The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 12, 1876, Image 3
tC2 - frnfc gi si i THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE COLUMBIAN. 'it looms nun (i. nun at, math, is;o Itnll llomt Timn LACKAWANNA A IILOOMS1IU1KI 1IAII, 1IOAI) ... ... NORTll. Accommodation Train e.45 A. .11, Moll Trnlti 7.40 A. M Kxpress Trnln ,. 1.63 '. M. " " 6.34 '. II. OATAWlsSA HAIL I10AI1, NOHTII. Accommodation Trutn fl.sts A.M. lingular Express t,M V. M. sot-Tit, 7.41A.M. (I. 4 1'. M ll.M A. M snrrn 7,so r. M. ll.M A.M. Tliroiign cars on Impress trnln cither to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation tram runs between (,'atuwlssa nnil W llllamsport. Oil. J. (1. l'reeic is having erected an lien fence in fiont of Ms residence. William Ilurct lius 1iw.ii npiioihtcil Post Jlttster at Jcrseytnwn, O. A. Herrlnp's Tanner; is nearly rebuilt, nnd Is 111 operation ngaln. Court continued until Saturday afternoon lal wtvk. A number of eaes wcro disposed of. Wanted. A load of kindling wood nt llio Loll'.miiIAN ollice, on subscription or oilier wise. 12. 11. Illdlemcn cut Ids baud nevcndy on Wednesday but, whilst cutting it piccu of wood to kindle n lire. Illocni'burg was nay with bunting on Weil- nesd.iy, May lOtli, and a report thereof will np pear In next week's Oii.umiiiix. 1 t The inane nsylum nt Danville contain 270 patients nnd CO employees, making in all 333 inhabitants. Owing to tbo weather on Tuesday evening the Lecture by James C. l'jlner was poslpon ed lill Saturday May 13th at 7:30 p. m. James M. Lambert has retired from the edi lorlal clialr of the Gazette A Jlulletin and J. K. l'ryor from the office of the Sullivan Democrat. Tim counties of Northumberland, Union and Snyder have been added to tlio Northern dis trict for the Insane, by recent act of the Legis Jaturc. Wo havo benrd of n gentlemen who calls his chickens to their meals, with .1 bell. It is paid the fowls run pell-mell to the band that feeds them, nt the first tap. Another dangerous counterfeit is reported; this time a five dollar bill on the Meieliant's National Hunk of New I'edford, Mass. Look out fur them. Major V. !. Koons met with .1 painful acci dent of Friday Inst. A horse Btipped 011 his foot, bruising It badly. He is able to be out again. Licenses obtained at Jhis court inut be taken up in fifteen days from the time they were granted. They cannot' be issued after that time. The monthly Iteport of the Department of Agriculture, in Washington, for the months of April and March, states that winter wheat lias been more or less injured, throughout the state, during the past season. No separate report is made for Columbia county. The rye crop in this County is reported "much killed out: no Know." Wo do not know who furnished the statistics to the Department. A pigeon-shooting match rame oft" on the I'air Grounds last Thursday afternoon, between u party from Sunbury nnd one front Ilazleton. The match was for the championship and a sup per at the Kxchango llolel. It was the third of it series, one having been shot at iUzltton and one at Sunbury. The JIazlclon nun were successful by a seoro of 23 to 18. K.ieh man shot at five birds. The pigeons were very slug gish, and were stoned into Hying. Kinscy Warner n young man who was con victed of Larceny, and sentenced to a year's imprisonment in the penitentiary happened to bu locked out of cell on Monday night, and while meditating on the prospect of sleeping out In tbo jail yard ho leaned against the stone wall, which gave way and he fell out. His im petus was so great that ho did not stop until he reached tbo other side of liiuk Horn. He was captured during the day, and put back in dur ance vile. Fouktii or July. Our suggestion as to an appropriate home celebration on that day has met with general approval. The day Is to bu the event of tho Century, It should be univer sally celebrated. Illoomsburg is tbo Central point, and nil the people of our county should participate. It should be a glorious reunion of lncH of all parlies and creeds. Our various As sociations and Societies should join it, and all of us unite in this, tho first Onlcnnial of American independence. We advise our citi zens to take measures at once. Uerwiek proposes a grand celebration of Decoration Day, May 30th, and a committee of invitation is busy sending out 1 irculars to societies and others lo participate. Numbers of acceptances have been received, among them 0110 from tho Friendship IIoso Co., of this town, Friendship of Danville and Nay Aug of Scran ton. Col. C. G. Jackson will deliver the memo rial oration: Miss Iiissie Thompson will read a poem, composed by Mrs. H. O Jayne and Mr. II. A. Sites will given brief sketch of each soldier. Ouit Ni:w Siii:iti!'F. Wo have refiained from commenting on the nppointmentof Charles Fornwald by the Governor as Mr. Orover'ssue cessor, until his confirmation by tho Senate was secured, lie moved into the County Jail on Fri day last and was formally qualified on Wednes day, We Iibvi 110 doubt but that be will prove nn illiclcnt officer. He enlisted in tlio "Iron Guards" early in tbo war, and served f.ilth fully and with credit. Ho was once wounded, from the t filet of which ho still euflcrs. Ills term will expiie January 1st 1877. Coroner Murphy. Ordinarily In small counties tho ollit col Coroner goes begging, or the nimlnation Is conferred upon soma person as it 111110 compliment. Tlio death of f-htrifl'Gro-ver, however, brought Coroner Murphy to the front, and ho at once took bold of tlio office in a manner and with a business like tact that has not Lee n surpassed by any former Incumbent, and which won him the respect and conlidcnro of ail wild whom lie camo in contact. It was 1)10 regret of Ms party friends that ho could not have filled the unexpired term. Centennial Morn. Tlio nlgdt previous we rrtiicd late, owing to tlio presence of u Lo cust Tounildp Juror, and mentally resolved that nothing but tiro would arouse us until 7 a. 111. At daylight, an elbow in our ribs one of us la married infuruitd us of the fact that there must be a fire up town. We got awake. The bells weie ringing. Our first thought was that it filly hi le our oll'ce, and then, perhaps the Normal School, or the Exchange. In dron ing hastily It wassuggested we had better put on some old clothes, hut the bells demanded haste, unit lucking punts in boots we rushed towards the imagined conflagration, At the corner of Market and Third we met an out-of-breath fire man ficm I'ort Noble, He was hunting tho "Friendship." Several inquisitive! females who titvtr foko to u before, wanted to know "where the lire was," At last it thoughtful fflt ih( met us, and suggested t'nat it dad some thing ;o do with tho CtnttHiiial, and we went dome without our ducket, through an alloy, u Kidder but A vstir man, , The cow question is again being agitated, Petitions tti tho Town Council are In circula tion, asking them to restrain tho running of cattlo nt any llnio wllbln tho bnlll-np porllou of the town, Amid ihe care nnd perplexities ofllfu there nro few things whirli will makon man carry his head ro straight, as loliave a ragged neck-bind-lug on his shirt, with plenty of stated well Iron ed In. "Cast your hat upon tlio waters and after many days It shall return ngain." The tlio which was rejHirted as having