The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 21, 1876, Image 2
iff ifll jttttBtittt 33R00KWA7& SLWELL, Editors. . IiLOOMSHlTH(. PA. Friday, A p v il 31, 18 70. Democratic Stato Coaniltteo. The members of the) Democratic Stato committco Are requested to meet at llArrlt " Wtf, Thursday, April 20, at the rooms In tlio Kby Uuilillnir, corner Fifth am) Market streeM, at 12 am., for the jmrpore rr organl ration. William M'Clelland, Chairman. Harrlsburg. April 13. 1S76. HOW LANCASTER DOES IT. Lancaster, tho pride and bulwark of tlio llopublican party, notwithstanding her wealth and resources has gravitated Into a debt of nearly $300,000. Berks her bister county and rival, Is under Democratic man" agement, and out of debt. Tho Auditors of Lancaster, evidently cu rlousmeu and nominatod because it was ira agined that the office was of no Importance, made a lengthy report. In It thev say We also fiud by the minutes of tbo Hoard ot f Commissioners of Lancaster county, that Jacob Greonawalt, President, met and trans acted business seventy-four days without a quorum of tho Board being present; thirty' seven of those days ho was prcfeut lu pur suance of adjournment of the regular Board and thirty-seven days he was present in pur' suanco oi his own adjournment and call. i This beata Luzerne and Schuylkill. The Auditors also complain about the paymont of 510,350,00 lor County advurtis itig. In Democratic Columbia the County only paid $1,013,60 for advertising, blank?, stationery and postage. Wo commend these facts to our Ilepub lican brethren. Stealing is so natural to tho lladical office holder th it it Is not surpris ing that Corruption taints every official at Washington, and In this Stato has Philadel phia, Pittsburg and Lancaster as abiding places. A W0H.D TO SUPERVISORS. As a faithful journalist it is not only our duty to keep our readers informed on the tunics of tho day, to point out abuses and suggest remedies but also to instruct ig norant or careless officials as to their public iduties. ,If after such public notice, they fall In the discharge of their offices, tho peo ple themselves are responsible for not pun ishing their neglect. The following is an Act of Assembly forty yoars old, but la so generally neglected that we reprint it : "The Supervisors of every township shall cause posts to be erected at the Intersection of all public roads within their respective townships (where trees are not convenient) with boards firmly fixed there-on, and index-hands pointing to the direction of such roads ; on which boards shall be inscribed, in large, legible characters, the name of the town, village, or place, to which such roads may lead, and the distance thereto compu ted in miles. "If any Supervisor shall, after ten days personal notice, neglect or refuse to put up or keep in complete repair, index-boards as ,atriiatd, such Supervisor shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay a sum not ex ceeding teu dollars." CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPONS. It is about time that the wholesomo pro visions of the law against carrying concealed weapons should bo enforced by the proper officers. As it is at present, the law is a dead letter. Tho evil is spreading with great ra pidity, and there is scarcely a boy over 14 years of age that has not his revolver, loaded and ready for use, carrying it about with him. We can scarcely pick up a pa per that has not an account of an accidental shooting, or what is worse, a premeditated one. Even in the rural districts at alt gath erings of a social, literary or religious char acter, it is not unusual after the close of the exercises to hear of several pistols as tho folks are retiring to their homes. A young: man is not fully equipped unless be haa ajfrevolver or pistol in his hip pocket. 1 fi j'8 arm of the law should be invoked and an example, made of a few. so that the rest may be deterred from this vicious prac tice. Our attention has been called to several cases in our town, and we trust the offenders will be brought to justice. It is a cowardly and unnecessary practice as a rule. MORE STEALS. We get tired recording them, but as the Republican organs are afraid to let their readers know the truth we must keep them informed. One Clapp, the Government printer, ad raits to (58,000, and the Committer are not through with him. And then comes Bucher Swope, formerly U. S. Attorney fur our Western District and the light and pride of his party. It seems that lie gobbled from $15,000 to $20,000, and his estate Is being sued lor it. Next I TUB BOOM BILL. The examination of witnesses before the House and Senate committees still contin lies. We refrain from any opinion until we see the evidence. The bill is dead, and whether the investigation is a shrewd device of Hemic a or not we aro unable to pay, Kmblck, of the Lumber Exchange, and Uer- die, of the Susquehanna Boom Company, way be able to tell us all about it. There is no doubt, however, that the means used to pass the bill and to defeat it were corrupt and disgraceful. Since the Senate has passed a bill fixing the President's salary hereafter at ?25,000 r i i . i . . . i . i il.i i... -. t per year, uraui uas uuuuuucu mav no tuu J not afford to devote six months In the year ' . . I it I nl f ...... I. ., I . to me Buairs ui luo cuuuwy iu, ucu u imnry consideration. Ho Is growing quite indig riant about the matter, and ears if the "ea vlors of the country" are to bo treated in that shabby kind of style, there ain't much Inducement for a man to go into tho savior business very extensively. The death of A. T, Stewart is the second of the triumvirate of great millionaires of New York Aster, Stewart and Vaiulerbllt, Considering the amount of wealth possessed by thtsa men the good tbey have done in the world is small Indeed. I heir lives were given to making money not spending It, Tbe President has signed tbo act to pro vide for a deficiency In the priuting and en graving bureau of the treasury department and for tbo Issue of silver coin of tbe United States in placo of fractional currency, and has vetoed the bill reducing tho President' wdary to $25,000, from and after the -1th of March next THE WORDS FITLY SPOKEN. Wlicnover an net of rascality Is com milted by the Republican leaders, tho office holding and petty newspaper clan rush In discriminated Into a defenco of their party. If the Treasury Is proven to Imvo been systematically robbed, Instead of condemn ing tho thief, abuo U 1 leaped upon tbo Democrats who detected and brought to punishment the offenders. If a Democratic Congress iitioartbs startling fraud,, and show that they have been not only cn courugeu for years by the party In power but with the knowledge and assistance, of tho Presldeut and his subordinates, tho only answer is a wavo of "tlio bloody shirt," and a weak editorial about the "Confederate Congress." Democratic rule In certain Southern States is denounced as tvrr.tnleal, but tho outrages committed by such mon as Kellogg. Pinch' back, Ames, Patterson, Moses, and Spencer in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and South Carolina aro justified, and tho pcrpo trators rewarded by a debauched party. In South Carolina, however, tbe matter has gono too far, and even the thick-skinned Frets speaks out as follows ; Republican conventions like that in session for tho nast few davs at Columbia. South Carolina, aro a disgrace to the majority which controls them, to tbo Slate they pro tend to represent, and to the great party of the nation. Tho scenes of violent disorder which accompanied the proceedings fitly Illustrate tho character of tho majority as, well as the means by which their success