y MuiitBiKit BU0C2WAY& ELW5LL.E liters. BLOOMaDURO.'pZ ii any, iviuy xi, j.7o. KKFUBMCAN COUNTY POLITICS. Tha casual reader of the llipublican who II JjCV ll'JIU ..mu,,,,,.-, . liu. I.Um.nl na In ilia .rtn.l It I All nf ttiA 1?a,ilt. lean party in this County, or a f.ilr account if political matters generally, does not till lerstattd tlio "true Inwardness" of that Instl- utlon. It daro not criticize tlio official ictions of tho President or his satellites for a vacancy in tho Post Office at this plaeo. It dare not asall tho management of affairs by Hartranft, Mocker or Camcion, however exceptionable, or the samo result might happen, We will briefly Ulustrato : For several years two gentlemen of tin doubted Republicanism Capt. Robison and Mr Peacock held tho positions of Notaries Public in this place. They had performed their duttcs faithfully. anil wero recommend ed for re-appolntmcnt by both our Hanks and citizens generally. But the fiat from 1 the centralized Republican Ring, composed of half n dozen men went to Uarrisburg, muu in mo piaco oi iwo eiuciem quiccrs uau .two new and unexperienced men appointed. Later, Sheriff Grover died. In nntlclpa llt f (1,1. ,.f II,. T)l lt,1 (Lai, .,t unl,beforo his buriaI,delegations hastened to (Harrisburg, and the war for succession be' j gan. JJyko ot uentralia, liroost ot uatawtssa, J Kressler of Scott,and perhaps others claimed ! recognition from the Governor, but again ... n. 1 i TT . n 1 ' I . I ' . . I j ine n.ng sum to lunnto.., .to , t, e ; jornwaiu, 1 But at once the Republicans from the country became interested. An office in this County seldom falls to their lot, and however much they may ridicule tho contests for office i among Democrats, none are to hoi or hungry a they when there is an opening. The Gover nor became alarmed. Perhaps the Ring was not omnipotent ; Cerjtralia, Catawissa, Ber wick, and dissenters in Bloomsburg might have a reserved Influence. It wa3 explained ' to him that tho Republican conventions in this County generally consisted of half a dozen delegates elected by themselves, aud , that the 2000 Republican vuters followed the ticket, because it was tho ticket. In this dilemma he waited, and his mind inclined to tho appointment of some man ouUide of Bloomsburg. Beckley, the head of tho Ring then determined on a "flank- movement" (which ho learned in the army?) and his brother-in-law was put forward. It . was supposed the Governor could not resist such an appeal, because Hartranft is a can 3 didate for President, and must follow Grant's precedents of appointing brothers-in-law. Besides, how could Hartranft get over the fact that Beckley was a constant Delegate to County Conventions, constantly chairman of tho Standing Committee as well as its Treasurer, (and by the way never accounted for money received) a regular Delegate to State Conventions, a Delegate to the National Convention, editor of the Republican organ, and last, but not least Post Master I What could be moro irresistible? Yet, the Governor hesitated. But Provi denco took from us our Associate Judge,Mr. Scott. The scramble was renewed. Even Ben. T ortner was sorry he had taken the appointment of Justico of tho Peace. Ber wick clamored for Phillips, Centralia for Camp, and other localities for their respect ivo favorites. But tlio generalship of the Ring now came into play. Mayberry Hughes became a candidate for the vacant Judge ship. He was genial, popular, and the Cut nwissaians could not well oppose him, and as the Ming did not, his nomination and con Urination were at onco secured. The Ring said with reason "Catawissa cannot claim both, as a compromise we abandon tlio brother-in-law, and insist on Fornwald." "By this sign they conquered," and thus the Ring triumped. THE NORMAL SCHOOL APPHOPHIAT10X BILL. The announcement that Gov. Hartranft iiuu signeu me out upprujiriuiitig ou,uuu t" nnr Ktntn TJnrmd Splinnl unt ilirt.ll nf gladness through every heart in our commu nity. Our citizens had shown great enter prise ill erecting the former buildings, and we all felt the calamity when they wero de stroyed. But the Trustees, encouraged by tbe citizens, decided to rebuild the institu tion not only on a better plan, but on a lar ger scale, and to-day it is a monument of what pluck and intelligence can do. The passage of tho bill without un amendment, by a unanimous vote, entitles tho Legisla turo to our hearty thanks. Nor can too much credit be given Senator Allen and Representatives McIIenry and Rynu, For a time it was feared that Clov, Hart ranft would veto the bill. Wo never enter tained such an idea. True, other institutions not of a State character clamored for aid and too many have been recogniztd, but he could hardly afford to fee a child of the Commonwealth die for want of help, and aid institutions which lind no sneeial claim il pon the Treasury, and had suffered no such misfortune as befel us. I!ut wo aro now re- heved from anxiety, and trust that our School "may livo long and prosper." The Dloouisburg Coi.umiiia.v hoists the name of Gen. Winfield S. Hancock n its candidate for the Presidency, nnd declares that he "has more elements of strength than any other candidate who could bo namrd." The Coi.umuias. may bo right in its conclu sions, but General Hancock can never be l'reiidcnt. Ills very record, which it eulo gizes so highly, would be distasteful to tho mass of tho Democracy particularly the southern wing. uazeuc & Jiuiutm. If our cotemporary means that Hancock's .--.i i.i . .11 .,.., r.. i i - i. iioioiiiuiiou wnuiu uc uiiiuncmi uctuuou uu served in the Union army, no itas rcau tue political history of tho past in vain. The Democratic party has been generous in glv Jug oflico to Northern soldiers, and the in stances aro too numerous for recital. As a matter of fact, If the Democrats should nom inate tho best eoldlcr In the Union army against the meanest bcalawug in the Repub lican ranks, tlio opposition Tress would com blno ogalmst him. Grant lima hero, as n Republican candidate; on tho Democratic ticket he would Lave received unlimited abuse from his present nupporters, Hut we do not ask support for Hancock solely on ac- countof LU military services, hut ulso bo cause of his mairnlflcent civil record. As his support from iho South, tbe best ovi denci is the vote for htm in tho Convention of 18C8 by tho (states of Louisiana nnu Texan, Kvurla and Adams Is tlic latest Preslden tlal ticket sUL'ecsted. but the Impression pre- vulls, in these parts at least, that it is too I'reerlngly respectable to win. Council Jllufi Jionpartel, The'ato weaker of the national House , i r. .!... fi,. Knrt.l -he', warm enouKh-iiot u chlli-IlUIne, rar B ft. J. CONTKMl'TinLR CORUUI'TION. Of all tlio dovcloncments of rottenness which recent Investigations have brought to light, none nro so utterly disgraceful a those which Bhow the nilsmanagmcnt of charitable Instltutlnm. Tho report of the Hoard of Public Charities exhibits a shocking Mate of .,r.i ... .i i. r ni.u T (,n,i, Greeno and Mercer counlleJ. Paupers are neglected, physically and morally, and filth and degradation Is tho rulo rather than tho exception. In tho Government Lunatic Asylum, near Washington, thcro are shame ful instances of brutal treatment of patients, and In various parts of tho country tho ex aminatlons Into tho management of poor houses and asylums show that tho oflicers are totally unmindful of tho comfort of tho i . li...... ...i.. nt,. n.nnnir inmaies anu nuem, umy v,b . j In tliptr own Dockets mi 1 .1.1..- lll., l.nppllilA In inert IS W1IIIEMUMK 1'Cl.uiiaiij I .l..lll..,..tmntflT.P.nl.n1nl.v. i i.i.i. ..ii. -in,., tnr tn,iir lean urtumri.9, muun vnm ...nvv .w. d i i .i ' .i !,.,, v,.r conueuiii.uiu.i mm i..Uu.,.v such offenders against Christianity and tho civilization of tho ago no penalties within tho liiuiU of law can bo too sovcre. They . .!.. 