224S M"VI 1 1 1 T 7TT 111 r 1 XT 1 XT l 1 "YTT-t I'ACn i m lTt A t f i -r t s. a . am-xw w . . . . . Trni -r v i VAJJjIJMISIAJ.'N UJilVHJUiUV 1, JSLAJUlUfili UKU, UULUAUJlA (JUL (NT I, L'A. THE OOLUMBIAK. III. 0 0 MS llll 11(1, Fit I II AY, Jl!!,Vil, ISM linll ltoait Time Tnlilc, LACKAWANNA ft IILOOMHIIUIKI liAtl, HOAIt NUHTII. Accommodation Train cur. A. M, Mall Train T.ss A. M Express Tialn IJil'.JI, " r.,84 P. M. UATAWIKSA UAH, ItOAll. N011TII. Aceomnioilfit Ion Train Ms A.M. lieirular Express- 4.00 '. M. SOUTH, 7.S9A.M. 4.W P. M 11.63 A. M 0fTH T,3t P. SI. 11.33 A.M. Through cars on llxprcsq train cither to Now York or riill.idelplila. Accommodation train runs between Cstawlssa itntl Wllllainsport. IIKMOCI.ATIO CHUN l Y I'ONVI.NTWN. Tlio Democratic voters of tho scleral districts ot Columbia County will meet at their Usual places o( holding the general elections, on Saturday the Mh day of August, 1870, lictivecn tho hours of three and Rru'ii o'clock In tho afternoon, nml elect delegates tiy liallot to represent tho dlstilets In n County Convention to bo held at ttio opera House In llloouis liuiir, on TuesJay, tho 8th il.iy of Auirtivt, 1 sTi!, at 11 o'clock, a. in., to place In jiojnl nation otic-can illilato for Consresi, ono candldato for Senator, two candidates for Itcpresentatlve, ono candi date for Sheriff, two c.uidates for Associate-Judge, ono . candldato for Jury Commissioner, and to transact ouch business ns tho Interests ot tho Pemuerallc party mny require. Also, nt tho samo lime and places and In tho same manner, tho Demoeratlo electors of each district will elect ono person to servo ns member uf tho County Standing Committee, lly order of tho County Committer, WAltltUX .!. Ill'CKALLW, chairman, ArrOUTIONMKNT OK Dm.KIIATKS ACCOIthlKU 10 VOTE t'Oll fiOYKHNOII IN Pershing. Delegates. Heaver , 107 a llentun 1W 3 lierwlck,.....'. si 4 iiiooinxburir i: sjij j liriarercck... .!!".....!.!.... .its....!!.! !!! catawlssn 1M 'I Cent i n M 3 cenlralla tin con nghaiii N lr-s,.. :i (oniighniu 8 M 'i rishlnireiuck '.'t'3 4 ...IWJ ....49 ...l.VJ ....152 ,...111 ....Sill 1114 ....171 ...1711 !.".'!.'.'.'!!'.'."!! ,...1M Ml .'.'.n'.'.'.'.!!""!" 1 co 3,757 Franklin 49 8 Ctreenwood Hemlock .laeksou , Locust . ...3 .' '. .3 TO .Main.. Madison Minim .Montour., Ml. Pleasant .. Orange Pine ICoarlngereek. Seott Sugnrloaf .... lly Itulo tho ratio Is llxed at Co voters for ft delegate, but nodlstilcttoliaio less than two or more thou four delegates, and allowance Is to be made within those limits for tho largest fractions of n ratio. Dloomsburg, Pa., July IS, ls:. George Dean, jury commissioner of Monlour county, ilicil riunilay, July 0. A mail week. log was killed In Uerwick hut Dauvlllo Is trying to organize a Hook Ladder Company. and A liltlu son of Abel Doily fell from a wagon load of stone on Wednesday, and was run over. Uu was seriously, if not fatally injured. Tho Ilencitk fiulepetulent of last week gives a-i interesting history of that plate from the earliest date to the present. The Centennial commission have finally de cided by a vole of thirty to nine that the Ex hibition shall not bo open on Sunday. Sergeant Cox of tho Wyomicg Artillery who was kicked by a horse, during the parade here on the 1th, wc learn is able to be about again. "J's" l'oelry is rejected, because it is not nc eompanicd by (he name of the alleged author. Our rule on this subject is invariable. Hon. K. J. McIIonry has workmen employed in entirely rebuilding and refilling his giist mill. It will bo completed in time to grind out excellent buckwheat Hour. Uemlertmm, in (Jermanj, Kishingcreek Town ship, is 'rapidly improving, and about half a dozen neat frame houses have been creeled there lately. If the niclures ol Haves and Wheeler in last week's llejiullimn are eoirect likenesses they are the most villainous looking men wo ever saw. llisbop Simp-oil has signified his intention of attending the West llranch Canip-iui-i ling, near Wayne Station, on the 1'. & K. Kailioad, in Clinton county. William Hernia of Danville well know u to many of our citizens died la-t Kriilay morning after an illness of four months, in his 77lh year Hp '.vas buried on Sunday afternoon. A S.m Calamity. During tho funeral of Mrs. Klias Ash in Kishingcreek, on Tuesday of lat week. Hurry Uruco Austin, a child aged two years fell into a vat on tho premises, and when found was dead. The Washington Hoso Co., and the Danville Independent band desire through us, to present an acknowledgement of courteous treatment by the peoplo of lllooinshurg on the -1th. .lmcn ewt. A special grand communication of Iho Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania will bo held in Dan ville, on tho lSth ol next uioulh. Tho lllooms huig, Suubiiry, Catawissa and Watsoutown chapters are invited lo bo present. Wo find It almost as hard to write un cdito ral wllh our hair cut short in these days of hungry lllcs. ns it is to pay our lUbts when sith-crihers seem lo think that wu publish a pa per gratuitously, fur their be.ielit. Tho Council of the Lutheran Chinch have granted a vacation to their Pa-tor, Hev. Dr McCrou, nud there will therefore be no services In lliat church for several weeks. We wh Dr, McCron a very pleasant summer tiip. W, M, (Jearhearl, I'rothonotary of Mounlour Co., dug a potato on Ids prlmises in tho heart of which was a potato hug, herimtlealiy sealis The Dauvlllo papers want lo know how it got there' We cant say unless (he bug crawled hi and drew the hole after him. M, K. Kyetly Kq., who has been mllcrlng fioui a mm stroke riceivid while In PlUladel phla, we are glud to stale Is again able to at tend to his business, though not entirely re covered from the elllct of his illness. Tho August Number of Nerihiurt Monthly promise to be the most bountiful niimber'of popular magazine cvir issued in Ihu world, and the power In fulfill the promise will hardly bo doubled by those who have walehid tho hlslot rv and iiroL'rcss of this publication, Look out for it, Thu Campaign Columiiian containing thu news of the day will ho K-nt to new mil. Hcrlbers from August 1st until after the the tlou In NovtinUr, for fifty ct-nU in advume This is a very HUinl oflt-r, mid gives you tho i.aner ut Ih e rale of SI. 10 per milium. Wo dn this in order that every family may understand tho issues of the campaign. Send your orders ut once. V Christian meeting will bo held in Mr- It Cull j's Grove near Light Ktin-t under the mupl cos of the Itloomffiurg liiinslun ICvangelieul association to commence on Friday evening July 23th and continue ovor Sabbath, '11 1'. K, of the district will be prcstnt. ltev Young ol York will pleach a Missionary kt- won on Friday evening. If tho weather should U Inclement Iho mooting will be held in tho Evngllcl church ut Light Street. J, A. Irvine, Pnto. The Valley Uajitlcr of Mlitdlulown, Mary land, nntintinccs the arrival nfltcv. T. V, HotT tneier In tnko clmrRo of tlio Kofurni Church lit that place. A very warm reception win given him at tho I'nriionaye. Ho will preach hi In troductory sermon on Sunday next. K. M. Knurr ami M, V. Nun necouip.inicil Mr. Hon" Hitler to Ms new home. iipcomi mil pii'tv oim veins, ' From tho record of McAllister, the fjllowlnir figillc of Iho hot days of past years has been taken ! . . ' august o uy 18'JI. Jii v" n.H IS-.N .Iim Mm 182 1, July 5 a", 1828,.luly 2 limit 2305 is, .nine n 11., J 18.1 1, July '20 10 o-j,Juno'2l 10U U8:i7, July IH 82.(.Iulv 21 11(1111838. July 30 M 182.;, July i!2 US I8:',9, July ?0,21. 31. Ml 180, .liuio :i l) I s III Julv.l lilt 1820, July 13 IttJ 18.1(1 July 18 102 1827, July 3 IHij IKtill, .tune 14 Kill 1827, July I mi 1S7H. .Inlr l 1(11 In I'liinlmiiiilul Temperature. Dr. J, S. ltedlield, who was married to Mnrlo llaiklcy-,.1 M.ler of C. (1. llarkley, lCscp, and formerly a resident of Danville, died suddenly at Kurt Scott, Kansas, on 'J'hur.day, Juno 22d. Dr. Keilfleld was Iho surgeon of llieOth Kansas Heglinent, and parlieipsted In nearly all Iho battles In tho .Southwest. The Kort Scott "Mon itor" of the 20th nil., says : "At the close of the war, Dr. ltedlield resum ed thu practice of medicine and surgery in this ty, and Until his death hud been constantly engaged in Ills professional duties. Thcdcecas- 1 was a proiniiunl, highly esteemed citizen, nndoneofthe most suecei'ful physicians and surgeons in the state. No one was more liber al, generous and enterprising, no one had a larger circle of warm friends, no oi.u was more worthy of esteem than Dr. ltedlield. The com munity deeply sympathizes with the bereaved family." lU'pnbliean. On the l'ourlh of July in paislng tho res!- enco ol C. II. llrockw.iv, we noticed an old torn Hag healing the inscription "Ilrookway's llatlery. iNever having lieani ol uch a bat tery we carefully examined Hales' history, but could liud no trace of it there. Just then it Declined that possibly this was the name of tho ballery belonging to'lho Kishingcreek confed eracy. V.VpuMaM. The writer of tho above did not make a very extended search in lilies', or ho would have found a very lengthy and favorable no tice of the Jlaltery we once had the honor to command. It was a pardonable egotism to identify the old llag. The editors of tho 7fe- lwblimn distinguished themselves during tho war by staying at home, and abusing those who were risking their lives in the Union cause, and they are not presumed lo know the fact that armies, corps, divisions Ac, were generally known by th names of their commanders. The slur about the "Kishingcreek Confederacy" is too weak an attempt at wit to require an an swer. AVo can only remaik here, that if there ((( been suoh a confederacy, and had "Ilrook way's It.iltery ' been in it nmubmhj uoulJ lime ijut hurt, but it would nut have been tho editors of Iho llenMimn. Batumi instinct would have kept them niilej from gunpowder. The following appointment of teachers for the ensuing year nave been niauo by me i.ioom School Hoard. Third Sheet ltmhlintj. Uooui No 1. f I. K.Sehonnover, Mrs I. K. Schoonover. " "2. f Amelia Armstrong, llaltie M. Vanderslicc. " " 3. ( Maggie M. Gensil, Maltha Gratil. " " -I. ( Mary M. Unangsl, Kale 1 lower. Fifth Stmt Jluililinij. 1'ooui No 1, (!eo. H, Wilber, Martha Edgar. " " 2. I Agnes lluekinghaiu, Klureneo Wirt. 3. 1. f Joseph Ganisnn, L l-.il lUaril Witmaii. ( C. 10. Wei liver, l-I.ona I-.iiiliN. UWs, Jhll.U. W. lluekinghaiu. The School i will open on Monday August 21sl ami continue eight months. Tin: ii.vrn.u ok thk ki.kmknts. Ul-lVVIlllN INIIlll'CII 1UM1UE. On Tuesday evening last a little before six o'clock, the heavens begun to darken and the ightuing ihulcd its lieiy tongues in every di rection. After a mighty rush ot wind tlio rani leguu to tall, and in a short time the gutters and streams were .swelled to rivulets, iho Mrvnm that runs diagonally across tho town from Herring's tannery, Mowed in toiicnls. Stinting at tho tannery it washed away n bridge, throw ing it up against n largo tank of water, and when it reached Third street, below Iron, it did much damage. Tho rearof the house occupied by .1. Wclliwr was washed away, tho water Hooding the first lloor of the house, I ho first lloor of the house occupied by J. C'hristmau is also Hooded, leining about llireu feet of water on it after thu rain. Mr. Verry's house was drowned out, tho cellar filled, and other ilaiuugo done, (lindens weio destrojed byu deposit of mud, chickens were drowned, and Iho side-walks wiuhcd into tho middlo of the strei t. On Main street the lightning struck tho bakery of W, M. Mason, and completely de molished the oven. One man informed us that the water was to deep on his ham floor that ho was obliged to put his horse in a wugoutokcep it from being washed away. Wo hear of much damau'u being done in dilfeient pails of tho county, but not in nillieient details toeuabluiis to publish it this week. It was tho severest storm known in this section for many years. At u, meeting of tlio l'litloluj;i:iii Hoekty lieM in their luill at the Xoriunl School on Friday morning hat at eleven o'clock the following i evolutions on thu death of AVilliani II, Foul, were adopted. Winittius, It has pleased AliAiiihtv (iod. In Ills infinite Ui-duui lo reniiive Iriiin our midt by the hand of deiilli, our lieluvrd limllier mid respiclisl friend, Willluin W. Ford, It is i J,V Kul ml i that in lids tllsjiensuliuii of Divluo l'rov idtliee uo