THIS COLTMBLVN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COL NTY, PA. J THE COLUMBIAN. l I, 0 0 31 ft 11 V II (I, v 11 1 1) a v, ji a v i, t;n Ct. 2.1 Hail Itoad T ir.iii Table. " I.AOIC A WANNA U M,OO.MMltl0 HAtt, 1IOA!) V0KT11. . c.l! A.M. 7.10 A. M m l'.M. toBttl. T.OIA.M, B. !i 1'. M ll.M A. t Acootninoilallon Tinln,.,. Mall Truln Hapless Train " " r..3i p.m. UATAWISSA IIAit. I10A1), NOltTIt. Accommodation Train fi.M A.M. Itegiitar Kxprcts 3,M r. M. form 1,30 1'. M, It.MA.M. Tlirnnith cars on Exnrr-M train either to New York or I'hlliutolphla. Accommodation train runs between (lulawlm ami Willlnnnnort. THK UAMTAIC1N COf.UMHtAN TO Dr.MOCUATKl VOTHIW. Vo will Kciul llio Cot.UMiilAN tn perron In lliW comity fromllio firtt of J lino until nfter tlio November election for 7o conl-i, nuh ii twite. 'l'U barely covers tlio cnt of llio jm jier. Kvery' family kIioiiIiI e!B tliU inportii lilly. Oit r C "t ii t on til .tl letter gives all tlio news of the (Ireat I'xlilliillon, nml In iiililillon to llial, llio lining of tlio different state cotivtn lioiitof both iKtrtli, the national convcnlioin nt fit. T,oul nml Cineiiiiuli anil nil tlio imt't I nnt news of llioeamp.ili,'ii will he given weekly. If you take tiio ppcr, show tlii-t t" your h.-lgli-lior-t j If not, mini f5 icon to 'fur. Cot.fMniAN ll!oonilurg Paainl get n gnnil liew?jnpir for nix month at one fourth 1cm tliaii ti-u :1 intcs tf. The Central Hook Store 1 located In the l'ost-ollieu. F. M. Kvorctt i mnnuge'r. W. Howell, dentist, ofl'eis his 6erviccs to tlio luihlie. See card. Hon. II. U Dk'fleiibaeli 1 spending a few days In town. David IiOwenherK lias n splendid assortment (pf spring nnd summer goods tor evcrjbmly. Call nml oramine them. Quito a number of our citizen nro nt the Centennial Exhibition, and more will go next w cek. Michael Dougherty, ofltnpert, Unbuilding and improving hi hotel property. As a land lord ho is attentive and obliging. "Wc have beard of no arrangements for De coration Day. Suicly the occasion will not be pel milted to pass unnoticed. The Kxccntivo committor of tho Agricultural Society, nt ft meeting on May 20th, decided to hold n fair on the 11th, 12th and l!Uh of Octo ber, 1370. 5 IThe Supervisors of Scott Townhip have'put up sign boards on all the. roads in the township. This is commendable and ought to be imitated throughout the county. The corner-stone of tlio new church to take the place of old Ft. Gabriel's, recently burned down, was laid with appropriate ceremonies on Tuesday last. The members of the Illoomshurg Cornet Hand will give an ciiteitainment in the Opera House on Tuesday evening, the ,10th inst. The public is invited. ir l.Mivnrd F.lwL'll. Probato .ImJge of Dodgo County, WIscohmii, and his son, of Mil waukee, spent a few days in town lat week vis iting friends. Wc understand.!. H. Station ha leen em ployed by the Jackson anil Woodiu Manufac turing Co., lofuiperintcnd their lumber depart ment in Snyder county. Wc have received the June number of ll'i'ifr .W-cfor children. It is a sprightly little mag.uiiif, tuitid by Kllal'arnian.anU continms lltnco and favor. Published to grow m monthly by I). Lothrop & Co. year. lioton at S2 per FiSTiVAi,. There will be a Church Vt-tival held (D.V.)at Asbnry, .lune ,'S, afternoon and night. Proceeds to meet a debt on paisonage. The public are coitlially iiiviuu. Hi-.nhy S. Mi:siii:shai.i. , Pastor. r. U rl.c.inor ill the Ion;: run to get ami Hntl,lnfr.cvcn at a high price ; bow much bet i,.,. m rvt it both good and at the extremely low prices charged by Wanamaktr & Ihown, Oih and Market, Philadelphia. Mortimer Wliitchca.l, Master of Xew Jersey State Uriinge, will address the people at the (IrniiL't! Pic-nic, Kupcrt Station, Friday June 1&70. Come and hear him. K. M. Tr.w Ksnunv, Sec. Dis't. (J. Xo. 5, P. of II. The Xormal Mentor closes its first year with H, e Mav number. It is published in the inter f,t of the Normal School, last year by the two literary societies, biillhe coining year the l'lulo- i I....- ,ill jsmiic entire control, u i neat y printi d. and gives all the school news. wUli the Memtor success. Wt l'tnna. Jletcira. The annual meeting of llio v. l!.i,rvii Association will be held this year ... ii,lln,lli,lii:i on Juno 7th. Tho reunion of llm , r.nv lit the Potomac will be held Ihe fol lowing day. Any of the Kcserves from this County who propose to attend arc requested to notify Capt. llrockway. The firaml Jury of Columbia Co., recommend the building of a new jail, t on y law a pns r.,.r mi., i.kdit lo ilit! out. Mountutn i.chu. nr roleiiinorarv docs ii proud, hut the fact is that it is difficult for a pri-oner to stay in if 1, . ..vmis tn. A trooel sized man tlare not lean against tho wall for fear of falling out Wo believe the editor of the FAo i mi-taken in writing tho following item at least he should L'lvo tho name of the author: A Ilenton, Pa, sign read thus: 'm. Smith teacher of cowlillions and other dances i.rnmar taut in tlie lieeltst manner fresh salt herriii on draft likewise (iodfrcv twdial ..(..j Lnc,,m. ,iti,l nilipr t'lirden true K N. I. bawl on friday nite prayer met tin chucfday also salme sinclii bv the tiuire," "Wonder if that fellow doesn't etlit a paper? Tho Luminary learns that Kusscl Shultz, of Ilentun township, Coliimbia county, hns reeeiv cd tho contract for carrying tho mail between Arnnnv mill Cambria. I.IIZCrno COUtlty, via T.!itrdsvlllo. Unlivville and Ilenton. Tlio con tract goes into effect July let, and It i reported that Mr. S. Intends to do the whole service on foot. This will necessitate a icgular weekly walk of about one bundled miles, and it i thought that about two trips will put a stop to lliat lionseiiso. Wo give elsewhere n synopsis of tlio new game law. It will bo men lint fishing with hois in anv Inland sticani is prohibited. CVr tain parties do not appear to think thU npp'ie lo I'lsbliitr creek. Tlio blaek bass Unit wire placed in that stream some time ago have! nev cr been beaiil of, nnd piobubly never will be ns the sticani is boidereel almost nightly with persons fishing in this iiulawlul manner. If n few of them could be upprihinded, it wight bo a good thing. It may be as will for our business men and others, to keep a lookout on pennies that nro passed for five-lint pieces. They nro in circa latlon. It is supposed fieun liio appeariinie of the coin that Ihe manner of making them it by healing pennies of llio elato of 1850 e.r '(ill, which are known as ihe "white lilekles," Af tcr be'Ing heated, Iheeoins nro placed between two live cent phecs, after which ihey me put into a vice or under u piew, mid Ihe result! tbut llio pennies lire Mpieeze! out to tlio cleslrid the, receiving the Impression of uud looking lo wclhwuiM bvcetnt pieces. llcrwiek will obscrvo Decoration Day with nppropriato ceremonies. Col. 0. 0. .Inckion will deliver nn orntion, nnd Co . A. 1). Scclv In chief niarslinll for llio occnion, Kxciirslnn tle1(et9 will be lucd on tho I,, & II. It. I!. Tlio procession will form nt 130 p. m, Mr. Michael i-'ortloti, n freight conductor on the I & II,, wa fovercly butt wbllo coupling gontloliu nt Ilcrwiek on Inst .Saturday. When lie was brought lo hi homo nt tbl placa Id In juries were c,oultleicil ilittigcrout, but wu are glad to Mate that ho Is recovering, Xortkvm btilttnrf J',en, Wc have discovered the spot whero lawyers hnttilti congregate. The rhlnk of projected quoit, and llm rattling of pennies, nn (lie west shlo of tho Court House tell tho story. There men few legal gentlemen who am not ofleti found In the crowd, but this I nccoiinted for by the supposition llnl they Imvo no pennies. Wu don't go thero oiiiselves. Never give up a thoica hut decaying roo liti-di till you have tried watering two or three times with soot tea. T.ifco soot from the cliini ney or stove in which wood Is used, pour boil ing water a second llmo on tlio soot. Tlio sin oh will iiiiekly end out Ibrlfiy shoots, thu leaves will Linmic linen and thick, and the blossom will be larger anil lielici- than ever before. l'.linons C', How comes it that CI voles were ca-t for Secietary at tlio Agricul tnril Suciiiy lueitiug In-t Saturday when only ill mill were in the room V (jiUNUKIl. We give it up. If only 51 person were in the room during the b.ileoling, some person-" lini't have voted twice, or else havo tUpo'ltul more than one ballot. Tho ruh to otuwa such that it wa Impossible for the tellers to de tect unfairness. A new swindle, now extensively practiced, piinclpilly in country towns, is the sale of ab most worthies dry goods by trickery, A ped dler calls upon a farmer nnd shows a large bun die of assorted cloth, and represents hiiii'df a 1 1 1 e agent of a bankrupt firm in Kngland, He says that under a special provision of the reve nue laws, remi.ants in packages of not less worth than $150 each may be imported free of inly, thus saving about seventy per cent. The purchaser of tho lot ically pays double instead of half the value of Ihe goods. On Wednesday of last week the public school of Illoomshurg closed after a term of eight month. At the Thiid Street School there was public entertainment given by the united schools of the building which upon (he whole was ycry good, tho children doing credit to themselves and their teachers. Especially was this so with the smaller ones. Tho house wa filled. The singing and recitation were good, The paper of biographical sketches and ono on the chronology of tho school were interesting. but too long. I.illie's Dream "wa excellent The schools of the Town have been doing a good work during tlio past winter. Paiu.ok Matciiim. Legislation sliould be resorted to, in older lo prevent llio manufacture nnd sale of what are commonly known n "par lor matches." Wo are satisfied that a largo number of fire are caused by their common ue. They may be carried into boles by mice and ignited, or may lie lit by coming into con tact with any substance. They nro especially lnngerous in the hands of children. A short lime ago a box full tell to the lloor in the Kx change Hotel nnd ignited at once, and (lie same thing orcurred in ihi office last week, when a box of them accidentally fell from a table to Ihe lloor. Their use should be not only diseourag ctl, but actually prohibited. How to Maki: A Person who tl siro to make their own ll.igs lor the coming Finn th of July 'must remember that certain proportion should bo observed in their manii faclure. Any one can find llio pioper propor lions from the following data: The Uniit States garrison flag is iLiity-six feet "lly"(long ami twenty feet l.oist (wide), or in that propor lion, the width being fivt-tiintlis of the length, The "union,'1 or blue field, is in length of one third the length of the flag, and extend in width to the lower edge of the fourth led itripe from the top. Theio aic thirteen stripes, be ginning and ci.iling with rcil, the garrison flag is the only ono usually taken as the stand aul for making lings for private use or decora1 tion. MiKrr.iNVtl.i.i: May 22, 1S7G Mist.. I.lirioii". 1 saw our statement m the la-t naner sf-ndiiifr tlio ( Viia'MUlAN lo anv person until Nov. f.r seventy live cent. Will you please send me tiie paper on those condi tiou. 1 consider it Ihe paper ,ot Hie Uoaiily. 1 am a citizen ol .Milllinvillc ju-t commencing and must have the paper. Please oblige', yours The above is one of a number of similar let ters which we have received during the past week. It I gratifying to know that tho CtiLUM WAN is appreciated. Kveiy intelligent citizen of the county who docs not nlieady take a paper, should follow the exainpleof our young friend fiom Milllin. An opportunity is now offered to obtain all Ihe Important news of the day at the reduced rate of seventy-five cints for six months. The voter who depends on what ho is told for Information a to bow hesbould vote, make a slave of himself. Head your own pa per, find out what is going on in the world, learn the situation of the political field, anil make up your mind for youmlf, instead of per mitting some scheming politician to make a tool of you. We want five hundred campaign subscriber-i). Send in your names, Quito nn interesting arbitration occurred nl Tuesday in thu Grand Jury room of tlio Court House. Tho suit was on an action brought by David Lewis against CvrusLarrish, JohnDiltz, and Valentino .Stout, for killing aptttlecr. It seem t bat the ilcftiuhuU nhei had a deer with i bell on its neck, which had been running at large, nnd had noi been seen for sonic time. When Ihey discovered a belied deer running in tho cieek, they supposed it lo bo their own, and shot it. Upon examination, they found they were mistaken, and knowing Mr. Lewis had a deer, Ihey went to him with the boll, which he identified nnd Ihey delivered the carcass to liim and he sold it, for twelve dollars. Thedeer was a great pet, nnd could be led about with a string. Mr. Lewis testified that he could call it to him from as great n dUtauco as bu could hear tho bell. K. U. Orvis Ksq. wa counsel for plain tiff and It. F. A J, M. Clark, Ksis, were for defendants. Messrs. I.ufz, Funk and L. K. Waller arbitrators, awarded twenty dollars tn tho plaintiff, including I lie twelve dollars for which ho sold it, making tlio balance due eight dollars. The costs of the suit will be heavy, liiiie being eighteen or twenty witnesses, most of them coming fi nm sixteen lo twenty miles. Expensive venison, that ! Tlio following is a synopsia of Ihe account of tho Ticasiircr of the Agiieultural Society : Kiln Mendenhall, Treasurer, in account wilh the Columbia County Agiliiillural, Horticul tural and Mtchaulciil Association lo May 20th lb70. Dr. Tn balance in Ids bands at May 15, lb"5, ?1021.19 Aint, paid over by Fx. . CuuiiiiiUco since May 15, 1875, bO'J3.b7 Inleicst on ?1021,10 for 1 yr. 110.23 Interest -115.33 7 mos. l&.GS -551-10 22 Cr. llv Anil, of irler It- 'deemed lo this date, $2013 51 Ilnhiiiie C,i,b in hands of Tree-surer, JIUy 20; lb70. 