The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 23, 1876, Image 3

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n i, o ii m s ii I! it (it r ii tii a y, 3 1; x i; a, is;n
Konil Timo Talilo.
Accommodation Train,.,
Mall Train
litplCSS '1' i it I ii
. n.1. A. M.
J.Jo A. M
U3 I'. M.
r..8l 1'. M.
7.4H A.M.
.. 1 1'. M
Accommodation Train Ms A.M.
Ilcsrular impress s.f.9 P. M.
T.r.o 1', M
11.113 A.M.
TlirouRli cars on Impress Haiti either lo Now York
or I'htladelpbla. Accommodation train runsbct'tech
Catawlssa and Wllllnmsport.
to HniHcniiii:ii!C
W'v ilii not liclleve In the policy (if timtnntly
ilmiiiliii ciiir euliscrilicrs for in ini'V etno us, lint
wo nro nbllitnl In cull lliclr ntlehliem In the fnl
low Injj : V purehiiiil tlio ('eil.tiMiiiA Orto
li r lft, lS7"j nnil nil nilierlittoii' -.Ine'e then
mo iiaynliln In in. It i mm- iicuily nine inohtli
since t tint I lint", nml tve liitvo never nt-Ki il mi In
illvlilmil for III I Mil.-criition, llinue-li llie terms
arc 'uriiiMe in aihitiicc. Our e.pen-e'S nro lieiCvy,
mi l we inut In vu money, m it Kijuliei n e-ein--.tint
emlinullny to curry on a newspaper. About
inn' tlilnl of llie uli'eriplinni have be'cii palil,
AVe shall l'iel f-iatcful lo all llioso h ho have lint
i.iM If tliey will ecllle lit ene-e. l'oisnns know
lilt tlicm-elves lo lie linleliteil to IH for joli ttnik
will c infer'nr liy an early peltlcnicnt,
Jmlgo Klivcll hcle) Court In Siiubuiy lnt
wcol:. An iiniorlant ije'ctimnt ca-o w.11 Irieil.
.'uuli.-iu plants me nut taken at this nllicu u
D.iviel I,owenbei(t, ilcleijute, W, 0. M'Kin
liey. nml llej-Uler ami Itecoriler Jacoby, hlaited
for tliu St. Louis eonvenlioii Ibis morning.
The Hqmllktm seem siirprlscil lint any one
slmulil thiul; earil playine: a sin, but we can't
help that. Tatn ililllr yon knuw.
The festival belli by the luellos of the l'rcshy
lerian chinch at the Opera Home week win
quite successful. Wei have hot leained the net
Xiiie-knlln of 1 1 1 e Republicans of this coimly
weie fur lllalne. lieckley voleil for llaye,
with Cameron. Indepencnee anil l'ust Olllces
don't combine.
Col. K. Thayer, of Wooiiisliuiir, met with
ipiile a seilou accident while visiting friend in
l'py on .Monibiy la. , y filling and sprninint
his liip. lie is not yet aide lo be moved home.
Serious trouble is niiticipatcil in the coal le
gions by ..nine pa i tie. It is said that thousands
of wurline,nieti are out of employment and the
means of subsistence.
'Ami S.ibbjlh School, in l'lsliinixcroel' town
hlilp, will have n lestivnl on .Satuielay nlternoon
and evc-nlii', July 1st, in (lie giuvc of Mr. Kli
l'ealcr. The public is invited.
Picnics are now in order. Several patties
wire out l.u.t week, and there are more this
week. The Masons have at Rupert to
moriow. Oct your baskets ready.
C. II. .Scely, junior editor of the Jersey Shore
llcmhl was married to Miss Helen C. Thomas,
at Jersey Shore, on Tuesday of last week.
They went to the Centennial, of couie.
1). A. lieckley volid for Hayes on the seventh
ballot at Ibe Cincinnati Convention, mi we Mip
pose the pot office will not be moved for the
next well, it depends on wlio is nominated at
Hi. Louis.
The announcement in a colemporary that the
Treasurer's tale of unseated lands in the county
was adjourned until June "Ist was a mistake,
mid had the ellitt of bunging pome land owners
here frum a. di.tance.
The Muhodbts of Orangeville and vicinity
will hold a festival at the Odd Fellow,,' Hall in
Orangevllle on Ihe night of July 3d and the af
ternoon and eveningof Ihe -I lit lo pay (he iu-lall-lnenl
on the parsonage, l'ublie are invited.
All persons using Ihe American Movable
Frame lice Hive in Columbia county, without
the right, had belter call on 1). A. Crea-y al
Utoonishiiig and pay for use of same, or Ihey
will bo piosecutcd lo the lull extent of the law.
On Sunday, the rain that had been thieaten
ing for seveial days, came with a vim. Water
(lowed in Ihe streets in tone.nts, and tcvrral cel
lars weru considerably d.iiupemd, though no
damage wns done. The shower was very ac
ceptable. AVe were p.csenled, one dny this week, with
a-box of the fiinest strawberries we have seen
for many a day. They were seedling, rabid
in CatawNsa by Mr. J. K. Sharpies. AVe
hereby iiLknowlirtgo the receipt, and return
We have rcccivul fiom the Cobaney (ibiss
Manufacluiing Company, of Philadelphia, six
dozen jars for preserving fruit, Ac. We bellevo
them lo be among Ihe best made. They can bo
made perfectly air tight, and no metal comes in
contact with Ihe fiuit. The adveitisement of
the company will bo found in another column,
(3, (!. Ilaikley, Ksip, puiehn'-ed the property
i.f Jee Coleman, on the corner of Market and
Fourth slicels, at Sheiill'? sale on Saturday last
fur $i,fl50. The rain on Sunday washed out Ihe
culvert that run under the front yard, which
caused about one-half of tho yard lo cava in.
Incompetent workmanship on ;tbe part of the
builder of the culvert waa the first cause of Ihe
Itev. A. X. Kxpcridon, a Greek Bulgarian
Monk fiom Jerusalem, was Ihe object of consul
erable interest at tho Kxchango Hotel on Mnu
day last. Ho wore tho long cassock or frock of
his order, and a rid skull cap. HI tail, gaunt
frame, sallow complexion, and long hair, lent a
iicculi ar air not often teen here. It is said that
lie could converse in twenty-fivo diU'erent Ian
guages, but we did not have time to test him in
all of them,
An Iti:.m or Int:iii-t. Dr. Swayuo A Son,
nf Philadelphia, are the compounders and pro
prietors of several valuable preparations. Their
column advertisement appears in to-day'u paper(
In which wo rispectfully direct the attention ol
nur renders. These inesliciniH have been before
the people many years, fairly (csted, and havo
iilwayn given universal satisfaction. Head what
they have lo say, and if in need, upply lo your
druggist for them, or write diiict to Dr. Swayno
it Son, Philadelphia.
This body met at Ililhlihim in tho Church
nf Ihe Nativity, on Tuesday, Weilncsebiy and
Thursday, of last week. Most of tho Parishes
in lie Dloecso were rep'-cfiuled, llethlcheni is
a beautiful timn of about 0,000 inhabitants.
Tho struts tiro wide al.d well paved, The
walks, aru limit Willi shade trees and everything
indlculid that it Is a live businus place. The
Sun Hold, kept by C. T. Smith, is one of Ihe
best houses In the Stale, Tho landlord and hi
estimable lady understand their business, anil do
iiverylhlng In llieir power lei make It pleasant
for Ihelr guisln. There was nothing of very
great importance before Ihe Convention, ouUlelo
nf the loulliie of buelucHs, except tho report of
tho commltlco on Canons, Two canons, ouu
providing for the constitution' of u calheslral
chapter at Heading, and lliu oilier for tho or
ganization of convocation dislrieU of tho Dio-
ivbii were rcisjrlcd. The first was referreel back
) to tho committee, after u lengthy discussion aud
the ncond adopted with boino modifications.
We will give a fuller account of the proceed
lngtou receipt of the Journal of the Convcn
TcACHEti's Kxamination. The Annual
Hxamlnatton of Teachers, for the public schools
of the Borough of Ccntrnlln will bo held on
Tuesday, July 1 1 th, at tho new school home,
commencing at 10 o'clock, a. in.
By order of tho Board,
O. O, Mminiv, Secretary,
Tin: T,i-tiii:iun Sv.noii. At tho Into meet
ing ol the Susquehanna Synod of tho Lutheran
church, In U-vWiurg, ltev. II. Ootwald, of
Milton, was elected President Be v. M. I.
llii-h r, of IIiigheville, Secretary, and Mr. J.
1 1. i''nglo, of Sinibury, Treasuicr. The next
annual iniellng will bo held In llloonisburg on
the third Thursday of June, 1S77,
Ono of the hii'inesA liotHe In which Bloom.
burg lake great pride', 1 the einthing establish
ment of David l,owcnberg. The many perfect
lilting mils worn by our citirens are done In the
rxipiMlu lale in seb'ellon of pood, and ihe
skillful culling of Mr. J B. Town-end, who
cannot be exceileel In lit lino outside of the
eiliee, In fact there are few clothing houe In
the cillc that turn out hitler work. A large
force of workmen Is employi'd, and all orders
promptly filled.
A scitnading parly favored seveival of our
I'ltien on Wednesdiy night last wilh some line
The Itev. T. F. lloll'meiei has resigned
hi p.-s'oin'e of (he Iteforiuid Cliuieh In till
plae'o, and will shoitly remove to hi new charge
n Mldille'tnwn, Maryland. During hi four
year's residence In llloombuig, Mr. IlnH'nuitr
ha done an excellent wink and made very
many friends In mid out of hi congregation,
The be.-t wihi' of the cnliie community will
accompany him.
Ki:i:i' I,r.An Pr.vcn, our or 'run Mouth.
The Baltimore Jnitricetn says: "The head book
keeper of a leading i.tablNhment in thl city
wa bidlv poi.oned bv putting a h'ad pencil in
ii mouth. He was in the counting room at an
early hour, aud, on beginning work, ued a new
lead pencil. Ti'hilc In the middle of bis I'alcu-
lation, lie Inadvertently put bis pencil in hi
mouth, as is the habit of many, He immedi
ately boeiiino unwell, with a nau.eou tato in
lii month, and expectorated considerably to get
riil of It. The sick feeling e'oiitintied, and he
became so much worse that ho wa compelled to
be eonveyed home. A physician wiKsumnioned
aud nutidoics administered and relief obtained.
lie is (.till suffering.
An "improved tidy fiMcncr" ha been in
vented, which will be of value to every lady
who ha been annoyed in seeing Ihe tidic torn
from her chairs ifr .ofa by the carders members
of the household. The little device eon-ists of
a piral spring of fine pointed wire, nttached by
ono end lo a velvet tuft or button. The fastener
is used by simply piercing wilh its pointed end
the tidy, when ono or two turns of the button
send the spiral into the soft upholstery of the
chair or either articles of furniture upon which
the tidy may be placed. It thus serves the dou
ble purpose of seeming the tidy in place and of
additionally ornamenting the furniture to which
it isaltnched.
Last week wa an unfortunate one for printer.
Tho JlejiiMknii w as delayed several hours by
the engine gelling out of order, while the Co
i.umiiiax nibsed all the Thursday mails, and it
was Friday afternoon before the whole edition
was mailed. The elelay was occasioned by the
breaking of a piece of the pre which was sent
to New Yoik as a sample for a new piece, and
did not return in tilne. Through the kindness
of ihe proprietor and employees of the llcjmbli
fun ollice we were enabled to get the paper oil'
when we did. We hope we may never have an
opportunity to reciprocate.
Thl week, as we were letting the forms down
from the composing room lo the press room, by
means of a "dummy" a holt holding the pullj
lo the wall, broke, and but for the nerve of one
of eiur employees, the form would have pied.
The man at the uhcci hehl on, though bis
hand was crushed in so doing, and prevented
the disaster. We are not prepared lo say just
what is going to happen next.
An adjourned meeling of (lie Town Council
wa held at Ihe Council rooms on Monday eve
ning June P.llh, full board prce'iit. in the
absence of Mr. Will, Ii. B. Drinker was ap
pointed Secretary, prn tern. On motion the
Street Commissioner was instructed to have the
lamp post at ihe bead of Fast street moved
from tho center of the street at the expense of
the town. Abo, oidered that Ihe broken globe
the post at the comer of West and .Main
streets be replaced, A petition of residents of
Seolt Tow. i, asking for an order to lay pave
ments was granted, same to bo laid within sixty
days from the lUth Inst, A number of citizens
entered complaint of damage done by water in
Ibe late rain, ami by rain generally, and it was
eirdered that the difficulty be obviated. Ordered
that tiie clerk be directed to notify the Pennsyl
vania Canal Company to place railing along
the embankment leading to the upper side of
the first canal budge betweec Bloomsburg and
Kpy. An ordinaiieo to prevent the running
of cattle at large within ceitain limits of die
Town was passed, by a volo of 5 to 'J, The fol
lowing is tho ordinance :
.In Orilmunce ( pram! CUItlt from Jlunniny at
jMne in nrtum pei(s e Ihe Town.
Suction 1. licit ordained and tnackd by
the Tow n Council of the Town of Bloomsburg,
anil il i hereby ordained and enaclid by au
thority of the same, That on and after the 10th
dav of July, A. D., one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-six, it shall be unlawful fur any cat
tle to run at large at any time within the fol
lowing limits of the Town of Bloomsburg, to
wit. Commencing at the corner of First and
West streets, thence along the western line of
West street to tho rail road of the Lackawanna
& Bloomsburg Hall Boad Cumpanv. thence
along the south liui of rail road eastwardly to
a point in aline wilh tho western line of the
Normal School grounds, thence on u line with
said western lino of saidNonnal School giouuds
to First street nf said Town near Henry G.
Phllips's properly thence by the northern line
of said First Btreet westwardiy lo the corner of
1-irst anil Nest streets, iiio place ol commencing.
And any cattle found running at large', within
the limits nho.'e described, shall bo liable to be
Seized aud ilispo-ed of in thu same manner as
horses, mules, coats, sheep, swine and geese.
may be seized and elispn-cd of under an onli
nance passed Mn 1J, lbiU anil Hie lees (or ta
l.l I ! I! . 1 ... f I 1. . ,!..
mug nuei iinjiouiiiiiiig snail mi uuy teins ior
eaeli Iliad, whiiii shall be paid by the owner
together with other costs and expense of care
ami keeling wlille impounileel.
1 'ass til June lotli, 1&70.
Tho Hon. Win. A. Wheeler, tho Cinciii'
nati noniiiieo for Vico President, representa
the Nineteenth district of New York in the
present congress. Ho has hud a largo ami
varied experience in public life. Ho luu
been ti member of both brandies of tho leg'
islaturo of New York and for two bes-slons
presiding olllcer of tho Statu scn.ito, In 1S07
and 1808 ho was presiileiit of tho New York
constitutional convention, llo wan it inciii
of tho Thirty-seventh, Forty-lirbt, Forty-
second and Forly-thiiel congreusci, tuiil W
now serving hU fifth term, In tho last con
grcsa ho tool: it leudine; part ill ctleetliig the
Louisiana compromise 1'or which ho oh
tallied great credit with tho people ol' tho
Bouth. Tho Cincinnati ticket would have
had much more btrcngtU mill -symmetry with
Win. A. Wheeler in tho llrt instead of tho
second place'. Ah It now stands thu ticket is
too light in tho lii-nil. JXttnot.
Uabcock Is. to bo tried, September l'J, fur
supposed complicity in tho wife burglary
case in Washington. We uilviso the prose
cutlng uttorncy lo keep lliu ilocnientary ovl
denco in u burglar-proof safe till tho trial
comes iff,
ThnimiiiLMiian who bv niiitako swallowed
a whole box of l)r. Bull's Vegetuhlo PilUU
Mit KiiV Hobnjatie leeis naiier "paie-
but otherwise Is till tignt. lie win, uowev
er follow the directions next time,
Wasiiinotok, 1), 0 Juno 20, 1870.
Both tho Scunto nml thu llotiso on Satur
day were) occupied in thu itlsciissloii of
a joint resolution propmcd In n lues
.iiigo from thu President nf tho tJnltcil
Slates, calling their attention to the near
npproach nf anew fiscal year and reminding
them Hint no provision hud ni yet been lundo
for the expense' of tho government mid nk-
I ill! speeely ucltoli III that behalf, Tho ltu
ptibtli atis having been tlNiippnliitcd In their
anticipated ratification deiniiutratloii
on Saturday evening, will hold tho
Kiinio this cveiilng. A largo number
of prominent gentlemen have been
engaged for th occasion uiula grand
display of palrlntlin nml lire-works is ox
pectcel, Noinlnallnn mid ratification are
very pretty word but election Is a iion-seepil-
ter. lliu ItaiU may liomlnalo ittid rallly lo
tho end of tho chapter hut unless that lunate
senso nf hnnestv which ha ever pervaded
tho masses ol our people ha lost it lullil
enco they nnu-t fall in the flection. The
1at eight vcars of radical misrule ha so
galleel thu neck of the patient public that
forbcaraiico ha ceai'd tei be n virtue, and
n thorough change lias beceiuion tieccslty--
parnlyseel merchants, crippled manufactur
er, mid Injured agriculturalists having long
teen the cause of their misfortune, nnil will
hardly permit tlm opportunity row oll'ereel
to reiuovu such cauc escap them.
t-o little, n known of the Cincinnati
nominee that personally, perhaps,
iittlo can be said about them, though
it elocs seem surprising that, ilolng m they
havo in such an eventful period of our
country's history, they, until now, havo
hardly been heard of beyond tho limit of their
iepectlvo States. Men who possessed the
distinguished trait of head and hearts,
fitting them for tho high position to which
they aspire, woulel havo doubtless, long ere
this, havo embraced the manifold opportuni
ties aH'oreleil them to display them, llavo
cither of thu Cincinnati nominee ever elono
so? Who, bevond the limits of Ohio, has
ever before heard of Have, and in for
Wheeler, when hi nomination was an
nounced, the first epicstion asked win, what
Stato is ho from? Then, what lieccnarily
must be the result of sncli an election that
places nt tho head of a nation liko this a
man ko wanting in force of character n. to
bo unnoted and unnamed, whilo ipi"stions
of the most vital import are daily agitating
the country. Tho deduction is conclusive.
Liko tho titulary dignitieit of the che
board, ho is but an instrument in tho hand
of his supporters, selected for tho facility
witli which he may be handled. Coming
nto power by the will of hi party, ho must
be hut the active agent in carrying out its
will, surrounded nml controlled as ho cer
tainly will bo by its worst clcmont!, whoso
chief aim for the past eight years teems to
have been the perpetuation of its rule nnil
the personal aggrandizement of its members.
oblivion of tho slightest dictates of the com
monest honesty, and ignoring the existence
of the slightest tinge of patriotism. But, the
people havo had enough of tbi, and in
November next their voice will bo heard
proclaiming in language not to bo misunder
stood that they neither can nor will submit
longer to this merciless system of
mal administration. An actual an
alysis of tho present political situ
ation has satisfied u writer in tho St. Louis
Jlepulilican that the Democracy have the de
cided advantage. They aro already in pos
session of Slates enough to elect the nex
President, and therefore do not need to gain
blates merely to hold their own. The
recent elections m Connecticut and Oregon
havo demonstrated that the northern Demo
crats, so far from being damaged, that the-y
ire commuting the eiicmv every where at
the north with a confidence born of a just
cause, and their upright intentions. Hut
igilauce is tho nricu ot liberty, and whilo
feeling iissureil of what others may iln let us
not be found wanting when our own work i
called lor. Let every man determine that
when the Democratic shout of victory is
heard in November that ho has earned a
right to add hi voice to tho general accla
mation From tho present moment till tho
last voto is polled in November let every man
bo lounil at tno post ot uuiy.
Tbi is often a serious iiticstinn with tho
invalid. Ho finds the market Hooded with
proprietary medicine, scoics of which me
recommended as cerium cures ior ins pecul
ir ailment, llu lewis the. papers, circulars
uid almanacs, mid (imUcnch sustained by
plausible arguments selling iiirtn its virtues
and specific action. Tho recommendations
iro as strong ior ono as ior another, ltie
cuics claimed lo havo been wrought bv ono
aro as wonderiiu as mose claimed lo nave
been wrought by another. in his perplexi
ty and ilnubt, tno suilerer is sometimes led
to reject nil. lliu it should bo borno in
mind that this condition of things is one that
cannot bo lciuedicd. in u land where all'iire
tree, tho good tho truly valuable iniist
come into competition witu tno viio and
worthless, and must bo brought to public no
tice by tho samo instrumentality, which is
advertising, in sucn a cai', perhaps the
only absolute proof that a remedy is what it
claims to Ibe, is to try it. Tho "test of a
pu '.ding is Hie eating ol it." "Provo all
things, hold fast that which is good," is Iho
apostolic injunction. There may, however,
be stronger presumptive) evidenco in lavor
of one remedy than there is inl'avor.of an
other, ami this should bo allowed its due
weight. A duo regard to tins may save a
vast amoi'iit of experimenting and a useless
outlay ot money. As presumptive evidence
in luvor oi ur. rieico's I'limuy iiicdicines,
tho proprietor desires to say, that they aro
prepared by u new and scientific process by
which thu virtues of tho crude plants and
roots are extracted without tho use of u par
ticle oi alcohol Not a particlo.of this de
stroyer of our race enters into tho composi
tion ot either ins uoiden Medical 1'iscovcry
or Favorite Prescription. This consideration
, . . .....,.. ... .1. , , 1
iiiuuu ougui ceriniiiiy in rank: iiieui nign
above thu vile compounds saturated witli al
cohol, Jamaica rum, boiir beer or vinegar,
which aie every wheroollereel lor sale. Again
they are of uniform strength, and their vir
tues can never bo impaired by age. They
are also mado from iresh herbs and toots,
gathered In their appropriate season, when
they aro (lush with medicinal properties. In
support of theso claims tho following testi
mony is ollercd ;
It. V. Pierce, M. 1). : Newark, N. J.
Dear S'iV . I havo sold a great deal of
your excellent remedies, and l preier to sell
them before others, because they give good
H.ilisiactiun to theiso who use them. I hear
such remarks as "Sago's remedy completely
cured mo: It is a splendid thing:" or "Pier
ce's Discovery is just what I wanted, I feel
belter tliiin 1 ever did." uno ol our celebra'
ti-d singers used it for strengthening her
voice, nml says, "tliuu is nothing t-epials
it;" ami so 1 might givo scores of reuiaiks
said about your preparations, A colored
woman was using vour Discovery .and taking
three bottles win completely cured. She,
being in thu store, said to me,,"I don't wuu't
no doctors round me, so long us I can get
tho Discovery ; it beats all your .doctors,"
una m i inigiii go on,
I am, most rvspectftilly yours,
Atiia II. CuooKH.
C, W. Neal A Bro. oiler their supciiur coal at
the following extremely low prices vlt.i
No. 2, 3, iV -1, $.'1.80 per ton on wluuf, T t.15 del
u, ;i au ii.ii.)
it a, '15 ' 2.00
To llineburners, $2.00 per ton on wharf.
iiiuiK.inuirs lump,
Blacksmith's bituminous, 0.00 "
20 cents for delivery of one-half ton or under,
They will fill up ce ul-bouses tit $3.00 per ton
for No, 6 delivered, tend $4 per ton for No. 4V
dellvorvd, All prompt cash.
Business Notices
Cr.NlTNNUI.. Buy an Accident Policy nf
M. W. Nils, office) Coil it House Blooms-
bllr' ...
Tho reason that I), A. Creasy Hells Ootids
so low Is, ho buys for eah
Laitlng Slippers 70 "cent at McICitinry'c.
Children's Protection l'.dgcs just received
nt H. M. ICiioit's.
ibr A I'liii'is uti First strrf t. Im
mediate possession given. Inquire nf
tf W. J. Bucknlcw.
A Full Linn of nil kind of Dress (lood
nt Clark Weill's tiii'aper than ever.
I'ur Unit. Tho houo on Hail street,
llloonisburg, now occupied bv Itev. T. F.
llnll'ineler. Apply to C.iper lre'lor, 2w.
8i cents for slippers at K. M. Knoir's.
Ladles Lasting" CliiUers-!.'.!.". at Mcl-Cln-ney's.
A fine lot ofFlynet, Lap linhe, Sum-ni'-r
Blankets, Sa'ddh', to , now In Store
at O. S. I'urman's, Main Street below Mar
ket. Fine Syiups and Mnhisse's from 70 e-ents
to S." ceiils per gallon. Best genuine New
Orleans Molasses 00 cents al Crcay's New
PhoiMilxvllio Pottery, e'onsisting of Ten
puis Batter Bowl, Soap Dlhcs at llu
scl's. To buy cheap for cash go to Creasy's new
store up' town.
Ladle's lvid and Men's Fine Slippors just
rcceivi'dat K. M. Knurr's.
Lulli's Oaitcr Shoes $1.2 and upward at
Creasy'. New Store.
If you want a good Ham,
If you want cheap and good Tea,
If you want Cod'ce Java or Wo,
If you want good Canned Fruit,
If you want the best Mackerel,
If you want Sugar for the least money,
If you want the best Syrup, in town,
If you want good Cigars,
If you want good Tobue'cn.
If yem want anything in the Grocery and
Provision line, go'to HtiMKi.t.'H, Main street.
Hush at KM. Knorr'if for 2.00 Button Gai
ter. ."00 Pairs Slippers nt McKinucy'..
Plain Laco Gaiters at K. M. Knorr's for
$1.20. .
Appleton "A" Muslin ) cents a yard by
the bolt, cash, at Creasy's
French Dressing at K. M. Ktiorr's.
Buy tho KUmood Collar at McKinney's.
:2.00 will buy a Nice Pair of Button Gai
ters at K. M. Kuorr's.
Stone Ware Dishes from
et, at Creasy's.
8. 70 lo GOO per
KviIUYlioiiv KiiAD. Ladies Button Gai
ters, $2, Feixce! Buttoned $2.00, lace$2, plain
lace Gaiters SI. 20, Lasting Slips, 85 cents,
just received it K. M. Knurr's..
Obi IMaMished Coal Yard.
C. W. Niui, oc Bito., Wholesale & Betail
Dealers in all sizes of the best qualities of
Bed and White Ash Coal, at the very lowest
market rates. Have constantly on hand large
stocks of
Blacksmith's Anthracite,
anil Limeburner's Coal.
Especial attention given to the prepara
tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain
and Lumber taken in exchange for coal.
Coal' delivered to any part of the town at
short notice. Orders lclt at I. W, McKelvy's
store, eir at eiur odice, will rcccivo prompt at
tention. Ollice and Yards at William Neal
&. Sons' Furnace, East Bloomsburg, Your
patronage) respectfully solicited.
COAL. 17 tf 20 COAL
The onlyMuk C'ikk For IIci-tiiik. 'flic oldes
undbest liernla surgeons In the worlilure bomeof
tlieuilvautiigi'sotrereil by the Triumph Truss Co.,
3-14 llowery, N. Y whose truss tine supporter were
awarded tlm medal at tho late session of tlio flrent
.Mneilean Institute Vulr. hendlo cents for their
new tool;, March si 'Jii yl
Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters are an
economical, clean, certain and powerful rem
eely, surpassing in elliciicy any known plas
ter, liniment or compound.
They aro particularly 0 frectivc, and will
positively relievo and cure : Acute and
Chronic Bheuiuatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia,
Nervous Diseases, Stubborn Colds, Kidney
Complaints and all diseases for which a po
rous plaster has been used, in an astonish
ing short time.
Capcine is the greatest medicine, known.
Capcine is superior to electricity and moro
Benson s Capcine Porous Plasters relieve
at once and euro euiickly. Try tlicm. Price
:j cts.
IMmiuicixncAL UiulUisis, K, V,
May 19, '70 ly.
Tin: Evil, FitiUT.sor Dmi:srioK. Thero
1 110 pathological tact nioro clearly ascer
taiiied than tho most formidable phases of
nervous enseaso aro directly traceable to im
perfect digestion. Insomnia, with ils train
il elirelul consequences, prnceeeis more Irc-
epiently from weakness of tho stomach than
irom any other cause, jiere sedatives and
powerless to cure nervousness, and soon ceaso
to palliate its symptoms. Tho truo way to
strengthen tho nervous system Is to invigo
rate the digesiivo aim asimuaio organs upon
whose unobstructed actioi its equilibrium is
absolutely ilependoiit. Th laily uo of
llostetter s atomacu Hitters will do more to
brace and soothe tho wenkcud and irratcd
nerves, and induce sound, refreshing sleep-
nature s cranu catiioiicon man all the sc-
calleel nervines to bo found in tho nliarnia-
copeeia or t ut. of it. A wineglass-full of tho
Hitters should bo tatcn betoro each meal.
A Desirable llusiuoss On'iorlunity.
iV large anil well-known New York house'.
about to establish 1111 agency in this town and
county, require the services of an active and
reliable man or woman, j.110 Compensation
will lie liberal, while little or no Capitol is re-
unreel, unly an energetic 11 ml trustworthy
person will bo accepted, Wiite to (J, S, Hul
liert. P. O. Box 6112!) NT. Y. City, for full par
tlciilars. An HlsTOKiUAi, Fa tT. livery agent who ha
been steadily selling the Improved $20 Home
stead Sewing Machine for three ye-ars, owns his
dwelling House, nos a goon account in bank', is
dear of debt, and has money at Interest, thu
natural consequence of securing a gooel agency
for suuerior "nod at the lowest Price's. A erexsl
first-class Sen lug Machine, most useful reliable
at all times, easy to understand and control, thu
same sue and ernes lliu samo won; as any ma
chines that sell at four times thu price. There
is no machine at any mice helle r, or that will
elo finer or more work, and certainly none so
low hi price by many dollars. Ihe Homestead
is widely known mid used in thousands of ftiiu
illes In 'thu Eastern 11ml Middle .Slates, and dal
ly becoming popular in tho West. It will save
Us cost severnl limes oyer in one season, dome
thu work of the family, or will cm 11 four or live
dollars a day for any man or woman who sews
lor a living. It is llio strongest machine made',
Is rcuely at all linies to do its woik, makes thu
strongest and finest stitch yet Invented, ami is
fully acknowlcdgi-el us the Standard Family
Sewing Machine. Price, complete fur domes
tic use, 520, diilvereel il your eloor, 110 matter
how lemotu joii may le'side. Business perma
nent and honorable, wilh uiiiru certain and nip
id sale's, ami larger profits than any other. Ex
traordinary liberal oilers made to local or trav
eling ugeuta where we have imno established;
e,r, if llieie Is no agent near you, tend your or
der direct to the factoiy, Aefdiess John H.
Kendall & Co., 0:10 Broudnay, New York.
May 0, 70 ly.
Itupturu cured lu from lie) to BJ days by (ho Tri
umph Truss Co., ot 934 llowery, N. Y., who oire-r tV
two lor a rupture they ceuiuot euro. See aelverllt.
inent Mid cut ot Truss la (mother ooluiau, titui id
cent J tor eluscrtpUrci bo t Triumph Ituptutv
Car. WriMii, id
Wo condrnsofrom tho IMgh nrgttter tho
HiliHaiieo of noiivcrwellon about Oak Hall, In
l'lillsdeAhlatVaiiamalicrA lirown'n " Largest
ClotlilnifWno In America." A visitor ana
nucndaurvio tho tpca ken 1
Visitor. " What corner U tho Ilulldlnif on ?"
. Attendant. "Houth-rAst corner of MitA ami
Market, l'lcano nnto tho HIXTH, for Homo
trani-crsfecklns e)ak Hall, havo been mi-led
by drslcnlnf- iiersons."
. V, "lt luirlecUy colossal I Do you know
A, "12,(X)0 mpmro fct-to on Market, ami
180 odd 011 BlxUi, six utorlM hle-h.hM over
thrco acres eifj floorluf, and covers upaeo one 0
occupied bymujCan twenty different busi
ness placcs."
V, Do you uso itoam-rowcr?'
A, " A (Uiityouuircnitliio furnishes power
for tlio freight and passenger elevators, and tlio
boilers steam ror licaUng, and tlio oUier oisira
Hons of tho house."
V. '' What order do you tako with proodit"
., a. They aro llrst oKedand arratured In
tlio baicmciit.on UmgUt counters, and taken
Jlicncoon tho ffiSJKhyelovator totho Imdcq
tor's room on thiSES Door."
. " Is inspectiniPiho lint operation r
w, . 1 l' urlnRt 1 1,0 Boods aro first
rncmured In tho piece, then Inspected. Tho
e loth passes over rollers In tho faco of a strong
light, and two men lt, ono before and ou
behind tho goods, w atchlng with tho cro of a
hawk for tho least pln-holo Imiicrrectlon, and
inarklug every Haw, so that tho cutter may tea
and avoid It wuca ho come to cut tho car
menu. -V.
" You must employ an arry of cutlersr'
A. "tomo to our ruth D and sool Wo
keep ,0 hands ull tho t'tfn tyftlng up tho eloth
Intu carmcnti, bcsideyf machines that do
n eloren men a work caelPft a stroke."
"."i!0 yn mauufa-.turo all your own
goods 7'
A. " Wq elo, and most carefully. Our ex
aminers Inspect ctcry stitch aud ecam, and
e ertlfy to eery garment as extra-well mado
Itforo wo put our ticket ou lt.andbwomo
rcsponnlUs lur It."
tlei ?'-Your "y"0111 must 64 vo JO" n (JTOttt
A. " In every direction, fir. It Is tlfrrsiom
and economy wo practice all tJwwa throuRh,
that enables us to put our nrMsrfown to the!
lcoplo as wo do."
of"'i't')',Aftcr Inspecting tho work, what becomes
A. "neforo It goes Into Stock It Is ttckctal.
Lvery tlnglo garment has Its number and
oUicr points rioted on II, so that llscntlro bls
jorjcan bo traced without fall, upon our
Y' '!. y.0 must hM'0 30 or V salesmen V
A. "Vhy sir, on busy days you moysco 100
in tho yar ous rooms and suites oy rooms.
tillini; to tho throngs of customers."
. "Do you do un order buiAf"by mall
and express?"
A. "Very great. All over the country. Our
Corner Main and Market Street
The undersigned having been engaged in the
business for tho past eight years would call the attention of country
dealers to their largo and varied stock.
They defy competition by any house in or out of tho large cities.
Their stock consists of Paints, Oils,
Glass, Putty, Patent Medicines, Spices,
"Where may be found a large stock of Surgical Instruments,
Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything kept
in a well regulated retail Drug Store.
They aro also Sole Manufacturers of the celebrated
and sate one-third the costof "ITI lATTri V T 1 A TXT'P patntinK, and geta paint that
is much handsomer and v.111 Kjl'l I'iiM iVV JJ 1 J 1 1 1 last twice ns long as anv other
paint. Is prep.11 eel ready for uso In white) or anv color desired. Is on many thousands of thertuest bulldlnsrs
In the country, many of which have been palmed Mxjeurs and now look-in well as wheutlist painted.
Tills CIILMIi'AL IVtINT hat. taken FlrM Premiums at twenty of the btate Fairs ot the Union. Sample card
of colors sent free. Address s. Y. KN .M1L FAINT CO., I113 Chambe'ls street, N. Y., or MILLKft
11 it us., lev waier Hieei, cieveunu, 01110.
ej. 131. IVLJIZEi'S
Corner Main and Center Streets
The largest .stock of groceries and
ito,, cto,, in the county, for sale at wholesale or retail at
the very lowest prices.
05US, 1S75
wis &, (peabie;?
Dc-aler in Law Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depositary of the
"Pmmsvl vnnin. Hihln Rnpie'tv
Books and supplies not
On Short Notice at tho
Store in Exchange Hotel
Oct, 8, 1S75
mm w cm ram m
and sato nne-llilrd tlio coft ol
eo ce.t at f in PAnPA r 1 A TOH1 P'lutlnir, and set a paint that
und will V I 1 I'iiU ltj;V I; 1. 1 i 1 last twice us lum; as any other
'udv for uso In thltn uranveolor desired. Is on manv tleoosamisnr infetiiiestieiiiiiiiieirw
Is much nuuusoiner unu
faint. Is inepured ready
in inn coiiniry,
i', innny oi wiucn nate nseit nainieu su-ji'ars, and now look as wcllas wiieulli-it naln
AL I'A INT has taken l-'lrst I'reinlums ut twenty of thoMatu riUrsur the Cnlon. Bamnloe
tree. Address .MIL l.l-.'lt llltoa., lv tVutrr street, Clevelaud, U
M Ii I, 1 A I N T C O., 10J Chambers ktreet, N. V, Jluy l, '10-ly.
e.r colors sent
N. Y. U N A il
Dr. Terry's VegetaWe Nerve Remedy.
For ai'ifcct restoration ot Iho nervous s'steui,
causliitr nn Immediate) unit prope r em e In the follow
I nf case's; neitous ile'blllty impaired nulrlllou o
tbe Lioily, lassltuele, weakness lu the limbs nnil back,
Indlsposlltou mid liecupuctty lorstuel', elulliiessot
apprehension, loss of uiemoiy, uwrslonto beH-lety,
Ilmlelliy, selr-dlstrust, illuliu ss, lieiiduclie. Incident
tobolh hcxen, for whoso benellt It Is detlshed aud
w hose lull plucss It tv 111 proiuole.
Thu most eminent lih) slclansol this country havo
curled Ihenikcltes to thuulmost lucluek thu In
ereaslui; fatality ri'MiHluj; from lliu leluxutlonof the
uerte's. ilutlic for a lonir peilod eletoted much
UUely, tlniounil labor in vMaullsliini; u remedy for
the iicrlect leslorullon of tuei iie'nuus sj bti-m, It Is
t'lallOIni: tulio able) to aunuuneu thu success at
lenilliiir my new methoil. ThroiiKh this remedy tho
iiertes can bo re'ached and In hueh a way tliat, liuw-
eieer Miueieei'u ur lueweiueeu, enej tuie in, jiejieeiiy
resloreel. Itucts ou the) nertus ut cinco, jet wilh
Ifenlleness-re-btoitiii,' them to a natural blate, and
reuiotln'- the alxitu distressing ellse-abe'S.
Iiotli se-xi's, more or less, iiirouiih thu prostration
of thonertous s)U-in, lusuthelr energy. Install
instances thu Ni no llemedy luuy Lo ulled upon 111
revltluir tlm pulleiit Into thu vli;or of ) oulli.
Tliu.Nei' e Itemed' Is i-uivlullycomiiuuneled and
put up In boxes Willi full dlree-ltuns. n le u, ono dol
lar, oipresaed to uiiy address ou iccelpl of jirlco.
lnosviue tm vet, 1'hllu.
Ollice hours, II a. ui. to a n. m., 7 lo u p. in.
March lonviy,
' i ersons ludebted to II. L. DIclTonbacli for prliiUnu
or (uuscrlptluu lo tlio Coi uuuun aro hcrby nollUed
that bis bexiles tmto for botend months pust teen In
tho hands or the undei-blirned ror collection, Uid
tb stttltmeiit ot tha son.) must lo iirjmu ly inane,
X. It'oliVJS.
perfect i-ytom ty&l nilci of eclf-mcosuremcnt
mako llt'OSslUe to plcaso people -.'.ex-J miles
away Jltf! oyfttftetly as If they wcro hero lu
V. " I supposo you haroat least half a dozen
cllffcrcnt dtpartiiiciitsr'
A. " My de ar sir I wo havo moro than (icrni,
rach charged with Iw own business, and each
thoroughly oriranlrcd, aneceusary w heel w lib
in tho creat w heel."
V. "Will you namo ft dozen or to of themr1
A. "With pleasure. Tho Custom IJepart
mont, forthoso who prefer custom-mado to
rcady-mart-c. TJdj FurnUhlng Department,
with lu rSraCflso Hock of all underwear.
Tlio Shirt Rectory, with lu busy machines,
making our own first-clou ilih-u. Tho Trim
ming Department, itself asblg as many a reuu.
lar ttoro. Tho Oarment Slock ltoom. Tho
llccclvlng Room. Tho Order Derailment,
namedbeforc. Iho Special Uniforms Depart
ment. Iho Delivery Department, witu Ita
tcoro of messengers. The"
V. "Hold.holdl tlr, enough I"
A " I'm not hal f through f, Tho Adre rtlslng
Iiepartmcnt,wltli lis bliLand sign ellMrlbutorB,
itdftinj-and piibllshiliiyS business and popular
ourna, clrculrigtrif.ffl.CJio copies moiilhly
loll all your frifiiosend forlt). Tho Men s
)ciarimcnt,wltlnu ruanyrooms. TholJoji'
Demrtmcnt. Tho Youths' Department, 'iho
Children's Department, witli its special
entrance) for ladles. Tho Telegraph Deport
ment, Tho Chief Clerk's Department, with
Its book-keepers and nssUtanbi. lictierai Man
ngcr'a Department! Flnnncler's Office, and
either oOlcci of tho Ilrmall busy as ben
tlilnkliig, planning, cxeuting, bujlng, mak-lng,reglstcrlng,reiib-loft,fenalng
and In a thousandijs Joining their forces
to carry on a biulncss' villi tho people amount
ing to between 8J,O00,(X"J and li.exJO.uex) an
nunlly." '
V. "H-t-u p o n-el o-u sI"
A. "indeed It Isl I forgot to name the
Cashier s Dcporlmcnt.w hleli hondleslts J!5.(XU
of retail salts on aomo slnglo dnysl"
V. "!i),Oil lmmensel 'i hot's.w hat enablos
tho homo In buy cheap and sclchcap?"
A. "l-xactlyl You hnto Jst lilt it. Tho
rcoplo throng here, knSkinjf Uiat wo dewud
on low prices and Irnmiffales."
V, "What aro tho ' rotii niLta I hear so
much about?"
A. "Our syttem of business dealing 1, Ono
price, no deviation s 2. Cosh for everything ; 8,
A guarantee, protecting tho purchaser; 4. Iho
money returned if tho buyer can't otherwise1
bo suitfd."
V. " Nothing could bo fairer."
A. "Nothing. Andthoioplescolt."
V. ''Well, 1 thank you, Ur, for your polltei
A. " Neit at all. It's a pleas-ure to tpfrc you.
Call again and bo sure ol tlio plate Wana
maker A brown's Oak IIallovIi-Eiij,t cor
ner Sixth and Market."
V. "Thank youl 1 shall bo happy to do eo.
Oood morning."
Jiay i, ,o ly.
provisions, Queensware, Glassware
j ,
on hand can he furnished
Most Reasonable Hates.
Building, BloomslmrG:, Pa
k'sTATIC OK lujtiniteil Ittrlllleu. IiteRlsUIl
lIteis of Aillnlntstrntlnii on tlieeslHtoof lleluirnli
111 -hard, latoof tho township of C.itawlssa.county.ot
Columbia, de'ceaed,butelH.'enirraiite'd by tho lle-i;U-tcr
of mid county to lllriiin J, lleeder.of i alauissa
loniisiup, ,tn persons naunt,' claims airainse tno
cblule eif the decedent urure iiuesteeltu present them
for K'ltlement, and tboso Indebted tolliei estate to
make patuii'iit lu tho uuderslKue'd administrator
Wlllioeil eiei.iv,
lllliAM J. lll-KDLIt.
Attorney for Kstate.
May tn ck.
r VST1TK Ol W U. IL. I.Elllist. IILCKASIlD.
Letters of Adiutulsl ration ou ihe estate of William
it. 1.1'inuu, lulu or .Ml I'lcasaul. coiumnu eouun
eli'e-easeel. Iiatei liccn eranted bv the leeerister of sale
count v to Niltester Kllchcu. All IMniais haMnt'
el.illii.s nfiUnst tho estatu ut tin) ele-ieUclit are) re
iUnstedtu piese'iit them for beltiemcnt, and
llieeeueeu eu inuseuil- euiuubo ".e) ineut lu eue
uuiiuuca aeuuiuiseruior wunoue eiriay.
May It), 'It ct. Administrator,
The bUbM-rll cr Is now prepared lorecclve lioarders
ut his houbo in lioailiiKCieuK luwiibhlp, bltuuteslut
whiiLW Luoeen us Kleit I'olntb. 'Iho liuubo Iseon-
eluctedoii 'leuiperunce prliulplfH, no loloikullut'
iuiuors oe'iuir soiu tin iiio pii'iiusA's, iieHju luojiin.
ox lelleiit lublo i.nd Ihe eeuiloits of u piltulo houo
I el ills leubUllUOlel, .1. ii. ll.l.-Mii.u.
Muy 5, '10. tf, LoailiiL' Creek, l'a.
elr: , ClO( iwr day at homo, tsample's tvorth $1
JJ 10 C-Wht. MiMussiJa.l'iirllsnil, Maine.
raarcn in, 'ib-iy.
"Totlco Is hereby given that tho undersigned has
been appointed on nsslgnee for Iho bencntof credi
tors ot Nathan Koslcnbaiider, of bocu lonnshlp.
Columbln. county, now rcsldlni' In tho tsirougliof
l'lymouth. In I.urerne county, and lias taken upon
himself tho eliiU-s of thn trust. All persons are;
therefore required to settle with him, adjust and
pay to Mm nil ae-counts, debts and dues of tlio meld
Nathan i'listi'iibiuderi andthoso having claims to
submit them to tho assignee properly authenticated.
itiitAM j. iii:i;ii:ii,
Catawlssa, Columbia Co., l'a.
V. h. KVKItl.Y, .. . .
Albimey for Assignee. Mar H-iw,
1 oi.runiA Col'stv, r '.
In tlio Oi plums' cuui I of ColuuiH.i County, In Iho
miille" e.f tho partition and valu.illon t the
Ileal IMntn ot .lolin Menseh, Isle of franklin
lownlili. I'olumU 1 cuunty, nei'eaM'd.
To.tessi! Mnch. Michael M'ticli. e'athnrlne ari
man, Maria I'arr, Kll-a lllddlng. I'hrlsllaii Menseh,
Win. Meii'-ch, saroh liurger, Annie Itellz, l'ranklln
shiunan guardian nd lllem of John I. Ifllr, Mary
M. Hell-, Ijevalil.i N. Itellz, Saruli f. Ileltr. Sosi'ph
K. lieltv, Kdward l HelU. minor children of Abbcv
Ileltr, formerly Abbcv .Mi'iisch deciusi'd. Take no
tlco tint paillilo'i unit valuation lit the rTOlttate
of said John MetiK'h deceased will be hell tin the
nremlseson ThurKlny the 47th, day of Ju'J'A. I.
is'rt, betevecn III" hours of H o'clejck 0. in. and 3
o'clock n. m. of sal lday when and where you may
atlend If )ou think proper.
shi'ilifsliniO'. 1'IIAS. S, KOHNWALI),
llteiouisburg' Juno 1, Til. Mierln",
Juno ?.-fjW. "
jyjroi'ici-: to 11 ki its;
(in ciniA Cnttvrv. si I
In the iirphatis' Court ol Columbia County. In the
mailer or Hi 1 partition and valuation ot iho eslate
of D.nld ll.i'ls, lalecf Heaver lowishlp, eleciM-si).!,
To Win. I),ils, residing al Dlmoek, stisqiirlinnnn
Co. I'a Margaret Hopkins, rc-ldltisr nt Ashl ind,
MchHtlklll co. I'a. Charles liktls, ri'sldlngui lildi'iiu,
Ij o (Vi. Illliinls. Suiiiuel II. Dails,. Cle'iir -iprtnif York
Co. 1'n John II Davis, Zlons Urine fchu Iklll I'd.
ea. Ilutli Mm Craini'r, Zlons drove, Schu'llelll Co.
I'a. Wesley II, Sluimnii, Krnnels II. sliuinnn,
Miumali. and Harriet I'vaiis ull of I'iyiuoutli.l.uzeme
e'ol'a. Takf notice that an Inquest will Iw held ut
Iho lato dwelling Imuv nf DaTId Dntls, ileceascd, In
Ihe tnwiishl) ot Healer COIu'nMa County, on Tues.
elay tin- nrst day of August ISTit, lietwern tho hours
of 90'clo-k a. 111 , and J p. m., of said dny. (e.r Ih"
purpose of making partition of tho Heal Kslnleof
slil eleci'.ue d, to and among his children undlegul
represetitallH'S, If ihe siuni- can be dorieiTithout
pre ludl''i' 10 or spoiling the wliole.otherwlse to value
una nppralso the iniin! according to law, at wlrch
tlinnsnd place -ou are rcqutri'd to attend It jou
think proper.
Mlerlrf'slinlCi', CIIAS.S. 1'OIINWAI.II. .
Iiloonisuurir. Juno 10, Mierlfr.
Juno lii.-eiw.
ltest and eheaoest DalnL In Mm w. i.l. It h! r l 1 1.
HI) AT W Hill, Us-A UK IMtlUKS. "Ile'lly
lulled" i'ull directions. Apuly tours-It a-il siv
cost of application. Sain pie cards free. (1. W.llO'K,
6 lleckinan M., N. V. !f"lloxft,740.
For sale In ijiiantitics tn suit. Uy
v 11KNHY I,. KK.VY,
llui'Kitr, Fa.
tunc a, 'TC.-lm.
Luclnda I'lirsell, by I
her nexl filenil tn e'oinmnn I'lens nf CnlumliK
Kdward ltx'rawford,' county.No.HO FetiruariTcrm
vs. I isio, buopcena in Divorce.
John 1'. 1'urscll,
Thn alias subneena In tho above case havlnir been
re-turned non est Inventus, you, the said John I'.
1 uineo, are nereu,v reiiuireu 10 uppear at 1110 &aiu
court, 011 tho nrst Monday of Ceptemncr 11e.1t to
answer the complaint therelatlled.
nuci-nicwK, uiiAiu.'; roKstt alp,
Attorney's. frherlff.
Juno 11,-1 tr.
OK NTS, ia e'leerant 9x11 Cliroinos, SI; 100
for J. National Chromo Co., I'liUadelphU,
Vt n fl n V'Q Sermons and prayer meelliis talks
11 v v l' 1 1 ae ine r., 1. luppoarouiu ironi 1110
Tribune terbajlin reports In the new boon otad Tld-Inj-s.
iienare or imitations, wo pa?es, $s. lt.ioo
ordered. Aoents wanteu. E. 11. Treat, publisher,
S05 Ilroadwnj-, N, Y, June smw.
l'ut up only in BLUE BOXLS.
ATrlcil anil Sure Rcmcil'.
For sato bv drueelsts trenerallr. and JOIINSTOs
IIOLLOWAY t Co., l'Ulladelphla, l'a.
June (Mw.
The Cook's Companion,
mprovod Kitchen Slicing Utensil.
A novel Household Article for t.llclni'IlKifiD.MeiT.
Tholtachlno Is easy to regulate, and veryblmplo
to use. It takes up but little room In the kitchen.
iikoceks, HCTcntats' Hotel Keei-eus and Uverv
Family hhould hate one'.
Hi lee U, and clieup at tliat.
Call aud see ttioin worKatthe Furniture Store of
Sole Aeiit i'or Columbia county.
May 2u'-3m lUnunisburp, Fn.
jNNUAL STATJCMKNT Ob''' uciu iu rbiiu'.
SYLVtsTKn .1. ALHLItTSoN anil I), n. lilt U)Y, Su.
peDisurs oe ureeuwoou i wp. ior is,o.
To ain't of duplicates, less cash cullected on
bume i,sGs vi
" cash collected on same st 7'
Wliold amouut of duplicates
" ain't received from county and I, A, He
witt, " ' collected and usnd be supervisors. .
" " ordi'rs against David Ucmott and J.
G. Keller
5,1'el '
S Set
$',171 Hi
lly ain't of work done
.3.','" I 'a
II) Cil
.. Ill to
" exoiieruuous
" " bupervlsors' fees
" " cie-sh paid for work done
" balance due supurt Isors
w'e. tlio undcraierned auelliors of llreenwood town
ship, Columbia county, hate examined tlio ubote ac
counts und Und I hem correct as above stated, and
una lliu hum ut fort' -two eioilarsnnu one-cent duo
buncrt Isors, tend for which umuunt wo lute Klteu
orelers utralust the pri'sent supertlsors.
HA At! A. Di: WITl'J. Auditors.
WM. l ltOllllI.N!S, J
Juno 9-3w.
THOMAS WII.sox, Treasurer of flrecuwood SchexJ
Distuct for tno ear einuni; jemo 5, ls,3.
To ain't reeclted of J. (1, (llrton.former treas
" Mate upproprlatlou
" eliipllcale
receltedut J, s. Lvaus, former collec
tor. (93 33
341 10
111 bO
61 IN
t ',539 CS
M'J It
Ilalance duo Treasurer..
Uy collector's pereentase
um eoi exouerueious
" tux relurned to cumui'rs
1 " Teachers' sidarles I1C93 00
deduct orders outstandlu';.,., lei ej)
4. 12
u tic
" " coal and haullnic
" " orders outstanding for baino
lno ii
S7 09
13 OU
V3 ii
W eiT
in exi
S3 lie)
& 00
Sll) Del
" " paid for Sejho'ol Sourual and
" " paid for material and repairs
" " Treumrer's iH'ie'eului'e
" ' bee'retary's salary
" " Aud. fees und adiertlslni;
raid J. D. Pattern for uso of shop
" W. I, ltobblns for tlllne; botUe-
mut ot ls73..
Jlalonco due District from collector...
1 2,539 ekl
e.tno understirued Auunors of llreenwood Bcnooi
District, Columbia county, have carefully etxuinlnod
the' above ue'Couiitsot tno Treasurer mid tlnd them
corre-bt to thu bubt of our know leeL'o and belle'',
. Isaac a. Dh tt l itJ- Auditors,
WM. if. llomilNtl. j
Juno Cell, lb.
Stxictly Pure White Load
All of which nro (uaiantceil to bo (rouiiil In
Hiisu t-oii emu anu Vine List, uains.
uicxRv s. ri:av,
Solo Maiiutiicttirer,
Rui'Kitr, I'a.
Also, finely uruutiil lintie Dust unel com.
tik'tu lioiie Manure fur sale iu eiuantltiea to
Mays, le.-ly.
AtlKNTS WANTKi) for tho now historical work,
A complete and Brnphlo history of American nionror
nr.. nljv iiiisifiui'ii villus Alio. Its Uirininif
eoiillleis ot rt-il and whltn Ian, cxcltlnir ndvcnturwi,
ciiplltlllcs, furajs, scouts, pioneer ""''"."vl;
jniiiiiu wur-liaiun, cnoiu iiio unu ninj.v. .
old and youiii,-. Not n dull paire. a competition.
i'i,rmnii, AcrbnM wnntfii evervwhero. lllus-
trated circulars free J. C. Mccurdy ; Co., l'hlla.
j uno v- 'tv.
A ten-elolliir bill of IJI soul
freo for slnm p. Address Hurst
CO., II Mwsail Nt,, N. Y.
IImv f-lllipr fteir msv fiel.lniltft and ITOln tkO
loo and afloellei is of anyiierfiou tlieyehwsoinsuiit
Iv. 1 his Minplc aciiuirement all can possess, free, by
liisll, for ?, together wilh a niarrlaco ifuldc, Knrp
tlsi, oracle, dreams, hints lo ladle-s, Keildln-f-niKnt
slilrt, c. A eiuoer book. Addri'ss T. William Co.,
runs., rnua. n, A.e.o, uimj
KuTiTE or ejiiwAi.i.insa robbrts, DIICKtSID.
raters of Admlrtlsiratinn un the cstttn of cel
walliuier Huberts, lain of Jtonlnur Uiw-nshlp, eouiitr
eif i.'oliimbl.i ciuniy.siateeif Penrisylvanln, eleccosod,
have Is'cn cranted t Win. .lohn, of Hear llap,
I'a., tn whom all persons Indebted to said eslaU) r
ri-nuesleil to mako paymsnt, and thoso hliir
cliilms or dem inds win make known tho samo with
outeli'lsy. Win.JinlN,
near eeap, r. u. uoi. uo. i-n, muiuiaiiuw,
.nine 18, mv.