been sunk in the canal, was captured by n small boy, and return ed to the owner, 0110 day last4vetk. (tucss that stone didn't hit It. Wc have been shown an egg laid by n hen belonging to 1', H. Furman, which measures filxS Inches and weighs four ounces. The hen that produced this tgg weighs jut thirty ounrct. Mr. F.slir's fowl will have to takoa back scat or try again. Hon. Geo. D. Montanye, cx-collcclor of In ternal revenue, nnd 11 prominent lawver and politician of Towanda, recently died after an illness of several days. His ago was thirty nine. M. C. Mercur, the brother of Judge Mcrcur has been appointed In his stead. A smash occurred on tlio L. ifc. II. It. Kupert, on Saturday width delayed the mails sevcial hours, lly somo misunderstanding the proper signals wero u it made, and the fat Ireight train ran into the accommodation dam aging the er.cino and some twenty cars, but, fortunately, causing no loss of life. D. A. Creasy, formerly of Light Street das removed to llliximsburg and opened n Dry Ouods nnd Grocery store on Main Street oppo site (lie Stone Church. Mr. Creasy is a well known business man, and bis new store is one of the neate-t In town. lie will no doubt re ceive.! full share of public patronago. Give him .1 call. On Mondiy last as two little girls werj on Iheir way to school, they fell into un old well at I'ort Noble, the top of which was covered with dirt but prevented from acquiring firm ness by the roots of a willow tret- which loosen ed the earth. Mr. O. A. Jacoby beard the screams of the children and rescued them from their imminent danger. The monument erected to the memory of tho l.ite Charles Connor is tho handsomest stone in IJosemont Cemetery. It is brown granite about eighteen feet high, tapering slightly to-' ward the top. A large square block supports the top piece, nnd the whole rests on n massive base. The granite was imported from Scotland, arriving here last week when it was placed in position. It is an ornament to tho Cemetery. We have been shown an old pistol which is a curiosity. The barrel is of brass, flared at the muzzle ; the lock is a flint,and tho tiigger guard on being pulled releases a spring bayonet, about four inches in length, which projects beyond the muzzle. The pistol is of Knglish make, but the date of its manufacture is not to be found. It would do well as a Centennial exhibit. Those people who are wise will see to it that their premises are cleaned of all rubbish and garbage before warm weather sets in. Nctliing conduces to ill health more surely than decay ing vegetable matter, pools of stagnant water, &c, about .1 dwelling. A few hours' work now may save doctors' bills and misery in the future. "Cleanliness is next to godliness," and is worth attaining. Another large fire in Williamspoit, last Sat unlay night. Some IS.000,000 feet of manu factured lumber were destroyed, involving n loss 01 cioo.uuu. iue principal losers are Hcbard & Smith, ISarroa-s A Co., and Denver Mills Co. The fire was the work of an ineen diary who was caught an J wild difficulty res cued from the enraged leople and Incekd 111 It is full lime that Villiamport should indict some heavy punishment 011 the fiends wdio en danger life and property. Mover Ilros'. express team took fright nt the L. A IS. station last Saturday afternoon and ran up Market street at it lively rate. One of the horses tore loose from the wagon and the otl cr horse did the rest, of tho runaway business on his own account. Tlio wagon came in contact with a number of young trees near Norman 1'urselPs douse, tearing tlio bark and bad ly bruising them. The horso with the wagon was stopped on Main Street. A paint not on the roof of Itcv. D. J. Waller's house became so excited that it also ran away and spilt itself over the cornice. Dr. Mlldd. who was sen! in llm TV. 'I. .-.,. eras for suntiostd rnmnllpitv In tl.n nlo,....,:.... tion of President Lincoln, lias been elected to the Maryland Stale Senate. It was Dr. Mudd who reduced llootli's fractured limb, aided him en escape, nun was no uouot aware of the con spiracy, tie is now rewarded i.v the democ racy of Ins district, most of whom were well known as tories who never scrupled to aid tho reueis. jruiBwun uazeite. 'J All of which Is very pretty, but unfortunate ly for the Gazette's argument, Dr. Mudd is n Itepublican and e lided bj Itepublicans, as such. Perhaps the Gazette can manage to get away witli that trilling discrepancy and give its read ers some more reasons why they should not bo Democrats, ltelknap nnd lo bo n Democrat, wo believe, and IUu lluldrwas for certain. Puni.uii Youn Accounts, A there is considerable rattling among tlio dry bones just now in several of tlio township, wo desire to cill the attention of all townsdip officers to tlio following clause of tlio act of Assemlily approved April 12th, 1875. Suction (i. Tho corporate authorities of every such municipality sliull, nt tlio end of their fiscal year, prepare and publish in at least two newspapers of said municipality, or ot tho county in which tlio same I situate, if so many be printed therein, a statement showing 111 detail tho actual indebtedness, the amount of the funded debt, tho amount of tlio floating debt tdereof, tbo valuation of taxable property therein, tlio assets of tup corporation, witd tho character ami valuo thereof, and tho date ot maturity of the ro spectivo forms of funded dedt tdereof; ami a neglect or falluro to do bo shall bo 11 mis demeanor, punishable by lino not exceeding ono thousand dollars. The riiilologiau Literary Society of the State Normal School dedicated their new hall last Saturday evening, Tho room, which they then occupied for tho first lime, is commodious, nnd Is handsomely furnished, In response to invi tations Issued, quite a number ot citizens wero present. Tlio room "being too small to accom modate all tho use o,f tho chapel was kindly of fered, and after nl'l had, been seated thero the exercises of the evening began. They wero opened by "roll .call and sentiments." Wild few exceptions l'uo members responded to their name with w.uo choice bit of poetry or prose, showing most, excellent tatto in their selections, The 1 Widen t of the Society J. 0. llittenben der, made uo, address that dad evidently deen prepared wi1 th great care. After various oth er Interestb.ig performances Dr. Grlswold, Geo. K. Klwell , Esq., and several others wero call ed 011 to sr cak, A rather ill-timed discussion on the subjec t of Society Libraries sprang up In coiisrqtiu nee of some suggestions made by one of the sr eakers. After tho speaklngthe visi tors wer 0 given permission to inspect the first floor of the building, and were soon scattered over Jit, singly und In grotqw, and declared thciivielvos mil pleased with tho condition ami spptj raucoof the building. Tho students did all lot their owcr to prgmoto the enjoyment of their visiturs. couitT rui)Ci:r,MNos. Com. vs John 11. ltnthdiirn nnd John II. Oahle, Forcible entry and detainer. Jury re turn n verdict finding tho defendants gullly. Sentenced to p? n lino of $160, null, with costs, Hi port of viewers of n raid In Fishing creek twp, near John Dorslier's, confirmed 11I-I J width 33 fetl, Jodn Grey sworn and allowed to decomo a citizen of tde United Stale. Petition of John Kck for guardian. Jacob Colo appointed, bond In $300 Joseph Cole np proved as surety. Sheriff acknowledged fourteen deeds In open court, , Com. vs Klnsey Warner. Larceny, verdict if guilty. On motion J. II. McDovltt admitted lo prac tice in tho seveial Courts of llil.i County. Andrew Crawford vs D. W. Johnson. An ac tion to recover money on note. Jury find ver dict for plalntlll in thoBiim of SI6. Iteport of viewers of n road In Denton twp. near Joseph Ash's confined nisi : width 33 feet. In tlio cstato of Jacob li.iuman, deed, citation oidtred. in the estate of Gideon Ilnnzlnger, sale order ed. G. 1'. Driesb.icli and Nathan llredbenncr approved ns surety, bond In i'2000. Petition for road viewers In Center twp. near Alem Whllmlro's. K. (1. Iticketl," John Sny der and Cyrus McIIenry appointed viewers. Petition for viewers of a road in Greenwood and Mt. Pleasant twps. John Appleinou, John Hartmaii and II. 1). Mellride appointed. Petition for road In Hemlock twp. Joshua Fetlermali, John haycock and William Kra mer appointed viewers. Petition for a road in Scott and Illoomsburg near George Zeigler's, II. I). Knorr, Stephen l'ohe, Samuel Neyliard appointed viewers. Petition to vacate n road In Centre twp. near Henry Shafl'er's. Enos Adams, J. O. h'mitli and Charles Heed appointed viewers. Petition for county bridge In Mt. pleasant twp. Humphrey Parker, Samuel Kisner and Uriah P. McIIenry appointed viewers. Koad in Heaver twp. near John 0. Dildine. Mathias M. Appleman, Alfred Preston and Isaac A. Dewitt appointed viewers. Christian Wolf vs the North and West liraticli It, II. Co. Suit to recover damages lo to property of plaintilT. Verdict of fltO in favor of plalntifi'. Patrick Markham sworn and admitted to be come a citizen of the United States. Iteport of viewers of ,1 road in Madison twp. confirmed nisi : width 33 feet. Petition of Clinton K. Hartman forgnardian. Thos. W. Hartman appointed, Edward Hart man approved as surety, bond in $S00. Petition for changing place of holding elec tion in Milllin twp. election ordered. May, 8th In the estate of Nathaniel Over dorf, dee'd., leport of sale eorfirmcd nisi. In the estate of George Krcssler, Sale order co. nonu in ruuu John Kressler and Capcr Krcssler approved as sureties, Petition for special tax in the Borough of Ccntralia. Itule to show cause whv a mamiamtis shall not isMic &c. Itoad in Fishing Creek twp. near Stillwater llriugc report confirmed. Itoad in Orange twp. near Isaiah Connor's estate, Iteport set aside. Grassley vs Grasley. Divorce decreed from the bonds of matrimony. In the estate of Michael Ilagenbucd dee'd., iteport of Auditor making distribution confirm ed nisi. John lleese Townend sworn and admitted to become a citizen of the United States. Alinas Cole's use vs Thos. I!. Cole true ten ant. Verdict for plaintiffi In granting tlio petition of George M. P.a ker for a restaurant in Espy, the court said "l!ut, if there is a complaint coming to us that card-playing, is allowed for amusement or otl: crwise, then the building occupied by him, will for that reason alone, on the first application, be clostd ; not, perhaps, that the mcro amuse ment of playing a simple game with cards is worse than any other wickedness; but if doors are open and persons seen sitting at a card-table, boys are attracted there. Hoys scarcely ever go to a bar-room to gt anything in the way of stimuleni, rarely ever, and the landloid who tolerates it ought to have his liceiife retoked; but it i these restaurants, these undergioiind rooms, that Icadboys to the first steps in Iheir downward course. o would be glad, I cer tainly would lor my part, if there was a statute, as 111 some counties, that no licfiito to a restau rant should be granted at nil ; but as the law has not gone so far, wo are not prepared to strike now at any particular place or man; though we do say, and wo mean what we say, and we invite all 111 bearing, all interested in the question, to put us to the tet, that when this man, or nny oilier restaurant-keeper, is shown to allow gambllrg, or playing cards for amusement, or low carousals or disturbing of (he public peace, it will be good cause for revoking the license, and they cannot complain that they havo no notice of what the court will do, Andrew Hess appointed guardian of Mary M. Hess, liond In ?1S0, Win. Kite approved as surety. Samuel Illnom ' Slinman. Verdict SSOO. s Allen Mann and F. L. for plalntifi in Ihu sum of Com. vs Kinscy W,arner. Larceny. V diet ul guilty and couit sentenced him lo pay .1 line of S-!!o and cots of prosecution restore the goods and undergo an imprisonment of one year iii the Penitentiary. 111. Snyder's Lxis, ts Jacob Iiuehlol and wife. This) suit was to obtain payment for land of the late Win. Snyder. Defendant allowed until May 9 1870 to pay 53091,72 when deed to be given to Elizabeth lieclitol. James Djke vs William Howell, Verdict fjr plaintiff in sum of fOS, In the estate of Miehoel lleaglo dee'd., sale ordered. liond in 2000, George lleaglo ap proved a surely. William 11. Freas np'obited Trustee in es tate of Jodn K. Fowler, fnrlliefundof borougli of lierwlck, bond in S2000. ILL. Freas and W. Shatter approved ns surely. Win. Lamun appointed Trustee in same es tate for llio Fund of Iiriarcrcck twp. bond In tWOOO, Joseph Lamon, Win. Shaffer and Win. Kriekbaiini approved as surety, David 11. Iiower vs William Swisher. Ver dict for defendant. Illoomsburg Lumber Co. vs Edward Itawling, On trial. An IIisToitlC'Ai, Fact. Every acent who ha been steadily selling the Improved $20 Home stead Sewing Machine for three years, owns Ids dwelling house, lias n good account in bank, is clear ol' debt, and has money nt Interest. the natural consequence of securing a good agency for suiicrior goods at tlio lowest prices. A gooii lirst-class Sewing .Machine, mot useful reliable at all times, easy lo understand and cuntrol, the same size and docs tho samu work as any ma chines that sell at four limes tho price, There Is no machine at any price better, or that will do liner or more work, and certainly none so low in Price by many dollars. The Homestead is widely known and used in thousands of fam ilies in the Eastern and Middle Statts, nod dai ly becoming jiopular in tho West, It will save Its cost several times over In 0110 season, doing llio work of the family, or will earn four or five dollars n day for any man or woman who sews for a living. It Is llio strongest machine made, Is ready at all limes to do its work, makes the strongest and finest stitch tet invented, mulls fully acknowledged as the Standaid Family Sewing Machine. Price, complete for domes lie use, $20, delivered at your door, no matter how remote ) 011 may reside. Iliisiness perma nent and honorable, with more certain and rap Id sales, and larger profits than any other, Ex traordinary liberal oilers made to local or trav eling scents where we have iicuo established; or, If llieie Is 110 agent near you, send your or der direct to the factory, Addiess John II, Kendall & Co., 030 llroadway, New York. May 0, 70 ly. They havo got it boy in ilingliamton, 6 years old, who U physically perfect, healthy talks distinctly 1h very active, and weighs only 1) pouuds. lie is 23 Inches high. Aro hard boiled eggs Indigestible ? Is a question wo would llko to Imvo nniwcrcd by homo ono competent to i;lvo tho why nnd tlio wdcrcfore, ays tlio Lancaster lirjirru man, Ho ndds : Our experience) for over tinny years) icuh 11s to a inherent conclusion and our rcaeling 1111 dietary topic has never developed anyact, physiological or scleiuii lc, to sdako our dillli lit 11 preference for well cooked Instead of nny kind. l)r. Pearson In his work entitled "A prac tical synopsis) of tlio Materia Alliiicntarin," 1808, a standard authority, says: Eggs when dolled hard and especially when Irlcel In butter, fill or fat nro less soluble In tdn gas tric juice nnd nro commonly very difficult of liigcttion. Cooked In tills way tdcy prove Injurious to persons whoso stomachs are deli cate, giving rise to variotts disorders of tlio digestive organs." Tills would seem to show that hard boiled eggs. arc, if not Indigesti ble, at least not easily digested, Ittit Dr. Heaiiniont made n series of experiments ns to tho length of time required for tho di gestion of various nrtlclcs of food, in the cac of tho boy Martin, in Canadu, who was wounded across the stomacli, and which wntiiid licalcel so as to allow n view of the workings of tliu stomacli, and nc"" aitied that a raw egg took two hours to digest, a soft dolled egg three dmirs, and a hard boileil egg but tdreo hours and a half. Tliis proves that although hard-boiled e?gs rc ipiire alittlo longer time; fjF digestion they cm linrdlylbo called "indlgfstlble." If your liver is torpid, if your appetite is poor, It you want your stomacli thoroughly idealised, If you cannot sleep, if you waiit 'a good digestion, uso Dr. Hull's Vegetable Pills. MARKET REPORTS. HLOOMSIlUIiO MAltKET. Wheat per bushel lite Corn, new, " Oats, ' " Flour per barrel oiovcrsceU Flaxseed nutter Itas Tallow Potatoes Pried Apples Hams stiles K shoulders Lard per pound Hay per ton Heeswax Timothy Peed QUOTATIONS roll COAL. 1 1.M .si rn .40 7.tii) ".on 1.M .as .is .40 .10 .in .11 .10 S0.HI .2.1 4.M) Xo. 4 on Wharf 4,00 per Ton -v. " No. 0 " " J; 2.r,0 Ulacksmllh's Lump on wharf 4,0s " UltuinlDOua " I c.(ii) Marriages. llARTZELL-CItOMLLr.-on the Teh last., by tho liev. Wm. o. Laltzle, Mr. Henry Harwell, of Main township. Columbia comity, to Miss Hannah Marga. 1 ct Crumley, of Cooper township, Hontour county, l'a. lIEACOOK-KIR.NElt.-At the Methodist parson. ago In Orangcttlle, May 4, UTC, by liev, Henry s. Mendcnhalh W. W. HcacocU to Miss Salllo E. Kisner, noi 11 01 .Miiitine, Deaths. LEMON. In Mount Pleaant,on the SOtli ult., Mrs, Elizabeth lmon, aged 04 years. LEMON. In Mount rioasant, on Uto Sdlnst,, VU llain Lomon bun ot tho above, aged 21 scars. Tiik ONtYScitK Cchk I'oa Iter itcke. The oldes end best hernia burgeons In tho world are soma of tho advantages offered by tho Triumph Truss Co., 534 liowery, N. Y., whoso truss and supporter were awarded the medal at tho lato session of tho Oreat American lnstltuto Fair. Send 10 cents for their new book. March 1 1 70-ly "It's Only a Couoii" has brought many to untimely graves. What is a Cougli ? The lungs or Uroncliial tubes have been attacked by a com ; nature sounds nn alarm-bell, tel linit where tho disease lies. Wisdom eug gests "try Wistar's Ilalsam of Wild Cherry;" it has cured, during the last half ot a century thousand upon thousands nf persons. As long as you cough, thero is danger, for the cougli is a Safety Valve. Uso " Wistar" and bo cured. .10 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold bv all druggists. A Widely Aitlicaule Remedy. Few remedies are applicable to sued a wide range of disorders as llostetter's Stomacli Hitters, and tli is not because it has special properties, adapted to tde cure of eacd sued a pretence would bo manifestly absurd but on account e : . 1 r..ii t 1 .1. en nn wouueriuiiy improving cuece upon iue general tone 01 tlio fcystcm, and its altera tivo action upon tde organs of nutrition, so cretion and discharge. Hesides its well known properties as a remedy for intermit tent and remittent fevers, dyspepsia, consti- , !.!!... r .1. - V l .1.1 ;l jiaiiou, torpiuity 01 tuu liver, general ticou lty, urinary and, utcrino difficulties, it inva riably proves to be highly serviceable iu overcoming anaemia, hypochondria, rheuma tism, insomnia, nnd many other disorders and ilisabilitiesoriginating in poverty or im purity of tho blood, nervous weakness or over-rxcitement, or an imperfect perform ance 01 the physical functions. .May. Messrs. Knittlo &. Abbott, Calawissa, are now fully prepared to furnish the best quality of Lime fiom their own kilns, and larmefs cannot do better than to call on them. They have also a largo and cnrefullv scdectcd stock of Lumber of all grades and keep on hand tho best Family Coal. For Lime, Coal and Lumber, Knittlo & Abbott me tlio men to suit you. Fiii.MEit.0, Attention. liussel takes Hotter Eggs, Laid and Produce in exchange1 for goods liupture cured In from CO to 9) days by f he Tri umph Truss Co., of S34 liowery, N. Y., who offer Jl, two for a rupture they cannot cure. Pee advertise. ment and cut of 1 rubs In another column, hend 10 cents for deserlptlto look of Triumph Itupture Cure. Marclut, ;o-iy Tdanks "From The llentlis of Hie llrart." Wellington, Lorain Co., O., Aug. lil, 1871 Dr. It. V. Pierce, lluflal.i, N. Y. : JJtar Dir. lour medicines, (Johlen Med leal Discovery, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy have proved ol tho greatest servico to me Silv ....nlhu nn.. ,m .n.i llmn.,1., !... I 1.1 possibly live long. I had a complication of diseases, scroiuia, mamieMing itself iu eruptions mid great blotches on my head that iiuidti such sores that I could not havo my hair combed without causing me much nill'c ring ; also causing swollen glands, ton sils enlarged, enlarged or ''thick neck," and largo and numerous boils, I also sufiereel from a terrible Chronic Catarrh, and in fact I was sei diseased that life) was a burden to me. I dad tried many doctors wild no benefit. 1 finally procured one-half elozen bottles of your Golden Medical Discovery and one dozen Sage's Catarrlt Remedy and commenced their use. At first I was bail v discouraged, but after taking four bottles of tho Discovery l began to improve, and when I hail taken tlio remaining I was veil. In addition to tho use ol Discovery I aimlieil a solution of Iodine to theUoitro or thick neck as you advieo in pamphlet wrapping, and it entirely disappeared. Your Discovery is certainly the most wonderful dlood med- ie h.o ever invented. I tdntik Clod and you, fiom tde deptds of my deart, for tlio great good it das douo me. very gratefully, Mrs. h. Clmfrec. Most medicines which nru advertised ns blood purifiers and liver medicines contain cither mercury, in somo form, or potassium and iodine variously combined, Alloftheso agents liavo strong tendency to nreak clown llio blood corpuscles, and dcbllitato and otherwise permanently injure the human KVstem, anil admit! tdereforo bo discarded. Dr. 1'lerce s Uolden Medical DUcovery, on tde other hand, being composed of the fluid extracts of native plants, barks and roots, will in no case produce injury, its ull'ecU bo lug btreiigtheiiing.and curativo only. Sar saparllla, which used to enjoy cjuito it repu tation as a blood purifier, is a remedy of thirty years ago, and nmy well glvo placo as It iscioing, to tlio more positive ami valua ble vegctablo alteratives which later med ical investigation and discovery has brought i., II, .1,1 I.. ..,i',.l .,, 1-1,,,,'., I.,ll li'i!:, . Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inllaminalions. Indolent hillaiumittion, Mercurial affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin and Sore Eyes as in all other blood diseases Dr. Picico's Golden Medical Discovery has shown Its groat rcmodlul powers, curing tlio niot ob stinate and intractable cases. Sold by all delers iu medicines. Business Notices Centennial. 11.iv an Accident Policy of ;!. W, Jiiuss, of.leo Court liollso llloo'iiu l'fK. For Rent A' oilieo In Ihc Co lumbian Idilldliig, fronting the Court Home. Apply at this ollice. If, A full lino of Cloths and Oassltncrcs for gents' wear mndo tip In city style, a splendid assortment to select from,at 1), Lowenberg's. A grind assortment of Zephyr, Yarns, I,v ccs, Ribbon, nnd Dress Trimmings jitt ic eelved bv A. D. Webb, .Main Street, next door to First National Hank, May 12, '7fi Oi to I. V, llarttnaii's Centennial Store for Cheap Goods this week, Xew Goods this week nt C. C. Mnrr's. Great urrival nfSpriiig and Summer Gooel, lust received at li, M. Knorr's. The most fastidious lntc in the matter of Wall Paper can bo gratified nt George A. Clark's nore. Ills stock comprises a myriad of Patterns and embraces all prices. 1100 Pairs Slippers at McKinney's. M. M. Itinell pay--10 pound for b'lttcr. Attention, limners. Hats, IIat, lints, h.ticet Sttle, Low est Price, Largest Stock, For Men, Hoys and Children, at D. Lo'venberg's Something new, tho celebrated Shoes for Liulies excee-els the world for comfort. Call and buy llieiii at E. M. Kuoir's. Ladles hasting Gaiters 1.20 at McKin ney's. SI. 2r cents will buy a nice pair of Lady Gaiters at E. M, Knurr's. A largo lot of Ii.i-o Halls, of tho latei-t and best patterns, Hats Ac, now on hand at Geo. A. Clark's book store. A new supply of ti) and 8 cent Calico this week at I. W. Ilartinnn's. PUHhic""r6rncT:. Parlies who are nut goinj to tde Centen nial can buy Clothing jut as cheap, and iu fact cheaper than ever, at D. howenberg's Wanamakcr ft Hirnwn have the largest Clothing House in Philadelphia. Visitors to the Centennial will find it just tho place to buy their summer suits. They sell at the lowest cash prices and all tdeir work war ranted. Magic Fiiuit GnowEit. This prepara tion patented by J. R. Wcslover took: in considerable titno nf tho Court last week in a case brought by Andrew Crawford against D. H . Johnson. Johnson bought f-otne ter ritory of. I. R. We.stover tlio patentee and gave dis notes llierefor with tlio words "for a patent rigdt" written on tlieni, one ol which notes was Mini to trawioru. iliecic fenco was that the patent was worthless, ."several witnesses wero examined on each side, but the Jury gave a verdict for tde plaintiff, thus disproving the defense, that the patent was of un value. Mr. Westover still manufactures the preparation and has rigui to ben. ' Xew White Deer Mills Cashmeres at C. C. Marr's. Flour and Feed at M. M. Russell's. To THE PUIILIC. W. II. Rrown lias re ceived from the city markets a full supply of Fruits, canned and dried, foreiun nnd do mestic, of every description, fresh and good. His Groceries embrace all varieties from digit to low. His Teas are from SO cents to $1 for now crop Teas. Such Groceries as ins are good things to have about the house better than Greenbacks. People have it in their teeth, cat anil get fit tut tlieni and sleep well o' nigdts. Every body ought to buy them and keep them,' so to speak. You can find in Iirown's Store the chea pest set of Iron-Stone China Ware, imported at the lowest (ignres. His Wood and Wil low Wares aro extremely cheap. His Fish and Mackerel, new and bright, by tbo quar ter, half and whole barrel af tho lowest pri ces. Full weight and warranted to give satisfaction or can bu returned. He keeps the Paragon Dried Meats Heel Tongue and Venbnn sliced in 1 lb boxes. He sells the Gold Soap a prisro of ono gold dollar in every box. Ileatitilul Gilt Cans of Coffee and Tea Men love 'cm Women can't get enough of 'em. Nothing like it to be found outside of W. II, Hrowu's Grocery. It's a big thing immense. You will know how it is yourself when you try one. Haiiaiias, Oranges, Lemons, Prime Shelled Almonds, llrnzil Xuls, English Walnuts, Peanuts, Filberts, Cotifectionrey, French Candies, Figs, Raisins ami Cunants, always freed audgeied. It bothers the girls to tell how lie keeps goods so Irei-d. County Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Give Rrown u call, farmers, and you will not regret it. April 28 Xew Orleans linking Molasses, cdoice Syr ups from SO cents to $1 it gallon. A fine "as sortment ot Young Hjson, Imperial, Japan and Hlack Teas at M. M, Russel's. All kinds of new Shoes nt C. C. Marr's very cheap. The How for neck wear is white. Can be obtained in the latcbt btylo at D. howen berg's. New lot of Hlack Alpacas and other Dress Goods at I. W. llarlnian's. r Grand Opening of Spring Gocds at E. M. Knurr's, Ge orge A. Clink das the lnrgcs-t und best nttorimtntol Wall Paper in town. Huy the Ellmood Collar at McKinney's. Hutter 40 cents a pound, at M. M. Rus sell's. Don't luy your Wall Paper until you liavo m en Ucoipe A. Clink's block the best iu liloointUng, Don't wait until it is too late to get a cheap I'alrof fchocs at E. M. Knorr's. C. C. Marr, sells Gocds as cheap as any muii iu tuwn. New Muslins, Shirtings, Tickings, Ging hams, fee, this week at 1, W, llnrtinunV, Oranges nnd heinous always on hand at M. M. RiibscU's. habtlng Slippers IK) cents at McKinney's. Canntil fiuits of all kinds at Rutbcll's COAh. COAL Old Kstabliblieel Coal Void. fl W Vcai. .t- linn Whnlosaln lti.1,.11 Dnnlprft In nil HI7PH nf tlin lipst nlliillt Iim i.t Reel and Wliito Ash Coal, at tho very lowest market rates. Have constantly on liaud lariro stocks of Domestic, Cupola, lllacksmith's Anthracite, llltumiuous, ami Limeburncr's Coal, Especial nttenlinn piven tn thn itreiinrn- tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken In cxcdanL'o for coal. Coal delivered to any part of tlio town at sdort notice. Orders fel t at I. W, McKelvy's store, or at our ollice, will recelvo prompt at tention. Ollice and Yards at William Neal ci Soils' Furnace, East Hlooinsburg, Your patronago respectfully solicited, COAL. 17 tf 251 COAh It XXV EXI'l'tTUltlNlTho great itcmedy fir roughs. Colds, e instiim llt li. and all Diseases of the thruut and luuirs. ill cure, and oltenw hen the cao apparently hope-lets. Vtedu not mean lo sa, that I'lieiiiuu x.uufs aif ufHiiiueu vuy incuiiine eau eieate lliem ant w. Hut uriid fbv. timt if h turnim hit a Violent Cough, Mublhwean, Creeping Chills, Is confined to ld a cine may leeuected. , it. i'uukia eoi't'ear rim i tiate useu jiiuis' Expectorant In my finally (or so j cars, and hate ihe cxiitilciiee cI biiowlLL- lis went meills.iiLd do triad. ly lecoinuicnd It lo all Minueis.wliU tLote dls- ircbbing louipiaints ror wniiu n Kiuieuned UKN.W.ltKIFbMYUKU, Clalllralls, Ohio, Nov. w, lain. Try It 1 l'fllCK fXCK-NTB, fiold by U Urugtrtits. leu. It. Sni OF Wet eondnsfrom tho lthlgS Jlertttfr Ihet filrtoinej of onvcrsatlon about Oak Hall, In l'hlljdoAhiyWaniraakorAllrown'i" Lart SfS?! ln Al?crt" A vlaltor and Attendaiitsri-e tho spoakeri 1 ITfT1 ". wliM corn" " lno Building out" tomtanf. Bouth-Eant corner of 6&A and Market. I'lcano note tho BIXTH, for somo itratigcntcsUtiK Oak Hill, havo been mlilcd Ly denlanlnif persons." ItdlmVrtilVuY01 K,WU 1,0 'ou " 'Al?m W ect-t on Market, and 180 odd on BUth, li ,torlM nKh hM'ovcr 155. t??1 (&tioo!irt- d covers fpaco onco occupied bTmirctSau twenty different Liul tidM placet. V. " Uo you uso etenm-powerr ..i.'