THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ' Humorous. )e Ijii'I lx ytftta tiltl, nml ho fnlit 'lmiM U I I. t I .1 .... ..r .. . . . .... .u in unit llico UlUtam pi'J Villi IIUUIU J li', deary, yjii am tn t full lur utterntico iv ; look at llint 1h-c1ium iltinuiliiiL' mi vonr llltll lllll Inilf i.illni. " 'Til. t j .. . .. .. . '. .. ' IllY Ilin 1 II tltlM lur ulfl.l Id lltll lull II. n mu. . - .. ...v .. i .1,, niuu n in iia unv hiiu wit itd pie side JVcls rutlier empty yit." imiu I'.iuiei neuster nun u funiculi " - irtni uuu IVIIIIVI ,,.,. ...III.IVI. I l.l ..II ... iS t .1 I q. .? iiiq vynu ill vuu ijiui'nni;n J llll Ivu ftliiilil.1 linvii In. I tiiu nun 1 .,.,..u,u .wow IKV .f-.Vt M Illlfllt llllVi t(V4tthVtt n imnil ilinil Imirrt !i,m did.' 'It la of no consequence,' replied tlio A boy on his way to Sunday school found evciity-livo cents. TliU coiul fortune was held up to him ns a reward for being found (the. path of duty, lie wni very much struck witli tlio Idea until ho Iieaid that Another boy hud found a dollar while sctUlng up plna in a tcn-pln alley. And now he doesn't sco his way In tlio futuro quito so clear. A 1tli. 1.,.. 11, .1.1 ,.r , i..n...i..i iii.-t OVVtlll HIV all.. l I tho police to traco tho whereabouts of a family who had left tho iielghborhood.owlng iilmlS shillings. "Well, I suppoio thero was nine shillings' worth of water In that milk account," remarked tlio Inspector, "ghat's where it galla me that's where It hurts!" rei.licd the dealer. "Th ev wero new customers and I hadn't commenced to water their milk yet." SntONO BEAltl). Three brothers bearing n remarkable resemblance to each other, re cently went into tlio same barber' shop, and 'on thesnmo day to bo shaved ouo in tho lnornlng, tho other at noon, and tho third at night. W'heti the hut one appeared, the i. ..i -i . ... irazor in astonishment, and exclaimed: "Veil dat man has do fashtest beard I never saw I I shaves him dis mornin', shaves him at dinner-times, nnd he comes back now, mit his beard so long as it never vnsh." A poor curate sent his servant to a chand ler's shop, kept by one Paul, for bacon and eggs, for his Sunday dinner, on credit. This being refined the dam.iel,:w she had nothing to cook thought she might us well go to church; and entered in her master, in tho midst of his discourse, referring to tho apostle, repeated; "What says Paul?" The good woman, supposing tho question addressed to her, answered: "Paul says, sir, that he'll give you no moro trust till you pay your old bcore.'1 Agricultural. A Connecticut expressman's account ot his experience in a recent railroad accident: 'i was pitched against tlio safe. I scram bled up with the other fellows, and then I missed something, and exclaimed, '.Ml is lost.' 'What's lost. inquired tho brako man. 'Why, my ear. I always thought that I ohould lose one of 'em some day.' Then I looked up and saw it hanging from u hook where my head was plunged, and then I reached out and unhung it, and by thunder it wasn't my ear,but my canvass ex press bag." The following specimen of English pure and undrfiled is from tho Liverpool Times : "A doctor was lately summoned to a cottage at Hardwood, in Teasdale, and found a boy in need of his services. 'Put out your tongue' said the doctor. The boy stared like an owl. 'My good boy,' requested tne medical mini, 'let me see your tongue ' "Talk Kii gMsh, doctor,' said tlio mother; and then, turning to her son, sbo said: 'lloppcn thy gobbler, and put out thy lnlliker.' The boy rolled out lii: tongue in a moment.'' When Louis Philippo was staying at tho Star and Garter, Kichinond, he walked one day by himself to Twickenham, lor tho pur pose, as he Mild, of seeing some of the old tradesman who had served him when ho rc sided there. As ho passed along the road a man met linn, pulled oil' his hat and hoped his royal highness was well. "What's your name ?" inquired the king. "What were you when I lived hero?" "Please, your royal highness," replied tho man, "I kept the 'Crown,'" meaning an ale-house close to the entrance of Orleans House. "Did you, indeed," said Louis. "Why, my dear fel low, you did what I was unable to do." American I'otntnrs In Knglaml. Dr. Musters la frankly forward In his Gunkncr'i Ciionicle with n complimentary but doubtless deserved appreciation of American potatoes. They are said to pos sess "certain peculiarities of character that constiluto almost a distinct class," and It la admitted that they have to somo extent su perseded "old established favorites." They are desciibed as quickly attaining maturity, and they continue fit for uso "for n great length of time." The tuber nro mostly large and very handsome, nml tho varieties may nil be termed enormous croppers. The whiteness of tho ileal. Is also remarkablo, and lu most cases they aro very floury when cooked, and of excellent quality. On this point however, there Is somo divergence of opinion somo soils mid somo seasons ap pearing to bo more f.ivorablo for their de velopment than other), Tho character of haulm Is also quito distinct, the foliage be ing large, broad, pale green, and ripening nlf early. Dr. Masters regrets his Inability to add that they are not subject to diseases. Tho "Late Uom" is mentioned as worthy of particular praio "an mormons crop per, frequently producing tubers from eight to 10 or 12 Inches In length mid unlike most other largo potatoes, the whole is usa ble. Tho skin is pale red or rose, tho flesh pure white very dry and floury, nnd of ex cellent quality." It is further said that this is a great improvement on, und must not be confounded with, the American Early Hoso ot previous introduction. Tho Lxtra Karly Vermont is also particularly praised as u "potato of tho same character but much ear lier and of dwarfer habit, quality excellent," Urownell's He.iuty is properly named being "one of tho most beautifully colored red po tatoes we have seen" while its more substan tial merits are equally well defined. Of tho white-skinned American, varieties the more noticeable ard the Climax nud lireese's Pro lific, "the latter a very beautiful variety and both great croppers and of tiuo quality, lie fcrenco is then made, and descriptions given of several new sorts of home growth, "which stand up in defence of our own country against our trans-Atlantic cousins," and which aro "'reaping laurels fast," and it is added in conclusion that "in the English wo have perhaps a little filer quality, and tubers more suited for a gentleman's table ; but in tho American sorts we have undoubt edly far heavier cropping properties com bined with fair average quality at least, which will render them very popular wher ever crop is an object." Wood Aslirs. The Meniijic American says: The point to which we now call attention is, that our farmers and fruitgrowers are ignorant of the importance ot wood ashes as a vegeta. blc stimulant and a lending constituent of plants Even coal ashes, now thrown away as Useless, have been shown both by exper iment and analysis to possess a fair share ot alkaline value. Wo will relate only one experiment. Some twenty five years ago we trcatedan old pippin tree as follows; Tlio hollow to the height of eight feet, was fill ed ami rammed with a composite of wood ashes, garden mould, and n little waste limo (carbonate.) The filling was securely fas tened in by boards. The next year the crop of sound fruit was sixteen bushels from an old shell of a trco that had borno noth ing of any account for some time, and for seventeen years after tho filling of tho old pippin tree it continued to flourish and bear well. Time for Pnu.Nixa. In 1SCC, says a cor respondent of tho Gardener' Monthly, I had a young orchard that I began to prune in February, and continued at intervals till August and those pruned in June did bet ter, healed over sooner, than any pruned either before or alter that period. In 1871 I began to renovate an orchard ten years old that had been trained according to tho ab surd fashion of low heads which prevailed at that time. It took a great deal of cut ting and trimming; the result was that every wound made in June tho time tlio work was done began at once to heal over, and by tho time growth stopped in the fall, every place where a branch had been cut oil hail a beautiful ring of new bark and wood, of from one-third to one-half inch in width nil around it, and still they are doing well. COMPLETE BONE MANUBE 1' 0 It Buckwheat nnd Full Crops I COMPLETE , I Lf . II lllllmrh. m MAIUB MANUFACTURED BY iBRDNIG&HElJTO, I LEHIGH VALLEY l"ur ever 1n ears this brand lias lickl It reputa tion In contact, with many competing fertilizers. ONI! (lUAUi: ONLY. No variety of names with nccomtnoilatlng scald of prices. KKCOMMKNUIII). lly farmers' clubs, agriculturists, planters anil FOll SALE BY A. .t. Aluerlson, ltohrstmrg. II. I- neav, unpen. .1. II. Seesholtr, Catnwlssa. l'rens Pros., lierwlck. K Thompson, . Danville. (', V. Woddron, lllverstdo. The following was received several years ngu. Al'AHMKR.S Cl.l'II 11KC0HMF.NP.1 THE COMl'I.CTR IlOSB JUNCllK ASTIIK BEST 1 EKTILIZKK IN UN. rtrecnwooil, Columbia Co., Oct 15th. Mi.snru. IlitKis-tii llM.vinnt. Uentlemeu : We, the undersigned, having used jour complete lionu .Manure hid past, season, pro em eil of j our agent, A I. Allierlsun, hereby umrin It. to Mi the Dost lerinuer in use. e uiuy recom mend It to funnels, fur It Is all that jou claim lor It. Yiturv. A-e.. W7I.I.I M I'NlinMI.K.MATllMt, JOHN STANTON, A. i)iti:ini.i:ri;iN, ouo. ihiuon, a. . taiuman. Juue it, 'To. -am. VtJLOAN IRON WORKS DANVILLE, MONTOUIt COUNTr, I'A. "VII.LtAM 11. LAW, Manufacturer of Wrought Iron Ilrldges, Hollers, (lushoMor, Klreproof Ihulillngs, Wrought Iron Itooilng, ltoottlng I'riunos, Flooring and Doors, Farm dales and Kcnc ng, also w rougm iron ripmg, mocks ana an Kinus ot Hii)th Work, tic. Ilcpulrs promptly attended to N. II. Drawings and Estimates supplied. oet. 8, 1875-tf rpo Till: Al'VMCTHt) AND UNTOHTtJ. 1 NATB. Thero Isno ilnssot discuses that re quire, more experience, to treat successfully tliosn nf n private character. .Many irtijsldans sup pose that w lieu the pi Unary sjinptems aro removed, the disorder or poison has been oiercome. Huelils not the ease, 'llio iliniculllcs. or Iho vailous suiges of the disease nro then to succeed. Tho parts nrst nil ucked aro Hut throat, noso, mouth, tongue, sktn, i cimiHi'.. uuui'n. nmin'ii ui ciiir.. . 1 1..( uv- Iv thesusviniiluins am floated liv nhtslchins assltn pie ulcerations, until Rome of tho Important organs of tho iKMly beeoino Involved, when iientli relieves the sutTerer. lilt. II. w. 1,01111, Having inado an pn vato diseases n study, guarantees a speedy and per manent euro tilth purely vegetable inodlcfncs. .Med leal onicesnnd drugstore, No. Ml North Fifteenth street. Hours, lo till 1.50 and 6 to 8 p. m. March IT, TO-ty. J. II. KNITTt.L'. W. II. AllBOTT Important to Farmers. and ever body ,ln want ot LIMB, LUMBER, AND COAL. Wo have erected kilns at or near tho I'apcr Mill, on tlio I). II. A' W. It. It. nud nro now prepared toselt llmoatvery reasonable prices and of good quality, orders by the ear promptly Idled and shipped to any station on the atwi o road. A full lino of H'.MIiKIt, or all kinds, dressed or In the rough,, Lath and bill 'l linker to which we lni Ito tho attention of customers. Orders received and filled for nil kinds of FlMII.v Com. ivy strict attention to business wo uopo to merit a share of public patronage. lV.Jlll.11. it AlU.l'l r, Arrll 21 , 1STC- Catnivlssu, l'a. Centennial Prices. 1876. PLANTS HY MAIL, Tostpatd to any address In the United States. For 80 cts. 1 New (leranlum, doublo orslrgle. yt i cis. v inner v aneiics, so cts. 1 tieranliim, 1 Ager.ttum. 1 Coleus, 1 Ver- bena. 1 Sage, l Fuehla. f l.oo, 2 Agemtum. t (leranlum, a Sages, 2 Colous, Heliotrope, 4 Verbenas. lly express, box and packing free, for iS.oo. SKCUKIC AN AUKNCY nml sJ.IO or $100 ltr link. "The ever remit und new. ouf vf order." HOMESTEAD! $20 SEWING $20 MACHINE For Domestic Use. With Tablo and Fixtures ComDloto, only $20. A peifect and unequalled, large, strong and dura- OIO niauunc, eoubirueieu eu'Kuui, nun boiiu, iiuiumu lic-a material i uu m.itucuKiiietu pi region, lor con kimt f.iiiiiii' mo nr manufacturing nurnosos. Al ways leady ut a moment's notice to do Its daj's VlurK, never out Ol uruur, mm ivm umi, u Kcui-runuii Willi moucraiu euro; einy in uiiucipiuiiu uuu niuu cgei light, smooth, and siiltt ruimlr,g, llko ihu viell r. iriibiiwl movement of it line natch: Mninlo eom- niiet, eillelent una reliable, vvltlialltliu Improvements to be found In the highest priced mncliiiics,warrtint cd to do the same nork. the same way, nnd as rapid and smooth us a f-75 machine. Aiiacknovvlcdgedtrl uinph ot Ingenious mechanical skill, essentially the Working viomnil s Ult--.iu, mm uu in uu.uiii.uui iiii ordinal v ma"hluts Tor iibMdute sti ength, rcll.iblltlv usefulness; villi hem, fell, tuck, seam, .mil. i.lml. braid, cord. "uUicr. runie. shtir. nhilt. fold, scallop, roll, embroliliT, luniip breadths. Arc., vi 1th m onderful rapidity, neatness und ease.sews the strongest Iatlng stlieh eriually lli.e and smooth ilir,ji''h ull kinds ot l-ooiU. from cambric to several thicknesses nf broadcloth rr leather, with line or euuiso cotton, linen, silk or tvilne. (lives perffet sallsraetton. win earn its (oh several nines over in a sca-scu In the v.orl; It does, or make it good living nt.v nut n nr v.-otmin who ilu.ilrcs to Hie It for that purpose; viorksso faithful and easy the servants oi children van use It without damage. I'llco or ma chine with light table, full equipped for family work im Half cose, cover,-ldo draw vis mid cabinet st)lcs each ar, cninsponuingiy ion niif. cjiu ueiuerj'i'd. fu-o front damaee. Kxnlivnatory nam- lihlets lllustiuted with engravings of the several .n h's or nnirhtiios rfton-Li es. varlttv of sew liur.&c. rtalled tiee. t'oidldtnthil terms wllh liberal lnduci--liieiits toenteipilsliigclergjinen, teachers, business men, traveling orioeiu ugeoi, ai-., who ui-niu ii u I 12 Verbjuas, In variety. 12 o (ierantums, " 2 0 Coleus, ' 2 0 Sages, " a Agerutums, " 2 4 Heliotropes, " i 1 Houvordias, 2 2 llegoulas, 1 1 Hose, 2 1 lathtanas, 2 Orders received for Trees, Shrubs and Evergreens. Cash to accompany nil orders. Dahlias. Fuchsias, Hardy Pinks, cigar I'l.tuts, Chrv'santlieums, llasket Plants, Cnrnatlons, Ceniuo' l'lant, Alternatheras, 1V1C3. Address April !l.-3m. DAVID Cf.IFFH, Ittverslde, Nurseries, lllvcrslde, Norlh'd Co. l'o. TA PiCWO 'MpRovi 35 GLASS i(S5sSi II 1 if ill TOPS METAL ' I WtliliHtiTlD lilLIABLL mm fslrrT With frUI' - i I 111- wMw on unrllcullon. John II. Keudnll i: Co., cao Uroadnay, New York, elusive agencies, furnished inn u. hcuuuu Jlay 6,'7i 12ui. Address Tun Riuur Shut of Com.hctohs. Two Cdustouks, inuntbers of a certain church in the city, were appointed a eniiiuiilteo to col lect subscriptions to a certain amount. One of the men being ollicially notified of his appointment, hunted up his partner and told him what they were expected lo do. This last mentioned half of the committee stood aghast. "What are we to do about tho mat ter?"saidhe. "Vell, I'll tell you what I shall do I shall just go into the bank hero and draw a check for ruy half of the sum we are expected to raise." "Goodl I never thought of that I shall do the same," said the other, his countenance showing signs of relief. The pair went Into the bank and drew their checks for tho amount they wero expected to raise and the trouble was ull over. Savk tiiu Soai'sud.s. However deplo. ruble washing day may bo to the household- (and the careful house mistress or tidy maid has it in her power to greatly modify its (lis comforts,) to the garden it is a very beauti ful day. Our hungry and thirsty f grape vines auu nowers are giuu oi overy urop oi water, and will repay every bit of of fatigue it may cost to give them the fertilizer. It the sun is shining hot when wo goout to (lis peuse our favor, it is best tu dig a slight trench not far from the root ot the plant. and pour the water in it, and cover again with tho top soil, This makes the water go further, und at the same time docs not tempt the rootlets to the surfaoo of the cround. Duteie$ Farmer, , KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO. JilANUFACrUltr.KS OF PRINTING INKS. Bool: and News Black a Specialty, 135 North Thikd Struct, PHILADELPHIA, PA. o-o Our Inks are ot a surperlor quality, being mado from the best ingredients and under Uio peisonal supervision ot a practical printer and pressman, therefore wo will guarantee every pound of ink sola to boot It SUl'KIilOU JET 111.ACK, O.UICK DHV- NO.ANU ENTIUIXY 1'ltlX FOM SEPTING-OFF. Our prices are from no TO CO l'HIt CKNT. than any uther Inks manufactured Ui Iho United States. A trial of a sample keg will convince any pi Inter that hu has been pajlng nearly doub'o what ho Should for his Inks In times past, l'utupln kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. Address, KEYSTONK 1'ItlNTING INK CO., 135 NOKTII THIltD STREET, Jllty 19, 'Jli - l'MIUDflJUU, I'A. IS! A a . fEANKtllJ INSTITUTE PHItAS'A 1874-S5 iVEHICAMlHSTrrtlTr I ' HCWVORK IS75 ((eg rnmr JABsrYil KTSmuvmtwctiM ViSfl- ioii rJ, a COHANSLY GLASS MFG CO. MFR'S WINDOW GLASS, BOTTLES &C. PHIL A O CtH H I A April UJW jVEW STOCK OP CLOTHINU. AND Goutlomou'o Dxosb Goods. DAVID LOWKNItEUO Invites attention to his largoandeleKant stock Cheap ana Fashionable ClDtliii, at bis storo on; MAIN 8TI1HKT, IN Tlin NEW BLOCK, ULooMsnuuo, rA., whero bo has Just received from New York and Phil. adclphta a tult assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING, tncludlnif the most fashionable, durablo and' nuadsouie DRESS i&OQD'S, CONsISTINO OF IlOX SACK GRAND OPENING ! ELLAS MENDENIIALL HAVING resumed the business of Mcrclian dlselnc at his old storo, on JIA1N STJtUUT, llLOOMSHUllO, MEill TUB I'OIIIS HOTEL, Desires to call tho attention of his Friends and tho l'ublloHenerally.o his NHW, AND VAIIIKD STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits ashaio of public patronago HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF DHY (100DS, UltOCKIIIKS, QUKKNSWAlllf, WOODKNWAIIE, WILLOWWAltB, BOOTS A SHOES, HAItDWAIlK, TLOUlt AND FEED FltOOrT. AND OIL OLOTII, COATS AND PANTS, OFALLSOUTS SIZK3AND COLOUS, Ho has also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMEKBS, STItll'ED, FKIUIIED ANDirLAIN VESTS, 5 til UTS, CHAVATS SOCKS, COLLAflS, nANDKEUCHIEFS, GLOVES, '.SUSI'ENDEItS, FANCY AND ARTICLES. Prof. Marsh Is as good a judge of idols as he Is of army blankets. Mr. Ilarnunt re cently left a lot of Central American idols that he had used in ono of his shows with n New Haven merchant to sell, und Prof. Mursh bought them for $150, Mr, JJarn- uin, not knowing what had happened, met the Professor ouo day, nud said that he had a lot of idols for sale that cost, him $1,600, but "the fact is," said Mr. Itanium, "that, tho first day alter their arrival in iew J lav en, some fellow camo In ami offered the man in whose charge they were left $150 for the whole collection, und got them." 'I am tho fellow," said Prof, Marsh; nud he thinks the idols are worth far more than they cost the showman. Discouiuai'.D at Last, As a Cass ave nue car started norm yesterday u young man with long hair slicked back over promt nent ears, placed his hat on the seat beside, him and began singing "Captain Jinks." lie hud ended the first verse when the driver looked in und said : "You can't dug such songs on this car,' Tho young man put on hUliat,tralghtud up, aud niter a moment struck off on a very solemn hymn. At the end of the third Hue (he ilflvvr locked in and said i "You onii't sli'i? 011 thh crw vJ'ltt young syi as If to go out, but halted, t duwu and Iwuu, whittling a live jy alr keeping time on llio op yli Ills "Won't y stop that nolsof" slioutcil the driver, looking in for the third time. "Yes, I will i und J'U Kt oil" the cur, tu boot I" replied the mun, "I've tried ever) vy to please, but I seel huyupply thrown time away I Qintme back (beta 0 Wilts (" J)chvit Irce JYcv. llll CALIFORNIA. THE CHICAGO & NOIlTH-WlSTlUtX RAILWAY Embraces under ono management the Oreat Trunk Hallway Lines of tho WEST and NOIlTII.VEST,and, vv Itti Its numerous nrunehes and connections, tonns tho shortest and qulckett route between Chicago nnd ull points In Illinois, Wisconsin, .VUClllOAN, JVIINNhSiOTA, IOWA, iS LUHAsK A, ItllllOmia and tho Western Territories. Its Omaha and California B.lnc Is the shortest and best route for all points In north ern Illinois, Iowa, Dakota, .N'lbiiiska, Wjomlni;, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Cuitfornla, Oregon, China, .lujiau unu .Misiraua. jis Chicago, .llatlison Cl St. Paul Line Is tho short lino for Northern Wisconsin nnd Mlnno- houi, nuu ior .viuuison, hi. fain, Jiinneupoiis.uulutii, and all points tu the great Not th-vv est. Its IVliionu anil St. I'eter Line Is tho only route for Winona, Hochestcr, Owatcnua, .Mankato, Ht. I'eter, New I'ltu, and all points In toutheru and central JllnnciOla. Its Green Itay and .1Iai(iucttc Line Is tho only line for. fanesv Hie, Watertown, FondDu Lac, Oshkueh, Apple ton, tireen Bay, lcunaba, Ne gaunee, Marquette, Houghton, Hancock und the i,uikii superior ouuuiry. im Frecitort nnd Siibuque Line Is tho only routo for Elgin. Iiuekford. Freenort. and I Ull JIU.. VO .11. Ill VJWl 1. HO Chicago and IHiUvaiiUcc Line Is the old Lako Shore Iloutc. and Is tho only one Uiko Forest, Highland Ho has constantly on hand a large and wolt select ed assortment ot Cloths and Veatings, which ho Is prepared to make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and in tho best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear and most ot it Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, OF EVEilY DESCIUITION, 1'INE AND CHltAF. HIS CASE OF JEWELRY IS NOT SUHl'ABSED IN THIS PLACE. 'JALL AND EXAMINE IHS GENERAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. DAVID LO WEN BERG. July 1,'TS-tf. Home-Made Svuur. A recipo for syrup to take tho .place of molasses, whicli many dislike to use, is as follows : Take six quarts of sugar, add ttiree quarts of water nnd ono teaspoouful of salt ; dissolve over u slow firo until it becomes a syrup, which takes from three to four hours ; then put tho white oi one egg ijto a half a teacup of water, beat it to a froth: bring the syrup to it boil; hold the egg some distance above the ket tle and stir in slowly; skim oil" und strain through a cloth whilo warm, Cure must bo taken not to cook it too much us it will can dy. Still It must be cooked enough or it will have u raw taste. It is made very much ulcer by using part white uud part maple sugar. MONTOUR SLATE PAINTS. , passing through Kvanston, Laku l'oreht, Hlghl.i Strictly Pure White Lead Waukegan, ltaelne, KenosliatoSlliwaukee. MONTOUR WHITE LEAD MONTOUR METALI.C BROWN. I'litlnian 1'a'ato Cain All of which are guaranteed to bo ground lu PURE LINSEED OIL. SEXU J-OB HiUl'LE I'AIID AND 1'lllCE LIST, OIIATIS. HENRY S. RKAY, Sole Manufacturer. Rutiiut, I'A, Also, finely ground Bone Dust and com plete Bono Mun ure for sale in quantities to suit. May 5. Jil.