was gained. For South Carolina tlio present is a critical time, adovo an things else, that Stato needs an honest government. Re publican or Democratic, tho administration of uer political atlatrs ought to be econo tnical, upright, above suspicion. Is there any probability of her securing such blessing at the hands of tho faction which now appears to be in control of tho orgam zation embracing the great majority of voters in tbe State? The most, malignant enemy of South Carolina could wish her no worse fate than to be governed as this kind of noli ticians govern, while her wcll-wishors must oe appalled by tho prospect. When the party is to speak for the State, and the Stato is preparing to co-operato with her sister States in Isatioual Council, the rank and file allow themselves to bo swayed by the cunning hand of intrigue till, as wo'havo said, disaster and disgrace come upon them. The moral has become trite, but is none the less useful let tho people dictate terms to it.!' , ' r i ... . . tue uuiiuciana anu reiuse ionizer 10 laKe orders from them. But it is not alone South Carolina which is affected by this defeat. republicanism sutlers witn ner. it it is true that tho Republicans of the Palmetto state aro really in lavor ot pure and honest government, It is equally truo that the Re publicans of the nation are standing on precisely the same platform : yet, as the South Carolinians will bo judged by the two thirds vote of their convention against the proposition to endorse Governor Chamber lain, ho there is great danger that the nation al party may bo charged with insincerity when it asks for a continuance in nowcr on a platform the foundation-plank of which is reform. We have frequently said, and would now emphasize the reiteration, that the best interests of tne country demand another Republican Administration, com posed of tho ablest and best men of tbat political faith ; but the example of South Carolina is not cheering, and docs nol tend to impress thinking people with the truth fulness of the claim of the Republican party to be the only party of true reform. It is because the masses are not represented by the politicians that direrace and defeat have sometimes come to our party. In a recent editorial on the Lancaster Convention we used the following language : "The demagogues and political adventurers were placed in the rear and their anti-Dem ocratic principles repudiated. The people have spoken and so fitly that not even a howl is heard from those hurt." It seems the Potltville Standard was wound ed as may be seen by the following "howl": We like cheek, but when Brockway of the Bloomsburg Columbian, pronounces such veteran Democrats as F. V. Hughes and Hon. Hendiick B. Wright "mere political adventurers," isn't it about timo to take Broukway's measure. The Lancaster Convention took the "mens- uro" of these gentlemen, and pretty unani mously ordered them to "step down and out." It looks as if the Democratic officials ot Luzerne county would take the place in iail so recently vacated by the Democratic offi cials of Schuyklll county. Uaiette it Bulel tin A little inquiry might have enabled tho Bulletin to learn the fact that the commiss ioners in Luzerne and the pardoned ones from Schuykill are not all Democrats. Fur ther that in the latter county they were sen tenced by a Democratic Judge, and pardon ed by a Republican Governor. Alio that a Republican Judge in Luzerne is implica ted with the Commissioners. There is no longer any need of trifling with the case of Babcock. We are no more disposed than any one to take all that Whit ley says ot him as tbe truth, but their) is other evidence. Babcock has been a stand ing disgrace to the administration of the President, and it will be a blessed day for Grant when the late private secretary is effectually bounced. Right for once, but what will our neighbor the Republican, say to such treasonable utterances. A few years ago such sentluients would have landed their author in Port Mifflin. Gazetted Bulletin. Col. Forney is becoming discouraged. He sadly remarks that "the example of South Uarollua Is not cheering and does not tend to impress tmnklng people with tho trutn- uiness oi mo claim oi (be republican party to be tbo only parly of true reform." It Is scarcely worth Col. lorney'B while to worry over that, Thenumber of "think ing people" who hold any such opinion re garding the Republican party Is too small to fret about. Except the office holders and organ editors no body now-a-days has the faiutest symptoms of such a belief. Win, D. Forten, a colored man of Phil adelphia, is one of the alternate delegates to tbe Republican National Convention. J'ittston Qaiette. Yes, and sensible darkey that he is, when he saw tho company Into which ho was thrown ho resigned. I he colored men nru not so dumb in politics as tbey were a few years since and tills year many of them will decline being "the hewers of wood and car rlers of water" for their corrupt task mas' tors. Eleven years ago on the 14th of April which was Good Friday, President Lincoln was assassinated. For the first time since that day tbe Htu of April this year was Good I rlday. i tiiikt. Two Tmnnrtaiit Discoveries: The dlacov ... .r A..rici liv rtnluinlitiu. nnil Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ; tlio one opening up tomauKinu anew comment, me other a fountain of health, which is indis pensable to the full enjoyment of life and its f .I.....! Tti riutinnun ti tlirt nlllivp unlit!. nient come the unsolicited attestations of tens of thousands of grateful patients, who havo been relieved of chronic ailment through its instrumentality. Those voices are limited to no one locality, but from every rtv villfli.e. and hamlet, in our broad do- .....1.. uu will uu fmm ntlipr r.limr-ii ntwl In mum, " -' " ' . -, ... the strange utterances of foreign tonguis.i Use tne cuuiwacu luuiiuui ui .'." i.Mvv, come uulelgneu anu ueariy coniuieuuuuiiiis, It I- In onmli Inntlnn witlitlin I'lpiUClll L I'lir. 4 I-, IM .." " - -- - - - " gallve renew, me great uepurutor ui me I T.iilov Itu Imnlirn npHnn lrlllltiona llitu appear, excessive waste Is checked, the nerves are strengthened, anu neaiin, long banished from the system, resumes her reign and re-establishw) her roseate throne upon the cheek. All who have thoroughly tested Its virtues iu the diseases for which it is rec ommended unite in pronouncing it the threat Medical Discovery of tbe age. COLUMBIAN AND WASHINGTON LETTER. Washington, D. C, April 18, 1876. Special Oorropondcnce. . T ! ; p, Kllbnurn Habeas Corpus case Is tho only topio nf conversation nere. And It deserves to be, for It Is ono of tlio most Im portant questions ever before Congress. I will brielly recapitulate tho facts. Kllbnurn wua summoned before n committee of the House and directed to bring Ills bonks and pipers relating to what is known as tho Real Estate Pool, Kllbnurn gives tho names of some of tho members of tho pool and among others that of Jay Cooko & Co. This firm was Indebted to tbo government In n large sum of money and the object of tho Inquiry was to ascertain if they bad any interest in property not surrendered. Mr. Kelbourn stated that tbo courts had examined that question and that all tho Interest of Jay Cooko & Co., had been given up. He re fused to give the names of the other nrtles In tho pool or to exhibit bis books and pa pers. The committco reported him to the House as in contempt for rofusingto answer. Tho House ordered him into the custody of Thompson sergeant-at-arms and to bo con fined in tho District Jail. Kelbourn stated before tho committee and repeated it beforo tho House that if "any gentleman hero or any member of the committee will express his conviction, grounded on any fact known to him. that there is any connection what ever with any public act that Congress has a right to investigate or to found any legisla tion upon, that he was ready to answer any questions that might be put to him." But ho declined upon tho ground that ".his busi ness was wltli private citizens nnd that the government had no right to inqulro Into It." Many Democrats hold that Kllbourn was right and that the House committed an er ror in sending him to Jail Under a law passed some years ago, the Speaker certified Kelbourn'scase to the District Court and he was indicted. Marshall Snarpo demanded his body but it was refused. Kelbourn then sued out a writ of Habeas Corpm beforo Judge Carter, chief justlco of tho District. Tlfu writ was made returnable last Saturday and Mr. Thompson upon whom it was served asked until Tuesday, as he had submitted the question of whether he should produce the body to tho House of Representatives by whoso order lie held it. The question was referred to the Judiciary committee and on Saturday they made two reports. Tho ma jority reported against permitting the body to re delivered, but tho minority consisting of Proctor Knott of Kentucky. Lynde of Wis consin and Frye of Siaino reported In favor ot obeying the writ, frye is a republican whileltnott and Lynde are Democrats. They presented tho following resolution, "lie soloed. That tbo sergeaut-at-arms be,and he is hereby directed, to mako careful return to tho writ of Habeat Corput in the case of Hallett Killbourn, that the person is duly held by the authority of tlio House of Rep resentatives to answerm proceedings against him for contempt, and tiiat tho sergeant-at- arms take with him the body of said Kel bourn before said court when making such return, as required by law." Alter long dis cussion llin minority report was adopted by a vote of 105 yeas to 72 nays. Seventy-six Democrats and eighty-nine Republicans voted yea. and sixty-eight Democrats three Republicans and Mr. Banks voted nay. To day Mr. Kelbourn is before Judge Carter and his attorneys claim that lie is unjustly held, as he was not bound in law to answer tbe questions put to him not to to produce tbe books nnd papers required. So the question is settled for the present and Con gress acted wisely in obeying tlio writ. Should Judge Carter decide to inquire into the legality ot the action ot the House and to dcteriniuo whether it had tbe right to put tbo questions and ii event of a failure to answer to imprison for contempt, then the Supreme Court will bo called on to de cide. The Grand Jury of the District has in dicted General Babcock, Harrington Dis trict Attorney, Wlutelv and jNettusliip de tectives and the burglars whom they em ployed for the safe burglary conspiracy. The indictments set lorth that these parties con spired together for the purpose of robbing the safe of the District Attorney and putting the books and papers taken therefrom into the possession of Columbus Alexander, thus enabling them to charge and convict him of the robbery. Babcock was bailed iu the sum of ten thousand dollars. Tho payments of the Geneva award will bo made on the first of May. nnd tlio Secretary of the Treasury has ordered the sale of six millions ot Iionds to raise the money, uen. Delknap appeared before the Senate to-day to answer the impeachment charge. Ho was repre sented by Mont'omerv if air, Jiiii(.o Jere. Black and ex Senator Matt Carpenter. He pleads to the iurUdiction of the court, upon tho ground that having resigned ho cannot be impeached. I line is given lor tne parues to prepare their arguments upon this ques tion, which is reallv.the most important one iu the case, for itmakes very littledifference whether Belknap is found guilty or not, but it is highly important mat it suaii ue uen nitely settled whether an officer can escape impeachment by resignation. It is said that leading army officers are asking for a court martial to try Babcock. Some of them say they do not want to be associated on terms of equality witli a man who is accused ot sucli crimes as be is accus ed nf. The finance question has dropped nut of Congress, seemingly without any precon certed arrangement to that effect. Whether this is a wise movement on the part of the Democrats nr not time will tell, I am in clined to think that tho people want some action on this subject and will not be satis fied without it, A strong movement in fa vor of Judge David Davis is being develop ed. His friends claim that ho is the strong est man that can be put before tho people by the St. Louis' convention and are urging him for tho placo. Tho friends of Bavard. Tilden, Hendricks and Thurman each make the same claim for their favorites, anil the Democrats must finally determine. Blaine still leads on the Republican side, though somo cfibrto are being made to smirch him. So fur they have resulted in nothing definite enough lor mm to demand an investigation, and have been successfully answered, RENO. TUB STATE CAPITOL. IlAUMsnuna, April 18th, 187C. The snail's pace at which legislation mov ed during the first half of the session, which characterizes every, .Legislature and which forces the conviction on the mind of u casual observer that lawmakers are truly a lazy set of men, has given place at last, since the time for final adjournment has been fixed, ton busy activity and pushing forward ol the work, which bids fair soon to divest the calendars of their plethoric appearance and to leave them in a condition in striding con trast to that of last year. As is customary, appropriation bills were given precedence in consideration by Hie House, and all that appeared upon the cal endars, a large number, have been passed to .l.ii 1! I ! .1.- ir r uuru rcuuiug, leaving io Jiuuse jrea 10 con sider much of tbe tardy legislation, local and otherwise in character. Among the matters of importance which havo trausplrcd since our last letter are the following : On Wednesday the committer unpointed by tlio House to examine into the alleged abuses in the conduct of the affairs of the Philadelphia Huuso of Refuge mude a report which, while It does not by auy meaus confirm the stories which were afloat. censures the present superintendent of the institution most stverely for cruel and over severe corporeal punishment of tlio Inmates and with neglect of cleanliness and means of securing the beaun or tue children. A minority report was also presented which embodied uu attempted excuso of the superintendent for his negligence, A result of the investigation has been that the bill making the annual appropriation of money to this Institution was with difficulty passed. and not without an amendment necessitating tne probable retirement oi tue present man agement, and throwing every bafu-guard around tlie appointment of their successors, The new county bill has again this ncsslon received n quietus, Herdic's tampering first ..ii ,,,.., i, ,i ii,.. l.K.ll, OI4D'IVIWII U'WII l. .Ill liri, 1VO culatiuu so us to apply it to the county of j.Uicrnu atone was ' tne nuir mat broke tbe camel's back " Tbe bill fixing salaries for county officers in lieu ot ull lees now received by them, which aro to be paid into tho county treasu ry, has passed the House finally, uud the court house officers of the State aro on an equal footing with the "row-officials" of Philadelphia, who after struggling through the first five weeks of the kessiou, were at last obliged to succumb to the inevitable. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Another bill has also passed, in which your readers will feel an interest. It allows nn appeal from the Judgment of county com missioners, on assessment for taxation,to tho Court of Common Pleas. The general stay law from executions on judgments has been defeated, relief lor debt ors being provided in tho assignee law, pass ed earlier in tho session. The Senate, having backed down from Its position lu regard to tlio consideration of Ilouso bills, Is busily engaged on the Homo calendar. The general appropriation bill Is engaging IU attention at present. Tho lloorn Investigating Committco are still delving lor facts in that disgraceful bu siness. They have about concluded their labors and may possibly report this week. Hon. Thomas A. Scott, President nf tho P. R. R., was examined last night. As n mat ter of course he knows nothing. The Hon, Samuel Jo-ephs goes beforo the committco to'tiight. Petrnfl's game tn make Skinner a sopc-gnat will not win, it is said. The death of Hon. S. 1'. Ryan, of Colum bia county, so sudden and unexpected, east a deep gloom over his fellow members. Mr. Rvan was a good member nnd n genisl com panion, and his loss it felt, ills was tbo eleventh nnmo upon tho death roll of tho L,0KisIatur ot 187&-U. B. Tim Peruvian Svrnn : Vitalizes and enriches tlio blood, tones up the system, builds up tho broken-down, cures ijyspo. s e, i,tver uoinpiatnts, uiopsy, (jnron ic Diairlirca, Bolls, Nervous Affection Chills and Fevers. Humors. Loss of Con stitluional Vigir, DVaesoftheKidneysand lilaililer, 1-emnle Uomplalnts, and all disu ses originating ina bad slate of tlio Blood. or accompanied by Debility or a Low Stato ol the ovstem. Caution I Ro snrn vnu pet tbn Prnii' vian tjvnui'. One dollar and two dollars a bottle. Sold by dealers generally. Setii W. FowtiF, &. Sons, Proprietors. 80 Harrison Avenue, Boston. Drauoino Out Existence. The nervous. weakly invalid does not enjoy life, but merely irai out existence, as inu ihinwu is. unlit tcil tor the active pursuits or lite, and incapa ble nf partaking ol Its pleasures, to which health alone can give a zest ; disinclined to social in tercourse, and a pruy lo melancholy, the vale- luclimiriaii is nn object ol inly, let there is nothing in all this that cannot be re medleil by that genial alterative tonic nnd her vine. Hosteller's Stomach Bitter, which sup plies deficient stamina, braces lliu nervuus sys tem, ami overcomes uiose uoiiiiy irregularities lo which nervous weakness is most lrtquenll nttribulable. Diseases of the kidney and blad der imperfect digestion and uterine tioubles are lertilu sources ot debility, ilieir eradication however, becomes a matter of certainty whin Hontelter's Stomach Bitters are systematical I v used for that purpose. The Bitters likewise annihilate and prevent fever anil ague and oth er debilitating febrile complaints of a malarial nature. April Without Cost. Messrs. Potts Brothers now offer lo send a sample copy of tho American Mock Journal free lo all who de sire to examine it. Every farmer should send and get one, and tl;eu he will undoubt edly want It n whole year for himself nnd family. It will only cost one dollar to get a large 32 page illustrated monthly, telling all about about stuck raising nnd farming Those who subscribe now, get 3 numbers of 1875, free. Just tho paper for hard times. Parksburg, Chester county, Pa., is tho plate to send. April 1-lMw. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. EST1TK Or GIUR0E 8C01T, UEC'l). i-etters oi Administration cn the Estate of Geo. Scott ot CutuHlssa Columbia County, deceased, have been (fronted by tbe lteirlsier ot said countv to George c. fccuit, ot catanlssa, Columbia county, I'a., iu wuuiu uu iierbuus umeuieu 10 saiu ibuiie- aro re- .(UbObVU HI IU.KQ pyUIVUl. HIU Udllll), VIUIU1D ugalnst, the bald estate Mill make them knonn lo tlio said admlolsirator wllbout delay. u&uiiu si j. ouu iTi Apr. Sl.TO.-Cn" Administrator. F.OR BALE! 400 ACRES OF COAL LAND Lying In Drtnr Creek and Ftslitng Creek Townships, In Columbia county, and only about lour miles trum liernlck. 'I'UuUnu is well timbered and a large selu ot coal open on said iroperty. Fur turns and candllljus ot sale, address or call upon. Jt. DOWNING, ApiU.Jl.-3ra. WUkes-barre, ra. .UI'ORTANT NOTICE. llio subscriber offers at private sain ihn pond will. st oek ana tlxlures ot tbu Kit known uud luui estab lished MILLINERY STORE on Main fctreot, IHoomsburg, whlcb has for years had tue most e.xtenslt o aud best pa) lng busmess or its kind in town. Tbo rooms heretofore occupied as tho storo wili be leased ai a reasonable ratu. l'or particulars up ply to pru Vl.-iw. I1AUUIET UAKMA.N. lit TOTICE TO COLLECTORS. Iho amounts due bv collectors on Countv and Dos Taxes are needed. 1 ho moneys have Lcen assessed and levltu to meet tbe demands on tho tounly Tieasury, Tlio Duplicates ncie placed In tho hands of collectors to collect and pay over. Collectors ho fall to collect their taxes certainly neglect their duty and thosu ho collect and fall to pay over v lol.ito t he law and may be punished tor so doing. Tbe taw iiiukcs il my uuiy to see iuai me money is paia inio the Treasury and out of It, and to pay out I must first have It paid In. Collectors In arrears w 111 thcro loro plcaso tako notice tbat duplicates must do bettled during the coming term of May Court. Treasurer's (inicu 11. w. AleliEYNOLbS. bloomsburg, April 18, 'in. Treasurer, Apr, zi,-zu J. B. KNITTLK. W. It. ABBOTT Important to Farmers. and everybody la want of LIME, LUMBER, AND COAL. P We have erected kilns at or near the Paper JJlll.on the 1). II. W. It. It. und are now prepared to sell lime at w-ry reasonabte prices and of good quality. Orders by the car promptly tilled und shipped to any station on the above road. AfullllneofLUMIlKlt.orall kinds, dressed or In the rough, Milngies, Lath and bill Timber to which wo tmlto the uttentton of custo mers. Orders received and tilled tor all kinds of FiiiiLT Coal by sti let attention to business wo hope to merit a shaie of public patronage. KNITTLK ft ABBOTT. April 21, is'o.- Catawlssa, l'a. Ccntcnuial Prices, 187G. PLANTS BY MAIL, l'OEtpald to any address In tho United States. For 31 cts 1 New neraatum, doublo or single. " ss cts. Older Varieties, " " ' " w cts. 1 (lernnlum, 1 Ageratum. 1 Colcus, 1 Ver bena 1 Hage, 1 Fuschla. " tl.oo, ! Ageiatum. 1 Geranium, 2 Sages, 8 Colcus, Heliotrope, 4 Verbenas. By express, box nnd racking free, for ts.oo. 12 Verbenas, In variety. Dahlias. o iieraiuums. Fuchsias, Hurdy Pinks, Ctgar Plants. Chrysantheums, basket Plants, . Carnations, Century Plant, Altcrnatberas, Ivies. Culeus, hages. AKeratums, llellotiopcs, liouvardlas, begonias, Itoso. ban tanas, Orders received for Trees, Shrubs and Evergreens. vatu to accompany su enters. Address DAVID CLIFFE. Ittverelde, Nurseries, Riverside, North'd Co. Pa. April 21.-3m. "A CENTURY AFTER." on, I'ICTUItl'SQUK OLIMI'SES or MIILA. DKI.l'HIA AND PENNSYLVANIA. The fifteenth and concluding number of "A Cen tury After" will be Issued about April 8' th, and will be mainly devoted to letter-press and pictorial de scriptions of the progress of iho Centennial to dato of publication, Including views of thu ttrlous build ings, nrrungcineut of the grounds, ic. Among tho Illustrations for Part XV, will bo louiiti. Tho Main Hullding, Machinery Hall, Horticultural lull, Interior ot Horticultural Hull, Agricultural Hall, Art (lallery, U. H. building Si Laka, Ohio and Indiana liulld- New Kngl&nd buildings, brltlsh and New York inilldlngs. Women's Pavilion and New Jersey buildings, Pennsylvania building, j Swedish hchool-honso, llplmnnt, with City and Centennial buildings lu tho distance. All ot tbo above aro from entirely original sketches made expressly for this work, und may bo relkd upon as accurate representations, A IXU.N, LANE & SCOTT and J. W, LAUDEItUACH, publishers, tss South Firth St, Philadelphia. April M,:a..U MODEL PRESS rN n iir twn rrlatiag. Kfrvr i.n i jm; :itT i or isnitit Men i'fd onhc lrlncr. TtNmnd In uw. hm i I Til HinH far trcfufoif HlDi' trtt CO ( Ciuhti tnol rrint. j. vr, p,vi,T Co., ,ifn. and biiliri In Trrl f hi Printing Uiurttl. 111 k tH VUiutgUMI,rlla.lli tl,ra. April K-1S w, Disitissa rciKD. New paths marked out of that plainest ot nil books, ' Plain Homo Talk nnd Medlcsl Common Sene"--nearly l.inni iuei, X.'V iiiuMrationi, ov ur l. it. ronTR, ot U1 1.ox1rgton Aio N. Y. Purchasers of this book are at liberty to consult lta author, tn person or by mall, frsk. Prtco by malt, postago prepaid, .i,s. Contents tabtos freo. Aornm wantkh. JlllitllAY lllt.t, 1'UHI.ISIUNO CO., (John P. Jowett, manager), 1! East VStb St., N, Y, Apr H-H w ( P UM'PQ WANTTSD FOIl Tilt: Abl'iiN lo WONDERFUL UAHKKIt OF MOODY and SANKEY IN Great Itrltaln and America, By an eminent ill vtni). ItHHtnerTwpagesnndialllustrHtlons. Prtco tl. best book to sell. No other complete, iwo agents made first month. Ncnd for prttors. Address, It, s, uuoitsi'liHl) s CO., Barclay St., N. V. Aprl4-mw. HOMEOPATHIC FAMILY MEDICINE CASES. And books clvln? plain and concise directions for their tiiii an, tire a necessity biever no i-ehoitl: for often ulll a ttml. dosoot ni'dl ln stoiultu seil'ttH cisu uf sickness. Mcst-rs IIiiKIIICK 4: TVKHL, HI Grand S' , New orlt, will send a catalogua describing the dlffen lit s t Im and sizes, lo any ndjrchi on receipt of a stamp. Their Is tint oldest establishment of Its kind In America, having been founded la IMS. Apr li-sw. rs.rntriviiiiiiittw,uim.,.r.r.ntfAinHriO,ij''s V 131'lucrtUrllliit' vv. - " iiipiM. .i i o.iiuiutu.ov i'tiani V' N.V ,Oll,rftti.liclllllir.,f.irilt'U fVrr. ' tti ir t .In ttjen jutt cleared $109 first 3 ucehs idling the Another Hist Sclavs, oversow) copies of this standard lite ot lliu Veteran Lxplurer sold, iw.ioii morn n wled by tho people. A twok cf matchless In ten st, profusely llluctruti'd, and very cheap. A roy al ehanee forntrenls. Cur proof and terms nddroas liutihaid lirox, i!J Hansom St., l'blladclpnli. Aprlt-iw. FOR C0UIIt?, COLDS, H0AKSENKSS, AND AZ,Xi SBllOAS DISHASE3 USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put up only in ni.UK BOXES. A Tried and Sure Itemed'. For salo by druggists generally, and JOHNSTON HOLLOWAY & C0.,Thlla3elphta, l'a. Apr 14-lw. Tho Greatest Selling Centennial Hook is Ouh Country Resources Ittch and completo tn our thrilling history of loo years and grand In vivid dascrlptlons of all our mighty resources In agriculture, commerco, miner als, manufactures, eovernment, curiosities, natural wonders, works of art, itc.. nichly Illustrated nnd cheap. A sntendld Mew of tho world's foremost na tion. No other book llko It. outsells mere histories live to one. Agents wanted quickly. Address Hub bard tiros., 72.i ansom stroet, Philadelphia. Apr 14-1 w. OUR GROCER FOf milien-1 .V UexniuBr, Aujcntw, IMilln. D&Co. Aprll-tw. AGENTS, make no cngagcvicntt tilt you tee our NEW BOOK, Which In llirtlltnp Ititrrent. &t-tnr. n.nit inn.nA and cheapness, has absolutely no equal. It Is ''Tue Tui.nq" for tlio centennial period takes on sight. 1 he "North American UeUeW'says ltls-deserv-Ing of unqualified praise: wo antlclpato for It an ex tcuslvo popularity :" the "Dubuque Times" says. "Just such a work as thousands of tho American peoplo will bo glad to possess:" the "Detroit Adu-r-llser calls It "jut ferablo to any j et published." Any active man or woman of good uddress insured lariru profits and bteady w ork fur a year, l'or full particu lars address j. n. fokd tz Co.. Apill 14-12 w. a; i-ark Place. N. V. liLASS TOPS r ..( YRSi lULIAoLL wmM llmT-dTiMdwr-n li Mis ffiANKlltl INSTITUTE PHIIAO'A 137 iff SICM msrrrtiTt I fftwur Bit K NcwyoRKiais COHANSEY GLASS MFGCO. MFR'S WINDOW GIASS.BOTTLES &C. P H I I ADll PHIA April N-Tw Juries for May Term, 1876. Git AND Jimous. Heaver-Ellas stiller, Joseph Lehr, Benton Ellas Mcllcnry, Hr John Ashleman. Hrtarcrcek Adam Suit. lierwlck W. II Opdjke. bloomsburg John H. Ktcrncr. Catan tssa Joseph Martz, II. J. Iteedcr. Flshlngcreek J. iU lluckalcw, Thomas Hutchison, L. JI. Crevellng. Greenwood' bos. Howard, David Dcmott, Jarkson Clinton U'wls. Locust Joseph K, Itliodes, Samuel Price, Jtaln-Aaron Miller. .Montour Dald Mouser, Sit. Pleasant Wm. lloncr. orango-Jaints llarman. Itoarlngcrcok Ellas.liarlg. Ecott-H. F, Oman, (icorgu M. THAVEItSE JUHOHS. FlltST WEEK. Denton-Ceo. Kccler, 1, K, K. Uubach, I. K. Krlck baum. Berwlck-Itobert Q. Crispin, Henry C. Freas. lirlarcaek William Lamon, Andrew Fowler. Header N. Ilredbcnner, Jr. Bloomsburg John Wolf, itlchacl Casey, Kr., 13. F. Hicks. CataHlssa-(!co. P. Drlesbach. Centrolla Scth Thomas. Centre Jesso nicks. Franklin-Joseph Kccdcr, Samuel E. Lohrmon. Flshlngcreek D. W. Kitchen, C, W. Kreamer, John Button. Orecnwood-oco. w.t'tt, J, U, Ikclcr. Hemlock Amos H. llarlman, II. 1). McBrlde, Nehculah Ki-ccc. Locust Wm. Wilson, Jccathan llachman, W. H. ltelnbold, Inane Jobnaon. Main James Ktcfcr, btaccy John, F. K llentz. Jhultson-l). A. Watson, JtUPleaaant .lohn II. Vandcrsllcc.J. Hagenbuch. JIlfatn-AL'reil W. Iless. bcottS. W. Edgar. SECOND WEEK. Beaver Win. Knell, Berwlck-J, W, Dteltcrlck, John Taylor, Samuel V. Jayuo. lirlarcrcek Joso-Jh Sponcnbcrg, John Fester, Uloolnsburg-Karauel Yeltcr, J, W. Hotter, A. W. Fry. Centcr-Oco, o, Fredericks, I), E. Ilajmnn, Hiram Whltmyer, Philip Creasy, Catuivlhsa-dco. (illtxrt, Nelson Hartman, CcntTalla 7m.'lilgtoy, John curran. (Ireenwood-Bjlvitter Albertsoa. Jackson-John Edgar. Ijcust Ephralm Achey .Daniel Morrls.F.dward Vat- kins, Mlclutcl Honbergcr, Jonas Bernlnger, Muln-Chas. ltsher. Nontour-Lovl Weaver, Mltnin Thomas Aten, H. II, Swank. Sit, Pleasant Jacob Gilbert, Clerauel Jtuckle, Orange Iteuben BeUis, Wis. Y. llc&i. Hne-John F. Fowler, Hcott-Danlel Hn) der, John Btelcy, Sugsrloaf-DucWI.Uess, ctu Esa fji mtt 1 D EaJ-for usewith dessert tAfa r a ll xi m n sv mm iinTMSN III i:?fst i i v. ml mm Q 10 U 1' II . fl !lfr t With ,( iKiuMrfeaiwciiM "S no unilcrslm'd would hereby give notice to al pirtles Indebted to him, on note or book account, to romn forward nnd settle at enco or tho nrcountswlll bo placed In tho nsnds of tho proper officer for col- ''FeKi-tt. HTUrilEN KNOHH. P. IIILUIKYEU, ATTOItNKY AT LAW. Omen -Adjoining C. It. A W. J, Buckalew. . , -Bloomsburg, l'a. Apr. 14,'7-ly. V KNMANdIIIl "I'eachers, clerks, and all others, ladles and gontlc men, who wish to write elegantly sb'iuld address Willi stamp, lor terms anu apt'cirnens. JI, nib.' ISNNKI', Pekmak, April T-lw. ruoomsourg, i a. rALUAItLK PKOrUKTY Al rntVATE SALE, Tho subscriber will oner at prlvnto f alo TIIUEE TOWN LOTS In tho town of Light Strcot, Columbia county. The Improvements consist, of a two-story framo liouso, with neceHs iry outbuildings, a blacksmith shop nnd small framo bouso sultnblo for a shop. Terms mado easy tor purchasers. J. II, KEIM, Light Street, April lt-2m. N oncr.i nothcr ro tdy mv stote on nnd after Stay 1, lTt. 'ib' tib.vii'f" wilt k st i' i y tn" rt'i'lv pa s- -te n "t ile-ei " , t n t ' t " i -t i td :'M der . r . In- f 'r i i h '."i .1 i i lueui lui.iticrt' .Hilt-tin , nf 'f n ti , itt I iditn um r is.pitn J ilsts.laihgiliimt,', suueditbdsli.iudshliis'los,wiiikcd flui iridic. Ai'.. nt-n n irood nssuttinotit o.' furnttuie made b alt extn'ricnccd workman; louml und fab lliu le it cMctivlon table, dining parlor c;utte, and bie'iKfast ttilile". hurt ails, bed steads, fecreturlcs, dutrsxe, t 'allimd bccuit Inced. All persons having riiiininv lu-etiunui aru re.iucMuu to can tnii.ieanuciv and soitlc, audpaj at least a partot their indebted iieK. 1'. li. itt, UK. April 7,-at. ltohrsburt l'a. SHElUtfFS SALES- Ily virtue of sundry writs to tho Sheriff of coittm bt.i county clln-cted at the Com t llouso In Illoomsburg, nl 1 uMuck p. in. on MONDAY, MAY 1, 1870, all that real estate situato In Itoarlncvreok toshi so o, cobunbl.t count', bounded and descilbed us folloHS Mz : ou tho south by lauds of David llowur, on the east by land ot E Leldy, nn the north by lattl of Michael sirouiser, and on the west by lands or .Michael .-troujser: containing forty acres, ntuce ir less, whereon u erected a dwelling houso aud out- ALSO, Tho undivided onc-thtrd Interest tu tho following uuei-ui i.iuu Miutuo iu iicuer luwnsutp. uottnueu aud do..crlboil us follow s: bounded on tho norl It by lands of William smith, on the can by land ot j'ohn hlit, on tau west by Und of bctiucu lliedoeii nir, ou tne sunlit by cuiupitny lands ; conutulug uuo liuutlred anJ seven acres, inoro or loss, whereon aro erected two barns, udwelllug nouse, uud outbutltl lngs. .Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho property ot Catharine Sherman. ALSO, All that certain real estate situato In Beaver town ship, Columbia county.boundeU aud;descrlbed as ful lon 8 : ou tho east by Abraham nice, on thu north by William smith, on tlio cit by Shenuan'd heirs, uud on th.. south uy company lauds; cuulalulug eight acres, more or less, twteruon urtj erected a Uweblux house and outbuildings. Seized, lakeu lutu utccullon, and to bo sold as tho property or Joltn Shcrnuu. ALSO, AH tliat certain real estate situato In Beaver town ship, bounded and desci loed as follows: ou tho north by public road, on tbo east b) V. L. r-humun, on tho west by public rusd, on the south by Sdsunsant; sal Hot being 4UIeet in front and iwufeet tu depth; whereon ai u eroctud a dwelling house, u blacksuiltb shop, attached together. seized, taken Into oxecutlon, and lo be sold as tho propel ty ot Johu Sherman. ALSO, That certain property tn Main township, Co lumbia county, Penu'.t., beginning ut a beech tree, t hence by lunds ot Jacob lliuterllier north i lghty de treeseast we perches ton post, thenco south 11 itegrccs west M peiches to a stone, thenco north87,v degrees west 2ii peiches to a stone, thence south 2'2' ilegieea west if perches ton Spanish oak, thenco north sl?i degrees westing peiches to n unite plno liee, tbeuco south Mtlcgiecs west 111! perches to it. none, thenco south tlj uegrees casl'-'JI-H perches to a stone, thenco south rs degrees west 112 perches to a stone, thenco north 8,t degrees wc-t w iicrches to a post, thuueo north 32jg tiegiecs east i!3 perches to u beech tree, tho place ot beginning; containing 114 acres and 12f porcnes nnd ullon ance, bo tbo suino more or less, togtber with thu hoiedlbuuents uud appurtenances. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho property ot Samuel Fisher. ALSO, The following real estate, to wit : situato In Stain toi'shlp, Columbia county, Pcunsylvuula, boundtd ou tho north und cost by lands or Jacob shuiuun, ou Me south by lands of Uh tries Cox, and ou tho west by lauds ot ltcuoen shumau; containing sa acres, i .oi o or less, whereon ui e ei ected u lai go two-story tiuuiu dwelling bouse and bum. seized, taken Into cxicullou, and to be sold as tho property of Jeremiah Deir, with notice to terro ten ants. ALSO, All that certain real estato situato In Scott town ship, Columbia county, bounded ou the east by puo llc road, on tun south by Isaac Iless, ou tlio west by a ltmo uuany, ou thu norm by llenl nuln -MUler : con taining til acres, uioru or les,, whet eon are erected u frutuu duelling house, barn uud out buildings. ALfcO,. A farm situate In tho same town-hip, bounded on tlio south by puollu road, on tho weit by public road leading to Iho railroad, on Iho noun by lulh'oad, on thu cast by Alfred .Mood, whereon uro erected a iwu slor frautu house, u hank bant anil outoubdlngs; s tld farm containing forty acres, more or bus, uitli tne appurtenances. seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho propeity of James Cttrr. ALSO, AH that certain real est nto situate In tho town of Buckhum, Columbia county, bounded on tho north by John Keller, on tho east by Nehcmlali Heece, on tlio south bv Joseph summers, on ihJ west, by public road ; being In front lis Met and In del th lut feet; on which aro erected afi.nno Utteilliig house, fctoro bouse, stable und outbutldlugs. seized, taken lnut execution, und to bo sold as tho property ot Charles Nelhart. ALSO, All that certain Piece or parcel of land situato In Sloulour township, Columbli county, bounded on the wotuy luuusor tuas mger, ou the south by lands ot Buibara Olger, on ttto east bv lands of Jaenb Ulrton, and on Iho north by lands of i.ldiou Heist; containing thirty aeies, more or less, v. hereon are erected a IK story log uouso, a Darn, a frame bouse, a stable und outer outbuildings. Seized, taken into execution, and to bo sold as tho piopiriy oi V.UUSW4U iicisi, ALSO, All that certain tenement or tract of land situato In .Minim township. Columbia countv. Pit., bounded and described as follows, to wit: beginning at a pust Comoro! land of l.llzabetb Lutz,thenco south 74)4 tle- irreea wtm n iviir-i u i.uL-iMiiui.niijiiiii,iuiieo by hind of Sai uh hwnnk soutlt 15( degrees oast susij nerchcHtoa blune. thence by land ot Jacob llonlz north J4,- tlegrees east S5,t jirrches to a itoat, corner 01 jiiizaocm l-uiz, auu itienee uy inu game- norm myi tlegiee.s west 2 6 pcrcbts to the place of beginning, containing 43 acres and us perches, sti let meusuro; whereon uro erected u two-story frame house, barn anu oiucr outuuitututi. AIO, All that other tract and lot of land situato In stir. ntn township, Columbia county, I'enna., bounded 11ml described as follows : beizlonlntr at a black oak grub, thenco bv land of tho widow l.utz south te tte- Jfrven iiibi iiun-iv ,ni,ii(p, ii.i.i,.u u, u (iuiiiiu mull and lands ot the heirs of DuMd blown north UJj de grees wet HI 2-10 itll'bf'S tu a stone, thenco by laud ot (ieorge swank 1101th T3'f desrt-es east is perches, liurui t,j tlvt.liri.ri 11 lot il Mvina 1.11. ruiiir, jiuiiu 75V degneseust 4S peichi H to a stone north in, do grees wet5 peiches to a none, thei coby lnudtf iieitry m uiuari-i iiuiiu iu w6n a nieu. i-niieieii-fa tn ft Ihenett bv lltntl of John lit lid bouth 11 X degrees oust lit 4-10 peiches to the place of be ginning ; ctintnlnlu'f si aires andM perches, neat measure, whereon aie elected a two-story frame buuxe, burn and other outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution, and to tie sold ns tho property oisiepucii it. nmtutv unu nutau owatiK, ALSO, All that lot of ground situate In tho town of r.loomsDurg, coiuinuui couut.t, 1-11., ioiinncu and descrlbeil us follows, to wit ; ou Iho noith by un at l'jy, on lite eafrt liy tut ot David lirobst, on thu south by Main street, and on lh wostby Forster's alley; being 6u fiet front nnd 114 1 feet deep, more or less 1 t.u which in 0 erected a new two-story iramo houie, loai uouse, pi peu auu uiui-i iiuiuuiiuiuxs. ALSO, A tract of land situato In Pino townshlp.Columbta county, bounded and described as follow s: on the noith by lands of Asher Fullmer, ou tho east by land of blilan ruumer, uu uiu buntit ur luttu rormeny 01 Kllas Slendenhall, and on thu west by land ot Susan Kii us; containing M acres, (14 acres cleared), on wuicu is eiecieu u siuj y tub uuusv. ALSO, A one-eleventh Interest In a farm of 110 acres, more or less, situate In Pino township, Columbia county, bounded und descrlbeil us follows, to wit: oounded on tho nortlt by land of WeBley Bates, on tho east by lunu or susan r uus, on inn huttiu uy tattuoi miag Mendenhall, nnd on tho west by land of P. W. Faus; known its