jiliJ'itwsajy jj wumu'jgiiw-f ' vmvu. vtiu&'vti 'umia 1 m ''.ujmi. ui m THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCEAT, DLOOMSB URG; COLUMBIA COUNTY, ' - , . . f 1 iV - ' I - . .. ,- L. -1 I v 'PIT riAl It 11 r . -.t uULU M blAiN. "J. (tons n tin (i. v is 1 1) a x, apiius-i, 1870 Rnll Tlnm! Tl. rrii!T ,...., lime lllllir., f.AOKAWAKNA k IIlOOMSBUHO HAH, ItOAH Accommodation Train, o. Ai. BOUT It 7.4ti A. M irHln T.40 A. M Express Trntn liM Vt M " " fi.ai P.M. 0ATAW18HA HAIL IIOAI). Accommodation Train O.ss'a.'m. Itcgular Express iun r. a 1'. M ll.M A. At sot-Tit 7,80 1". M ll.M A. M Through cars 011 Express train cither to New York . ......uvipmu. Accuininwiiiuou train runs between iiiiuiiisport. Tlio early bird docs not cntcli tho worm now 11 cnitncs n com Mrs. Knocli Cniltiiun, of Iron street, in the romeMor 01 a enctm which lias 011 it nu leas man elglitylivo.huds. It Is saltl that cut flowm . t, t...i !.. .... ...... u 111 good condition for n week ,by placing thu stems in viwupiior water. Ily an act ol tho present LmrMninro ,.. meeting will h.ivu tho authority and iimver to .....piuy a ponce mrou to Ku.ird their in. etinK- A tori ti trim. Yun ran hand by liriscnting him the milliner's hill for 11 Hiring bound. 1 ne new trial of Frank RenmMi U set dm for tho 25th Iimi, and that of Dr. Trimmer, Ganglion and Welch for thu 20th. i. Thero is said to be much snow on the mnnn tains, and this is the reuon why thu wind is kj com wuon Irom any direction but tlio south. Tho hill making an appropriation for the Hloomsbiirg Normal School, which paed tl, House, has been favorably reported by thu Sen ate Committte. Tho mail carrier between this place and ISei ton, Columbia county, took his mail upon his b.iek this week and bravely footed the round trip. Jluney Luminary. A coal train on thu h. A 1!. It. It. ran oil the track on Tuesday night near Danville and ten cars were smashed. Thu Wednesday morn ing mail train was delayed about two hours. The latest slang is "go get your hair cut." Etchnnye. Mess your soul, that isn't slang, its seasonable advice. The Rev. J.S. MeMurry, Pastor of the M. E. Church officiated for thu Hint time mi Sun day last. W'e are informed that the c iinguga tion are well pleased with their new minister. M. V. Idler's new I.itiinlry is doing a fi0od business and giving general sati-faction to its patrons. Run i I Ira having their washing done out Bhould give him atrial. A horse attached to a cart floated down the river, last Sunday, and came to the shore near the ferry at this place. It is sail that the ani mal fell ovei board at Wilkes I3jrrc. One of Dr. MeKt-lvy's hores took fright whilst standing tied to a po-a in Light Street, on .Monday, and lan away, damaging the bug gy somewhat. The horse was not materially injured. It. M. Tubbs, of tho Mountain Echo, was in town last week. lie is very sanguino of tho future prosperity of fahicki-liiiit.v, as Charles Parrish has purchased a coal minu there, and purposes to irect a new bridge across the river. Tlio authorities have at list prevailed upon tho proprietor of a certain lot on Third Street to put down a walk that is passable. If it had been dune six months ago it would have been lunch better. C. M. l'rown his removed his Hint and Shoo store fro n thu Inseiiii'ut of Ilmwu's Until to tho room first door above Sharpless ,t Wagon Bailer's, whero ho will ho glad to see all his (Jd customers and manv new ones. The reel nt warm rains have stalled the grass and given a dicidedly grein color to the fields. The buds on tho maple trees Iriveswolliu near ly to bur-tin and, in fiet, it does b-gin to louk like Spring. Wo nndwstand that the tannery, belonging to the Snyder estate, recently destroyed by fire, is to ha pat in such iMiidili 0:1 as li admit of its use for business and that it will ho t icujiiid by .Mr. Herring until the expiration of his len'e. Danville is sufijring from the ravages of in cendaries, thrtu fires in three siimssivo days having been caused by these niUcrmnls. In one case the building was dc-tioycd ; in the others the llumiswcre extinguished before much damage was done. We havo received from It. II. Forestal & Co 22S. Sth St. Philadelphia n neat little p.imph let of seventy pages entitled "Pocket Guide fur tho use of Centennial Viiitors." It gives thu tho principal places of interest in the city nnd will be of valuo to thoso attending thu Cinlcii- nial. We clip tlio fullonL.g from tho advertising columns of the Philadelphia Lnlyr. Mr. Laruu's Independence is to be applauded ! ALL PHItSONS AHU CAUTION l-:i) OP Hlanilerlng my character, or cUlmlni; 1110 us uirir oh 11, win iiu ueull lih aceoiuiiiir tu 1.1W 855 11- 1.1UUL". Isn't It about time that the editors of tho lit puLlicun M-archid thloiigh their old files mid 11 linshed tho ftalu Blunder about thu ''I'i-liiug-creek Confederacy ?' The ''libel yell" is about played out, and the "outiage mills" don't grind uorth a cent. 'There is nn old man on Front Strcit whose hidr is sllvind willi the mows of slxly-fivu win ters at least, (lint has not yi t forgotten'thu sports oflds beijheesl davs. He is anxious to phi" a gninuof mnililes for a pmsv ol $100, each play- r to iifc fifty maibliB. Williunnport Jlunnei: Such vitality in 0110 so old is truly "1 tr illions. As thero lun bein 110 know this winter, of i-ourso thero have been no sleighing parlies and, as u naturul sequence, hotel keeping has not been very profitable during the season, in this section at least. The wind has been tempered to tho shorn hiinb in other words nobody has had any money and the demands on porktt books havo bien few. The Ituiton M'edty has the folluwing Items: A 'saw-mill, owned by Daniel Hess, in tho northern extremity of Sugarloaf township, was distioytd by III u lust week, Duiirg the gale on Filtlay hist, the roof was lilown oil' n bain ownl by liiiijaiulu F. Sav age, in Jnil.H'ii t(,wnrhl. We omitted to nolle-e lliu death of llernard If. Slohntr, rnn of lieinard Htohner, which ti.ok plucu ( 11 tho Clh Inst. He was but little more than eighteen jenrs of ago mid was a )faurg man cif iniieh picuilse. He had been fjryenis a nifli rcr from rheumatism but tho (iitisuiif Ida death we iindeistund was coiikiimp tltn. Ills patents have our earnest sympathy , Jorns llllliiibinder, a young man living at Ileum Valley liai invented a lull road gate, width, His claliutil, wuikH admirably, The i-uli- e 1 ei s for tmiiia nud closes after they huvu pusKel, and this too without any regard to the length of hc trains. Tho gate is elicnp ami duinble and If ns iK-rfect in its workings as rep itmiled will prove u vuluablu invention. Wei Jme not Jiained helher Air. JJittciibcndcr lias applied for a patent. 