2107.03 $5110.2.' 'J'ho amount oalel I lit) Sec- xttaty and Clerks wan $181.13 llflKJlAllV. On Wediiitday night lasl, llio ieldcnce of N. Walker on Iron Slreet was tulired bv n burglar, who found bifmo be got nut thnt he nil gone Into llio winner pin re. Mr. Walker was n'ifiiit, alliudliig to hi- iliilus rs limit Stenographer nt D.uivlllu nml hiswiie wnnluuo In the boue. It was after midnight when rho wa startled by a iiole down Malrs. Seizing a latchet, which she kept near at hand for self- defense, shu deceuded, nnd di-coveicd a man in In (ho net of making a liundlu of her silver waro nnd oilier articles, Upon her entry he extinguished the light, but not until she had seen that he wa n while man, with blackened face, nnd light curly hair, Tlio burglar cau tioned her lo keep epiiet saying all lie wanted nn her money, lo which she responded by dealing til m n blow on tlio head with the linte li ft that knocked Mm down and upset the table. Ah soon a bo regained hi feet, she struck Mm again on the nrm knocking the castor which lie eld In hi hand to Ihi' lloor, nnd causing llio member to fall helpless nt hi side. Willi thi ic nppoircd to think It nboiit lime In leave, nnd ho left through llie window by which he had enlcied. Mr. Walker say tho left a mark nn bis temple', and believe hi arm was broken by Ihe ln-l h'nw. No iiMCt hi yt t horn made. It i to be rrgri'ttid t lull the lady did not have a revolver in-lead of a. hatelii t. Willi Ihe pres ence of mind which shedl-plnyed throughout, she certainly might have wounded Mm so ihnt Ids capture would be certain. She attempted to arouse tho neighborhood by her nrream hut did not succct d, so fought it out on tier own hook. There nro a few lawle s fellow lu thi commu nity who will be hauled up ono of these days, with a jerk that will make their bone crack, lint a short time since, two married ladies were insulted on the street nt night, by two of (he cownrdly villains, Wo ought cilher to increase our police force, or thoc that wo already have should he more active. Tin: cofNiy AiiiiuTraTUAi. kocictv. The annual meeting of this hotly took place at the Opera lloue on last Satuiday afternoon, and Ihe Society was called loonier by the Piesi- dent, John (i. Quick, :, A. P. Young was elected chairman, and 1). A. I!?ckley and O. 11. llrockway, Secretaries. Tho financial report wa then read by the Secretary ol the Society, Mr. Garrison, and approved. Nomimtion for 1 resilient ol the haciclv for the ensuing ve nr being in order, John G. Quick was unanimous ly rc-elcctcd. For Vice President J. P. Con ner, M. C. Vnnc, W. IS. Koon and Sylvcr tor Piirscl were unanimously re-elected. l or r.xcculive l oinnntly Ihe lollnwing gen tlemen were nominated : David Demo I, Wesley Itowmau, Douglas Hughes, Mnthia Hailmaii, Kli Mendenhall, A. P. Young, and Jacob Fi-h- er. At thi point a discussion arose a to who had the right to vote. Tlio charter provide that no person shall be a member who ha not paid at least one dollar. The purchase of check, or Ihe ticket for purpose of exhibition, did not make the purchaser a member of the Society. Last year about forty persons on being inform cd of Ihi fact, paid a dollar each extra for the solo purpose of becoming member. If nil who had pah! a dollar could vote, tho Society bad no right to demand or receive the extra dollar. Inasmuch as the practice in former year had been different, and that clause in the Charter wa not generally understood, on motion of Mr. Urockway it was resolved that nt the present hireling all who hail paid ono dollar to the Society last year should ba entitled to the privi lego of voting. On motion of Mr. Shoemaker it wa rc-olvi-d that hereafter to become a member of this Soci ety one dollar must ho paid annually far tin t privilege, and the names lie entered in a book by the Secretary. The ballot then proceeded for the election or an Lxecntivc Committee, which resulted a fol lows : Demotl, 17 lliiches, 10. 1'nwman, IIS, llarlnvin, ,'15, Mendenhall, 23 Young, !!2. Fisher, 1 Messrs. Iiowman, I Tillman and Young weie declared elected. The following named gentlemen were nomiu ated anil balloted for to be the Secretary, with tho following result: M. W. Niis, 1 1 T. J. Vandei-sliee, Jo-cidi Uarrioii, -0. Mr. Vanderslieo was dcehueil elected, Klias Mciidtiihall was unanimously re-elected Treasurer. The Salaries of the Secretary acd Treasurer were fixed at tlio same mm a tint of la-: year. The Society adjourned, after which Ihe oil! cer went into secret session. C. II. IlnoomvAY, c, 1). A. HmcLKY, ')fretane, "Taki: Caiu: or thi: l'i:xxir.s." Look well lo your spending. No matter what comes in, more goes out vou will always be poor. Tho ait is not in making money, but in keeping it, Little expenses, like mice in a barn, when they are many, make great waste. Hair by hair heads get bald ; straw by straw the lliatch goes off tho cottage, and drop by drop the rain conic into the chamber. A barrel is soon empty if tho tap leaks hut a drop a minute. When you mean to save begin to save with your mouth ; many thieves pas doui ihe red lane. The ale jug is a great waste. In all other things keep within compass. Never stretch your leg fur ther than jour blankets will reach, or you will soon bo cold, In chillies choose suitable and lasting stud, and not towdry fineries. To be warm is the main thing; never mind tlio looks. A fool may make money, but it takes a wUe man to spend it. llemember it i easier to build two chimneys than to keep one going. If you give all to back and board, tliera is noth ing left for Ihe savings bank. Fare hard and work hard when you aie young and you will have achance to lest when you aie old, Tho Haltimoro Gaxetle says tlio wholo country is becoming Impoverished, exhaust ed, and almost hopelessly bankrupt. Like Egypt, groaning under its last and bitterest curse, tliero is scarcely a houso in all tho laud that docs not feel the affliction impn.