Mg!.-!j.yy THE COLOMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT,BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Miscellaneous. Jeanne Dare It is more tlnm four liiunlre'1 ami fifty ears, since, In tlie villnunnf Dninieniy on lio river Menu, wai VEGETINE Striken at the root of dlscnso by purifying llio lilocul. irnii'iiiiK nit , it n nil K1UIIC)H 10 IICIUU1 IICUOII, in vUcntlugthe nervous a stein. H born a little ififl In If not a Ule, nauseous roiiiiNiund, which <ntly ,i i .i. ... ""KP1 inn iNimw, uiunsnro pleasant remedy winch .11.1. t. - 1 v fi t ..H.I.. lieultli. ler luiurr. n iinor in ii rpsiicriniiin iipasmiL I , , , , , , , , , eases or I lie blnnl, bv innny or the best ph J slclnns, r .... " :. . ... . I this nature. iiuiio niul called lirr Jeanne ()' Arc (iifAroli i-trctlun docs not deceive Invalids Into fnlxe Imp liv purging and creating ,i iictlitotis nppeilto, but aslsts nature In dealing und fliiilfvlng lb whole svstem, loading the patient gradually to ix'iroct Iiouttli. Vopcllnn Was looked itnnn ns mi extkrlinonf for sumo time by some of cur l-st tilix MrhitiH. IniL those most lhcrcdu. lnus lii regard to in infill uri' now Us most anient mount mm auppuriera. WitMlno Instead of Mug n puffed-lip medicine r-as worked In win up tups present, astonishing success by nciuil merit In curing all diseases of llio blood, of luitcter haluic. VcKi'llun navs a Boston plivlol in, "has no equal as a blnoil pnrltter. Hearing of Its mam wonderful cures, after all other ramnilics had fnll"d, 1 M-lted Hip lalmralnry anil com Ihceil myself of Its genuine merit. It Is pre pared from barks, roots anil herbs, each of which Is hlahlv elTeetlto, oml they me cnmimunilcd In Midi a SILELIlbTS SALES. Ily virtue, of sundry writs of Fieri fit. ntid lA'vnrt 1'aclas, Issued mil of the Court of Common Pleas of columlihi eounty and to mo directed, will ho exposed to puhilo salon una Couit llouso In lilooinsunrg at one o'clock p pi. on 07 NK IMPORTANT TO ALL. Aim nl certain Iraet of situated In Hemlock township I'oluinliU muni), fa., bounded on. tho not t Ii hy land ot iliurlos Invterlrh. on tho west iiy tfhttli t. ... lk..n..l. ...... ..r .I.....I.I I. a .i.ivii is lis .,,iiii, imiu VJI .nil milium iu -ill tsl Kate nl llrudiestf r. nr I.nev ritAIln- ,, . .., . , 1 . , ,i-nii,i,s, A-riiucu ion men me run iiuu ., . ,t, ,. 1 , . t ' tir h. Lino IImim It litnl hep,, irnvprliptl tir lull rnvprlipil lit 11 I'llttr vvlin W114 Iiimiiii. hiiiI Irit (ino parly unit then .mother, getting ttr m! fif ltt rnti. tliniwi, tl nil hi, tlml lltt, iinlton whs in 11 stntc ofclvll nr. It was In tliu midst of (lue unhappy linns tltnt .lfnnnp was bnrn. niul (rrew In lip. irit h Ininly little girl, 1111 1 then u vigorous naiden, wltli 11 noble. beautiful face, thouirh iU expression was tliniightlnl anil nail. She luiJ a rough, lianl life, working In the lielils ami caring fir the farm animals; anil when I'ceiliug tho oxen or tending the sheep in the wanner as to produeu stoiitihlh results, dim twilight, she had plenty of tune to think V(?'IIiio of the 111 series amid which she lived. Tliu IsacknonledirpdnnilrPcninmendeilbyMivslel.insand . . . 1 , ... apothecaries In be thn host purlller and cleanser of poaunts 111 that country used to repeat un 1 mo itool jet discovered, mid thousands nieak In Its old prophecy that France, in her time nt """"" w "lurlu deepest dis ress, would saved by n map den. Nobody knew who niado the prophe cy, but every one believed it, for those were moor. WHAT IS NEEDED. liosTOV, fell. 13, 1sTl. Mr. 11.11. stsvkmi 1 ear s t-About opp year slnco I found ine f n a feeble condition from tfeiieinl deblllly. Vkiictink nupurstitious ilays, and people put great faith in legends und olds ssying. There were no books and newspapers, as there are now, to was stroniriy recommended jo mo by 11 friend who ' ' , , ' had Iktu miiili benellltHl hyilx use. I procured the make persons wide-awake and intelligent. !irttcieBndiirter'isiiicseerii!!mtt!csvsn'ioredto Jeanne believed with the rest. And when hIib felt sad and hopclcs at the imllerings she hoard about, xlie thougiit a great deal about this prophecy, and wondered when the wonderful maiden would come to aid them. She dwelt no much upon these things that nt last It seemed to her that a vo'ca spoke. whether from within or without slio could not be sure, and said that ie was the maid .... !..,...! .1... 1.....1 r . !,.. ....... . 11 Ulliilllll.'u ill niivu bllu lilliu lliilll uuii- bles. Just then the crazy King died, and his aon, Charles VII., a young man of twen ty, succeeded to the throne. It was a mis erable) inheritance truly, for lew tiifkiinvvl cdjjed his authority, and ho was too poor tis pay for soldiors, who in those days were al ways to be had for pav. He and his liltlij army which ha contrived to gjt together, fought two or three times with the English and were beaten, and at last the only im portant cty left him, the city ol Orleans, was closely beaieced by the enemy. For months it held out, but little by little the Vegetino is Sold by all Druggists. duty 14,-nn. COMPLETE BONE MANURE FOR Buckwheat and Fall Crops licnltli and (llscontlmipil Its use. I fi'd nultncnnn dent tUnt tlicro U uo tnctltclnc superior to It for thusn complaints for wlilch it li esppcl.illy prepared nnil would checifutly riH?oimnerHl It to those wlio feel that tliey need snmi'tliliiK' to rchtoro them to inrfcct iieann. jtespeciiuuy yours. IT. 1,. Pkttkmiim, Finn of S. M, I'elttnfflU & Co., 10 htato St , Boston. CINCINN4TI. Soy. 2rt. lSTtJ. Mr. 11. It. Stkvkni! Dear Mr nie two lottlesof Vkuktink furnWhed 1110 iiv vour iiLrent mv wire him tiMtLMlli t?reitt Ihti- ctlt. For rt lone lime she hits been troubled with dlz yluess ftiil; thetc troubles am now eiv llrelv rfmoved bv tho use of Veoltisk. She was il Kolroublt d with vspP'lrt nnd Oeneral Debility ; ami nas tteen greauv oeiienuet. j no, uii.mohe, Mimui, Feel Myself a New Man. Natick. Mass.. June 1. 1S72. Mr. IT. II. Stkvknh: Dear sir 'I hrtntirh the ndlce nnil earnest nersua- Mo ftf Itev. i:. H. Id'Nt, of this nine1, 1 hao Wn tnk tni? Vgoktinr for DtsnensLi. of which I h vesutfered ioretirs. i nave ust-u uiuviwo iMiiues uim aireuuy leei mvbeii u new iuuii ueaueLiiuuy, Dr, J. . t'AHTEIt, Roport from a Practical Chemist and ii .tpoiuecary. IlnsTov. .Inn. 1. 1J4. Hear Mr This Is to certify that I ime wild at retail 15IH dozen (ISM bottles) of your Vkoktisk Miicu Auril i't. ino'. nuu can iruiv i,av mat. u uus meu ino iK'stsatlifietlonot any remedy for the complaints ror which it is leeonimeiiiicu.iiiat I uer boiu. ricarce. lv n iliu m.UN w..m nf tuv piiktnn.ra till. fiia imtnoil till it lieeamA nvidpiit that liefnm fyluir to Its merits on themselves or their fi lends. 1 , ... - ,. .,, , am perfectly cocnlzant of wveral cises of serofulous long urieans wouiil lie lorceu to yioiu, anu Tumors bethf cured by VrakTiNB alono In this vltln with it would go Hie last hope of tho royal r,,K"""'! 40s uroadway fam vo i France. ioii.n.aimr.s, ts.i. Jeanne Drc was eighteen years old at thin time, and tho "voices" which had been speaking to her lor live years were growing each day louder and calling her to do Home thing, she knew not what, to save the coun try. At last she became so certain of her divine mission that the could keep silent no longer, and she persuaded her uucle to take lierto IUudrlcourt, one of the king's olHcers, who was governor of the town of Vancou leur. To him she explained about the voi ces, and asked him to send her to the king, promising that if lie would do so she would raise the siege of Orleann, and that the king, in less than three months, should be crown ed in the city of Hheims, which was at that time fast held by the English. The gover nor did not believe in her a bit at first, but matters had got so desperate that he was willing to try anything, so at last he sent Jeanne to Chinon, where the king was resi ding. It mut havebeu n singular sight, Jeanne In her simple jieasaut's gaib in the midst of the gay court. Hut she was too much in earnest to think about hersell or be fright ene 1. The king stood among the other gen tlemen, dressed exactly like them, but Jean ne went straight up and knelt befme him without a moment's betuliuu, which sur prised everybody very much. So eloquent uas she, so mil of enthini- asm and confidence in her own powers, that the king and ids couii-doin believed in her at once. They gave her a suit of armor ami a horse, which she knew very Well how to manage, for she had often ilddeu (lie horses to water In Domreniy. When they fetched the sword which belonged to the armor, she rejected it, and begged them to seud to the Church of St, Catharine of l'ierbois, where, buried in the ground, ould he lound a consecrated sword which it was meant sh should carry. They did so, and, ure enough, the sword was discovered just as she had sild, which made people, believe in her more thm ever. Thus equipped, with i white banner In her hand, she took command of ten thousands troops headed by the brave Dunois, and marched straight to Orleans, The news of this wonderful event spread everywhere. The KuzltVt, who were as su uerstitlous as the French, took fright. Whole regiments deserted "for lear of the Mayde," for their is nothing like supersti lion to make cowarils even nl brave men. Jeanne's own soldleis, fired by her noble courage, (might as it inspired. In less than A week the aityeuf Orleans was raised, and the enemy wa In lull retreat. Oilier battles followed, In all of whio i was victori ous. Klieims vmii giv mi up without a blow and there, in three months from the time of Jeanne's first appearance at the courts. Charles was solemnly crowned king, the "Mild of Orleans," as she was now called standing beside him in lull armor, with her white banner in her hand 1 She I mil kept her promise, and tin work was done.. From ''TheJ.Utle Maid of Domremy," by S nan Ouolidgt, M. A'iVioih fur June. lVfSSYhKiHK)H in uiiif.nnii.v, it you watch the management of a child by a moth er of small capacity, says Herbert fc'pcnccr, you may bo stiuck by the inabl hy she be trays to Imagine the child's thoughts and feelings. Full of energy, which he must tixpciid in some way, and eager to see ev erything, her little boy is every moment pro- voicing her by his restlessness. 'Sit still 1 '(let down I tell you?' 'Why can't you be nulet?' are the commands and expostulations she utters to repress these childUh activities mainly outof regard for what she thinks pro- nrletv. and doc-s it without unv ndeouatiTI recognition of tho penalties she lullicts. Though she herself lived through this phase of extreme curiojlty this early time when almost every object passed has the charm ol novelty, and when thn overflowing euorgles generate a painful Irritation jf pent up ; yet now she cannot believe how keen is tho lic it I ru fur seeing which she bulks, and how dif ficult is tho maintenance of that quietude on which she insists. I- COMPLETE II mm manurI MANUFACTURED BY SBREiNfG&HELFRiell LEHIGH VALLEY jji iitiiit i if .tiiMi-nli Mdiivt. nn the South bv land of II. KHkirr. huh mini, itv rimi in in. imni'i luiiiiini- Inif U acns mo'O or h ss on Uih la eieued a triune liaise, n hunk Imrn, and other outbuildings, with thonppuriennncii'. ..,,..,, ."HlI'tl, lUM'll IIUU r.M l UlUMl, llliu ,u MV nviv. ..3 tropeity or .mos .sppieinnu. M.SO, Ail Mifitrrrtnln Ir.irt or mrrcl of land lvlntr and belnir In llonw-r Vailei.ln lieioer(lato lliniln) t iwn Mian, in rniiiinbl.i ciiuniv Ca.. eoiitaliiliii; ocreu nw inBj lu.KifF tin. hiiiiii IrncF Infelv. In 1S7, deeded tnoiie llenl.iniln M. I'lunib by initabeth professional career with the lintHirtalit advaritnifo of tlntliarlne IIii1iIh.I1 anil W in. W heeler (lubtiell her a retfular inedlcal edueallon In aha of the oldest and Minion I" I -1,'iii.ti mm, in i ii.?t in mi; world 1 lo snineiuieiitlv served u faithful term of praetlce In tlio l'hllad'lplila lilspensiiry, and for ma ii" years aiieniit-o in inu nonpii.ii. in nicr himiiu Kor orcr. 10 years this brand lias held Its retiuta- ou In contact with many competing fertilizers. ONK (lltAI)K OLY. No variety of names with accommodating tcale (it prloes. ltHCOMMUMJlM). By fanners' clubs, agriculturists, planters nnd FOR SALE BY A. J. Albertson, Hohrsburg. II. I.. Jteuv. Hunert. .1. II. heesliolli, I'at.nvlssa. rreas nros,, iierwii'K. IS. Thompson, Diuvllle. tt. W. Woildiop, ltlierslde. Tlie followlnif testimonial was iccelved several years ago. A Fihmsks nr.couuENiis the Coun.irri: Honk 1ANUHK AS TUB UtST FEBTILIKit IS ff K. rireenwood. Columbia t'o.. Oct. 15th. Messrs. IIkeimo k IUuhicii. (ientlemen ! We, the undersigned, liavlni; used your complete Uone Maiutro the oast M-ason. nro- curedof vour aeent, A I. Ibi'rtson, hereby utilrm 11. tu ue ino oei-i. leriuuer in use. we iiiuv recom. mend It to fanners, for tt Is nil that you claim for It, W7I.U I l!N(IEIl,ll.i; MATHKII, JOHN STANTON, . iotr.iui.i-.i'r,i, iir.u. uiiuu.N, a, s. i-aiuma. dunei 111.-.1111. iCOUNTER,PLATF0RM VAGON&.TRACK. ds AGENTS WANTEDcKs MARVIN SAFE85SCALECO. 265 BROADWAY N. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHLA. PA. IOffMNKST.CLV.0. March 31, K.