1 A l,r,, (, 1 T . II..O..J.J lieira. and Wnrk-ril litf H. A. Tferrlnnnr Itlnnma. bllrg Was fired llV an Inrvtiilinrv mi Tiifurinr evening, nnd burned to the (rround, with nil Its tuiiiuiiin. DHji nit nianuaru. Not exactly, That firo was all our own and wo object to having it located In Itupcrt. e were, sbown, a day or two ag two very lino trout from tho ponds of Hon. K. J. Mo Henry, at Stillwater. They mea-urid thirteen nnd a half nnd fourteen Inches respectively, nnd were seven Indies In circumference. Mr. Sic- Henry has somo 700 of tho speckled beauties In his ponds. A horse attached to a buggy in which were three young ladles, became frightened In Rait otrcct, lat bunday afternoon, nnd ran at head long speed down Slain street until oppolto Sterner's new building, below Slarkct, where some men ran out and stopped the fucillve, The ladles wcro badly scared, but no damage was uone. Tho Scranlon Timts gives tho following start ling Information i The potato bugs nro found hy myriads in the ground this spring, one parly reH)rting that in digging post holes he came upon and scooped lliem out by tho hat full They are lively too, and bid fair to make their inroads felt this season. Hy all means let tlio Lancaster InttUigtnar mm send up that unfail Ing recipe for tho annihilation of potato Lugs, The late Samuel Creasy, of Slifllin, had ac- ncumul tul btfure his death quite a rolleclion of gold and silvir coins,which e had an or portunity to inspect recently. The gold coins nre mostly of United Statts coinage. Thero was one l.ngliuli sovereign in thu collection ami 11 fcp.mi.sh piece of the lime of Charles III dated 1772. The silver ruins were principally -Mexican titulars, in remarkably good preserva tion, halves nnd quarter'. Hon. George Scott was bom, February 21st 181-1, anil was therefore- but little over 02 years 01 nge at the time of I is death. The funcra ui, i i uuij i ti was very largely nltcmleu, ma ny persons from n distance having gone Catawissa to pay their last respects to the de parted, Tlio member of the bar of this conn iv imciiueii in a noiiy. i no pall hearers were Hon. Wm. i:iwell, Charles It. liuckalew, llol; ert K. Claik, John G. l-ric?c, U. II. Little and naniucl Knurr. Lat Saturday 11 stranger came to town liav ng in his possession ahorse, nnd ellected a trade with John W. Ilollman, receiving So and a horse. The same evening a man named Win- teistecn came from Danville and claimed tho hor-e, staling that it had been stolen. Mr. Hoffman started at oneo fur ltenviel; and fnnm is horse, but the thief had taken wings am was not to be found. On Sunday, Constable Woodward, went In Mr. Hodman's stable nnd took therefrom the horse claimed by White stem nnd gave it the claimant. The llughesvillo Enterprise quotes one sen icnce irom an nriicle in the tOLUMUUN to the effect that the Gazette it Bulletin, althougl n Jtcpublican paper, is not without honesty, and states that the paper referred to is neither ltepub ucan nor honest. I lie article in question ex plains itself and the quotation from the Gazelto was tho justification of the expressions used, We are not convinced that the Gazette is not n Itepiiblicau paper it certainly is not Demo cratic and as for its honesty wo think it lion est as far as we said. V e shall publish next week, tlio last of the series of The History of Chlumbia County, which t ol. l-reezo proposes to eive to tho nubile. through thu medium of a newspaper. lie thinks of issuing these papers, re-edited nnd consider ably enlarged and in some particulars corrected as a contribution to the Centennial literatuic of thu year. Tho History when completed will form a volume of about (100 pages, a large proportion of which is already in Mss, and will he hmslied and published as early as more pres ijig engagements will allow. A C'hyiko Kvu.. Parents and physicians ara well aware nf the danger attending the common practice by children of "jumping rope." Pre- piently death results, but ofiener diseases to vi tal portions originate from tlio violent exercise. The difficulty is that while parents may prevent it at homo, the children exercise it during play hours at school, lhe practice should be pro hihited by our school boards, and if not, the teachers themselves should take the matter in land. It is their duty to look after the physi cal as well as mental training of those placed under their charge. I he funoinl of Hon. S. P. ityan took place at Lawrenceville, Iioga county, the homo of lis pircnts, nu Saturday lat. Thu body was taken from llarrisburg on the preceding Thurs day in charge of 11 committee of the Legislature consisting of tho following members: W. It, Ilarlsliorue, L J. Mcllenry, W. T. Humphrey, 1. L. roster, b. . Morgan, S. A. Losih, Se bastian Wiininer, SI. A. Knibiek and J. J Sloi-aghan. At Siinbiiry thu Committee was met by a delegation of Masons who ueenmpau inl them to the place of burial. Sir. Ityan is thu eleventh member of the present Housj who has died during bis term of office. Last Fiiilay morning n young lawyer of this town arose from lefreshing slumber anil, after dressing willi cheerful alacrity, ute his break fast anil proceeded with light nnd idiv step to Ids office. On arriving nt thnt woikshe p of tho brain he caught sight of a blood-curdling and fear-inspii ing document nflixcd to the door of Ids sanctum. Willi glaring eye-balls and per pendicular hair he read the mysterious paper; It was a warning a solemn warning, having upon it n skull and cro's bones, a pitol and a cotiiii and commanded the legal gentleman to futhwitli have the scenes of Ids labors an J hie to other climes. Thu fiarful trutli burst nn him like a chip of thunder the dreaded Slolly Magiiire-s were on Ids track nnd death stand liim in the face, Hut he was not dismayed. With nervous hand he lore thu paper from thu duor nnd lushing to his desk eagerly senrched his books for the law inncerning the carrying of concealed deadly weapons and, Incidentally, for tho penalties attached to the robbery of graie yards, of which lliu skull reminded him. Hu is more tranquil now and his friends huvu hopes of him, HT. PAUL'S CllUttCII. The services at tho Fpiscopal Church nn Faster Sunday wcro of an interesting character. The alter was beautifully decorated with llowers, and covered with tho w-hltu altar cloth, em broidered in gold. In tho chanc3l were two full blown lilies. The siiigin,', as usnl, wae good. Itev. John Hewitt, Into lector of ih-i Paiish, conducted tho services, hu having in timated Ids willingness to do so if re-quested. In tho afternoon a Sunday school service was held. On Faster Monday evening an election of a vestry took placo In thu ehurch. A large number of the cougrcgilioii were preecht. The meeting was orgauUed by culling Judge Klwell to lhe chair, J. II, Maize was elected secretary, mid thu chair appointed F. P. Drinker ami It. C. Keal, tellers. The election resulted in the choicoof J. J. Iliower, H. It. Drinker, O. C, Slarr, K. Slendtidiall, Joseph Hinderhhott, J, K. Kdgar anil II. F. llartinan. Sir. John A. Funstou was nominated for ic-clectlon, hut positively declined to servo If ilectesl, anil his nnmo was Ihcitl'uro dropped, Thu old vi-stry W i continued with this exception, Sir. Fdgur, being chosen in Sir. Fiinslon's place, So far as we are able to learn, thu election Is perfectly satisfactory, nud this endowment of lhe old vestry by thv eoiigre-gatloii klniws that thu peo ple aie satisfied with their administration, Jt is expeiUd tint a ltector will be called toou. j OI11TUA11Y. on. aaoitoe scorr. A do illi lias not occurred in Pennsylvania that will slrlko upon the public mind with a tnoro sudden nud powerful ahock than that of tho distinguished gentleman whoso nnmo lic.ids this itrticto. It was only yesterday or day lieforo that n, letter was mailed to him from this city, written by ono of tho ofllccrg on the hill, and convoying detailed Informa tion for which ho asked nnd which necessa rily contemplated a period for Ills life pro longed nt least for fivo or ten years, nnd scarcely docs that letter nrrlvo at its