Til ID COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA. Irii 5 BuIuntBiait, BItOCKWAYJs ELWEUi.Eiltori. HLOOMSBURG, l'A. Friday. July 7, 18 70. pou riuaHiiui.vT, SAMUKIj J. TILDEN, or kuw Yoniv. FOR VIMS I'HIWIDI'.NT, T MOM AS A. IIISNDIUCKS, OK INDIANA. Ili-inorriillr Klcrliiriil Ticket, KLKOTOHS AT LAIH1K. UllAHLKS It. llt'CXAtliVV-S, II, Wll-SOV. iiHTiuor electouh. Itobert P. Meet IIJ J. It. McOolIum Oeoriro it null V. W. Knox Win II wrlfht Thomas K. oasklll Toliti Morgan .1. , Morrison CnL O. Jones Win. K. Hawk Joel L. Llghmer II. T. TTUinbauer (Ira. II. Itovrl.iiiJ John Neulon J. II. McCain mt Daniel II Hons .mini II. mil Thomas iiower Dm 1,1 xmntl Sebastian vvtnimcr James J. Huslelt .fuhn 11. lluilirlu It. M.otbsoti David I. Morris It. U. Ilruwn Thomas W. (Invvson benjamin F. Morrli Our friend, the senior lvlitor of the li- publican, Is enthusiastic over the oratory oi Uol. Ingcrsoll, who presented to the Repub lican Conventoii the now utmost forgotten iiuiiio of James 0. Itliiinc. As the editor nt'oro-nild " which Is post-master "left Uloouisburg a determined ltlaine man, and when Simon wild "wigwag" saw superior excellence in Huycs, we would call his at U'litimi to the fact that he U justified in his course of "swapping horses while crossing u stream" on two grounds : I'rtf. However captivating the eloquence of Col. liigeroll, lie has heeii lately arrested us a defaulter to the Government. Second. He is a tbcosopliist. This is Colonel Ingersoll's ritual for a deceased fatlier-ln-law : "Without assurance and without fear we give him back, as it were,to Nature, the source and mother of us all. With morn, with noon, with night, with changing clouds and changeless stars with grass, with trtcs and birds, with leat and bud. with llower and blossom ing vine, with all the sweet influences of Nature, we leave our dead " We do not anticipate that the colonel will have any large number of engagements for funerals. There Is too little assurance in his style. As an engineer of political nominations and as a funeral manager he is not a pronounced success. No better reasons need he urged to a con fiding constituency. Judge Harding of Luzerno county, from all accounts, has got himself in an unpleas ant situation. Two of the County Com missioners who were indicted for receiving bribes aud for embezzlement of public mon ey, when brought up for trial plead guilty, aud were sentenced by Judge Harding to pay back the money. In passing sentence his Honor remarked that the prosecutors, Messrs. Dickson aud Payne, did not desiro tho imprisonment of the olfemlers. In an swer to this, those gentlemen have published a letter squarely denying that they ever ex pressed auy such, feelings, but on the con trary had distinctly said to the Judge that they would not be satisfied with the simple iinXMition of a flue. This places Judge Harding in the position of having uttered a deliberate falsehood from the bench in or der that he might let two public plunderers go scot free. There is another charge against this dignitary of having accepted a live bun dred dollar watch ami chain irom a builder named Houpt, whom he had aided iu secur ing a fat contract from the Commissioners. If this be true, the whole thing looks as though the light sentence passed on the prisoners was lor the purpose of closing their mouuths about auy little matter in which the Judge might be interested. The Lu zerne papers are calling loudly for Harding's resignation. In another column we give our readers a sketch of our candidates and the Democratic Platform. The latter is full, straight-for-ward.and incisive. Our opponents expected us to either uay nothing on the curren cy question, or wreck on it. We have proclaimed openly against forced resumption iu 1870. If our opponents doubt that they have dodged the question, let them read the following extract from the 1'reti : Upn the subject of tliu currency the Re publican Convention, hs we have already 1.! .1 . ' raiu, iiw numciuiiiK muru man sagacious. It made no issue upon that question. It left it to the exigencies of the times, conscious I but alter all the Republican parly is the true guardian of the public credit i'rett. That it is unsatislactory every Republican knows and the Towanda Journal only ex presses the Henlimeuts of the party when it says : "The platform is disappointing. It is only moderately good, whereas it should be posi tively so. On resumption of specie pay menls and civil srrvic relorm the vital question of the campaign it is inexplicit and not sullicienlly emphatic, Dos Cameiiun Nhitlup, Mr. Palmer, one of the delegntps in the Cincinnati con vention from Luzerne county, having as serted that 43 of the 88 Pennsylvania dele gates were for lllaine and declared that the majority should rule, Secretary Cameron is said to have replied : "riucli talk from you Luzerne men who cannot carry your own district will not control the action of dele gates representing steady republican con stituencics. 'I he Slate Convention ordered us to vote an a unit for General tlartranft, and If he is defeated let the blame rest where it belongs." Mr. Palmer ''You brought out Hartranft to beat lllaine aud you don't mean to stick to him. Conkllng is your man." Mr, Cameron "I don't care about argil tug with you on this question, because you are committed to your idol, Resides, If lllaine Is nominated, wo will be put on the defensive throughout the campaign, and the party acting on the defensive is always do lea ted." ThopeopitofSt. Iotilsirrespectllverf party receive unconditional praise fr the cordial gneting extended (o the delegates and vij tors to tbe Democratic National Convention The arrangement were 'complete, aud the hospitality general. For favors shown, the' Hlooinshurg delegation are under special ob ligation Iu John Hoduett, Proprietor of the SSf, Lvuit June, Judge J, P. Vastine, and Win. K, Wagner, Clerk ol t tie Probato Courts, natives of Pennsylvania. Wu can only say to our Western friends, come and let nt, and the courtesies extended our re resentativi will be gratefully reciprocated Tile Republicans of Philadelphia are "red hot" ior Reform. They have renominated the Pilgrim ticket to a man, IVIroll'.who was expelled from the Legislature for bribery Iu tl e Room cute is to be relumed, 'Rah for J J Byes and Reform juilde the jiArly, to Till: NATIONAL HOLIDAY. C 14 N T K N N I A L HI4J010IN0. thk m.omous fouhtii is iii.ooMsiumd. W'YOMINCl AltTIM.nilY OF WlI.KF.s-IlAltltK. VISITING FIKK CO.MPANIIW AC. AC. For some time buck preparations have been going on, for the purposo of properly observing tho Centennial Annlvcisary of American Independence. The manner in which tho exercised of the clay passed off reflected much credit on all who were en gaged in their management. The committee iippuinted at a meeting of our citizens, held some weeks since, did their whole duty, and the people of Columbia county are indebted chielly to them for the success of the oc casion, Tho Wyoming 'Artillery under the com mand of Capt. J. K. Ulln.au numbering about fifty men, who had been invited to bo present, accepted the invitation, and arrived at live o'clock on Monday uflernoon, bring ing with them two emmou. All duy Monday our citizens were busily employed iu decorating their houses and places of business, and the result was tho finest display of bunting ever witnessed in Hloomsburg. Flags waved from every win dow, and pictures representing Revolution ary Incidents wcro numerous. At half past eleven Monday night the bells began to toll, and at twelve, at a signal fired by tho Artillery, they till broke forth into u joyous peal, ushering in the new century. Guns and pistols were fired, and notwithstanding a Town ordinance to the contrary, rockets and tire crackers blazed and cracked along the streets. The town was fairly wild, and many persons did not go to bed at all. At sunrise, on the 4th the bells were rung again and the Artillery lircd n salute of thirty oight guns, R. F. Clnrk,Ksq .discharging the first Centennial shot. All the morning people from a distance came flocking into town, lire companies and organizations arrived on tho trains, aud if there was any doubt as to the complete success of the celebration, it was soon dissipated. At one o'clock iu tho afternoon tho pro cession began to form the front resting at Market Square, headed by Colonel Samuel Knorr, Chief Marshal, mounted, His aids rode hither aud thither getting the lino iu order, aud iu a short time nil was ready to stmt. First cauio thcltlooiusburg Cornet Hand, witli their gay uuiforms. Just behind them rodo Col. John G. Freeze, Historian, and Dr. T. L. Griswold the reader of the Declaration of Independence, iu a carriage. Next came the members of the Committee ol arrangements. The tableaux 1770 consisted of fourteen you.ig ladies, represent! g the thirteen original states, and the Goddess of Liberty .drawn by four horses. On tho front of the wagon was an arch con taining the names of tho states iu red white and blue, aud on the front seat rode Judge John McReyuolds, aged eighty-eight, mem ber of the Legislature for this county from 1824 to 18:50, and several times afterwards.; and Ho':. K. J. Mc Henry, our piesent mem ber. The tableaux 1870, also drawn by four horses iu Risewick's baud wagon, consisted of twentv-tive young ladies dressed iu white, representing the additional states admitted since the Declaration. Immediately be hind them rode Sergeant C. S., Fornwnld, on the black charger of the late Gen eral W. 11. Lot. lie carried too war Hag of the Iron Guards. Independent Hand of Danville came next, and were followed by Washington Fire Company of the same I1 dace. Their nose carr.age was peaiiuiuiiy I ecorated, and on it stood four young men lressed iu costumes represonting.nii Indian, an old Continental soldier, n Sailor aud a Zouave. In the centre on mi elevated seat rode the Goddess of Liberty. The effect was ery fine. Thel77G Fire Company of Hloomsburg, under Foreman Frank (,isper,attraeted con siderable attention, as it was their first ap pearance. Their uniform was white shirts, and straw cockades, and they drew their lit tie hand engine of primitive construction On the top of it sat a little, boy dressed in a suit made entirely of American flags. The Kaglo Hose nod Fire Company of Pittstou with their Drum Corps was next iu order. Their hose carriage was beautifully trimmed and they made n fine appearance Then came our own Friendship Fire Company, with Hose carriage handsomely ornamented, untl eugluedrawo by lour horses. Fuge's Comet Hand of liuckhoru headed by a Drum Major dressed iu the national colors aud bearing a banner surmounted by an Im mense pair ol buck horns, followed, This band with their new uuiforms made a good appearance. 1 lie artillery with tlitlr held pieces and ammunition boxes, each carriage drawn by four horses, added greatly to the make up of the procession, aud reminded one strongly of the years of warfare, when soldiers were daily seen upon the streets, They are a hue body of men, tail by their conduct while hero showed themselvis to bo not only soldiers but gentlemen. They ex pressed themselves as much pleased with their visit. The procession ended with a number of carriages occupied by private citizens. Thu route of the march was as follows; down Main to West street, countermarching on Main, thence to Kast street down to Fifth, down Fifth to Market, up (Market to Third, out Thlld to West, up West to .Main, up Main to Market, and then to the head of Market'whero the stand was erected. When the audience was properly arranged the ox ercises took place iu the following ordor. 1. Hall Columbia, it. Prayer by Rev. J. P, Tustln. H, America, 4. Reading Declaration of Independence, o. Star Spangled llauner, 0. Historical Kssuy, 7. Red. White and lllue, 8. Religious Address, 9. Hold the Fort, 10, Doxology, 11, Reuedictioo, Soon nfler Col. Frccr.o began to read the Historical tf-say a sudden shower came up, nnd Interrupted the exercises for u short time, b'nt soon passed over nnd the pro grnniitfe was concluded. Nothing could have been more satisfactory than It was, and every body went homo delighted wltn Itlooufsbiirg's observance of the National Holiday. inciiievm. The music furnished by the bands, was excellent, and their organizations nre very creditable to tlitlr respective communities. The Independent Hand of Danville Is one of long standing, and they still sustain the reputation which they have long enjoyed. l'liu Ruck Horn band was organized com paratively recently, but they make ns good music ns many older bauds. Of our own, It is unnecessary to speak at this time, as they arc well known by every body. No were particularly pleased with tho firemen. Tho Committee wero fortunate iu securing the attendance of such com panies. Their appearance, nnd gentlemanly conduct, pleased every body. While those from a dlstanco were fine bodies of men they did not by any means throw the Friendship Fire Co. of Hloomsburg In the shade. Our bovs did credit to themselves and to the town. Col. 14. Thayer, a soldier of 1812, aged 87 years, being unabluto participate in the pro cession by reason of an injury received by a fall, sat at his window and was saluted ly tho soldiery as they passed. From the front of Capt. 0. 11. Itrockway's residence was suspended tho old battery flag of Itrockway's llattery, completely riddled with bullets. A MAX 11U11T. Just as tho procession was nbouttostart a horse attached to one of the pieces of Artillery got his leg over a trace, and his rider, .Serjeant Cox, dismounted to disen tangle him, when another horse kicked the Sergeant iu the leg. No bones were broken but the ilesli was badlv bruised. Ho was carried to the Exchange Hotel, nnd taken home on Wednesday. ANOTHER MAN dismounted, As the procession was coming up Market street one ol tho Assistant Marshals lode rapidly to the front, when his horse stopped suddenly. The rider, however, went right on over the horse's head, hut no damage was done. Wo suppose that is the military way of dismounting. A PltACTICAI. joki:. The cannon wero parked near the L. & II dero! anln th nnimiinltio.iboxts contain d considerable powder it was deemed wiso t place u guard over them for the nigtit. Tuo young men of Hloomsburg wero detailed to watch them, with orders to allow no one to approach. At about three o'clock in the morning a party of six concluded to test the guard, to see how well they would perforin their duty. This company marched within a short distance of the artillery nnd then started on a keen run to surprise the watch ers and capture the guns, but when they reached the spot they wcro met unexpected ly by two artillery men with drawn sabres, wlio ordered them to retreat. Without stop ping to discuss the question tho practical jokers retreated. Some ono wants to know who was surprised, the guard or the jokers? There was hut comparatively little drunk enncss seen on the streets during tho day. Quite a uumbcr were patriotic without being quarrelsome. THK PLATFORM. Sr. Louis, June tW. The Convention was called to orderat li.l.V Judge Meredith, of YiieiiiKi, chairman of the committee on reso lutions, pie.-cntcd a repot t, stating that a great ninny resolutions were presented, all of which had lioon carefully examined and discuved before coming to an agreement. lie then re quested Mr. Dorsheiuicr, of New York, to lead t lie report to the Convention as fol lows : We, the delegate of the Democratic narfv of ihu United States iu national convention assembled, 1) hereby declare tho administra tion of tho Federal government to ho in ur gent need of immediate reform, do hereby enjoin upon the nominees of this convention, unit oi mc lAjiiiocratic patty in eacn Mat, a zealous clien t aud co-operation to this end. and do hereby appeal to our fellow-citi.eus of every fouuer political connection to undertake with us this first and iuot pressing patriotic duty. For the Democracy ol tho whole coun try, we do here reaffirm our faith in tho per manency of the Federal Union, our devotion to the Constitution of tho United States.with its amendments universally accepted as n final settlement of the controversies that engen dered civil war, and do hero record our stead fast lonlidence iu the peretuity of republican s;lf-goveinuieiit ; in the absolute acquiescence in the will of the majority; the vital princi ples of republics; in tho supremacy of the civil over tlw military authority; in the t.itnl separation of Church and State, for the sako alike of civil and religious ficedoui; in the equality of nil citizens bcfino jtit laws of their own enactment; in the liheity of individual conduct unvoxed by sumptuary lawn; in the faithful education of tho rising generation, that they may preserve, enjoy and transmit these best conditions of human happiiiessand hope. Wo behold tho noblest products of a hundred yiars of changeful history, but while upholding tho bond of our union and great charter of these our rights, it liehoovcs a free people to piactico al-o that eternal vigilance which is the price of liberty. -I A'ttd of the Hour. Reform is necessaiy to lebuildand establish in the hearts of tho whole people tho Union, eleven years ago happily icsclied from the danger ol a secession of States, hut now lo be saved fioni a coirupt centralism, which, alter inflicting upon ten States tho rapine of carpet-bag tyrannies has hoiioy-coiuhed the olhces ol the federal government itself with incapacity, waste ami fraud, infected Stales and iniiuiciimruities with thu contagion of nii.-iiile, and locked fu-t tho prosperity of an industrious people in the paiulysis of hard iiiiirs. jiuiurui is necessary lo etatlih a sound euneney, lestoro the public ciedit aud mainuuii inu nauouai Honor. Ihpuhltetm Finance Denounced. Wo denounce tho failure for nil then nli.vi.i, vcais tuluako uond tho nrnmivit nf'tlm lenuer noies, which aro a dunging standard of vaiuu mine naiKisoi mo ieople, and tho non payment of which is a disregard of tho plight ed faith of the nation. Wu denounce I fin im providence winch in eleven years of peace has taken from the people iu Federal taxes thir teen times thu wliolo amount of tho leind ten. der notes, and tquamlereil four times tliis sum in useless expense without itccuinul.it in? any leserve for their redemption. Wo de- IIOUIioc the financial imbecility nnd inminnilil of that party which during eleven years of pcaeu uas inane iioimuiuco toward resump tion: that instead has obstructed resumption by wasting our losources and exhausting all our surphw income, and while aiiHiially pro fessing tu intend a speedy return lo specie payments, liasaiinuallv enacted fn-.li hindnm. ces thereto. As such u hindrance wo denounce the resumption clause of the act of 187,1, and wo here demand its repeal. What it Demanded. i Wo d'jmand a judicious system of prepara tion by public economies, by oflieial retrench incuts and wise finance, which shall enable the nation soon to assure the whole woild of its ierfevt ability and its perfect readiness to meet auy ot its promises at the callol tho creditor entitled to payment. We bcliuvesitch u sys tem, well deviush uud above all euti listed to eouiK!lcut hands for execution, creating at no iiuiu tin umueiui r. uiviij , mill ni HO llllie alarming the public mind into a u with. drawn! of that vaster machinery of credit bv which ninety-five per cent, pf all )iuiuess transactions are (icrloriiieii : a system open, and inspiring general confidence would Irom the day of its adoption bring healing on its wind's to all our harnissed industry and set in iiii'iiuii inu niiei'is ui vuiuuiciiv, lllilliuiuc tures and tho mechanical arts, restore eunlov- inent to labor, and renew in nil its national J souivd llie prosperity ol tho Thc Jlevcmiei. Helium is iim-csinrv in tho sum nnd inodo of federal taxation lo tlm end that capital may bo set frco from distrust mid labor lightly bur- ucned, wo denounce tho prevent tnrin icvici 1 upon nearly four thousand ai tides ns n mas terpiece ol injustice, inequality mill liilso pie (once. It yields n dwindling, .not a rising jeaily revenue. It has impoverished nuny uum-arics to suosiuu a low. u piuinmin uu poit.s that might purchase the products of American labor. It has degrade American commerce, from the first to an inferior lank upon tliu high seas. It has cut down the sales of American iiintmfaclures nt homo and abroad, and depleted the returns or American ngficultiire, an industry followcil by half our people. It costs the people five times more than ii produces to the Treasury, obstructs tho pincesses of production and wastes tho fruits of labor. It promote1 fraud and fosters smuggling, enriches dishonest officials) and bankrupts honest incrchntits. Wo demand that all custom house taxation slull bo only for rovenuc. Jlclrenchmcid. Reform is iicccssuy in tho scale of public oxpetis-o, Federal, Slate and niiiiiicip.il. Our Federal tiuc'ilion has swollen from sixty lull lions, gold, in 1860,(0 four hundred tuid fifty millions euiTcncy, iu 1870; our nugrcgato taxation from ono hundred and fifty-four mil lioins, gold, iu lSdO, to seven hundred and thiilv millions, f-iirnmcv in 1870. or III one do rado from less than five dollars per head to mom than eighteen dollars per head. . Since the peaco the people have paid to their tax ir,illinrs lii.iiii lleill llll'ir'i" till! slllll of till! Nil tional debt, and more than that sum for the Federal Government alone. Wo demand n vigorous frugality in oveiy department and Irom every olhcer of the yovcrmcnt, The J'ublie Juindt. Reform is necessary to put n stop ti; tho profligate waste of public lands and their di version front actual settlers !v the part v in power, which has squandered two hundred millions nf iien-s noon railroads alone, and nut of moer than thrice that aggregate has disjioscd of less than a sixth directly to tillers ot tho sou. XtituriUhalion and the Choice, Reform is ncces-ary to correct tho omNions of H' publican Conci-oss and tho errors of our treaties and our diplomacy, whjch'liasstripped rmr fellow rilepus of I'oi'eieii bit th and kindred nice, reciossing the Atlantic, nf tho shield of Aineiican citizenship, and exposed our oretii ren of the Pacific coast to the incursions of a r:ien not siiriinu Irom tho s.iluo crcat parent stock, mid in fact now by law denied citizen ship, flimuiih naturalization as being neither accustomed to the traditions nf a progressive civilization liorc.xcieised iu liWty under canal laws. Wo denounce tho policy which thus discards the liberty-loving Gorman nnd tole rates tho revival oi" the coolie trndoi in Mon golian men, hired to perform servile labor contracts, and demand such modification of tho trc.itvwith tho Chinese Kinpiie. or such legislation by Congress within a constitutional limitation, as to prevent tne limner importa tion of immigration of the Mongolian race. Jteform, the True lime. ttr.,ri,i w nr-pnnrv. mill e:in never bo ef fected but by making it tho controlling issue of elections, and lifting it nlsive the two faNc issues with which the oflieo-lioldlllL' class and the party in power seek to smother it; thelalse issue with which they would enkindle sectarian strife in regard to public honl.s, of which the csialilisliincnt ami support numiiitim: eciir sively to the several States and which the Dem ocratic party has i-hcfihcd from their fiiundn lion. Mini rnsoK-ed In maintain without par- t ialit v or in cf urenre for unv class, sect or ci ecd, and without contributing from the treasury to aiiv; the fal-o issue of which they seek to light anew the dying embers of sectional hate between kindred peoples, once unnal urall.v es tranged, but now reunited in one indivisible lepublie and a common destiny. Civil Serein Reform. Relorm is necessary in the civil service. Experience proves that cllici"iit, economical conduct of the governmental business is not possible if itscivil service bo subject tochaiigo at every election ; to bo a prize fought for at the lallot-box ; to be a brief reward ol party zeal, instead ol posts ol honor assumed lor proved cninpvtency and held for liilelitymtlio public eniplov; tliat the dispensing of pat ronage should neither Ihi a lax upon the limo I all out public men nor the instrument ot their ambition. Hero, again, professions, fal- ified in the pcrfmmniicv, attest that thu par tyin power can work out no practical or sat' islactory icloriu. '4c OJicer I'ubtie Her raid. Reform is necessary even uinicin the high r grades of public service. The President, Vice President. Judge, Senators, Represen tatives, Cabinet uthcers and all others in iiuthority aro tho public servants. I ho unices :iro not a private pemuisite : They aro a pub lic trust. v lien me annais oi ino iieiiunii show tho disgrace and censure of Vice Prosi lent; a late Speaker ol the House ot llepre- sentatives marketing Ins rulings as a iire-i- line officer: three Senators profiting secretly by their votes as, law-makers: five chaiiiuen oi' lending committees nf tho House of Rep resentatives exposed iu jobbery ; a lato Sec retary of the Treasury forcing balances iu llie public funds: a Secretary of tho Navy enrich- nig mends by percentages levied on tlioprolits ot contractors with his department; an Am bassador to F.ugland censured for a dishonor able speculation ; tho President's Private Sec- retary tiarely escaping; conviction upon trial ior giniiy complicity iu iraiuis upon 1110 rev enue; a Secretary ol ur impeached tor high crimes and confessed misdemeanors, the leuioiistratiou is complcto that the first ste in reform must be the people's choice nf'lion est men from another party, lest the disease ol one political organization inlest tho body politic, and lest by making no change of men or party wo can get no change. Chantjc Demanded. All these abuses, wrongs and crimes, the product ol sixteen years ascendancy ol the Republican party, create a necessity for re form confessed h) tho Republicans tliL'inelves but their relormers are otcd down in enliven tinn and di- placcd from the Cabinet. The par ty's inas of honest voters aro powerless to resist the eighty thousand office-holders, its leaders and guides. Reform can only be had by a peaceful civic revolution. Wo demand a change ot system, a change of administration a change of party, so that we may have a change of niemliers and of nieii. 1 he leading was frequently intenupted by ipplause. The denunciation of the lesuiiin- tiou act and demand lor its repeal was in- feived with especial lavor. At the conclusion .lr. Dorsheunersaid tho committee had adon led and indorsed, though not as a part of the Platinum tlio resolution which ho lend, lin or sing tho action of the House of Repiesenta lives inclining down tho appropriation and exhorting them to liinmes. Also u i evolu tion as to the just claims ot soldiers, sailors inu their widows and orphans. If you nro troubled with Dyspepsia, pain in the region of llie Heart. Liver or Kidneys. or any other painful symptoms, do not wait to confirm the diseases, but break it up at once by using Dr. null's Vegetable X'l I Im. xou will thank- us lor advice Tonic. F.vcry one, at times, feels the necessity o some restoratlvo of the vital powers, depress ed bv mental nr liridllv f.vbiiiultfiii. Tn utieh conditions, let every one, instead of flying to uie alcoholic or medicinal stimulants which must be lollowed by depression equa to their excitement, relnvhrorate bis derail gcd system by the natural tonic elements o me reruvian syrup, sold by all Urugg ISIS, Marriages. lutu.M- KOUI.K.-Oa tlimtii liiot.. oy Itov. T. Y Iloffineltx, Mr, Penry Win. Kruui, of MoutourTnp., uj jus Aiuiy Alumina f'uull., tf ituuwm 'rwp. MQWHV-UII.LUAH.-Ou Uiiliday, .luly , at the l.utlieruu parsouugu Iu llloouisljuair, by lluv. Joliu Mct'ron, David Mowry to Mary K. lilllniau, botliof lAieusi, j wp, Deaths. PAIIKI.KY.-Oii Wcihimluy, the Mil Inkt., at Ills ruslileiico Iu lilooiuibiug, John J. UurUoy, ugoiHK J cars, 10 inos., unU in Ours. Mr. llurklvy was one of the oldest renldeuts ot woonisuurir, Having been bora hern on llie sad day of August, lsoo Ho was the sou ot Iddlnira llarkley, tan-, pne of tho caillest settlers U tuts reglou ; and lliu lallierot I'lurles II. llarkley, K. For many years lie buffered patiently under the ravages of that dire disease, consumption, and when thu time eoiao for his release he was ready to no to tils reward, lie " - -'.. ......gut mwu, iuiu a iroou I'llllCO. I'eaeeU) his ashes The f imcrul service wlUUi Uf Id ut bli late reald- ( Bcepn -i uira i Tret at tf o clock this inornliur. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A NNT.lfj 8TATitKNTOF (JKNTJtH SCHOOL DISTittOT KOIl TMK YKAIl I'.NDINll J U.N I. D, ISIO. II. I). Kfiiitn, Collector. lilt. TO ara't ot duplicate lor IstS-O 1,643 11 (II. liy ara't of otonerntlons tut mi puM l'ieasinernsjierieeilpt1,ai) 74 commission on tliMn.il Til lo omaiico nuj uistiici 103 V7 II.5IS 71 Haiicsi. NtYiunn, Treasurer, PI!. . . i , To balance on hand at lost settle- ineni. .. " stale appropriation til n ill lo urn b iruui iui. ii if, ivnurr un ilup. ol lsil-5 " uin't from Col. II. 1), Knoor on ilup. of lSil-O , T15 M l.SSO U Ji.Ul tl at. lly ain't ot orders cashed t J.osl s ' - coin, on i nii.iuia 'J cr cent,... 44 m ' baliaiica duo district Ui si ;.2'j ci There Is also In thn IiaiiiIs nf Hnlnncl 'phnri1. nt.'iuit'r,To.ii, oiimueii oi uuuuiiifr una. 1. 1. CU.-t.sil.l!, Attest. WM. DKITIIIUII, 1'resldeuU Heeri'tary. .Inly 7 aw. A NXUAIj HATEMUNT OF SUl'KItVI- "SOUS OF IlKAVKIt TWP. POlt VK.Mt 18TS. Michael Itlteuliouso and Joseph U-hr, Supervisors, In account wuii slim luwiisiup Dlt. To ain't ree'd from Supentsors, H74 tUS 11 kioss 11111 1. 01 i iiupiicuie ior 1915 1,353 IS Total receipts tl,soa m CIL. I'.y work done on roads $1,037 ss plank, Ac., 011 roads 50 44 14 exonerations and taxes returned 49 9-i ' cash paid auditors II 1 0 " supervisors' fees 248 34 lialnnco duo township 8 1 94 si.soa 19 1' .n.llln.. r,. t,,...n ln..n.l,ln -nt .. . l ,1 11 Co, Lino eiamlned the above accounts and ilii1' them correct usahuve stated, and Una the sum of till 94 cents due said township A. W. MANN, 1 Al.t.KN MANN, V Auditors. l'EI'KIt KNKU1IT,! July 7-3w. A NNUAIi STATEMENT OF 11EAVEU '1'OWNHIIIP l'Olt Tilt! YEAH 1S75. Cleort'O l'u ten, poor overseer ot Heaver township, In uecuuni wuu stuu loniisiup. Dlt. To nm't ree'd from overseers last J ear $79 to ttl 73 tgross am i oi lax uupucaie ior 1b,5 . Total of receipts L'U. $330 78 Paid for maintenance of paupers $219 31 cxuuei auousanu iaes iciuru u 11 ci Poor Overseer's fees sr sis balance due township 77 71 $130 7S We, thn auditors or Heaver township, Columbia Co., Pa., havo examined tho above accouuts and liud mem correct as auoo siuieu. a. w. AI.I.K A. W. MANN, ) Al.l.KN )H.1J, Auuiiers l'UTHIt KNKdll'l',) July 7-3 IV. A: NNUAI, STATEMENT OK SUdAltLOAl'1 TOWNSHIP. statement of the Sunerv Isors of Suirni loaf towiishln forlsiSund Ihe jear endlnif June 5, isle. JOHN W, KILE, Dlt. To ain't of duplicate for IS74-3 $39 07 special iu asu vt ' dupllciio for 1875-C 4W 07 $1,178 5H Cll. Ily tax woiked out 1S74-5 $778 49 , 3U5 S5 lsia-ii time of Supervisor, 1S74-5 ' " 1S75 ii attending- settlement 41! Vi Cll 01) 1 115 11,101 St Order drawn to balance... $13 Hi! KZKKIKI. SnULTZ. nil To am't duplicate for 1973-is $3sn 90 ('It. Uv tax worked out tlmo of supervisor time to llloomsburir work done on roue. , J I4f. CO Order drawn to baLinco tlil 7U Total Indebtedness of Township on or- uers issueu ior over-worK on nuove dupllcutu for thejeur euilliiL'.Iiiuo 5, 1870 $315 49 Statement of Suirarloaf School District for tho vear eudliiir JunuD, ls7ii. WU. L. IIIItLlS(!i:il, I'KEAsnitKii. Dlt. To un't of dupllciilK, State upproprl.i- uun,tiiiu leceipisiiuiuoiuersuiiiees fi,-iiD &3 Clt. Hy ouehers p.ild ji!3 ss u iiau.-t; iu nanus or Treasurer nuu Collei tor. H41 07 t1,'ll 053 We. Ihe underslL'tieil AiiilllArs i,r Smrnrl. nf rivti. s'.,lp, do eel I Itv Hut, wn luvu t- aiiilneit an I audited the ubovo accounts and Hud Hum correct I the best oi our xuo,ieua'u :unl iiein-r. I K.NHV !. IIKSS. I JAMHS M. Mltfl.l'X, AtiiUtors. 11I-.IIII1II; .llUUItl., I AsiniKn Hciacii, clerk. July 7-a. SHERIFFS SALIS. lly virtue of sundry writs Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and lo uio dl- neien, will bo exposed to public sale ut Iho court duksu ill minj!iiauiii un TiiritsDAV, .iri.y 27111, is-n, at 1 o clock p. 111., nlllhutceilaln tnicocf Ian 1 situ, nle In liue.nreeK and Klshlnareieek wwnshlns. Co. l imlila Co.. and statu ot I'l iiiisvlva'ila. Imiiudiil and lie,, rib il us follmvs; besiPinlnir )H nMonu -lorner (luii" -Mir A. i ask), It belui; aiioilslnrd enm;rofa mi ey In Iho warrantee nauiu u Ni.lh.in liencli unu .luiuerui iiainei i-. st men, ineiice uioui; sum Heat Ii suiieyssuutli si deuiei-s veil4:,:i ucrelies to a stone col hit. (orlglnary A. ts. O. K.), theneo by tho siiiiie snutli 9 ileinevs east ii )-rclun lo u stone cor- IICI, lliruv,- ujr lilt; nUUie Ul.ilU A ICI L'l'S IVI'SIOX i'ieiies ton stuliocoruer udjuUilntr snneys In thu Mitrraniee nauii or Samuel J. 1'eali r. ihenee north lio deyrees west m lurches In fi stone comer by land la tho Hariiuileo iiuinu of Joliu AllUri-r, thence by tlm samo n irlh 7 deirnifs east Si iwrelies lo a ruck oak iii-i, uieiiiu uy luiiu iruiTuuieu iu I'erry iiuukuiow tioi'tti 75 Ueirrees east 132 nei Lhes lo a corner, theiicu north tc.ij deirre.-a east 51 perches; to a ruck oak tree, iiieiieu iiorui bz ueu lees eusi s j ercues iu a uurnei, theneo south decrees west l&s nerclms to 1 lio nlace of beL'lliulin;; eoiiliilnliii,'4ii ucrcs, strtct. lueusiire, luKriiici nun inu itpiuru.iiaiiot-s. sclzi'il. taken Into execution: mid Iu bo suld us Ihe pro.ierty of Dr. John Kindt. AI.SO, All that certain tract sltuato In llilnrereek town. ship, Culumbiu county, I'.i., bounded and cI,-m i lbeil as lullows : on thu north by land ot Jonu Viui Pelt nun A. l uwier.wesi uv l.llul nr soioinou iiower.soulli by land of John Hosier, east by land of Jacob Pen. steruiucher und olliers ; contalnliii; to acres, mole or less, uu wnieu aru erecu-u a iwo-suiry riaino oueu- uiK uouse, uarn, ivaoo-bneUfaimoini-ruuiuuiiuiiis, itiiii iuu uu miimiaiiues. Seled. lukeu lulu oxecullou. and to be sold as tho property ui won uui .11, iwincinu. ALSO, All thflt. tilcftl fit Imitl luitDidfil Tinrth tiv lutnl iA VII. lal i Yocuiu. u'Mt bv land ol Vocuin und Jluwtr.vQfli bv luuU ot Klljali ucutn,uuil uust by latido WtDUm Ouborn ; conluliiln 4u ucrvs, moi-o ur Kss, u wlik-'H uru eruutca a irumu Uuullliit; house himI u trniuv uml lUtf blUUlU. ht-Ut-a, tnken luto oxecutlou, ami to bo bold us tlio UUJltTty UI JUhC'IU) HUl'K, A 10, All that certain real estate sttuatoln Scott town ship, Columbia Co., l'u., bounded on the south by laud of Win. llopcn, on east by Win. Hopen.norlti by a street und west by land of Schiiolduiuu t contulu liitf uf uu ucre. morn or less, wheieon nro en clod a to-sUiry dwelliui; house with uulbtilluliiKS. beluil, taken Into exeeutluu, and to bu sold as tho ro erly of Charles llrtchj es. AliJO, All that (ertulu renlestato sttuatoln llreenwooil township, Columbia Co., l'u , tiouiided us follows t on tlio nor Ui hy laud of .Murvlu Kline, eusi by laud or Joseph Keller, south byluudol II, Kitchen and oth ers, weitby Und of Murvlu Kline. ; coiitutliluif 49 uctes, inuroor less on which uru creeled a frame dwelling liuusu and burn, with the nppiutciiiuices. Si-lteir, lukeu Into execution, and to bo sold us Iho pi Opel ty of Leonard Kline. ALSO, The following real estate1, to wit i a lot 'of land kit uatu In lieliton tounshlp, ColuuibU Co., l'u., bound ed uud described as follows i iiuilhaud westby.Ab ruhnm Young's est.le, south uud east by luuds of llohr Vlcllenryi contalnlnir I lucres, moroor less, whereon Is eieclod u li story mono housu uud Irumo barn aud uutbulldluirti. SeUed, taken Into execution, uml tu Ihi suld us tho proierty of A. S. McNeal. CMAItl.lM r'OHNWAI.D, JulyT Mivrirf. ADMINISTitATOH'S NOTICir tsTATK OK WXt, K. SKU'llNtU, DtC'll. Uitlers oi Administration on thuKstato of Wu K. Ktlchner. of Minilu twp, Culumbiu County, d'd liavu bovii irrunted by Uio lleiflstor of said county to Win. II. lleek.of .M 1 til I it t.ip., Columbia county. W., to whom ull iersuus Indebted to said ICsInle arure quesud tu uiaku payment, and llioso huvluu cluHas utralns' the said estate will maku them known (u.Uu mild KdiauiUtrator without delay. WM K- MXK, JuuoHl-ew, Administrate. Tins rirta u ox mr. with R DWELL k pHESMAN . Advertising Agents, THIHP & CHEITMUT STS, ST. LOUIS, MO NEW AD E V RTISEJM E NTS A UDITOU'S N'OTICK. 1110 linderftlffnrd Audi or nnimbifpil In illslrltiulo tho mon-y rnls-d by t lit Shcilifs snip nf Iho renl i h tale cf .li-tn II. llten fiitifintr Ihn Urn f rmlllnrs. Iiielll. ilticr Iho priKHHls or 01 her -heibrssiilesof the prop- in v in .ieso ii. nieii now 111 court, win iiiienn 10 1 110 duties of hp nppotiitnieiit at-hls nlllcuwi snliiiday, the Mh duy ot Auifiixt, ISiil, at in o'clock 111 Iho foie noon of snlil day, (!. VI. Mll.l.Ult, July 0, tsTO-lw. Auditor. A DMINMSTIIATOII'SNOTIOR t STATU UK 1. 1 V II K NT R U'iTTl'llil ItRritlSKn t'tters of Ail 1 lnlstriitiiin on 1)10 i-ststo of Ijiw- renco Wnlters.luleuf Aliniln inwiislilii.t'olumbhu'o dwascd, lime Is-eii Kriihted by Hie ItoirlMcmf said county, to John 8. w niters nnd Uearer sehweppen lielser. nnd nil lslsons hating elnlms imnlnst Iho eslMo of Ihe di-cedent, are rciiuested lo present them for settlement, and those Indebted lo tho cstnto to make, linymcnt totho unaerslgned administrators without delay, JOHN . WATTHIIH, KLUAZKIl SUIIWKPI'HSIIUISKII July 7, 70-ct.' AdmlnWrutora. 4' UDITOH'S NOTIOIC. 1. ViOI.V SOWS. WII.I.UU rKII'IKK. ic undersluiied Auditor nimolnted by thu Court of Common I'. ens of Columbia county, to make ills- inuuuon 01 money nnsinir irom me sine or personni prniH-rtvof Win. I'eirfer to and anion,- tho parties c mil led In rereivo I ho s.uno win meet said parlies nt hlsonicetn C.u.iH iss.i on SuturUiy, July mil, 1370, ut U o'clock, a. m. W. I. KYKIILV, June BO, 4w. Auditor. A UDITOU'S NOTICE. V. tSTATBOK KI.IZA11KTII IIOACII, URCKASBn. 'Uio underslKncd Auditor to make distribution of the fund In tho hands of tho Admliilstruturof the es tate of Kllabeth ltoach. deceased, will attend to tho duties nt Ills appointment, nthls oillceln lilixinis burg. on Saturday, July isth, ls70, nt lu o'clock a. m., hen and whero alt persons having claims against tho said estiitc, uru reipilred to present t ho saiiiu unuic uio .xuuiior, ur uu ueu.irreu irom euiu Ing In fur a share of said fund. k. ii. ii;i:i.i'.ii, July 30, 1870-4W. Auditor. I.uclnd.i Pursell. bv I 1VI llVStlliUIIU .111 V..IIU1IIUII 1 ll'U-S UI W,I,II1UII, Iklwurd lt.crawford,1 counly,No,140 I'eliniarvTerin vs. i is,o, uupeona in uivuicc. John P. Pursell, , The ull.vs siibiHcnaln tho above case hnvlnir been reiuriie,! nou esi niveniiis, you, 1110 saiu .inuii r rurseii. are nereov reiiuireu 10 niwear annesan Court, on thu tlrst Monday of Scntember next to uiisner inu euilipiailll, inert-ill Illi'll. IIUCKIIIUIVS, CHAltl.KS I'OllNW AI.'l, Atlurnej's. f-hcrirr. Juno 9.-4W. peabodyIiousr COltNEIt op LOCUST akd INTII STS,. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Convenient lo all places nf amusement nnd car lines in in i uv. r,n r iiunpps i una irom uiu v.en teiinhil irroliiids. Col Watson, proprietor of Ihe llenrj House, Cin cinnati, for Ihe past twenty ears, nnd present pro prietor, has leased tho house for n P mi of earn, and lias newly furnished nnd titled It thro'nrhout. Ho will beep n Irlctly Ibst-clnss houe. nnd has accoin inniiniinn ror bihi aliesls. ' erms on v s i itsr uav. No bar hm ever been kept In the Henry Houso.nor in any ne Kepi, ui tno reaouiiy. Juno 9-14w. rilO THE AFKLTCTEn AND UNKOUTtJ I NATK. Tlicro Is no class of diseases that re- ihilrn morn nxnerleneo to treat successfully than those nf a private character. Mnnv physicians sup pose that when the primary svmptms nro removed, the disorder or nolson has been oiercome. Suoh Is nnt the ease. The ilinicultles. nr the various Mace of Ihe disease nro then to succeed. Thn pnrt llrst attacked nro til's throat, nose, mouth, toneue. skin, tendons. Imnes. ltirnmonts. ears. eyes. Ac. Krequent lv these svmptoms nro treated by phvslelans ns sim ple ulcerations, until some of the Important onrnns of thn'Kidv beenme Involved, when death relieves the 8iilTeier. DII. II. W. I.OIIII. havlmr made nil prl vulo diseases a study, guarantees a speedv and per manent euro with nurelv veirntuble medicines. Med, leal ntllccRnnd dru? store, Nn. R.11 North Kiftecnth sireei. iiours, in tin i.ao nuu a io 9 p. in. March 17, '70-ly, Phihuieiphiii & Eetuling R. Ii lib i,r ,Iul i:eursliiii Tii-lu-tn will bo Issued nt reditcv-d fares between all regu'ar stations on Mnln Itoad and Hranches, (excepllnir between local points on (lennantowunnd Nor rial on n branch,) Rood from Monday, July 3d, ls7fi, to Thursday, July cth, ls7(i, bolh days Inclusive. No sales of such tickets will bo tnado after Tues day, July 4th, !s"0. 1'assenjrers should procure Ihelr tickets ls'fore enterlnt; tho cars, t'uli fares thari;ed If paid on the trains. J. H WOOITHN, Junu.10, 7S.-U. (leneral Supi'rlntendent FEARFUL ! FEARFUL ! ! Hxrltement. nt Iho New National T01IACOO STOIllS, below Market Street, 'llie slyn BIO- 1 1ST ID I .A. 3ST welcome all, where you can get the UEST U1IANDS iu me iiiursci. OUlt PLACi: IS CHOWDHD CONSTANTLY. Tliu uuderslitned has purchased the entire stock ui i. ii. juunsuu nuu 1U.IUL- i.in,ru uuiiiuuiis uieieiu. (iEO. S. TILLSON. JUUU3I, '70. Sill. N JOTICE TO HEIItS. I.OI.OIU1A COCNTV. s s : lu Ihe orphans' cuuit of Columbia County. In the iiiuucr oi me iiniiiiioii unu vitiuuuou in me Heal Kstuto uf John Mensch, lute of Franklin lownsniD, uoiiiuiiii i county, uece isen. To Jessu Mcnscli. viieliael Mi hch. Catharine lire man, .Maria Parr. Kllzu lllildlnc. Christian Mcnscli, Win. Mcnscli, Surah liurircr, Anulo Itellz, Franklin Miuuian truartuan uu uiem oi .loun u iteii7, .iar M. Itellz. Lavanta N. Iteltz. Sirah A. Iteltz. sosen K. Iteltv, Hdward I.. Kelt., minor children ot Abbey tlcu lli.it partition and valuation or tho' real i state of said John Mcnscli dceeused will bo held on the iirein ses on 1 hursilav the S7th. day of .In v A. 11. 1870, lietvveeti the hours of v o'clock a. in. and 3 o clock p. m. ol saidii.iy when and w here j ou may aiienii ii v uu mini, pruiier. Shellir'sontce. IJHAS. S. FOHNWALD. lllooinsburi;' Juno t, '70. sheriff. Juno 2,-gvv. TOTICE TO IIEIHS. COI.UMIIU COUSTV. 8S! In the Orphans' Court ut Columbia County. In thu mutter of thu partition und valuation of tlio estate oi imviu imvis, iuus oi neiiveriow-innp, ueeeaseu. To Win. PuvIh, residing at Dlinock, Misitueliannii Co. l'n Margaret Hopkins, tt-sldln-r ut Ashland bchuvlklll Co. l'u. Chat les 1'i.vls. resldliiL' ut ladena Lee Co. Illinois, siimuel K. Davis, clear sprlntr Yurk 1,-u. ra .luitu :i. Davis, .iuus iirove scmiv isiu to, in. Ituth Ann Cramer. Zlons llruve. SehuvlKlll Co. Pa. Wesley H. shiunun, Francis 11. s'liimnii, lliuiford Shiunaii, and llurrlet Kvnus ull ut l'l) miiill li,l.u?erno Co 1'a. Take milieu that un Hupiest will bo held ut tho late dwelllm; house of David Davis, deceased, lu the township ot Heaver Columbia County, on Tues day Iho llrsi day uf August 1S70, between the huurs ot 9 o'clock a. lu., and 4 p. in., of said day, for thu purpose or iii.iklnu iui tltlon ot thu lte.il KsUite ot said deceased, to and unions; his ehlldien uudlcirul represemativcs, lr ine sumo can ui uuno vviiuout nreludlco to ur snulllnL' thu wliole.othervvlsupj value unu appraise tho s.imu uceoiiiintr to law, ut which tlmo und place you are reipilred to attend If you 111IIIK I'ruiier. ShcrllT's omen, C1IAS. S. FOHNWALD. liluoinsburir, Juno iu, 1S70. bheilff. June lo.-ow, .1. II. KNITTLK. W. II. AI1UOTT Important to Farmers. and every body .In want of LIMB, LUMBER, AND COAL We havo erected kilns nt or near tlio Paper Mlll.on tuo l. 11. & W. K. It. and too now prepared to sell lluioutveiy leusiinuulo l, l ices and ot eood ou.illl v. Orders by Iho car promptly lllled and shlpjied to uuy eiaiioiiuu uie uuuvu ruuu. A full lino of l.l'.MHHIt, of ull kinds, dressed ur Hi Iho rough. Hdntrcs, laith uml bill 'Umber In which wo Invito tho nt tel. t Ion nf custo mers. Orders received uud tilled fur all kinds of l'xvni. Cuai. lly strict attention lo business wu hope lu merit slutio of public p.U rolia t'e. KNITTI.i: .t Allllti ri', April HI, 1S76.- Culawls.su, l'u. ADMIKISTRiN TOR'S SALE 01' ItKAL VALUAltLi: I-STATB I Tho undeislirned. Administrator of Deborah Itlcti- nrd, lair uf Catuvvlssa, deieused, wdl exisjsc lo pub lic ruiu uu inu prviuibvn in buiununu, uu SATUUDAY, JULY 8, 187 at 1 o'clock, p. in., the follow In;; described real estate lo-wu i a uvo-siury FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, In,.,...., r. mi.. nun, 111 p,.ii. ,-i,.ii, ,iviii uuju, :ir. fts'l lii fruut and ulu ftsjt In denlh. ad lolnlui' lands of Win. H.'liithlll, niidT. I. Demi. Tl.ltllS OF S vl.H.-Tiu 1st cent of one-fouilh of 11u puichafe money tu be puld ut Iho striking; down i.f thuprnporlj, tlm on.vfuurih less Iho ten percent ut the continuation of sale und tho reiiialnlnir three founhsln unu year thcrculler villi Interest from smutlriuuttoii I, LI HlltAM J. IIKhlll.'K. w.y. Kjerlyy, Administrator, i tloruuy for Hstute. Juno 10, 'lo.- TIJI!?-pAPEIIS KEPTON FILE 1 AT THE OFFICE OF, MRS 733 SmoM St., PHILADELPHIA, tVTio ure our uutborlred Bgeuts, und will rt'i'ilvo AdvirlUeiuenls ut our J.OWKHT CASH UATK8. ftfi In $i20 P1'1, dy ut Lo'oe- families worth 1 March m, li-te' DMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. KSTATK Of WM KlINVON. HKCKASK1I. N.iisrH or Aiitnliilslrnllnii nn Mm rstnta of Win. Itunyan.lato nt Mndlson townshlp,Uolumbla county, ileceaseii, have been Brnnted by lln llciflster olsald co. to. I, I'. Itunyiin A. Pavls llunym, Admlnlslrntors nr w 111. iinnynn, iiccn. aii iiersons iiiiiiiih euuin njriiliist tho estate uf Iho ileccdetit nro leipiestod 10 iieseilLiueni ior s'-iuenn'iii, iiim iiiosc immimn i" ho i-sinto to iimku mil men t 10 I no undcrsliriicd Administrators Hllhout delay. Hill, I . Ill .s 1 nitf DAVIS Itll.NYAN, JuncM -St .' Ailmlnislrators. ADMINISTIlATOIt'S XOTICH. KTATK OF CAI1WAI.I.AI1ICU KOnEIITS, intCKASKI. U ltersnf Adinlnlstratlim on I nn i-snto of cad-wnllmli-r IhilH.rls. Into of .Motitnui' towtishlll. COllllty of Columbia ctiuiily,s!tntiiif Pennsylvania, deceased, have iH-eu uriiiitcd to Win, John, of Hour 1 lap. a., ui wnoni an eisons inueuii-ii iu sum esiiuu uiu renucsletl to' mato pnynienl, and llioso having claims or demands will mnkti known tho sumo with out delay 1 Win. JOHN, near nap, r, u, uoi. i;o. i n. .miuhuishiiwi. .111111) lit,-iliv. A I'DlTOH'sTtlil'OUT OF CATAWISSA school DisrmcT roil ykau ksiiinci .lUiSK 1, ISIO. HKCKII'TM. Ant'tot duplicate for school purposes I2M1 81 UllllUMIK t isli from former Treasurer i SJ State appropriation 890 cu Tat from unseated lauds OS " -J.1C35 72 KXPUXDITUHKH. Paid teachers' salaries ,..t)?5 oo ... 7094a , . iu:i 15 ... n 41 , . 15 on ... 1S4 S3 ... 1111 01 411 M former loan for fuel for repairs salary of Secretary Treasurer and Collector.,., miscellaneous expenses Exonerations 1,13M 119 balance In Ireasury. t.113 43 KZIIA HHOWN, President. V. It. IIALIir, secretary. A NNUAL STATEMENT OE CKNTHl! TOWNSHIP. Henry Hess and Henry Shattci.supervlsora of Centre iuvviisuii iur ism. Dlt. To amt of duplicate for 1S7.1 SOK171 8 7r. 4071 casn or iienry niiauer. order on Isaac Knv In 1197 1 Clt. Ily amt. ot work done 19S0 85 Kxuuerations commission to collector 1402 10'J M 12097 1 Henry Shaffer ono of Iho supervisors of Centra lovvusuip iur isi9. Dlt. To balance of Note of Win. ShnlTer 197 oo Due bill 10 04 Cash ot Co Treasurer on u. S. Lands.... 2 41 Order on Allen Miellhamner 1 1 Hi Iiiteicst on note i ilue billot win. ShutTcr. si 13 1273 d) Clt. Ily cash paid J. J. Ilrovver 11 4S .uiuoi win suauerio i.suao i.i uui wvai Cash paid Henry Hess and llcury Sliaffer. 2 tt'3 co Wo the linderslsrned Auditors of Centra towiishln Cutuiiblu Cuuntv.have examined Hie ulsive itecuunts nnd llnd them correct, and nnd tlio sum of forty dol lars uuiiseveiiiy-one eenis line supervisors, unu iui- vv men uiiiuuni. vvo uavo riven oruer tiiraiusiuueui me jtreseni superv isors. LEVI FINTUIt, ) I.. W. wooi.I.KY, Auditors, SAMUEL KELCHNEIt. J Juno 23, 'iC-lvv A NNUAL STATEMENT OE OENTItl TOWNSHIP limit DISTRICT FOIt 1S73. Win. Sluller and Win. Dennis Poor Overseers ol Centre township ror ls;s. Dlt. To amt. of dupllcutc for ls7.i " Cash from Col. Knorr lu full ou ilup. '72, " Kent of N. L. Campbell lor Dixon lut. . . . " Casii ieed. Irom Hi lar creek twp " benjamin .Miller fori). P. Hioinas " Cash reed. Irom Levi .Miller fur D. f'. Thomas 21)16!). ll:u; !2tnl Hi HI 2UU OU UltK) I29U7 29 Clt. lly unit, paid for relief of Paupers In tw p. . " " " Attjs., Justices exieiises a:c. lu suit wlthShlckslilnuy bom. " .Mlllllntwp " " " State Hospital for board Ac, Mary llaslu " " " statu Hospital ror board AC of Danlclssoncnburi; " " " 11. It. Ikeler utty. and State Hospital lor 1). SpoucnburL'.. " " " David 1. Thomas " " " Joseph Puhe for Note usd Int .i i. Triivellii;,' expenses to Hospital " " " ll. D. Knorr for services ; ' Samuel Nejhard " .. ii ii rt Kueher Assr., for serv lees " ov erseers I line Ac. " Witness fees uud mlleiiso toliauvlllo . " Halanco on Inst jears account " Pent overcharired J. Kromer " Halanco duu dlslilct fioni collector. .. . M r,l 1S9V9 9121 139 5 21U DO 209 tl'i 4 2. 1UIH1 20 2 in) 33 3S S 237 2D .MSI 7114 tVTIOT 29 We the undersigned Auditors nf Centin tim nuin Columbia County, havo examined tho above ae.. un of the Poor overseers and llnd It correct lo thu i .n. oi our KLOwieuro nuu ueuer. LEVI FKSTEII, 1 1,. W. VVOOI.I.EY, - Auditors. n.VJl lib KKI.UIl.NEit, I June 23, '70.-3W. 11" OAKINOCHEEIC SCHOOL DISTHICT 1UMEI. W. ItAKKI, COIXKCTOa AN' II TRKASfll til, IS AC COCNT WITH ItOAHIMICKEEK SCIIUOI. DISTHICT I'OII THK VKVIl KNUISII JUNK 1, l5T0. To am't of duplicate " " Slate uppruprlatlon Am't brought furwaid ( Ii. lly am't puld fur teiichci-s' salary . . . Colk-ctor's commission utsiiercent " uui't paid Treasurer's eoiuinls- slou ut 2 per cent " uui't paid ou outsUindlui; orders ot pievlous jcur redeemed " ulu't exunerullons allowed " " paid for eoul " " " " school necessaries. (373 34 Ml 73 f(M 29 1325 DO al 3t 11 47 0 77 2 Hi 31 SI 12 111 fu'2'J S, Am't brought forward " balanced Ain't In hands of Treasurer j-OlM 29 022 Hi 113 4 11 OAIUNOCHEEIv I'OOIl DISTHICT. WII.I.IAU YKAOKII ANll .tllllAIIAV WlTNEIl, 1'OI.I.H.TOI a?iu lllfiAM'lIKlt ur uuauisuciim: I'UOK llls 1HICT I'OII YKAIl LSUINU Jl'MK 1, 1SIU. DII. To am't of duplicate C 27 " balance uf previous j ear 21) b7 tisi 14 Cl. lly ain't paid for collector's comnils- slou utn per cent 1277 " um'tpald ti riloihliiB for pau- pcis Ull " uni t puld fur kcipliig llarbara Flaher , , 78 00 " am i puld fur kccptiu; Juhn lira. . ham 1!I2! " iixuiicrutlonsullovved 00 " ain't paid tor ntteiidliiifsettlliiir 2 00 " " " " maklni; duplicate. 1 90 (123 113 Ain't liiouuht forward " batunced !s3 14 223 cs Cash lu hands of Treasurer. . . VI 49 "JOAltlNOCltEEIv ltOAI) DISTItlCT. JOSKl'll HVA.N AND J. M.TltUlll', COIJ.KIT01IS ANUEU- raurisous, in account wirii ltoAiHNucaiti.K ItOJU Dial HUT t oil VKAU KSPINU Junk 1, isTti. Dlt. To am't of duplicate " " baluhcu of pluvious )eur. " " Interest puld by J, .evun " " money paid over fs32 (S3 Vli 72 II uo SS (i'4 11, Oil 87 Cll. llj un't paid for work done , ' " ' " colli-cloi's cuiniulv sluu at 3 per cent " uui't puld for uskluk- hands,.. . " wi 11 ing bonds und paper " uurt paid fur utuudlnir seitliuir " " paldover,..,,.. " " of duu bills ludectned or previous ycur...,, (930 CO 42 CS 10 lu 83 S UU 8 32 11 44 (1,104 91 Am't brought f-irvvard. , , . , " balanced,,,, , 11.103 94 , l.OIS 87 Aiu'tduu Supervisor., (CO 07 ..)Vc'.t.1"3 h'al'-'rslgned Auditors of Ituarlnirc.'eck Su ish.,'.ilin1?.i'urB'ully ''"'bied Iho ,K ac, couuts ui.d llnd them correct us ubovo sot out. MAIILON II. MYKIIS, V A'I'll k M 111 tl liit ' 18,1 MATH ASJ Mill,!,!.' Audit ira. UEOltllE 1'. CIIAIU OAHDINO, nt m! tmZZ. irr I'"? PlMred 10 ret vo boardew ulbui uousoiu Hoarlugcreck UwiihIiIii. slluaUiliU. nSuorinll'Ss'Sri;,,''';.ir,,'clP,'8' " inunttoiliur .'SSJir..'?.1?. frl V?. ,L" l"-inile. Hood roo)u ' WKpnabto, J. H. KLI N O Kit. y , -le-ii. jloarlo creek, 1'a, A. J. Weaver & Go's, Adv'ts. CENTENNIAL Hotel Directory ' OF PHIIjAnKLiPHIA. n-,.A...n.,.i. nr ran. ,i.,iora ttiu Isll. Ilm D-rand Cen. tennlal Uxhlbltlon at I'hlladelphl.i. Thoy will vvnnt lo slop nt hotels where, Iho nceotnmodalluiis aro nii ii, i I'liiii'iffs mo reasonable. To do So tluV must mnkontl nrrnii(femeiils Is'foni staillnir. This can bo done by correspoimencovviin inopropuciors. This directory will bo found such as nro fully up to these requirements. C II ANN I NO HOUSE. I J ON Till! KIHtOPKAN PLAN. Hit' isircl-l, irom lllllii hi hhii r-iri-ri", imiiiiri. plllll, I'll. ttnnriniiniwr. nnrt nf West I'hlladelnlda! cars boss door to centennial Oroundsi new buildings of brick nnd stono, nnd now furniture. Capacity for "ou Buests LOHUINtl sjl l'l'.ll DAY. lireakfast, and supper do cts. each! careful attendants and private wai oilmen i wru iiiiui' iiuuhiuwuwii u m m i.unnu sections. ItOOinS may uueilicuren in lunmiiy u, eui- esporoenco v-iiAis.-iisu nuinu lu, ,iunu -zd-sui. SM El) LEY HOUSE, I'HILADELl'IIIA, PA. THOMAS S. WJiJHJ, Viojirletor. J.MUIMAV WJUllI.Sup't. eycentenntal visitors will find this a Urst-chm stopping place. Arrangements can bo made by cor- respoiuieueu. Stay20-Hn, "Q N 1 O N HOTEL, l'HILAllELrillA, l'A. THOMAS S. Willi I), , Proprietor. J. MUJUl.lV WJIlllI, Uup't. ronipnnint visitors will Had tlds 11 Hretclnss Hotel nnd the terms reasonable. May 2(flm. Kim Avenue Hotel, T?LM AVENUE AND l-'IKTY-EIKST l'j Street, opposito TVft 0111I ol' fllacliliicrj- Hall. OOO BOOM8' A single room and slnglo beil, tl on per day. A. HOKLOFS. Proprietor. Itooms can bo secured by correspondence. Juneau, '7i).-ini. IS7H. I"". B EL M 0 NT JI 0 TEL , STHICTLY FI IlST-0 LASS. TKIl.MS(3.5) I'Ell DAY. COU. l'OUTY-I'IHST AND OKEC10N STS., (SlI.VKIl MAI LK IlltOVE.) W13ST PHILADELPHIA. Cliurles 1'. uud I". P. Slevens, of llullliiiiire, OWNUHS AND PltOPItlETOltS. Mujor. W. W. LEL,ND, Manager. Its AllliieilUllS V.llMVllJ . i,,iti lllll-Slfli w ivi;o long x 14D feet wldo ; 3 stories high; built and fur- Iilsueu ny liiiiiiuiore.uis. ri ivuio pui lors, eu suite, etc. special rates for Parties, Associations, Ac. French, l.euuaii, Spanish and Italian spoken In Iho hotel. All charges 1110,1, -rate and nccoimnodallons nrst-class. it Is within tour bli cks ot Ihu main eu Iranee of Iho (Iranil Centennial Exposition, the mus: desirable location of nhv Centennial Hotel. 'I ho en- lire house In sin rounded by 11 luugniuceni grovo or ,1 1 ii.i.s r,f llilrlv vimrw irrmvlh. ltml:lfii. II till, coolest hotel lu Philadelphia. Tho furniture nnd eiUlpmentsof tho entho estulillshment aloof tho most Hb'TiH character nnd during the seusnn a Ilrst-cla-w oivhestra will furnish music for the entertain ment of the guests. .Mai ket stieel lino city cars pass the door. June 30.-31U. Tills Directory is compiled by J. WEAVER & CO.. jVoivsimiicr Ailvci-tlNlne; AffciitM, 110 Smllhtleld Street, PITTSSIIUIKI, l'A. branch onice, 1313 Maikct street, Phtla. 0IL0G1UPHS. The Newest Thing in Pictures. KVKHY SI'IISCIIIHKH to this paper who will re turn in Ihu Am. Ollegiaph publishing co. Ihu an nexed certllleate, wllh Micents, will receive byie. 111111 Mini) us a specimen 11 supeib Ollogrnph of Mary Spencer's exiiulsllu llower painting, Mirliiu lli-iui-iIi-n. 'I his picture, ininsurliig 12x10 Inches, letall.s fur (3, and Is a fuc-slmiluuf uu ull painting vvoitli (IMi 'In also distribute specimens of ihelr moro elalurate work, they will rorwind gratuitously to to every tenth purchaser of Ihe above, whoso nuincs will bo legisteied ns iccelved, a'magblllcent WOllo giaph, 22.X2S Inches, entitled llnsnin I'rli ii.U. Ad dress, AM. OIIOtlltAl'll CO., No 13S Walnut St., Clnclnnull, o. S"Cut out this ceitlllcate.-5t 1 His Certlllcute. aceompanled by Fllty CcntSi entitles thu sender to tho s:i.0) OiliiKrniili, mii-Iiik Hi niilli s, Advertised bv Am Oilchiiiai ii Co., 13s Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. Juno23-lm. 1776. Agents Wanted. "Centennial Cook Hook and Ooncrnl Oulde." 400 pages, bound In Cloth and Hold. 2,000 Heclpes Cuokery, Medicine, Funning, Dairy, Kv cuts, p 11 en gravings Centennial buildings, old Itcllcs, Park scenery. Map uud (luldofnr strangers, best sell lngbuokout Hook for every body. Itelulls at (l.cu: sent iwstpald on receipt. Send for copy. J. 11. MYF.HS, Publisher. 1113 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. J. VI. A: Co. Juut 2J-1 m. Congress Hall, NEW FOUlt-STOHY IIIIICK 1IOTKL, ON THE Kir. HOPKAN PLAN. Him Avo , Hi-low Fort -Bccon 1 31., Dlreclly upposllo Main Kxhlbllloi. llulldlng. Ac comiiiudatlous fur 1,0110 guests oieclal iiirange. incuts for largo parlies. Terins-o.Nii DOI.LAIt I'KH DAY. Comfort, economy and reasouablu charges. VV. II. IIAKEIt X CO., Philadelphia. w July 7-lm. ""sheriffs sales7 lly vliluo of sundry writs of Fieri Fa. and Levari 1 uchis. Issued out of Iho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county and to mo directed, win bucxpuseil to public salo at thu Court llouso lu IHuomburg ut unu ocloek p. in. on THURSDAY, JULY 27, 187C. All that cei lain tract of land situated lu Hemlock township Columbia county. Pa., bounded un tho north by laud of ohai les Dleleileli, on the west by land of Joseph Muust, on the South by lund or 11. F Hosier, und east by land of Win. Wuguer, contain Ing 72 ncres more ur less oil w hleh Is erected 11 frumu house, a bunk bniu, and other outbuildings, with tho appurtenances. b ' SeUed, taken ono execution, and to bu sold as tho rrupuity uf Ainus Appleinun. AlisO, All that certain tract or parcel of land lv Ing and being in Heaver Valley, In Heuver (latu .Mliuin) Inw n shlp, In Columbia cuuuty l'u., cuninlnlng ana acres moroor less, and being thu same true? lately. In ls72, deeded to ono Ileiilainln M. Plumb by MUubrlh Calharliio Hubbell anil Win. Wheeler llubbell her husband, by deed recorded among thu land Hecurds or suld county of Columbia, lu 1110 state ot Penn sylvania, to which deed lull reference Is hereby iiiudo for n moro full uud particular descilpilou of Iho tract of laud hereby conveyed, which Is dose nbed I11 Raid deed u lollovtsi All lhat tiact or piece and nuicel of land sltuatu und being In Hoavcr Valley. In (leaver (lalu .Mllllln) townsiilp.ln Iho county of Cu luinblauiid Stulo ut Pennsylvania, cuiituliilug 35U ucies, inuru or less, (surveyed for 1121 ncres, und ul lowunco for roads) which was loused by the luto Itlehard Flower, of Delaware county, to John bher. man, cm the 21st d ly ot December, In tho ji'f r Isti. and ot which wild Hlcluird Flower, died selSed In his dctnesni! as uf fee, und ho huvlng died Ihleslalo It descended to and vested Hi his six children, who all conveyed tho sumo by deed dated Am 11 121I1, lsi4,ro. corded In Danville, In Deed Hook "1," pages 4U5 4110 407, 408 10 Win. W. llubbell In trust i the said tract belinr described und bounded on the tust by hinds of Minou bhelluiiuier Oeo. Shu hammer and tllierB. on thu north by survejtd land on the .Mccullif .Mnuutaln, on the west by I ml luto of John John iS'i' SS'iur; unJ ci", '!'u Ku"" h '""'la "I Jesso !l,VV,rt..,M're, ill"J U,"K "" l"""B "' "f land whlcirihoiuas I'enii amV Juhn Peun, linuires. by Head or latent dated tho sd February, A. 11. iVli. cniolled April 1st, I77D, granted, leleased ami con' llrined toiilab-Meciei.alTaii Hi lee, am l th?rVlnu scillied as ucei tain tract ot land called "ITescot sltuato tiu u branch of Cutavvl.ssa Creek, ubovo tlio gap Hi tho county of Northumberland, beginning it u .marked muplo a corner ofileo. .McCcnunan's land thence by thu samo norlh fortj-suven detrec-s vvest tvvro huudri d and seventy perches to a "t theneo bv u Hun 01 marked trees, 'north titty degrees east 831 ix-rches to a iost 1 ihenco by (leo. burl rain's laud soulh 290 icrches lu a marked chestnut oak UuulZ by a 1 luo ol marked trees suuih tvvenly degreoa cost us iierches tu u iniirked bluck oak. und Bou li seventy degrees vvost ninety iierches to ll G p uce of Ix-glnulng, containing J24 ucresV and idlovvaucnul six iier cent, for roads In pursua ice of a vva rant dated July 21th. 1171, surveyed to Jiuu I'lngle. uiidby hluigriiiiled lu said HlalrMo tSi. hun lu fee bv-deed dated February 22d, 177n 'iho su d tract ut land being computed with roads to coi tula SOU or tlierealKnits (U lng Iho sumo nreinls. which Hlchard Henry llubbell uud Chuilutto h 2 vv Ife, by deed dated July 21st, A. 1), ilcj, Tn I riTori .cl NoveinbiTSIst, 1 sea In mi onic 0 forVefordi ,g u Deeds, Ac. 11 uud for Columbia cuunty. at lilooins burg. Deed Hook -T," pngi. 113, m lis, irunied uiid cuiUBVi'd unto the bald llllialicth t'utheilno ilubbe 1 lu her own right in eo simple subjott toti'S iMw. nent of uceituluinortguge debtor auiiioi "xuW larssccuied by morlgngo tm suld prcm ses. date i May aoih, 1W4, with Interest, Ac.,1 omi be ng h,, tamo rruulses which Win. W. Huobill, TruileB of Mary Ann IjubUll, und said Mury Am llubbell by ludenturo dated December mh, a; 1). lUJcTordeU unuoomsburg, In Deed Hook "T.'Wei inb, , Ml V,h K!,,!'lil H1".1 cohveved unf) iho said Hlchard Henry I ublull m fee simple, freed und uta inteJ ur,Sesl,''S UUl1 Ul"'", U,4l'U";r "topl Sclicd, taken Into execution aud to be sold us tlm vVr'Ji.Llm "imd luUwa n I'ldlbrivok. shertf'sonica CIIAH. s7foiinvvaiii lilooniMburtf June tl, ' ' gvlm miila tme),70- ' www.