! yoVu"c,,K"ie furnishes power for Ihe freight anil passenger elevators, and iho ttoSrtffiti&g? ana 1110 oth" Y JXhl" or1" i0 Tou tako with goodsr n,i Jilcyro u,rst and arranged In . Jnn c.nh' 0Si?' C01""e! and taken tors room on theilBrft floor." V. ;;iiiwictlniftheflmowretionr' A- no, sir, measuring. Ito goods aro first racMurcdln tho piece, then Infected. Iho cloth passes over rollers ln tho face of a itrong iIFmA ,a,.',cl two "en tit, one before and one i'1 gc"' washing with the eye or a ina.wMor "10 kul P'n-hole Imperfection, and 5fk.1Sgieivi!f7 ?aw' ? Umt ne rutt may Joentv" comu 10 Uo gat" Y' uX0murtcraP!PTniirrrof cuttersr t "L.omn, t. .our llltli nor and tee I Wo kotpTO hands all the ttAp ciifing up tho cloth SPS? mcn WPrk clt ttrokt." good?" ,0U laanufactufo a" your own A'"Wc. d0' nna nost carefully. Our ex SlHnrJ7,n,poct cvcr3r ,lltch n" "am, and YJrirl v.c,7 M oxtra-wcll made ift?orn.fbfo!il7.r UcUt oa "."become dcairYoUf ey"em mutt eaTB ou neat . A " In CTCr)f direction, tlr. It is A mtcra ?i?ndt0.MII1J' wo. trtico all Osr, y.J through. orVi't?,iMlCr lnPecUn tt" work wbat becomes r' ?ie2f " ,;oe, ln',0 Etock " ls tlcleted. .,,t,c7?B.10 8""ent has Its number and ft?vr,P2ln.u n.clc'1 ?n (0 thllt "a enure his Lo'fks" without fall, upon our Y " Xlu m.ust h&yo SO or it) faleinen r . "hy Hr, on busy d ijB you tnaysce 100 "l!1".?,0 th0 throngs of cuitomrrs." ,uuuu' index Pclr d tta rder A. "very great. AUoTcrtheccmntrj. Our A MATTER Then Buy N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO.'S and sav one-third tho costnf rttTmnn t T 1 A TV'P painting, and get a paint that Is much h.iiidsoiner and will Oil l!iiJ I J 1 Is I lotttntce as long as any other paint. Is prepared ready for uso In while or anv color desired. Is on many thousands ot the Quest buildings ln the coin, try, many of hlch hate been pain ed six tears and now look as well as whenllrst painted. Hits eJIIKMIt'AL I'AINT has taken First Premiums at twenty ot tho State Fairs ot the Union. Sample) card of colors sent free. Address N. Y. UN A M U L I' A I S T O O., 1ii3 Chambers street, N. Y., or M I L L K It llltois., 1 v Water fctreet, tletel.iud, Ohio. May 11, '7-ly. O". EC. MAIZE'S iSIAMMOTH GHOCERT. Curiic'r ihiin ihid Center Sheets BLOOMSBURG, 3? Tlio largest stoek of grocories and piovisions, Queensware, Glassware etc,, etc , in the county, i'w sale at wholesale or retail at the very Oct. 8,1875 BOOKSELLER iLPJB STATIOBIER, Dealer in Law lilunks, Punday Seliool Libraries, Depositary of the reniibylvuniii Bible Society, WINDOW CUSTA15TS, WALL PAPER, PIOTUES PBAMES, HSWAUD CARDS. 13ool;s and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Shorl- Notice ai the Most Reasonable Hales. Store in Exchange Hotel Oct. 8,1975 Then Buy MILLER BRO.S.' nndsave miMhlrd the eoi t, of rtmAITrt Is much handsomer and will V'J I Ijlil 1 V'V 1 1 I fl Hi I Lift twice a lone as anv other (..lint. Is prepaied ready for use ln whlto or anv color deslri'd. Is on many thousands of thorniest buildings In iho countrv, many ef wiilcli hate 1 1 n palmed slxiars, and now lookns well as whennrst painted 'Ihls CIIK.MIt'AL PAINT has taken First 1'ienilums at twenty or tlio state l-'alrs of the t'nlon. Sample card of colors sent free. AddrebB MILL lilt 11 It O S , 109 Vuter street, Cleveland, Ohio. .nay vi. ',e ly, Tho rrcldent cf t'i I5HYA7VT Si STUATTON RtlllMlSS rOI.I.i:HK. rhllKlelpUa. Bij msuo UTtuiemuutd bu tL&t tk.rt.od eluiruc t'J utu,uil ILu lasUtutniu durinf the pnicrevs uf the mmm states SFiiTgaaL ekhsbiteqn ctn recant gtvHl I oarl n' It b prnrnt luTttt". It will take t les.t amoilft to theroaehlyManilrft tjje nanieros objects of lnUTo.t Cri-iu ml pnr'srf tho ,vorMtiutJ this cn castly bj ilono ftltornoon anlrn hatnrdays, uut tntorlerina with tbo regular course cil ftner. St t'ich nior-utti'vor o6(am,,7 a tuin, .Uwru..wn ar.4 uUu6! 0nru! ttortivA.ivn uill ..f ujala If t rrtmttit. Tor fall psrtlcatars, sddrpps J. U. HO UIX, l"rc.Lidont, lud boutL Tuuth btnet, rhihedolphti, p- Jlay 12-IW. Oendsse. totJ.l'. KeiWLLL CO., New York, fo 7 ramnlilft ot 1' 0 1 aire s. eOIitldliiliL' lists oIS'O nKWbpapeit, and eithuates shuw Injj cost ot adiertls luff, Jlaix'hio, '7o-ijr -i i 1 1 I T 111 .1. ,.. ,i t . . i', i Vsi y IL Lj'-- J I' ' I 'I'", "How In WUi'v?"'., ITii.l." .' I-",.. .Y t V-. . 1 S'r. km.I tW. r. u Ir-, t-. -.-'- . , e n, i , -i i ,3 ,jj - ..u-.,.l......i,u.,l-. t'J Arm it-law. CHRONIC Disrists rt'iiro. New paths marke d out by that plaint st of all books, "I'lalu Home 'lalk'iinei Mediriil I'onunon sent-e" nearly l.ocst lavfi. Swi lllustrullons, ht Hr K. M. Fovrr, of lao 1 exli gtun Ate'., N.i. ruuiia.seisoi thisDook aie at llheny to consult Us amlior, In perse nor bv mull, i kee, I rli'e hy mall, iwsUiMe prepaid, w,85, c'e nlei.ts tables Iree. Ant Ms wants i. .Ml IIHAY HILL I'L'llI.lsllINO CO., (John P. Jettett, mnnayer), ma Jitst .elh bi., N. Y. Apr U u w A OKNTH, for Lest tlinni'i-. In the itorlel to coin mone y suitress the V. K. h.M'BTV POC'K Cv CO., Newaik, N. .1, Aprto-iw. QOMKTIIIKfi N W (or utrenls. Taylor's IO Patent hardy lock and Dour Fastener. KifO proti-clloii iitratusl burtrliu. Ltei.v family vtlll bui. ipil to 11. 1, ciucrusej, yiui'I Age-tit, coi.ioru,N. II. Aprvs-iw. TsSYCIIOMANfY or SOl'I. CHARMING. I How eld. cr K x mat rase Inate and t-alnthe lue ami uffectto is i f imj pi-rMjntlie ches.ise Instant ly. 'Ihls Kluiple acciulre mi nt all eun pussess In e, by limit, tor c, toereiher with a inari lutt k'uide, Ku'JP llai. oircle, dreams, hints to ladles, we cldlntf-nit.-ht i-lilrt, Jc. Aeiuecrbuok. Aeld. ess, T. t llllum & Co, l'ul.. I'hlla Aprs,TMw Philadelphia "lirirCo. CKNTIJNNIAL KXCUliSlOX TICKETS. On and after May 1st, isTit, and during tbo eontln uiiuccicf Ihu KxioMUi n, Kxeurvlon 'lick. fISL'oodfurlatlajs Iltiu elate of Issue, will be ts sui'dlreiiii Mullens eiilliu Ihlladel) hla A- Keadlns Hiillroad and liiatuhes. iu I'lilladelnhl.t and letiiru. t l'ai-seiik'eis will bo eontcjeel ellieclly to and from the eleput, which Is located ln eioso proximity to tho centennial llullellmrs. woffrT ItEADiso, ai rll ictli, is;o. General uuierimeneient, April nslli l in. "VrAI.UAltLK I'ROl'KRTY AT riavATr sjaij:. The subscilWr will orfer at prlvato sale TII11KK TOWN LOTS In the town of Ltght street, Columlla eouaty Tho iinpiutemenls consist of alwn-slor.t triimu home. with nice ssary outhulldlngs, a blacksmllh shep and binall frame house suitable for n shop. T rms mudo eusv fur tturcliners. J, II. KEIM. Light street, Api II H-tm. FOll S A L E ! 400 ACRES OF COAL LAND I.jlngln Prior Creek nnd Fishing Creek Townships, tn Culuuillit county, nnd e nlj id e ut lour miles freni Hern Ick, The land Is w rll timbered und a lurut) vein of c oal uicn on said proi ertj . For ttiuisandtiti.dltiens ef tale, address or call uikjii. lt. HOWNINO, April Sl. Sm. Wllles-lliirre, l'a. JOTICK. e underhleind would heiebv trite notice toal nurlles lndebled to him. on ii"tu or book account, to tome forwaid und settle ul cucci or lh accounts, will lo placed lu tho bunds of tilt) proper onioer (or col lection. Feb. ML sjTcrilKX KNOUIt. fyk - POPULAR T. perfect irrtera orfd rutM of Mlf-meunreoieot tnako ItjwMlMo lo plcue people 2.0O9 tnilet nwy Jflt tyfxrfectljf u If ther were here In penon."' V, " I Hippose you hareat leut half a down different departments T" A. "My dear rlrl w e hare more than tuenty, rsch charged Willi Iu own hiulnoai, and each thoroughly organlted, a ncoottary whl wlu ln tho great wheel." Y !'. 5?"! V01! ,mmc 3o'n or so of tlitm r' A. "with pleuure. Tho Custom Depart ment, forthoe i who prefer cuitom-aoade to rcady.madj. TS FurnlihlDg Department, with Its (pk) etock of all uiderwear! ate Bhlrt Bfetory, with IU buty machines, making our own flrat-clasnhlru. Tho Trim ming Department, Itself tublg uniiiri rem lr store The Garment Stock ltoom. Th Itecelrlng Iloom. The, Order Depaitment, named before. The tpcctal Uniforms Depart ment. Tho Delltery Department, with It score of mewengen. The " V. " Hold, bold I sir, enough I" A. "I'mnotlialfthmughr The Adrertlslnr D;partmcnt,wlth its bllLendtlgn distributors editing and publishing buslncs and popular pnrnal, clrcuhgje, lo.too copies monthly tell all your frieio send forltj. ThoMeni )ciartmeiit,wltfnts many rooms. ThoUoTS' Department. Tho Youths' Depanmcnt, Tlo Children s Department, with Iu speclat rntranco for ladles. The Telegraph Depart ment. Tho Chief Clerk's Department, with It bfl.kceper and assistants. (Jtneral Man ager's Department; Financier's Offleic, and mher offices of the flrman busy as bi thinking, planning, exeutlnr, bujlng, mak ing. rc'glsicrlng.rccsJbflofc. sending ouLselllnr. and ln a thousandys Joining their forces to carry on a buslnessVfUt the rsjoplo amotint lng to between ti,WO,m and an nually." V. "B-t-n-p-c-n-d-o-u sl" A;,"?n?.c:'1 " 1,1 1 f"Rt to nsoe the Cashier's Deportment, which handles luaooo of retaUfales on somo single days I" ,i.v m'Vl Immcnio I That's' what enablea tho house to buy cheap and seUchean f" A. " Exactly I You havo lct hit It. The reoplo throng here, knlrJfthat we depend on low prlecjandlmmeTiirJales." mucWabo'Str0 "ear a. "uur system of business deallng-1. One A guarantee protecting tho purchaser; l.The jiriee, no oeviauon j x. casn ror erery thing! jiiuiicj leiunieti it uo ouycr can't otbcrwlta be suited. V, "Nothing could he fairer." A' . f.Pv.llnK-. And tho people ie It." attention " rU' Blr' f0r TUr poUto -.Ai " N,r ' ' cl,'v lt'1 Plure to tefre yon. Coll again: and bo sure of the piate-Wana-maker & Brown's Oak Halloui-Et cor ncr s xth and Market," 'jTa r Good moSlnjr "uuu M Elp" v,aoK- lowest prices. Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. . T I) A TXTrn patntlmr. and eft a paint that Br. Teny'sYf EUtal Iferve Bemefly . For a perfect restoration of the nervous svstem eaustnir un linmerliate anil Droner euro tn the- futlntv, log rases: nertous deblltty Impaired nutrition of Ihe body, lassitude, weakness lu the limbs and back. Indisposition and Incapacity for study, dullness of uiipit-iieuMun, loss vi memory, atersioneo Bocieiv, llinlillty, t-elf-dWrust, dlrjlness, headache, Incident to but li sexes, for whose benefit It la designed and " i titi, gitutna li iu fii vmo it. 'I he 1'iOSt I mltie-tlt t,lllhlrl.ins r.f this (-nllntrt hntA exerted theiiiseltes to'the utmost to check Ibrln- creasnn; laiaucy resuitini; from ine relaiatlonof llio nerves, llatlne for a lone peilod devoted much study, time and tutor In esiabllshlni; a reircdvfor the perfect restoiatlon of the nertous sjstem.'ttls Kiutli) lutr tube able to announce ihe succtssai leudlnir my new method, TLrnucu this remedy tho nert es can be reached aud ln sucli a w bv that, how. rin riiunui uui ji uMnuru, iney eun t'o peneciiy lestcrtel. It acts on tho nert es at once, tet with Ke ntle i.ess- re slcrlnc them to a natural btate, and . vu.u, mt, uiu.Lvir mout Ul'use B. Ilolli sexe s, moie ol less, II roush the prostration ot the nertous sjttem, lose their energy, in such Instances tho Nerte hemeely may bo relied upon lu let Hint; the patient Into the vigor of youth. 'IheNer-e lttitedy Is rarelully comiunded and nut up In boxes with full directions. Price, one dol lar, expressed to any address on receipt of price, lilt. 1. ClIAl'NCL'y TfcllltY. , , . iws Vine Mriet, I'hlla. Ofllcc hours, 11 a. m. to 3 p. m., T to D p. m. Ularch AGI5NTR iMOODY WANTKIl FOIt THE WONDLUKl'L CAltKKtt OF SANKEY IN Great Itrllain and America, lev un pininnnt n. tine. Has oter ,U) pages and 13 illustrations. 1'ilce tl. Hi s' book to sell. Nn other complete, stsi ugeuts made first month, semi for nrnnfs. Arid-vicu 11 s. lilitilisl'HKU A CO., 14 liiuclay bt., N, V. Air is-izw. FIUKSIIIK KDITI0X (IF " SHAKESPEARE'S COMPLETE WOUKS. The Cheapest Book eter offered to the public. UrgoTji. Fine paper. 40 ti tHNUiD iui'61batiok, 10 riKi-s IT P0 C NT EiC 11. AciKN'is WANTF.D. Specimen, with two JUtu tratlons, by mall, 10 cents. 1IAKL11, DAVIS & CO., I'hlladelphla. AprS9 1y. SVTTnS VKOKTAULF. 4 FLOWlTjt uXjIjUV, Munts, Hoses. Dchllas, Fuchslss, Oer- uiiiuiii.-, icuuiii imuiri, itiueuuius, lie, rend A stump for Dretr's Harden Calendur, lss pages, lllut tratetl, with radical direcilcns. HENltY a., 114 Che smut tt , Philadelphia, Pa. -Mar.fl, ';o.-ct. ' ' KADB FRYMIER & EDWARDS, Suecebiois to 11. Dortey son, OIIINA, GLASS & QUEENSWARE. old Stand, !S Market bt., cpp. new p. o., Phlla. Are efferlrp great Inducements to purchasers of FltHNCll eJillNA DINNKltuUd TKA bins, plaid and tleecralid, choice ujlts and superior uualltj. Anexttnstte andtarltd ashrtlme-iaof CHAMPFft PK'IH, FlllUO.N AMI IIOIIES'IIO CILAhhWAIlK Plain, cut, and eiigrute d, our Mock has been curei fully se liKlcd and purchased for cash, luabllng us to ell at thee low est prices,. Especlalcate detotedto our relull department. Particular attention irlTen to decoiatleiu of china und glass lo order. In full seia or to match broken sets. Jud llnotit latestkiilis and liest makes ol Ml.VKU-WAKli 1 liieo. iiarehn-uw flL-..n' jtfrtxi3jA3rurnMjejspT-p-OTTy,Fs HOMEOPATHIC FAMILY MEDICINE CASES. Ami books glMng plain and concise directions for their use uie.aie u necessity ! every househo ld for oltenw HI u timely dosoot medklnej Mute on u kerloua euse of Htkness. Mtwa i lioumctt TAFKL, 143 flrund bt New Urk, will seiiu u. tutuloguo describltiK the dirwe-nt t li le and t un, to any uadrcs cn rcuV ut u smuip, 'iUeti-b H the clde-bl tbtabllMuuent ot Ha kind Iu Auitrlcit, liavlng beta fjunded lu it-tl, Apr u-s,w. INTERES L EGAL ADVERTISEM NTS. T K ALL WHOM IT MAY COXOKKN. rdironniirAihatnn theMthrtivof March. in, f hn-ight of Kllmandiii Kemhlc the articles enmnerj nut Itsjlow, and le.tte them In his itosneiislon tintll 1 wo Bt to renvim them. All persons air forbidden ut InlflrfMewllhhUpossesslemof iMMm. ..... 1 at je and ulenslls. 1 rocking chair, 1 bedstead, 1 wash stand. 1 sink. pigs. w nmx Rp Aprlsjw, ADMINISrHAl'OK'ri 4SuriL,h. kstt or ociaaiiscorr, hiton. lA-ttert ot Ailinlnlsl ration en the KsUM of flee. Heotl ot Ottawissa Columbia County, dts-fiueea, have Iwb irntnted by tlie lteerlt'r of suld couaty U oenrsrei U. Mcott, of t:at Issit, Ooluinbln county, Vi., to witoiit ull persons Indebted to mi l KBUte are ! utte-sted tet make payment, and Ihoso huvlntf clsJma ugttns the said estate will mako them known to the s.tld udinlutstrutefr without dHny, ., OEOitOtr o. SCOTT, Apr. !!,:'.! Administrator. 