The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 30, 1876, Image 3

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II I, O O M R II V It (I, f II 1 1) A V, J t! .N K ill), 1SJ
Itnil llond Tlnio Tntilc.
NOItTlt. FOUTlt.
Accommodation Train,.,..., c.4S A.M. Mi A. M,
Mall Train 7.40 A, M r. it r. M
ISxprcss Train 1.M p. M. II.M A. M
" " 6.54 1. .M.
mmnt. south
Accommodation Train CSS A. M, 1'. M,
Keg uliir Kxpress 3,M 1'. M. 1 l.:i.l A. M
Through ears on ISrprcss train cither to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between
(latawlssi ami Wllllainsport.
It is'iieccsFiuy for us to lmvo money, ns wo
mo obliged to )my ciuli for labor ana niuturinl,
A inrniticr of tlio firm will tall upon our town
tsuliscriliers during tbo coming week for tlio pur-
ioao ol colleeliiig subscnptions duo for II
present year, which expires October 1st, lfsTll.
Our terms arc payable in mlmnec,tmt in we have
furnished thu Cumin UK for ninu months with-
out asking for pay, wo liopo our culls will bo
The graduating clmn at Lafayette llilsyear
numbers bo.
runners Harmim & Hnssert nro ctpcricip
ceil hands at repairing Henpers nml Mowers.
Owing to llie nbenco of tlio pastor several of
our churches wire closed on Hundny.
The youfg man who spends incut of his lime
i i the yard back of our olliee makes too much
Can't Capt. Krnst bring his troop to Illoom?
burg next Tuesday? Hemlock can do almost
Our irenlal voimir friend Oiilenn Mvwi. fur
meily of this place, has started a job oll'tco at
Nanticoke. Vt o wish Mm success.
.1. Jl. Scott lias puieacd thu bakery of C. S.
Miller, and will hereafter run it in connection
with bis up-toivii store.
The festival of the M. K. Chinch in tbo Opera
House, last week was ipnto successful. The
band enlivened the occasion by their prcence.
If you desire a good picture go to the artist
who advertises in the Goi.umiiiak. If you
wish the proper ciprmlon eat a largo quantity
of cucumber for breakfast.
Cieo. S. Tillsou has opened u tobacco stole in
the room formerly occupied by C. M. Oirton,
where bo keeps a lino i-tuck of everything in his
line. Try it.
Hereafter resolutions of condolence to be in
serted in the Columihan iniM be paid fur as
advertisements. Our space is too limited to in
sert matter that is not of general interest.
Pkiisoxai.. Charles II. Lee, Superintendent
of common schools in 'Wyoming county, Philip
V. Weaver, of Hazleton, P.ivid Harmaii, L.
(lannan, former students at the Xomial School,
were in town last week.
Tbo individual who took the gold pen of the
undersigned from the olliee of the County Com
missioners on Monday hut is reipiciled tn ic
lurn the saiuo at once, or his name will lie given
to the public.
AVm. Kkickiiaum.
Choirs, gke clubs, anil musical societies
through the county who will prepare themselves
to sing "America" and "The lied, White mid
liluo" are requested to unite willi the singers of
Illooiushiirg in the iiiu-ical exercises of the -1th
of July.
Tkachkr's Kxami.vation. The annual ox
animation of teachers for Iho public fohonls of
Coiiyngham township will bo held at tbo new
school house at Centrnlia on Tuesday, July the
11th, commencing nt 10 o'clock n. in.
Mautin I'ciici:!., ,
June SO-'Jw Scc'y.
On last Thursday night an unfortunate man
whose name is unknown, and who was evidently
suflcring from delirium Iremcm was placed in the
lock-up. Ho threatened to kill himself, but bis
knife was taken away. On Saturday he tramp
id towards Danville.
Tim C01.U.MIUAN lias erected a large bulletin
board in the Couit House yanl, on which will
be found the latest news from all parts of the
country as it is received. Hills and posters
printed at this ollico will liud a place on the bul
letin, which is in the most public location in
town, and therefore the best place to ndvcitUe.
l'or the past two weeks accidents and delays
in our olliee have pn-vinted us from giving that
careful attention to proof reading which is cus
tomary with us, The lesiilt has been many ty
pogiiiphical errors, which wo hop-' our many
leaders will overlook as they were caused by
circumstances over which wo had no control.
Tdachi.k's Kxaminatiom. The Annual
Kxainir.nlion of Teacheis, for the public schools
of the ltoroiigh of Centrnlia will be held on
Tuesday, July lltb, atlhu new school hou-e,
commencing nt 10 o'clock, n. in.
l!y older of (bo Hoard,
C. (i. Muiti'iiv, Sccictary.
Tho Musonle picnic at Knorr's grovo on Sat
unlay last was largely attended. There was
music and dancing, and Iho address by Kev.
J)r, Mi.Cron is very highly spoken of. Tho
weathi r wits all that could be desired.and every
Jiody injoytd themselves, We regret that biisi
lies engagements prevented our attend. nice.
Tho Street Commissioner is at work grading
Market street from Third to the riiilioad. The
pavement in front of Itev. 1). J. Waller's has
been cut down ami the bank sodded, which
greatly improves (be appear unco of tho proper
ty. Market street to tho depot will soon bu in
perfect condition.
Uunjlimj.'l'Uo house of Mrs, Milllin, of
lleach Haven, was entered by a burglar List
Friday night. He compelled Mrs. Milllin
.and her mn to keep quiet, and then, having se
cured all the weapon he could find, proceeded
ithioiigli tho house. In nbjut an hour he left,
taking with him a icvolver and about $30 in
A Constitutional amendment has been Intro
slueed Into tlio House of llipiescntatives giving
tu the people the election of L'nlled States post
nusteis, marshals, revenue collectors and assess
ors onco every four years. Now, Mr, llicltley,
Hie Cameron and have Ibis nonsense stopped,
Why, if Iho ixojJe hud any thing to say about a
master, you would have vacated yeain ago.
A levy of two mills on Iho dollar lias been
made by tho Director of (ho Illoom Poor Dis
trict. Tills shows the advantage of our piesent
poor system. Theie Is hardly nuolher poor dis
trict in the county wlnre the poor tux is so
low. The judicious management of (be Direc
tors bus much to do with (homecessof (be plan,
mid (hey deserve much credit for (heir careful
attention to the duties of their olliee.
The boys have Iho velocipede fever now, and
many of them have provided with thu
menus of cure in the shape of it Ibieo-wheeled
vehicle. It Is line fuu for (he cblldien, but par
ents should caution lliiiu nsiilmt running atu
breakneck rate on the piibllesliiits where teams
ure constantly pasting. We have known sever.
ul Instances where horses have been badly fright
ened ny tnem, una as tho Utile known are not
thoughtful enough to stop when they kte tho ef
fect of their omuctnunt, soinithlni serious may
happen uulm they are mlralmd mid cautioned
ty ll'flf Vnti.
The. election held.ln Miillln last Saturday to
change tbo placoof holding elections resulted
In tlio defeat rl tho project by n vote of 107 to
The Calllcpian Society will hold n promenade
festival on Iho Normal School grounds on the
evenings of the 3d and lib of July.
TIlO members of the I.llthernn
will hold n fisulval In the Opera Houb on the
evening of the lid and lib of July, nml serve re
freshments during the day on the dtli, 1'ro;
cecils lor the benefit of the church.
Through tho kindness of tlio Western Union
Telegraph Company llloomsburg was furnished
with leporlsof the balloting for President nt
Cincinnati as fat as tho result was known there.
The St. Louis nomination were olso made
known to us by the company within a few min
utes after they were made. Such enterprise de
serves tbo thanks of the people.
A feud Ik (wciii nn lip-town merchant and a
eleik in a in ighboiing utore resultul on Wed
nesday night in the former's throwing a glass at
the latter, finking bim in the back of tho head
and cutting him dangerously. Whatever the
provocation may have been, the method of ilc
fense was neither safe nor brave. We under
stand the young man is lying in a critical con
Tho Luzerne embezzlement cases were con
cluded by Treasurer Cortwrlgbt and Commis
sioner Williams nml Sejbert pleading guilty.
Cortwiight plcall guilty to embezzling $20,000;
illianis was fined fcToO, and Sevbcrt $150.
Krom the statements made by the attorneys of
Huso defendants, it appeared that tho money
was taken as gifts, not as per liny previous nr-
We had the pleasure of attending a festival at
liuck Horn on last Saturday night. It was held
for tho benefit of l'uge's Hand, who are secur
ing uniform. Wheio tho people camo from
we cannot liinginc, but tbo building was liter
ally packed fiont garret to cellar. So ilensa was
the crowd that it was almost impossible to miive
inside, and there were a great many outside.
lluck Horn never docs things halfway.
The llloomsburir Normal school will not tret
a hundred and twenty thousand dollars from llie
state', as the governor vetoed tbo bill. mfrpni-
Our neighbor should post himself. Our Nor
mal School avked for $."0,000, and the hill was
signed by the (iovemor.
Governor llaitianft will iilcase accent our
thank for abound copy nf the geueial lan
passed by ,e legislature of ibis stale diiriliL'the
session of lb'ti. Jinlienileut.
I hat show tho advantage of being a Kepub-
lican editor. The one sent us had a paper cov
er only. Still wcare under obligations to the
Governor for remembering n.
.NOTin:it Sl'ii'iiii:. On lat Friday morning
Ocorgo Hartman. a citiren of Hemlock, aged 80
years, com milted suicide by hanging himself.
It seems that he went to the wagon house, pro
cured a small rope, fastened It to a beam above
his head, and then dropped down. When found
he was lifeless, and upun bis knees, evidently
having choked to death, l'or some vears he
has sullered terribly fiom cancer, wliicu had
eaten oil' his car and a little in his neck. In
sanity was no doubt Iho rause.
largo number nf the citizens of this County
will visit the Centennial Inhibition duriug the
summer. The pioper way is to make arrange
ment before leaving home, and by consulting
our advertjsing columns parties will lind good
and reliable hotels. They can ascertain the
price per day, and select from the list such a
one as Ihey wi-h to patronize. All who adver
tise in Ibis paper are good. To hotels we would
say that they eaii.iot lind a better advertisins
medium than llie Cowmiiian, a our circula
tion is the largest in the countv.
At a special meeting of the town council on
Monday evening an oidinaiico wan passed pro-
........ .b vu.,, iiimuii- ui ,argo in me town
of Illoiimslmrg. It is a question in the minds
of many of the citizens as to which is of the
UIO-.1 illltlfirt.'lllf'.V lllO .-mi'., nr u..n.n .1
, I ' - ... rwiiiv u. till; i;uilll-
cilmen. fwnlmel.
It mav bit llmt mil- inlf.1!.-..! tB ... 1.1..... ...
, 1UU 1.11111k HHJ
comprehend tl.c full meaning of the above, but
nn iiiicrprciauou 01 it h tins; the 6iiiuici man,
who proposes to conduct our local alliiirs here
after, expect, lu bo elected a member of the
ToWll Council UCXL vcitv nml IT Iw. Jirti.M .....
succeed in having the ordinancu referred to re
pealed it would greatly impair hi usefulness, as
the ordinance lirobibil mill lYnm ..mi.;
large, and that includes calm.
Last Sabbalh a very large concourse assem
bled at Unci: Horn to show their last tokens of
respect to the mortal remains of an old and re
spected fiicnd and neighbor, Mr. (iunge Hart
man. Several things (ounce toil with the de-ccj-ed
ma.!e him an object of interest and are
worthy of a passing natice.
He was bom in liciks county, January 30th,
17'JJ, and died at the itsidcncc of his son, Amos
Harliuan, in liuek lloiu, June !!, 187(1, aged
8-lyenis, I monlhs, and '! days, His father
uinvtd to Ibis pal I of the country towaid tlio
close of Washington' administration, when it
was an almost iinbiokin forest. They settled
down in tho woods, and had a wagon cover for
a house and tied their hoiscs to tbo trees until
they could construct other shelter for themselves
and their bca-l. He spent eighty years of bis
life within four mile of lluck Horn, where ho
died. Having lain born nine year after tho
consummation of peace between tlio colonic and
the uiolner eounliy, he has wilnessid the admin
istration of eve ry President of the United Stales
and has votid at cvciy Presidential election
since the days of Madison.
Ho was the father of fifteen children, of whom
eleven sous and tluce daughter lived to be men
and women and heads of families, lie leave
behind him Iblrtceen childmi, eighty grand
children and tlilily-ciglit great-grandchildren.
The multitude gathered at hi funeral was the
largest of the kind ever witnessed at lluck
Services were held at the M. K. church In
lluck Horn by Kev. John Thomas,
Tho Sentinel man In his able argument of last
week comes to the following conclusions : 1st,
That "a portion of our citizens aro deprived
from receiving the benefits (if theie aro any)
arising fiom gas," l'or the information of (ho
gentleman we would say that an odor sometime.
arise fiom gas, but benefit never, although
there are a few thousand cities ami limui In the
nation that are labeling under the hallucination
that they aro bcixlittdl by the n of gas, hut It
is not the kind fuiulslud by thu Sentinel. 2d,
That a town llghttd by gas Is "a bob-tallcd form
of aristocracy." That is light. Wu believe
some diellonaiie do thus define nn aristocracy,
but they fail to say anything about llie "bob
tailed form," so wo do not know exactly what
that mean. 3d, "Whin a company or corpor
ation attempts to grasp money from a private
citizen without cumpeiisailng that citizen for tho
same, ll.ey become robber In a modified form."
Doe ho iiieau tho (Jo Cwnpany ? If so, wo
have only to say that ihcCumpauy manufacture
gas ami nils !( tu thu town at lower rate than
almost any other town in this Stato pay for it,
and it I not their duly to ii.quiro who is hcuo
litled by it use. If tho tuwu coronation
"grasps" money from piivato citizen without
compensation, the citizens have a remedy.
Hadn't tho Sintiml man belter tell them what
that remedy I, if ho knows t And at tho samo
time Inform us what are "robber in a modified
form V 1 Wo had always mpioitd robbery to
bo lobla ty, but wo confess ignorance m to tho
"modified form" of that crime. From thu legal
opinion expressed nt tho uid of the articlu in
qucitlou It looks very much tu though scmoono
was fishing Tor a cue.
Grand Centennial Celebration!
JULY FOUUTir, 1870.
In pursuance of the recommendation of Pres.
fili-nt (Ir.uit and Ouvernnr Uurlrauft, ndrand
Celebration will bo held nt llloomsburg, Pa,,
July -ltli, 187C, to celebrate the Centennial An
niversary of American Independence, On this
occasion Ihcre should be a grand rally from
every portion of the County. Our soldiers, citi
zens and societies should make It an occasion
never to be forgotten.
c. w. nm.'ai.. ('oi..i:iii:sTi;iiiit!iiins
IMIAltlXS KN'Oltlt, 1". P. IHtlNKKll,
t ii. .iaiuiii, tibu. ii, iii;ijy.s,
VM. 11. llliOWN. I'. St. VANIlKltSMlin.
(!. H. FUK.MAN, K. O.IINT,
nUNUY JlCKUI.VV, lilt. W. M. ItUllKlt,
iii:uvky jj. smith.
rittm t. i. (imswoM),
Principal of tho State Normal School, will read
the Declaration of Independence.
rV summary of the history of Columbia coun
ty ,to bo filed in the National and Stale archive
aid in the Protlionotary's Office, will be given
iiu.i. .juii.n ii, rui.i.u;.
The ladies of llloomsburg and the church
choir and glee clubs will sing air appropriate
lor tho occasion.
Among those present will bo Faglo IIsso of
Pittston, Washington Firo and llosoof Dan
ville, Friendship No. 1 of llloomsburg, and
"1770" Firo Co. of llloomsburg.
Thirteen Original States, by young ladies, con
trasting also 1770 and 1S70. Another tableaux,
consisting of twenly-live young ladies appropri
ately representing the additional twenty-live
consisting of maskers, representing the customs
and costume of llie various nations of the earth.
For thi purpose costumes have been procurid
from New York at large expense.
under Capt. J K. Ullinan, will arrive on the
evening of the 3d, and at sunrise of the -1th will
fire a salute of
will parade in due lime on horseback, and add
amusement to the occasion,
and FUSE'S NEW HAND from Hud: Horn
will furnish for the occasion, All bauds,
sooiities and organization that intend to paitie
ipale and have not yet repotted should do so at
Tiie L. A H. H. V.. will run an excursion
train from Scranton, starting from there at 7:3-3
a. in,, and leaving stations south of Avondale as
follows :
Nnutieoke,'S:o-j a. m.; llunlock's, 9:lfl; Shick-
shinny, 0:30; Hicks' Feiry, 0.15 ; Ucach Ha
ven, 0:33; Heiwiek, 10.00; Willow (iiove, 10:10;
Lime Itidge, 10:10; Ipy, 10:'J."i ; ariive at
Hloonisburg at 10:33. The train will return the
same evening.
C. 11. HltOOKWAY,
Chaiimau of Committee.
Wc have been shown the prospcitus of a new
work entitled "Our First Ceiitiuy," and we are
ready to .ay that the manufacture, paper, style,
and number of engravings and dial inter of the
work are far superior to auy book we have seen
sold by subsciiption, and a ciedit to our centen
nial year. A many thousand copie are al
ready being piep.u eil for the pre the work will
be is-ued jfar below tbo price Usually a-ked for
works of les value. The standing of the hook
is pioved by the number of recommendations
the publisher have received from public men
at Washington. Their names are printed in the
prospectus book in fae simile of their own writ
ing, and their penmanship is a mailer of real
interest and cnisosily to examine. The follow
ing me a few of the recommendations received
fiom some of our townsmen :
Hl.ooM-iii iKi, P.i., June 27lb, 1870.
After a careful examination of "Our First
Century," by It. M, Devins, 1 do not hesitate to
give jt my hearty endorsement as a book of
gieat interest and value. Asa book of refer
ence by our students for general information on
nearly all important facts in the history of the
past century of our countiy, I think it of tho
highest value. I shall be only too glad to have
it in our school library. I hope tho book may
have an extended sale among all ela-se of peo
ple, which it surely merits.
T. L. Gmswowi, A. M.,
Piincipal State Normal School.
Hl.00M5iii'i:(i, Pa., June 23d, 1S70.
I have examined with considerable care the
book entitled "Our Fust Ceiituiy," and am so
much plcasid with its airangemeiit of tho great
Cuts of the centurv that 1 have subscribed for
it, and will le glaJ to see it widely disseminated.
John McCuo.v,
Pa-tor Lutheran Church.
Hi.i)OMnui:ci, Pa., June 23d, 1S70.
"Our First Centurv," by It. M. Devins, pre
sent many interesting events in our national
lil-tory in a cumtuliatcd lorm and with striking
illustrations. I commend it to Iho-o wishing
information pertinent to our centennial vear.
D.J. Wam.iik.
lll.oOMsm-l:ii, Pa , June 21th, 1870
Tho work entitled "Our First Century"briligs
vividly to the mind of the general reader tho
great lii-lorie eve ids of the one hundred year
of our national existence in a compact ami in
teiesling form. It contains a Innd of intelli
gence which the youlh of tbo land cannot so
readily acquire fiom any other book, and so at
tractively picscntcd a lo beget a desire for mine
general kuowlulue of the history of the coun
try. It illustration are admirable and numer
ous, Thu work commend Itself to tho public.
W.M. Kl.WKl.U
Ill.ooiismiiic, June 2 lib, 1870.
I concur In the above coiuincndalion of Judge
Elwcll, 0. 11. "
U.nio.v Ci'.MT PiiiM.Uiiix. This sturdy Itc
piiblic.iu county is evidently getting it baud in
for tlio fall election. At the late primary elec
tion ballot stiilliug, ieH':illng and false returns
Wcic Indulged in to such anexteut that the de
clared nominee for Sherill' has been compelled
to withdraw. If theo brethren cheat each
oilier, what will lliey not do against Democratic
candidates? Hut wo niust remember that a
Cameron live In that county,
Itupture cured la (rum 80 to w ilajs by mo Til
uinpli Truss Co., of liar llo ktry, N. V., who otter Jl,
Wsi (or a rupture they caiuiot cure. Bee advei Use.
nient and cut of Trus In a.iodier Column. Heinllu
cent for ucbiilpUio bo of Triumph Itupturo
O.uie, MarclKl, 10-1
iii'.nuuTio.NH in roAU
i:xi'M.i.i:xt Tisui to rir.r. vouit oiAi, jiinh,
C. W, Neal & llro. oiler their superior coal at
the following extremely low price' viz,:
No. 2, 3, A; 1, JaSO per ton on wharf, $1,13 del.
" 3, 3 30 " " " " 3.03 "
" U 2.25 " " " ' 2.00 "
To llmehuiners, $200 per ton on wharf.
Hlacksiiiilh lump, 3.80 " " "
lllacUinilh'a blluinlnous, 6,00 " " " "
20 cents for delivery of one-half ton or under.
They will fill up ccal-house nl $3,30 jscr ton
for No, It' delivered, and $4 per lbi for No, 4.,
dillvsrcd, All prompt cash.