-ed upon the country by its corrupt rulers. . Tho head and front of this oH'cuding is undoubt edly, tlio Picsiilent. Proofs multiply daily that tills patient, long suffering people at length begin to fully understand this man. His craft can no longer conceal his positive guilt, lli-foro tho country his truo character now stands exposed and detested. Ho has "made himself n name In history:'' a fume llko that of Aerostratus, When thu fiiluio student of history shall read tho account pf Nero's Blinmeles conduct when Itomu was burning, ho will be reminded of n story ho" unco heard of n man from Galena, H.U.r FAlir. roil Si', Louia. Tho Com mittee on Transportation for tho National Democratic Convention havo received re plies from thirty railroads that they will maku half faro rates not only to delegates to the convention, but to all persons in any way connected wilh tho Convention, and it is expected at least all the main roads of the country will aiquicsco in this urriingcnicnt. A full list of roads agreeing to this iceliictloii will bo submitted us boon us tlio replies aro all in. In declining to bo n Presidential Cuudl date, Jiuh'o Uluck gets in a good wend for General Hancock by saying! "There aro many names mentioned for thu nomination atSt, Louis lur better than mine. If tlio el u legates from Pennsylvania tlesiro to volo for u citizen of litis Slate, wo havo ono whose claim upon them and upon tho coun try is beyond dispute. Geuenil Hancock, whose heroic eonuiici in arms is only tqai leel bv bis sciuiiuhills ile-votioii to tho prill ciplis of civil libcity in tlmo of peace, would mako n randleluto and it President of whom ive wight bo piotid indeed." WAsiiiMjrox liirmit. Wasiunhion, 1). G, May 23, 1S7C. Nothing of Importance wrt- trntisccUil in e-lllier llouso of CoiirrsH on Sntiinla;, . Tim )irojiottl adjournment of b"lli ll"iist -1 1 the 12tli of Juno i i irgiinlod by many of lliu knowing ones ns shee r nonsense, n tniiiiy uf tlio nppropiiatlrm bills, ngreeil upon by the House Coiniiiltteo will never pas tho Sen nln without very inatcliul ilinngt", Tho larger portion of llio Scunle'ii time I occu pied with (he liclknap impeachment. Mot of llio Senators havo prepared wilttcti opinions stating their view. of tho caso and giving the reason for tho vote they have cast, lo be submitted nfler tho volo ii tn ken. It seems to no conceded that the vole n to jurisdiction, will bo n pretty closn one mid It hn! been iiitiinafi d, (lint sliould over one third of the Senate volo ngalnst juris diction llelknnp might ecnpc by thce same senator refining to declare blni guilty be- eiiii'i' the Court has no right In try Mm, riii: New Ynr!' Ti,ttr, thinks this, I a fool- eli idea, it li tl hold that n Scn itor called on to say whether, on tho evidence', the accused is, or I not guilty ha no more right lo let the iplt-tlon of jniisiliillnu iniliieneo him titan h.n n juryman. It is :t question (hat open to ill'Ciiulon ami much may bo said on bnlli tide, he probabilities are thnt tlic rr't-iinto Cm- liiillco nn Post olhcc ami Post rtuidi will recommend llio restoration of the Frank ing prlvclegc lo members of Ceingro lor ollicial business There i no tloiiht that this change (torn the present official slumps would be cheaper and lu all other respects work better for llio ends of public business, Tho present system is simply eniicTiitig the Post Oflico nt llio expenso of the other l)e arfinciit. or In effect only turning over tho government':) money from one department to tho either, and only creating mi un necessary expenditure of money in the man ufacture of stump and stamped envelope. 1 ho outrugo mill which wa. set in opera tiou evidently by Carpet-baggers to grind political capital ha, it seem, ceased run ning. On the 17th inst, Gov. Kellogg re ceived a telegram from New Orleans infor ming him that tho violence near Mississippi lino had been honihle. Tliero were reports of wild regulator. preparing to cros tho line to nttack tlio negroes Tho tenor of the tel egram wa such a to create serious appre hension nf further trouble. Tho President assure Gov. Kellogg that the power already given tn tho Tl. P. military in Louisiana tn prcveiit violence would bo amplified if tho neceilv therefor nrno. On tho 19fh the following dispatch wa sent tn Governor Ptono bv W. If. Noble the sheriff of Wilk inson countv : Woonvil.l.r!. Mis . Mnv 10th. To Ooi: f'our: Quiet ha been restored throughout the eountv. Thevtroiihle could havo been avoided had not tho colored people fired into inv pns '1 hey were ntlvisod hy their lend ers to kill white people from the cradle up. 1 have arrested nmo of the ring loaders nnd mnv get morn Prominent colored men were with mo attempting to pacify them, but they Mould listen to no advice. I apprehend no further trouble. So from thi it would seem tho mill did not run near a well a Gov. Kellogg and his confrere hoped, nnd the prist ground turned out'valuele. The Haltimoro iic think it strange and a most singular coinci cideneo that Senator Morton should lie so conspicuously exercised in behalf of South ern Republican!) and be a candidate for the Presidency too. Hi friend Kellogg appears to havo stirred up a first ela outrage in the very nick of time, jut as hi friend Harrison charged liiaine wilh corruption, hoping to hurt him. Tho fact that Morton is a candi date may havo no significance in tins direc tion, hut it doe seem strange that such aids to votes as tin' slander of Blaine by one henchman and of tho south by another should always happen just when Morton most needs tlieni, Tho page who fell while sliding down the ban'stcrs at the Capitol it is thought will recover. lilixo. An Important Matter tn llnrciigh ami Town ship Auditors" Several time in the lat few month we havo called tho attention of the people and officers of the several boroughs and town ships in this county to thn law requiring them to publish an itemized financial state ment of their accounts in tlio newspapers in their immediate neighborhood. Wo have been led to do this, not altogether from a selfish motive, but because it is our duty a journalists to keep the people posted in all matters that pertain to their interests; and also because wo havo noticed that in a great many instances tlio law was being totally disregarded. Tho law ha been for years es pecially explicit a regards borough, and yet the borough of Jlilcshtirg and Howard have paid no attention to tho matter what ever. This disregard of tlio law subjects the auditor. of the borough, if tho corporation is in debt, of ono thousand dollars apiece ; if not in debt, of twenty dollars. The officers of the school hoards in these two places havo been equally derelict in their duty, and nro liable to a similar fine. Ily n law passed in 187f, tlio duty is now- just as obligatory upon townships or other corporation. This question is being pre sented