loo farm of IbomoH Faus, deceased, on which Is erected a good two-story framo bouse, turn and other outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho properly 01 josnua 11, ruu. ALSO, All thosotwo following described lots of ground lu or ndlolntng tho village of lipy, In Columbia tounly, und state of 1'ennsylvuntu, to wltt Tho llr.t bounded and described as follows 1 beginning ut the northern corner t f lot owned by KHas Jlacc, fnow by Jacob llexs), thencu caMwardly by an alloy Id v feet In width Ut feet to un alley 10 feetwltle, Uienco by tho btimo bouthwaidly 173V foel to stain street uf sat I village, tlienro vvestwaidly bvsaltl street CO feet to said lot of Kilos Slaco, (now of Jacob Iless), thencs northwardly by Iho sumo 173' f a to thu pluouof beginning! ou which aro ended u two-stoiy brick bouse, stable, oulkltcuun and ether outbutldlugs, KltcoND beginning ut lite corner of un alley in feel In width running northwardly from tho publto tout) leading from Bloomsburg tu Berwick to uud connecting with un alley running castwardly und w istwurdiy 1H feet wide, thence euatwardly It feet to a corner of a lot of Wesley Itucklo, southwardly 17JW feet to tho aforesaid publto road, thenco by tho said road wcslwurdly it feet tu Iho said alley til feet wide, then by said last mentioned alley 113)4 feet Ut lli.i place of beglnnlnir; they being tho same two lots ot ground which Butler fcdgur uud wlfu granted and convey ed In feu slmplo unto tho sold '1 nomas W. Edgar, Wgother with tho hereditaments and appur tenances. belzod, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho property W 'Jboinas W, Edgar, O. Q. MUBPIIY, Coroner's Offloe, Coroner aud ac t bag Sherln. Bloomsburg, April T-U. KEASUItEU'S HALE OF UNSBATit-u I.1MII4 tv Riit.ttMniA CO.. PA. Ily vlrtuo if sundry nets of tho tlcneral A"''mnly ' tho Common tvealth of Pennsylvania ri latlsg to tv ot coltiinbla.elc. tor taxes iluo and wW. . "J'l offer at public sale at, the Court House, In tlio lown 01 Bloomsburg, on tho SECOND MONDAY OE JUNE, A. 1). 1870 at 11 o'clock a. m., tho following described pterj'jpf land, nr such p trt thereof as may bo n"flessarj to s ttl-fy tlio iiuioinit ot tmci duo and nnjiald against tho same, ami continue tno same from day to day ns tho same may be fountl necessary. TI'.ltMS OF HALE. Tho amount of l.txcs nnil eosts must bo pild vvhon the land Is struck nil, or thus.tlo maybu avoided, aud tho property put up anil resold. No. of acres. Warrantees or owners. Dots. Cts. IICAVKH. fill 410 400 400 HSU 400 111 29 21 leo 2JD Jl m ii 5.1 llHI 40 70 101 140 S'W 4S .12 1 1 - ".si t 1 4eo 4111 19 7 75 Hot C " 8 ' 1 " 2 " 1 " a 4 '. 1 B " a " n " 3 " ;t " a ' 0 " 5 " 3 " 1 " 1 " a " 4 " 3 " 1 ' 3 " 5 " 3 " 5 " " 3 " s " 11 " n " 2 " 5 " 3 " 3 " A mos, Abot t Iosco. ...... . Columbia Coal K Iron Co .. I.1 " ... f.n 00 19 so , m so la so , if ui , 19 80 4 40 , 1 31 , 4 4D , 8 SO , 13 20 , 1 41 . 22 00 4 41 , 4 64 4 40 , 3 r.'i , 4 C2 , 0 00 9 21 , 13 20 . 1 (1 2 III , it H , 7 I'D 5 2 , 1U 'il , Ui 40 , 20 4 7 2J , 2 V! f.T , 2 02 , 3 113 , 1 11 . 2 22 . 1 11 . 3 S3 . 4 42 . Ctl . 3 29 . 1 US . 1 IIS . 1 99 . 1 99 . 3 .13 . 8 Ull . 3 29 . 1 Us , 1 92 . 1 112 . 1 32 4 41 . 3 33 !'. . 3 33 . 2 22 . 1 98 . 3 29 . 4 110 . 3 i!3 Drlesbach, lsw Davis, Isaac, estntu., Fry, lleorgo W Frlck, lien. P ilruenVlohn iiruv. W llll.iHi llauck, Joint ban Iiloderlller, Jacob S Iloats, Chirlcs & John.... Iingenlwrger, N , Mortis, Daniel Maun k Itoat Nungetsor, ilciirge. , suwart, William Smith. Thmas V ind uen, .Human Co , .',. t'w'XMt I'oiilfilronOu., Uu.aolioit ec 1'luver A rob, Jacob Ash, tioorgo L Heaver, Josso Beaver, Charles Ilojcr, F. s lingart, .Mary butler tz L'ngcr Runes, C. II ('arrow, Morris entitles. Simon, Jr lirlcsiiacli, lleorgo P Bvans, Itecce Flanagan, A Fry, W, s Ccurhart, Wm. St llarncr K Chester Horiman, K. (1 Hunt, 11 Henry, Willi un Hudluv, Joseph I lauley, Joseph Kla-.e, Jacob Kes'.cr, Frank Ktein, loivvrcnre, w, K bunts, Frank Price, Clarence Patterson, 11 ltutltford Sam & Co smith, .1. V sid'k 1 .1 scitt, rettr tlltou, tlt'orgo Vusttue, 11 R Wetel,. tl. S Wnrklietser. S-tmuol Wood, Augustus BENTON. . 3 33 . f, 54 . 3 31 . 2 2 '.' . b M . 1 99 . 3 33 1 is 45 0 Stcllenry, BcnJ Appleiniin Peter Chrlstmiin, Ann Pennington, Jesse It.. Smith, Hun 11.U1 1 42 1 (JS 10 SO 9 SO 1 CS BttlAItCltCClC. Apple, Paul lliiivinin, .lease Brvun, (lay cope, Chester Clem, Wm. T. D., ltsv.. Donk, Henry Doty .t 1'eoter lMnitrds, M 11 tint .1 Klsner, John Pvjler, samuel J Iteecer, brani htackbouso, Joseph.... M Of 209 3S H ot!10 a.) ss 7 tf Of 30l) 6 4 of 100 i, Of HIM 1011 1121 'ZIHI u 100 10 2 25 4 ill 1 18 81 3 23 1 85 1 f9 15 11 ro 1 12 2 23 7 29 4 t'O 1 21 2 25 22 Mtlerd; b'tackhouso.... CATAWISSA. Probst, J. S Coxe, U. S Clewell, Jacob " Joseph 51 10 100 u IS 2 t-i h5 05 Vi 5 11 Tti Ii 2 2 2 S3 4 t.7 87 4 57 4 57 27 S3 12 57 oaiimcr. David... Krinn, Kit is StcNlnch, J. S " Wm .... Shuman lteubcn. ccvrnAMA. Blvln, .In met Crane, Sllctiael Chailwlck, Ann Jane,,. Collins, peler F Cleaver, Wellington.... Dougherty, Mlcli.i.'l.... Davis, Henry Farrel, Murtln HOiVt-Us, 'Ihuinas lto.igland. Wm. st Holmes, '1 bonus Hughes, Ji,lm J Kline & Ktuebold Keller widow 1 nugou, Patilck Slurks, l.lovd " lieiiigo Stachen, 'Ihomas Slclvtiiucy, Charles Parks Q dint, Prttrt' k !,. et A: i'orr Vun li.ireu, s. K., .Mrs. vvittl.k, Fled Van llaien, s. U ... Kantner, U'wls 'Aricv, iillltum (.iltilth, benj lbtnluv JohuO Haunuu, .Michael CE.NTltE. Achenbach, Sam onner, Nalah, estate.. Fritz, wm., estate (lend, Jacob Hagenbuch, Jerry CO.NYN01IASI. Brennan, Ehenezer Ilronn, Mttltanlel Bueber, Peter lltislou, John Kline, John Mine, John I, .101 dan, Hubert Purler, Andiew Walker, Lewis Slob) 1 " 2 " IS'1 1 " 1 " 1 14 12 1 " 12 1 " 1 " 1 99 7 55 SS CO 1 0 10 110 7 30 8 10 CO 7 97 1 Ml 3 10 7 li 1 10 20 S 15 IC 20 8 15 S 15 8 15 99 10 31 8 15 4 SO 1 9s 8 15 7tl 0 15 7 16 2 92 7 Si 10 211 1 2'i C 68 7 3 1 S3 SI 2 0 411 4M 10 I 112 400 m VTll t3 303 8 ITo SSH US) 100 lotl " 2 " 33 " . ?C1 C2 . 495 (III . S 00 . 7.1 94 . 9 SO . 9 CO , C7.-. 1 . I'Tl . 762 91 . 17 81 Huston, Thomas Itustou. Mury 'irleu, Jacob , Ashman, Jacob..!!. !!"",',".!" Bruvvn, WlUlain Hurt, Andrew Itiesllhf, Bernard cook, Caiharluo , " David Dunahoo. Cornelius.., Duvls, John ll (lallngber, Frank Joyce, 1'cier Jones, hvuuT Kltngurn.iu, Fred Kaclulilet, Geo , I.tndeumuth, (leo, I)., Slorrlsou, .las Slagulie, Tenenco.,,, Starr tz Slorns Slarr, 11. s Mc.Miinamttn, Peler. ., Slurphy, Anthony Diehard " 'i nomas shlvely, Slathew Yocuin, Hunk Coughlln, J.J blokes. Washington.. F1SIIINOCHEEK. Amracnnan, SI. A Buckatew, Win, Est Fowler, David Jones, It. II Kindt, Jno. &Co U'lnon, 'ihomas.... "ears, William Stcllenry, lid Slontgomery, I). Est Dealer, ()coige Dealer Doty White, C. !!.. , 49 112 . 105 55 . Cll t-0 , tti 00 , 4 C5 . 8 30 8 17 , 5 51 , 5 G5 , 24 Co , 2 81 , 3 39 7 74 5 61 , 12 19 5 65 9 50 , 6 05 20 15 09 88 Ol . 27 M I 91 4 52 9 6'j . 9 62 , 15 11 4 i;:i 1 00 , t 70 37 VI) 73 II SO) 14 1 10' h ores ll'O I) If otcco 90 1 73 3 C9 3 It 1 80 8 65 6 99 8 C5 3 11 9 51 3 SI) 7 79 FKANKL1X Vougut, James (1HKENWOOD. Iroon, Jacob ., Watts, John s Washburn, Geo Beagle, Geo Lvcs, Slary it " Hmlly stiller, Isaac Musters, den. list Wilson, J. li Parker, II. S Fatter... HEMLOCK, Appleman, Wm Brugler, Kllsha, Campbell, L. N... F.vuus, A.J Harris, Jacob Est. Neat tt Pursell Purstll, Sjlvestci', JACKSON. Frlck, (Iso. A ., llos3, Benjamin!,"!!!!"!!!! Kunouso W'nsh loiwut, Isaoo 8 53 IS 10 S3 Lots 8 .1 I " 12 11 j !i 10 1 65 1 82 4 17 9 64 1 82 70 3 80 3 3' 8 81) 82 12 IU) 30 l'l 78 SO m 9 31 14 10 4 70 1 84 9 40 4 70 i 34 (0 800 101 9 C to 36 61 13 20 1 44 1 91 I.OCUST. IltlUnxtou, Thomas , Hollg, Liuauuul Heaver (l.S J, L, Kllno.. Fisher, John Keller, ltlchurd Kline J. 1- s (1, ltupi) U'van, loivUla ., , SI) ers, Slary Huston, Thomas ,.. Heece, Daniel ,,, Itustou, Slary " Cliai lotto lteynolda, John Mine, Daniel .. 210 tl W 40 (II KJS 4 (00 tun ll'O 200 itxl vuo 43 16 67 1 59 i et 3 111 AOS 9 19 1 91 8 08 4 04 8 08 8 08 8 08 8 18 2 92 SIADISON. 20 411 80) Hechtel, Jacob.,,,, Ellis, in. heirs Freeze John u 81 1 (18 37(9 MAIN, Carey, Edward Dttwalt, Philip Fisher, ('has.. " Hosier, Jacob Klefcr Jainos "'" Iiougenbcrger, (loo. Est """ Sluuii, I', K Jlosteller, Joseph -...""7 snumon. Heuben .... Hmoclc, lirobst, Yetler & Il'iiu'i"' Bhumau, Win. T " Heuben.,...!..'.'.'!.'.'""" better, Daniel Hal .TT " lsatto,.. ll tHO li 100 is e 8(H) 4 1 0 401 i'O 1MI 100 1 14 7 41 9 25 12 40 8 11) 18 00 21 80 t M SI M li 40 86 40 21 81 11 40 S 20 T MIFFIiN. creasy, llenry Klkentlall, Nathan Keller, .Toll 11.... r viclmel, John Jr Nungcsser. oeo Niiw, Jacob l'oncbccker, Jacob Porks, Hum Est SMttllll, Joel schvvcprcnlicKer, I.K.... " Abrain.. Williams, stm Yolio, Amelia StONTOUIt. Cluk.Androw " Mary Itlshcl, Jonathan BrT.'.V.', Hamsey's, Est Welllver, Evan SIT. TLEASANT. Stcllck, John OltANOE. Bowman, Wesley Crouse, lllrnin Crevellng, Samuel Dlldltle, Abram buyder, Wm, A; E PINE. Cox, Ilctra Frlck, (len, A Funstun, Juu. A Frlck, liggott X. Co Kllno A' 1 altcison Warner, Stargarct. Dav Is, Tliomiis Est Done. Ueo HOAHINOCKEEK. Huchcr, Peter Biclscu, Jacob 11 M 1 tJi 8 28 1 94 8 29 S OS a HI I 90 51 19 SOI 69 1..0 60 13 23 33 12.1 95 15 67 3 oV 1 21 'l w M 37 66 S.V 24 10 2 00 13 23 22 (ID 1 05 4 3') t 10 A 2 1 1 38 73 1 OS 2 19 12 69 66 850 60 1D0 60 80 lotl " 1 4 42 21 80 2 8S 8 CO 15 12 15 67 2 19 42 CO 40); iuj 12 2') 10) I'O 44 14'i 19 7 45tf 9 100 30 40 CO 19 to 61) 3 19 4 17 5 III 43 1 3il 13 20 4 63 B 43 U 87 91 45 : oi 45 13 60 II CO C 71 8 61) 5 07 2 27 2 94 Hem it, ico ' .1.1. Kllno Fuck A cll.lMilll luiilon, Johu part of Utile Kobt .MurrlJ.c SI. (I. Hughes..., Wellington, Wm Itnub, J. Stiller....!!'.'.'!'.".'.'.'."'.'.'. Skate, 1 larvey , , ,'.'.'.'.".'.'.".' . .'. . .". . Trleu, Jacob Yocuin, Elijah SUOAHLOAF. Buckalew, .las. Est Co e, Ezcktel Custard, Slary Docbicr, cbas Gross, Nathaniel llaitman, Jessu Hess, crevellng Co UtiiD.ich, Em. it s. Botvcr. Stcllenry .1110. J.... Stephens. Wm, SI Yaplc, Henry. II. W. SlcItEYli 11 21V) 84 75 41)0 197 19 123 75 114 73 G 9 CO 2.1 75 32 91 89 60 83 uil 2 12 9 SO 9 90 22 60 9 90 3 30 OLDS, eusuier. April 7, rpilEASUltEU'rf SALE OE SKATED X LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUNTY Alsn tho following lots, pieces and parcels of seat ed Lauds, returned by tho tax collectors, aro to bo sold at the same time, under tho provisions Of an Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to tho salo of lauds for taxes In Columbia County," approved Starch Sth ls09: SEATED LANDS. BEAVEK. Baker, Thomas 1 31 Stcltejnolds, it. V 12 10 storgau, T. 0 10 22 Plum, it. SI Si si HEN I ON, Koons, John 4 20 Lutz, Jacob 1 20 sum t out, Joint 22 87 Conner, Pieservo 23 40 Brink. John 3 7 Buss, John 1 41 stlue.Andrew 1 34 BEHVVICK. Sejbcit, Daulol F ... 61 BHIAHCHEEK. Smith, Tobias 1 19 Hrader, Daniel 1 77 Clumbers, J. F 1 62 Zancr, Anna 6J CENTItALIA. lotl luo 79 204 79 10 118 M) 30 60 29 51 ro IX lot2 1 " 1 " 2 " 1 " 2 " r " 1 1 Stoore, John Stonnglian, Sirs. Jno Krelsher, Zacharlah stcllck, Wm. I) StcMeely, Michael Kntttle, J. B II' twig, Jno Oaugiien.nThomas Hauler, John 11 7 r.3 2 11 7 94 11 CO 7 46 29 60 7 41 9 22 3 90 CENTHE. sutler, John J Wtill mire, samuel : Stack, .Martha Sejbert, suinuet CONYNGHASl Oara. Pat Brad, Peter Kntttle. Jonathan Djer. Jinks OREUNWOOD. Smith KrCsslcr Hairy, Jaiiies Hester' Davll St. Est v.mdersllce, J Kline, Paxton.lM I.OCL'ST. Myers, Jacob MADISON. Witts, Joseph Wl.lppitV., .1, Est Il.)l!INGCHEEK. Eru tn, Win Levau, Solomon " I'rlsctlla B 29 7 S4 4'4 10 ,S7,V lot 1 " 6 lot 1 2 III 4 90 15 SS 1 00 70 139 10 11 8 5 111 9 CD 3 20 3 40 CO 3) 63 60 15 93 7 76 57 24 13 47 April? 44 40 45 Wltcuy Slary. 2 21 II. W' StCltEYNOLDS. T reosuier. SHERIFFS BALES. By Mrtuo of sundry writs to tho Sheriff cf Co lumbia county directed, win bo exposed to publics sale at tlio court House In Bloomsburg, on SATURDAY, MAY G, 187G, st 1 o'clock p. in., atl that certain undivided one-half cf a lot of land situate Inscoit township, Columbia county, Pn., beluga limestone quarry, bounded on the east by tpiairy lot of Wiiplesantl Purscl, un tho north by land ot Aaron Boone, on tho west by an other rpmrry lot of Jesse I). Hlcekuown nstholiret ii quarry lot, south by lands of uron Boone unit other land of Jesso D. Kite; on which 1110 creeled two dwelling bonus, stable, unite, hay scales and Hx lime libus; being tne undivided onu-hnlt of tho mini -ry lot purchased by J. D. Itlco of Charles Lee, with the appurtenances. ' ALSO, Tho other undivided one-half of tho quarry lot above described, tulng tho undivided ono-hoir ot satdqiiairy lot, purchased by the said Jesso D. HIco from Peter Schug, with the appurtenances. ALSO, One other rlece of land In said township, bounded by buds ot Is.tac White on tho Bouth, on tlio east bv landsot the lspv Lime and Cement Company nnil others, on the north by lands of Nathaniel L. Camp bell, nnd on tin, west by land of Purse! and Wuples und tho qii.ury Iota ubove described: coutclnW itboulfourucres, A LSO, . 0n? "narf lot situate on the North Branch Canal In sa d township of seott, bounded by lands of C'apt. Vvuples, G. v , 1 'reveling and otheis; contalnttir ono quarter ot an acre, moie or less, being whan lot nur enasedot (iioigo llldlaj's cxeculoiu by thu saldJ. ALSO, rTni?!",1'f!',".lla,,1.0r', sltuatoontho North Branch Canal In said tow nsliln, adjoining lauds of capi Wu ples.dtceasid, cievellng und Slovveryand others; containing ubjiit one-half ncio ' AIO, fiA1.'.'!1?1 t'!act.t" nd sltuute In Madison township, Columbia county ,1a, boundt d and Ut scribed us tol ov8: beglunliig ut n pott outho Hlaik Hun road m?i" ,'J'i1,H.liW!0M,!.t0 r"hE"luo in llnoot land of Perry Chit-tiun, thence by the tame north 9 degrees east 42 and 7.10 wrches to u post the "c" ft land H somuel Sleredltii so pticltes1 to a post, thence by sitme norih 2 dt gries t usi 42 pi relies o a K)!lt.'H"'ue''"(;llJ' w," Winner 76degieea west 63 perches to a post.theiio by tlio same south ci degrees west S3 jierilu s 10 a jost In t ho aforesaid road tbtneo by suld roud south 2u degrees eitst 60 TOrchVil o theplaee of beginning; coututulng erocresiuiil IT perches uud aUowiiuco; whereon are erected ilfr in i dwtlltng house, largo barn, and outbuildings. A lO, seh,trrfwc,t ,'inJ a.VoMa tnft nbove de btrlbid tract of land on lliu north, Meiedlth on thu east, aud other anils of Willtver on tho south ; bi-lu" lands purchased ot W. w elllver, containing about""! Pro'y WKtUffcffi, and to be sold as tho AI.SO, j.A,cl',,am ,ract of Mtuato In Sltniln townehln 1, iXVn v ' 01 Joun .v icuae , norlb by (led ayuuk8acres.U mt "J' wntatotoff Kl&O, A r-nrtnln tr.t i.t . ........ . ; 11 '-'"attmi nixenuait: contalnlmr u dwf'mn..1"', !!'oro. or le' 8' ,w'" retn ere erec ed a frwiw S 1 rerf tiT "."' a"a UWt outbuildings. ALSO, At t)A inma I s - .1 . .... ui. "Hw'auk.a'.ur nt, uV oil 'AWM.,?: 2 acres, more or less, wliercon uro eiicted irmm, house, barn und otlur oulbulldlngs. utcItu u 'rul"u prope. ty of stcphVn ilVbTvank: "m ,Q W b0W M " MSO, At thAtniA.ll. .. .. John MuwrVrVoMUInlniw 1Sk','lll''f Prop'my SSiSm'SS a"a ,u l U ' ., O.O. SIUltl'llY, Bloomsburg, April ,4,tMon" aua tnif Micrltr. "yANTEuT KhMi:A(?ENK0orI,H,",1Y,,!' to take tho ohn. V v t1 Vff..,lior. !,V u "k.Souutv for tho salo of of nVe,-.-Ii.Jw. .""'. H l-F. FOOD, ull urtlclu mmm jvpr 14 w