THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT,BLOOMSBUKO, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. timtiuucil from firtl jxtyc Mgrlty of inr territory ami ilm supremacy of tlie-oointitntlnnal authorities. Ho had been iilucAteil In tlio school tir.Tiickimi, nml lnul heen h .lllltreiit stiiileiit of tlio lessons taught liy Uio iitillihVatlnii controversy nf 18:13. Ho liml s'.inlleil carefully ami irn(oiiinlly Hie re lation ol'tlie unit state irnvoriiincnts. JIo Itint thin early fnrmetl jierfectly clear ami settled opinions, about which his inlnil nev er vacillated. They wcro tlio opinion or J.iebon, ot Vun ltitron, of Wright, uml of Muroy, with whom, during most of their public liven, he hud been on term of pcrso iittl Intiinncy, During the winter of ISliO.fil ho attended n meeting of (ho lending men of tmth par ties 111 tlio city of New York, to consider what measures were necessary mid pnu'tle ublu to avert no armed collision between wluit were then termed the free aid the slave states. To tlio 1101 til hu urged recoil, filiation and forbearance, appreciating ns he d d more clearly than most of thoso nroiiiiJ him the fearful and disastrous con sequences ot a civil war, whatever might prove lU ultimate, result. To the Month he urged a deference to the wilt ol the mnjority and a respect for tlio provisions of tho led enl constitution, within which they would bo sure of adequate protection for themselves and for their property ; but ho warneJ them that outside of the constitution they would expect protection for neither. When the war did conio Mr. Tilden as sociated himself with and was the private adviser of Mr. Dean Richmond, then at tho head of the democratic party of New York, and who was uccu.stomed on all important questions to visit Mr. Tilden in his retire ment and seek hU counsel. At a meeting held at the house of Gener al Dix, just after tho first call of President Lincoln lor 7o,i)U0 troops, .Mr. Tiltlen was present and participated in the discussions which took place, lie then and there, ex pressed the opinion that they wcr'e on the eve of a great war, and maintained that In ft 'ad of 73,003 troups Mr. Lincoln should havo called out at least G00.O0O, half for immediate service and the other half to be put in camps of instruction and trained for Impending exigencies. Unhappily that gen. eration ha 1 seen so little of war and hud such limited means of comprehending tho rapidity with which tho war spirit, once lighted, will spread among a people, that it was not competent to appreciate the wisdom of this advice, which, If adopted, would pro b ibly have prevented tho necessity of any further Increase of military force. To Secretary Chase and his friends Mr. Tilden insisted that the war ought to be car ried on under it system of sound finance, which he did not doubt the people would cheerfully sustain if the government would have the courage to propose it. At n later period of the war ho was invited by the government at Washington to give his ad vice as to tho best mthods for its further conduct. Ho said to the secretary of war : You have no right to expect a great mil itary genius to come to your assistance. They only appear once in two or three centuries. You will probably have to depend upon the average military talent of the country. Un der such circumstances your only course is to avail yourself of your numerical strength and your superior military resour ces resulting from your greater progress in industrial arts and your greater producing capacities. You must have reserves and concentrate your forces on decisive points, und overwhelm your adversaries by dispro portionate number and reserves His advice was not taken, but he had 'the satisfaction, within a year after it was giv en, of hearing the secretary of war acknowl edge its wisdom and lament his inability to secure its adoption. Mr. Tilden's later political labors are fa miliar as household words to tlio people of the United 3latcs. He grappled with and overthrew the Tweed ring wnich was the most powerful ami corrupt political combi niuation ever establisho I in this' country he cause it had its support in a political com bination of the worst men in both the demo o ratio and the republican parties who wcie equally powerful at Albany and New York. For this signal service to tho country the people of New fork showed their apprecia tion by electing him to the governorship of the state by a, majority of over .10,000 votes over tho accomplished and popular 1 lix who had himself been elected two years previous ly by a plurality of f0,000. His record as governor of New York is as brilliant and courageous as his previous political exploits had led the people to expect. Mr. Tilden has let nothing stand between him and the promotion of tlio best interests of the people. The fierce opposition to his nomination made by democrats shows that his clear cut notions of duty have made him enemies in his own party. Hut the enmity of mnbltious and corrupt men will detract nothing from his estimation in the judgment of the people who look quite through the surface of such hostility to find the bottom of it. Mr. Tilden is a born leader nf men and under his keen direction the coming campaign will bo waged on the field of his selection, and we do not for an instant doubt with u successful result. Clkuical Aiivhutisiso. An illustra tion of the desire existing with most people to ''keep their names before the public" is shown in the cose of ltcv. J. S. Groves, of Liwa, who, it seems, was not exempt from its Influence. For some time past the mem- mer ot his church, in Maqunketa, have been receiving anonymous letters, charging him with numerous sins, and hinting ut Knocking depravity on his part. The letters were regarded by the flock of the pastor as evidence of the malice of evil minded per sous woo, instigated iy me devil, were seeking lu destroy ids usefulness, and the effect naturally was only to increase their confidence in him, They determined that the slut Uerers should be ferreted out and punished, uud they set detectives to work to trace the author of the anonymous commii ideations. The success of the detectives was immediate and itMnnniliiiL'. They dis covered that Mr. Groves himself was that identical individual who as an anonymous letter writer had been making accusations against the c'inracti-r of Mr. Groves as pas tor, nod when confronted with the proofs of his duplicity ho was compelled to acknowl edge tin authorship ol lliouainaglug charges His ohiect. of course, was to excite an In terest in his favor, and extend tlietiseliilness of his labors. It is doubtful whether his con gregation will see the force of his excuse or overlook the adoption of so questionable a mode oi advertising:. Piu-sence op MlNIi. One of the citizens nf Danbury, (X, who had just relumed Irom the West, was telling In Merrill's grocery of a narrow eu-npo ho had from a terrible death Ho was crossing n long: railroad bridge on foot, when lie was surprise!! liiseu.ii locomo llvo nomine around a curve, anil leuriug to ward him at terrific speed. The bridgo was too narrow to allow ol escape at either tjilr, Hfid he did not dure to Jump into the yawning nhyis below, r u flash lie took lu the situation AiKl itirmw hu plstt ul net Ion lie stsiltd un a swill t tho on Wid.nn locomotive tw hta H fvr (rl o-l It liV eouceutrittpd all hU uetve. a,ud, muscle UtttH i o elforl, and leaped slwtaht un Into ihaalr. The fearful monster shot uudyr him, nut) be csuuo uuwn on the bridge, saved from death, hut u-rlously shaken up Vy the deaceut There WW a moment of deep silence upon the close or this narration, I'licn one of the tompany silieil uul wliy, un ns Kline, nun linextieci teuiy iini, ti,. . .i i . .n e 1...1 a.i nut inu uo ui ircenco ui uiiini wueii V Iho use or presence or lnlutl When i .Vuru of Me SiynOn," ly CU. T. IK Jligaln cau lie like tliat V I , f &, Wncrr July wy K 4 uiau can J An (Ihl heller. ii:or.(iGWARiilKUTo.v'.s lkttriito tits win: OX ACCKIT1NO COM MAN II Of Till: AMKItl CAS AltMY, Wo have been favored with tho following extract front llio"l'rlvnto Memoirs of Wash- ngton," (now in course of publication.) which comprises tlio letter written by tho venerated Father of his Country to Mrs. nshliigtou, on the occasion of his accept ing the command in chief of tho American armies.' The letter bears data 18th June, 1 77C. A'u7 loiaf" Inltlttgtncer, PHILADELPHIA, Juno 18, 1775. My I am now set down to write to you on a subject which tills me with inexpressible concern, and this concern Is greatly aggravated and Increased when I re flect upon the uneasiness I know it will give you. It has been determined in Congress that the whole army raised for tho defence of the American cause shall he put under my care, and that Is necessary for me to pro ceed immediately to Huston to take upon me tho command of it. You may believe me, my dear l'atsy, when I assure you in tiio most solemn manner, that, so far from seek ing this appointment, I have used every en deavor lu mv power to avoid it, not only from my unwillingness to part with you and the family, but from a consciousness of its being n trust too great for my capacity, aud that I should enjoy moro real happiness in one month with you home, than I have the most distant prospect of finding abroad, if my stay was to be seven times seven years. Hut us it has been n kind ol destiny that has thrown, me upon this service, I shall hopo that my undertaking of it is designed to an swer s ime good purposr . You might, and I suppose did, perceive f-om the tenor of my letters that I was npprchensivo I could not avoid this appointment, as I did not pretend to intimate when I should return j that was the case. It was utterly out of my power to refuse this appointment without exposing my character to such censures as would have reflected dishonor upon myself and given pain to my friends. This, I um sure, could not and ought not to bo pleasing to you, and must have lessened me considerably in my own esteem. I shall rely, theiefore, confidently in that Providence which has heretofore preserved and been bountiful to me, not doubting but that I shall return to you in the lull. I shall leel no pain from the toil or the danger of the campaign j my iinhappiness will flow from tlio uneasiness I know you will feel from being left alone. I therefore beg that you will summon your whole fortitude, and pass your time as agreeably as possible. Nothing will give me so much sinccro satis faction us to hear this, mid to hear it from your own pen. My earnest and ardent de sire is that you would pursue any plan that is most likely to produce content, and a tol erable degree of tranquility, as it must add greutjy to my uneasyBfeeliiigs, to hero that you aic dissatisfied cr complaining at what I rtally could not avoid. f As life is almost uncertain, and common prudence dictates to every man the necessity of setting nis temporal concerns while it is in power, uud while the mind is calm and undisturbed, I have, since I came to this place, (for I had not timu to do it before I left home,) got Cononel Pendleton i to draft a will' for me,by the directions which 1 gave him, which will I now enclose. The provision made for you in tuo case of death will, I hope, be agreeuble I shall add notli infi more, as I have several letters to write, but to desire that you will remember me to your friends, and assure you that I am, with tiio most unfeigned regard, luy dear Patsy. Your affectionate, Gkokui: Washinuton. Prophetical as to tho duration of the con test. . . 'Excellent advice to every one. tHdmund Pendleton Member of the first C. uress, and the venerable presiding Judge of the High Court of Appeals of Virginia. The 11 rst-y ears of every man's business or professional life are years of education. They aro intended to be in the order of nature and Providence. Doors do not open to u man until he is prepared to enter them. The tiu.i without a wedding garment may get in surreptitiously, but ho immediately goes out with a Ilea in his ear. We think it is the experience of most successful men who have watched tlio course of their lives in etrospect, that whenever they arrived at a point where they were thoroughly prepared to go up higher, the door to a higher place ias swung back of Itself, and they have heard the call to enter. The old die, or voluntarily retire for rest. Tho best men who stand ready to take their places will succeed to their position aud its honors und emoluments. The Signing of the Uetlnratiuu. The Declaration, being adopted, was next to be signed, and here u-jaiii we come upon an equally hopeless contradiction in testi mony, lhls same Thomas McKcan wrote u 1814 to e x-Presideiit Adams, speaking of the Declaration of Independence, "No man signed it ou that day," namely, July 4th, 177b. Jellerson, ou the other hand, writing some years later, thought that Mr. McKean's memory had deceived .him, JeillTsau him self asserting, from his early notes, thaf'The Declaration was reported by the Committee, agreed to by the House, and signed by every member present, except Mr. Dickinson.' ltut Jellerson, who was also an octogenarian, seems to have forgotten the subsequent sign ing of the Declaration parchment, until It was recalled to his memory, as he states, a lew years later. II there was a previous signing of u written document, the maim script itself has long since disappeared ; and the accepted historic opinion is that both these venerable witnesses were mistaken j that tho original Declaration was signed only by the President and Secretary, John Hun cock uud Charles Thomson ; und that the general signing of tho parchment copy took place ou August 2d. It is probablc,ut least, that filty-'our ul ttiu lift) -six names were apptuded on that day ; aud thut it was af terward signed by Thurnton, of New Hamp shire, who was, not then u member, ami by .Mchcau, who was men temporarily absent Jellerson lued to relate, "with much mer riment," says Piirtou, thut the tiual signing of tlio Declaration was hastened by n very trivial circumstance. ieur the nail was a large stable, whence the flies Issued lu le gions, ueiiiieiuen were in those nays pecu liarly sensitive to such discomforts, by rca son of silk stnckinirs: and when this nunov unce, superadded to the summer heat of riiliaiieipina. nau uecome intolerable, they hastened to bring tlio business to a conclu sion, This may equally refer, however, to the original vote; flies ure tiles, whether in July or August, American tradition has dune to the phrases assigned to the dlllereut participants lu this scene; John Hancoek'n commentary on bis own Udd hamlitritliitr, "There, John nun may remnny name wniioui spectacle;" l-'mukltu V'Wu must hany together, or vUc, most ftMureuiy, we mail nit iiuiig uquiratu 119 tttn ttv wt'tte vs wttttVUt ttVtp HtlllAta may or may not liave U'tu salil i Lot It glvi a more human interest to the event when we know that tliey were even uttrlbutet). What we lung to know is, that tlio ureal acts ' f history wero ilono by men like ourselves, ,,ujI nnl liy illu'iiillttl iu:iclilnes---o;i "Tie i . . r ... , ... . rwt ... ... ,vru ol the VEGETINE I'lirlltrs tlir III I, lUnnutrn aud lnluollr llif nlinlf Sjtlrin Its Medical Properties nro AImiATIVi:, TONIC, SOIiVUNT AND DUMICTIC. Vetrellna Is inulii owlusltotv from tho liileo of rnrefiilly-soleeteil Iwrks, mils nnd herbs, nml so strongly cnnrentrnlcd, that It will clTwitinlly eradi cate from lliu svslcm mcry taint of scrofula, scrofu lous uiimor, minors, t-.iueer. i nun-runs Humor, Kr.islpelas. salt, lllieiiin, St plilllllo Diseases, canker, Fulntness at the stomach, nml nil diseases dial nrlse from Impure blond, sciatica Initaiumntnry nnd riirimle Rheumatism, Neuralgia (lout nml spinal Complaints, can only 1m erfeclually cured through the blood I'or fleers anil Krnpllto illsenses nf Ilia SKIn Pust ules, Pimples. Motrin", Holts, Tetter, xoalillieail and Ringworm Wireline lias never failed to elTcct a permanent cure. I'or I'ulns In Ihn F.nok.Kldncy (,'uinpl.dnts, Drnpsv, Female Weakness, l.ciiciirrliti-a, nrlslng from Inter nal ulcerntlon, nnd iitcrmn diseases nml (lem-ral Hcbllltt , Ycgrtltio nets diiocllv upon tlm causes of those, complaints. It Invlirorntcs and strenfrt liens tlm whole rj stein, nets upon tho secretive organs, nllnvs liiiuinmnllon, cures ulceration and regulates tlio iHiwels. For Catarrh. 1'vspepsU. Habitual Const lioness, 1'alpltatlon of the Heart, Headache, l'ltes, Nervous nessnnd (leneriil Prostration of the Nervous Sv stem no tnedieln" has ever given such perfect satisfaction as the Wireline. It purities the blood, c lennses nil of tho owns, nnd possesses a controlling power er t ho nervous s) stem. Tho remarkable cures effected by Wireline have Induced mitnv nnd apothecaries whom p know to prcscrlbo nnd uso It In their owu families. In tact, Yrgettno Is tho best remedyjet discovered for tint ntiovedls ases.nnd Is tho onli- reliable UI.OOI) ruillFIKIt yet placed before tlio public. PREPARER 1IY ii. u. sti:vi:.vs, iiosion, munn, What ts Vcgctlne ? It Is a compound extr cted from tlio barks, resits aud herbs. U Is Nalliro's Uemedy It Is perfectly harmless from nny bad effect unon the system. It, Is nourishing and strenirtlicnlne. it nets directly upon the bluod. It quiets the nervous system. It elves ) ou jcood.sweet mri-ji ui iiiKiiu ins n irrcai pnmiccu ror ourai fathers nna mothers ! for It elves them Mi-cnu unlets their nerves, nnd elves them Nature's sneet sleep, as nas oeen nroteu oy many nil nffeu person It Is tho irreat lltood l'urlller. It Is u soothlm- rcmo. tlv for our children. It lins relieved und cured thousands. It Is u-ry pleasant to take : every child likes it. it relieves nml cures all diseases orlirlnnt Inir from Imnuro blood. Trr tint Wireline, mva It imr iri.ii tor your complaints ; men jou will say 10 vnnr frtfirwl nf-lcrhlmt-iitnl iti-minlnt itino i.-IVf It . It lilts till I'll lilt. Vetrettno fcr tlio comnlnlnts for which tt Is reeom. mended, Is haMnR'n lnrirer sate tlirouijlioiit the linin-d states than any otner one medicine. Why? t egeiino win euro mesa complaints. VAI.UAIU.i: I.VFOKillATIOiV 1IOSTON. Dec. 12. ISM. (lentleincn Mr only oblcet In irninc oii this testimonial Is to spread valuable Information. I'nV Imr been bnJIy mulcted with Suit Itlie-un, und tho whole surface of mv skin belnc eoteied with nhnn. les and eruptions, many of which caused me ureut pain nnu nnnnynnee, nml Knowuifr it lonenuioou disease, 1 took inanv of tho advert hed blood pre parations, anions men was any ipiantit) or sarsa parlll.t, without obtiilnlni.' any bent-tit until I com meneed tnklmr the Veirottne. nnd before I bail nun. pleted the llrst bottle I saw that I had col the light medicine. Consequently, I followed on mth it until I had taken seten ttottlcs, i hen I was pronounced a well mill, mill tnv Rklli U Rtnnnth mm entliplv freit from nlmoles und emotions. 1 havo never enlnveil so good heultli before, nnd I l tribute It all to 'lliu uso or eireuno. to neiieiit those mulcted with niieuinntlMn, I will make mention also of the Vt-ue-lino's wonderfu' nowcr of curlnt- mo or this nnute complaint, of which I hatesurfcrt-d so intensely, C. II. TL'CKlJH, IMS. AB't .Mich. V. II. It.. t-j w it.Miington street, nosion. Vcgetino is Sold by all Druggists COMPLETE BONE MANURE Y O It Buckwheat and Fall Crops COMPLETE EONE MAMR MANUFACTURED BY nnpiiiiMn Bftr IN liftHM t-tt II t LEHIGH VALLEY tt u ii n tj For over 10 years this brand has held Its renutn. tlou In contact w ttli many competing fertilizers. ONI: flit All K ONLY, No variety of names with accominodatiiiL-rculeor prices. uk co. mm i;n i i: ii . Ily fanners' clubs, agriculturists, planters and FOR SALE 13 Y . .T. AlhertSOU. llolirOiltri- I. U lteav. ltunert. J. II. Seeshultz, Cutawlssu. t-rcus nros., nernlck, K. Thompson, Danville. , H.wtHiurop, lllverslde. The following testimonial was received several years ago. A l-'AKMBKS Cl.VB I1H01ISIKNIIS THE COMI-l.liTK HONE JIA.M'IIK AS THE BEST l- EIII'ILUEK IN t'SK. tlreeiiwooil. Columbia Co.. Oct isiii. Messrs. niiEiNiii ,c Uki.kkicii. c.entleineu : We, the tinderslirned, having used ourcomnlete llono .Munuru Hut tiast season, urn. cured of our ugeiit. A i. Albertson, hereby uillrin u to do me uosi reniuer in use. vvu fullv rccom mend It to farmers, for It is all that you claim lor It. Yours, &c WVI.LI M I'NdKII.II.i: .MATIIUlt, JOHN STANTON', A. imMUI.Kl'KIN, (IKO. U lit ION, A. S. I'AlltMAN. ouuu x, tu.-ani. SHCUKK AX AUKNCY ami $.10 or $1111) ,tr tck. "The ever rttulg and m i-c out nf un'cr." HOMESTEAD $20 SEWING $20 MACHINE For Domestic Use. With Tablo and Fixtures OoniDloto, only $2U, A nerfl-Ct nud Ulieilllallisl. larL-e. Htronr. nml ,liir:i. ble iiiuclilne, constructed elegiuit und solid, from the beat in aerial with malhemutlcal precision, for con stant family use or itunufactnrliig purismes. Al ways ready at a moment's notice to do lus daj's work, never out ot order, and will latt a Kfiieratlou with inoderalo euro; easy to miderstand ami man ago ; light, smooth, und stviri riiunli.g, llko ihuneil- ivKiM-u inuvt-iiiuiit. ui u mm wtiLcn: huntiio com pact, eniclont mid rcll.ibie,w lili all thu (mproveincnts to bu found lu I he highest priced 1nachl11es.w11rr.111i. eil to do the same woi k. Ih same wuy, und us rapid uud smooth us u i'i machine. An aikiion ledged lr. uinpli of Ingenious luechanlcal skill, esseullally the woi king woman's Irl.-nil, nnd far In udvunooof ml urJIiury ina-hliies for ubsoluto Hienglli, reliability und general usefulness; will hem. fell. link. seam. ..uin, mini, oruiu, cord, gather, rullle, shlir, pluli, tlillt rut ra.ll ..... .... l!. ,,. . . ' .1 . . '"'ut,t ""l" UH-HUIIIS, AC., with wonderful rapidity, neatness und ease.setts tin! strongest, lasting siutii equally tltio a ml smooih through ull kinds of goods, from cutiibrlo In several thicknesses of broadclotu or leather, with nn or eoaisu Button, linen, bilk or twine. Oltes pi itcl Bjllst.iellon. Will earn Us cost sevenil limes lai r In u ki-asou in lint work It dues, or maku u gnod litlng fur uny man or wouiuii wlm dotlres to um it r,,r 11, ,i purisisu; works bO Idlthlul und eusy the seivanls or t hlklren can usu it without daman), I'rlcn nf inn china with llht lulile, nitty enulppisl for family woik ut cnriesiHiiidlngly low rules. .itwi vjki, Lutv-itvma iiuttti-iH uuueuoinei htn s Safe dcllterv Kuuruuu.-L-ii, tree irum uaiuuge, phlets lllustiuteil with tngruvlngs ut thu soterul r.iruiiuiory pane fc .r , , '""--mi"' -s i t-tt i eueua, vuriciy or huwihg.&e n ailed tree, l.' terms uiin nu-rni ii,,T,u-. lui-iits to eutei prialug ultrgj men, tujchers, business men, traveling or locul ugunts, e., who doslre ex t lusive ugencles, furnished ou application. Address uuiiii 1 1 . jju.iuim v i-o., vju m-ouiiwuy, Kew York, MuyV'0-IHiu. A N OTH JQU N EW STO JtE IN TUB OLD l'OSTOFI'll'I! IIUlUHNO,, llalu street below Market. r Cut bo found ono of the best seleclcd assortments vi Muub- uuu jtos itruuy Aiuiio ciotbing unu POilNISHlNC GOODS. , Tiiouiuhruitta n-oiing mi iiitt l cur, clyu en. tutt mtWticUuu iu purcUari coal tum in) utu LOtWiKMT lie Incites tho publle to cull und examine his stuck. JESSE IJJCKi?, Suecessor to M. 0, Biittiiiit IiMPOliTANT TO ALI, Tha discoverer and compounder ot tlio far-famed Compound Sprup of Wild Cherry and oilier vnliiablc preparations, entered upon Ids professional carter with (lie Imnnrtntil ntlvantage of it regular meiiicui t-iiiicntiou ill onu ut tno oioi-mi uuu best schools In riill.tilelptila, nud, pel haps, In Uio world He suiiseoueiill." serted u faithful term of pracltce lu lliu Phil mviplilu IUSieiis.tiy, nml fur inn nv .M-.irsuttendt'd lu tlio Hospital. In these Institu tions ho enJo)ed the most iiinplu opportunities of ob taining un ut!ght Into tllseiiM'S lu all their viilious forms, ns well us for usceilululng tho best met hods of tlii-l treatment. In ottering, therefore, to Hie peo ple ot Uio t'nlted stales tint fruits of his extensive iuoiessioutii es)H-riciut- tit inu ineuicuicoiiqioiiiiusus he bent result-tot his skill nml observation, ho feels that he Is tint protferlng a iuion to every family throughout tho land, resting, ns he does, conllilenily Inthumcilts nnd elllentlous virtue of thu remedies lie herewith commends. Thevusl amount 01 testl moiiy from nil p.utsof thn woild has prow-u "Hoc Tun SWAYNK'N COMI'OI'NI) MY Itl'l1 OF t.'IIKIIUV" the most ertlcaclotis remedy knonn, und IttsadmlttiUbyour most eminent physicians, and all who hiivo witnessed its wuiiderful fieallng pro ertles. 'I lie W1I.1) L'llliKHV In nil tiges of the wor d und lu nil countries while It Is knonu has been Just ly eelebriiteo forlts wolnIcifillliieilltlti.ll qualities, but Us great power to euro somuof tlio worst und most distressing diseases among us tins nctcr fully itseerlalued until the experiments of that skllfull ph)slclau, Hr. Kwavne, hud demonstrated Us high adaptation. In combination with I'liie'lreeTnr, and other equally valuable vegetable Ingredients, which chemically combined rcnueis It acllon tenttW more certain nud bvnetlclal In curing nil Ulseasesbf tho throat, breast nml lungs, lilt. sivaYNH'S VII.H ClIKltilY coMi-ot'.NIi strikes at tho root ol ULseaso by purlfjlng tho blootl, lestoilug the liter mid kid nejs to healthy action. Invlgm-ntfng tho nervous und shuttered constitution. If your druggist or sioru keeper docs not have It, do not be put off by any other remedy Hint may bo offered, but send tn us dl it ci.iuKl u w 111 forward a lialf tloen to uny address, freight paid, on receipt of the pi Ice, f I per bottle, or i the half do7on. Address letters to 1)11. HU'AY.NK A NON, uso Nortlt Sixth stieet, Philadelphia. No cluugo w ill be made for udt Ice. Ask Your IIi-iikkInI fur Tlicni, Keniiile liml till ln mine lirnllli should nccr In- Without llll. .SW'AYNE'S TAIl AND HAUSAI'A llll.l.A l'llius.os llie.v puilfy the blood, remove nl obstructions, cleanse the skin of ull pimples and hl,itehn nnd lirlnt' thn rich Color Of health to tlltl lialo clicek. l-'eniah) Irregulailtles are restored to u fienlthverimlltlrin. l'he-lint aCtTtlllll CUTU for Sk't and Nervous Headache. As a tinnier Mil, nothing can exceed them: tiikeone. two, or tutee, us may im found necessary; tuillko oiucrs, tney iieituer gripe, msiiiiici, tiatisiia. or anv other uunleasant sensation, while tlieyuiv as potvciful as it Is pussible font inedlcluo to Ito and bo harmless. i'llls t leanse out tho dlsostlca-d humors, enrich nnd purify tlio blood, remove ull unhealthy bilious secielions of the stomach and lionels, causing a pciroctly heallliy state ot tho liver, nud nro undoubtedly lliu bestca tharllc und nntlMIIotis medicine et tllscoteied l und we are detci mined that the sit k slinll have Ciem at it nrlee within tho liieans of thu lionrest (t!.i t-entH n box til" 30 I'llls.) If jour druggist or storekeeper lias not got inem, tio uotoe puiou oyuuy uiuera that Inav bo onered lu their place, but send to us di rect, und we will forward by mall, on receipt, ot tho price, a cents u ou. or uvu utt.ekcs 1 1. SKIN DISEASES. Swayne's Ointment, Is particularly adapted to all forms of skin dis eases, "uresetoii when nil tit tier reme dies and treatment fall. Cures Tetter, Salt ltheum Harbor's Itch, I'raile llt lt Soro Heads, Humors, l'Mes, All Ki upturns, scald II-ad, Itlngttorin, I'hnplos, sores, Army 1 1 1 It. lll.itolina U, l,rn Clironle Krysliielas of the SWAWK'S OIXTAIU.VT Seems to curncv ry cuse.leaMng lltoskln smooth uud clear without a blemish lielilnd. Itching Files is generally preceded by a molstuie, like persptra tlnn, illslri'sstug Itching, us tliuugh pin woi ins were trawling lu or ubnut the rectuin, inrllcularly at nlghttvhen un lresslng.or lu lied nfler getting warm. It npn-ars lu summer as well as win er, t rieiitimes shotts ILself nroiuid thu prl uto parts unit Is not coii nned to mules only, but Is quite us frequent that fe. males me surely mulcted, particularly lu times of pregnancy, extending Intoiliu vaglnii, protlng dis tressing almost beiond the pottcis of endiiriince. Cases of long standing, pronounced Incurable, h ite been peimnneiitly cured by simply uppltlng SWAVXE'S OIXTMKXT. KXTIIACTS FROM LKTTEIiS. Dr. Swajne .V. Son :-;ontlcmi'n-Hie box of Oint ment miu sent ine by innlt cuied mo entirely of Itch ing Piles, tthlch I sum-red with rurtlm xenrs. Hn. closed Und llfly cents for another box for a fi lend of llliuu. AVOBKW J. UtACll. Faruwell Station, Loudon Co., Va. Itev. Isaac Holland. Webster. TnMoreotintv W.Vu. writes: November 20. is:s I hate Is-en n sollerer Irani Itching Piles. I procured a box of jour ointment last spring which gave ine Instant relief, mid feel confident It will effect a ncrniuiii-iit. rute i--t einsed nud tlftycents, Tor which please send mo another box by mall. An Eruption of 8 Vcnrs Standing-. I was troubled with nn eruntlnn of et-nr tuna Itching. Inlolersblt) at times ; tried many prepi ru tloun without ilndtng ivllef. Through the use of Sivujne's All-llcullngOlntiteut I umentlielvcuieo. I.AMIIE1.T. At llorlsmuii 4 llres., 5lli aud Cheiry, l'hlla. X was entirely cured of Tetter In Us worst form by Dr. Swa) lie's AlMIeallng Olnt incut, uud shall be happy toexplalu myciino to ull w ho may call upon inc. utiitiK .tii-tiNi. v. ttest i-:nd noiel, S.ld Stieet, In-low Loiiiburil. I'lilhulelphla. Sent hv mail to any addiess on recelnt t,1 tiriie. cents a hox. Descrioe symptoms in nil communications, nral ad- Iress letters to lilt S'A'AYNU SON. Ilillnil,.i.l,la No t harge f ur ndt Ice. ion salk nv am. imrc.iiisTs. t'olo Proprietors nnd ilauufucturers of SWAYNE'S PANACEA, celebrated all ot or the world for its remarknblectires ot Scrofula, Meicurlal and Njptiimic complaints, nnd meases while Syphllltle virus of lliu lurent causes development of Syphilis or scrofula in the child nothing lias ever protedso effectual In com pletclv eradicating every tt-stlgeof I hestt dangerous eoiniilaliils uud all diseases arising rroin Impurity of tlieblool. Ha pun Icular to obtain tlio genuine, ns prepared by lilt. SW'AVNh SON, 31 1 cth M.,l'liltadelphla. Meiiniiine name is tieneo correctly,, ns thertt ure tneiiaratlonsnf soinuwiint similar nnnm lu the market. IS YOUR HAJR FALLING OUT OUTUHNINO quay? IK SO llll NOT VMU Til HSU Too luoat Uiuiion llulr Color resloruf London Hulrcoloi Kcstoiwr Uiuiluii Hals t'olor Kesloibr lAindoii llulr Co or Iteslort r IxjiiJuu llulr Cotor Itesli.ier l.oi.duu llulr t'olor ltektoier Lontloii Hair C'ol.r Itestoier Uuulou Hair Color Itesiuit-r Loudon llalr t'olor Ue&loicr limlou itutr Color Itcslou-r Umdon llalr Color Itestoier I.0111I011 llalr color itestoier I.11111I011 llalr Color itcstorer liiiuloii llulr Color Restorer Uuidoii llulr Color Itestorcr Loiulon llalr Color Itcstorer Uimluii Hair Color Itwslorer IxjiiUou llulr Color Kestuler Uindou llalr Color Itestorcr Uuidoii Hslr Color Itcstorer Loiulon llalr color Itcstorer loiulon llalr Color ltesloriar London llalr Color lteioitcr liuilou llulr Color Kestortr IxjuUoii llulr Color Itcstorer Loudon llalr Color Itestorcr Londnu llulr Color Itestoier ltellublo llulr ItcsUrutltu eier Introdiictd 10 the A inn loan l'eopla l'or Itestorlng ilray llulr and I'reventlng Ualdmss. Tho great Luxury ol tho Dress ltoom. 1. H will lestore gray hair to Its original color. i. It whl make tlw hair grow on liulu beads, s. H will reiloro the natural bccielloiis. . H win rcuiuto uii ituhdrua aim uchuig. c. U will luuke the balr soft, gluuy und ueilbla It will prescrvo Uio original color toutdsge, T, It w I prevnil the l.ulr tioui fulling off, s. Uwlllcumul dlH-aus ct thu (culp. Oonlfi po Bottlo, bCtllcsH, sm hy einwks la ouy aaarvxii on io mil) UY ALL imiHiUISTfj, touts, '10 jy. 1CW STOCK OK OnOTIIINCJ. AND Gontlomen's Dxean GoodB. DAVID I.OWKN'IIKItO Invltcsnttentlontolils largoaiulelegnntstock Cheap aufl Fashionable (Mini ftt lilssloro on MAIN STItlJKT, IN THU NHW 11LOCK, lll.OOJISIIUUO, l'A wlicro lio has Just received from New York ami l'hll- atlelplila a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Jncluainc Upmost faMilonablo. durable nud DRESS GOODS, CON3IST1NU OF I10X SACK, ruooiv. OUJI AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, Of ALL .SOUTH SIZKS AND COLORS, lie 1ms also replenished his already largo stock of CLOTHS AND OASSIMBllttS, BTU1PEI), PKilMRI) VNU;PLAIN VKSTS, "tlillTS, CI1AVATM SOCKS, COLLARS, IIANDICKRCHIEI'S, (1LOVF.S, ;susPKNiii:its, FANCY ARTICLES. He has constantly on hand a largo and well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Vestings, which ho Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELKY, OF KVKRV DKSCRIl'TION, FINK AND C1IKA1'. HIS CASK OF JKWEI.HV IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS (IKNEltAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAVID LOWENHEllG. .Inly 1,'73-tf. iCOUNTER.PLATFORM WAGON &JRACK d? AGENTS WANTEDS J.EHD T0r PRJCE LIST MARVIN SAFE SCALECO. c265 BROADWAY N, Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA. PA. 108 BANK ST. CLEVE. O. Muicn SI, TC.-ly, THE TRIUMPH TBUSS 0. No. Xi HoMcry, New York, TO WHOM WAS AWAHDED THE IMtEMIlhrl niUDAI. FOIl TUB Best Elastic Truss anil Soporler At thu ureal American Institute Fulr ' (session Ibis.) t'l'llC Itl'l Tl'UK IN FlIOU U) 10 9) lUVf, .tNOOlftll (1,000 Hill A CiSK TllKY I'iS.Mir t'l'KE. 'I hey employ a flrst-iluss lud) Miretun. Terms moderule. t-'urcs ouurunleeU. 'Iho usual dlscounis lu PulroiiS of Husbuiulry. Kxuiiilniitlous l-'ictt Orders tilled by luull. Send leu cents for DescrljitlMi Hook, to Dr.c. W. II. IIIMtNIIAM, .Mar. vl, 'TC.-ly. (iencrul Suisrliitendeiit, Verbatim Reporting. TERMS: Actual tratcllhg-, boarding-, and other expense s tit e dollars a sesslun, for taking thu rt-pui t; uii'l leu tents u folio, ( hundred words, ) for Milting out Into long-band. Wheio the iiitiiler reported in onu day eipials or exceed -t llfly Mltn, Ihe nte-dollar fen wlltl. rciulll ed, und Hie truiisi'ilhlug Intu loiig-huiiil chiirgcil ut llflt'i-n tenia it folio; bill, 'it ull such cum-s, If fewer iiiun nrty ruiios uro purchiiscti, inu mo dollars wilt bu cliarircd. Ailifiets, S. N. ruphcr, lllooui!iburg WitlWer, A. SI. , I'oiirl-stenog. I'oltnnhla county, Peiuisjlut- inu. Itesldence, Iron stieet, between Tlilnl un.1 Fourth. (mice. With I.'. E.OrvH, Usip ,1'tiIiiinbhiii.litilM. Ing; enlrunce.opiionttu tho east gutu to thu L-uuil-huuvi suid, lirot lioor. ilisl door lu light. onice-hour, rioiu.tttehu to 0110 ocluck, Ub 18, IsIC-ly TJ10 Arall Street Indicator. THIS WKUK'SIBSUnSKNT FKF.IC. Coiilolns Plcloilal lllustrntloiis of nulls ami Hears. Also, full nutl 1 oinpli to Instructions how tuoiierutn In stocks und Mcxk 1'rlt lieges, Cupltal hltsurid siiggusllotis. Ah, a Hit ot Yalusblu 1'rtuiluiuii to tiliibs. "send for It." Hl'UK WALTER X CO., IttuUrs und liroki rs. 1'. o. iiox 4311. 10 Wall bt., New York Ml. Mar, &J, '70.-1 T AST NOTICK, M- rons liidcfatid to II. K Dleneubaeh fsr or subscription to the OoumsiiN art) borby lioutlc that uu itooks lisvs (or ssveral tuoutlis past l-oen lu lliu huniU 01 the inideiiUgiit-J torMdK-cllon. un4 I ha ss-tlleueat 01 tho taint- luUil b pmupiiy mwit. It'. K. oiivin. March IT-lf. VALUABLE PROPEEY at VW1VATK H..M.E. ThnHscrUrorfers for sle. two small lots, ou (lacn which uro eiwleil a Ksviu dwelling- liuuse, stubleunil iiicr-hsaryouvbutWWgi AUttlourvacabf Ms, adjoining tliuulwe Ktia hHMrbUe. Tliosu lolsiiieoiilhti Uuln rva utur Mlllwuter, Fishing f?r.M'lr Inu iikliln ' Creek loHiishlu. For terms u' ply la Muyt, .to.-dm N Win. IKLI.Wt. MUIuater, 1's. GRAND OPENING t ULL AS MENDISNJIALIj HA VlNtl resuineil llie linslness of Mertliali discing at ids old store, on MA IX STKKHT, llLOOMSIIUKO, NEAtl TltK I'OIIRS II0TKU Desires to cnlltlio nttentloii of his Friends nnd tho Public geiiernlly,o Ids N1!V, I'ULL AND VA111UD STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, Ami solicits n share of public patronage HIS STOCK CONSISTS 01' DRY (10011S, (HtOt'KHIL'S, qiii:i:nhvakr. WOOIIIiNWAIti:, WII.UIWWAI1K, Hoots a snous, IIAIillWARL, FLOUR AND FL'KD In connection with his stock tif Mtrcnandlse he cr.nsunliy keeps on hand In his yard. A FULL STOCK OF Dressed and Mresseil Liter, AND SIItNOLnS OF HIS MANUFACTURE. Bill Lumber niiulc a speciality. CALL AND SHE. Oct.3,l?J3-tf. BLOOMSBUBO- MAHBLE WORKS. T. L. G-UNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STRUCT, 11KI.OW MAHKi:T. Manufacturer of and Ecakr in all Linda 0 MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOHKS We usu thu U-st AMERICAN nnd ITA1 IAN Marble. lie lias on hand and furnishes to oiler MONUMKNTS, TOM IIS. 1IHADSTOXES, UltNS, VASKS, &v. Everv variety ot Marble euttlnir neatly executed at the lowest market prices. A long practical experience and personal attention tn liiilnesH lniiki-H the iiroorletnr eontlilent of elttliL- salMnetlon. All orders by mall promptly attended to. I-. ti. oox vni. tSfX. Jl. Work dtllreml free ncimve.tQa Aug. 21, '71-ly. T. L. (IIINTON, Proprietor. .UNYVltlGIlT A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, N. K. Corner hecondaiid Arch Streets, l'UH.AIlKLl'UU, Dealers in TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUOAIi, MOLASSES KICK, SI-ICKS, IJICAHU SOD1, 4C, tC. unorders will receive prompt attention. El.T-tf ROLLINS & HOLMES No. 11 renlre Stro PlniDks Gas aud Steam Fitters t MANUFACTURERS OF J? X UT "W -A. IFL E, (lALVANIZKll IRON CORNICH, WINUOWCAPS, AWNINGS, Wiro Trellises, Sic. Dcaleis in Cloves, Katig es, Furnaces, llaltimore Heaters, Low Down tirates, Alantels, runll'b, Weather Strips, Ac. Also GAS FIXTURES of the latest design, special ntlvntlon pnld to re pairing setvinjr j muc iiuies met cry description. Scales, Locks. Hell lluiiulinr. Key Flttlutr. Ac. rrlvalo lles-U deuces Rented bystcuiiiut usiuull t-Oht nbtivo Hot Air. reti xu, 1 11. CiejO REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. AMMONI.ITKI) SIU'KK IMIOSl'HATK. Circulars and iinuiysls miillcU frtoon application. Tor sale by Dealt rsgi in mil), nnd by tlio Importers und MuiiufuciiiriTS, .MIMA SI J..II 3 I VSMUS, No, .LFoiith Delaware Ae., I'ltilnilelplilii AGENTS. vxaLt no innwjementi lilt iou tee our NEW BOOK, Which in thrilling Intel est, iterllug met It, elegance und cheapness, bus ulisoliitely no equal. It is "Tint TiiiNti" for Ihe CeiiU-iiiihil peilul-tukes ou sight. 'I he. "North AintTlean RovleW'suys ltH"Uecrv. log of uiiouulllli tl wu until Ipatu r r It uu ox. tcnslto populuilty Uio "Uubiwiuo limes'' says, -Just but It a wo-k bs thnusaiidiot Iho American people will bo glad 10 possess!" me "Detroit Adver tiser calls it "pi tfcrublu to uny ct publlslieti." Any active mail or woman of good uddiuss insured largo prollts and steady work for n scar. For full particu lars address J. II. l-'oltli CO., April 14 IS w, Yt Turk 1', N. V, tiii 1-Ari.u in m vii.k wmi . R 0rVElL & rHESMAH Adverllslnrj V- Agotits, THIRf1 4 CHISTNUT T., 6t. t-01118, MO BU81NFJW CARDS, vmniNo CAiins, MUillKADS, J-OSTKIUl, AO., C, Nf-sllj1 ami Cheaply printed at the t'OLUU UIAN Oilice, il 1 1) day at homo. Agents wanted Oultllaiiil v lei an iree. Tiiut4 CO. Augusta, tlslno. NEW GOODS! A HI3AVY STOCK, Cliqapcr than Ever! Si II, MILLER & SON Have Just, Received the largest anil best sttpiily ol CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They havo ever offered to their ft lends and cus tomers. (jlotlis, (ssimoros, aud Satiaetts for M UN'S WUAlt, Cloths, Aliipiicus, Merinos, for LA OIKS' WKAll, CAWCOHS, MUSLINS, UAMIiMCS, nml every vnrlity of Dry (looils ilesireil, S'l'OCK OP Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GK0CE1UES, incliiiliiiK nil tlic varieties of COl-'l'i-n-S, TUAS ami SUC1AUS, OOUNTBY PliOOUOE, ami a general supply of ill ticlcs useful for the table always on hnnil. CALL AND SEE. Country proiluce of all kiml-i taken in ex- cliatiKe.ftir gooil-t at cash prices. oct.sii,',4 tr CALIFOUNIA Till! CHICAdO A NOIITII-WRSTERN RAILWAY Embraces under 0110 management l0 "real Trunk wnii.ixt- 1 ttnw nf Un. wrs'l- nnd NORTII'M EST.nilrl. with Its numerous brandies nnd connections tonus iho shoitest nnd quickest route beltteeii ChlcnKO nnd nil tuilnts 111 ILLINOIS. WISCONSIN, NOKTIIBIlN Minimis, .MiNNhsoTA, Iowa, NsmiAskA, California and the western Term ones. 11s Oinulin mill t'alll'ornlix I.lnc Is tho shortest ami best route for nil polnls In north ern Illinois. Iowii. Ii.ikoln, M-hrnska, wji.miiiL' Colorado, Nevada, I'lah, Cailfoinla, oiegon, China, lapan nun Australia, its Chicago, .lliwllson &. St. 1'aul I.inv s Ihe short line for Not them Wisconsin nnd Mtnne sol.1, and for Madison, st, Paul, MlnneapoIls,llulutli unit Ull luinta tu 1 hu, .ui iii-tt et. im M'iiiiiiisi mill St. I'clcr I.I no Is Hie only route for Wlnona.ltoclit-sler, Otvnlonn.i, M.ihkalo, St. l'eler, New I "1 In, nnd ull points In huiitherii nnd ccntiul Minnesota. Its Green 11113-nml HIm'iiivtli Line Is the only line for.lanesMUc, Wnteilown, Fond Hu Lac, Oslikosti, Alipleton, Hieen Hay, llsciiuaba, Ne LMiinee, Manpiclte, lluiiKlitou, Hancock nnd tho Lake superior countiy. Its rrct'lioit mill Dubuque I.I lie Is tlio only roiile ror niglii, Itockford, Freeport, and ull poll ts Ma i'lcepoit. Its CliiusigO and niiliviiulicc Line Is tho old Lako Shore Route, nnd Is tlio o- ly one passim; through Rvaiislou, Ijike l'oiest, lllL'hland l'aik, Waukeifan, Racine, Kenosha to Milwaukee. I'lillnimi I'll 1 a to Car ant run on all t hroCKli trains of this load. This Is thu ONLY LINK I'linulm; these cars be tween Chlcuijii nnd St. l'aul.Chlcairnuiid .Mllivutikec, or ChlcuL-n and Wlnonn. At Omaha our sleeneis connectwltli thootcrlaiid trleepers tin tlio I'l i n l'acltlc Ralhoad for ull points tM-st 01 t-no .Missouri 1 iter, on thu unlviil of Hie trains from tlio east or south Ihe trains of tlio chlciuro Noith-Western Railway letttu Chlcutro as follows Foil Council Iill-hs, omaiia ami Caihounia, Tho tiiroiiKii irnins nuiiy, wiiu i-uiunun pauico "ratt-ine; room uud slecnlmr cars through to Council I Hulls. Fob St 1'ai i. anh minnhai-oi is, two through, trulns uany, tviiu t uuiuuii iiui.ieo turs iittueiieu to uottt trains. Foit fluKEV Hay anii Lakk SuiTiiioit, two trains dully, "llll I'tiiiinun paiaeu cars ititaciicu, aim iuii- ninir inroiiKU 10 .tianiuetie. l oit .Mii.ttAi'Kt-E. four tliroii''h trains daily. Pull. ui.incurs 011 nljht trains, jiarlor ihalrcars onday tralns. Fon Sr.niTi anii Winona and nolnlsln Mlnnnsola. one tlnoiigh train dally, with I'lillm.iu steepcrsto Winona. Foil Diiii-iii'K, M.i l'li-cpoit, two throtlli trulns dally, with I'lilluinn ens on iili;lit (ruins. 1'Olt lll'llflJL'K ANII LA ClIOsSK, Mil ClllltOll, t0 Ihiiiiieli ualnsdallv, ttttli Pulliiian ciuhuii lil'lit lllllll IU .tiliilt-Kiil , tuttii. Foil Sioux Cuv ami YANkTov, iwo trains dally,l'ull. man cars to MIsmiiiiI Yalley Junction. Foil I. ask Hknkva, four truths dally. Fllll ROCKIOHII. MFIII.1MJ. KkNOilA. ilAN'KSVIl I K. um! oilier iiohils.tou cun littto from lit 0 to ten trains dally. New York ofllce, No 41.1 llroadttny; lloslon onice, main ptreti ; tiiii.iu.i tuiiee, -tt.i t-Liinu.1111 Mreei; Van I-ranclsco olllce. li .Mouleouiert street: Clilc.t. i;o ticket unices: vt clink street, under Sherman House; coiner Cu11.1l and Madison streets; Klnlu street dciot, coiner W. Klnlo unilfuiiu! Slrccls; Wells street denot. corner Wells and Klnzlu Mreeis. For rales or Information not alpilnablo Irom jour home ticket nents, upply to W. H. Stknnktt, tlen. Pass. Ag t, Chicago, Marvin lirmnrr, Ocn. sup'i.chlcnBo Feb. SILVER riATED WARE. Elsctro-Phtod Table Ware, ANII Ornamental Art "Work I.N ORRAT YARIKl'Y, J I A N U F A CT U 1 1 K I ) 11Y TIIK 550 Broad way, Now York. '1 ho best Plated Spoons und Forks uro those Silver Mated heaviest ou the parts where necessarily tho most wear comes, und bearing tho Trade Mark. 1S17 ItOQKHS imOTJIliUS XII. N. H.-.TIils great improvement In Ellver-Plated Spoons uud Forks Is uppllttl ullku tucuch grade of i iaic, a 1, S mid Hi ui., as onlered. Tlio Process nnd Machinery for miiiiiifut luring Iheso goods are Pni- enied. Tho Kxtruor '-staiidard P!ulo"inado by this Company Is staiiiH-d A 1, simply, and is plated a) licr cent, heavier llian Hie ordinary market stand ard. rFlrst Preinliims awuulcd ut all rulrs where exhibited, fn in World's Fair of 1MB to Aliieilcan Inslliiito Pair, K,73, tncluslte. Jlureh 10, 'IC-dm. Awartlisl thu llighe.t ut Vienna. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., S'Jl, Jlroadway, New York, (0ip. Mclropolltniillolel.) MANl'lAl-lCllLIIS, iMIOinKllS INU DeALEIlS IN CllliOMOS AND I-'KAMHS, STHUKOSCOPES AND VIEWS, L1ILT.MS, OUAl'MOSCOl'Iffl &SU1TAI1LU VIKW8. Plfltoirapl Materials. We ure hcadiiuurters for etcrj thing lu tlio way ot Storoopticons and Magio Lautoma, llelngManiifactiiiersof tlio JI I OltO SCI 1CNTI riCJ LANTKK.V, STi:ni-o.i'ANoi'TicoN, UNIVKItSITV.STMUKOl'TICON, ADVUKTiSKK'SSrHlll-OITICON, AUT01T1CON, SCHOOL LANTKltN, FAMILY LANTKUN I'LOl'LK'S LANTIiKN, Kath sljlo being tlio ls-stbt Itsclaka lu Uio InarkcL . t'?JSitlt,iM t '-"I"'!' and Slides, with directions lor using, Ltui on apiilicallou, suiinm wiu imIiIu,"11 ,f,6n fu" ,MV" mbMy ,,uhft SarUitt out" this ml vert Winent fur Ktt fjueejt! m ivii)-7ui THE !MOODY SHIRT," MADK TO OUVKU ONLY. A FKHl'HUT FIT 1U A It ANTKKI). (ientlcinen UctlrlngSlilrUiwIll pleoso dronus a linn luctory No. ts loiekuwiuiuu Avciiuo. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES pill LADICLl'lIA AND ItKADLNO 1()A1) AHKANOUMUNT OK 1'ASSHNGWt TltAINy. MAY S9, 187(1. TlUINS t KAVR llt'l'KUT AS I'OI.I OWS (Sl'MlAY Mcmili For New York, Philadelphia, licndlne;, 1'oltSMUo Tiiman.un,.Vcll,33n. in For Catau Issn, 11,53 it. m. nnd p. m. For Wllllamsport,fi,34 iu 111, and 4,l p. m. THAtNS FOK IIUI-EIIT I.KAVB AS FOttOWS, (st'NIlAY SI CKI'TKU.) l-nvo New York, S,I5 a. in. Len e Phlladclpliln, ,lr a. in. U'lnolteiullnir, 11,3 a. in., I'otlsMllc, 12,lo p. m niidTnmn(pin,1,3op. m. ltia UnlAwlssa, o,' a. m. nnd l,oo p. m. teio Wllllamspoi I,12,(mi m. and ryio p, m. rassenevra iiliI from Now Yoi k nnd l'hllndo phhiKO throut without chango ot cats. J, E., .Tan.U, HJti-lf, (lenerni Siipcrlntcndcnt. ULNTltAL JtAILWAY COMPANY, On mid after November sotli, 1ST3, trains will kino SUNHURYns Mlowsi NORTHWARI). Krlo Mall 5.20 u. in., arrive Klmlra n. in " Cannndalifua... 3.85p, in Rochester MB " Niagara I) 40 11 Renovo nccomtnoilal Ion 11.10 a. in. nnlto Mlllun13 rt u.M p. tn. Klmlra Mali 4.15 a. m., urrlvo Klmlra 10.20 a.m. UuHnto Kxpress 7.18 n. in. nrrli 0 IlulTalo 8.W n. In. SOUTHWARIl. Uurfalo tix press s.mi a. in. arrive llai rlsburc 4,to a. m " lialllinoro " Klmlra Mull H.lSn.m., nrilvo Hurrlsburi; I.Mip. m " Wlktlllllgton ia.H0 " " llaltlinoii-C.3() " " Washington s.30 " Hnrrlsbiirif accommodation 8.40 p. 111. unit 0 Harris bui-y 10.&0 i. 111, nrrho Haltlnioro 2.2Aa. m ' Washington r.,13 " Krlo Mall 12.M a. in. nrrlt 0 HuiTlsuuri,- 3.ur 11. 111. " llaltimore 8.40 " " Washington 10.SR All dally except Sunday. 1). JI. I'.OYD, ,Ir tlencral Passenger Agent A. ,T. CASSATT, (lenerni Malinger 'PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. l'liiliKlelplilii & I'.i'ie Ii. I!. Division. SUMMKU TLMIC TAliLli. OX nml after SlIN'DAY, AIM!. IN, 187(1, thu trains on the l'lillailelphla Krlo Rail Road liiMslon will run us follotts: ' WKSTW'AIW. KRIi: K.YI'ltRSSlentes New York.... I'hll.idelrhla " " ' lliiltliiioro 0 2.t a. m UM p. Ill l.'JO p. Ill 11. in R.r-n p. 111 p. m ' " " Ilarrl.sliurg ' " nrr. al W llllaiiispnrt iaick 11 iteii.. ' " " Kile 111 un ii. in KHIK MAIL leaves New Yolk S.2,'in. 111 " " I hllailelphlii 11..'..-. p. in " " Italthtioie tuo p. m ' " llanlsburg 4.'itu. m 1 " " Wllllamsptirt HM 11. hi 1 " " lflck llaten ii.jou. 111 ' " " Itenoio m.M a. 111 ' " at r. at Kile 7. u p. 111 Mtn tut t:riiKss leatcs Philadelphia.. T.ftln. 111 " llaltimore 7. an 11. in " llarrlsbiirg. ...10.15 11. in nil', ut Wllllanispnit., 1.5" p. m " Ijk llatcii.... s.l.'i p. ut " ltenmo I. is p. in " Kline s.4S 11. m " ilulfalo iit-K havkn Acton, leatcs IMilladelplila " " " " lialllmoie " " " " llarrlshiirg " " " arr. ut Vt llliainsporl " " " " Lock llatcu.... SUNDAY KXPKKSS leatcs New Yolk " I'lill.ldelphta.... " " " lliiltlniore , " " " llarrlsbiirg. ... " " arr. at Wllllaiuspurt.... . 8,00 a. 111 , s ::n a. 111 . 1 v. p. m . c.iu i. m . i:m p. in , n.8- p. in .11 r..-. p. in . ii.iuji. in . -1.10 u. ut ..1.40 U. Ill : o: EASTti'AllU. l'HIL'A KXPRKSS lenvts Krle " " " Lock Haven... " " " Wllltamsport,. " " nrrlvr s nt llarrlbburg " " ' llaltimore " " " l'hlladeliilila.,., " " " New York . 7.00 p. m . tl.30 11, ut ,. ijiRa. 111 .11 40 It, ,, . 0.t p. M . .VII p. Ill . (1.45 p. in HAY KXPRKSS lent es Kane COO a. In " " " Renovo l".luu. in " " " Lock Haven. ... II. 0 11. in " " " Wllll.llllspOlt... in 411 p. in " " nrr. ut llanlsburg 4,ii)p,iu " " " Phllailelplil.i... , 7.211 p. 111 " " " New York 10 1.1 p. in " " " li.illliiioro 7.:i.'i i. 111 " " " Washington u.oj p. in KltlK MAIL leaves Kilo ll.nna, 111 " " " Renovo km p. 111 " " " Lock Haven 10.11.1 !,. , " " " Wllll.iiiisinrt ll.iftp. 111 " " arr. ut ll-iiilsbiirg " " " li.iltlmoro 7.:i.ia m ' " " Pllll.ldellillla 7.IKHI. in . " " " New- Yolk 10.K1 u, m FAST LINi: leuves Wllllamsport, u. 111 " " uir. ut llanlsburg " " ' ll.tlliiiiorti 7.!,.', 11 ni " " " l'lillailelphla 7.11.1 u. 111 New York lu.v.l u. in SUNDAY KXPIIKSS leaves WllU.nnspoit. m ' " nrr. ut llairlsbiu-g 11.111 a. in " " " Philadelphia,. . :i.::op. in " " " New York ii.4.1 p. 111 ' " " lialtlinoii! T.ti.1 p. Ill l.rle Mull West. Niagara Kvpu-ss West.l.ot 1J Hav 1 11 Aecoiu. West nud Day Kxpress Kust make close ton iiecilon nl Nnithuiiilierluiid with L. ,v II. 11. II. I rains for Wllkcs-llarro and Scrantou. Krlo Mall West, Niagara Kxpicss West, Kilo l-.vpiess West and Ltsk Haven Aieoiniiioilallon VV est iiiako close coiinccll:n ut Wllllumspoit with N. c. R. W. trulns uoitli. Kilo Mull West, . Magna L'vprcss Wist, und Hay Lvpress Kast maku close coniiicllon ut Lock Haven wlih it. K. v. It. 11 trains. Krle Mall Rust and West connect ut Kile with trains on I.. s. M. s it. It, ut cotrv with o. c. A. .lt It, ul Rnnioiliim with p. N. Y. .v. R, R, mid ut imrtwoud witli a y. ii. 11, ,1.!!',1,ll"r ''""l Hl" nm lteen Phlladelplii.i mid WllllaniMioit on Nl.1g.1111 Kxpiess West, 1:1 lo K. piess West, l'lillailelphla Kxpiess Kust luy lAiltssLast. Sunday Kxpiess 1:11st. Sltcplng Cai-s on all night trains. ' a W.M. A. 1IALUWIN, ocucral Stipt, Hec. lT.'ju-tf DKLAWAKK, LACKAWANNA WUSTKKN RAILROAD. AND 1ILOOM.SI1UIUJ DIVISION. Tlme-Tublo No. su, Takes effect ut 4:30 A MONDAY, NOVKMIIKR n u;a. NORTH, p.m. p.m. a.m.1 S lift 11 fiS U IS STATIONS. SOUTH. a.m. p in, p. m. ..Scrnnlon U 3S VI 4S -2 21) a 25 S Ikl 3 .11 7 M S 40 m j 4'j 43 llellevile 0 3 ... Tujlorvllio... i 2.1 0 3U (I 3.1 C 43 I! ,H 0 5.1 V 53 HI KI 111 HO III 11 10 II! P 20 10 23 1-1 27 10 27 10 32 11) 3.1 IU 40 I'l 44 tu 52 11 15 11 17 It 23 11 31 11 HO 11 'J 11 4.1 II 51 11 67 12 1! 12 07 12 10 12 2.1 12 H2 12 31 i 31 v si ...Mickniv&mia. 2 ss 2 41! 2 52 2 5S 3 II 3 17 7 41 !1 S7 II 2.11 . Plltsloti 7 33 7 27 7 VI 7 IS 7 13 7 IB 7 07 7 113 U f.S II M U 4.1 U 30 II IS II ll'J tt 11-4 ft ts S ft '4 ft IS ft 411 S 34 ft iH S il ti W ft 13 4 M 4 Ci I 4 33 p.m. 3 Hi 3 VT 3 ii s HI 3 17 3 17 8 14 :i da .1 Ul tl l a n I u 831 J 2S t ill 1 13 i 10 111 1 M I U 1 4S 1 43 1 4'l 1 ts 1 1U 1 IE 1 III p.m. U 2U . West 1-lllstoii. Wvoiuihg , Slalthj .Reiinell Kingston a.. .Kingston II 1.1, 7 Ul II II 7 0(1 II (17 U 0.1 V ft S Ml S M 7 11 3 111 3 17 7 1.1 .I'lMiioulh June.,! I 26 3 12 7 3.1 ...i-i.v mount .... Avuhilulo . Nunllcoko Ilunltsk's t rcik, .shltki-liliiuy ...Illckn l-'eiry... ...lleucli Haven... Heiwiek .... ....Hilar creek ..Willow drove,... ... .I.lino Ridge ,.; Kspy ..lUoolusburg 3 27 7 40 S M 3 32 7 4S S 4S 3 37 3 45 4 OH 4 15 4 21 4 12 4 37 4 41 4 41! 4 5t .1 12 ft US 5 11 5 20 5 Ss 5 47 5 52 a 10 S 41 S 3U S 1U s 14; S OS S 2 7 its 7 m! 7 4111 7 4. 7 fsl S 15 S 25 S 4.1 S 5.1 U 11.1 U 511 II 55 7 IIS 7 20 7 40 7 45 7 5-2 s eii S 25 S 40 8 47 tl 15- " llllK.- L 7 su.Cutawlssa llrldgu. 7 2iil Clark's SwlitTi:. 7 3.1 7 11 Hanvlllii 7 U 7 II Chulasky Cameron Northuiuherlaiid, II 4.1 12 51 a. in P-iii. P.m. Sutierlutcndeut'sonico.Vcra., GLAZING AND PAPERING. TXTM. V. ItOniNK, Iron Street below sec i-.U, n,0""' IHwiiuiburg, P, is prepared iTdo ? aT kinds ot PAINTING, GLAZING, iv and PAPER HANGINGS in tbo bost lyl,. at ,ovvt ,M IVutlM havlfit. mint. .. .. calling mints - uusu ity son"ted'kW''rranl(,a,0'''lv' "UateeUoB. Ordem WM. V, HODINIi Uorch 74 Mari'li-lly ''"iBI;,, iltticU in, ly,
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