to tho people by tho papers all over tho State, and this has led it to investigate tlio matter. Wo havo sought information of tlio lawyers, and they tell us that the law upon this point is plain that it plainly re quires tho auditors of tlio several boroughs nnd townships to publish a statement of their accounts, respectively, at tho closo of eacli fiscal year, in at least two newspapers in the county; also by written oi printed posters, posted within the several boroughs or township, teomo of tho township and borough olficers havo held the opinion thnt tlio written or printed posters, posted in the town or township, wero sulliclent, A caso of this kind was tried in Washington conn ty, involving a neglect of the auditors to publish in tlio papers, and after a thorough examination tlio Court decided against tho auditors and lined them twenty dollars each. In Allegheny county a like caso wa tried, anil with exactly tho sanio result. No doubt the reason why some persons havo thought a publication by written or in luted notices, posted up in the borough or or township, w as biillieieut compliance with tho law, i beeniiso tho act of 187-1 so stated it, but tho provisions of tho act were as fol lows : Nothing in this act shall bo construed to Interfere with the present law which requiie.s annual siaienieius oi mo receipts mid expeu ditures of tlio borough councils, road com mUsIoncrs, supervisors, overseers eif the uoor. and school directors to bu advertised in tlio daily or weekly papers published in the re speellvo localities. It is plain from the abovotliat tho written or printed statements to bo posted within tlio borough or township, is in addition to tho publication lu tho papers, for were it not hi tlio act itsulf would bo practically of no cllcct-lii fact a nullity. Then again, on the 20th day of April.lSGl tho Governor approved uu act, tho Cth sec tion ol which required tlio corporate uuthor itles of every Miimcipalitu or ditlriet to uniiit ully, In tho month of January, prepare and publish lu at least two newspapers of said municipality, or v the county la which the same Is situated, n statement showing lu le tnll tlio actual, the amount of funded ile-ht, the amount of the HotUlngdebt, thereof, the valuation of the la.inbl- proper ty therein, the assets elf tho corpnuitiiill, with Ihe clmiiiclcr mul nature thereof. The pen alty for licgliet lo publish In tho newspapers tueli a statement Ii n fine of one thmuatul hU fart, The object of till law I plain. It I to bring tn tlio knowledge of all tho people Inlcicsleil, ul least unco a year, the actual fi nancial condition of tho borough, township or district and I a much for tho benefit of tho tax-payer a for the creditor or creditors, It 1 a law made In the interest of the wholo people, both rich and poor, who have taxes to pay, and It i for tho Interest of every tax payer to seo that It in carried out to tho let ter, for it give. everyone an opportunity lo know what tho officer elected to do their public hulnt' nro doing with their money whether they are laying It out judiciously or not. On the 12th tiny ol April, 187.", tho Gov ernor approve tl mi net which wa supplemen tary to the net of 20th of April, 187 1; declar ing thai tlio statement to he published in at least two newspaper must bout the mil of thi' fiscal year, and not In .Iinu.iry, n re epilred by said act of Wlh April, 187 1. The new Ootistilutijin HipiiitM llio lioroiigh or township officers to he elected 'iiiiiunlly, in Fthruary. The law, in pur.tiai"-o of thnt constitutional provision, require) such olli cer elected in February to he sworn Into of lico on tlio first Monday of April. Colisc quei 'y the fiscal year end at that time.'nnd all statements havo to bo made out and published a soon a possible thereafter, except school accounts, which mint bo pub lished in June. We therefore sum up the wholo question ns follows: First The nudltois are required in eacli borough and township to settle the annual account. thereof, and publish tlio Fame not only in newspapers, but also by written or printed statements, put up in tlio most pub lie places in tho lespectivo boroughs and township a soon after tho close of tlio fiscal year, which is on the first Monday in April, a possible. Seeontl-If tho borough or township is in debt, ha a funded or floating debt, thi must bo included in tlio statement, together witli tlio valuation of property, etc., and publish ed in at least two papers, and embraced in llio written or printed statement' also. It will bo readily seen by what we have aid thai it is necessary that the auditors of tlio several boroughs, townships and districts throughout the county should go to work nt once and settle the accounts, a they are in duty bound to do, and have them published not only by posting written or printed no- ticcs, but also by publishing tho same in the newspapers, a tho law directs, A failure to perform this duty may subject tlio officer to trouble ; for, as wo have stated above, if the corporation is not in debt they aro subject to a lino of twenty dollars apiece ; if it i in debt, to a fine of ono thousand dollars. It i hardly worth while for tho auditors of any borough, township or district in tin county to incur tlio risk of thi penalty by a neglect of this plain lawful duty. If they do, and suffer by it, they cannot plead ignorance of tho law as an excuse, for we do not suppose there are any persons in this county elected to thi responsible position who cannot read Ilelleonte J'epubltcan, A Cure for Bronchitis. Adamsburg, Snyder Co., Pa., July 10, 1809. Alessrs. cctli W. rowle con. linston. Gents : About two years ago I had a se vcre altacu oi oronclitu. Aiy throat was very sore, and at one time I could not speak above a whisper. Heading in one of your pamphlets nt llio cures that Had licen effected bv Dr. Wistar's Hal-am of Wild Cherry, I was induced to give tho article a trial, tlio result of which was quite satismc tory. ihe use ol one uottle restored me so much that I thought there was no need of taking more, nut upon taking a slight cold 1 lelt the trouble reluming, x then took half a bottle of tho Halsam, which has en tirely cured me. I now with pleasure re coininciiil this really invaluable article to ill wlio are sullering horn similar diseases ami am confident that after a single trial vou will speak of it in tho terms 1 now do, Itcspectfully yours, Airs, c-arah ennui. Caution. Heware of preparations bear ing similar names. Ivxamine the liottle carclully hefoic purchasing, anil be sine you get Dr. Wistar's Halsam of Wild cherry having the signature of "I. Ilutts" on the wrapper. f0 cents nnd tl a bottle. HKA 1) AMI CONSIIH'.U. Hciison's Capcine Porous Plasters are an economical, clean, certain and powerful rem oily, surpassing in efficacy any known plas ter, liniment or compound. They aro particularly o fTeciive, and will positively relievo and cure: Acute and Chronic Hhcumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia Nervous Diseases, Stubborn Colds, Kidney Complaints and all diseases for which a po. rou plaster has been used, in an astonish. ing short time. Capcine is tlio greatest medicine known Capcine is oiiperlor to electricity and more certain. Heiison's Capcine Porous Plasters relieve at onco and cure quickly. Try them. Price 25 cts. si:Aiiriiv& joiinson, ru.uiiucEi-Ticii. Chemists, N, V Jlay 19, '70 ly. Ax HisTouii Ai. Fact. Every agent who ha been steadily selling thu Improved $20 Home stead Sewing Mnihine for llueeyenr, owns hi dwelling house, ha a good account in bank, is clear ol ikht, anil has money at interest. Ihe natural consequence ol securing a good agency for superior goods at the lowest prices, A gootl first-elassSeniiii; Machine, most useful tellable at all times, easy to iiuderstauil and control, the same swe anil iloc-s tho same woika any ma chines that sell nt four times thu price. There 1 no maehinu at any puce belter, or that will do liner or more work, anil certainly none so low in price by many dollars. The HomeMcnil is widely known am! used in thousand of fam ilies in the Eastern and Middle Stall s. nnd dai ly becoming popular in the West. It will save its cost several times over ill one season, doing llio work of Ihe family, or will earn four or five dollars n day fur auv man or woman who sews lor a living. 11 is llie strongest machine inaeie. is ready nt all times to do its woik, makes thu stroiiL'ist and finest stitih vet invented, audi fullv at'knuwlidgul as the Btaudaid Family Sewing Jlaihine. Price, complete for domes lie use, delivered at your door, no matter how icniote jou may reside, llusiness perma nent and honorable, wilh more certain ami rap id sale, and larger profits than any other. Ex traonlinaiy libel al oilers made to local or trav illng Hgen'ls wheiu we have none established ; or, if llitio Is no agent near you, send your or der direct tn tin- factory. Addles John H. Kendall A Co., 0!!0 llroa'dway, New Voik. Jlay 5, 70 ly. Marriages. IIANTZ-AI.HUUTSOM.-At tho resldeneo ui the brluVn father, lu Ureenwoud township, on tlio lsth of April, 1ST0, by 11. E, Drvls, J.icob luuli, ot Jack, sou, to Sarah Juno Alucrtsou, ol Qrccnwood. IIKAVHH-IIAMI'TOV.-At NuinlJla, May Clh, by llov. ll, II, liee'lmr;, Mr. Trancla Heaver to MIsh Slury M, Hampton, buth ot lluurlniTrcck. KKHTUlt-MYKIW.-.U Cutawl-UM, May lstli, by tlio Haino, Mr. Uuuo N. Hester, ol !ocuit, lo MUa Emily C. Myers, ot Koarlngcref U Deaths. ItolillltTS. In MuDlour iwp., near ltupcrt on tho SUth Inst., CaJwullader Huberts, uifed 73 )earduiul ii months. , Ills departure win very sudden, havliii: been busily climaxed ultli hWilulliu unlit within a futv li.jurs t, hi death, lla was boru lu Montgomery county, but had been a rosldent ol thli county (or forty yeam, uud was much respected lu I tin coiuinuulty lu which ho lived. Uu Icai is a family of four children. Business Notices Cnsrr.SNIAI. Ituv an Accident l'olicv of M. W. Iitiss, ofuce Court llotuo lilooms bmg. A new lot of l'oekct Hook iut received nt tlioUKNTIlAL HOOK SlOllK (Post- office). (lent Centennial Itucklc Shoes itut re ceived nt U. JI. Knurr's, Tho latest out. Tasso Kmbroltlerv and Inscrtlnes and I.incn Yak Lace anil Fringe with a Line Drcs Linen. 2" lo -10 cents per yard just received nt Clark ci Woll s. For Dress Linens and Lace. Fringe mid Jtnbroidery to trim them go to Lulz t Sloan's. To buy ehen p for cash go to C'rcaev's new stoio up town. l'hneiilxvillo I'otterv. cimltiiic of Tea pot Hitter Howl, Soap l)i!us Ac., at Ku sel's. Children's Pear! Shoo iilst received at Knoir's, A full lino of Ores Shirt at I. Lowell- burg. A new tot of (It ntlemcn and Ladle. fine Shoesjiist rccuiual nt S. II. Miller it Son's. Driid Fruit, Spices, Tea, Coffee, and Su gar ol first quality at Philips', L idles Gaiter Shoes SI. 20 and upward at Crcay ' New Store. A "ood assortment of Zephyr. Ynrn. La ce, llibboti, and Dress Trimming just ii- eivttl ny a. i;. weun. Alain street, next eloeir lo First National Hank. May 12, '70 lw. I homns Webb lias iut received two choice brands of cigars, "La Culta" nnd"Tbe J rotters, ' to which he calls tlio attention ol all lovers of good tobacco No better live cent cigars have ever been olferctl to the peo ple 01 lllOOIIIsbtllg. 5 IFor While Good and Hamburg Embroi deries go to Lutz & Sloan's. Something new. Tlio celebrated Comfor table Shoe without pegs and will not tqeak, at ly. Al. Kiiorr s. S. H. Miller & Sou have just received'n new lot of line shoes. 300.1'airs Slippers at McKinney's. Fine Shoe for Ladies and Gent received this week atS. 11. Miller & Son's. Third lot of l'nrnsnls for thi Spring just in at Clark & Wolf's. White Vests, Alpaca Differs. Linen Dusters, Linen Suits. Nnvy Flannel Suits. For summer wear Latest Styles and Lowest Price, nt 1). Lowen'ourg. Great arrival ofSnring and Summer Goods, Just received at L. JI. Knorrs. The place to buy Tea is at Crensy's Economical Imperial, m Uantlstcrs i0 cent per pound. Still a Larrro Lino of Spring Dres Good in plain and plaids at 12 cents and up at Ulnrfc oi i olt s. New Stock of Queeti'wnre and Glassware, lowest rates at Al. u. Kussell s. Fino Svrups nnd from 7r cent to 85 cents per gallon, liest con nine New Orleans Molasses 90 cents at Creay's New Store. Fahmtok, Attention. Itussel take Butter Eggs, Lard and Produce in exchange for good Pure Cider Vinegar at Philips'. Hats, Hat, Hat, Latest Style, Lowest Price, Largest Stock, For Men. llnvs and Children, nt D. Lo'venberg': A full lino of Black Dress Good for Spring, Summer and Fall at Clark ec Wolf's, Blank Honk cheap. HOOK STOItE at the CENTRA1 Ladies Lasting ney's. Gaiters 1.25 at JIcKin Full line of Hoots and Shoes cheap for cash. Alpaca 25 to 00 Crcasy'sNew Store. cents per yard at A full line of White Goods, all style am' prices, now in at Ulnrk ec oil s. S1.2." cents will buy anice pair of Litdy uniters nt i-.. Al. lunrt .. puih.ic'n'oTici:. Parties who nro not tminq to the Centcn ninl can buy Clothing just as cheap, nnd in fact cheaper than ever, at D. Lowenberg's Philips' New Grocery Store is in Shive's Block, uivo mm a can. Flour and Feed at JI. JI. Kussell's. Applcton "A" Muslin 9 cents a yard by the Dolt, cash, at ureasys. Buy tho Ellmood Collar at JIcKinney's - i Monfi ware uisnes irom a. 70 to 000 per set, at t-reasy s. Ciibbas and Satchel's at Clark Si Wolf's. Don't wait until it is too lato to get cheap pair of Shoes at E. JI. Knorr's. You can buy Domestic Dry Goods at the lowest prices at Clark it Wolfs. Lasting Slippers 90 cent? at JIcKinney's, Full line of Wood and Willow Ware at Creasy's. Can lied fruits ol nit kinds at Kufsell's COAL. COAL Old Established Coal Yard. O. W. Neat, & lino., Wholesale & Retail Dealers in all sizes of the best qualities of Heel and White. Ash Coal, at the very lowest market rates. Have constantly on hand lurire stocks of Domestic, Cupola, lllucksmith's Anthracite, ltituiiiiiiiiii.i, nnd Linicburiter's Coal. Ksi'ecial attention given to tho jirejiara tion of coal boforo leaving our yards, (iraiti and Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to anv part of the town at short notice'. Orders felt at I. W. McKelvy's store, or at our ollice, will receive prompt at tention. Ollicc- and Yardi at William Neal it Sons' Furnace, East illoomshurg, patronage respectfully bolicitetl. COAL. 7-tf-251 Your COAL The tiN-r.Y snm Cnm Fou ltviTcitK, The oldes and best hernia surgeons In tho ttorldnro soniuof the adv.uil ages oirered by tho Triumph Truss Co., C3t liowery, N. Y., whoso truss undsuppwu-rwere awarded the meihil at tho lato besslonot thoeimit Anicilean Institute) I'alr Hemllo cents lor their new book. Manhsi 7iS-ly A Wiiiui.y AlTJ.ll'AllI.E Kemkiiy. Few remedies are applicable to such a wide rango of disorder as llostctter's Stomach Hitters. and this not because it has special properties adapted to the cure of each such a nretence would bo manifestly absurd but on account' of its wonderliilly improving effect upon the general tone ot ino i-yneni, aim us altera tivo action upon tho organs of nutrition, tse cretiou and discharge. Uesltlcs Its well known properties at a remedy for intermit tent and remittent fevers, dyspepsia, consti pation, torpidity of the liver, general debil ity, urinaiy mul uterine difliciilties, it inva riably prove to be highly serviceable in ovcrcomiuc niiu'iiila. hvixichondria. rheuinn- tism, insomnia, and many other disorders ami disabilities originating in poverty or im purity of the blood, nervous weakness or-over-exclteiuent, or nn imperfect perform unco of tho physical functions. May, ltiiptiiri cured lu from w lo w iluys by f he TH iiinph Truss Co., of ' ii Hotter, N. v., who offer f I, fuo for u rupture ihoy cannot cure. Ke advertise ment uud cut of Truss In unuthi r cclutnu, bend 10 cents for desfilptho book of -filuuiph Hupturc. Cure. larcUJ4, 1i-y Ii MATTER OP POPULAR INTEREST, Wo condensffrom tho LrMg Xratrtcr tlio mlistantoof nonvcrsiitlon nboutonk If all. In riilla(lo)iiytVanjMkerAIlrown'" lamest CIotlilnHiSo In America." A vlltor nd nticnilaiiRr.o tlio rneakcra i ' What comer I tho Tlulldlmr on r' "Houth-ljiU corner of tu i nml Market, l'lcnto noto llio BIXT1I, for lomo itrangcra seeking Oak Halt, uavo been mUlect Ly dcslKUlng persons." , V, "M Is icriccUy colossal! Do you know Its cllnien-iouir' A. 12,000 quaro feet W on Market, and 190 otlj on Blxth, tlx ttorles high, lias over threo acres 'j4 floortag, and covers tpaco one o occupied by ortOian twenty ellflcrcnt bus!- V. '' Do vou uso Iteam.nowprr A. "A Riant young esgino furnishes power for tho freight anel iiowiiiEcr elevators, and llio boilers drain fur healing, and tho other opera- V. " What order do you lako with goodsT" A. "They aro first tpptyfed and arranged In tho basement, on loncjuSr counters, and taken theneo on tho fghtclcvator to tho Impcc tor's room on ihtjIjVii floor." V. " 1; inspcctlnjrlho flrtt opcratlonT A. "ho, sir, measuring. 7ho goods aro first manured lu tho piece, then Inspected. 1 ho cloth passes over rollers In tho lace of a strong light, and two men sit, ono before snd ono lhlnd tho foods, watching with tho cyoof ft hawk for llio lentt pln-holo Imperfection, and marking every flaw, so that tho cutler may tea and avoid 11 wheu ho ciac to cut tho ear menu." V, ' You must employ on arry of cuttcrsT A. "Corao to our lllth lies and wo I Wo I.cep ,0 hutid all the t.'A' i-naing up tho doth into garmeiiot, beldeJ,liy5 machines that do a tlojen men work cncliSTi a Hroke." (roods V" . "io you mauutacturu all vour cm-n A. "wo do, and most carefully. Our cx- a&lincrs insnect cvrrv Itilr-li nml imm rn,l certify to oery garment as extra-well mado beforo ;vo put our ticket on It.and bucomo responslblo for It." deai?',Vl"'r ('ltem mutl fM' ?avl ft tP"' A. "Jn every direction, sir. ltlstKffyslcra and economy wo practleoall tjwiwivf thruunli, that enables m to put our priS, rfown to tho peoplo as wo do." y ofv1't Alter Inspecting tho work, what becomes A. "Beforo It noes into Stock It Is ttctctcJ. J.vcry tinglo garment has lis number and other rwliiunoiedonit.sothat Itscntiro his tory can bo traced without fail, urion our jooks," Y-',' Vou must have CO or 40 talesmen ?" A. "Why sir, on busy days you tnoytcc 100 in tho various rooms and suites ot rooms, telling to tho throngs of customers." aud express?" ... uu you uo an oracr luap'. i,v Tnn i A. " cry great. All over the country. Our WHOLESALE DRUG EMPORIU. Corner Muin and Murket Street BLOOMSBURG, PA. The undersigned having heen engaged in the 1TP! HEP cie business for tho past eight years would call the attention of com dealers to their large and varied stock. They defy competition by any house in or out of tho large ci Theia? stock consists of Paints:, Oil lass, Putt, Patent IVEsdicisies, Spict RETAIL DEPARTMENT D3 jR, O "W E 3 S IBXiOCK:- Where may .he found a large stock of Surgical Instrume Sponges, Chamois, Colognes, Perfumery and in fact everything h in a well regulated retail Drug Store. They are also Sole Manufacturers of the celehrated OIL .OF GLADNESS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUH STOCK. MOYBR BROS. Jlay 19, 'T.-tf. i tow mm WMEm Then Buy N. Y. EITAMBL PAINT OO.'S ands.-eone-thlriltlio costof niTmi fl T 1) A T"M'P painting, and get a paint Is much handsomer untl will V I 1 l!i 111 Lv.yA Ll 1 J 1 1 I hist t lee a-t long as anv t lialnt. Is prepared iratly for u In u hite or unv color tlcstred. Is on many thousiinds ot tho llnest built lu tho country, many ol w litcli have li"cup.iln eil Mxjears and now loot: us well ns ivtu-n ttrbt pal 'Hits CIlUMIt'AL I'aINT has taken I'lr-t Premiums nt twenty ot tl.tsM.Uc rnlrsot the Union. Sample ot eohns wnt tree. Address N. Y. UN AM 111. TAINT ej 0.,lisl chambers i-trcet, N. v., or -Mil. ll It OS., 1 s Water street, Clei clantl, Ohio. May U, TU- J". EC. MAIZE'S MAMMOTH GROCERY. Corner Main and Center Streets BLOOMSBURG, IE3 A . , The largest stock of groceries and provisions, Queensware, Glassw. etc., etc., in the county, for sale at wholesale or retail at the very lowest prices. ():t. 9, 1675 BOOKSELLER ABJB STATIONER Dtaler in Law Blanks, Sunday School Lihraries, Depositary of t Pennsylvania Bihle Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CAR'I Books and supplies not on hand can ho furnished On Shoj-l Noiice at ihe Most llcasondblG Redes. Store in Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomsburg, Pa cet. e, is7s- Then Buy MILLER BROS.' nml siuo oncthlnl the cost of ri i -- l r r "T i) i i V"P pnUitliur. and en a rnlut t Is much liana-oilier anil lll V. 1 1 ljfil 1V,'7V I i I s I i l. last tivlco nt loin; u nnv i.t Ndlrit. Is prepared reuily fur use In while oriin color tleslrecl. I on many thousands ot the llm -,t Lulhd in tlio couulrv, inuiiv ol which lmic breu lulnled slxeiun, anil now look as well as whenllrst imlnt 'J lils i'lli:MIi'Al. I'AINT has lakeu first I'remluins at twenty of the state I-'ulraof the I nton, H tiui le c of colors sent free, Adtlress MILI.lill llltOS, luu vvntcr str'-H, it vchiiiu. o; N. V. EN A M K I, I'AINT C 0 103 C'hauibers struct, N. Y. May 18, '70-ly. ,Tli IWdsntcf tho IIUVANT fc RTTtATTON T1I'KINTR3 rOT.T.llfli:. rhttuJelrct, fat made krrajitfeiuitiM bo tliut prnu tle-inn tu blta4 IL lustituUuu duriU2 thu pri'ttrt.u "f Iho UNITED STATES CENTENNIAL EXHIBITiSQN cnneticutogocntlnariiat thprttnt loorafe$. It mil takoct jartnutOhtl, tothoroushlTes&mlntt'io P"-! I tibjeet of interest (rem all imrti of tho world, nml tbia ran Uhitlv bo duna alturaocua ami rn Ki.tur t v ' tial interfering wiU thu regular courtuiuf ktuuf. Vi 9ch njmrtuHUy or obtaining n imiHfi w4f i 4 tutmibl utHirut injQrmAtwH utfl tttr uyaln h jrnUd. l'ur full nurtionlari, ivddrora J. U. bUULU, I'ruldsat, ti-ulU Tvu.ii btrttt, rMUdilph-, Slay B.v. Teny'sYeaelalile Nbiyb Remefly. I V, upul I.IUIUIIUII Ul IIIU lieil Ullt BJSlC'lll, causing uu lininetllain aud pront r euro In the follow. Inscttses! ninous debility hniialitd nutrition of thu bodj, lassitude, weakness In the limbs anil back, liidlsiiosltloit ami lnt'Uarlty tor fctuily, dulliithsot upprt liciislon, loss of numory, aversion td society, timidity, n-ll-dl-lrust, tlUzlm-ss, heutluclie, liichli nt to I oth sexes, for whoso bcneilt It Is ilosluued and w hose hat litm-sH It w 111 promote. 'I ho most eminent i.hjslilans of thli couutrv havo exeilctl tlieniselMslo tho utmost tocheik: Iholn creasing futullty resultli , from tlio lehuallonot thu neius. IhiMni; tor u Ioiik pt-rloit itevoteil uiueli study, iliuu ami hiborln e-stitbll-hini' u meetly for f Itf, 1 j.rf.-r-r , nit , .,., 1,,., nt . t,u ... ... ..T. . , . ... crat 1; ...'. .,v" "' 'oitnuui bit 111, It is ilijlnif to bo itWt to uiinoiuieo tho bUt-et Hs al leuuintf itiy now method. '1 hruuuh Ihls lemedy thu ly 1 ho ut-riibcau uorencneu nnu in Biiciia way that, how. titer siiuiicri-u or prostruioii, l lie) can no ln-rfectly (w.u.iu iifliiq un uiw nt-iti-sui out e . in wun geiitleness-rt storing them to anutunil slate, and liotli st-Ms, w less, tluiiivh U.e r roMratlon ot tlioiienous Kjsiein, loe tlmlr eneigv. Insiidi llisMnetw the Nt-nti lleiiierty limy lni I elled iukjU lu rvil1uK llm itlt!nt luto lliu iti't-r of jouth. 'llio Ner u lteiretl.v l-t oicfuUy compounded and nut uii In lioieH wilh full directions. ,ee. nnti dot lar, e'Hiroosed to any mldro-K on receli.t of pi litt. lilt. I, C'llAfNCKY TfcllllV, ISQs vino uticct, l'hlla. onico hours, 11 a. in, to 8 p. in., I to u p. m. Huitu W!(,-iy, perfect fritcm r5d rnleiof fclf-mcasurcmtr make II rsw-lbro lu please, pooplo 2.WI tall away jwavcriectiy us ii nicy wero ncro V. " i tupposo you hare at least half n iloz different dcpurimcntir" A. "Mydt-arslrl o have more than firnil rach charged with Its own bu'lnces.andcac thoroughly organised, anccottary wheel lb In tho preatwhecl." V. "Will you name auorcn or ro of llicm A. "With pleasure. Tho Custom Depat roi-nt, for thoto wjio prefer custnm-aiaua ready-roadie TJ rurnWilnB Dcpnrlmtt with Its lwnirTito (lock of all undcrwcti making our own ilrst-clafsehlrts. Tho Trfi ming Ifcpartrnent, Itself oatlg as many a rer lar store, Tho Uarment flock lloom. 'ii Itcceivlng lloom. Tho, Order Dcpaitmc: named before. Tho Ppeclal Uniforms Dcpar merit, Tho Delivery Department, with 1 fcoro oi mewengcrs. inc V. "llold.holdl (ir.cneurthr A. "l'mnothnlfthroughl Tho Adrerllslr Tl.n.rira,nl u-lth ffa lilll Otlil ftln rllat Hli.tlv cdltmgann puuiisninna niisincn ana popuii lournal. circuit ir.fte. (O.000 conies month! 7tiUallTourfrirei tuiciiti loruj. j no flicn Department, witinti mony rooms. ThoUoy Department. Tho Youths' Department, Tl Children's Deportment, with Its rpcc'i entrance for ladles. Tho Telegraph Dcpa menu iiio unci ucoi a ju-puriuicui. Vit lis utAjK-kLX-i-rn miu u-Ei&inuiv. uvui-uii Aim sgcrs Departments linaucicrs cifuee, an .Ti.H r.r i,n i-tn,ll i, na i. 41,1.1 t-ttir tilrtnnttiff. i,v,.,rtiHf( l.t.vlt, i'gfiterlng.retefrvlrfe.tentling out, iclllri nnd In a tl.e.usantiAXra Jt tt.lng their Itm to carry on abuslncssvith the people ami un lug to between ts.ooojoo tua S3,ioo,i.iia at nuany. V. "B-t-u-n-o n-d-o-u si" A. "Indeed It 1st I forgot to nnmo IS Cashier's Department, v.hlchhantllf iltik-.V, of retail rait s on some tingle tlr.ysl" V. "fcs.oooi Immcnsol Thaivwhat enable tlio home to buy rhcap and sclchc ap " A. "Exactly I Yon havo Jfit hit it, Th peoplo throng hero, knjctn that wo deptn on low prices and immesriales.11 V. "What aro tho 'rocii mats' Ihcar much about?" A. "Our ryttcm of business dealing 1. On Trice, no deviation i v.. Cash for everjlhlng, i A guaranteo protecting tho purchaser: 4, Th money returned if tho buyer can't otherwit bo suited." V. " Nothing could bo fairer." ' A. " Nothing. And tho people ceo It." V. "Well, I thanlc you, Hr, for your polit attention." A. " Net at all. It's n pleasure to rvo yon Call again; and ho turo of tho plaft Wana maker ife llrown's O.ik Ilalljefrotu-Lait cci ner rilxth and Market." V, "Thsnk you! I shall bo happy to do to Good morning." mm 1 u 4 Hi. I ; 7"ALUAI!LK l'HOl'J-ntTY AT fiuvATi: sau:. Tho suLscrltior will offer at prlTatei i ale TIJllEB TOWN l.OTH In the town of Light Mrcet, Colunilla county 1 linprove-iiitnU etiiiKlstuf atwt-stoiy trinue hoi. with iii-cc saury i iilbutldliies, u bhtek-ndiu Hit ii i smiill framti liutist) sultuble lur u shop. Ti-rius uutdu easy fur i urehauis. J, 11. run tight mwt, Arm u-tm. Philadelpliia & 11 K. C CKNTKNKIAL EXCUlthlON 1 Jt Ki: On mul altHr May 1st, is'.o, anddi i, UalUHUit I lit! I' Mul r.xposiu cts good for i6tlu fit in dun sued from si si Ions uu lie 1 1 1 ltallreuid mid ninulitJt, i" I i.i , ; r IMkMUUIfllt Will Ihi , I I -1 -1 . fi om I lit- ilcpOl, Willi lit kjcalf ,i u- i tolhulViilinnUI iniUeUatu. J 1 WtK i Kkapinii, Al ill Will, IbKCer.eul tttiicrat Apilltt'th lu. nl 'lit ui ui