lip SitiiitnSuM. BltOCKWAYi; EWELLTEdltors. JiLOOMSBURG, FA. -IT viiltvy, A p r il Q8, 10 70. CONFESSION AND AVOIDANCK. A late nunilier of tlio Gazette it lhlktin contained ni liicnrrcct statement n to tlic political Matin of the Into uoinintaloiicn f Schuylkill mid Luzerne- counties, ami nl tomntcd to throw tho odium nf thoTncts up on tlio Democratic parly. Whllo tacitly nilmlUltii; tlyit 111 original statement was In correct, It malics tlio point "It does not l'Kcn the crlnio'of"ii PelitOfriitlo ollleial if n Hcnubllcan wcro a partner In lit- crtmc." True, but why blame"" tlfB Democrat; and ntit ce'nmro tlio Republican, or suppress a material - fact- In tho cue. In law and niriong honest men, the suppression of 'ho trittli-ls A? criminal at tho allegation of false Wo repost that the Sohylklll conimis- sloner't tvottlil not have- been pardoned had not one or both of tho Republican anetnbcrs .u'ftlio Hoard of Pardons recommenced such action, anil nbt eren then, had uq( Hart ranft -given hit content. Further, Ifn party ii to bo responsible for tho acts of members selec ted by , It follows that such men as Hel knaiySclicilck, Avery, Hancock, ct id genua homo, have got their party. In a very bad fixe The President has not dono bo much for lilgli,tonecl,cQvernment a? ho should, we ad mit: but it h not a good tlmo'to criticize just now, when' ho Is 'giving evidence of better thInfe-4. Uazctte A jlutlcun. AVe' don't exactly understand what the Gazette means by "giving evideuco of better thimrs." but.wado know that Uicjibovo re niark-B' appeared nlfout t,bq samo time that ,Gol .Whitley, , npd ex-Attorney Ucneral (Williams testified In,. Washington that tho udprUered.thq payment! 5-w.OOI) i.f ..l.l!,, in "HiiIa .Tnlinnv Davpti- lUiUiqrant took command, !t,1Wthc.tirpud .. ; thq, c'lectlpn of 1872 in tfew boast of his, Corps that nlthough fiercely. York aud Pa. During the Presidential con- engngeddn all the battle fought by tho test ipf that year, as Bhown .by Treasury raEOOl-UMBJAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUKGr, COLUMBIA COUNT T WASI KTTKH. ' rouTipsfi):NT. UISN. WlNMHt.ll Si HANCOCK. j Tho duty of nominntiiig. re Democratic candidate for President at St. Louis ii om fided lo intelligent delegate, hnd wc 'nro confident that tho Concntlon"wtll not trr. The selection of Thurmau, TTeriilrleks,', Parker or llayard wodlil meet .with hearty approval,!) tho DiniocraU,,ina4.os, yet wo must Insist that Qcn. Hancock lias moro elements of strength than any other can didate Who could ' bo named. As a Pennsylvania!!, ' of sjilchdlii revolu tionary Mock, his naiTmWQiilil assure; to tlio party. tho "Keystone? tatc, and,dccii)q ,thft impending contest Ah a soldier, he stands unrivalled. In .the Peninsula campaign,- nbt only Gen -Model- Ian, but" the nriny amf Vdrld'aul ' ''Hiiii' cflck was superb;" At Gettysburg he sitved tji'e battle, and Willi ft our State 'from 'plun- fV dpr, .ruel our army from destructlcjij. In Tact, army of tha Potomac, hi coinm'atkl hoVcr vouchers, over $H9,pop was expended in lost a gun nor a color. In Grant's campaign York KPW)canS and p)fiOO , . , , , v . , ... by direct order of tho President, and against towards Richmond, It waa his Corp, that thJn rLnstrances of Williams and Whitley. made thp celebrated flank, movement?, and i.C - tl.;H J10 vouchers can bo found. Is this that. eav-Q (Loo's army,, a sta trceiing, blow the "et-idence of better, tlnntrs" to which Ihb nv Spottsylvnnlai by capturing -.Johnson's' Gazette alludes k And If so is It tho oplnioli Invision of 12,000 men, and with it 27 Binl- ? laPer ,that " te!111? '"atcna ly towards j . .. . ,, . . a "high-toned government?" Wofcclcon- nouandocblors. raW to "ask ifee nue.,-tions because t6 rhysieairy. ho' Is h "fnagrilficent 'emcn jhe'nary eyo t'hd efforls ot the President, oilman.' ' iiorally, his cfiaracjfer u (le'vpiid now or heretofore, to dp anythiftg for ''high- rqpj-oach,,and his namo'has never bpc.ivcon,- toned," oreven respectdbld g'6Vcrnmdnt liave llpptiil wifh .1 ilisrpnntnlln ant. ..- I been invisible. And yet, his highest'ipmisO', ii!his eivil retard. lIis.odininistjation at NcwOrleans -ptot'bd that he is not only, profoundly versed in'Vhe filhdaneiital rules' 'of. 'government', and thoroughly acquainted with our statutes ASSIGNMENTS FOK TUB 1IESKF1T OF CUED- ITOUS. .Wo liaVe received a copy .pf tho law re cently passed by tho Legislature on this sub ject, and will briefly stato its substance. Uu- rlfli- 1hn nlil Imv. i-lin nil imif-ninnnt wrw and decisions, but understands tho truo rcla- n,aao 'f01. lent of creditors, persons tion between tup, civil apd military branches holding judgments against said assigned pro of our government.. During his brief administ. perty could, issue .an execution at once and tratlonho brought order out dt chaos, nude 8e" Ulltl0r- 9? s,Mtm . "nmmcr; unacrit the' law respected, arid so cbmwalidfcd tho ' " ,i ..' i . r . i .' ,i ' 11 , , When property is thus levied on by the respect or tho people of tho. South that they aheriff.'tho ,assigneo can go into court and presented his name as theirchoTco for Pres- have the side stopped, "tlio court issuing an ident in 18G8. Later, his civil and military order.of sale by the assignee, and setting, a conduct has been such as to endear him to tho masses of both parties, and no man has such a hold upon the popular' heart as" Gen. Hancock. .':-.' With his nomination success would bo as Hured. In Jiim tho people would see a mag nificent soldierwith a thorough knowledge time for said sale to t.iko place'. Under the lay sales are.alrpady being postponed THE Sl'ATE OAl'ITOIi. '' i , JlAiuijntiito, April 20th, 1S7.0. Last.night.umidst iisilpncp and attention not at all chiirjQtc-riStic ot tuu Jlquse, tUo icDOrt of the committeo aniiointeu'to'irives- ticritte'tlro alleged charces of bribery in Con or civil adininistration.-o'n'c 'wh'oso honor ne'ctlon with the -'Room Rill" was submitted and integrity aro abovo ijueetion jtiIU, an wcrcbased UP.PU this.renprt which were by WAnitffWU, 1). 0-. April 2, 1870. ' .AJiffu Correspondent, AiVoine'tif tfio D-mbcratlo paper seem Inclined to tal;o up tho Radical cry "that Congress In dolus nothing," it may not bo nmlss to sco what it has done. Tho smaller appropriation bill has been dweussed untl nearly tlic l.iid ci-tion has been reached and ii ... i fi l. i,., I wri'k. 'I ho bill trans ferring tho Indian RuriMii from tho Interior to tho War department, has iUj passed, A tariff bill has been reported and is ready tor dUcunlonpvhtlo- it -great number ot minor and personal bills havq been acted, on by tlio Hume. Tho appropriation bills as reported by tlio committeo savo tbo government ony tntuions ot uoi:ars,anu iicciiu'u ui uiiunv Cuirrltt nt. ni-prtf iitftirn nnu In ovcrv con- cclvablo way by tho Republicans. As nil tho mmipv nniiroiiriatcd by Concres', coes into the pockets of, or has to bo disbursed by Re publlchn olllcials.tho friends of theso olllelal ... iKi. llniun nn pvntv endeavor to Droveul tho reduction of salarios and of appropria tions, as tho chances to .steal nro tnerouy i..M,n,l Tim Knnnln liv a strict nartv vote has raised tho amounts npprojiriatdd in the various bills which havo passed tne nn.ise, fmni Hi ainn ilpemed nroner bv tho Ronre- scntatiYes of the people, who under l.n nonjtlhitinn nro nlono nuthorl7,Oil lo orlginato appropriation bills, to' about the amounts given last year by a Republican House. The Democrats of the House-will ti in Him Interference- with its pro romitivo by tho Seuate, and very properly rofuied to alr for or order a conlercnco com mittee. Resides tho work enumerated, tho House has laid baro the corruptions oi nam onlUm. Ir. Iinhnivii thatovcrv Dost tho government is tainted with fminl. nr ivnrss stil . fs a den or thieves, it lfn .linivn n Onblnct oflicer' livins shame lely iion bribes the private Secretary and confidential fricnil ot mo, rresiueni cu.