-ly, COUNTER.PLATF0RM WAGON SJRACK (i OXs AGENTS WANTED-eX; SEND roi PIICE LIST MARVIN SAFE iSCALE CO. (265 BROADWAY N. Y. 121 CHESTNUT ST. PIIILA.PA. 108 BAN K ST.CLEV E .0. March 31, 70,-ly. THE TKlUaiPH TEUSS CO tiSTniUKPRlJ Swink IN I'ENS. Swine kept in pens dur ing the summer should have it chance to get at the earth, und be provided with u wutcr trough of sullicient sUe to ullow the hogs to wallow. Keep the pens sweet und clean, as on them depends much of the prosperity of the hogs, although they ure generally considered filthy animals. Vegetable mut ter should bo given daily. It is u good plan, when needing the garden, to throw pursluy, pig weeds etc., Into the pen, Cuurcoal uud forest leaves, ur fine cut straw, iuko u good deodorent and ulto.rV.ent for the s'y. Tut op Staui.ii Mani-uuIh lS)7a lav manure inude by 726 hoiwi bolouu lug to Die Vhiludolphltv .tveot u.u utahlet wus sold nt publiw m)q ut ftap.l $i tu $l(J per hurse. Borne lots old ut $15 per homo ut private rule. The uverage nuiouut pro. vVwl v,v a ll,jr"u I'"' yi'r was live tons. A lvil uf U wmtv us dellvrel from the stuWos lueiwurvd, idiuut vvvWysU cuhiu Inf. The allium! more fumillurly known its the potato bug has presented itself for cxaminu t,ion and axteirninaUon. PATENTS. l'ersonsdoseiing to take out l'atcnts, or (loslrlntr Information tiom tho UnlteU states Patent (mite, man cars lo .Missouri Valley Junction. mouiu consult r. A. l.EilsiANN.MuciTon ar Aiitut. can anu rOKSidM Taiiims, Wuslilngtoii, D. v. Ex aminations free. NO PATENT NO PAY. Kena for circular. Juno t, ,T0.-lm. OTICi: TO LADIES. 'Iho subscriber has taken tho Jlllltnery Storo formerly oeciii.lcil by i-uruhc'. Ale. oiumlnMreil, llloouisburg whero she U1 bu haimv to mi lur friends i uu the laities of the Counli teiierully. A W. II. HTKNNLTr, juii biMn oi Miuiuery uoikis on liaml ami at reivsona- uiciuiua, juim runny rituer, will uiteuil to trim. .7...' . KUIA KIJSTJilt. are run on all through trains of this road. This is tho only link runnitiL' tneso cars be. tvveen ChlcaL'o and St. 1'aul.ChlcaL'O ami Mllwautie. or Chicago and vvinoun. At umaua our bit'ouors loiiuccl Willi mo ovcriana sleepers on tho Hi Imi I'ncinc :tallroud lor all points west ot too .Missouri river. (in llio arrival of tlio trains from tho east or south the trains of tho Chicago a North-Western Hallway leave Chicago as follows f Oll COUNCIL llLUtrs, (IUA11A AND UAI.IFOIINIA, TWO tniougu trams uauy. wun I'liuuian naiaeuiirawing room uud sleeping cars throueh to Council Ulutls. Kok St 1'Ait.ANuiliNNKAi'ous, two through trains dally, with Pullman palace cars attached to both ir. ins. Kuu (jiickv hay am i.akk sci Eiuoii. two trams dully, wllh Pullman pahieo ears uttached, und run Ulug thiough to Mariiuette, luu MiLWAUKbv, four through trains dally, Pull man ears on night trains, parlur chair curs on day trains. Ion SrAiiTA anii Winona ntul points III Sllntiosota. onuthiougU truln dally, with Pullman slecpcistu IV IUOUU. inn iifutiqt'K, via l ueport, two through trains il.illy, with Pullman curs on night trains. l'ou Inuuiiee anu La t'no-jsi:, via Clinton, two through trains dally, with Pullman cms on night train tu Mc(lrt"'or. Iowa. l'ou kioux City and Yankton, two trains dally,Pull' .in tula io .umuuii ouiioy i,mii:ioii. Foil l.AKH (iKNEVA. fOUr IralllS llilll V, I'OH liOCKMlllU, Ml HI IMI, KKSUSIIA, JAKESVII I K, and olher potuls,v uu can hav e fi om two to ten trains dally. New York onico, No 15 llroadwayj lloston onicc, SbtutabUeet; Omaha unite, ii's Parnhuui btrret; Kau I'raiiclseo omee, ml .Montgomerj btnet: Chica go ticket unices t oi ( lark btieet, under Sherman House; corner Canal anil Madison bfreets; Kliilo Ntreet depot, corner W, Klntlo and canal Mrtets; Wells hlriet tU'jiOt, coiner Wells und Kliuito t-trtlts. for rules or li.formiitlon not attalnablu Irani jour homo ticket agents, uppl to Maiivin HlUUlTT, lien. huu'c.Uilcogo 1'tb. J.TC-ly (Jen, 1'a.vs. At t, Chicago, I? OR SALE! 400 ACRES OP COAL LAND ln WV. Cre.,)c kM. VW'Hjir Crttk Townslilps. lu Uoluitibla county, und on u itbT.ut i,,.,. nii,.j ,','.., liv i wl, t. t luA U well HmU-itd ana u lurgii wiu Of l'0i uoen on kitd tiroiicrtv. ' For uruvs and cundufuus ot tale, uaarwiioroail 1L ltnWNlKCl. AprUSll.-Wi, wuvtvusire, lit. "I )OAltniNO. h'l'ljo Jiubserlber Is now pieiunsl torveiho lioarders J.. ... .1... . .. . t . . . " ' I .. iivoci.i vuoii'uuiiiueiiiuiorts u a iijlvaioliuiue. Vi . ; T " "". j. ii. tvi.inur.ii. ilav i, ftt.-if. Itoailug cmk, Pa, giyuduyothome. Agents wanted. Outfit and LOUIS BBRNHARD, Dealer la BLQIW WATOUES.OI.OOKS, Silverware, AYtttcliCB and Jewelry IILOUMSUUIIU, PA, Ladles' and Qentlemeu's Odd and btlvtr Wdtohes. cl Amortosu and fortlu lannutacture. Silver nnd Plated Ware, Clocks. FINE .JKWEUIY, &0.( AO, REPAIRING AND KNGUAVJNQ l'coximtly Ksfcutt'ti. tx t.s.vv W VIKITINII CAIIIM, Mfl-I KU IIKAIIS, IIILLHKADH. llml'KliM II' All Neatly and Cheaply priutcd ut the Uoluin bixn uuice. No. 334 llovvery, NewY'otk, TO W IIOM WAS AWAIIDLD TH t'iti;.iiiti;.i Mi:Aii FOR TUB Best Elastic Trass and Snprler At the grmt A incrlcan luttltute Pair (SKhSION ISJ5.) C't'UE Kl lTlllKIN Fl.OM SO TO 91 DAVS, AND Ot FEIC tl.dfo kok a Case Tiiev Cannot ccmb. 1 hey employ a flist-elass Lady hurgeon. Teimn moderate, cuiisiiuiirantied. 1 he usual discounts to Patrons ot Husbandry. L'xiunliiutlons inn. orders Ulled by n ull. bi nd ten cents for Di bcrliillvo Hook, lo Dr. C. W. II. Itl'IINllASI. jiur. s, 'iiii-iy, ueneriu Kuiieriuienueiii. In connection with his stock of Sltrcnandlso ho consunlly keeps on hand In his yard. A FULL STOCK OV anil TJnflressefl AND SHINGLES OF HIS MANUFACTiME, Bill Lumber made n speciality.. CALL AND SEE. Oct.S,IS73-tf. BLOOMSBURG i , i 4 ( fffl'J MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GT7NTON, Proprietor, MAIN STItEKT, I1E1.0W MAI1KKT. Manufacturer of and Heater in all limit of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOBKS We uso tho best AMEKICAN and ITA II AN Mill tile. Ilo has on hand and furnishes to cdr MONUMENTS, TOM l$S, HEADSTONES, UllNS, VASES, Ac. Everv varletv ot Marble cutting neatly executed at the lowest market prices. A long juaeiicii expcriencf ami personal in icm iuii to business makes the proprietor contldent of giving satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly attended to. P. o. box ivi. CiSy-iV. II. II or delivered free of ciure."TjjH Aug. 21, '74-ly. T. I. OUNTON, Proprietor. NEW GOODS ! A HEAVY STOCK, GZioapcx than Evcrl S. 11, MILLER & SON Have Just, llcccivcd tho largest nnd host supply ot CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They have over offered to their friends and cus tomers. (jlotlis, Ossimeres, and Satinotts for MEN'S WEAK, Cloths, Alapacas, Mcriuos, for LADIES' WEAK, CALICOES, MUSLIN'S, UAMIilUCS, ntul every variety of Dry Goods desired, STOCK OP Carpoto, Mats, Ottomans, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GHOCERIES. InelndiiiB nil tlio varieties of COl'TEKS, TEAS and SUOAKS, COUNTHY PRODUCE, and a general supply of article? useful for the table always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken In cx change for Roods at cash prices. Oet.S0,'74-tt RAIL R.OAD TIMETABLES )1IILA1)EL1'11A AND HEADING KOAD AKKANGEMENT OP 1'ASSEiSUElt Til A INS. WAV tt, lSIo. TIIAINS 1.BAT11 lttTERT AS roI.IOWS (St'NPAYKXCKrTRD For Now. Vork, Philadelphia, Heading, Pottsvlllo Tninanun, c, 11,33 n. m l'or Catavv Issa, 11,33 u. in. and p. m. For Vlllliirasport,0,84 a. in. nnd 4,00 p. m. MAINS roil KUrKBT IXAV AS FOLLOWS, (SUNDAY XX cnrriti).) Leavo Now York, 8,4? a. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9,15 a. m. Leave Heading, 11,3 .n. m., Pottsvllle, 18,10 p. m and Tamaqua, 1,80 p. tn. Loavu Catavvlssa, 0,23 a. m. and 4,00 p. in. Leavo Willlamspurt ,12,00 m. and 5,00 p, m. Passengers i,d from New York and Phllado phla go througu u tthout change ot cars. J. H. WOOTTUN, Jan.U, HKl-tf. General Superintendent. N yyAlNWUIGHT & CO., WHOLESALE OHOCEHS, N. E. Corner Secondand Arch Strecis, PUILADKLl'lIIA, Dealers ln TBA8, SYltUPS, COrFEE, SUOAIt, MOLASSES RICK, SPICES, DICAHB SODA, 4C, C. MOrders will receive prompi attention. El.T-tf ROLLINS & HOLMES Important Gardeners AND Agriculturists! "EMPEROK WILLIAM" CAIIBAOE. The host, larRebt and most prolltnMu variety of v Inter eablpnge known In Lurope, and Imported to mil coiiiiiry OAeiuMvei.v iiv ui last spring, vv nere, vi Ith tho most ordinary cultivation. It ilouilslies as. tonlshlnifly, iittnlnlni; an eiionuoiisslzo nnd selling In llio iiintket at (irleis most trrallfjliji; to tho pro dueei. ln trnnsplantliu.'. irreat euro sliouhl lio taken to fctvo Milllcltnt space for crow I h. olld heads, tho sl7oof the moutliof n Hour barrel. Is tho uveraco run oi mis i oiuee vur er.v, unu imckaire or tne seei. sent post paid on receipt of 5 1 cents. Three pack n),TBiuuiitiuuuiuM,ti,uu, iougems taper ut and 4. tin e c cent stumps IfWIth each Packairo of eeeil wo Mind a sure remedy nk'nlnst tho ravat'csct tho esbhago lly or oiut-r peal, on jounfr auu tenner plants. MAMMOTH GOLIAII INDIAN CORN. Wo .Planted last snrln? on Loin' Island, a tinall unnl'lv (vvhli'll VVP ulitnlnprl ultli frrnnt. ilHlli'iiltvlnr luisKiKiiiiio; iiini ui jot vtry rare variety oi inuian on . in sn'ic hit. ov actual ineasurt'iiipiii. iiarro nolorltyof tho Malks stood frcm IS to 10 lectin height, nnd sllll prow In", with from 1 to 5 enormous ai s or coi n growing 011 almost cv cry stalk. The 5 leld vv as at Hie rate of 200 bushels of earcorn per acre, while the fodder crop was Immense und of IIIU ipiuuij Wo could have sold the entire cronforn hlernrlce to a New York seedsman, but deelliiod to do so. ure. ferrlm; to keep the crop for tho accommodation of 0111 nuineious country pntions, vho will nnd It to lutiriiueresis 10 secure at least a tmau selection or this rare variety for the coming spring planting. Lit a agilculturlsls. who believe In "i'UciiiiiN(i"ivIih 11 small 1'i.oenn cultlva'ors nro poor things,) both wnj s between tho row s vv III be astounded by the re sult. Wo will bend by mall to nny address 1 package oil rt'ct'ijiL 01 o reins uuu t unco cent hiiuops, or liucKimes on icociui, 01 i unu iiireo cent siamus. tefoursumilv Is limited. Parties dL'sliliur to se cure either ot the nbove raro seeds bhould not aelay tneir orueis. ah seou som uy us vvurranteu iresu and to geiintnatu No goods sent o. o. 11. Cash must nceomrany all eiders, l'or either ot above toeus auuress -i:li. olaiie s co., 1'eblS-Cm. 224 East U3th St., N. Y. on and after November 20th, 1SI3, trains will leavo SUNHUUY as follows! KOUTIIWAHD. Erie Jfall ts.2t it. in,, arrlvelllmlra 11. Mi a. in " Caiiandalgsa... 3.85p.m Hochestcr s.10 " Magura 0 40 " Itenovo accommodallonll.ioa. id. arrtvo Williams rt p. in. Elmlra -Ma 4.16 n. tn., urrtro Etmlra 10.20 a, m. Buffalo Express 7.15 a. ni. arrlv 0 Iiutfalo 8.50 a. in. SOUTIIWAHD. Dunalo Express .to a. m. arrlv e llarrlsburg 4.M a. m " liatllmorcs.40 " Elmlra Hall 11.13 a. in., arrlvo llarrlsburg 1.60 p. m " Washington " llalllmoro 0.30 " " Washington S.S0 " Harrtsburg uccoinmodatlon 8.40 p.m. arrlvo Harris burg l,so p. tn. arrlvo Haltlmoro 2.23 n. m " Washington 0.13 " Erto Hall 12.53 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg a. m. " Haltlincro8.l0 " " Washington 10.C3 " All dally except Sunday. r. M. HO YD, Jr., tlcncral Pabsengcr Agent A. J. CASS ATT, fleueral .Manager No. 17 Centro Stro Plmiita Gas anil Sifiam Fitters MANUI'ACTUHEIIS OF JL? X 1ST XKT -A. Hrl E3 UALVANIZCn IltON' COHNICE, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wiro Trellises. Ac. Dealers in Stoves, KaiiL' es, I'urnaees, Daltimoro Heaters, Low Dawn Urates, Mutitcls, l'UJIl'K, Weatlicr strips, tVC. . ISO GAS FIXTURES of the Intent rtrsten. Special attention nald lo re pairing tcn mg .Mat hints cf every dcsctlptlon.sculei, l.i i ts. 1:111 ihiinMiM- KivHttliiL-. Ac. I'liruto Itesl- deuces Hented byl-teamnt itsuiull cest above Hot .tir, rcu. xo, n. pELIClt Verbatim lloportiug. TKItMS: Actual travellhg-, boarding., anil other enses; live uouu I ten cents n foil out Into long hand expenses; live dollurs a besslun, for tnklngtho report! 1111 1 ten ceuisn 10110, ( nunuieu worus, ) tor writing Whero the matter renorted In ono duv eiiuals or exceeds lifty folios, the feo will bo reuiltu ed, and thu transcribing Into loiig-hund cliargeil ut lilti-en cents a folio; but, 'n till such roses, If fewer than hfty folios aro purchased, tho tiro dullais will bo charged. Address, H. '. walker, A. JI. , Coitrl-stenff,'. nipher, liloomsburg, ColumbU couuty, peuusjlvu 11U. IteFldencc. Iron tticct, Letween Thlnl nnd fouitn. Olllce. With E. E. Orv U, Esij. , Columblan-hi lid. Ing; cutriinco.oppoilto tho east gate to tho court house uid, in tt Moor, llrst doorto right, onice-hour, frouCtvvelvo to one o'clock. eb 18, lS70-ly Tlio Tii Street Indicator. THIS WEEK'S ISSUE SENT Kit EE. Contulns Plctoilal lllustiatlona of Dulls und Hears. Also, full ur.d complete Inslruetloiis how to oinruta iu oiuths unu riutK rrivneL'CM. caoiiai 11 iinn. sugge&tious. Also, a list UJUUS, st u iirb .aiuuuiti i reuiiuiiis ui "Send for It." IIL'CKVV ALTKlt CO.. llillit.n anil tlrr,Vr,ra 1'. o, Hox 4JIT. 10 WU bt,,Xtv ork City, Mar, II, Tt.-ly ' TTOTKL'rO L1C T'lTTu Hotdlln Oram VSE. Jan I.H-tf. Oranirovllle, Columbia cotitty.Pn. Atpy.iit-law, John Hnj' to Ui lot for the ; t ur U-eu.r.uTAr-lu lilooiiturg, )v HOMEOPATHIC FAMILY MEDICINE CASES. And books tivlng plult und contisu dUrilkvai for Ihilr uso u if, 1110 a imVM.lty in every uwuwnoM: for often w ill iitiiuvlr doseot liictllciuv ! oil a rVlli - liril l k'tlil'H. vnsrs HOKUK-K TAPI-.I,143 volk. will euHii lututOL'uu dtbtrlli i ics uii mm h, 10 uii) au.irehs 011 rotetpi 1 1 hsIuiiii: '1'U';1h is the oldest estubllsliuirnt of Its Und 11 Ajir 14-sw. REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. AMMONIATKI) SUl'IiH PHOSI'IIATE, Circulars and analysts mulled free on application. l'or solo by DealerH gtin rally, and by tho Importers liliUiuuuuiiaiuiriB, JOSIAJI J.AI 3.1 N'S Mlfi, No, -1, South Delaware Ave, l'liilailclilil AGENTS. MttiCe no engayemenla tilt you- tee our NEW BOOK, 'Which In thrilling Interest, fterllng merit, cleganco und cheapness, hus absolutely uu tipial, It Is "Tut; Tiiixu" fur tlio centennial pei 1011 tuxes on sight. Thu "North American ltovlovv'siiB Itls'-doserv. Ing of umiualinid praise 1 wo anticipate f r It an ex tensive nonularltv 1" tho -Hubuiiuu 'limes" savs. "Just such u worlc as thousands ot the American neopio win tw giaa to possess r tne -iietroit Adver tissr cans it -preicmuiu tu uur ) et puousnea." An; tietlvo man or woman of good address insured larg Prunti and steady work fur a year, l'or full narllcu. IUIB UUUIWI API 11 14 U VV, w. j.. rum, a VI Park Place, N, V, SILVER rjCATED WARE Electro-Plated Tablo Waro, AND Ornamental Ait lfjork IN OHEAT VAHIETV, MANUl'ACTUllEl) UY THE 5 o 0 15 r 0 tul way, New York 'I ho best Plated ypoons and Porks aro those MIv Plat id heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and beating tho Trade Hark. IS 17 ItOGERS IIUOTHEHS XII. Jv. n.- This gteot liapiovement lu Sllver-PIatei .spoons and I'oiks Is uiiplled nllko tocachgrado Plate, A 1, s and 12 ot., as ordered. The 1-rocess nnd Machinery for maiiufactuilug these goods aro Pat cnled. 'I ho Extra or '-Munilnrd Plato" mado by this Company Is stainpul A 1, simply, and Is plated percent, heavier than tho ordinary market stand- iird. !"I'lrst Premiums awarded nt a'l Pairs whero exhibited, firm World's Fair of 1S52 to Amtrlcan Institute Pair, 1S73, Inclusive. March 10, ';c.-om. Awiiriltil the I Ugliest McJal at Vienna. OKTilKllN COMPANY. UJCNTKAL UAILWAY 'ENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. l'lillailclplihi cV l'.rio !'.. 11. Division. SUMJIEU TIME TAIiLE. ON nnd after SUNDAY, APK. 23, 187G, thu trains on tho Plilladelnlila l.ila Hull I)h hlon will run us follows : wimrwAiiD. '.HIEEXPUESSleaves New York " ' Philadelphia " " i;.iltln:o:o " " llurrlslmrg " arr. at Wllltanispurt " Lock Hit ell " " Erie EKIE MAIL leaves New York I hlludelphla " " Ilulthnoie ' " Hurrlsnurg " " Wllllamsport " " Ixick Haven " " Henovo " nrr. at EHe , ... 0 2,1 n. nt ...12.5.1 p. m ... 1.2U p. ni .. 5.011 p. Ill .. s.f.iv p. Ill ..10.30 p. 111 ...10 us a. m .... 8.25). m ....11.65 p. in .. ti.lo p. ni .. 4.2511. tn .. S.ll.'ill. Ill .. ti.ion. in .. lo.f.s a. 111 .... 7. 0 p. m MAiiAiiA. KM'iiKs-s leaves Philadelphia.. 7.20 a. nt " " " Haltlmoro 7.30 n. m " ". " Harrlsburg. ...10.15 u. lit ' " nrr. at Wllll.nniiiort.. l.sip. 111 " " " l,ock Haven... 8.15 p. ut " " " HeiioTo 4.15 p. in " " " Kane 8.45 p. m " ' " Haffalo ...... . ukk uaves accom. leaves Philadelphia 8.01 a. in liiilthnore.. " Harrlsburg nrr. at v Illlam-iport . Lock Havtu... SUNDAY EXPHEsS leaves New York " Philadelphia... ' llnltliuurc " Harrlsburg. ... arr. at V llllamsport.. , s 30 a. m , 1 2-i p. m . .lo p, m . 7.30 p. in .. R.25 p. Ill ..II 55 p. Ill .. 9.10 p. lu . 4.10 u. Ill ... 7.4 J a. Ill KASTWAUD. PHIL'A EXVItESS leaves E1I0 7.00 p.m ' " " Lock Haven... . ii.soti. m " " " Wllllamsport 7.55 a. m " " urrlVLSat llarilsburg 1140 a. ,11 " " " Halttinore c.25 p. ru " " " Philadelphia 3.:'o p. in " " " New York 6.45 p. m PAY EXPHESS E.&H.T. AKTHONY & CO., C!)l, Jlroadway, New York, (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) JlANlTACTtllHtS, iMfOKllKS ANU HEALTHS IN CllltOMOS AND FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, LIHJMS, On.YI'IlOSCOPKS & SUlTAliLE VIEWS. PMortic Materials. We are headquarters foreverjthlngln the way of Storcopticons and Magic Lanterns, 1 Icing Mitnufaetuiei s ot tho M I CltO-SCI KNTl FI 0 LA NTEHN, STEHKO-l'ANOl'TICON, UNIVKHS1TY STEltEOITICON, ADVKHTISEU'SSTEUKOI'TICON, AHTOI'TICON', SCHOOL LANTEItN, FAMILY LANTEHN I'EOl'I.K'iSLANTiatN, Each blvlo Lilng the best of Its (lass In the inn r lit t. Catalogues of Lunlei 11s und KlUku, with directions for using, sent on uppllc.itiou. Any tnterprlslng man can mako money with a Miiglo l.anli 1 u. Eirf-Cut out this ndrtitlfeincnt for refer enct'J'&3 I'eb. ls,'7il-7in ft AN ACTUAL lll'PINit-S INHlU'llON AND TELEUHAPHIO N8TITUTE. For Inform alien tall at otrce, cr tend for Collk ADTianavm. JunoD-ly 11111 I-AI-UC is on m.i; WITU ROWELL & HESMAN . Advertising' V- Agonts, THIRP& CHESTNUT STS., ST. LOUIS, Md y A LUA I1LK 1'llOI'EKTY PHIVATE BALE. Tho subscriber will olTer at private sale TIlltEE TOWN LOTS 1 tn tiiu town tf ugui ireer, Columbia eotimy Tho 'IVi ms inudu easy for iiurtljuseni, J. II. It KIM, r 111 tuu town ti ugut career, Columbia county The Orantl St.. New J nniiioVMiiefiU eouslstof a two-story fmino houso, lni thi dlhi?i 1 1 f I'l'i'ecehsary oiitbulldliigs. a blniksuuth hhop'und .IJglitKtmet, April ll-Sm. THE "MOODY SHIRT." MADE TO ORDEK ONLY. A PEItl-KOT FIT (1U AltANTEEI). Ocntleint n desiring Slilits will pleoso drop us a list Md 1 our Ak-eut vv 111 toll und gtt the meuiutvuTent. Ageut vvl v wo. ks 1 Adimsi . March 10, ic-ly l-aciory No. M LaUltwiUiiiu Aveuua. uu. P. O. MOODY, bcronton, Pa. i:os ron HATCHING. HUFF COCUINS ONLY. ji(florlVV ,ltrM1IUi'a "oUU Prll wlnulng (train, MarilUT,177il-3m.' A. ll.MIAIIPI.EHH, Catuw Issa, Pa. BLANK NOTIH,wita orwlthout eauuptloi leaves Kane 6.00 a. m nenovo 111.10 a. m " " " IaicI: il.tven 11. on, lit " " " Wllllamsport. ...12 40 p. in " " arr. at Harrlsburg 4.10 p. 111 " " " Phllud.-Uilila 7.20 p. ni ' " . " New York 10 15 p. ill " " " lialtlmoio .. i.:b p. m " " " Washington, 0.02 p. 111 EHIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a. m " " " Itenovo s.55 p. m " " " lAK-k Haven le.osp. m " " " Wllllamsport 11.15 p.m ' " arr. at H trilsburg 2.45 u. m " " " Hiiltlmore 7.S5 a m " " " 1'lilladilnlil.i Loon. m " " " Newtork 10.10 a. m FAST LINE leaves Wllllafnsport 12.35 a. in " " arr. at lliirilsliurg 3.r5a. 111 ' ll.iltlinoie 7.3ft a In ' 1'hll.ulelplil.i 7.35 a. in ' " " New York lu.25 u. 111 SUNDAY EXPRESS leaves'poit.. ' " nrr. at Harrlsburg 11.41111,111 " " " PhliadclphtJ.. . 3.30 p. m " " " NewYoik 0.4511. ni ' " " H.lKllllOlll 7.35 p. i.l El 1ft Mall West. Niagara Express Webt.Ixjck lUv en Aceiiin. West and Hay Ei less East make close con nect Ion nt with I.. & 11. It. II. tiulns for Wllkes-llarrouud fceraiiton. Erin .Mall West, Nlugaru Expiess West. Erie Epiess West unit lock Haven Accommodation West make eloso conneetcn at Wllllamsport wltu N. C. K. W. tiulnsiioilh. Erin Mall West, Nlagn a Express West, and Day Express East make closu connection ut Lock Haven Willi II. E. V, It, 11. truths. Kilu Mull East and West connect nt Erie with ttaliisou I.. s.AM, H. It. nt coirv with o c.&A. V. It It. ut Einiioilum with II. N. . Si P. It. It. and ut Dilllwood with A V. It. It. Pallor Curs will inn between Philadelphia nnd Wllllamsiint on Niagara Expiess West, Eilo Ex press West, Phltuuiliilila Express East Hay Exrnss East Sunday llxpiess East, bleepliig Cars on all night trains. WM. A. BALDWIN, Deo. 17,'75-tf General Supt. AND TiKLAWAHE, LACKAWANNA XJ WESI'EU.N KAlLltOAI). IiLOOMSltUUC DIVISION. Tlino-Tublo No. an, Takes effect at 4:20 A. M MONDAY', NOVE.MIIEIt 21 1S75. NOUTII, I STATIONS. p.m. p.m. 8 05 8 In 7 55 7 4G 7 41 7 33 7 27 7 V2 7 19 7 15 7 15 7 (7 3 tS 3 SI 3 V) 3 42 3 81 3 3J 3 27 3 23 .1 III 3 17 3 17 3 12 7 03 II 0'J II M H 04 0 51 3 1 (i 45 2 M C 30 2 42 li 15 2 31 C V) 2 25 6 02 2 U & f.f, 2 13 & bi 2 1U 6 4S 2 10 5 40 1 M 5 34 1 13 S 2S 1 4S 0 23 1 41 5 20 1 4U 5 13 1 25 4 15 1 lu 4 60 1 13 t .'15 1 l-l p.m. p.m. 0 4S' V 43 tl 3a 0 31 0 25 0 2U y 15 a 11 0 07 O 05 0 15 S 59 H M 8 M S 4S 8 41 S 30 S 111 8 14 8 OS 8 2 7 t8 7 64 7 40; 7 40 7 S51 s'nnnton lit lift i-.u Taj lorv llio.... .i.atKavv,-.iii.a.... MtlMon 10 tu SOUTH, a.m. p m. p. in. ti is 2 vu 0 2.1 0 4S 2 2,l 0 so U t3 2 31 I, 35 til III 2 3S 0 43 Wesll'lttston W.VOIIIIUg .MalltiJ.... Hi Illicit Kingston Kingston .... ..I'll mouth .tune..1 ....i'ij mouth .... Avuntlule ... Nuntteoke .Iltinlnik's- rule. . -H1I1 kslilniiy.,., ....lllek's 1'eiry... ....Ecndi 1 1 men... Hcrwlek .... Hilar creek ...Willow drove.... 1-1 iiiti IMilge r.spy ...Hlodinsburg ltutiert 7 8ii;cutavv Issa III Idge, 7 Ml.. Chllk'S Klvltlh.. 10 11 1,1 10 111 i0 10 23 HI 27 10 27 10 32 10 35 1U 40 ! 41 10 62 11 G II 17 II 23 11 31 11 I'd 11 tu 11 43 11 61 11 67 U 2 12 07 2 41 2 62 2 6S 3 14 3 17 8 111 II 17 3 .2 3 27 8 82 3 U 3 4S 4 Kl ('. & 0 6.1 7 01 7 10 7 11 7 13 7 25 7 35 7 4U 7 48 7 63 8 (S 8 25 7 11 7 04 7 II U 45 a. 111 1mm llio chiilnsky Camel on .Northumberland. 4 15 8 45 4 21 8 Co 4 :i 11 es 4 37 0 61) 4 41 0 65 4 40 7 (8 4 6i 7 20 5 '2 7 40 6 18 7 4.1 6 14 7 62 12 10 0 20 8 CO 12 25 6 88 S 25 19 32 6 47 8 40 12 30 5 62 8 47 12 61 0 10 II r , , . p.m. p.m. n.m. , . 11.v1.01 r.Ali, bllpl, superintendent s Olllto, fctrunton, Etc. 10, 1K6. 3?.I3STTI3STt3-, GLAZING AND PAPERING. WnS"- ,o0WP:' ?ron Slrect Mow sec kinds ot ' lll00"liuurt'-'''l-.'8Irvpai'td to do ul PAINTING, GLAZING, nml TA n.It HANGINGS notice. U" Bt5rl6'' 8t lowttt '". " aunart ciffingS0' Buchwwk to"" lllsuTe money bouffi'1CWarraliU'd,0:,TO WW,. (racri. WM. P. IlODINIJ. llarcli t,n 1 jr