1 1.1 l.n uosur.u Kc..u.o. v...w.u.. banished from tho world wmcu iney ui'grace. Peculation, cmbezzlemeiit and bribery arc bad enough, but when tho getting of money illshnnestlv Is coupled with nbuse, neglect uisuuucii; is i""!' i s and 111 treatment of poor helpless human beings .1 n. t 1.1 A I mo oneuces ueuuinu um.-uuuiuu.t-. Lot tho lightning of offended law and dis ...ii ii.f .i.u..on,l .iritn lipovllv I bT. :f -l, fpnntl,; somo of misfortunes of their fellow creatures and tho country will bo the better for it. Tho abuso of idiots and paupers Is worse than tho robbery of corpses and deserves moro than a fine or brief Imprisonment, Pennln who remember the Republican 1 - I persecutions of President Johnson, culm!- uatlng in Ins impeachment aud trial, aro amazed to read, ill tho samo papers that tra- -- - 1 aQj yimM Mf Joht)BOn beautlfully ... . . ...... worded articles setting forth tho dignity whieh pertains to tho office of President and tho necessity that respect be paid accord ingly to Mr. Grant. Apart from the by pocrisy of these professions, nothing is moro ' is moro ' rti,if 01 , ' t of that untrue. Respect is duo tho oflico Magistrate, but not to tho incumbent lDce when his course is such as to descrvo public censure. To say that if a President were to steal tho public moneys, disregard the laws and continually misbehave, ho is nevertheless entitled to public respect is too absurd for serious discussion. Tho oflico makes tho man respectable but the man can not make tho office disreputable his be- havior affects himself alono. Presidents as well as other servants of tho People aro open to criticism and must so deport themselves as to render adverse criticism impossible. But Grant has done nothing of the sort ho invites criticism if not worse, Columbia county 13 without a sheriff, nnd so there are many hungry aspirants. The family of Sheriff Grover has removed to Mifllinvillo, and the prisoners are fed by Milton Cox. If Columbia county cannot furnish tho Governor with proper mater ial out of which to make a sheriff, wo have lots of that kind of timber lying around loose in Luzerne. Why not co outsido to Andaman to do your hanging? Hazekton henlwal. Why bless your innocent heart, not a Re publican in Columbia County, but whoso heart palpitated to fill tho office, evcu be fore Sheriff Grover was dead, and tho cars were burdened with candidates Uarrisburg- ward who wished to show their devotion to the country by selling out their neighbors, and raking in the fees. As to the hanging business, we have none of that to do here, and .o scaffold was ever erected in our jail. We leavo such low business to Luzcrue, if Hartranft don't relieve the Sheriff from such a grave necessity. (Communicated.) Willi AiisrouT, Pa., May 0, 1S7G. Mk. Editor of The Columbian, Bear Sir: Havinc had occasion for tho first time to visit Bloomsburg borne few days since, perhaps tho first impressions of your pleasant uorotign, ny a stranger, may noi oe wnony uninteresting to your reuuers. After linvincr a somewhat perilous rule I ,i t. .u ..mh.. ntr?..: it .:.. r wiuuK.1 wo vour btate. witnessing a freo fight between them and the train-men who were assikting the conductor to collect their fare from Kingston to Avondale, and after having my I cHjag stolen by one of tho women of the I oauu,wuicn was oniy recovcreu alter a i-uuau I of some twenty rods will e tho cou'luctor was holding the train for me, I was in ii pretty good condition of mind to appreciate the Deautuui country as i nearcu uiooms- burg, and the cordiality and warm hospital itv ol vour peon e upon my arrival. Knowing nothing of your hotels, I con eluded to take the buss, trusting to fortune and the driver to land ine somewhere where I could find rest from the day's journey and satislaction for my often satisfied but ever recurring appetite. Thanks to tho driver saving nothing of fortune, as it would bo un mat toward your other hotels, ot winch i Know nothing for having landed me at the Exchange Hotel, where tlio attention and kindness of the proprietor. Mr.W. 15. Koons, assisted by his son, Frank D. Koons, who know just how to fcei u hotel and mako a stranger feel at home, caused my homesick ness to tako wings mid made me leel mitt though among strangers I was still among IrleiKln. j cannot say too much lor llieir nolitencss. of which I have been thinking so much that l nimoit lorgot tneir nenuiiiui I rooms and table, which aro seldom equalled in their neatness and repletion I think that many boroughs very little an Fate how much a good hotel does to give i ,::,,!,,, i ..mii Mnrmnl MMmnl nnd n m 1 specially indebted to Dr. Griswold nnd lrof. llairett for their nuinv kindnesses in show lug me through the (.chool and giving mo on insight into its workings nnu manage ment. The beautiful location of the school buildings and an acquaintance with the teachers no longer makes the success of your school a mystery, I also visited your public school", where too beauty nnu convenience oi your ouiiu- t 1 .1 1 1 .lt,.!. .!!., II... . iiiub unu mc inner mm wintiiiiiuv ... ,uu rimis departments further im'pressed mo with tlio irooil taste and im emont ol vour people. Next and lastly 1 visited vour Court . --------- ... . .. . , House, where indire and iurv were endeavor I in- with tlir nlil nfatich tlrdit nn counsel aro . i . D1 " . . r . , i i alwavs rsnuv to give, to mete out even-nnnu- ed justice to the iitignnu, I regretted that mv engagements made it impossible lor me to tako a look uirougu vuur iiiuuujutiuriiig unu utiiur jiiatiiuiiuuo, but I like your piaco so much and enjoyed my visit so well that I am going back. Oh, yes, 1 am going to call again. NEW lOP.KlUl. It Is a query bometlmes whether Forney Is really at the helm of the 1'rtis. If so it seems odd that ho should abuso the pcoplu of tlio South in portions of his paper for past disloyalty, and in other portions talk about tho Centeiiiiial as a mean a of ro-uni- - ting anu Jiarmonmng tho two seciioua. to I In a word he wislies tliem to comn to Pliil- - adelphla for the purpose of getting their money, and aiterwarus, in tne campaign, win mug ino - uioouy unit iu mcir luces, Tlio Naval appropriation bill as reported by the sub-committeo has been greatly re duced. The bill as prepared appropriates iilmut 412.800.000. Tho hill last year ap propriated 417,000,000, and there wits also deficiency bill of aboutl,000,000 for expen- rlitii.M in theNavv Department, making a total of 5)18,000,000, or 5,200,000 more thau THE COLUMBIAN ANDDEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllCr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. TI1K STATE CAl'lTOh. ItArtittsnuno, May C, 187C. Tlio tntich-nbnicd and little appreciated. ,1 ....4 .f... ..11 ..arllir 4all.ffnrtfl ,,,,0 nVeriiRO at lat legislature of I87fi- 1870. hat at Ira-it clveii up tho ghost. It died with Hip s'roke of noon yester.laT, ami "Doom I boom ! nu sumo worm n ti- ir....t ...... I U...K. pro wafted HO .. - , Inrtli with It Uylii(? orcain. Tho bti'Iv wliicli .uljournrii ie me yrsici- day, Hie nrsl egKi.uure wormim "i" u. new constitution m mo sum;, i" 1m..n. nnd ns ucli was null ccted to keener scrulliiv and harsher criticism than any of Its predecessors, Tho work iiiarkeii oui ior it was ol tlio most umciii Kiuu, aim I observer freo from partisan prfiudico will himself he ijuotea acts done by all tho Presl trnroAv full In seo that this work was per- ,l,,u Irmn Washington to Lincoln.at points formed as well as conconiuaiu circumaiuntco 1 I .1...tt U.HII t.ovnllnll. mn!ltm4 I WOUllI Ituuui. tnmv ni.u.".. ............ int,li,n,l ilrr!ni nn strifn and con- ....... ..... - . tentioii, which iiuikuu f"i ....v........ ntnrn flmtl llill In IllO 1I1S1UU WOrKlllU III HIV I --------- .v. . l:.lolnro mm. lintpll nmOIIE Wll Cll Will " I t.. .. rn!ii,f,ill nml ilftlnll the inarch- a" kwuh. - -- . ps nml countermarches, flank movements f ,!, , vnratps and miti itiiit ii iiiii'Lu is-j op onentofthis ineasuro would mm oi ', which to the carchd reader would ro n strange record of legislative action, nco nnomalous, ridiculous and grave. iik tho early weeks of tho seision wo find ume, provo nl nnurt ,...... ,i..i.lnfhftsijs on wo find . , , ... ..nntinupa vexatious , rover8V on tho bill. Twin lobbies work- lug nrdcntly for and against its passago to too demmeill oi otner mm irao l.!..uuu nnltl l(j final niuim US an CS- I ..Vpi ,, ' - ...... . , ., . . i, . i - A Klithnf relief followed in tho wako of Its departure, when a playful member to crown 1 I... I .. !.. ll.A tntrn.lili. I n mirpo. nxnlodes a mine by tho introduc- tlo:i of a resolution of investigation which lion oi n ruiuiuuuii ui iuvaiiij'vlv" " .- i led to the expulsion of two members of tho house, and to tho beciouuing oi mo repum- tlniw nf others, endantrerinir tho futo of the bill, which was saved only by a dread fear fiilllnir nn flm mnlnritv ot the senato that if they refused to sign tho bill and send it to tho governor, and seconded tho action of tho intiap mvpqTiirniinr cdiiimiLLUi-. uiut iuv i lightning engendered in such a storm might . : rn.mo nmnnrr thom. I nfn , iniprMiinc, character, varied by tho t,rppiit.ition of a messaco from tho governor ' . -.! ! .I.r ...l.Rnn 1,111 I VClOlllg ECCUOI13 111 LUU niiiuii;i.v.t ... trnnmlrV I lUT I'llVJIJli 'l CA icusto -' " -fl i and Philadelphia llouso of Refuge invesii- gating commmec, ou inu uuiistnitii""." ground that tho expense wero in currcu wuu oui previous nuiuoruy ui iat, T!,p fnllnifiiiir tpstimnnialn were civen 1 The following testimonials were given: Speaker Patterson, a handsome gold watch and chain, from his friends. Presented by Mr. Spang. Georiro D. Herbert, reading clerk, a sil- vcr servico from his democratic friend. Presented bv Mr. Pauncc. A cold headed enne, from his republican friends. Presen- ted bv ilr. Alorean.ol Lawrence. From the-' paces of the house to Major M'Conkey, resident clerk, a silver berry dish' Presented by Mr. Plummcr. From tho naces ot tho houe to Adam Woolever. chief clerk, combined card re- ceived and flower stand. Presented by Mr. Pluminer. Prom the speaker of the hnuso to tlio same .1 handsome golil neaucu cane, i resenicu bv Mr. .Mitchell. Sena or Ll.ivi. 1'resident pro icm. 01 me Senate, received a ccntly gold watch from tho members of the Senate, and Chief Clerk Errett a silver berry i'isIi Irom tbe senate Librarian. Lieutenant Governor Latta was presented I yesterday at tho Capitol with an elegant and costly silver tea set, consisting of nine pieces, nnd an ice pitcher, salver, slop bowl, goblet, cake basket, baking dish and picklo jar, as a token of tlio esteem in which the members of the Senate hold him ns presiding officer 01 mai. imuy. The work ot hntli nouses tins session com- nrises one hundred and eeventy-two bills, I of these seventy up to the present time have been signed by the Governor. I The lollowing statement snows tne appro- priations made by separate bill. for the va rious benevolent nnd special purposes indi cated : 1 louso of Ilefugt, rhUadelpMa $1 8,000 Kastcrn penitentiary 6,175 Western Penitentiary l",5uo Dlxmont hospital for the Insnno V"0 Uarrisburg hoipttal for tho lasano 85,' ou llanvlllt! I1nvr1it.1l for the liiiano !M, 00 Warren hospital for the lusane 150,0,H Philadelphia blind asvl'iru 5,oo Western Pennsylvania lustltuto for deaf and dumb. I0,'.oo Pennsylvania Institute tor deaf and dumb, Indigent dent and dumb, 16T5, c,"0" Indigent deaf and dumb. 1ST6, W,ocki Western prison association Kastern prison association Hoard ot public charltlt-s Lackawanna hosoltal. scranton, 2, l) 11,000 8,.MHJ 10,000 SIS.OOU 2.VJ0 I Media training school wiiKes-narro nospitai industrial home ior nund women, rnuaueipma ,u m i? home for Blind women, muaoetoii home tor blind women, Philadelphia 6,000 -isnlliil. 1'hlldilplnhl.l S5.00 Jerrlsh hospital, Philadelphia South-eastern Insane haspllal K,000 criminal insane hospital ut Erie '.rm . o" nars Mhoois mum sao.ooo Nlata normUi schools, 1873 75.00 statu normal schools. ISTO to.ooo 3 ',000 110,000 40,1100 15,001 65.000 ii oomsoure slate normal school National (luards, suppressing riots mate board centenn al managers Kducationai display at the centennial KfflKffnS1100 10,000 1,000 4,0141 5,000 15,-00 4.257 ht, Vincent's colieje, BoldlcrV orphans ??&gl&D'aeM Additional to gcologral survey maugurauon oi tuo uoyernor JXiK wtrM& 6,001 tey 1,210 Northern home, l'lilladclphla 10,001 Tho following amounts aro to be paid dur ing tho current fiscal year under laws of for mer years: Memorial Hall $350,000 100,11 85 0OO Military expenses, per act of Aprtl 15, 1673 Pensions and gratuities Coal mine Inspectors (leologlcal survey !S,O0O 33.(10 new aaunion to land nmco Premium on gold for payment of Interest 15.000 25,0 0 The general appropriation bill npproprl ntes 51,100,000 for the legislative, executive and judicial departments; $1,000,000 for common schools; $290,175 for state prisom anu reiormatories; -i;i,,'.uu lor insane Hos pitals and the training school at Media; $160,000 for normal schools: S31 1.000 for the denf,diunb and blind ; ?70,000 for pri vate charities; $110,000 for the Centennial, excluive of S-.'WO.OOO, the lost initallment ol' tho milium for the Memorial liuilding that is to no pain this year; and ?3SU,UUU lor sol- diers' orphans' schools. The amount uppro jiriated this year for educational purposes amounts to $i,ouu,uuj, wincii is doing pretty well lor tne oui Keystone btate. Tho following extract is taken from tho proceedings of the Methodist General Con- ferencc, In Bcssion at Daltiniorc, on Friday last Judge Lawrence, member of Congress from Ohio, and a delegato in tho conference. sketched the history of the Indian service, and liclil that tlio present policy bad put an end to Indian wars, and elevated tne condi tion of the Indians; now It was proposed by tlio dominant party in tlio nouso ol represen , , . i , - ,1 n r 1 fttfvcs, to , ban don ho policy o cl Tho dominant . party in tho house cared very little about either civilization or Christianity. I.augli ter.l Neither was material to its success. If this general conference, reprcsenlini: a mil linn and a half of people, shall send a com mittee of five to the Senate. Its volco would be heard and respected and tho bill would not pass; lor tncro was somo regard lor Christianity and civilization nt that end of the cnpitol. I Applause. The President was not a Methodist himself, but lii wife was, anu sue couiu itjipeat in nun in uenaii ol the peace psllcy which he had Inaugu- on Toot, The purposo is to cut oil tho ex rated, penso which mourners cannot alwavs afford. Is tho Conference conducted on strictly black Renublicnn principles ? There aro a few huntlrcd thousands ol Dcmocrutlc Methodists who would like to know. It is amusing to noto tho sudden respect expressed by Republicans, for thoso laws whtrli fur vparu llipv linvn neriilHtenllv inn, arje.i. A Democratic House of Retire- ge,ltatvc jIM caUiflj tliiM sudden change. With a Democratic President and Senato wo have no doubt they would conceive aud rx press a violent regard for the Constitution, The high-toned Republican organs now demonliiato the slanders poured out on a Secretary Ilrlstow by his parly competitors for the Presidency as "Democratio lies." The Inircnuity and disregard of facts din- played by the organ-grinders aro beautiful to witness. WASHINGTON LBTTER. WABiiisoTOJf, D. 0., May 0, 187G. rl lift inpss.ipo President Grant sent to tho ITnn.n lt wnr-k. In remitinse to n resolution of the !50 of April asking If nny olllclal nets or duties oi me oxecuuvo win ueeu I'r- formed at any oilier place Hum tlio UP ini, n. ir,..r. .lt li l,.. m. rl.-lil in nu such ti ,,,U W...V : " .1 . ., . . I I A ipiestion. 1 hat as cniet cxecuiive no is nu- cror t0 one Uranclipl llio legisiauvo jipwer , lll0 Kvi'rnmeiu, ana mai no smui not niiswcr tlio resolution uy giviiig mo uimrii u- ,i nn tlit u s.ivs that ho has done ofllclal npU ftt other places than Washington, and lc , President wherever lio may bo and is bounil lo periorin ineso nets, 10 liismy uittntit irom the uapitai aim gives a (auio oi .1.- 1 ..C .1 ..... nnnl. l....t. !..,.! ui.j nl.. iiuimiur it vin;u iiibimviii L.ni f.n. il,n ('.mltul Tin nipiwn nni " r.-JTr " .. "V;!' .1. .U". rvnit'iKiy irepiirvu ior iiviiiiiiikh utoiuhii In utwivnr t in IMIlirirn III IIOSP1IIPC1S111 alUl ... .... .... ...-.n ... - - ,. III UM nl it 11 lin-ei'lllMlLS IllSt IV " l ' : ' ' ' 'n,.. n,..,-A i... 1,..,.., .II.pii1iio. ili V. n. .......v .... ....... - e - 1 ntuironriatloii bi 1 which is reported from .i' ' 1... .l l ,1fM, ltl- iiit - L.iiiiiiiii,ti;u ij unu m v. i . v. ,m. Tho bill saves i!,lM,UnU Irom tills year's cmt of tho mail service, am wltli.opposltlon from a great man; cmt1 f tne South and West, who will reduce their mall facilities and meets many Demo- IIUIIK it .lll il.U facilities In these ,i,w Ti.n rJnn.n .tnntiln? the delivery BV8tcm in all cities with less than 40,000 inhabitant is also warmly opposed by niemuera who nave cuies in ineir uisvneui ,.,.i.,l,,ln,r l,l.vnii tiipiilir nml fnrtv limn. Hnll(l i,,...!.,...!.. and I think a combination .vi bo made bv which tho insures will be ... . : : ' ... . .. .... raUed to about tho umount of tho present !...!.... nmironriatioii 'tntiou of tho jurisdiction of the iiiu iiuiuun ui mu jun-.uit.nvii. v.t mi- t Senate, in tho impeachment of officers who nave rcsigncu, is Doing aoiy argueu, uin no idea can be obtained of what tho decision wj UUi jr- itundall says the committee nn iiniirnnriiitions have their buduess so fur ndvanced that tho llouso will bo ready to adjourn by tho tenth of June. But I have tin nipa i i il hii mi nuriiuiL-iib win uu iiihuu u,,t late in the summer. Thcro is every I... II .1 ,1 .1 m unnn tlin Son. ,.n,l t,, .i wma of them will be passed by tho i!Mt of Julv. In that event I am of tho ....!..!.. .1.... .1 - !!!.. till,.. minium lliai llio yuvciiiniein. tiiiii.t-a ttjtt uu fnn,l I,,- U ,,..,.rtn,l t'nnt tUu Prauirlnnt LIUSCUf lUi ll la iviiuin.w niv ,as said tnat it tho consular and Diplomatic pm 13 passeu as 11 came irom inu xiuuau, 10. will order nil our ministers and con suls homo on tho first of July, upon tlio ground that tlio appropriations aro insui licient to sustain the service properly. Concrcss adiourns irom luesaay until rrlihiv In ntlpiul thnnnpnini? nf the Centen ntt ground. Tlio President, Secretaries, Judges of the Supremo Court and Congress will UU bo there, iroinir over on special trains furnished by Col. Tom, Scott, free of charge. bor three (lavs tho clerKs will conauct me atfairs of tho nation and I have no doubt they will bens well attended to, as if the chiefs wero present. Report says week tho Texas and Pacihc bill ported from tho committeo nnd will pass tho lloune with but little opposition. It is to be hoped this is true, as it will put tliousanus 01 men 10 worg ivuo are now iuiu unu uiiruunte 11 largo amount of money into circulation. 1' itzhugh, doorkeeper ot tne House, wrow n verv loolisli letter in uecemuer last 10 a friend in Texas, and it has been published, It nlnces him in a verv awkward position. out ot which his only method is resignation. Unless ho is required to do this his letter will hurt tho nartv seriously in the coming campaign, Tho iriends of the Presidential aspirants nro all steadily at work. Tilden's seem the best organized among tho Democrats, and Iilaine's among the Republicans. So far Tilden's chances seem tho best, but he has to icar a souiueru anu western coinuinuuuii which mnvnreventhiaieeeivlnirtnetwo-tlnru needed in 11 Democratic convention to nomi- nate In that event ho may be able to name the man, nnd it is said that, failing to obtain tho hrst. he is willinc to take the Bceona piaco on the ticket, uonkling is gaininr strength because he is evidently the favorite ot Urant, nnd tlio ollico-holilers are at work lor him. There is nothing 01 interest irom abroad. RliXO. Communicated. C11UKCIIES vs. MKKTIKUHOUSES, Editors Columbian : I have read with interest the History of Columbia County in course of publication in your columns. A i'. i-iu ..r.i,,,i ; ,,,,,l,n, vt i -..I, oi '".'"t"'" "". .r""'"" eriiiiniatioii anu a uencaie sense oi propriety that l am impe leu to recall tne aitcniion oi your readers to them it appears tmu at Jerseytown there is a "house of public worship;" nt Mtllvillo there is "a niecting-houso in the vicinity ;" at layers Urove a denominational meeting house : at Jtohrsburg, a meetinghouse, (in truth, there are three of them ;) at Cole's Cieek is "St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church ;" at lionton, two moeting-liouses ; " Urange- villo "has two denominational meeting liouict .-' Espy has "meeting nnd t-chool- houes : Mililinvillo has "meeting and schoolhouses :" Centralia Borough "has a beaiitilul mid tastettll place ot worship, My 1 1 nut ii Church, Episcopal, a Honiati Catho lic Church Edifice, and soveral denomination al mcetinii-houscs." In casting my eyes over the pages ofbam cl O. Warren's "Ten Thousand u Year," I was deeply impressed with tho beauty of too follnwing'passnge, descriptive of an interview between tho hero, Tittlebat Titmouse, nnd Iii -t discriminating mend, J'.obcrt Hucka back : "At length they arrived nt tho open doors ot a gloomy-looking building, into which to or three sad and prim looking people were entering. After walking a lew paces past the door 'D'ye know. Duel-,' hiiid Tit- mouse, stopping, 'I've ofb-n thought that th.it Iheru's something in rclinion.' To be sure there is for thoso that like it who doubts it iv a nil very well in Its place, no doubt, replied Huckaback, with much surprise, which increased ns lie felt himself slowly being swayed round toward the builJing in question, -well, but what oi tnat " '"O. nothing; but hem I heml' replied Titmoiine, sinking his voice to a whisper 'a toucn oi religion would not no bo nuicn nniiss just now. I fed uncommon inclined that way. somehow.' 'Religion a all very well for them that has much tn bo thankful for; but deviljako me I what have either you or mo to be ' " 'Hut. Huck how do you know but wo might tet MJinethiue to bo thankful for, by praying I've olten neurd ol great things; come.' Huckaback stood for n moment irrefo- lute, twirling about his cane, and looking rather ilivtastcfully towards tho dingy build ing, "lo be biire,' said ho liiintly. lit- iiiouso drew him nearer: but he suddenly started back 'No! oil, 'tis only a mcetinn- noute, lit l uurbo dint-enters, now I nine 'em I No ! I wont nrnv in a incetinii-hoine. let me be bad as I may. Give mo a regular like respectable church, with a proper stoeple, and parson, and prayers and nil that.' " What a delightful thing it is in an impar tial historian to bo able to mako nice and dolicale distinctions. A Ju:Aiii:n. Rr.