- trntrpd in Dlottlin? a burelary. intended to r Ml. nn iinnnr ih:lii. iliiu liiu a ivauivu. self dlvfirting'thd tlio of 'public funds to ah in corrupting voters. If no bill had passed the House, tlio has dono in exposing and reiiderine imtossiblo for tho future tho frauds nnd robberies ot mo pasv si. jmi would mark it as having accomplished more' Hinn nnv oth'pr CnncrresS since tho war. It nnw iiniislilnrRd nuito cortain that should the Senatcdetcrmine that it lias, the po;er to try iseiKnap noimwiuunin ...o ..-.b..-tion.itwill'not bo possililo to crtmmenCo tho trial before'about tho 10th of May. The m tnrvniiiiiir Hum from Wcdncsdav till then will be. consumed by ..the argumeuU of thq counsel on tlio plea th:t,.a rcsrgied,i)lheer cannot be tried, and tlio discusnon in uie Senate on thatqucstion. Judge Cutter will t.n.liihltr i-Ptii1iilii-ilpciisimi in tho Kilbourn caso bv Wednesday. Sliould he decide tp turn Kilbourn lopsc, tnero is no nuesupu but wliat tlio iiouso snouiu oruui ."'- IM nil httoinnbi nt investigation may a well cease1 as nb wltnew could bo pnmi.olloil In nlnvvpp TIlO fllCt t lllt tllO lielO gate..s to the JS'ew York .convention aro al ni'rut iiiiiinlmoinlv for Tilden as tlio Demo cratid candidate for President streiigtnens dm in the race, tinman I find a strong u-ei Hi? hero time tho c-iudidote ought to come from the West. It is said tbatew lorK has furnished tlio candidate three times,in supiipInn nnd wo have been beaten eael time-; and that trow it should furnish votes mnl l,.t sonin ntlier. section oll'ar the. man. Tie southern men would generally prefer a western man irom jne.uissiisiiin viu-j, u.h, they tdedso aniiuited South to tiieSt. Louis nomiiiec. let him bo who ho may. Conk- ling is. being pressed by tho lulininistration tor the (JincuimUi nominauon ain ins incmi now claim that after a complimentary vote they will make him formidable. There is no news from Europe of interest. -Tho Government in Mexico is malting vigorous efforts to KuppreM the Diaz resolution and there is a prospect oi eoii-ddqrablo lighting in that country ,whieh will never" liave peacu until Uncle sjam takes it in 'hand. Rn.vo. no riieiins realized. Instead or radical action recommending the' expulsion of certain members, as was anticipated, the renort was very .conservative, Mating m.erely tlio facts, brought out by tlio evidence and shifting tlio 'responsibility of action thereon entirely urnm.the shoulders ot tlio Mouse. .1 . . .1 !. .1. ny .ne report, a cioim.ia iiiruu ii uvlt inv following mombers and outsiders Tim tiili.iiiim'i nf Hin Unll-M' i?4 phllpa to anco to testify beforp' sbfiiq Cdng'resaibnal tlic conduct of Mr. Miller.'of PhlhidelpMa, minitteelin4 cflin'tb'gricT'in' tho'Bemit'e,' ijut the ' Cm.mitteo, oxpresc no opinion " unon t ho same. The Committeo is of the opinion that tho never swindling transactions wo do' pn,-luct 01 Mn Knigiit, ot isucs, was very not ueo how tha ends of justice can be at- . ' ' j, Thornton, of Allegheny, an- tained uulcs.s.tho evidence ot accomplices, proached both Wise and Ruck, members of propeny .supported, is aumutea.. ii inno- tne xiouso in sucu a manner na 10 leuu ineiu cenUiieua'.ono can,.te.stify, our penitentia- to suppose that, they' could obtain u valuable rie, would be einpty,and the occupation .of " ZmZ . i. .. i l : ... i i r . ' kuu .ajjo pucr .i" '" not nrcpareii to say tnat lie was guilty ot any .utussailablo record, and pno,. whp wpuld scourge all thieves and. scoundrels from the temple of power. ' FOUNEY'S.liOOip. '. Tho Vrest says: , " i "The House bill sivinc imnunitv. to.cverv scarap in tho country ylio may, procure a vim i com as. wo predicted." Inasmuch as honcet. and, reputable'!. men confederates "State evidence" is too well established to be haken, and, is founded on Mod principles. . In thGi."Ji'ishingeret'k fedcracy" ensea it -was thought to bo an 1 ruble nrangement. In1 the-'Molly eJTort to corruntianv of his fellnw-membera , That IV, . Jjjugias?, mqinuer irom l'hijadclplna, was guilty nt conduct unuo iiti!'n! ii merriber of tho House. That evidence was iinwuccd before it that 'snows that Kmllo .1. Pctroifj O member of Mnguire" cafes conviction would liavo been tho Homo from Philadelphia, was guiltv ot impossible without the testimony of partita .oj violation of the 29th section of article !i of , , , ... , ,. ..... i , .the Constitution iir rclercnco to bribery: imphcatedi We believe, that It Is a good' ' ! AfnrHn VI F.vnnir.ii member of tho it i . . J . . . i . .. .. plan to ''tct a thief to catch a thiefr Of courie the Republican 'prcsj is tcrfi bly. alarmed nt the developments being Houso from Luzerne county, had also vinhit cl the samoiiectloii and article, of, tho Con- HlllllLlUll. mi.n n l.n.. nA .... In ul..ln . , ,t. . . . n, i I I A I1U VW1111UUH.U iiii;n u.yi 1.11 w o,i,,u ,,,. -..."(,...... nit ioiil' i ol oiiiulnn tliac t heir nower does of censure for the guilty) but exprens a mild nut cxtend beyond members of tho House, regret that they wero detected. The denu-n they feci they would not be doing 'justice to ; they i ciations against the Democrats are fierce. for bringing to light the rascality 'and do ruption of Republican lenders, and now the storm of indignation is turned -against the witnesses, who were' but the .tools of their superior!) in office. True it is that "No tulof e'er felt the liallf r draw' Vlth tooil opinion ot the law'1 and in thin criiis it will no answer or ,the Republican party to justify their, criminals, nor tp pttacl? tho evidence produced by men, whom they have petted pnd , AMercd,- u'd who arqoftliegamQ political f.dth;aa them selves, Democratic JjfATK CoMMtrrr.r.. Tlic Democratic State Committee- hed its ffrnt meeting since its' organization" in thelby bmming, iinmsburjr, last 'luursdny. Hie meeting was called to order by Mr. McCltl land, chairman, and tho roll of members called over. As beVcral members of tile committee were necessarily In ti'cir seats In Items. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. m.lllco Investigating Congress. Philadelphia & . It. CO Clapp havovdecidfd to prefer 1 -Tho comn lonal Printer ciiHrgcs against him of Inefilclcncy, inalfca ..fllnn n.1,1 ft Ml 1,11 I P 111 P 11 1 . P1II1V.U 111 'iiiivu mm t.i.i.. .......... ,.,1Hn.ll,n p.nlln 'Tho ClIlilsrtAK il lite bed paper I yet," unirui't tin Centennial Exposition, i:uun,lon tick. inu iiiiiisiiniii. ii ,.,,..,.,. ,i,VB ... nr Ksuu. wit be Is, cnys Mr, Spurgeoii, the great Unnloii preach Hui-ii irmn matiuns ontiie riiliadcltiiiln itmidinj ... n l .1.11..... I llnllrojil una lllauclics. U) l rr. 1 I1IS larilC 111 pace, .lllll'inuiii u nn --. ..M.r win l,n r monthly snuUp.wt. paid three months cSntfunl'liuuamLS '"' clJ3-BwUnl,y to any address for 10 cent.", or to minister , ,T. k."VOOTTKS, free, by tho publisher. II. L. Hastings, lies "PENMANSHIP. JL, - IRKASUItKR'.H HAL ,7' "j, ' I.4N1IS IN UUl.U.MIMrt W.I CRNTHNNIAL EXCURSION TJCIvHTs. IttEAniKti'. Xprlt idth, 1ST: aenernl Hiipcrlnlcnaent, Alirn mm -iin, Till! ' EYE & EAR. DR. Gr. O. McDERMOTT makes tho treatment ot Disoasas of tho Bar & Eyo A SPECIALTY, im 1 111S hpon-vl at Wllllamport, r.. an Intltuttnn for tlM treitment ana euro ot patients surferlnif from xucli dlicasps. (iillco llours.-Dntll 8 a. m., t to 3, and 0 to 8 p. m, Call on or address fi. . 3icir.n.uurr, 31. i., 13 Kdwla St.. WlllUmsnort, 1'.'. Aptll SS-Om, UDITOR'S RliPORT OP CHMYSdllAM and cnNTHAI.IA roon iiisTKicr for tho yoar ending April loth istc. Nl'.IL LUNII1AN, Collector for 1SJ5. Dr. , To nmt. of norough Dupllcato for 1S75 -nip --, 1 -- Cr. 'By a'nt. rptimicd to commissioners for tUllUCUUU, UI1 UVIU. uullic,bu ' OU tWP. "... Kxoncratlons on boro. dupllcato " nvp, " CMtectOr's commission at S per ti-nt on ixiro. dupllentu i-ul-a coir . on twri. dupllcato ton, Mass. . ., , . -prii 11-nv lamcs O'Doiinoll was shot at through tho window of his dwelling In Poltsvlllo on bun- lay nnd mortally woundod. His assassin is unknown. Union In Christ" is an excellent union, tiiidrnoinln.s.tional illustrated monthly, CO cents a year. 2." cents to ministers nnd agents. Sent on Trial Three Month l rcc wltu best ... .. , . . terms to ivjenw. Address it, a. jviau, 1 Park Row, New York lloxlim AlWw Mrs. A. T Stewart has transferred all her rlcrlit mi't title to the interest of her husband In the Vnimenso business of A. T. Stewart & Co.. and all thn'real and personal estate of her deceased hudiand, except real cstato In ntpw VorV'C!tv:to.ruJzo Henry Hilton for one' million dollars. Tho business will bo conducted under the old firm name, Judge Hilton and William Llbbey forming tho new firm. Without Cost. Messrs. 'Potts llrothcrs .... . i ..r 11... now utter 10 scnu a sampiu copy ui mo American Stoch Journal free to all who de- sii-i in Pennine it. Every farmer should cii( and get bue,"and llic'u he will undoubt edly want it a wholo year for himself nnd .. . . . 1 1 ! ' . I I. '.. family. H will only cost one uouar 10 get a large 32 'page Illustrated monthly, telling nit nhout about stuck ralsinsr and larnniig. T ihh who subscribe now. tret o numbers 01 1S73, tree. '.lust tho paper for hard tiincs. P.irksburg, Cliester county, Pa., Is tho placo to seiid. April 14. -Iw, Seven murderers was hung last I'riday, b'ix in the Indian Tcrritpry and 0110 in New York. Tho Democratic Stato Convention of 'In diana nominated Jimes D, Williams for Governor' and declaodr Thomas A.- lion- lricks their choice ior President. Tint OslvSuke Ccnn' Fon Iln-Ti-KE. Tho oldest nnd best hernia surseous lu tho, world aro suuiaot thottdvautosesotloied by tho Triumph Truss Co., 83t llowury, N.Y., whose truss unu buppoiitr woiu atvnrdod'thUm'c-i'al at tlio Utu Htlou of (lio Great Amerlcan-lufitltute l'ulr. tend 10 ctiits lortlklf neivboolc. , jiurcuiii io-iy Tho Uqvnrnor has issucd .1 proclamation eoinuietidiiii: tho jyint Congressional reso lutioujnu'iiesting tlio, assembling, on tbo 4th iicni-y D.ivls ...... .. 1..1 ..i- t n,.i.l. tlii.,iii,.hntil. liiu I v . J UI JUiy HCAb, u. H .lOUllli. IKllUL'. !.. .1. .1. ...1 .......w ...iiinllpa If, I T1103. UOMOllS... couniry 111 iiiifii 0011:1 . - jHclwel llanuan..., nartieinato in au historical celebration, 01 Thus, lioiuws thoso towns or counties. i:untnrc cured In from to to 0) days hylhe Tri umph Truficof iniioery,K.;ino.vmTiii,- too for a ruptuio they canuoi cure, mscuuiviusv- iucnt ond cut Of Truss in nnoiuir column, ei-nu m cents for' tlescilptlvo bookJ of Triumph nurture. Harney Williams, tho well known actor, died in Now York on Tuesday altera pro longed-illness. ' The Shenandoah Citizens' building and loan association has' found a deficit in the usroi- vat bated las-h tax,w towNsmr reti'iikkd 1U LUUMlSaiUCIU 1 Wl. vui4.r.v.iu.i, ' aait. Paid Kd. Curlev treasurer naionce not collected ED. CUItLKY, Treasurer for ISM. Dr. roeeWod of Thos Oerrahty treasurer fur 1914, as per balance June 7, 1ST5 reed, of Net I Lonlhan Collector Sssu:i II51SSI 123 01 t:i I-.3 ItM r.i liM 14 hi 2i es 30 -n ISO 51 121-21 314240 857 45 J-I51SSI t'35 0-l 314243 y.u VonPhnra. ptprli. nnrl nil nllipM. tadlps nlld Irrntlo ini'ii, who wish to write cu-ipiiitly should nddreis wtlii sump, for terms unit siK-eiint ns, APrll t4w. ii' Illoomthurg, l'a. 5. : ' L AHIiR PROPKRTY AT PIIIVATK hai.i:. 'l he subscriber will offer at private sslo - T1IUKI3 TOWN LOW In tha ton n of Light street, Columbia county. The Improvements Consist, of a two-story frnmo house, wlfli nrecwiiry ouHuillillnirs, n blacksmith shop nnd sin-ill friimo houso suitable for a shop. Terms lanao easy rorpuraiaiers. ( KfllM Light Street, April H-Sm. ' ' FOR BALE! 400 ACRES 5F COAL LAND Lylruftn Cn-ek nnd Fishing Creek Townships, In columbl 1 County, and only nbout tour miles from 1 Av& olfer nt pulill ' Ride at. tho Court Houso, In tho Town ot liloomsburir, on tlio ot coal oiwnnn said property. ... l'or terms and conditions ot sale, address or call UP0"" It. DOWNING, AprU5l.-3m. AVinces-llarre, VA. TU"OriCKI Another re idy p-iy store on and after May 1, 1878. Tho HUlivi-liier will uiiopt strictly tho rendv pay 8vtm. tin Is (toluriiitnod not tu ho undi-rsold and ti'irers vt-ry eliup for cuh n geiicr-d assortment of lumber a niii In of 1 Iw-ln nnu plno boiird.s.planl:, J'iMs.l ilh.slillip;, H(UU-iliin(Ulmu-dslilni;h's,workcd llo'iiiuir, Ai'., nlso 11 psjd assortment ot turnlturo 1 l l.v 1. 11 . iw ri..nrml! rnllllll 1111(1 fill. lln-i lo if cxti'iisiun l.-iWo. illnlhtf parlor centre, nnd hre.ikrast talilns. bureaus, bwl Hi-adi, seereturli-s, plialrs AO. ( nil and bo Con. Itii-ed, All ix-ri-ons haMnif running iiceiiiinu am rviiucsien iorau iniuii-uiuivir ami scl tie, and pa at least u part of tiulr Indebted npss. IMi. llt.ACK. April T.-st. liohrsburg l'a. 11V amt. of orders redeemed and cancelod ' commission onf.TO)4l ut 2 per et. Balance lu hands of treasurer WSITM fVW4l 1121 330SV1 t3SiC3 LIST 01' UNSEATED LAND TAX IN THE BOBUllIll ill.. TCKNEDTO TUB COillllSSlUNKlul lUBlvl.l.nuiiu", 1'pter V. Collins Jarntis Callahan Wellington cioavcr., John .I.HuKhes caionno Kinie KUiio .v- Ui-luhold... I civls Kantner widow Keller ldchard Keller Patrick LatiKdou LIO) 11 .MIU'1.3 ueo. .Mai ks '11,03. Minion Sirs. Orai-o Moro ... -rarKS I alrtck ((ulnu II. 1-'. fclupaid sweet ; Torrey .!.., 1'rcd w uitiicK. Wm. Zelgler. f I oi to , l 10 Ul , 1 SS 5 ts l'OO as H , 1 OS r..i r.i 05 , l us M 61 t5 , 1 10 ,111 ts M . IB' M 65 $23 01 The venerable Philadelphia, Xorth Ameri can, the oldest daily paper in the United States, has donned a new dress and dropped Senator in 1S52. one of its titles United Mates Gazctt'. I he Advcrliter which was merged witli tl)6 -Voi-i American dates back to 1781, and tlje Gazette to 1703. The paper is a very reliable com mercial medium and its circulation has been principally among merchants. account of their secretary, 'amounting to ntfarly $0,000. Hon. Archibald Dixon, ex-Clovcrnor of KpnWkpv.' died on Sunday niuht', nsred 74 yc.ars. lie succeeded llcnry Clay us U. S. unitxu: xotici:. An election will be held al the hoiifc of X 11. KiPlk-r in the town of Cntnwn-p.-i, hetwtln the hours of cue slid nx o elock I'. M. of .May Ut 1S7C lor onu l'rbiiliut, tlx Jlonogeis, one Trturiirir and one bicretary ol the Latr.wi.-a l!Hili'H L'oninanr for the fiiMiim;' 5lnr. and at tho Kiimu lime unil place thu Hock holilers of Said lli-idge Co,, .will vote for or ngajiii-l anvpt fiii. iii tiiiii ltof an act of liOih of .Mar lfcU-j. Kiililltil "AO Act lb ehlitie the slocUhoiuers ol .-Iny Rail ltoad Co. ilicOrporalCU by tins Loni- nionwiaiiu, accepuiiK.iuu provniuns oi una uci entitliiiK the stockholders to vote onu vple for eich'Vliaro of Mock' held by them as' ixtuuled Pi Jlriiliju Companies by act 14th of March 1SU7. Geo. S. Giuirurr. w. Xintipne: It seems tint tho mcmorv of this women, like that of her renowned liusbaiid. is likely to he kept alive to the end ot time. She is said to have nossesesd aory i'riitubte tem per, nnd her namo has become a synonym of "vixen." or'scold." It is moro than pos sible, however, .that the iudamcnt passed upon her by mankind has-been t'o sevore. A more cnaniauio uispusiuun ijuauuL-s, -uiu low nttrihiitpd her-fiilimrs more to iihvlu- nl infirmities thliu tb moral obliquity. Tho party most intimntely-acdquaintcd with her, and therefore best able to form a correct opinion, gives her credit for many domes tic virtues. It is"now well known that many of tho diseases to which women are subject have ii direct tendencv to render them irri table, peevish, cross, morose, unrcasDiiable, City last Thursday night. so that thev chafe nmi iret over all llioso lit- tlo ills and annoyances that a person in health would boar, with composure, it is fair to infer that most, of the tantrums of Xantfppo'were duo to theso caiiaes alone:' nnd could 'Socrates', as he rtturnt-d from the1 Senate, tho Ovmnasiilm. or tho Athenaeum have stopped ut 1'estlo cc Aiorjar.s urug fcecy. Wm. Brown ,. hbencrcr nrennanan... Joiin nuam Nathan mown I'ultr luchn(.r....... .'ib'. A mil civ nurt,. . , Mis. John lhirkc catharluu Cook, 11.11111 lUUIv , minpcuip .lutiii Davis t;oo. buwakl .k-ri-y (ieorge frank (laliagher CxUiarlne droth. lid. iianauacn lolin Houston j , K-tt-r .loli-o , tvaii Ti Joues trod Kllnu'irman Oto. Kuihelrw John 1). .Morgan Icnatico .Mciiulro Jiairs .Morris ......'... helix -McManimun , lvur ilu.Manliuilu AnlhuuvMuiDliv nichard iturphv 'lliuuias Murphy,..,.,.., ii. n. iiiarr llleliaol Heeso. uioiaas uusiiuju Jlary llushton ! iiem y auiacuer, lewis Drlesbaeh : Jacob Trlon Jacob Tilou , :"" . 1 oo . 31 ST . 18 74 31 Ml , 1 00 so . 75 1 10 T3 . 6 00 SO . 1 us 80 SO' . 1 1)9 . ill . 0 T2. 60 60 ' 6-1 . t 00- . a. io 40 . 6 00 ' . 1 ll . 1 0 . . 40 . 40, . 1 is 315 3 Hi . H t . 3 fT Tl ' . 4 ItJ . 4 '.0 APlH ' A family ofemigratits from Pennsylvania James' Prjson:.. named liaker were mliMered and scalpcu jsuztx-tti Cl-ary., bf Indians about 100 mitts north of Custer 5151 03 I.IST 0KKX0NK11ATI0S3-0N BoilOCIllI DCrLICATEI DiiAcoiNO Out Rxistence. The nervouti weakly invalid dots not f ploy life, hut merely 'drills out i-xhtenee," as the hraso is. Unlit Icit for tile active tairtliits of life, and ineain- hlo.of partakingpf its phasures, to which health alone can give, a zei-t j iliMnclitieU tp kocii(1 in tercourse, and a nrev to melancholy-, the' vale tudinarian is indeed an object' of pity. Yet rr,: I nonius (lautrliaii Mrs. Mury iianley vwuuw iitiuaiier Jaiui-H .Mu.Mimliiiun S Wow ilrady ..-..!. ........... Mrs. Cornelius U'liUian. t IdowODuunell SKCO.Tl) MONDAY Ol-' JUKI; A. 1). 187(1 at lo o'clock a. m., tho following descrlb"d pieces of land, or such part ihcreuf as may bj i in ' i ssar to s.ill.ry mo amuuni ui iai!3 mm uii-i ",,,i'"',7i , . tho saiuc, and cpntlauo tne. samo trom day to day as tho samo may bo found necessary, TKIt.MS 01' HAMJ. Thn amount of tares and costs must bti p tM when ll,l,r,,l lavlrill-K lilt, nr H11IH.1IO ln.iy bo UVUlJOO, and tho property put up nnd resold. No. of acres. Warrantees or owners.- HUAVnil. Ames, Abott wsco , SHERIFFS SALES- fly virtue' of sididry writs to tho Sheriff cf Coluin- lj 1 county dir. lied vmu laiexposcu 10 puouo siuuuv tlio Court llullso lu Jlluumsburi,, nt 1 u'eloclc p, 111. ou MONDAY, MAY 1, 1870, nil tli:it. rnr.l rhtatu sltuato In Itoarln'rt-ri-ek town ship, CulumbU counti-, bounded mid described as ml lows ! on tho south bv lands ot David newer, on inn east liv land of li Iv. on tho norm bv land of jMlchu-1 biroilsser, and on thu west by hinds uf .Michael Mroussor; euutaliiliof forty ucios, luureur less, whereon Ls erected a dw elllns houso uud out- buililliik'S. AliiO. The undivided one-third Interest In tho fallowing tract of land sltuato lu lloavcr township, hounUrit ami UescrlU-tt ustullows: houudi'd on thu nurtli by lands of William Hoillli, on tho eot hy laud of .lohn hlii-rman, on tho west oy. laud of lleuucn llreilben- uer, on llio suuill ujr euuiliaiij' tauu-i; euuLiuiiiis uiic hundred nnd nuieu acres, moru ur less, wheruoii aro creeled two uaius, auweiuug nouso, una ujiounu- 111 L'S. M-lzed, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho property of Catharuio fcherman. ALSO, Alt that certain real cstato situate In Heaver town ship, Culumbla conuty,bounded and;descrl0i-d ns fol- iu a ; un me east uy Auruiiaiu 11101-, en uie nui in uy II Ulllllll t-lllllll, uii liiij eai. uj .-.IH.-1 man a iivn 3, ui... ou the south by company lands; containing efht acres, more ur less, wueieuu uieerecicu uueiuu, hntisn mill nllthlltldttiL'.s. beled, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho property oi ouuu auuruian. ALSO, All that certain real estate situate In lloavcr town- ship, bounded and de.SiMOcd as follows : un tho north uy puouo ruau, on i-ioeasiuy i-. 1 .-uuiuaii, un 1110 westuy public rosd, on tho booth by .susmi Main; tald tut belnsso leet, lu fruut. and iMofeet lu depth; whereon are erected a dwilllug house, a blacksmith i-uop, atiucueu logeiucr. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as tho property ot John Sherman. ALSO, That certain cronertv In .Main township. Co- I'linbla county, lvnulk, beginning at a beech tree, the nee by lauds ot.lacub llinlerllier north i-U'htyile-(,' ces east aw perches toll post, thenco south llj-l negroes w est M notches to a stone, theucu nortli874 lit grees west 20 perches ton btone, thonco south II Jj ilegrees wist VI perches to a Spanish oak, thenee noun bi,v uenrecs wesiai, pel cues uiu wuiui pine tree, thence south si decrees west 113 perches to a none, theneo sout'iox uegiees casta t-M perches to a stone, thence soma 5 uegrees west 112 percues to a btone, thonco noith 8ys degrees west ti3 ihtcIics lo 11 post, theneo north S-Jx deKieos east 'ii poicues 10 a beech tree, tho place uf beginning; containing 1 14 acres uud lai peahes nnd iilluwnnco, be too same 1 loru or less, together with tho lioiedltamoiitH uud nppurlenahces. &eieu, 111KC11 uiw OAecuuou, UUU LU uu SU1U un 111a I ropei ty ot Samuel Fisher. ALSO, Thn fnllinvln!r real estutp. to wit: biUmte In' Ma In toivi.fclilp, Columbia cuimty, reniisilvunla, buuudea t tlio liuriU ami t'Oftt tiy luiiUs of .Jucub miuijuu, un I osoutli by lutids of clurlus Cov, mul ou Hie west I lanuaor JteuDcn bnumau: coutamins Biacrea, 1. uro or less, wheiuoa aro eructuti aUrgu two-story Si. tuu awcilluff hou&u ami barn. ' htvledf takcu into execution, and to bo sold as the piopcrty ot Jeremiah. Duir, with notice to teiiotcu iUita. ALSO, All that certain real estate sltuato In Scott town ship, Culumbla county, bounded 011 the east by pub lic road, on tho south by Isaac Hess, ou the west Oy u llino quarry, on tho norm by benjamin Miller ; con taining iiJ acres, mure ur les, wheieon are erected a trauie dwelling houso, barn uBd out buildings. ALSO, A farm sltuato tnthosanio Uiwnshlp, boundoJon the soulh by public road, un tho west by public road l.'adlngtoiho railroad, on thu north by, on tho oast by AUred -Mood, whoreuu are erected a two ttorv fiuuiu house, n bank barn and outbuildings; rattl farm i-onuilnlng forty apies, luoro urless.wlth tno nppurteiiances. ScUed, uikeu Into execution, and to bo sold as the propeny of James Cnrr. till 410 4110 400 Bsll sno 0,1 !1 111 I'll SI'S Si IS) 7.1 r,.i loo 40 TI 10 1 140 .'00 4 119 "ow ns 2'xll 400 401 19 :j 1 lot 0 3 " 1 " it " 1 " 3 4 1 n ' 3 " 3 " 3 " :l " 3 a " 5 " 3 " 4 " 2 " 2 " 4 " t'olumhlii Uo-tl Iron Co,. nrlnsbach, Isinc Is, Isiai", citato l'rj, tlo'irgu W. ITlcte. lien. I' ur 11-11,. lolin urav, Willi un llaucK, .tontllian Illnderll lor. Jacob H lloats, Uliarles & John.., 1 ongcnticrser, N... Morris, li.iiitcl , Mann Iloat Numresser, iieorge , M'Mvuri, William.,. smith, Thsinns Vnnduscn, Altaman Co. 1 is ci 4.1 G S Of 2011 SS liof 210 1 no as T H of 300 1 s H of 1i U of too loo .",24 Vol) M 100 111 Wcst.ltnelc Mt Coal S. Iron Co., Womcldorf Lefever Aroh, Jacob. ssli, (icorgo I, lleaier. Josse Heaver. Charles Jioycr, V. S Hogart, M ry liuuoi-.i; linger. U.iriu'S, C. It, xiorns , cnarli-s. Khnon, Jr. Drlt'slucli, (leorgol' llvnns, llooce l'lanagan, A Fry, W.H (le.irhart, Wm. M llanier X Chester llorfinan, II. U Hunt, 1:. (I Henry, William ltudloy, Joseph Jlanlo, Joseph.... Klaso, Jacob Kesler, Trunk Klein. A Lawrence, W. K Lewis, l 'rank I'rlee, Clarence l-alu-rs-ou. II Ituthford Sam k Co Smlili, J. V ShUV, 'J.-.T...'. ' Sinn, lvu r Tlltou, Oi'iirgu vasiino, 11 u,....i.:.... Wi-lrel, C.S Workhclser, Samuel Wood, Augustus IlKSTON. MoIIenry, I'.enJ AppU-muu Peter .1 Chrlstmaii, Ann I'oniilugloii, Jeso l'.... builth, Hannah llltl.UtCltr.EK. Applo, Paul liu man, Jesse nrrati, iiuv cope, Chester Clem, Win. T. 11.. Kev... lioak, Henry Doty X l'e.iler IMwards, Marthi J,...., Klsiier, John 1'ealer, Samuel J llcii'er, Abiaui bluckhuusc, Joseph...., nots. cts. lis 00 19 80 , 19 R'l , 19 SO , 1T 61 , 19 80 , 4 41) , 1 SI , 4 4' , 8 S J , 13 20 . 1 41 , 54 00 4 4U , 4 fl'l . 4 40 , 3 it . 4 m . n CO . 9 21 . IS 211 . 1 111 , 2 111 . 5 2S . 7 r.J a a . 112 01 , -) 4(1 . 20 4 , 07 M . 2 2.1 S7 . 2 02 . a n . 1 11 . 2 2J . 1 II . a 33 , 4 4 .3 29 ,. 1 OS .. 1 US . 1 i'S ,. 1 OS ,. 3 113 , . 3 Oil ,. 3 29 .. 1 OS .. 1 til .. 1 n .. 1 .. 4 44 , . 3 33 14 ., S 33 .. 2 22 .. 1 08 . . 3 29 .. '4 Oil .. 3 n .. 3 33 .. CM .. 3 31 . . 2 21 .. fl 31 .. 1 I'S ,. 3 33 et 19 101 CO 1(K) M 13 VJ 85 123 5 15 Ot It 37 W 2S 10 Ct 10 100 11 IS b" sr 1!5 12 lis PJ EXONERATIONS OWTOWSSIItC DtriJCArK. Peter Ilradlcy. widow lirudlcv.... Mills JtJIorrts tliemselves uiu inoy not ran ntteniion to me itweonitnrt ot Ueorgo IV. eitinncr, journal Olerk of the House,, 1 Senator lioyer, Jejso y, Ammcrman. ex- loembcr of the llouse,.Iolin II. Heck, 01 i il Ijatnsriort, F. K. Kmliick -aild IVter-Henlic are then each separately nrnugueu anil cinrgeil with corrupt uud improper attempU to intluciice lecisiation on tne mil. 1 The attention of tho House Is -specially ctillnl to tho conduct of Luther Aiulrows,.of Alba, Bradford county, lu sending aise tel egrams to tho members nnd calling them away from thefr Beats on the final jiassage of the bill. Tho' reiiort closes with 11 recom. nletidation.that after the House is done with this testimony referred t) Jhe Attorney Qeneral fpr such action as he may see fit. ,aii tho inemDcwot 1110 uommiitco except Iteybiirn signed the reporti That gentle man, however, refusing ,tn do w becauj-e be, C'Uisidcriil tho actlQfi of be Oomtnlttce un constitutional lnasmucli us tne panics ac cused wero not allowed to confrdnt thdlr no cascrs or given an opportunity 01 ueionuing tbemsclvos. Jlr. KcyburnV dusent iinds I:i vyr.oply amonpj,tio IriemU ot retrpll. j.yiiiilb lias lew iiieiius, 111111 111s iii-iimvu btire and earned homo a bottle 0 Dr. ti,eru,i, nothint? in all this that cannot bo re Pierce's Favorite Prescription, now and then ,neUiotl bv that cental alterative tonic, and ncr- no doubt bo1 truant have cvnueu many a vine. Hoi-lotter's Stoiiineli Hitters, winch sup "curtain lecture.'-' nlbived many n "domes, nlles cltlleiont stamina, braces the nervous sy. tic broil." made it much nleasauter for the tiro, mid overt omen 1I1111.0 bodily irieuiilaritic-s children, und moro enjoyable fur himself, I to wliiih nnvous wtaknei is moti Iriquently and rescued his wife's name from tho un-1 attributable, DUuimb of the kiilney und blad- cnvlable, vorld-wlde, and eternal notoriety it has attained. Thousands of wonien bless tbuday.on wliich.Dr. .Pit-rue's, l-avonte Pre scription was first made known to them . A siiiL'lo bottlu olteu iilves delicate and sufier- ini' women more relief than mouths of treat ment from their family physician.- In all those derangements causini: backache, draa- gliig dpwii bcns,nion, nt-ryous and general;... "ii! ! 1.. iieuuuv, 11, is 11 buvctein rouii-uy. ivs mmhu- iiicr and healini' tiroperties render It of tin utmost value to lauicssmiering irom niter-- mil fever, cnnitestion. inllammiition, nrulcer- ntlon, and its strengthening fclfects tend to $u 10 list or onoGus rkukkiieu a d cancki I.D bv rue AC0II0I1S. the legislature, the meeting' 'adjourned until denial of tho nccm-ation of tlio Oolnmlttco twd o'clock in the nflcriloou. There was an iuercaecjl. attendance at 'the meeting in tho afternoon,. Kesoluttuns were adopted authorizing the chairman to select three secretaries uud endorsing lis action lu in prctoud of the. House lusUiight has teud ed to render them fewer. The House will cons der the repoit when p lilted with tho testimony and laid before tl 0 HnuSe, This will possibly bo about T iiirsday. Whether tho Houso will take lixlucllarrisburirnsthaheadnuartcrsof the up the, responsibility cast, upon it uy tne Htato committee. Actio., was taken looking -KS " "l WJ' ' '-?Vb"noii Iiivcs to nn early nnd vigorous protecution of the iii-atlnc' Committee intri the Kflam of the campaign. Cant. Ilropkway, In the absence iStato'TreaKiiry,-appointed by the House of of Col. Etnbick, rcprcucuttd tbU District. lU;prcsentatlves last year, will mo.t likely illlllSU IU-IIIUI1U1Y der'iinpcrfict digenion and uli-rine troubles are fertile" sources of debility. Their erudlcation 1 1 ... !.. ... ..I However, uieuiuts iv. iiuuicr ui ci-iiaiiu niivn lloKtiller's Stomach liiltcrs arc. svstenmtlcully Usui for iliat purpoi-e. The Hitlers likewii.o amiibilute and prevent four und ague and oili er debilitating lUirilu (omplaints of a malarial nature, .iprn, I I I . II HM.i.wl, .MM. . NEW AD V E RTTs EM EN T s7 M. Ii Z O W Ni Iks 1 etnoVed his Hoot and Mioe'stno from llrown's I Hotel to 1st door nboio Wtu-uiif iller and hharoless1. HC;rrect displacements ofluternal Jinrts, the Tvandalioutsaircclalty. i(palri.gilonoutbliuit lusuik ui weinviivas ui iidiumi Duiiiiuiin 11 Bold by' all druggists-. Ilabcock appears to; hayo driven a thrifty trade whilst private secretary to the PresU dent. He was in tho whisky ring, the Washington, city ring, the bafu burglary ring and all tho rest ot the fraudulent enter prises ailoat, besides which ho was mixed tiji in tho Stuinbergcr nlfalr. Ho ought to be kicked, out ol tuo public service, in- stnntcr. FmESinU EDITION OF SHE KESPE ARB'S ,i,u .ui:uiii i.uui., u.i i i;ii, icii lu iiki umiv. lAiKOTyp". nno pafer. 4J 11'I.enoiu iuvstbatioss. 21 1-AlllH AT till I'EMS men. AUKNIM WANlKIi. Specimen, wl(h two Illus- iruiiuiisj ujr'inHii,.u veiiiH. J1AUE.11, J'AWB G. i llllUUtll'Uia. If.. OQ Iw ' ' Order No t8, (lllbcrti: Kline, for crpr eeiion lurnisueii ruur iiuusu ' o. 3io, .N. i. iiuruaiu, fur reiialr lng hill hess. Ac, ' .No. 209, Wililuin Hughes, for plas ter for ta-in ' io. a, it. A. Wildensaul, for coal for Pour House 1 No. 20, l.ryan Cain, for cutting timber and charing land .No. 247, (icorcu liojt-r, lor knives Htid guard for leaner ' No. 263, Samuel I'. Livaii, for becd wheat, Ac, ' No. 5i, u-wls Kan. ncr, for ton coal for Poor Houso ' .S'ii,2-3, Andruw l!eaer, for work on rami " No. am, Isaiah Yeiger, for meat fur I'uor lluuso w no.jts, iiolah nower, f or work on farm ' No. I9S. Henry Hearer, forllack bmlihwork ' Nn. 29s, Moses Hower, fcr gialn and huy fvrl'uir HOukd 1 ' No 2;s, Johunna O'Connor, for torso hlro ' No. Auditors and, (lcik, for auaitlrg In June, 1673 ' No. e td. Curiey, for groei-rles for Pour Hoioiu " No. 25, Mrs. lierrnhtv, for cloth- lnj vagrarus und ilesi ltute chlldriu 3 M 19 40 2 17 9 CO 21 OJ 3 OH 29 09- 1 50- 4 00 17 24 C OO, 11 UO. too 00 3 00 too'oo (TO 53 to 00 $.-0 41 tO A,L WHOM IT ?i.,Y,CP,NtJI-KX.. siibiuit a renort to the .7.7iii.... m'i.i . ..l,oi....i:.,ll .1... lipirillll XlllH lejiuil II 111 rui-)i.tillii j ... py many of the assertions of tlio majority report, such as that tho Committee was not allowed ndmUsion to his books by the Slate Treasurer, will have lor its object tho com The Enforcement Act, like other Itadlcal measures of perbcculiqn, liu been declared unconstitutional bv tho fcjiinremo Court. In Maryland alouo CO indicted persons' have wuh stand, t tint, 2 pigs. ocen uiscnargcu, who wcro arrcstcu lor Its violation,- Thus, pno by one the monuments of Kadi cal tyranny topple to the ground. The jitople aro re-assertiuir their Guaranteed rights, ami even a packed Court is obliged tu oo justice. Take notice that on tliattOlhdavof March: 13711. 1 bbULdil uf Kllmalit1UH Kcinblu Ihei urtlcli-s enumer ated in-low, uud leave tln-m In Ids possession until I f qo tit to rt-movit them. All persons aro forbidden lo li(tencro with hls'iiossesMon M tho pamo. 11 mum nun uiKusies, 1 ruvMug euair, 1 ucusiruu, 4 AlrJ8-3w, V, N. IIOSLKIt. flwlnrr tn Ihn flirt Hint It Is e'nlmpfl that thn borks Were destroy d bv rire, tlie Iti-ul Kstatennil Improve- int-ne accuuni eouiii nue ou bujusiuu. tut- mu niiiiit reaeon the outstiindlng' indebtedness 'eouiii notbu use-ertatiu-d. We theiefoni resolved Ut oiipolot a nay, oy giving public notice, 011 which to civil lu all oiiistanulug orders. ' inn tee-wnrui uccouniwas not prcbootcti 10 mo ,uilltors. We. the unilfrsle'UBiU Auditors ct Con.e riL'liam township and Crntrulla l',r District, cei tlfy that ttiunboio ttati'ment Is llio best wo cien maJ.u under tte ilrcumstancrs. .We tunla-r ngrcothat Ihn pay of tneli Iilnx-fr snail l, throe dollars ror eneh day nectss nrllv Hint, us lilrector. 1 tin nuintier of iiitetlnsuof said board shall not excifd twelve teruiiiium.lourof HUdincet- ingsto ooiii-iu cpiaittriy ut tne roor 1104110 r sam ".MUIIK BTKAIiS." The Korribtown Drentler lias Only' two abort editorials, one headed "More Steals" and tho other "The Iioduv 'Illlh" As both were takeu from the ComImuiA bodily pletQ vindication of Treasurer Mackey, and ...1.L....1 11. ...A..U o., ... r.ia...i 'will contain at least one very wholesome ro- VVllllUUl uiviill, HO nuiim pulkbsi, iw imiw I I , 11 1 .1 , I .1 . I .... I ,n ...... .' . .... ... ... ... riiuimeiidallnn. und that Is that n law be Jlelfeiistcin that llio tltio ot nn -irst article -9s,j by Lculaturo rt.gulatltig the is as applicable to mmseii s to me smijvcv (uamicrof appointing all uommittccii 01 111 innfUr- I ira.llL'atioil. t- .1 r - ' 1 iTbe bituminous coal mino'blll, regulating Of late wo do uwt; hear Grant, Ilelknaj', mine ventilation, which comliimed so much Ilabcock, or tlio Ilepubllcaps ceticfally talk- of, the tlmo of the House, 1ms been reached , , , :.F . , , ,ri, ut lost upon tlw (i.'nato caleudar uud is hh iug so much about "sectarluti .schools." fho ".''SuJileratlon lo-nlnbt. )ea Molues speech is forgotten, ta author l'f jiw j0ube la clearing up Its calendars under grave charges, mid, in, fiiQt, the In- vry rapidly. All of tho bills ou first reading vestlgating comiiiitteea seem ta liavo iff ar)d nearly all 011 the econd rending pushoil ,rll,l tin, nietv and i.bllautbrot.V of tha "WM W awa" ,1"u' P"85" uf ,KK millrn iiilnilulstralion. Becrctarv lirUtow has inticd. a circular to Grant has vetoed the bllUlxing the PresI- the tri-asurer of the United Hmtes and as i.,..,i 1., ... ,.i m rinfi Wrt rmlil nvriort I cluiiint irfiui.rers ill tho Tirlnciliul cities nothing el-e Itam" i Jlbll Prcident Ivt.f who has given so many ktrlking proofs of J3ih not Iini than to nor more than 100. his ardent desire for retrenchment und re- 'jh6 coins specified are of the denomination . 1 . . ... n. .....1 4lA.. ia.I.i form. I 01 ttn, twenty, iweniy-uteauu uuj hiui QQMKTULNG XKW or ncents., Taylor's OlvNTS. for best clmrieo In tlio wtirld lo Loin monitv aodrpKH u,h ii. H. HAV-RTV rnenc. .uitai n, is, u, Apr Hlslrlct. IJKl'i fcl dully ray lor litrsi-liltiii llvo dllars foru siuKio, ur.Qe-iiii oouaihioi uuouuio I'tam, Also that the lollovtlm: rales i ball 1x1 Iho inru Also From a Carriage Muuul'acturer, Meyerstown, Lebauon Co., Pa., Nov, 10 1870, Messrs. fieth W. Fowle AEions. Tloslon. Gentleman: I havo been alllict'ed for two years with what I supposed to be consump tion, Patent Safetv I.iirlf nnd tliwir FnMrner. Hafa pruie ctton ajninst tiuivlars. Every family will riuy, pply lo u. u uue-rnse-y, ilnn'f Astm, t,'oucorU, H. Jl. luve otic CIIOMACV or OUL CHAUM1NO. low either sex mav fasilnatn anil L'aln tha diiu ituceiiunui 111 vnorsuiiiuevciibiiKeintiiajii. y. This blinplo fli-dulriiuent nil can uossibs. tree, by mall, for tu, touellier with a manlane guide, Kfyp- I hiiYOHUil'cred from nsovero pain In oratlp-Urtums, iiiuuto ladles, ye-diltng.iiik'ht my (efMiJe, the mill boing but. slfgbt at pui:, I'hUa 1 w ' Aucucbs, r. wunam co, Wio-ivr lirst, but incrcaMipg in severity every iiay until it was almost impossible lor 1110 to fol low my avocation without great bull'erlni! and the most excruciating pain, I have tried almost every known temcdy without rcceivlmr tbo least relief. Mvbrti'her hav ing been nflJietC'd with spitting of blood and nil llio ti-fiueiicit-s nt cousiimption, ami nav Aprs IT PAYS liavo for some tlmo past JHiiAM ilotvi iw mucli to rpstQffi my us it bus dono tli fur, to lung jdiull dono tli fur, to lung luill I con tinue ining it, and I would advise all ullllc- teil witli Ulseates 10 give it 11 trim. 1 re main voura tru v. Daniel It. Harper. 60 cents and 11 bottle, bold by all druggist. any smart nun rho wishes to make IJ.O'O a jenren loiall eupllul toieinmtniu Incur llnuof buslnms. Iti'OtiKii 11 a Hi 1 cm tv. There Isnu one in your eo'inty who eaiinsou thebuslniss. Yuu cai Icnrii It In ' on we-. by Hudylng-our instrue-tlciis, which nnu iitk iui iiieiu, Ai-f inuu nainif start Mllli t-ati nurrlidUi I'liuueli null,,. three ordinary houses. '1 ho sum realized mined to tho ri g Idumbunt 10 nut can t-utily do thu 1 ntrrcnai.r Ktnnll As lomr as thu I nivalis can lou together 10 iidvinitSk-m uno canvass. ,., I lmr. Wlillu mu oilier nltfmlsui Ihuwcik. Hi nil lor ourbuokot nistrucUoim (tree If jolt wrllo utoncn), lug been cured by Dit. Wihtau'8 Haijsam 01' w wnd to uii Wim C'limtuY. rfcoiniiundfd ittome.and I J SW"a.'.'i?. lit oueo coipmcnccd uillg jt witli thoiiiost Iroinsulo and proilton this dntlnfartnrv! resdlfjf Vv tialn Is rraduullv ular py for labor is Itoolir, Uiuuld eaiisiaciory results, .uy j ain is Lr,i iuaiiy loMto(m(WO Aacpnt mini cai growing less and I feel much better than I work id nine workiniiiajB. Two pi and study It. Atk lor terms. If sou nro unable tu uavuino 1110 money prtbtni tne rimtitr 10 the prlnri naHhUirekccrer Imuur olsie. talk It over Willi him. llu-MillboL'lad totutnl-hthe stultahd ai-liieiho tirglit with jou. Wo will wuriite the leiiui.ry lo tho tlrst responblble apnUcnuL Addiess N, V NL 11 K lioiil'I.NU e.o Uialuu, 4 Ue-dar bu. N. Y nnd men- uiiii. MNtih Aprreiv lint liowdcis btiidl lediuwn by Ihn Itfrictorufor ibrlrtlmo until the tuii.e l;n.luilttt.l to the Audi. ttr.s ut their annual be llh tin nt. HI). SIl'HI'HV, 1 Auditors of W.M..II. I'ltlUK, f feiitrulla Bur. EDWAIll) HUUHKSl, Auditors of VAHTIN nNlUAXj Honynsham twp. piPOHTANT t"iCK. " Thn buhtcrlker offers et, nrlvatii snb- ll.e irood will. btoct und llxlurtb el Ihn ull know 11 and lnni?estab. llbhod MILL1NEHY STOKE ,en Haln EI111I, Illoomtbury, uhlili Las for yiara hnd thiiiDostextei.theaiU tmiaylnifbuelnetsiif lin kiuu iu IU1I11. Tho rooms ht-rctoforo Occupied ntlie ftoie will be Irsted ut nriiienahluiotu. FeriiartleularH mi ply t" , .. . . AJUII 1141. llAllltjlll HAlIMAn. ' "agents male no tnyagtmentt'lill you tee our NEW BOOK, I, Which tn Uirllllntr Jnlcritt, ittrllnp merit, e'eennco 111111 eiirui'iieie, nun uubiuuirijr uu iquui, Jem- 'i ill: Tiunu11 lor-lh Vthlrunlut ruled tnktsm Mtibt. 'I he ' North Amerlcun llcvlew"bo) 11 ls"uiberv Itg tt iinuuiillilid rrulif f we anllcli uiu 1, r It on ex tjnblve M'pulorlO i" tho 'Jiubuu.uu 'tinea" a)K, ejuit iiirhu woik aS thousunOM of the Aioerlcan , v.ipboclnutnpobiuti:)' liiCDelroii AUier ifst r lolls H "pit tetiible to nuy jet pUbllslJHl." Any urlltt manor woutn tt lioeduUUuM loiuied law iruuts uud bltudy work tor u) cur. l'or lull ptrtlcu li rs bddri-bS J. II. 101111 ii CO., April 14-11 ir. v7)-wkl'U.e,N,V, A 10, All that certain real estate situate. In tho town ot Iluekhorn, Columbia county, bounded 011 the north by John heller, uu the east by Neheinlah ltei-cr, on tl.e south by Joseph hinnuiers, ou ihi wc-sl hy public road ; belnir In front 115 feet and In deplh lio rect ; ou Rich are Crectod a frame dmlllnt; house, store house, btablouml out bulKitutrs. t-cUiil, taken Into execution, and to be bold as tho (ropeity of Charles Nelhart. ALSO, All Hoit certain nleca or parcel of land situate In Meinour township, Culumbla county, hounded uu thu west-uy iauus.ui .cuus uiej-, uniiiu suuiu uv luidsof liaibara tlljrer, on the east lauds uf Jacob lib tun, and un tho north bylaudsof iildtun lle-lsti eontulnlm; thirty ucres, -more ur less, whei eon uro 1 reeled a 1 a btory loo; house, 11 barn, a fruinu house, il siniiii! nnd otiur outbulldlUL's. hclzed, taken ltiio execution, anu 10 00 uuia as iuo piopntj 01 cnribiuii iieisi. ALSO, ah unit, rertaln tenement or tract of laud sltuato in eimitn tnwtisliln. culumbla county. Pa., buuudrd and described us tullous, to wit: beKinntinrata post cornerot land ot Kllzabeth Lutz,thenco south J4i de grees wetti3j perches to a chestnut saplln:,th-nce Piv lnnil (if Saruh swunk SO-1IU IS).- dCltrtt-k 1 ust 20 -a lierehes to a stone, theneo by land ut J.icuU Hontit north HJv' detnees east -J5 perches tu a pu-t, comer Or J.UZaOeIII l.uii, null niliuu uj, inn auiuu nui ill Li,- ileerees ive-bi 'i oi, percues iu me juae-u ui uckuuiiiii,-, i.i. t. iinim' is nerea and U5 oere-hes. billet mcabure: whereon uro erected n two-story Irumo house, baru and other oumuuuiugs. AIO, u Hint nlhc r tract nnd lot of hind sltuato III 5llt- Ihn townshlo, Columbia county, 1-eniin., boiinfltd and tit scribed as lonows: oexiiiuiuk'in uuiaeKuai. , nl, il,nr-n liv in ml nf the wldnw I.ulz soulh 10 de- Kleeswi-sl HiiS-lopirelnH, theneo by a public road uud lunus 01 tl.e neiis ui uaviu ntunu i.urm n. ue-Kii-i s wi-H al S-10 pill his Iu 11 none, theneo bj hniil ,i :i,n,ii sunnk nurth tl!. ili-L lees east If. lit relies, north is ilitiretsMi-stn perches tou sione, 11011I1 tki iioi.i'i i-Hi'ii!.!. is ueiclies tun blt.iiu. north 11!. de- L'li-es viH5 peiilasio iiElone, Iheieuby landcf Henri M blower nerlb ;6.iugiifSfaHtMii'eii Ii csto aMene, ll.e net- by hii.u ef JehnHoiid buuth in, itrn 1 i-h 1 nst 1144.10 leithiblu the piu-e or lie criiinii.L' i-uiiialnlLu bluiiis and w beieheb, ce-at ini-obou-, whiie-eni 1110 eitcled a two-btory Huiiio house, l arn and olhir outbulldliiKS. M'lZUI, IWI.lll IIHU eAtiuiii'ii, urn. iw iiuowim . ...... ...... ...... 11 llun.iL. iinri I. ,,1, Uuanl- JlIUllllJ UI Diej'llVIl 11, w". . w. ALSO, ah nmi. int. rf Lrrrund situate In the town leKinbbuie, Coli.mbta coumj. Pa., bounded nnd (,.i uu, ii ns follows, lo wit : on ihe noilh ns on ul- tho rust by lot of UMld l.retn, on thu buuth I y 31am billet, aru en u,u wmiy lunui auiiej 1 . in,' mi ii 11 nmt nnd snUdt Ci 1 n. 11101 0 or less 111 whlrhuieHicicdur.iw two-btory iramo house, eoai hoube, pis pen anu ou-r vuiuuuuuikb, AliSO, A traetcf land situate In l ino towm-hlp.Columt la Couiily, liounuiu unit uiserum abnuiuwHi un uie 1101111 uy iniiusui fli-iii-i i-uniiiu, ui. iiiv . o-, j .ii if Ulluli Vullmer, on the f-outhby land forinerlj uf llHas Slendinhiill, und onthuwtub) lsiirtot husnn jausi cuutululbtr M ncris, (14 ncus cleared), on , lilcn is erf ticu u ifi biiry hk uousv ALSO, A onc-eli-venlh Intercbt In a farm of 110 Cr llS, bltllllto ill l lltf iuwnsnii, euiuiiiuiui-uuui;, Lnmiiiiii nmi iii-irribiil ns follows, tu wlti bounded on tho north by land of Wi sley Hali-B, 011 tho east by landef butuu yaus, on thu bouib by loud of Ulas Jit-ndrnholl, uud on tho west by land of I'. W. Fuusj known ns tlio form of Ihtnuis l-'uus, tltrtaei-d, on whlih Is e-ii-cted a good two-biory frame house, barn and other ouibulluiuiiB. .... Kin d, taken into execution, and to te bold as tho propeny 01 ousuua 11. 1 nun. ALSO, All thoiotwo follow liiL'dttirlbcd lotsof mound rt ,,p 1 .iifiitiitii. iim Tiii.ten uf y.biiv. 111 tuiumbi. unty, audMutuol Pet liMlvuiilu, iiinlti Thohut iKsmdedand debrrltud as loUowst LCKlouIng nt tho iiorlhern corner of lot imiied by Ellus iluco, oaowby Jue-ob llifu-)! theneo eobtwardij by an alley lK feet lu width 00 feet to an alley lu fiet wide, theneo by tho wuno southwardly lliiwftot lo Jlaln stree t of bul I vlllaKi-.theuco wibtwurdly bybuldbireetcofeet tu buhl lot o hllas linen, (iiovr uf Jaeoh Ili-bs), llienc-j itrlhwardly by thobomo llSlil et to tho place of If tlnnliiif; ou which uru incteda two-stoly brick houi-e, btable, oullltchou anil oilier outbuildings. bLCONH U-kliinluif ut Iho ccilier ot uualleyl'l fei tin width running notlhwardly from thopulllo lead leadlni; from llloomsburi; lo Pcrwlckto and eClinUIIDlT WllU Un Ulicy iuuuiui; l-ueinuiuiy uuu wtktwardiy 16)1 fi-et wide, theiito i-aslwardly 1 htt toarcrntrof a lot of Wesley llucklo, southwardly ins Mtlcr.t Stackhouse OATAWISSA. Ilrobat. J. S c-ixe, c. s CldWell, Jacob..,.,,, Joseph tlaumcr, David!!!..' Kriiiu, StcN'lnch, J. S " Wm Miumau lleuben cr.NTHAI.IA. lilt In, .Tamos n-ane, .Michael, Cluidwlo-k, Ann Jam- Culllnsj I'elei- I-' Cleaver, Wi-lllngton nought rty, Mhh.t 1 H.ivK Henry : l-'onvl, Mai tin llo.iell-i, 'lhumas- lliiaflaiid, Win. M Holmes, 'Ihomiis lliijhc s, Jclm J ; Kline. & I'lnebold Keller v. hi r.v lnntron, Patrick .Marks, Uojil tieoruo Machel', 'lhumas .MCKU11105 , Charles l'nrks r- (ulnu, l'atihk SiM-i-t & Turry Van Huren, H. V.., .Mis Wlttkk, l ied Van Huron, f. E Kuiitiier, Li-nls. Ulsier. MUlara (irinithi-llenj llaiik-y Johuti Itanium, .Michael CKNTIiK. Achenhach, Sam miner, Isulah, estate mu, w 111 , estate T... Hood, Jacob llagenbuch, Jerry CONY.NGIIAM. lirennun, Khenezer Hi-own, .Nathaniel llueher, Peter - Huston, John Kline, Julia .. Kline, John I Jordan, Hubert Purler, Andiow Walker, Ijwla 11 i ituston, Tiiomas"!!!!!!'V.'.'.7!!!!!.-.'!.'.'! llustnii, Mury '11 leu, Jacob.. Ashman, Jacob !....! .'. iiruwii, William Hurt, Andrew Urobilin-, Heruard Cook, Cal luulno ' David Donahue. Cornelius Davis, John 1) (lullaiflicr, Frank Juvce, I'eter Junes, Kwm T KUniralnun, Fred liuitit-lilcs, (leu l.lndcuniutu, tioo. V lurilsou. Jus .Maifulie, Terre-uco .Mair .Morns Jlarr, 11. b McManamnn, Peter Murphy, Anthony ' lllchard " Thumas Hhlvely, Jlathow Yoeiiin, 1-raiik CoiiKlilln, J. J blokes, Washtnt'ton FISIIINGCKKEK. 3T Ammcrman, M, A HI lluckalew, Wm. list 75 row ler, Haviri , 14 Jones, 11. 11 uo Kindt, Jim. & Co ,.., 141 Lemon, 'I nomas iu N t'His, Mlihim I; ot'JS Mt'llenry, Hd 100 Montgomery, 1). Kst a 1'ealer, lieoico 1, of COO l'ealer Doty VJ White, O 11 FIIANKLIN 85 Vout-lit, Jaracs ,. tltlKENWOOD. S'lO r, 100 to 80 lOtt 1 m 1UJ 1J no 401) 110 44 I4i ID t 43),' u 10O 80 40 CO IS 50 CO 211 St T5 400 IS? 19 1 tt 75 114 75 5 MIFFUtf. Crew ,"cn.r?r" Klkeii'lull, NRthah Holler, John..... .a vicnael, John Jr NiitiKesier 1100 Nun. Jacob... , Ponobocker, Jacob Parks, HamUst mil'.lii, "J-v,v,"t,tf bchivepponhcuer, 1. K.... i A Oram,., Wllliami, Sain Voho, Amelia . MONTOt'll. fltrk.Androw " Mury 11 ! , ltlshel, Jouathau t)r. ltamsey's, l-Jtt Willlver, Hinn . MT. PIXASANT. Mcllck, John. OltANOK. Ilo.vman, Wesley cronns lllram CiovellnK, nauiueli. Dll lino, Abrain milder, Win. S 11 PINK. cox, llclrs Kriek, neu. A V'unstoii, J110. A VTlck, U'Eifott Co Kline A; i-alterson Warner, Margaret. Davis, Thomas Hst Done, Ueo ItOAItlNUCHUllK. lluchcr, reter Hi elsch, Jacob Heaver, (loo.' J.'l" Kline. . Krickft Shuiuau , IH111011, John part of..... I.lttloltobt Morrlsi- M.U, Hughes.... Wellington, Wm Itaub, J. MUler....'.!'.'.'!'.".'.'..'.'.' bknte, llaney. !...'. Trlon, Jacub Yucum, lllljah SUOAr.LOAF. Ilucknlew, Jos Hst Co e, Kzcklel Custard, Mary , Docblcr, Chas dross, Nutnanlcl Hart man, Jesse lies Crevellug A Co haubach, Urn. . bower.. Mcllenry Jno. J Mophcns Win. M Yaple, Henry 11 59 I 65 8 M 1 04 R !1 08 B Bl V t0 S HO 4 UT a 04 1 !4 1! VO SI 00 1.1 15 VJ 00 1 05 4 no 2 10 9 44 3 19 1 US 78 1 04 1 19 4 41 SI SO II 84 5 00 15 13 15 67 3 111 43 3 19 4 17 5 40 41 1 !:! IS W 4 5.1 .3 43 0 ST 61 45 3 Oil 4.1 13 to II 60 C 71 8 tl) 2 07 3 117 2 114 9 60 S3 75 83 91 89 CO 8.'l 0,1 2 12 9 bo 9 90 29 61) 9 90 3 30 April 7. It, W. JlcllKYNOI.DS, Treasurer. rMlI-:.SUIti:iM SALK OK SKATE!) JL LANDS IK COIAJMlltA COUNTY Also the following lots, piece-) nn 1 parcels of Seat ed Lands, returned by tho tan collectors, nro lo bo sold at the same time, under tho provisions ot nn Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to tho salo ot land for tales la Columbia County," approved March tth ImIJ ! SEATHO LANDS. HUAVllIt. 441 4JO 10 1 112 400 2.12 210 S3 Mi 8 170 HSU lou 101 lotl 1 43 . 1 65 10 to 9 SO 1 CS 2 23 4 61 1 IS bl 3 25 1 35 1 C9 15 11 tfl 1 12 2 2' 7 29 4 60 1 21 2 23 22 5 11 76 5 22 2 S3 4 57 87 4 57 4 SI 27 S3 12 57 1 n 1 53 bi co 1 0 16 30 7 611 8 10 l',0 7 97 1 bo .1 16 7 61 16 2l S 15 16 20 b 15 8 il b 15 TO 16 31 s ir, 1 66 1 IM 8 15 70 Ol H 15 7 16 2 1.2 7 OS 10 2J 1 22 6 63 1 S3 bl 2 111 , 9C1 62 , 495 00 , si In) , 75 91 . 9 CO . 9 6l , 675 I 0 . 7-7 47 , 762 91 . 17 SI . 4-i Hi . 103 53 . 66 IHI . Ci ml . 4 63 , S 3U . S 67 , 5 31 , 6 63 . So 55 , 2 81 , 3 39 . 7 74 , 6 61 , 12 19 . 5 63 . 9 50 , & 65 20 . 15 04 bS 01 . 27 50 . 1 9 . 4 52 . 9 62 . 9 62 . 15 11 , 4 C3 1 00 . 1 1 73 3 69 3 tl 1 30 5 Ufi 6 99 8 65 3 11 9 51 '.') 3 S'J 7 19 8 53 lotl 100 73 264 73 10 11.1 Ml 30 60 2S 1012 1 1 1 2 Slf 37 37 lot 1 lot 1 " 1 70 139 40 11 67 21 13 47 April 7 Daker, Thomas Mcltejnolds, II. W Morgan, T. II Plum, 11. M ..... 1IB.XTON'. Koons, John Lutz, Jacub bwaitwout, John , Conner, 1-rose-rvo , llrlnk. John liuis, John Mlne.Audraw BEKWICK. bej belt, Daniel Y IlIIIAltCHEIlK. Pmllh, Tobias..., ,. llradcr, Daniel ciiambcK, J. 1' Zaner, Anna cr.NTHALIA. Moore, John Monaitlian, .Mrs. Jno Kielslicr, Zat-harlah Melick-. Win. D Mc.Me-ely, Michael Knltlle, J. II lb lnlg, Jim ilaughen,. Thomas llanle-y, John 11 CKNTItll, Mltler, John J Whlimlre, Samuel Mnck, Martha t-cybert, Samuel CONYNOIIAM earn. Pat Hrad. Peter Knltlle. Junathan Hi or- -links - OIir.KNWOOD. smith Kressler Hairy, James Kesier' D.ivll M. list Vaudcisllco, V. J Kline, l'uxtuii.l'.it LOCUST. Mjcrs, Jacob .MADISON-. Witts, Joseph Whipple's, J. I'.st HOArJNGUltUEK. Urw In, Wm I.evuu, Solomon I'llscllla Wltchy Mary II. W 1 31 12 10 10 23 3J 81 4 20 1 20 S2 37 23 40 3 J.7 1 44 1 34 1 18 1 77 1 62 C3 7 C5 2 10 7 01 11 CO 7 46 29 CO 7 41 9 2! 3 91) n it 7 KS 42 16 2 94 4 90 15 35 1 00 5 04 9 60 3 20 3 40 co IS 9 7 70 4-1 40 45 ! 2k MCItEYNOLDS, Treasuier. 15 Ij-men. Jacob ., 1 65 10 M.tis, John S 182 23 Wushbuiti, fii-o 4 17 Lots S Ueagle. (leu 2 61 " 1 tve-s.Marylt 1 aj ' 1 " l.mily 70 " 12 Miller, Isaac 3 30 ' 1 Masters, Ueo. lit a an 10 Wilson, J. I) 3 31 " 1 Parker, II. k lister b2 II ISM LOCK. 12 Applrman, Wm 2 11 H,o ilrugler, Ullsha 14 10 311 Campbell, L. N , 4 7o t'l Uvuns, A.J 2 31 78 IlairlH, Jueob hit.......... 3 ju 30 Ncul ; PurbiH 4 70 20 l'urscu, Bjlvester. 2 31 JACKSON', 50 I'llek, (Iso. A in 800 , " " 811 O'l lu 1 He-sK, Ilenlainhi 1320 Kuiitmsu Wash 1 44 25 Lewis, Ibaac.... j in iiate tut to iho atorebold nubllo road, theueo by suld rouil webtwardly 19 net to the bald Alley Id feet w de, then by said hut mentioned ulU-y liau feet U tho plant el beglniiluir: they being the same two luta of ground wldch Duller Kdgar und wife granted and lonvejtxl lu fee blmjlo unlu the bald 'I human W. t.iinr, together with thu hereaiiuminio and appur tenaricea. belted, taken Into pxoeutlon, und to bo Bold as the property ci. '1 hcnuia W. ICgur, C. 0. MUItPHY, C01 oner's Office, Coroner and acting bherirf , lilouubbunr, Aprtl l-ls. 3') 2'4 20 40 64 1US 4 SOU 110 110 tuo 200 tod 43 80 40 811 24 tJO 1" too is lui .! 1 0 404 t 0 15U lis) LOCUST. uu:inlon, Thomas. 16 67 Hollg, l.manuel 1 53 lleme-r U. J. L. lilluc 1 at Hehc-r, Jolm. ana heller, lilehurd , 6 on Kllnu J. 1. d: (I. Itupp. 7 iaiiuii, utuuu,. , lot Ultra, iiary am Hubiuu, 'lhoinaB..,. ., 404 llino, Daniel ,, b on Kusloii, Mary 8 on " Lhurlutte,,, 8 os l'cyuohla, John .;, ' bis btlue, Danlt-l.,..-..., ; 03 MADISON. SHERIFF'S SALES. Ilv vlrtuo cf sundry wilts to tho Sheriff nf Co lumbia, county directed, win bu exposed tu public Sale ut thu Court lluuso tn Hloumsburgi ou SA'IUUDAY, MAY C, 1S7G, at 1 o'clock p. m., nlllhnt certain undivided one-half of a lot bltuatu In bcott township, Culumbla county, o., being a limestone quairy, tiouHdedon the cast by ipiarrj lut of Waplesaud I'urbil. on tho nurlhby laudntAaruu Houu', ou tho west by an olhcr tpiarry lut ot Jesse D. nice known as Iho urciit quarry lot, soulh by lur.d-. or niou Itoouo and other land ut Jcose 1). Kite; cn which aio elected two. dwelling houses, stable, ellleo, hoy scales and blx lime kilns; being Ire iindlvldiduue-haltot thqninir. rylot puichuseuby J.D. Hlcoot Charles Lee, with the uppui tenances. v ALSO, Tho other tindlildtd one-half of Iho quarry lot aboto described, being iho undlvlled one-halt of halddilarrv lot. inucluised bv Ili.i Knlil Jesso 1). men f ruiu I'oier tchug, w ttli the appurtenances. ALSO, Onu other niece of land In said imvnsliln. immririi by l.ind-i of Isaac WhltH on the south, un tho oust by jiiiiu-iu. vi, u nrjii 1 iiiin uuu 1.1-iucui e.uiiii'aiiy unii olhei-s, on tlio north by lands ot Nathaniel 1. Cainii bell, aiidoii thu west by land ot Puryil andWuplrs and tho quarry lots above described: contcluluij about four acres. ALSO, One wharf lot situate nn thn vnith r.rniii.iwnnni In bald township uf btott, bounded by hinds ot Copt. Naples, (I, W. creiellngahd others ; containing uuu quarter of an acre, moiu or les, being wharf lot pur caasedot tlecrgo llhllaj's executors by tho baidJ. ALSO, Two other w half lots bltualoon llio North r.ranch Canal in bald township, adjoining lunds of Capt Wu rles, dtceasid, finding and Moweryund utht-rs: containing ubjut ono-liult ucro ALSO, All that troct of land bttuato In Madison township, Columbia county, Pa , bounded and descilbed us fol ows : beglunliig at 11 post on tho Hloek llunronil leading Hum Jirsejtown to Orungevllle In lino of land if l'crry Chilstlan, lliince in iho tainonoith 43 degrees east 42 und 1.10 peiehes lo a pebt, thtneu by land of bainuel Meierillh b6 pelchts to u post, theiitd by same norlh , a dcgrii-si-ubt 42 pi rchis to u. Kibt. thtncebyliindiif William Winner 16Uegici-s wi bt 53 pircheti to u postjlheneu bv 1 ho sumo south 62 degrees weittJi pi. rihesiuiitiubtlntlioutoreRaldload theneo by wld road soulh so degrees east 50 larchea 10 tlieplaee ot beginning; contululng w acres und 117 lierehes und allowuneo ; whereon aie erected u Irumu uwe-lllng house, large bai n, and oulbidldlngs. AIO, Another tract of lund adjoining tho laf . wore d-. scribed t ract of land on the nouh, HeinaS on tho east, and other lands et Welllve-r oil thoth' belnir lands purchased of W. WellUcr, cuuutug Sbout 41 pioi'ii- K,s,tai ta u k0W lb0 MJiO, - .... mm uiuiik , uuuiaiuing llechtel, Jacob.,,.,, hills, Win. helis 1'ie-tio Johnu (il I OS si to MAIN. Carey, Edward , Dewult, Philip 1'Wii r, t hiis..,, . . itublcr, Jacpb hhfer Juiiios longoiiborger, (Joo. tot ......, iunn, 1 . - -......, Mobleller, Joseph -,..WM.W. .ICUM U...H....,...., XI lAi Hatck.llrubst, letter lluuk 1240 'hhumaivwru, T v w 40 1 74 T 44 3 25 13 40 3 19 IS 60 21 bO 1 M 21 tO lleuben.. Yelter, DuLlel tot,,,,, " . Ihm .,. 24 bo 12 49 9 V) about Is acres. A LSO, A certain lot of ground bltuato In Mimin townthln atuiesalu. bouiuu-a uu the bouth and cast by a imbim road leailtnv from .MIDllnto 1 omiighani vvest w 1 Don h by land of Kuianuil Klkendul I; co taining V of au at r, more or lo.-s, w herecn aro 11 ccted a tramf, "."f e- .,u.r" uu" other iutbuiuluiBi rri"1'0 beiti-d, taken into execution, and to bo suid an tim property tt utephta 11. swank,' ",u 113 tu0 AIO, Hv, auk, on tho bouth by oeo. (l. .Siis e-ost hy Ll JnUn,HrV'.k'.a"a ",cr,h W John ilo iry"' cuttimu?: 2 acres, moro or loss, v. hereun aro erected iirrini?. house, barn and other ouibulldlutrs. ult,cu heiit-d, taken Into extcullon, uud to lo sold no 11,,. properly ot Stephen 11, bwunk. u 03 ,uu ALSO, Illoorniburg, April n. C. (I. MIIIII'IIV toroner and Acting fcheriir. WATTS UOMli ANI tVAVllviiulu ilu Mv tf AW14-2W .1 -4V- i