THE COLUMBIAN. HI, 00 MR II II It (I, I'll I HAT,, MAY Ii, ISTfl Rail Tlmo Talilc LACKAWANNA ft llt.OO.M.HIIUI!l KAIL ItOAI) Accommodation Train, 0.49 A.M. Mall Train ;,40 A. M Kxprcss Trnln 1.B3 P.M. " " r.,84 r, M. CATAWlfiSA IIAII, ItOAI). NORTH. Accommodation Train , 0.29 A. M. llcgular Express , 8,M r, jl. SOUTH, T.4'P A. Jl. 0. 8 1'. M ll.M A. M flll'TIt 7,80 1', M. 11.3.1 A.M. Through cars on Kxprcss train either lo New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between (.'atanlisa ami Wllllamsimrt. Mr, C, 11. Snyiler of 1 lie llcrwlck Independent w.M in town this week. Caiullilates wWilnj,' i lie! r names nnnonnred must m every case pay In iiJvance. This rule of the ollicu U Invariable. Extensive mount itn fire aro rcnorteil In illf ferent parU of the Stalo ami largo quantities of Vftlunulo timber havo been iIelroyeil, Wo find tlio following oliort lint expressive statement in the Sullivan Democrat! Snow covers the ground. Ht. Kcv. M. A. DeWolfo Howe, Illshop of this tlioswe, held services in St. I'mil's Church on Monday night last. AcciIiKNT. Millard Ituch. boh of Mnrrin Iluch, of Shicksliinny, had three fingers on the lelt liaml cut oil at tlio planing mill of Kreas Hrotlitrs, yeslenlay. Jhrmek Independent. A chap is wandering through the land tnking the pictures of children In the public schools lor twenty-live cents each. Ho says the pictures arc for exhibition at the Cintcnnial. lie is said to he a firt-c!ass fraud. M. V, Ksler has shown us an ore. hud hv one of his light Iirahma hen, which moaiirus 0 x 73 inches, We thought it was ahont time lor l,oliiiiil)i:i county to sliow some large hen fruit and she certainly has done egg-cellently well. Houlzdale, Clearfield county, has eighty one voters and eighteen applicants for license to sell whiskey. This would give one gin mill lo every four and a half voters. Kleclioiis ought to be spirited m that town. A prisoner in the Luzerne county jail writes to n friend, as follows . "My thus is out on the tenth of next month, hut they will hold me ninetv davs for co-t and fini'. I want you to get a i.ieycar to get me out tinner Hie Solomon act. Thorn is much indignation expressed at tint chime in the watering-trough act which limits its provisions to counties containing -Ij.OOO in habitant and upward. We would statu fur the benefit of our readers that Columbia County is not affected by the act. The a meeting of the Columbia county Agricultural Society, for the election of olliecr, will be held in the Opera House at ISIuotinburg, on Saturday, May SOili, at two o'clock 1. M. ly order of Executive Committee. .1. 1'. Connou, Chairman. 2w. The Villianiport Ilullttin man ha seen the first dead sparrow ever found in that city, and declares that the bird's plumpness was so re markable as to induce the jury on iho Inquest to find the verdict, "died of gout." It will not prove a warning to the rest of the greenly little twitierers wo will wag, r. It is said that the name of Hon. Clias. I!. Iluckalew will be the inu-t prominent in the lift of candidates for the Congressional nomina tion in this district. Danville lltcurd. Mr. Iiuekalew informs us that iheabove state ment is utterly tmlriiu ; that lie is not a can didate for Congressional honors. We are not much of a doctor, but. our obser vations would lend us lo believe, tint constant inelerale lobacco smoking produce cancer. Leuitburg 1 la aid. Can, sir, you cite a caso where a cancer, cm, sir, be dirtctly traced to the use ut tnwuen? lleeausc if you can, sir, we'll change our opin ion. The Titusville Courier does not lake kindl to Gov. Tilden, of New Yoik,as a l'rcsiilintial cimliilute on the contraiy, quite the it-verso. The Qiurier thinks Tilden a traitor, who con tributed to the defeat of the Ohio and I'ein. sylvania Democrats last fall, and says: "Give us Jinias Iseariot sooner than Sam. J Tilden." Iseariot, however, is a dead a Colfax. Our dignified friend from CatnuUi-a, M. (1, Hughes, took his scat as Associate Judge on the opening of Court last Monday. IIu is a genllemen of lino appearance, plraing nil dies3 and easy manners, and will fill the office of Associate with credit to him-elf and advan tage to the public. Mr. Hughes is well known in the county and he was the recipient of many cordial congratulations on entering upon judi cial lile. There was a largo fire in the lumber district of Williantfport, last Friday, which exlendid over eight or ten acres nnd destroyed soiuu 8, 000,000 feit of lumber. The loss is estimated ut SI -3,000. The principal sufferers are May n ird Si Co, Iiunslcud Si l'lyim and tlin Will iumport Furniture Co. Siinbury, Watmn town and Lock Haven sent ingiues and fire men to uid in extinguishing the lhmcs. The tire i thought lo have been the w ork of an in cendiary, XCk liaven't much faith in camphor a a pre ventive of destruction by moths. On the con trary we have a firm belief thai moths like the ling ami get fat un it. A couple of years ago we packed away an overcoat, fairly tilled with cam phor, and tied up ill a heavy papcrsack. When cold weather set in wo examined that coat and found that the moths hud been wealing it all Miuimer, and found too that there was a per ceptiblo diminution in the quantity of camphor. Since then we liavtn't advised any bidy to pack their goods in camphor, cxcipt in instances whtie we didn't like (lie people and wished to see them travelling about in winter wiih their clothes full of holew. The follow ing appears among the court pro ceedings in the Wilkes l!.irro llicord of the Time, of last week; Dye r C. Moss was Irlcd for adultery and nc qilitttd. It iipptars that Mr. Moss, who, by the wiiv lias liev. alttuhtd to his name, is living in Columbia County wilh n setond wife, his liist lawful wife living and the prosecutrix In ihl case, The law lixts the place) w here the offence is committed us the place for trial, and this dis ciples of "llrighum," os the attorney fur Iho luostcullon nplly styled him, happening to live jint across the line in Columbia County, cscap id on a mere technicality. Hut the jury min ed determined to give expression lo their opin ions in some way, und so they saddled the costs .of prosecution upon liliu, KINNKY.-ln Dlocmsburg, Apill KCth lilt, Mrs. Huniiah Kinney, ugid 62 jenrs, 3 months ami so slays. 'Uie ileienml va lie wife of Marshall (1. Kinney of lids plute. Her maiden name was Hie was bom in Milllin township, fiom thence moving lo L'ght Stint, and ubout eight jeuiHiigo (nine tu Hlooimburgi where she has flnec resided, blie hud been in poor health for n long time but bore her ulllictlons with pa tit nt resignation, She wus burled on Saturday the l!0lh of April, In the Cemetery ut lllooins burg, ulltnded by n large concourse of relative und friends, Hlio was a good woman, having been a number of Hie Methodist Church over 15 ytuis, und at last, when the summons came, she was ie signed und now sleep In Jieuiv., Wo give this week ft verbatim report of Ex Gov, Pollock's address at the opening of our Htato Normal School, It was" delivered extern p ire whit h may account for the blunders and iioihciko In it. The cue of William l'lslicr for the uso of his wife against tho estate of Charles Conner, was tried before arbitrators last Saturday, and ex cited much interest. Tho arbitrators gave an award of $U3M, for tlio plaintiff. An nppeal has been taken. At tho nnniial meeting of the llloomburg 'Ins Company held May 1st. 1870. Iho folhmine oflici-M'rnTtl Managers wero elected for the en suing ytar. President, Samuel Knorr; Treas urer, H. C. llittenbenderj Hoard of Ma-iagers, I. S. Kiilin, Geo. E. Elvrcll, C. W. Miller, A. S. Turner, Wm. Peacock. William James wa killed, on Wednesday morning, about 8 o'clock, by n fall nf top oro which caved in on him in Waterman St Heaver's mine, which runs under Welsh Hill, Jut be yond the steam mill, He was crushed and liv ed onl about three minutes after t'.io nccident. Ho was atout C2 years of age. His son James, wlio was working with Mm in the mine, was seriously but not fatally injured. Montour American. Now that the birds nnd flowers havo made their appearance, turo signs that Spring is nt hand, it is time for our merchants to begie ad vcrtislng. A crop of this kind planted early is sure to bring a rich harvest. Put in your seeds, gentlemen, now, and you will reap greenbacks and silver coin in the months lo come. You cannot bhme Ihe petiplo for not buying if you do not let them know voti have anything to sell. Wo are convinced that English sparrows arc not what they are cracked up to be, in fact that they are nuisanc s. The robin and blue birds tint forycar have built their net and sung their song in the Court Iii,no enehnuro, have been driven away by the pugnacious aud abusive sparrows and no longer aflord us tho pleasure of watching their house-keepliig labor and listen ing to their cheerful warbling. "Which is whv we remark" that sparrows are humbug aim frauds. Itoid Supervisors would do well to work bri-kly on the roads now nnd repair the dam ages caused by Ihe frosts and storms of winter. In many places deep ruts have been worn by wheels anil gutters washed by rains, which are destructive to wagon springs and annoying to travelers. A few days work in each township will rcme'dy all Ihe'se defects and put the roads in good order. If the people will pay attention they can soon ascertain which supervisors are efficient and worthy of their positions and act accordingly at the next election. It is really delightful in these times of busi ness depression to come across an encouraging item in market quotation. We learn that ".i lovely polonaise, can be bought this Spring for SM3." Great Caesar, how cheap I No family should be without one. We have no doubt that number of hesitating young men, contempla ting matrimony, will read the intelligence wilh tears of delight in their eyes and incontinently rush into married life. Kconomy after all is the only sure foundation for cither Bocial or na tional life. The following ordinance, amending oidinance number 1, section VIII., latter part of article 1 of Town Ordinances wa passed at a regular meeting of the Tow n Council held May lid : Tomi Ordinance AiimliT 'JO ; m Ordinance re lating lo the runnini at larye nf cattle. l!j it oi'daimd and enacted by the Town Council of the Town of Hloomsbiirg, and it is hereby ordained mid enacted by the same: That it shall not be lawful for any cow or cattle to run at large within the said limits at any lime during the hours of night between eight o'clock p. in. and six o'clock a. m., and any ani'ual so found running at large, contrary lo the legu latinos hen-in made, shall be immediately siized by the Town Constable and taken to the pound and therein eooliiiid, l'-is-ed May K.l, 1S70. I). LoWIlNllKllll, President of Town Council. Attest: Wirt, Secretary. I'lH'UT ritouiiKWNas. The May term of tho Columbia County Courts convened on Monday May 1-t, His Hon or William Klwcll and Associates M. G. Hughea and Irani Derr on the bench. The commission of M. G. Hughes a Associ ate Judge to fill the vacancy e'aucd by the death of lion. Gcoige Scott was presented lo the Court and read. The I azletnu Hiiilding & Saving Finn! As sociation vs Stephen II. Swank. Order of court made slaying writ tu sell on payment of Still!. 11. In the estate of Sylvester Pealer, dee'd. Auditor's report making distribution confirmed nisi. In the mailer of Iho distribution of the fund nriing from the sale of the real estate of Wm. U. Kdgar. Auditor's report confirmed nisi. Win. Houghton appointed overseer of the pjir of Pine township. Audiloi's report making dislributlon of Iho fund Irom the sale of the real estate cf I). Sny der anil 1). Snvder A Co. confirmed ni-i. Auditor's u port making distribution in the estate of John Llndin, dee'd. confirmed nisi. Auditor's rc oil making distribution of the estate of Aihel Fowler, dee'd. continued nisi. Auditor's report milking distribution of the fund arising from the sale of real estate of S, W. Haker (onl'iimed nbl, Tho folio wing were eho-rn tipstaves for first week : L. Worts, M. K, Cox and Michael Wal ler. For second week : M, IC. Cox and Dan iel Xevhard, Com. vs S. Miller, lion pro, entered on pay ment of COsl. Coin, vs W. Giger, nou pro, entered on pay ment of co-ls, Com. vsC. Krcssiir, Itecognizaiice in ?00O. liepnit of viewers of a toad In Cutawissa confirmed nbl, width fixed at itet. In the estate of Weslev Johnson, dee'd, re turn of Inquest eoufirmel ni-i. In tho estate of Jiiuies Hess, dee'd. Auditor's repoit making dUtiibutiou eontiimed nisi. Auditor's repoit making distilbiltlou of fund arising fiom sale of mil istate of Charles Lee, confirmed nisi, Com, vs Wm. Fry, non pros, entered on pay ment of cosl. llaian vs Alkin, Auditor's icport making distribution of proticds of She-rill's sale, con firmed nisi. in the matter of the lunucy nf Alexander X'ollcv. Inquest eeuifituud und ordered thai Stott K. Colley pay tho costs. Solomon Sliumau appointed Supervisor of Catawiss.i township. In (lie eslalo of Catharine Pealer, Citation awarded. In the eslato of Daniel Pealer Citation awarileil. In Iho eslale of Sarali Pealir.Citaliou awaid- cel. Com, vs Henry Lundoii, liecogulzauce of defendant und G, II, Gordner in the mini of $ii()U fur appearance at court. In the matter of tho application of Huel Fuller for the benefit of the insolvent laws. Court fix Ihe first day of next trim fur hear ing, ciRiial notice lo be given to creditors fifteen duys before that lime. In ti.o estate of Mary Fount, dea'd. Inquest awarded. In Ihe estate of Jonas Helwlg dee'd. The persons mimed in the petition for Inquest chos en tu make partition. Charles H. J)icksoii npKIuted guardian of William Plitciihcuder ai.d Klizabelli Hiltcnben eler. Com, vs. Wllllum C. Koolt, Fornication und baturdy. A true bill. TUE COLOMBIAN AN.D lrl tile liiatltr ofhphoihtmcnt of CtJmtflitled of Oarnh Peffg, John A. I'unstem nppolhtetl, bond In ?1600, T, J. Vandtrslico approval as surely. In tho estato of Benjamin llozellc. Inquest n warded. Pctltpm of Samuel Wnrnlz for guardian. John Keller appointed, bond in $200, Alfred lles surety. Itcport of viewers of n road In Mt. Pleasant township near widow Vandcrsllco's confirmed nisi. Com. vs Wm. C. Scott, Fornication and ban ardy. Defendant plead guilty. Court sen- fenced him to pay a fine of SIS and costs of prosecution, $30 to Amanda Johnson and $1 per week for the support of the child until it is seven year old and give, bond In $1000 lo poor overseer of Heaver township lo indemni fy said township against support of the child. Com. vs Milton Charles, Assault and laltery. Not a true bill, prosecutor James Strohm to pay costs nnd give bail to the Sheriff tu pay the same within ten days nnd stand committed un til the sentence i complied with. Iteport of vicweis of a road in Calawlssa township near Theodore Schmtck's confirmed nisi. Co vs Cox. Divorco decreed from tho bonds of matrimony. Co. n. vs John E. Kathhun nnd John II. Gable. Forcible entry nnd delnlncr. Shaffer vs Shnfier. Divorce decreed from the bonds of matrimony. In the matter of the division of Locust twp. Heport of viewers reporting against a division confirmed nisi. Petition for n bridgo In Main twp. near the Forge. J. 11. Knitile, M. M. llrobst nnd Charles Kreigh appointed viewer. Application of the minor children of Jacob Harris, dee'd., for allowance. Ordered that the guardian be allowed lo appropriate the in terest or a gum equal thereto out of the estate of each ward for support. ltoad in Locust twp. near Keinstown; excep tions overruled nnd report conlirmtd, Hepoit of viewers of an alley in Citawlssa near Soil's shop confirmed nisi; width 15 feet. Petition for viewers of a roid in Hloomsbiirg and Scott twp. Win. Lamon, lsalnh Hower und Samuel N'eyhard appointed. Petition of minor children of George Fetter man, dee'd., for guardian, J. II. Vastine ap pointed. M. G. Hughes approved a surety, Hond $100 for each ward. Com. vs Frank P. Kvan, Assault, Not n true bill. Com. vs Abncr Shaffer, Assault. True bill. Com. vs John Hrookin', Asault. True bill. Hridge across l.oaring creek between Nm ill iimbcrlanei and Columbia Counties. Grand Jury report in favor of bridge confirmed and ap proved by the Court. Com. vs Alexander Collcy and Mary Colley Malicious Hurtling. Not a true bill. Heport of viewers of a public road in Madi son twp. near Wesley Johnson's confirmed nisi, width fixed nt 33 feet. Petition for viewers of a road in Heaver twp. near Glen City. F. K. Hense, Isaac Yelter and Wm. T. Shuman appointed. Final report of the Grand Jury made to the court. Head and filed. The peiition of Samuel II. Grover for the appointment of guardian. Samuel Snyder ap pointed. Nathan H. Casey and Hightcr W. Smith approved a surety, bond in S'2000. I. K. Krickbaum appointed guardian of mi nor children of LavinaLutz. K. J. McIIenry ap proved as surety bond in $1000 each. In tho estate of David Davis. Inquest award ed and publication ordered. Application for License of Michael Frant withdiawii, Appplication for License of W. II. Clemens withdrawn after partial hearing. ltr.roltT OI' THE GRAND .WHY. The grand inquest of Ihe Commonwealth of Pennsyli-ania inquiring for the body of Ihe County of Columbia, respectfully report. That we have pursuant to our lequired duly calmly and deliberately investigated all the bills'of In dictment presented for our consideration at this lime, and have passed upon them accord ing to their merit. That we have examined the public buildings nnd fin-! the j til clean a a could be expceled under present circuiii-t.iuce's.and also find the jail yard anils in a poor condition, not sufficient to hold pii-oners if they have any de-ire to step out. Wc recommend that the County Commission ers as soon as possible build a new jiil and jail yard, believing money spent on old walls is muney thrown away. And also re-comuicml that the County Commissioners procure a jani tor to t ike care of Public Kuildings, Grounds and Prisoners, and nlso recommend that tho stone wall under iron fence on Kast side of Courtllouse be repaircd.and recommend thatlhe lraverse Jury chiirs to be' cushioned. II. J. I!r;i:i)i:it, Foreman. Counterfeiting live rent nickel pieces i rath er small business, but It i done and so sjeces fully that the siijieiintcndent of lite mint stales the counterfeits aro of the proper weight, size and finish and arejiM as valuable as the good coin. I hey can only bo detected by the imper fect impression of the motto "In God we tru-t," These nickels only cost the government one half cent each and we presume the counterfeit ers have brought their expenses in an equally low hiiis. As thn counterfeits are as valuable as tho genuine coins, there would seem to be every probability that Ihey will continue in circulation, Theso lihkels are frauds ami should hi) abolished by the government authori ties. An exchange tells of another victim of the "intelligent compositor." An enthusiastic critic who had been to seo Jaimieheck, the famous actress, wrote a Haltering notice Tin which oe. cured ihe following phrase: "the triple crown of youth, beauty and genius, and with these t'.tlo deeds to" Sia. The compositor thought ho knew all about the matter and the moriiin pa per conlaineil the following : "ihe triple crown of youth, beauty mi I genius, and with these little tlmlt Ut fame" Aie. Tho iouiHitor still lives but the crilio drive-s a le-ain and has for saken literature. Fractional currency i getting scarce, silver is being hoarded, niul tho opinion pre vails in Congressional circles that it will soon becouio ncccksarv to pass si bi 'l of re lief. ' If you ful that everything goes wrong, if you want In get up curly' In the morning, It you have a pain in Ihe stomach, lake a dose of 'Dr. Hull's Vegetable. Pills, A. Hisrome-Ai, Fait. Kvery ngentwhoha been slciulily selling the Iinpioved $110 Home stead Sewing Mae bine for three years, owns his dwelling house, has a good iiexiont in bank, is clear ol dibi, und has money ut Interest. Un natural consequence of securing a good agency for superior goods at ihe lowest prices. A goo'd first-class Sewing Machine, most useful reliable ut all times, easy lo understand nnd control, the same sue and does the same work us any ma chines thut sell ut four limes the price, There Is no machine at uny price belter, or that will do finer or nioie work, and certainly nouo so low In nrice by many dollars. The tioinesli-ad I widely known unit used in thousands of fam ilies in ihe Kiistern und Middle Stubs, und dai ly becoming populur In the We-st. It will suie its ceist several limes ove r in one season, doing iho work of the family, ur w"l m four or lie dollars a day for uny mini or woman who sews for u living. It is the slrt.ngest machine made, is reuily tit all limes In do its woik, makes Iho stiongttt and finest slitih (t iuvinlul, audi fully Htkuowlidgtd us the Stuuduid Family Sewing Machine. Price, complete for domes lie use, fc'.'O, delivered at your door, no mutter how remote you may trsldc, Husluess pe-iuia-m lit aud honorable, with more eerlaln ami rap id sules, und larger profits than any oilier, Kx truoidlniiry liberal oilers uiudu lo local or trav eling ngents where we have nouo established; or, if iheie is no agent near you, send jour or der direct to tho fuctorv, Additas John H, Kendall A Co., 1)30 Hrimdwuy, New York. ihyt5,701y. DEMOCRAT, JJLOOAltiBUliG, COLUMBIA COUN'JL irrtittl 6ur lttgular Corrsipondtinl.t Centennial Letter. How Ihe Preparations I'TogrtttTlie CUI nf Living Where Vitilort can gel Ihexr Ilea utar 'xIIaih" and Leave their J'ocUt-llookt A Large Cloth liter or no JJeer, Vtat't the Quctlion. Tlie tenth ot May was approaching fast. An tliouirh a ijiukur villain! pusscd A youth who time, tor Hooilly price, A uanner wuu inc. pruuu ucvico, "CCnWDUIAI." A week lias mndo little, chnngo in tlio as pect of Centennial affairs, though n very lurgo quantity nf exhibitors' stock has itrrl veil during llmttlino Tho work nf impark ing nnd aminglng it Is going forward with rapidity, while u good (leal lien nround loose in boxes on tho grounds and in the build ings, Hut ntiyhow, it is here, nnd gives en coiirnging evidence that tln-ro is going to bo something to sec after nil, At emu tlmu there win almost n complete blockade in the unloading of car, but better system Is now observed, nnd tlio work goes on tnoru smooth ly. Them Is soino tnlk of putting on n dou ble force all around, exhibitors und nil, nnd working night and day to hasten the un packing nnd arranging process, nnd unless lliis is decided upon, tho situation May 10th will be ubout as Indicated in my last letter. I notlco Hint n great many "things" for warded for exhibition tiro considerably dam aged in triinspoitntion. So far, more than two-thirds of tho' articles in the building (re from foreign exhibitors. The interest man ifested by foreign countries and foreign en terprise is renllv nstoiiishinp, nnd will not bo lully realized except by t hose who wit ness it. 