(iui.ATi.s'(i Catholic Funeiialu. At a convention of Irish societies, lately called bv tho priest-hood, at Kcnuiton, it was re- solved to hereafter dlspenso with tho use of carriages at funerals except for tho use of mourners, anil mat tno processions oo niauo This plan has been adopted in soveral regions t,,n V? nro ""vcrsaiit with, and In somo to so rigid an extent thnt the number ot car riages is limited, whether others couiu be supplied Ireo ol cost or not, Jlatleton ivn. tmel. This is a sensiblo suggestion. Funeral expenses have grown to bo inordinate. Re latives dlallke to discourage sumptuous ar rangements for fear of being charged with disrespect to tlio dead. As wo all know the poor endeavor to rival the wealthy, and the result Is costly pageants for the benefit of street gazers, ami distress to actual mourners, In fact, our ideas of funerals are that they should ho quiet, and iinoBtentallnus. "Let the dead bury the dead." The aflllctcd oiks do not wish to parado their urlef before the multitude. Many go to thegravoasa mero matter of form und respect, and more I from curiosity. Thotlttloof Ills Excellency docs not be long to tho President of tho United Slate. It was customarily applied In correspon dence, to Gcorgo Washington during tho Revolutionary War, even by such n title hater ns Tnomni Jefferson J but when it was lironoscu in tiio Convention which lormeu (ho COM,,UlllioI1 of tho United States, that tlio title of Ills Excellency slioulil be con . .1- 1 I.I.... lerrca upon mo l rcamein, iuo miiiiuuu wfts ro ectcd. That disposed ol tho title; nn(j ,n vCw of that wn havn been surprised . f iillt,,i .(Ill mnkn n nrna '"ata few intclllgcntpersons still make a prae tlce of addressing tho President as his bxcel- lency, Much less should It bo applied to a Gov ernor as Is now tlio custom, n is aping tho toadyism of foreign flunkeys. . - p W.R. R. imlto used ino maeazino OI 1110 l. 11. (V t. . n it.,U ,lnomlin n.r.l uuai unsi-j nji w'""""b J " for blasting purposes, blew up on Saturday , ,. . . I .-I--I- ...l.l. . H18'. OlOVCn O CIOC. will. .1 ircuii.. emeu miles dous explosion. In a radius of two . ... - . . . , . . . dwellings were damaged and window glass ...i r..... ...l,.l X... il, .l,npl-. flln-a iimi luiniLUiu niiiaiiau Ul Hiu d"i broken in the New York Post-office Chicago was visited on Saturday after- noon by n tornado which damaged buildings and oilier property to nn amount estimated at $250,000. Leavcnwoith, Kansas, was al to visited by a tornado nn Saturday morn ing, which caused nn estimated loss of $150, 000. The rain In Kansas was the heaviest for fifteen years, and Interrupted railroad travel thioughout the State. . , .... Morton does not seem to have very bnlll- nni prnnpecis loriuuiiepuuiiuiiu imuiinuuiin lor President. Illalno waves tlio uioouy shirt with a much moro vigorous arm and Morton's delay in furnishing tho second part of that Mississippi speech has ruined his chances. Its massa Blaine now Instead cf niassa Mo'ton. Seven additional "Molly Magnifies," ar rested for eonpiracy and murder, wero brought to Pottsvillo on Sunday morning, four beimr chareed with conspiracy, tho iwui u others with conspiracy and complicity in tho James murder at Shenandoah last August. Advices from tlio Red Cloud and Spotted Tail agencies report tho Indians on the vergo of starvation, owing to tho neglect of Congress to make an appropriation, and of the Government to forward supplies. Candidates. (We aro authorized to announce the following per sons as candidates for tho ofilces named, subject to tho Democratic rules of Columbia county ;) FOR SIinniFF, HENRY DOAIC, of Jhiarcreeh township. SAMUEL SMITH, of Fishingcrecl: township. A. K. SMITH, of Madison township. JOHN LAYCOCIC of Bloomsburg. JOHN W. HOFFMAN, of JUoomsburg. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A SSIGNEK'S NOTICE, Sotlco Is hereby given that tho undersigned has oeen npnoinieu an assignee ior mo nenentoi creai- uira or Hainan lvostenDauacr, or ixicusi lounsmp, Columbia county, nowresld np In Uio roroueuol Plymouth, tn l.uerne county, and has taken upon himself tho duties of the trust. All persons aro therefore required to bcttlft with hhn, adjust nnd nav to him all nrrnunts. ilehtR and dues of theftald Nathan Kostenbauder: ondthoso having claims to submit them to tho asslgnco properly authenticated. mi(A.-i .1. ur.r.ur.it, Cataukfea. Columbia Co.. l'a. W. L. F.YIiltLY. Attorney for Assignee. May u-w. Aerary panor. Only il.su a year, infeeliochrc- luos rreo. Munyon s. bponsler, l'uos., l'uuadelphla, i A GENTS wanted for the CENTENNIAL ri hook of nioonAPHY, or the nres of the great men of our first 100 j ears, r-end for circulars, i-. w. ziegier & Co., MS Aro street, l'hiiaueipiua. May 12-jw. j OODY'S talksrom" tho 'Wbuneverba 1 1 m report. 600 paircs fl. Just out. sono BOldbe- foro publication. AOKNT8 WANTJIU. E. 11. Treat, e. ii. Trea May 1J-4W. i-uunauer, eua uroaanay, . l. FOR COUGHe, COLDS. HOAHSKNESS. AMD AXIi THROAT DISEASES USB WELLS' CARBOliIC TABLETS Put up only in ULUE BOXES. A Tried and Miro Itcmcilr. I'orsala by druggists generally, and JOI1NSTOK iui.X4UV Al & vu., rnnauetpnia, l'a. Apr U-iw. i AGENTS WANTED 10R THE HISTORY of the U.S. The trreatlnlerct In our thrllllne history makes this the fastest selling book cer published. It con tains a full account ot the (irand Centennial Exhibi tion. CAUTION,-Old, Incomplete and unrcllaUo works nro belnT circulated ; seo that the book jou buy con tains 4(2 Fine Emihavisgr and 925 Pioeh. Send for cliculais and extra terms to agents. Ad dress National Publlihltig Co., Philadelphia. TDOARDINO. Tno Fiibscrlt ir Is now prepared lorecclvo boarders nt ills liouso In itoarlngcrcek township, situated ut u hut Is known ns Fhu Puluts. The house Is con ducted on Ttmpernnto principles, no Intoxicating liquors ticliitr Slid en tho premises. Cood rooms, excellent tublo and the comforts of a prltalo lioute. Terms reasonublo. J. II. KI.IM1KH. .May 6, '10.-11. noaring creek, ro. VALUABLE PROPERTY at IMtlVATi: HAI.K. Tho subscriber offers for sale. t n Finall lots, on each which aiu iiecteil a Iramo dwelling house, stable nnd micssary oulbulldliigs. Also four vacant lots, adJoliilUK the aboo nnd oi lai ger size. Iheto lotsuioonlho Main road near bllllnatt-r, Itslilng Creek township. t-or terms- upiy tu tt in. ji.j.i.i!.i(, May 6, ,16,-tm. Stillwater, l'a. TMI'ORTANT NOTICE. Tho subicrltirr orrera at nrlvnto fcnlo llio pood will. stock and nxturta of the. w til known and lune- estab lished M ILLINERY STORE on Main Strret, IPoomtburg, which has for fare had the most cxtenslte ai d bebt pa) tog buslnets of li. kiuu III lunii. The rooms heretofore occuDled as tho storo wltl- be leased at a rtasonablo rate. For particulars ap P'y to,, fi Anu Xl,-4W, JIAUl(l.t UAllMArt. MONTOUR SLATE PAINTS. Stiictly Pure White Lead JIOJJTOUIl AVIIITE LEAD MONTOUR METALLIC I1ROWN. All of which are guaranteed to be ground in PTJBE LINSEED OIL. Send ion tmii'i.E Cju and lines Ijst, UKirid. 1IKNRY S, RE.VY, Solo Manufacturer. Rupbut, Pa, Also, finely ground Hone Dust raid corn plete Hone Muuure for sale in qiiuntltlca Jto suit. nay. If. ly. ,r . . . , mnKASUIlKU'S HAIiK OP UNSHATI.D Mercantile Appraisement, V of flio common Pennsmsnla rjl.it In o T 1ST of dealers n, Columbia count;. I here- ;iioloot waieUaml I'n H.VUUHU . '.- J .-V, ...I ...!.., I cnuntjr ot Columbia, lor tlia year lire, Is correct to ILou'stoI my know ertttosnd belief. diitkii rawMum Class. TftT, nice, Abraham general mcrchandlso Wium.111,0 A. " " losice, J. A. " " 14 t Ml 7 01 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 irlosbacli, (leo. 11 llndfrlllpr.Uavlit " " bhuman, 1'. Ij. " " urntoh TOWNsntr. Vt.nH.11 it V. rN.nril tnprphfttld Rn 14 7 01 Ji'lcllfnry, nenlamlii general incrcliandlse 14 Mcllenry, John J. " " Mcllenrv. ltolir " 1 " H 7 00 19 60 19 CO SKRWICX BOROCOII. Pnyder, C. 11. book storo 7 01 10 00 7 (O 7 (0 Auams k Mon, general lucrwuuuuiou reus iiroiniT, '.inrert, John Jjwplry storo. Teas iiMtliers. lurnncr dealers 7 00 7 M 7 00 13 r.o 7 (10 7 00 ii m IS liO 7 00 Iiodmn, J, 11. druir storo ltnckman. 11. M. crocery store Miller, A. (,-pneral merchandise Powlcr, C. H. Moves and tinware Wilson A Co. druir storo linwmm A Crlnnln general mcrchandlso Power, ,T, 6 II. It. " " Little, nr. It. II. druc storo (irost, Pavlil porter liottler 7 10 40 00 7 00 lacKon rcoojin, iiiiuniuw;t,uiiun liucklDgham, G. A stoves tinware moousncan. ltendcrshott, .toscrh W. grocery and coal 14 7 00 11 40 7 00 7 00 rtOUK , w, x liriiiner, ui.iut.