4WtINIST HATOU'H NofiTiil rsTiTi or mciiist. ORjTrs, bicsaskd loMnr AftmlnNtratlnn on the estate of ulChatl flrorer UU" of tho Town of lilooinsliunr. county of Columbia. State of Pennsylvania, deceased, Uv iwrn aranta to josnua retierman nnu abius wry- estitcare re'iuested to make payment t i the Ad v. tn wl,Am nil horanns lndPTltetl U3 Bkia ministrators Biino tne-no s nm in ";" ",,. ii v ,.- titose hsvlnerV-lstins or demands will make know tko same without delay. AAiturc cititivitit, April 14-w Administrator. EXKCUTOU'S NOTICE. RSTSTd Or JOHN AI.LEM, DSCKASRD. letters testttnientixry ontlie tsUte.of John AUei, late of Madison twp., Columbia county, deceased, have h-en granted bv the He trlster of said county to Joun A. Funston, of Illoomsburg, Columbia coun ty, l'a., Ilxecutor, to wtioin nil persons Indebted to raid estafo are re-iiuested to make payment and luoso naving claims or uejianas against, tuu uiu cstato will make them known to the said Executor without dclav. ;olIH A. FUNS TON, April 1 1 " executor jXKCUTOR'8 NOTIL'Ii I J asTxra or nxvlo nun, naciistD. letters tesutenentarv oa the estaw of Parld itifT l.itM nf ite.tvpr twn.. ool.. Co.. decoaaea have Deen granted by the Itesister of ald county to Conrad Deltz, of Beaver township, Columbia county, Kxrciitnr, to whom all persons; Indebted are request ed lo mako payment, aud IhuM having claims or demands against tho said estate will make theut known to me saia executor wimoni m-iny. April T.-Hw.' Ktet-ntor. Verbatim Reporting. TERMS! Actual traveling-, boardtnr-. and otoer eipenses; five dollars a se-sslun, fur taking the report! an I ten cents a folio, ( hundred words, ) for writing out Into long-hand. Whore the matter reported In one day equals or exceeds fifty folios, the lire-dollar fee will be remitt ed, and the transcrlblug into long-band charged at fifteen cents a folio; but, 'it all such cases. If fewer than fifty rollos are purchased, the Cve dollars will be charged. Address. , N. Walker, A.M., Court-stenographer, Illoomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylva nia. Residence. Iron street, between Tnira am fourth. Office. With n. E. Orvls. Esei. . Colnmblan-ouno- Ing; entrance.opposlte the east gabs to Ut court house yaicL first door, first door to right. omce-nour, irutn iwotve to on o ciecs. reb 11, 187-ly UDITOH'S KEPOUT OF i.uiiam ana iitAt.uv roon DtsTMCT tor the year ending April loth 1S". NEIL LKNinAN, Collector for 1171. Dr. To a int. ot norough Duplicate tor 1871 tuttt (SSIKI iwp $401384 Cr. By amt. returned to commissioners for coueciion, on Doro. aupncaio " ' on twp. " M Ot 13113 317414 Kioneratlons on boro. dupllcaU twp. 1IM Kid 317 1 Collector's commlsslon"at s per cent on boro. duplicate col's con . on ttt y. duplicate 184 SI 321731 aint. raid Ed. Curler treasurer Balance not collected 314143 37 43 344134 ED. CUHLEY, Treasurer for 187S. Dr. To amt. received of Thos Gerrahty treasurer tor iei4, aaper Balance June T. 1S7.1 amt. reed, ot Nell Lenlhan collector $733 04 3148 ill $S0041 H305 91 By amt. of ordrs redeemed and canceled commission onKw 41 ete v per cr. Ualance ln hands ot treasurer , (387733 I.19T Or UNSEATED L1MD TAX IN TM ICKOCOU B- TCKSEOTO TUX COuMlSSlONEKS FOR COLtXCTION. eter F. Collins . $4 e tn , l to 60 . 1 S3 33 33 , 1 00 3S 3S tfi . 1 03 f6 U . 1 CIS S3 ta u . 1 10 .in 35 &3 . 1 33 33 33 Jumes Callahan Wellinirton Cleaver... Henry Davis Ilenlamln ClrltTlths..... John o. Hanley.. '1 hob. uoweits .Michael llannan Thos. Holmes John J. Hughes Carollno Kline Kline He llibold....... 1 euls Kantner Mdow Keller Hlchard Keller , Patrick Laugdon L)od Marks lien. Marks. .. .... Thos. Mahon Mrs. clrace More Parks 1 atrlck cjulnn 11. F. Hhepard Mweet k Torrey Fred Whltuek. Wrn. Zelgler (23 01 LIST Or UNSEATED LAND TAX IN TOWNSnir KETbU.NED TO COMH1S310NEXS I OK COU.LCTION. Wm. Brown Kbeuerer Hrennanaa... John Beam Nathan mown Pe ter Hucuiier Andrew Hurt. Mrs. John lturke Catharine cook David Cook . I'hlllp culp John Davis Cleo. De-tvald Jerry (leorge Frank' llallagher Catharine t.ioUt Ktl. llanabaclt. John Houston , I'eler Jolce Kvan T. Jones Fred Kllngrrman tieo. Kochelrts John D. Morgui nerruncH Meiiulro Starr .Morris . Felix .McManlmun Peter lIcManlmun Anthony Murphy lllchord Murphv 'I'll' mas Murrhy U.S. Marr..... Michael Pis'se m 'Ihouias Hushtoni Mary llushte n Henry K-liuetTer 1 ewls Drlesbucn . 1 oo 31 S7 . is 74 31 CO , T 1)0 so 73 to 70 , 8 Oil 30 . 1 OS 30 30 . 1 OS SI , S 73 60 30 to , 1 00 S CO 40 3 CO 1 00 1 00 40 40 411 J 73 , 3 13 3 n , 8 13 3 7 10 Jacob Trlon 4 10 4 tej Jacob Trlou 1131 U LIST;0r EXOSkXAIIOKS ON 101:01011 Cl'rilCATK. James Hrjson 75 Cntharne tair j 33 hlizubeth Chary 1 CO Thomas Uuughan. 1 CO Mrs. Mary llanley . s 5. Widow tiallaghrr 1 ai James.McManlmun 1 10 VtlUotv tirndj 1 et Mrs. e o.-nehus I enlhun 1 00 Widow o Dour.elL. m. bo (It 03 riOSEKATIONS ON lOHNflllr blTUCAIE. l't ter Iirad'ey Wldotv llraellef Hills & Morris. .... 75 73 13 00 (14 10 1 1st or.ouiikr.s kkdiemed a u CAseti tn bt thk Avunoiui. order vo 68, (illbert Kline, for gro- icinoiuiiiiauru reu iiuusei 9 si " No. sis, N, D. Harman, fur repair- log harness. Ac. it 40 " No. vein, w 11110m Hughes, for plas ter for fa-nt k j; " No. M, II, a. Weldensaul, for ooal for Pear House v 10 " No, V4, lujun Cain, for auttlng timber and clearing land ut'J " No. S47, cieorgo Lojer, forknlvea and guard fur reaiier 1 33 " No. sea, bumucl p. Levan, for teed wheat, Ac. t 0 " No, 3, lwls Kan'.ner, tor w ton coal for Poor House 1 14 " No. 373, Andrew Ueavar, for work on farm 4 m No. sis, Isaiah Yeagor, lor meat tor Poor House 11 14 " No.378, lulah llower, tor work oa farm 4 00 " No. ls. Henry lienor, forMack. smith work 11 ej " No. lis, liuMt llower, tur grata and hay for poor House) US M " No vvs, Johanna O'CoBoer, for horse hire j ot " No. 8se, Auditors and Clerk, for audlilagln June, Kit ieo ej ". "?:' ,?d. L'uriey, tor groorrles for Poor llouto lilts " No. Si, Mrs. lierrahty, for eloth- Ing vagrants and destitute children bo 00 (Ml 41 Ow lnr to the fact that lt la rlslnipii il ,,,.. . wore desiuo) ed bt fir, tht Heal liUtle and luproits menl aecouut could not 1 d)usted. Forthe aarne reason Ihe outstanding lndtUednesa could not be ascertained. We itimfcre resolved to ancoint a any, b) glvirgputlle iiotlte, tn wkicltteitull tnau ouistanulngeiiicis. i' eiewsru'. attcouniwaa rotprcteDted to the We, the tiBc'erslgned, Audltera tf Ccnynghatu township and Ctntralla poor Distilct, certify that tho ubote nateuieiil la the ltt we cm mate tmdeer the eircuiuslaiiceti. we iwilhtr ugrcethat the ray ef rath DIhcU Ihall be three dcillaii for each dy necestsrllv spent as lllreCtor. Iho numlier 1 1 11 rtlii.-a f .,1,1 ll.i.j sliull not eicitU Iwelte 1 rr amiuui.iturtt silduieat !!!"? L.'w U"'J t Ihe I'ooe liuuie cf suld lilslrlet, AloulUtl Ihelulluwlng rules shall tw the hlghtu dally lujlcr hersehlui nteuoleis for a tingle, unanlghf dollautor attobbl lru. Also tuut intiiriitn rum! teulawn 01 u.a lUiCIOlaler 11 elrtlme tiatll the same 1 s lI ii.HilJ tu ikuAtidi. 10. sat ihtlrkut-ualscitleiuiia. KIi. Ml 111'IIV. I Auditors tf TtU II, 1'lllCK, cvbUalli scr. EiiH'AltU HlelHKS, I AiidtoiitX AlAltilN IUSIt.AS, I I'ltjPgUlU. .!'.