'J ho question of expense is the all impor tant one lo tnoH people who contemplate seeing tho show. Hcsides the item of rail road fare, there Is the matter of living while hero, llotli 'heso Items of expense nro go ing to be too high for tho majority of peo ple unless they take a tumble, though the cost of living promises to be less extortion nto than the cost of getting here. The leading hotels havo put their prices nt .15 ppr day, averaging" $1 more than their ordinary prices. This is, of course, an outrage, yet there is noway to prevent it nnd they justi fy themselves on tho ground that they will bo "chock full" with people who can nfforil to pay high rnte. The most modest hotels will charge fiom f3 to $1 per day, prices which they could not get at any otlier time. Hut they all expect to be full, and more than full, nnd are providing themselves with extra cols for uso in their nnrlors and mite- room?. To them, ns to business people of every class tiere, "hope tells a nattering tale," and we will not wish them any disap pointment. The Philadelphia merchant whose coffers the (lull times have lately de pleted tells his importunate- creditor to wait till after the Centennial and he waits. Hut aside from the hotels there is the ever lasting boarding house, more numerous hero at tuts tune tnnn in any other city on eartli except Washington. In these, peoplo can live at a little less than hotel rates, although in proportion to tho accommodations and luxuries oll'ered their charges lire the high est. About two dollars per day is the com mon price among them, and from tlint to tnree dollars, l had a plain conversation with a woman who runs one of them a tlav or two since, just alter she bad shown mo a mile corner room nhout seven by nine, fcau tily furnished, in which she proposed to put two persons at two dollars per day each. In ordinary times slio would Lave had hard work to rent it to ono person at eight dollars or nino dollars per week with board, but she sam mo centennial JjOUcmcr and lioarc ne House Association bad established these rates and recommended ticoole to maintain them There is no reason why the people oi riiuaueipiiin suouict plunder visitors to the city by means of unusual nnd unreason able charges, but they look forward to it as their harvest, and intend to make tlio most of it. They present this view of tho case openly and freely, and argue that increased demand justifies increased price. Thre are picniy nt patriotic people here whoso inter est in the Centennial is entirely apart from any motives of gain, but they nro neither iiio irauesmen nor keeners ol carav.mserips. The rales given above cover about the range of coat ns far as can bo rccrulaled hv tho lodging-house monopoly, but those who come. 10 stay any length ol time ami rre willing to go out some distance on the lines of street cars can do heller. A joint Mock concern Known as me ratrons Ojutennial Knciinn input bi's been organized with a capital of vioim'uu, arid is creeling iimidings on a lor ty acre tract at Kim Station on the Pemisvl vania railroad. The plan is to rent rtoins at ono dollar per day, and furnish meals nt fifty cents, though the farmins classes who are expected to patronize it may bring their ow n priivisiuiis u iney enooso The clock for Memorial Hall lins been completed in Tlinmnston, Conn. It has 1, 100 pieces, the estimated weight nf all be ing six tons. The main wheels are four feet in diameter. Tho pendulum ball nnd rod wcigli respectively 700 and 800 pounds, the rod neing nj leet long and connected witli the clockwork by what is known as gravity ese-apempiit, and makes two-second beats'. The rod is of steel, and to compensate for contraction and expansion is encased in two cylinders, one of zinc and one of steel, which by their relative expansion upward, mnin- lain a uniiorm centre ot oscillation. A meeting of the full board of Commis sinners is now in session, forty-one States and Territories being represented. Among the problems that weigh heavily upon the minds of all this assembled wisdom is the (iiip.tiou whether Honor of nnv sort shnll bo sold upon the grounds. It lias been decided to close tlio grounds on btinday. A Wiiiki.y AiTi.ic.uu.r. Itr.MKiiv. Few remedies are applicable to such a wide range of disorders as Hostettcr's Stomach Hitters, and this not because it lias special properties adapted to the cure of each suciin pretence would be manifestly absurd but on account of its wonderfully improving cllcct upon the general tone ot uie system, and lis altera tive action upon Iho organs of tiiitritliin. se cretion and dischnrge. Itesidts its well known properties as a remedy for intermit tcntiind remittent fevers, dyspepsia, consti pation, torpidity of the liver, general debil ity, urinary niul uterine iliHicullies, it invn- riuuiy proves to ue highly serviceable in overcoming nuei'miii. hypochondria, rhcuina tisin, insomnia, and many otlier disorders and disabilities originating in poverty or im purity of the blood, nervous weakness or iiver-cxcitenient, or an imperfect perlorni ance ot the physical functions. May. It is said that at last the Piesident's eyes are being opened. The press lias been try ing to open them with ciowbars of infor mation for seven years. It is no merit in a President that ho won't believe in lightning until he is struck. Ar. '. Herald. Messrs. lCnittle it Abbott, Calawissa, aro now limy prepared lo niruish tlio best i)iiallty ot Lime irom their own kilns, and tanners, cannot do better than to cull on them. They have also a large and carefully selected stock of Lumber of all crudes niul keep on hand thn best Family Coal. For I I-... s..l I 1 1. H i U.1I UI'U X44 ill Uvl, JI1IIIIU l- .AUOOll are the men to suit you. Fakjikub, AllJNlloN. ltussel takes Hulter Kggs, Lard and J'roduce in exchange for goods II US' IXl'MTOlUNTiTho treat Kemedy for ciaitl.s, ( elds, Cci.ti.n j llr.ri, una nil IHse uses or the llirout unit Hint's. Will cuie, ami otlcnwiieii tlie case nppuiiiill) lioitliss. Vedu not iiieun lo suy, tlml win n tlie lupgH me elistrojea any niiellchie can iiiniriuiiiiuiiii,, inn no uu my, niul ir a person lius u Violent touuli, Mi-lit MiiaUs, treeplnc Villus. Is ei iiili.e a tu led a ein e may l e eile-e ted. J, H. lmnlel Cot lieur Mrs I liau- used linos' Kxpeilorsnt In my (anilly tor Vi) jeurs, und tune tlio ex ii li ot snowing its cnut inerllH.and do glad ly itceumiind It to all fcumrim with inosei ou. In tblnt' ccmplalutu tor which It is Iniended OEN. W, KEIFS.NYDKIt. nillllrOllB, (1U10, VOY. 10, 1ST6. ' 'l ry ill I'llICK w VENTB. bold by all UmcKlits. l'eb. It. 8IU COAL. ' COAL Old Established Coal Yard. O. W. Nkai, & lino., Wholesale Si Itctnil Dealers in all lzes ot tho best qualities o( lted and White AbIi Coal, at tho very lowest market rates, llavocoustniitlvonbandlnnro stocks of Domestic, Cupola, lllaeksmith's Anthracite, Hitumlnoiis, aud Llmcburucr's Coal. Kspccial attention given to the prenara- tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken In exchango for coal. Coal delivered U) any part of tho town at short notice. Orders felt at I, W. McKclvy's store, or nt our ollice, will receive prompt at tention. Oilico and Yards ut William Ncal e Sons' Furuace, Kast Illoomsburg. Your i uirouuge rcspecuuiiy soiicitcu, COAIi. 17-tf 25 COAL Busiiicss Notices Acciur.NT. -Huv an Accident Policy of M, W. Nuss, oflico Court llouso Hlooins burg. Espytown Steam Planing Mill for sale er rent Address, N. U bunk, March 21-tf lib oinsburg, Pa, For Kent A first-class oflico in the Co- lumhian Building, fronting tlio Court House. Apply at this office. tf. Great arrival offspring and Summer GooiK Just received at K. Jf. Ktiorr'r, A fine nisnrtment of Pocket Hooks of nil kinds, nt Mover Hros., just received. - Itlbbons. Tics. Kcru Nets and Laces. No tions of nil kinds, Kid Gloves, Corsets,Hnnd kerchiefs. Linen Suits, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Stockings and Fancy Goods ut Clark ec Wolf's. Lutz Si Sloan will recclvo their stock of new bun Umbrellas and Paraols this week Go nnd see the nice lot of Dress Goods nt I. W. Hailiuiin's. Canned fruits of all kinds at llussell's. The most fastidious taste in tho matter of Willi Paper can be unit lied at Georrro A. Clark's store. Ills stock comprises a myriad of Patterns and embraces ail prices. All kinds ofHeddinp Plants for sate by J. L. Dillon Florist. Iiloomsburir Pn. Plants sent safely by mall to any address, to verocnas lor si.uu otlier rianu in pro portion. Send for price list. A motto for every man : "Uuy your cloth ing nt D. Lowcnbcrg's " There is still more of that standard 0 cent Trint, and tlio best Prints at 8 rents peryard anil less uy inn holt, at Ulark- A WoliV. .Tames Hill, Commission Merchant for the purchase and sale ol Grain, Hour, reed, Haled liny, Hutter, Kggs, Cheese, Lnid, Po- iiitoes, A pies, eve , l'ltlslon, i'a. Consign incuts solicited. April 21-0w A large lot ofUasc Halls, of tho latest and urst patterns, lints c, now on hand at Geo. A. Clark's book store. 300 Pairs Slippers at McKinncy's. M. M. Hussell pays -10 cents a pound for o'jttcr. Attention, farmers. You can buy at Clark & Wolf's Dress Goods and have a larct stock to select from nt prices less than before the war times. I-ull lino ol Trimmings in silk and woolen Linen, Fringes, Lace and the latest varie ties. Call. The stock nf D. Lowenberg is now replete with all the leadinr tinveltipu for snritiir nmt summer wear (.'nil nnd sen thn lpuditiiT siyits ai Li. iowenoerg s. Go and bcc tho 9 cent Fringo at I. W. jiuniuuii s. Chamois Skins. Hair Oils. Colopiics and Florida Water at Mover Hros., A" new lot and cf unusually good quality. A good Photograph is not easy to find,but Brown, on Main Street, can take you one, sure to suie. Something new, the celebrated Shoes for lsiiuics exceeds the world lor comfort. Call and buy them at K. M. Knorr's. Ladies Lasting Gaiters 1.23 at McKin ney's. Opinions vf the Public. "The largest and beat stock of Clothing." John Smith. "The best fitting ready-made Clothing." lirown. "Kconomy and durability combined." Jones. "In fact, no man should be without a Suit oi t lotics irom JJ. Lowenberg s. Public opinion, $1.2!i cents will buy a nice pair of Lady uuuers at 1j. m. Knorr s. Piles of Dress Goods yet at Clark it Wolf's which will be sold for cash or produce at prices which will astonish. Cull and sec i hem. Flour and Feed at M. M. ltussell's. Iothk Pl lil.ic. W. II. Ilrown lias re ceived from the ciiy markets a full supply of Fruits, canned aiul dried, foreign and do- mcMic, in eery uescripuoii, iresn :iuu goon. His Groceries embrace all arieties from high to low. His Teas are. from 30 cents to Jl for new crop Tens. Such Groceries as his are good tilings to have about tbe house better than Greenbacks. People have it in their teeth, oat and cet fat on them nnd sleep veil o' nights. Kvery body night to buy tli e in and keep them, so to speak. You can flu J in Hrown's Store tie chen pest set of Iron-Stone China Ware, imported at tlie lowest figures. His Wood and Wil low Wares arc extremely cheap. His Fish and .iiacKcrei, new and unglit, by he quar ter, half and whole barrel at the honest pri ces. Full weight and warranted to give satisfaction or can be returned. He keeps llie Paragon Dried Meats Heef Tongue and Venison sliced in lb boxes. Ho sells tho Gold Soap a prize of one gold dollar in every box. Iicautitul Gilt Cans of Oofl'ee and Tea Men love 'cm Women can't get enough oi vm. Nothing like it to bo found outside of W. H, Hrown's Grocery. It's a big thing immense. You will know how it is yourself when you try one. Hannna, Oranges, Ltiuons, Prinio Shelled Almonds Hrnzil Nuts, Knglish Wulnuts, Peanut. Filberts, Confectioiirey, French Candies Figs, 1'uisins aud Currants, nlwnvs fresl mid good. It bothers tho girls to tell how he keeps goods so fri"h. County Produce taken in exchango for Goods, (live lirown a call, farmers, and von win not regret it. April 28 -1 a1. Soda Water at Mojer Hros., with syrups uiuuc iri'in nuns; uie most highly lliivored purest and bist ever ofleriil to tlie people, xry uicm once mid you'll call again. New Orleans linking Molnsses, choice Syr ups from SO cents to 1 a gallon. A lino as sortment ol Young lhson, Imperial, Japan and Hlack Teas at M. M. Mussel's. Grand Opening ofSpriug Goods at K. M. Knurr's. Go and tee tlie C cent Calico at I. "W. llartiiuin's. t't ntcnnlnl lio for to Clnrlc Si WoU'k to buy oh ! Cubui niul Valiwn ut Clark Si W'oll's. CieorgoA, Clnrk lias tlie largest nnel best nshurtiut'iit of Willi 1'iipcr in to'nu. Konci:. All ui'touiits 011 our booki tc maiiiiii; tiuriiiel iillir.Miiy If), 1870 will be pliictel 111 tliu liiinelsot tlio law for collection J. Schuyler it Son. For a nobby Hat go to Iowcnbcrg. Muslins of nil kinds at tho lowest prices, and u lull lino of ilonicUics, too full to tell you of all, Cull and see for yourself if it i not bo. Claiik Si Woi.r. lluy tlio Ellniood Collar ut JIcKinuey'd. liuttcr 40 ccnta a iioiiml, Kgga 18 tenia a doin, at M, M. ltubtn-H'ti. Drcts Shirts just received at 1), Lowen Lc.gV Don't buy your Wall l'upcr until you have been Oeurgf A. Clurk'h block tho befct in lllooiusburg. Don't wait until it ia too late to get a cheap pair of Shoes at K. M, Knorr'a, Oruiigeii nnd Leiuona alwaya on hnud at , Jl, Ituehcll'u, Lasting', Slippers 1)0 centf at McKlnney's. Bulls made uu lu cilv slvle at D. Lowcn- L.rg's, Good Waiiibtilta ready-innde Shirt, only fl.'JOntClarl'et Wolfs. A MATTER OF POPULAR INTEREST, VT condenssfrom tho Lehigh Keoiittr the tubsuncopf aonvcrsftUon about Osk lull, in l'hlladeAhlsiVinaraaker It Urown'i " largest OothlngWiso In Amsnca." A visitor 2nd attenu&urVta the speakers i VST- ". y'1" wrnor Is the Building onf Attendant. " Bouth-I'jLit corner of HiOh and Market, rieuo noto tho SIXTH, for omo strangers seeking Oak llall, havo been misled by dcslanlng i-rsons." I'lf'ffcuycolottall Do you know 1U dimensions?' ,i.A,J',1.2'0u('o,,1u.'lre ,'eet-M on Msrket, and ISO odd on Blxth, six Morlcs high, has oicr thrco acres oi floortotf, and covers spaco oneo occupied by mprfXuau twenty different biul neRS places. Tfas V, ''Do you uso Mcam-powcrr . A.v -i- P.1"' young engine furnishes power for tho freight and passenger elevators, and tho boilers steam for heating, and tho oUier opera tlons of tho house." Y " SP1' ordc uo J0" k with goodsr' A. "They mo first orsedand arranged In ,i ! mn..on longljA counters, and taken ll.SSs? .L?yill!T'1.ior 10 ""O Inspec tors room on thiluru floor." Y1 If 'n'pcctlnjiho first operation V A. "No, sir, measuring. The goods aro flrrt measured In tho piece, then Inspected. Tho cloth passes over rollers In tho face of a strong kfZJ fi',0"0 Mom and on5 behind the goods, watclilng w th tho cyo of a. hawk for tho least pln-holo Imperfection, and inarkinBCvenr flaw.50 that tho culler "max u men5" W mo to cut the gar- V. " You must employ an arrr of cutters r A. "tomo to our filth flis and seo I Wo keep 70 hands all tho tlsfci caCng up tho cloth into garaents,-besIdemma?hlneathatelo doien men's work eaciWt a stroke." goodsr0 T01 Blnalacturo 411 jour own A. "Wo do, and most carefully. Our cx wJy 10 evcr5r Krment as extra-well mado &SK.M.2""1 UUct 00 .! dcai?''Y0'lr ,y"m mu!t T 7oa a great A. " In every direction, sir. It Is ttse'sTstcm and economy wo practice all tii wnthroueli ab,1?vSoUdSo. m Ur 'V ofV't'rAftCrlnSr!CUnt 010 wctk' whlltlcomcj ?.crf 11 lnt0 Btock 1 I' tielcted. ,lcry "P10 ftarmcnt has its number ami t'rfS1"," n.0,eUSn 1" Tenure S looks" without fail, upon our Y' XS? m.uat DaT0 01 or 40 rnlesmcn r1 a. evny sir, on busy days you niayseo 100 l?iiS,. E?I ouA,room '"d suites oVrtim? selling to tho throngs of customers." ,uv""' andexp?er' d 0rd" A. " very great All over tho country. Our O". 131. CJLIZE'S MAMMOTH GROCERY. Corner Main nnd Center Streets BLOOMSBTJBG, 2? -A. . , Tlio largest stock of groceries and provisions, Queensware, Glassware Owe,, etc , in the county, for sale at wholesale or retail at the very Oct. 8,1673 BOOKSELLER iiKTB STATIONER, Dealer in Law Blanks, f unday Pohool Libraries, Depositary of the Pennsvlvania Bible Societv, f sy WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On SJwi'l Notice ut. tlie Most Reasonable Rates. Store iii Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct. 8, 1S75- OVUTlO VKOKTAIil.E S uui-juu, riuntn, Hoses, ln.lilh s, Vuihs-liiH, Her fthluuis, l'crtrtlng I'lonts, (llei'.lilus-. He. Mini n stamp lor I'reer'a Gnrelen CnKi.elar, les piipi s. lllu truteil, iili proitlcal illiuiluiK lih.MlY A. Diiixii, 7 ci.i unut H , l'Miiini iphlu, 1 n. Jlur.M, '7r,.-u aumnsTT rynaansnw ,.?tTme7mtMbtiwii.'w!XK KADB fElIIEH & EDWABES, Successors to Xi. Yiatcy k ken, CHINA. GLASS & QUEENSWAEE, Old Hliintl, tiiSMnil-tt M., t p. mw 1'. o., 1 htla. Aro filTirli k preit fMli'ii m lit to imcliuits of fi,i:mii liii.NA imnm:h umi 'j.a r-iiN tiam lind eletiiriilHl, iln.KetOlth el (I Mif lit r imulltv. An extiiitlic nnd il 11 me 1.1 1 1 tll.Mill M.1S, H-Dl-.K.N AM) IOIKVHC l-LAvfc WAllK, Tluln, cut, umi eiicriiMti. ll.rHcik 1 its I m 11 emt lully mIi el 11,11 pixel men Ili n.hli, i 1 i.l 111 g us to sill ut lit: luwiH 1 lliis. 1 i-i 1 1I1.I (i le i'ei,leillu our 11 lull ile) r.llli.ilil. I'mlH ul; r ulli 11 glvtn tu tleeeintlim 1 1 eldnu 11 ml glnss to order, in lull seiti ur to matih liiikrii nib. I Uil lined lateststsles und U H mnkes ut Ml VEli-WAUE. D & Co. II arc h 17-ISw w ..... ... . .v... 4. n JLllv.lU kj l'limplilel if 11 11 jugiK, eirtilMig lb-Is cf3ui neiti'iiien, &Ldetlln,alebtl.cvliigrcit f advert 1s- l,K-. ltnn.1. 111 IT..JIF o e it urn t- 1 i x... v... HOMEOPATHIC FAMILY MEDICINE CASES. And DonKs irHlriff plain nr.d concise directions for Ihelr us-e lire, an- u neeittlty lu eeery household; for ottenwlll n timely doseof inedlilne btaee onu serious i-ase or mckiiiss. .Vl-ssri IKIEIIIt'K i- T.I-TI.m firnnd ft.. Keiv York, 111 seiiiln eululociin iIiktIIiIiik tlii'illflerent stjlis und sues, 10 nn aililii-tsouieei-lpt of j stnrnp. 'Ilielrs Is the eldest eslnbllsliini-nt ot lis kind in Aineriai, immg been Ijumliu lu ik-n. Apr H-sw. An aijenl jiut eUand $1D'J fiitt 1 uaLs selling the Anotherfsutiisl tiilais. eiier en.tKiu copies ( this stunduiil lire nf the Veli-rau l.xplunr suld. 15ii,lw iiiuiu m-t-ueu u ine pi-upii,. a uook l.l liiaieilies- Hi teriht, proruseh Ulusti uti-il, and erj clieup. A ro aleli.uice forufi-nts. For proof uiidliTlus addresk lluhliard pros., 7'.'3 hansom M., I'l.lluUeliii.l.i. Aprmiv. MODEL PRESS ftod do kll vour own 1'rislUi. frier. Sn 10 IU. UI'KT lMIIKlHIIlLD 1 ur llu-lttioM Slen bull uunc Trlnltr. Ttbnfuidi In uh, Sriid io S efml uro for a i rofuteljlllu. 1tmO m) ikk CtUtArut tni 1-rlot Mil, rnllu!, Mllow lu I'rlnl." J. W. ItAl'CHAPAV 4 Uo , yfrt. tnd Ut-tUri lo Tim ftnd ertnUnit Uau rlkl, 4SI 4 H UtlmuUct,l'lMdfailr.,ra. DISFASES ll'Kl'P. NOW paths imirkcd out by thut plaluest of all books, 1 Plain Ilomii 'lalk und Me-illcol Common t-ense" nearlv I.ikmi j lines, Suu lllustrallims, bv Ur K. It, l-'ouiK, of Uu I exit ttlon Ale., W. I'utcliaseisof tlilsUKik areatllbiiij lo consult lis nii'hor, In person or by mail, iiur. Prlco by mall, posture rrcrald, W.tsi. e'liiitciits tables tiee. Auknis wantmi. Jtl'llltAV 1111.1. 1'Ulll.Ihlll.NO CO., (John 1". Jewett, manager), llUKust.slhM., .V. Y. Aprl4-li v The Greatest Sellitj; Cfuteimial Hook Is Ouit COUNTKY A2 lSOUItClf5 inch and complcto In our tlirllllncr history of no j ears und crand In Mvld ilescrlptlons of all our ulKlitv nsuureeslu aurlculture, comnierce.miner ills, inanurae lures, I'oieiumeut, ciirlorltleii, natiinU wondeis. workBof ait. Ac, iilchly Illustrated and cheap. A splendid lew ot tho w orld's foremost na tion, No other Look llko It. outsells mere histories live to nee. Ayculs wanttd ipilckly. Aildresa llub hui d Hros., 7U1 bunsom bli eet, 1'hlladel: hU. Apr 14-4W. Tor usEWifH dessert! n r a i i k-i w n ; ' I uijlii'iiii .v itn-uiiii r, Aifi'iiiH, 1'lilln. I)&Co. Apr 11-1 w. A (I1-.M3, fur best iliiiiiru in the world to coin money nddress the V. B. SAFI.TV I'OCK tlrXU, KuwuU, N.J. Aprte-iw. SOXIKTUINO NKW lor ngentK. Taylor's I'ulent hatety Ils and Door, Fastener. Sufu prulecllou ugulnst bui-ylars. tieiy family will bui', spply to D. U uuernsey, slun'l Agent, I'omord, N. II, Aprw-lw, 7)SYC110MANCY or KOUIi CHA15MINO. t lluw eitiier sex mav luselnatu and guln thu luie and anccilo isnl any rson the) rhoosuliistaiit ly. 'I Ills simple ueeiulreinint all cuu uu, trie, by mall, turvtc, togellur wlthHUiairlsle KOldu, Kjfl J tlan oracle, dn urns, hints lu holies, -n cddlng.niKl.t shirt, Ac. A queer book. AUeltV'ss, 'I'. Wllllum it Co, 1'ubs., I'Llla. ' AprW,1-tw B lJiHK KOI Kf, wilh oiHithout exeuiptioi tor salu t.1 the Ooiinuu.ii omou, eEv Arll H-I'l w. CHRON C ASKY0URGR0CER FOFU-Tc tSf1 V.S LKtMD DELICIOUS lsV ' - PA. perfect system Mid rules of aelf-mcanirement make lUsxalUi to please people 2,000 mile ewiy Jsm ayferfccUy as If they were hero In person.''' V. "Isupposoyouhnvaatlcastnatfadotcn different depannicntsr' A. "Myikarelrl wo havo moro than lumlv, each charged wilh Its own bmlness, and each thoroughly organized, a neevssarx wheel with in tho great u heel." V. "Will you nanioftdoren or to of themf A, "With pleasure. Iho Custom Depart ment, forthoso who preicr custom-mads to rcady-madi rr& Turnlshlng Department, with Its irfiso stock of all uailerwear. llio Bhlrt Ptctory, with Its busy machines, making our own first-class shirts. The Trim ming Deportment. Itself ashlg as many a regu lar store. Tho Garment Slock Iloom. Tho ltecelvlng Iloom. Tho Order Department, named before. The fpcclal Uniforms Depart ment. .Tho Delivery Department, with Its tcoro or messengers. Tlie" V. "Hold, hold I sir. enouehr' A. "rmnotholflhroughf Tho Adrertlslnr partment. Tho 1 ouths' Deportment, The mBRTrOfltni. Thn tnri' u.j,.iiM.B wimuiutui. wuu in special entrance for ladles Tho Telegraph Depart ment. Tho Chief Clerk's Department, with Its book-keepers and assistants. General Man ager a Department! Financier's oniee. and other offices of tho firm all bosy as bees thinking, planning, cieTutlng. buying, mak ing, registering, rcisyinr, sending out, selling, and In a thousandiys Joining their forces to carry cn a buelnessVAh the Koplo amount ing to between 12,000,000 ajd tifjOOfM) an nually." V. "S-t-n-rso n-d-o-u-ir -A;."?n,lcl;dJt ,sl 'tf0.1?0 to 0o Cfh!cr'aDepartmcnt,whlchbtndleslurj5000 of retail sales on somo single days r' V. " 25,000 1 Immense I That's' what enablca tho house to buy 1 heap and sclrchcapt" A-, V?actlr! You havo lifst hit It. Tho people throng here, knlrJ; that wo depend on low prices and ImmeSsalca." muchabSStr0 A. " Our syHem of business dealing 1. Ono price, no deviation : 2. Cash for everything s 8. A guaronteo protecting tho purchaser; 4. Tho money returned If tho buyer can't oUicrwlto be suited. V. " Nothing could be fairer." A' .'. JtP1,1?1?'.. And ln0 peoplo see It." .X" .J.1'1 llllnlc you, sir, for your poll to attention. r.A; "Nftatall. It's a pleasure to sefro Ton. Call again : and be suro of tho plsie Wana makcr & Drown s Oak UallsiliouS-East cor ner Blxth and Market." Jr V. "Thank you 1 1 shall bo happx to do so. Good morning." lowest prices. 4-. id For n perri-et restorntlon of the nervous system, causing un iimneillaie mill iiroper cure In the rulluw-liiKeui-es: nereoits ditilllty Impalieil nutrltlonof tin- ljuity, lusbltude, Meakiiets 111 the Uiubs Hint l-ack. Indisposition und liiCMpuilty Icrttuily, itulinessof nppn heiislc.n, lots cf luiinoiy, ueersliuito sinlvly, ilinliMty. u lr-itl-trusl, ilirzlnt-sx. I eadachi'. Incident .''Jl?!'.! u-xes, lor liusVtt r,e nt1t iTde-RfnilaniJ v.lion- lini 1 Intss It lll promote. 'I he u.oi-t i rnliii lit J h.i slelnns cf rnuntrr have ixeiteil tlirii.tilMH tn the utmost luclnik the In-ireaj-li.i; ruuillly restiltlnir from the lelnxntli.iiof tni mncs. limine for 11 lonjr peiled uevoied much Hudy, tlir.ennil later In eslahlMiIni: 11 leiri-eU for lliereifect restitution ot the ne-rums Is rrutlijIiiK tulm uWe to the suecesant teinlliiK my new method. 'I t.rinich this lemedy Ihe liervts inn he reached nnd In such 11 uv that, how eier shutti-nd or prostrated, the; can be perfects ristoreu. it aits e-u iho neries ut eiiice.yet ntli k'entliiu'ss- ristctli.(r thi-intn nnatnral state, and reu ovlni: tho aloie illstnsslnjr illse-usis. Horn sexi s, mere 01 lest, iMoukIi tne rrostratlon ,11 inu iivi u,ia p.isieiii, iomj iiien eiiiiirv. Jnsucu lliktunees the Neru 1 i n.eily may le relied upon lu reelvlnir tin riitlmt Into the vleor nf i.utli TheNcr e lien edy is curefull.i toinpcumled and iiuiuiiiu ouAi-s wuu 11111 uiresiiens, i rue. eneaot lor, cxpresbcd to any nddrusH on recelrit ot price. 1)11. 1. CIlAl'NCl.'v TtltltV. w vine Mrcet, 1'hUa, onico hours, 11 a. in. to 3 p. in., 7 10 V r. in. 51 a rch iu.'7f-l y FOR COUGHg, COLDS. HOARSENESS, AND AXiXi THROAT DISEASES WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put up 0U1S tn BLUE DOSES. A Tried ami Sure It mo el 3-. I'or sale by drugtrl.sts crcnernlly, and JOIINSTOK IIOLLOWAV i lU, l'ldlaeleliihlii, I'a. Apr I4-4W. (Pl'VTO WANTED FOK TUB WON'DKItFL'L OAIIKKU OP fiw ..... n rT7nT IN Orent Ilrlluin nnd America. Uy an eminent di vine. ll.isnvcr7&upaj,'esniidl311lnstiatlons. Prk-e VI. lies' book to sell. No otlier complete, sou agents made tlrst month. Send f ir proofs. Addiess, 11. b. uuul)s.i'i:i:ii & co., 14 lurclay M., N. Y. Apr 14-liiw, FIUESIDE KUITIOsV OF SHAKESPEARE'S COMPLEX-: WORKX Tho Cheapest Hock en r offered to tho public. Ijirge 1 p. Fine pa er. 40 si-LKNuin ili.pstiuiioss. iJ 1 SKTS if fi CENTS Kil 11. AiiliN'ls wanted, specimen, with two lllus tratlons, ty mall, lu cents. DAK Hit, DAVIS & CO., Philadelphia. Aprvi1y. List ok ( Au.sKs ron tkial at MAY 'IKll.M, lb7il. rtmiND V r.KK. Francis Kians vs. suuiui l II. llugenbuch. . cole's use s. T. II. Cole, T. T. A. Cole's use is. T. II. Cole, T. T. A. Cole's usims. T. II. Cole, T. T. II W. Mcllej holds it al. s. J. A. Losee. s. P.lfKini vs. Allen Mann et al. W. Mllues' ex'rs vs Michael eirover, ShcrlrT. Wt Ham hnjder's exis vs. Jacob Itechtt-1 el ux. Jaeolis, lltiuerllter u William Menslnger. I'eopliK Flro Insuiance Company ct I'a, vs. J. ,1. McIIenry et al. Peoples Fire lusurance Company of I'a, vs. B-ooms-bure Lumber Co. James Dj ku vs. llllam Hoivell a, r.. Miarreus ei ai. is if. c. uoweil, A. K. Miarietsct ai vs Dal 111 ftroup. lltujauiln 1 1 tc ku is. ticork'uil. Freas. Daiid U-wls vs. John 1)111 ct ul. Daniel Mnltli s John 11. Kimble. Illee i: .Michael vs DaUd Krw ine. llllauisport llubber I'd. vs William Mllnes' errs. Daild 11. lloMi-r vs. William hulsiier. second National Hank of HtusilUo vs. J. A. Loaee. Tim & Ilrothers vs. u. F. Dallman. John II. iioodman is John hanger. Christian H. Conner, by his lather, Csorgo Connor, ltloomsburr l.uintier Co. is. irawllni- jt Vnnnntt J, F lileiitun A Co. s ItaullngH & Vnnnalta. vviiu u iihii niuiiu, , s .1,. II. IIUKIICS. .,. u. iiuimuis a. i-u. vs neorKU jl. ixekarii et &J. I. w . Mekeliy s. Wm. hhafler et al. John Woodslue A Co. is Daniel MnrrLx J. M. DoiMlt s. Haniud Creielliiff. J. W, fr-nnkey vs Joseph uiiot . A, U Tuiner s EUna Hester. J. W. Iriln's uso e s. Jesse A. Loseo. Mmon ltaub and (feoige Hanb vs Samuel Ileffner. lllio A- llairenbuch vs l llllam furs,,,, Aaron Jonnson vs Thomas Sliumau. csuniei iii-uuer vs. aainnei uouiair el al, A Ibert Winton b Jonas Doty et uL Fr Itote is. O. n. UurneH. bamuel J. Conner vs. Henry C. rteaa utiU. t.uv luau a jiiikkuu ib tienrj I., r reas W. II. Kllno VS K. J. McllenrV. e.eoige Conner is Flunk Ijimon. uuuiubuurir nunkinc vo. vs. Jumes W. Stthkoy. Hiuuias Downsis.Mlas Dails. "". lieo. Iless IS. A. II. btewari. Christian Klioti s. Uurtold Klerkorr. 'Ihomaa tlorey vs 'llionms Fnrrtll. Miner i won company of I'a. vu. s. II. Verbatim llcporting. TPItU. sn.i,.1l...nlil """"t imtvuuir-. Loaraintf. nnti oilier out into loniF-hiii ' ' " birniiiiK eei.,. it?u - . .... , '.,";"; ' leporiea in ono nay equals or ni?." 'ultoa-tjf me-doMar fee wllf bo it-mltl-ed. anil the tiunKcrlli Hfltitn i.,w,.Sfl..H i.A...7- .r lltleeu cents ti lolloj bui, u all such cuti s, if lower than lilty folios are purchased, the tlvu data win ..m,.uu.,.aH-'""?' Jl- walker, A.M., Court-stenoir-rapher.Iiloomsburt, Columbia county, l'cunayna. J'ourrh.'dCnCC' ,r0n "roc,, utwttn TUIr1 omce. Ith K. E. On la. Ksq. , Coli'inblau-bulld- ,.uiiiuiw,utiHitiw tut, easi gaie uj ine couit Uuusosuid, iirstiioor, ilrbtdoorttiilifhl, wu i V i i"i'UTl .rr,J,n iwrt e lo one oVIock. .sr"uw l1 t1? "uuBigu uisinuuiors, cdltlngand pnbllehlnribuslnetsand popular Jpnpa,clrcubigje.tti,tj copies monthly (tell all your fri!5lofcnd forltj. TlieMena jciiuriuieni, vruu iw many rooms. Tho lio "legal AdVErtiiem NTJ A DXUNIHTHATOIl'd NOTIOK. ,,rnl, W li thn llPirl&U'r Ol HB1U lunij ralHAlss.i. oolilinbla county, ri aiflni' tho said estue will muku thetn known to U' saia uuniinisiruior iu.ouk ""-., B,,(KrT. hr Ql 'TR nuiiiiiiiitiBtvss A DM I N 1ST it ATOH'.S NOT ICK I. 'lit In ui niiitn''",-lv'. is- ' " iMn urAnxn u j i i rruuiiiuii n is. rtitfl nrr re mosicil tn niakn pfiymt'iit U tlio At . . . 4i ui. .diti, rrtl in lil.sfiaitt ro nfi tn.u hiirinrfWaiiin or dernaiida will makoinow un-iiiii ' ' '.I,... ' . ,, i Anitiinihrrninr. ' ' VTOTIUK. N..tiiv. t iiroh n vin thst T harf ell in me po. rrmn .Miciinei i,ruer. in -imi" - . . .. nnn. .un., .r tun... itnrHpn. wh 6m, buwy, harness, thresldng inaeliine, piunB, uui rows, nnd otlier fanninir utcnslK cattle and huiri said farm. ... Kt. II. ' 1 V'... . Mifflin, April U-3w. i ? x rcutoYi7sxotFck. -r-s iUi.lnAniaru nnitin rKtntnt Jolitl Allnn ini-i. i.f MmliHon tfi.. Coiiunljl.i county, deceased . 17. - , . . .., t.f lltnnmuhiirrr I Vil 11 tn 1 il.l Plllin ty. r.i.. IJxccutor, to whom all pors !. indebted t Srilll I'IUIU UU it!' ui.nii v . nt.. win maVi t hin tnown to Ihe maIJ KxeCUtU V III 11 II IsL- - . jXKCUTOU'S NOTICE. Kzecunir. eu wnoin uu m mwyw-i " .i.,..v- demands ugiAayl the said csuilo will make them known to uie saia tswuwr !"" riVYupry A prtl E iSr' A DMINISTRATOII'S NOTIOK. r KHT1TK Of SDVUHU Mi 11,114. I.lll, OI It OOiniUUriT. miUIUUia wu.ti county to William Peacock, ol U'evombuurc AL dent are requested to present them for Bettlement, aud tuosH Indebted to Xr estate to make payment iu iuc uuuersitfueu iiuuiiuisiiiiwi -iim v-v.,..,. W M . I Mar.31,';i-t. AdmlnUtrator. A UDITOIi'S NOTICE. Tue undcrslcned Auaitor w inaico aisiriuunun oi the fund in tho hands ot the Administrator ot Uie es tate of Wilson Allen, docoased, will attend to tho ..... m ... n, hi. nlllMln RlnnmV. amies ui ins aopuiutiutufc. , ".j --" . ,. r: bure, on Tuesday. April 25tn, 1876, at 10 o'clock a. Ul., WUen DUU nucic nil jtiaiua umi. airatnst the aald estate, aro required to present thu Bume before the Auditor, or bo debarred from com ing in ror a suaro 01 buiu iuuu. March 4, 1B7S-4W. Auditor. UDITOH'S KEl'OUT OF CONTNQIIAM andlCESTHALIA roon;ri3TRicT for the year endlntrJAprll 10th 1874. NKIL LKNIIIAN, Collector for 1675. Dr. To amt. ot Iioroush Duplicate for 1875 tm n 1WD OOI 431884 Cr. Tly amt. returned to commissioners for cuuetuon, on uoru. aupucaeu " " on.twp. " tnoi 1S1 3 Exonerations on boro. duplicate) " " twp. " 12 85 14 10 127 IS Collector's commission; nt e per cent on boro. duplicate M70 Col's cor, ontwp. duplicate 1451 11721 1 amt. raid Hd. Curler treasurer Balance not collected 314219 S3" 45 (431884 UD. CURLEY, Treasurer for 1876. Dr. To amt, received of Thos. nerrahty iroasurer lur 1014, yer uuiauue June 7.1873 71104 amt. reed, of Sell Lcnlhan collector 314241 S3S7: Cr. Bvatat. of orders redeemed nnd canceled 36041 coiamissign uikow 41 ui z im ei. 1111 Hal ance lu bunds ot treasurer 3303 vl 13S7T53 LIST OF CSSBATED ISNB TAX IN TUB Icr.OrOII I1E- Tl'lJnTO TUB COM111SS10NKBS I'OR COLLECTION. Peter V. Collins. , S4 041 James Callahan 10 1 10 30 1 bt tf. 1 U) 3b M U. 1 03 35 33 1 03 35 35 U 1 10 1 II 35 33 1 5 35 U WeUlnijton cieavcr . Henry U'aTis " .. Ilenjamln llilfflths.... John o. llaniey Tlio.i. lloiiellH Mli-hicl I unnan 1 lios. lli-lllli'-, Jutm J.lliiKhes Caroline Kline Kline ltt-lnhoia 1 ewls Kantncr Wlilon Keller UK-hard Keller Patrick Lniik'don I.lojd Marks Ceo. Marks Thus. Malum Mrs. (Irace More parks Patrick Oiunu.. II. V. shenard s cet ft Torrey I'red Whittles. Wm. Zeller 23 01 L18TOI' CNSKATKn LAND TAX IN TOWNSHIP UKTCllSliU 10 C011U1SSIONEKS 01l COLLICTION. Wm. r.rown 1 00 Kbenezer Krennanan. .. 3-1 tft John Ileum 18 74 Kuthan lirown ill 30 Peler lluchuer. 1 CO Andrew Hurt - 30 Mrs. John llurke ....... 73 Cutharlne Cook. 30 Daildcook . 73 I'htltp culp s 00 John Davis IQ (I co. Dewuld. 1 08 Jerry ticorire 30 Frank (inllugber . 30 Catharine uroth.. 1 118 KU.llu1n1b.1cl1. .. 31 John Houston ... e 72 Peter Jolee - . 30 Kvun T. Jones 30 lied Kllnircrtnan r-o (leo. Kochelrls 1 i-O John II. 'i UO 'lerr.incn Mciiulre - 40 Marri Morris t. CO Felix McManlmun 1 uu Peter McMunltnun 1 00 Anthony Murphy 41 ltloluu-d Nurphy ... 40 hi' Iills Murphy 4 II. S. Marr 1 is .Michael Diese a IS Thomas Dushicn 3 vs Mary llushti it s 70 llemy Scliuefter 8 iT I Hill Drleshuch 70 Jacob Tilon 4 so Jacob Tilou. ...,:r. 4 to (1!1 63 I IST.OK EXONERATIONS CN J.OKQIC11I I tl'LlCATL. James Iiryson 7fl 1 S3 1 DO 1 e-0 3 61 1 31 1 i0 1 01 1 V0 eainarne e air KUzubeth Clary. Thomas llauh-li.ilu Mrs. Jiary hunley. Widow (falluirLvr J ami -s, M e.M antui un 11 mow 1. run) Mrs. lornellUB l.enlh.m., W Iduw O DoiiiiUU S3 12 93 i:U.SKliATIONS ON lOHNlUlr Pl'I'lICllK. Peter llrud'ey . ,. 75 Wlduw liruuley 73 Mills s Moirls. ,.. 12 co (14 10 LIST Of.OBUU.S HLPKKUkn A B CANCELEU V TUK AlUllOKH. Order No M, (illbertfi Kline, for t;ro- i ti 11 n iui iiisiu u 1 uur iiuube o Si " ho, 316, .N. D. ilaruian, fur repalr- liiL" harness. Ac. I 40 " o. vcu, S llllam Iluifhes, for plas- ter fur la' ni a i; " .so. i, 11. a. Wtldensaul, for eonl for I'uur House 9 to " No. 16, iu)uu Cain, for cutting Umber und cleurlng land 21 00 " .No. 247, e,euri;e i.u)er, for kntves and guard lor itaiier sen " .No. voj, Samuel I'. U'van,tor6eed wheat, Ac. su w M Nu. 3 IaiwIs Kanlner, for k ton coal fi r Poor House 1 eei " Nu. 2.3, Andrew Heaver, for wort 011 faun 4 00 " No. bis, Isaiah Vcager, for n,eat fur Poor llouso 17 24 " No.s7s, Itauh llowcr.forworkon lariu 0 co " No. les, Henry Deader, for black- smith work n (. " No.vos, Moses Hower, icr grain and hay for l'oor llouso 100 00 " No. 22s, Johanna O'Connor, lor horso hire j 00 " No. SS6, Auditors and Clerk, for audltlDg In J une, 1S7I 100 00 ' Kd. curley, for groc-iles for l'oor lloube 170 53 " Nu. 2, Mrs. Ucrrahty, for cloth- lngvugramsunddemutijclilldriu M 00 (340 41 Owing to the fact that It Is clatn.rd that the becks were; 1IM10) ed b Uie, the Ileal LsUile aLd Impro e mentaceuuut could uut lnadjuHert. I-orthebaiuo reason the outstuuetlng IncleLtiduesH could notbu useertulneil. Wu tberttore resoned tu urpolnt u da).b) suing publlo Lotltf.ou which toeuil In nil ouibtauolng iruirs, Iho steward's accountwas notprcftnteel to tho Auallors. .!u''.,.liB tihdtrblanea, Audtlors Lf Ccnynghatu township and Ctmruila roor Dhtllet, ecrtify that tho above Mauuie-ni I Ihe lebl w t cb inuke utue-r Uie circcrcHancis. Wo uriher sgrte that the pa) ef each Dlre -trr hhtll lt thriedullaia fortaeh Uu) nccebiurllv bpent asDlrcclor, The number if ininliibsof laid it ul bhall mil oiceeu twelm turaunuuMi urol said mill lugs to bul.eM iiuait(il) ut tLeluoi Dot i-il iu District, Also tltt tho following iutt-sih. il Le iho highest dally injur herseLllti iiik 1101 ura Pr u Mlgle. ui.d tight eltllsisli.r udoublo litui A so thai nuoiiiitb shall leeliuwii I) ll.a 1 liu tus 1-r Ihtlrilhie until the lame U butn.llliil tu hvAuul 1MB ut their biiLUid bi-llliinuil. hi). iirill'IIY. V urn,,! ,, MM II. I'llICK, Central! l or KDWAIID llt llllW, 1 AUdltcis t MAIIJIN LANHIAN,) Cou, eU. Ill wji.