destina tion, when the telegraph flashes back to tho world a conclusion for liim of all earthly things. Wo nt llarrisburg know only of Slr.Scott's public life. In 1850 ho camo hero ns canal commissioner on ono nf tho last boards of that commission that existed. This position lie filled with honor to himself nnd credit to tlio Stato, nor was thero over heard a whis per of suspicion ns to his Integrity. For Bcvcral periods thereafter Sir. Scott appeared in tho Legislature and always with credit to himself nnd his constituents. At the tiino of his death he was Associate Judge in his district. Ho was president of tho Pennsyl vania Agricultural Society and a prominent member of the Centennial Commission for his State; alt theso positions called for ac tivity nor did there seem to be a more nc tlvo man of his ngo (nbouj sixty) to be found anywhere, when a few weeks ago the writer of tills notlco saw him nud greeted him ns ho passed through tho city in the cars. Truly may it bo repented that it would be diflicult to conceive a more sudden shock to tho community than tho announcement of the death of so "living" a man, so to spenk, ns tho Hon. George Scott. In the very mirtst of his usefulness and when just about receiv ing nnd accepting the earthly reward of a valuable and well spent life, n faithful pub lic, servant and a worthy man has departed from among us. Pease to his nshes ! 1'a trilt. State Xoiiual School. The opening nf the New Normal Hall will take place on Wed nesday, April 20lh, at ten o'clock n. m. Addresses will be delivered by ex-Governor James Pollock, Dr. J. P. Wickersliam, Super intendent of Public Instruction, and others. The citizens of Illoomsbiirg and all friends of education are cordially invited lobe present. The spring term will open o-i Thursday, April 27th, and continue twelve weeks. Periodically their appears nn article in tho 'Columuun' on "our post-office." Had the chronic fault-finder' anything to do willi the issue of last week ? Or it is an article clipped from some of tho back files of tho "CoiXM 111AN ?" It reads very much like some of them. Republican. The fault finding with regard to the post office in this place is "chronic," truly, but it is not confined to an individual. If the post master were occasionally to drop in to tho post office, he would speedily ascertain that tho feel ing is almost unanimous among tho better clas of citizens, that tho post office as at present conducted is a nuisance. This opinion has been expressed time and time ngain, and by persons whose utterances are entitled to respect ful consideration. Tlio-post master is cither too lazy or too indifferent to do any share of the office work, nnd puts the entire business on tlio shoulders of his clerk. For this cause mails which ought to bo distributed in fifteen minutes, require from half to three quarters of nn hour to assort, nnd business men nre com pelled to lose valuable time in needless wait ing. Sir. Keefer, the clerk, is willing and obliging nnd does bis work well, but he has in addition to do the work nf his chief. These nre facts which nie net to be denied. Another objectionable feature is the toleration of crowds of boys, who do not get mail, but who.by crowil ing into tlio small and uncomfortable room ren der those in Baiting, miserable. If the postmaster made less frequent visits to llarrisburg and Washington on political errands and devoted less lime to tho manipulation of party affairs at home, tho people would be bet ter served, and hu would be about as far ahead at the end of tho ear as he is under the pres ent system. We state distinctly that if the post master would assist in the distribution of mails, nud keep his inconvenient office free from crowds of children,hc would greatly oblicc (lie public and the post office would cease to bo what it is now, most decidedly a nuisance. "Tho CllitlSTIAN i'j the best paper J get," says Sir. Spurgcnn, the great London preach cr. llus largo 10 page, illustrated dollars monthly will bo sent post paid threo months to any ntldress for 10 cents, or to minister free, by the publishers, II. L. Hastings, Itos- ton, Slass. April 14-hv Slanyof our readers will bo borry to learn of the destruction by fire of old St. Gnbriel's Church, in Sugarloaf township, which oc curred on Sunday morning, April Otli. Scr- vico was to have been held in tho church on that day and a firo had been kindled in the stovo for tho purposo of warming the buil ding, the flames from which communicated to the woodwork. St. Gabriel's was ono of tlio oldest churches in this county. "Union In ClirUt" is nn excellent union, undrnomiuational illustrated monthly, 00. cents a year, 25 cents toministers and agents. Sent on Trial Thrte Months Free with best terms to agents. Address II, A. Kino, 37 Park Itow, New York 15ox22S0. AH-lw The banking fiini of Powell it Co., of Wii- llamsport has ruspended and assignees have been appointid. The nominal assets nre given at 5-291,200 and the total liabilities S2uS.3S0. This shows a surplus of $35,000 and better, ami of correct the creditors will secure their dues. The personal properly of the late Michael G rover will be told on April 27th at his for mer residence in Slain tiwnship. Sato to begin at 10 o'clock. Anionc oilier articles to bt) sold arc thu following: -100 bushels, of Cum. 100 bushels of Wheat, 60 bushels of Puck Wheat, U0 busht-Uol Oats, 20 bush el Is ol Hye. Tub ONr.YM.'KK Ccrtit Ton Jtrm-Bi-:, Hioolttekt r.ntl hesl hernia burgtons In tho world are bomuof the uiUuutuucs offered hy tho Tiluitiph Truss Co., 834 How e ij, N. V., whoso truss uuilsunpoilerweio nwardou ILu ineul at tho lute it-btlon ut the Great Amerlcun Institute l'ttr scud 10 cents lor their now took. Munu-.il TO-ly G, A. Clnrk announces that although hu docs not keep "music" on hand, yet he is constantly oidcrii'g. Send hlui jour orders Itupturo cured In from 80 to 9 1 ilajs by 1110 Til- uniiih Truss Co., of 834 How cry, N. Y., whoolterll,- Oe.0 for u rupluio they rtoinot cure, &e udu-rtlsc- ment uudcutbt liusslu unother column, bend 10 cents for uVhi rlptn 0 took of Trluiuuli ltupturu- Cure. March-it, io-ly New Orleans linking SIoIufsch, choice Syr ups from SO ccnls to &1 11 gallon. A flue its- btirtmciit of Young Hyson, Imperial, Japan anil liluck lias 111 in. M, missel a. HitiiKii: no net:. An election will be held ut the house of J, it. Kisllerln the town el Cutowissn, between Ihu bonis of one ur.d sl.t oclotk J'. SI, of Slay hi lb"0 fe r cue 1 lesiilent, six MuimgiiH, ono 'J itiisinii-iukI ono t-eeretury of thu Catuwissa llrltluu CVmi'iiny for tho ensiling war. nnd nt the nunc time ni.d plate lhe stock holders of mid lliiuge ( o. will vole for or rgalml ue-cept-Ing teelion lstof nu bet of illlh of Slay 1MJ3, l.'iiiiihd "An Act to entitle the sttsvkholelers of 1111 llall ltoad Co. Incorporated by this Com ineiiiwinhh, uc-eepling the piovlsloim of this act ililillii g the stockholders 10 eile 0110 vote for cueh shuru of stoik beltl by lliem" us extended In Ililtlgu Compumis ly ail J-illi 01 Jiuien 1807. Gix. S. Gii.uwiT. Secy, April 7 4w. . Business -Notices Espytown Steam Planing "Mill for jalo or rent Address, N. U. I'unk, Slarch 24-lf Mcomsburg, Pa. For KentA first-class office In tlio Co lumbian Uulldlng, fronting tho. Court House. Apply nt this ollice. tf. Plants of nil kinds' hir sale by J.h.Dlllon, Florist. Uloomsburir. Pa. 5.000 early