-ly. Tho illseovercr and comiiouiider ot the fsr-famod Compound Syrnp of Wild Ohorry anil other valuable preparations, entered upon Ms hu-,hnnd, hy deed recorded ntnom: llio land lleeords or saldcouniy 01 i-oiuinoui, in inu i-uuoi renii sjhonla, to hl(h need lull teteieneo Is hereby inane lor a more inn iiou imiiicuhi iii-m.iiih"m ui tho tract of land hcii'by eohieji d.M hlcli Is described In sold ilud as bilious! All that tractor piece and i.ireel ot hum ana in'iiitf in nearer vnuej, 111 Iuhvit Hun- Mlnnio IuhiihiiIii. In tho comity of Co- luinblj and statu of l'lnnijlvniil.i, contalnltiffSlo ucres, mole or less, (Miru-)eil for 311 acres, and al lowance f.'r rojdsi which was leased by tlmlatc Itlihaid Klowir. of lulaare counlv, toJohn Nher Mini, on the 21st d ly of lieeember, la tho e' r 1SI1', and ot which said lllchard Tlower, tiled soiled lu his nnu... ..ii.l tut IkiiIiii- illi-il lnlflnlfi It descended to ami estod In his sK children, who nil inony from nil pirts of the world hirt proven "liOO- conveyed the saino by deed tlateit Apill Kill, IfSH.H- 'mil v. Mis i.umi-oi Mil m i- or wil.n liie, 111 iieeu noofc "i, I'i'si" Hons ho enjoied I he most ample opportunities ot 00 talnlm; an inMsht Into diseases lu nil their vnilous forms, as well as for asi-erlalnlnir tho best methods of thel treatment. In oilerlny, therefore, tutho peo ple of the l linen Matesine mills or ills extensive 1r01e.ss1n11.11 i'S'rienco 111 I no iiit'iiii in loihiuuiius us lie best lesolls of Ills skill and observation, he feels that hp Is but protlcrbiB a soon to eery family throiiKliout llin land, restlui,', ns ho does, ronltdeiitly In I ho met Its and ellleallous rliluo of the remedies ho herewith eolniiienus, tiio vast ninouutot testi 1' 111 I Inn villi J117. jus. in in. v. liulibell In trust : the said tract biliu' described ami buunded on tho 1 ast by lands of Mmon sheluam.iier (leu. Mm h iinmer and others, on tho north liy suneyeil land on the Slit'iilly .Mountain, on Iho vicst by I lid lalo of .lohn .lohn son, Nenlor, and on the south by lands of Jesso imports' heirs, and betnif tho samo tract ot land wlilch l'eun and .lohn I'eim, Ksuulres, by deed or patent dated the VM Knbrunry, A. II. 17,5, enrolled April 1st, liir., fianted, released anil con nrim.,1 in iiinir Mct'lctialuii In fee. and therein ile- scillwd ss a certain tract of land called "Ilescot," tlluatu on a branch of C.itaw ls.i Creek, above tho gap In tho county of Noithuiubortaud, lit-utimlnir nt 11 marked maple a comer of (leo. .Meii.enah.iu's land ineneo uv me saiiie norin ioriitociiiii Ai' v.s two hundred nnil seventy perches to a post ; thence bv a lino of marked trees, 1101 in fifty ueirrcos east sis iierchcs to a post ! thence by (leo. Uart ram's land doulh 'M perches to a marked chestnut oak : thruco by a lino of marked trees south twenty de;fPi east cs niches to a mailed black oak. and south seventy decrees west ninety perches to Iho place of Is-elnnlnj, containing acres, and Hllowancit of sit percent, for roads In pursuauce ot .1 warrant dated July Situ. 1171, suneyed to .lohn I'lnirie, nnouy nun irr.iuien 10 sum niair jio iicua Imn In fi.,. In il.'e.l dated Februarv 22d. lT7r.. Tho mill tmct of l.iiul belai- eoninuteil with roads to con tain sco or inercanouis toeing 1110 sauio oreinise.s which lllchnril Henry iliibbell and Cbarlotto his wifM. hv iierii dated .lulv aist. A. II. Uflo. and record ed Novembci 1M, 1 ko.J. in tho olllco for recordlnj ot Deeds, Ac, 111 anil ror uoiuinuia couniy. 111 niooiiis-inirii-. 11..111I Honk r." naire il.t. 111. 115. erantcd nnd conveied unto tho said liltiaboth Catherine Iliibbell in her own right in ice simple, sunjeci 10 ino pay inpnl. nf iii-fitjilii 11101 ItfuL'e. debt or sum of 750 dol- lrs secured by mortiptgu on said premlsis. dated .May aoin, i4s, who inieresi, .vc, unu win. on san.opieinlses which Win. W. Iliibbell, Tiustie of Mury Ann nubbell, and said .Mary Ann Iliibbell, by Inilioitiiri- dated lieeember 6th. A. 1). ISnS. recnilltfl at llloomsburg, In Deed Hook r.-pnges lie, 111. IIV. nn. iri-iinieii nun eonveie i uni'i 1110 n-iiu iiicnari iienrv iioIiIm-11 lu fe siniolc. freed and lUschaiired from said uses aud tiusls, together wltli tho ap purtenances sclred, taken Into execution nnd to bo sold ns tho propcityoi Harry 11. anu iieoeccu 1., i-iiuoroon. i, at 1 o'clock p. 111., all that certain tract of land situ, alo In Itrlearreek mid I-'Ishlnirereek lo.Mlshllis. I'u- lumli a Co.. ami staio or reniistivauu, nouuiieu una ilcseilliod nsfollows: beginning nt nstoiie comer (formerly A. Pock), It being mioiUlnal comer of a survey In the wairalilee name (t Natluin Pinch anil anuiuer 01 ii.ioiei 1 . neioi-i 1, iiitriui- aiuiiu puiti Ueach Biirieyssouth SI degrees west 493 perches to a stono comer, (original y A. O. O. K.). thence by the snme south V degi ees e.ist6iierclies to a stone ni- ner, tuence oyiue samo boimi si ucgrces wusn-i perches ton Mono corner adjoining surveys In the wniranlee nana) ot t-umuel .1, 1'ealer, thenco north on iLirri-.tito iii.i.t In.t tu.w ln.u fn n i.,miii (.iipin.r 111' hmil In thn warrantee namo of .lohn Alllger, thence by the sumo norm vi uegroes east 3113 purcnes 10 a rocs o.ik nee, lociice ov lanii wurruiin'o loi eirj imiwiit-n 1101 Hi 73 degrees east I'il penhes to a ran ner, Iheiice north mii. deirrees east 51 nerches to u rock oak tree. thenco norl h C2 degrees east S4 perches to n corner, thence south I degrees west 15 perches to tho place ot b ginning; containing 4im acres, strict, measure, together with tho nppuiten.inces. belzed, taken lutu execiitlon; and to bo bold as the property ot ur. jouu ivinuu M&Q, All that certain tract situate In Mrlarcreck town- sblu. Columbia counlv. l'a.. bounded and described us lollows : ou the north by lund ot Join) Vuu Pelt anil A. l-owier.wesi ov land or oiomon iiower.soiun bv land of John Hosier, east by hind of Jacob Pen- btermacher and otheis containing M) acres, more or I less, ou wiucn nro erected u twn-siory iraiiio uiven lug house, barn, wagon-shed,au(lol her outbuildings, with the nbpuitenaiices. SeUcd, Into execution, and to be sold as the property ot w uiiaiu .11. nunciou. CIIKII1IV" the most elllcarlous remedy known, and 11 la ii.liiiltli il v nor tnnwl timliiKiit nhi-kli-lntis mid nlMvhohatn witnessed Us wonderful healing prop- eriie.s. inu i 11.11 1.111.11111 111 1111 ugi-s 01 1110 nor 11 anil in nil countries wncie it is known lias uecu just ly eelebiuleo lor Us woiiileitut medicinal iinniitlo.1, but lbs great power tocuiu somo of tho Woist and ,111141 flUlrislm' iIIhiiiiho iinwnii- us was niivor fnllv asceilalned until the exierliuents ot that tMlfull nr. nwavno. unu oeiiiousiraieu us 11 iru ndapbitlou. In combination with Pine 'lieo Tar. ami other equally valuable vegetauio liivrcdlents, which chemically combined renders It notion tenfoU more certain ami lu cuilngall diseases of iho breast an I hinra. 1)11. NVVAYNK'S II.l) cilHItilY fo.Ml'Ol'NIi strikes at Iho root ot illseaso bv ntinrving 11. c niooi . restor nir i ioi ver and k d nevs lo neallhv action. Invlmrnunir the nervous aud shattered constitution. If your druggist or slorv keeper dis-s not navo it, 110 not bo put oil by any other remedy that may l oltered, but send to us df. recr.anu wu 11 111 orwnru u nan uozen 10 nuy auuress. freight paid, 011 receipt of the price, $1 per boltle, or i the half dozen. Address letters lo Dlt. NWAYNlt K mix, ::ai North sixth street, Philadelphia. No charge w III bo made for advice. Ask Your IM'uskNI for Tlicni, l.Vn, nil's niul all lio value lieulil, should never be wllliiiul. Dlt. SWAYNUS TAi: ASD HAItSAPA- 11II.I.A Pllils, us tney puriry ine uiooj, remove an i.iisi met ions, cleaiiso the skin of nil Dlmmcs an nioienes, aim oiing iiiericu coiu-. 01 ueaiiu 101110 pale check. Female lrrcguuiiues are restored 10 a leallhv condition. They uro aceitaln euro for sick nn.l V.nnliu 1 1 1..1 ll nPl IH A S 11 llillllll I'tll. HOlllllK- can exceed them : tuku one. two, or inree, ns may ov found necessary; iuiuko tuners, iney neuner grix ppjduco iuiisu.i, or liny other unpleasant sensatloi whiiii tiniv urn ns iioweiful as It Is nossiblo for inedlclue m be nnd bo hai uilcss. These Pills cleanso out tho disusderud humors, enrich and purity Iho blood, iciuoie all unhealthy bilious secn-lljas uf the stomacli anil oowcis, causing a poriecuy neuiiiiy state ot the liver, anil uro undoubtedly tho best ca thartic and unttulltous medicine yet discovered ; aud we uro determined that tho sick shall havu them ut u nricH w-lihln thu means of the poorest (2. eenis a bov nl' UO Pills.) H jour druggUt or slorekeeper has 1101 got lliem, uo noi-uo jin.oii uy any oiucis that may bo onered In their place, but send to us di rect, and w 0 w 111 lorw am uy man, on receipi, 01 uiu puce, ccuis u uui 01 inn uui.-u.s i. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne's Ointment, Is particularly adiptcd to all forms of skin dis cuses. Cures even when all other reme- uies aim treatment tall. ALSO, All that niece of land bounded north bv land of ClI- oh Yocuni. west bv land of Yocuui nnd Ilower.soulh by land ol ocum.nnd east bj laud of William Osborn; eouUiliilng4oaeics, morour less, on wnii h are erected afiuinodMeillnghuuse and a f I lime and log stable. selii-d, taken Into execution, and to be sold us the properly ot josepu huck. ALSO, I A11 that certain real estate situate lu Scott town. shin. Columbia Co.. Pa., bounded on tho south by land of Win. Unpen, on east by Win. Unpen, 1101 tli by stieet and west by land of schneldiuun : contain ing of an acre, inoro or less, whereon are elected imi-siiny uweiuug uousu wuu uuiuuiiuings. Seized, taken Into execution, and lo bo sold as tho rropiny vi cuirits nroi uy cs. ALSO, All that reitalti real estate situate in Oreenwood township. Columbia Co.. Pu . bounded as follows tho iiorili by landot Marvin Kline, east by land of josepn lu-uer, souin uy ninii 01 11. jiteuen unu oth ers, west by landot .Manlii Kllno; containing 40 acres, more or less on whlih uro ertcloda frame ivelimg house und bam wuu ino appurtenances. Seled. Inkeu Into execution, and lu bo bold as Iho property of Leonard Mine. ALSO, The foIlowliiL' real cstnte. to wit: a lot of land sit uate In Kenton township, Columbia Co., l'u.. bounil- d and described us follows : north und west by Ab- uh.iui Young's est tie. south and east by lands of lionr .wciicury ; containing nacres, uioioor less, wheieou Is eiecteil a lt story frame house and frame barn nnd outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution, and to be hold as the property 01 a. u. jicncni i;u.vjii,L.a, July 7 Sheriff. Cures Tetter, Salt Kheuui. ltai her h Hell, rrnr e 1 1 i ll Sore Heads, iiuinoi-s, rues, All Kruptlous, Scald IP ad, ltlngivorm, Pimples, Sores, Army Itch, Itlotehcs. Si tirvv. Chronic Kryslpelas of tho lace. A ,ue undersliiied Audl or nnnnlntcdto ilMrlbuto tho money lalsed by tho Sherlll's sale of the real cb lulf of -U see II. Illeu iimoug tho Hen creditors. Inclu ding tho proceeds ot other Micrlrr's sales of the pi up. lv ot Jesso U. Illconoiv n Court, will attend Ui the duties of hit appolnimcntnt his offlcoou saturilay, ire Din iiav oi Aiigasi, is,u, lib lu u ciock ui ine loic- noon ot said uay . c. w., July c, lb76-4w. Auditor. A bTtlen DM I N lHTUATOIt'.S XOTICK. KSTATK OK W II. . kLU'llS'kll. liKO'll. ers 0( Aduilnl.-lrattoii on tl.oistute of Win Kelchner. of Mlllllu tw n. Columbia County, deo'il have la-en granted bv the lteglsler ot said nanny to ii in. n. la-cK, ui Miuuu civp., c-oiumoia county, en., to whom all liersous Iinlebted to said llstate are re. iiuested to maku payment, nnd thosu hating claims ugalnsi tho said estate will make them known to thu buiu uunuuisiruior wuuoui uiiay. .1l K. lll.UU, unesi-dw. Adiululstrator. AN OTHER NEW STOKE IN THE OLD POST OF! ICC 11U1I.DINO, Main htrcct bcloir Market. ?Cn be lound one of the best selecte l assort itients vi Hciis uuu iioys neuuy juauu i;ioiuiiig unu FUltNISI-IINd GOODS fiov, Ilurlrsufl, having been applied to l.u Afiivni- llniiiiniinil. of Rrlp fbr old can. I The undersigned feelluir sure that lie can irlvo en ' lii, ,i i-1 u satUfitcUou to purchasers, und that lio can llllll ivilll niiioil w ifiiiMiiicnw iiir intuui I mill Gen, Anthony Wayne, replies that he doc not know of any available for that purpose, 'My poem is rather lengthy,' he said, 'and nay l you won't have room for it this , , Mil.. 1 1 weeK. Alio fiinor yuwiiixi iiuu icpiiini 'Oh, yes, wu riiuld find room fur it if it wa tiulvc times an long--our stove in large lime, you ce.' A8 LOW AH THE LOWEST he Invites the public to call and eiuuaUie hu stock, JESSE IIICKF, Siicticasor to M. 0. liiittain, Hayj,i.-w EW 8T0CK OK OLOT1IINO. AND G-ontlomcn'B Droaa Goods. DAVID LOWKN11EKO Invites allcntlon t o his larco and elegant stock Sheap and Fashionable Clothiua, at Ills store on MAIN STHKUT, IN TUB SBW 1II.OCK, 1I1.00MK1IU1H1, PA., wlicro Uo lias Just received from New York anil Phil- adelphla a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable, durablo und huudsulno DRESS GOODS, GRAND OPENING t EMAS 1MEN.DHN1IALL T I AVINO rinuiuril the hii'lness nf Mcri-haii- I X discing at Ids Old Slole, on MAIN' STREET, llLOOMSllUUU, nkaii the loins ttorci., Desires to cnlllho attention o( his l-'rlends and the public genorMly.o his Ni:V, l'UI.I, AMI) VAlllIlll STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits astiaro nf pubtlu patronage HIS HTOCK CONSISTS Of D1IY (loons, (iit(K'i:iui:H, (JUUn.NSW'AIIK, woodb.swaki:, wii.i.owwaim:, hoots & siiocs, II.MIUWAItK, l'LOUll AND KKKD CO.NStSTlNH OK I10X SACK', ntoohT, OUM lu connection with his stock of Mcrcnandlso he ronstantiy keeps on hand In his yard. A I'Uf.t, STOCK OP I Dressed and Mnwk Limilier, AND SHtNOI.EHOl-' 1IISMANUVACTU11K. AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS. 01' ALL BOUTS SIZKS AND COLOllS, lio has also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND OASSIHBIIES, 8TU1PBD, PiaUHKD AND)1'I.AIN VKSTS, "iailtTS, CKAVATS SOCKS, COI.LAIIS, IIANDKEI1C1IIEFS, GLOVES, ISUSPENDEUS, AND FANCY AIITIGTES. Ho has constantly on band a large and well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Voutingo, which ho Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notlco, aud In tho best manner. All his clothing is mado to wear ana mos ot It Is of homo manufacture. HOLD WATCHES AND JKWELltY,rV OP IIVKIIY DESCRIPTION, FINK AND CHEAP. Bill Lumber muilo ti apeciulity. CALL AND SEE. Oct.3,19?3-tf. BLOOMSBURQ t.Ui 'II i r i W Mm mm. -til ft MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GUN TON, Proprietor, MAIN STHi'ET, I1EI.OW MAHKET. Manufacturer of anil Dealer in all kind of MONUMENTAL MABBLEWKS WeusothobestAMKHICAN nnd IT.M UN Marble. Ho has on hand and lumlshes to o tier MONUMEN'TS, TOM 1!S, HEADSTONES, UKNS, VASI'-S, &c. Every variety ot Mnrblo cutting neatly executed at tho lowest market prices. , long praeilcaiexiHTienee aim iiersuiiai uiiciiiiou tobiulness makes lliu nroiulctor conildent of giving satisfaction. All oiders by malt promptly attended to. r. i, oox vvi. eSyiV. JI. Vork ddnered free of cliargerii Aug. 21, '74-1y. T. I.. HUNTON, Proprietor. NEW G0OOS ! A J I NAVY STOCK, Cheaper than Evcrl S. 11, MILLER h SON lliivo'Just Received tho largest and best Biipply ol CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They havo ever offered tolhelr friends nnd cus- tomei s. (Jloths, Gassimores, and Sutinotis for MEN"3 WEAK, Cloths, Ahipncas, Mcrmos, for LADIES' WEAU, CALICOES, MUSLINS, 0A.MIIU1CS, niul every variety oi ury viuims iwnnn STOCK OF Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GU0CER1ES, includhiB all the vaiicties of COKI'-ICES, TEAS and SUQAHS, COUNTRY PllOlDUOE, and a general supply of articles useful for the table always on hand, CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods at cash prices. OCt.30,'74-tf RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES plULADELl'HA AND JtlJAUIMt jiuau ARRANGEMENT OF TRAINS. PASSENGER Tuly H, Ism. tiiains lhavk uerrnT as louows (scnpav eacki'trd Por New Yoik, I'lillnileljilitn, llendlng, I'ottsvlllo Tninaiaa, Ac., ll,S3n, in PorCatawlsra, II.BJu.m. nnd 7,30 p. in. l'or a. in. nnd -l,o p. m. i TititNsroa nuniiT I.XAVI as ionws, (sunpay rx esriKi).) , Invo New York, 8,tS a. lu. Iicavo Philadelphia, 9,16 a. m. Leave lleaillng, ll,!i a. in., Pottsvllle, 12,lo p. m and Tnmaqua, 1,30 p. in. I,o.ic Calaulssa, 6,80 a. in. and 4,00 p. in. Leave VYitllatusporl ,lv,(si m. nnd 6,00 p. m. Passengers iwirt from New York esy l'hllau 0 phlu go throng 1 ithout change ot cars. J. i:. WOOTTUN, Jan.U, H;c tr. (leneral SuporlntcnUcnt. JN ORl.lEHN COMPANY. CENTRAL RAILWAY On and after November 20th, ls3, trains will Icavo SUNUUUYas follows: NOHTIIWAlll). L'rlo Mail 6.K0 a. m., nnlve Elmlrn ll.riOn. m " t'uiiandalgua... 8.35 p. m ltbchcslcr r.,15 " Nlagnia V40 " ltcr.ovo nccommodot Ion 11,10 n, m, nirlio VUlllams It 12.65 p. til. Elmlra MuK 4.16 a. m., arrh 0 Elmlrn 10.20 a. in. llulfalo Eipress 7.16 a, in. arrive lluffulo HM a. in. KOUTIIU'AHD. Huff alo Express 3.60 a. ni. arrive Ilni rlsburg 4.6ua. m " Ilaltlmore 8.40 " ElmlriiMall 11.13 a. in., anlvo llutrlsbuig 1.60 p. 111 " Wusblngtoii 13.30 " " llaltlmoro 0.30 " " Washington 8.30 " Ilarrlsburg accommodation 8.40 p. in. arrh 0 Harris burg 10.60 p.m. liruvo lilliuuioio z.zn n, 111 ' Washington 6.13 " Erlo JIull 12.65 a. m, arrho llarrisburg 8 e6 a, in. " Ilaltlmore s.40 " " Washington 10.36 " All dally except Sunday. D. M. HOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agent A. J. CASSATT, (Jeuernl Manager CALIFORNIA. THE CIIICAOO .t NOllTIl-WES'lT.IlN RAILWAY Embrnces under ono management tho Great Trunk linllunv 1 liinar.f llin WHS I' llllll NOKTH-WKST.Ollll. I .. 1.I1 (lu imiiinmn. I.rnnr-linu mill COll IICCl InilS. InriilS I tho shoitest and iiulekesL route between Chicago VrT,MN!QYr,VA NTA ATL T?0AT) and all points In Illinois, Wisconsin, NoaTiniiN rriniNO IlJ V nlim I,XiJ.lJ IbUXli. M iciiio an, .M lNNKsoTA, Iowa, .NKBiiAssA, cauiorui.i I'lillailel uli 111 .t Kr 0 It. U. I) U Oil. - 1 - - SUMM.ER TIME TAULE. S V 1 ..A OIIVT1 IV A Tll no. 1G71i U-i anil unci 001,11.1 1, i 1 il. u, iuiii. Dm trains ou tho Philadelphia Erlo Kali uoaa illusion villi luu ns louows: Iowa, nkuiiaska, California nnd the Western Tcnltorles. Its Oiunlin and California Line EDITOR'S NOTICE. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. KSTATK (tr LIWIIKNCK WATTkllS IISCklSKO. U-tters of Ad liilstratu ii 011 the est, 10 of Ijiw- rencu w aiuis.iatoot 111111111 lowhsiiii), Columbia Co. SWAYIVE'S UIVl'iMKNT Seems to cure ev rv case, leaving the sklu bmooth unu ciear wuuoui a oieuusn ueuiuu. Itching Files Is generally preceded by a moisture. like ncrsnlra Hon. dlstiesslng ltchlDg, as though Dili nouns wei-u iraiillng In or about the lectuni, 1 urtleularly at ingniM lien uu iiessiu.ui 111 neu aiicr gei nog ivai in It unneiirs In summer as well as 1I11 1 r. iirieutlme.1 shows Itself ai-ound tho prlvnto parts, and Is not eon- uneu 10 mines omv, oui is ipme ns ireipieni iiiai re males uro soie'y iiltili ted, paitlculHily In times of iiregnancy, e.lendlng Into tho vagina, proitn-: dls iresslmr almost bevond Iho noiveis of eniluianee. Cases of longstanding, pronounced Incurable, have been permanently cured by simply applying SWAl'NC'S OIWOIEXT. EXTRACTS F150M Ll.TTEUS. Dr. Swai 1111 d Sun : (lentleinen The box of Olnt- m'lit Mill sent me by mull cuird me entirely of Itch- Ing Piles, which I sullered llh for the years. En closed Und llfty cents for another box for a friend of inillll. ANIIKRIV J. I1EACU. rarinwcll Station, Loudon Co., Vu. Ilev, Isaac Holland. Webster. Tas lor countv W. Va. writes: NovemlK-r 20, 1S75 I have been a suilerer from Itching Piles. I procured a boxot your ointment last spring which gave 1110 Instant icllef, niul feel eontlilent It villi eilect a permanent cine Ei closed nnd tltlv cents, for u hlch bend me another box by mall. An Eruption of 8 Vctirs Standing'. I was troubled with an iruntlon of (I-'nt venrs Itching, Intolerable at times i tried many pieparu tloun without nulling relief, 'through 1 ho use of Sivayne's All-Heullngoiutmcut I am entirely em cd, .JOSKI'll I.AnBkKT. At Hortbinan Jt Pros., sth und Cherry, Phila. X vtas entirely cured of Tcttor In Its worst form by Dr. sujne's All-Ileullug Olnt- ineni. auu snail oe nappy 10 explain my case to ail , no nut cm, unm inc. .lAMi-.s .iicixisi.i.Y, vvesi iioiei, 23d Street, lieloiv Ix)inbanl, Philadelphia. Sent bv mail to tiny uddress on recelot of mice. 60 ceiiin 11 iKii. HescrPii; si mntoms in all eoinmunlcatloiis. and ud- dress letters In UK SWAYNE 4: SON, Philadelphia. .su ciiai u lor nut ice. c KOK MALE HY ALL DllffiOISTS. HIS CASE OF JEWELUY IS NOT SUHPASSKD IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS OENKHAL ASSOItT MENT OK Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAVID LOWENBERG. July 1,'73-tf. A1NWR1GI1T A CO., WHOLESALE UKOCEItS, N. E. Corner second and Arch Streets, PuiLADEirniA, Dealers in TEAS. SYItUPS, COFFEE, SUQA11, MOLASSES KICK, Bl'ICES, EICA11B EODA, AC, AC. reorders will reccivo prompt attention. tl,7-tf ROLLINS & HOLMES reuco wuiuib.iaiooi iiinun lowiisniii.i oiuinoiai o., diseased, halo been grained by tho lleglster ot said county, to .lohn s, A utters and Eloaer sehivoppeii helscr, and all persons havlni; claims ngulnst Hie estate ot the iieceilent, are muested to picsent them for settlement, and those Indebted totuucslutu to make payinent to tho undersigned administrators wiiuoubueiay. iiuil.-s r. i A l l Llis, ELEAZIilt SOHWbPPr.NHUIsWt July 7, 70-tt." Adinliilstralors. . L. KYHltLY. Auditor. rFltei ,i UDITOR'S NOTICE. r A. WOl.P & SON VS. WII.1.IAH FKlll-Elt. TUM undersigned Auditor annolntcil bv the Court ot Common P of Columbia county, lo 111.1k.ii dis tribution or money urlsiug from tho bale of nersonal ,1M"1!,V4 .1111. llllll M , MIL I 1III1U1I IIIC I'jlltlCa eul lied Ui rt-eeiio the tarns will meet sal.lnirLii-s 111 hlsomcnln ou Saturdij,.lulyvth. IS16, June so, 4v. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. f SHl'Ark OK kl.lZlUSTU HOACII. lirCEASFU. I110 uudernlgiii'd Audllor lo make ilhtilbutlon of the fund lu theiiuiiilsi-f (he Adinlnlstralor of Ihees. till 11 ot l.ll.abeth Itoai'h. diseased, n 111 utleud to tlio ilullesuf hlsupiioliituieut, at Ills oltlce in lllooms burg, 011 Kiturd.iy, July astii. Is7, at lu o'clock u. in., Hhen and uheru all N-rsons having claims against the said estate, are loipilred to present tho saini- ui-iorw uiu Auuiior, or no ueoarreu iroin coin- ug m lor a mure 01 said (unu, E. 11. ll!KI.i:u. July SO, U7H-4W, Auditor. DMIN'ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LSTAlKOl'ltll Kl'NVON. IlECSISKII. rs Of Alllillnlsl t ill lull 1111 ihi,,i. (if U'lii I iiuiiyuii.iaiooi Aiauison ton nship.columbla coiiiiti, deceu-sid, have In ch granted by ihe lleglster of said co. 10 a. i-. nun) au li navis Kuuyan, Administrators uf Vtin. Itnnyan, ileo'il. All iert.ous having claims ugulnst thu estate of inu iieceilent uro ruuiiested 10 piisciitlhemlor silllement, and those Indebted to (ho eslute to mako payment 10 the unililsliiUfd luiiuuiaiiaiuis niinoui uviay, JOHN P. Itl'NVAN, DAVIS RUN VAN. Junc23 St. Ailuduistrators. K DM I N ISTRATOR'.S NOTICE, KSIATkOl CAnWALLADIUHOUSIl'IS. UEC1-1SEO. utters of Admlnlsirailuu on thu cstitii of Cud wullader Huberts, l.ilo of MonUiur township, couuiy ot Columbia countytateof IVni.sjlvanl.i, deceased, hive boeu giautej to Win. Julia, ot Pear (Up, Pa., to wlioin ull pel sons liideblod tu-suld estate aie ruiiuested to make payment, and thosu hail 114 viuiiiia ui uvumima n in iiimu aiuun 11 inu milllli n 1111- ouiueiay, win. Jllll.N, Pear (Jap. P. O, Col. Co. l'a, Aduilulstrulor, auuu 1U,-1V, fllO THE AFFLICTED AND UNFORTU- 1 NATB, Ibero Mlio iiassof diseases that ru. ii'iiro more expirlemo to treat suicessiully Uinii llioso of u private character. Many physicians su ihjso that hen tho primary symptoms uiu removed, llio disorder or poison has been uurcouie. such Is nut tho ciisu. 'llio dllilcullles, or the various stages of thu dlsoasu are then la succeed. Tim p.uts nut aiiackvu uro uiu iitroui, iiuso, uiouiu, longiie, bkin, tendons, bones, llguments, ears, eyes, e licipit nt ly these sy mploius uro tuated by phyblcijns as slin ule ulcerations, until soiiio of thuluiDoriuut orirans of the body bt-ooino InvolTed, whin uouth relieves I the suilerer. Dll. II. VV. Millll, having made all prl- vaie uisouses u svuuy, uuuriuiuius u sioeuy unu per manent euro lib purely veirctable medicines. Med ical unices nnil urug store, No. Ml North Fifteenth street, iiouis, iu 1111 anu c to v p. la. Maroh 17, 'I6-ly, sir. r stOO per diy at home. Samples worth 11 $U 10 S-:U frl..Cl btjkhim U to., I'nrtbuid, Maluo. olo Propitetors and Manufacturers of SWAYNli'S PANACEA, celebrated all over Iho world for Its remarkable cures of Hcrutui.i, and syphilitic complaints. and Ineio-es win re Nyphlllllc Hiusof the paunt i-iiuses development ol syiihills or Serolula in tlio cuiiii iioiuiuir lias ever proved so f-neeiuill in coin pletele eradli atlng every vestige ot these dangerous complaints nr.d ull diseases arising from Impurity of lilt, OllHI I, ll.v par'lcular to obtain the genuine, as prepared ny nit. mv.wnh, n sum, asn r, cm st.,n.iisiieiphia, Seo Unit the name Is srelled correcllv. hwaynk, as uiere arn orepai uiious oi suiuewuav Similar nnmo lu tue uiuxsei. IS YOUR HAIR FALLING Oil TUUNINa OKAY ? IK SO I)U .NUT FAlli TO USK Tbo most 0D' Itcllablc Itulr llestorathct-ver Introduced t o tlio A mil lean l'coplo l'or liestorlng dray Hair und 1'ieu-utlnx lUldnibS. . Thogitat Luxury of tho Dress J loom. Lonilon llulr Color restorer liululoli llalr Culor Heauire 1judon Hals Color lleslorvr lioniloli Hair Co or llestori' L union llalr Culor Hestore I. indon ll.ilr Color Itentorer Loiiuon nair coiur Jtestorc lndoii Hair Color Hestore lindou llalr Color Heslorcr lAJiiilon J lair color Ueslou liouduu llalr Color Kestort lAiiiduu llulr Color llestortr Iiuhdoh llalr color Ilea lure Ijiuduu llalr Color Kestonw lAiuuou llulr color llcslurt IajiiiIou llulr Color Hestore IiOtulou llalr Coior Itustoie Loudon IbUr Color Ueatorer Loudon llalr Color itcbtorcr lAiiinon Hsir color Kestorc Loudon Hair color ltestore lAiudon llulr Color Itt-blorwr 1 Jim on Italr color Hinoi te Iioudou llulr Color Itestorcr lAiuuou llulr Co or Iteslorer loiudon llalr Culor Hosteler Ixindou llalr color Heslorcr 1. It will reatoie gray hair to Its original eolor, . II v, Id make thu hair grow on bald heads, a. It will restore lbs natural bocrellous. 4. It will remove all ilandruit und itching. 6. 11 will muku thu hair soft, glossy und llexlulo s It will preserve thu original color to old uge, 7, It will prevent the hair from falling oil, H. ItwllUureul diseases ol thobculp. 70 OentH per Hottloi bottlis $i, Scut by express to any address ou i cetotof nileu. Address orders to Int. hWA YNB 4 HON, 330 North aiAui oiiiwi, i uiiu., i u., buiu propriciors. SOLD 1IY ALL DUKJtilSTS, jui) w,i-iy. ALBRECHT&COi GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. No. 17 Centre Mro Tho Ai.iiuixiiT & Co. Pianos are first-class in every respect, boiiiB con sidered tlio leading Philadelphia mako by inusiciniis and coiiipctcnt iuducs. Through their extensive) faciPitics, Messks. Alhkecht & Co. nro enabled to turn out instruments that nro not surpassed any where, and etill sell them at prices within the reach of all. No Piano is permitted to Icavo their factory unless satisfac tory to tlio most minuto particular, hence their guarantee of five years is a thing of value. All lato im provements of imjioi taiico are found in these instruments. Messes. AumECiiT it Co. have, re ceived tho most llattering Testimo nials from L. M. Gottschai.k, Fiiank Aiit.Gustavi: Satteh, J. F. IIimmels iiACH, William Woi.iikffeh and ninny other eminent artist, besides being able to refer to thousands of privato purchasers, schools, semi naries, societies and teachers. Pianos conscientiously selected per orders by mail, carefully packed and shipped safely to any part of tho world. jgrFor further particulars as to references, prices and terms, address, ALBRECHT&CO. 610 Arch Street, Philadelphia. - July ii, UiO, ly. Mm Gas ant StRam Fitters IMANUKACTUHERS OF GALVANIZED IKON COItNICH, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, N thn shortest and best route for nil points In north ern Illinois, lowti, Dakota, Mbraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, rtah, California, oiegon, China, Japan unu .Mistiuii.i. us C'litciiKO,KIaillNOii cSi SI. 1'aul I.Inc Is tho Rhort lino for Northern Wisconsin and Minne sota, and for Madison, St. Paul, Mlnnenpolls,DuIulh, ana uu points in inu greai orin-wesi. us Winona it ml St. I'ctcr I.lnc Is the nnlv route for Winona. Rochester. Ownlonna. Manknto, St. Peter, New I Im, nnd all points In bouineru unu ccniiai iiuunesuiu. us (Jrccii Hay ami Illariiiinllo l.lno Is tho only lino for Jnncsv llio, Wnterlnnn, Fond Im laic, (ishkosh. Amitelon. Oreeii Day. Escamiba. Ne- gaunee, Manpiette, Houghton, Hancock and the Luku superior couuiry. lis I'rccjioi t nntl Dnliiuiiic I.lnc Is tho only route for Elgin, liockford, Frceport, and all poll is via i ieepori. lis Chicago and niil.rankcc I.lnc Is the old Lako Shoro lloute, and Is tho oi ly one passing through. Kumslon, Lako Forest, Highland Park, Wuukcgan, Hactne, Kenosha to Milwaukee. I'lillniitii I'a'aco Cars are run on .ill throueli trains ot this road. This Is tlio ONLY LINE running tbeso cars be tween Chicago ami St. rnui,cnicugu anu .nuwuiiKee in- (ailciiiro and Wlnoua. Atoiniihaiiursleeners connect viilh the overland sleepers on Die l'l Ion Pacific !tallioad tor all points west or ino .Missouri rner. on the ni rival of tho trains from tho east or south, thetralnsof the Chicago A Noi Hi-Western Hallway le.ivu ChleiiL'O as follows I'Oll I.OUSCII. lll.C 1 IS, II MA 11 A ASH UAl.irOIIMA, 1 wu tliiough tralnsilally, with Pullman palace ilruwlng room and slecplug curs through to Council llluITs. Foil Sr Pa ei, A Nn Minneapolis, two 'hrougli trains dally, with Pullman palaco cars attached to both trains. l'oii Oiieev Hay anhLake ScrEiuoit, two trains dally, villli roiuuan paiaco cars niiacncu, unu run ning tnrougn in .waripieiu. l'oii Mii.u-ai'Eeb. four thi-oiitrh trains dally. Pull man cars on night Hains, parlor chair cars ouday II'.UUS. Fun SrAKTA anu Winona nnilnolntsln Minnosota, one tlirough train dally, Willi Pullman slecpeisto v lnona. l'nit lii'iiroi-K. Ma l'reenort. two through trains dally, with Pullman ears on night trains. l-Oll UCIIigCK AMI l.A I HOSSK, VUl CUUIUU, IWU through trains daily, with Pullman cars ou night train to Jicurcgor, lowa. Foa Sinux env ash Yankton, two trains dally,Pull- loan cars 10 .Missouri vauey a uuciion. -iia i. ikk UHNi vi. rour 1 ui s tiauv. l-'OK ItOCKlOllII. Sll.lll.IMI. Kr.NOslM. jANKSVlt.I.II. and other points, ou can have from two tu leu trains uaiiy. new- torii omce, o -no iiroauway; iiusion ouice , Main siri-et: Omaha onlce. Faiiiham stieet: un Francisco ofllce, mi Monlgomer.i street: Chica go ticket ornccs: i.'J I'lnik street, under Sherman llouso j corner Canal and Madison Mrtcts; Klnzlo street ilejiot, corner W. Klnzlo niidcaual streets; wens nil eel uepoi, iiirner iiens unu iiuiu rim i.s. For rates or bit urination not attainable from vour nouio nonet ugeuis, uppiy 10 W. II. STENNE1T. Maiivin IlrnitirT, lien. Puss. Ag t, Chicago. ueu. sup't.ciiicago Feb. 4,',"ii-ly EIUEEXPIIESSlcaves New York " " I'hii.uieipiiia . " " Ilaltlmore " " llai rlsburg " nrr. at lllUini-iuri " " Lock lPueu " " Eile EHIE MAIL leaves New York i-htiatieipnio " " Halllmore " llnrilsliurg " " Wllllauisport " " Lock lint en ' " Itenovo " nrr. at Erie niaiiaiia KxniEss leaves Philadelphia " " Ilaltlmore... ' " HarrLsburc. . " " air. at Wllltnmsiort. lock iiiivcn. ' " " Henovo " " " Kane " " " ilurfalo lock iiavkn accom, leaves Philadelphia.... nan imure 1 4 " " llarrisburg , 1 " ' nrr. at Wllllaiuspurt . " " " Lock Haven.,. SUNDAY EXPIIESS leaves New York- " " " I'liiiaucipnia... " " " Halllmore " " " llarrisburg. .. " " nrr. at Wllllaiuspurt.. 0 2.1 n. m 12.f,n p. m l.'io p. in .... 6.IHI p. m p. m .. ..10.30 p. ni lo 05 a. ui ... 8.2.1 p. m ...11. 55 p. Ill . 9.111 1. Ill . 4.2.111. m ,. s.s,ia. m , . a, in ,. lo.M a. in ... 7. U p. Ill 7.20 a. m 7.80 a. m ,10.4.1a. m l.o-i p. m :i.l5 p. m (.1.1 p. m 8.45 p. in KASTWAHIK . s.on n. m . so a. in . 1 2.1 p. Ill . p. in . ".sop. in .. 8.25 p. Ill ..11 55 p. Ill .. 11.10 p. Ill . 4.10 a. Ill .. 1.4'J U. Ill . 7.00 p. Ill . 11.30 11, HI .. 7.M a. la .11 40 a. in . (1.2.1 p. ni . s.hi p. m . 0.45 p. in DAY EXPIIESS leaves Kane (i.oon. m " " " Itenoio KUo a. in " " " Lock ll.ivcn 1l..oa. in ' " " Wllll.unspoit....l2 4(ip. m " " " uir.nt llarilsburg 4.10 p. m " " " l'hlladelphla 7.2u p. lu ' " " New Yoik lo l.l p. in " " " llaldinoie 7..ip. in " " " W iishlngtou 0,02 p, in PIllL'A EXPIIESS leaves Erie ' " " uick Haven... ' " " Wllllamsport... ' " urrlvcsnt llarrisburg ' " ' llaltlmoro 4 " " I'hllailelphla..,. ' " " New Yoik EHIE 21 AIL leaves Erlo 1 " " itenovo 1 " " I.oik Haven., " " WllUarusiioit. " urr, at IPirrlsburg... 1 " ' llaltlmoro 1 " " Philadelphia.. 1 " " NuworL- 11.2011. m s.M p. m ie.o.1 p. m ll.l.i P. m 2.4.111. Ill 7.3.1 a iu 7,oo a. m a. in SXLVSH. PLATEB WAKE. Eloetro-Pbtod Table Waro, AND Ornamental Art "Work IN OUEAT VA1IIETY, MANUFACTUKKD IIV THK na FAST 1.1 N E leaves Wlllhimsport 12.S.1 a. m urr. at iiairisuurg s.tsin. in " " " lialtlinore Mn m " " " Philadelphia 7.S5U. in " " " Now York 10.2:. a. m SUNDAY EXPIIESS leaves Wllllamsport.. 8.15 a. m ' ' urr. ut llarrisburg " " " Philadelphia.... 3.31) p. m " " " New York 11.4.1 p. mi ' " " Ilaltlmore 7.3.1 p. 111 Erlo Mall West. Niagara Express WestJ.oik Haven Accom. West mill Day Express East make close con necilon at Noithumbeiland with I.. & 11. n, it. 1 ruins for Wllkes-liarronnd scrjnton, Erlo -Mall West, Niagara Expiess West, E1I0 Enpicss West und Lock llaien Aecoiuuii'tlallon West make 1 lose connecllou nt VMUIumspoit with N. c. It. W. trains norlh. Kile -Mall West, Jilagtra Express West, and Day Express Hast make close conueittou nt Lock Haven Willi II. 11. V. II. It. trains, Erlo Mall Cast and West connect nt Erie Willi trains on L. S. & M. s 11. Ii. at Corry w It 11 o. c, & A. V. It It. at I'nipoilum with II. .. , ,c p. und ut Drlltwood Willi A V. K. It. Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia and Wllllaiuspoit on Niagara Express West, Kilo Ex press West, Philadelphia Express East Hay Kxrriss East und Sunday Expiess East, sleeping Cuis on ull night trains. )VM. A. BALDWIN, Dee. 17,'75-tf ' Oeneral Supt. Wire Trellises, Ac. Healers in Stoves, llang- cs. Furnaces, ltnltiiiiiiri) Heaters. Low Down I Urates, Mantels, PUMPS, Weather Strips, y y Q 1 r O ad way, New York, Aic. Also G-AS FIXTURES of tbclnlei-t design. Special attention paid to re- pulling siewingiMueninesoieiery iiesciiniion M'aies, Links. Pell lliiiiirltiir. Key Hltliur. .te. Private Itesl- ilenees Healed by Steam at abiuull cost nhnvu Hot Air. Feb ie.l't-it. Verbatim Kcportin TEHMSt Actual travellhg-, boarillng-, und other ezpenses; nu Uollais a session, for taking Iho icport; nn, I ten cents a folio, (bundled words, j for wrltlui' out Into long hand. Where Ihe inulter reported In one day equals or exceeds nfty folios, the live-dollar fee will bu rendu oil, und die transcribing Into long-hand charged at Ilfteen i-enls a folio; bul.'n all such cases, H fewtr (hull hfly folios uru purchased, Ihe nut Uollais will bu charged, AUdiess. S. N. Walker. A. M. , Courl-stcnog. raiihir, liluoinsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylva nia. Pestilence, Iron stiecl, between Third aud Fouilh. Olliee. Willi E. E.Onls, Esi.,Coliimblan-bullil-Ing; entiance.opposlte tho east gate to the court housu am, hist Boor, 111M door lu rlghl. onku-hour, fiom twelve tu one ovlwk, lib is, Islii-ly THE TRIUMPH TRUSS 00. No. 534 How cry, New York, TO WHOM WAS AWAHDED THE I'lti:.HIU;Tl MEUAI. FOH TIIJ3 Best Elastic Truss aud Supporter At Iho great American Institute Fulr (SESSION 1S75.) Ci'im Hi'm'KLiN Fimu so 10 VJ Days, ANuOtrxu f ioha cahsTiuy Cannot Chic. Thsy employ a rtikUluss Lady Surgeon. Terms model ule, Cures (luarunu ed. '1 he usual discounts, lu Inlii'i.s ui Huhbuunry. Exuinlnalluns Free Orders llUed by b all. Si nd ten cents for Descriptive. ll,.L 'm nr. (1. vv. ii. 11 1: UN II a if. (lenerul Suierlutcndent. llimk.'lo Mar. 4,'7.-ly. VALUABLE PROPERTY at I'ltlVATK HALE, The f.ubfccrltr oflers for sale, two small loU.un each which uru i-iocted a Irumu dwilllng boi-, slablo und Mcessary outbuildings. Also four vusuut lots, unjoining Iho abovu and of larger slxe. Toa-iw lobs do on Ihe Malu roud near Stillwater, FlslduB Creek township. For terms u' ply to Win. 1KKI.UH. May 5, ,16.-cm. btuiwuuc In, -jr.llSTH REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. AMMONIATKI) SITHK lMlOSl'HATK. Circulars and analysis mailed free on application, Kor solo by Deali-is giiierally, and by the Importers und Manufacturers, .K1SIA11 J,AI.V.IL'K 'o. -1, South Delaware Ave., Philadelphia March 10-6m The best Pluted Spoons mid Forks are those Silver Plated heaviest on Ihe juris w hero necessui Ily tlio most wear comes, aud beating Iho Trade Mark, 1817 HOG KUS PHOTlIKItS XII. N. It.- This great Improvement In f.llvi r-1'latcd Spoons and Poiks Is applied allko to each grade ot Plato, A 1, s and 12 o us ordered. Tlio Process aud Machinery for inaniifaiturlng those goods aro Pat ented. Ihe Exttuor ".standard Plate" inado by this Company Is stamped A 1, simply, and Is plated 20 percent, heavier than the ordinary uiuiket stand ard, IJFirst Premiums nwuided ut all Fairs wlicro exhlUled, m iu Woi Id's Fair of 1b52 to Amirlean Institute Fair, ls75, Inclusive. Mulch 10, 'iC-Oiii. Awaiileil llie lligliert Medal at Vlinna. T ISf APEE1S KEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF. 733 Sinsom Sr., PHILADELPHIA, Wliu uru our uuitiurlrd uuontut will reccivo AilvflUfiiu-nt! ut uur C1AHU ItATKH. ITIIfl 'fla- f HDINU, subscrllH.'r Is now mcnured toicccho bin nit ru ut bLs bouse In ttouilngcieck tuwnshlp, sllunwilul what Is known us Hie Points. Tho housu tMeon (liKU'dou Temperance principles, no Intoxkatlng llipiors being sold ou Uiu prciolses. (iuod iwoun. ex 1 1 Hem table and Ihe tunfoi is of a private Iwuso 'I'eruis reasonable. J. II. ICI.INUK1L May 0, '10. II, Kuartng Crvok, rx BUHIKESH OAUDH, VISITINOUAKDS, LETT'KIt HEADS, UIU, HEADS, 1-OSTKKS, kd., 104 Neatly and Cheaply printed at the Colum bian Ollce. & I Q a buy ut koine. Agents wanted. Oui Ut and vi " tenns In-e. T'llDE, 4 CO., Augula,lMiKue. MojUi jo, "-ly. E, & H, T. ANTHONY & CO., C91, Uroadway, Hew York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) MANCt'ACH'hKKS, lUI'OUTkltS ANU DUATkllS IN UI1UOMOS AND FI'AMKri, ISTEIIEOSCOPKS AND VIEWS, LSUlH, (lltAPIIOSCOl'ICS & SUITA1ILK VIKWS. Pliotoirapi Materials. Woaro headqnartfis foreicrythlngln tho way of Storoopticons and Magio Lantorna, llelug Manufacturei s of tho MlUltO-FCIF.NTTFIU LANTKIt-V, STKUKO-PANOPTICON', UNI VU11S1TY STKUUOPTICON, ADVUHTlSICH'SiSnCHKOPTICON, AUTOITICON. SCHOOL LANTICltN, FAMILY LANTEHN PKOPLK'H LANTI'.ltN, Each stylo hi Ing tlio best of Its class la the market, Catalogues of liintu us and Slides, with directions for using, sent ou uppllcutlou. Any enterprising mini can mako money wltn a Aiugiu loillieiii, SkdrCut out tbis atlvcrtUcinent for refer cueegitr Ken. is.ld-lm THE "MOODY SHIRT." MADK TO OltDKIl ONLY. A 1'ICltrsOT KIT (1 U A 11 ANTEED. (Iiinllemen desiring Shirts will rileose drop us aline unu uur kriiv win etui turn got uiu ineusuremtnu Factory No. 2S Lockawanua Aveuuo. Address 1'. O. MOODY, March, Bcroutou, l'a. DKLAWAIti:, WESTEUN 1 LACKAWANNA KA1I.IIOAD. AND ISLOOMriliUHG DIVISION. Tlino-'lablo No. sa, Takes effect at 4:30 A. MONDAY, NOVEMHEK 22 ISM. P.m. S 05 8 On 7 M 7 4ii 7 41 7 113 7 27 7 22 7 )S NORTH, p.m. t,s a tu 3 JU 3 42 3 37 3 34 3 27 3 V.I .1 ID 7 1.1 3 17 7 15 3 17 7 H7 7 OJ 0 M 0 54 II 45 C HO 0 15 0 (10 Ii 0 2 5 1.5 5 52 5 IS 5 40 C 34 6 S3 6 23 6 24 5 13 4 55 4 50 4 35, 3 PJ 3 00 3 01 3 ! 2 54 2 42 231 1 23 2 9 2 13 2 10 2 10 1 &3 I A3 1 4S 1 43 1 4'l 1 25 1 IU 1 15 1 IM p.m. ll.lll V 4S 0 J3 u 3j! J 3ll 0 2.1 0 20 V lOj v 1 1 11 07 il 0.1 11 -5 STATIONS. ....Sciniilon .. ..llellevue .. Tujloivlllo... .Liiekawniiua..., .... Plltslon West Plttston.. loining,, .iiauo). .lienneit ningsiou Kingston s bo ..Fly muuth.1 imc,. s (A1....P1J mouth .... 8 r.ll Avond.ilo S 4S . NlllltlCOkli .HlllllOI'l.'U lick'. .Slilekslilnny. .. .Kick's l-'eiry... Ileal Ii llauii, . iterwick s 41 S 30 8 111 S 14 8 lis S 2 7 Ui 7 M 7 4li 7 4' 7 35 7 30 7 20 7 11 7 04 7 II II 4.1 u.m. SOUTH. n.iii. p m, p.m. V 3S 2 20 0 25 111 I 2 1 a ii v in 2 3S 2 40 2 52 2 l,S 3 (4 3 (7 3 11) 3 11 3 12 10 1-0 10 (ill 111 II 10 111 III 20 10 23 1 l 27 10 27 10 32 10 35 3 27 IU 40 8 32 Creek Willow drove,.., . .l.lino Itldge Espy. .llloomsbiirg Hunert Catawlssa Ilrlilw. ....... . . .... .. . .ii.irs. s willl,w IlllUVlliO ., Chulasky. .....Cameron. Northumberland. PI 44 10 52 11 ,fi II 11 II 23 II 3' 11 td 11 10 11 43 11 51 11 57 12 2 12 07 12 10 5 20 12 25 5 38 12 32 5 47 12 Zt 5 52 12 51 fi 10 3 37 3 45 4 IU 4 1.1 4 21 4 '.V 4 37 4 41 4 40 4 bl .1 12 5 (IS 5 14 0 30 II 35 0 43 0 &r 0 55 7 01 7 (NI 7 11 7 15 1 25 7 35 7 40 1 48 7 53 8 (S b 23 8 45 8 rs V 05 0 50 fi CS 7 Vi 7 80 7 40 7 45 7 fi 8 51! B 25 8 40 B 47 IS 111. Supeilntcndent's Onlce a.u W, I'. HAI.STEAD, Sunt, cu, bciuiitun, Dec, lo, is. 6. GLAZING AND PAPERING. TXTM. F. 110D1NF, lion Street below sec i i T f0nrt' llloomuuufl.M,a.,lspipared to do al PAINTING, QLA7.IN0, and PAPKU HANGINGS In the best stylos, at lowest prices, and atiliort QClUCOt caUluKloViue!DKBUC1'WOrk ,0d0 v,llltl"e '"obey AU'woik warranted to the satisfaction. bOllclUSj Orders March 14 mi. P. IiODINE.