THti COLUMBIAN, OI.BMBIA MtMOClUT, STAB OF TUB NORTH AN II C0I.CM' MAN Cimsilt.llHTRil.) Issued weekly, every Friday morning, nt iii.iiiiMHIIL'HU. COI.UMIHA COt'.Nl'V. PA. QnUt of gututrtislnfl. rmninh. ( wlvn linpa nr IU rntilvnlciit In Nonp two iioi.t.Aiis per year, p.iyablo In advance, or during lliojenr. Alter Uia uxplrtithm of lint) par Irell type) iino or two Inserlloni, ll.W; threolnsel lions, tJ.oo. ,.1.. lu vr. XU. All. IT. tiM Will no mmiK"" niiniwiir-iH nut ill uiu county tho terms uro 11 pr-r jctr, -molly In nliiuuo ii i II nut p ilil Iii Ivmice un.l fi.u ll p.iymi'hl bu ileLui'il bu i""1 11,0 J"''""' Nu 'paper ilH'iMlllnl "I, except ut tlio option of Um iiuolloiiicrt, iinllliiil nrroarngus nro paid, but lung continued credits after tliu expiration of I ho first vcai- will not i' given All mhjm noui out of tlioKtiilo or to distant putt uRlfe's must ho paid for In advance, unless n respon sible pjrson In Culuuibla county assumes tu pay tliu subscription iluo on dcmutid. pos l'AUlt Is no loDger exacted from subscribers In thu county. .THE 3?tIlTTIlsrG-- (inolnen tu " !'" nnolnebri K.W .. 0 f.'d .'") J.WI Hire,, incbcj) no " emir l,-iit. T mi dirt II l uuarur loluinii..'.. . .I".w) li.w !'? Hall column .15.0' !.( ".( "'"' one column . .efl se.ifl ""' 'w'w I MrU ...1 .ArittttnAiOii HAiniilA Ititurterl. Iran- Blent iidvertlsunieiils must bi'imld for lieforulnstrieil except wliero parties luno nceounlfl. lr&nl ndienlsemenis two dollnri" per Inch forlliree Insertions, nnd nt that rat for additional insertions without reference lo leiitli. ..,. KrecuUir's, Admlnlstiuuir's and Auditor a notices three dollars. . ... Trnnslentor Local notice, twenty cents aline, regular nilierllseinenlji bull, rules. cnriH In the "business Directory" column, one dollar per year for each line. M.LIm. I l.,n irlninnt r.t Mm f'nt , nt l M ta u I roiiiplote', iin'd our .lb Printing ivlll compare l.-ivorn- 0. B. BR0CKWA7, . ,,. ... .i.i... iv Mini tint of nioiarifi) ciii"i. aii work iiouo on o. E. ELWELL r Eslwraani Proprietors. demand, neatly nud nt modcruto prices. i , BLOOMSBUllG, PA., FllIDAI, JULY 28. 1876. THE COI.tJMIirAX, VOL. X, XO. 80 C0I.UMI1IA 1I15MOCIIAT, VOL. XM, NO. M ranr in . . jar . ...... y . . . Mlf H I HI A I - C'il Acv tfe 4b .Ae 4s . n , Jsx . M J , E . mi iii irw ii m ii; mm i aw fffiitiir 11 m vy ini . mr hm hi h i in i !! m m m in 1 J 5' ULOOMSI1URO DIRECTORY. SCHOOL ORDERS, blank, hot printed nml nently bound In Hinnll books, on bund nml lor snlo nt tho Columbian onice. Feb. 19, lslc-lt 1"LNK REEDS, nn Pnrchr.i.'iit nnd I.tnen Paper, common and for Administrators, Kxccu Iocs, fur Bulo cheap at Um Coi.imman Olllce. , MAltUtAOK CEIlTn-'lCATUS Imli.rinled and for snlo nt the coi.umiuan oniec. Mlnli. if the (Impel nml .IiisIIcch should mipply them helves Willi tlieno neces-tnry nillclcs. TtlSTIOICS nnd LWlnlile'" Kw-llill for snl.i nttliuL'oi.UMiilAN oniee. Tbey rnntaln Hie eor. reeled fees ns esl nblhbed by the Inst Art of the l-eir-sUliireiipon Um subject. livery Justice nnd Con ntnMo Hhnuld lmvo one. Y KNUOK KOTKS jut printed nml for unlu clienp nt tno ioi.vmhian onice. MKUUIIANTS AND (IHUt'KHS, Q H. MIM.KIt t SOX, (lentcri In Dry (iwids, uroeerles, qiieentwiue, flour, Ball, biiut'8, nullous, etc., Alnln btieet "T II. MAIZK, Mnniniolli OriKcrv, line Uro fj eerlea, fruits, Nuts, Provisions, Lu.,Malnand Centie streets. DOOT8 AND SHOES. TTENIIY KI,KIM,Mnniifaetiirer nml denier JLJL In boots nnd bbocs, crocerles, el., Main bt., Iiloomsburif. 1 M. ICXOHU. Denier in Hooti nnd Shoe., l.J . latest nnd best sljles, comer Main aiulMurkct Uriel, In I lie old post olilce. CLOCKS, WATCHES, A.C. ( ICSAVAdi:, Denier ill CloeN, Wntclici J , nnd Jon elry, Jlnln St., Just below tlio Ccutrul Until ritot'i:ssioNAL cahds. 1.1 11. IKi:i.i:i!, Allorney nt T.nw. linnini in r.xcliango block, 5d ffoor, lllooinsburif, 1M. el in C IIAKKLRY', Altorney-nt.Lnw. Office V j , In Urower's bullillnir, Snd b'.ory, lloijms 4 U 8. (let. 15, '15. DM. WM.JI, Ki:ilKi:, Surgeon mid 1'livsi clan, onico S. U. comer ltock und.Miuket Hircets. f K. KVAXS, M. D., Surgeon mid l'!iyi ) . clan, (ortleo and lieildelicu on Tldnl Blieut, Jefferson. ' 11. JlcKI'XVY, M. I)., Surgeon nnd l'liy ., north side Main btreet, below Market. It. UOISISOX, Allorney-nt-I,nw. . In Ilnrtman's bulldliii;, Main street. OlTice QAMUKL JACOIiY, Mnrblo nnd llrown O btone Works, Kast Uloomsburt, licrw lck road. JEE llOSEXSTOCK, 1'lintoyr.iplier, , :l.irk k Wolf's store, Main btreet. D Ii. 11. 0. 110WT.R, Surgeon Dentist, JInin bt., niiovo in court. House. MISCKU.ANEOUS. AVID LOWr.XItEUO, Merchant Tailor Mnln Mt., nboi o Centrnl Hotel. 18. KUIIX, denier in Meat, Tallow, etc., , Centre btieet, I tt ceil Second nnd 'llilnl. r MIOM AS WEI1I1, Confectioneiy and ILiker;', X wholesale nnd retail, Uxelianiie Jlloik. G 1 . COKEI-L, I'lirnilnre Kooni", three- btory brick, Muln btruet, west of Market st. OUAKGEVIIjLE directory. A !. HEKItlXCV Cnriienter nnd builder, , Main Hreet below I'lin'. liUCIC IIORX. M f). & W. U. SHOEMAK'EIt, Dealers in , Dry (Mods, (Irucerks and (ieuernl Meichan- CATAWISSA. AY M. II. AI!!!()TT, Attor.iey-at-I.nw, -Main 81 1 eel. "P '. DAId.MAX, Merdiant Tailor, Second Jj , street, linbbliis' bulldlnf. WJI. I.. EYERIA', ArroiiNHy-AT-ww, Catawlssa, l'a. ('olleellnns promptly mndo and reniltted. Ofllee oiipiulto Cntnttlssa Deposit IKink. Cin-ss JO'l'lCE. Krnm tills dato the llloomiburir (las Cnninany will put In terUeu pipes at llnt cost nnd rurnWi nnd bet iiirln H at lour dollars eiub. 'I Ik; enmpany uute on hand n lot of trns tar sillied fur pnlnllinr ruofa, und polsor oilu-r lliubein pKiced nu ter if round. l'rlcu in itnts per k'allon or MM per bariel. oe. 1.1,1.1. o. W. MlLI.Kll, Sect The Cook's Companion, Improved Kitolion Slicing Utensil, A novel Household Article, fur slicing Hump, Mkt. Nu'SAi.f, Noolil.ts, Veijktabi.i.s, l i.uis, Camiv, Ac, '. Tim M.ulilnn Is easy to rr-gulatn, and very Minplo tu use. It lakes up but liuii- lixnn In tliu kliilu-n. cuoi'hiis, lleiciii us, Hon.!. Ki.Ei'ti'.s iiud l.Miiiv rAini.v bliould halo one. I'l lee J I, mid elie.ip at that. Call atld bee thciii woi ii at tlio l'lirnUuro Storu of V.. R. 1-UR.MAX, Sole Agent lor Columbia eminty. Jliiy 2(J-3m lllooniaburg, l'a. ft iKCUUE AX AUKNCY 3 innl f.V or $IU(I per wed. "the ever lenayaoa neier oui tj oivtr. 1 it'iiilu and licit',' mi t t.f wJu:" HOMESTEAD $20 SEWING $20 MACHINE I'or Domestic Use. With Table ami Fixtures Comnlote, only $20. A perfect and uni ipKilled. I.uu'e, i-M'on nnd dura ble iitnihliic, euifliu. teil clt'irnui nntl Mind, IhiiiiiIiij lest uiiileiUI Mllh pieei-lui lor eon Mailt faiiillj use or uiunufuit ilni; pursises, Al iiayH leady ut n iniiiiuiit'M iiullee tu do Us il iy's nork, nevrrout of orih-r, and lll laM a geiierallmi islili iiiodei'iitii cam; i'us lo understand itiidiiiau ii'e; luiit, binonili, nml suiri riinuli,'.'. iiumIw ueil leih'iil.iled nioienient of hiIimi whmIi; slmplu eoui jui l, (Hi lent nml reliable,!! miulMlieliupiuieineiil in I"' foiinil In the li!i;lit'at priced iiiai'hiiies,!iu rant ed lo do the Kaiiiii iwuk, tin haine ivny, and us rapid nml hiiuwilli us a (75 in.Kliiiin. Amu kiiimlcdj;eiitrl iiinpli of hiKenloUH luei skill, essentially the Aiurklnif nouian'H fileinl.mid fnrlu ailvaiuiMif all iinlliiary iiiie lilnis fur ab.soluin Mienclh, lellal llll) nnd ueiieral usef uliiebs i will heui, fell, tuck, wiiui, mil, bind, braid, cord, Katber, ruille, hhltr, plan, Mil, scallop, roll, euiiiroldi-r, runup hreudllii, at., m Itli v!ouderful rapidity, neatness, nnd ease.sewii llio hi roniTcst Usllnif sllleli eipully line niiii mtiooih tlirouifli nil kiiulsof foods, from eauibile (o semul Ihleknesses of briuidclnlli or leather, wllli Hue or cmtsu enttoii, linen, silk or tttlue, (Ilies juifwi Hatlsfactlon, will .um Us mt seiernl llineb oier In a season In llio wuik It does, or luuke iik'oodllvlnk' r ir any man or woman who dudrts to u'c It lor that purpose; worksso faithful und easy the servants orculldron run usmtwlilioutd.iuiaee. Mien of uiu eliluu with ll.'ht tulilo, fully equipped for family woik f! Half ease, eover.Klilu diuuein mid cabinet si) lea t licit nt cniiesimndlinfly low rules. Sjfu delivery eiiarunli ed. fiee Horn ilnioane. i:.p!imulory pain plilets lllusltuted wllb eiiKiuihik'S of llio scleral btjlesof maihlui'S lelcieiius, uiiny of seivint'.te, mulled tree, ('onnrlenllul terms ullli lllieial Induiv-ini-nls lu entci nrlslne elei um nu n. leachei'H. Iiuslliiii.u men, Iruiellni; or local UL'ilils, ie., ului Ueslm ex eliismi ukt'iieles, furnlilieii on iinpllciillun, Addiesa joiiu ll, hOtiumi & i;o., uu iiruaunuj, iew ioik, Mays.'iu -Uiu. FEAKFUL ! FEAHFUL ! ! rxpltriiirnt nt tlio New Notlontil TOJiACUO uiuiifti u iut jnui kiib ni lui vt 4 (tu CiiiM 33IC3- X2SrTTJJSr wileomonll. HbeiDjoucan KctlLo HKSTllHANDS In I he mm kit, (IUH 1'I.ACi: IS CHOWIIUI) CONSTANTLY, Tlio underpinned lias purchased llio entire stock ui j, 11 tioiiusoii uuu uiuuo larKU anuiuoiisineii.iu, OEO.S.T1I.I.F0N. .Hill D'l, 1(1 -Sin, Tlio rull Street Indicator. THIS WEEK'S ISSUE SENT FREE. Contains rictorljl llluslrullolia of Hulls and lieaisi. Abo, fell uudii 111 ill In UiKlruelli.iiH how UioiierulH lu Micks and Mut rmllieex. Capital lulu and suepcMlons. Also, 11 1H of vuluablu 1'iumluius to 'VI111.H. "Muaioriu" lil'CKWAl.TKU t CO., Hankers and llrokers, I'. 11. box 4S1T. 1U Wull bt,, Now York City. Jlur,si,'l.-ly HUSINEfcS CA1M1S. "QR. A. L. TURXER, Itusldcneo on Jfnikct Street 0110 door liolow 1). .1. Wnllcr'H. OfllCO filer tilelln's llrnip Minn,, nnien l,rt,ir trrn 1 to 4 1). III. for treatment of diseases ol the Kye, Knr "mi iiiiiiai. Aiie.nis niifhtorday promptly attended lo. ApMrjfi It J) II. J. 0. Rl'TTER, VIIYSICIANAHtlllOKON, Ofllee, North Market street, .Mnr.!T,'74-y liloomsburc, Pn. JQR. 11. V. OARDXER, 1'1ISIC1AM AM) SURUEOX, iiuioMsiiuno, l'A. Onicenbovo.l, Schuyler & Son's HnrdwnroMorc. Apr.2r;-tf s AMUEL KXORR, A T T O 11 X E Y-A T-L A W, liLooMsnt'ita, pa. Onir-O. llnrtmnn'H lllnrk. rnrnrr Miiin nml MnrV-nf Streets net. S.'ifi E. K ORVls' ATT(HNrcy-AT-I.AW. OFKirn-Itoom No. 1, "Columbian" Building. Sept. ls,ls;s. c 1 W.-MILlililt, ATTOHNKY-AT-I.AW Oftleoln Urower's bulldlnir, second No. llloomsburi.'. l'a. lull 1.73 v c 1 R. A W.J.RUCKA1.EW, ATTOHNKYS-AT-LAW, llloorasbnrtr, l'a. omen on Mnln Street, Hist door below Com t House Alar.c, '74 y V. .t J. M. CLARK', ATTOHN DYS-AT-UW, Dloomsbiirfr, l'a. onico Inllntsliulldlnff. ApillloTl y A. CIIKVF.LISII SMITH. ltkHVKY KWINO SMITH. CREVIU.IXG SMITH A SOX, ill llUll,l-A l-l.A!V, llloomsburp, l'a. T.Ml business entrusted to our enru will rerlevo piompt attention, Julyl,'73 y 1. llIMiMEYER, Al lUK.M.Y AT I.A1V. Oitice Adjolnlnu C. II. u W. .1. imrknlew. llloomsburt', ra. Apr. 14,'70-ly. E. 11. I.11TI.K. KOBY. K. LI1TI.K. E 7 II. A It. R. LITTLE, attohni:ys-at-i,av, llloomsburir, l'a. Si-miliicss before tbn U. S. Talent Ofllee attended to. Olllce In the Columbian llulldlnt'. ly 3s B HOCK WAY & ELWELL, A T TO It N E Y S-A T-L A V, COLUiiniAN lluii.niMI, llloonisbui't', l'a. Members of the United Mates law Association. Colli it Ions inado In anvmrt of Aineiieu. Airents for coiitluental Llfo Insuimico coinpauy of New York. AssctH nearly $7.(hiiuioii. Tlio best In llio couiiti. Send tor descriptive pampblet. tt "yyiLLIAM RRYSOX, ATTORXEY-AT-I.AW, Central ia, l'a. I'eb is, '7c-ly. HAltMAN & WASSERT. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, AND 1KON-SMITUS. ISiipt Ptieet, lielow Enil Roatl, ELOOaISBUG, pa. Wo respeelfully call public nttentlnn to the follow Inir fuels lliat : Tbey iiianufaeiuio llrst class MIXE CAR WHEELS AXI) AXLES and nil kinds of Coal bleaker Cnstlnirs. 'Hieynlso make all kinds of Cur, Mnelilne, lirUlno nnd other e.isilnes used by contractors uenerallj. They also uiaiiinaciuiu HKATINn AND COOIC STOVKS, nn(i nro prcnun! h furnish nil llmU of rfpnlra, such us uniH'i, 1 ins, i irn prirK. Mreicneia, &c, 'iiiey eir) 1 niistuhUy on liauil PLOWS AND PLOW POINTS. Lnrro Iron Kettles. Fanners' Helta, 'led Soles. War- on lime-, cellar (J111U:.,, Ac. Tbeymuulsupiepnred iu 1 uiiiiau Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Miaftlnp, rullej 's, ic. f pielal attenllou to Repairing Threshing TiTachines Ilenpeis, Ae. 'Hm 1'iopiletorsai'obolh practical inecb.nilcs. Try them. Dec. 3,187s-im AMKKICAN AM) I'OHEKiXI'AIHNTS. (in unite Co., sueeissors to l iilpman, llosmer.t en., sulleliors. I'.ileuts piiH'iii'i'd lu ml eounlrles. No 1 IKs iv aiivam'K. Nochiiiire utilei-s the patent H l.'1'.lllled. No fees for Uial.lliir pll'lllllll'liry rxillll Illations. No iKtdlllonal fees for uliliillill.t,' und con- I ut 1 1 1 1 ir u 11 liiMilnt,'. Ii.v a reeenl ilid-lon ir tho I'liiiiiiiKsloiii 1 A 1 1, rejerieil appllcntloiis lu.iy bo re lived. SU'clal alleiillon kHi n In lull in reni e eases Ih toio llio Patent unice. exlen-loiis tieloioi'nn,ires.s, liiilliieeiio'in suits In iMITeienl Mules, mid nil ll'lfii tlon tippeiiididtii; to liiventloiiH 01- patents, S, nd slump to (lllinoiu .V Co, for pamphlet of sixty pafes, LAM) CASUS. LAM) WAMtAXTS AM) Contt'stoiUaiHl cast's lirosefu!1)! before tho l', H, fifiicrul Uuul onico innl D.-parliunit or ttm liiteilor I lit Hill lit I I'l luium, 1111 11 1 UK iiini I'll-' ttifiiun wu it.-it und lionit'slt'ml r.isi h atli'iittuU In. Lund hcilpli)4D, so ii ml nm uen nli-CfH fur hiiIh. This wilp In u.s.sltfu.i- l.l.. ...... I.,. I, J. 1.. tt... t it. i.f It.,. til,l',.h,.wi.r AIUiKAltS OF PAY AXI) HUUNTY. Oflleers, soldiers and sailors of tho Into war, or tbi lr helis,aro In many cases 1 utllleil tu money froui the ifoii ruuient ur ublehlhey haiuno kno ledi;e. Wrile full hisioryof sen He, mid stitlu nmouniol iuy anil bounty received. Knclose Bin (.ptniilliuoie X Co., und 11 lull leply, alter uxumliiMlou, will be Ulienjoufree. TENSIONS. All onicerH, soldiers and sailors wounded.ruptiiri'd or Injured In thu Into war, huwever blli;litly, can ob tain u pension by Mldressliitr (lllmoru Ic Co I'aM-h prosis;utisl by lillmuro J: Co. beforo thosu pienie eoui l of Hie Unlii d Mules.llu) court ol claims, und llio soul hern claims commission. Kach (Icpuiliticnl if our business la conducted In a separate biiieau, under ehaiijout llio same oxiieil em ed piillesenip'ojed by Ihuold linn. Prompt st leiil Ion I o all business eiif rusled to (III.MOKbi & CO. Is (bus secured. Wo debliutu win buccuhs Lydo MTillik'H. Addicb-s, k (III.MOUK CO., at) V street, Washington, D. 0, Jantll.'Jd'tf. 17REAS IIROWN'S IXSURAXCE AQEX L CY, KJicliaui.'o Hotel, llloomsburir, l'a. Ktua, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut UvcriKjol. iJiiidon and (Hobo Itoyalof l.lveriool I.uiiiaiislilio r'lru Association, I'hlladelplila.,, Ameilenn 01 I'hlladelphla Alias 01 UMliloni Wii.i diik', uf Wilkes llarre.... Far 1 in ra Mutual of Danville Danville Mutual Home, New York.,,,,, Commercial Union,.., March M,1T-y I7S,M4,(AX) Capital. ... 6,rsH),ooe ... in,iii,o 0 .. U fou.ooe .. 11,0110, 00 ,. 9,100,000 .. 1,100000 k n inui ... in, mi ,ouo,eoo .... is.O'ii ..., s,o,ooe ..... MLOOMSBUllG TANNERY. o. A. Ili:ilKI(J I) KSI'ECTKULLY minounces lo tho tuililic Li that no has ic opened UVl'lll'llld II'IXTVIIIV rirSSa '"tv 1 'ii f. . A'St (nldRland) llloomsburi.'. t'n.. ntibn forksof tbrt Ilspv nml 1 Istht. Street roads, where all descriptions of lenlber will bo 111A1I0 In the most Btibslnnllal nml woikmanllko ni.mmr, and sold nt prices lo suit the Huns. 'Iho highest pi leu In cash will ut nil limes lio paid for a it b i: n it 1 n k s of eierv description In the country. Tho public pat rename Is respectfully sollelled, llloomsburi;, Oct. 1, 1s;r- CARRIAGE MANU F A C T 0 R Y llI.OO.MSllllItO, TA. Jf. C. SLOAN & I1R0THER HAVE on Iinnd nnd for Bale nt llio most rensonnblo rates a splendid stock of (i.uitiAGi:s, itiuc;cai:s, and every description of Wagons both 1'I.AIN and FANCY, Wnrrnnted to be mnrto of the best nnd mot durable maeerlals, and by the most experienced woikinni. All work fent out rrnui tho establishment will be found to be of the highest class and sure In rive per feet Hatlsfactlon. They halo alsonllnenssoilmentof SLEIGHS of nil the newest nnd mot Mshtonnble styles well nnd carefully mndo nnd of tlio best miiterlal. Anlnspecllon of their work Is naked as ltlsbe lleved that none superior can bo found In tho coun try. Oct. S, lS75-tf. MISCELLANEOUS. BROWN'S HOTEL, IlloniiMmrp, l'a., I!. Molmer, Prupilelor. Accommodations llrst ens. Il.'ii lo ll.oO jut day. Kestuiii'mit utlaclied. uctolicrs, 'll-lf plCXTRAL HOTEL, A F I R S T-C LASS II O U S E, Oct. 8,'75ly JOHN LAYCOCK, l'rop'r. JEW SALOON AXI) RESTAUR A XT. 'llio ui ilcrslencd hnsopenid n llrsl-class Knllng lloiwi lu Hie l..xi hnnro liuck, feimeily occupied bj ii. Milliner, wueiu nis iiibtomirs win nml eiery IIiIijl- in his line. JI1LTON CHAltLES. Fib lS-ani. c 1 M. Bit OWN, bus lemuied his Hoot and Shoe Store from llrown's Hotel to 1st door aboie Wngnnsi Her mid Miarpless'. 'lonnnda Hoots ubpiclalty. Depalilnk'doncat bhoit notice. c 1 M. DRIXKER, GUXand LOCKSMITH. ewlnfc' Machines nnd Machinery of nil kinds re.' paired. Oceiia Hocsk llulldlnt;, Hloomsbuit, l'a. Oitl.'lsiy JXCIIAXG E HOTEL, OppoNltu the Court Ilouite, lILOOMSllUltd, l'A. Tlio Lamest and Heut In alliesrrfiLs Inthecoiuity W. 11. IIOONS. l'roprletor. Oct. s,'lMy y HOWELL, " 13 N T T. S T. onico In Hart man's liloek, becond lloor, comer .Main nud .MmkelStieets, r.LOOJISHUllO, lny SS-1y. 1 J. THORXTOX IV. would nnnnnnen totho clllensof lllnoms- I'lirir ami vieimiy mat ne has just i iieliedaull and louiiui'iu assoriiui'iu ui WALL l'Al'EH, WINDOW SHADES, FIXTURES, I'OltlW, TASSELS, and nil oilier (roods In his line of business. All tlio newestnnd must iipproied patterns of thed.iv are alwais to be found In his establishment. Main strei t. below .Market. ut., ninm.l. .suiiir.1 rni'amlr surf llr.non To ' l'uiwM. ltli 1." 1";Ji;'l,"'"'"'.nl.Mliiirl,ul. t VSS 1 5 h'JilJ'.,7u1"1 "'''". "4 LA ROE. rrlo.. BMAU. I l.lir, 1.M, "J," TrSS C.G, BLATCHLEY, Maniiir, 500 Commercu St.Xhila. March 31 cm. THE EYE & EAR. DR. Gr, O. McDERMOTT makes the treatment of Diseases of the Ear 8c Eyo A SPECIALTY. nnd bn ri(i id jit William, ut, l'a. nn Institution lor the treaiiiiiiit nnd euie of pnllinls BUlli'ilmr from 8 ii b ilUcasos. om. c 1 1. .iiiH. I mil sn. in , 1 10 3, nml 0 to 8 p. in, Cull on or address '. . ,1I lirU.UOTT. .11, !., 73 I.'diiln St., Hllllainspoit, I',,. ApiH2S-Cui. PUH33 TZA--IIT SEALED PACKAGES, llllci'l I'luii. I'litmi und Jiiinui. IILT.IVDllHll ut Mil II 1! .N Iiooil, fieMi from thu (..Mllib.Ss ,,f tn it- (IIIOUTH. Imporlid direct by THE WELLS TEA CO., 201 Fulton Street, X. Y. ;; 1 lie difficulty of k'eillurf pure Teas rf re illy lino iiuulit) lu Uiu Inlted Mulin.n is Induced 1'iiK lliiiji 'I si l o., lo bldp t l.i l r l'i .is In bealcd packages dlmt flom Hie eaideitb ni wlihli they uiu nmv n, mid us a lilllii r eiiai.n.teo of their l dellii ml lu their ei'iiullie stale, lliey enti list Uiu sale of Hum only lo n liable Ak'chla Hie naiuu of the nearest At'cutto louts piliileunt Iho foot of thlsmlifillscmcul-Mi tho lias pass tliiolii;h none but lesponslble haiids,mid will bo Uelviri'd ut )our own dooriui rienbus nheii they left tliu u'liidens or China and .lapuu ; the pi Ice also Is piluleU on eaih package, bo lli'O no I'lror can occur, Hierjbjdy bujsTea. Kierj Uuiiy Islwa tu buy tt at llrst handa-tho best quullltcs ut llio Ion est pi Ices. J.icijhiidy doslies ivlnn they find u Ten niltable tolhiJi tusles-to bo ceitalii of (jettlui; the same ailklo all! a is. You can bull) all Iheso ndvantak'es by buj Ins of THE WELLS TEA COMPANY. llucausnthcy luipoit Ihelr own tons, und sell them at w hnli'salu pileea-wllhout thu six orcliflit Inter inedlato proiiu usually eluirt'iul, liteaiisH the quality Is belter ut Iho prlco than Is sold by any oilier house. Iiicuusu ihelr Ioiil' eaiierlence In China and Japan enables them Ui inukii beltvr selections than ordb nary lieulirs undtolmpoit Ihem with creator ad vantages lieeausu they absolutely Kiiarantoo tho quality or nil Ihelr irissls- and kii plliem to one Invmbiblo standard, so that you can ulw.ns rely on theni. lieeausu they do business for cash only unit there foio make no eilrii proilt from (food eusuunuis to cover losses bv bud debts. lieeausu th ir nucnis uro responsible and reliable uieii-wiindtlticr 'Jcua puclsi.y as meliod from Uiu Company, lieeausu l inlinr once tried rliesa Teas, you will not need lo en risen hciu liereulter. WANTUIi-A liriiKL'tst, or o'lier llrst-chiss tner chant, In every town und (lly In the I'nlted Mates, to wliuiu will bo yllen thu bOI.Ij AUL'NOY lor that locality, Addiess, forleimsaud full particulars, TIIK WKI.I.S TlSA CO., 1'. o. ho 45fj). Wil Fullun Street, N. Y. July III, TI1.-VUI. Tho'Latcst und Best. "I.KT MY Namk I1b Kinpi.t Ss3Kn,"a tieaullfu toiifutul chorus by II, 1'. Danks. Mulled imstpuld for .5 cents by WM. If. IlONKlt ft CO., iliihlo I'ublkshrra und Dealers, June.-ltur. not Chestnut Bt., l'WUidelfihla. 1'iuIps of Nomiiia'.ion. Ai Adopted In the Convention, Dec. 2fi, 1870. I, Tho annual County Convention thnll bo held at the Court House In llloomsburi;, on thu Second Tues day of AURiist, nt one o'clock p. m., and Iho He legate I'.lcellons shall be held on Hi' suturdny befoie.ut the places ol boldlnc tbn (,'encral elections In the sev eral election (IMiiets, between the hours or three and seien otloek lu tho altemoon. II. 'I he lepreseiilallon ol districts In County Con vention shall be lu proportion to the Democratic voto ol each us east ot the most recent election rordov ernor, but Iho whole iiuuilier ot deleutes f-hall not txei ed Ki-ii-nty nor bo less than llli-rour, and no district snail be allowed lens than two nor tuuiu than rour (leuif lies. III. I'httl Hie nextolecltonfornovernordclesntes shall bo alio" ed lo dlslrlcis upon nralloof sixty inters tor a (leleicalu, nlloiianeu beliif; made for the largest friiillons ot u ratio. IV. 'I ho stnudlinf Committee shnll, whenever necessary, trmko nn apportionment of deleiratcs to tho scleral dlslrlcis under Iheso rules nnd publish It, with die rules us ameiided, In the Democratic liens papas ot iho county, at least Uiu w ciks before cnh annual eouieiitlon. V. Voters at liciejrutc Klectlons niny glvo their Voles to n sinuller number of candidates than the hole number to be elected, lu the manner pruilded In the foul tli section ot tno Uluoiiishur; ait ot 4th of .Mnrih, s;o. VI. 'I hu ilelegnto elecllous shall bo by ballot and shall be held nnd conducted by u .Judiju and ilerk, to be telecled bi tho Democrats In attendance, mid the said oltleers shall kicpn Hit of voters mid tall) ot volts counted, to bo beutby them to thuconvenlluii with their eerililcnle of tliu result of tho election. VII. All cases ot disputed heats In Convention shnll bo disposed ot openly by n vote after bcurliij; the lespcitlvo claimants und their evidence. VIII. All deleKiites must reside In IhC'dtstrlclB they repiesent. In enso of nn nbscnt ileieirniohe may depute another, It he fall to do so his colleueuc lu uttendancu may substitute for him. In other enses tho convention may nil up the reore'cntutlou from tho citizens of the district In ullendance. IX. 'iho vollnu In Conventions shall bo open, and an) two members may ieiUlio thu yeas anu nais on any question pendim;. X. speiiul Coiiveiiilons may bo called when nec essary, ii) the stundliiij Committee, the pi occedliiL'S of which shall confoim to these rules. XI. All county nominations and nil nrpolutrnents of eonfeiees and ot deieifates to State Cunieutlons, shall be made lu County Conventions. XII. 'I he Slandlne; Column Ice (hall consist otono number fioni eaih election ilistilct, iiho shall lie eleiied bj the peoplo at the delefiito eleetlous, who shall choose their own cn lnuaii; und any moot t hem shall bu a quorum, w hen called toirctlier by thu Clialimaii. XIII. No member of tho Legislature shall ho cl.o'-en b) this County us u Delesutu lo a State Con. lent Ion oui lug his term of olllce. XIV. In Oouveiitlun u majority of nil tho votes gUcn hball bo necessary to a lionilnallon, and no iierson naini dbludl be peremptorlli struck Horn the list of candidates until alter tho fourth vote, when the lottest namo shall lie it ruck otf mid soon n tench bueeesslie volu until u nomliiiitlon shall bocifeeled. XV. Deleifutesluniinted by Iho lotera who se lect lliein shall obey their Instructions InCouien Hon, mid votes given by Ihem lu ilolatlou of thtlr Instructions shall bu dlsalloived by tho Conientlon All Instruillons shall be reported by tho election ollicers.J T his rule lu repealed and bupplleu by rule XVI. Conventions shall bo called to order by tho Ch.ilininnof the standing Committee, or in hisub s( ncu by soioo other lucinlier thereof, who shall eu terliitn and put to Kite motions tor the election or n 1'iFbldent und tno Secretaries tor purpusea of teni lioiurv organization. XVII. No iKraon shall bo ellglblo lo n nomination b) u Comeniton who has opposed the Democratic ticket at the next pi feeding election ; but this rule shall apply only tu cases ot opposition to Uiketshere ntter fouued. XVIII. It shall be a good causo ot challen"C ngalii'limyperdunoITi'iltig tovuto elei lion that ho has luted iib'alnst Democratic can didates nt federal or statu elections within two Jems, or has opposed Ihu Iiimocrntio ticket ul thu Inst pri ceding election, or bus taken oriigrcedto take money or other vuluablu Iblng.or any pecuniary ndvuntagu, as ii consideration for his vote at Mica delegate election, or corrupting or attempted to cor rupt uuy voter or the district null riteience to the same; but this rule shall apply only to causes if ciiidlengo arising subsequent lo ltu adoption. XIX. If It shall be made to appear to the satisfac tion or a majority ol a Com enilon that uny candidate before it lor nomination to any onico sliall haio or reied or paid uny money or valuable thing, or mndo any pioinlsu or money or valuable thing to take if feet in future, as nu Inducement to any delegate lo loluforhlnii ortuuii) other person with il.o lien or Inducing or seeming the votes of delegates; or If Ihu samu snail bo done by uny other poison with thu knuwledgoiu.d appioDalloti or such candidate, the lumo ot such candidate shall be Immediately struck rroru tho list ot candidates; or It such fact no ascer tained utter his nomination to any onicu ami before the llnal ndjuurnmcnt.tho nomination shall bo struct fiom the ticket and thu vncaney supplied by n new nomination ; and in either such person shall bo Ineligible tu any nomination by a Conientlon, or to election ns a delegate, for a period ir two years XX. It any delegate shall receive any money or other vuluablu thlu', or accept the piomlso or mon ey or oilier valuable thing, or uny pecuniary udvun tatotobo paid, dellveud or si-cure In future, ei ther to himself or to any other person for him, rrom nny candidate or other person tor such candidate as an Inducement for Ids vole, or under any other iiro te.xtupou proof or the tact lo the satisfaction of a majority of tho Conientlon, such delegate shall bu foil hn lib cvnelled and shall not I.,. rn,.,.i,-.,,i ... ., delegate to any ruttiro Conientlon for a period or two years, and dining that time sliall also be Ineligi ble for unvnaity nomination, ruses nriuiurimiC,- this nnd iho ne.vt preceding rule shall haioprceo ilence oi er all other business In Conientlon until de teiinintd. XXI. None of these rules shall bo altered or ic seinded nt a tegular nnnual Convention, unless by a vole of two-thirds of nil the delegates present. XXII. Candidates for nomination may be voted for directly, at the delegate elections, and shall m eelve deli gale or district votes In convention In pro portion to their liopular vote In the several districts, upon the mum pilnclple on which delegates aro eli l iable under the M'u rule. XXIII. No dC'legnlu to any convention hereafter shall be entllli d to u seat unless Ids en ilcntlulsshow thai he Is Instruct! d tor soino candidate for Iho v n i Ions i lines to bo tilled, as but out lu thu call for tho Conientlon. Tropcst'il Rules. Chapter I. Of the lh Forms ov Dkleuates, I. llcimilns um hanged. II. lleinulus unchanged. III. lb mains unchanged. IV. 'I hn delegate elections shall be by ballot nnd shall bu held und londiu led by u Judge una clerk, to be selected bv the Demuerjls In attendance, and tho said ollieerH shall d( lei mine nil questions or thu right to vole, keep a list ot voters und tally or votes counted, to bu sent by them to the Convention nltli Ihelr ceitlllentu of tbn result (f the election, which iTitltloutoMi.illbeiiilinii facie ciidenieol the per mum therein u inied haling a ibjht toseats in Iho V. All delegates mint reside In the rthti lets Ihev represent ; und In case any delegate shall bo un.ibl'.i to attend bu Shall till nlloned Tn ilennt.. nur.lli,.,. ,.111. zi-n of the ill .trie!, ina no utlur deputation or rep- VI. Same as eighteen In old rules. VII. Voters nt delegalo elections may cast n3 many volisu.-i there are delcgitrs to be elected nn.l ni.iv cast them till for one delegate, or may divide tli-'in among (he delegates us they seu lit ! And lu Iho ease of n tie vole betneen delegates, the question snail bo decided by druii'lng lota : Chapter II. Or THE C0SVEN1I0X. I. Sumo ns sixteen In old rules. II. Sauiu as buieulii old rules. III. Sanio as nine In old uilcj. ' '.- ... -"'ieiuioii ii iiiajiiiiiy or an rue votes giv-eii.iall-bo necessary to a nomination, and no person llllllieil Sll.lll !. ,,.rlli- t, r,...l- r- ...I,.. cnnilld.ilis until urier tho second vole, vili.'n the lowest inline shall 1km struck off nnd soon nte.ieli successive second vole until a nouilnallon shall Is' elfecied. rriilded thai lu Hie rusu o; u noniluatlou of tvio candidates tor Hie same olllce nt tbosimu '.Inn', ll shall be necessary lo n nomlnallim that iho emu lilak' Hiull lei-elio moie than one third of Iho nhole eonvenllou lule. V. All enimty numluatloiis for officer to bu eleeled by the people shall be made In mid by thu 1 'mint i e, mi i.iii li,, ,.v n j i i.. , , , ... u Vldl'li . tii.ti ui vwi i iau piu- M. lnstrucllons shall bo required upon nomlna Hons for all County ellKcs CMept ruri'nriiner, sui veyor und Aiidllms, and shull be ulluncd upon oilier noiuliiullons, nud candidates shall radio Cunvin tlou voles lu piuponion to their vote lu Ihu respect ive dlitiicit,, 1 VII. In cases where Insirueiions are not leqtilred bv Hie roiegolng rule It shall ho neiessary lo Uiu ulilng of Insliuclldiis nt least, (ine-half Iho vuteis presinl nt the eh illon sbult tutu pint In tho pi(s.'iedliig or vollng Hit reon. VII I. Votes of liisirui-ll.iiis for candidates shall be rei bided und rounieil lu Conieutloii ; und votes lu violation of Insli unions shall bo Ulsullonul, IX. In ease ol a lie voto In eonvenllou madu by insirueiions, the cundlduio who has ricelied thu highest jiopular vote sliall be declared nominated : Chapter I II. ok I. Samo nsnlneleen In old rules. II. Sauiu nb tnenly In old rules. III. No poison shall lio ellulhlo m n noniluatlou bv n (.oiiii hlloii nho has opposed Iho Deiuocratlo lliketul Iho hint piecedlng i lection. "" IV. .nmo us thirteen In uld rules. chapter IV, Oi" tiik Stamumi Committee. I. Samo as tw elvo In old rules. II. Suina as four In old rules. III. In ciiM) of tho death, declination orrcmoval of uuy candidate put lu iienilnatluu by IhoCouven'foie the elistlon; u new nomination ot u candidate shall bo mudu by tliu standing couunlttee culled together for that iiurHiso by u public iiotlco fiom among citizens ellgfuhi undir luese rule ' IV. If astato Comentlou shall happen nt a sea. son of hi'Siiir prevloUH to thu regular meeting of hu inuiily Niuiilnalliig Conienllon; then ai d In Hull caso iho SlaiidlneCouilullUe failed logelher for lliiitpiiriKis,. i,y ,uiji0 . shall elect ihereiin. benlallvu delegalea for Ihu Coiiuly.und shall amioint sennloi al uuireries from uineng elllzecs cWglhlu under these lules, to belt it delegates. , , v-,lV. flialrinnn hliull call a bpeclul meeting of Uiu standing Coiundttee, upon request In writing of uny live iinmbeis ; mid In Hie cull hu shall stale Um business or purimsu ot Hie mcetlng:unu no business shall bu transacted other than that mentioned In Iho VI. Siveclal Conventions may bo called when neeesBiiry. by tho standing Committee, tliu proceed lugs ot which Bhull coufouu to thosu rules. Chapter. V, OK TIIK Ir Tlieso rules or any ouo or moro of them may bu allured, amended or rescinded at nny ngulsr oouventlon ay u yolo of two-thirds of llio whule liumbcj of Uelcgatos to tluv Convention. Bubscrlbo for tho Uwniiaiiru Coi.umiiun. ' Poetical. nUIKTINU AWAY. Drilling nvvny from each other, Silently drirtlng apart, Nothing betneen but Hie woi Id's cold screen, Nothing to loso but a heart. Only two lives dividing More und moro every day ; Only one soul from nnothcr soul Stea i- .rifling away. Only a In in's heart ptrlv tng liltterly hnrd with Its doom j Only a Iinnd, tender and bland, Slipping awny In the gl join. Nol hlng of doubt nr wrong Nothing Hint either can euro j Nothing lo Blinmc, nothing to blamo, Nothing to do but endure. The world cannot stand Mill, Tldos ebb, and women eunngo ; Nothing here that U worth n tear, Ono love less-uothlng Btrnngo. Drilling awny rrom ench other, steadily drirtlng apait No wrong to each that the world can reach . Nothing lost but u heart, TUKOMrVltlKXDJ. bv stRAn nocnsEV. Whfre are they scattered now, The old, oldnleLiN? Ono made her divelllnz irhere Iho maples glow, And mighty streams throuth solemn forests now, Hut never rrom the pluu crowned laud of snow A miEsago sonilj, Some meet nn oft nmld Life's common ways; Aud then", perchance, n word or smllo declares That warm hearts throb beneath their I i.nt of cares l'or love grows on, like wheal ainuug the tares. Till harvest days. "But somo are fall'n asleep 1" 'tho words aru sweet I Oh, frlendi at rest beneath tho blessed sod, My feet still tread the weary road ye trod, Hre jet your loving souls went back tu (Jod I When shall wo meet? Oh, thou dlvlnest Friend, That I may know them In their garments whlto 7 And see them with a new nnd clearer sight, Mine old familiar frlends-madu fair and bright, I Iko unto Thee 1 What Has Iho llouso Done' Tli it is n fair question ntul deserves a fair answer. "Nothinj:," is tho answer if you read the Republican papers. Worse than nothing, If you read some of thu so-called independent journals, hut tho facts are tho action of the House, while it lias cxpo-td unexpected and a hitherto unheard-of amount of corruption, has also laid the foiin ilations for nn immense saving iu taxes. While the revenue has fallen oil' $1 1,000,000 in the estimates of the Secretary ol tliuTrcas ury, tho fact that there was a Democratic House, and the persistent efforts of thin ma jority in the House to save money nnd taxes have resulted in making the income of the Government cqtml to its cxpense.s,and paved the way for a far better result the coming fiscal year than the past. Rut we are asted to make specifications as to the retrenchment and reform policy, and conduct of the House and we give them with pleasure: The preciit House of Representatives has douo moro real reform work during the past six months than all tho Congresses for the past twenty years, and if it could have tho support of the Senate it would make the present congress an immense blessing to tho people. Just hero now nio somo of the re sults of this good .work in detail, which wo condense from the ll.iltimoro Gazette; First, It has not elected a Speaker like bcliuyler Colfax, who used his high ollice to enrich hiuvelf. It has not elected a Speak er like James G. Illaine, who used his posi tion to inlluenco legislation in favor of rail road .subsidies; who acted as tlio agent of a fire-arms company ; who sold rulings nnd legislation for so much cash down in the shape of railroad bonds. Second, Since it met lust December it hat not been devising ways and means, day after day, lo get money out of tlio Treasury. On the contrary, it bus cut down the extrava gant estimates of the departments, and if the Senato will pass its bills, lias reduced the expenses of tho Government nearly $40,000,- 000 per annum. Instead ot making placet for tho creatures of tho admiuistiatiou, it hat abolished every ollice that was not absolute ly necessary. Third, It has not legislated a frcedman's bank into existence- and placed in tho power of a lot of men lo steal tho savings of tho poor colored men of the South, amounting to millions of dollars. On tho contrary, it bus taken the robbers and swindlers who did that infamous work by the throat, exposed their rascality and directed thoollicersof tiio Government to send their names beforo tlio grand juries. Vourth, It lias gono into President Grant'a cabinet and dragged out of it ono of his trusted advisers, who abused his high place, who robbed the dead veterans of the war, who aided in cheating tho living soldiers on the plains, who demanded money for every appointment ho made, ami brought him to trial fur his many crimes ! J'illi, It lias shown how tno funds ot tho so-calltd departments of justice, liavo beep used for the puiposo of controlling elections in thu South and in the North ; how the President put his hand in tho public Treas ury aud took out money to aid iu his own re-election. It bus exposul tho villainy of Williams, llio rascality of Davenport, and tlio general eoirtiption of that entiro branch of the public service. SLrtli, It has stretched its hand across tho water to London and Bitved tho honor of tlio country by collaring the minister nud em bassador extraordinary, who was using Ids inlluenco as our representative to bull" n worthless mining slotk and rob the English people. Seeenth, It hut shattered tho District of Columbia Ring into a thousand atoms ; in dicted Itabeoek for complicity with sufe bur (rlius; madu Harrington a fugitive from jus tice, ii ml exposal tlio rottenness and corrup tion of llio present Commissioners, Jiiyhth, It has instituted a rigid scrutiny lulu tlio management of tho Nuvy Depart ment, exposed tho corrupt operations of tho Cutlets and other plunderers. AWi, It has laid baro tho straw-bid sys tem in the Post Ofilco Department, and proved that tho country ban been annually robbed of hundreds of thousands of dollars for carrying letters which wero never written over routes that never had an existence, 7bith, It hat exposed tho infamies of the Indian Ring, shown how the Indians aro driven on tho wnr path that army contract ors may bo enriched nnd tlio Treasury bled. JXnenth, It has substituted silver for tho wretched fiuctionul currency as a step toward specie payments ; matured a tariff bill which, if tho Senato would agree to it, would do moro to start gnr idlo mills and furnaces and factories, and restoro prosperity to all classes than any measure which could be devised, It lint taken the control of our Indian affairs out of tho hands of tlio thieves who hnd chnrgo of them sojosg nnd placed them wnero iiiey belong, in llio War Department. It hat reorganized tlio army and closed a thousand avenues of fraud and corruption in every department. In 1871 Samuel J. Tilden began his bril liant and successful campaign ugalnst tlio Tweed ring which bin ended in stripping llieiu ol their spoils and Bending them to prison or exile. In his speech at Cooper Institute in November of that year lie made the following pledge to the peoplo of New York : ''lly tho blessing of God according to tlio strength that is given Iodine, if you will not grow weary and faint, and falter on tho way, I will stand by your side until not only civil government shall bo reformed in the city of New York,bul until the Statu of New York sliall once more have a pure and irre proachable judiciary, und until the example of this grcut Statu shall bo Bet up to bo fol lowed by all tlio other States." The peoplo .of New York did stand by Samuel J.Tilden aud lio nobly redeemed the pledges of his speech in tho overthrow of the gigantic rings that ruled llio City aud State. Now this ablo and intrepid champion of tho peoplo against the plunderers is invited to tho per iornninco of a far larger and more diflicult tusk, the purgation ol tho National Govern ment from the corruption that pollutes it. lie is under the same pledges to tho people of the country vvbicli lie gave to the peoplo of New York, and sustained by the ballots of his fellow-citizens ho will rcdeeein them. l'atriot. Gi:ni:i:al Hookiiu on Tii.dkn's Nomi nation. Governor Tilden has received tlio following letter of congratulation from Gen. Joseph Hooker. 'I cannot refrain from offering you my sincere congratulations on your nomination to the exulted ofUeu of President ol tho United states. As a quiet observer ot tho political events ol tlio nation I know of no ono iu my day who basallorded mo so much satisfaction, and smcirely hope and bclievo that tho wisdom show ii iu thu selection ut St Louis will bo fully ratified by the great mass of tlio peoplo in Xoveniber next. Wo require reforms iu politics, religion and mo rals, and I am convinced that wo will hire generously at your hands. The whole govern ment nf the nation is corrupt desperutely corrupt and the honor und glory o! apply ing tho antidote I am convinced will beloug to you. If the fact of your nomination docs not enhance the material value of the na tion, I am sure your election will do it. Al ready I seem to breathe a now atmosphere, at is tliu case of every well-wisher of his country." Heavy Cauhiaok Hip.n. Tho new Secretary of War, iu reply to a letter from Mr. Clyiuer, the chairman of the Wnr Ex penditure Committee, says that 'it cost the government I'llfi.OOO for tho hire of carriage for tho Secretary of War from tho beginning of tliis administration to lielknap's resig nation on March 2d last. During tlio seven years lielknap was Secretary tho carriage win probaly never used a dozen times for his convenience or iu despatching public business. It served tho samo purpose as Attorney General Williams' landaulet did. It enabled tho Relknap family to rido out in style every day and attend the numerous re ceptions and parties givou during the season. Rut why tho government should bo taxed $10,000 fortius luxury, the AVnr Expendi ture Committee is going to find out. After lavishing upon greedy monopolies tho richest portion of the national domain tho Republicans in their Cincinnati conven tion again solemnly resolve that tbey aro "opposed to nny further grants of public lands to corporations and monopolies." Now when the lands have all gono into posses sion of the monopolists through the legisla tion of this party, could there bo a greater mockery of the people thnn this resolution? That unfiling may bo wauling to the arrant hypocrisy of tlio thing they put upon thit platform Hayes and Wheeler, who, when in Congress, never lo-t an opportunity to voto for u measure that robbed the peoplo of their lands. Patriot. The St. Louis Republican records this as its estimate of the difference in the candi dates: "If Hayes is a inhn of no faults, Til den is a man of great merits. If Hayes would do no harm, Tilden would do a great deal of good. If Hayes it a personally hon est man, Tilden is more lie is the enemy of dishonest men. Hayes is a good Republi can, wlio can bo implicitly relied on to do whatever tho party leaders requiie.and leave undone whatever they disapprove, Tilden it a wilful Democrat, who will do right whether tho parly approves it or not. These aro tlio two men that the country must choose between." Ono of the Supremo Court Juelges iu South Carolina suggests the following plan to prevent drunkenness ; Allow eveiy per son to sell us much liquor as lio wishes without tax or license ; but require those who drink to apply for a license, and to givo notice of such application by publish ing it for ouo month in tlio official newspa per of .the city or county, and then, if there be no objection, to enter into a bond for good behavior, beforo the atiUmty tu drink is granted. Master (snilillng:) ''There's it most ex traordinary smell, James: "I've noticed it several ," Hall Porter: "I jlon't wonder at it, sir. I'vo spoken about it down stairs, The butlcr,iryciti sec, is 'igh church, which ho 'as lit up a horatory In tlio pantry, mid bin ns hinctnse. Wo could stand that j but tliu cook is tlio 'low church persuasion, and slio bums brown paper to bobvitilo tho hiiicensc. It's perfectly hawful on saints' days, sir. linch. "Whnt's tlio matter, Uncle Jerry t" said Mr. , as old Jeremiah II. was pas- sing by growling most furiously, "Matter!" said tho old man, stopping short: "why, hero I have been lugging water ull tho morning for Dr. O.'s wife to wash witli and what d'yo s'poso I got for it?" "Why, I suppose about ten cents," answered Mr. . "Ten cents 1 Slio told mo tiio doctor would pull a tootii for me somo ti tno." Hon. Lyman Trumbull, tho able and dis tinguished statesman of Illinois, whoso long led tlio Republican majority of the Senato of tho United Slates, declares fur Tilden and Hendricks, and offers) tn tako tho stump in their support. Our Fine. Evory nation has Itt flag. Every ship in foreign waters is known by the colors fho nhows at tho peok, Tho l'rcnch frigato hoists her bunting of three vertical Btripcs, red, whito and bluo j tho English man-of-war shows a red flag, with tlio crosses of St. An drew aud St. Georgoon n blue union in tho upper left hand comer ; nnd tho Austrian, a doublo headed black englu, on n yellow ground every nation with a name ami place hnving its own appropriate symbol. When wo were colonics of England, wo sailed and fought under her flag. Twenty years before! llio Revolution when we were at war witli tho Freneh and their allies tho Indians, many a br.ive man iu somo hot nklriuisli with "tho Indians would have wel comed tlio sight of tliu red flag of England it would mean aid und couilort wlieu Borely pressed. Rut tho time was coining when he was to hntu it as much as he had hated the French colors. Tho timo was coming when tho Bight of it was lo mean oppression aud ty ranny to him, uud every leellng of his ua turo would bo roused against it. Every child kuows how we finully rebelled j it was noth ing ltss, aud, to England, our George Wash ington was merely a leading rebel. It was a bold proceeding. Wo were thirteen little States, fringed along the Atlantic coast, with tho unbroken forest behind Us, and among the great family of nations wo had neither place nor name. Wo wero like the lust new boy at a public school wo had to light to obtain due respect from all thu great old na tions who wero looking on. Of course wo had uo flag ; we had to earn that too. l'or a year or so our troops carried tlio Massachusetts Stale flag. It was better, they thought, than tho English flag, at, any rate. Tho field was of white bunting ; iu the middle, ii green pine tlec ; and on the opposite sido tho motto, "Appeal to Heav en." Washington, In bis character as General-in-Chief, commissioned several privateer schooners, and tbey all canied this Hug. The Alfred was one ot tlio lew large ships wo bad, and alio carried tho pine tree flag, uud beside thai, one with thirteen strijics, in led und while, but with uo stars ; n'lnlo on the stripes was coilid a rattle snake, with the motto "Don I tiead on me." Iho rattle snake being louud only in Atneiica, tbero was, of course, a peculiar uieaniiig in this emblem. Iu the early part of the Revolution, some of tho South Carolina regiments carried tho palmetto tree on their flag. That was a very good symbol, aud tho State yet keeps itou her coat of urms,thuugli itgrons every where iu the South. Tho palmetto lugs at Fort Moultrie wero found very good things to re ceive cannon balls when that fort was bo sieged by tho Brittish iu Juno of 177C. There was this multiplicity of flags, be causo we did not clearly knoiv what wo were. No nation had acknowledged us as belong ing to their great family yet; in fact, we had not quite cut loose from England, yet wo were fighting her with all our might, and it seemed absurd to be under her colors. In the fight at ISunker Hill, the flag planted in tho corner of that famous redoubt was of bluo bunting, with tho cross of St. George iu the corner, and a pino tree, that sumo pine tree, in the upper right hand quarter of tho crot. Our army at Camhridgo celebrated New Year's Day, Jan. 1, 1770,nnt as tlio Chinese, by firing crackers and illuminating lanterns in the evening, nor yet by making calls, but by unfurling for tho first timo in an Ameri can camp the flag of thirteen stripes. Rut even then wo had not declared ourselves in dependent of Great Rrittain, nnd this flag bad tho Ilritisli union in tho'corner, and the crosses of St. Andrew and St. George. Finally, on the 14th of June, 1770, Con gress, which met then in Philadelphia, settled upon our styleof flag. "Itslmll have," said they, "thirteen stripes.altpmate red and white, und the union of the States shall bo indicated by thirteen stars, white in a bluo field, representing a new constellation." It was not until about forty years ago'that it was i ecided to add another star for every new Stale as it joined the Union. So that the constellation as it it now, with nearly forty stars in it, lias grown a good deal from the original thirteen. Rut the stripes still remained as of the first little hand of Stutes who "fought it out" against Great Rrlt ain. lluw Niagara Almost Han Dry. On March 20lh, 1848, a remarkable phe nomenon occurred. Tho preceding winter had been intensely cold, and the ico formed on Lake Erie was unusually thick. Iu the warm days of early spring, thiss mass of ice was loosened around tho shores of tho lako and detached from them. During tho fore noon of tlio day named, a stiff easterly wind moved it up the hike. A little before sunset the wind chopped suddenly round and blow a gale from the west. This brought tlio vast field of ice buck again with such tremendous forcu Unit it filled in tho neck of the lako ami its outlet so as to form i very clfectivo dam, that caused a remarkable diminution iu tho outflow of the water. Of course it needed but little timo for tlio Fulls to drain off the water below this dam. Tho conse buenco was that on tho morning of the fol lowing day the river was nearly half gono. The American channel had dwindled to ii deep und narrow creek. Tho Ilritisli than nel seemed to have been smitten with a quick consumption, ami to bo fast passing away. Far up from tho head of Goat Island and out into tho Canadian rapids, and from tho foot of Goat Island out beyond tho old Tower tho water was gone. Tho rocks wero bare, black and forbidding. The roar of Niagara had subsided to a moan. This ex traordinary syncope of the waters lasted all tho day, and night closed over tho strango ficenc. Rut during tho night tho dam gave way. and tho ucxt morning the river was restored in nil its strength, beauty, and maj esty. From an lltutlrated liuer on ''A'iaua- ra," in the "Midtummtr Holiday Number" of ixnvner. Smart Woiik. A man down iu North amptou it is said, made so many pairs o shoes in one day that it took two days ti count them 1 Ho was u smart one. Imt not equal to ono up in county TIpperary, who uuiu so many nines oi stono teucu In ouo day that it took him all night and thu next day to get home, Gen. John M. Pulmcr, former Republican uoveruonjrt Illinois, expresses his entiro sat isfactloii with the nomination of Tilden and Hendricks, thinks it a alrong ouo beforo tho people, nud pledges it his hearty auptioit. ! The Kmrernr of Ilratll. HOW HE ABOUNDED THIS BUNKim 1IIL& MONUMENT. From tho Boston Commercial llulletin. The janitor who had charge of Hunker Hill monument, arriving at about half past bcvuii Friday morning to open the premises, found two strangers In walling. One a tall gray bearded man in a slouch hat, risked if they could ascend the monument. "Yes said the custodian," "you can for twenty-five cents," (holding out his hand.) Tho stranger produced tho money, and Iho custodian unlocked the door, and forthwith poying no especial attention to bis visitor who was looking around hlin curiously, un til half choked with dust, ho inquired "if tlieso wero the steps ?" "Yes, all right, go right up till you get to the top." The visitor and his companion did a9 they were bid, and stayed somo half an hour en joying tho beautiful panoramic view frotu the summit, after which they descended, and were quietly wnlklng away, when they wero hulled by the custodian with: "H'yar, just write your names In this) bonk ; all the visitors who go up the monu ment sign their names here." The gray-bearded man laughed and signed his name, and llio two departed. Tho custodian never looked nt the book, but Home hours afterward was electrified by one of thcolliccrs of the monument associa tion, who chanced to come in asking him, in the most agitated m.-iiinir, when Doni Pedro, tho emperor of Rrnzi), had been there?" "Hasn't been hero at nil," was tho rc- idy. "Hasn't boon hero 1 Why hero is his ignature on your visitors' book. What doca this mean ?" "What!" said tho custodian, rubing up to the volume. "Why, good gracious I that was written by a tall man with a slouch hat." And so it was ; but tin tall man was tho Emperor of Brazil, and ibis was the way ho ascended Bunker Hill monument, just liko "any other mau." German Wives. Tho culinary art forms a part of tho education ot women iu Germa ny. Tho well-to-do tradesman, like the me chanic, takes pride in seeing his daughters good housekeepers. To clfect this object, tho girl, on leaving school, which alio does about fourteen years of age, goes through the ceremony of confirmation, nnd then is placed by her parents with it country gen tleman or in a largo family, where she re mains one or two years, filling what may al most be termed tho post of servant, aud do ing the work of one. This is looked upon as an apprenticeship to domestic economy. She diners from a servant, however, In this she receives no wages ; on the contrary, her parents often pay for tho care taken of her, at well at for her clothing. This is the first step in her education as houtekeeper. She next passes, on the samo condition, into tlio kitchen of u rich private family, or into that of ahotelof good repute, llore she has control of tho expenditures of the servants employed iu it, and assists per sonally in cooking but is always addressed as fraulciu or miss, and is treated by tho family with deferonco and consideration. Many daughters of rich families receive sim ilar training, witli this (inference, however, that they ruceivo in a princely mansion or a royal residence. There is a reigning queen in Germany nt tho present time who was trained in this way. Consequently tho wo men in Germany uro perfect models of econ omy. Very liemarkable. "It it indeed remarkable," said the noble Jenkins, sitting in his parlor conversing with a few visitors, ''most remarkable that in all ages, the record" of which are bright with tho glorious music of masters whoso names are written ou every p igo of the world's history in letters of gold, u i woman has ever written an op.'M or composed an oration that could liuk her mono to undy ing fame. In the very walks of art, where ono would suppose woman should reign on au undivided throne, slio is little moro than a menial, an humble utti udaut, waiting up on aud subject to tho whims of her master." Just then a woman's voice, from the back yard, split the June nir liko tho sweep of a sabro "John Jenkins I you just como out hero nud keep this 'ere baby out of tho soap suds while I hang out tho clothes, or I'll cut you down liko hay !" And then the committee rose, nnd tho noble Jenkins, being excused by unanimous, consent, tho House soon after adjourned. A Goon ReaS"N."W1iv don't vou trado witli me ?" asked a merchant of n farmr-i- the other d.iy. "Well, I don't liko to go wuere l in not iiiviuh, it ml i'vo never seen any invitation from you iu our newspaper for peoplo to call at your store." "Oh all well you see I can't afford to spend mon ey in sustuiniiiL' newsiiancrs. vou know. T try to keep down expenses so us to sell fann ers goods clu up, you see." ".actly, I see that you want the farmers to do all the wort of sustaining tho newspapers, and than pat- ronizoyoujusttis if you did your share. I hava always found that I can uettroodsehem. enough at the stores that advertise." Ajul tho farmer went right along up the street to ono of our advertisers and bought what he wanted. no lounged u to the ollico counter, iilelr. od up a toothpick, aud at he pried nway at his molars lie said tu the clerk: "Must bo hard mustn't it? for a man to be burled in a trance state?" "Yes's" was the brief reply. "That'H all I'm afraid of," continued tho confidential dead-beat. "I'm afraid I'll bo burled beforo I'm really dead." "I guess not," answered the clerk ; "tho law regulates that. 'The law? How?" It prescribes how long tho body shall hang before being cut down," Tho mau softly laid tho toothpick down ou iho counter, and went over to look at tho files of dally papers. When a young gcutli man can enjoy an hour's quiet talk with a woman ueither young, beautllul,nor fascinating in any way, there's sure to bu something good aud genu Ino in him. An Irishman having been told that tho prices of bread had been lowered, exclaimed, "That is the first timo I ever rejoiced at tho fall of my boat friend I"