-rSCS-. TOE'COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJEG, COLUMBIA COL NlT, PA. i i 1 t CWinutffiDM Jn7 ;jrc .11 10 ;t:ij 11)5 in ai in i.-i si iitpHii ft platform bo C ire tlio iioniitiatltitu wcro madO nnd tlio Convention luljourucil. Tuesday, the tlilril tiny, litter iimvcr by nr. i'lumer, lletiry (:. Murphy, clmlrniiin of lliti committee on resolutions, suluiillleil tho report of n platforni, which was unanimously mloplcil. .On u call fur the nomination of t-uiiilldiitcs Connecticut ircciitwl James E. English, Maine iioininati.il Wlutlchl S. Hiincock a ileiej-uto from Mnliio uliu nominated George II. l'eiulleUiii N'cw Jersey offered Joel l'arlcer New York named Sanfurd E. Church Ik-Ohio named George II. Pendleton l'enu mlvatila presented Ana Packer Tennessee nominated Andrew Johnson 'Wisconsin Rained Jnmen It. Doollttle. The result of too first ballot n ns follow : iei,i. i... higllsh ancock enuMctoii J'artcr hurch Packer Andrew Johnson Doolittlr 1 P. Illalr, Jr. Thomas A. Hendricks lloverdy Jolmton Eight balloU were had on that day, the last giving Hancock 141 Pendleton 6(3 Hendricks 87, and ttie others scattering. On tho fifth day Mr. llrodhead of Missouri nominated Francis P. Hlnir, Jr. of Missouri- Mr. Uhsle, of California, nominated Stephen J. Fluid. Mr. Valandlsham of Ohio, read a letter from Mr. Pendleton, withdrawing his name. Two moro ballots wcro had with out result. Before the twenty-second ballot was taken Men. McCook, of Oiiio,in an eloquent speech, n imlnatcd Horatio Seymour, of N'cw York Guv. Seymour, as on more than one previous occasion, declined, whereupon Mr. Vidian digh.mi urired and insisted that Gov. Sey moiir Khould accept, and gave, the vote of Ohio for Seymour, and the call of the States o:i the (wenty.iccond ballot continuing the unanimous vote was cast for Horatio Scy inour. For Vice President Illinois nominated Gen. John A. McOiernand Iowa nominated Hon. Asa C. Dodge Kansas nominated Gen. Thomas Kwing, Jr. Kentucky iiunii natcd Gen. Francis P. Uhiir, Jr. JTho names of all others wero withdrawn lielb'i any ballot was taken, and Gen. Elan ds 1. lilair, Jr., was unanimously nominat ed, luniilsl great.applause. After tho usual votes of thanks, etc., th0 Convention adjourned tine die. Tlio eleventh National Democratic Con vention assembled nt Il.iltimorc July 'J, 1872 It was largely attended, but the Democrat ic in uses were not in any sense responsible for the action of the Convention. It adopted as tho candidates to bu supported by the Democrats the National Liberal Republican ticket, which had been nominated at Cincin nati on tho 1st of May previous. At tlio Baltimore. Convention Mr. Greeley was nom inated on tho lirt ballot, receiving 080 votes; the remainder being, for James A. liayard, of Delaware, 15 Jeremiah S. lSlack, of Pennsylvania, 21 AVilliam S. Groesbeck, of Ohio, 2 Blank, 8. For Vice President, Mr. B. Gratz Urowu nominated on the first ballot, which stood (. Gratz. Brown, of Missouri, 713; John V. Stevenson, of Kentucky, 0; Blank 13. And thus with brief mention, let it take its place in the volume of tho past and be for gotten. J. G. F. Agricultural. Account ullli Crops. Strange as it may seem, It Is Mill h fact that the groat majority ol farmers keep no urcurato accounts with their crops, lliey grow corn, and oats, and wheat, year alter year, but are not able to tell the average yield tier acre or tlio cost price per bushel. Consequently they never know at what price they can ull'ord to sell and still get a fair re turn for their labor and outlay. They do not know which crop pays tho best, and onlv by general cuesswork can they tell whether or not they are doing a paying bus lncs. It is very easy to soo that a merchant who would sell his goods for anything which ho could get, without regard to tho prico he unlit for them, could not succeed, 11 Is p nin that ho must not sell goods for the saino unless than they cost. Neither should the farmer sell his grain for just what It cost lil in ho must keen an account with tho grovlng ciop. Hut some tanners say It will make no dilicrenco with them, because when they havo a croji ready for market they must sell it because they need the money which it will bring ; and also that what ever it cost them they would be obliged to hell nt the market price. It is truo there are boino farmers who aro unable to hold the'r crops for remunerative prices, but they are very lew when compared with the treat mass who can keep them. And even in tho case ol tlio minority it would be benefit to them to keep accounts, because if they did this they could tell which crop paid them the best. If they know just how much their wheat and oats cost a bushel, they could tell which would bo the best for them to grow And in the majority of cases, if a farmer lound that grain was helling at cr b-low cost, and there was a prospect (as there ecrtaluly would be) of better tinies in tlio near future, he could hold on, and in time get fair pay for his crop, liesides, it is alwavs best to do business on business principles. In tho long rim. this method would pay n great deal the best, and it will also give the constant satisfaction of a deh nito knowledge concerning prospects and re suits. So I am confident that it will pay tho far mer to keep a correct account with each and every crop which ho cultivates. Let him make his wheat field Dr. to the cost of plow ing, use of tlto land, taxes, seed, cultiva tion, harvesting, etc , and Ur, by tlie mini her ot bushels of grain and tho amount of fodder produced. Than ho can very easily tell jost bow much a bushel his cum costs and at what prico ho can allbrd to sell it. The same principle applies to all othercrops, and it is tho only method by which the ex act cost of any crop can be ascertained. To keep such accounts will cost but little, and will certainly bo of great advantage to any tafmtr who gives tho system a lair trial. Cor. Ohio Farmer. VEG-ETINE I'urlltes tin" llbol, llfiioislm ami Imlgorsln lit' Itliol' SjMllll. Its Medical Properties tiro altekative, ton ic, solvent and DiritKTIC. Veiretlnn H inmln exclusively from tha Julen of rnrcfullv-setcebd harks, touts nnd herbs, ami so stromrlv onticentrnipii, umi it win encitiiniiy rrien ento from thn m stem m cry taint of scrofula, H erofu. lnus Humor. Tumors. Cancer. Cancerous Humor, i(a!ni.i unit, lineum. Siiihllllto Diseases, ranker, Fnlntness nt thn Stomach, unit nil diseases flint arise from Impure Mool. flclattcn Intlanimntory and chronla iilieumattun, Neuralgia flout nml spinal Complnln's, enn only bo effectually cured through Vrtr find Vrnntlw ilfqpnsps of lllft Skin Putt unn, i imiiiv'ii. iitinnau-. nuns, leue. , iiuiuni'i unu lllmrwnrm Yeiretlno has never failed to effect n pcrinnnent cur, for Pains In the nnefc.KMney Complaints, Dropsy, V.xn.-tl.. U'fnl'nnttt. tj.nenri hip I. nl ltdliir from Intel', M-il lilcernttnit. nnd liferllii! lllsoises Mill llenel'al Heblllt , Veiretlno nets dlrcellv upon the chum s ot these complaint. If Invliforalcs nnrl Mrriixlhciis thn whole system, nets upon thn cecrfthc orujns, nllins Inilainmnllon, cures ulceration nnd regulates inn noweis. Por Catarrh. HstciM.i. llntiltual ConMlveness, I'slnitnllim of tlu-'llmrr. Head iclie. Piles. Nervous. nossnnd tlennral Pmsti Mtlon of the Nervous Sisleiu no mertirln" lias e er given such perfect mtlsMettnn nstlKi Veirellne. It purines tho blonl, ilennesnll ot tho organs, nml misscnses n contiollins power m er t he nervous system. The remarknhlo cures rfreeleil by eyetliiH lane Induced msnv physicians and apothecaries whom ue know to prcscillx) nnd tiso It In their own families. In fact, Vejjctlno Is the best remedy jet dtscnicied fortlnnnou'ills nses.nndlsthcnnle reliable 1I1.00D PUItll-1 Kit Jfl placed before (ho public. I'ltUI'.MlUD 1IY 31. 11. STi:V;:S, UoNton, ?Iuss. Whnt Is Veiretlno t It Is n compound extr cted from tho barks roots nud herbs. It Is Ifntuie's 1 einedv It Is nerrecuv Harm ess from nny nan effect upon tho system. It Is nourishing unit It acts dlreclly upon the blood. It iiulets tho nervous syMem. It given) on gooil.sweet Meep at mifni. iris a ereaL panacea inr ourm,vii fathers nnd mothers ; for It Kles them Ktienifth, ipilets their ncnes, and gives them Nat lire's sweet sleep. as has been nroe 1 by puny un aged person. It, Is the great lilood Purlller. It Is n soothing reine- Iv for our children. It has relieted anil cureii thousands. It Is very plensant In take : cury ehlld likes It. Ir relieves nnd cities nil diseases orl.r Pal Ing from linpuiu bluod. Try the Veirellne. (live 11 fair f 1 1 1 rr our enniplalnlsi then jou nlll sav to your incmi, ncinuoruuu neiuuiuiiuce, -irj it ; u lias cured me." Vegctlne fcr the complaints for which It Is lecnnv mciitleil. Is h:ilncr n l.irtrer salo tlirollLrhont the United Mates III hi nnv oilier one medklne. Why? vegetlno will euru llieso coinpiainis. V I l.TJ i ItLK l.VrOIl.MATIOV. liosiov. Dec. u. ises. (lenllemen My only nbjeet In Riling you this lesnmoniai is 10 spread vaiuaino inioruiaiion. rav ine iipimi iDi llv nnileteil Willi salt lthe-lui. anil the wholo surf ice ot my skin being covered with pimp les ami erupt ions, many or Allien caust'ii me, greur pain nml unmiyanee, and knowing It lo lie a blond disease, I took mane or the naieruscu moon pre- n n'fit nrnnntf wlilch IHH nnv I Itl.ltillt I nf Nni'MIl. lurllli, wltlioiil cibtalulng any bcneilt until 1 emu inenced taking the Vegetlne, and before I h-ul coiu p'cted the llrsl bottle I saw tji.it I had got the rlrfht medicine. Conseii'ienlly, I followed on mill It until I had taken seven bottles, when I was pronoum nl a well in in, nnd mv skin Is smooth nml entirely free from pimples nnd eruptions. I havo never enjoyed so good health lie.fc.re, and I attilhtite Italltothe UMe of Wireline. To Peni'llt tliose nllllcteil wllh llheumathui, I will make mention also of tho Vcgu line's wniideifiK power ot curing ine of this acute complaint, of which I nave suneivd so Intensely. t II. TLX'Ki5i!. Pas. Ag'l .Mlch.C. It. li., K) Washington street, lioilon. Vegotino itj Sold by all Druggists. June 10,-lm. YULOAN 1R0it Ar0RKS liANVIM.K, MtlNTOPIt COUNTY, PA. W ll,I,IAM II. LAW, Mntiulacltiicr ol Wrought Iron bridges, Hollers, Uaslwlder, t'lrepioot llulldliun, Wrouglit Iron Kuoling, nouiiing Kranics, l'looilng nnd Dmrs, lMrm dales and Kene lig, nlsu Wrought Iron Piping, Macks and nil kinds ot Hiiitl Work, tic. llepalrs promptly nt tended to N. 1I.-llrnwlnga and Uslluiaivs suppueu. Out. 9, ISIS-tl to TilHAi'i'idcn:) and um-ohtij- N ATi:. Thero is no tl.issoi uisenvemnaiie rn more oMierleneu to treat successfully than those of n pi ivutu ilinriicter. Many physicians siij- rOSC, II1IVI. wncil ino euiliurj ium-in- me iv,,,.. ... lis disorder or lsils.m has been ourcoine. Mich Is niirii.niMsn. iiiHciiniculiles.or the various stages of tliodlscne nrethen to succeed. The parts llrst nitacktd aro thn throat, nose, mouth, tongue, skin, tendons, bones, ligaments, ears, eyes, sc. r leiiueni lv thesu b mptoms are treated by Physicians ns sim ple olecranons, until somo of tho tinpoitniit organs of the Iwdy become Involved, when death relieves the sufferer. Dlt. II. W. I.OIlll, having mado all pri vate diseases n study, guarantees a sia edy nnd per manent euro w Ith purely vegetable medicines. Med ical unices and drugstore, No. nil North Uttoentn Htrcut. Hours, lu till l.su nnd t) to p. m. March If, 'JO-ly; J, 1). KN11TLU. N Gentleman's Diana Goodu. T ipi W. II. A111IOTT Important to Farmers. nnd ever) body In want of LIMB, LUMBER, AND COAL. Wo havo erected 1,11ns nt or near tho Paper Mlll.on the II. II. .t W. It. II, nnd nro now prepared tosell Um .-it. vt-i-e reiisonahlo itrlces nnd of good quality. Ordeis by tho car promptly filled nnd sldpiied to any SIIIIOII till I III' uuj,u I uau, A full lino of I.PMIllllt. of all kinds, dressed orlnthe rough, .siilnir.es, lAth and bill Timber to which e luMlo tho attention of custo-iners. Orders received and llllod for nil KliulJ ot IMmily Cut . Iiy strict nttentlon to business wo hope to merit a si are oi puuuu viaiiuu.ujij. AprlUl.lsm.- C'aumbsj, Pa. Contoiniial Prices, 187G, IT, A NTS 1!Y MAIL, Postpaid to nny ndilre.ss In tho United States. Tor SO cts. 1 New t!i rnnliim, double orslrglo. ' ii cts. a Ol ler Vaiielles, " " " Mi cln. 1 ileranluin, I Ageratuni, 1 Coletis, 1 Ver. lii., 1 s.i'.e. 1 h'ust'lil l. ' ll.oi), Ageialum. s tiemniuni, a sagos, s Colour, llelioiiopi", eruenos. lly expiess. box and packing free, for Ui. MAIM STUEUT, IN TUP, MEW 11LOCK, llLOOMSnUliO, PA., where ho lias Just rccch ed from New York nnd Phil- udclphln n full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lucludlDL' the most fashionable. Uurablo and nauudoutp li Veibenas, In aib ty. r, i.etaiiiiiiu.s, G Coleus, a Sages, a Agei'.itums, 4 llellotiones, I iiutnardlas, 'J liegoulas, 1 Hose, ban tanas. Dahlias. V'uelisl.is, Manly Pinks, cigar Planus. chrysanllieuiiH, iiaskei Plums, Carnations, Century Plant, Alternalhems, IMes, Orders ru'clvod for Trees, Shrubs anil llvergreens, uasu iu accompany un uruen. Dqyiit at the Centennial. For lol hero is Egypt. Tho Eypt on Jtamcses, the Ljry)t of l'haraoh, of Oleopa. tra, of Arabic art, of the Suez canal. Frag. menu of the most ancient monuments along the Nile are here, atid cojiies of sculptured antiques gathered from ruins supposed to ante-date tho pyramids. Three lamps from the mosque of Cairo hang in a case three crystal lamps enameled with gold, the art of making which perished eilit hundred years ago, in tho times of the "Arabian Nights' Tales," which make mention of tho three cities of Cairo, llagdad and Damascus only. These three lamps can nover bo replaced. Tho knack of making them is with the mummies. Consequently ono could not bo purchased for lees than $5,0U0. A fragment of a' broken ono was once sold in Paris for 60,000 francs. Hero hangs, too ono of the very few real "Damascus blades" that have been preserved since cteel was wrought to picrno like n needle and bend like a bow. A mighty tray" of brass.tho engraving on which took ono year of a man's limn; some proofs ol excellent printing in Arabic, Greek Cop-1 tic and hieroglyphic characters, done in Cai ro; an Impressive collection of pottery from tlio hands of poor Arabs so far uji in upper Egypt on AhSDiiau, near llm first cataract J specimens of pujier maaiifacluro j .silk co coons ; precious woods and astonishing wood carvings, all these are of modern date. Like wise tho sumptuous dlsjilay of gold embroi dered tablespreads (quo valued at $o,000) ; of gold decorated saddles and saddlo cloths, and of lurnlture In imitations of ebony, in laid with ivory and mother-of-pearl. Hero aro ladies' jackets and caps weighed down with precious ornaments, and ladies' stock- irSgs jso pretty and fragile that the J'eet of at least 20,000 covolous American maldeus will certainly bo encaed in fresh Invoices ol them before tho Hummer's clo.se. Uut per haps tho most amazing tilings in the modern exhibition sent by the Khedive aro the drawings by Arabs in the public schools of Egypt, a portfoliu of which was exposed to tho procession as it passed, They are archl tectural and flclentKic.irnntly by Arab youths of fifteen to seventeen years. And it would be interesting to tea tho United States or any athor oountry bring lorth an umateilr draughtsman of any ago to bout them. As Aoriw.s' Miscalculation. An ac trei of considerable prominence In I'arl was iMmlred by a married gentleman named 15, They vUittd in company the estab lishment of a prominent jeweler, and wero shown a iimguillceiit set of diamonds worth ?;i,uuu, li illumined mat x,twu were the higheit figures he cuuld use on thisocca felon. Ho did not say that he intended to pre Bent them to the actress, but she at least thought so, and was, moreover, Jond of din iiionds. Tho nctreos having taken counsel Willi hersoir. visiieil the jeweler privately "II will civo but $2,000 for the dia lnonds,"slie said, "and it he can get them at that price will probably present tliciu to mo. You ask .'J.0(ii). lie it no. Here are the xaira $1,000 from my own purso. When he comes iijruin to-morrow, oiler him tlio jewels for $2,000. Keel) our little gaino shad Farewell." Un tuu morrow 1I went to tho Jen tier's ULnin.aiid bought the diamond fur 2,000. The uclrtss wafted anxiously for the coming prtsent in which blie bail so lib erally invesleil. She is (till waiting. 11 (kw that bo had Imruatn in diamonds. Hp bad really ouco Inlemled to present thl-in U in queen oi uo mage: uut nouw n mo dal iitoriiis. iliiuiter. khliiwrecV. on every lde, He said to Mnuelf. "Tlieto Oifcuiomli (ire it jjfiHH) it'iveituienlj they will ecrtaluly yt any tluio bring the money I Lve ulvn lor lliemi" B no tnangeo ins mum unu vMve them V W own wlfb, ,Vhts her t mine, and what's uiluo Is my own,'' wsid lb, Aiid liKctKM,.U'Wt A j-a;iffh.(OU through her voluminous brenit M hetbluk Of it. She )ius tveu liven (.blil a Me Ulinio ciy jewtlii On tlib LrOW cf Allr. sV j Soaking Seed Asainst Smut. Most good farmers have reported their ex perience in lavor of .soaking seeds of wheat and corn in weak brine before sowing, as a preventative of smut, though not always with thu sanction of what are known ns ad vanced agriculturists. They havo not been ablo to understand how anything that can bo done ton seed will havo any oflect on what is to happen to the grain that is pro duced months afterwards. However, tliose farmers who have tried it have adhered to the practice, nnd we suppose there is noth ing more certain than these brine steeps do prevent tho smut. Now, however, Professor Iirower, of Yale, not only admits that it is good practice, but shows us the process by which tho smut pro. presses from its first establishment on tho grain to its final maturity in the head or ear. It apjiears that tho seeds, or spores us the botanists call them, of tho fungus, adhere by a sticky coat to tlio grain. As soon as the grain sprouts, tlo fundus spore sirouts also, and sends its iilaiiiciit into the plant, grow ing as the plant grows, and continuing to glow until the grain is about to repioduec itself, when the fungus plant Is also ready to reproduce itself, which it does in the form of smut as wo see it; tho smut being a nest of spores ready for reproduction. The process is mado very clear. Wo see how briuo is Useful. It deslrovs tho fungus spores, but not the grain. lltr.miitluwit Til-errapli. Hints l'ruiii l'lat'licul l'.inners. I have Iniim coal tar thu best roveriti for stumps of large limbs or sjails where, the trii'ik is barked by whifile-lnes. Having used it a few year since, I found the wounds healed over finely. If you have n f.eld ol wheat harrow it, but as an experiment, suppose you leavo a trip of a rod or no, and then when the crop is harvested, sco if there is not a decided advantage in harrowing, An old and unusually successful farmer of Xorlolk, Mass., says ho has tried orchard grass fur a dry upland pasture, and witli very satisfactory results, and ho feels like recommending it to his brother farmers us worthy of trial. In preparing nests for setting hens, plenty of sulphur should bo sjirinkled in tho nest. and occasionally more added uutll the chick ens appear. If a good sulphur and ashes dut bath is provided, thero need not be much fear ol troublo with tho chicks, Wo can give an instance or corn saved by tlmiily putting in n layer uf coarse brush between the layers of corn. A friend claim that hit corn dried out and was savfd by this method, while that of his neighbor inol ded. 11 Ives, ofltatavla, N. Y., writes tha having raised orchard grass for several years, he would recommend it lor light, dry land. He finds one bushel of seed to the acre suf ficieut if well put in, as it will thin itself and grow in hassock h, any way. The Most Phomtaulu Hon. Thu most profitable hog is that which will grow you tho most pounds of pork at ten months old for a given amount of food. This will quire an early maturing breed, ami oue that utilizes its food to the greatest extent. Tho Berkshire, or Essex, or Sulfolk, in health will do this, but either of the two first thought by in any to be more hardy than the latter. Tho Berkshire, all in all, will is many poundf of food, for tho food con' uod as any breed yet found on sum ei MnaiiOws. No stock should bu allowed to wander over the meadows. Tills is doubly injurious. It destroys the grass and spoil tho fipiietltt) of tho anlniaU for dry feed Nothing is Bailies! but much Is lol by this pravtlcc 'Hit. grouiid U also "i-uaohW nnd ipjkKiulrc nro fotuud lu lovv ipriniy imiU wLevu tho first gtasa hphrs. COMPLETE BONE MANURE 1'0 It Buckwheat and Full. Crops COMPLETE Om MA5UR MANUFACTURED BYl pREAHELFRICi LtHiGH VALLEY r works Jmk Address Apill 21,-Siil. DAVID CI.I1TK, lllveislile, Nurseilcx, P,lerIdc, .Nuilh'U Co. Pa. ( -v. r l 1 1 I v -v i w v. J Plinn . I mm TOPS METAL CON V? TflBANKUH INSTITUTE WITH FRlJLtOPS PfgrniiirJMS mm 1 tofi-.-mt-;ji For over 10 vtars this brand has held Its renuta- Hon lu contact Willi in mv competing fertilisers. ONK (I HA 1)11 OXLY. No variety of names with uccoinuiodatlni: scale of prices. it n com m i:n un i). lly fanners' elulis, nKilcullurlsls, planters nnd FOll WAT .13 33 Y A,. I. AlbertMin, llohrsburif. II. 1 lte.iv, ltii'rl. . u. seesnttiu, I'atawissa. ''reus Pros., llerwlek. Thompson, iiinuiie. W. WoiMrop, ldverslde, Tho following tesllmanlil was received t.eeral ears niro. Al'AUMKIlS Cll'll UU'Oll'.IKSOS T1IK f'OMI'l PI t II0NK .MANl'ltK AS TIIK IIK-sr 1 l.lllIl.Utll IS I'SK. (Ireiiiiwood, Columbia Co.. Oct VA. .Messrs. llnciNiii K llhi mien. Ilenllemen i We, tlio uiulersl(rned, having used jiiiirionipletu llono .Manure tho past lea'Oii, pin eured of your intent, A I. Alberlson, hereby ulllrm It to bo thu bet ferllller lu use. We fully reel lu mend It to farmers, fur It Is nil that you claim lor It, l ours, e W7I.I.IAM I'Nlinit.ll.UM VrilKlt.JOIlN'KTANTON'. A. IHIUIIII.UPWN, U bO. UIU'IUN, A. S. l'AIltMAN. June . 'tii.-jui, KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO. JIANI'KACTUItmtS OP PRINTING INKS. Book and News Black a Specialty, 17 North l'irrii Stuihit, l'HILADKU'IIIA, I'A. o-o Our Inks are of a surpeilor ipiallty, bilni; jie Horn the best Ingredients and muler the pert taal Miperlsluu of a piuetleal prlnti r and iiv.sjjj.ui, therefuro we will iriiaranleu eiery pound of liiLsold to be of u SlTlllllOll Jill' 1II.ACK, (JUICU UliV- l.Nii.ANii i:.tiul:lv ritnu rim hiimso-opf. llur prices are H orn 'M '1 o so PKK CKN I-. LOWKI! Ihaii any other Inks inaiuifacUued Ui llm United Ltates. A tilalof ukainilo kef will ecmlnce any pi Inter that ho has been pajlnj; leaily duub'u what ho tiiould for his Inks In limes past. Put up In kefs and baiivls to suit pui'ihiucis. Addiesn, KHYSTONK l'KINTINCi INK CO., II KOIiTIl VIPl'lI HTKEUr, Jlay 18, ',6.- PiuuiiKi.i'iil.1, I'A. OKfJUKK AN AOICNUY O and $S0 or $100 per wttV. "The eter naily and ntir,' out of order. HOMESTEAD $20 SEWING $20 MACHINE 1'or Pomestlo Uto, With Tablo auil Fixtures Ooinuleto, only $au, A nor feet and uneuualled. larire. tlromr and dura. bio machine, constructed eleiraut und bolid, from the best in itcrl.il with matheinatleul nieelslon. for con stant family uso or manutactiirlui; purioses. Al ways ready at u inumeul's notice to do Us day's worK, never out or uruei , mm win iaii a i,renerauon wlUi muderato eai t easy to understand and man- ugu; ll.'Ut, smooth, uud swift ruimli.k', like tho wuU ruuUted mtiveinent uf a Unu watch : hlinple. com- uct, enieient ami reiiaiii,niliinuinoimpruveinonts od to do llm samu work, tin same way, and ussrapld ami smooth as u (15 machine. An acknowledged In uinph of tnifenluus mechuiilcal skill, essentially the worklmr woman's friend, nnd rar In advance ut u.11 ordinary ina'dilues for absoluto tlienirln, rellabllliy unu genuriu untiiuiiiess; win uem, icn, iuck, beam. ,11111, blnd,biald, cord, eather, runic, fclilrr, plait fold, scallon. roll, embroider, run un breadths. A:a.. Lwllh wunderfnl rapidity, neatness und ease.sews the through all kinds of suods, from cambric to seviral thlokncssHS of broadcloth or leather, Willi minor 00,11 se cotton, linen, blllc or tnlnu. (Ihcs perd'cl ialktaclloii. Will earn Us cost several times oer In ase.isou 111 the work It Uue.s. or inukit RL.nod llvlnc for any m.iu or woman who desires to uso It for that puriHjM); works so fallhlul und easy the servants or children can usu It without damage. Prlcu uf ma elilao Willi 11 tit table, rullv eduloiuid fur rumtle uork UD HiUf case, cuYcr.sldo drawer s and cabluet st lus eacu 111 e.neaiouuiUkpir low lates. MalO OellUTy Kiiarautecd, free from dainairo. Kxplanatory nam- phiels Ulustrateil wllh cukiuvIiil's of tho several su ms ui iiiaemiius reierenees, vurltty of sewlui,',A.e. maueu iree. connuenllal terms with liberal linluru. nients to cntcrprikiuit rlrreyinru, teachere, business men, travellnL' orlueal uucuus. ic. who deslru ox- elusive iieencleH, furnished on unpllcallon. Address uuini 11. iseauau uu,, uu uroauwuy, m-wyoik. May Vdi-mm. JMWSIY tUSS?l lire co rOn e"i';HSLI1liAFllNiUllllL tMWIWf CUI1 WC C IttWYOnK 1315 UW STOCK OK OI.OTIIINO, 1 fit? a urn rtPtTMiwr, 1 AND DAVID LOWKNllEUG Invites attention to his law and elegant stock lieap aua Fasliional at his store on! UL1AS MliNDIiNMIALL HA VINCI lemmed llm business of .Mtrilian dbettii; nt his old More, 011 MAIN STUU15T, lll.OOMSIIUltd, NKAK TIIK VOI1CS 1IJTK1., Heslresto cull tho attention ot Ills 1'rlcnds and tho Publlob-eneraliy,u his N HV, I'Ul.T. AND VAltlKI) Cliin, STOCK OJ)1 GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits a sharo of public p.uronnso HIS STOCK CONSISTS OP BUY (IOODH, imocKitius, (iUUHNSWAltH, WOOllKNWAIti:, willowwaiii:, hoots & siiuiis, HAIlDWAIth, FLOU1I AND Ftll) CONSISTlNtl Ol' nox SACK, . COATS ritoaic. AND OIIj CLOTH, AND PANTS, In connection with his stock of M( rcnanillso ho rc nsi intiy keeps on hand In his yard. AFUI.f.STOCKOP I Brai and Mressd Lumlier, AND SlII.'.'llIXSOP IllS.MANUPACTUlli:. Bill Lumber liiade it speciality. CAM. AND Sr.E. OP ALL HURTS X12H AND COI.OKS, . OCt.3,18T3-tf. Ho has also replenished his alre.nl lerecstdck of 333L,003VESBXJE.O- STKII'HI'. CLOTHS AND CASSI.Ml:l(llS, 1'IIIUUKII VNDPI.MN VKSTS, iIll!T.S, CltAVATS SOCKS, COI.I.A US, lUNDKUllCIIIKPS, 7" TrsN (II.OVKS, StlSPKNIUlltS, MEW GOODS 1 A IIEAVTSTOCK, CZicapcr ilian Ever! s. AND FANCY AltTIOI.iKS. COHANSEY GLASS MFGCO. MFR'S WINDOW GIASS.B0TTLES 2.C. PHIIADIIPHIA April 14 TW lie has constantly on hand a large and welt select ed assortment ot Cloths and Vostingg, s which ho Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothtiij; 13 mado to wear and most of It Is ot homo manufacture. (J0LD WATCHES AND J EWE Lit Y, OF EVISItV DESUKIPTION, PINK AND CHEAP. HIS CASK OF JEWKLKY IS NOT SURPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS (1ENEKAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAVID LOWENl'.EKG, Ju'y l.Tvtf. MAKE IE WORKS. rp T. riTTKT'Prj To TSi-miriftfor. JU , Ail wa X ' .main sthi:i:t, uiii.ou mauket. Manufacturer of and reakr !n 'alt Unit 0 MONUMENTAL IA11BLE WQ?,KS Wo use (he best AMllltlCAN and 1TAHAN M.uble. He has on hand nnd furnishes tu outer Q JIONUMKNTtJ, TOMH8, HEADSTONES, UHXS, VASES, &t Kvervvarletv ot Marble cutllnir neatly executed at thu lui"!l laarkel. prices. A loiiff praeueaiexperieiiee ,iuu I'l-inumu unvm.wu to biuliiess makes Hie propilelor euniklcnt of irlMiiif satWaelloii. All oulers by mall promptly utltuueu to. 1. o. uox V'.n. , ESrA. IS. Work iMnrni! ft cc oj chnrije.da Aus. HI, 'IJ-15. I" (I UNTON, Proprietor. yAINWKltiUT&CO., WHOLESALE (JltOCIiltS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Mrceis, Puii.Aum.riiu, Dealers in TEAS. SY1U1PS, COFPEK, SUHAK, JIOLAKSli!: lucr, kpicgb, uicabu sout, &c., Ac. j-)rderH w 111 receive prompt attention. ei.T-tf UOIJJNS & HOLMES J I, MILLER & SON Havo Just Kcccivcd the largest und best suiiply ol CHEAP AND MSIIIOHABLK DRY GOODS, They havo ever offered totnclr friends and cus tomers. (jlotlis, Cassimeres, anil Satmotta for MEN'S WEAK, Ulollis, Alapacas, Merinos, fur LADIES' WEAK, CAMCOKS, MUSLIN'S, CA.M11U1C8, nnd every variety of Dry Cloods dcslmi. STOCK OV Carpets, Mata, Ottcmanfl, CLOSED OUT AT COST PA JULY CROCi'ILUIiS, ttietiiiliiiK nil the varieties of COVTKKS, TEAS nnd SUOAltS, COUNTJtY PJtODUGl nnd a general siljuily uf urliclcs ii"cful for the table always on hand. CALL AND S333. Ciinntiy produce of all kinds talun In ex- eliaiiRe for goods nt einli juices. Oct.lll,'H-tf .CALIFORMA. Till! C1I1C.UIO & NOP.TII-WP.STP.llN P.AI1.WAY Embraces under ono management the (lrent Trunk If illunv 1 ln,,u i.r ll,K IIST 011,1 MlllTII-WES'l'.llll,'!. wllh Its inuiieious branches und connections lorms llui shortest ami ipiickosi rotuo oemeen 1 nicajtn and nil points lu Ii.nsois, Wkconsin', Noiitiikiin MICUIIUS, .MINNhMITt, inw, i Kin. ask a, ciiiiioruia nnd tho Wesl-'in Teiiltorlts. Its Oiiniliu and 'alil'ornI:i S.iuc Is tho sbortest nml bi"-t roule for nil points In nnilh ein Illinois, lowi, Dakola, Nl lii.i.k.i, W(.ioti:g, Colorailo, M'vaiia, 1 1.111, 1'ailloi 111,1, (iiigou, 1.11111. i, .1,1)1.111 ami Aiilialla. IIS CfiioiiKo, ,1IiiIlK(i:i cl SI. Pan! I. lul ls llieblintl lint for Noilhein Wbeonsln and Mlnne. sola, and for .Maillson, M. Paul, Mlnin'noll-lliilutli, und all polnlsln Iliu great Noilh-MiM. lis Viitoiia ami M. t'f'U'i I.iik; Is the only roule for Winona, llochesler, ownlonna, ,I.mkulo M . I'elir. New llm. und ull pulnts In kuutlicrn nnd ccutiul Minnesota, lis (Si'ccii ttnj iwitl niarqucdu l.inc Is the only line for.IanesWIlc, Waleitown, Pond Uu LUC, llillkosll, ;p iltion, uieeil li.iy, i.acuuuo:i, gannee, .Mnniuette, iiuugnioii, iinucoci; unu luo Lakii superloi' country. Its I'l t cjiort anil Biiliiiiinc I.lno is tho onlv route for I'lirln, Ilockford, l'rceport, nnd all poll ts la 1'ieepoi t. Its Chicago and Milwaukee I.iuo Is the old Lake Shore lloute, nnd Is thu 01 lv one parsing lliroiiifii laansioii, iihe 1 oiesi, iiiuiuanu Pari:, V aukegan, uacine, ucnosua to .nitwaui.ee, E'ultiniiii i'a'aco Cai'N FIAIL ROAD TIMETABLES P IHLAlJlClil'lIA AND ltlUDlN'Ci ItOAD MMtANOE.MENT Ot-' TUA1NS. VASSENOEil MAY t9, 160. TI1AINS I.KAVK IIL'I'CIIT AS I OUOWB (Ht'M'AY KXCKPTKD For New Yolk, Philadelphia, Heading, l'OttlVlllo Tmnaiiun, iVc, l!,!)) n. m For Cntnnlssa, ll,Ca 11, 111, nnd ".CD p, in. For Willlamsport.n.tJ a. in. nnd J, oil p. m. TnllNS 1-011 mtekt leave as ioi.lohs, (sukdat Ik CKl'Ttll.) Leavo Now York, P,45 a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, d,is n, m. Leavo ltendlng, 11,3 n, m., rottavllle,18,l0p.m and Tamaqun, t,M i. m. Lcnvo Cntawlss.i, c,s.i a, m, nnd 4 fid p, in, l.eaiu Willi. unsptri 1 ,l".',(io m. nnd r,,im p. in. Passeiigeis im1 from Now Yoiknnd Phllndo phiago tluoui without chatio of ears. ,f. H. WOOTTEN, Jan. II, ti;i-tf. (lenernl Superintendent. N TUU'IHIEIIN CO.MPANV. UKNTKAL HA I LAVA Y On nnd nfter November zoth, 1ST3, trains will leavo S-UNIIUllYns billows: NOIIT1IWA1ID. Erlu Mall C.'.'O a. 111., m ill e Elinira ll.M n, in " Caii.nidalgu.i... iuap. m Kocheslur f.tr, " Niagara 0 ju " Itermo nccomniod.vt Ion ll.lun, in. niiUe Wllllama ltla.r.ip. in, Elmlrii Jlay j.in a.m., iirilvo Eliulra la.son.in. lhiHaloExpres3 7.1Cu. m.niiho llulTalus.Miu. in. SOUTIIWAltl). llullalo Express K.M1 a. m.nrihe llnril.sbiirg -l.ro n.m ' llaltlmoruS.il! " Klinlra Jlall n.isa. in., nrrlvo Hnnlsbuig 1.1,11 p. m " Wiushliigion lo.cu " ' lialtlmoru 11.30 " " WiLslilnglon s.r,o " Harilsbiirguceoiiimodatloii 8.111 p. 111. aulio Hauls burg lu.w p. in. nn lie llalllmoro 'i.K n. m ' Washington c.hi " Erie .Mall U.M n. m. nirlie llnrrlsbui tf 3.05 n. m. " PililmorcS.io " " Wiiildngton 10.tr. " Alt dally except Sunday. D. .M. HOYD, dr., C.'eneral Passenger Agent A. ,T. CASSATT, (leneial .Malinger PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. riiiluilclnlila & Krio II. IE. Division. SUMMElt TIME TA11LE ON nnd nfter SUNDAY, Al'll llio trains on llm Piillaililphla Koad lllvblou nllliiiu us follows: 1'!!, 15)70, ,V E1I0 If ull U'JiSTWAUD. EIllEE.VPHE-'.sieaM's New York 0 2.1 n.m " " " Phll.KlelpliU iw,, p. 1,1 " " " li.illlhioro i.jii p, m ' " " Maiililiiirg ri.011 p. 111 " ' nil'. at Ullll.mispoit s.r. p 111 " " loci; linen iii.au p. in " " 1:1 ie 10 113 a. 111 E I ! I li Jl A 1 L lea ve.s No w Y01 1; ' I hlladelplilu llaltlmoie " ' " llauMmrg " " " Wllliamspoit..., " " " Lock Ilaien ... iienuvo... s.vs p. in 11.53 p. Ill 11.10 p-in 4,v. a. m s.:i.i 11. in D.-mii. m lo.f,5 a. in mam LOUIS BBRNHARD, Dealer In SLCXJVf WA-XCllSS, CLOCI13, Silverware, Watches and Jewelry llLOOMSIIUIld, PA. Ladles' and (lenilemen's Cold und silver Watches, of Auieilcau und l-'oulgu manufacture. Silver and Plated Ware, Clock?., FINE JEWELUY, AC, AC. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING COUNTER.PLATFORM WAGON WRACK t r nmk 1 m (A. jm CLXs AGENTS WANTED-3V3 jitnu ruK piice list MARVIN SAFE SCALECO. r265 BROADWAY N. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA.PA. 108 BAN K ST.CLEVE.O. No. 17 Centra Slro rronijilly llxccntcd. 0Ct.3,T3-ly AN ACTUAL lll'SlNPi'S INSTIIL'HON AND TELKdltAPllIO NHT1TUTE. For Information call at ( rue, or tend for Caur AorcuTisKa. Jimtta-ly liarch ol, iciy, THETRIUIPII TEUSS CO. No, 331 Howtry, New York, IH WHOM WAS AWAHDED Till: I-ItOlIlhtl i)ICt 1.1 1. FOIt THE Best Elastic Truss anil Scpporter At tho grtnt Aiiuilcun InMltuto Pair fEtgio:f lbll.) CniE lii'iit'iu- in l'liou 30 10 u) Hays, amiOiitu 1 1, ono OK a Case Tiiev Cannot Ccni. '1 hey employ n ilist-elass Lady Sureton. Ttnns moileiate, curesiiuaianteed. '1 ho usual discounts tu Patrons of Husbandry. Examinations l-rcu. orders filled by li.au. tienu ten cents far Dtscriptlve Uoolr, to Dr.C. W, II. IIUIINIIAM, ilar. U, 'IC.-ly. (lenciul Superintendent. Verbatim llcportin Tub Paum and GAituts. -Ilio iKdato beetles uro cnin(iii to the surfaoo In rea iininlei in Now Voik Jersey, nud cutting dlt tlie Jwlstfi aproiiU tu 'hu iu tlity mijieai s1vo ftrouutl, Tliy tr) xotttA k lh A N O T II E.il N K S T ORE IN THE OLD 1'OSTOrriCK UU1LD1NO, Mala blrvut below Market. fan bo found ono of the Lout selected nssortiutnU u Aiciis unu Hoys iicauy iiuio uouiing aim FU31NISHINO GOODS rii6 ur.dN-klgttta feeling l-ure lhttt ), t-ah yive en. tiro katlilikClluii lb purcliUArk, ucd thu be cwti AH LOW A3 T11E LOWEST ha ln lu the (mWio tn can and 1 fcaKitee h's uottx KSSE HICK!?, any buuirt man who w Ishcs to maKu fv.ooo a ytar am u small capital to Commeneo luuiirllnobf boillu-M. itOOPINU IS A til'KCI.M.TY. 'Ihelu Is Ink vlul In your county w ho carries un tho bUblnebs. YOU tan learn It In 0110 wttkhy studjluifour liiblructluus, which wu send Ut all who usk for llieui. Auy man luivlii (i, 0 ui start u lta, can pun liaoo 1 non-U uia terl.U lu KHit'l urdtuury houses. 'Uio bumtealted from sale und prollt 011 tills supply, nddt U lu thu reg ular pay lor labor us roofer, should amount to nut less I lain M '. An exinit mull could easily da the woik lu nine worklnir ita)s. To petnusif small means cull loin toirrther lo udvantairu: ono. tun- v.ushluir, while the other attends 10 Uio woik. tlend for our book of lnlrucilons(rrcai If you wi Ito at once) andbtudylt. Able for terms. If lounio unablotu 1 110 ho monuy, prtbent tho matter to the prln ujiuKouperiu jour iiiaco, unu uiik it over mui He will bo ulad tu furnish tho stock and dnrtdu iuu pruiii, mm you, e tviu yuuruuieu uiu lei nvjrj to the nikt rHsiwuslblu uppllcaut. Address N, Y, bLATU ItoOKKNii CO., Limiiiu, t Cedar KU, N. Y und meuUou. 11 Co, Juacv-iw A NEW MUSTAUD PLASTER. " The inedietd Vvluo bt n lamiHidblaiKr iJhlidiir. HUnl la ewrr ttitiillf. Mum iliuo lsbUMIu pre- puiiuir u puuuiru uu Mien tur uiumuiu i ui pou uusltty nud will 1,01 set, Vsubtnir virtt burmu.. 'fids tryluir Invcantuiuin-v u now u ifecil' owrcaiuo by l'ruviu'a llinatrd.MuxurJl'liiUr. llbtumt lanproeui(t nu tlia ordluury srtlclvs It In very cicau tiuj cau ou uiTiit a nu riuiuvea wiuiuut 01s- ' ftUlllllV 11 is ah tUd IS Hllifail dli tmloiluir IbbClothUikrur suiiili mo lAln. It dHimt dcutlorutu with v 11 li waj (clkibte, D only wiv mail, uuuuij ui lamimu 1, iiHitwr torvuui ai thlli. Itliri'lalV iWpavctt U wUr. Hlol MhU lw rrnl Jowtehil V '-tuVei. uiiJl In IU viiimra Vy Viotot'bt, by wiiioly r. It loiaui VM( JsrdlihCos at If Vour UtusUt van Ui iwy.ti THItMHi Actual travellhi,'-, tioiirdlni--. nini other cziieiites; live dollars 11 sebslon, for InHnntliu report j me I ten ci uti a lollo, ( hundred wolds, ) for willlni; uut Into loin;' hand. hero the matter reported In ono dny equals or cxieeds fllty folios, thu llii'-dollar fee will bu reinllt ud, and I ho traiistrlbllii: luto lonir-hanil charged ut niteenienlsiifollo; bul, 'n all n.ch eases, 11 few er than nny lollos uro purchased, Uio Uio dollais will bo chareed, Aduiess. 8. N. Wulker, A.M., Court-btenoi--rapher, lilooinsburt', Columbia couuty, PeunsylMb nla. llebldence. Iron btreet, between Third nnd Vourlh. Olllce. Wllh E. K.OrUs,Kbi.,Coliunblan-bBlld. fiif: eiitnince.oppdvlto tho tuM i;alo to tho couit-Jiuu-o yuid, Mst llis r, tlist doortu ilirhl. inkcbour, f 1 oiu.tw el u to cuu.o'clock. H'b is, Isfil-ly Tho Arall Street Iiiiliciitor. THIS WEEK'S IPSUESENT 1'UEE. Conuilus Plctoiliil lllubtnitlons of Hulls und Hoars. I11 btuks und Nut PrlMleees. Capllul 1,11s nml hiit'iieoilons. Also, a list ot Valuable I'rcioluina tu Clubs. "Vend for It." 111'CKWAI.TIilt ii CO., Ilankerannd llroleiu, p. o. Hox 4J1I. ID Wall bt.,Ncw Yoik City, Mar, 31, 'I0.-ly TJOTEL TO LEASE, Mr. Hotel In Oranitovllle, Columbia county, Pa., known us thu JueobiJood staliU, tow ueeupiedhr John Kuydvr.ls to bo let tor tho 1 or Uelniliur April 1, Ik7. Apply to I'fHiuit; ,ieu.Li.i.,D Hhioiuikburi;, li. jaut.'ieu. PATENTS. rerson deinjrinif lo Uta out J'ateiiU, or oxtlrlnt U.turmtUbnfrMi, lt.e fulled states lMcuintllc, Vhould Cilwitlt V, 1. VUllMANrt.U'lTta OVAuwhl. V! AMI HtW PTl1, Wfcbllll.lih'ttlsll. ts. twtiis mi., ' vxykkv nw v; -viia tu wivtihtr, OftW , X tb. nre run 011 all llnnuL'h trains ot this road. This is tlio 0.M.1 i.iM'i l uiiinii',' inesu ears ne- liiceii (' 1 ea''o ami m. raiii.uiiicairu aim .Miiwaui.ee. or Chlciurn and Winona. .UlMiiahn urn Hoemis connect Willi ine oicriaiui hleeeeis 011 1 lie l i.ti 11 PiiclllcOlalliuud lor ull points west of thu Mlsouil 1 In r. on I lie arn,ii or ine irains irom 1 110 east or souiu, Hie liiilus of Hie ( lileuiro ,c Norlli-Wetlern Italluay leaieClilcai;iiaslollos Poll Cur.M'lt Ill.t'l'l'S, IIM.llIl AMI f'AI U'Ol.NH, T o Hirou!!! Iialnn dally, wllh Pullman palace nr.iului,' room and sleeplnif c.ii'i, tliioiiirh lo Coimcll llliufs. Pun sr Paim, ami Mismhioi h, two Uirouirh trains dally, wllh Pullman palate cam atliuhed lo both train". . ... Poll (I11KKM IHV ANIII.AM: 11 1' I HlllOll, IWO U'lUIIS dally, wllh Piilliiian pal.ieo cais attached, and run. iilnn tluoiiifli to Muripietie. l oll .Mll.wACKKK, lour iiiroui;ii iriiins oauy, run. man ears uu nUht trains, pal lor thalrcars on day trains. Pull MMI'.TA ASH WISOSA llllll III 111 S 11 .MI1II1IJSOI.I. one I lit on'li Hum dallj , wllh I'ullmaii sleepersto Winona. Pint lici.rciT. via rreepori. iwoiuiouj.-n trams daily, "UU I iillinau cum on nlht lialns. 'on lu in un: ami J i'i iksi:, i c iiinii. iwu throii.'li trains d..llv, wllh Pullman cars uu lillil iraln tu Mellieifoi', Iowa. I'Vll M0lX l II V AMI AS b'TON', I Ull 1 1 .lllli il.ll! J'.l'llll- man ear.s to MIsmhu'I Valley .luiieiloii. Pun i.akk iii:m.va, iuiii I rains n.illj. 1011 lllll'klllllll. Mtlll.lMI. KKMI.-Ul.l. .lANKSVll.lK. and oilier points,, on cup hale fruiutwotoleiill'aliis d.illv. .New vol K o nce, mi -un iiroauwav: iomoii n nee. r. Malo Mitt ti inn-ilia ollue, a.a Painham Mutl; h'an I 'ranclseo olllce, 121 .Miinlfc-ouu n siieel ; Chlca K'otlcket otilies: Clark stieet, iimler Mieimau iiuiiio: eoiiii i t atiai unu ,.iauisriu Mieeis: iiu.io slieit depot, col ner W. Klnzle aiiiMiili.il Slleeln; w ein Mieei. ueitoi, eoi ner m eii.i unu iviuyio Mreeis. Por tali s or liifoi mat Ion not attainable Horn vour homo Hi ket aire nt.", nppli lu " " nrr. at llile 7. up 111 nuiiika i:.riiEsa leaves Plillndelphta.. T.20 a. m " " li.illlmore 7.311 11, in '' " " llarrlibui'if. .. . ' " ni r. nt wuilamsport.. l.s p. m ' " " Lock llaicii....8.ir. p. in " " " liciuno .i.ir, p. m " " " Kane 8.15 11.111 " ' " Hulfalo lock iiavhm Accnsi. leaies Plilladelphla t.niium " " " " lialtliuiiiu syaa. 111 " " " " lliirilsliiirff 1 p. 111 " " ' nrr. ut Wllllam.sport . . r.,111 11, m ' " " " Luck llaicu 7,sup. m SUNDAY HXPHH.-iH leaies New Yolk s.s.i p. m ' ' ' Plilladelphla 11 r.r.p.m " " " llallluioie O.ion.m lliirilsburif f.uia.m .10 u. in ut Wuilamsport : o : ' KAS'm'AJW. i'llll.'A HXPIiUSSleaU'S Pile " - " " bock llalen... " " " WlIll.im.s.oil " " urilvt h ot ll.u iKIjuiu... . " " " llaltliiioio " " ' Plilladoliilila... " " " New Yoik DAY KXPltUSS loaves Kane " Henoiu " Lock lliieii " Wlllaiu-.poit.. nrr. at lliurisbiui; " I'lillaileliilila... " NewYoll; , " Iliittlmoiii " Wiishliiyton . T.nnp. m . u.ao a. in .. 7.M a, ui .11 11 a. .. .. r..S5p. M . a.. up. m . n.ir.p. 111 .. 0.00 n, 111 ..H'.iii a, in 11. u a. in . I'.'-io p. in .. 4.10 i. in .. I.w p. Ill ..in. ir, ,i. m .- ".as p. 111 .. D.0'2 p. 111 W. II. MKNKKTT, lieu, rats, a if 1, cnieat'o. Marvin Hi iniirr, i.eu, Mii'i,i:i1ie.i';o l'cb, i,7fl ly PlDiDte Gas anil Steam Fitters JIANlIlACTUlti:iiS OP J? X 1ST W AEB, aALVANIZHI) I HON COllNICK, WINDOW CAPH, AWNINGS, Wiro Tiellises, Sec. Denlcin in Stoves, Itani!' es. I'ltrimees. ll.iltlniuru Heatcis. Luw D.iwn Clrates, Miintels, l'UMl'S, Weather Strij.s, 5 5 0 li V O ltd Wily, Now York. SlliVSH. Elcctrc-Phtcd Tablo Varo, AND Ornamental Ait l?y"ork I.N U1IHAT YAHIUTY, MA.N'UEACJTUltEU 1!Y THE Kill U MAIL leaves Hrlo lt.vnn. 111 " " " Henmii s.v. p. in " " " Lin I; Mau n 11 .un p. in " " " Wllliamspoit li.ir.p.m ' " arr. at ll'iiilsbiuif 'J.J.'.a, m " " " li.illliiinro Ijiftn 111 " " " Plilludellihla T.i on. in " " " NutvlufK tu.10a.111 FAST I.INi: leai i s Wllll.iur-.port Hi.sr. n, m " ' an, ut llatilsbiui; aAi a. in " " " linlitniiiif . 7.:iftu in " " " Phlladclplila ".Mil. 111 ' " " New York tu.mii. in SUNDAY KXPItPSSIeaus Wllll.iiuspoit... n.lju.111. ' nrr. at HiirrKlaiiL' 11,4011,111 " " " PhlladelphVa.... u.ai.p.m " " " NewYoil; 1.14 11, m ' " " llallhuoru 7.!.'. p. 111 Hrlo Mull West. Niagara i:iu esdW'(isi.i.fiei.-11 1 n Aeeom. West anil Hay i:piess i;.it mai.o clone 1011 liecllou ut Noilliuuibeihiiiil wllh I.. II. H, 11. trulns for vs iiku.'.liaiiuaiiil erlllltou. Pile Mall Wehl, Nl.iiraiu lltpiess West, Krhi P.npiess West und Usk Ilaien Aeconiinodatloii W est inako i lo.su lomiectlou at Wllllan.bpoit Willi N. c. II. w. traliisnoith. llilo.Mall Wist, Nl.iL'iiin Kxpress WcRt, and Day lApiess liast iiiuke close connection ut Lock llai tu Willi II. 1:. V, K. li. trains. Pile Mull lliisl und West conntct nt P.ilu with trains on L. s,c.M. s li.lt. nt cony wiin o c. k a. v. 11 it. at Pmiioi nun wllh li. H.,ic P. Jt. li. and ut H1irtHtodMltl1AV.li.lt. Parlor Cms will inn between Philadelphia nml llll.nnPoit on Nlajfnra lixprtss iesl, Kilo Kx prehs West, Pldlauelnhla Jixpreis inst Day J.vfiii-.bl.ast 1u.1l Suiiduy llxpicss Habt. blecpUii; Cars 011 nil iilsbt lialns. 1 GAS FIXTURES of tho latest dislirn. Speeinl nttintton paid to ro pah tug Sew 11. Muihlui s uf u ery m tci Iptlon. Scales, bocks. P.ell llai.aliic. Kev l'ltllni.'. Ac. l'llvate llebl. dencos lleatul liystcainat ttbun.ll custatiovo Hot Air. Feu. iJ,'7V-If. PELICII Tho best Plated Snoous and P01 ks are tliose 1 liver Plated heaviest oil the pails whero mccssailly the most wear comes, and healing tho Trade Mark. 1817 llOGEUS IinOTHEUS XII. N. n.- This .'rent Improvement In niver-Plated Spoons nnd Porks Is npplint nllko to each erode of Plate, A 1, 6 and n oz ns ordered. Tho process and Machinery for manufnctuiluff theso goods are Pat ented. Tho Extra or "Standard Plato" inado by this Company Is btampid A 1, blraply, and Is plated) per cent, heavier than tho oidlnary market standard. MyFlrst rremlums nwnrded at all Pairs whero exhibited, frt m World's P'nir cf ikM to American institute Pair, 1675, inclusive. .March lu, 'fs.-om, Awarded the Higliebt Medal nt Vienna, REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. AMMONIA-IK.) SUPEH PHOSPHATK, circulars nnd analybls mailed free on application, Por bale by Healers ti neinlly, m.d by tho Hnportcrs undMuiiuiacturirs, jflmii j.ai a.i:'s .-!s, No. 'J, Si ulli Delmvuro Ave., l'liilndelilila E, & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 0U1, Itroaduuy, Nfui York. (Opji. Metiopolllnii Hotel.) MANUFACTl'lllillS, lJII OlUltllS ANI1 DKAlll'S IN CHJJOMOS AND KUAMES. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, 1.11U.MH, OUAl'IIOSCOl'ES & SU1TAI)I,E VIEWS. AGENTS. make no tnguijtmtnt till you tee our NEW BOOK, Which In itrllllnfr liitniit.Hcrllni,' mi 1 It. iH-anco nml chuapiici-n. bus uIim lutely iiii iiiual. ltls"TUi( Tiiinu" lorllioreiitcnnni I peilod-lakes 011 bluht. Tim "Noi in Aiiieriiiui .leileW'bais ltts"dcKerv. inif of uciiuallllid piuhei we antlelpale f r linn ox. ti'nslv., tuioiilnrliv in.. .'Ilulauiuu 'nines" uavs. "Jmb butha work us thoi funds 0! Ihu American Iieoplo will lie iflau to iiom-css :" tho "Detiolt Adter User calls It "pu fcrublo to un y jet published." Auy actlm man or woanin nl booo nddress Insured Inrku iiruuui uam bicuuy wurt. lor u 3 v' . ut l"" i-tviu- Iainuddress .1. ll.FOHUCO.. April H-1SW. ll.Ullllftl.,,, 81 J'urk place, N, Y, this l-Artn is ose j uv. wnii "QOWELL & rHESMAH XV Adverlislnn V Agents, THIM&C!UTNOTIYt..SY..UUI.. UO BUSINIISS'CAHIW. visnlNfi tuiina. XltiX HKAliS, tsiyiKiw. n., Ktutly and Olea-vlx 1rlu,Ul kt UhSCXh.XIW. Uit Ot&e. , ! 1 O t 'lay f.t b,.'.tii.T V6?r t.VW avid J Woarohcadiiuartirs forocrythlngln tho way of Storoopticons and Mngio Lantoras, llelni; Jlaniifactiux'isof the MICltO-SCHuNTlITC I,ANTEItN, ilJ'.KlAM'AMJl'TICON, UNIVK1WITY fiTEUKOl'TJC'ON, A UVKUTIKEU'S HTKHEOITICON, AUTOITICON, SCHOOL IiANTEHN, FAMILY LANTEItN I'lCOl'LE-S LANTltltN, Kuch Etj Jo btlngtho bebtot Itaclaba la tho market, Cataloirues of ljniiernn umi kiui, u vii, for uiuu.", unt on iippilcutiiiT. ' "v,,u"i Mai?lolliii"K! S toan lnke mc"t-f wlUui SiayCut out' tills advertlt-ciiient f(,r rfe , "b. lfW-Tm THE "MOODY SHIRT," MADE TO OUDirp, ONli. A 1 lilt? HO? Yl't l V Alt AiJTtlll, HvLUeUitn dlitiicl.uihsvrlijiiitu.ireDiikrltit uW?.iy.?VWJK',,i,,U'' 4 V M.lUirtftV uui 41 Dec. 1T70 tf W.M. A. DALDWIN, General Supt, DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA WllSTUltN ItAlI.ltOAl). iiLooMsuuna division;. Tlmo-Tablo No. iw, Takes effect at 4:30 A, MONDAY, NOVEMIlMi 2i 1675. bTATlONS. ND NOHTH. p.m. ji.in, n.m a to a si 3 it a 31 a si 3 sr 3 ii :i m 3 17 a If 3 li .1 i-j .1 04 1 s us H IM 7 r.i f -IU 1 41 7 33 t sr T 11 7 IS 1 15 T 15 1 07 7 113 C M 0 M 0 15 c Hi c f.i fi r. i 6 4S G 40 C 31 5 VS r, U G 20 D 13 4 ns 4 Ml 4 : P.m. !i 3 1 2 xS ID 1! 13 J 10 I 10 1 .IS I (3 1 4S 1 4J 1 40 1 SS 1 IU 1 15 1 ll p.m. 'scran tou Ilelle ue Tujloi'illio,,.. ...Luekawsuiia Pltlbton .. West Plltbtuu... Wjoinini; Mullhy" Helmut Klnk'btoii hliitr-.tou ..PljinouthJunc. ....PlmoulIi .... Avondalo Nuntlcoke .Ilunloek'sircek. ...Hilckshlnny ....Hick's l'errj'.,, ....bcaeh Haven,.. -llerwlck .... Hilar Creek ...Willow drove.... l.liiiu nidge Kb 1 IV .llluolilbbui'j' Itllneri. 7 0 Catawlssa llrldm.' 1 sal . .Clark's Kwitcii... 11 1'auiujo ... J m cimlasky,. . , 1 , , .,uiueiuu ., . 0 45 ,Noi thumberlaud. 0.111. J 4S II 3 II 31 II 'iS II i0 15 U 11 U 117 0 05' V 15 8 rj 8 Ut H 51 S 4S 8 411 S 30 8 li)! 8 14 8 Oh 8 IX 7 fJi 7 54; 7 44, 7 41. T IIS ... SOUTH. a.m. p in, p.m. li Ull 0 its t 'i.1 i 31 i 3S i 40 li r. i S! 5S 11 14 11 II 3 111 3 17 U 14 3 U Si 3 87 3 45 II 31 U 4S V Vi 10 141 10 00 111 11 til 10 PI ill 10 li in 'it lu 10 3i 10 35 IU 40 PI 44 10 5'J It lb 4 Oil 11 17 4 15 11 23 11 31 11 to 11 m 11 43 11 M II 57 14 -i t'i (17 IK IU Pi V5 li 34 Pi Hi Pi 51 p.ln. 4 81 4 VU 4 37 4 41 0 30 Ii 35 0 43 0 tr- C r.i 1 01 7 I'll t 11 7 15 7 5 7 in 7 40 7 4S 7 M 8 15 8 tr. 8 45 8 tS U 05 0 50 0 55 4 40 7 OS 4 51 7 110 S It 5 I'H b 14 5 m b 3S B 47 C t. i 0 IU p.m. 7 40 7 45 7 M 8 Ml 8 US 8 4lt 8 4T V 15 II. III. . V II AT i'l'L . ,t Mltnnrlnt'inflAnt'u ni.. l..'.. . ..- '. f ' . 1 ' .u L'1 .....v..Uv..v u.nw, dciuuiuu, JJCC, lu, IbiD, GLAZING AND PAPERING. AVM V ,1!0I)IE' Ir0n Slrcct i"l0W 6CO kills of. ' 1w'urt''1''''1'rrciiarod to do at l'AINTJNO, QLAZJNO, anil TAPEIl HANGINGS Louco. bc" tt,lc' M ,owt!kt kba (,U-VrWrt.litiiao'l tMldtattto-,. Cjuliii VtUrW.t1 v VtVM VtWit,C, iiinviii lll.v Muuiiftan,