IE COLUMBIAN, COLUMBIA BIH0CR AT, STAR OP Till! NOETII AID I'OI U. MAN COSSOI.UHTHD.) . 5?uc'.1..T,f.;r''-v' mcIX Vtl'Uy morning, nt BLOOMMnLIKI, UOI.V.MlilA I'OUNtS, I'... ..,.rlTn1.0.!'2,;,",.', '"'.r..3'0',.r' l")h'o In mlratice, or I 'tln .u1 ? '"-"J1 A"ir'"o nolrntlon of iim ji-ar fl.M will I eharg"d. To Biibscfll.en out or llio coiintr the term; nro ti (r ymr, strictly in n Ivatito -tl at It not 11 ild In advance and w.ou It payment bo delayed bo ond tho year. .. WL,per ''''continued, except at the option ot tlia puUllsherj, until nil arrearages nro paid, but long coDilmtcd cioillts litter the explratluii ot llio jcur will not be ultra. P?Pcr "onf out of tho Hto,o or to dhtatit post otllces HUM bo bald for lti advance, uti'ess a lespon. slblo person In Columbia county assumes lo pay tho miiwi-ilptloniluooiicldnniHl. I'ostaiji: Is uo longer exacted from subscribers In tho county. Job i?,ira?i3sra-. Tho .lobbing Department, nf the Colcmman Is vet y cpmple e. and our b Pilntlng will compnro fnvnrn. lily villi that ot tho largo cities. All work dimuoti dcirund, neatly and tit modo'ato prices. Columbia County Official Directory. l'rcsldcnt .TudRo William Elwell. Assnclalo .Tudgcs-lrai.i Dorr, M. 0. Huirhes. l'.oihonotarv. Ae. 11. Frank Zarr. ( ourt Htcnoiiropncr-M. N. Wnb .r. Iteister Hecorder Mlllit.isnn ir. .Tacoby. lihtrlet Attorney .I0I1 ti dark. HierlH Hitrvoior-laae l)oltl. 'I'rcasurci I)r II. W. Mclleynolds. Uuuunl'X'o ier . lohn llcraur, s. W, Mcltcnry. Joseph snot's. Cuinmlss oners' Clerk William Kllckbaum. Audltor-M. V. II. Kline, .1. 11. Casey, 1!. 11. Ilrown. Cotonei -Cliailes o..Muip;u . .(dry Co-nulnloiierslacob II. Fritz, William II. Utt. Countv Superintendent William II. Snyder. lltuutn l'our District-Directors 0. 1'. i:nt, Scott, Vni. Kramer, Itloomsburir and 'I'homas crcicllng, rtcor t, O. I'. lint, Secretary. Bloomsburg Official Directory. llloomsburg It.inktnif fompanr .tolin A. 1'unslon, l'resldeiii.ll. ll.tlro i, Cashier. I'lrs Nu'lonal Hank Charles K. ration, ''resident J. I'. Tustln, Cashier. Columbia County Mutual Satins rundnndran Assoclallon-i:. II. Utile, President, C. W. .Miller, tec rotary. lUooinsburK UulldltiB and Savin? Fund Assoclat Ion -Wm. Peacock, President,.!. II. lioblsoti, Secretary. IlloomsburK Mutual SaMnir Fund Assoclat Ion .T. J. Ilroiver, l'resldeni, C. (I. Uarkloy, Secretary, CIIUIICII DIKKCTORY. BATTIST CUDllCtt. Itcv. J. V. Tustln, (Supply.) Sunday Kortlcea-iiitf u. m. and 6i p. m. Sunday School n. in. lVnjer Mectlns l'.vcr Wednesday evening at 0 clock, HsftiB frco. Tho public aro Intltcd lo attend. Br. MATTHEW'S I.LTIIEr.ANCIIUKCII. Mlnls'er llev.J. McCron. Siiinlay Services ox a. m. and C,p. m. Sunday school 11 n. 111. i'ra er Meuilng Kvery Wednesday evening nl Cf clock. Seats free. Nopews rented. All aro welcome. 1'UESBVTKKtAN CltCRCIt. Minister licv. btuart Mitchell. Sunday Services I H n. t. and C4 r. m. Sunday School-9 n. in. l'ra er Jlco.lug-llvcry Wednesday evening at 6X o'clock. Seai a free. No pews rented, strangers welcome. UKTIIODlsr El'ISCOl'AI. CHCltCII. Presiding Ulder llev. N. S. Ilucklnaliam. Minister Her. .1. s. Mc.Murray. .Sunday Sen Ices lux and 6yi p. in. Sundav School '2 p. in. lllble Class i;verv Monday evening at c; o'clock. Voung Men's 1'raver Meoilng LNcry Tuesday evening at ax o'clock. leneral Prayer Meeting Kvcry Thursday evening 7 o'clock. iu:koumkd ciicncu. Coiner ot Third and Iron streets. I'astor licv. T. V. lloHmelcr. itesldenco Fust slreet, opp. Third street. Sunday Services Via a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday School 3 p. m. I'rayer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. Ail aro United There is always room. Se.'vlcts every Sunday aiternoon at t o'clock at ilcllcr's church, Madison township. ST. I'AUL'S CIICRCU. Jtcctnr buudny Servlccs-injf a. m., Gi p. m. Mimlay School 0 n. in. First Sunday In tho month. Holy Communion. Serilces preparatory to Communion on Filday c enlng beroro t he st Sunday In each month, l'ows rented! but over body welcome. EVANUCL1CAL CIICIICH. Presiding Filler llev. A. L. lieeser. MlnWer Itev. .1. A. mine. Sunday Senlco 3 ti. in., In tho Iron Street Church. l'ra. er Meeting Fury sabbath at 'i p. m. All aro Invited. All aro welcome. TIIK CIIUIICII OF ClIIttST. Meet In tho Opera House every Lord's day, at 3 p. m. and cm p. in. llegular Sleeting of tho Church for worship, 3 p. m sundav evening Lecture, by F. F. on Is, c p. in. Tho public aro cordially Ini Ited to attend. Seats iree. -l!LOOMSUUJiG'DIIlKG'fOUY. SCHOOL OKDKHS, blank, jiift tirinleil anil neatly bound In small books, on hand nnd lor sale at tho Columbian (truce. Feb. Ft, IsTS-u ID LANK l'arclini.'iitnn.i Linen Jj Paper, common nnd for Admlnlsi rators, F.ecu furs and trustees, for salo cheap at tho Columbian OIHCO; rAUUIAGKGKKTIKIGATKS just printed and for salo at the Columbian ortlce. Minis ters ut the tlosnel nnd Justices should bunoly them- helves with these necessary articles. JUSTIOKS nnd Constables' Kce-liills for sale at tho Columbian ofllce. Thcj' contain tho cor rected fees as established by the last Act of tho Ug Alaturoupon tho subject. Fvery Justice and Con stable should hao one. XDUE NOT ICS iu-t printed and for sale cheap at tho Columbian onice, MEUCIIANTS AND UFOCE1IS. H C. HOWKIi. Hats nnd Caps, Hoots and . Shoes, Main bti eet, above Court House. SH. M1LLKU & SON, dealers in Drv i (loods, groceries, qucensware, flour, balf, unues, notions, etc., Matn btrcet. J II. MAlZIv, Mammoth Grocery, llneGro- cerles, Fruits, Nuts, Provisions, ic, Mulu and Centre btieets. HOOTS AND SHOES. HKNKY KLELM, Manafacturcr and dealer In boots and shoos, groceries, etc., Main bt., Uloombburg, M. KNOHH. Dealer in Hoots and Slioes. Ill , latest and best styles, corncrMaln andMarket streets, In tho old post oftlce. CLOCKS, WATCIIFS, &C. llQeT. K. SAVAGE, Dealer in Clocks, 'NVatclies and Jewelry, Main Bt., Just below the Central PliOFESSIONAL CA1IDS. It. IKELEH, Atlprney at Law. llooms in U Fxchango lllock, at ffoor, Hloomtbuig, Pa. es 1 (i. IIAHKLET, Allornev-nt.Laiv. Office . in Hrowcr s building, 2nd story, llooms4 s 0. 'Cl. 15, '73. Dlt. WM. M. UEHEIt, Surgeon and l'livsi clan. Ofllco H. F. corner liock nndMaiket btreets. T K. EVANS, M. D., Surgeon nnd IMiysi ) , clan, (Oftlce and ltesldencu on Third btrcet, curner Jefferson, f I!. McKELVY, M. I)., StirKton and I'l.y- blclan, north bldo Main btrect, below Murkct, " II. ItOiUSON, AlIorney-.H-Law. Office In llartinan'sbulldlng.Malnbtieet. s AMUEL JACOBY, Mnrblo and liroun btonc works, Fast iiioomsourg, ner icu roau. HltOSENSTOClC, l'liologrnpher, over . Claik S Wolf'sMore, Main sliect. It. II. G. HOWKlt, Surgeon DcntUl, Main I. I UUUVU III Luurt IIUUU. MISCELIJVNFOU.S. AVID LOWKNIiEHCt, Merchant Tailor Main St., above Centrul Hotel, S. KUIIN, dialer li. Meal, Tallow, tic, ( Ccntru bttect, letween Second and'lhlid. riMIOMAS WEIill, Confectionery and llikcn, JL wholekalo and retail, Exchange lllock. CI W. COItELL, Furniture Itooms, lliree X t3ry brick, Main btroet, webt of Market bt. " OHANGKVILLfi DIKECl'OUV, A It. HEltltlNG, Carpenter ami builder, 1 Main street below Pine. llUGKlIOltX. M, O. A W. H. .SHOKMAKKH, Dealers in Dry Ooods, Groceries and General Merchun- OATAWISSA. 'XXTM. II, AIHtO'rr, Attorney-at-Law, Main V Ktreet. BP. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second . btrect, Untitling1 building. "YM- L- HYEKLY, ATTOIlNEy.AT-LAW, Catanlssa, Pa. Collections promptly mado and rcmllted. Ofllco oniKislto catawlssa Deposit liauk, cui-sa JOTICU. From this da to tho Uloombburg Gas Company will put In service pipes at nrst cost and furnish uud bet lueto.B at four dollars each. Tho company naie on hand a lot ot gas tar suited for painting roofs, uud potts or other tnij tiers plueed Under ground. 1'rloo 10 cents per gallon or f ua iier MarreL 15. t', W. JdlLLKII, Uoct. 0. E. iiwll2Y' Sdltcrs ani Proprietors. mjsiiVKfrs OAitns. P llt'SI It. A. L. TUItNKK, tusitleiico on Mntkct Street ono door below I). J. Waller's. Ofllco over Klelm's Drug store. Ofllco hours from 1 lo 4 p. in. for treatment of diseases of tho Eye, Ear ami '1 hroat. All calls night or day promptly attended to. Apr.S3'75-tt D It. J. 0. ltUTTEIl, I'HYSIClAN&SUItCinON, Ofllce, North Market street, SIar.!7,'74-y Dloomsburg, Pa. JltTl!. V. OAltDNEIt, ' l'llYSIOIAN AND SUKGKON, I1I.OOMSIIUIKI, PA. Ofllce above J.Schuyler Son's Hardware Store. Apr.S3'73-tf AMUEL KNOItlt, A T T O li N E Y-A T-L A W, DLooMsnuna, pa. 0mc, Hnttman's Block, corner Main and Market Streets oct. 8, '75 E. OKV1S, ATTO It N E V-AT-L A W. OFL-tcK-Itoom No.l, "Columbian" Building. Sept. lS,1&i5. c, W. MILLEK, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW ortlco In Browcr's building, second No. Bloomsburg, Pa. Jul 1, 73 y c. . A W.J.IIUCKALEW, ATTOI1NFYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, IM, Oftlce on Main Street, first door below Court House Mnr.G,'74-y R. V. t J. M. CLARK, ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. April 10,'7f-y Onico in Ents Building. A. CHEVELINO SMITH. HEHVEY EWINO SMITH. GltEVELING SMITH A SON, ATTOUNEYS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. tAll business entrusted to our care w 111 recicvo prompt attention. Julyl.s y jp p. hTllmeyeh, ATTOltNEY AT LAW. OmcK Adjoining C. It. W. J. Buckalow. Bloomsburg, Pa. Apr. 14,'70-ly. E. II. LITTLE. IlOlJ'r. II. LITTLE. II. & It. It. LITTLE, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Blooinbburg, Pa. WI!ulness before the U. S. Patent Ofllce attended to. Olllce In tho Columbian Building. ly 38 T HOCKWAY & ELWELL, A T TO It N E Y S-A T-L A W, Columbian nriLDiNO, Bloomsburg, Pa. Members of tlio Fnlted Stales Law Association. Collections made In any part of America. Agents for continental Life Insurance company of New ork. Assets nearly $7,(100,1100. The best In tho country. Send for dcscrlptlio pamphlet. tf "yiLLIAM IHtYSON, " ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW, Centralla, Pa. TCb 13, '70-lJ. IIAIIMAN & HASSERT. FODNDEES, MACHINISTS, AND IRON-SMITHS. East Street, below Bail Road, BLOOMSBUG, PA. Wo respect fully call public attention to the follow ing facts that : They manufacture Urst class JUNE OAK WHEELS AND AXLES and all kinds of Coal Breaker Castings. They also inuku nil kinds of car. Machine, Bridge anil other castings used by contractors generally. "1 hey also manufacture HEATING AND COOK STOV1CS, nnd nro prepared to furnish all kinds of repairs, such as Grates, Lids, Fire Brick. Stretchers, dc. Ihey keep constantly on hand PLOWS AND PLOW POINTS. Largo Iron Kettles, Farmers' Belts, Sled Soles, Wag on Boxes, Cellar Grates, c. They are also prepared to furnish Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Shafting, Pullc 's, Ac. HieyTay treelal attention to Repairing Tlireshiiig Machines Iirnpers, Ac. Tho Proprietors aro both practical mechanics. Try them, Dec. 3,l575-m AMERICAN AND FOKKIflN PATENTS. Gii.Mor.K k Co., successors to Chlpmnn, Homier A Co., solicitors. Patents procured In all countries. Noiklsin aiivanck. No charge unless tho patent s grant! d. No fees for making preliminary Mim Inatlons. No iiddltlenal fees for obtaining and eon ducting n rehearing. By a recent tlcclslun of tho cnnimlvHoner ail rejected applications may bore Mied. tpiTlal attention glien to Intdfei en peases beloro the I'ateut Oftlce, extenstuns before congress, liifllngeinent suits In illllerent States, and nil litiga tion uppei taming to Intentions or patents, smd stamp to Gllinoiu li co. for pamphlet ot sixty pages. LAND CASUS, LAM) WAItlSANTS AND SCHIl1. Contested land cases prosecuted btforntho U.S. General Unul ortlco and Hi pattment of tho Interior Prlvnto land claims, mining und pre-empt Ion eluluis. and homestead cases attended lo. ljind scrip In 4Ci so anil 1 mi nci 0 pieces for sale. 'I his scrip Is asslgna ble, and can be located in tho name of tho purchaser upon any Government land subject to pilwto entry, utjlv.s inrucie. Itlsof euual loluewltli Uiunty land Warrants. Send stamp to Gllmoro j; Co, fur pamphlet ot Instructions. AltUUAltS OF l'AY AND ItOUNTY, onicers, soldiers und sailors cf the lato war, or their helrs.nru In many cases entitled lomouey from the got eminent of which they haieno knowledge. Write full history of senlce, and stale amouniof pay and bounty icceued. Enclose stii'.r.plonlliuoiu l:Co., und a full reply, after exnmlnaion, win bo given ou f 1 cc . PKNSIONS. All officers, soldiers ond sailors woundcd.rupturcd or Injured In Iho luto war, however slightly, can ob tain u pension by addiesslug Gllmoro i. Co Cases prosecuted by (Mlmoio A' Co. before Ihesu. piema court of the United Statee.thecoui tof claims, and tho southern claims commission. Each depart ineiil cf our business Is conducted In a separate buieau, under charge of the sumo experi enced parlies einp'o)id by the old tlrm. 1'ioiupt at tention to all business entrusted lo 011.11011 K s CO, Islhus secured. Wo desire to win success byde benluglt. Address, OILMOIIK t CO., cm F street, Washington, D. C. Jan Ul.'TC-tr. ItEAS JIKOWN'S INSUUANCE AG EN. ci, ttxcuangu notei, uioomsuurg, pa. Capital. .Etna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... Uierjiool, London and Globe , tu,u 0,10 Koyulof l.leiiool , ls00,000 Lnncanshlro l,uoo, ou File Association, Philadelphia B, 100,000 Ameilcanof Philadelphia , 1,10a 000 Alias ot Hartford 5' 0,1100 Wyoming, of Wilkes Barro ,,, V3 1.000 FaimersMutual ot Damltlo , Luki.oou liamlllo Mutual , , to,mo Homo, New York,,,,, fi,0' .) Commercial I'nlon , tlI8,0M,O00 March vo17- y in 49fl I r ilv t home. Bamples worlhtl $U IO fU rM! biINS0A,Co., Itirtlaud, Mulliu. Marti! 10, ;o-ly. m m urn mw hi h i h in nw rm w n vjw ' :: .r . Ill II! lr IU I ,11 III III II! Ill 111 III 111 Am III III ' W I m m IK m W I lml III In III III IHi Mb W . a j m m my xl j aii aw awiw )mmw mm w vwm v BLOOMSBURG TANNERY, u. a. i!i:mtiN 11 ICSI'EGTKULLY nnnounccs to tho public mat ne lias reopeneu SN'YDEU'ri TANNERY, (old stand) Bloomsburg, Pa., at tho l'orksoftho Espy and Light street roads, where all descriptions of I0.1 iur will tin in ado In tho most substantial nnd workmanlike manner, and sold at, prices to suit the times. Tho highest prlcolncash will at all times bo paid tor Gil KEN HIDES of rTcrjr description In tho country. The publlcpat ronngu Is resiectfully solicited. Bloomsburg, Oct, f, 1S7B- CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY BLOOMSBUBU, PA. JL C. SLOAN & miOTlIEH HAVE on hand and for salo at tho most reasonable rates a splendid btock of CAKKIAtJES, RCGCailS, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN and FANCY, Warranted to bo made of the best and most durable maeerlals, and by tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out from the establishment will bo found to be ot the highest class and sure to give per feet satisfaction. They have also a fine assortmcntof SLEIGHS ot all tho newest and most fashionable stylea well and carefully mado and ot the best material. An Inspection of their work Is asked as tt Is be lieved that none superior can bo found lnthocoun- try. Oct. 8, 1875-tf. WANTED, 1,000 GOOD MEN to call at CROSSLEY'S CARRIAGE SHOP to Inspect his w ork, and hn will guarantee you can make f25 on a tlrst cla's Top Buggy it you buy of him for cash. 1 oiler for sale at cost, TEN BUGGIES, 3 PHAETONS, 7 SHIFTING TOP OPEN BUGGIES Tho price of my wagons is as follows : 3 Phaetons, Sarvcnt pat. wheels, gum top, ono for $175, cost. 2 Piano box, portable top, pat. wheels, gum top, ono for $15, cost. S Piano box, open, patent wheels, steel tire, one for (125, cost. 3 Platform spring wagons, patent wheels, 2 seats, ono for 1C5, cost. As I am closing out my business the offer I make will stand till the Urst of July. All work warranted to slum), uud arc made of good material. A. S. CKOSSLEY'. March 313111. JflSCELLANEOUS. UOWN'.S HOTEL, liloomsburg, Pa., !. Mohner, Proprietor. Accommodations llrst- Class. f 1.83 tu $i.5u per day. Bestaurant attached. Octobers, 'i5-tl pENTltAL HOTEL, A P I 11 S T-C LASS II O U S E, Oct. 8,'J51y JOHN LAYCOCK, I'rop'r. JEW SALOON AND 11ESTAURANT. ; 1 he ur derst?ned lias rinriifd n tltst-class Fattncr jieuse in ine r..cnange iiiock, lormeriy occupied 11 B. Mohner, where his customers will iluu eiery thing In his line. MILTON CIIAF.LEW. Feb 18-Jm. Q Se 1 JI. DHINKEi:, GUN and LOCKSMITH. ewlng Machines and Machinery cf all kinds re paired. Oi'kiia House Building, Bloomsbuig, Pa. Octl,"7aly VXCIIANGE HOTEL, Opposite tho Court, BI.OOMSBUitG, PA. Tho Lamest and Bfst In allrespects In the county V. B. KOONS. Oct. Proprietor. TTENTISTItY. II. C. IIOWEIi, DENTIST, Hespectfully offers his professional services to tho ladles uud gentlemen of Bloomsburg and Mclnlty. He Is prepared to attend to nil tho various operations In the lino ot his profession, and Is prowded with tho latest Improved Poucfijiin Tumi, which will be In scried on gold plating, sllier nnd lubber base to look as well as tlie natural teeth. Teeth extracted by all tho new and most nppioicd methods, and all operatlonson the teeth caicfully andpiopcily at tended to. onice a tow doors aboietho Court House, samo side, oct, s 75 17 J. THOItNTON ould nnnnunco to tho citizens of Blooms burg and Mclnlty t lint ho has Just rcctlicelaful! and complete ussuiiuieiu 01 WALL PAPEB, WINDOW SHADES, imCHKS, COUPS, TASSKIJ, and nil other goods In his line of business. All the newest nnd most icuproicd patterns of tliedav aro aln) s to bo found lu his establishment, Main street, below Market. oct, u.'7B piaukln'a Hun l,r. 1 Cuoumlt, an.l Or.rwn Tni l'um ,, Ml I F W,1 "".''' "" U IM, ror.m, tVASK ' f '""'"'.""I' ln"""l .Wl.ii1...nriii..l,l X.AIJO E. no.. HM ALL. Vl.lin. I...I... , I il Tr.rt.r.. ;liJ,irtMUII,l,lw.,st,,n in.nion.rll, K.kil.Hli.o. Irtr.I. it, .r im.0.1 fir,., with , r, .,, C. (i. BUTCHLEY, ManuPr, 50G CommereesCPhlli, March si-cm. EYE & EAR. DR. G. C. McDERMOTT makes the treatment of Diseases of tho Ear & Eyo A SPECIALTY", and has opened at Wllllumsport, Pa. an Institution for tho treatment and euro of patients sullerliur from such diseases. onico llours.-llnttl 8 a. m 1 to s, and t) to 8 p. in, Call on or address . V. Mci:iiMOTT, HI, I 73 Edwin bt., WllUumsport, ',. April 88-Cm. 1 AGENTS, malt no cngagtmentt till you tee our NEW BOOK, Which In Ihrllllng Inlcirst, sterling mr i it, cleganco and cheapness, bus absolutely no equal. It Is "Tub Tiiisu" tor 1 he Centennial period takes on tight. 'llio "Isorth American llet!e"su)a It is "deserv. Ing of unqualified prulset we anticipate fir It mi ex. it-usiiu 4iiuiuruy j me "iiuuiiijuu nmes ' sas, "Just such a woik as thousands ot tho Amerlcuu beoplo will bo glad to possess;" the "Detroit Adier eiser euiis it "lacicTaoiu cu uny et puuiisncu." Any actlio man or woman of goodaddress Insured large. protlts and steady w ork for u ear. For lull jiarttcu luis miuiusa u. ,1. ruitll iu April iv. 1 Park Place. N. Y ci o a day at home. Agents wanted. Outteana, " torinB Irtu. Till) it, 4 CO., Augusta, Nnii. i WOOD PUMPS fel BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, MAY 12. 1876 Poetical. TIIK IIUIFTING BOAT. It had floated away from tho beach and buoy, Out of sight of toner nnd town, An empty and battered boat, And that boat would not go down, Iho morning roso on tho waters wide, And tho night fell cold and dark, Yet ever on with tho wind and tldu Drifted that battered bark, Tho sail had passed from its broken most, And Its painted prldo was dim) The soft seaweed hung round Its bows, Which bad been so sharp and trim. Where woro tho merry mates and frco Who had gone w 1th It nlloat, Wo never learned i but tho world's wide sea Until lives like that drifting boat; Lives that In early storms have lost Anchor and sail and oar, And never, except on Lethe's shore, Can come to moorings moro j Out of whoso loiotess, trustless days, 1 he hope and tho heart have gone Good ships go down In stormy seas, But those empty boats drift on I They had hearts to sail In tho wind's eye once i They had hands to reef and steer, With a stretch that would not yield to chanco And a faith that knew no fear ; But tho years were long and tho storms were strong And the rainbow flag was furled, And they that launched for tho skl03 have grown But the driftwood of the worl I, AN Old) MAX. The hour far spent, tho harvest In, Ho goes serene along his ways, Blrsscd with tho sunshine that befalls Tho Indian summer of his days. A dear old man, whom all men love, Who loves all men and round whoso head, As round the brows of ancient saints, The silver locks of nimbus shd. Just as the sun comes sifting through Tho vlolot vapors on tho hills, Building a land of piomlso where Iho vista with new glory thrills, So bhlncs his smile on all ho meets, A tender after-glow and mild ; Ho sees tho other side of life, And takes it sweetly as a child. For genial ns tho autumn day That spells us with Its soft surprise, .ife seems to wult as waits tho year, Obe Ing his benignant eyes. Ho dreams not of a dark unknown So close at hand, so chill, so drear, The lee coldsnow covered tho grave i He only sees the sunshine here. He lifts his eyes up to the hills Whence cometli all his help and stays, To bless us with the light that 1111s Tho Indian summer of his daS. IlAlirKK'S BAZAn. Miscellaneous. ONE SUMMElt. Illanche stood on tho pinzza playing with her fun and watching for the stage, upon tho arrival of which hung a great many possi bilities. It might bring her letters, it might bring somebody to enliven the house, which was growing fearfully dull with nobody but ladies in tho parlors, putting their heads together over crocheting and embroidery. Since tho last chance for flirtation had van ished with his valisoovcr the Jed'eraon road, there had been comparatively nothing in the way of excitement. Tho train was half an hour late, as it usually is at tho Gorhnm station, and the sunset was burnishing tho slopes of Jlouitt Jloriah and tho Imp.bring iug out tho strong shadows which had all day been lurking about them, while a tender young moon looked through the fringes of n purplo cloud that hovered over tho Pilot rango. Just as tho stago appeared over the littlo bridge below tho housp, Jlr. Jlathews carried Illancho olT for agamo of whist, and sho failed to see tho tall gentleman who alighted from tho coach and went in to tea. In fact, she had almost forgotten tho proba bilities of Saturday night in tho excitement of a revoke on the part of her purblind partner, in virtue of which their opponents wete claiming three of their hard-won tricks when Clara Clew bailed into the room brim ful of it. "Oh, girls," sho cried, "he's comol" "Who, for mercy's sako?" in a chorus. "Tho Great Jlogul, I guess." "Don't keep us in buspense," said lllanche, "Wo are out by honors, at any rate, in spite of your tricks." "Shall I open tho door for you?" asked Jlr, Jlathews, gallantly. "Do tell us about it, Clara" pleaded Kalo Turner. "Is he young? Does he look ilirta tiou?" "Well, I dropped my fun at his feet entirely by accident, you know and lie picked it up with such an air and smile that" "You wero ready to drop there yoiir Belf?" "Nonsense," cried lilanche, "Clara is teasing us. It's only Jlrs. liell's husband, or borne slippered Pantaloon or raw school boy, depend upon it. Docs ho wear a moustache, Clara, or a scratch?" "Judge for yourself," answered that giddy girl ; and looking up, Illancho caught it glance fioin the eyes of Jlr. Langthnrne dark, persunsivo eyes, with a worel of mel ancholy in their depths, which tho smiling mouth with its dimpled chin denied, Jlr. Mathews laid elowu his cards and pushed back his chair hastily, "Langlhorne, my dear fellow how aro you?" lie cried. "Glad to see you here. JIako yourself at home, Here, let mo introduco you to tho ladies Jliss Clew, JHss Turner, Jlrs. Krel, Won't you take a hand at whist? Oh, par don 1 Jlr. Laiigthorne, let me present you to Jliss lllanche, Jliss lilanclio Deahler a rival of Polo and Cavendish at whist, let me warn you," Mr Langthorno graciously availed Iilm tell o' Jlr. Jlathews' generosity and be- Jlaneho's rs-a-n'n. "I'm only hero for n few days," he Hnid,in passing, "Think I shall go onto tho Wnum bck, or tho Glen, uext week, Jlr. Laiigthorne went to the Glen tho next week, but not nlono j ho and Jliss Deshler drove over In tho sundown, while tho rest of tho party followed in a mountain wugon. Tho ragged Pea-boddy river loitered along by their tide over its rocky bed, and tho mountains seemed to chnssez and waltz from ono hand to tho other, as tho road wound aloug, while tho dim delicious woods shut them in hero only to open there and show tho grand outlines of tho everlasting hills shining in tho early sunlight. That very morning Clara Clew had said, while they wcro dressing, "what an oppor tunity for ilirtation tho Cascades and tho G.'eu JCllia Palls atlbrd! Hero you go up, up,, up, und there you go down, down, down, anil hero it is slippery as death uud thero you need a strong hand that holds you tight; and perhaps you lean over a ledge, just to frighten sonio one, ami a tender una snatches you away, ami tender eyes icproach you I Hcigli, lio I I wish I wcro going in the nun down 1" '"You slllglrl I I should think you had already been there," laughed lllaticho. Hut sho found it pretty much asCIaraliad depicted. Mr. Langthrono went to tho Wnutnbck too, but not as he had prospected. He and Illancho had saddle horses for tho occasion, nnd lingered nt pleasure, now watching the silver Israel river tumbling down a distant steep, as If bent upon touching up the scene, and anon tho haymakers lu tho Jell'erson meadows, with the shadowy hills and prime val forests (or background, companioned all tli o while by glimmering peak and neighbor ing scarp, about which sunbeams and clouds wrought magic, while all tho moods and colors ol the passing hours lent themselves to tho effect. There had been a masquerade at tho Waumbck House tho night before, nnd the pillars of tho verandah wero draped with evergreen, nnd tho balustrade of the staircase was decked with golden rod, and the young ladies in tho parlors wero talking ovei the last night's disguises and surprises, and playing snatches of tho wedding march. "I do not see any one I know here," said Jlr. Laiigthorne, making tho tour of parlors and verandahs with lllanche on his arm. "I expected ." Hut what hn expected did not transpire. What a rido homo It was, with the sunset retouching tho pictuic, with twilight stealing upon them, bringing its pensive stars when they sang stanzas of old songs together, and quoted the poets they loved best, and talked no end of pleasant, familiar nonen?o 1 When they returned Clara Clew was lounging on tho piazza, illancho retired to change her riding dress, and Jlr. Lmgtliorno gavo Clara his arm for a promenade. "And what liavo you been doing with yourself, Jliss Clew?" ho asked, idly. "Little or nothing," she returned. "lint there's no need to ask what you've been do ing, jrr. Langlhorne. Prenoz garde. What's that old saw about playing witlt fire ?" "Old saws havo blunt teeth. You mean about the burned chifd, eh? I haven't been even scorched." "Nor 'shriveled in a fiuitlcss fire ?' The pitcher goes often to tho well." "You mix your metaphors, I'm at a loss to determine whether you consider mo a child or a pitcher." "It's plain you've been talking nonsense all day, Jlr. Langlhorne. Put isn't Blanche just splendid 1 She lias no end of lovers, you know. Perhaps sho has talked to you about Tristram Pennon, the witch 1" "Never. Pray tell mo about him. Islie interesting?" "Plancho seems to think so ; there's an understanding between them, you know." "Indeed ?" and then there was a call for a Virginia Keel, and Langthorno and Clara joined the dance. Tho next morning brought new guests Among them was a plain young lady and her mother, the last of whom shook hands with Jlr. Jlathews like an old acquaintance, and walked directly to the oflico to inspect the register. "Ask them not to take off my trunks," said she, turning to Jlr. Jlathews in somo trepidation. "I bliall proceed btraight to the Glen." "iiut, my dear madam," he expostulated, "take your dinner iirst ; it is never wise to decielo upon any step on any empty stomach." "What, and Langthorno here! Jly dear Mr. Jlathews, how little you know mo I" "Iiut allow me to say that you havo noth ing to fear from Jlr. Langthorno." "Nothing to fear! how littlo you know him ! Hasn't ho made my life a burden for tho la-t eighteen months? Don't I know that he is a miserable fortune-hunter, who has bewitched my precious Isabella with his heartless wiles, so that sho won't look at any other man, gentle or Bimple ? Enough! don't talk to me about Langthorno 1 1 verily believe he is ubiquitous." "Jly dear friend," pursued Jlr. Jlathews, "he is at this moment nt tho summit of Jlount Hayes with a party of ladies. Pol low mo to tho north tide of tho piazza and you will see the blaze they have kindled thero to boil their coffee ; see, a trifle to the left, Jlrs. Vcxer. And now let mo whisper to you that he is head and ears in lovo with the lady at whoso feet ho is possibly sitting at this instant," "An heiress, no doubt?'' "Yes, and a beauty to boot. To tell you the truth, I havo a weakness for Langthorno myself, in common with the young ladies, I do not believe him the mercenary wretch who would marry fur money without loving." "Put Isabella is plain, it sho is my daugh ter, and I.iingthwne loves beauty." "Every wouinn has her own little attrac tions, and a plain faco is sometimes more attractive than positive loveliness, which is apt to pull on the taste. Jladame Do Stacl was no beauty, ou remember." "Put Isabella is not even a Jladame Do Stael. You will not convince mo of Lang thnrnei's disinterestedness. You havo gone over to the enemy, I am feorry to see," "Stay j instead of that, I have espoused your cause so heartily that I sent for Lang thnrne to como hero myself, trusting to the charms of Jliss Deshler, who was dying of ennui ; and let mo tell you that tho spell has worked ; every or.n in the house is remark ing it. Now let me suggest that if you wish to destroy Isabella's regard for him let her remain and seo him make love to another wo num. Nothing could be more efl'ectual, bellevo me." "Thero is reason in what you say. It will bo a fearful ordeal for tho dear girl, but bit ter tilings uro wholesome, und " "It will pay;" laughed Jlr. Jlathews ; "and then Capt. Dcsparel is coming to-morrow, and you will agree with me that ho Is a match font queen. And did he not waltz four consecutive times with your plain Isa bella at Jlrs, Huhl'ii last reception in Jlay? and Bend her a bouquet of Parma violets next day? and a string of milky umber from Pome toon alter ?" And Jlrs. Vexer allowed Jliss Truth to conduct her to a room. One would havo said It was an exceeding ly well-bred party that met at breakfast next morning, inasmuch us no shade of turprlso was visible on the countenance of either Langthorno or Jliss Vcxer as they bowed across tho table and exchanged a few com monplaces, Jlrs, Vexer observed with pleasure that tho hutichoino Jliss Deshler was Lungthoriie's neighbor, u situation eminently favorablo for flirtation ; nnd sho was not surprised ut Isabella s luck of ni petite, nor at tho Increasing i nllor, which, Dy no Means, became her style. "Tliptf toll inn lmrn "'in u-iM in l,,r ilinVi. f tor later, "that Jlr. Laiigthorne ha? stir rendered that tough muscle, his heart, to tho fascinations of Jliss Deshler. You see, my love, what his protestations wero worth !" As Jlr, JLttliews predicted, Captain Des- pard arrived in tho morning train ; and as ho was ono of thoso genial men who carry sunshine- nnd good humor wherever they move, and was backed by a handsome faco and fortune. Jlrs. Vexer resigned herself to her easy chair n'id her crocheting, confident that ho was capahlo of sootiiing the smart that Langthortie's behavior had Inflicted, by his courtly and well-timed attention. At first she remarked that Isabella was palo and distrait, but by degrees this gavo place to an unwonted flow of spirits on her part; bIic corruscateil with gayety, which mado her almost beautiful in spite of features that lacked symmetry and eyes that lacked color. Jfrs. Vexer made sure that pride had come to her daughter's aid, and van quished every tender sentiment fur Laiig thorne, and sho flattered herself that Cap tain Dcspard's attentions would not be wasted, coming nt this crisis, when wounded alTection required tho soluco that nothing but love could olfcr, and Jlrs. Vexer gave herself credit for having made a bold stroke in staying at Oorham and fighting it out in tho teeth of her adversary. To Illancho Decider tho days seemed only half long enough for the pleasure that over flowed them, To be sure, now that the House wa full of young people, there wero fewer solitary drives and rides with Laiigthorne; hut thero were giddy waltzes with him in the dancing hall, and psalm-lnging Sunday evenings from tho same book in the north parlor, and stolen half hours on the moon lit piazza, with Jiounts JIadison and Adams hanging like petrified clouds over tho brow of Jlount Carter. "You knew Jii-s Vexer before," sho onco said, as they promenaded through the'longhall and piazzt. "Sho was so pain and sad-eyed that I '.thought her really plain when she first arrived, do you know ; but Captain Despard, seems to have developed her capabilities." Just then, in the shadows of the verandah a rustle of silk and a perfume of san iel wood swept by them nnd Laiigthorne stooped to pick up n bit of white cambric that flut tered to his feet. "Your handkerchief, Jliss Vexer," he said quite coldly, and pas-eel on. "How did you know lfer In tho dark? The captain can't be far olf," whispered lilanche, "Dear me I" said Clara Clew the next night, in the full swing of Portland Pancy, "Jliss Vexer ought to cultivate her muscle ; she hasn't enough to enable her to hold fast her tfoods and chattels, I,mtrthorne lias just picked up her fan. S -e, he's reading tho precious autographs upon it. Why dosen't he add a pretty sentiment'.'" "What should it be? queried Clara's part ner. "Jly heart is another's, and never can be yours ? or, a thing of beauty is a joy for ever 1" "Por shame !" siiid Clara. "Handsome is that handsome docs. Wo can't till bo beautiful ; some of us mint be good in stead." That evening, after Illancho hil taken down her hair, sho missed the gold scorpion with which sho looped tho folds of her pol onaise. She had strolled with Laiigthorne and the others by moonlight through the undcrpath after the dunce had ended, and divining that it must have fallen out there, she decided to riso early and go out to seek it, without awaking Clara. Accordingly, the next morning, while tho sun and the mists lay in ragged patches on tho hills, sho tiptoed out through tho vacant rooms awl the deserted piazza, retracing her steps of the previous night, lilaucho had gained tho hill, and was sauntering along the edge of tho wood that bordered it,when shq detected a rustling among tho fallen boughs and a gush of voices,and looking over her shoulder into the hollow below, she saw two lovers strolling down the dried bed of an ancient brook, made picturtsquo by time's fantastic touches and the flickering light that flecked the mossy path with leafy shadows. As she gazed after them, puzzled by something fa miliar, they paused and embraced lingering- ly. Then he was out of sight with a bound, und hastening home by tho railway track, whilo his sweetheart walked slowly on alone by tho undcrpath, singing softly as she walked, "What a pretty picture!" thought lilanche. "The captain must bo desperately in love, to leave his pillow at this hour, when ho has the day belure iiim ;" for in parting the girl had half turned, and revealed tho lace of Isabella Vcxer. "I must tell Jlr. Lang thorno about it. Surely the early bird catches Iho worm and sometimes it is a glow worm." Sho drove to the village after breakfast with Langthorno for some shopping. They had the stage all to thcmstlvcs, and, true enough, she painted tho picture us she hud seen it, uud Langthorno laughed heartily, and said, "Stolen sweet, ycu know, Jliss Deshler." There was an evening party tollcrlinl'alls, when tho next moon waxed full, along the banks of tho capricious river over which tho mists wero curling in weird outlines, as if tho spirits of the stream wero abroad. The falls themselves wcro wreathed iu their own spray .spanned by a lunar rainbow, and over shadowed by great clouds of vapor, like half guessed shapes of genii ; and strolling over tho slippery rocks iu thut deceptive, half-luminous atmosphere which almost blinded one, somebody stretched out u hand to lllanche, and held her fast lu two arms foruu instant, whispering, "Darling, havo pity on me ! Let it be to-morrow, Delhi!" Por tho first breath sho had believed that Laugthorno's arms imprisoned her ; that tho old, old story was ou his lips. Then sho was half ungry with herself ut the thought, nt tho thrill it gave her, though she laughed as she slipped awuy, saying, "You have mis taken your audience, Captain Dcspard. It is Isabella's Shetland shawl that has misled you. She put it over my shoulders when wo alighted uh, woe's thoday! because I shivered." Ami Miss Vexvr's lover boicd and retreated, So tho weeks woro on ; it was cither a pie-iiie to the Leadmluo Itidge, or u morn ing with tuo echo ly tho liver, or nu lifter- noon at the bowling alley ; evenings spent In the dunce or lu flirtations long drawn out, ou tho verandah ; and as surely as Dcspard attended Isabella just so surely I.augthorno waited by the side of Dluuche, nnd lent the hours wngs,aud mado tho shadows rcsplcud ent, and gavo a silver lining to every cloud. TIIK COLUM ni AX VOL. x, no. 10 COUntllU DKMOOHAT, VOL. XL!, NO. 13 "It's such fun." nald Clara Clew, "to seo jrndamo Vcxer, the old harridan ; she never lets Isabella out of her sight If she knows It, and sho watches Langthorno a ft cat watches a mouse. I'm suro Delia's no uclt beauty that she need think every man in the houo is at her feet " "Why should sho watch Langthorno, pray?" asked lllanche, securely. "Heaven knows! I fancy sho hates him, perhaps because doesn't make eyes at Isabel la ! Do you mind how sho 'always wcuges herself In when we nro off for a pic-nlc, no matter whose clothes nro jammed? I went to the last one, lu spito of neuralgia, just to oblige her to stay behind. There was jut room for otic more, ami sue was nu ready with her bonnet on. How slio must havo blessed mo I She's as good as a piny ; and I wonder Captain Depard doesn't see through her ; sho throwing Isabella at his head ail the time." "Ami ho returns a kiss for a blow, eh, Clara?" and then lilanche snulied out the candle, lllanche had a headache next day, which confined her to her room. Clara Clew, the Turners, Captain Dcspard, and .Mrs. Vcxer had gone up Jlount Washington. Luigthorno had joined a hunting party the previous day, and was after a bear whose tracks tliey had found on Jlount Hayes, or Jlrs. Vexer would never havo consented to leave Isabella, who offered a cold as nn ex cuse for not miking ouo of tho excursion ists. When they came clattering home, singing through tho twilight, lllanche crept down stairs to welcome them. It must be, she thought that Langthrono had returned and was waiting for her on the piazza. How beautiful the far stars were, palpitating abovo the Pilot range, and tho mist on Junt Surprise shining liko hoar-frost ! What an illuminated page in her history had this summer at Gorham furnished ! Dut Miss Aurora and her sister Truth were alone on the piazza, lending a helping hand to their returning guests. "Where is my daughter, JIUs Aurora?" was Mrs. Vexer's first cry. "My daughter, oh, my daughter I" quoted Clar.i Clew, r.siJe. "Miss Isabella? Oh, Drown carried her and her bag over to Slielburn'e this afternoon directly after dinner, in the sundown," an swered Jliss Aurora. "To Shclburne ! And her bag! Willi her cold !" 'She wanted to meet a friend there, sho said ; and she asked mn to tell you not to look for her back to-night, so that you need n't wnrrv !'' "Needn't worry, indeed 1" and Jlr. Vex er moved away in dudgeon. "Oh, sharper than a serpent's tooth I" put in Clara Clew. "Pray, Jliss Truth, hasn't Mr. Laiigthorne killed hisbearyct? I should think it hud nine live. I anticipate J bear steak for breakfast." "I guess you needn't worry about him. Ho came back about four this afternoon, and there was a telegram that camo for him about an hour after Jliss Vcxer left ; and I helped him pack his things, he was iu such a tearing hurry, and he took the down train. Oh, you here, Jliss Deshler? How's your head? Won't you have soma tea?" "I'm all right, thanks," said Dlanche. "Isn't Jlr. Langthorno coining back?" pur sued Clara. "He didn't say, and I didn't ask him," an swered Jliss Truth, jocosely. "I dare say Jliss Deshler there can tell you. Ho paid his bill, and we shan't have to send for him unless you request it, Jliss Clara." "Which I shall do when the moon turns to green cheese," said Clara. Dut all at once the lovely outlines of the hills, the stars that leaned earthward, tho mists that glimmered upon the slopes, wero blurred ami blotted by the tears that gather ed in two dark eyes. ''You and I aro widowed to-night," said Captain Despard, letting tho flamo of tho match ho struck to light his cigarette shine on her tears an instant, "Let us bo misera ble together. Tho night time is for a sea son ; but joy cometh in the morning," he said, solemnly. "It looks exactly as if you'd refused Langthnrne," declared Clara at bed time. "I don't take any stock in that telegram, and I've always heard you were a flirt." Dut Dlanche's face was hidden iu her pillow, and the darkness was friendly to her bor row. Half a dozen ladies were hovering over tho cheerful blaze in the parlor next day for the mornings were growing chilly, when Jliss Aurora brought in the mall bag. Jhs. Vcxer was straining her eyes to catch sight of her returning daughter ; Kato Turner was counting stitches in a slipper; Illanclie was reading a novel upside down ; whilo Des pard and Clara Clew were guessing puzzles and conundiuros. "Letters for Jliss Deshler, JINs Clew and Jlrs. Vcxer," cried Jliss Aurora. "Por me I" exclaimed Jlrs. Vexer, tear ing it open, "and from Isabella I What does it mean ?" Sho ran her eyes over it ha tily, and lifted them to Dlanche's face, which was hidden behind a bhect of paper that trembled visibly. "I seo that you havo a letter, too, Jliss Deshler; I prcsumo that ono explains the other. We will exchange, if you please," said Jlrs. Vcxer, loftily. lllanche roso and staggered to the fire ; then sho seemed to reconsider, nnd turned, saying, "Perhaps you ought in justice to see it first, Jlrs. Vexer, because because it exonerates Jlr. Langthorno in part; nnd these aro all friendly pcoplo here, or mean to be." "You maybe surprised at my sudden de parture without saying ndlcu, my dear Jliss Deshler," it reads, "but I feol certain thut you nro enough my friend to give mo joy ut tho successiul manner in which I have out witted Jlrs. Vexer, nnd won Isabella's con sent to our marriago, which took placo hero at Shelburne only an hour ngo. Allow mo to bay that I should have hesitated to act the part I havo during this pleasant sum. mer, had I not known, through your old friend, Jliss Clew, of an understanding be tween yourself and Jlr. Pennon, Long may ho wnvo I lU-speclftilly yours, T. Lanotiiouni:. Whilo Isabella's scrawl run ; Dear Jhiminn. I lovo. Tom. bo dearly that 1 know you will forgivo tue fur having con sented (after long persuasion) to become your ull'cutionnte daughter, "haabelln Vexer Lngthorue, P. 8 We leavo In the night train for Quebec. As far us Jilts Deshler is con corned, you know It hits been only diamond cut diamond. 1. V, 1 of gMirttolng. U,ns,j.eo. , ruuriuKiien... ,-. ,n; , i onu column . . . '" Verlv nrt"erllseniC!il payn'iie qunnTir ira except wbero, iMrUM ' J'" Inch for thr. i tvirim 11. rHicreiiuu w kukhk ...... . .... I .. 1 rim I nl kf tti fiir M inu AIIUlLUra III. LI Ihreouqiiara. , ,,. ,. .1 Transieiivor, i.yw,., 1 H.,.iiinp niivpriisfiuuiii'T ....... .w 1 i;ani n. ."" .' ';: ,..: " dollar per year tu. 1 rri.M. .mm later it cauio to lrwrni Pennon's wira what part ho had played I that summer's roinnnco; In fact, It wssClar i-zesnaru nuu ...... - Imd dnnfi and hftvlnc been in lovo wli tu i.. .TMA hnvhnnfi it nncurreu mi hi ... j.f mm it. win uuiu v" could never havo had the courago otin wisn. nnd verv likely Dlancho would ha rcluseil mm years ngi, " what a precious tiling love was co take. Ailnrror of the Snrins-tlile. The annual ceremony of taking up, whip mull Mini 'unuih . i It is one of tue ills whicii ncn is neir 10 s cannui uu inumt'i. pleasant spring day nt peace with tho world JUUl lit) JUVC jiuuumij your wife tells you how much younger yoi iUC lUUHIII cJ " - can turn that walking uress sno wore ias li 1 . 1. u rf a npiv fitllf. (1 11 1 lllll Ullll S4VU mu --M v " - ----- 7 nieu nuu ui.a ; j w" - j . IU.C Ull .IIQ Lill - - v D 111. LUU Ull-M. ...... o.t...-, --, uu ct ...u .,., ...... - . Ai s mu nnii rrr. rinwn mi vuu I.haa nn. innm tn in m HPT. 1 fill llUl (lllll .lima u.g.ii w ...... , nbout the first three tacks, ami take them out carefully and put them in the saucer, your wife in tho meantime beguiling you with an interesting story about your neighbor's little boy. When you come to tho tack with a crooked head, anil you get. !,., .in.ta. ti n,i,1 ttm lipiirl mid leather comes off, as it won't do to leave tno lac in the floor, becauo it will tear the carpet when it is again put down, you go to work nnd skin your knuckle, and then you tell your wife to stop talking about tho neigh bor's boy, and mako up your mind that it does not make any difference about that tuck. So you begin on the comer where tho carpet is doubled two or three times, and has been nailed down with n single nail. You don't care to save the nail, because you find that it is not a good time for tho prac tice of economy ; but you do feel a littlo hurt when both claws break off from the claw, and tho nail does not move. Then your manhood asserts itself, and you arise in your might and throw the carpet claw at the dog. You then get hold of the carpet with both bunds, the air is full of dust and flying tacks, there is a fringe of carpet yarn all along by the mopboarel, the baby cries, and then your wife says you ought to bo ashamed of your self; but that carpet comes up. Then you lift one side of tho stove and your wife tries to get the carpet from under it, but cannot, because you aro standing on it. So you try a new hold, and just after your back breaks the carpet is clear. You are not through yet. Your wife don't tell any more littlo stories, but intimates that the carpet needs whipping. When you hang the tormenting thing on the line the wrong way and have it slide off into tho mud and get half a pint of dust and three broken tacks into your mouth you make an observation which you failed to mention whilo in the house. Then you hunt a stick and go for that carpet. The first blow hides tho sun behind a cloud of dust, and right in tho center of that cloud, you wield that cudgel until both hands aro blistered. You can whip tho carpet a longer or shorter ppriod according to the size of your mad, as it don't mako any difference to the carpet, for it is juit as dusty and fuzzy after you have whipped it two hours as it was when you commenced. Then you bun dle it up and stumble into tho house nnd have more trouble with tho stove, and fail to find any way of using the carpet stretcher whilo you stand on tho carpet, and fail to find any placo to -stand off tho carpet, and you get on your knees again.while yourwifo holds the saucer and, with blind confidence, hands you broken tacks crooked tacks tacks with no leathers tacks with tho lar gest ends at the points. Fnally the carpet is down, your wife smiles sweetly, and Bays she is glad the job is off her mind, Seamins. When the seals havo reached tho killing ground they aro allowed a certain time to rest and cool, after which about ono hundred are driven together into nn inclosure, ar.d the fittest aro selected for slaughter. Tho others are allowed to go down to tho nearest water, whence they at once mako their way back to the sea. Tho instrument of destruc tion is a long club of hard wood, with which the animals are struck a violent blow on the head. One is usually sufficient. A long, sharp knife is then thrust into tho vitals ami the carcass laid aside, and so on until about ono thousand havo been slain, when tho work of skinning commences. When taken off, the skins nro salted, and sent home In that condition. On arrival hero they aro properly cured and then comes the prepara tion needed fur their conversion into what Is popularly called "seal-skin." It is difficult to conceive how that beautiful nrtielo of dross can ever bo manufactured nut of tho very unattractive object tho skin presents nt this juncture. It i hard nnd unyielding as n board, and tho stiff, coarse hairs cover tho fur so completely that its very existence might be unsuspected. In the trado n full aged male is called n"wigj" a female, "clap match ;'' males not quite so old, "bulls ;" tho half-grown of both sexes, "yearlings ;" tho young of nearly a vear old. "trrav" m 'silvered pups ;" and before their coats aro changed to this shade, "black pups," The problem to he solved is how to separate tho under fur. Por many years each individual hair was plucked out severally, nt, of course, n vast expenditure of time and money, until a lucky nocldent revealed to tho dressers the fact that the roots of tho hair were more deeply seated than thoso of tho fur. Now, therefore, after preliminary preparation, the skins aro laid hnir dswnwnrd upon n wood en block with a curved surface, nnd pnred (town with a knife until tho roots or tho hair have been cut through, and tho skin Is very little thicker than a kid glove. All (ho coarser hair can then bo brushed off with the hand, leaving tho fur, which is then seen to bo arranged in small curls, of a light brown color, varying slightly In shitde in the dlfl'ercnt parts. In consequence nearly all "senl-skiu" is dyed before It is sold, nnd in the process of dyeing the curls untn 1st them fcclves, and tho fur becomes smooth nnd ready for tue. Tho profits mado in denlintf In furs must bo worth having. Tho value cf I'uch skin that leaves the Prybiloy Islands, now our main source of fur f, is trifling, Tho Government of tl.e United States imposts, it Is true, a icyriiue of )i u skin, to which must be ndded the cost ot the muln euuncu of an establishment lu so remote asp. ; but even niter all allowances hiive Win in tic I r this nnd other expeutt'M in Kuioi'i, lln pi- o demanded for a jacket must still lioriLurdttl us extravagant. (.onteii'j'Oi anj Jtn i ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers