5r wimmji THE COLUMBIAN. !, 0 0 MS II II ltd. 11111. ., Y, JIIM: u, S;o Hall llond Tlmo Tnuto. LACKAWANNA A: II1.00.MS1IUW1 11AIM10A1) NOHTII, 6.45 A i M. Accommodation Train, Mall Train , llxprcss Train i! 80UTH, 7.40 A. to. t: S 1'. M 11.61 A. M 7.10 A. Jt 1.M I'. M. 6.31 V, M, CATAWI8HA UAH, 110AI). Nonril. KotTH Accommodation Train 0.29 A. M. 7,bo p. jj. Itefjiilar Ilxpress 3,M P. M, h,m A. 11. Through cars on Kxpn-u train either to New York or I'hlUdelphta. Accommodation train runs between (.'.itawlssa nn,l Wllllamiport. A new poft tillico 1ms lieen ertnlilislieil in this county nt HellervHIc. M. V. JWur litis roinovcil liislnuiiilry to Third street, seetitul door nliovo Center, wliero lio Is prepared to do bolter work tlmn ever. A fosllvnl will lio held In the Opera IfnuTe to nlgut and tomorrow nifilit for tho benefit of the l'lillolofjian Literary Society . l'hillpa, tho uptown grocer, has erected n bulletin board nt the front of his store, on which papers by cntiVee tho names of bomn of tho good thing', iio tins to pell. The Iron fence In fiontof the lots of Col. Freeze ami A. J. Kvnns on Third Slreet was made by llnnnin & lla3crt. It shows what these gentlemen can do, Itev. John Hewitt, late of Illoom-bitrg, has nceepud a call to .St. Peter's Episcopal church, lliiilcton, and will enter upon his duties nt The Church of Christ, or Christian Church, in ltloonnbiirg, width has heretofore been meet lot; in the Opera House, has .vcurcil the iisU of thu Welsh llaptist Chinch on Hock street, cast of Iron, and will hereafter meet at that place. Mr. C. M. Drinker, In the Opera House build ing, Centre slreet, has displayed rare ability in tho tnamiTactiirc of fine fishing rods. Fisher men Mho ari- worthy of the name would do well to obtain his services. There nmt bo too much Centennial some where. The early morning ilinil las not reached heie once this Meek nt the proper time, much to thu inconvenience of every body, lletter invito tho Postmaster General down this way. A I!io TitotST. We are informed that T. I!. Apilcman recently caught a trout in the Fish ing creek that measured 19 inches in length, 10 incites in circumference, and weighed -12 ounces. Xo man on the Fishing creek ever beat thai, unless it was John J. McIIcnry. Ckuki.ty to Animals. We nro told that some one of our citirens lias turned a horse loose upon the streets because it Is not able to work any longer. We trust ibis is not so ; but if so, the Council should take proper action. It is neither law nor justice. All persons using the American Movable Frame Jicu Hive in Columbia county, without the right, had better call on I). A. Creasy at llloonwliurg and pay for use of Kimc, or they v 1 1 1 be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Tho annual statctmnts of (lrcenood town ship uud school district will be found in an other column. liut few districts arc complying with the law, and that all may understand their duty we lepublish the Act of Assembly on that subject. The circus on Tuesday did not succeed in drawing a largo irod. Thtir street parade consUtcd of a band wagon drawn by six horses and just l.ihind it Mas an ore wagon loaded with coal, but wc are not certain that that was part of the procession. The performance is re- porkd as bung good. i"Flags of ail Nations (irand Maich," by H Mack, a brilliant, pleasing composition, and a' finely illustrated tille page containing the Hags of thirty-six nations. Kvery one should have a copy, Mailed (post paid) for SO cents by Win. H. lloner A Co., llOU Chestnut street, Phila. I'osTl-ONXMll.vr. Whereas the Father of Mercies suit us uuded showers of lain on the 3d Inst., for which we arc most grateful, though it defeated the Church Festival, mo invite the generous public to another Church Festival at Asbury next Saturday afternoon and night,June loth, II. S. Mknmixiiai.i., Pastor M. K. Church, On Monday evening last a nucling Mas held in the Lutheran Church for the purpose of oi ganiing n Young Mens Chrisliuy Associalioji. There not being ti nill'icicnt representation of tho bcvciul chinches in town, the meeting was ndjourncd until next Sunday afternoon, when n praytr nucling Mill be held at n placu to bo designated by the committee. Messrs Crawford Kesty and Witman are the commitlic. It is hoped that the attendance will bo sullicieut to complete tho organization at that lime. Cual Mine on fire twenty-Mr mule rmntktnil. Tho Diamond mine of thu Delaware, Iukawan na & Western Kiillro.nl Companp of Scrnuton, has had a narrow escape, from a serious and costly conllagration, similar to tlint v liicli ivoik cd such havoc two years ago ic the Kmpiio shaft at Wilkcs-ltane. The lire broko out dur ing TnesdayNiiglit in the engine-room, which is situated some thirty feet from the foot of the shaft, and Mas discovered in lime, but not until a large nirfnco of coal was on fire. Very prompt work willi Iho pumps subdued the firo in a few hours, but twenty-six valuable mules, which Mere stabled in the mine, siid'ocaled by the smoke and sulphur. Luzernt Union. J'ire iicur JIughetcille. Thursday afternoon, about half past twelve o'clock, the barn belong ing to IJIlis Ar'.ley, near llughesville, on the load leading lo Muncy, was burned to the ground, i iiud, sad to relale,a four-year old daugh ter of Mr. Arlley Mas burned to a crisp. The little girl anil some other children, it is alleged, were playing with matches in the bam, and to this act is attributed the tire. Tho child, when found, was about foity jards from tho barn, and it is supposed that it ran that distance, enveloped in Ihime, and fell, to die an agonizing death. Tho horses in Ihe barn at Ihe time of the liio were rescued. What amount of grain, etc., was destroyed has not been learned. (lazelleil Rid .Ulin. MIOOTl.N.1 AIT11AY, On Tuesday night last our usually quiet town as started by tho repent that u man hud beon fchot at thu Ccntinl Hotel. On iuipiiry Ihu following facts were asceilained. 0. H. .Millick Mho has bicn absent from homo for somo tlmo returned on Tuesday morning. In Iho nfitinoon ho got into an altercation with Milton Charles wliicli ended in n bcullle. Af- Iter Ihey had kcpnralcd Melliek went to tho 'Central Hotel and sat down in tho miIuoii, whore !ho had been but thort time when Charles riuiflu'..iliew a nlstol. and fired, It issaid that ho mined nt Mclllek's head, but by throw iug Iho body lo one siilu mid initing his nrui, Iho bullctwuH received In thu right wrist, go ing tluir through, and dropping on thu floor, Chnrles then went out and delivered himself to Kn. lliower, ni)ing that ho had shot a man but did not know whether lio had killed hi in or not, At tho miiiiii lime, ho hnnded over Iho pistol to Ihu jiislieu, Chillies vvns bound over for u hearing. Wo understand thut Mel lick is not ttrlously injured. His wound was tlicmil by l)r, Milvelvy, mid ho remained about till tit evening, Ou tdnttclay mora li lift for Philiidelpliift, Cowl) at LAn.tlB.-a A. Town Ordlnanco very properly reslrlclj fcatllo from running at largo ' night. H 1, constantly violated, and on last Saturday bight, nbcul midnight, two cows broko Into n citl.eh'ii garden, destroyed tho herbage, and ruined somo vnluablo fruit trees and ever greens. Of courso they could have been im pounded, could have been shot, or tho owners mado to pay damages. Hut tho poor beasts w cro not to blame Iho owners were, and wo hciu glvo notice to Iho property owners that Ihey had belter piit Improving iheir giouirls unless initio owners keep their stock at homo hit-liU -or lo tho Town Council to repeal their ordinance. UVirii is Me mntttr tilth Freeman t In tho last Issue of the Cbmrl appears thu following i 7b our Oilumbia On. Uichange. A few weeks ago-Me mado mention of thu' discovery of lliu J , , " lni1" '" ',JP ShmiucIimiiiii, near Iho Columbia dam. W gathered tho facts from nn exchange, but have forgotten which. This week wo n ro In receipt of a letter from Plvmoulh.ask ing for further Infiirrratlnn. Our correspondent says n man nnmed Dennis Moran left his Immu In Plymouth on tho third of April. He went away In search of employment, nnd nothing has been heard from lit,,, -ft,,., trn lCi ,. ...tr. I tvvo children, ho nro very anxious to learn ol bis fate. Our exchanges! will confer n favor by giving n description of tho man found at tho dam. Tho papers stated tlint ho was 40 vonr-t old, and was buried in Potter's Field. Word sent to .1. F. Ilnllnol? 1 i .,....., I. i .:.,.. deceased, would gieatly relieve a distressed f.im- Now there is no d.im on ihu Susquehanna In Columbia county. Perlinm iho Omrl mean the Columbia dam in Imcniter county? Terrible Accident to a tfunbvry Ijady.On Monday evening between snml f, n'i'inelc. Mra. Hoffman, living on Chestnut s-ticol.ln this place, was Detained nt tho corner uf Chestnut nnd Third streets by n freight tra.ln p.-isijlng down tho road. When tho lnt ear luiiwai. sho Klnrleil across tho track, not noticing an inline that was backing up on the east track, wh ieh struck her, knocking her dowi. and nnrllv nl.tlm track, but one of her limbs was caught und,rtlic wheels and mangled in such a manner be low the knee that immediate amputation was neci sarv. The operation was performed by Dr. Chi w. M. Mar tin, nssinted by Dr. Fred. I,. Ilaupt. Tbo vion der is that she was not killed. She- tood tho operation courageously for a ladv of Jmt aL'e. being about CO years old, Theaccideiit .sent a thrill of horror through the wholo comjounity. Sho is tho mother of Mr. Geo. Hoffman-, now a clerk in the Treasury Dennrtinent. wlm ut. for. innately in town when the accident happe. let!. ouumiry Daily. Oiianokvim.i:, May 29th, 187(5, Jfesfm. J'Mitnrjt . lty ll litnn of .1,, Ilrt which 1 observed in your last week's issue I nm inclined to think that school boards are legally compelled to publish their accounts and finan cial statement in at least two newspapers of tl'ie County, besides ten or more written or printe 'i hand hills ti,stiil nt. In dm mn.t r.r.un;n.w... places ill the district. I consulted bupt. Snyder, who said cither is sufficient, but tho board is not compelled to do doth. Is he right, or Hie ISellefontu Republican, from which you copied said article? 1 ieao mtorm me in your next week's issue, and oblige A DlRCCTOlt. Tho Republican is right. It is necessary to publish the statements of school districts on the first Monday in June in the papers, and in addi tion, to put up hand bills. The following Act, approves! April 21lh, 1S74, is very plain. We have published it before, but insert it again for tho benefit of our readers : iAr ACT To authorize nnd require, the auditor to publinh an annual xtatemcnl of ihe receipts and irpenditurea ij road commi-immcr, uiperrimi , mmcers r, the poor, and school director of the mrral town rltipi and borough, within IhU Commonwealth, ami lo designate a day to audit, settle and udjuat township and borough account. hlXTION I. Re it enacted, Ac, That the audi tors o( the several townships and boroughs within tins Commonwealth shall meet annually on the first Monday of June, and oftener, if nec essary, and shall audit, settle and adjust tlic ac counts of thu supervisors, road commissioners, . i t i... t. .....1 V,.. ' "uiium, L.iii tfii, mm onviisuip treasurers, as liny by law bo referred to them. Krr-rWlV 1. Tli.tt (In, nii.tltnrj nf ,l.n u....nK..l townships and boroughs within this Common wealth are hereby authorized and required to lllllllUll. IV IHIstOktr ll'IMlllillla l.ltlmr (..I,,,,.,! .... written, in at least five public' places within the respective lownsiiips or oorougns, nn iteunze'd annual statement of Ihu receipts and exne.idi lures of the borough councils, road commission ers. Sllocrvisors. overseers nf tlir, itr.. nn.l cili,,l directors for the year preceding the annual set- uimtiii iur uieir respective districts; sain Hand bills to be noHtll within fen diivu nTtor unnl, u,tt tlement; and further, it shall be the duty of said auditors to liio a copy of the same wilh thu town cleik in their respective districts, and also with the clerl: of tlm ruiirr of innrlnr c,,i.in which shall be at all limes subject to inspection by any citizen thereof; Prodded, That where any two of said ollices shall be exercised by tho samu per.ons only 0110 statement shall bo re quired : Also proeided, That nothimi in this act ib,iui,o,f nut (i, tuitrijiic mill me pecseni taw itoci rtijuin annual statitnent of the receipt and expenditures of Ac borough iouncil. road commis sioner, mwcrrisor. otcrseer of the noor ami xi-h,,,,!. ilirectur to he. rutin ; tl. ,,,,7 ,,,; neuspapcr pnblishtd in Ihe respective loculitie. Si;e-nn.N a. In ca-e of neglect or lefusal to COtlllltv Willi flu. tkrni-itt,.,a ..t'tl.t .. tl... n...ll. j- . .. w - v.. .... uiv itttur tors so neglecting or rclu-ing shall each pay a penalty 01 twciiij noiiars, to ue recovercil in the same manner as debts of similar amount aro by law recoverable, liv unit itiwtilnto,1 in ,l,n ,',., of the sciiotd district upon thu complaint of any t:i.-raviiig citizen 01 uie same, ami tne proceeds thereof to bo oaiil into the srhnnl trt.iisnrv it said district. SlxrrlnX t. All nets nr linrfa nf nrta itw.nnLiu. tent herewith are hereby repealed. cou.NX'ii. i'i:oci;i:iiiN(!S. A regular meeting of the Town Council was held at the Council room on the evening of Juno 7th. Present, Councilmcn Drinker, Il.igenbuch, Jones, Knorr, Holmes and Klwell, In Iho lib sencu of tho President, Vice President Drinker presided. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. A number of petition! were present ed and ordered filed. Ordered that a crossing be laid at Third and Jcllerfon streets. Secretary ordered to draw an order, in favor of Turnback it Hess, for $2.00 for fixing firo engine. Also 0110 fur S7"(25to liloomsburg (ias Company for street lamps, mouth of May, Also outers for work on roads, Ac., as per Slreet Commissioner's rcporl,amouul- ing loS21ti.!)l. CominltUo 011 pink reported a I plan for laying out park. President Lowenberg reported that he had rented a pound for the en suing year at $10, Heport adopted. Thu ratu of taxation for the built-up portion was fixed at leu lAllls 011 the dollar. A icsolulion was passed allowing tho pave ments on Iron stieet which were laid 011 the curb by mistake to remain where Ihey aru until another pavement i laid, Ordered that across lug be put across tho head of Marke t street, Or dered that Iho lamp post near tho Forks bo moved to tho north side of Second slreet, Also ihat owners 011 Fourth sheet, from Market lo Jclleisou stieet, be notified that tho line of their gwdu will lie thangid, ml thai 11 lu-aring will be held on Tuinlay, the 13th lust., at 1 o'clock p. in., at Iho Council room. A committcu con sisting of Klwell, Holmes and Hagenbuch Mas appointed lo consult with tho propc- patties concerning grndiiig and paving along thu old Lutheran cemetery 011 Center street. On motion ordered that owners nn First, fioni Market to West, and on West, from First to Second, ha notified that tho Town Council aru about to fix Iho gradu on Ihosu streets, nnd that a hearing will bu held at tho Council room 011 Tuesday, Mtli, betMceu 0110 and two o'clock p. in. A petition signed by many citizens was pre sented, asking for the passage of 1111 ordinance to prevent catllu from running at large within certain limits of the built-up ioillon of tho town at nny time. A second petition, against any changu from tho present ordinance, signed by a much larger number u citizens, was also pre sented, The matter was laid over until Tues day, tho llllh. A committee consisting of Messrs, Holmes, Knorr nnd Jones was appointed to procure cob ble and cmulne stones. On luollon thu inteilm adjourned. IHICOltATION DAY. nwoMsnmui, Decoration tlay was finally observed at liloomsburg. An ofier by (he band of their services to any organization who would under Uko the mccssnry arrangements preparatory to decoration failed lo Induce a town association to tnko the lend, Tho Phllologlan Society of the Normal School, a wide nwakc body, hearing tlii, look Initiatory steps on Monday, Inviting Iho School and Calllepian Society In unlle willi them, The latter declined. A sutcewful tlay was tho remit of their exertions, Tho exercises were varied, and more lo liio point than they have been during previous) years. Afier Ihe graves were decorated willi the exception of thoso In tho ring, around which the soldiers' orphans of the Normal, 1 1 in number, had clteled with floral tillering", nil earnest prayer was rendered by Key. T. F. Iloflhieier. Dr. Griswohl, by request, rend in nn impressive manner an appropriate selection entitled "Cover Them Over." Next followed the tlecoration of Ihe remaining graves by Iho orphans, after which they sweetly sang "Hear them home ten derly." The president of the Phllologlan Soci ety, J. K. lilltenbcnJer, offered a few well chos en Introductory remarks, nnd then introduced Dr. Clriswold. Tho Dr. claimed tho attention of the audience to givo expression lo a simple thought, Tiik I.rhsok cP thu Day. The School then sang nn ode which had been written for the occasion by one of the Society. The ex ercises closed by the able recitation of tho "Hoy i!r!tta!n"by the sentor class. It seems desirable Ihat somo permanent arrangement should bo mado for the permanent observance of the day, Republican. IIUItWICK. The gathering at this placn was probably the largest ever seen there-, and showed plainly that tho people remembered tho promises made in 1S01. The whole surrounding countiy was drained of lis inhabitants, and the firo compa nies from liloomsburg, Danville and Scranlon, with civic societies from the entire neighborhood added reii( lo the occasion. In speaking of the ceremonies, the Republican, whose eilltorswero present, says : The floral chariot wilh thirty-eight young ladies dressed In white carrying the floral oller ings was nn appropriate part of the ceremony. The car was built in the shape of a pyramid, and upon the apex stood Miss Laura liuch, rep resenting the (joddess of Liberty, lieauliful and appropriate was the general verdict. The army and navy by John Shannon and Charles Wolf impersonated a sailor and a soldier stand ing in complete harmony upon a platform cov ered by the American flag. A good representa tion of Cieorgo Washington nnd Mnrtha, his wife, was given by Mr. Wesley Shannon anil Miss Alice Keedy, dressed in the costume of Continental times. After the procession had passed through tho principal streets it proceeded to the cemetery where slept the illustrious dead. Hero I.eruy'T. Thompson, F.q., President of tho lay, took charge, and tho order if exercises was flinging by the Berwick Musical Society, praver liv Itev. J. II, McOarrah, recitation 'by Miss I!tssie Thompson of ti poem entitled "The Spirit of '"G," composed by Mrs. S. C. Jayne, oration by Col. C. O. Jackson, prayer by Hev. James Dicikson, decoration by the thirty-eight voung ladie-s. Prof. II. A. Stees, tho Memorial Histo rian, gave a brief sketch at tho grave of each tie-.e.-v-vd soldier. Tho Doem written hv Mrs. S. C. Jamie evinced genius of high order. Mrs. J ayiao is the daughter of the late Key. Dr. Oere, a ilal.itcd minister of the M. K. Church. The leading feature of the day was Ihe oration by Col,, C. G. Jackson. If it were not that we hope to I ay it before our readers in our next issue, we sliomld attempt a synopsis. Col. Jackson's style of oratory is impressive, and during the entire .1.11.. ,....f 1.!. '..!-.. l' I. .1.1 I!. , ,ieuv t-jj -n ins uiiiutiij ne neiii 111s vast iiuiiience by the? charm of his eloquence. ntX'K nortN. lint, under all the circumstances, the display at Iluc'k Horn was the most creditable. It em braced the plan of decorating the graves of those who haul been soldiers at nny time from the Itevolutionary wnr to this date. Tho graves weie scattered at distant points, and had never lieforo been publicly honored. The idea once suggested took like wildfire. Columbia and Montour united to do justice to their common tle.id. West Hemlock, Hemlock, Madison, (Ireenwood and Jit. Pleasant turned out enmasse The day wa.s all Ihat heart could wish ; and when wngoii afier wagon and load afier loatl thronged the village of Iluck Horn, thu wonder was where all tho people, horses nnd convey ances camo from. Under tho marshaMiip of dipt. .John Guilds, assisted by Christian Krnst and Mr. Girton, tho procession was promptly formed, with nearly MO horsemen in front, the Ihickhorn Hand, driven by Itisewick, following. Then came .1 pyramid of beautiful little L'hls representing thu different States, followed by a large number of young ladies and none hand somer hi tho State bearing floral olforings. Jheso were succeeded by the American Mechan ic!) in full regalia, anil they in turn were suc ceeded by the citizens and their families, mak ing a column about a mile long and containing nearly 1,000 people. The procession moved to New Columbia, where it was met by a large concourse of people already gathered. At this point the following graves were decorated : Samuki, Mooiti:, Soldier in 177C Vincent Koiiiiins, " " " Lrinv, " " ' J.ti-ou An.MSTnoNd " " 1812 W.M. Mauu, soldier in late war, regiment and company unknown, Hknjamin C. 1'uii:i.i Battery F, 112th P. V. Unlisted Jan. 21, 1S03. Discharged. Jan. 29lh, 1 SCO. Killed by being run over by nu oie wagon. Hhnhy Mii.i.i:h, Co. I, 0th Cav, 1'. V. Un listed Aug. Mlh, 1S01. Discharged May 29lh, IE Go. Prayer was then offered by Key. K. M. War den, and 11 brief address delivered by Capt. Brockway, after which a lunch was eaten in tho church. F10111 this point tiie procession mo veil lo Heller's Church, somo three miles distant, ami the following graves were decorated : Hi)in:itTGti,i.Asi-Y, Batterv J), 3d Pa. Art'v. Knli-tt'd as a veteran Feb. 9tli, 18GI. Discharg ed Nov. 9th, ISO.). lllitAM Klt'iuitn, Co. (1, 178th Heg't. P V. Fnlited Nov. 2d, 1802. Discharged J uly 27th, Lko.vaiiii Ilnuii.t:, Co. K, M2d P. V.. nnd afterwtrds Co. II, 112tli P. V. Died at Wash ington, April 2iJ, lSiil. An eloquent address was hero delivered by M. O. Briltain, after which the procession moved forward to Vnndersllcu's gravc-yanl, where rested all that was mortal of Cyrus G ru ber, late 11 member of Battery M, lid P.t. Art'y., in which liu enlisted Feb. , 18GI, and was tlis charged Nov. II, 1SG3. A few additional re works were made hero by Mr. Briltain, after which thu procession disbanded, having been engaged all day in their work of love. The peopluof Buck Horn mid vicinity aro entitled to infinite credit for the energy display, ed by them, nnd the complete success which at tended their e Hurts. At a meeting of Catawlssa, Lodge, No. 319 A, Y. M., held May 30th, 18711, ihu following resu liilions of respect and condolence were unani mously adopted : Win:iti:.vs, It has pleased Almighty God, in his wise dispensation of piovidence, to remove Irom tiinong us our beloved brother, George Scolf, who has been it member of our Lodge since its organization, ami u charier member thereof, Ihcrcfniu Rcsolml, That in Ihe death of Brother Scott wo have lost a brother who, by his genial dispo sition, generosity, suavity of manners, and gen end deportment of character, had matlu himself a shining light in our order, and was looked up lo and respected as such, Remind, That as tho place mado vacant among us ty the death of Brother Scolt cannot be filled ; yet we- with willingness bow to the will of the Almighty in removing fiom among us the beluved one Uioii whom vie most ailectioii alcly dote. Raioli-ed, That we deeply sympathize with tho bereaved lamlly of thu diceased in their great allllction. Revolted, That tho members of Catawlssa Lodge, No. 319, ns a mark of respict to our de ceased Brother, wear Ihu Usual badge of mourn ing for thu space of tidily days, Jlesolied, That Ihesu resolutions bo printed In all Ihe county papers published nt Blooiusburg, and that a copy of thu same be engrossed ami piosciited to thu family of the deceased. W. II. AllllOTT, 1 J, II. Scusiioltz, V Com, A, II, SUAM-LIS?! 0UK CENTKXNIAIi liETTKK. A vrr.KK at thi: r.ximtiTioN. notim hy tiik J un ton r.Di urn. On Monday ninrnlm' nf lust, week 111 company with nbotil thirty Illminisbiirglans, wo nturtcd for tho grt-utshmv. ltvvns 11 picas' nil t (lilV. and tlm rrmviteil 1'iiiullf Inn of tho cars Indicated n busy week In the Quaker City. At nbottt six o clock in the evening wo nrrlved in sight of tho Centennial build ings. Immense towers nnd loft v snlros. with lings nnd banners of till nations waving from their tops first met tho i-yo ; then ns wo drew nearer, tho dome of tho art building and Hit- rools of tho innumerable Mrticturcs bcenine visible, nnd noun wo were able lo see tho mngnlttidi) of tho exposition, Arriving In the city, lit company with a friend wo rode In fine stylo (on the front slop of 11 street our.) to our quarters at the Washington Ho tel, 011 Chestnut street, wherovvo were shown lo a hig.'fUmm, (eighth-story) room, which we hud no sooner entered than wo discovered that thu weather vvns veiy warm, Slrango to say, 11s we took oil' our dusters, coals nnd vcsts,for the purpose nf removing incidents of travel, It grew warmer nnd warmer, where upon we slopped, fearing that If wo divested ourselves of any more garments wo might bo cremated. In glancing about the room wo saw an olfset nt otiu side, which upon exam ination proved to bo the chimney from tho kitchen. It was doing its level best. Tho water In tho pitcher at the side of It was boiling, and a fly which inadvertently lit on the wall near by, fell to tho floor inttanlcr, with burnt feet and singed wings. Wt con cluded that the proprietor of the house had mistaken us lor Centennial Commissioners, or territorial governors, or til. Louis revenue officers, or some other noted personages, otherwise wc should not have met with so u-arm a reception. Our first act was lo inform tho clerk that as wo were not accustomed to n tropical climate, and being about as near the north star as we well could be, without going up in n balloon, we would liko to be put nllttlo nearer the north polo.or else have them send up refrigerators for tvvo. This request brought them to terms, and wo were placed in a more coinfortnblo room, where tho temperature was not much nbovo 100 de grees, Fahrenheit. Wo were delighted with our first Centennial experience. It was ns well ns they could do for us however, ns the house was trying to accommodate nearly six hundred guests, most of them Knights Tem plar, who had come to participate in tho pa rade. Our inconveniences were more than compensated by thcsiglitsat the Exhibition. In tho main building aro to bo seen the pro ducts of the industries of almost every na tion on tho globe. Egypt, Japan, China Spain, France, tho Netherlands, Germany,' Austria, and many others aro all represented, A visit of one week is only sufficient to give tho visitor a faint idea of what is to bo seen, nnd enables him to spend a month at a sec ond visit in n profitable manner. From tho main building we went to Memorial Hall, one of tho few edifices that will remain to commemorate the event when tho show closes. There are to be seen the arts as il lustrated by the different nations, oil paint ings, engravings, mosaics, water colors, in fact every conceivable kind of picture. Statuary, bronzes, etc., &.c., aro thero exhib ited. A week would be .1 short time in which to do this building alone, full justice, and this may bo said of any of tho buildings. In the United States department are models of vessels, implements of war, uniformed figures of all nations, immense cannon, &C. Tho carriage house is well worth inspec tion. Hero one sees all kinds of vehicles, from the most exquisite and fairy-like phiu ton to tho ponderous Ent'lish coach ; the sleigh of thu Laplander and the chariot of tne king; magnificent mil road coaches and tho 111 oit delicate of baby carriages. The siovo nnii tinwaro department is also in this building. Tho Swedish school house is a model in its way. Every conceivable ap paratus is found in its walls. But I supposo that any country could furnish us coinpleto n model as that exhibition. It is doubtful if many of them arc like it in reality. Horticultural Hull is liko 11 dream of fairy laud. Tropical plants and (lowers of every variety arranged with the most ex quisite taste make one forget everything else for the moment. Fountains cool the air, and an organ at one end in tho gallery furnishes sweet music while the visitor wan ders through tho walks nnd loses himself in wonder and admiration. A tent near this building is tho most attractive spot on the grounds. As 0110 enters the door tho vo falls upon a boquet covering about a half acre. It is composed of rhododendrons of every shade, tho whole blending together and producing an ellect utterly indescribable. -Machinery Hall, Agricultural Hall, and others contain many attractions, but I can not tnko more space in particularizing. In truth wo were unable to visit one-fourth of tho buildings, as thero are 100 of them within the enclosure. Tho state houses aro neat and many of them very creditable. The Pennsylvania building is the largest and is located within a stoncs's throw of Machinery Hall, facing tho lake. It is 105x 05 feet and of Gothic architecture. On cither side of tho main cntranco aro two towers Hanking a large one. whilo a neat nnreb extends around a portion of each of tho lout sides ol the building. Tho main en trance leads into a largo hall about sixty feet long by forty wide, and lik-h I n nrn- porlion, tne roof being formed of numerous gracelul arches. Tho walls have been prop erly painted and ornamented, and it is pro posed on them shall be hung the portraits of all the Governors of tho Slate, from the timo of Penn to the present. On either side of the hall aro tvvo rooms, each about, twenty feet square, Tho first of tlieso 011 the right is itiionueii tor tlio mo ol citizens of tho State, with an adjoining room fitted up in elegant stylo as a ladies' parlor. The car pet is Brussels and tho furniture of walnut, covered with maroon rop, On the opposlto side, tho first room is intended ns n com mittee room, and tho furniture Is finished in red. Tho Governor's room adjoins it 011 tho west, and is fitted up in fine style, tho furniture being finished lu blue. Each apart ment has connected with it letlring rooms, and every convenience is arranged for those who shall frequent tho building. Tho to tal cost of tho building and furniture was $17,,r)00. It is lu charge of A. O. Mullin, Secretary of tho Board of Managers nnd General Superintendent, who is assisted by Lowis G, Bull, Assistant Suiierinlenili-Mt and 11 incsseiiL'er and lanltor. linn. Alnrl ton Mcuiclinel is President of tho Hoard of Managers, and ex-Govcruor Curlin Vice President, It is intended toon to have 11 formal opening, when members of tho leg. Islaturo and other officials will bo invited to enliven tlm occasion, Ou Thursday occurred tho parado of the Knights Templar. Extensive preparations had been made, and the Intention tu have It tho grandest of tho kind ever known, was fully carried out. Thero were 7,f00 Knights In the procession, and -13 bands. It took 0110 hour uud twenty minutes to pass a given point. All iiIoiil' tho lino of lniirMi fin, btreeu were crowdcd,and buildings brilliant ly iiccoraieu, a gentleman who lias wit nessed many similar parades in the writer that it was the finest display over uiaue uy me order in the world. , BLQGMSB DUG, COLUMBIA COINTY, PA. On Sunday, nftcr allendlni church nt St. Stephen"?, wliero wo heard charming music, no wok 11 tnivo lu tlio park, and Tnim what we saw, were fully convinced that Ihu mali ngers nf the reposition art) making 11 mis take in closing ihe uroundson Sunday. It. Is the only tlmo on which thu labniiug dm scs can visit them, and surely they ought to be allowed an opportunity lo improve them selves by nu examination of tho industries of ihe world,,, vvejl lis tho more fortunate dai ses who cm allortl tu leave their business during the week Hut this is not tlm stum geil argument, In lavor of opening the grounds. 'Iho eoiutulss'oti hnvn losed them because- Ihcv do not want the Snhh-iil, deseciated, The result Is that the guards who have nothing to do, nut must bo nt their posts, spend (ho tlmo lu nlaviifi card. The privileged lew who ect itisomebow Inkn tho occasion lo dead head their friends, nnd give llirm a sight unobstructed by thecrowd, whlln the- laboring mnn wlm would s.ivo enough during the week to tnko his lamily out ou Sunday afternoon, it permitted, leaves ins inintiy at home, nnd goes alone, to some ol tho thousand drlnklm the outskirts where ho lascs his time in n manner not nt all profitable to any one but tho vendor of beverages. I would remark wero that all drinking places in tlio city do business Willi open doors without fear of be ing mokted. If tlio pioper authorities would take some stens to c.Iosh llmsn nln.-nj of iniquity, and open tho Centennial grounds tuey would Ou doing the c.tuso of morality a far better service. But I have already exceeded my limits, and as the senior edi tor is "doing" tho show this week, the rea ders of the cor.UMliiAN may look for a more glowing description in our next issue. Ju.vtoit. Eastox, Juno r. Alvin Laros, son of Martin and Mary Laros, who were buried yesterday, died last night from poison ad ministered last Wednesday to the family by AbnerU. haros. the sou and brother. This makes the fourth member of tho household who has died. A post mortem examination was held on Moses Schug's remains yesterday, ami the stomach was brought to this place, and Dr. Mclntire, of Easton, will analyze the con tents this week. Laros this morningconfesscd to a reporter Of tllO F'iston '.Yl',.r tlint 1,,. ll. . , uu wiiiiiiitteii me deed for money to help him in the study or tin- Inn- n until l,n r... ns family so sick.aud took a couple of swal lows of coffeo to die with them. In conversation with n fellow prisoner on Saturday night he asked tlio latter what he was in jail tor, and when told for larceny, ho reinarkeil "Dl, T ., !,.., c.. .. t ... , , ..... ,,v,v. iui .1 i.iiei crime, for poisoning a whole family." Ho . " c" "'"meui, came over mm, una lit did tho deed. When told this morning that his brother "1,lu " eieitit, iie exclaimed, "Uli, my God my God 1" and burst into tears. Ifo refuses to cat anything, and hiscumrado in ton roll InwnriL s,i,,,ln ... 