THE COLUMBIAN n 1,0 oats nun , k it i n a t( aniimi, m;( Hall Itoad Tlmn TaWc. LACKAWAXNA & IILOO.MSIlUlttl ItAIMtOAl) Accommodation Train tM A.M. Mall Train 7,4,) a, jt Express Train i.m 1, m " " 8.34 I'M. CATAWISSA HAIL I10AI). Accommodation Train .9 a'.'m. ltogular Express p. 11. SOOTH, 7.411 A. M il.r.4 A. it SOUTH T.80 1'. M, 11,83 A. M, Through cars on Express train either to Now York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between uamwissa aim vnmamsport. To-ilay In Gooil Friday. Messrs. II. J. mul lirnco Clark linvo gono to New York for SjirliiR Good, nnJ iirumUo n lino nsortnient on their return. The bill making, a Hay of execution 011 juilg- .i. Iui ,u,nn nm ueieaieu 111 1110 House on I lies day. Nichols Ktmlt, of (Irecnwooil township offers 1111 personal jiroperty for salo to-day, at ten o1 clock. The 3iiqueliaiina river near Hnrriiburg is mil 01 uncles ami geese. Why is it that thoso pesky Unit don't lly up here? Wo are just a imid ol ducks 11s the Ilnrrlsbiirgcra. Ilenjiiuiu 1'. Former, of Calawiwa, Inn been appointed a Juxtico of the I'encc, by lliu Ouv crnor, to fill the vacancy caused by tho reslgna- lion ol Allrcd lick. Tliu Commissioncrsof Northumberland conn ty, Imvc accepted tho plan of Mr. Welzel, thu urcliitect of JJativillc, for n new jail, the co of which will be!?l:ij,000. llicpctsonal properly of tho late Michael Orover will be sold un April UTlh at liU former resilience In Mam township. Salo begins at 10 o clock. The Philadelphia Hxenimj Chronicle, tin sprightly Democratic daily, ban donned a "Spring Dress ol new typo" and looks at frcsli nml bright in a daisy. Success to It. Tliohe persons who are especially fond of oysters ate earnestly entreated to till themselves to repletion during the present month as it is tho hut 0110 for tho deliciom bivalves. ina residence 01 111. jj. Jtirlinger, 111 Siyarloaf town-hip was entirely uomumail by fire on Saturday afternoon last, together with a large portion of its contents. Thee win light insurance 011 tho building , but noneoii the furniture. Indeiemlent M'edly. We learn that it company is organized and has begun business in Catawissa, with Joseph It, Kniltlo as manager. Tho Company have four large lime kilns and will deal extensively in Coal, Lime and Lumber. Their advertisement will appear next week. The he tn-e ol William J. lleidleman, 011 the Danville road in Montour townhip, about two miles from liloonii'burg, was destroyed by fire on Friday afternoon. The file was caused bv the burning of soot in the chimney which com municated to the roof. Theie was no insurance We have not learned the amount of the loss. a. a. Ilethcrlin, editor of the illianisport Sunday Timet, cut his throat with a razor, at tho Central Hotel, Williainsporl, on Friday morning last. Hu had been married on (be previous day and his attempt at suicide was made in the presence of bis bride, llis injur ies are not deemid mortal. Next Sunday is Kater and the services to bo held at St. Paul's Church it is presumed will be of the 11-itil interesting description. Ifev, John Ilewilt will officiate. The illness of Mr. Elwcll, the orgnnM, has somewhat inter fered with the preparation of the niusiial part of tho services. Sad Accident. On Wednesday tho only child of Mr. T. M. Koons, a bright eyed little buy of three years, while playing with some other children nn tho banks of Shukshinny creek, near Ibe Aich Ilriilge, ntciilintally fell in and was drowned, The body lloated nearly one fourth of a mile before it was rescued, Mountain Echo. The horses attached to the I'eiiloii stage took fright at I lie L. & li. It. I!, station on Tuesday last, and ran up Maiket Street to Mniii at headlong speed. On arriving opposite the slore of M. M. l'uvcll the stage brought up against 11 post,throwing one of the horses to the ground and effectually stopping further progress. The stage was only slightly damaged, the horses not at all. We doubt whether in the history of this county lliere has been a season when the roads were so conspicuously and continuously bad, as in the one just closed. Mud has prevailed so long and so deep that the gradual drying up of the roads, uuw in process, is hailed with de light by all whoso business compels or pleasure impels to drive. The worst is over and wo may now look for so mithing like a sound foun dation for wheels, We- regret to learn of t.e death of Edward H, Haiti y Jr., of Danville, which sad event took place on Mond iy. Mr. Jlaldy had just returned from a trip lo Florida, wlieiu bo had gono in pursuit of health, Mr. llaldy was n young nan of girat piumle ni.d Ins death will grieve a large circle of fiiends. Ho was a lawyer and had been Assistant District Atioiuev of Philadelphia duiiiigthe term of Col. William 1!. Mann. On tho 12th of February last, (). A. Shaffer and J. A. lirookins wcro put in jail charged with (hooting two men in Centre twp., whilst acting as deputy constables. On tho 10th of Match Shaffer waltzed out of thu prison pre cincts nnd last Thursday, April 6th, lirookins followed his example and now lives a freu man. It's a good jail hut it has the trivial fault of not holding any ono who is really desirous of get ting out. There Is now lying ut Kohlnoor colliery, in this place, a curiosity in the shape ol n lump of coal weighing five tons. The lump Is five feet long, five feet high, and about four feet six inches in thickness. It Is raid to be tho largest plcco of undressed coal ever taken from tho Mammoth vein, uud it will bo taken to Phila delphia for exhibition at the Centennial. Shenandoah Herald. Judgo McDerinilt, of Mercer county, oil u rule to set nsldu tho servlco of a Sheriff's writ, decided last week that "the duly of a Sheriff in tho appeiinlment of hU deputies Is ministerial, and ho can no nioro depute it than a Court can depute Ibe e xercise of its Judgment," Tho writ In epilation was mnt by tho Sheriff to the plaintiff ut Slmton with u blank deputation written thereon, which blank was filled by tho jiluiiUlU's attorney. From a private letter wo learn that Senate Hill No. 23:i, changing the auditing day for auditing tbwiithip and boiougli accounts, ex ctpting sihool accounts, from tho first Monday in Juno to the second Monday of April In each year, was signed by the Governor on Friday last. Also House Hill No, CI, fixing tho com pensation of township Supervisors, Commis sioners, Auditors and Assessors at two dollars per each day of actual service, has also receiv ed the nlgimlure of the Governor. Hullhun Cb. Jhmvcrut, THE What tlicy call out West "a buffalo icphyr" and what Is known hero as "a gale," prevailed on Friday afternoon nnd played high Jinks In tho way of blowing down signs, raiting clouds of dii't, and causing general annoyance. The aerial disturbance lasted but n brief time, The first of April found Totter county willi as good sleighing as at any lime during tho winter. Clmetle t llulletin. Same stato of adalrs In Illoomsburg, Sleigh ing hero on llio first of April as good as at any lime during llio winter Just about. An adjourned Court was held last Saturday. The Farmers and Mechanics Educational Ilencvolcnt Association of Columbia Co. Char ter granted. Hiram Y. Howcr appointed Supervisor of Locust township. Itoad In Conyngham township, W. II, Rein bold, David Yenger and Oeorgo Getty appoint ed viewers, Itoad In Mt. Pleasant township, near Daniel VaiiderBlice's, deceased. John Appleman, Sylvester Purscl and John Uctz appointed viewers. Mifllin township, by virtue of a vote of tho people several years ago, has had up to this timu three justices of tho peace. At tho last election John II. Heller was re-elected but as his former term did not expire until after the election, the authorities ut Ilarrisburg hold that 11 vacancy exists, which must be filled by tho Governor's nppoinlmcnt. Samuel Creasy lately died, during bis term of service, and Bince the election, nnd Mlfilln at present has but one jn-ticc. Wo fail to see tho propriety of lucuecision regarding Mr. Heller and believ that he is entitled to the office to which he f.iiily elected. When a man loses his hair bv Indians. ty i.:.i e. .. . . ." ,...., ,v, ci or any oincr violent and unusual means, there is always much sympathy for ill viclim, and we can seo no reason why the loi of capillary covering by milder meth rimm nui tail lor commiseration. .V er rv t 1.1 -.11 . ... the Exchange Hotel left that house on Tuesdp afternoon and returned after an absence of on short hour, wilb his hair about as long as Uireo days' beard. His head is three sizes smaller than usual and be wears bis lint I A t.l l.l...1 . tr . . . . . rouwiuci uiuiicx, ne says ins head leels coo and we believe htm In laet cannot see why Rhouldn l he, as there is nothing to keep the wind away. The Columbian of last week contained piery as to the falling of Easter on the lfith of April, instead of the Otli. A correspondent of the Lancaster V.tmen furnishes the following explanation, which may be ihemed satisfactory ny some readers. I'.astcr is always the first Sundnv nfW tin. vernal eeiuiiiox. When thn first full m,,.,,, ,- the vernal cepiinox falls upon Sun lav. then the . xi aiinuay is l-.a-ter. Tho common or sola day, upon which the Easier mlcnl.ii is measured liy the return of the sun to the me ridian that is, it begins and ends at 12 o'clock 11001. rue nrt lull moon in this year of 011 Lord 1S7G. occurs .Sat11nl.1v. Anril s i o , 11 M., and is therefore reckoned (lay, April U hence, Easter Sunday on April iuu i.isb ounuay lonowing. i. frightful murder was committed in Tusca r lira, llradlord county, on the nirdit nf R,,ini. April 1st. Two masked burglars forced an en. trance into the hou-e of Georce Houser and afler beating him and his sister, bound them fifPtlt-olt' ..,i,l ..., .1 ll... -"v. mo nouse. 1 Lfr se curing $300 in money, a gold watch and some jewelry, the burglars ilecampul, leaving M; """" sisier Lounu. About ninn o clock the following morning a man driving uy uie nouse nouccd mat the door was nnrn and, 011 enteiing, disrovered the unfortunate inmates. .Miss Houser died in n t. w l,n. .v. ..v.. ,i,,,,K u,,,, criifiieu oy me b owk rn. ceived. Mr. Houser was terribly cut about tl head, but will recover. Xo i. I..... found of the murderers. Im roirrA nt to AftKssons. Altornev Gen ...... 1 1 1 1 . , . . . . ri.11 nimne ueen auciressed in relation to the law on llie question of the time when asses' sors elected in Februaiv last would l.n ln,l,.in,l nto office, replies that their terms will com inenec ns licrrtofoie, at the expiration of ll tt-r.ns ol those elected on the.tliird Tuesday in riuiuiry, m,.), and will continue until the firsi .Holiday 111 Apnl following tho expiration of luir respective terms. In other words, the assessors elected in February will their terra of oiWve next fall mul olliee until the' first Monday in April 1S7S. There can ho no election in Feb ruary next year, and assessors will not bo chos 11 until the spring eieetion of thu year follow ng. 1 hose who are chosen at that time will imnnenee their duties on the first Monday ii j ;.rii ensuing, and thereafter the elections and terms will bo iigular, and occur annually. HUMAN P.OXIS SlIIlTEIl AH I liKirniT the llilalllsnort llanner ri.lnl..- ll,. CJI.,.., ..(, iiuiiiuic siory ; 1 111s morning lliere was 1 !.. 1.,. :l.i . ,m . . .. -,niK; luiiuir .mom uiai me uoiics 01 a man had been discovered at the Catawissa depot, anil although it was generally believed, yet there . .1 ...1 . , . . wviu inose wno took the palus to investigate. It tinned out that the rumor was correct. On i-aiiiiuay a nox arrived as freight, directed lo some man in Centre county. As a peculiar stench wis emitted, it led to an investigation. when tho discovery was made that tho bones of a man had been packed in the box. The jaws and one hand are missing, but tho clinched tin gers,as wedl as the finger nails, can be distinctly seen, as well as oilier portions of tho body. llio mystery is, why llio bones of Ibis man who was evidently a tall, powerful masculine, were packed indiscriminately in a box and shipped as freight, instead of being enclosed 111 a eolhn and shown proper icspect. Tho ease demands, and piobably will receive, prop er investigation. A who M:w Entkiii'Mse. Some gentlemen are inlciesled in tho prosperity of .Mountain Grove, on the D. II. & W. railroad have opened a bank of pipe clay near there, uud erected small works for the manufacture of white ware. They ihiiiklhe material excel lent and piopose to test it to the fullest extent, and, if it proves lo be gum, erect largo works for the manufacture of while, or Liverpool ware, and also to mine and ship tho clay to lotteries throughout tho country. There ara but three points in the country where clay of this quail ty linn been found, in pure, clay slate in ceiv tral Vermont, in southern Ohio, and near Du- bucpie, Iowa. There is therefore hut little com petition, and it would seem as though this de posit ought to yield a largo revenue, if proper ly managed, Thu bed also embraces a good quality of fire clay, admirably stilled to lire brick purposes. Wo will watch the enterprise', and report further upon it. Jlatleton Sentinel. A meeting of the members of the Uar was held in tho Law Library Itoom on Wednesday evening April, 12 1870,lo take action in relation to the death of tho Honorablo Geo, Scott late Associate Judge of this county. On motion of Col. John G, Freeze, Hon, Win, Elwelt was called lo the Chair and Warren J, Iluekalcw and Ilcrvey E. Smith Esqrs, were elected as Sictetaries. The following gentlemen wero ap pointcd a roinuiitteo to prepare icsolutiom ex pressive of tho feelings of the liar, to be pub lished in the county papers and a copy given tu Iho bereaved family ; Messrs, M, E. Jack son, J. G, Fieezc, E. H. Utile, ft. Knorr and E, K. Oivis. It was also unanimously resolv es! that thu Uar In u body attend the funeral and that a committee of three bo ap pointed to make tho nectwary arrangements for that puiposo and to notify meiubeis of tho liar not present at the meeting. Thccommittco upiolntid ivero Messrs W. J. Iluekalcw, A.O. Smith and C. 11. llrotkway, WAllltKN J. IIUI KAI.KW tv' Secretaries. lUi.Vtv lOxmii COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, JALOGMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I The new county bill, which hat been n bone of contention for some time past and which ha been vigorously opposed and as vigorously pressed In the Legislature, was killed In tho House on Tuesday by tho decistvo vote of 74 yeas to 87 nays. This settles Luzerco as well as the rest of the counties of the Stale. The new Constitution requires that some legislation should be had on the subject. Hon. Simeon P. Ryan, ono of tlio members of tho Legislature from this county, died on Wednesday last, nt his rcsldcuco In North Conyngham township, Mr. ltynn wa.i victim to that tcrriblo disease, pneumonia, which hni proved fatal to so many this winter. Ho was n young man of good ability, and ngciicrnlfavorltowlth his acquaintances. Ho was elected Representative. In tho full of 1874, nnd has made an efficient and oblig ing member. Mr. Kyan was employed In tho office of Anderson & Co,, coal operators, near Centralia. In his travels through tho county two yenrs ago ho made many friends, who will read with sorrow tho report of h Is death. On Saturday afternoon last Mrs. Dunning, a sister of Mrs. Stuart Mitchell of this town, tripped on a board lying on tho apology for a sidewalk in front of John S. Sterner's property on Third street, nnd fell to tho ground, breaking her shoulder blade- nnd otherwise) injuring herself. The town can ho compelled to pay damages for injuries of this character if tho person Injured chooses to bring suit. Tho Town Council, at a meet lug held last Montlay, gavo Mr. Sterner no tice to havo his pavement in good order by Monday next, and, In event of his not doing as ordered, tho street commissioner will do tho work and Mr. Sterner will pay for it. At about ono o'clock of Wednesday morning ast, the ever-startling cry of "fire," roused from their peaceful slumbers the majority of Illooms burg's citizens and a blight light reflected against the sky pointed out the place where the flames were busy at their work of destruction The largo steam tannery situated al the inter section of Main street and the LiglitSlreet road was found to be the building marked Ly the destroyer nnd in an incredibly brief time noth ing remained but the blackened walls and tti lofty brick stack. The fire is supposed to have originated nt the boilers and to have made iLs way under the floors, obtaining full headway before it was discovered. The building which was of brick, witii a frame structure for bark, belonged to the heirs of William Snyder anil was leased by Georgo A. Herring. The loss is computed at S2000 on building and machinery $300 on bark, and nearly S2000 on stock. In surcd in $030 on stock nnd $1300 on building nnd machinery. Fortunately for the owners of adjoining properly there was no wind or tho damage would doubtless have been greater, Death has been busy of lato in Columbia County, and wo nro again called upon to note the lo-s of a prominent citizen. Hon. Georgo beott, ol Catawissa, died very suddenly, of apoplexy, at Hazlclon, on Monday night. In company with his son, Mr. Scott was driving to Hazleton and when near that town, placed his hand on his forehead and after uttering the word apoplexy," fell back in his seat unconscious. His son drove rapidly lo Hazleton and Mr. Scott was speedily placed in the hands of a physician, but all attention was in vain and death soon occurred without a return to con sciousness. Mr. Scott was born in Iiradford County and was about sixty years of age. He learned the business of tunning with the late Col. Joseph I'axton at Calawissa. In 1852 lie was elected to the Legislature and again in 1853. In 1850 he was made one of the boattl of Canal Com missioners of the State. In 18GS he was acain elected to the Legislature and yet again in 1809. At the time of Ins death Mr. Scott was an As sociate Judge of the Courts of Culumbia Coun- i, iiuiuiK ueen eiecieu last ran. iie was also one of the State Centennial Commissioners nnd Secretary of the Hoard ; President of the State Agricultural Society, and President of the Catawissa Deposit Hank. Mr. Scott had been .1 contractor on a large scale, and it was on busi ness connected with a contract that he went to Hazleton on Monday. A man who filled so many prominent positions will be greatly miss ed and his place will be hard to fill. The fu neral takes place to-day and will undoubtedly be largely attended. Mr, Seott is the seventh Associate Judge who nas died 111 Judge Dwell s districts since the latter has been on the bench. A. T. Stuwurt, the merchant prince of Icw lork. died on Monday afternoon last. of inflammation of the bowels. "Union In Christ" is an excellent union. undrnominational illustrated monthly, 00 cunts a year, 25 ceits to ministers and agents. Sent on Trial Three Months Free with best terms to agent. Address II. A. Kino, 37 Park Kow, New York Ilox 22S0. A 14-1 w In 1 SCO federal, state, city and county taxation aggregated 154,200,000. In 1S7C tho federal, state, city and county taxation is SG40,000,000. Taxes have increased in tho past fifteen years 315 per cent., while population has increased 48 per cent, In what abyss of pecuniary misfortuno would fifteen years more of radical rule plungo the county? "Tho CmtiSTlAX t the best paper I get," says Mr, Spurgeon, the great London preach or. This large 1C page, illustrated dollar monthly will bo sent post paid three) months to any address for 10 cents, or to ministers free, by the publishers, II, L, Hastings, Uos- ton, Mass. April 14-1 iv In tho six principal markets of this. county tiic number of lings packed this sea son amount to 3,200,000, a decicaso of near ly 300,000as compared with last year. Without Cost. Messrs. Potts llrothers now oiler to semi a sample copy of tho Imericun Sloci Journal Ireo to all who ele- iro to examine) it. Every farmer should send and get one, and then he will undoubt edly want ita whole year for himself and family. It will only cost 0110 dollar to get a largo 32 page illustrated monthly, telling all about about stock raising and farming. Tlioso who subscribe now, get 3 numbers of 1875, free. Just tho paper for hard times. l'arksburg, Cheater county, Pa., is the place to send. April 14,-4w. Tho Brooklyn Argut says that thousands of Immortal young souls nro running wild through tho jungles of Africa, without clothes and without a Qod, and "yet here's Zach Chandler giving a thousand dollars to whitewash Ilabcock, From Jacob Ilcner, Esep, Druggist, Middle- town, uaupiim in,, i'ii, Messrs. Seth W, Fowlo k Sons, Qcnts : PIcnso mid me mined alelv half a gross of Du. WlbTAli'H IlAli-All or WILD CllKIU.Y, us it is Hllilg miiiilly 111 el gives pood satisfaction. I have been selling tho HAit'AMIor infic tl nn twenty yeais. ntnl luiU' ulwnis found it latlsfuclorilv snlcn of. I have hud a number of customers who nive reiiliitd iiualtulablo benefit from tho in e of it in the first stages of consumption, I phi iic-r without it In my family, and ad minister it to any member of It whenever trrubled with ccuuhs. colds, lungs and bron chial uUccllons, and 11 ud it n most clliclent remedy, Jacoii I!i:ni:h, ou cents Sim 11 a iiotue. coin by all dea lers. Flllctii thousand bunches of violet are lold dally in Paris. TOE STATE CAPITOL. IlARimnuRO, April 11th, 1670, A Jovial Keprrsontativo and n man of In finite, jest is the Hon. D. P. Iloscnmlllor, of Lancaster, and tint for an instant did it rest within his breast last week when ho offered a hastily written resolution to investigate tho alleged charges ol bribery connected with tho Doom Dill, that ho was stirring a hornet's nest about tho cars of his fellow Representatives and raising a Legislative row, upon tho lttstory of which tho diangoi would bo rung from ono end to the other of the Commonwealth, That which had its inception in a joko has proven to bo a very serious matter for certain, at least, of our honorablo law-makers. No sooner had the committuo appoint ed In pursuance, of tho resolution held ono meeting than it was most evident that there was rather more in tho matter than had at first been anticipated. Examination of tho members was commenced, Inking them in al phabetical order. This was done.tlie Commit tco sitting with open doors. A few members wcro examined when where there had been but a little emoke the firo began to burn brightly, and it was lound necessary to close tho doors of tho Committee rooms and her metically seal them to the inquisitive repre sentative's of the Press. It had, however, already been made public that certain mem bers Iiad testified that the Hon. Peter Her- die, tho chief boomer against tho Doom Hill, had through his representatives at least in directly made offers of money for "dodgers" and voters against tho bill, $200 for a dodgo and $-100 for an adverse vote. Then through the testimony of Speaker Patterson the name of Hon. Thomas A. Scott was associated with the bill, rather more as .1 peace-maker, however, than anything else, but it was considered necessary by the Com mitteo to close its doors. Sinco that time tho Commlttco has pur sued its duties arduously, attempting to keep its work a strict secret. There have been leakages, however and some of them of a rather startling character, and the-fun of it is, tho Herdlcites aro not the only parties hurt but lo, the other side, tho immaculato Lumbermen, nro discovered in tho role which they so virtuously condemned in their 01 ponents. The journal clerk of thn Houso Captain Skinuer is called to tho stand and ho testifies that on several occasions a cer tain member from Philadelphia named Pet rofT who by his actions in general w as sup posed to bo a firm friend of Herdic, had evinced to him an ardent desiro to know what Embick the chief of tho Lumbermen wa willing to do on tho boom. Skianer being a personal friend of Em bick nnd ns he testifies interested in the passage of the boom bill, in an official point of view, desiring to be rid of tho trouble some measure and relieved from keeping its troublesome and iutricnto record, recounts his interviews with Petroff to Embick, at the same timo giving Embick to understand that retrofi and his crowd wero brewing mischief. Ho then states that for the pur pose of testing this party a check for $7,500 was drawn by Embick and given into Skin ner's nanus, i'etroll becoming cognizant of this fact grew keener than ever and wont so far as to go to a certain bank and inquire whether or not Embicks check was good for tho above amount. Being satisfied on this point ho was ready for action but, Skinner becoming convinced of the character of tho man returned tho check to Embick, wit) the information that Petroff was trying to play a sharp dodge. Tho check wa9 then aud there destroyed by Embick, while Pe troff was left in ttatu quo, with a letter in his own handwriting, asking "what Embick is willing to do," still remain ing in Skinner's hands. Said letter is now ono of the valuable posesslons of the committee and Petroff is non est inven tus; rumored to have gono with Ilerdlc and Embick lo attend Moody and Sankcy's mee tings in Isew York. The committee are still working. Two sessions wero held to day with another in prospect for to night when it is expected Treasurer Mackey will testify. Col. McClure of the Phila. Times was be fore tho committee this morning. To the subject matter of tho written Jormuhi of questions I10 answered no, and when inter rogated as to 1110 authorship of llio cor respondence in the Times making specific charges of bribery, ho refused to answer stating that tie would not do so beloro court ol justice and no more would ho be fore tho committee. If the committee s,aw fit they might proceed against his paper, uui. answer lie wntiiu not. It lias been stated on pretty good authority nun cyicicne:e enougn nas aireauy been pro uiieeii ueioro me committee to send three pcisons at least to the Penitentiary. Who tlieso persons aro and what their positions eieponent sayetli not. Sparse schsions of tho Senate hnvn been held during the past week, their calendars in existence ociore tho tirst ol April havln; been cleared up with a flurry, and tbev re miuning firm in their refusal to tnko up new business. The House has been cleariner un its calendars of bills on third reading. Quito a number of printing and appropriation urns nave occouie laws. u Messrs. J. Lorisli Rnd J. F. Stoker, Columbia county men, propose opening their brick dwell ing house, Jo. 3735 Market Street, Philadel phia, for the reception of hoarders durinc the Centennial Exhibition. The house is within easy distance of the Exhibition grounds, and the horse cars pass the door every few minutes. lliosc who wish to secure board and avoid tho largo prices charged by tho hotels had better write to Messrs. Lorith and Stoker and make ar rangements. Heavy baggago will be taken to the house by the proprietors If visitors will hand them the It. It. checks. March 31 3w Dhauuing Out Existenck. Tho nervous. weakly invalid does not enjoy life-, but merely 'ilrniis out existence." ns the' 1 lirase Is. (Jnfu. tnl for tho active pursuits of life, and incapa ble of partaklngof ils pleasures, to which health alone can give a zest ; disinclined to social In tercourse, and a prey lo melancholy, the vale tudinarian is indeed an object of pity. Yet there is nothing in all this that cannot" he re medied by that genial alterative tonic and ner vine, Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers, which sup plies deficient stamina, braces the nervous sys tem, unu overcomes iiioso ueuuy irregularities to which nervous weakness is most frmuentlv attributable. Diseases of tho kidney and blad der Imperfect digestion und uterino troubles are fertile sources of debility. Their eradication however, becomes n mailer of ceitalnly when Hosteller's Stomach Hitters are systematically used for that purpose. Tho Hitlers likewise annihilate nnd prevent fever and ague and oth er iieuiiiiaung iconic complaints of a malarial nature. April. iew urieana riaicing Jioiasses, choice Syr ups from 80 cents to 1 a gallon. A fine us Bortment 01 Young Hyson, Imperial, Japan and Ulack Teas at M. M. ltussel'a. NATS I HATS II HATS 111 Newest colors, Ilrown, Ulack and Navy lllue, just received at 1). Lowcnberg'a. Q. A. Clark announces that although he does not keep "music" on bund, yet he is coiista ntly ordering. Bind hliu your orders TUB ONtrBCBK Cl'MS Toil ItVm'BK.Hio oldest and best l.crnla. buwecs hi tho world are some of tlieadvaMuKescinerca by tho 'IllumpU Truss Co., 34 Uowery, N, v., whose truss und U porter w ere awarded tho ruerial at the lato lesUonot the Great American Institute Fair, bend 10 cents icr their new book, Murchl TU-iy Itupturo cured In trim 80 to W duvs liyltio Tri umph Truss Co., of HMlioHery,N.V.,wlioefrerll.- Ouo tor a rupturo they cannot euro, Fee ail veil lse- rocnt sndcutot liussln another eoluuiu. fccudio cents fur dmilfllio Lock of 'niuuiph Kupturo. cure. nurdi u. tc-ly Business Notices Kspytown gleam Planing, Milt for sale or rent Address, M. U Funk, March 21-tf lllromsburg. Pa. For rionU-A flrsl-class office in tho Co lumbian Iluilding, fronting tho Court House, Apply at this olllce. tf. Plants of all kinds lor salo by J.L.Dillon, riorist, moomsourg, o.ijuu early cab- bago plants lor salo now, 2,000 feet of glass In use comprising green-house, hot-beds and cold-beds. Lulz tc Sloan created qulto a sensation lest Saturday by putting tho price of good Dress Calicoes down til til cents pcrvarePand the best to 8 cents. Appleton A and Hill Muslins to 10 cents for the yard wide; leas bv the bolt. Wool Dress Fringes to 10 cents all collors nnd nearly everything in their store at a llko reduction, Persons contemplating rep airs to their dwellings, barns, Ac, this Spring, will do well to call on Moycr Urothcrs lor Paints. Theso gentlemen have on.hand a largo stock of Paints of nil colors and purchasers can not fall of finding what they wish. DHIDaK NOTICE. An election will b held at the house of J. B, Klsller in the town of Catawissa, between tho hours of one ami six o'clock P. M. of May 1st 1870 for one President, six Managers, nn'o Treasurer and ono Secretary of the Catawissa llridgu Company for llio ensuing year, and nt the same time and place tho slock holders of said Ilriilge Co. will f oto for or against accept-, ing lection 1st of 1111 act of 30lh of May 1805. Entitled "An Act to entitle tho stockholders of any Kail Itoad Co. incorporated by this Coin moiiveullh, accepting the provisions of this act emit ing the stockholders to vote one vote for each share of stock held by them" as extended to lirldgo Companies by act 14th of March 1S07. QUO. S. UlLDKllT. Seey. April 7 4w. Dress Goods nice at I. W. Hartmau's. 300 Pairs of Ladies' Slipper.), just received McKiuney's, U0 cents to 3.00. at Notice. All accounts on our books re maining unpaid utter May 1G. 1870 will be placed 111 the hands ot the law for collection J.acliuylcr&Sou. 3w. C. C. Marr, tells Goods cheap for ready pay. Snrine Shoes at E. M. Knorr's at very low prices. For Wall Paper go to G. A. Clark's. Heady Made Clothing Cheaper than evern D. Lowtiibtig's. Mover llrothers have a lame and com plete assortment of Toilet Soaps to which tbev call attention These Soaps are of all grades and for all prices. All the most pop ular soaps nut bu inuud in their stoct. J. II Maize is constantly receiviutr fresh Groceries, of the cry best Quality, which he offers at lower rates than any other stoic in town. Men's fine Shoes in Button, Alex'i3 and Congress, at McKiuney's. The best Garment Patterns are Butterick's sold by, C. C. Marr. Flour and Feed at M. M. Russell's. G. A. Clark has iust gotten in his pprini stock of Blank Books. It is large and wei assorted. Butter 35 cents a pound, Eggs 18 dozen, at M. M. Kussell's. cents n Calf Boots very cheap at E. M. Knorr's. Gents Shirts Tics at McKinney's. AH that havo accounts with C. C, Marr will plcaso call nnd settle. ll'atf Paper. G. A. Clark has double tho stock of any other establishment in town, which must be sold. White Goods aro on hand at I. W. Hart man's. New goods this week at E. M. Knorr's. Oranges and Lemons always on hand at .u. m. liusseirs. For a nobby Cap go to D. Lowenberg's. Comfort Elegance nnd Durability are, merits 01 jicivinncy s line snoes, all widths aim sizes, For Blank Books go to G. A. Clark's. Canned fruits of all kinds at Russell's. - r i Don't forget to call and examine E. M. Knorr's bpring Hoods ucloro buying els: where. The Newest, Neatest, and Nicest Clothing for Hoys and ( hildrtn that can be obtained 111 the New xork market just receired nt D. Lowenberg's. Carpet Chain 28 cents at I. W. Hartmau's. JHclure Fiatnes. A large variety of Pic ture Frames, 8x10, in stock. Oilier sizes made to oieler, at G. A, Clark's liook Store. COAL. " COAL Old Established Coal Yurd. C. W. Neai. it lino., Wholesale & Retail Dealers in nil sires ot the best qualities ol Reel and Whito Ash Coal, at the very lowest market rates. Have constantly on hand larire btocks of Domestic, cupola, Blacksmith's Anthracite, Bituminous, and Limeburner's Coal. Especial attention iriven to tho prepara tion of coal before leaving our yarels. Grain and Lumber taken In exchange) for coal. I Coal delivered to nnv part of tlio town nt short notice. Orders lelt at I. W. McKelvy's store, or at our office, will receivo prompt at tention. Olllce and Yards at William Neal & Sons' Furnace, East Bloomsburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. luau iv tt 201 UUAL FAItSirns. AlTr.NTlON. Itussel takes Butter Eggs, Lard and Produce in exchunge for goods MAltKET KEPOllTS. BLOOMSBURG MAltKET. Wheat per bushel., live. ' .. I. us .ui to ,su T.ou I.u l.M .S5 .10 ,l'S .-10 ,10 .10 .13 .10 80.00 Corn, now, " oats, ' " ., Hour per barrel ., clovcrseed ... .... Flaxseed Ilutter Eb'Ks Tallow I'otatoes Dried Apples Uains Sides & Khoulders i.aru per pounu .... Hay per ton iieeawax . Timothy Heed 4,m izuuta juiks roit COAU No, 4 ou Whurt , trf.ooperTon No. 6 " , 3.TB ' No. " " $ ,60 " Iilack.BiallU'8 Lump on wburt I 4, (Hi " " jniumiaoug f c,wi Marriages. KOPI'KNIir.FFKIt TIKTSWOltTII. At tho home ol the bride, on tho Mill ult., by Itcv. Henry S.SIcnden liall, Mr, Abner Koppeuhetrcr to Miss Clara J, Tiets wortti, all ot Klj bburf, l'u. Deaths. In Madison tow the lit Intl., Sarah Ann. wife ot (leorgo Urcccc, uced s years, 4 months und sdajs, llliltlCI.r., lu the same township, on the 1st Inst. Busuuuua, wife o( Hciijuuiln Mcilclo, used Mjeuru, months audw da a. 1IAKI.i:y.-1u lUouutlurtr, on the Till lust., lla- elicl, wife o( John liuillcy unit uioihereif Charles O, Uui kley, Ktq., aged M j cars, s tuontlis aud 13 days. FOR, BARGAINS GO to the ' THEY NOW OFFBIi 10 lbo. bost White Sugar for $1 00, 2 and ons-half lbs. Good Oolong Toa for $1 OO. 5 Cans of 3 lb Foachos for $1 OO, 31b. Can Tomatoes 18 cents each. CANNED CORN 20 CENTS PER CAN, All other goods equally t Oct II OF Wo eonikrisefrom tho Lrhtg ZtgUtet tho snbttanco of aVpnvcrsatlon about Oak Hall. In Yil!Siily "?"dier& Brown's " Largest m usHrTt ln Aen-" visitor End attendanrvro the speakers : IT? ".f ". vYhat corn I' the EulMlng on r' Attenaant. "South-Eat corner of Bull and Market ricaso noto the BIXTII, for some SSSSS hlve aM lt,Vdlmc4 'iVnYr1"0105"11 D y0U tnow ,i 'iV'S00 .ITO ,ft- on Market, and J?i.2dd.on S'J"1'.81.? ,tor'es high, has over iSliif AfloolJ5. "nd covers spaco oneo occupied by flpr&Cian twenty different bml ness places, 'yr V. ''Do von uso eteam-powerr t f8,0 VnK engine furnishes power fSnSKV11! WMnscrclovaton, and tho Y nS?"" ord" d0 Ton take with coodsr' thenco on thoRbVclcfitor Iho in'SSS toft room on thu1 tIi floor." v. yisiiupecun; jpcctlnjflhe first operation ?" Sir. mnfl.mrini TK IMA... ... . Jnewuredln tlm ni.A ?h i7,f....S"' A't5' A. "f,o, sir, moasurln. clotb. posse, over rollers in tho face of itrong IL8?, two lt.,one before ,nd on? behind the goods, watching with tho eye of a marklng cvery Baw, o that tho cutter mayTco mento" ltwlleu h comes to cut tho gar- a" "X0" ??st employ an arrfy of cuttersr A' -c.ome. to our filth flex and seel Wa keep 70 hands all tho tlj cvjng up the clotS a doten men's work eociWT a stroke." goods r rU ,oanaf''ctuI8 "11 your own .A' "WS Jo' and mos' carefully. Our ex certify to every garment a extra-well mado rbeiporn!rb?6?o7l, Uc"et 0n W dcairYUr '"6t"a must IaT0 rm a ercat A. " In every direction, sir. It Is tb t vstem nd "onorny Wl) practice all fto wihrouS. leoPfenaab,1'ef0. PUt Ur ' 03 ofv1-t'7'.A'terln3rctlll2 too work, hat becomes r?i'5f0f0 " socs Int. Btoc, ttclettf. ,lery "ilel Einnent has it, number und ?,.erpolI!t' notea on ! I" nure U s tory can bo traced without full, upon our V. " You mint hnvn m r,- J.I cnl m. , it,,.. , ...-. v. t. (-mtsuiuil . mu V. liV, ," t y : ioo "v'W3 ,h0 lbT0DP of customer's." f rooms, v.. D m do ua order bu&.by moll and express 1 " S$ A. "Very great All over the country. Our MATTER J". 13L. ISIJLIZiE'S MAMMOTH OEOCEEY. Corner ISTain nnd Center Streets BLOOMSBURG, IP A- . , The largest stock of groceries and provisions, Queenswnre, Glassware etc., &c, in the county, for sale at wholesale or retail at the very lowest prices. Oct. 8,1875 BOOKSESIsIsER iUEB STilTIOHER, Dtuler in Law Elanks, funtlay School Libraries, Depositary of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPEB, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Short Notice at the Most Reasonable Rates. Store in Exchange Hotel Building-, Bloomsburg, Pa. OCt.8,l&T5 SEEDS, villi i:'i'. iii.i: FLowKit l'ljnts. HtjfcCH. Ilalillua. Vuih&tiis. eier- uiiiuuiM, neuuing i-iai'ia, uiauioiu-i, uc, M'nu a fctamp lor Iirecr'a einiilin Calenddr, 1C8 pages, Illus trated, with practical diiictlcns. IIKNUY A. DltKEIt, 114 Chettmit H , 1 Mlude Inula, l'a. Jlar. SI, 'TC.-ct. J: coin coin money aelilieis L.t. Hdctv PoeketCo. .lew ark, N. J, .Mur Sl-jw, MINI) Rcndlmr. IVwiicmnrirv, Kafeinalion, rem claimlDg, n ciimiltiii' and inarrlagu KUlue, M.bulrig how eltbirttx inay lafclnate and gain the lou- m il i.r.iilli n ei i.ny ) eibciithe) enoube instantly, oo rofr 1-J mall, wn nth. lltintft'o. Ibti Mth fctm-t, I Hi t'o. Maiehsi-iw. KADB FRYMIER & EDWARDS, Successors to u. Dorsey i Son, OMflA, GLASS & QT1ELKSWAEE, Oldt-tand, sja Xlailet t., ojp. rew r. 0.,lhlla. Aro cnerlrp greit Induce ir.txts to ruichcKra of FllF.NL'll tlll.NA u,d 1 EA H.'1K (lain and dticrulul, cbcleesl.MiK uidturerlor quality. An ui.CfaneU 7ti(iituiiilcj cilAMHt'n bi.1V, 1-lllKItlN Ml IIHWIO tilAt-kVAKK, plain, cut, si,d er-fiKed. l.irtnck lids 1 mi eare mll) tilultd ei.U i oiui in itfli. u.nLiiii i- us tn nil at lie IcmiiI iilcct. Iiieeiol eoie ducltd lo uir rilull di unu i nt. run in uiiiratirriiiti p- cUe-n lu cecciai en ei eh r.a ara c;ms to cider, in mil n crio icatth Helm his. I ml ln.ctl lalcttstsles and test innkif ol Ml Vi;i. Alih. lit In. uichi7-Hw Sfidlile. lot), r. HWJI1 I o.. v -Wik.lo liii,ljiil el i o inn i. ii i ii ii in- hhk el bt piuU(it, ri dcttlii.utesihtwliii;eett of adttrtls ing. llarchlu, fn-ljr .O0UKTER.PIATF0RM WAGON&TRACK SSSSSSSSSSMSSM y SM1SW CPAGENTS WANTED'S EHD rOI PRICE LIST MARVIN SAFE 85SCALE CO. 265 BROADWAY N. Y. 721 CHESTNUT ST.PHILA. PA. I08BANKST.CLEVE.O. Jlaiehlil, TC.-ly, O AM. WHOM IT MAY COXCKltX. late rcttcp. Ihnf rn ll a Sri fav f.f itirl I i&ta t lougl.tut'saln the ailfeles iimmerated I olow, Hid I.HMt leaned tliemme lojohn 11. Kleck. I.elr tn l.u d mull k iny rlciiHiie. All 1 ermlih Olu tor tlddtn to luttileiv wild his iwHi'iHuii it thvsaiiiei emii He, 1 uU aid ird dishes, 1 tublis, 4 stands cook-Hoe- Hid uli nuis, miislrs, cluck, rocklnir chairs, inrlur Hole unci 1 lie, tiouiivts, &i)urdsot carpel, ntuls, eepiHrkntle, licnkellle, molook-lug-glusses, ii-wliiK- luaihine, li leds and ucddimr, lot Ud-ioem eurpel, Luuuu, meat tiand. 1'fltlt EST. Ufihtfctieel, Afrtl 4, IKMw. low, for cash or produce. POPULAR T, perfect system aid rules of self-measurement make ithossib5& to ploaso people 2,000 miles awa7 Jy4crfectly as If they wero heroin per.oii.'Tj' V, " I suppojo yoa havoat least half a dozen different departmcnur' A. " My diar sir I wo have more than rttvnfy. each charged with lu own business, and each thoroughly organised, a necessary wheel with in tho irreat wheel." Y- ll "HI you name a dozen or ro of them V A. "With pleasure. Tlio Custom Depart ment, for those i who prefer custom-made to Siy" lra rurnlshlng Department, JfJ111 Jf 1k stock of tUl underwear, llio Shirt IWfctory, with its busy machines, making our own first-class shirts. Iho Trim ming DepartmcEt, Itself as big as many a regu lar store. Tho Garment Stock Hoom. Tho Receiving Koom. Tho Order Department, named before. The Special Uniforms Depart ment. Tho Delivery Department, with its score of meirengers. The" V. "Hold, hold 1 sir. onniifh I" A. "I'm not half through f The AdTertlslnir (mwif urlth ft. I. 11 . .1 .t P Department, wltints many rooms. Tho Hoys' Department. The Youths' Department. Tho e-miurcns Department, wltli its special entrance for ladles. The Telegraph Depart rncnt, Tho Chief Clerk's Department, with its book-keepers and assistants. Uencral Man egers Departments Financier's Olllce. and other ofllccs of the nrmall busy as bees thinking, planning, eieiUng, buying, mak ing, registering, rcchin6,senaing out, iclllns;, JJi1? usandr'7? Joining their force's to carry on abusinessViih the people amount ing to between fcyjoo.ooQ and an nually." V. "S-t-u-p-o-n-d-o-u-sI" "Indeed It is! I forgot to name the Cashiers Department, whichhandles lu 825 000 of retail salts on somo single davs I" . " i Immense I That'e.what enables tho house to buy cheap and selcheapr' A. "Exactly! Yon havoJLt hit It people throng hero, knWsin? that wo dc Tha that wo depend on low prices and ImmO V. " What aro tho 're much about?" rnat aro tho "rotTa cites I hear so A. "Ouryitem of business dealing 1. Ono rrlco, no dfilailou : 2. Cash for everything i a. A guarantto protecting tho purchaser: 4Tho money returned if tho buyer can't othorwhu bo suited. V. "Nothing could bo fairer." A- Nothing. And tho pcoplo tco It" ."e.l.1'1 'bank you, sir, for your polite attention." A- " Nt t at all. It's a pleasure to pkvo you. Call again ; and be sure ol tho plate Wana makcr li Brown's Oak UallAouEast cor ner tiixth and Market." V. "Thank you I I shall bo happy to do so. Good morning." " D i TEny'sVf aelalle ITerve Remedy. For a perfect restoration of the nervous Kvstem, causing an IniiiuUlatc and 1. roper cure In llio follon-Inseai-ea: nervous detilllty Impaired nutrition of thu body, latitude, w eukuehS ln the limbs and bock, lmlUicibltl(iii mul lncapailty Icrttdy, dullness of npprehenslcn, loss ef memory, aversion to bocletv, timidity, telr-dhtrust, ilUzlrict.i. headache, Incident to both sexes, for whote benefit It Is designed and whote happiness It Mill promote. 'I lie n cis-1 eminent 1 hjsle'lans of this countrv havo cie nslni; fatality rcsultliij; the ri-lasotlonot Ihe iienes. lluilnL' lor a lonir ni-rlod deveited much study, tliiioaud luborlu csiiiUhliln; u reiteih tor ratru-ci iiitiiiMnes in uie utmost locntCK mein- thoierfeet renoratlon of tlienenous sistein."lt is Rratlolnpr toliu to announce tho success 01 tenilliiK my new method, 'j lirouph 1I1W if medy thu nerves can be reached and 111 tuili u nay that, liuw eer kbatleied or prostrated, they can bo ptilicllv restored, ltncis on the r.enes at once, jet with gentleness re storlnif iheiuto a natural state, and len ovine the alio c elWrt tslce dtseasi'R. Kolli ti-xis, mwe 01 less,thiough the prostratlcn ot the nervous tjttem, lose their encrpv. Insuih Instances the Kene lieniedy may to relle-d upon ln re Itlnif the patient Into the Mcor of jouth. put up I materia iicineuy is cureiiiiiy compounded ana lu boxes with full directions. Trice, one dol- lar, expressed to any address on receipt of price. it on receipt ot price. ;HAUNCKY ItltltV. 12uS Vine Hlrpi-t. l'tilln Ult. J. LllAU-M-'tl ititin once hours, 11 a. m. to 3 p, in., I to v p. m. liarch lu.'e-ly IIAtS' i:xri(T0llAT-Tbe great licmedv for couch, C olds, consun-rilcn, and all Diseases of the throat and lungs. Will l ure, and oftenwhen theicase apparently hoi cues. Weelo not mean tu say, that when Iho Lungs are dettrojed any medicine eon create them onew. Hut 0 do Fay, that If n person has n Violent tough, Night Kweals, CiuMul' Chills, ll connned 10 led a cure may be enecte d, J, It. Daniel Co:-I!-ar lire 1 have used Haas' Expectorant In my fondly for so jeois, and nau'tlio experience ot kno Ing Its great merltB.and do glad ly rcccniioend It to nil sun cms with those du liessliigetmplalutb fir nhlih It Is Ii.tcinlrd. . , ien. w. iir.irsjYnr.n, calllrolli. Ohio. Nov. . ists. Try ltll'ltlCE UCL'STb. bcldbyallDiugKlsts -u. n, i -Sill HO TIIKAl'TUCTKl) AST) VSTOmV. lull .ATit. i litre is no iiassot enseakts that re re lucre exbeilenco to treat sm-crtsTiitiv tlmn tliiise or n prltatc eliaraciir. Many phjslclans sup pose that when the primary sjmpicuis are leinoved. I he disorder or mason has been oiereome, huchls not the ease. Ihe difficulties, or the various stage ot the dlseaso are then to succeed. The parts nrst Hunt-Am umuitt uiiuui, nuse, moiiiu, icnguo, skin, tendons, liones, ligaments, ears, ejes, Ac. Freeiucnt- Iv these sjniptouis nro iri'ated by rhsslclans as stni- iue uiii-iuiiouM, uuiu sumo 01 uie iinpontim oivani ef the body Uciiiim linolwil, whe-naeatli relleie-i the SlltTl-ri-r. lilt. II. W. I.OIlll. lmum- mn,li nil i.ri vale disease s a study, guarantee s 11 speedy and tur monent cure Mtth puii ly egetable medicines, xlnd. leal tmcesand druir sturc, No, 831 North Fifteenth Mica. Hours, 10 till 1.V0 undo lot p. m, Maiehll, 'lil-ly, the'tiuumpii TItUtfS 00". No. 834 nowery, Now York, TO WHOM WAS AWAIIDEU TI1K lMtOIUMI Mi: I) A I, FOU THE Best Elaslic Truss anil Supporter At tho great American Innltnto Fair (SESSION 1576.) CrnK lirm'HKiN I'uom lo to i pays, iNnOvrEii Jt.CW t'Oie A C'isk Tuiv Canxot CCKk, They employ a nist-elass Lady burciou. Terms modeiale. Cures (luaranleed. 'I he usual discounts to rat 1 01m ot liusbauiiry. lUamliiatlons Frio orders niled by li.aU. t-uid ten cnts fur DescrlpUvo "unf -a Hl;t'. W. 11. lil'liNHAil1, Jlar, U, '.0,-iy, licneral buieilntcudcit. The fsFma Indicator; THIS WKKK'S ISSUE SENT FREE. Cpnialns rictorlal Illustrations of nulls and Hear. Also, full and complete Instructions uowtoopetuto in blocks uud blesk rruileges. Caillal hits uud c"SU"i;,8;,a1irV'1'hl uublu " "0 lil't'KWAI.'l Klt ' CO.. Hankers ond Ilrekeis, iiwfi'j? ,UWul""'"Yo,kCl.J, ftlOf day at heme. Age rls vuuu iu i C roiid llwy, HIVE, & CO., Augusta, JdatnS. INTERES LEGAL ADVERTISEMEMTS. M-OTICE. "SV tfnderslgn'fl would hcrr'hy sire notleo to al partlM Indehted to him. on nnto or book account, tn oomo fo rwnrd and sntlf at once or the accounts will bo placed in tho hands of the proper omecr for col- 'Tetfci-tt RTETIIEK KNOnrt. XECUTOH'S NOTICE. It ESTsir or nivln uiirz, ctciwm. letters lostamcntary on me estaio or drvui Dlctz, late nf lieaver twp., Cot., Co.. elrcoaaeil hao been irranled tiy the Itrglsler of said county to Conrad Defii, of Heaver township. Columbia county, Executor, to whom oil persons Indebted aro request ed to make payment, and those havlnff claims or d"mands against the said esluto wilt make them known to tho said Executor without delay. CO.NItAll DtUTZ April T.-w.' Executor. 4DMINI8T11AT0H'S NOTICE. isriTit or xdwakd ikwis, nieiiSBn. Iters of Administration on the estate of Edward Lewis, lato of Hlooinsbursr, Columbia, County deceased, have been granted by tho Keglster of said county to William Teocock, of Itloomsbnrg. All persons havlnif claims against tho cstato ot the dece dent ate renuested to present them for settlement, and those Indebted to lh estate to make payment to the undersigned administrator without delay. WM. I'M ACOCK,,1t-U Administrator. D.MINISTHATOIt'S NOTICE. fisTXTK or KnwARD nArrir. lati of the non ocaiiorciKTRAUi, Utters of Administration on the cstato of Edward llarteyiawot tho Iloroughof Centralia, county of Columbia, deceascd.havo been granted by the HckIs ter of said county to Sarnli 11. llaffey of the Borough ot Centralis, All pcrwns havlnc claims against the cstato of tho decedent are requested to prosont them for settlement, and those Indebted to the estate to inako payment to tho undersigned administrator wltuoutdelay. BAltAll H.IIAKFBY, March S4,-t. Administratrix. A DMI NISTH ATOR'S NOTICE, KSTATK OP PAVID DAVIS, UICKASSD. letters of Administration on thn ostAte of David Davis, late or lieaver township, Columbia county, deceased, havo been granted oy the ll('glstr of said co., to Margaret and John II. Davis, Administrators of David Davis, dee'd. All persons having claims against tho estate of the decedent are requested to nri'mnt them for settlement, and those indebted to the estate to make payment to tlio undcrslgnod Administrators without delay. JIAltaAltRT DAVIS, JOIIS II. DAVIS, Slarcnsi,-st, Administrators. A" DMIN I8TR ATOM'S NOTICE. ' ESTATE Or S, K. ALBERTSOIf, BECEASEB. lAittcrsof Administration oa tho 03U of 8. K. Albertson, late of lienton township, couutyof Co lumbia oouuty, State ot Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to H. It. Albertson, ot Denton, l'a., to whom aU persons Indebted to satd estate nro roquested to mnke payment, and those hating claims or demands will make known the same with out delay. K. 13. ALllKUTSON, Denton, March IMir, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE or EN03 FOWLER, DECEASED. Letters of AdmlnlstiatlonnE nOMts non onthees tate of Enos Fowler, lato of lirlarcreek township, Co lumbla county, state of Penns)lvanla, deceasetthav twen granted tn W. a. DrliMbach.ot Salem township, Luzerne county, Pa., to whom all persona Indebted are requested to maxepavmrnt, ondth03e harms claims or demoneU will make known the same with out delay. W.o. Dili USUAL' II, Administrator D bonis kon. March ls-sw." A UDITOR'S NOTICE. CX. ESTATE Or WILSON ALLEN, DECBASED. 1 ue undersigned Auditor to make distribution o( the fund tn the hands ot tha Administrator ot tho es tato of Wtlson Allen, deceased, will attend to tha duties of lils appointment, at his olllce la lllooms burg, on Tueaday, April V5tn, ils'O, at 16 o'clock a. m , when and whore all persons having claims against iho said eatate, are required to present tho RHine before tha Auditor, or ba debarred from com IIC In for a share ot said fund. E. V.. OUVI9, March at, l3:o-lw. Auditor. A DUITOU'S NOTICE. U E3TATC Or JAUES UH8, LATE Of COLOr BIA COCNTT, DECKASF.l). Tlio nnd-'rslgned auditor appointed by tho Court to eilstrlbuto tne balance ln the hands ot the Aamln Istrntors of snia deceased to and nmons the persons enlltl'd to the same, will attend to the duties ot his appointment at the Sheriff's otnee ln Bloomsburg.on Tuesday, tho lstn day of April, 197s, at ten o'clock n. in., when uud where all jK-rsons are hereby notined to make tnelr claim befoiuthe Auditor or ba debar- rel from coming in on said fund. YVi3LE.l Willi, Bloomsburg, Mar. 17-4W. Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. In tn u tno matter nf the Phorlff's sale of tho real citato t. u. and wiiuam tc. Edzar, trading as Edgar llro. The undersltrned. nnuolnted bv the Court of Com mon I'U-iia ot Columbia county to dtstrlbuto U19 mon ey arising from said sales to and amongst those en titled, will perforin the duties ot his appointment at tho office ot It. P. J. M. Clark ln llloomsburg on Saturday. Anrtl. 22. 1816. at 10 o'clock a. m.. when aud where all persons Interested will attend. It. F. CLARK. March 17-w. Auditor. Verbatim Reporting. TERMS: Actual travellhg-, boarding-, and other ezpenses: tivo dollars a session, for taking the report; and ten cents a folio, ( hundred words, ) for writing out Into long hand. Where the matter reported ln ono day equals or exceeds titty folios, the tire-dollar feo will bo remitt ed, and the transcribing into long-hand charged at fifteen cents n tollo; but, "ji all such cases, if fewer than Ufty tollos are purchased, the Uve dollars will be charged. Address. S. Walker, A.M., Court-stenographer, Illoomsburg, Columbia county, Pennsylva nia. Hosldence. Iron street, between Third and Fourth. . Olllce. With E. E. Orvls, Esq. , Columbian-building; enlranee.opposlte the cost gate to tho court-hou-.i; laid, first floor, first door to right. iifllce-hour, from twelve to one o'clock, veb 18, ls.a-iy COURT PROCLAMATION. "VXrilEKEAfj, tho Hon. William Elwcli. 1 Y President .Judgo of the Court ot Oyer and Terminer nnd General Jail Delivery, Court of Quar- ter sessions of the Peace and tho Court of Common Pleas and orphans' Court ln the soth Judicial Dis trict, composed of tho counties 01 Columbia and Montour, and the lions. Ikau Dehk and Geokqe Scott, Associate Judges ot Columbia county, havo Issued their precept, bearing dato thn 18th day of Feb., ln ho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and seveaty-slir, and to me directed for holding a Court ot Oyer and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions of tho Peace, Court ot Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, ln Bloomsburg, ln tho county of Columbia, on the nrst Monday, tielng tho 1st day of May next, to contlnuo two weeks. Notice Is horeby given to the Coroner, to the Jus tices of tho Peace, and the Constables of the Bald county of Columbia, that they be then and tbero ln their proper person at 10 o'clock ln tho forenoon of Bald 1st day of May, with their records, Inqul- sunns and other remembrances, to do those things which to their ofllces appertain to ho done. Aud those that aro bound by recognlraneo to prosccuto against tho prisoners that ore or may bo ln tho Jail ot the said county ot Columbia, to be then and tbero to prosecute them as shall bo Ju.t. Jurcrsaro re quested to bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at Bloomsburg the 4tU day f, .) of April, ln tho year of our Lord ono i L. !. ) thousand eight hundred nnd beventy slx I' J andln tho one hundredth 5 ear ot the Inde pendence ot the L'nlted States of America. Sheriffs Office. C1IAS. o. MUHPHY, Bloomsburg, Apr. T tc Coroner and Acting Sheriff, LIST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT MAY TEltM, 1ST0. FIE6T WEEK. William Ilrown et al vs. John Brown's ex. Andrew I'rnwfurd vs. 1). W. JuUn.sou. William 11. Crawford vs. D. W. Johnson. ChUnllau Wolf s N. W. I). It. it. Co. H. tl. w olf et ui. vs. N. i: W. ll. it. II. Co. Welllni'lon lluhes vs. Philip Nponentrger. WII lam Harris vs. Berwick llolllug will Co. D, S. Morgan & Co. vs. Samuel Julmsou. binder. Ilartiiian Co. vs. N. U Campbell. Levi Klnley v N. I. Campbell. Fryllng, llawen & Engle s C, It, Barnes. A T. ILeler vs Jonaslkity. John lleocock vs. Jonas Doty Samuel .1 Casn -s Jonas Doty, Wilson tllbbons vs Jonas Doty, L. 1' Davis vs Jonas Doty. John J Mclleiiry s D. U V. II, II. Co. lienj. tulersteeii vs. William lloUHUte.11. Ellas Miller vs. P k It. Kail Hoad John .Mce'alla'n ex'r vb Geoi ge J. Luce, lienjsmlu lllcksvs. Juel K. liolley, Mory MeAlarney et al. s. S, P. c'use et al. SECOND WEEK. Francis V ans vs. Samuel II. Hagenbueh. A. I'ule's uso s, T, 11, Cole, T, T, ll W , -Mcllej Holds et al. vs. J. A. Loseo. B. lllooin vs. Allen Mann et al. . jiuiies- ex rs jiicnaei orover, Sheriff. Wl llam Snyder's exrs vs. Jacob liechtel et uie. V, , ... vi'"1 ,D " ii.Miu. .-iiciisiiii-er, 1'eoplen 1'lro insurance Company of Vu, s. J j Peoples Ftro lusuronco Company of ra. vs. n ooma. burg Lumber Co. James Djko vs. W llllam Ilowell A. K. sharretu et al. vs It. C. Howell. A. 1:. bhariets ct al vs David Slrouu. Henlaniln nicks vs. tleorge 11. Freai. David U'wls vs. John Dlltiet al. Daniel smith vs John II. Keinble. Jlleo Michael vs David Krwinp. ii .1?Si?f rt ltutb'.r.!1;.0- v William Mllwos' ms. David II. Dower vs. William Swisher. STcoli.dN'll.loual v'xnk 01 Tttusvlllo ya. J, A, Loseo TiuiJ: Brothers vs. 11. F.Dallmau. 1 :.?b.n.,., H"011""!14 w John banger. rs l-rau uS!' mr' Oc0reo Colmer' Illouiiisburg Lumber Co. vs. Rawllngs 4 Vuuuatta. JbhUiy;a-frTadm'f CSStir"11'' nfV J!.cKVl! ? v!lvWlu- Bhane?VtaL U " aU John ) oiKislde Co. a Daniel Morris. "?' el" L,w,'.u 1","U,1 crevellng-. 1 V,V u . . wiuuri 1. revel J, W, Niuikey vs Joseph Ullov. A. I, Tut tier vs Elnia Kester. J. W . Irvlu's use vs. Jesse A. I. Si'fffJ luyxi "surge llaib vs bimuel Heffner. Aaron Joiinsoa vs Thomas Shuinan. . ,! .'.!.,r""rr oamuei e.-outair et al, a ibert Wintun rs .louas Doty it aj. F"rvisiotovs.c, It. Barnes; Samuel J. Conner vs. Henry C. Freas etui. lk)iuun Jackson vs Henry L. Fieos W. 11. Km,,, v n. j, Mclluury. (leoige ( uiinervit lTnuk Union. 1. oomsburir imiiklnuOo. vs. James W'. St nto 'lliomaB Downs vs. bllas Datls. ' lleo. Ilessvs. A. II. blenait. Christian SclioU vs. HartolJ Kleikolf. 1 houias llore.v vs Thunn s Faiiell. I'w'Jjjesr'lie Imurauco Compuuy ot I'-, ts. a II