-ia m ww Kle m, Henry nr. grocery llagiubucli, Kilali stoves and tlnwaro Mendeuliall, K.nry goods Uoro Kramer, W in. grocery store wroiiii, liavlil grocery store Kvaua, A. .1. eliitl.litg storo U 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 liruvrn, v. 11, grucir swiro .Marr, (!. C. grneery nnrt dry goods llernurd, Umi Jowclry More, Pcikcr .v. stcekel, eonfpctlonory Piillllps, Abncr K. grocery storo Miller s. II. & mid, dry goods and grocery iiuntoii co. hinlwaro store 10 0 7 10 7 00 7 00 Vt 60 10 00 7 CO Mojur nrothers, drug store 7 (0 I 1 1 lOttir, It. Bin") iui. uf otv.tj ntl.tr. 11. A. tkmk and M.ltlonerV 7 W njunu'ller & Uo. hulehalo notion moro VI 11 SO 7 00 40 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 I 1 lloumsburg Iron Co. general iiicrcliandlso T leuderuoii, J. urug unu giwct aw.v .ItinMiV II. A. irflniTv t.Liiro Ntecker, .1. 11. Hour and grain storo, 1'OUil, w. li. ueaier in uuut liloomsburg Lumber Co. sclui) ler & don, li trdwaro store i jHv.-iihiiiir. Ii.ivhl merchant tailor 1'2 CO 10 00 12 00 Clark ulf, dry good storo 11 61 si!ii7i. .1. I . trrocery bwru Wldmlre, Kn-derlck confectionery 7 00 7 Oil 7 00 12 611 ltniiiiw A! Hnlmns. r,lumtera and iras flttersH 1OCKard, ((. .m x. .i. k. ut-aiera iu uuui it creasy, 1). A. dry i?oods and urocory vt WeoO, 'l nomas confectionery 14 Scott, Juun II. " J 7 00 7 OU 10 00 13 60 7 CI 10 00 7 00 7 no ( larK, lieu. A. ijuuk huiru - Moier llrothers, drugstore 1 Knorr, Ell boot and shoo storo 14 liussed, M. M. urocery btoro 13 Itupcrt, A. M stovu and tlnwaro I Wlury, I.. B. Miller, o. H. confectionery 14 Probst, .Mrs. David confectionery 14 dross, Peter beer bottler " Kabb, AiiKu-itus grocery storo 14 Furin.ni, Kllas It. furniture store 14 Kj er, J. K, dry Koods and (troccrlos l-i Corroll, o v. turnltui'o storo w Keller X Ilartly, wholesale dry goods n Johnson, J. II. nrocry storo J 4 7 00 " 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 no 12 60 7 00 7 00 7 01) Klclm, u. A. oruif store ll.irtiuan, P.O. carpet storo 14 lllcks, Jesso clothing storo 14 llartman, (. W. dry goods and groceries 11 .McKelvy, I. W. 6 McKlnncy, Win, C. boot and shoo storo 14 7 no 16 00 61 00 7 OH luiz moan, ury coou storo . ' 19 00 linuncuEEK to w.Nsnir. Terwllllger, Andrew trrocrry storo 14 7 00 Klinctou, v. M. general luereuxuuiu KatonJIrs. A. W. grocery store 11 7 00 7 00 CAT1WIS3A. 1 1 lie & Pro. general mcrchandlso 11 15 00 weaver, e. " Mich.il. Man confectionery 14 II) 0 7 00 Clark i Wllllts, boot and shoo storo 14 ( albert Kline, general mcrchandlso 11 scott, Oeo. dry good storo 14 7 00 15 00 7 00 7 01 7 10 15 (HI 7 OO 12 60 7 10 7 Oil 12 60 .nnnuarui i.eu. uuut unu pauu biuiu . lartman. win, rurnituro siore n Miarpless : Son, general merchandise 11 Harder, Thomas K. furulturo storo 14 Werner S. II. general mcrchandlso m Williams, John stoves nnd tlnwaro 14 i- mlth, . I. M drug storo 14 John J. fi son, general mcrchandlso li Itlnard, ti. 1). " " 14 cleaver, A. II. stoves and tlnwaro 14 7 00 7 IK) 12 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Probst. M. .M. general merchandise la l'urtner n. P. & Son.ceneral merchandise 1 1 (irauge, Wm. " " 14 eesuoltz, i. it. grocery storu . l-'unston, C, It. dealer lu coal 11 (iule, E. U. ' . 11 Unlltlo & Abbott, acaicrs in lumoer coai it CEKTIULIA. Millard, O. II. general mcrchandlso 12 Mi-nsL-li. Adam lewelry store 14 12 60 7 (HI 7 00 7 00 20 00 7 00 Johnson J. II. x Co. grocery btoro 14 .Murphy, c. u. general merchandise 14 jirj&uii ti. a. iu, lilaek, D. c. grocery storo 14 Hoffman, Wt-ndel agent boot shoo storo 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 vaM. Geo. Jr. drmr storo 1 cither, A. 1). stou-s and tlnwaro CENTnK TOWNSHIP. l.ow Pros, s Co. general mcrchandlso i.iobst, Thomas grocery store llelttrich, Samuel grocery storo Cain, John dealer lu coal Kramer, Joslah confectionery spomler, Jacob general mcrchandLse ixiwler, Z. T, dealer In coal and grain Ijilnou, Win. general merchaudbo Wlimlre x irMn, " FISUlNdCKBKK. Ammerman J. IS. general merchandise Hosier, 1). it. Harrison, Jarlu " " DrelsbacluVIicndcr " " Howell, u. M. " " Mcllenry.J.F. " " Harrison, Jarcd " " FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Dyer x Pro. general mcrchandlso UREENHOOD. Wclllver, J. E. general merchandise Masters, Win. " ' Kves hills X llro. " ' Eves X Heller, " " Leggott x Lore, " " Henry, ilrs. II. " " l)err, A. J. " Black, 1'. 1). " " HE11IX3CK. 'Iarrl1!, F. P. general merchandise old, Wm. boot and shoo store .llioemakcr, M. o. W.ll. general mdse. loccst TonNsmi'. Veager, Jacob gcnural merchandise Fahrlnger, Lucas " ' Vastlne,J.ll.ACo. " " Yocum, 1'. Jl. " " 13 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 0(1 7 01) 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 (0 7 00 7 00 12 60 12 SO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 60 11 11 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 H 14 14 i;i 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 Glnglcs, William gcniral mcrchandlso llurtt, II. W, & Co. ' IS 13 10 00 lu 00 Campbell X Co. general merchandbe 14 14 14 7 00 7 OU nouine, ,i. ti. Derr, K. F. confectionery 7 00 Heller, J. II. cencral merchandise IX 13 10 00 lo oo 7 00 (.reasysnrowji, ridituppciiheucr, E. general mcrchandlso 14 UOCNT rl-EASiNT. Sands, Joseph X foa Ri-neral mcrchandlso u iioxroni. 7 00 I'arnsworlli, J. F. erocery store I'axtoni: llarman. ceneral dealers 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 HO 7 00 Miarpless, (I. II. croccrles and ury goods Amiuennan ,s juckbuii. Kent-rui mmw. Ileay, lltmyS. oils and hrusltek. OIUNOB. Sloan. 1). K. general mcrchandlio law, C. Vi'.X son " " llormnn, J. n. " " Keller, M. t'. confectionery I'lNC. I.jon, It. W. general mcrchafldlso iiouiNOcnu. Clierrlngton, Owen W. general ml Ise. Bvoiiuoir. Cole, II. I), central merchandise Cole U. X Son, ' " Jl) IU 1 1X1 rool 14 14 7 00 1 00 Dlcttcrlch, W. p.. general mcrchanl Iso llartman, T. V. conloctlonery Allpmnn. CI. It. hIiih and tlnwaro 14 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 14 Klchart , Nehemlalt boots, thoos i: 1 otlons 14 crevcllng. Thomas Jr. Co. grocery X feed 13 Worman, Samuel A. generaimerchandlto 11 Workhelser, .1, 1). boot and hhoe stov o 14 White, A, II. general merchandise 13 Ent, Iiobcrt h. stoves and tinware H iiordner.J. It. drug Btoro 14 Crevellng S Trliubly, general mercbi tndlso U Aul Henry coal dealer 14 1 10 10 10 7 00 7 00 10 00 T 00 T 00 10 00 t 0) lllnAMniBulinmnv ff1 nc-i-r(,pd bv tllO abOVO classincutlnicou hao an opportni Uy of ItppeaUng bv meeting tho undersigned. 4 uuo 6, lst, at which time an apiieal wlu lu hi Id at tho Court House In lIloombbutv.commeKUiir-atvoeiocit a. m una enauig at o i-iocic p. in. KAMUH'i JACOI1V, ilayS.U.- Mertantl le Appraiser. N' OTICB TO LADIICS. The subscriber has taken Uu in mnery Storo r..m,,.lunw,,inln,ll,u Mnmhir AUi. (11 1 M alll SttCet. Iiluouihburg wutii she lll lie Uapp; lo sje her friends und thu ladles of tho iouuly generally. A run kUrk of Millinery floods nund aul I at rcasona tJoralos. Alias ranny l'lsl, -will ai u )nd to trtm- iningac. ma waiis, Mayo, 1.-1ni OSES Agen Agents wanted, ten' a new liusincss, in iip i.u Whlch an: iv nr.llla- HID ur 1 uumu mu easily mako 5 to u a day. One who hadnett-r csuviutedi before, aiadolT.co in l hour i un oijerie need agt nt made. A 9I2.T0 ID 10IMIURL riuutmuill ..ivc, T) A "V" A. CI.K(1(), Manucir. Duane S'.. N. V 1VC to bo rtisjxi uslblo "Vttj tiiuw 1. and reliable, and iniDK kU OIIITS snro luduremtnta." "II. V, cxirauruinary Weekly Bun," D.&Co, Way C,n.-ilw fi M. BROWN, bus removed ulsllloot aiul Shoe Store from Ilrowrr 1 1 otci in mt door above vvagonseiier anu enu-piesii'. luwumaa iiooutiiipecuuKy, itepturuiKuoiioatauorik nutlni. i.t l.lr.i.iMdlini'i. l.tl Hill qiffviVn MONDAY OP JUNK, A. 1). 