y4 i a. v. 0&rm?n lUt,., ,1 1 I II u .. ... V S.0B1TWAVAT"T.WP.T.T, TMItni. I ii tii I in - Kb tVLOOAIjSBURG, PA. ltd pUj " I I rl.tr -Tii J n 1 f I 1 O rf 1 I At oi. -, t . - , .uiimuui .wrmuKiwu, unvu. no uouui '.limn u . Ino will lw nominated for President f i L nnntt tVn llnitul jilt.,,, nl.llf.irtti will A 'aiWIrillatl MVJ Until'. 'I Im lui.ilimi 1 f (Vtl.UIJ lllilllll lb 11 111 UUfc Vlll tawnjr ourstrcngtli ior Hellish purine, Aro the aggrandizement of any I ..I.J ... -..!.' it 1 I . .if Ti id mo lncmucr'ui urn (icicirauon. ii thl Krt.xent tho nauio 6f Gen. Hancock ucki:IH .i.ii. i ...ii.. . j uuji uuu Binui!itiu mm uuiy nrouuu v"(,l'!flcohscrvallvo clement of tho country. UP Phi, n...i ,.. . lU UVIUIUilLII UIIUi ..IVllV., ll, w liLbl- uoest; ' ' ' ' ictio inuu.is wronger, villi tho fcoiith, nini !.! - . 1 1 ...... 1 nil .iair uauio mm rvpuuiiiun, utiuiuiiy Aot nor can it cVer enist :i khndorc, The .he i,a rt'.ii-.v,,-!, ii,h i...ii. wlm ... unii . JT ., ....... . iawy oi ino enemy) zt, liieccd oi ar 1 o-. I .. . L.'.... ., ..1 . vo.s U4,J VViuf0. rl wjyiijivuina gave 1 111 his first victory in tlio East would ral JTJh'u'q support the 'conSscVVativo and nidi nuri. .i.i. wi.i.i..j.i' .. .... ft .lb IULO Ul Lilt: U.1L1UH. UIIU L'llL' Ull 1111 V hI assuranco of rctui toforo tlio Pennsylvania delegation 1,m ,ga nojjciitity noio let, it be a power. a n'tluLT.eindidato nsiied will create divi- J.Af. akt inntr' lnAl thi Stnfn linf nil nnn Mallo.iinitenpoa llaticock, and save ol)r PS ail with It success id assured. Iraz ' JAC0Il. D. TllUJIPSOX. ja( newspaper, being a great public teach I fl 'constantly reaching the masses of dj.iople, should, hold in constant rcver- y'jj tho principle of truth- Thq editor itatcs. which,tbat lie .knows is iiu true riaa.. fliaf ibIiIiTi nrmitil I rlml tfmtn a lup. j(f liarty, or insinuates that which he docs ' ec;"eve's gU'Hy.of moral perjury, is (raee to tlio.prt)fe.nioil;.nud desdrvlng ! tQi reprobation , of $l holiest men. ( mo discussion oi ine recent develop jtk'at rWajsbingtOO,iind ini speaking of : cines qfj l!elknop,-l)abcacJr, Schenctaml .noraoofpucKepiiUlicanciteriiporarles a defended the criiivlniils, others have 8jtup facts from their renders, .and many retorted by charges of malfcasanue P.f ncmuuruuQ otlicials. (if.worlto charge' was against Jacob D. jiwon; Secretary f Interior under Pres ,.tl uclianan. It'.waa nu'd is alleged that tii from the Governmental, 000,000. It vxi 9 invcstigatediby.a Republican Oon .iii d Sir. .Thompson ivas exonerated u '& favorite, Mr; Co titling being on tho nijtcef but the patriotic Ziick Chandler lenuo, .tho charge! . Unliko liellcimp; iccretaryJTUompsourasktftojbo impeach- .vnives tho nucstion or itirihclintinn ami t of limitatioru-and is willing to be 1 At once.. Jtisthd-.ditlbrcnce between linocciit man's, conduct and that of a (yone. jJi vih thq.Prmis couipelledUu say1; upy vinaicatiou oi-Jacob JJ.Tliouipson, tlauan'H Secretary of thoifnterior, of the rgo that h"o apiiroprlated ,$1,000,000 ol In.. r. : i. I t.. .an uuiiuax'H.n'Jvii i I'Murmsueu 111 itatemfent 'generally published yestcrdav. committee of Congress; in which the po al opponents of Mr, Thompson were in niijoriijriongnwuve reporicu tiini mere notliiiigjtf tho.evideiico which connect? dm witli thli" abstraction ot tho bonds, eh wcro stolen by a clerk and tho oth harges against him grew entirely out of -ebclliou record. Nobody, uyi oven f;qoj ry Chandler, who isliaid to havcVcViVi'd dwrges, believes that Jacob D.-Ttioiup-is a vulgar thief. ad a truthful editor desired tho facts he Id easily bavo asccrtained.tlicin. But it ply shows a studied plan to suppress the ii whero it injures tho Hcpublicm party repeat or invert any slander against tho locrat) or their IeadeVs; El THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURX3, COLUMBIA COl NTY, PA. tup. liAiutisutmn fraud. A CAI.t. TO JlAIITrtANT. The arrest of Marshal S. Smith, for many years n clerk in the State Treasury Depart ment, and John A, Wagoner, clerk In the Auditor aencral's office whllo Gov. Hart rand filled that position, is commented on by all our exchanges, mid our Itcpubllcan contemporaries laud llartranft for his promptness and call for tho immcdlato pun ishment of theso two clerks. Tho facts as stated by tlio Iitriot aro as follows i A few weeks ago J, II. MltUbaugh, city trcaailrcrof Scrntiton, Informed his attoruer (Henry II. Hoyt and Henry YV. Palmer, csip-s , of U'ilkcsbarro) that he, as city treas urer, had returned to the state $3,000 less than the licenses paid into his ollico aggre gated. Ho also stated that ho had been ap proached by John A. Wggoner some time before, who Informed him ho could enter into a profitable speculation. Subsequently Wagonor iutioducod him to Marshal fc. Smith and arrangement were made to tlx up the city treasurer's return so that tho stato would bo defrauded out of $5,000, which was to bo divided among tho three jiersons. Of this amount $2,500 went to Jllllsbaugh, whllo Smith and Waggoner received the balance. Tho city treasurer was advised to mako public this transaction and refund tho money he had illegally taken from the Btato and on Thursday last a week Mr. Palmer, ono of his council, Informed tho attorney general of the fraud. Last Tuesday Sir. Palmer, Millabaiigh and Smith had an Inter view in this city, at which the matter was fully discussed. The city treasurer agreed to nay over to tho stato tho money unlaw fully In his hands and the ticiuurcr's clerk also promised to transfer to the stato tho $2,000, the latter payment to bo made tho sanlo evening. He failed to meet his obli gations, and on Wednesday Governor llart ranft mado information beforo the mayor, , The prisoners wcro removed to jail. Now we have uo objection to the punish mcntof (licso clerks, but wish to go a step further. They secured their appointment and learned their rascality under Hurtrauft as Auditor General, and Mackey as State Treasurer; the former now tho Republican Governor of the Pennsylvania and a candi date for President, and the latter a Delegate to tho Cincinnati Convention. These clerks saw their principals swin dle the State in the Kvana matter. Thev knew that both Hartranft and Mackey wero using the people's money for private train. They believed In "Addition Diviiion and Ailenee." as well as Kemble, also a Delegate to Uinclnuatti. Tuey knew that Don Cam. eronj as president ol tho Northern Ceutral was keeping from the Stato Treasury, in do- fiance of Jaw, hundreds of thousands of dol lars, whore tbey and Millspaugh were steal ling their hundreds. They know that rich and powerful cor porations were withholding from tho State immense sums, with the knowledge and csnnivanco of their superiors, and deter mined to imitate tbem and steal a Httlo on their own account. A Leglslatve Committee a majority of whom were Republicans, appointed by a Republican House, unanimously reported these facts, but neither Hartrana nor Mack ey wcro called to an account, and we now find tho former instituting proceedings against ono of bis clerks for doing on a small scale what he had taught him on a largo ono. Yes, punish jhese men, but do not let the large (hli, escape. lllowing un Hull (late tw York City is going.t'i bavo.a fourth Tuly celebration o(f