Business Notices
Cr.NTCNNiAt.. lltty mi Accident Policy of
M. W. Nubs, ofl'ico Court House Illooins
"ifg. ,.,
Tlio best Dress Patterns In so nro H. Hut
tcrlck & Uo'a,, sold by U. O, Mnrr.
Aromn Uonslcd 'Colleu .'12 ccnls nt I. W.
llnrtuiau s.
When, In tho cotirso of liiimaii events, It
become. necessary to purchase; clothing for
summer wear, go tu u, i.oivcuucrgu.
Anew lot of Lullo' Skirts In this week
nt Crcasy's nt 73 cents, $1 23 mid $1.30.
Notice. Tho pavement In front of St.
Paul' church is being laid down nnd thu
Treasurer, G. C. Mnrr want money to pay
for it.
Now is thotlmoto pet your Calicoes whilo
I.utz & Sloan nro selling tho best quality nt
0 cents per yard.
Tho reason that 1). A. Creasy sells Goods
o low is, lie buy lor cnsli.
Lasting Slippers 76 cents nt McKinncy's.
Children' Protection Edges just received
nt E. M. Knorr's.
c A'ciiC A house on First street. Im
mediate possession given. Innuiro of
tf W. .1. Huckulcw.
A Full Lino of all kinds of Drcs Goods
at Clark &. Woll's cheaper than ever.
- - .
Fur Jlcnt. Tho house on East street,
lllonuisburg, now occupied bv Kev. T. F.
Hollincier. Apply to Casper Kressler. 2w.
85 cent for slipper nt E. M. Knorr'.
Ladies Lasting Gaiters 1,25 at McKin
ncy's. A fino lot of Flynets, Lap Hobes, Sum
mer lllankcts, baddies, oc., in Storo nt
C. S. Furman's, Main Street below Market.
Largest stock, lowest price,
latest styles, nt D. Lowenbcrg's.
A notner largo assortment of Parasols just
received at Lutz it Sloan's.
A lot of New prints this week at Creasv's
0 cents it yard.
3 papers of liabbitt's Soap for 25 cents at
I, W. Hattman's.
Fine Syrups and Jfolasscs from 75 cents
to 85 cent per gallon. Host genuine Xcw
Orleans Molasses 1)0 cents at Creasy' Now
Linen Lrcss Good and Lace Triniminr' nt
C. U. Mnrr's.
Ladio's Kid nnd Men' Fine Slippers just
received ut E. Jl. Knorr'..
Ladies Gaiter Shoes SI .25 and umvnrd at
Crensy's New Storo.
Cool, light and comfortable,
me summer clothing ut Lowcn berg's.
To buy cheap lor cash no to Crcasv's mw
store up town.
Dobbin's Electric Soap 12 cents at I, W.
Go to Marr's for your Embroidery,
If you want it good Ham,
If you want cheap and good Tea,
If you want Coffee Java or ltio,
If you want good Canned Fruit,
If you want the hot Mackerel,
If you want Sugar for the least money,
If you want the best Syrups in town,
If you want good Cigars,
If you want good Tobacco.
If you want anvtliinir in the Grocerv and
Provision line, go to KusscLi.'ii, Main street.
300 Pairs Slipper at McKinney'
To the public; that want cheap clothiiiL'.
go to Lowenbcrg's.
Nice nnd cheap Hells at C. O, Marr's.
Plain Lace Gaiters ut E. M. Knorr's for
iVpplcton "A" Muslin !) cents a yard bv
the bolt, cash, at Crcay's.
I. W. llartnian ha 10 kinds of Washing
Soap from 5 cents to 12J cents.
French Dressing at 13, M, Knorr's.
Huy tho Ellmood Collar at McKinney'.
2.00 will buv n Nice Fair nf Hnllnii fini.
tcrs ut E. M. Kiiorr's.
Old IMnldished Coal Yard.
Dealer in nil nIzc nt' tlio nnnliTt.w nt
Ked mid Wliito Ash Coal, at the very lowest
market rate. Unve constantly milium! Inn
stocks of
lilaoksmith' Anthracite,
and Limeliuriier's Coal.
Especial attention (riven to tho urcimra-
tion of coal l.fnri lpuvinrrnnr vnnl flT-fiiii
mid Lumber taken in exchange for coal.
Coal delivered to any part of tlio town nt
short notice. Orders left at I. W. McKelvy's
storo, or nt our olliee, will receive prompt at
tention. Oltice anil arels at William Xeal
& Sons' Furnace, East llloomsburg. Your
liatroiiairo roaiiectfullv solicited.
COAL. 7 tf 251 COAL
The Only Suiik Ci'HK
Foil Iti'i-Tl'HK. The oldes
and best licinla suigeons
In the w oil J aro soinuof
the Triumph Truss Co.,
the advantages ollcied by
34 liowery, N. wuov
truss und hupponcr were
awaided the meiial at tho
luto seshlon of tho (Heat
fcendlu cents lor their
MaiehSl 'io jl
Amerleiin liislllute I'alr.
new book.
Tin: Evil, Flturcsop Dloi;sno.v. There
is no pathological fact more clearly ascer
tained than the most formidable phases of
nervous disease are directly traceable to un
perfe'Ct digestion. Insomnia, with lu train
of direful, consequences, proceeds more fre
quently tVom weakness of tho stomach than
irom any other cause. .Mere sedative mid
powerless to cure nervousness, mid soon cense
to palliate, it symptom. The trtto wav to
strengthen tho nervous system is to invigo-
lino me tnKcsu v u auu ii.ssiiiuiaie organs upon
whoso unobstructed actioi I'niinuilibriuin is
absolutely dependent. Tin iaily nso of
Hosteller, atoinacu jsutcr will do nioro to
braco and sootlio tho woakcud and irrutcd
nerves, and induce sound, refreshing sleep
nature's grand cathollcou than all tlio
called nervine to be found in the pharina-
copiciii or i ut, oi it. A wineglass-lull of thu
inner suouki ue taiccii uelore each meal.
;j His-rouiiAi, Fait. i:ervaei nt who ha
hem steadily ullinu' llie IiiipiomiI S20 llnui
stead Sewing .Machine for Illicit years, own hi
dwelling home, has a good account in luuk, is
clear or debt, ami ha money utiiitirest. llie
ualiiial (iiiiseiiuotiee of securfii'' a uood micni'v
for supeiior goods at the lowest price. A gooil
first-class Sewing Machine, mo-t useful relbiblu
at all Mint's, easy tu iiudersluud and control, the
siuiiu size uuu uue uie same worii as any ma
chine that sell at four time' tho price. There
is no iiiaehine at any price better, or that will
do liner or more work, and certainly nono so
low lu liricojiy many dollars. Tho Homestead
is wiiu iv Known uuu used in thousand or fam
ilie in the Eu-terii und Middle Stabs, and dai
ly becoming popular in the West. It will save
it cost several lime over in one season, doing
the work of tho family, or will earn four or five
dollar a duy for any man or woman who sew
for a living. It Is Iho stiongcst machine made,
l inuiy in an lime lu do 11 work, make tho
tioiiecst and finest tlitch vtt invented, and i
fully acknowledged a Iho Standard Family
Sewing Machine. Price, complete for domes
tie use, $20, delivered at your door, no matter
how remote) on may reside, lliislnes nerma.
mnt and honorable, with more certain and run-
in i-uii-a, ami jurger piuui niuu any oilier, J',x
truordinary liberal oilers made to local or trav
eling agents wnere we nave none established :
.. ir :.. I.. t i 1
en, ii wiuu is uu nnii iieur juu, sciiu your or
der direct to tlio factory. Atlduni .klm It
Kendall A Co., CSO Hroidway, Nw York,
sii ay o, vo ry,
To which wo Invite (ht Interested Attention and Careful Scrutiny ol
r. linvo but Ono Prlco for All..
Jl recclvo Cinh l'uyuient from All
11 o u Guarnntco pruteetlui; All...
WIS Itetiirn Honey wlicn wo cannot
suit All '
WJS buy our goods it first bands, lu
Immenso quanlitles, iiud at tho
low est prices for Cash
WIS manufacture with cstrcmo enro
every garment wo tell
WIS lmiiect eury yanl of good) thct
goes Into our garments
WIS put a ticket nn every pnrmcnt,
showing plainly ll quality und
WIS cut oft" every Item of unnecessary
WIS employ firt-clas vorlimcn In
every department
WIS glvosatlsf.u Hon to overy purchaser
or return tho money,
In addition tn our Immenso Stock of I'.cady-Mado Clothing, wo have ft Magnificent I.tno
of Men's and Hoy's Furnishing Goods, Ehltt-s (of our ow u make) and Underwear, all nt tho
Very Lowest Prices.
Cornei' Miun and Market Street
The undersigned having been engaged in tlio
business for tlio past eight years would call the attention of country
dealers to their large and varied stock.
They defy competition by any house in or out of tho large cities.
Their stock consists of Paints, Oils,
Glass, P?itty, Patent Medicines, Spices,
Where may be found a largo stock of Surgical Instrument,
Spongoj-, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept
in a well regulated retail Drug Store.
They aro also Solo Manufacturers of tho celebrated
May 19, 7s.-tr.
and save one. hint the cost nf pl.f I?"rTrt V T T A rXT'P patntlns,', and (ret a paint tlutt
Is mitch humlsoiiiei' and will V I 1 Vjil j 1 AJJN I lust twice as Ions us any other
paint. Is prepared ready for usn In w hltu or im- color desired. Is orj many tliuusands of thu niiest bullilliiirs
nthecniiiiirv.iimiiynrwiiiehhaie been palmed KUjeais und now look-us well us whenllrst painted.
Ihls CIII.MH'AI. 1'rtINT has Inken l'lrsl Premiums at twenty or the Male Pairs of thu t'nlou. H.uuplocard
or colors sent free. Address N. V. 1SNAM1SL PAINT CO., liu L'liainbeia btreet, N. Y., or MII.I.ISK
HltOS., lit) Water fctieet, Cleveland, Ohio. .May u, 'So-ly.
Corner Main and Center Streets
The largest stock of grocories and
tic,, etc., in the county, for
the very lowest prices.
O Ct. 8,1575
Dealer in Law Wanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depositary of the
it i i.i i . , . .
13ookB and supplies not
On Short Jfolico at tho
Store in Exchange Hotel
un?r.?ii'? onMUlrd tho cost of f, i i j-sa M p A T 1 A 1 jrn p.untlnif, ami Ket a paint that
,iJ?,uc,,i l'1"'01"!''' i;d will Kj 1 TjiM I L'A 1 I I Al i L liusttw leu a. lone as any other
luint. is piepared icady for iisnlmshtlo orany color desired. Isun many thousands of the llnest bullilliiirs
!H V'u.?P.h't'rJ. h'-'hy of iHdeh Uau Ii.tii painted six years, unit now look as well as whenllrst natutcd.
i ins i.iii.siii'.u, paim' has lakeu t-'lnt I'reiulums at
of colon, sent fn-e.
N. Y. IS N A M IS 1
Address MI
103 clumbers
Dr.Teny'sYEEelalilGNBiYe Remedy.
l'or u perfect lestoiutlon of tho nervous sjkteui
Caiislhk' uu lliinu.ill.ini mill i lolsTi iuo In Ihu follow
Ihircascsi lurvoui di Will j lmp.ilied nuiilttouo
Ihii bodj, LiarJuidc, weakness In the limbs and buck
indisposition mid Incapacity lor study, dulliii'ss of
aiipiehenslcn. loss or memory, nurslunlo society,
llinlillty, sell-distrust, dlilnes.s, heailaelie, lneldeiit
tu both wxi-a, lor whoso belli lit It Is designed and
w hoso happiness It w III pi oiaole,
1 he, miisl einliienl i.hjslchuis of this eounliy halo
excited themselves (u iho utmost toelieek llielu.
creastui; fatality riultlii; from Iho relaxation of thu
".e.P;M,.1 ""!:,'Vr u iwilod devoted much
study, tliuo uuu labor In eslubllshiiiir u remedy for
Ihoperleil losioratlou of thohcrious ajstem.ltls
k'rittlfylDi,' lobo ublu to auiioiiiico tliu uuceessjt
teudliis my new inethod. 'l liiouxh this remedy Iho
hen os can bu reached and tu such a way that, liow.
ucr shattered or prostrated, they can to isulecllv
restuivd. ItuetH on tho nenes at oneo, ct with
(,'i'Hllenes.s-icsloiliii; them lo auatuiul state, iiid
leu.uilnt: tho ubmu Ulsliesslni: diseases.
Iloih sexes, mom ui less, lliioiijrli uiu luostiutloii
of tho nerjous sj stem, losutlielr eneiiry. Insueli
Instuuees Iho Nervu IMiiedy may bo lelled iukjii lu
reitihn,' tUipatlentlnluiholi;ororjmilli.
'IlioNerie Ueincdyls laieliilly coinisninded and
put up lu boxea w Ith full dli ectlons. lli lee. ono dol.
lar, uxpressed lo auy uddi ess on lecelpl of prlco,
Dlt. I, ClIAPNCHY TiillKY.
12is Vino h(ree(, l'lillu.
Ofllco hours, Jl a, m. to s p. in., 7 to u p. m.
juiuvu iv 10,-iy,
HONK 1'I.OUlt,
, , , , , HONK flltAlN.
l or kale in quantities to suit. 11
.. , JtuiEitT, Pa.
. ' Prion menns of necessity tlio I)W
J est l'rlic
CASH raves expcno nf collodions ami
loves irom bud ikbts
THIS Cuarantco protects tho buyer who
may not Lo a Judga of goouj
Wo rely on Immcmo soles and aro sat
isfied with a very unall percent
age, of profit
IT Is ensy lobiiy of us, rlnco all nro trcfltcd
ul I Lo, no ono getting favors that
nro denied to others
DICKtSr.INO and debato nro dono awny
by us.overj-boilygcUourbeitwllh-out
having to luk lor It
OUIt, Inrjo experience, capital nml facil
ities .o usufortliu peoplo's benefit
In lowering prices
WE fill orders received bymall from all
pans of tho United States. Tirlta
for particulars H
NOT a partlclo rf rlk run In buying of
us. A child may buy nn cheaply
, us a man H
provisions, Quconsware, Glassware f
sale at wholesale or retail at
iiiuie ooeiety,
on hand can ho i'umished
Most Reasonable Rates.
Building, Eloomsburg, Pa,
twenty of tliu stuto I'ulrs or the 1'nion. Sample card
l.l.l.Ml IIIIOS. lo'J tVuter Nlri'it. clcveluliil. Ohio.
street, ,N, Y, May 14, 'Jft-ly.
Wltl OY lU.rOIUll IllCllillll, lltCKASLII
l.ettersor Adiutnlstralloii on lheest.ittor leborah
lll.ilisnl. latent the township or Catawlv.i,eouiit) of
L'olumbls. del eased, huMibe'eUk'ruiited by the llt'Kls
ter of said u nlit) to llliain .1, IleediT, of atawissa
tuwnshln. All pe-isons huMni; ehiluis agtilrist thu
estate of thoileiedeiit uio requested tu pieseuttlniin
tor sellleiueiit. and those Indebted to file estate to
laul.e pal Hu nt to tho uuileisliined udmiiilstrutor
without tlcl.ij. ItlltAM .1. IlKHIiKIt,
W. I,, i:kiu.v, Admlnlstialor.
Altoiney lor ISstutc,
JIuj SC-liW.
JCOUN'Hlt or l.DUUST and I.NT1I STS.
I'onvoiilent to all places of nmuseinenl and car
lines in Iho illy. Noihaut'es to and tioni IliuCen-
r. iiiuii.ii kioiiiios.
f. col Walson, prniulelorof the llenr) Mouse, Cln-
i.i. mil, iui hut uai irill .H'lirTf, linn juu.
iirletor, has leased thu lioum for u U nil of Nl'ani, mid
bus newly fiiinlshed and tilted It throughout, llo
Mill beep a stilitly llisl-elahs house, und lias accom
modation for ui uuesia. Terms only It per day.
No bar has eer been kept In Ilm lltuiy llouse.uor
w 111 any bu kept ut tho 1'cabody.
.uuu v iiY,
l"'r ii i: inisr 1 I'T I' II II 1 II V 111 11 i i. vk 1 1:
lo TH. 1 K IT A v i oiiaa
tllill iHL'nsol Hid Ik-sL Alii.lleili MiLlelt bv Win. 1.
Ji.Huney. WllUell at sight In ciery house. Is In.
xlltKiitublr to all who desliu to kit ahead lu thu
orld. rutin villi kivut ability. Primed und
bound splendidly, bold at a low intra. The only
iHjok on this subject sold by Uk'ciiU, and will sell
ils-tter than any other weak In the nuukeu circulars
suid leruis si'Ut on lliilnedlata jimulcUnn lo thu tiuli.
J. W.WltiBDArtTtCO,
vmiicunui a, lUla,
Julie JVU
Dauchy &Oo's. Advt'e.
AGENTS AVANTEI) for Uio new historical work,
contllctfi of red ami whlto fnos, cxcltlnc advenUires,
captivities, fornj a, scouta. pioneer women and ooya,
Indian war-patha, camp llfo and sports. A boplc for
oldandjouiiir. Not u dull patro. No cornpettt on.
Kiiormom aares. ARenta wantisl everywhere. .Illus
trated circulars free. J. C. Slcuurdy & Co., I'lilla.
Juno jj-iw.
A tcn-dollar Ltli of 1TIC aont
free for stamp. ArWresa II urst
Co.. IJ Nassau ht., N. V.
E How tidier sox mav frtselnalo ana (fain (ha
loio and arjeeilonsof any person they choose Instant
ly. This mrnplo acquirement all uin possess, free, by
mall, forme, together with a inarrlssn irulde, Kl
(lan nraclc, dreams, hlnladi ladles, ulillntf-iilght
Hlilrt, Ac. A uuecr book. Address T, William Co ,
l'ubs., Phils. D. ftCo. .luno ns-iw,
AOKXTS, 25 elegant 011 Cliroinns. $1; 100
fort3. National Chromo Co., I'hlladelphU.
U rtf l V'O Sermons and prayer meetlne; talks
VI UU I i 1 it at tho N. Y. lllppodromo from tho
Trlbuno email in reports In tho now book (Had Tld
Inirs. Hcwiiro of Imltntlons. Mm pages, II. 1t,iw
ordered, AnKNTs wanteii. IS. II. Treat, publisher,
MS IJroadway, N. V. Juno -iw.
Put tip only in IlI.UK IIOXKS.
A Tried and Sure Itemed)'.
For bale by druggists L'oncrully, and JOHNSTON"
IIOLLOW'Av & Co., ThllaJelphln, l'a.
June 0-4 w.
Babcock &,Wycth's Ada.
Billiard Croquette
Turner la Horn, Hard and Soft Wood, All kinds of
Tools Handles, Ac.
ItlSAH OF 320 NOHTII SKCONI) HT., (Second ROOr,)
Juna lo.-lin.
When ileatli was hourly expecleil from
('oiiiiiit;iilnii, all remedlns havlm; failed, and Dr.
ll.JsMKswas experimenting, he acctdentully mado
a nieparatlon ol INDIAN lilS.MP, Mhleh cured his
only child, und now Elves this retlpo free on receipt
of (wo stamps, to pay cxiienses. Hemp also cures
nK', nausea at the alomach, and will break
afresh cold In tncnty-four hours. Address Cum
in ck & Co , 1032 llaco bt., Philadelphia, uamlnir this
(Icncral agents In every town In the United Htates
for iho Ailjiixiliilr- I'lcli, with a combliuitlou of elk'ht
tools complete In ouc, ifz : pick, mattock, adzi, lam.
pliiL'Iron, sledge, axo nnd polu heai.or any oilier
loolthat can be Inserted In sockets, nt about ono
rourth cost or ordinary tools.
.1. V. LAWISriTV, Adjustlblc Pick Co..
123 South 2d Sit., l'lillu., Chamber of Commerce.
June 23-im.
tuv it : mr it : trv it i
Tlio IScst Turtle in America.
The "S" celeMIl Bitter Cordial,
Xo 12 North Seventh St., l'liilaJelphin.
To tic had tVom sill flrxt-clriNM
drii'g'JstN tliroiigliont tlie country
T. D. Kollogg's Advts.
i!et and chcanest D.ilul In the world. It ETA I L.
1311 AT Vlllll,KSAI,K PltlOlSS. "Itua'ly
i,UYefi Full directions. Anolv vour.slf ami mvn
cost of application. Samplu cards free. (!. . KOiK,
3 Ileekman M., N. Y. : wiior 5,740.
H 0 31 Qi 0 P A T II I C
works wonders with cattle, liirses, fowl", and :&
oilier domestic animals. No livery stiiblo keept.
slock raiser, or farmer should be without acasoot
theso medicines and a hook elMm: plain dliuetlons
for their ase. UUKIlleJK A- TAKKI., 145 (irand St.,
New York, m 111 send their ilescrlptlvu catalot'iie t)
any address, on rctelpt of a stamp. Theirs Is the
oldest Homa-opathlc rhannacy In this country
founded in 1S35. Jimo'J-sw.
When visiting 1'lillarii ipida be suro to call upon us.