cab bage plants lor salo now. 2,000 feet of glass in uso comprising grecn-nousc, iiot-ucus aim cold-bcds. A motlo for every man: "Buy your cloth ing at D. Lowcnbcrg's." Persons contemplating rep airs to their dwellings, barns. Sc, this Spring, will do well to cull on Sloyer Brothers lor Paints. Theso gentlemen hnvo on hand a largo stock of Paints of all colors and purchasers , can not fail of finding what they wish. Junius Hill, Commission SIcrchantfor tlio purchase nd snlc of Grain, Flour, Feed, Baled Hay, Huttor, Fugs, Cheese, Lard, Po tatoes, A plus. &i , Pittston, Pa. Consign ments solicited. You can get at Clark Sc Wolf's, Standard Prints at 0 cents per. yard ; fast colors. When you go to Bloornsburg. bo sure to go to I. V llartmaii's Centennial Store and see his Centennial decorations. Ladles Lasting-! Halters 1,25 at SlcKiu ney's. Opinions nf the I'ublic. "Tho largest and best stock of Clothing." John Smith. "Tho best fitting ready-made Clothing.'' Brown. "Economy and durability combined." Jones. "In fact, nn man should bo without 11 .S'tn'f of Clothes from D. Lowenberg's." Public Opinion, NoTtcn. All accounts on our books re maining unpaid niter Sluy !, 1870 will bo placed 111 tho bauds of the law for collection J. Suhuler & Sou. 3w. Parasols, Laces, Silk Fringes and Worsted Fringes in largo variety for 'J cents per yard at Clark & Wolfe. Sloyer Brothers have the largest stock of Lamps and Lamp Chimneys ever brought to Bloomsburg. Every stylo of Lam p Goods, and at every price, can bo found in their store. If you wish any peculiar btylo and can find it no where else try Sloyer Broth ers, they will have it. Sir. II. Itoscnstock lias secured tho ser vices of Mr. Gustav Cors, an admirablo re toucher, lately in the employ of Setky & Co. New York, 'and confidently assures his pat rons that they can secure first class work at his gallery, Jane, hac ycu bought your Spring drcis yet? No, I have been to Clark & Wolfs and I shall go there, for they havo such 11 Inrpe stock to select from. Only think, p lendid Silk Pongees in threo shades nt 15 cents per yard, and such beautiful Plaids, and howehdip! Their plain goods in bhailes are so well lutred, and at almost any price and style you may want. Now, Slary, I ad vise ou to look nt their stock. I do my buy ing there nnd think 1 save money. You can get any thing you with, for their stock is tho largest Hit y hao cer had. Linen embroidered, dresses and lincnB at 25 cents and upwards'. Grass cloths in all shades at low prices. Call on Clark & Wolf. C. C. JIarr has Flaxseed for sale. Spring Shoes at E. low prices. SI. Knorr's at very Dress goods nt 12 cents to 3.00 per yard at Clark & Wolfs. The stock of D. Lowenbcrg is now replete with all tho leading novelties for spring nnd summer wear. Cnll and tee tho lending styles at D. Lowcnberg 9. Lutz & Sloan have received their new Spring Dress Goods, Linens, White Goods, &c, nud ask those wishinc; any tiling in that line to give them a call. For Wall Paper go to G. A. Clark's. Flour and Feed at SI. SI. Kusscll's. Appleton "A" Slulius cut for 10 cents, uy holt )i cents ut 1. w . uartmnn s. G. A. Clark has just gotten in his spring stock of lilant nooks, assorted. It is largo and well Buy tho Ellmood Collar at SIcKinney's. White Deer, Stills Cashmeres at C. C, Starr's. Butter 35 cents a pound, Eggs IS cents n dozen, at SI. SI. llussell's. Joseph Garrison, on'Fifth Btreet has fi:ic Cold-frame Cabbage Plants for sale. All goods down to the very lowest prices at Clark & Wolf's. They will not bo un dersold. A full line of Black Alpacas at Lutz & Sloan's just rccched from the importer for 25 cents to 1.15 per yard. Dress Shirts just received at D. Lowen berg's. ' Calf Boots very cheap at E. SI. Knori's Wall Paper. G. A. Clark has doublo the stock of any other establishment iu town w Inch must be sold. 300 Pairs Slippers at SIcKinueyV. Butler and Eegs fuken for Good Calico at CJ cents a yard'at I. W. llartiuau's. Bultcrick's Dress Patterns j the best iu use, at C. C. Slarr's. New goods litis week ut E. SI. Knorr's. For a nobby Hat go to Lowenbcrg. Oranges nnd Lemons always on hand at JI .11. HUSH-U S, Lasting 00 cents at SIcKinney's. New Goods this week at C. C, Slarr's. Lutz & Sloan report u brisk trade las1 week, after the people beard of tho reduc- t ion in thtir prires. For Blank Books go to G A. Clark's. Ginned fruits of all kinds at ltussell's. The finest lot uf Children. Slisses'snnd La- die's Shoes in this week at C. C. Slarr's. Don't forget to iall and esiunlne E. SI. Knorr's Spring Goods before buying else where. You may expect other btorts to follow Lutz & Slosn's In putting the price on test CuliioiH to 8 cents per yard, but vou should sto that other Goods are correspondingly low. I. W llartman now sells tho Best Cali co at 8 cents for Butter and Ergs, Suits made mi In city Mile nt D. Lowe 11. berg's. l'iclure J ravtcs. A large vurirlv of lie. ture Fiiiincs, fcxlO, in stock. Other sizts mudu to older, at G. A, Clink's Book Store. COAL. COAL Old Ksfallisheil Coal Yard. C. "W. NlIAI. it Hue. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in all idrcs of tlio best (pialitieH ol Bed nnd White Ash Coal, at the very lowest market rules. HuNuioustautly on hand larco stocks of Domestic, cupola, Blacksmith's Anthracite, Bituminous, and Limeburucr's Coal. Etpeclal attention given to (ho picpara tion of toul beforo Icaviug cmr yards. Grain and Lumber taken iu cxeliaiigo for coal. Coal delivered to any part of flio town at short notice. Orders lelt at I, W. SIi-Kelvy's stoie, or at our ollice, will receive prompt at tention, Ullieo and iurcls at William Jse-al A Sons' Furnace, East Bloomsburg. Your luiiioungo rcspiciiuiiy solicited. IUUi, I7tr2s COAL FArwWJs, Atuktiok. llutst-1 lakes Butler Eggs, Laid nnd Produce iu eieburnji- for goods FOR BARGAINS - . ' . ad xq Tini fei tm s,mi s m a s t THEY NOW OFJFJEli 10 lbs. best White Sugar for $1 00, 2 and one-half lbs. Good Oolong Tea for $1 00. 5 Cans of 3 lb. Peaches for $1 00. 3 lb. Can Tomatocu 18 cents oach. CANNED CORN 20 CENTS PER CAN. All olhcr goods equally low, for cash or wrou'tcce. s o:t. A MATTER OP POPULAR INTEREST. T condenssfrom tho UIq r.egUter tho ElnSS,0,' a?nvcrsaUon about Oak Hall in EkVtf.fJtey?01?" - Umwn'i " Latest Cloth nmaa In America." A visitor and attendanPtfethetpcakcni: "" K10!