U'C(i(,'iil.u thu hand of uu all sl-u Jtnler, anil that c Imw in submission tu thu will of Him who-o "ways are past linding nut." 7.'Wmt, That in the death of William II. Ford, the l'hiluloL'lau Soehtv has sustained un irivp.irahle loss, and that wu hereby einress our full appreciation of this luuvy allHc-llon, and our ndmlralloii of his Christian life, and noble character. Jlcsohetl, That wu extend tu tho family of the deceased, our deepest sympathy in their bereave ment. llrsitlml, That wllh the permission of Ijie family, tho iiuinbers of the I'hllologian .Socie ty lulu ehareu of the funeral services, and that the l'hllologiaii Hall be properly draped fur thirty days in respect lo the memory of the de ceased. JUnolml, That n copy of these resolutions he sent to thu lamlly of the dcccisid, and ulxo be published In the Xonuul .lVnioi-aml Jllooiii-burg papers. II. C. IllTTKNUUNIIMI, 1). A. Haiimam. (U.o. F. Kl.wl'.l.!., f Otmmiltee. Aha It. C'm.i:. l.U.tli It. llAHMAN, J Mr, Ford had been connected with the school alino.1t from its foundation, and ut thu time of his death was idc'vurd and Superintendent of the Grounds, He "as always faithful In thu dUcharge of hit duties, and the wdiool, as well as the community have siiidalucd u severe loss in Ids sinl Heath, Ills place will nut bo easily filled. A very lung procession, consMiug of members of the I'lillologlan Society, Faculty lloursl of Trustees, School, Sunday school class, and citizens, followed Iho icmalns from the Normal School lo Ihu Lutheran Church where the funeral services were conducted on Sunday morning. A largo number were unable tn ob tain iidiiilion, An ixcellmt discourso appro priate tu the occaaion was delivered by ltev, Dr. McCron, After the service tho remains wfiotslfcn lo Catawlssa, the home of tho lie- cewed parents, for lurlal, COM M K.STH.M K.NT KXr.llCIi:M AT T11K NORMAL SCI 1 0(1 1,. Tho closing ceremonies of tho term h-gin on Monday afternoon July 17th. At that lime Ihu Seniors lud their elas exercises on the campus. Instead of planting a tree as is the Usual cus tom lli.y i-ri-i'led a uioutiim lit In the shape of n marble hell representing iho old State House boll, a very pretty and appropriate emblem of tho Centennial class, Tho exercises consisted of roll call nud sentiments, song by the Junior class, nn (nation, Ill-lory of the class, Prophe cies, Clans Statistics, Poem, Class Song, De posits in stone, and breaking n wreath, all of which were well perfoimed. On luesilay morning nt half past nino the Co.ntucncenient exercises began. The stage in the Hall wis occupied by the Hoard of Trustees, the Faculty, clergymen of the town, member of tho Press nud others. A largo audience witness ed tho proceedings. Tlio following was the programme. Prayer, ltcv. S. Mitchell. Music, Glee Class. Salutatory, Annto M. Milsom, Oration, K. O Kreider. Kssay, M, J. Hunt. Kssay, U, F. Dickens. Oration, ltlchard it. lirei-ch. Kssay, M. K. Sehlleher. Music, Quintette, Ksay, Ma J. Fatten. Oration, Ii-.slus Sutllll'. Kssay, Sue F, Miller, Oration, A. Frank Geiser. F.ssay, M. M, Stevenson. Oration, Myron I. Low. Kssay, Lizzie It. Harnian. Music, Aila llrower, Mamie Freeze. Kssay, itelty J, Creasy. Oration, Charles C. Kvans. Kssay, Kll.i A. Kline. Oration, Charles II Young. Kssay, Lauretta S, lluyril. Oration I. K. ll.iust, Music, Glee Class, Kssay, Amanda ISrccch. Oraton, Alexandir Llllie. Kssay, Sadie Kcster. Oration, William S. Smith. Essay, Sarah E. Smith. Valedictory, Jtidson P. Welsh. Presentation, Farewell to '70 Junior Class. Conferring Diplomas. Clas Song, Senior Class. m Benediction, ltev. Dr. McCron. Owing to the length of lime which it was ev ident would bo taken if the whole programme was carried out, it became necessary that some portion must bo omitted, and therefore several of the orations and essays were left out. All of the exercises were entertaining, and very credi table to all concerned, ICach speaker received boipiet on retiring from the stage. We must not fail (o notice the neat and becoming dresses in which (he voung ladies appeared. In stead of procuring extravagant and elegant suits thereby lncunng gie.it expense, and loss of time in making and worrying over what they were to wear, they wore pretlv, light calico dresses- made by themselves. This is a vcrv praiseworthy reform movement, and we hope it will be continued by future classes. The mu sic prepared for the occasion under tho direc tion of Miss Watson was unusually good. Tho degree of Ma-ter of Klenienlary Didactics wxs confined on fiye members of the class of 1873. Alumni Association. At the close of the exercises a business meet ing of the Alumni Association was held in Philologian Hall. W. J. Iluckalew President, in the chair. The members of the graduating class signed the constitution and were admitted to the Association. Tlio following officers for the ensuing year were elected. President Geo. K. Elwell, Recording Secretary Mis Agnes Duekinghani, Secretary Geo A. Clark. Execu tive committee, II. C. J'ittenbender, C. Weill ver, A. M. Milsom, Kohert lluekinghaiu, A. llrungart, Orator, Leoni Mellick, K-sayist Miss N.Cooley. A very interesting essay was lead by- Miss, Sadie Speer of Oiangevillo, class of 1S71. At two o,ciock the Association proceeded to the Kxcliaugc llob-l, where an elegant collation, gotten up by Mr. F. D. Koons, hiiperintiiideut of the hotel, awaited them. Notice was given Mr. Koons the evening before to prepaiotbe dinner, and the very satisfaclorv manner in which ho pcifoimed his duties on such bhnrt no tice entitles him to much credit. After Ihu gooil things on the table had been disposed of, lite li-ual toasts were proposed by the chairman Geo, K. Klwell tul icsponses made by Dr, Gri-nold Principal of the School, Judge Klwell, Presi dent of the Hoard of Trustees, Prof. J. W. 1-Yr ree of the Faculty, J. I, Ailman, cla-s of 1871 Geo. W. Mear, class of 1871, ltev. Dr. McCron, and K. (). Kriider, class of 1S70, after whicl the Association adjourned. A pleasant recep tion was In Id in the parlors of theschool in the evening, lhe class ol ISjibistlie largest ever graduated in our Normal School, and they may be justly proud of their achievements. The school was never more prospeious than at pre sent, nud a bright fuliiic is before it. Conuminlcaled. ICiinoiis Coi.viiiiux (leittleiiuH : In la-t week's I.-mio of the JlepuUieun I nolieid nil in, tjuiry as to thewherealioiits of iirockwnj's Hat- tery. I inn lonvinecd that when thueditorot tlio HrpuUintn rel'urieil to "Hates' History," hu did not lalio the best nullioritv. During my truvels through tho southern pmt of IVnn-ylvu- nm and Maryland, lately, 1 Mopped nt (ietlys- bure; to view tho Xalioual Camterij nud buttle ground. The Supeiiiitendentol'tho hotel, learn ing that I ciiuc from Uliinm.-ljiii cr, sliiltd thu points moi-t interesting to me, would bu where the "Hoys" lioui Itlooiusbiire; weio stationed during tho light directing meat tho sain'o timo tu the place marked as C'npt, Hrockway's llat lery. The llatlery was planted on the nppo sitoside of the Turnpike from thu guleoftho Xntiouul Cemetery. Tim cannon tiro on the lleld nud can bu seen ns designated by hand boards. Yours, Ac, X, A C.lltl), It Is proper that 1 should explain lo my fiieuds tlut btisincKS cugai;enieiits will prevent me from making a canvass of Ihu County to solicit votes as a candldalu for Congiei-s. My devotion and services In Ihu party areknonn; nud I believe the people, unaided, aru fully compile! t lo judge of thu ijiialllicalions of a can didate for that important ollicu without peiso nal rolicilation. tf C. 11. llllOCKWAV, Tin; ICkv Xoti:. Judge Klwell, at the re cent dinner of Ihcduwuii of our Nurinal School, took oeeaNiou to commend In strong terms the ladles of the giudualing class for having atten ded ihu examinations and graduation in neat, calico dresses, uhich thy had Made thtinncleen. It was a precedent that should bu generally fol lowed. Itivalry lu driss is not only harsh upon the poorer pupils, but ncccxsailly di-traets Ihu hi 1ml of a foualu pup!) fiom her ltsoiis and examinations, Notwithstanding thu lack of proper notice a large and intelligent audience met ut thu Nor mal .School Hall on last Monday evening to listen to a lecture by ('ol. (J. O, Jackson of l!erwlck;on Iho subject oP'How wo use the King's Kngllsli." The lecturer was easy and graceful In style, and handled bin subject wilii uncommon ability. His ipiotattons weiu accurate, and the illustrations tu the point. Ukiu tho whole thu address was a line literary treat, and wo liopn Iho gifted author will visit us again. Tho wrong pig sepicals, this week, Kor the Information of a certain gentleman who amuses himself by wilting nonsense for a (mall sheet,and making fun of tlio proprietor for publishing il, wo would say that we never aim at all at inlcroscopio objects. On Wednesday of last week the residence of Watson r.ves, in Greenwood Twp., wai burned We aro not Informed as to llieituie, It va In. mred for $760. Jacob 8. a son of Mr. Wliilerstcen of Ibis place, was instantly killed by llghlulng In Ashland, Nebraska, on Hie Ith inst. Win terslecn was a sober uuhnlriniH young man In Ids 2tllh yrar and hut iwo mouths ago lelt here for lliat placo in siuuli for an older brother from' whom Ihey had had no word for mine than a year. Not finding his hrolherho had com menced work on a farm, and when struck by lightning was attending with his friends a Fourth of July celebration at the placo mentioned. From Kosowcll Kinney, M. 1)., of Main vllle, N. 1'. "1 (lo not hesltnlo lo say, that tlio Peru vian Syrup hns claims to confidenco cipial If not superior to those ol any incdiclno that lins ever enmo to my knowledge). I hnve used it with great success for Dyspepsia utid Epilepsy." Business .Notices Ckntiinnial. Iluy an Accident Policy of M. W. Niisj, office Court House lllomus- 1,11 r' Fur Dress Shirts go to D. Lowcnhcrg's. Chlckerlng StcitnvuyMatlitishck it llnlnri liro., Pianos at Thomas Music Storo Dan ville. July 21,-lw Furred and Stripe Summer Silks, 00 sam ples to choose from nt I. XV. llnrtiunn'K 1 00 tn 1.10 u yard, Attkntion. The Confectionery nml Ico Cream Saloon, recently occupied by Mr. Miller, corner of Main and JeH'emm Streets, will he continued by W. M. Mason, Clioico Confectionery, Cigars, &c, n speciality. S5 cents for slippers nt K. M. Knorr's. TO THlTi'TlULIC. To keep cool is tin great idea tho only way to do it is buy yourself a Linen Suit at 1). Lnwenbiirg's. Syrups nml Molasses at pricca to suit the times nt.M. M. ltusscll'ti. . Arri'.NTio.v Gkntlp.mhn I If you want n pair of shoes ofnny description. Light or heavy, thick or thin, Shoes witli Huston boxes in ; Crimped top, projecting sole, Made from leather split or whole; If you want them narrow, wide, Congress, buttoned, buckled, tied, Wait no longer to dicide Conic mid have your wants supplied at McKinncy'fl. Ilananns, Pine Apples, Oranges and Lem ons, at M. M. ltussell's. Sheet Music, Music Hooks and Musical Instruments generally in endless variety nt Thomas Music Store, Danville. July 21,-lw Fails are Stubborn Things. NOTICE. Slimmer Clothing selling at Cost at D. Lowenbcrg's, And still they go, to I. W. Harlman's for nice Calico. Lasting Slippers 7o cents at McKinney's. Children's Protection Edges just tecclved at K. M. lCuorr's. Ladies Lusting Gaiters 1.15 at McKin ney's. Ladie s Kid mid Men's Fine Slimiers iust received at J J. M. Knorr's. Linen Faced P.mer Collars 121 cents Tier box at I. W. llartniati'H. Six good second-hand Pianos for sale at O. Thomas Music Storo, Danville, ranging in prices from $12.1, to $230. July 21,-lw rV full line of Tobaccos, at wholesale and retail nt M. M. Iltissell's. 300 Pairs Slippers at MeKimioy's. rinin I.aee Gaiters at K. M. Knorr's for SI .20. Iluy tho Ellmood Collar at McKinney's. S2.00 will buy a Nico Pair of Uutton Clai- ters at K. M. Knorr's. A full linn (H' r!riMi"7inil Itbiel- Tun. -f all qualities nnd prices at Russell's. Mason it llamliti, Geo. Woods, and the Celebrated Standard Orirans nt Thomas Music Store, Danville. July 21..Jw French Drcssius at E. M. Knorr's. llnvo you tried Ivirhy's WildCherry Coupli Ilalsain I A eery palate.iblo eoniiKiuiid for the various nllei-tinns ol tho throat and lungs it lias been u.eil with success, in seven eases if asthma giving instant relief and in many eu-e.s ellceting a pi riiament cure. 1'rieo 50 cents per bottle and positively warranted lo give entire satisfaction rr money refunded. Kiiby's .Magio lielicf for tho instant cure of -eveie and acute paiii. Kitby'n Tn-telos-s Worm Lozenges, pleas ant, safe and cH'eclual. Kirby's Horse and Cattle Powders are the best powders lor stock, manufactured. Try them nnd be convinced. Kirby's Camphor Ice for sunburns, sore lips and chapped hands. Gill's liillious and Liver Pills aro recom mended by tlio first Physician". Tho above preparations aro for sale by all Druggists nnd dealers in medicine. Movr.it nhiiTiiinist. July 21, '7(5.-1 y Whoicsafo Agents. 7i T: wxitIonsTn coaTT KXlTI.I.F.NT TIMK TO KII.I, VOCIl COAT, J1INS. O. W. Ncal & llin. olfer their superior coal nt the following extieinely low prices viz.: No. 2, y, ,t -I, J.'t.SO per ton on whaif, 1.15 del. " !, ."..".O " " " " 3,fj " a (jt 'J.'J.j " " " " 2 CO " To limeburneis, $2 00 per ton on wharf. lllaeksnilth's lump, ,TS0 " " " " Iilacksinilh's bilunilnous, o.OO " " " " 20 cents for delivery of one-half (nn or under They will fill up ccal-hou.es nt 3.S0 per ton for No, 5' ddiviiid, and $4 per ton for No. -1, delivered. All prompt cub. liuptiire cured lu from SO to 90 dajs by the Tri umph Truss Co.. of 234 llo ery, N. Y who offer tl, oooforaiuptuie they cannot cine, f-ee udieitUe uiciit and cut ot Truss lu another column. Send 10 cents for descilptlvo lo of Triumph ltupturc Cure. 51 arcliSt, tc-1 1! llTlKVXIHrilXSlTlKlt. lienion's G'upcine Porous Plasters aro an economical, clean, cprtainnnd powerlul rem edy, surpassing in cllicacy any known plas ter, liniment or compound. They aro particularly e fl'ectivc, and will positively relievo and euro! Acute nml Chronic Ith eti mutism, .Sciatica, Neuralgia, Nervous Diseases, Stubborn Colds, Kidney Complaints and all diseases for wliicli' a po rous plaster has been used, in an astonish ing short time. G'upcine is tlio greatest medielno known. Cnpeino is superior to electricity and moro certain. llenson's Capcine Porous Plasters rellove at onco and cure quickly. Try them. Price 25 cts. hliAllt'ltV JOHNSON, PlUIIWACEUTICAI. ClIKMISTS, N, V. May 19, '70 ly. A NKW .MUSTAUT) PLASTKIt. The medical Anion of a inustaril plaster Is under toed In (vers lanilly. Much llnio lssis-nt In ore. pailng apoulllee and elteu the muslaid Is of pool uualltyand will not act. causliur u-u-aL suneiinu- This irjlnir IneonM-nlenee Is now iieifecllv oveicouio by llenson's Pieiuiied Mustard Plaster, It Is u givat tiupiouincut en Iho oidlnary nitlele. It is very clean and can be applied and iiuioied without (lis eoloilus; ilio c lot lilnir or soiling I lie bLIu. It does not delerluiiilii wllliuyti. Ills idwa. a rellsble, asonly tho best (lu.illly ot niustaid is usiil In Its piepar.i tlon. Itlsitaily fur uso any moment, by simply dlppmiflt In water. II Is sold In half ard pieces ut s lent per loll, If jour urust'lsl can not supply you send f to us. HKAIIDUV & JOHNSON, Alay 11) I'hurrniictutlcal Clunibls, N, COAD, COAL (lid llslabllsliod Caul Yard. O. W. Neaii A Jllto., Wholesale A Retail Dealein in all sizes ut tlio best qualities ol ltcd ami Whitu Ash Coal, nt the very lowest market rates, llavoconstaiitly on liunil largo stocks of 'Domestic, Cupola, lllacksinith's Anthracite, llitiimlnous, ami Limebtirner's Coal, Kspcelal attention given to the prepara tion of coal before, leaving our yurdj. Urain and Lumber taken iu exchange; fer coal. Coal ilellvere.il to any part of the town at short notice. Ordersleltat I, W. McKolvy's store, or at our ollico, will receivo prompt at tention. Olilce and Yards at William Neal A Bom' Furnace, Kast llloomsbtirg. Your patronagu respectfully solicited, I'OAL. l7-tf-25J COAL METHQD3PQ1NTSh METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE IN THE PURCHASE OF CLOTHING- AT WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, To which wt Invtle tho Interetled Attention and Careful Scrutiny ol -TI-IJ3 PUKOIIASINQ PUBLIO.- METHODSl 13 receive Cash Payment from AIL..., t7"U glvo a Guarantco protecting: All lie turn Money heu Wo r&ntiot kult All WE tsiy our goods nt first lisnds, In Imnicnso quantities, unJ tit tho lowest i-rices for Cash.. WE manufacturo ulth cJtrcmo cara every garment wo sill WU liupcct every yard f.f goodi that goes Into our garments WE rut a ticket on every pirmcnt, chowlng jilalnly its quality una price - WE cut off ct cry Item of unnecessary expenditure WE employ f.rsl-ilass workmen lu every department WE glvo satisfaction tocvcrypurcliafcr er return tlio money- In addition to our Immcnro Stock of p.eady-JIado Clothing, wc havo a Magnificent I.lno or Men's and Hoy's 1'urnlshlng Ooodo, Shirts (of our own make) nnd Underwear, all at tho Very Lowest Prices. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E, COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. PIANOS AND ORGANS. o r S T -A. 1ST ID .A. 3R, ID MAlSrUFACTURE The Largest Assortment ! The Eest in Quality ! ' The Le-wcitin Price? ! The Easiest Terms ! "V O XT W ILL I'IND T ClOMEB THOMAS' MUSIC STORE, 147 MILL S T 1132 12 T, DANVILLE, PA. .lulyzi, Ta.-stn. WHOLESALE DEUG EMPORIUM. Corner IMiiiii ami Market Street BLOOMSBURG, PA. The uiulciijigned lmving been engaged in the busine.-s.s for llie nast eight years woultl call the ultcntion of country dealers to their large and varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of the large cities, Their stools consists of Paints,, Oils, s&lass-i Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices, RETAIL DEPARTMENT IB O "WtE JEl -J S BLOCK. Where may be found a large stock of Surgical Instruments, Sponge.-), Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Store. They are also Sole Manufacturers of the celebrated OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUlt STOCK. nvno"Y"EiK, bros. -May 19, 70.- tf. Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S and save one-tiurd the cost of f i I T ISA it r , Is much handsomer and Mill 1 IMU IKj t paint. Is piepaied leady for use In nliiu orane color itnstrtU. lsfniuianvlhousandsot liiolliie.slbiilldlnu'S In Iho rountry. man) of which haie b-en palnled slvjeais and now look as wellas wlatiilrst painted. Tins f'llH.MHUI, PaINT lias taken First Piemlumsat twenty of tl.o Slate Pairs of th t'nloii. Sainnleeard or colors sent fieo, Addresw N, Y.ENAilEL PAINT CO., uu Clumlwrs street, N. v., or M II, L E it m All Is i n d. s and GREEN TEA AND AT MAMMOTH GllOCEllY. Corner fuin and Center Streets BLOOMSBURG, IP .A. - Oct. 8, lSJJ.