1870 Hl'XUiN II MUX iw i ul "u"'' , , nvinplt n. in., t is Jo low nr npscnoeii 11111. 71'. land, or such part ilioreol us may l "';,'l,u satisfy tho utnuunt or taxes Uua and unpaid "J"1"' the same, and eontlnue the same from day to nay us 1110 same may uo iuuihi m-vi-pou. j. TRIIM8 OP 8AU.'. rri.n nT.,n.ir,t nf l.tna nmt rimln tnimt tin n,lld When the land Is struck oil, or tliosalo may bo avoided, nnd the property put up and resold. No. of acres. Warrantees or Owners. 11HAVKU. Dots. CtS. Ames, Abott I.oseo Columbia Coal a Iroa Co., f S (10 19 80 ID 80 in bo 17 60 19 80 4 40 400 400 400 8S0 400 01 lirlesbach, lsanc P.UH, I suae, estate l'ry, (leorgo W Flick, li. P uracil,. lohn (irav, Wllll.un Ilauck, Jonatliau lllnderlldcr. Jacub.tR II, nits, Charles X John Lonsrenlicrger, N Morris, lianlel., Munti k lioat 1 3'J 4 4-1 8 80 13 20 91 llO 209 Si I 41 to 22 00 li 4 4 I 4 6ft 4 40 8 62 4 01 6.1 100 40 7,1 101 0 60 140 Nungciser, (leorge J Stowart. William 1? 20 ttJO 46 smith, Tiimas i ui .",3 Vanduscn, Altaman Co.... v ot .91 6 2S 7 CD 8 62 112 01 IIS 64U West Puck Mt Coal Jt Iron Co. Womcldorf & Letever i-i 400 20 40 401 M 4 19 (17 7 2J 75 1 21 not A roll, Jacob Ash, deorge L Healer, Jento 1 leaver, Charles..,, lioyer, 1-'. S ... ling,irt,.MHry liuilcr .t linger. names, O. H Carrow, Morris Charles. Simon, Jr... lirlesbach, (leorgo P. Kvaus, ltceco Flanagan, A Fry, v, H (learhart, Wm. M... Ilarner X Chester... 67 2 t2 3 83 0 8 ' 1 ' 1 11 1 2J 1 1 1 11 3 ' 4 ', 8 83 4 41 66 3 29 1 9) 1 S 1 US 1 OS 8 33 1 6 ' 3 1 3 ' 8 ' .1 ' 3 ' 6 ' 5 1 3 M B 29 llonman, i:. u , 3 1 Hunt. i:. (1 1 s 4 ' Henry, William 1 U2 lludlcy, Joseph 1 22 Jlnnley, Joseph 1 82 klaiP,.Iacol ; 4 H Kester, Frank 3 33 Klcm, A f- Lawrence, V. K 3 "3 llf, frank 2 22 Price, Clarence 1 Patterson, H " ltuthford Sam X Co 4 00 Mmllli, .1. V 3 13 Stuck, J..! ' K'otl, Peter 6 M Tllton, (leorgo 3 81 Vast Ine, 11 It 2 il Wi-lel, C. a 6 61 WorUhclier. Samuel It's Wood. Auzustus 3 33 2 ' 2 ' 4 1 8 1 1 3 ' 2 ' 3 ' 5 1 0 1 3 ' 3 ' 6 ' S 1 2 1 6 ' 3 ' 3 ' HESTON. Jlcllonry, llenj 1 Applcman l'cicr 1 " chrMmni, Ann lo so Pennington, Jesso It so bmlth, Hannah 1 cs llAlAPX'ItGBK. App1 Paul 2 J 1 IS 50 45 0 XOf 200 VI ,Vot210 tiuivman, aesse Ilr an, (luy cope, Chester I'lem, Wm. T. 1)., ltsv Duak, Henry Doty l'ealer JIdwards, Martha J KlMicr, John l'ealer, Samuel J Iteccer, Abrain Stackhouse, Joseph 4 01 1 13 81 3 21 1 85 1 CO 15 11 Ml 1 12 2 23 7 29 4 CO 1 21 i 23 22 28 7 H Ot 300 I 5 ,1-Otl00 H Ol zuv 1UU 1121 2u0 54 100 10 Sltlpr x btackhouso CATAWISSA. Probst, J. S Coxe, o. s Clew eU, Jacob 'i Joseph Caumer, David Krimi, Eltas Xc.Nltich, J. S Wm hliuinan Ileuben . CENTItALIA. 64 5 11 7C 6 22 2 M 4 67 87 4 67 4 67 27 2J 12 67 10 101) 11 IS 2 S3 S." 12 2 lota Blvln, James 1 ?? 1 Crane, Michael i aj a ' Chadwlck, Ann Jano 12" Collins, ri'ier r Cleaver, Wellington.... Dougherty, .Mlchaul.... IUU.1. Henry i'arrel, .Martin llowells, Thomas llo.igland, Win. -M Hulmes, 'Ihomns Hughes, Juhn J Kllnoi iilnebold Keller widow lAugon, Patrick 31 arks, Lloyd " (ieorgo JlacUec, Thomas McUinuey, cuarles Parks oulun, Patrick sweet 4:Torry Van Huron, s. K Mrs. Wlttlck, I'red Van llureu, S, E l.'r,t,,pr. IjiuN Cll 10 10 30 7 60 8 10 CO 2 ' 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' 7 2 1 to 3 II! 1 1 ' 7 CO 13 20 2 ' 1 " 8 15 12" IS 20 1 S 15 1 b 15 8 15 16 30 8 IS 4 CS 1 ' 1 ' ,j.i 1 3 1 OS 8 15 0 O.I S 15 1 ' 12" Zlgler. William J J (ifillltli, Benj 2 $2 llnnlnv .lull II 11 T SS Harmon, Michael 10 20 CENTHE. Jtchenbach, Sam 1 22 onner, Isaiah, ostato ? CS fritz. Wm.. estate 1 M 5 35 7 3 tflKi.,1 .tiimili SI llagenbuch, Jerry ' Oi CONYNOIIAM. SCI 62 441 Tircnnan, Elwnc7er.. Hnm li, Nathaniel ... liucher, Peter Hubtou, John Kllr.e, John Kline, John L .Ionian, Hobert Porier, Andrew Walker, Lewis , 460 100 495 00 82 00 75 94 V CO 9 CO 6T5 1 0 71 7 47 112 400 232 270 2S3 303 702 91 8 150 380 17 80 Jtuston, Thomas is 02 lliifctrin. Mnrv .. 105 C5 100 100 men, Jacob C3 oo .. ' CH 00 Ashman, Jacob 4 C3 lirown, William s so Hurt. Andrew 8 07 lotl 2 lin.,tlni Iternard 5 6 V'ook, Catharine 6 65 " David 20 63 nnnnhrie. (.'nrnellus 2 8 HavlH, John E 3 89 (ialhmher. Frank 7 74 Jojce, Peter 6 0 Jones. Evan T 12 19 KUngamnn, Fred 6 63 Kai hell lea, Oeo 9 60 l.lndenmutli, (leo. 1) 6 ia Morrison, Jas 20 Muirulre, Terrenco 15 os 1 32 tlnrr & Morns 88 (I, Alarr. 11.8 27 60 tMi-Manumuu. Peter 1 9 Murphy, Anthony 4 52 lilchard c-2 Thomas 0 61 Shlvclv. Mathew 15 11 Yocum, Frank 4 03 Coughlln, J. .1 1 oo btokes. Washington 1 70 KlSHINGCItEEK, 37 V) 75 14 Ammerman, M, A 1,3 lluckaluw, M'i. Est ... 3 C9 !' ler. lluvkl 3 22 Jones, It. U 1 80 Kindt. Jno.fi Co., 8 03 200 141 101 Lemon. 'Ihornas 6 99 .urars, William 8 65 Of S3 Mi-llrnrv. Ed - 3 1 110 Montgomery, D. Kt 9 31 3 l'ealer, (leorgo us l'ealer fi Duly In While, C. II - 7 79 X Of SCO vo rilANKLIN Votight, James UIIKENWO0D. 8 63 15 10 2S Lemon, Jacob Walls, John H Washburn, Geo ileugle, (leo Even, Mary It Emily Miller, Isaac Masters, (leo. Est..., Wilson, J. I) Parker, II, fi liter. HEMLOCK. 1 C5 1 82 4 17 2 64 1 32 70 Lots 8 12 10 8 80 8 30 8 80 82 Ainileman. Win 2 31 100 Pruglcr, Ellsha. 14 10 Campbell, L. N 4 7o 3D 10 78 hO SO Evans. A.J - 2 34 Harris, Jacob Ewt.., 9 40 fJoul fi Put soil 4 lo rumen, S) iiesur 2 S4 JACKbON. Prick, (leo. A 69 C 10 86 CO IS 20 300 101 a 23 Hess, Ilenlamtn Kauouso WaUi Iwla, Isaac LOCUST. 1 41 1 01 2) IMllntton, Thomas 19 C7 liollg, Emanuel 1 62 Beat erli.s J, L. Kline let Fisher, John.. 3 03 Keller, lilchard 6 05 Kline J. 1. fi . ltupp 9 19 21 20 40 Al 10S 4 l.ct un, iJivma 1 01 2 UO Mitra, Mury 80s llukton. Thomas........ 4 04 Iti-tie, Daniel 8 (is Huston, Mary y os " Charlutto , bos Itcynolds, John 8 18 Mine, Daniel 2 02 no w 200 200 200 43 MADISON. 20 40 801 BechU-l, Jacob . si EIIIh. Wm. heirs 1 on Freeze John 0. 87 to MAIN. Carey, Edward in-wall, I'Ulllp 1'iilnr, Chas Hosier, Jacob....... Kltfcr, James. Ixingeubcrgcr, (leo. Kut Man 11. c. r' H. 24 230 15 100 IS a sou 4 8111 10 403 200 150 low 1 T4 7 41 I 23 12 40 8 10 18 60 21 10 Mubleller, Joseph 1 64 Shuman. ileuben 21 60 htneck, llrobat, Voller fi llauk...... 1940 bhumun, Wm. T ......... It 40 " Ileuben 24 80 Yetter, lianlol lilt. ..,.,., 11 49 '" w MIFrMN. 11 r.o 61 12 toi f, 100 M Creasy. Henry.-. - M Henry.. Keller, John.. J , vichael, John Jr ' JJ Nimitesser deo J c3 mm, Jacob......... S Punobocker, Jacob S J 13 ti 5 123 IS IS (II Porks, nam j.si , j0 SUIIIIT, uuei... Schwcppcnhcltor, I.h.... .. Abram 4 VT 8 OS William', Mm " '..l.n AmU ,1 W 1 !4 MONTOUII. 51 00 13 tS 22 00 M 87 60 8,V vs 10 Clatk,Ahdrow.. " Mary .......I rn..n.1,,. u 1 115 ltainscy's, hst J ?' IHllll'l MT. PM5A9AJ1T, Mcllck, John OUANIli:. Iiowman.Weslcy. crouie, lllram...... crcullnif, Samuel - Dllillne, Abram snydcr, Wm. x 1. PINK. Cox, Heirs Krlck, lied. A Kutnton, .Ino. A lTlcrt U'JJOtt fi Co KUnofi tuttcrson Warner, Margaret (,.ir Davis, Thomas list Done. Ueo., HOAHINOCitEEK. 2 1 3 18 1 H9 53 1 OS 2 19 so 4 42 21 SO 2 81 3 CO 16 12 15 67 2 11) 42 CO 860 60 100 CO so lotl ' 1 lluchcr, Peter ' !5 Ilrclscli, Jacob jj " ','.'.'.'.'.'."."!!.'.'.!'.!'"!!!'.'. " Heater, (loo. X J. I.. Kline 1 JJ Prick X Shinnan 18 so Huston, John part of CJ T Itfll,. Ilr.1,1 3 43 CO 40 12 SO 400 HO 44 142 111 7 43V 9 100 80 40 CO 13 60 00 m si 75 400 187 11 Morrlsi: il.O, Hughes., ,, O o, 45 3 05 45 13 60 H CO .... 6 71 .... S C .... 2 07 2 27 .... 2 81 ii " ii ' ....... ii Wellington, Wm Haul), J, Miller!..."'.'.".".'. Skate, llaney '.'.".. Trlen, Jacob Yocuin, Elijah SUUAltLOAr. lluckalmv, Jas. Est Cue, EeMi-l Custard, alary Docblcr, Chas dross, Nathaniel llartman, Jesso. Hess, cretellng X Co l.itibach, i:m. . Uoiver .... 9 CO 23 15 82 01 82 00 83 01 2 12 V 60 2 1)0 121 75 114 McIIenry .ino. J Stephens Wm. M jEJ Yaplc, Henry 3 M II. W. McllEVNOI.DS, April 7. 