- ". VllM corner Is the Building on r Attendant "South-East corner or BLdA and Market -Mease note tho SIXTH, forioSe SSSSSSJSS to0 ldlmiil?nsr'CU),COl0m11 D0 yOU ,A7,W fect-C on MarVet,and ISO odd on Sixth, six ttorlc high, has over ncss piccJ"WJlai1 ,wenty ufferent Lusl V. ''Do you uso tteom-power?" fnMhnrllahn,t.ySgens!no furnishes power t. It 0 '"'Kht and possenser elevators, niid tho Y .. " order do you take wit), mnAt r .i,i,.yfro n,Bt HP9fedlin'1 arranced In tho basement, on lonrffoV counters, and taken thence on the fi elevator In ihn lntr tor's room on thtf ,tfi floor." r lh fire. .mhHu A. " Ho. sir. meAjmHrnr af.a v. is inspectln. sir. cloth poises over rollers la tho faco of a strons f!S?AJlSf tv"F" ono before and loot behind the goods, watchlne with the eye of o nwft?rth0 leatt rln-holtarwrrSlon. and ?m1rk15siiv?,ry ?aw' t? the cutter may teo men5 comcs 10 cu,,he 6" A' Zte0. o. our f'"l' fliKyTand seol Wo kecpTO hands all tho tlp crylln? up the cloth i0,," K5m,hi,-bcsldel&jmaeh nes tlat do a ?own men's work caclffltt a stroke." Boo'ds?"0 yU miUiUfu:tur a" Jour own ntVlS'"! ,' tt.ncl nost carefuUy. Our ex .JK0 evcl7 fnnent as extra-well inade UciC' n """'teco dcai?'011' 'y"m lnust suvo you 0 S"' .A " In eTcry Erection, sir. It Is tUfayEtem oPfeawSoi,o.,.? PUt 0UI to ffi', ofVft'rAlletlnipccUnstl"!,,,orl:'whntbccome rVl' B,ef0F0 " Boes fnto Stock ft Is fielded. VC7 11 1B.10 earmcnt has its number and other points noted on ft, so that Its entire his bcSks"" 6 Uwcd wlUi0ut "r oir V. " You must hftv m tr ai t-ninn.i , .1. vhy lr' oa buy days you loayEeo 100 lntho various rooms and sultn, ec!!'1!? to tlio thrones of customers." aers." ' . ua 'ou do nn order buAc bj and express!" , by moll very great. All over the country. Our MAMMOTH GEOCERY. Corner Mnin and Center Streets BLOOMSBURG, IP J. . , The ltirgest stock of groceries anil provisions, Queenswarc, Glassware etc., etc., in the county, for sale at wholesale or retail at the very lowest prices. BOOKSESLiIaEK AIVTD STATSOKTSR, Dealer in Law Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depositary of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Short Notice at tho Most Reasonable Rates. Store in Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct. S.ISTS- WTTTC! VDOKTAHI.K & l'LOWEU OLiEjUO, plants, Kokcs. Dahlias, Viiihslas, eier auliinis. l'rdtltng Plants, (iladlolus, tic. t-end a stamp tor Drctr's (iartlcn ( alcudur, Kb pap-cs, Ulus tratetl, sith practical illnctlcns. IlDNHV A. DH FER, 714 Clit tiuut fct , l'hlladtlrhla, l'a. Mur.M, 'JC.-ct. AGKXTP, for Left iluiure in llio world to coin money addicts U.S. tufety l'ccleti'o. M:iurk, N, J. Mnr 81-1 iv. TiTINt) Iit'titliiif:. IVyiliomancy, 1'nfciiialion, JLT1 toul cliaimlng, inctunrUm" and marilncu liulut-, Miow lug huw i-llhtrtcx muy luMlnuttt and train the locund ntrectlon of any pi rkiutlnyciicobo lriMantly, J0o pact-s. ily until, to lints. Hunt Co. 13U .Uli Mint. I'hlladelplilu. I) & Co. Mnii-hSl-iw. KAUB FRYMIER & EDWARDS, Successors to B, Dorsey s.son, 0I1INA, GLASS & QDEENSWARE, Old t-tond, 9S3 Jlniltt f-t., cpp. bew 1'. ()., I hlla. Aii citTtilrttr trt-kt IntlucimcMs lo puiilmsirs of FKKNCII CHINA DI.SNKK mid '1KA t-K'l, ilaln and lU'toriitid, iholic ttjks ui.d nipt nor tiuulltv. An t-Mtiiilit- iiiitliniltd on-filiniiiiil cilAMlillt M-.'l, H;llhlt,.N AMI LUMI-S'llt' ULAl-bWAllE, plain, cut, and i-iigiiiiid. ourbtoik hititbtiiicure li.ll) Hit i tul and till null fir cntli, iiiublliigustu sell at the Ion t M i rlc 1 1.: 1 hi tt Inl tun- ilciotinto our rtlull c!t 1 1 nn nil. l'liitfiulitratitnilon i:1hii to dtctiittllt it if (I. Inn and l-Iuk itiuitler. in mil m-ih ortti imtlilt tKliii kits. 1 uil lliiotr luu-i t fell lib und lt-fct mnkisot mi.vku.waih;. DA Co. ilnrchll.ivv. QldVtc.to(!.l'. ItWlll l(i t -tiV.fo lOliii.ililnit nu ii'ri-k tfiiriiiiB inn. irs'o rjiwii uiUB, tii.tUfetlii.utr-bfUMlLgfiM tr ndit-rtls-Ing. iiuiiuio, is-ijr COUHTER.PLATFORM WAGON WRACK CM? AGENTS WANTED-cV jSEtin ron price list MARVIN SAFE SCALE CO, "265 BROADWAY N, Y, 121 CHESTNUT ST. P1IILA.PA. I08BANKST.CLVE,0. Ua icli :ti, ic.-iy. rpo Toll AU, IIOJl IT MAY tOXll-.ltK. lnlc nrttcn. Il.iitii ll.n Ail .'in- ft ln.ll iiffi i tcuchf nl If I kl 111 ill 'K will.. It I. ..M..W ......tr...'. lelow, nnd huu-Ion ed lhe nine to Jiliu II. lileck i t r tolui diiuili g in) l.kiiku.e. All pei stum uro tor. I Idden to IMi iliieiW llh his u su tneii H tho same: One lr, c ii 1 1 i,i a i nil ehlits, s inblts, i btumls cock-noM. uidulinsU", ivihuirs, citik.'i locking iltuliH, luirlcrttuiu and pli-e, Kloungrs, wsuidsuf carpi t, s tul s, ctprti Mint-. .lonViiliu. iwoloolc lipclu'-'C- enlig inacbliie, sleds and Induing, lol icrt-iuin rnrpii, Lun-ou, mint siuno. Light btreet, AijIH, lKc-w. perfect system Rtld rules of self-mcosuremcnt f5?2 !SS1J to.Jleaso pcoplo 2.CJ0O miles JwayJfWOfifccUy oa lr Ihcy were hero In . V. " i purpose you have at least half a down different departments r .u A. " Ily dear slr l wo have more than tvmtu. ech charged with iu own business, and eacn thoroughly orjanlrcd, a necessary n heel with in tho preat wheel." Y' ;-i!Lcl name ""loiien or so of them r A. "Vtth pleasure. The Custom Depart ment, for thoao jvho prercr custom-maoo to ready-mauV )A rurnUhlnir Department, yilhe.lt?J0 Etoclc of 'l undcmLr llio Shirt Btctory, with Its bury machines maklnircurown nrst-eloss shirts The Trim mine Department, Itself asblg as many a regu lar store. The Garment Stock Doom, 'lhe Deceiving- Itoorn. Tho Order Department; E,'im?dl'noren EPMlal Uniforms Depart ment, The Delhcry Department, with its score of messengers. The V. "Hold, hold I sir. enough P A. "I'm not half throughr The AdTertlslnir Sfr?!S,mS5,:wlt,lf lnfnd S,S distrlLutor,, cdftlngand publlshinIbiisiniss and popiilar Journrn, clrcul wjirt, (0.100 ccp.es mcmhS Well all your fr W3 rend for It). Tho Mens .-v,.u-.utvi-., .iiu, iit liiuiiv rooms, tiio Doys Doparimcnt. The Youths' Department, The Children's; Department. wlOi its special cntranco for ladipit "1 "'' u special Iho Tellers uh'Dcnart. nicnt. The Chief Clerk lis book-keepers and oslstonts. Uinciid ilcn oncra Deportment! Financier's Olhce. and uuier umies 01 1110 nrnyall busy ns bees thlnklup, planning, excutinr, bujlng, mak ing, rpslstcring, rocsjV!o&, 1 1 ndlcg out, selling, tend In a thcusandliy Joining their forces to carry on abuslnessV llh Ihciieopleomount jnRjto between a.cjco.tw and ts.wio.uv an- V. "S-t-u p-o-n-d-o-u-sl" -A-i'Irideed it lsf 1 forgot to name tho Coshes Department, w hlclAandles "lute! (W of retail salts on some singlo days" ' . "tii.txwl Immense I lhaf,n hat enables tho house to buy cheap and ectPchcani" A. "Dxaetlvl Ynn Imv. i. 1.1. . V. "Vhnt nro tho 're much nbont?" rocn liULU ' I hear to Ai-"0ur(,)-ftcm of business deallnc-1. Ono price, no deviation; 2. Cash foroierjihlng; a. Aguarantto protecting the purchaser: 4.Tlia jnoricy returned If tho buyer can't ubcrwltg be suited. V. " Nothing conld bo fairer." A' S?l,yC And 1110 Peoplo soo It." attention " yoU' Bir' for your 1,01110 A. " Kc t at all. It's a pleo.nre to FA-e yon. Call again : and bo sure of tlio iilote-AVina-maker & Urown's Oak nallaorh-Dast cor- V. "Thank youl Ishal shall bo happy to do so. uooa morning," D r. Teny'sVr6lBllB Neive Reifly. Tor nrorftct restoration tf tlipncnous system, causing nn linuti-dlalc and proper cuu- In the tulloir tnj; cases i m-rums tli-lilllty linpaltnl nutrition of tin- body, lassitude, veitkiiesa Iu the limbs and back', Indisposition and Uicipuilty forttudy, dullness or apiuehensltin, loss of iiumory, nurslonto society, llinldlty, sill-dlstrust, dtzlniss, 1 eatlache. Incident toUiib sexes, for v hose bent tit It Is designed and whose haj plness It Mill prnrntite. 1 ho itiot-lemlnrnt i lt. sli l.ins of this country have, fxiltid tin inselits in theuiiiiost tochctk" the In creasing fatality retultliii: from tho u-Lisatlonof the neries. HuMni; (or u lon peiiul deioted much study, lliiiciit.il labor In estitbllshlng a remedy for the perfect rt-MOl alien of tlieiunout sjstern, His cranking to bo ul.li- to announce the gticctss at tending my new method. 'I I. rough rhls lemedy Iho neries can be reached anil In Mu ll it wuv that, how. eier shuttered or piosiraled, they can bo perfectly restored. It acts onihu neries ut once, et with geiitltuess-restoring ihemio a natural state, and rcu oi ing the nboi e distressing discuses. Iidtli sext s, more tu less, through the prostration of thenerious sjstim, losothitr energy. In such Instances theNene Itemed) maj bo relied upon In reMUng the pntlent Into Iho vigor of oulh. Thejsere Keiiit-dy Is cniefully coiiipountled and put up In boxes ltn full dlieilluns. Price, one dol lar, expresbtd to uuy nddiess on n et lot of price. 111!. 1. ClIAt NCKY TEltltV. l-.iis Vine street, l'hlla. onico hours, 11 a. m. to s p. ui., 'ton p. ni. lluich lv,'TS-1y II US' KXrinuiilYr-Tho pieat llirredy for ciintlif. Colds. I'cMiUli.wli.n. uliu all Diseases of the U all Diseases of the oftermhen the!ense throitl in. tin lungs, ii ui i;uie, it i,a orieniinen ine:ense itppareritl) hepeltts. We do not imiili to t.i), tli.Ht whe-iitlu Lungs are Cisticjcd liny medicine can create them anew. Hut c ilo sa;, that It a person lia a Violent l ough, Night hweuls, Creeping Chills, Is coiitlmdiolitlacurcuiaj teemcttd. J, H. Daniel S: Cor Dear Mis 1 haie used Haas' Kxpt etrranr In my fainll. for 1" years, and lime the exi t-rlenr o of 1-noiilug us great iiierlts,iiiid do glad ly nccinniend It to nil suflcrtrs with those dls tiesslug complaints fcrw tilth It H Intended tlllN. W. Hlllt tiNYDKlt, Oalllpolls. (ihlo, Nov. lsjs. Try It 1 1'IIICU 5t CUNTS, bold by all Druggists, lei) ll.-sm rno thi-: Ai-n.UTi-:i) and i'.m-ohtu. I NATE. Thero H no class of diseases that rc (Hilro more experience lo treat successfully limn (lulro more exper lliusu of a iirliutu churucler, Slant- nliibliltins sun- hisi) that when the pilmiiry sjinplt ms nio ii-inoM-d, lite iiisonti-r ur iiutsuii nun ut't'ti uiereuiue. Mien is not the citse, 'Hie diuiculllts, or Hie vitilous stages of thedlseuso niotheu tonicceid. The parts flrot attacked are the throat, nose, mouth, tongue, skin, tendons, bones, llguitienis, ears. ees, Ac. Kretiuent ly these s)mploms nre tieutt-d by physicians as sim ple ulcirutlons, until uomo of the Important organs of the hotly btt-nuio Imolied, wlit-n tlt'iillt rem-ies the siirrerrr. lilt. II. W, I.nitll, haling made all pri vate diseases a study, guarantees a si-eedy and tier, liianent cure lth purely vegi-Ublo medlilnes. led. lent onli-csund druir store. No. 531 North Fifteenth Hlret. Hours, lu till aud c to V p. in. March 17, ;tl-ly. THE T1UUMPI1 TKUSS CO. No. 831 How cry, New York, TO WHOM WAS AWAliDEl) Till: PitLMUir.ii iii i; da i. rOH THE Best Elastic Truss and Supporter At Iho gnat A inn lot: n Institute l'ulr (StSflON lbik) icnu liuui.tiK Iiu ii to 10 t Pins, isnOimt il.oUj ton i. Cst Tut:v C'issot Cint. Theyimploy a first-class Udy Furgeon. Terms iniidt iiite. e'uriNi.uiiiiiiilted. '1 he usual diseounu tu liiiui.soi llusbuiicry. Kxuuiltiatlons lrte tirttrib llllid by u all. i-ind nn it Ms fur DescrlptlH Hook. 10 Dr.C. W. II. UIKMIAM, Jlur. M,TC-ly, l.iui-iaisupcilulvudent. Tlio AValf Street Tiulfcaior. THIS WKKK'8 IfPUK PUNT KltKE. Conluliis I'lituhtl Hlnsinilloiisol Hulls mil Dears. Also. 1 .11 in die nil h lu inslrui lions bun- touiu-rnte nsiruiuoiis ntitv looiK-rato in riuwi uiiti rim i 1 1 n in its, lujuut i.us iMitges, luillol hltsuml sugk-esiitus. Also, n n i ii MUuablu I'ltinluutb tu c un "ii.u ii r li." 11 1'KWAl.Ti It li CD . Honlcisnntl llrokein. 1 . Iiox wii, iu it nil r-t.,Nuv erk Cllj, Mur SI, 'Tti.-ly ' S 1 O tt day nt bxtne. Ajcnta wonted. Outfit md V-l- lerius ind. 'IKVK, s. CO., Augukta, .ulLe-. Alurca lu, 'in-, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, DM INI STH ATOll'S NOTICE. RTiTK br MICHAEL IIROVKR. HKCElRXn. tors of Administration on tho cstnte of Michael Drover latn of tho inn not liloomiburir, county of tlolumbln, Stalo of l'ennsylranla, deevnned, Iiaro been granted to Joshua Fetterinan nnd Aaron tJro- Tcr,io wnom an iwrson-i iitu-'iiieu ui bhiii estftto are requosled to makn payment to Uio Ad ministrators at tho sheriff's onico In nioornsburg nnd thoso havlnglclalms or demands will maka known Iho same w llhout delay, JOSHUA FKTTKltMAN, AAKO.N UKOVKil, April ll-cw Adinlnistratora. XTOTICK. .Notice Ii hereby given that I have left tnthapo. sesiton of sieplien II. Wolf on tho farm leased by me from Michael drover. In Mlfllln township, n lot of personal properly, consisting or inreo norsos, wag ons, buggy, harness, threshing machine, plows, har- lunn, unu uini'i luiiiiuiK Uleiinii.'., minu auli uuin, bi'lontrin? to me and to bo used for tlto purposes of said farm. c. n. vrotr. Mifflin, April 14-lw. "VTOTICE. lno firm heretofore known ns VT. P. Jones & Co., consisting of W. p. .tones nnd Geo. c. Hcott, engaged lntho tlrjgoods and notion business at Cntawl-wa, l'a.. dissolved by mutual consent, W. I'. Jones hnitng n-iireu. -me uusinesswui nerearter no camcaon oy uoo. u. scott. V. P.JONKH, Catuwissa. April 8-1 w. OEO. C. SCO IT. WKK NOTICE. lie creditors of fluel Ktiller. reM.lentcf Columbia couniy, Hre nereoy notineti of hlsliiteritlon toappi Itt Iho M1V Term of the rntirr. nf rjnntinnn Plens. n then arid there present lit- petition for the benefit of the Insolvent haws of tlitr commonwealth, andtllij uu mieuiory oi nil real ana personal property. llKIIVKV V:. MMII'll, April H-8w, Attorney for Applicant TXECtrroil'H NOTICE. JLj ESTATK OF JOHN il.LKN, 0I-CBASI1D. letters testamentary (intliM eitt,itAr.f .Tohn Allpn lfl. .If ll..llla.n ....... .. haiobien grinted liy the ltegister of said county to -loin A. Ftinslon, if llloomsotirg. Columbia coun ty, l'a., Kxucutur, to whom all pers ns Indebted tt bui a eiuie i in, requested to inaKe payment ana lll'iso liuvlmr claims or demands atrulnst the said estate h til rnaLe them kLown to the ntd Executor niiuoui ueiar, joiin A. ruNBroN, April li-t- Executor PXECUTOirs NOTICE. I ' estate of davIo deitz. nrcEAsiin. I.ttera testamentary on the estato of David llletz. Lite of Heaver twp., Col., Co., deceased liavo been granted by th" llegtster of said county to onrim neiiz, oi ueaver townsnip, i;oiumoia county, ert to mako psyment, nnd thosti having culms or r.Avmioi, wj miuiit mi iursuns niiieoieii nre retpieso demands ; ugnmst the said esTnte Mill make them known to the said Kxccutor without delay. CONHAl) DIETZ Executor. April 7.-CW. A DMINISTUATOR'S NOTICE, J-V ESTATE (IF EUWAKO LEWIS. 11 tetters cf Administration on the istate of Kdward ihu, i.to oi liiooinsouig, Columbia countj dei-etised, have been granted by the Register of said county tu William i-eaeixk of li:oiimsburg All P'-rs'ins having chitins against the estate of the deee dont are leqiusted to piesenttbem tor setllemeiit, mm (HUM, imifuieu iu ui'-esiaie 10 make puimem to tho undersigned atlmlnlstratcr without delay. WM. 1'KACiiCli, Mnr.31,'7-t. Administrator. A DMINISTUATOR'S NOTICE. XX. ESTATE OF EOWARO IIAFFET, LATE OF THE BOB- OCOII OFCENTHAUA, ."-Lettera of Atlmlnlotratloti on theestnteof-Edward llnifey Ute of the llorotigli of Cuntralla, county tf Columbia, deie.ised,h:ive oecupnmted by the llegls teror siilil eouniy to Mruli n. FinHey of the Borough oi !ui!.uiii. Ail tii-raons iiuviri? claims ugHitisi me e date of the ilcre.iVnt nro reiuested to present them foi sell Ix.nent, and thoso Indebted tolliu estuto to m.iuj pnwiient to tho underslm'-rt ndmlnlsiritor Miiuouiiit lay. IsAIIAH II. HAl l'Kl, .M 'ivh Sl,-(,i. Adnilulstratrlx. A DMINISTRVTOR'S NOTICE. IX. F3TA1BOF PAVID 1IAVIS, UECKASEn. betters nt Admin Wnu Ion on the cst.it of David H.iMs, lat if lleuier township, Columbia co-iuty, let eased, havo livn grant (I Itv.thpMleglster of audi c i., to Murguret and John II. Davis, Administrators or Ii n M D.iiis, itccM. All persons havinjr claims agiliit the cslnte of Iho decedent uu requesrivl to pre-.eu' them lor settleiui-ut, nnd thoss ItnlebtiMl to the i-s-tite to mako payment to the underblgned AdirJnlstralorj without delav. MAUfHTtPTnAVTS, JOHN II. DAVIS, Marcn2l,-ct. AdmlnlstiaMrs. A DMINISTUATOR'S NOTICE. r.TATn OF S. K. ALBEBTSOV, PKCEASEP. betters tf Atlinlnlstratlon on the csute. of S. 1C. Mbeitson, late of lienton township, county of Co lumbia county, Htnto r,f Pennsvlvanla, deceased, lue been grunted to H. 1!. Albertson, of lienton, P.i.. to whom all persons tndebtod to said estate nro reiiiiested to miiko piiyment, nnd thosu baling el.tlms or demands will make known the same with out dehy. it. H. a Limit I SiO.V, IioLloL, March lHw. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ISTATS nP.HNOS lOWl.tR. D W.' AS E P. bitlersof AdmlnLstiatlon pf. ionis nos onthees lute of Knus Fowler, late nf llrlarereok tow ushlp, Co luiiibla cotintv, state of I'ennsilvanla, df ceased.hav been granted to w. u. Drtesbach.of Sale m township Luzerne county, l'a,, to whom nil persons Indebted are requested to makejpnvment, nnd thoso hJilng cl.ilms or demands will make known the same with out delay v. O. DIUKSIIACII, Administrator de aosis mom. March IS-Cw.' A UDITOR'S NOTICR7 I V, IsrATE OF IVII.-iO'l AM.KV, PEt'EASEP. I tie undersigned Auditor to nuke dlitrlii'ithn of lhe fund In the bunds of the Administrator of the es tate of Wilson Allen, deceased, will attend to the duties of his upiolntm-ut, nthls olilce lu Illooms biirg, on Tut-sil.iv, Apili trstli, lsTti, ntto o'clock u. in., whin and where all iiersons liuvln? claims Hgulm-t the ekild estate, are retiulred to present lhe same bi-fore the Auditor, or bo debarred from corn ing lu for u share of said fund. K. E. OHVIS Auditor. March 21, 16tJ-4iv. ADUITOR'S NOTICE. E ESTATE OF JAMES II ESS, LATE OF COLOl I1IA COCNTT, BECEASED. The undersigned nudttor uppolnied by the Court to distribute the balance In the bands of the Aomln Utrators of said deceased to nnd among the persons entltl-d to the same, will nttend to the duties of his appointment nt the sheriff's omce In iiloomsburg.on '1 uesday, the lstli day of April, 1876, at ten o'clock a. m., when and where nil pei sons nro hereby notified to make their claim befoiethe Auditor or be debur icd from coining lu on said fund. WESLEY WHIT, Bloomsburg, Mar. lT-tw. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. fii lhe matter of the t-hcrltf's sale of the real estate T. II. and William L Kd.'ar, trading us Edgar A llro. The undersigned, appointed by the Court of Com mon Pleas of Columbia county to distribute the mon ey arising from said sides tu and amongst those en titled, will perform the duties of his appointment nt tho olllie of It. F. j. m. Clark In Iiloomsburg on Mittirduy, April, iK, 1870, nt 10 o'eloik a. in., when and where nil persons Interested will attend. JL I'. CLAltK, March 17-w. Auditor. Verbatim Reporting. TEHMS: Actual travelllig-. boarding-, nnd other czpenses; file dollars a session, for taking the repoit; and ten cents a folio, ( hundred words, ) for wriltug out Into long. hand. Whero the matter reported In ono day equals or exceeds llfty folios, the Hi e-dollar fee w ill bo remitt ed, and the transcribing Into long-hand charged at Utteen cents nlollo; but, 'n till such cases, If fewer man nuy rouos are purciiaseu, tlio nvv uouars win bo charged. Addrcbs. S. N. Walker. A. M. . Court-stenotr- rnpher, Iiloomsburg, Columbia county, l'enusj Ka ma. Ilesldence. Iron Btrect, between Third nnd Fourth. llflice With C. H.Orils .Esn.-Colnmblan-hullil. Ing; entrance.opposltti tho cast gate lo the court- nouse ai u. in si noor, nrsi uoor lu rignt, Ofike-hour, from t eli e lo ono o'clock, nb is, lb76-ly JICENSE NOTICE. utile la iiereuy gni-uiuai me luiiowing numeu persons bate tiled luthe ollice ol the Clerk ol Quarter Sessions their petitions fur Tavern, liutliig House aud Liquor More Licenses, which u 111 bo presented tu the ( ourt ou Wednesday, May f d, A, D. IbTO Hold U' Ullllams bemtck llorouirh Hotel J. II. Ilojt w. A, Clemens " " It.f-.irier " " baling House Hotel 11. 1. Kleckner " " John Ur. cock Iiloomsburg lllr.un lless lienton '1 wu. J. II. Klsiler Cutuwlssu ceo. U Kosteubaudcrt and S- " (!eo. W. lleltsnydor I Joslah .Michael " K.K. Miller Ealing House J. K. Kliawn " A. K. bnuman Centre Hotel Liquor store Hotel Ealing House Hotel Joli.muu O'Connor Ccntiuilu lloro' a. , creamer " " w. li. weldeusaui Jiary Monroe A. Ii. MulUl Com nglinm twp. Madison " J. t. Longenberger " Ki.iil Y.-I, r Vlt.ln H. c. couner Orango Johu snjder Jubu Lckioto Scott ' 'i Montour " Locust " Mtllsnn ( t. W. 11. '1 ubbs Wellington Vcager h.iinucl nimby Djnltl Merits Locust " Miihuel I'rautz lierwlckliorough Entlng Ilouso lluiuiihivi Parker ci-eetiwotnl tun. it,.t,.i JuseplUl hhuman Heuvir ' Daniel V. Kubblns U.oouisburL' Liquor storo Ollur A. Jacoby .. .. iiuuiiunn. iiciss iireenwoou twp. Hotel Isaac Edwards Coniniriiutii . Johu I. Kline " " liaiiicl F. curry Ccutralla lloro" Entlng house Mary Chapman .. Hobert Ful nl ' " ' Kobcrt Hi) son A- Co. " " Liquor Store lieiuurdbiohuer Iiloomsburg llolel Aaron W. llibs iiiniiii nCn .. Jueub Miller t-cott " " inaries n. luetterlcli Hemlock " W llllulll l'l'HTf-r Ci'lilriill,. Itiw, it 'IV.l!u.,-'.li-sl''ru4w Cum lignum twp, Eatlug House riijaii i-tss bugiuloat ' Hotel Heorge M, Ilakt-r bcotl " Eating Ilouso ,, , 11. THANK JSAllli, .prll-lc. deity s. 107G. WHERE NOW? 187G. anTdOhcaUhybtutesUU0, ,hg aomM' WHAT FOR? TO buy a 1'AltM uut cr tlio Ono Million Acres Vn3"? Wni?1-2a.Ba.fvr I'yll'O UltANU HA1'. m oug ecus... liiiuiy Wnrli-ts. buro crona. Good Ui nit i ...tw lUIUUkll Mill It iloug. All kinds nf n ri( nt) if wotei, timber eu.d bulfuin rupt-d. luuleiuis, eoiw lr ucr enc-tui-ilU dgwn.Laj. -o on time. Jt'Mbd fi'rllluitrntedpaipililn. lullo! ficlsuud U,uicb, ind l cmumed. Aefiiu J w, A.liOWAltD.Ccmm'i- P. It.L.PElIlCE FtCy landUp' uiui.attai.ius, jilch, ..H,l,l,tt,,l) , VV rrusldcnt Judio of the Court of Oyer I 11 11.111. ,(J. IIIU HUH. ITIIJi Terminer and (lencral Jill Delivery, Court of r terHosstonmf tho roaconnd the Court of eTonli iiviMliuil iniuinii VUlli V 1,1 UlU I.MI.u.,."" trlct, composod of tho counties of common s t 1 ....... ...... (atl. day uunureu anu sovoaiy-si", uuu w imiuuw.wi ouarter eessloni of tho I'eace, Court of Comma county of Columbia, on the first Monday, belnc 1st day ot May next, to continue two wcoks. rrt,A ,a hAran itivetn in run i:nrnnrr. ii uin ju tlces of the Peace, and the Constables or the county or Columbia, that tnoy do men ana more their proper person nt 10 o'clock In the rorcnootf 1 said 1st day or May, witu their records, inq sltlans and other remembrances, to do thoso l which to Uiclr offices appertain to bo done. to prosecute them ns shall be Ju it. Jurors are fl or April, in tne year oi our ijiti o J I . u UhmiB.nn l9ht hnnrtrvrt find WTentr.S penoenceoi me uniieu niuies ui aiusui;. ShHfl-rime. CHAR. O. MUftPIIY. Dloomsuurg, Apr. T to Coroner and Acting Sheriff. I ii ut- t AU3I.3 run ii-.i.ijj a JU MAY TKKM, 17. FIH8T WEEK. Wliltam Brown et al vs. John Brown's ex. Androw Crawford vs 1). W. Johnson. William II. Crawford vs D. W. Johnson. Christian Wolf ts N. W. 11. 11. It. Co. 8. 11. V oir et us. vs. N. ft W. H. 11. ft. CO. Welllneton Hughes vs. l-hl)In Kpouenberger. WU lam Harris vs. Berwick: Honing MU1 Co. D. H. Morgan & Co. vs. Samuel Johnson. Mnvder, llartman i Co. vs. N. L. Campbell. 7vl Klnley vs N. L. Campbell. Fryllng, llowen Engle vs C. It. Earnts. 1 T. Ikelervs Jonas Doty. John lleacock vs. Jonas Doty Samuel J Case vs Jonas Doty. Wilson Olbbons vs Jonas Doty. L. F. Davis vs Jonas Doty. John J Mcllenry vs I). U W. II. It. Co. Iicnl. vt Intorsteen vs. William Houghton. Ellas Miller vs. F i(. Hall ltond Co. John McCalla's ex'r vs George J. Luce. Benjamin IHcks va-Juel E. Uslley. Mary McAlarney et al. vs. s. I. Case et (J. SECOSD WEEK. Francis Evans vs. Samuel II. Uagenbuch. A. cole's use vs. T. II. Cole, T. T. A. Cole's use vb. t. Ii. Cole, T. T. A. Colo's use vs. T. B. Cole, T. T. II. w. Mclteynolds et ah vs. J, A. Losee. si. Bloom vs. Allen Mann et nl. W. .M lines' ex'rs vs Michael 0 rover. Sheriff. Wl Ham Snyder's exrs vs. Jacoo liechtel et ux. Jacob s. Illnterllter vs Wlllljm Menslnsrer. Peoples Fire Insurance Company of Fa. vs. J. i. Mcllenry et nl. Peoples Fire Insurance Company ot Pa. vs. XLooms uurg i.umuer i-u. James Dyke vs. William nowell A. K. Hharretts et al. vs 11. C. llowoU. A. E. Hharrets et al vs David Stroup. Benjamin Hicks vs. George II. Froas. David Lewis vs. John DUU et al. Daniel Smith vs John II. Kemble. nice ,t Michael vs David Erwine. w Illlninsport Hubbcr Co. vs William Mtlnes' errs. Dai Id it. llower vs. WlUlam bwlsher. Kfcond National Hank or ntnviiia vs. J. A, Losee. Tim Brothers vs. II. F. Pallman. John II Uoodmanvs John suiiger. Christian E. Conner, by his father, George Conner, Iiloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. llawllngs & Vannatta. J. F Wldsman J:Co.ts Hawllnys li Vannatta. John Yeaucr's nilin'r vs M. 0. Hughes. I. J. Bobbins Co. vs Ueorgu M. Lockard et ai. I. W. McKelvy vs. Wm. Shaffer et nl. John Woodslde Co. vs Daniel Morris. J. M. Hewitt vs. Samuel Crevellng. J. W. Sankey vs Juseph Lillet . A. L. Turner vs Klma Kester. J. W. lrvln'a uso vs. Jesse A. Loses. lmon Itaub snd George Ilaub vs Samuel Heffner. Itlce .1 Uagenbuch vs William Carson. Aaron Johnson vs Thomas Shuman. Samuel HeiTner vs. samuol confalr ot al. Ibert Winton vs Jonas Doty et aL Frv Itote vs. C. It. Barnes. Samuel J. Conner vs. Henry C. Freas etal. Bowman Jackson vs Henry L. Freas. W. II. Kline vs E. J. Mcllenrv. George Conner vs Frank Lamon. i.toomsourg liansingco. vs. James w. ss-iitey. Thomas Downs vs. Silas Davis. (leo. Hess vs. A. B. Stewart. Cnrlstlan Schotz vs. liartnld Kleritnir Thomas Corey vs. Thomas Farrell. I'eopies Fire Insurance Company of Pa. vs. S. n. Millers: bou. "7-IDOWS PPRAISEMENTS. TV Tile followlnt? nnnrnlwtnnrs nf h.i perbonal property set apart to widows of decedents have been tiled In the omce of the Register of Col uuibla county, under the Hulcs or Court, and will be presented for absolute confirmation to the orphans' Court to be held In Bloomsburg,ln and for Baldconn- o'clock p. m., of said day unless exceptions to such confirmation are previously Died, or which nil per sons Interested In Bold cstutcswlll take notice: 1. Widow of William Dlldlne, Lite of Madison town ship, deceased. S. WldDiv ot Join Snyder, late of Locust township, deceased. nf S. Widow or Morris Pursel, lato of Madison town, ship, deceased. 4. Widow of Jaiol Shearman, late of Beaver town ship, deceased. 5. Widow or Michael Beagle, lato or Mount Pleasant township, deceased. .vouV , 0. Wldjwot Sirauel Creasy, lateot Mimin town ship, deceased. 6. W'ldowof Evan Welllver. late or Montour town ship, deceased. T. Widow ot Samuel K. Albertson, late of Benton township, deceased. Itetrtsu-r'H omce. 1 w it .t a pahv Ttlnnm-.lnir.. f,-tn ,07 ' "r - Iteglster. EEGISTER'S NOTICES. Notice Is hereby given to all legatees, credl tors nnd other persons Interested In the estates of the respective decedents and minors, that the fol lowing ndmlnlstratlon nnd guardian accounts have been riled In the office of the Iteglster ot Columbia county, and will bo presented for contlrmatlou and allow mice in the Orphan's Court to be beld In Bloomsburg, on Monday, tne 1st day or May, lsfd. at S o'clock, p. m. on said day: ' ' 1. 1 he final account of Lydla rtelchard. Guardian ot Mary L. Itelchard, minor child or John llelcluud lute (if ItlHillsnn tnwMhln .low,.. i. Tlie llrst and partial account or K. B. Brown tnr. Mvlng eM-culi ulor ot Jncob Yohe, late or Mimin township, deceased. S. The first and final account ot Ann Been. Execu trix of Jesse Beers, late or Hemlock township, .T . . - miiuuvtu nubienuauaer. au mlnlstrators or Samuel Kostenbauder. late of t.'aiuwlbba township, deceabed. ' s. The first and rinal account or Eleanor A. Eves. Administratrix or Joseph Eves, lato of Green wood township, deceased. e. The account of Henry Lltwellcr, Executor cf ceased' Ulvu'lkr' ,ute 01 Locust township, dc- 7. The account or Conrad Kreamrr, Administrator ot Catharine Krtamer, latoor Madison township, 8. The account or rranklln Hang," Guardian of the person and estate of Lucy Itarlg, minor child ot ceabcdU lldwlt'" lat0 01 Mcubt tow ushlp, de- . The first nnd final arcount of Joslon Coleman and Uiurlea i Colemun, Executors of Jceph Coleman, late ot Flsbliigcrcek township, deceused 10. The account cf Henry Lltweller. Exeen Inl- if Ur Lltwellcr, lute ot Locust township, deceased. 1!. The account cf Lewis Yettcr. AdnJElitrotrr nf dee'ensed 1lbl'e1' lul " i'entour town6hlp, 18, '.!',? VPPiental and final account of Joseph Cllbcru Admlnlstraior of Kllrabeth KlsUer. late ct Mount l'leusunt to naiup, deceabed. ' T!ic.!lt',SV,1Ilt cf "' J- P'rtffch. Cuardlan of Hob eit D. Klnniy,inlnorl.elrof Henry Dleterlch.Iata of Brlumeektowubhlp, deceabed. ll""-u'""u 14, iT,''"!'.M,f orc,",t V? O'orgeW.Correll and WU Mum H. Weuier. Fxecutorsof (iccrge Weaver, late of the 'lown ot Bloomsburg, dtceascd 15. Tho tlrbt ncd final account nf Perry I). Black i ... . .. '"e,.epinieoi tnran Keller, minor ship deceived" T' W t,rttnwol towh 10. The llrst nnd final account or Charles A. Kouder "i ilt'v' Aeiiiiliiistraior or William F. Soudcr. lato or beott tuMiibhlp, deceabed. 1 17. The llrst and filial account or John K.Glrton. Guard lan of Charles M. and DaWd K. Girton. uiil blupdeceubed. ' 16 ot I!loom l6wn- T?n.WUDt.9r ran.lcl Piunbnch, Administrator wick "deceabed. ' e 01 lU8 1)orClUKu of Btr. ' "J''" llnal account or C. o. Jackson, Guardian ot Mary A. Van lloiitcn, minor heir ot A. B, Pe-arce late ol Brlurcrtck tunhlp, accented. ' r. r I r,"f?-5,V .'w.a..rf.'T.?.nt.bor child v., .-.v v. jia.u wnubnip.aeccnbea. bnfpndc'cae'dr.1,;'' tale ... TLe flnul account ot Haac K. Dlldlne, Guardian of tho pcisou nud estate of McKindra 1 Drnk? S3. The account of Franklin Yecum. Executor or ss. The account ot Charles Dyer, Executcrof Snmun !. Tbe nrst iind final account cf Samuel Nevhard Adnilulstiuicrof HeurvA Brtttuin lata oV wrV nrciiek towubhlp.dectaked. ' ' S7, The nret account of t-umuel Neihard Admlni. 8. lhe - CdbJ account ot fsmuel Kejbrrd Adminw. htue!.lucl'", tate SsqMSSS: bteh, lule ot iut,ke tov. itkhlp, tleVei i ted. to, Hie put m,d r.nnl recovutof liinmii nn,. ?el1 II. ''rC'UlllCCliUUltf Wlllltiu II, Yettcr actlnir tcwiibhlti, duimcd UiwukMp, eleeeax d, SI, T I lie account ot Charles Dyer,auardlan of Benton Miller, minor child of ViBuaui J. IHUer late of 1 oailngm-ek, deceased: at. mcd by Franklin .ocuin, Exccuurot nueft'Uarl". jlr dectaVed , , liegltterVo 1.1 ruLuig,,V.iir Ue.EltterVonicr, tt,u; i I inter. s