-tf. BOOKSELLER Dealer in Law lilanlcs, Sunday 1 cmisylvama WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, IJoolcs and supplies not on hand can bo furnished On Short Notice at tho JUosb lleasonahlo Hales. Sforo in Exchange ITotcl Building, Bloomsbur& Pa. Oct,8,lS7B- Thou Buy MILLER BROS.' and kayo ouo-tldnl Iho cast or f I l'lTV II ( 1 A Is much haudsumer and will 1 lulut. Is prepared ready for uso In white or any color iu uiu couniry, many oi wnieu navu own panned six) ems, i This CIIKMllUl, PAINT has taken First I'leuiluins si twenty uf colors sent tree. Address M I LI, 1.1 of N. V, E N A II U I, PAINT CO, 103 Chambers T AST NOTJCK. i-ersons Indebted lo II. L. lilerfunbacb rur or BUbseiliillou lo the Coluksun uiu ii. i l is ni.uii, Uiat his books Lai a lorsoveial months pu.,1 been In iho hands of lliu f indent ncd for eolleclion, anil tiia lellltoient of tn saw uuit bo proiaptly inias. POINTS! ONT. Trlco means of neectilty tlio Low est Trice CASH tavescipensnof rcllectloiu and louts from l.ad (kbu .-. THE Guarantee protects tlio buyer who may not bo a Judffo of goods Wo rely on Immcnro tales nnd aro sat M.od with a very l mall percent ago of profit ;. IT Is easy to buy of us, plneo all arc treated nllie, no ono getllnu; favors that aro denied to others DtCKEIIlI.'O and dcbalo aro dono away by ui,cvcr) body gstsourbcu with out havlug to uk lor It OUR largo experience, capital and facil ities wo us o for tho people's boutlit In lowering prices WE fill orders received by mall from all parts of tho United Mates. Wrlto for particulars NOT a part lelo ff rlk run In buying of ns. A child may buy as cheaply . r j , I XT' P lwlntlntf, and Ret a p lint that lj 1 A 1 lN 1 Lst IHlee .is ion-us anv othur prices. BLACK TEA. AMD STATIOKTER, School Libraries, Depositary of tho Uinio Society, PICTURE FliAHES, REWARD CARDS I 1)A I -m palntlii!;, and ifet a Twin that I ; 1 i 1 i 1 last in leo as lone a-suny other destkvl. Is cm many thousands of Ihollnest bulldlnes kvl. Is ou many thousands of thollnest buildings I, and now look as well as wheutlrht imlnted. ity of Iho Mate Fairs of tho I'uion. Hamplo card 1.11 IlltOS. lull tVater street, cievelanil. (ll.ln. street, W. V. Jlay U, TC-ly, JOTICK. .Sotlco I j hereby glren lliat one black horse, one bay mare, about eluht ions of hay, und tho oilier imou.iui wyjiciiy UJ ll 111. lieiger, UOW III HIS isihsesslon. liava been purchased by rue, and urn (AIQIHIMIUUi IU1.D U how loaned to 1dm. tuteltel ink" wllh iu tami Ouly,tl,.-!iw. sous are ivarnvu iitamu WtA. ItltlCKUAVM. Daucfoy 8c Co'a. Advt'w. r AGENTS WANTED TOR THE GREAT Centennial history ttsi'll-ir.i t r in hi iinv ntniT iHiolr. Ono nwt tit ftoM CI copied la iiiic din, scnilfnr ouroxim terms lo ugvin. ,miii ii j'uDiixiiiiitf i)., rnuauejpmn. i j ii y i iw, COUOHg, COLDS, IIOAltSBXKSSt AKTU AZiZi T2IK.OAT DISEASES WELLS' 0ARBOL10 TABIjUTS 1'ilt up cnljr in UI.t'K IlUXliS. A TrliMl nml Siii-c itfiniciiy. for Rale by itrunrtsta L'f nenilly, and JOHNSTON 1IOI.I.OWAVA. Uof, Plillftdclphla, l'a. a.iuiy t-sw. IOOK ARi:.TS IVAXTCO la itll ths m "ELL STALL NEW BOOK T1lriltl nt I inrinrri hM nnriall tonrlt Mi Unt' u lir U.kf tnd jit w , ....-s;r mnrri it nif irw pur nr tt M, It. 11. lit Ail.rmu totrici Utym T F 1 fT)4 UOUt'rllMkU nltifrPX)KA-ftf1 wiiti irfcf lit a ' r- live n i-MuMtniiij. nj-fii'inr i'iii...! ..t;. Lui:' ' i. n i.vrii tfra,frie, .July 7 4v OUR COUNTRY A2MD ITS RESOURCES. Complete In the tlirUtliur history of ion aenlfnl Sears iilsuot Hie great. "I'slitbltlon." ciand lu do vurl it ton of our InlKlitj resources In aijrlctilturccon inerce. minerals, inanufactures, n.ituinl womleis, curlusllles, Ac , all richly Ilinstrited. A "(.'eiiiury" itinp ami 1 1 1 1 il's-eje s lew" Tree. Hells marvellous 1) fast, l.u-omore aire tits M.mteu ipili-klv fur Ihls and our "tnndnrd "1,1 I'll III-' I.IVINtisTOM:," il(l,(MMI nli-ead.v rsolil, sImiim-iv tiible, -i.oou lllutra tluns. llasnoeipi.il. 1'cr etira lunns write to lluli tm -! Urns., Publishers, I'lilladelplil.i. il.lulvT-lw Babcock & Wyeth'fs Adg. POSITIVELY CURED. When death was hourlv expicted from ('iHi'iiiiiiitini!, an ii-meilles having filled, and !r, II..Ii:s was expcilnieiilln", tin aUlileirtally made a rieiwatlon ot IMIIAN IIIIMP, uiiteti cured his onl) ehtlil, and now gives this n elpo free on receipt of lu 'I slumps, lop.iy cspi-iiscs. Hemp alsn cuivs MirUt-3ttc.il, nausea at tin- Mouucli, and will break a fre-.li c-jld In Iwent.wfuur hours. Address (.'lum hock K. Co , low Itaco fct., l'lilladclplila, nainluir tuts III4fVl, Juno 23-1 in WANTED. (lonerafneents in even- low n In liin Untied stales for iho Adjustlble impIi, with a combination of i-tirlit tools complete in one, viz: plcK, mattock, ndre, Imn pliiK Iron, sledge, axe and polo heat, or any other ujoi iiiai can uo inserieu in sockcis, at about one fourlli cost of ordinary tools. ,i. v. L,Ari.-EitTV, Adjustlblo Pick Co.. 133 South 2d bt., l'hlla., Chamber of Commerce. June 2a-im. P ATE3S TS. Persons de.serlng to take out Patents, or deslrlnir liifonnallou from the United btatcs Patent Ofilce, should consult V. A. I.i:iI5IANr,'5oucrroii or Auhri cix xu FoimiUN Paiknts, Washington, 1). O. Ki amlnatlons free. JTO PATENT NO PAY, Send for Circular. July T, 76.-1 m. T. D. KolloGg'n Aclvts. II 0 M (i: 0 1 A T H I 0 ViLTRRINARY MKDIOIiNE works wonders Willi cattle, hnrscs. fowls, and all oilier domestic animals. No livery stable keeper, stock raiser, or farmer should bo without aensoot these medicines and a book Klvinif plain dlreelions for their use. lluillJICK ,1. TsI'LI,, lis (irnndM., New York, will send their descilptHo catnlojruo to any nddi ess, on rci etpt of a stamp. Theirs Is the oltlest lloimcopathlc J'liarmacy in this eountry foiuided lu IsJj. June 9 . rtEDAlt VATd AXI) TANKS. for hrcw Vers, djers, chemists, manufactiuifrs and prlvuto UnelllnL's. liEO. J. llUHKHAUT .t CO.. Juno -4 iw, iluttonwood .'-t., below Iiroad. T)UIS1!ER COODS of I VDeltlnt', Packinp, llo-e, He Inu', AC. UIClIAIil) I.nVICK, i every descrinlin. Ilnots nnd shoes, Cloth I. SON' CO.. T"4 Chest, nut m rnuaueipma, Agents .National ltuooer co .luneii-ssw. E ZELL'S 'JNCYOLOPEDIA, Nnv ItKVisnu rninoN. l.v.coo articles. 3,Uoe en Kravliits. anil Is plendd maps. 'Ihol'.KST HOOK ot uiiiv, ri il knoNli'dtre tn iho laiiL-uacw Now in eour..i of publication t-1 El IMI..S with m..p bent loi -o eei.is. ,i(i-..sir Maai i.u. !.lTi.S CO., Apr 2s ly. OTIC'K TO lIKIKS. 1 .H.rMI'.l V c oi-kiv. SS ! Ii. Hi'-in phans' eoiiii I Columbia couni. ft. 'le lii.ltlel-.it lb. pai'lllliiU ainl aia.ilo,i of till e.-tU.' tf O.iW'l I)a t-. lalt of Itcavci lou -i-blo. (a e.its'd 'lo in. lials. r. sl.tlntr al lilni'Sk. -sustn.t banns 'o. ra Marei.rei llooklns. reslillu-r at Ashlaiid, M ltulkl!i i o. l'a. Chalks l..Ms, n -lain.: at IJ iena, I isi lo. Illinois. .Samuel 1.. lulls. Clear Mill e erk Co. 1 'a John II. Davis Zloiis Orovo Hclm IMH M. i. in Aim Cramer, .ions, i.ruie. -ii-liuMki l t o. I'.t. Weslev it. Miuuiaii. Kiancls ii. S'lUiii.in. llar.ford Miumau, and llanlet b'vans all ct I'ljmoiitli.l.uzerne Co l'a. 'lake notke that nn limucst w I lutl.tld al I lie lale dwelling house ot David Palis, decinsed, In me lowiisinn oi lieuicr t oiuuioia e onni.i. on i ue day Hie llrst day cf August ISM. Itetiveeii ih" hours ot li o elmk a. in., unit 4 li. m of sa d u.i. for the pnrpom or nniklni; partition ot the Ileal i:iatcef salt! decea.etl, toitnd aiaoui- his children and legal represei.iaiives, u me sauii) can le (lone uiinoui prejudice lo or snol Inirtne nhule.otheriuseto lata. i.iui appraise uie same ateoruinir iu law, :u ni.ieu tlmi.-und pl.iee jou are itqulixd to nllcudltyou think nroner. .ueiiii iiiuee, i u.n, a. 1 uii. ii ai.ii. liloomsburir, Juno in, li-Tt). fcheiin. June lG.-on-. ,T. II. KNITTI.K. V. It. AHUOTT Important to Fanners. and ever body In want ot LIME, LUMBER, AND COAL. We have creeled kl'iis at i r near Ihe Paper .Mlll.on Iho 1). II. A. W. It. It. and ale low rreluil-ed losell lline at i. ry leasonabto pr.ees and of good . inalit y. umera uy inu ear piouip-iy mien anil si.ipitou 10 any btatlon on the uboio road, A full line of l.l'.MllHi;, of ail kinds, dn-ed or In tlio lough, Milnges, Ijilli and bill Timber to nhleli we Inilto the attcntloi. of custo mers. Ordeis received and lilted lor all kinds of Fxhily Con. Uy sti let attention to business v. e hope lo merit a bhaie of publlo panonase. ' KNI'lTLi: A- A1II10TT, April 21, UTo.- Catawlss.1, l'a. PEA130DY HOUSE, COKXEIl f LOCUST am) IKTII STS,. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Coiiieiilenl to alt places of niuuseiin nl and cur lines In Un- It. No tl.ai.ges to and Iruia Ihe Cen tennial giounda, i 'ol Wutson, piopileioi of tl.ullenrj House, Cin cinnati, tor the past twenls jears, and nvsent nin- prtelur. haa leased the lioti-..' fcr a I' rm of earn, and fiasnewli fu.iil-hoil anil II' oil it ttiro'i.lioui. Jio will Is-cp a stilctl IPst-cla.ss house, and Tiasiuooui mut.it Ion for3W juciis. Terms culy fi iwrday1 No bar has eier hc u kept In Ihu Henry llouae ui v 111 M.. Le l.ti t at the 1 mild. Jun li-llw, Dr.Teify'sYEplaiile Ncive Remefiy. l or api iuct icMorullonof Ihe nervous svMew causing an immedlato nnd pi oner iiue In Hie I ubyiw lug en.sifi : nen uus i,i UIU lmpalied iiulrllluiio the body, lassitude, weakness In the llitibs and back-Indl-posttlnu and IneapjiUj lorsltidj, ilultnessof appii Iieiislon, losncf tin iilor, ui en-Ion id hoeleti, lluildlt, helf-dl-tiusl, dliiness, headai he, Incident tu butli sex. s, for whose bciieht It Is designed and wlui.se happiness It will piontote. , . 'Ihe most iliiliiciiti.li,MUanof this cnuiuy hsu. CMiPd Un msilMH (o the miaost touhecr, iht. pi ciiasliig fatality jvsulllli ' fiom the rcliuallouuf tbu nenes. llailn:; lor u lung is-U.nl ileioleil umtli stiidi. Iliaoand l.dior In e.st.il'tlslaa- a luti.e.i. inr the is-it.il restoi.illon ot mi. lien oils fcsleiu,'in gn.ili.iiii,- t ' 1 10 ante lo ininoiiiiie ihu hiieeeKS-at-' lenilllig 111 lu ll 1H..L1U U. li.louU ILla leumd) the nei ves . uu be leaehed and l.iMicUan.n UliIJioivi i u r m.iltensl or pioslinte.1, llie e.iu t o s ieit1y ixsUued lia.ts uu r.e nciu-s al inee,Lt Willi genu. in ss-lesioila in. i.i 1. 1 a nati.d'l stale, and ivn oilng the uloxc oihii..sliig dlseas. s. I'.otii m..m s. nn re oi iihs, tinoiigu mo i roftrutlou of Iheniiious system, luMitluli- mersy. in sum lnsuncos lliuNeiio lUii.ed) ma) be lelledupoulu IhoNer a Dtiaidj l can luii.i tiiluiouudcit and nut up In boxus with full illucUons, nu.ii. mo del. lar, uxpiubhvd to any addiiwion renlpi of piim. mi. i. niii.-sir.i ir.iuii, lsu vine klreel, ll.ua. tinico Louis, ll a. in, to 3 p. in., ; to n p, hi. Jlarcli lii'ld.-ly, YULOAiX UtON milKS DANVILLU, MONTOUIt COUNTY. l'A. Ar l sUAM 11. 1,UV, Mamifaclurer ot Wrought Iron llrldgos, Hollers, llasliolder l'lrenroot liulldines. WrouL-tt iron iiri,,ln)i 'i,.h frames, Flooring and Doors, Farm Hales and Feint u-r,?r'it,,r0i?..!'lV);nir' Suckf " Wn j ii iir.ii, . i t ., ."""'i'" aiwnacsi lo Oct, 8. 1815-11 : auppueu. Tins i-ii uB is on nm vti-nr ROWELL & HESMAN . Advertising Agents, jniRP & CHESTNUT 8T8., ST. LOUtH, MQ E1.A1K lNOTsilh oiwIlloutWtttWloii tor mis atUiw.i.ciiiui)ODios. IU. JriW k. J. Weaver 8c Oo'b. Adv'ts, uetenial Hotel Directory" or PinTjAniilTjPHIA. Thousands ot our readers III visit the ttrnnd Cf n tennlal Eihlbltlon nt riilladelphla. Tlicy will want to stop nt hotels where tlio accommodations are KOOd and the chaws Aro reasonable. To dJ so Ills' must make all orrangemcnts before sinrtlntr. 'Mils can bo done by correspondence with tho proprietors. This directory will bo found such ns aro mny up ui these requirements. c llni IIIAXXINfl IIOUSR .... nn Mlrerli ri'om mil It In IO1I1 Mreels, IMillnilrU (in Tin: kuhhi'baw ri.Ais. itniirtunmiRt tinrt. nr West Philadelphia! carspnss diHir to Centennial ((rounds! new biilldlnirs of brick unci stone, nnd new furniture. Capacity lor too L'UCSIS MllUillSU HI i ni KiniMiw. u. supper CO cts. eaclii cnretul nttendanm nnd pnvnio u ktehmcn ! larjro parties neromrnodnted In surwrato pcelUns. Iiooins may be enquired In ndynnee by cor lespoiuleneo ClfAHNINf. IIOTKI. CO. .nine ia en. Sim Avenue Hotel, nLM AVUNtJU AND FIFTY-F1HST I 'J Street, ujipuslto fVfst curt or auiclilncry Ifnll. 500 ROOMS A single room and slii(,-ln bed, l oo pr (lay A. itoni.oi-'!'. Proprietor, llooms can bo secured by correspondence. Juno 3 -,;.-. m. I SKI. 1H7U. J EL M O N T II O TEL , S T 1 1 1 0 T L Y KIHST-CL ASS. TElt Ms) $1.K3 PKtt DAT. con. i-oitTY-i-'insT akd oui-gox S'lS, (SII.VEII MlT-LKflKOVK.) WI1ST PlIILAUEIjl'llIA. C'linrlrs t. nnd I'. 1 Mievrns, ol' Ilallliniiru, owxnm and piiopninToits. Major. W. W. I,Kf,Nn, .Manager, Its Attractions-Capacity, l.eim niiesU; SCO feet loiwi Ha feet Mo i stories hlffli i built nnd fur lilsiied liv lialtlmoreans. Private parlors, en suite, etc. r-pccl.il lutes for Pal lies, Assocl itlons, Ac. 1'rencli, tierui.in, f panlslt and Italian spoken In tlio hnlel. All charires iiitslerulu and accommodations llrst-ciass. Itlswltliln four bli el;s of the main en trant o ot the urand centennial Kvposltloii,tli8 most desirable location of am Centennial Hotel. The e llro house Is s'lirouurled by u macnincentcrovo ot maple tree-, of thirty years croudi, making' It tlio coolest hotel In Philadelphia. The furniture and equipments of the cnttro ifit.ibllslnnent oieof tho 1UO.SI uuerai enarueir r aiiuuurill' llie r-eueuii u class orchestra will I jrnlsli iniislo for I he entertain ment of tlio guests. .Market street lino city cars pass the door. Juno 3u.-3m, Congress Hall, NEIV FOUn-bTOKY 1IIIICK HOTEl,, ON THE XX 1IUPGAN PLAN. Eloi Ave , Itelow Fortv-Sccon St., Directly opposite Main Knhlbltlon Ilulldlnif. Ac commodations for I.oiki ;uests opectal nrrance inents ror larco panics. Terms o.NK JIOLLAU PElt DAY. comfort, economy and reasonable charges. iv. 11. llAKUt il CO., l'lilladclplila. w July 7-iiu. This Directory is compiieil Uy J. WEAVER & 00.. ."Vfcvsi;ili'r Ailvci tlsliig Agents, 110 SmlthllcU fctreet, l-ITTbSllUltO, PA. llranch oflicc, 1313 Market sticct, Phlla. 0IL0GRA.P1IS. fllis Tn-rrTAtif Tliiism sis "Dlnfus.ncf xiio lunvrau illjll XIX iioiiui;.:. EVXIiY SVUSCUUIKH lo this paper ivliuiilll re turn lo lb.) Am. (il!(i.nirli I libll-liiiiL Co. tho an nexed certificate, nllh iiMents, witlrieilvo bv ni- luiu mall as uspctlmt u a supeib IMOr.T.ipli of Mary Miencer's einulslto llonerpalntiuir. Snrlmr llcsu- tle. This picture, uno-suiluf; Vix'.a inches, letalls for S3, anil isn fae-.s iiitlc ot nu oil ualiitliiL' ii'ortii tici To also dhtrlbtite bneclmens of ihc-lr more elaberate uorlc, tliey mil forward i,ialultously to io eiery reinu piueuaserfii iiieaoove, iinotc names 111 be registerid as rcceltcd, n magnlllceiit ssOUo- Sinpli, Inches, entitled llcnin.i Fi lends. Ad rebs, AJI. OD oilllAl'II CO., No 13 Wulnut Si., Cincinnati, O, tJ-cut out nils icrllflcale.-Ba This Certincato, accompanied by Fifty Cents ; entitles the sender lo tho ; S3.00 (llloiiraph, SpiIiiK Ilennllrs, ' Advertised by Ah Oiiwiui-ii Co., : lis Walnut M., Cludniutl, o. : 1776. Agents Wsinted. "Centennial Cook Pool: and (Jtneral Oulde." 400 pages, bound lu Clofli and i.old. s.issi Iteelpes Cwkerj , Jledlelne, l-'armi-ijf. Dairy, Hient '.. Poen-grailiigs-i'enKnnl.il Hull n.,s old belles. Pain s-ci-ner.. npiiud i-nlil f i- .iraiitieis. licst "II luir boot; out liouk-for cm i.' bod. Itelalls at Ji.U; sent postpaid on receipt '.ail lorcop; . J. II. M Kirs, I'ul'llsliei-, in.i i tic , unit M , Phlla lelphla. J. W. SCo. Jiints.i-tm. " LOUIS P-2iKN ELAUD, : ' .-i i. fcilveniajf, i .k I if- ar.d Jewelry JIM'' ...1 slit 1.(1. PA. Ladles' and (.iiitti u.tnv ( iiu a. e s-l M r Watches, of American and lvidgn iiieniuiutiue. Silver and Plated Waro, Cloeks, FiXK .UnVhLitV, iW 0. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING Proitiiitl Kc'ilcl. Oet.s,Ts-ly ! FEARFUL ! ! Kxtltcment. at the yew SlOliE, below ilaiket Slieet. Nation il TOUACOO The sign BIG XJSTjLDXjf. IST welcome til. i. hero you can gtttl.e lir.ST 11IIANDS lu the market. OUlt PL.Ui: IS CliOWDKl) I'WSrASTI.V. The undcrflgnid hi.s piuchied tliumtli. stoik of J, 11, Johuscn and maue luieo additions ilieieto, lil-.O. tf. TILLSON. June 3", 'iii.-bm.- IXlK'lToU'SNDTR'i;. 1-J i.t.1 1 1. ii-- jiiiih j. muki.hY, HKcii.i.,i:n. Letters t"-tjiuni irv uu tlio i state ot Jnlin Jltaiklov, l.,ti of Iliujia,biir, ii! Co,, iln used luvu I'oeii rallied bi tne liejli-ler of said Co iniy to Charles, (1. Ilaikiev, of lijouisbjrg,lolumLl.i ruunt , Uxeeuter, tu w lioui all iierauns ludubte.1 are ri i,ucal ed to mak" puj menl, uiul those having clain-uor deiu.iuJs iigaliisi thu said estate will luako them known to lae said I'.xecutor without delay. laiAHUWiJ, UAllKLLY, July H.-.1W. JJxecntur, Tho Willi kStrud Indicator. Tins V, r.KK'S IS.SIT, MiNT I'lU-.K. Coiiinu.- I-liioilei lilt slinitits ol bulls and Hears. Alsi.li II ..an lu.ipli'lo liisiiuetlnnh how to operate ill MorU llld Slisk lulltelie. lalllal hit. unit sugL'esUeu .. . Uu, i. II: t it Valuable l'reiuluius lo cui"s. "ft-iio u,r n. in i iiivii-i bit a. CO.. Iianktisuiid Urok- rs, I'. " Jl'.i".1- lu w'"' tt.Sew VoikClty. Mar. SI, 'TO.-ly oeua vt. . i. I", lit J 1.1. A- I II.. New V. ll: r. IO l'.u llntillk I Of l.U Tnirih. rnilfHlMli.r ll.lt. r Kin liuwsi.aiuls, iiedestlMialesbhonliiir ool of uih.uk. lag. Jlai-cli 10, Tu nr JXSVAl, STATKXtUNT 01-' CKNT1U3 siiiiuoL iJiYncicT Kin Tin: YJJAU JJN'DINti JU.ni: r-, is;c. II, 1). Ksoitu, Collector. Hit. To am't ot diipllvatu tgr W75.0..,.,.. I,513 It Clt. lly am't of. kimeiallons,. 01 ' l.inTnsiW'erarriulli1,') Tl runiu.Uioiinll.!i'.l.t...., tu iu " Lulaut' ilaA'Alstrl.-l 7 - is 103 tl,U8 Tt Haji'isi. Nlviiaup, Ta-ukuur, Dlt. To L.'onco on toml ot u. t setilo, $44 n " ni,tu tnin'(llii''liLlifi(iJiF', uup. cf isk a m u Cli. lly am't ot orders uusiieii, com, ou j-it.fOiii a i ,,u.m si 41 tn . 1U UT 11-ll lit. -- uaiianeeuuouisiil Hipru U ulho in He lianclam lumucl Neshard Troaburer, 5';u.6I, Lalul,ie of bulldlnj- fiiud. 5 1 ' J.V. CONN Lit. "'I"', vi-u. Hl-ITIIIUII, 1'ieUdent. JubT-tlw. heiretniy. Tho Latest and Best. 'teSlrKim jib Kikpi.t Kjouk, 'a Unutlfu MUL-una cheruiiby II. J', Dunks, llullul po.lpaia I .rl? cents Ly WM. II. tKiNKIl Jt CO., JtUklo Publishers and lHolen., "tod wir, llHtliekluutt5t.,l'Ullaail.iaiv