'rl., iiiidrlv,iu,l. 'rrensurer of tho Town of
lltooinsburi,', hereby elves notice that, ha Is prepared
of sold Town, assessed and ascei talncd for tho year
1370, on unu nrter
r-lelity, .In lie mill, 187(5.
Attln'oniceof Koons Drown at the Itichanif
Hotel, In said Town ; and all tax-pajers are heruby
rAiiir,.,i tj, luiv tin. iiirne. auv lax unnald at thu
expiration of thirty die's frutn tho said 16th day ot
llltie MI.eil IH) lli. Ill .Villi 11U yV! CUlll. icunitej ki.uh
th.) amount added llicioto. W, II. KODNII,
June HI, it.-str. iown trcueixe-r.
.Tnlin ltuuslnerer. K dint nl strator of (lldeon Iluns-
Injrer, deowiicd, will exjioso to publle sulo ou thu
preiniseH ou
SATURDAY, JULY 8tli, 187C.
at lu o'clock n. m. the following described rual estaU
to-wlt : All that certain messuntro and
(bclnij tract No. 1,) situate In Heaver township, Col.
Co., bounded uneJ described ns follows, rlr. : fle'iiln
nlnir at n stone In a public road in scotch Valley,
thencei atonir said road nortli stvcnty-flTo dcareea.
cast llttv-seven and one-tenth perches to a stone,
thence by land of ileo. 1. nrelsbach north ten els
rrees west, one hundred and forty six perches to a
stone, thencei bouth seventy-five decrees east. Its
pcrcnes lo me piace or ue-finuing-, coneamiu'r
strict measure, with tho appurtenances.
Tract Kn. 1. a certain nlnco or narcfil of land sits.
ate In Heaver township aforesaid, bounded on th
east, bv urun Drelsbuch. on tho north bv Colum1 U
Coal and Iron company, on tho west by other laud
of said ntdcon llunhue-er, deceased, und ou tint
south qy land of Francis crousc, coulalnln-;
with tho apputtenanccs.
TLlt.MS oi' MALI". Ten per cent of one-forth ot
the purchase money to be'pald nt the striking dowa
of the property, the one fourth less the ten per con
at the conllrmatlon of sale, and the remalnluir threw
rourthstnoue jear thereafter, with (merest from
conllrmatlon ntsl.
Juno let, lS7e-,.-ts Administrator.
Tho undersltrned. Administrator ot Deborah lllct.
ard, late ot Catawlssa, deceased, w.U expose to pub
lic sale on the premises tn Catawlssa, ou
at 2 o'clock, p. m the follow lnu described real estate
to-wlt : A two-story
situate on Second street tn satd town, being about
m rcee. in rroni unu iu ii-ei in eicpiu.uujoinintr lanas
ot Wm. II. 'I uthtll, and T. L. Dean,
TKHMS t)K s t LK. Ten per cent of one-fourth or
th purchase money to be nald ut the strlklnir elown
of the proparty, the oud-fourth less the ten per cent
at the cnntlrmutlou of sale und tlio remalnlu;; thrce
fourthsln uno ear thereutter wilh Interest from
connrniatlou nisi. IlIKAM J. IIKI'DKIt,
tt . r. Kveriey, tumiDistralor.
Attorney for Estate. June 16, 7.-ig-
Billiard Croquette
Turner In Horn, Hard and Sott Wood, All kinds ot
Tools Handles, fie.
RKAU Ol SJO NORTH M'.ceiNl) MI. lecoiia Floor,)
Jun 18. -lm.
T 11 K II LST Y LT I' Ull A tl L.M'S S i hV.S IS
uliee jne.s-i ul eiec lie-si iiie,ii.iu .-sje.te.ey b. Mrs. K.
II. Dulley. Will sell at slsehl lu eteiy house, lsln
dlspeusatjle lo all who desire to uet ahead In thu
world, tt rllten with Bleat I'bllliy. I'rlnUd und
bound splendidly. Mild at a low pi lee. Tho only
book on Hits subject bolil by UL-ents, und will bell
better than any other work In the market, circulars
and terms bent on HumedlJte application to the pub
lishers J. M. srODDAKT CO.,
June 16,-st 72. Chestnut St., I'hlUv,
H 0 31 (E 0 1 A T 11 1 C
works wonders tilth cattle, b rses, fowls, and all
other d iuiustle) anliuiils. No lltery stable) keeper,
btoe'le rat-er, or fanner slioiild Iw without ncuseot
theso medicines and a book etvlni; plain dlrectlous
for their use. HOUHRK ,t Tal- KL, 145 nrandht,,
New York, will send their de-bcrlplliu catalogue to
auv addre-ss.ou rceelpt of iibtami). Theirs is the
olelest llomei.'opathlu I'Luuuooy lu this country
founded lu 1S35. June v-mv.
When t lsltlue- Philadelphia be sure to call upon us,
Thoso who caunot e'Oine to the featenhUl City
should enclose Ml cchtd for a copy of our new and
beautiful "Flaiis eu-ai.i. Nations (Hi a mi JIakcii,"u
biileudld comiiosltluu, with handsomely llliibtrated
Title Page.
Addiess WM. II. HONEIt ,t CO.,
Deale'lb lu Mieet Music Mu lc Hooks,
June 9-Hw. una Chestnut M., Philadelphia.
ers, djers, chemists, manufacturers and private
tlKO. .1. IIUHKIIAHT 4; CO..
June v-iiw,
Hut loii wood M below llroud.
EUIIIIER (lOODS of every elevcrlptlnn,
IleltliKr, Paeklni;, Hove, Hoots and Khoe s, Clotli
ln6', .VC. HI ll.MIl) LUVICK, M)N i CO. 4Chekt
uut st Philadelphia, Aleuts National Ilubbcr Co,
tilvix! TnyiT! anwia?:
Tlio Rest Tonic In America.
Tiie "S" Celelirateil Biller Cordial,
Xo l'J Korth Seventh St., I'liilaelel-iliin.
To lm hail I'l'iim all Ili-xt-uIaNM
elriigllKlH tliroti),'lio .1 llic country
DisiiisKs e't'imn.
pattis marked nut by that
plainest oi an uooks. "I'lalii
Home Tulk ond Medlcul Common t-eiibe" ne.erlv
l.fiio pases. Sou lllUklratlons, by Ur E. II. Fool K, e f
Ho Lexli'k'ton Ate-., N, V. I'urebasers of this book
are at liberty to consult Its nuilior, lu iie'rson or by
inul), nun. I'rleo by lunll, pontiib'u piepulel, f j,vs.
l-oulent.s tables ficv, AilkNvK WASTbn. MLTtHAY
lit UI. I'Clll.lMlllNiJ CO., (John I'. Jewett, manai-cr),
in-' iiast 'M bU, N. V, A pr 14- mv
Qend SJe. to 0. 1'.
1IOWKLL ( II.. New York.'fn
nett snaiH)rs, und usUmuUn bhowtmr i'i"t of advert Is.
j ruuipniei or
1UI ,et.f,.M , itt.tiilnl. . IlktL ... vu.
lnjf. Marehio, lHr
k'vr IIuIhu Mtm
kkd uuaur !-'...
n ill rutu-i fur t bnivrl-r tllui
J'rlMt.- J W. 1ivmapi
Mirt. ututr la Tn t
April U-H w.
IN Ill-eat llrltaui and America. Py an emluent di
vine, lias oteriwiwei's and 13 lllubtiulluus. i'lico
II. Hi'bt took tn sell. No ctlier eomplete. seo arenlu
mado llrst mouth. Scud tor itsifs. Addass, II. V.
ejeionsi'KKl) & ca, It liarela) tiU, N. Y.
Apr 140KW.
New imvisKU Kmtiom. tM'.eiCs) iiitlclm, a.liu en.
KTUTtngii, arid IU bplendld luupa. The II WI1 HOOK
ot universal Vuowledco tn thu luUiii aiie Now In
course ol publication RPKCIXIKN tilth insu neat
lor no cents. AUKNTU WANTM).
CIIAH. U. UAYIS & CO., PltllM,