peculiar significance. ring the first century of tho republic, ile the city has been growing so rapidly ' importance, a lou'i low ledge of sunken tei, extending ficross a portion of thi- har ' known as Hell Gate has been a staud- 1 menace to its commerce. After many laccessfuh attempts to remove them, tho ernment,Sn few years 'since, placed the .Iter in the hands'tif the most skillful en iccr in tlia army,:Qeneral -Newton, a cof ilam wa3 constructed, and excavations, ending in various, direction's, have been ido under this ledge of rocks, in which nn mense quantity of .powder or dynamite 11 ho stored, aud the entire ledge will be iwnup, it is expected, on the coming urtli of July. Tills will indeed he lebratloa of .some, practical significance, it only as affording an illustration of the ill of American engineering, but in rc 3ving onopf the most serious obstacles to e advancement of our greatest city. It II bo a triumph of American onergy and terpnse, more wonderful than the labled lea of the eastern Ht'jry teller,- lUsville andtired. Hon. W. W. Ketclium ofLurerno Coun- has been appolnted'Judgo of the United atcs District Court in phce of Judge cCanuiess, retired. Mr Ketchum has ' cu a standing candidate for ollico in the ipublican 'party for many years, and will obably feel satisfied now that he is pro- ded for iVring tlio remainder of his life, o appointment is considered a good ono. o has not been in active' practice for some ne, having represented Luzerne County in ingress, and been otherwise engaged iblic life ; but by application to his law oks ho will undoubtedly muke a very fair idge, It is, at lcastu better choice than customary with tuu present adnuuistrA' )U. What a Collector 1 The following charges were filed aeainst Tuttou, the new Collector of the port of miiaueipiiia, on the eve of his appoint ineut: Affidavit! has been presented to tho Pres ident from John Llndenluth nnd William G. Trexler, who were employed by Tutton while assistant assessors of internal revenue at Reading. Lindcmuth's affidavit alleges that he was employed as clerk to Tutton and performed duties as such, that Mrs. Tuttou spent two or thrco days per month in the ollico copying assessments list!, for which no received $Sj0 per year tiiiou lmikimr ith that sho performed services as clerk- to her liiisbauc1. Trexler applied for ollico and ho was informed by .Mr. Tutton that bo only reecived $50 per month' for employment of issiatant to do the work. Trexler accen ted. Ho was instructed by Tutton to charge $2o per ono thousand fir inspecting cigars. From $75 to $100 per month were received from this class of fees. Tutton paid Trexler $50 out of those amounts, keeping tho re mainder lor Himself. Trexler afterwards said that ho was himsell entitled to tho entire nmount received from those fees. He told Tutton that he had learned of this fact, at wincu luttou appeared abashed, and then agreed to pay the difference. In makinir good the deficit Tuttou deducted from Trex- ler$15 per mouth as assessment for political purposes, made necessary by demands from Kepuklican muuugers. Communicated. ( Church aiutisiics. The following tabular statement will ex hibit the relative strength of the eicht most considerable religious bodies in the United States, as shown by the census reports of j sou, ibuu una 1H7U : 1850 A WEEK AT THE CENTENNIAL. TIIK SKNIOIt lCMTOll'S HXl'lUtlKNCK. Wo do not proiioso to givo a full account of all nur doings at Pliiffldclphia, becauso it would tako too much epacc, nor will our lim its jicrmit a full description or what wo raw. The junior IMitor kiw o nmch that thcro is but littlo lost for us to add. Wo reached Philadelphia via 1 larrisburg on Monday, and stopped at tho Washington House, kept by Geo. J. ilolton, nnd wero promptly shown to a large airy room on tho first sleeping floor. Only guests of good reputation nro accorded this privilege After dusting ourselves, in company with M. (J. Woodward and family, wo took a rido on the Delaware. On Tuesday ihcro was a ltcunniou of tho Society of the Army of tho Potomac, presided over by its President, Gen. Hancock. Tho poem, which wowill publish next week, was read by Win, Winteis, of the N. Y. Tribune. Tlio oration by Gen. John A. Dix was mainly devoted to telling what he know about slavery. Gen. Sherman mado a characteristic speech, in tho comto of which ho lcmatkcd that "if ho had been born South, ho was not suro but that ho would havo worn tho gray instead of tho blue." Ho was in favor of complcto recon ciliation. Sheridan, Hooker, llnrtranft, Cur tin, Slocum and others mado brief addresses. A magnificent banquet was held in tlio ovo ning. There was also present, Captain L. P. Soinetchkin, Aide-de-camp to H. I. II. tlio grand Dnko Constantino, of llusia ; Captain A. Yon-der-Howon, of tho Imperial lttissian Guard Aitillery ; Lieutenant General Saigo Tsukumichi and Lieutenant Hidaka, his aide-de-camp, of the army of Japan ; Mr. l'ritss Cunliffc Owen, of tho Japanese ComuiiKsion ; Mr. Georgo II. llokcr, U. S. Minister to St, Petersburg; cx-Gov. Andrew G. Curtinj Hon. Wm. S. Stoklcy, Mayor ; Col. John W. Forney, Mr. Henry C. Carey aud Daniel Dougherty, and the commissioners of various nations. Tnlepsndenoa Hall was visited, whero wcro found boiuo old clothes nnd furni ture, Ac, which onco belonged to G. Wash ington, Hen. Franklin and others. The admin istrators neglected to put them in tho inventory or else they were left unsold fur want of bid ders. Thcro is uu old bell al.xi there, but it isn't worth much becauso it is cracked. Some fuss was also made about au original document called the Declaration of Independence, gotten up by Tom. SciTcrsou, Hancock, Fraukliu aud some other old-fashioned fellows. One man beside uu a P. M. from Lancaster on hear ing it read, said it was a rebel document, got ten Up by the Democrats to injure Grant, and in prroof called attention to the following sen tences : "Ho has refused his assent to laws tlio most wholesome and necessary tor the imbliegood." "lie has dissolved representative houses re peatedly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people." "llo lias rcluscil, lor a long tuno alter such dissolutions, to cause others to bo elected; whereby tho legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, havo returned to the people at largo for tlioir excrciso; tho States remaining intliemeantimo, oxposed to all tho danger of invasion from without, and convulsions with in." "Ho lias erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to liarrass our people, and cat out their substance." "Ilolias kept among us, in times of peace standing armies without tho consent of our legislature." ''He has affected to render the military inde pendentof, and superior tocivil power." "For quartering laago bodies of firmed IIUUIl.l UUlUllj u. I' Hamai. I. Mtauotiisr. i. iuptut rru-tuyivnan iMmrregaUonal l'rousUnt Kplscopal LutUerso Uoiauu L'atUolto ctirutlau cuurclies. Accoia. Property. H.SUi 4,SI5,S1S H,si,,l,iu WJT.S35 1, S43,U3 1,831 ,SIS.tlW i.tii Cdf.wu I5 Bi!S,T 1(,64S,7SU 11.370,010 1M5,0II 8.SU.158 033,386 Names. Melliotllst 1. Uaptlst ' iTrsoywnan I toman L'aUiolls t. roneregauonal 0. hplocopullan i. i.umcruu s. curlsllau A"!com. prorwrty 18C0 CUurchrs. IS.S8JI e,J5lP,7DV tM.fIj.S7l ,8W 1,404417 t,W i0,351 ,143 U7,m ,US I57.438 ,tsy csi.oio 1870 v,tlf,liv 13.3V7.61l t,8SJ,17 ,ilS,U4S Karnes Methodist ITesbylerlan Hullau Caltiolla carlstlan Luuierau Ccnivrecatlonal 0rfin'S2 '"'"S? I'roperty 7 . - - ...j .i. .n miiuiv 1I.M7 I.9V7.1K Mim on li,3 V.IVS.VOtl 47,iS,73S 3.SO0 1,WI,EU W,1J,M0 j wa.W'i ,(s,i37 ,77 S77.3SJ 14,917 T47 1.713 1,117,111 is, e e9d 20,014, 0-1V 14,414 CM1 4.K7 3.S7S 3,031 H.S33 The great cry of the democratic press has ten that the Republican party were excu ng and shielding criminals, because they d not at once; ueliqve al that was Bald aiiist their prominent ninw What are ey going 'to do about Kerr? Montour merican. Tho Committee du Ktpcnditurcs in the 'ar Department unanimously exonerated peakcr Kerr, aud tho House of Rcpscsen tives unanimously adopted the report uf le Committee. Does the AilUriam consld iat stifiicient viiidiciiti.oiisr 1 ' r. A,S1AU' HUH UK. Our rail roall ppmnanieH, not content with loir exorbitant rates to tho' Centennial, have , Joptcd lho plan of putting an insufficient umber of passenger can to tho trains, m as ) force passengers cithqr.tO stand, or poy an' xtru rato by entering (hq Pullman cars at iched. It is abwiudio hud one of tlio mean st kind, , It will bo noticed that these data do not givo the actual number of members in either ot these bodies. This Is to be regretted, but pcniaps oum not, uavo been avoided. Es timatod by the number of church oriranlra. tious, tho Methodists have held the front rank in each decade; the llaptlats have raniffu seconu, and the Tresbyterians third. in each decade. The rank of the others has beon constantly chaugiug. In 850 tho GjngregatlonalUU wore number 1 ; in 1800 they were number 0, whllo In 1870 tlicysiuk to number 7. In I860 tho Protestant Enis. copal Church ranked as number 0, In 18G0 it has sunk to number li. aud lu 1870 Ii I. number 8. In 1850 the Lutheran Church was number 0, lu 1800 it sank to number 7, but in 1870 regained its former place as number b, In ISM) the Roman Catholic Church was number 7 ; in 1800 it reached uunibcr -1, aud rotains that position in 1870, iiie uiirimiaii uiurcii lu 1850 was number 8, and continued so in 1800; but in 1870 it has advanced to number 0, Each of these bodies has mudo considerable additions to the number of church organisations during this period of ilme.but tho Christian Church seems to have excelled all others in its rate of Increase. OMKRO.v, 'or cuttiuir off our trade with all nartsof tnewonu. "For imposing taxes onus without our con sent." "For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury," "For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring tlioinsolvos invested with power to legislito for us in all eases whatsoever." By invitation, wo also attended Theodore Thomas's Grand Concert. Wo had read much aliout it, but the crformanco disappointed us. Tho pieces wero evidently written by foreign ers. And then when one performers was re ally doing .his level best on a lluto or fiddle, a man with a stick would order tlicin ull to strike in, and it put tlio fellow out. Ono day wo visited the Mint. It is a crowded, dirty, heated building. Wo wero shown tho wid ow's mite, woith ono thirty-second part of a cent. As a matter of course wo preferred tho column of gold, or that of silver exhibited on tho Centennial grounds. Ono machine was turning out $00,000 nn hour, and man aged by a good looking girl. She mid it was not for tale, and that sho was tnyayed. Upon the whole, wocauio to the conclusion that the people there wero making money. In due courso we visited tho magnificent Masonio Temple, tho interior of which is gorgeous be yond description. Beside it aro tlio unfinish ed City Buildings, which promise to be the most magnificent in the nation, and the most exjiemke. Ten millions have boon appropri ated, but the Pilgrims arc not through witli it. We had almost forgotten to mention tho Centennial Buildings and grounds. Wo first entered the Main Building, and our attention was at onco attracted to .some wax figures in the Swedith Department. Being uu ardent lover of nature we gazed on tlicin for a long time. Wo then readied a gulch near Hoi ti cultural mil, spanned tiy a rail road Willi a single rail, and locomoted over by a'two-deck- ed car. It ut three cents to rido over, and we all embarked. The thing stuck when we got halfway over, leaving us liko Mahomet's coffin suspended lietween Heaven und Earth. The eugineer went back to find souio coal, cat his lunch, and get up more steam. At first wo admired tho view, but after gazing on it un hour, and hearing tho remarks of the crowd below, the Bcencry got tamo. At lost tho eiv gino returned, nnd by a series of goat-like huts moved us at tho rato of threo inches n bump across tho ravino. We walked hack, At Horticultural Hall wo saw a lot of posies. prominent among which was tho Centennial plant, a species of cactus which was made specially for the occasion, as it blooms but onco in a hundred years. I ho man who raised thenmid ho was personally awaroof this fact. hrorn tho fibres uro mado carpets and cloths ; and of tho juice, pulqut, a sort of "crooked whLskcy."TlioinaiiBaidGrantlmda hot house full of them. Agricultural Hull had a largo lot of plows, beans, onions, nnd other necessa ries of life. Machinery Hall had n big cngino which Grunt touched off at tho fipenint'i and some other things. Tlio U. S. Department had on hand a lot of things too 'tedious to mention. But tlio crowning glory is Memorial Hall, built for tho Pennsylvania Legislature, when tho Capital is moved to Philadelphia. At first wo wcro somewhat surprised to aco bo many marble statutes without any ulothcson and so many natural looking pictures,but qui ctcd down ou being told that they wero made by a lot of "old masters. A man made us happy by cxplainiug that of the Italian school thcro uro Titiaus, Veronese's, Del Sarto's, Carrucci'H, Tintoretto's, Sidyator Rosa's, and ono by Michael Augelo; of thoiSpaMsh-Nca pnlitau school, Murillo's, Velasquez', and Ql oraudos; of tho Dutch, Rcmbninnt.', Van Dyek's, Tcnicr's, Wouveruuiu's, Backhuy ken's, Hans, Holbcins, Gerard Dows, und oth ers; of tho Ficntb,Wattcau's. Bouchcts, C) uzo'h, i'rudhon's, Vcmet's (lho early), Van- Iioo's, Poussinsj of tho English school, Sir Joshnst Reynolds's bct specimens, and Aiv geliea Kauffinan s, of thobwlssbchool. Wo wero then bhown soiuo magnificent mosaics. Some aro estimated at $00,000 in yaluo ttotl oo fa said W Imvo cost $ 1,000,099, Now wo wcro at homo on mosaics, and ns our friend had told us m much about tlio pictures and statues, wo informed him that from the timo of Mo'cs mosaics had been known, no toblylhe twclvo tables ofstono. Tho head quarters fur mosaic wcro Florence tho Capi tol of Tuscany. This City according to the conscientious Villain, was built by u Grandson of Noah named Attains, whowa visited by Mr. and Mrs. Noah soon after tho Deluge. Tho best works wero t!io-o of OrgaunT and Hcmiozzo Gozzali,but Ghirlandaies hero our friend fuggestod llinher and wo did' not pur suo tho suject, thrilling as it was. Wo then wo earn c home. Warning lo Camlhlatcs for (Hike. It was Jmt after the fill election that wo met him. His name was not Stretch, but ho will so designate htm. Ho poured his sor rowful story Into lho ear of an attentive and' sympathetic listener! "No, sir: I'll never run for ollico again," said Mr. Stretch. "You know when they camo and asked mo if I'd accept a nomina tion to tho Legislature they told mo that the community wanted mo to run and that I was certain to bo elected, because I was a man whoso character was so good thai no body could find fault with It. I thought ao myself, and fagrced to run, nnd according ly they nominated me. "Well, sir, tho vory noxt morning tlio Ar- I at camo out with an assertion that I hail been detected in stealing chickens, and it gavo a full history of the case, together with pictures of the chickens, and niter darkly hinting that since abandoning chicken steal ing I had been continually engaged in other forms of'robbcry, it asked if tho people "I this Stato wauled to see a chicken thlel making laws for them. And tliOyinischicf of it was that 1 did hook a couplo l' chick ens Irom my grandmother's coop when I was a small boy, but how'n thunder they over found it out beats me. It was fifty years ago. "Now, look at my noso I" It ain't much of a nose for beauty, is it? 1 know well enough that it's crooked. But nobody over alluded to it until I was nominated, nnd then tho .dnimald that there was a tradition that I had tho nose smashed around sideways dining my career as a prise-lighter, although somo peoplo insisted that I bad run it against a door while I was drunk. And then nil lho illustrated papers in tho Hialo began lo publish pictures of mo with n nose liko tho jibsheet of an oyster sloop, only twisted atouud sideways; and one of them said that when I snec.fd on the front porch tbei concussion nctcd like a boomerang and blew tho back door open. "And then they tackled mo about my war record. You know I was out with tho mili tia. And tlio Aryan published n letter from a man who said that during tho battle of Gettysburg I was hid inn refrigerator inn collar in tho town, pretending that I was ordered there to mount guard over somo ra tions of cold beef. Aud tho Arym asserted that tho only manoeuvre I was ever good at was falling back ; thai whenever the enemy was expected to be approaching I always mado a bee-line fur Nova Scotia, and never turned up until after the light but onco, and then we wcro surprised, unit I fired my mus ket so wildly that I .shot our own Colonel in tho leg and surrendered to au Irishman who belonged lo our regiment, anil wno came up to me to borrow a plug of tobacco. To tell tho truth I wasn't much of a fighting man but how in the mischief they found out about that refrigerator gets me. Awful, isn't it? I wouldn't have minded it so much only they got up a poster and stuck it around tho streets and headed it "Stretch's War Rec ord," and put on it a picture of mo with a monstrous lop-sided l osc sitting insido the refrigerator gnawing at a bone out of the roast bee.f "And then, as the campaign went along, they accused mo of having delirium tre mens, of beating my wife, of wiping my nose on my sleeve, of robbing n bank, of selling' my dead aunt to a medical college, and ol holding the doctrino that the whalo didn't swallow Jonah, nnd that when Moses cross ed the lied Sea ho paddled over in a boat. The Aryiu said that if my wife dared lo tell how I treated her the community would be filled with horror, but anybody might see for themselves who would notice that her back hair was all thinned out. And it siid that I had n wen on my leg that unfitted mu for active duty anyhow, even if I hail not forfeited all claim to public confidence by turning my grandfather out .of doors when bo was dying of consumption, and then set ting my dog on him nnd making the aged man roost in a mulberry tree on tho coldest night last winter for fear of being eaten up. ' "Peoplo began to avoid mo on the street, The general impression prevailed that I was a desperate and hardeued villain. I might have stood Hint, but you know tho way they levied on mo lor expenses wns awful. There was that brass band. I kept that band in luxury for thrco mouths: nnd it used to come around nnd screnudo mo three night in the week und wnko nil tho babies in lho neighborhood. I lost 200 votes In cniiic- quence of theso wakened babies. Then the club would como nnd call mo out for a speech, and when I got through would havo to ask them in lo n feed, and thev would stay thero aud howl until four o' clock in tho morning, nnd get t'riuk und fight aud smash tho furiilturo and bleed over tho carpels. Then they would assess me for a mass-meeting and adjourn. I handed out cash for posters and rum and brass bands and barbecues and fireworks am! torchlight processions and transparencies and Hags-, and tho Arym all lho tlmo nccusini: mo of buying up votes and having repeaters in my pay. Tho night of tho election lho brass band and club camo around to congratulate ino on my success, and after having u final spree and concluded with a riot lu tho parlor, I went to bed, glad I had won nnvhow. Tho first thing I saw in tho Avyus in tho morii' iug was the announcement that tho hoary headed chicken stealer had been beaten bv 2,000 majority, and would have to keep bis eccentric nose at homo and rellcctln that a freo people would never elect to a respoii' Biblo office a man who would trco bis com sumptlve grandfather and traffic in the rc mains of bis aunt. So that lets mo out In politics. When I run for ollico again you chuck mo right into nn insane asylum." Iron lii-jlif Etnoil. 1 ho Peruvian HyflJta1!cd and enrich es lho blood, tones up tliim'sKm. builds up mo nrokcii'uown, cure DysVcprn, Debility, Dropsy, (Jhllls, ami lfo'er, Chronic 1)1 nrrluea, Nervous AllW'tion", Ui)lU, llumoi-s, Diabetes, 1. Thousands htlVd l)Min changed by tho ti'sa, of this rimed)' frb&i Weak, sickly, suffering creature, o strong, healthy, and happy inou niiil wnmiiH; niuMnVallds can not reasonably hesitate tn'glvc it a trial. A ,12-pago lumpbicl, eontal'iing n history of lho l'eiuvliiti Myrup, a valuable paper on progress In medical science, it Iriali-o tm .lion as a mcdiuiLaguiit,lu.limuiiiul4.froni.l from distinguished physicians, clergyman and oilier, Will l sent frYil6 nnV fyh!rcs.) iielo W. Kowle iWiiih, i'roi'rielof, (Sll'llar-' rlson Ave.rllostoiu -iSold by-tlpalewgeiier'' ally. , i Uaiuhaalou. (Wo nro niitlioilMKl lo iii'moimn'Mlio follow hi-rin'r-toiHftsnindlil.ites fur (lie iillluvfl. Uuinvil, sujijcf I tii tlio IWndcr.il Grilles ot (Milmttvtilil) ;) , TOP. 8iti:!!irt, 'II A III. MILTON 6llAl!Lt of JlluoMihury. j, ,( llBNItYDOAif,'". ' lf Jlriareretk, u , SAMUKrTsMlTl!,,,,, . of J'lMngcrcek, ' - A.K. SMITH, of Mtidifiiii. .ioiin hAYcoaif, of JllooM!mry. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, ( jltnovitbury. JOHN If. GIIOTH, of Jlhonubiiry. , HENllYTTlfNOrvll, V Quire. AssoctATi: JOixii:. SAMUEL SNYDKU, tif jViJJlin. JAMES LAKE, of KwU. I. K. KHICIf lSAUM, " Jlcnlon. DAVID DEMOTT, of Greenwood, i.UT'IEit A. GERMAN, of Vine, iii:i'iti:sr.NTAiivi:. JOSHPH ii. If N ITl'LE, Gtttiwixsa, E. J. MuIIKNUY, of tlthinyercct. DAVID S. I1UOWN, . of Main. WILLIAM llltYHON, !' CenritUil. Marriages. WILSON NltAiil'I.IIssi.-At lho ii'slil-nce or tlio little's paioi.ts on Wcilnesilry.tlie 1 nil tn&r.,'Dj'HeV." J. If. .Mci.ni rail, Mr. .!iMX'l' J I. WJlsun, In -Miss. Jllnilo U. 50iiii:,'c,l,(luiiHU'r or Jir.-jriirt Jin?. .1oscMi si inrplosf-, belli or llluumsburg'. KlUUNI).I.I,-VINTI.i:it. At lho 'n'sMeneo of t!iu LiWc's niotlirr, on Yuosil.iy, Ihn u'.llt lnsi.lij lii'V. J. 11. Jlcd.m.ili, .Mr. .Tunic V. Kikciul.ill, (o Miss Annlo V.. Wrsllcr, of IVil.i;. innvAnns-'WKSTi i:i:. ai iim i-osm ot u.o IjiIUo's mother, on 'lucsil.ijy the l.llli lir-l., liy ifcv. J) II. Jtuianmi, .Mr. (iro.i!. i;d.unl.i, lo .Mh.IoM'pl.a W'estlr, lii.tli or I ici-H icl:. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A DM! N I ST I tATO I I's NOTI UU. rjiTATKOK.c.immi iiikkhohkhts, iiiciusf.i. Mili rsol Aainlnlst ration mi U eslildof Unit wntlAiler lIubcTls, Lite of Jiontour township, rountv ot I'oliimblitfomity.Mntotit reimsyll tuila, ui-flensml, Imvo licon Kiruoofl to Win. .Ioiin, nt Ik-.ir Mp, IM., tu whom nil ivjrMuisliuli'lJti'rt M Until Ostntoiuo roiiui'stml .to inftKQ 1'ionK'Ht, anil those having t'.ilius or illiiimiias Will make known Uu Bainj wltli onuliliy. '-',Ar w-J Win.. UilIN, Hour (lii)i, 1'. O.Tol. IViWI, Administrator. ,111110 10, GW. TAX. NOTICE. tm-mnlrinlcn-rl; Trfusmvr of tlio Triwn fit lilooinsoiirA nuruio Ki' s iniurinii.u is inuniu NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . ,.,mT,1I1T STATEM1.M 1)1'" lll.w.MruunM . rnin VMlll IrNIIIKd BCIHIOI. DI81 11. 1 v . Jl. C. Vl'OOllWABI", I'ollei lor. lilt. ro ain't of ilnpllealn for 1T - I'll. iH'nin'i or ntonrralloiiR ,M .. .. 'i-t.i.nM.mv JtfULyjL'41LU i'wn t; (,f until 'lpvn,'(ltfii,ij lw,rlntaei for"tlie year 'AX1H C'ridny, .llltll! . r s Kilii. is: ' ' f Hi i .tnxw, Trtwnn r. lltl. money .'.("."" uiu'l Slat" nnproin lot Ion " ffOIII SSlOl f lMllllS . - " irom M loelor. Hulia nm" ".ijors urn liulrfij- AI tlio fijllro c.f Uoons Itrnwn nt III'' llnlfil. IlltlllM'l-lllMI ! Illlll ILlI tllL-lLLU'rH i. imli'r.l In li.i. tin, S.IIIH1. A11V- ill. llllllfllll nl the l.tH Illllll 1 11(1 Willi linn ii. i in 1111 MMriitlnn of llilily il.iys from 11m whl li'.lh U.IV n .iiii,VliillloiAt!'hltnVtJiV r ivnt I'imii lty iiinii lliiiniiiniiiil mlilMl tlieiutii. V. Ii. KOONH, .nini' ir., jn. :ot. Town Tioasunr. ORPHANS' COURT SALIC OF REAL ESTATE! Jftlin llaimtnitrr, Ailinlnlslratur of (lliloon itun. tnBiT. iliToimit, vlll oxposu lo iiiilillc mlo on lho IMoiiili' h nn V.VrnilDAY, JULY Sill, 187(1. nl. 10 nviool; n. in. tlio follow in? described real estate lo-wll : All that vermin ineiua(,i' ami r ri ,v e t o if r. a n s (bflnrf trail Vo. lOtliinin In Heaver townMilp, col. ro., boiuiiliHt ami ili'n-i llH.l ni follows, M i lleiiln lilii'ntuiTtono In u iniblle road in Meoieh Vnlley, thenoiinlii(f aald ru.id no;i;i kiont.v-lltr d"KreeK, mui mtv-'t'ien nnd oiio-UHUi pi'rthos to n atone, llienci) bylapdof tloo. 1'. in, IsU.ieli north ten do irieeiv.-osr, onCliiiniliijd atnl forty-lvi'ieh('to a mono, t !t ii'-.t Roiitli Hi'Vent-lUo devrera mst, lis x i( lies lo the place of be'lnnliis,'. rontnlnliijt FIFTY .A CUES Mlrlct, measure, ltli tlio appurtenances. . ' ALSO, Tract No. v, n certain ploeo or naiecl of land Min nie In Heaver township aforesaid, bnuiided on (he east bv MO on DrelilMcli.uu tho mil 111 by C'nliiiiiM.i 'ml and Iron l'onipaiiY on tlio west liy other land of huld (ddeou 1 1 ii nsl i irer, deceas-d, und on lho soulli qy land of l'rancln I'rouae, contalnliii; I' 0 U T Y A C II E S i with lho nppuiten.wes. TIllfMM ol' SaI.H. -Ten percent of ene-lorlli or IlipimrelintiO money to bo paid atllioftrlklnndown of llieproiH'ify.tlionniffoiulh hwi thu ten ireent atllmeonilimatlon of wile, and the remaining Ihree fourths In ono year thereafter, with lincrcbt Irom confirmation nixl. John iifNsiN(ii:ii, .Time Ii'., JT0. Is Ailuilnlslrntur. ,4 UlllTOIl-S iTliPOUT OF OATAW1SSA 'niuNsnif vim Tin: yi:ah h:5. Jobopli Mart7, 1'oor overseer ot ('atawlsuaTwp. mi. ... , To ami. of dupllcala for H75 " li.damo Irum l.istiietUeineiit I t 1 ' m. liy Uoblns , son, Mil " Dr. i:. . miller " (illlHiiiv Kline, c. 1!. lUnston, coal " lianlel JVaHier, wipporl ' l.ydl.i Howe, " i j ' Abraham Hilehb.irh ' " .Ioiin liunjon, lur.Min. (I.tniiier " l. on W.Nillll, ' V. Albllgllt " II. .I.llcedcr, n I , v " Mrs. Manning, j ' in. ilaitnitin, " Mia. l'.;i''rllwr.ld, " Winded .t VniHleisllee, print Ins " '.T0S7 111 ifach. tor keeping p.iupiT piopiiiL' i.aoj iv lanoij ou KMUieinll'JUN rnu'iiUie .e. henlcci Ml-K.il.lll, , fin n si; 17 11 JliV.'i-..l Wo Ihn undeitlirned Audltoin of Huolt loivnshln have lids day examined lho nbovo account und llnd it con ect. W. A. IlAHTfl"., Juno 10, l.'.l). IIAIUJNISAOII, Juno Hi, "tii.-3w, Audltur?. UIIAII AXK WINSIDKIS. I'.eiuon'rf Capclno Poroui Plasters nro an econoinical, clean, certain and powcrl'iil rem oily, surpassing hi ellicacy any known plas ter, liniment or compound, They aro particularly o A'ucilvo, anJ will positively relieve and euro: Acuto anil Chronic llheuiiiatlmn, Sciatica, NcnralL'la Nervous Diseascm, Blubborn Colds, Kidney ComplalnU and all diseases for which a no- row plater has been tmcd, lu an astonish lug short time. Capclno U tho grentost iiicdlclno known. Capclno U superior ti electricity ami moro certain. ISenson'H Oapcluo Porous Plasters relievo at onco and euro quickly. Try them. Price 25 cU. i UCAHBItVJS JOHNSON, l'luitJucivTiw. CiiEiii-ini, n, y, May JO, 7? Jy, Itorsof NI iwl-.sa Town foiiiilH of the I'lii.rour gTATE.MKNT Ul-' SCO'lT TWP. oliuuii Wll lill. 1 in .u LOl .M 111 I II. L Ki:m;iim.k, Tiea.surer. ri:. June , isfii. llv Imlnnee on hand wain Auir. ii, " Malo Appropiiai Ion :.oj o iaiuip.ini- jiar'i.! iss-ii:; . Votlielll!.ii:'M.-l.ed .Ul.lll all ii ii-n .- i'T.ii.ih.o.1 In see i of s,dd '1 im nhli and Und tlionieoi reel, uhhIhjui .siaieo. ! Jl. V. I!. Ki.ixi:, I. II. Sl.lllol.-Z, ,S. Ii. Dii:mi:i:. June id, ";. sw I'A'riCM UNT OK 1'ltANKI.IN f ?, 170 o I UK. Juno n, 'in. TuTeaeheii) wases i.r.vioi jt-iici i.ar.i ' ' Bluleil.d vst'j " " KepiliH 71 ;r, " " cieaiilim sel.ool icoinl 'Hi e " " liuplieam , i,b " " I'llntlm reports Vim " " 'lieasiirirennrid-floi aim " " I'ollectoiii r.'iiinil.'Ho i uKi " " Hi'cicuuja Salary i . s ibi " " Uvorxrntions" 1,1 'jj " " Andtir.sfiis !l en " " li.i'anuj " 3V.it r.all.nico due supervisor.! . . t (iVHUSlXIW OP Amount of IiiioIKmIi) Voniliio ol .lull i (.'Hiiiily ueniot .iiuia ciiiiiiiy H hoiisj t'liMjaleil lands llnll.uuv fioi.i i-M j wr I'll. f-.',i;o04 Juno w, is;fi, liy lialance $.1S1!CI VEGETINE l'urlUoH Hie Illcol, Ufiioialci, nuJ Im for.itos Hie Mliolr Sjiilfni ltd Medical Proportios aro ALTEIIATTVE, TONIO, SOLVENT AND DIURETIC. Veietlno Is mado exclusively from Ihn liileo nf carefully (.elected barks, routs and herbs, und no Klioii','ly concent ruled, that II will cITeelu.illy crudl calu fiom tho hvslem every lalnt of Kerotula, Scrofu lous iiiunni-. Tumors, i jiiiti, (;.u.h-iihh Humor, i:rslne as. Salt 1 helim. Hvlib I lo II season ('nil:i'i. I'nliitiiff s nt lho siomacli. und all UIm-iih-.s tli.it uilso from luipiiro blo.nl. SLiatlc.i Iiiil.inint.il ui - and t'hroide llluniiiiiillMii, NeiiralKla (lout and Spinal Complaints, can only bo eltectually ciuod through lho blood ror rieei-Hnnu i:rupiio uneaseaof iiwskln litst- uies, I'lmpii's. iiioieui's, mius, I etter, Ke.iid icn'I mid iiinirworin M'L'cunu na-s uer i.uieu to offeet n peimanem. euro. ror t'alns lu lho llaclc.lv dney ('oinnln nla. liinmv Female Weakness. Leiieori'liaM. arlslmr rrom Int.-r nal ulec i-al Ion. and utcimo diseases nnd (lcncr.il Deb 1 tv. Vewllno ucls iiiiiti y upon I ho causus of Ihi.'soeoiiiplilnls-. H Imlor.ile.s mid streiir;thcus tbo whole k hlem. aeLs uoon lho tecretlvo ruirnns. rdlayH lnininmallon, cures ulceration and regulates llio UOUlj. ror L'atiuru. nyspopua, iianituai ronsnreness, l'ulnllatlou of lho llearr. Ifcadaehe. 1'llos. Nervous. ness nnd (lener.d lTiislinllon ot the Nervous Kistem no medli'lno lias owr Kllen kik Ii period. H.U Israel Ion ils lho Wireline. It nuillles tbo Mood, eleanses all ot thu orirans, nnd potsessos a cuiitrolllns pjwir over the litrvoussyfetem. Tlio reniarxauio cures eiiecieu oy veirtuno uavo Itidueed ninny pliyi-lelans und npolhee.ules whom we know tu picecilbu and uso It In tlxlr own families. In fact. Veen lino Is lho bent rcmedvvet db-covered for 1 h above dlsi-un'ti.aiid Is the oulv i i llablo 1II.OOII Ullll lldl J ci jihchi iieiorouio public. ri!ur.m:i) ny II. IS. RTKVKKS, KokIoii, Mass What H Vecetliiot It Is n compound cxlr ctcd from llio bulks, roots aud limbs, it Is N.ituio'n emeav 11 is lvrtec y Harm ess rem imv bail oHect upon thu syHtem. It Is iioiulshlnir nnd Hlieiiiiii'iiiii-,'. ii acts uuvciiy upon llio oivou. It nulets tlieiiertmisNyntPin. II fires jou i,'0od,swecl sleep nl nljht. It Is a Kient panacea for unrolled fatheraund mothers! lor It hIics ihem slremtlh, (inlets their nervoe, und riven Ihem Nature's sweet stoop, as lias iiecn provo.i by many un aired person It Is tho Bleat Mood l'liriner. Ills a Koothlntr i-eme. dv for our children, It lias relieved ami curei thousands. It Is very pleasant lo take i every child likes It. Itrelleies and rmvn all diseases oriel nal -Ini? from lmDiiro blood. Trv lho Wireline. Oholt ralr trial ror your complaints; I hen jou will my lit yonr friend, neighbor and nciiualiiUnee, h'tryllilt Vewtlno for lho complaints for widen It Is reeom. Whyt mendoU, Is liuUDV a largor silo lliioiihont lho United hlutes llian any otiier ouo inedlclne Yceetiuo v. in pure iiitwo coiapiaiuui. V A I.UAIHill I X r II Jl ATI OX. llosTOX. Dec. la. isr.a, (lentlemen-rMy only olijeei. lu tfvs jou nils tostlmonlal Ulo spioud vuluaMo Inlorinallon. Puv bur beon budly ulltleted Willi Halt llhoiiiu, und lho wholo Burfaoo of niy skin bi lie,' coiejod tMUipliup leu and i ruptlons, liiaiiy of whu h caused mo eroal uln und snnoyonoe, und kiiuwlnu It to Im a blood ilncnse, I luott niudv u( mu kiivci kmk uiouk i ii v paraiions. ainoiiir w iiu-ii iviw any iiuuiuht oi nj-mi- Pletod thu llrat bottle I meuieino. (.ijuiwi I had taken scroll pmilla, without obtaining any benettt uiuu I i-oui. ii-.cnciiii inwinii llio veia-ilno. and beforo t hud com. ttio i mwv imit i uau koi ino nirnr. luently, 1 followed on Willi It until bottles, when I won pronounced a well man. nnd iiiv skin Is binoblh anil outliclv free from plmulos and eruviilonii, 1 havo iiovcronloyed so irood liaaltli befoi e, and 1 nttilbulo It ull to lho use of Vi-cetlne. Ji lienwit tnoso nrTllolod with lllieumutUui, IwlUinako mention nUoot IliaVufre. tine's wondtrful power ot curing moot thlsncuto complaint, ol wmcn 1 iiuiu huihtou so inienwiy, C. II. TUCKfill. 11, Alf't Midi. U. II. It, on WftkhliiKton btrwr, HMton," Vogotiuo'is SoUl by nil Druggists. Jmiopi.-ini.; I .'.'ltli is lnl sir.il iiu.! m) ks in 1.1 no .v.i a i nr. sr. ISM 111 41 H.1 o I :7 o i i.i mi liic.i 11 11 no lit im on ml uu tsi alanco due township til" S'1 'nyNsiui', MU'I Amouiit of Ilifiittcate Amoitnl of vol 1; alone '..ill.iiii-o Iri'l.i last 1 car :0ber.il1oiM JUKI! Tilli lSTf'i. MiVIMIIil. J I ISO 07 .mm MU. IIU ivjssi 1 IM Ii' Jill Ml '00 It. .11 t'l .'on Sll HHI n73 nr. S-.TiW Money p,ld tail . . li.dlauco ilro Township ,. , Si'lUiOt,, Vinoiint or Duplicate fs37 11 Ileal hi Sclelol llousoa si.) AiipioprlaUdn lli'.'j'i Who'o amount of orders llalUuco duo Township iU 1.1 tiios. v. ciir.Mimw.i JOIII'll T. KUi:i)i:i!, ) Auditor AlilfAM i.ii.ui:, J Juno 10, ls7it.-5w. iii I K' SDS7T STAT VTK.MII.N'T OP FISIUXllCIlEEIf TOWNSUIl' AND THE OIT1CEKS 01' TIIU SOIK AS I'Ol.- 1.0 v. s : UKllVKMNa ASTIiCiSl'llEII, JCNI1 7, 1S7I). 1111, (Jl!. f.KIOl) ACCOUNT WITH t'. Tucasli duo Mil of i'. 11. Mcllcnry ill 85 llv To a nolo of .ioiin Mej nan 10 uc paid u tolleetod. dale of nolo .liiuo In, "o lien To a nolo of .1. 1-'. Itutchbou . U'J un uato oi uoie .vpni w, iii paiu un ino nolo April it, is.-j l'o cash received of John Sutton 51) liy cash paid Umi. A merman Id ( ..sl 1LCC. CU UL u, .1, nLlicn rvijivi- visor , 1" 1 Tuoii!iiec'dof John Held superIor loan llv c.i.-li paid .1.1). rulli.ii'r for damages 'donoallil IdiT.Im; iiiioul'U won Tu eaU ice'doi II, iMarunll.IIait- niuii s uecouui To nolo ot bond of Jl. UeWiIIno over soerofnoor 'J3(o liy cash paid I'eterlless II. . JIOSS, IIUUILU, " lilt Itobblns " S. (J. I'luielln Mosos Mcllenry tleilc To " loe'd of John Held lsn-1 To n noui ot nanu oi .ioiin neiu t.i u r.v cab ual'l Auditors and eleil: Jiareh4, l-rrii, by cash paid John Ilrosh- cr to pay ihit.T liy en ih paid John lireshev lo;pay ch k liy canli p.Ud Aaron bender to pay clci U liluoiu To cash reo'd tf M, A. Aiumeriiian per A. J. Kuae uiou liy cash pniduuituorsnniicieri: by Miuehers und commission To nn oidcr in faMir c. , I'rcvtlln to balaucu nxoomits laai fi.nu Atrmi.sT Willi .loil.v limwiinn, Uiiixiii'.ii si'i-Eitviiiou mu 1S75, 1)1.'. Tu v.hoU) amount of diipllealo SWT T'. Maioli i, Ik ii, to cash paid S. (.'. i.'icvi llu a uu April lo.b.v work onio.olj Itj brldfo ilmbir Ml I'.ua .10 ino :ir. .1 r,u ir. a is i eo 1100 coo cut vo fiiio. J1I. To cash liy Ids own woil; and bool; " ouo (I.ia K'ttllnit " un erroi'lu ln ou ilupllcnln " a nolo tu ballaiiiu acoouolB Acrou.Nr wnii aauox nr.Niu:i! si i-riivisoi:. aI'Iiii. M To wholo amount of iluplloato liy woik on mads- KKom-iallons " Ids oh n w oi l. ' " buok'.i plaid; Tu cash livccnimliwlou Juno 'o, by cMJiicratlou's, nv it (ilk 4Si v Tu cash UK i!7 f I ICO 11 IM r.uiki riKiuuj I S8J7I; 4 17 M 711 liy sci'vlcoa liy vouchew Jlrjiuo 11-J1S5 7.1 S7 mo 5507 '.'75 i HI 01 II iu:ii I! II I II W tiuoafi'j Accoukt win I jjio. yj'iij,'f,-i:i: Joisflirifvovi!nKmtit ok i ooii. April 10, Tu'thulo nuiouiil ot dupll. tutu I S6S.1M liy vouchers ' .1 uno P, by vouthem ny louchcrs To oasli from Oentrn . iwioo ny Ids 11 mo und scrv lo8vf oVcrsVer Jly A b'Jlo tu luluiioo accouiils OXIIAI 4 'I M 77 S.) HOD 1'ifll m W Accoim ivmn, iiutuiiison June 5, tq liyvoiiclil Atttiit T1IEASU11K1I 01' iCUOOI. l l'Nn. OMil ilWlSfi . iisa yj M-, I'illWEMStllAuaitori. I4(.l l(Vlllln, J JllHiM. BSi HUy. CK'ik. Ilonir. til Trensnn-r as ir rc- 7S4H ri mli KreenUiiniiilioii'oiitliBri "J; J' bahuieo duo dlsirlcl, m3. , c. w.HNlnniit, col. (ItHilS HI Ml VI Wl i 1MSH Nl Sslll 7(1 ' !S718 f,i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. X-OTJIS I-IAQS, JIANtirAITUIIKIloV BiIHas?d? Crocucttc; AND TI3N TIN I.ALLS, Turliei'lii Horn, Hani and Mott Wood, Allklmliof Tools Handles, .In. 1IIUU 01' wi tinlt'l II NI'i'OND NT., (s'econd llooi,) riiii.AHKi.riiiA. jiiuii m.-iin. tiii: iiiis r vi:t nut .hii:xt'sma m:h is I It. llyiun't oidi'n.calirtl,.......... ivl 711. .. . liAI.Wo d'le ilidllct '.'1.1 M tl 11 - twrti or, 1 11I.IIIMI ni.NII.Mt'dUNI'. III!. Toniu'l ln ii'.l-d lor uuniiidK pin- iu.JTiVs ii iis'iiulVut lKWls mi an linio .'. it. i .i ii i un puu'-i (lid Aond.'hU "i""",, ISV uiu'l. lo -'ii ol ('"lUs-toT dim rani R ttleineiii Ml t' 2S4 1H nt. Hy cNoneruilons tun i . -lor's c(itninlsliin 4 ll Treasurer a oinii.y.-o'ii ptld loi-rfi'iiuluif, fimie, bell, t n iiin"t"iid"foi ilsilillilim roil ..... bidaino in li inOsuf eoUicuir... t.l Hi tm iKt S l I) ' 73U Oil f.7 : .sriioct. l'l'MD Af 'Of NT. Hit. Toam'iioxievi.',tfo's;ii;i ipu-p.B ur.i i i-uoi' u(ni'7j...i.'.-.. inent.. fi-.i.n I )i nier rroiismvi' oi (oluMor du ln.it setllo- ;il uc 11,11 su 0 10 7bl : M3H ,i: CH. llv nuVLruld 1" fn.Miili i i. " en uiiln;,' bouses nnd io p.di'1 ain't paid I a' seal and press .. .i piinilnir K ( clock ii ii ( liHiir.iiicu ti Montour .Ciiool dli- Itlcttu'.lloii ... " ain't P nd f a ink lor seho. 1 ii i. 1 coal n ii " h.'ereiurj's.s.ui ly ii (i i 'i r -,t . eummlssn.u (.-..noi-liu's comml -lun. i ii ' lor school .luiiiuat ( o ex (vuTul I jus " " piiUf irs'iii'liKs 'bakuiiu due dlilil -i il.l-J) I II .4111 II' I 191 5s i 'J HI 1,0 7 1st .10 87 11 41 II Ii i .Ull SI lav) uo 1?1 sf u; a. I 0.1 111 HI 41 11 1110, H.I i-.its'.i a MMMAItY alaneo bull lln:r fund due illdilcl . school lund duo dlilrlcl Duo by M. i'. Woodwanl, eiilleeter. " lai.iones, iiu.isuii.-i 7."1! Oil In, ii as flS'iS 4. aim nn'SHoi ino nest Aiucuun coiiciy uy Jirs. i.. II, Hiilfuv. Will fell ntsliiht In every bouse. Is In illKpetisKble lo nit who deslio to (,'et lihead III lho wolld. written WHU ureut nblllly. I'llnted nnd 1ioiind5plendldl,. mid at a low pilco. The only iHmk onHilM sulilcct sold by iigenls, nnd will sell lielter than any oilier work In the market, clieulam nnd l( rnisseni on linlneill it" npplleallon Inthpjiillj- 1""U"'' .1. M MTdWIM'TcO., Join, 10, rl i'i'CIlO'll.'Ul I t I'blM. A DAI I Nl HTll ATOJl'S SALE OF YAl.llAULK 1;i:AL ESTATE I The iu,ifei-l(msl. AiWillilslr.Hir r.f lOTmii nicii. nrd, Hie or Oitlattlssii, (let eaued, w 11 expo) to pub lic into on tli pittulses In CnlanlMKi, nil SATURDAY, .IULY S, lS7fi l 2 o'eloelt. p. bi.,t)io followIoKdcscilU'iI real oMalo tM. It t iv I wo slAiry FRAME ' DWELLING HOUSE, Bltanli' on Pi omul Mrwt In wild (own, l-Plii nlioiifc OH rent In front and leuifeet In ill plli,n(1jolnln-Iuiids of Wn 11. 'I ilild U and T. I.. Doan. TKIIMK Of S , I,r. -Ten jierivnt of one.foiulh ot tlw niiroliiuie iiionr-y tow pil I at HipMMmik down of lho pmrwrly, til oiu-foui th less Uu) ten per cent at the comlrmalloii of Nile ami llirtirianliiliuf tlni'i rom His In mic .'or tiu-i-cnrif r with intereH. froni ootitlinmilonnM IIIttAM .1. llHI'liUH. W.I'. Hurley, Admli.l-lrntor. . tt.ru n ; ror Hslulc. Juiii' Id, 'ii!.-lc OTlt'lC TO IfKIIiM. Cni.t'iimi coi's-Tv. si : Ir. Ibe orphnnN' court of Columbia county. In Ihn mailer of Ilia tmrlltloii and vahntlon of Iheestalo of UvUd Unvls. la'eof lleaiertow rhtp, deceaso.l, To Wm. Unvls, icxldhuf nt I)linoel;,!us(ii(hiiiiii Co. Pn .Miirtr.H'i t ibioklns, roHldliii' at Asldnd, S.duiMklll Co. pa. ( hallos Hr.vls, losldbiput 1:1 Icn.i. In Co. Iillnol.s. Simmcl I.'. Havls, clear spt Iiu; Von: Co. I 'a ..'(hull lMvl', .Ions (iioio scbuilklllCo. r.. Until Ann cr.iiner. ilions (irme. Scbmlklll Co. l'a. Wi sicv ll.Miuinaii. rrancls II, Miumati, llan'ord Shuinan. and Ilnnlel lAaiisallof I'l.unoulh,l.uzo-lin Co l'a. Take notice that mi Iiupiest Hill bo held at tho lain dwellln" 1 on f H.r.ld Hulls ilieeasol, In Iholowiishlpof llcaiei' C'tuniblA Coiuiti, en 'I lies day the tlrsl day of Ainrint 1"I0. bclwcen Ihe hours of iiu'eloi k n. in . and In. in., of "nM dev. lor the panmsoof iiuiklier rm-tlllou ot tho Ileal K&tntcof Hild dncea'Cd, tonnd umoni; his chlldieti ami k-fal 1'LMiriwntat.Hi'S, It U.f sab o can le dono wllhout yitoj'tiltce to or rpollliiif the whole.olbcnMioIri inlun und appmlso llio innii lueordlni,' to law, ut which time und place you nro icipihcd 1 uiuiulllyuil think rrnpi r. filicllll'slllllce. CIIAS.H. I'OIINWAI.II. Il'oo.iisbiii',', Juno 10, 1-70. slu-ilff. Juno lo.-cw. ION HOTEL, 1.HI AivliHIrccI, l'iilLADKI.l'IUA, l'A. J1S23 hi utati'.mi'.nt or indi:iiti:hni:sh Ol' DI.'jO.MjlUUtt! SOllOOI. DI-illHOl' .ll'Ni:isl,ls7il. loud Issued to J. Sehuj ler for lot, (Ulo Aug. 1, is.'! W o" im.ousaiuo noui .ini;. i, i-iij, to. linio I, ISTit Hsucd lo.i.N'hiiylei'lorlot.diio Alii; I, isli Ini. on same Irom Alls, 1, Iffj, lo Juno 1, 1M0 I,o. .1, Issued lo J. h. hiei ner lor btilluliiir, duo Alts. I, ls.li mi on sumo from Au;r. 1, istn, lo June 1, 1S70 No. n, Iwued lo .1. K. St ..I ner for bulldtii!,', duo Sept. 1, IsM Iniou same Horn Auj;. t, 1s75, lo June 1, is7u No. 7, Issued lo .1. K. Werner for liulluliiir, due hopt. 2:1, Ini Int. on Kumo from se,u. iu, IST. to Juuu I, oTO No. s, Issued Id J. Merner lor building, duo Sept. 2.1, l;o im on name lrum Scjii. 2.1, lsw, io.liuie 1, isio No. 'J, Issued lo J. M. Merner for bbliuini;, due sept. 2.1, lsTU. .. nit on s line 11 0111 Mepi. 211, is..., 10 .lime 1, isTii ; No. lii.lsdii-d 1 0.1. s. hleri.ei' for luillUlnv, duo sept. 2.1, Isro Int. on same fi.mi .scpt.'.M, isT.'i, lo.lune 1, Is.",! No. II, 1 iiii'd lo J.H Mel ner lor building, duo Nov. 2, Isii! Hit 011 same Irnm Nov. 2, 1s7', lo.lune I. isio No. i2,I.SBiud lo.l.s. Mi 1 nor ror bi.lidlui;, duo Kuv.'.', isfii nil. 011 saiuo 110111 .luv. ii,.., I l.llllio I, IS7I. No. !'i,ls.sii'd lo.I. S. Meriiei- for biilhiliis. duo Jan. to, ls70 Hit on sumo from Jan. 10, H7.'., to June 1. ls7o No 10, Issued lo.l. S. M oi HIT lor bu'.ldlii',', duo .Ian. 10, IS7U Im. 011 same Irom Jan. 10, isio, lo.lune I, IsTil N'o. 17, Issued lo ,1. s. su 1 nor tor buildup, duo 1 el.'.'. Isil int. on same fiom I'eb. '.", 1s;o, lo.lune 1. 1-dO N'o. is issued lo ,1. h. Menus' lor iiulldlii!,', duo I'eb. l, 1S77 Int. on same li'obi i'eb, i, 1S75 10.I11110 1, ls.'O No. 11i,ti-.lleil to J. S. Mel ner Ii r building, duo I'eb. 0, Is7i Iat. on s Hue Irom l'lb, u, liTO, 1.) ,111110 1, i".'i N'3. S'Msaiied to J. S. Mei ner lor bjl!dlni,-,diie leb.'.", 1-..7 Int. oil same Horn I'eb. u, 1S,C, toJuno 1, liio No 21, Issued In .1. N. Meri.er for bllhllnif, duo l-'ob. 0, ls7i Int. 011 same Horn I'tb. y, liiii, to Juno I, JsTO NO. 22,l-in d to J. s-. Mei ner lor bulldlnsr, dllO I'eb. !, 1o77 Int. 011 bamo from l-'eb. 0, ls75, 10 Juno I, lsTO N'o. 21, issued lo ltolllus Holmes for btcun livutcr, duo Nov. 1, 1S7S Ini. on same Hum -May 1, H70, to Juno 1, ls70 N'o. 25, issued lo Rollins & Holmes for btcnm heater, duo Nov. 1, 1S7S imofl sumo irom .Mayl.lsfs, to Juno 1, ls7o N'o. 20, Issued lo KoMlns ,. Ilulinea for steam heater, duu IJuv. 1, lsfs Hit on sanio Irom May I, ls7o, lo Juno 1, Isio N'o. 2f, Issued To i:. II. mown, duo March z; Wu im, ou sumo irom Jan. 2, lsbi, loJuno 1. is7ii No. as, lulled lo i;. 11. Itronn, duo March an, Isio Int. on same from Jan. 2, 1n70, to June 1.1370 N'o. nn, Issued to L 11. Hrown, duo M.ucli .10, ls7H Int. on tame 110111 Jan. 2, IS71'., 10.lur.ol, ls7ii No.81. Issued in I:. 11. HroHii, duo Mai eh 3'l, H7-J Int. on hamo fiom Jan. 2, 1S70, to Juuu 1,1711 N'o. 32, Issued lo I.u.etta Creasy duo March a , IsT-j Int. 011 same from Jan. 2, lsfii, to Juno 1, isio N'o. S3, Issued t j 1 u.ella uinsy duo Maivli an, ls7y 1111. on same irom .i.in. 2, is,u, to June 1, 1S70 1 N'o. 81, Issued 10 l.uicitu L'icsBy duo March an, 117.1 Int. on Kaino from Jan. 2, 170, to June 1, is!d : 1 NoHi, Issued lu Hail l Slioup, duo April I.1S73 Hit. 011 saiuo from Jan. 2, isro, 10 June 1, IS70 1 No. an. Issued to Daild btroup, due Anil 1,1711 Int. on same from Jun. S, 1s70, to Juno 1, 1til " No 37, tunned to 1:. 11. HroHii, duo April 1, 1;u Ini. on B.11110 from Jan. 170, to Juue 1, H70 ' N'o, lis, Ivoie.l to Tlltiteos of Concord U.ile, I, O. o. l' duo May 10, 1Hsii Int. on same from Jan. 2, 117(1, lu.luiio r ls70 ' No. SSI. Issued lo Tmslivs of concord Uidj(e, I, o. o. p., iluo May 10, Uo Hit. on saiuo fiom Jan. 2. isto. lo Julio 1, 1S70 law 8" 00 r,25 (Kt 5 0 00 HI t.25 Oa COO II!) 25 0(1 fM 00 cr.il 01 27 10 f,77 CO 10) 01 1 12 mi 12 1110 II) 4 12 101 12 1000 111 41 CO 1011 20 ::m n ) 12 ill 312 Sfi f.a.1 HO 17 3:i t.17 3.1 linio oil 31 C7 1U3I 07 170 Ol) II 03 111 li:i 17.'. 0-J II II ISO II I ) Oil 2"ii) ihi 111 c:i 203 r.n 111.1 no 1 s-. 101 S3 uu 01 1 lot n; 100 00 1 si 101 1 1:1 CO 1) 2J 12S 23 Con 00 cno Co 2 CO 370 Ss l)j CO 375 00 1 ss 500 00 12 CO it) CO 12 .'.) 1IHI (II 2 CO 110 01 2 CO 100 (0 1 50 llK) 00 2 no urn ou 2 CI) coo 00 12 CO C12 CO coo 00 12 6) JOU OJ 2 CO 102 CO COl Oi) 12 CO CIS CO 102 CO 102 CI) tM (K) 1I,S22 40 Absr.'is. Cnsh Iii hand of collector lsi-) iu Ciudi lu haiidiorTioaiim'r s 7 Duo by .1, It. BvniiH, puri'li'iu luohey 103 Tr. Int. on K.11110 tu Juno I, H70 m so $) 07 Total linlebledneaa of lho district ImM 49 Attest: II. II. lilN'HI.l'.ll, hi Hilary, I'll ANN JiAllll, I'lesldeul, Juno H-iw, A UDlTDltS RKl-ORT OF C'ATAWIKSA TOWNKlfll' l'Oll THIS VUAH 175. Wm. Minrpless nnd John hliouse, Huinrilsoisof Calanlmi lowulilp, J lC. To ami. of iluplloato for uw 11733 s.j llynnil.nl Uork, Attorney feos nnd bOIld 114394.1 11 ami. lul-J Daniel K'osleiib.nulci- 1,7 yj l'. M. Viuideintlet. nihil. Illlf " nnil, paid H. M. Wnrdln " Iteulpt from (,'ouuiy cicil; 11 lUoiHirslloiiu " 1'ei-c.onlaijo " Holol lllir " Auditor llircodajg THOMAS S. J. Ml llll AY V'-ebi'lVo,', WT.Ull, i'i-i.7. (Vnte11nl.1l ililtoiswlll Und this mirst-class Hole! und lho lerms leasouable. May 211 Hn. A SSIONKrS NOTICE. Niitlco Is hereby Ldvcn thai tho tinderslirned has lieeu uppr.lnled uu assignee for lho bcnellt of credi tors of Nalhaii Kostciibauder, of f.oeust loxtishlp, Nibimlila eouulv. now res 11 tu- in 1 10 boroui: 1 ot Plymouth, In l.uerne county, nnd has taken upon himself the (tulles of llio Iriiit. All jiersons 11111 therefore lennlrod to feeltlo Hllh him, adjust and pay to lilm all aecoiint.,J(lW8nti'ldiiesof lho said Naihan Ko-lenu u uer: Tinui 1010 nal ul' c a ins In siibina them lu the assignee properly authenticated. , iiiitAM j. i!i:i:iu:i!, CauiMss.1, Columbia Co., Pa. V.'. I.. KYUIH.Y. Attorney for Assignor. May 12 Cw. II 0 31 (13 0 1' A T II I 0 VETERINARY MEDJCINK wmks wondersHltb calile. li'-rsea. funis, nml nil oilier diini'sllo uultntH. n lliet.v stablo keeper. stuck riiM'i'. or faiiuer dioulj bo till limn ac.isooi lb. .so 1111 illrlncs nini nbook k'libej plain dlreelluiH foi'llielrusc. r.oi:i;ii 1; A TAI'l.i,, 11.1 crandst., Now Yoik, it III scud Ihilrdcscilptlto eatalujuo to imv aildioss, im 1 ipt (,r usl.inip. 'Iheirs Istho oldest linio pathii) lliaimai-y lu II1I1 eouiiliy founded in is..;,. J uno u-stv. SHEET MUSIO & AIDSIO BOOKS. tt lien 1 1.-11 11.tr Pl1ll.11lelpl.la be sure local! upon us. Those ttlio .lliruil I'lilin, In (In. I '..nl, .1,1.1. .1 rliv should cm lose .'.linns mra copy or nmiieiv and bcaiilllul "I'l.tus oi'ai.i, Nations du tin M turn," 11 Sileiulld coiiiposlllnii, wllh b-iiidsoiiicly lllintiatcd j iim rase. AddiesH WM. II, IloN'llli ,t Co.. , .-i. 10 in .-in i-l .iiu.-ie IV flllCIU liOOKS, JifliO!) 12W. lIlUdicsllllltM.. Pillladelnhla. "1Hi)AR VA'I'S AND TAXKi.-for Inew- Vol's, lit l-l'S. ( belalsts. imimir.icl hi-im-q n ml mil, ii., (Ivtelllni. (ii;i. ,1, limiKIIAHT A- ( (.. lunoli -i.-tv. Ilutloniiood St., below llro.ul. "K TTIir.l-;il (iOOUS uf every ilcfciiiitinu, ,J ViHelllna-, PaiHiw, Hose. Hoots and Shoes, Cloth. Inr, ac. nii'iiAllI) l.livici;. min1 a- en. 7jici,..i.t. mu St., Philadelphia, Asrents Nnllonal UubberCu. IllllUll-ISlt. Tlio Host Tonic in America. Tie "s- CclGlirateil Bitter Corclia, N'o 12 North Scvtnili St., I'liilaileltiliia. To Im liad from all flrs:l-rl.'is (Ii (i;rKsfs thioti'-sio UtHMiOuiifi v DlSKASkS Cl'RKII. NVtV paths mai-keil nut. i.v tinf i C B S.I lilalnest of ull books. i'i..ii Homo 'link ui.d .Medical Common Sense" nearlv l.iHm paites, 201) illustrations, by Dr U. 11. Pootk. of 120 l.e.ll L'tllll Atl'.. N. t. ill',".)i lir..u nf M.l.lJ... nrontllbeityto consult Its uuibor.ln person or by !'.'a",'.h ,'LE1;' 1 11'1"' by '"all, posiairo prepaid. a,2. Conlciits tables free. Aiiknis wantkh. MllhllAV I!.!,1','.' I'.HWl'U"' (''"l"' I'- Jewell, m,ma"cr,, 12!) l.ast'.sthbt., N. Y. Apr I4-l!w lo(l. p ltowi;i.I. & CO., New York, fo L'tOf UO tiac-es. enntn nlm. tltfL r,r'..,; l.owsuatici's, aiulc&tliunlcaMioiiliiL'rst.i.r ii,ii-..h'ij. 1"B. March 10, '7'j-it r r ( end 2.-1C I j Pamphlet of 6) (' jr. i,v . . 1 r r-x 11 I riUtlUT ,. It t-T 1 ' l'n'VuV;iT .. i'j vu '.1 in., '. 1.1 .... 'V .fltMWXkt . . I" l"Iff Ul tlilli' (.0 Aiiini -12 w. Li, "Him in 14 A N AGliNTiS MOODY tt AN I K 1 1 l.i in 'en WONDUIIl'I'I, L'AKlIIJIt OP AND SANKI5Y IN (Heat lirltntn and Ameilca, liy an eminent dt. I "l llosMiool- n li" "i"," 13 '"ions " V r 7 1 .. ! oulv l" l81"' No other coinplcto. Ilooneoiilii ? ZELL'S -illNCYOLOPBDIA. splIulSuir fflMjJ; of UliHel-s.il kll0Hle,.-o In lAu Iau"uaini Vr w in coiuijoof publication ' Kt'i'ci vi l!N ttltu In-m wiiii for 0 cents. AUE.NTH WANTI1I) 1 be"t A(li:.S"!'s WANTIII) forth,) now hlstoilcal work, OUlt WESTERN BORDER eonlllcis of led nnd tvliluif L v te eai nities, fcrajR, scouis. 1,101 eci' woimi il l 1 1, tJ' 1 lidlan war-iiath.s, cauip n(a nnd Ino" ts a ,1 ,,u ti...: -v v(tnitu uyitni.. i' iiu May W tu. D iV, Co, .May 2iHtv, 1 Men lire eninlnir fid to 12,1 ner ttMu OU.R COUNrrRl' AM) ITtJ KESOmtrnW J r iii'i lunula. n. manor i.-ii, " r"!."'.' em os lies, l ie ,11 ,i,.i.i.. ., .'..!. .,,ll.,l"'ai wondei-s, 11 M) II Nl 1W02 10 117 SOW 4 0,1 la Oil lialanco iluelotnIilp Wo lho under m 01 staled, -f 1070 CIS jou 117 A'o lho undoi-signed Auditors of OatnwUm town. In lave onarolnwl tlic iwoounu ot Iho.iuiiervlsors iiid towuiliip and find lucm wrtut m abot? June 10, jo,-3w cor roc t us ubote Jl. V. II. ICl.INP, 1. II. KiiHsiioirz, K. II, JJiumkji, MOTIOM TO IIUIIW." ( 01 uiinii Cnt'NTV, s H 1 III tho OlpllllUh' COUIt of COlllllihlT I'niinl,- . ., ..alter1 of lho .uliHiioi, Vm.l'u . ,,V o'r" t'! Ileal Ululo of John Meiiscb iT.ii , , 1 - ' lownshlp .col.inibla co.m y," 'jPa'iedt'r '""Hn 'J'UJOSHO ilt'llHlh, tlChucl.M('m.h ,', Il,n,l., . man, Maria Pair, Aiin 11 Udi "i 1 ''ii'ii1,1 .,?,'l,-i,S if tf' Vi m. Metikch, Kurnh Hurifir, aSuVi IS j 1 v?SM'' Witunim tuardliin u, utM0' or .1" jVi 1 1 i? . 1 r f i h 1 1 u M. IU-IU. I.utanta N, licit, Ssiii, i 'n!.i','."i -Mlu'y 1 . I tlly. i:dttaid I..'in.iu7 iK 'child cnf.VTfV'''' )MU. loiincily Abboy Jlnnwh denui, 1 1 ALb,,y tlco liiut isirlltlon and vuluatloi nr...' -,Ji,k""-ot Mid John Moiiwu d"Si wm im ffl rsta., premises on Thunday tho Siib ,1 v . .,lcll7 0,1 1CI Ulo, lietween lho lSiir, J ' '.'.I,."' July A. I). o'clock n. 111. of aalddjy when Z.r?, " 'u.unda aiu.nilif jou think iTOyr.c nJ wut''oo may Kkburi''uno 1. "toCHAB' rOltWAI.n, June 2, Ow, rti.ii, fhoiitr,