'l re usurer. rpitliASUHKIf.S SALH OK SKATED X LANDS IN COI.U.M11IA COUNTY Also tho following lots, pieces nnd parcels of Seat ed Lands returned by tho tax collectors, aro to bo suld at tho samo time, liml.'r the prot lilons of on Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act ielailngtolho salo of landifor tuxes In Columbia County," approved March ctltiscs: SEATED LANDS. llEAVEIt. lot 1 Baker, Thomas 1 31 loo Mcueinoius, n. " 7S Morgan, T. (1 10 22 204 l'luin, B. M SJ 81 BENTON. Koons, John I.utz, Jacob Swarluout, John Conner, Preserve in Ink. John Buss, John btlue, Andrew BERWICK. So belt, Daniel F BUIAltCKEEK, Smith, Tobias llrader, Daniel .., Chamber!, J. F. Zancr, Amu 4 20 1 20 21 37 23 40 3 1-7 1 44 1 84 10 110 60 10 60 23 4,V 1 18 1 77 1 62 C3 1 CENTItALIA. Moore, John 7 55 Monaghan, Mrs. J no 2 10 Krclsiher, Zacharlali 7 9S Mellck, Win. 11 co Mc.Meely, Michael 7 48 Knlttle, J. B 29 co IP-lwlg, Jno 7 4 1 daughen, Thomas 9 21 llanley, John (1 3 90 CENTUE. sutler, John J 6 24 Whltmlre, Samuel 7 8 Mack, Martha 42 Sejbert, Samuel... Hi CONYNOIIAM (lara.Pat 2 91 Brad, Peter 4 90 Knlttle, Jonathan 15 35 Djer. Jinks 1 00 OHEKNWOOD. Smith fi Krenler 5 04 Barry, James 9 to Hosier' Dat Id M. Est a 20 Vanderellce, T. J 3 40 Kline, Paxton.Est W LOCUST. 10t2 1 1 I n 1 V 1 1 37K 87 V lot 1 6 lot 1 ' 1 ' 2 ' 2 70 139 40 11 C 30 CS CO 67 24 13 47 Myers, Jacob MADISON. Witts, Joseph Whlppio's, J. Est 93 15 a.i 7 7 llOAItlNQCItEEK. LYwhvWm 41 Levan, Solomon 40 " Prlsellla 45 Wltcby Mary S 24 II. W-.MdlEYNOLDS, Treasurer. April i SHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of a ttrlt ot Alias ricrl Facias to tho Sherlirof Columbia county directed, thero Mill bo exposed to public Bale at the Court House in Blooms burg, on SATURDAY, MAY 27, 187G, at ono o'clock p. m., all that certain pleco or parcel 01 jau'i miuaui partly in neaver anu noanngcreeK townships In the county ot Columbia, and partly North union township In tho County ot Schuylli f in kill and Statu or I I'ennsylv nla, beginning atachebtnut oak In said North t 1 union lowuamp nt a corner 01 land sorvoyed In the warrantee namoof Henry Nancr, iicueu uiuuk 1110 iiuu ui lanu aurvcyemn tuuwar- ranteo namo ut (leorgo Beaver north l degrees west 350 perches to a pine treo on the lino divldliig tuo said Counties of Schuylkill nnd Columbia, Ihouco alotiL' the line of land survetcd In tho warraiiteu namo of William Stewart tho two follow lug eourte3 and distances; houth 17 degrees westwtv! perches to a stono corner, and north & dec-rco west ui tiert-h. estoa jellowptno: thencu through land survetoiL in inu wurranteo name 01 Lewis seaman south 65. degrees west C6 perches to a plno treo; thencu tnrougn lanu sui vejou in 1110 warrantee namo of (ito. Miller, Jr., bouth to degrees west 231 perches to a. btono ; thenco through land sunojed In tho wnrran-. teu namo of Barbara Artlllla thu 1hren fnllnwlncr courses and distances: bouth 4s)tf degrees webtbj perches lo a btouf, bouth 23 degrees east 44 7-io Perthes to a post, and north cn degrees east Df lv-blx lierches to a btono heap ; thenco partly through tho bald Barbara Arlllla bur ey aud partly through other laim Burit-u-u in uiu wurniuiiu name 01 Aliurow lleiwlg bouth 23 degrees east 272 perches ton post. 111 tho lino of a public road leading over tho Llttlo Mountain 1 thenco along the lino ot tho said road tho two following courses and distances: north 62i de grees cast 14 perchc 10 arluo Mump, and north 7 Uegre(Heasi21 penhesto apost; thenco through tho said Andrew HelwU surtey and along tho lino of land bul, 1 tu j, p. iinvtllo north I degree east 191 .n.rcin'8 to a bionu ; thenco through tho bald Andrew IclWliT nlidliwls Seaman tturvetR nnrt a'diitr thn Huh of land hold to J. I) LlnMho bosth MX degret-H east 184 perches to 11 btono ; thence along tho Unu cll tiding tho hald survejslu tho-warrauteo names of iieuri Miner and ia-wis seaman south a ilcirrr-eH east 22ieichos to a stono heap; thenco by uther iuiiu Duiteieii 111 mu wurrauteo namo 01 ueorgo dul ler. Jr.. hliuth 71 lletrri-i'H i'Hh' yfiT iwrrhpa In th,v lu-btnut oak, the p aiu of beginning; contolnlug 84 uvies auu iieieueb. binct measure, as tnohamo had been re-suiM'jed by liwls Yelter, Ebip, on tho 0U11.-11111 uiii eiiiiu 111 lot November, 1870, for tho bald unueibigucd. ALSO, All that southern nart of a tract ot land surreved In tho namoof William Stewart the tenth dayot May, A, D, 1191, by virtue of a warrant dated twenty-second day ot January. A D. 1794. Iho ercau-rnarc thereof bltuuoln Beaver township, Columbia cuuu- ty, stiioof l'cimsjltanla, and a fractional part In North Union township, tchulklll county, bounded and desci Ibod as fullows, tu w It : beginning at a post and running fioin thenco by landburu-jed lit tho namo of (ieorgo llaner and by line 01 land burvevtd iu thu namo of Henry tvuur, now owned bv bald Ja cob nrclsh, south 7lx dogroos west 260 perches to a stone; thenco by tho eastern boundary lino of a tract oi lanu survejoi in ino namo 01 Lewis seaman north 1 K degi et-s east 194 perches to a Mono heap; from theuco south 7l4 degrees east SCO perches tu it Most, anil south liriletrroes west GO tierches. bo thn samo more or less totho place ot begtinlng: con taining 200 acres, lai tho samo more or lest. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo bold as tho property of Jacob Brtlsch, C. O. MUKPIIY, Coroner's omce, Coroner and actlngsuerin. Blooiubburg,May 5-ta. SECUIU-: AN AGK-SCY anil (60 or (100 per nttk. "The eur ready and neve,' out 0 order," HOMESTEAD) $20 SEWING $20 MACHINE For Domestlo Use With Tablo and Fixtures Oomcloto, U1UJ U A perfect and unequalled, large, ktrong and dura e machine, constructed elecunt and boiTd. irnm ttm best material w Kit malhcmaflcal precision, for con stant lamuv use or mauuiactur ni? nurnosra. ai. ways ready nt a moment's notice to do Us day'H work, never out ot order, and will last a generation with moderate care; easy to understand and man- ugu; ugiu, HiutHitu, anu bwtit ruunu.g, hko Iho well regulated motementof aline watch: btmplu com- t.fcu,...vw ...u.v.ut.b u M OKU (lUllU, DII11IUU t'JHl- pact, ertlcient and rellablo.wltltalltholraprovemeutH lo 1 found In tho highest priced inach nes,warrant ed to do tho bainu work, tho bamo way, and as rapid and Binoolh as a 15 machine. An acknowledged IN. uinph of Ingenious mechanical bklll, cBsenllally tho wuiklng woman's friend, and far In advance ot all ordinary mai-hlnc for absolulo strength, reliability and general uselulness; will hem, fell, tuck, team , iiutlt, bind, braid, cord, gather, ruflle, hhlrr, Halt, fold, bcallop, roll, embroider, run up breadths, fic. with wonderful rupldlty, neatness and t-ase.bews tho strongest labtlug ktltcb euually lti.u and einoutli through all kinds of goods, irom cambrlo to several thicknesses ol broadcloth or leather, with lino or coai so cotton, limn, bilk or twine. Gives perfect satisfaction. Will earn lis cost several times titer lu a wason lu tlio work It does, or make a good living for any man or woman who desires tu ute it for that puriMinoi works so faithful and easy the tenants or children can uso It w Ithout damaiie. Prlco of ma chine w 11 li light table, fully equipped for family work w iiu.1 in-, wit:i,iuu urawera auucaoiut-tbltles each ut corrt'bpondlngly low rates, sale uellury guaranteed. fr(o irom dinuage. Explanatory pam phleta lllukliated with tugiaMngs of Iho botcial bty es of machines, references, urltty of Bowlng.tc. mulled tree. ConUdeullal u-uns with literal Induce! intuis toeuterprlkliigtltigjinin. teuchciK, buslneta men, traveling er local agents, Ac, who defclroex. t lubiva agencies, furnished on application. Addrua Jtlm II, Keudall Co., 6i Broadway, KewYork. the present bill. you kuow.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers