The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 12, 1876, Image 4
Humorous. When birds soar tliey warble, but when a tfirtwt'SiBoro It doesn't. An exchange, nays that "glycerino Is gooel for croup." Nitro- glycerine will euro any disease. In what key would a lover writo a pro posal of marriage? He mine, ah I Why nro cents separated from dollars by a point? To mako sense, of course. Don't you seo the point? -Danbury A'cit. Tho town clock at Norwich has stopped and tho Norwhlch Bulletin says that the hands aro thrown out of employment. A Vermont woman tackled n bear last week and killed It, greatly to the disap pointment ot her husband, who witnessed the.contcst. Boys are so bad. Yesterday one coaxed a goat Into nn empty sugar hogshead, and 'when that goat got out every other goat ho met wanted to lick him. Tho bull-frog was tho first circulating greenback, and the entire breed have been notorious inflationists ever since the flood. Ktw York .Evening Mail. Babcock can say with the apostle : "None of these things move me." Ho is still pri vate secretary to the President of tho United States. Blobbs, speaking of an acquaintance whose stock-of brains was heavily mortgaged, re marked i "Why, he's next door to a fool and sometimes moves in." At) Iowa man has Invented a new broom handle of great durability. Ho has dis covered that it is a common experience in families that the handlo wears out first. Mr. Cann, of Boston, oners to wrestle with any one in this world. Parties of that name often wrestle unsuccessfully with the tall of a small dog. The new style of boots are, made with thick soles nnd very wide at the toes. l oung men should remember tuts and seo hefr only to tho front gate, ''tiutton parties" aro popular in tho West. We don't know whence they derive their name, unless it is because they're always j sure to come off. ' Joaquin Miller tells of a mat whom his trienda thought must lie, because there wasn't truth enough in the world to keep him talking as much as he did. Ono of Tweed's relations says ho used to be fond of learning verses from tho Bible when a boy. And now he has committed Exodus. The Indian chieftain, Col. W. P. Adair, was mado to pay $35,000 to get a $50,000 calni through the department. This is what might bo called Robbin' Adair. An Irish schoolmaster recently informed his pupils that the feminine gender should bo applied to all ships and vessels afloat, except mail steamers and men of-war. Tho Grecnsburg Tribuno says "that the people of Pennsylvania have stamped out the infamous attempt of the Democratic par ty to get into power." To which the Greens- bur Times responds "Yc, stamps did it." Bachelors are not entirely lost to tho ro finement of sentiment, for the following toast was given by one of them at a public dinner; "Tho ladles sweet briars in the garden of life." A Boston paper speaks about President Tyler's "last fatal illness." How many fatal illnesses did he have, and how did ho cure the first ono? Detroit Free l'rett. An agricultural journal aavestiscs a new washing machine under tho headinj "Every man his own washerwoman,' and in its culinary department says that "potatoes should always be boiled in cold water." An alderman who had become a furious parliamentarian after two weeks in oflice was expelled from the church for rising in tho midst of the.sermon and moving the pre vious question. The question "Can any good como out of Nazareth t" has been answered intho. affir mative. Annie Good camo out of Nazareth, and was arrested in Heading for vagrancy Before his marriage Broughm praised the artistic manner in which his wife "banged"' her hair. Now he complains of the cruel manner in which she bangs his head. A Canadian walked twenty-five miles through snow and Ice and mud to borrow $8 of his sister, and then found that his sis ter didn't have eight cents. She had the measles, however, and that helped his feel- logs n little. Detroit Free J'reit, Dr. Hll says that people sometimes take cold through their cars. This explains why a Milwaukee man always stuffs his ears up with horse blankets and builUlo robes in damp weather. Chicago Timet. They have a disagreeable way in Canon City, Colorado, when a man takes a broken chair to the cabinet shop, ot saying: "Hit you with a chair, did she?'' This is very trying to the average citizen. A train was carrying n clergyman and five or bIx youths who kept scoffing at religion and telling disagreeable stories. Tho good man endured it all, simply remarking as he cot out: "We shall meet again, my chll- dren." "Why shall we meet again?" said the lender of the band. "Ilecauso I am a prlton chaplain." was the reply In looking around for an original rhyme for month vesterdav. wo came across it in ai. ,m .ui,or tt -m.1,1 be found-the New York Commercial Adeer- titer. It reads as follows: There were two men a training went Tj In December's month r One bad his bayonet thrown away, The other bad his gun th rown away. A Norlk Woman. During the Urlz- zlinc'raln vesterdav. a Woodward avenue rnr lumnpii the truck and almost struck the i,rhtni, Tl, driver sa il he'd havo backouthe track in about a miuute, but the only lady on ihe car at onco stepped off Into the rain, .v..'II ,rpr wtvou'd bctterstav ns de." " D 4 ' ' ,i,t, "Never mind (he rain," she pleasantly ro- plied. "The car is oil the truck, anill Uon't will, n ptintn wliern mv tiresunce would . . t -i . .iif.i- nn hiiv pinniiatio remarks ui.1. u vuv- v which those half dozcu geuUcmen may do- Agricultural Harrow Ins Wheat In Spring. Tho ndvnntago of harrowing wheat lands thoroughly In the spring, as soon as the ground becomes dry enough to provent tho horses from sinking into It Is known to many farmers who havo practiced it, bnt is un known to the majority. Wheat is usually sown in September upon well prepat ed land. This land Is left then subject to all tho storms of rain and snow, and tho dry weath er the succeeding spring, until after tho wheat Is harvested. In consequenco, tho land becomes in May and Juno nearly as hard as a meadow. At a Bcason of the year when tho plants are In the greatest vigor of growth, tho land is so hard as not to givo one-half tho nourishment it would if kept mellow by any process. Suppose, for in stance, corn should bo planted In tho fall, under similar conditions with wheat, and that the winter did not injure it ; nnd that it were left without cultivation of any sort until harvested j it is evident that the yield would be diminished over one-half; In fact, tho yjeld would probably bo so light and poor as to bo almost worthless. Now, wheat, from many experiments in its cultivation by hand in England, shows as rreat sensitiveness to cultivation as corn j the yield, by careful hand cultivation being increased to CO, and, in some instances, 80 bushel per acre. Now, a thorough harrow ing of wheat in tho spring, in a very Inex pensive manner, performs the cultivation nearly as well as when done by hand. If tho cruat formed by tho winter snows and spring rains is thoroughly broken, and the ground to the depth of two or more inches well pulverized tho effect upon the wheat is almost like magic. It starts Into the most vigerous growth, and in a few weeks has nearly doubled in size the wheat not har rowed. In pieces of wheat which havo coino under the writer's observation, which were harrowed in strips, that is, one strip not harrowed at all, and the other strips on each side thoroughly harrowed in tho early part of June, the harrowed wheat stood fully ono foot higher than the unharrowed at each side, and in everyway was strikingly rank er and more vigorous. Mr. Itobert J. Swau, of Itoso Hill farm, Geneva N. Y., who has heavy clay laud, says ho has harrowed his wheat for fouryears with theThomas harrow and finds the yield to be increasing fully ten bushels per aero. Bryam Moultou, of Alex ander, Genesee county, New York, harvest ed from fifty acres 1,(300 bushels of wheat. His neighbors only obtained about ten bush el per acre. The only difference in land or treatment was that Moultou'a wheat was thoroughly harrowed with tho same imple ment in the sprinc and his neighbors' was not. The effect produced by harrowing barley and oats, after they have obtained a growth of four or five inches is equally as marked. I have observed many instances whero fully twenty bushels per acre increase, in conse quence of thorough harrowing, was obtain ed. These facts and many others of similar character show clearly tho great profit which farmers may derive from a thorough cultiva tion by narrowing of wheat; oats, barley and other sown crops. A Cultivator in Country Gentlemen. Manuring to Destroy Weeds. Suitable food for crops, says an English Journal, enables them to conquer tho weeds, In regard to clover, it was found that when the land was wholly unmnnurcd, tho weeds formed fifty-seven per cent, of tho entire yield, but that the application of gypsum reduced the proportion of weeds to 2 per ceut. Nitrogenous manures had very slight effect, nnd pho.-phatic manures but little Wo must not from this, however, consider gypsum as nn antidote to weeds in general,sitice it is a spcclflo manure for clo ver, and gives it n power to struggle success fully with the weeds, and crowd tliem out. It is commonly observed that the first ef fect of large quantities of barnyard manure is to make the weeds grow more vigor' ously. This is partly because the manure is usually filled with weed seeds, and also be causa the increase in fertility encourages seeds to sprout, which, with poorer boil, would havo remained dormant. The light, warm and rich soil will sprout weed seeds to a greater depth than that which is heavy, cold and poor. On the other hand, where grain crops are sown, multitudes of these weeds are smoth ered and destroyed by the stronger growth of the grain. Almost all annual weed start from seeds as tiny and feeble as turnip or onions, and the first appearance of the weed is most insignificant. On the other hand wheat, corn, oats and barley havo a rain of considerable substance, and the blade and root correspondingly vigorous not only outgrowing tho weed, but enabling the farmer to cultivate his sown or drilled crops with little injury to the grain, but com pleto destruction to tho weeds. A light drag passed over drilled oaU or barley, just as the grain is well up, will hardly disturb a singlo spoar, but will bury and tip-root millions of tiny weeds. In this way a field may be kept clean, and, where spring grain is to be followed by wheat, tho labor of fit- tine tho stubblo is much lessened. Moore't Jlural. What Constitutes A Good Fertilizer. No ordinary plant can thrive without a sufficient supply of each of a number of Bub- stances needed for its food. With an abun dr nee of all these, in forms in whisli the plant can uo them, and witli other circum stances favorable, the plant will flourWi and the yield will be largo. Hut if the availa ble supply of any one of them be too small n light yield is inevitable. Every ordinary soil contains all the ingredients of plant food In "worn out ' soils the available supply of 0ne or more of these is generally insnfli cieut, Fertilizers supply the plant with food which th0 soil lacks. Uarnyard manure not only does this, but also improves the soil as olivine nlaco for plants. (-"Iphato of llme)are necessary as plant food but, as fertilizers, they aro chiefly valuable In rendcrine other plant food available to crops. Tha Ingredients to plant food gener ally most lacking In our cultivated soils are nitrogen, phosphoric acid, and potash. Tho usefulness of guanos, superphosphates, bone man ures, pouurtucs, poiusn nans, aim um er similar fertilizers, depends mainly upon these ingredients. Such fertilizers are gen it orally moro or ICbs yaiuauie in pruporuou they contain larger or smaller percentages oi nitrogen, phosphate acid, anu potasti, aim m tle aro 10 u ,otm raore or ,eu VB,mu,c to the plant. all me omer conumon. ior I ' . . a . I A.I a nro itable crop oi corn or turnips nro iui lilleii In a soil, except mat puospuono uu is ueucient, me puospuunc . j.."i supplied. This may be done with bone, I I I 1 .. 1 I .. n n.M.n ,rr. .1 1 1. 1 1 ,.U I wnicu coniuins iiico i"bv r i ... phorio acid comtiineu wnu nme jmi TITECOLUMBIAN AND VULOAN IRON WORKS, DANVILLE, MONTOUR COUNTY, l'A. WT ILLIAM 11. LAW, Manufacturer of Y Wrotnjlit Iron 111 Kims, Hollers, HMbohlcr, Fireproof Buildings, Wrought Iron Hooting, Hootiing Frames, Flooring and Doors, Farm (laics and fenc. n?, also wrought iron Mplng, Blacks and all kinds of Smith, Bepalrs promptly attended to N. U.-Drawings nd Katlmatcs supplied. Oct. 8, 18TB tl rpo Till: A1TLI0TK1) AND UNl'OHTU I NATK. Thero Is no class of dt wanes that re quire more experience) to treat successfully than tliosoof rt private character. Many phjslclans sup poso that when tho primary s mptotus aro removed, tho disorder or poison havboen oicicome. suchl notthoenw. Tho difficulties, or tlio various stages of tho disease aro then to succeed. Tho parts lirst attacked aro tho throat, noso, mouth, tongue, skin, tendons, bones, ligaments, ears, eyes, c. t requent ly these symptoms are treated by lilij slclans as sim ple ulcerations, until some of tho Important organs of tho liody become Involved, when death relieves the sufferer. Dll. It, V. lohii, having made all pri vate diseases a study, guarantees a speedy and per manent euro v 1th purely vcgetablo medicines. Jled. leal omccs and drug store, No. 031 North Fifteenth St rout. Hours, 10 till 1.30 and to 0 p. m. March 17,78-ly. J. D. KNITTLK. W. II. ABBOTT Important to Farmers. and everybody In want of LIME, LUMBER, AND GOAL. Wo have erected kilns at or near tho Taper Mlll.on It. and aro now prepared to sell time at very reasonable prices nnd of good quality. Orders by the car promptly tilled and shipped to any nullum uii uin uuu.u iu.w, A full lino of I.UMHKH. of all kinds, dressed or In the. rough, shingles, Lath and bill Timber to which o Invito tho nttcntlon ot custo mers. Orders received and nued for all kinds ot Family Clfy"strlct attention to business wo hopo to merit a share otpubilo patronage. .- mill ilia v nuv April 21, 1876.- Catawlssa, I'a. Oenteilllial PliCCS, r" 187G. PLANTS BY MAIL, Postpaid to any address Intho United States. For 80 cts. l New Geranium, double or single. 23 CIS. i uiuer varieties, " CO cts. 1 Ueranlum, 1 Agcratum. 1 Coleus, 1 Ver bena, l sage, 1 1 uscnia. $1.00, a Ageratum, a Uerunlum, 2 Sages, 2 Coleus, HelTotropo, 4 Verbenas. By express, box and pactlng free, for J5.00. la Verbenas, In variety, Dahlias. o ueraniunis, Fuchsias. Hardy links, cigar plants, Chrysanthcums, Basket plants, carnations, Century riant, Alternatheras, Hies. coleus, Sages, Ageratums, Hullotroties, liouvardlas, Begonias, Itose, ljin tanas, Orders received fo' Trees, Shrubs and Evergreens. Cash to accompany all orders. Address n.wmcMFFi:, Itlversldc, Nurseries, Riverside, North'd Co. I'a. April 2t.-3m. 7 ECU lit" ULAOO TO r S iYltlAL I liUIABLl IT WlTHff rfANKtM INSTITUTE . PHIlAD'A 157 COHANSEY GLASS MFGCO. MFR'S WINDOW GIASS.BOTTLES &C. PHIUDE1PHIA April 14-iw CALIFORNIA THE CHICAGO &. NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Embraces under ono management the Great Trunk Hallway Lines of the WEST and NORTII.WESl'.aiid. h Ith Its numerous branches and connections, fui tan tho shortest and quickest routo betneen Chlcngo and all points In Illinois, Wifcoksik, Noinim.N MicmoAN, Minnesota, low, NktiKAbKA, California onu me esieru Territories, us Omaha nnd California Line Is tho shortcbt and best routo for all points in north ern Illinois, Iowa, Dakota, Nebraska, Wjomlng, Colorado. Nevada. Utah. California, orccon. China. Japan and Australia. Us Chicago, niatllNon &. St. 1'aut Line is tho short lino for Northern Wisconsin nnd Minne sota, and fur Madison, St. l'aul, Mlnneapoils,Dulutb, aim an iuims in iuu great uriu. e&i. ju Winona and St. I'eter Lino Is tho only routo for Winona, Rochester, Ovratonna, Mutikato, M. l'etir. New llliu, and ull points In toulheru and central Minnesota. Its Green liny and Marquette Line Is tho only lino for Janesllle. Watertown. Fond Du liic, UMlknsil, Alpil'Uii, iireeu uuy, unuuuihi, L'aunee, Marquette, Houghton, llautock, and the uiKfl superior couuir) , us t'rceiiort and Suliiuiuc Line Is tho only route for Elgin, RocMord, Frccport, and an poll lauu r reeinjit, us Chicago and Milwaukee Line Is tho oldLako s-horo Route, andH tho o-ly one nx-isM" tlirouirh uvantion, i-ate toiesi, iiigmauu Park, waukegan, Racine, Kenosha to Mliwaukie. l'litlmnu I'a'aco Carx nrn run nn nil tltrni:Ml trains Or tills road. This lathe ONLY LINE ruunlni: theso cars be tween Chicago and St. l'aul.chlcago and Milwaukee, or cnicago anti inona. AT I 1)11 II II it mi r hll'i'ni'l M lUIlIll'CL ILIl U.UIlilllU sleepers on tho Union l'acltle Hallroad lor all poltits wesLoi uiu HiSUUri ivi -tin tun arrival or tho trulns from tho east or south, tho trains ot the Chicago & North-Westeru Railway lenvfl ( 'titenco as follow H rOK UOUMIL lILUrrV, IIUAUA Au UAl.iruaniA, I wu turougli trains uauy, wuu runnian paiai o n rawing room and Hleenlut; ears throuirh to Council Rlutls. rOK nT I AOL An u AllNN KAl UL18, inuiuiuuu irmua dally, with Pullman palace cars attached to both trnliw. I'on Okben IIav Ann Lake Scpeiuok, two trains dally, with Pullman paiaco cars uuacucu, anu run ning thiough to Mariiuette. pirn Aiii.w.riEi. inur iiiruui:!! iiuiiiq u.iuy. I ull' man cars on night trains, parlor chair cars on day vraiua. KnmipiRTi ANn Wikona andnolnUln Mlnnosota, ono through train dally, with Pullman sleepers to winmm. Fob DcuuQCB, ia Frccport, two through trains dally, with Pullman cars on night trains. (UK Ul'BVIJUK ANU J.A I IIUME, VIU V.UUWU, tU through trains dally, with Pullman cars on night train w iicuregor, towa. Fob biocx City and Yankton, two trains dally.I'ull man cars 10 .Missouri v aney juncuun, Foa i.akk Oknkva. four trains dallr. FOU ltOCKtOUD. STKUUNO. KENOSHA. JANESVIUJC, anil other polnts,you can have from two to ten trains uanjr. New York oflice, No 415 Broadway : Iloston office Sbtateblnet: Omaha onice. iU Farnham blreet: tlan Francisco ortlce, 1.1 .Montgomery Hlrcet : chlca- go ticket omccs i n't Clark street, unuer bnennan House; corner canal and Madison fclreets; Klnzle oireei uejiui, turner ty.iwiiuu huu iauui Dutow Wells htreet denou corner Wens and Klnile btreets, For raus or Information not attaJnablo from your nomu iickei agenw, appiy vo W. II. Btknnctt, Mahvin IlrauiTT. uen. i-ass. Ag i, i.uicagu. Uen, Hup'c.Chlcago Feb. l.Vt-ly LOUIS BERNHARD, Dealer In BLOIN WATonUS.OLOOHS, Silverware, 'Watclit'H and Jewelry BLOOM8UURO, l'A, Ladles' and (lentlemen's Gold on d Silver Watches, of American and Foreign manufacture. Silver and Plated Ware, Clock FINK J EWELU Y, AO., AO. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING Promptly Executed, OctAIMjr BUSINESS CARDS, VIBITINa CARDS, rin.pvit im.nq lilLLIIUAim, 1 .... . 110, cu,, - KMuy na uueapiy Inuxi m me uolum m .mm ills mm till n i Hu v f I.I Bft?rRUirjmtVi . ij, . DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. N EW STOCK OK CLOTHING. AND Gontlemon's Dross Goodo, DAVID LOWENUEUO Invites attention to his largo andelegantstock ot top il Fashionable Clollii, at hl.sstoroon; MAIN STltMJT, IN TIIK NKW ULOCK, IlLOOMSllUUO, I'A., where ho hns Just received from New York and Phil adelphia a full assortment ot MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lncliKlliiL' tho most fashionable, durable nnd BRSSS 0OGDS, CONSISTING OF BOX SACK, FltOCtC. GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OF ATX SOItTS SIZES AND COLOIIS, He has also replenished his already large stock of CLOTHS AND CASblMICltKS, STIttl'ED, F1UUKED ANDJl'LAIN VESTS, SliMTS, CUAVATS SOCKS, COLLAIIS, HANDKERCHIEFS, (JLOVE3, .SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. He has constantly on hand a large and well select cd assortment ot Gloths and Vestings, which ho Is prepared to make to order Into any kind ot clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. AU his clothing Is mado to wear and most ot it is ot homo manufacture GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, OF EVERY DESCHI1TION, FINE AND CnKAf. HIS CASE OF JEWELKY IS NOT SUltPASSED IN THIS l'LACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jew xy, &c. DAVID I.OWENBERG. July 1,'73-tf. GOUNTER.PLATFORM WAGOM&TRACK CLX?AGENTS WANTED-cXs SEMD FOR PRICE LIST MARVIN SAFE 85SCALECO. 9265 BROADWAY N. Y. ;72 CHESTNUT ST. PHILA.PA. 108 BAN K ST.CLEVE.O. - -i - Much 31, tc.-ly. W11E1IE TO AnVEItTISE. A.T. Hevnrt m;s tl.o ten aiierttdng mediums he has eMT found "are the old eMabllthrd organ's of tho two political parties, at the eevtral county seats throughout tho Union." These," he fays "reach eury family tf the Uast account in their sen-rat counties, and are more carefully riad than any o(her clasBOt Journals." If Sir, Mewort's JuCgmentlsof value, there Is no tliniculty In di elding which papi Itlsfortlieliittratof lutlLitsmtu toacxrtlMiln HiOCouiisu DtucciUT, upon which this raperls partially foundt d, vaBtstabllthcd InKSC, and the t'oLiiiruN now ciijojs a wider circulation nnd greater irotpciity tl on tt turdtd. itgctswiil. If Into two thousand loinlllis InCoIumLla and ad- Joining counties, and by mott o! them is lead Iron lhnntto the last line. It is tho only rtcogMscd cxponcntof marly five thousand Dtitociatlc voters In the county. It gives advertisements a tasty dis play, that makes them attractive to Its patrons, thus ensuring grtater certidnty that they will peruse them. While Its circulation Is undoubtedly much tho lar.rst In tho county, the adiertlslng rates ot the CoLuahUN aro no higher than thoso of ether papers with barely half and several not one-fourth the num ber of subscribers. Facts like thcs Break for them sell s, No shrewd business man will neglect to In to t his ud ertlcements In the Colcucun tt Til 13 TRIUMPH TRUSS CO. No. 831 How cry, New York, TO WHOM WAS AWAHDED THE l'lioiiUifi mi:uAL l'OH THE Best Elastic Truss anil importer At the great American Instltuto Fair (session ISIS.) Cent HrnniciN Fnou so to o i luve, isuOiitii 11,000 lt)K A CAtE TnEV CANkOT C'CUE. Tlipv prn nlriv ft tlrfct-rlnkR Tjlilv Klir,'i.n 1V.Mna moderate. Cures eiuaranteed. TheutualdtscounM to run ens or Husbandry. Examinations Freu. Orders nllcd by nail, bend ten cents for HcbcrlpllTO Hook, to jir.O. W. II. II11HN1IAM, Jlar, M, 70.-1 y, General Superintendent. Tho Wall Street Indicator. THIS WEEK'S ISSUE SENT FltEE. Contains Pictorial Illustrations ot Hulls Ul near. Also, full aud complete Instructions how to oiwralu in Htoeks und htoek Privileges. Capital htuiuiul suggestions. Also, a list of valuable Premiums to iuuiih. "Hnu ror ii." HUUKWALTKH & CO . Hankers and brokers, p. O. Hox 431T. ill Wall bt., New York City, Mar.SI.IO.-ly ' OTEL TO LEASE. "TlTo Hotel In Orangovllle, Columbia county, ra., known as the Jacob Uood stand, now necurVdbt John Hnyder.ts to be let lor tho year beginning April 1, 1W. Apply to H. KMJIIK, Att'y-tt-luw, Jib 7.1S-U. Ulooauiburg, Pa. GRAND OPENING ! JiLIAS MEND JiN HALL HAVING resumed the binlness of Mcrchan discing at his Old Store, On MAIN STREET, DLOOMSBUltO, nkau inn roiiKS hotel, HeMresto call tho attention ot his friends and tho uullc gencrnuy.o his NEW, FULL AND VAltlKD STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits asharo of public pntronago HIS STOCK CONSISTS OP DltV (lOOI)S, llltOCEllIKS, QttEr.NSWAUE, WOODENW'AltE, willowwahe, hoots & suoks, HAItlWAIth, 1'LOUH AND FEED in connection lh hts stotk ot Mtrcnandlso ho ronsnntly 1 kftcris on hand In his yard. A FULL STOCK OF Dressed anil Undressed Lnmlier, AND SHINGLES OF HIS MANUFACTURE. Bill Lumber liirulo a speciality. CALL AND SEE. OCt.3.1ST3-tf. BLOOMSBTJHQ MARBLE WOHKS. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STItEET, BELOW JtAUKET. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all linds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS WousuthobcstAMEniCAN and ITALIAN Marble. He has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMI5S. HEADSTONES, UHNS, VASES, Ac. err variety or Marblo cutting neatly executed at th lowest market prices. A long practlcalc.xperlence and personal attention to business makes tho proprietor contldent of glMng satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly attended to. V. o. box 2U7. t65A. IS. II ore delivered free of chnrgc.',aSS Aug. SI, '14-ly. T. L. OUN'TON, I'toprictor. AINWIUGIIT & CO., WHOLESALE UHOCEItS, N. E. Corner second and Arch Ktrcejs, 1'UILiUBLrniA, Dealers in TEAS, SYIlDrS, COFFEE, SUOAH, MOLASSES RICE, BHCES, ntCAKB SODA, .tC, &C. f"Orders will receive prompt attention. l,T-tf HOLLT.NS & HOLMES No. II Centro Stro Gas anil Steam Fitters , JIANUFACTUIlEItS OF J?IISr "W jft- 3R JE23 GALVANIZED IKON CWKSICK, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wiro Trellises, cc. Dealers In Stoves, Kane os, Furnaces, Unltiinore Heaters, Low Dawn Grates, Mantels, l'UMTS, AVeather Strips, C. A1SO GAS FIXTURES of the latest eleslcn. Special attention paid to ro ing ill ncnineu ii e ery ueseri, es of t erv lie hcrlot on. Wales, Lrx ku. lu 11 llanelnL-. Kev l'lttllltr. ic. l'llvatb lteht. dences Heated byfctcamat utiutdl cost above Hot rtir, reu. au. to ... IT PAYS any smart man who wishes to make is.cro a j ear on small capital to ccimntnio lu our lino of business. ItminMi is ASitciAiTr. there lsno one In your county who carries on tho business. You can learn il in linn ivp 'K nv riooiii it our luhiruiiiuns. iviui-ji wo tend to nil who ask for thein. Any man lialng fico capital to start witli e nn pui cufo enougn maio rlal to roof three ordinary homes. '1 ho sum realized from salo nrottt on this kumilv. added to the reer- ular pay for labor asllocfcr, thould amount to not less mtiniviiu. Auexpeii. man can eii&uy uu inu worklunlno wotklng elojs. 'Iwo iereonsof bmall means con Join together lo ndiuntaget one canvass ing, while the other attends to tho work, Hmd for our book of instructions ttrto If ion write at once), nnd study It. Afck tor terms. If jouiiro tumble to advance tho money present the matter to inn princi. nal btoreVeeiipi'tn Mitir nlaeo. talk It over with him. Ho will bo glad tofurnWhlho stock and dlvhlothe profit with jou. Wo will guarantee tho territory to tho nre.t responsible applicant. Address N, Y. BLVTK ltooi'INU CO.. Limited. 4 cedar bt, N. i .,nnd men' tlon. 1. & Co. AprftMW PELIClv REGISTERED TRADE-MARK. AJIM0N1ATE1) SUPEK rilOSI'HATE. Clrcula rs and analysts mailed free on application l'or salolby Dealers generally, and by tho Importers anelUauulacturcrs, ju.siAii j.a)l2.i;v.s sons, No. 4, South Delaware Ae., rhlladelphia THIS rAPEH IS OH KILE WITH ROYELL & fHESMAN . Advertising Agents, 1HIRP 4 CHESTNUT 8T8..8T. LOUIS, MO p AST NOTICE, "persons indebted to 11. 1. Hierfenbach fer print tne isiam art) nercby nolblod nr Rlitmr-.tinMrin tn tliH e!.il.liuu lhnt lita hftfikM havo fnrhfivfri.1 rnoutlia Daiit beea I tho hands of tliu undcrslKned for colleollun, nnd mai seiuunesi oi uto samuiaust uu made, IV IH. NEW GOODS ! A HEAVY STOCK, Glicapcr than Ever! S. 11. MILLER & SON lltivo Just ltccoivcd tho largest antl best supply ol CHEAP AMD FASHIONABLE DB, GOODS, They havo ever offered to their friends nnd cus tomers, (Jlotlis, Cassimores, and Satinotts for MEN'S WEAIt, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos, fur LADIES' WEAIt, CALICOES, MUSLINS, UAMDHICS, anil every vnrlety of Dry Goods desired, STOCK OP Carpot3, Matn, Ottomans, VJijUOiLU uui ill FAjMILY G11O0ERIES, including all the varieties of COKI'EES, TEAS and SUGAIIS, COUNTRY PBODUOE. and a general supply of articles useful for the table always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken In ex change for goods at cash prices. oct.3cy-if Important TO Gardeners AND Agriculturists! "EMPEKOU WILLIAM" CAHUAGE, The best, largest nnd most prolltnblo artcty of winter cabbage known In Ilurope. and Imported to mis country c.icuiHieiy uy in siiiug, wnero( Mltn tho most ordinary cultivation, It lloinKhesas tonlshlngly, attaining nn enormous flru and wiling in mo uiaiKei ul in icf n lee h most giatlfjing to tho pru- ducei. n triinso antinir greai euro snoiini uo tanc'ii to give Millieleui ftpaee for glow til. Solid heads, tho slzoof tho mouth of n Hour bariel, lsthu average run of this cholco atUty. ono package of the seed sent postpaid on receipt of 5 cents. 'Ilueu puck ages to one adrtiess. fl.uu. To agents taper dozen and 4 Hire o cent stamps Mrwith each rackaco of ecd wo snnd a suro remedy uiralntt the laiactstf tho esbbauo llyor other pest, on j oung and tender plants. MAMMOTH GOLIAII INDIAN COItN. We. .planted List List spring 11 wo obtali p on Long Island, a small mian"ty (nlilcli wo obtained with great dllllcultMof this gigantic and as nl ery rate variety of Indian corn. In September, by nctual measurement, a large majority of tho stalks Hood fum vi to io feet In height, nnd still gronlng, with fi cm 4 to 5 enormous ins oi corn giouuiK on niiuobi et ei j siuik. 'Iho jleld was at tl.o intu of sou bushels of ear corn per nere. while tho fodder crop was Immense and of lino quallt v. We could haie sold the entire cropfora hlgprlco to a New Y'ork seed-mun, but declined lo do so, pre ferring to keep the crop lor tho aeeoiiiinodatlou of out numerous country patrons, ho will nnd It to their Intel fits to sectiro at least a small (.election of this raic variety lor tho coming spring planting. Live agriculturists, who believe in ,1i'iAii'imtS(i"ilili n small iLOuuii tultliniors rue poor things,) both was s between tho rows will be astounded by the le- sult. Wu will send by in.Hl to any address 1 paekago n receipt or oi cents nnd three cent stamps, or s nekages on receipt of 1 and 4 three cent stamps. Is limited. Parlies desiring to se uro either of the above rare seeds should noL delay Selr orders. AU seed sold by us warranted fresh , irtto L'eimlnato. No iroods sent eJ. u. 1). Cash a ist aeeoinpauy nil orilers. For either of abovo i .'uu an ui ess FELIX CLAltE A; CO., Feb ls-em, ssi East usth ht N. Y. SILVER. rXATED WAKE. Electro-Plated Tablo Ware, AND Ornamental J&.it Work IN CHEAT VAI1I15TY, MANUEACTUHED I!Y THE Britannia 550 Broadway, New York Tho best Plated Spoons and Forks aro these Mlver Utedheavlibton the parts whero niceasailly the niost wear comes, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1817 ItOOERS IJUOTHEHS XII. N. II.- This great Improvement In Silver-Plated Spoons and Forks Is applied nllko to each grade of Plate, A 1, S and 1! oz., ns ordered. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing theso goods aro Pat ented. 1 ho Kxtra or '-btandard Plato" mado by this Company Is btntnpcd A 1, ttmply, and Is plated 20 rer cent, heavier than tho ordinary market stand ard. r-rirst Premiums awarded at all mirs whero exhibited, frem World's Fair ot 1612 to American Institute Fair, 1S75, Inclusive. JIarch 10, T0.-Cm. Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna. E.&H.T. ANTHONY & CO., 601, Broadway, Hew York. (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) MANlTACTrilEltS, lUrOKTEHS AND DSALEKS IN CIIIIOMOS AND THAMES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, LUUMS, GKAl'IIOSCOI'ES & SUITABLE VU'.V B. PMosrapMc Materials. Woareheadquaiteis tor eer thing In tho way of Stcreopticons and Magio Lanterns, HilngJIttiiufactureisot tho 3tl ICItO SCI ENTI FI C LA KTEItN, STEIUCO-I'AXOITJCON, UN1VEUSITY STEHEOITICON, ADVEUTISEH'S STEltEOlTICOX, AHTOIT1CON. SCHOOL LANTEItN, FAMILY LANTERN PEOPLE'S LANTEItN, Each Etylo being tho best ot Its class In the market. Catalogues ot Uintorns and slides, with directions for using, bent on application. Any enterprising man can make money with a JIagloLuntein. n-Cnt out this advertisement for refcr- c,lcc-3 rcb.l8,-7-7.n AN ACTUAL BUSINESS INSTITUTION AND TKLKaiUPIIIO N8T1TUTB. Tor Inform atlon call at Office, or tend for Coi is Advkhtuiiii. )unr-iy THE "MOODY SHIRT.' MADE TO OltDEH ONLY. A I'EHFKOT FIT Q'DAHANTEKD. f lentleinen desiring shirts wlU nieoso drop us a Hue and uur Acent wiu tall unu u-et uio measurement. Factory No, as Lackawanna Avenue. Address P.O. MOODY. ddt March 10, 1-ly Bcranton, pa. VaCOH fuk iiatciiiivg. huff cochins only. From V. W. Heritlne's noted prlte winning strain. l.iviur i. A. II. HHAItPLErUI, Catawlssa, Pa. March IT, W Im. T JJvNK NOTI,wlthorwIOioutimptloi IT CHEAP JOB AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estub lislnnent is amply supplied will the necessary Presses, Types and other material for executintr al kinds of Printing at low rates and in the most .expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomsiiukq, Pa. When special material is requ rcd P1IITI8 it will be promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills ami Dodgers, Largo and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes witli Business Cards, Bussiness, Pic Nic, "Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Faro, &c. Will all be supplied und oxcuted in superior style, at cheap rates and snort notice. The best workmenuro employed and tho best material -will always be furnished, A liberal sharo of public jpatron- ago is respectfully solicited. BLoouajiuiia, Junk lft.1875. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES jplIILADEIiHIA AtiU hcauiiiv. i.. AlUtANGEMENT OF I'A&SENGEIl TItAINS. MAY Sd, 1S7S. THilXS tttAVR ItCrKIlT M 10MOW8 (etNIUVEICKHKD For New York, Philadelphia, Heading, 1'ottsvlllo Tamaqtia, tc 11,83 a. m For Catawlssa, U,rci n. m. anu (, p. m. For Wllllam9port,tJ,83 a. m. nnd 4,00 p. m. TBAlNS.rOK lttirEIlT tEAVf! AS FOLLOW, (Stml'AV EX CEI'TEP.) I;avo New York, (,oo a. m. Iavo Philadelphia, 0,15 n. m. tavo Heading, 11,3 a. m., Pottsvllle, 12,10 p. m andTnmaqua, 1,30 p. in. Leave Catawlssa, 0,20 n. m. nnu 4,ou p. m. I?avo WlUlamspoiI ,rt,20 a. m. and B,oo p. in. Pasieneers I' from Kew York and l'lillad o phla go throui Ithout change of cars. .1. E. WOOTTEN", , Jan.U, tUC-tf. Oencral superintendent. N OltTIIEKN CENTHAL EA I LAV AY CO.Ml'ANV. on nnd after November 20lh, 1S73, trains will lcavo SUNUUHYas follows! NOUTHWAItn. Krle Mall 6.S0 n. m,, arrlvo Kltnlra 11.60 a. m " Canandalgua... o.Bop. m Hochoster B.15 " Niagara 0.40 " Henovo accommodation 11.10 a. m. urrlio Williams itn.(ip.m. Elmlra MaW 1.15 a. ra., arrlvo Hlmlra 10.20 a. m. lluffalo Hxpres3 7.15 a. m. arrlvo Buffalo 8.50 a. m. EOUTIIWAHD. Buffalo Hiprcss 2.60 a. m. arrive Harrlsburg 4.60 a.m " Haltlmoro 8.40 " Elmlra Mall 11.15 a. m., arrlvo llarrlsburg 1.60 p. m " washlugton 10.30 " " Haltlmoro " " Washington 8.30 " Harrlsburg accommodation 8.40p.m.arro Harrls burg 10.50 p. m. arrlvo Haltlmoro 2.25 a. m " Washington 0.13 " Erlo Mall 12.55 a, m. arrlvo Harrlsburg 3.05 u. ui. " Haltlmoro 8.40 " " Washington 10.ES " All dally oxcept Sunday. D. M. BOYD, Jr., General Passenger Agent A. J. CASSATT, Oencral Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. rliilatlcliiliin & Krio II. 11. Division. AVINTEll TIME TABLE. and after SUNDAY, NOV. 21, 1S76. J tlw in trains on tho 1'lilladeltihla Krle i.uit Huad Dll lslou 111 run us follow s : FAST LINE leaves New York Philadelphia " " " H.iltlmoio " " " Harrlsburg " " arr. at WIIIamsiort " " ' Lock Ipiieu " " " Hellefonte F.Itli: MAIL leaves New Yoi k " " " Ihlladelphla " " " Haltlmote Harrlsburg " " " Wllllamsport " " " Lock lltuen " " " Henovo " " arr. at Erie .... 9 25 a. m ....12.55 p. m .... 1.20 p. m ... 6.00 p. m ... g.55 p. Ill ..lo.2o p. m . .11.50 11. Ill m . ..o.nop. ml ... 4.25 a. m ... s.:i5a. m ... 0.45a. Ill ...ll.on a.m 7.-0 p in LIMITED MAIL leaves Philadelphia.. 7.20 a. m " " " Haltlmoro 7.30 a. in " " " Harrlsburg. ...10.15 u.m ' " arr. at Wllllamsport.. 2.2 1 p. m iia. eu.... a.sti p. ui " " " Henovo.. 4.13 p. m LOCK HAVEN loaves Philadelphia " ' " Haltlmoro " " " Harrlsburg " ' arr. at Wllllamsport.... ' " Ixick Haien , . s.8H n. m . x 30 n. ni . 1.25 p. ta . mo p. ni . 7.30 p. m EASTWARD. FHIL'AEXPHESS leaves Lock Haven... . (1.40n.m " " Wllllamsport 7.ta a. m ' " nrrlves at Harrlsburg 11 Ma. m " " Haltlmoro ... 6.15 p. ivj " " " Philadelphia 4.2uii. in . " " " Now York 7.35 p. m DAY EXPHESS leaves Henovo a. m Lock ll.tven in.. r, n. in Wllllamsport.. ..11 85 a. m arr. at llnrrl-sburir . 3.00 p. ni , c.20 p. m , o 15 ii. m Phllndulplila., " New York.... " Baltimore .. 0.35 p. in EHIG MAIL leaves Erlo 11.20 a. m " ' " Henovo 8.25 p. m " " " Lock Haven 9.45 p.m " " Wllll.iinaport 10.55 p.m ' " arr. at Harrlsburg a. m " " " Haltlmoro 7.35 a. in " - " " l'hlladelnhla. a. m " " " New York 10.10 a. m FAST LINElcaves Wllllamsport 12.35 a. m arr. ui, nuriisuurg R.raa. m " " li.iltlmoro 7.35 a. m " ' " Philadelphia 7.35 a. m " ' " New York 10.23 a.m Erie Mnll West. Limited Mall West. I.ock Haven Aecom. West and Day Kxpress East mako closo con nection at Noithuinberland ulth L. & U. II. It. trains for Wtlkes-llanonnd Scranton. i:rlo Man west, Limited Man west nnd Fast Lino West make close connection at Wllllamsnort with N. O. it. W. trains north. Erie Mall East and west, Limited Mall West, Fast Line West and Day Expiess East make close con nection at Look Haven 11 Ith U.K. V, it. it. trains. Erlo Mall East and West connert at Erlo with trains on L.K.V.M. s It. It. at Corry m Ith o. c. A. v. u It. al Emporium with 11. N. . P. it. H. and at Driftwood with A V. It. It. Parlor Curs will nin between Philadelphia and Vllllauioit on Limited Mall West, Fast lino West, 1'hlhidrlpbla Express Fast and Day Exrre, East, bleeping Cam on ull night trains. WM. A. liALDWIN, Dec. 17,'75-tt Gcnoral Supt. DELAWAltE, LACKAWANNA WESTEIt.N HA1I.HOAD. AND liLOOMSISUUG DIVISION. Tlmc-Tublo No. 30, Takes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, NOVEMBEIt 22 1ST5. SOUTH. STATIONS. feOUTII. p.m. p.m. a.m a.m. p.m. p.m. U 05 0 4 0 43 scranton llellevue Tajlorvlllo.,.. ...Lackawanna l'lttston .. West l'lttston.., Wjoinnig , Mnllby Bennett Kingston Kingston ,.PIj mouth June . . . . 11J liiuulU .... Alendalu .... Nantlcoke Hunlock's 1 reek. . . Milrkshlnny lllek's Feiry... ...Beach Haien.. Berwick 9 38 3 zo v xa 2 Vi a 311 S I'l 7 65 7 40 7 41 7 33 7 27 8 51 8 49 3 42 3 31 o 43 9 63 0 3k 2 i tl 35 0 43 C 6" C 65 0 81 to On 10 00 10 11 hi 10 111 V0 10 23 111 27 2 88 2 40 2 62 9 26 V 20 0 32 3 27 9 16 2 68 7 Ot 7 00 7 11 7 22 8 23 7 IS S 10 7 15 3 17 7 15 3 17 7 Id 3 12 7 03. S 00 t a 1 w 0 54 3 11 V 11 3 14 9 07 0 (7 9 OS 9 16 fc 69 S 50 3 111 3 17 7 15 7 S3 7 35 7 40 7 43 7 5.1 8 (Vi 8 23 10 27 10 32 3 12 10 35 3 27 8 61 10 40 8 82 10 44 3 37 10 62 3 45 s 4s: O 45 2 f4 8 41 G SU 0 16 Ii 00 0 02 5 S 2 42 2 31 3 25 2 ,0 2 13 2 10 2 10 S 80 S 19 11 15 4 ill 11 17 4 15 8 45 11 23 4 21 8 11 81 4 '.-a 9 11 80 4 37 11 19 4 41 C S 14 8 Us 8 2 Briar I'teek 6 62 5 48 7 68 ...wiiiowiinne... Ltmo Hldge..., Esjiy . ..Bloomsburg..,. 7 54 11 43 11 61 11 67 12 2 12 07 12 10 12 23 12 82 4 40 7 CS 4 6i 7 20 5 12 7 40 5 18 7. 6 14 7 6 40 1 63 5 84 1 53 7 4C 7 41 6 JS 5 23 5 20 5 13 4 66 1 48 1 43 1 411 7 35 7 30 7 8(! 7 11 7 04 7 II tl 45 ituperi Catawlssa Bridge. II K 8 rlwllcll.. 6 20 6 SS. 1 25 1 ID 1 15 1 ll p.m. irauillio Cludasky Cnruerou .Northumberland. ; 6 47 5 62 0 10 81) 4 50 4 p.m. 12 80 8 47 12 61 9 16 a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. W. P. 1IA LSI HAD, sunt. Superintendent's Ofllco, scranton, Dec, 10, 1976. I'uftk.iasri'insra-. GLAZING AND PAPERING. M. F. IIODINB, Iron Street below sec. kinds of uuu, jjiuoiusuurif, 1 a., is propared to do al PAINTING, OLA.INO, anil PAPERJIIANQINa S In the best stvinii nt inur.. tK..A . .... . notice. -. ."..,i,uvt., uuu aisuufk camSir' otuS" ,uch wo'k 10 fl0 wm B4,e ttoncy olilltedrlC w&rrlultc1 Elve satisfaction. Orders m. V. EODINli i,-n I tiliutH ni lime." I -aaa wuw. March II-U. JJ IOT MUO V iUQ UUI.UBIU1I UlUVO. Mirth. 6141 yr jlire 10 nunc, l r