. Brighaui Young
is a native of Su(pichuniiu county.
Tho stuck iu store at New York,
which on January 1 was upvurd of 7,000,-
000 bushels, is now nbout 1,500,000, nud
1,000,000 alloatlu tho harbor.
Pinchbnck still fondly delays ut thu north
until lie gets that $20,000. His expecta-tlc-n
mako his credit good, and hois enjoy.
Ing himself while tho rest of us pay for
The Swedes of Rethleliem invito their
fellow countrymen tnjpin them at Philadel
phia, 011 tho 20th of August, to celebrate tho
four liuudreth' anniversary of their own nnd
tho centennial of their adopted country.
Lafayette college opens its fall term a
week Inter this year titan announced iu tho
annual catalogue, tho extra week having
been given to allow tho student morn time
to iitteiid thu Centennial, The term opens
September 7lh (Thursday),
Judgo Harding, of Luzerno county, de
cides llmt "mrsonnges belopging to churches
or religious societies, us well ns institutions
deniimiiiutioiial lu character, and not of
purely put-lie charity ," menu longer exempt
from taxation for county, roud,cIly, borough,
poor and school purpose, nor can legislative
fiat mako Ihein,
Tlie President tins signed Ihe bll for tho
issue of silver c,oln j continuing tho public
printing ; relieving the political dinbilltlos
.of Cleuerrl lleauregaitl, and making appro
priation lur tbe siipoit ot the army for the
next fiscal year,
Robert Lincoln, son of ilio Into President
Lincoln, will tuiup'lifiuols for Tilden nud
oss 01 memory, tuineti if 101. ureaininp, i;inerni
s ealnes's, horror of tllse.ud, wenk, iin(tuuLtlcinb.
Ins", ttrenjrut. Iibrrr otjietttij .lilght sweats, cold
feel, cakne('flmn(-!is'of dttllin, litnirfiorriillvrrsil
tin nerer been known to full In tu'curo of .weakness,
nttendi-il vlihsiniptotn! imllspoMtlufi tofxerllon
toss ot memory, iltntcu t io( breatrtlnr, general
htst-lluda ot tlio trmscti'lAt to ktebf. pnot inollliilnctihl
with rt i- pUo J s j intonis, hot bunds, riastilng of t'luV
body, drj lies of the sklti, puilM rotinletutncn nnd
erupt Ions mi tho fnce, purifying tlio Mood, piiln In
the buck, hcntliirs nt the ejellds, freiptcnl bluck
spots lljlng Is-foiotlie ejcsMlth temporary sunn
flnn nnd lov of sight, unnltif Attention, tie. 'Iheso
symptoms all nrlr from a weakness niul to remedy
that use II. , IU-Nieis Hitter Wine of Iron It
later fulls TliobsXiitls nre now enjojlng heulllt
who Imvo used tt. TnVe only II. 1'. Kt-nkki.'s.
llewnruof counterff Its nnd base Initiation. As
Kniikcl's Hitler Wine of Iron Is so well Vuowu nil
over tho'etjiintrj'i'drihfgtsts thfmsMn") Mako" nn
Imitation nnd try to palm It off 011 their customers,
when they cull tor Kunkel's Hitler Wlhti of Iron.
KiuikePo. I'.ltlt r Winner Iron I put up only In It
bottle, nnd has a yt How winpper nli-i-ly put on tlie
oulslde with tlm- proprietor's photngrlipli on tho
wrapper of enth bottle. Alwnjs look for the photo
graph on the outside, nnd j on will nlwujstiosiirutn
get the genuine. ! per bottle, or tlx foi 3. Hold by
Druggists nml lipuli-rs, eterywlinie.
1!. I'. Ki Nttris Worm ttj nip hover fall to destroy
Din, Sen nnd htt in.tcli wcrm. Dr. Kitnskl, the only
successful Physician who removes Tapo worm In S
hours, nllvo wltli brad, ad no fco until removed.
Common snno teaches If Tnpo worm he removed all
other worm can bo le.idlly tlestrojetl. send for
circular to Dr. Kunkel, No. SMI Xortti 5lli street,
Philadelphia, l'n.. or call tin your druggist and ask
for a bottle of kunkel's Worm Syrup. I'rleo tl.Oo.
. Never falls. July.
A uValtli I'ruiiiutiiiR Stimulant.
Physicians, who certainly ought to bo the
best judges of such matters, declare that
wholesome stimulant is not only desireable
but essential in many' instances. When the
temporary good efrect nfa sound stimulant
is confirmed and rendered permanent, ns in
the case of Hosteller'- Stomach Hitter, by
tlio notion nftoniti and alterative principles
combined witli it, it becomes infinitely nioro
ellieaclous ns n rcnovant or physical energy
and a corrective oftlioso conditions of the
body which Invito disease. Tho Hitters
hnvo received tlie eninbatio sanction or med
ical men who have observed tlie effect of
that popular stimulative cordial ns a remedv
for weakness, nervousness dyspepsia, consti
pation, inactivity of tho liver, malarious fe
vers, nnd many other diseases. Its basis is
sound old rye, the purest liipior known to
commerce, nnu itscll possessing tome pro
pcrties of no mean order.
' July lmo
LSTATK n Of IVKit t-iiltttiv. nvr-v.airn
Letters 'Of Administration nn thn p-iOfn nf nil.
v.-r rniuipo, into or ine Town of wooiusbunr.countT
ui lyuiiiiuui.i, muitr 01. reniis.viTunin, tieeeastHl,
have been granted to .:. 1;. nrvi. nr itirmmOnn-i.
I'll.. tO Whom Mil lif-rstill tmlohtrrl f n miiM nvt.lti- nr..
requested to make pajnu-nt, nud thoso having
claims or demand villi make known tho ssmo with
out ueiay. 1:. i;. tiuvi.
. , Administrator.
July 2s,-w.
"TKbtlco Is hcrehv given that CertlileatoNo. for two
Hiuiresor MocKuorsni eachl ul Iho
Dank ot sunlmry l.tto bank of Norlliurabtiluid
Issued m name of Win. MeKelvy hn 1 n lost or
mislaid. AH persons are hereby cautioned against
negotiating tho same, us application has been madu
101 lo-iisuiiii; sam eeriiiiciltc.
1. W. McKKl.VV,
.1. II. HAIt.MO.V,
Ktecutoi-s of Win. JlcKelvy, deceased.
Julyss, 'le-avv.;
Estate of W KSoudcr. deceased.
Tho undersigned Auditor to make distribution ot
thn balance ot the funds Hi the hands of o. A. Minder,
Administrator of tho n-tntn of vv. V. homier, lain of
Columbia CO., deceased, among tho parties entitled
thereto, win attend to the duties of tils appointment
ut the oflU-o of C. It. .t W. .1. Huckalew, Hloomsburg,
on satin-Jay the 20th day of August lsTH, when and
where nil persons having claims' against thu said
ctalo sre reuuested to nresi-nt thn samn tforn tli
Auditor or be debarred from coming in for n sliaro of
BUMIIOUU. vv. 11. Ainitirr,
JuIyss.'TO-lvr Auditor.
Notlco Is Ken-by glv-cu Hint tlio following accounts
havu been exhibited unrl Hh-d In tlio cilice of the
uieric 01 tuo orphans- court or Columbia county,
a"ld will ho nrosented to the f?nurf. nn tun rah rluv
ot September, next and be connnned within lour
diys thereafter unless cause bo shown vvhj they
should not be allowed.
The account of Levi A. Illdlny one of the Trustees
01 ift-u, juuiay uuuer ine win or ueo. iiiutay oc
'Hid account of Daniel DWil surviving Eieeutor
of Anthony lilehl us 'liusn-o or Mnrv iimiht i.iti-
Jlnry IVck, Hind by Ooj. V, West, administrator of
uuiiici uiein tiecc.eeu. u. Fit AN K Z.Mlll,
July 23, io.-tc cicrk 0. c.
tfo. -J: Bullincli St., Jtoston,
(UiTosiri: lti:vi:nn llousi:.)
OR, S Ii LI'-l' It KS 15 H VAT ION.
More Thau One Millioa Copies SoIG.
tlold Mi-itul Awnrdrit In I In- Aiillmr by Ihe
"Nulliiiml Jlpillrul A.iiclnlloii,"
.lluri-h lllsl, ISill.
JUST piiblidieil by the PI-lAllOllY MKDI
CAl. INS'lirl'TIl, a new edition of I ho celebra
te.! medical work i nlllled tlm "MJIKNi U OK I.ll'K i
or, M:i.r-l'l(l-.sHllVA'll(iN," It treat upon Man
iioiui, how lmt, howri-salni'il mill how perietuated;
euuseiuid cuih ot llxhausUd Vllulltv, luiliotrncy,
l-roiiialuie ecllne lu -Man, siioriimtoiihiuu, seminal
lissesdiiK-tiiruluiiiI tllunial,) Nervous nnd I'll sleiil
Debility, 111 iHXhoiidrla.tllooiiiy l-'oiebodlng. Jlental
Deprefnt.m'l-os o Km-rgy, Haggard Couiitennnce,
Coufilslou of Mind and Uissof Jlemory.linpiiro Mate
nf Ihe lliood, 11ml nil olsi-nsi-s arising from Ihe
Krkoiis ok Von 11 or tho Indiscretions or excesses ot
""liens i'ou' all about the Moralo of (lencrntlvu
l'hvslology thol'hjslologv of Marriage, of Wed ock
nml onspilng, rnysicnl Contrasts, True Mommy,
Jliiiplilclsiu, K-rverslon ot .Mai rlage. Conjugal Pre
cent and Ulemllv Counsel, I hjslcal Inilrinlty,
Its Cttiises and Cure, .Delations llctwcen thu
sexes, l-ioofsot tho Kxpansloii of Vice. The Miser
ies nt Imprudence Ancd-nt Ignorance nnd l.nois.
.Msss ok cckk, Cure olllndy and Mind, 'lac
1'sisciri.MOKTBSATHKST, Addles to l'atlents and
Invalid Headers, Tho Author's 1'ilnclples. Tho prlco
of this book is ouly Jl.on.
Tms Honk also coiitiilns Mouk 'Hum I-'iitv 1'iik
fcnirrioNS for the above named and other diseases,
each Olio vvoilh 111010 than Ihu price of the book.
'I ho Institute also publishes "TUB l'IIVSIOl.OO
bust book of Iho kind extant.
Also, another valuable medical work treating ex
clusively on MliNTAH AND NIlllVUl'H DISKASHSJ
mote than 201) rojal octavo pages, twenty elegant
engravings, bound lu substantial muslin, l'llce
oiiVvJ'j.ihi. Harely eiiuugli lopjy for pilmlug.
"'I'he Hook forjoungiiiiilinlddlu-agi-d men 10 read
Just now, Is the, science of 1 He, or Self Preservation.
1 ho author has returned from Huroiio In excellent
lieallh, nnd Isugalii the Chlel Cuujulllngl'livslclnu
ot tho ivabudy Medical Inslltute. No. 4 Hiilllnch
Street, lioston, Mass." "Hepiibllean Journal."
"Tho science ot t.lle Is bejohd nil companion tho
mostcMraorillnaiy work on Physiology cverpub-IHhed."-"Iloston
"Ilopu nestled In Iho bottom ot Pandora's box.und
hois.' plume her wing anew, Mnea tho Issuing of
llieso vuluai)l works, published by the l'ealudy
M.iM.ii li.tnm.. u-lili-ii nr.. t.ielilni- thousands
fleiwto avoid tlu mUadle that sap tuo citadel of
inu - ' miuo-'ipnia i.nipurer.
"It should bo road by Iho young, middle-aged and
ev en thu old." New orK Ti Ibuno.
'I ho llrst and only Medal ever conferred upon any
Medical Man In Oils country, us a recognition of
skill and professional services, was presented to tho
author of theso works, March 3lt.t, lsTil. Tho pre
sentation was noticed nt tho tlinouMtH occurrence
by the Huston l'ress, and tlio leading Journals
throughout the country. ThU uiaguincenl Medal H
ot solid gold, set vvHh more than ono hundred India
diamonds of raro brilliancy.
"Altogether, In lis execution and the rtchntss ot
Its malerlals, and tlie, this Is decidedly the most
notlceublo medal ever struck In this country for any
purpose vv hatever. Ills well worth the inspection
of .Numismatists. It was fairly won nud woithtlj
bestowed." .Massachusetts Ploughman, Juno Ed,
C arcatnlogue sent on receipt of f.c. for postage.
Klther of the above- work sent by mall on receipt
ot price. Address l'KAHOHV Mi:iu:.I,INSITTUTK,
(or W. II. I'AltHltlt, M D., Consulting l'hslclan.)
No. 4 lluinneli M , llostoii, Mass.. blip, Itevoro House.
N. II. Tho uuUior can bo cousuln-d on tho above
namuil diseases, as well as all diseases requiring
skill, scciccy and uxpeiicnce. OlUte houi'5, U a. id,
to u p. tn
July2s, "TC.-ly,
July -is, m.-iam,
Cap, Capes Sc. Torches,
MAN V K A C T U K K It S ,
No. 04 Church Street,
Strictly l'Ulti: WIIITi: I.IIADU cents per Pound,
guaranteed equal lu any in the market,
MONTOHlt VIUTi3 I.IIAD ut 10 cents per pound,
equal tu any for durability.
MONTOUIt SLATK PAINTS 8, 0 nnd 10 cents per
pound, nccording to color.
MONTOUIt .METALLIC HltOWN 9 cents per pound.
MONTOUIt METALLIC HltOWN dry 2 and 3 ceuts
per iiound.
Rest Quality of I'aint Brushes at low prices.
which we hny in largo quantities and will null at
iowusi jurikUi. nv;L.t.
All our good nro guaranteed ns represented and
our painix to be gioond Hi pure linseed oil, or mo
money reiiiiiueii 011 iiemumi.
send fur sample curd und price list with tcsthnon.
lals. .
May s. 'I'l.-ly.
Solo Mnnttfacturcr.
ltUl'HKI'i I'A,
lly Irtiiti of an order i-f Iho Orphans' Court of Co
lumbia County, th undersigned, Admlnlstrutoisbf
too estaiu 01 jucou iiunis, iviu expose lopubllosalo
on thu premises on
SATURDAY, AUtiUST l'Jth, 1870,
at 10 o'clock ,iho folio vtlug described real estate
tu vv It 1
No. S. All that eel talu tract of land situate In Mt.
Pleasant township, Hi I In- ('unity of Columbia afore
said, adjoining hinds of Thomas J Vundursllce, Oeo.
smltii uud oiiiers, containing 13 ucres, more or less.
No. v. AH that certain tract of laud situate in Die
township of Hemlock, und county of Columbia, ad-
1. lining lands of John Leugle, Ibert Soiners, Ituubeu
logart und others, containing
moro or less.
No. . All tint eo.tuln undivided moiety or half
part ot Ihu IHON mil; Iv Ing under the sm lace of thu
ulKiVHdi-scilbed tract of land No. I, and extending
idso under inu slit faeu of sal-l Hud of siil-l Amlrtiw
.1. I. vans and Hire, Minute In' tho luniulilji of Hem
lock und (.utility t-t CulumMa Myn said, us shown by
a draft hereto annex. il, ot which Hull Iron 010 Iho
huM Jaeoli llurrls died spUnd lu his demi-iiio as nf
feo a tenant lu eoiumoii vilth thn iuUX MeKelvy,
NealCo6t uudluoiiO undovlded un-lety or halt
p.u t thereof.
No. 3. All thnt certain undivided inolely or half
pint of Ihe IHON Oltu Ij Inf under tho snrfuceof oil
thateerlulu iriitt or l-iinl situate In Cooper town
ship In the County of 11 on I our, now owned by one
John llaniM't, containing H acres and 1st iierches,
morn llampel, containing si ncres und 1ST perches,
in'oroor less.ut which Iho tld Jacob llurrlstilisi
seled Hi tils ileiuesu-) us of feu us tenant lu vomuton
with u -o Charles It. I'nxton.
Aid It Is dei ii( d thin 1 hu share of Kainh Ann liar-'
rls,Hi-low, shall 11 main In Inn hands of thu purchas
er during her miturul lib- unit the Inteiesl Iheiefoio
sliql bo legulurly and uluiually paid lu her by the.
piiMuisor, his heirs mid assigns, hohlliig the prem.
htn to Isi ri covered l.y illstri'.Ki.r otheruhai us rents
nre 1-in-cral.lo In llils CuuimoUHiiillli, and uto-ir
du'easH Iter shines of Iho purchase mimei ahull bu
l"il ' l" Ihe parlies legally i-iilltk-d theit-lu
TKIIMS OI-'HALK. Ii-n IsrccnlOl t-iif-fourlli nt
the puiihusu inoney lu ho paid 111 ihe striking dunu
uf Iho prnpei tv, thu one fourth lets Iho ten iH-rri ut
ut Ihu couth inutl.m of side, and I bo remaining threo
foiulhsln nnu eur thtrcuin.r, vvltli'lnteiebl Irom
ooullrinullon 11UI.
, , . JAUhHA ilAHIIIlI,
July 89-ts. Administrators.
THIS l-il'EU It (in llt.K with
. Advertising V--' Ageplj,
1076. WHERE NOW? 1870,
Tn vtrllKIAN. rnnnf thn foremost, flourishing
nnl healthy Btiite I
what unr
TObtiyaFAItM out of tho
Ono Million Acres
of lino farming lands for sale by tho (1HAKD HAT
His tt INIHA'A II. It. . , .
nchcoH. )(. It lutis IhiMUL'h rrntm i f LTant. M-
riOIIIV HI AMUPr, Mlllin-I mill mimiiiifi IMU.S.S .,
1'ilco fiorn M to fio it.r aciu ; onu-uuith Uuwn.uftl
"VHeiiil'for Illustinloil pamjililft, full of facts and
fiffuri's, and bocomlnml, Aiidn
II III-" '( "iiii'i , .
(irand lEaplds, lllcti.
ti t itrmrn ttnn'v litid Dph'i.
rn.&Co. .lanai-llw.e.o, w.
dl O n day at home. Agents wanted, t
V1" terms flee. TltUK, K CO., Augusta,
.iiaivii iu, -i-iy.
Outllt and
lldwiud (Icraghty Supervisor In account with lioad
Tax of conyngtiain Township, for tho jcar
ending .March 1STC.
To ain't of Duplicate 2152 15
" " " Locust .Mt. C. I. Co.
tux woi kill out but omitted
Hum dupllcutt- ' Ml 44
tun a
lly nm't returned to Coins
" " ot exonerations
183 11
--j si
" " I- lilv wmL.-it mil lic.v,u..
paiilesimdliidlvldiiuls 2110 9ii
lly collector s com. on at flvo
lur cent 4 91
" ' on aJ.SI ut two
per (cut 1 ts
" Balance due tho District 01 til
$1413 59
lMwurd fleraghty .Supervisor In account with Special
Huud Tax of conynghain Township, for Iho 1 ear
eudlug ilarth Islo.
To nm't of duplicate...'. ikssi 82
Hrror lu utn't of Locust Mt. C. &
1. Co. tuxes CS3 CO
JC0I3 42
lly ain't returned to Cuius tea 41
" of Kxuueiulloiis 71 si
" Dan Culahan order No. so .May
vi, 'la J -;j
" iteeeipt of II. K. Zair, Dec. IS, '75 4000 00
,'. ,',', ," ' TJ 00
" Collector's coin, on 5190.10 at
nvo lwr cent 2i!) M
'1 rs com. on at 2 per
cent is C2
" Halanco duo tho dlst. on special
1411 5S9 81
IG03S 42
Mr. .(Icraghty refused to swear to some ot his nc
counts nmriliey vvero closed with thu above result.
JOHN I' I1ANNON, eleik.
to costs, ny i:ii. (imtA(iHTV,.siipi;i(V!soit
FOU Till: YiSAlt HND1NO it AltClI !S7J.
Josliia Ileam
Nath Hrown
l'eler llueher
Heiiurd Hreslln
I'ath Cook
David Cook ,
Mis Philip Culp...
Con. Duuanou
David Duvlsun
Jno. . Davis
l-'runk (lallagher
Jno llasion
Peter Jojce.,,,,
Kvau T. Jones
lYert. Ullll.eraun
Jonathan Knittiu..,
leo. Kuchuirlcs
flf-n 11 I ln1.....tiii.
Terrenco Meiiiilru ......'.'.'.
Jiurris jiurris
II. -s. Mnrr
i'ullx McManuinen ,
l'eler Me.Manatnen
lllchard .Murphv
Thomas Murphy ,
Thomas ltusuton
I.OWIS 'l-i-eUliMM,
Jucob Trlen
l-'ruuk Yocuin
Jno. Youug
Mury Itushton ,
jiooerioruau Uuct
Andiew iHiru-r tract
IaivvU Walker tract
Itoad. Special.
... vo 49 M 4S
... 20 01 9J (0
. . S 00 211 CO
Ml 2 UU
40 1 ro
CO 1 10
.. 4 Sil -12 00
. . 2 00 5 ( 0
.. 1 21 a 00
21 0-
21 GO
.. 0 37 J3 44
-. 1 vo , a 00
.. 1 20 3 00
40 1 00
110 1 51)
..SO 1 01)
40 1 (hi
3j no
.. CIO 10 00
..200 r,m
so -i 00
SO 2 00
22 bO
' . SJ
.- S 40 8 H)
b 2 Oil
- 4 60 12 00
4 12 (10
-. 40 1 00
.. It CO 44 O)
I t.0 . 19 00
111 50
t 133 11 JICO 42
LISP Ol-' i:xONi:i(ATKi.3 ash iiu.ho
Mnrv llnnrirn iirmi.i. uenni,..
muuiiew Miaveiy trror.
Jno. Alexillidir
Jno. Alekiindir,
1 .111.. nruuii-y,
Win iImpv
Jno. llano. .ir"""""
Anlliy Kane .
Klian Duiiahoi,,
I'ulk. Hougherly.,,,,,
Mien. 11. i..O
'lluis, Jojco'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.
iiii'iiaru Jujoi
Larry .lu.uu ,
Jim. Klliiger
Anlhv IjiTloy
Vleld, Melloiifui .h ..
Mlild. iluillguii.,..,.;
Ulihard Muck,
Jno. Mccioikey
I'lillc. Moiiuglian,.,,,,
nUi.u-.Mc,iiUy '''
Kit. rurcrti..,,., ,,'
I litis, ttawlaud
tivl K.iin.'1-r
.Inn k
Jno. (leary,
1 iios, (irunes, i:rror,
piikuaei jiuilL-y,,
I'ulk. ilclllllloy,,. ".
Itlf-lm,.) l.w.l, ' ,l
h. l'.Hyou...
AuitK etciiy, jrror.
"' itiiii-ive,
1 12
,1 00
1 00
1 no
1 IS)
1 IS)
1 UU
1 UJ
1 to
7 3i
32 SO
2 SO
I 01
1 00
2 50
I 00
1 CO
1 00
. . 2 50
1 00
1 la)
2 1.0
1 CO
I 1:0
1 Oil
1 Ml
1 CO
2 511
I 00
1 Ul
1 00
2 50
2 50
1 bl
2 00
2 Oil
" 1 1.1)
1 00
1 0U
1 00
a 00
1 CO
Toil THE YKAIt KNDINtl MAltCll 181K.
To nm't of road tax dtipllcato 9189 80
" " " taxes doubts payment,
on tracts In warrantee nnmcs ot
Johnson liensly,Thos.Hllt7.helni.
crnndAinos Wickerfham 162 M
nm't returned to com
or exonerniioiis
tutl !3
DS 7(1
" fate vvnikpil nut bv coal CO.. 11 0
" nm't puld 101 lnb)r , 214 00
" " " supervisor, il ss
" Older of Dan. Campbell .. in ro
" bill of C.o. Murphy for tools Ao is m
" "Swearing ton nslitp oflicers Ii no
11 making two bond...., 1o 00
' Individual worked out Win.
ltvrne, 1.24, Deniils Itovvan l.iu. 2 S
" coin. on 473 HI ut llvo per cent... !.l ci)
' com. nn 449.Jnt, two pet cent, w. .' ,
' balance 11) M
"' 83U 91
We, the undersigned, Auditors, of Conyngliaui
twp. have examined tlio foregoing accounts and
nnd them rornrl tuid truo to the but ot our knovvt
udgo and belief. .. '
HDWAIll) llt!(llli:, lAuditnp.
JOHN 1. 1IANNON, Clerk.
tow.nsiiii' roit Tin: ykay isndino
To nm't of duplicate B332 50
' " from (riiets In vmrrsnteo
names of Johnson Hensly, 'I hos.
Illlt7helmeriind Amos Wicker
sham heltigdoublu pnjineiitson
sumo tracts - 45r. 21
Ilv nm't returned lo coins...
" " ot exonerailons
' com. 011 1'iCos to nttlvo
per cent
" treasurer's com, ou
63 7 91 al two per cent
11 order ot (h-o. 11, Junes.
I'cii. is, '70
No. 402 " order of I'ulk. .Moluln
Apr 1, '74
" S9-J " order of Jno. Casey Apr.
si, '74
" 390 " order of Ahtky N'oon.spr.
2, '14
" 237 " orderof l'alk Lyons Ucc.
20, '7.1
" 5 " order of John Casey Aug.
14. '74
" 154" orderof Frank Hush Apr.
11, '74 "...
" 3S7 " order of Talk Mohan
Feb. 23. '74
" 60S" order of Theodore btably
.inu. 111, 14
$3737 74
119 " order of Thos. (lalairlior
May Hi, '11
393 " order of l.uko Chapman
Apr. 2, '74
" order of Win. Chap
man Irom auditors
179 " order of Wm. Snjder
sept. 30, '!1..
91 " older of Thos. Hrcnnnn
.Mayo, "71
3(17 " order of Jno. Klliccn
Apr. 4, '73
" bill of Jno. O. Freeze,...
" Maklugt-i-o dunllcates..
lly lecelpt ut II. F. Harr..
11V James Hrennan
' O. s. Koran aid, sheriff...
" Jno. I'. Ilnnnon, clerk
" Martin liughlln
" .Martlnl'urcell
" Peter tjiobyM
" D. F. Cairy rent .to
" Halanco duo tho twp
77 03
1111 70
9S0 42
101 5H
4 54
8 Oil
4 32
8 OH
10 3; '
9 00
C 50
W 77
1 50
29 02
C 73
20 00
16 M
M) CI)
12 10
400 1 00
100 UU
10 to
3 S3
30 15
4 III)
4 00
4 00
05 00
522 90
H7s7 74
Alfred steely
Tho. lirt-nnan
Henry Walters
Iiii,'h Wilson
Dan. Walsh
Adam Welkol
Ileniy I'nil.nitT ,.
I'eter Stlvltz
Frank Kelchwlne
John Hlecliard
Kelley Itamsey
nenry roi.-r
Wm. McKenna
John Miller
Frank Mcllenna
John McDomdd ,
James Madden ,
James Meiilh.ui,
Michael -Murphy
Daniel .McAllister
l'utk. Jlclionell
Frank lird
Michael Loiighnln . ,.
llco. Ilowclls
James I lomnan -.
I'eter llollman
John (lannon, fcr
John Dowey
sieplieu Dunahoo
William Dougaii,...,
Michael Collier
Malt. Coyle
Michael Casey.
I'eter Huley
Wm. Hodemun
Hlcnnrd Wjnu
Michael Tougher euor '.
lllchard ll-ighes
John Casey
Widow Hradley .'....!.'!.'
.iuiiii uoury
juuaiiutu iirovv il ,.
Jacob Press error
Hoger lilckson
Anthy Walsh
Thus. Nuvlu ""
Jllehl Hrennan
James Hevvey
-Mlcliaelilerafy ' Special,
ot 1 on
1 no 2 50
04 1 1.11
1 OU 2 Ut
ci 1 co
04 I 00
CI 00
... 1 l.l 2 CO
III 1 C-l
... 01 1 CO
ci 1 1.0
. .. 1 HO 2 .'II
... 1 no 2 50
... 1 UU 2 60
14 1 CO
... 1 I'O 2 Ml
04 1 ul
01 1 CO
... 1 UU 2 Ml
01 I CD
01 1 60
04 1 Oil
SI 1 CI)
.. 1 111
1 (III 2 61)
-. 61 -. 1 co
1 0-) 2 51)
1 00 2 60
04 1 1.1 1
1 00 2 611
.., C4 1 ul
04 1 0)
04 1 CO
1 10 2 60
01 1 co
1 44 3 Ul
141 3 ro
1 (10 2 fO
Ol 1 C-l
CO 1 60
..I.... Ol lb)
HI 2 60
1 I II 2 50
1 III) 2 Ml
Ol 1 CO
1 CI
2 .Ml
1 111
1 CO
(31 70 J101 71)
To ain't ot tax duplicate 10141 10
' " " statu nppropihitlon 2:2 ml
' " Insurance received tv no
" from sale of sloves 3 lid
uf 2udpajment from tracts
In warrunteo names of
','m "'!""' "easly, '1 nomas
lHluhclmer and Amos
WlckelslMUl 403 03
By nm't of it. s. land returned to
coins. for collection.. 935 43
, otuioneiulloiis 11 errors.. 11202s
seci etui lus salary 125 00
of outstanding orders liso 02
pa id teachers saas 00
dlstitct superintendent's
salary 135 po
" " paid for fuel contingencies
,, ''lid cleaning , 547 70
, ror school necessaries ic 70
" insurance ... . t9 60
paid for building nnd 1m-
piovlng. , .., lf9, ,4
"' Vr."'JaC0!,lani,ex!ienso 4a oj
paid for books, furniture
""."'nlscellaiieousexpenses 421 11
paid for labor, mat c-rlal and
Itpalitng 737 7(
treasures com. on IS764 07
1 per cent,, m pg.
collet tors com, on 13293 0-2
nt 6 per cent 4ci ts
111375 73
To balanru duo district by John
curran treasurer
4.I0C49 cs
JI8C 12
MAlUt T'l-llu
As nt ur as can bo ascertained.
Teachers orders. .
Tims. 11 1 Carl hy !!,".'.'""7
1. rum-II cleaning
f eo. Davis statlomiy ,'
C. II. Hiockvvuy . . "
H. 1- Zarr....:...
1'. 1'. buck
t,thMr?!'Jur Uxnt ";':iuiiKd"t'o"
John Aiirti-i-hou .t Co.. .
Order of Dieltubeu Jcr . ... .. '.
3100 00
11 S3
31 10
1 60
4 75
15 00
7 SS
10 Ol
4 41
36 19
400 S3
13029 25
Ilv Xfnittn li...n..i,
" Cll. ..'..'".'..'..-:
Martin iffieli:?:.?:: 6w 94
23S 3)
llV hill nf.Tnn ...... ..
uuseuted iand tai'i'-i'tiiVVi'iViri
Ji.rurcuil ' ; ' .
ii,it,u,r!?s?.byj,"u: curran.. :':'::.: SSiSJ
..v ..yiuuiumuou 2J2 OU
720 12
903 00
$323 S'i
tsceo 62
Ul 27
KlCl'SS of
them cone" t and truo & Xlnif..f?c.0l""J! ul 1 nua
uud belief, ku"ulruolu U'O totoi ourknovvlodgo
KDWAI.D HUdHF.3- 1 -
Ilyi:;l.(leruglityln 1S73 ,,oul1' HP':
" in chupinan In IS74.,. '. Jl H
" l'alk, ..Mcfionell In isij;,; "" 'JJ J1
July 14, 70.-31,
- VI 67 622 90
CeorgoPten,)ooroverseerof Ili-nvir tovvnshlu In
account Willi said wwnshih. 11 ' ,n
T W'J from overseers last
is??" 0t toiuffltoZiolur '
.... ij
Total of receipt-!
1330 18
' ' U1U
Paid for hiulnleiiaucoot pauis-rs ... . tin n
- exonuralluiwaiidtiiiosieto; -- 21
" I (sir Oversi-er's fees uf
ahCsiilUBtuv,uildp;::;;";:: 77 71
Wo. tlm nnai. ... . . U78
A U' U1UM s
3n. SBJfiSWjA-"-
m S4 JTI M