Those who cannot coino to tho entennlal fit
phould encloso rs) cents for a copy of our new and
beautiful "I'i.aus ok all Nation's Ukand .Makcu'u
spli'intld coniposltlon, with handsomely Ulustrattd
Title I'lige.
Address MX II. llONISi: A CO..
Dealers In sheet .Musle ,t Mil lc Hooks,
June 0-12W. 11U2 Chestnut ht Philadelphia.
pKDAlt VATS AND TANKS. for hrcw
Vers, djers, chemists, luanuraetureiH and prlvalo
il v. i.llllifr ill..,, A IIMI.1.' II 1 l.'l. ,1.,
iirn j itnwK n a it'p A' l.i
Juno HW,
llidtonwood St., below llioad.
EUllIlICn CiOODS of everj ilescriptinn,
lli'ltlntr, 1'acMnt;. (lose. Hoots and Shws, Cloth
in,', AC. HI IIAItl! 1.1SVICIC, SON i CO. JilChl'st
nut St., Philadelphia, Agents National Itubbtr Co.
paths maiked out by that
plainest of all books, 'Tlalti
Homo Talk and Medical Common Sense" neterlv
I.ihki paxes, '.'on llliiatratlons, by l)r K. II. 1'ooik, ol
120 U'Xli Ktnn Ae N. Y. Purchasers or thliibook
are ut UU'Hy to eonsiili Its author, lu ihtsoii or by
imill, hikk. Prleo by inall, iwstairo prepaid, U,sr.
I'onients tables liee. Aiiknts WASTtn. .Ml liltA
I1II.I. PL'llI.IsllINO CO., (John I Jcwett, luiiiiairer),
12'J ISast vsth St., N. Y. Apr 14-UlV
SiemHse. tod. P. HOWKLI, : CO.,
) I'ainphlet of lio paires, tontalnl'i;; lists of 30
new simpers, iindcbtlniatishoslneostit advert l-
;, .iiareu ii", .ii-iyr
kuaai) !l tout 00 frintuxc
1'riW (J to Xt.
Ul'KT IN 'i'llKUO&LD
xor ituainc Men
und I'rlntsvrft.
TboniUiJt ta u.e. hrul to 4
eent tumpi for profuivly ilm.
lrUl Ut lu CUln Mi
Priiu Lfit, cntltlrtl, MHuw to
t Co., urn. ftbd Duklcra lu Type
WAN'IEU l'Olt Till:
IN Great Ilrltaln and America, lly an canlnent ill.
vine, lla-s over .50 patres and 13 Illustrations. Prleo
Si. lies', book to sell. No other complete. Sun ai'i iiis
mado tlrst month. Send for proofs. Addross, II, s
GOODSPKISU s CO., J4 Iiarclay ht., N. Y,
Ni.w llkiism ISiiiitov. imi4u urtlcli. S.ikiu en
Riavlni;s, nml is splenilld maps. ThollKSl' HOOK
of iiiilieisul kuowledj.'o In I hn I.iUkli.i','u Now In
cmr-ioor publleutlon SPISCIIIISN wlllt map sent
for i eenu. AOISNTS Wantkd.
I ll 1-. IK. It.iVIS .c CO., l'liila.
Arras iy.
The Cook's Companion,
Improved Kitchen Slioing Utensil.
A nocl Household ArtlcloforslleinijllKKAii.Stmr.
SACaioi;, Vluktaulks, l'lmna, Cisnv, ,vc,
Tho Machlnn Is easy to reirulato, and i ery simple
to use. It takes up but lit llo loom 111 thu kitchen.
(Ihih'kks, iiuiciikils, Ilorsi. Ktti'i.its and Lvsiiv
I'iiiii.y should hau one,
I'rlen ft, und cheap at that.
Call and seu them work ut tliu l'urnlturo Storo of
K. 11. l'UKMAN,
Solo Auent for Columbia county.
Jltiy 20-!lm llloouisbtirjr, l'a.
Strictly Puro White Lead
All of which nro guarautcctl to bo ground In
Solo Sliimiliicltircr,
Kui'KItT, l'A.
Also, finely (jrouml Bono Dust and coin
jilcto I'.ono Manure for bulo in tjuantltlet to
Way &. 'ra.-ly,
5 s,
April 11-12 w.
The discoverer and coinpoundor of the far-famed
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
and other valuablu preparations, entered upon Ids
professional career w ltli the linimrtant advantage of
u regular medical education In ono of tho oldest sad
best schools In Philadelphia, and, nerhips, tn the
world, llo subsciiue ntly nerved a faithful term of
practice. In the Philadelphia Dispensary, and for ma
ny sears attended In tho Hospital. In those lnstltu
Hons ho enjoj ed tiro most, umple opportunities of ol
talnliii'ftii inl(tht Into dlic.xses lu nil their various
forms, as well as for aseeitalnlnir tho best methods
of tliei treatment. In otlcrlnir. therefore, to tlio peo.
ploof the t'nlted Males tho fruits of hlsoxtcnslvo
professional experlcnco In l ho medical coinpouiida as
the best rcsulta of his skill and observation, ho feels
that ho Is but prollerlne; n noon to every family
throughout tho land, rcstlne, as ho does, confidently
lu Iho merits and cfllcntlous ilrtuoot tho remedied
lm liereulih noinmends. Tho vast amount ol testl.
mony from all parts of the world lias proven "DOO
CllKltllY" tho most enicaeious remeuy Known, ana
It is admitted by our most eminent physicians, and
nn wiin hum evil iichkciI Its wonderful neullnimroD-
erlles. Thu Wf(.l) CIIKKKV In all age's of tho wond
and lu an countries wncro it is Known nasuecn just
ly celcbraleo forlM wondciful medlclual iiuiilllles,
but Its great power to cure bomoof tho worst and
rnnsr. diseases amonir us wius never fully
ascertained until the ctpe'rlriienU of that skllfull
physician, Dr. rswnyno, had demonstrated Its high
adaptation. In combluutton with 1'lne Tree Tar, and
other eipially valuable vegetable ingredients, which
chemically combined renders Its action tenfold more
certain and beneficial In curing all diseases of th
throat, breast and lungs. Dlt. rsWAYNK'S WILD
ClIItltitY COMPOI'NI) strtkes nttho root of dlseasa
by purlfj Ing the blood, restoring tho liver and kid
neys to healthy action. Invigorating tho nervous and
sliatteriKt constitution. If your druggist or store
keeper does not have It, do not be put oil by any
other remedy that may bo offered, but send to us df-
recr,anu wo will lorwuru a nun uozen lu uuy nuuiens,
freight paid, on rocelpt of the price, II tier bottle, or
1 1 1 ho half dozen. A ddress letters to Dlt. BWAYNK
A W)N, two North Mxtli stieet, Philadelphia. No
charge wUl be inado for advice.
AsU Your DruggUt for Them,
Iiuiile mid nil nhu nlu lienllh Should nevef
lio without lilt. SWAYNli'S TAP. AND aAltaArA
ltlt.LA PIULS, as they purify tho blood, removoall
obstructions, cleanse the skin of all pimples and
blotches, and brlug the rich color of health to tlm
pale cheek. Female Irregularities aro restored to a
healthy condition. They nro a certain euro fur sick
and Nervous Headache. As a Dinner 1111, nothing
can oxceed them : take one. two, or three, as inuy bo
found necessary i unllko others, they neither gripe,
produco nausoa, or any other unpleasant sensation,
whllo thcyaru as powerful as It is poaslblo for a
medicine to be and bo harmless. Theso Pills cleanse
out the dlsosdercd humors, enrich und purify tlio
blod, rcmoio all unhealthy bilious secretions of tho
stomach and isiwels, causing a perfectly healthy
stato of the liver, and aro undoubtedly tho host ca
thartic and antlblltous medicine jet discovered; und
wc nro determined that the stck shall have them at
a price within the means or tho poorest (23 cciiim h.
lm rat) I'M".) If your druggist or storekeeper
has not got them, do not bo put off by any others
that mav bo onered In their place, but send to us di
rect, and wc will forward by mall, on receipt of tho
price, S3 centa a box or firo boxescs !.
Swayne's Ointment.
Is particularly adapted to all forms of skPi dis
eases. Juies even when all other reme
dies and treatment fall.
Cures Tetter,
Salt Itlienm.
ISarber's Itch,
l'rarlo Itch
sore Heads,
Humors, Piles,
All Kruptlons,
scald Hart,
Pimples, sores.
Army Itch,
niotches. siurvv.
Chronic ISryslpclas fit tho
Seems to cura nv rv enso, Innvlnsr thn skin smooOi
and clear wltliout a bSem'-ih behind.
Itching Piles
Is generally preoedert by a mr.l-lure. Ilkn pnraplra.
tlon, dlstresMiig llchliig, us Ihiiuzh pin worms wero
crawling In cr about the rectum, particularly at
nlghtwhen umlresslng.or In Led arter getting warm.
It appears In summer as Melius wln'er. oftentimes
shows Itself around the private parts, anil Is not con
fined to males only, but Is quite as frequent that fe
males aro sore'y anileted, particularly In limes of
pregnancy, extending into Uio vagina, proiliig dis
tressing almost lieiond tlio powers of indurance.
Cases of long standing, pronounced Incurable, have
been nermauenth cured bv simniv- ftnnK-in
swAYST,1 s oistji i:.t.
1SXTHACTS 1'llO.M Lisrrisns.
Dr. Swavne A: Son: (ienlleninn Tim lm? nf oint
ment vim sent uie by mall euied me entirely of fleh.
Ing Piles, which t suflereil with fortlvii M-iirs. Un
closed lind tiny cents for another buv for u frit ml of
mind. As'i.HKtrj. iilai u.
l'armwcll Station. Loudon Co., Va.
Itev. I&llllC Holland. Veb.t.r. Tnllnr prill ntv V. Vn
w rites :
November !0, lsTS I liavo 1 ecu n sullerer from
llchlng Piles. I procured a Isix of jour ointment
lastsniing which iravo mn instamt teller, and feel
comment It will eltect a lieriimhoiit cum Unclosed
tlhll rtftv Cents, for W hlch nleuse send lnnnnnllipi.t.nv
by mall.
An Eruption of 8 Vcnrs Standing-.
I was troubled wllh nn irunttnn or ib.nt vnnm
Itching. Intolerable at limes; tried mnnv prenaia
tlonn without finding roller. Through thu ue of
swajne's All-Healing Olntireut I am finitely cured.
.... . t, .IOSKI-1I I.AMUEUT.
At Hortsman & Uros., stli and Cherry, Phlla.
I was entirely cured of Tetter
In its worst form by nr. swojne's All-TIeallng Olnt
ment. and shall be lmppy to explain mycaiu to all
...iv euti u;j.iii liu .
dijim .iieuiNi.Fv, esi Kna itotel,
2.ld Stieet, below tamtam, Philadelphia.
Sent by mill to nnv address on leceli.t r.r hh rn
cents a box, " '
Descrltie symptoms tn nil communications, and ad
dress letters to Dlt h'.VAYNlS i bON, ITiUiutelplda.
No charge for advice.
von sALis ny am. imroaisTs.
Sole 1'ropitelors and Manufacturers of
celebrated all inur tho wmld for Its remarkable ttues
i.l neiuiuiii, it-mull ueil yillllllllC COUiplllllllu,
and meases wluiu Sjphllllle Mnisof the pu lent
causes rieielopineiit of spl,illsor t-'ciotula m llie
ehlld nothing hriscier proud so efleitualln eoiu.
pletelv eriidleiillni!-i.rer estlgeot these daiigoioiis
coinpluIiiU and all dlseasis ai Islng fiom tmpuilty or
lis parilcular to obtain (lie genuine, as picpnrcd
IO' Djt. VAXK A SON.r-S. I'.f.tllMVl.lhTll,.,.Ua.
.iv iii.ii uu, luiin,' ih Fix-lieu e. riei II, SW .IVM i
as there pre lneuiratloiis f.r ki.ii.uu hut ktmii.i
lntlic market.
Tho most
Ilellable Ilnlr
lutroduted tothe
l'or l.'eMoilr.i;
(Iray llutr and
l.ii.dtu Ilnlr Color rcsterw
Linileii Hair Color lleslumr
l iiuiuii Halsiolor llestorer
1 irnduu Hair co tr lltstmcr
I union llulr l olor Kisiiier
1 u ) Color Kistutei'
I ol don Inur coi.i liisunr
Ijloiii hull Color ltestcier
1 n in n lmlr tuior Histoicr
l.oi, Hi n l.ulrt oier Kistoier
I indeu llulr Colir ltestnei'
l.oi.ut.11 1 i.n e-elor llcstoier
Liniu ii llulr r liislorer
l.emdi n l.ulr tela- Itestoier
111 den lmlr ( olor Itestoier
iniiuin iiuireoior ivstoier
rieuuitlh;; l.i,iidi n nalr Color ltutliier
... I oiiuoii llulr Color Itestoier
Haldnitfc, i nijite.ii llulr color llestertr
1 union Kslr Color lU-stiucr
The gnat LolOou llolr i olor Kestoier
Loiidon Hair Color llisluii,!
Luxury of l i u llulr Color ltcpoitcr
l.uiHli.n llulr Color Itestoier
the DiciS- LoLiion llulr Color Itestoier
London llulr Color Hesteiir
Itociu, Louden llulr Color It. sit i it
1. It will restore graj lmlr to lUoilglnaliolor.
. It will mn l.e I bo hull' glow i ii bain heads,
a. It will iisloie the i.uluial iiitillins.
4, It will iiuimu nil iluiidiutl ur.u liil.uig.
6. 11 will luuke (ho hull K.I1, ;ks. und tlexlblo
a It will pieteivotheoilgli.ui ulor loolduite.
I, It will piiiiciitlholuli'fioiutallli.gUI,
s. llwlll eiiieiil iltHUMsutl.ereulp.
7S GentK por Uottlo.
o bottles fi. Hcut by express lo tuiy oddiess on io
tvlpt of pi Ice.
Address orders lo Dlt, bN AYNK t MiN, M0 NcilU
blitti tiUuet, l'lillu., l'a., lolu ploplletlls.
RUM) 1!V ALL IllllCd'ISTb'.