1 ... ....... .....,,,,,, iin.iiiiii upline ituu found him twisting his bed sheet into a rope probably with the design of committing suicide. The tragedy, arrest and confession have caused the greatest excitement throughout the county. The funeral of Laros and wife yesterday wan attended by thousands of people from nil directions. To lmvogood health medicine is necessa ry occasionally. As .1 family medicine wo can recommend Dr. Bull's Vegetable Pills and advise all to have a box constantly on hand for cases of necessity. Debility and ferrous Headache Chronic, sick or nervous headacho is generally de pendent on or accompanied by impaired in gestion, by which tlio circulation and nutri tion of the brain are deranged, and the ner vous centres vitiated. The Peruvian Svrup by reinvigorating tho digestive powers," lays the. axe at tho root of the tree ; the brain is duly nouiished, the nervous symptoms cease and the headacho disappears. IIK.U) ANlTi'OXSIDKI!. Benson's Capciue Porous Plasters aro an economical, clean, certain and powerful rem edy, surpassing in efficacy any known plas ter, liniment or compound. They are particularly e flcctive, nnd will positively relievo and euro: Acute and Chronic Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Nervous Diseases, Stubborn Colds, Kidney Complaints and all;diseases for which a po rous plaster has been used, in an astonish ing short time. Capcine is tlio greatest medicine known. Capciue is superior to electricity and more certain. Benson's Capciue Porous Plasters relieve at once and euro quickly. Try them. Trice 25 cts. HUAIirilY & .JOHNSON, 1'iuitijACECTiCAt, Chemists, N. Y. May 19, '70 ly. HKM'CTIONS IN COAL. EXCKMEKT TIME '10 FII.I, YOUIt COAI, 11IN8. C. W. Neal & Bro. ofTer their superior coal at Iho following extremely low prices viz.: No. 2, 3, it 4, S3.80 per Ion on wharf, S4.1( del. " 0, 3.30 " " " " 3 or, " " 0, L'.'Jo " " " " 2.0O " To liineburners, $2.00 per ton on wharf. Blacksmith's lump, 3.S0 " " " " Blacksmith's bituminous, 5.00 " " " " 20 cents for delivery of one-half ton or under. They will fill up ccal-houses at $3.50 per ton for No. 5' delivered, and $1 per ton for No. 4 , delivered. All prompt cash. An IIiptoiiioal Fact. Every agent who ha been Ftcadily selling the Improved $20 Home lead Sewing Machine for three years, owns his dwelling house, lias a good account 111 bank, is clear of debt, and lias monev at interest. the natural consequence of securing a good agency for superior goods at the lowest prices. A goo'd first-class Sewing Machine, most useful reliable at all tunes, easy to understand and control, the s.tmu size and does tho same work as nny ma chines Hint sell at four times the pi ice. There is 110 machine at nny price belter, or that will do liner or more work, and certainly none so low in price by many dollars. Tlio Homestead h widely known nnd used in thousands of fam ilies in the Eastern and Middle States, nnd dai ly becoming popular in tlio Weit. It will save its cost several times over in one seaon, doing the work of tho fjinlly, or will earn four or live dollars a day for any man or woman who sews for a living. It is the strongest uuichinu made, is ready at all times to do its work, makes the strongest and finest stitch )tt iuvculid, uud is fully acknowledges! as the Standard Family Sewing Machine. Price-, complete fur domes tic lift-, $20, delivered Jt your tloor, no matter how remote 011 may reside. Business perma nent nnd honorable, with more certain and rap id sales, and laiger profits than any oilier. Ex traordinary liberal oilers made to local or trav eling agents where we have 110110 ei-lablLhcd j or, if tlicie is no agent near you, send vour or der direct lo the factory. Addiess John II, Kendall A Co., 0:10 Brou'dway, New York. May 5, 70 ly. A good assortment of Zephyrs, Yams, La ces, ltibbons, uud I)revt Triiu'iuings jut re ceived by A. P. Webb, Main Stieet, next door to First National Bank. May 12, 7C 4w. Tin: Evil, FitiMisor I)iui:sriON. Theie Is no pathological fact more clearly ascer tained than tlio most formidable phases of nervous disease are directly traceable to im perfect digestion. Insomnia, with its train of direful consequences, proceeds 111010 fre quently from weakness of tho stomach than irom any other cause. Mero sedatives and powerless to cure nervousness, ami soon cease to palliate its symptoms. Tho truo way to strengthen the nervous system is to invigo late thodigestlvo and assimilate organs upon whose unobstructed itct'ui iu equilibrium is absolutely dependent. Tlx lailyvtiso of Hostetter's Stomach Hitters will do more to braco and soothe tho weakened and irritated nerves, and Induce sound, rcficshing sleep mil lire's grand calholicou than nil tlieso culled nervines to bo found in tlio pharuui eopirla or out of it. A vvlueghiss-fiill of the Hitters should bo taken before each meal. June, Ilupturu cured In Iroin 80 to ) dajs tyfho Tri umph Truss Co.. or 831 Pow cry, K. v., w lio oirer l, HO rur a rupture Uiey cannot cure. Kee advertise nient mis cut of Truss la another oolumu. Heml ill ctnUfor Ukcrluva I ot 'rilumpli Itupture. Cur. WtO-cleW. TeMv Business jYnlices ClINir.NNIAI,. liny 1111 Accident Policy of M. W. Nllss. nfilcc Court lloiisi- lllonms- burg, Now Sinie) for l.ldies'.MIiHDS find children very cheap at Alarr'.s, New Parasols and Umbrellas, Fans &c. nt Clark t Wolf's. For best nualltv of Calico at' (i cents tier yard go to l.utz iv Sluaii'f. . -s lOOOPuncr Collars nt 90 rr.nl. m, L Just received this week at 1). A. Crcay's. Something new lit the way of Shado Fix lures at 11. A. Clark's. Tho best styles of Cor-cls at I. W. Unit man's, lor 50,70, $1.00, $1,50. A line- assortment of Baskets just received nt Philips.' Children's Protection Edges jus', received at E. .M, Knurl's. I'ine Syiups iitid JIolusns fiom 75 ccnls to 85 cents per gallon. Best genuine New Urlcims Molas.sis 00 cents at Creasy's New Store. hot of Notions, White Goods and Trim mings with staple and fancy (Juods, bottom prices at Clark & Willi's. For Funs and Parasols go to l.utz .c Sloan's, To buy cheap lor cash go to Creasy's new store up town. Phoenixville Pottery, consisting of Tea pots Butter Bowls, Soup Hishes etc., at llus sol's. A full line of Dress Shirts at h, I.owcn ljurg. hadies llnller Shoes 1.25 and upward at Cre.isy'sNew Store. The most desirable styles ol Hre-ss Goods at 1. W. ilartmau's. For Dress Linens and Trimmings jjo f() l.utz i: Sloan's. Groceries delivered Philip,' store. free of chargo nt If you want 11 good Ham, If you want cheap and good Tea, If you want Codec Java or liio, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want the best Mackerel, lf you want Sugar for the least monev, II you want the best Syrups in town," If you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If you want anything in the Grocery and Provision line, go lo llubsm.i.'s, Main street. tf-25 Hush at E. Knorr's for $2.00 Button Gai ters. Still another lot of Linens and Trimmings and Heady Made Linen Dresses now in at Clark cc Wolf's. Thomas Webb lias hist received tmi choice brands of cigars, "La Culla" aml"Tlie Trotters," to which he calls tlio attention of all lovers of good tobacco. No better five cent cigars have ever been offered to tho peo ple of Blooiusburg. All Fashionable Dress .Makers use But tericks Patterns sold by Marr. Buy your Window Shades of G. A. Clark tlio best shades at the lowest prices. Dress Goods in great variety and price? at Clark it Wolf's. Lutz ec Sloan have tills week received a lan-0 assortment, of Muslins nn,l f-tllnnn., and bell best quality of Calico, at (i cents per yum ituu .uusiuis lower man iney wero over offered. Fancy Fans and plain Parasols at I. W. Hartman's. 300 Pairs Slippers at McKinnoy's. Tlio nicest Slippers, Gaiters and Morocco Qiiocs tie .niiir s. Call and examine G.A.Clark's Shades and Fixtures before you buy. For Hernnnna or Grenadine go to Lutz &. Sloan's. White Vests, Alpaca Dusters. Linen Dusters, Linen Suits. Navy Flannel Suits. For summer wear Latest Styles and Lowest Prices, at I). Lowcn'ourg. The tilnco tn lmv T,m ia nt r-Hr,.,....a Economical Imperial, in Cansisters 75 cents per puunci. 85 cents for slippers at B. M. Knorr'i. Hats, Hats, Huts, Latest Style, Lowest Price, Largest Stock, For Men, Boys and Children, at D. Lo-vciibcrg' Syrup and New Orleans Molasses very cueuii ui. itarr s. Choice Groceries at Philips'. Linen nnd While Dress Goods at I. W Ilartmau's. Ladies Lasting Gaiters 1.25 nt McKin ney's. puiujc'notice. Parties who nro not yoimj to the Centen nial can buy Clothing just as cheap, and in fact cheaper than ever, at D. Lowenberg's Hlbbons in all shades and a new lot of Sash ltibbons at 25 cents nnd up, with a great variety of Ladies' Ties at Clark it Wolf's. Plain Laco Gaiters at E. M. Knorr's for $1.20. You can buy all kinds of Goods very cheap for cash at Marr's. For White Goods and Embroideries go tu Lutz it Sloans'. Piles of IS cent Prints just in at Clark it Wolfs. Apple-ton "A" Muslin D cents a yard by tho bolt, cash, at Creasy's. - - 1 Buy tlio Kll mood Collar at McKinney's. $2.00 will buy a Nico Pair of Button Gai ters at E. M. Knorr's. Ten only 40 cents per pound at Philips. Slon 0 Ware Dishes from .'! 75 In (inn tier set, ut Creasy's. The finest Qucenswnro sold by I. W. Ilnrtmati, Lasting Slippers IMJ cents at McKinney's, Eviihyiioiiy Hi:ai). Ladies Button Gai ters, s2, Foxtt! Biiltomd $2.50, lace $2, plain 1 11 co Guilds SI. 20. Lnsllin- Slins s".r, ,.tu just iceeivid -it E. M. Knurr's.. ' ' COAL, " COAL (lid IMaldislied Coal Yard. C. W. Nkai, it Buo,. Wholcsalo & Hctall Dealers in all sizes ol the be-t qualities of Ked and White Ash Coal, nt tho very lowest market rates. Have constantly 011 hand large stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Blacksmith's Anthracite, Bituminous, and Llmebiirner's Coal. Especial attention given to tho prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to nnyiiart of tlio town nt short notice. Orders left at I. W. McKclvy's store, or ut our office, will receive prompt at tention. Office and Yards at William Neal it Sous' Furnace, East liloomsburg. Your patronngo respectfully solicited, COAL. 7-tf-25 COAL Tim Okm'H'hk Cunii ron Ili'm-KK. Tliuoliles and test liernla surgeons lu Ike world uru sonwor tliondvttiituuesoirered by the Trlumiu Truss Co., 131 Power', n, y., uliuso trtii tuidbupportervvero awarded the medal ut the late ics&lon or iim rirt-ut AraerlCKU Invtliuiu reir, fecial 10 cents lor their tiiwtioot, MurcuSI TC-ly 1 MATTER OF POPULAR INTEREST. Wo condensefrom tlio lshtgh. r.rgtttn tlio mbstftnec of nunvcrsntloii about Oak Hall, In l'hllailcJWiliviViiniiraakcriCllrovvn'''Irpet ClotlilniMfiM In America." A visitor and Mti-nilanWvo tlio rpcakcrs 1 VMlor. " What corner l tlio tliilldlng onf Attendant. "SouUi-Ikin tornrr of tifxth and Market, l'lcaio nolo tho HIXT1I, for somo trangerjBcokiiiR Oak Hall, liavo been misled by designing s:rons " , V. "11 Is Ktteay colossal I Do you know Its dImcnsion.ii" A. "12,000 fquaro fect tii on Market, and ISO odd on DlxUi, sit Morlcs high, lias over threo acres fi&Uoortoj, and covers snaco out o occupied by VVircSau twenty different bull jie.s places." V. Do you tiso stcam-fiowcr?" A. "A Riant young engine, furnbhts power for tho rrclRht nud passenger elevators, and tho boilers steam for heating, and tho other oiwru tinns of tlio house." V. " What order do you take with rjoodsj" A. "Ihey aro nrtt opredand arranged in Iho bailment, on longkA counters, and taken tor's room on thiN-ii floor." V. ' Is lnpc( tlniTilio tint operation V A. "to, tlr, measuring. Iho goods aro first mcftfUrcdln tho tilee. then lnrrf.r.p,l Tlm cloth passes over rollers In tho faco of a itrong light, and two men sit, ono before and ono behind tho goods, v. atchlng with tho cro of a hawk Tor tho lean ptn-liolo Imperfection, and marking ov cry Eaw, so that Iho cutter may f co and avoid It when ho comes to tut tho gar menu." V. " You must employ on arry of cuttersT' A. "Como to our Hull flrx and fcoI Wo keep ,0 hands all tho tiV civfilng up tho cloth into garment, bcldtV,yfinac'!iliies that do a dozen men's work caclWi a stroke." V. "Do you manulacturo all your own goods'" A. "Wo do, and most carefully. Our ex aminers inspect every rtltch and ream, and certify to every garment as extra-well racdo before wo put our ticket on It, andbecomo responsible lor It." deai?''Ut ttcm C1U!' tlvo "ou 11 ETCRt A. " In every direction, sir. It Is lbf tystcrj and economy wo practice all Orz-wa throui-h. that enables us to put our prita? on n to iho I-coplo as wo do." Vjf o VAiterliispectlngthc work, what becomes A. "Before It goes Into Etock It Is Uclticd. r.vtty slnglo garment has lu number and other points noted on It, so that lis entire his bwksC"a ,wcc1 without fall, upon our V. " You must have CO or 40 talesmen r , .! tlr'f"1 bUfy d' you maysec 100 In tho )ar ous rooms and suites 01 rooms, telling to tho throngs of cu-tomcrs." . "Do you do un order bufcby mail A, "Very great All over tho country. Our WHOLESALE DEUG EMPORIUM. Corner Mtiin and Market Street. BLOOMSBURG, PA. The undersigned having been engaged in the business for the past eight years would call tho attention of country dealers to their large and varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of the large cities. Thsis? stotiSs consists of Paints,, Oiis7 fla-lass,, Putisjr, F atezsvS: Medicisies;, Spices. t&C. RETAIL DEPARTMENT ee o w eh's blocs:-. "Where may be found a large stock of Surgical Instruments, Sponger, Chamois, Cologne?, Perfumery and in fact everything kept in a well regulated retail Drug Store. They are also Sole Manufacturers of the celebrated OIL OF GLADNESS. CALL AND EXAMINE OL'I! STOCK. 3VLO"Y"ET BROS. May 19, '76,-tf. Then Buy IT. Y. BNAMBL PAINT CO.'S and save pne-tlilrd Iho eostof r'TT l7A TT O V T 1 V 'TVl1 painting, nnd gcttip.ilnttli.it Is much handsomer ami will .X III 111 lUA J J I J 1 i i last tvvKc n- lonjr us unv otlit r paint. Is piopureil leady or uso In white or anv color desired. Is on many thousands of tliciincM ImllJlius In the country, many ot which have been palmed slxjears unit now look us well as whenimt p.iltUt-11. Tills CTIKMIC'AI, I-aINT has taken l'lrst Premiums at twenty tit tho Mute Fairs or the I'nton. Muipiecaid of colors sent tree. Address N. V. i: N A M fi L 1- A I N T c O., 1113 t'liuuibers btreet, s. y ., or M 1 L 1. 1C It Ultos., 119 Water street, Cleveland, tlhlo. May is, 'Tti-iy. 0". IK. IMIJIZilEPS MAMMOTH GROCERY. Corner Main and Center Street BLOOMSBURG, IP .A. , The largest stock of grocories and provisions, Queimsware, Glassware ifcc, etc., in the county, for sale at wholesale or retail at the very lowest prices. Oct. 8, 1ST5 Dttiler in Law Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depositary of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, VINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPEH, PICTURE PRA-MES, REWARD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can bo furnished On SliOTb Notice, at tho Most lieasonahlo Uaiea. Store in Exchange Hotel Oct. 8,1475- fcit-as-ii "--J tra --j-- w "si w r-5 Then Buy MILLER BROS.1 and navo one-thlrd tho cost ot Is much hundsomer mill vwil lalnt. is iji epiti ed ready ror use mthoconntrv, many of wnlch have h-cii jiuliile-rt slxjmrs, ami now h.uKiis welt us viht nilrst calmed 'this OIIUMII'.M. I'AI.NT ha taken l'lrst 1 miliums at twenty e-f ihe Matt, l-'nti-snt the t in, u. hamuli card of colors cent tut'. Address ,M 1 1. 1. lilt Illtos, iw iv ler Mrect. thveland Ohio N. Y. U N A M i: I. 1' A 1 N T ' O., lui 1 hambcrs klrcet, N. Y. -May W, Ta-l. ' Dr. Terry WaMe tae tally. I'or ai'eifict rcMorattun ot the nervous sibttm cuuklntl un In. m.i t'.lute and 1 lui tr etiie In Ihe f How -liiKiii'ts: in im u iltU!li unratrid niilrliUm et Hit- I'ucl), IumIUuIi', weal Mt- 111 II. 1 lliulx ,,l ill .11.. iiidl.-i'illl, 11 ul.tl ll.iiil iii lij M'Ul.il), (luliiit'iH of UPl'lt'llellMllI, ltHtf llll IIIOO, UVirhlultlu KjC'1i!,V . llniltltty, uli.aum.M, illr.iit m. I e utiiu l,e, liiildtui tot'Olh H.st'h, Inr whoso lulu lit It Is designed uud wlitifee hii illness it will pinocle. 'I lie n.o.-t 1 nili.i in 1 li.i -le Inn s of this country have exerted llicnifclvis to tlm iilinost tuclieelc Iho In. cicuslut' Mtulltv itsultliii; fiini the rclmAilontf iho nerves, llii.lni; fur 11 Ioiik lieiiod lievoled much Hudy, time mul Lilor lu I'staulMitni; 11 ren etly iur thei eiliTt rcstciullon of Hie nervous bjHein, It 11 KruUijIui: loU ulle In iinnouiire- the buceesstti tenillni; mj new iiulhod, 'Ihiuueh this. It uiedy Iho licrvtseuu he iTiichrd and in suth u way Unit, how. t:cri-lmtUrKliir )neliuted, the cult Lo si It til v lettered It nets on ihe uenes ut mire, set Willi Ki'iitleiiChb- 11 sti'l Inir 1 la in 10 u imturtd btute,uud icninvlui; the iiluve dlsticstlni; dtseusts. Hot li sell c, niiireoi li-a. tlnuunli the rrostrtttton ot the nervous bjslein, lcoihclr cnciiry. Insutli liibluuccs tho Ncivo lleint-uy luuy ho iilled uiiou lu levtvliur the iwlleut tnlo the tfgor of juuth. heere lienicdy Is cuulullycoiniHiuudcd nud nut up In Loxea with full dlrietluns. lVltv, ono dul lar, eprcwed to any uddiess on receipt ot juice. 1)11. 1, t'llAl'NI'KY TiatltY, me Vino htreet, I'hlla. onico hours, 11 11. in. to 9 in., T to 9 p. in. March loir.-ly, J AST NOTICK. rirsons ludetted to II. L. Dlelleiiluili for pilnllnir er bUhbcrlptlou lu tho I'oi CUMIN uro lierehy noillled UmUilsliooksliiivo furhcverul iiionlhsimstUienlu ho hwids ol tho tiudersliriied for collocilon, and that ulUvment ct the bumo luusl he prunpiiy rauae MurcU IT-tf, K.H.1J1VU. perfect system 0!1 rules of self-measurement maVo lli-osslWo to plcaco jfoplo B.OOO miles away JfSiniVcrfcclly as If they were hero In V. " I ciipposa you havo at least half a dozen different departments'" A. "My diar ttrl wo liavn moro thau ftmuV, each charged Willi Its own buslnctn. and each thoroughly trranlicd, a necessary wheel with in Iho great wheel." V. " Will ye.11 namo a dortn or so of tlicm r' A, "With t'lcasuiD, Tho Custom Depart ment, for those who prefer custom-made to rcady-matl TJi) runilihlng Department, with Its fiS.TVriiso ttoclc of all underwear. Tlio Shirt rectory, with lu busy machines, making our own ilrst-clcss shirts. Tho Trim ming Department, luclf as big ns many a regu lar store. Tho Garment Block Itoom. Thti receiving ILoom. Tho Order Department, named before. Tho Special Uniforms Depart ment. Tho Delivery Dcpatlrceut, Willi Its icoro of messengers. The" V. " Hold, hold I sir. enough I" A. "I'm not half through! 'JI10 AdTOrtlsIng Department, with Ha bllLand sign distributors, editing and publlshlnri business and popular Journal, clrculiiifjip.frif, tfl.WW copies monthly (tell all your frlWVwienil fcrll). Tho Men's Dcpartment,wltinii many rooms, ThoDovB Department. ThoYouthj,' Department, Iho Children's Department, with lu special entrance for ladles. Iho Telegraph Depart ment. Tho Chief Clerk's Department, with lu book-keepers and n'slstants. Cleneral Man ager's Department) Financier's Ofllec, nud oilier ofllccs.of tho firm all busy as bees thinking, planning, cxeutlng, buying, mat-lng.tegUlcrlpg.rccJglK-.Fcndlng out, selling, nnd In a tl.ousaneJSiys Joining their forces to carry on a buslncssVlth the people amount ing to Ipctwccn (2,000,000 and ta.cw.tw an nually." V, --S-t-n-p-c-n-d-o-u-il" tA, "Indeed it Is I I forgot to nnrno tho Cashier's Department, which handlcslu $23,000 of retail tales on somo slnglo days I" V. "25,0001 Immcnso I Thafs'what enables tho houso to buy cheap and selchcapr" A. " Exactly I You hnvo Jt hit It. Tho reoplo throng licro, kr.:tnJ that wo depend cn low prices and ImmtlTyrsalcs." V. "what aro tho ToEii hulls I hoar bo much about?" A. "Our syttcm of business dealing 1. Ono price, no deviation : 1. Cash for everything 1 8. A guaranlco protecting tho purchaser,' 4.1 ho money returned if tho buyer can't othcrwlto bo suited." V. "Nothing could bo fairer." A. " Nothing. And tho people rco It," V " Well, 1 thank you, sir, for your pollto attention." ' ' A. "1,'etntnll. It's a pleajuro to refvo you. Call again; nud bo turu of tlio plaitc Wuna maker A Drovyi's Oak Halljfcoiu-Iiut cor ner Blxth and Market." V. "Thank you I Ichall bo happy to do 10. Oood morning." Building, Bloom sburg, Pa. rj - 5l 1 ; ( j tiij;;;-- fu, - PTTVMTf1 A T PA I ,rP "'Hnir.nnd i-eta paint that I I I jiM 1 V JY l 1 J 1 1 1 I last twice n. Ions us any other .0 In while uranv color ilelre-tl. U ou 111,1m ih.,11 .,,,,1. r,r T .J.,7,i. .l A M;V MUSTAItl) IMiASTHH. 'i he medic. 1 vslii .( it mt'i-t.iril j luster lsnndir ntd in evi rMi.mil. Much tliiie' Isfik nt n 1 io- l".V.K " l'i"t-V.- iiit Mien ti iiicsiiudlstit l-tior 11 1,111.1 nnd wilt mi ,i, ei,u in,- jneoi bUlierti'?. T his to inv Incoiiv, nh-nce is i,u iviieetw cvciccmo hv Hi iiM'ii s 1'iepttrtd.iliiMsru 1 Itisler. It Is iter, at liuprovement tu (he orillui.ry iftlcle. H is wry I 'V.'i'i."1"!,""1,1'!','." I'"' ,l 11 u " " ' vilthout f'.s 1 t-liirliiR Ihe t lolhlni; t.r hJIUib i,e H,ln. 11 du-8 I ot leleiloiulc vittuumi. Ills olw.tv b reduhle, its ei ly .... , HL'AHl liy k JOllNb'ON, MJJ.lv l'ht,ili:i.tulltul U.iiulbth, N. ' miiNISTHATOll'SNOTK'H. -1-., .. fi,T.?1!."t' VUilK" l"CMl', IIECI'ASKII U tterseit Admtalhtiitihiiicn tlieibtmeof Dehor.eh It r W Hildeociityto lllii.lnJ.I;eid.r,of 1 utavvnS tiiHiibhlp. All icrbous Imvintr clulnis jcnlnst tlio 1 sttilc 1 i the deet dent lire reiiut Hed to pi went tin m for ettleiuem.niid tluo U.lleUed to l.o itate- lo !m!,,',uV"i1,nt"t 10 thv nndciHeiitd iidinitiutfutor w tliouliUluy. IIIHAMJ. ItiKlimt. 'A'ltoi'n'eiy'torKbtate. Aaator. May vo-tiw. A 1)-M1N1STI!A'1 OK'S NOTll'i:. XX... I.HTI1B Oi Wll.lt. 1.1 Ui-N, liKl HHl. lA tterB til AUmliiUtratluu on Hi, e-tule ui Wlllh m II. U-ue.11, lato ol lit I'ltamiti, etlt.uihla I'ouuty del eused, have Is-en urapletl I tl 1 1 1 tut r of built ccmntv lo Hilvubter Kitchen. ,il ikivius Uavlitr claims ugaliist Ihu ttato cl the 1.' uki.t ure ie. nuestcd lu.' jurtcut them lor H)Ul inij.t, and ihth ludehtedto lh estate UilnnVi ik,.vii,en to tho uu Ucrtlgutsl udmlutstiattir iih.vit di-ay, .,.. . bLVtM l ltklTCTIEN, llaj-,l-e5t, AdiuluiMrttttir.