BBOCKWAY It ELWELL, Editors. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Pi'idny, April 7, 1870. CONNECTICUT ALL lUOHT I Tho glorious old "Nutmeg" Stnto has spo ken, and the result is a terrible, defeat to the llcpuhlican party. Tho purchase, o' New Hampshire had revived tho drooping hopes of tho opposition, and they wcro con fident of victory last Monday, lllalnc, Jew ell and Hawley, worked with tho despera tion of men to whom defeat is final, and anxious oflico holders wcro freely bled for "campaign" funds. Tho "bloody shirt" was waved, in every hamlet, tho "rebel yell" was tearfully alluded to, but tho peo ple of "the land of steady habits," with tho shrewdness peculiar to them, saw beyond their flimsy pretexts the Innnto rottenness of tho Itepubllcan party as demonstrated by a Democratic Congress. Ingersoll, Democratic candldato for Gov ernor Is reelected by a plurality of 7,500 and majority over all of 4,000. The Senato stands 18 Democrats to 3 Republicans ; tho House 159 Democrats, 85 Republicans, and 2 Independents, a gain of 22. Tho majority on joint ballot is 87, thus insuring tha elec tion of a Democratic U. S. Senator, vice Ferry, deceased. After the example In Connecticut it be hooves the Democratic party iu this State to "gird up their loins" and prepare for an ac tive, agsressivo contest in November. There must be no faltering now, and those who, in former years, detpalrcd of success and lagged behind, must coma to the front. The future looks bright, nnd let our cry bo "Onward TO -VICTORY I Mr. iJoutwcil, Senator from Massachu setts, came to grief one day last week in the Senate chamber. Ho had been making a bloody and thunder oration, charging in lie usual Radical style that thn Southern people were still rebels atheart and enemies of their country. Whereupon Senator Bay ard of Delaware arose, and remarked with unmistakcablo distinctness, that "if any person says that cither I or any of ray an cestry, on tho maternal or paternal side were ever enemies of their country, he lies in his throat." Mr. Boutwcll did the best thing he could under tho circumstances kept his seat Tho Philadelphia Time) alludes cheer fully to tho littlo episode as "a pitiable spectacle" and calls the insult and rebuke "tho partisan hate and bitterness of two of the most noted men in the Chamber." Now we believe that, "No man hlgh-toneder could be found Than A. McClure, the country round," and that if he had been in Mr. Bayard's place, Boutwell would have received a re buke equally stinging and as fully conclu sive. HON. WM. MeCLELLAND. Previous to the Lancaster Convention wo advocated the selection of dpt. McClelland as Chairman of ourStato Central Committee. He was selected, and now it is timo ho went to work. No man knows better than he that complete organization wins battles. It is about timo to organize, and preparo for the November contest. It is folly to wait for the St. Louis Convention, because it is fair to presume that we are to mako a fight whoever the candidate may be, and our lines might as well bo formed now. At least the muster roll should be called, nnd the "wounded" "missing" and "deserted" noted, as well as the "raw recruits." Captain, we expect energetic work from you. Is it true that a Northern soldier, although a Democrat, can not pass the rebel guard into the House of Representatives at Wash ington? Perhaps our neighbor can answer. Jlepublican.- We can. The rules of both Houses of Congress prevent the intrusion into the halls, during tho sittings,of any persons not privi leged by the rules. If the doorkeepers obey tho rules they are to be commended rather than blamed. We would Inquire of our cotetnporary, however, why it is that a strict observance of the law by the Democrats is so distasteful to the Republicans. Is it becauso so many of them are coming to grief? There must have been some Blaine sen timent 'in the Harrisburg Convention to judge by the speech of Gen. W. H. Koontz, the temporary chairman. It was a genuine "bloody shirt" affair with touching allusions to the " Confederates" in Congress, lhe"reb el yell" and similar original and highly elaborate illustrations of the danger of Dem ocratic success. It would have pleased Blaine mightily, but it didn't cause any great flutter in the crowd of burdened political sinners whom ho addressed. Here's another victim to popular ludignit tiou, Adalbert Ames, whilom Governor of Mississippi, and son-in-law of Ben Butler, has stepped down and out of tho guLerna torial chair. Tho impeachment proceedings were becoming a trifle warmer than he real ly enjoyed and he agreed to leave if they were stopped. As the people only wished to get rid of him the proposition was agreed to. The Lieutenant Governor resigned gome time ago for Bimilar reasons and the temporary President of the State Senate is actlne Governor. Score ono more for the people. A New York correspondent stales that Gen. Grant Is very poor and that his paper is not uncommon on Wall Street. We have little faith in Grant's poverty. Wait until he gets out of office and if there is any of his paper afloat, We funcy the holders will find enough property to pay them. It is incredible that u man so fond of money and who has received so many valuabl gifts should have squandered his fortuue aud reduced himself to poverty. The New York Herald warns the Wallace Democrats of Pennsylvania that carrying their state convention goes a very small way towards carrying the state, but then the Herald, as usual, doesn't know what it is talking about. For a political guido the Herald Is about as useful as last year i almanac. The Administration organs seem to have resolved themselves into a committee of the whole for the revision of lawyer's fees. They abuse Pendleton and Brlstow for taking iariro fees for.conducting law suits both geu tlewen being private citizens at the time nnd holding uo public office. THE MOPUSED STAY LAW. Tho bill providing for a stay of execution, grants a stay for two years on judgments now remaining unsatisfied, or which may bo ob tained within six months from the passage of tho act i provided, that he is tho owner of property to doublo tho amount of tho claims held against htm; or, tbo defendent may give security to tho Court or Justlco of tho I'eaco beforo w liom tho judgment was obtain ed, which security shall consist of ono or more persons, who shall satisfy tho Court or Justlco that their property, nt a fair valua tion, is worth doublo the claim. Wo thiuk tho passago of such a bill would bo unwise. Tho law now gives amplo stay for all classes of debts. Its effect would only give temporary relief to n few of tho debtor class, and nt tho same time would drive cap ital from investment. Besides, thcro nothing to prevent a man from waiving the stay If ho desires, and his necessities would compel him to do that, Tho mass of tho people desire to pay their debts iu tho man nor nnd at tho time contracted for. If, how. ever, a man's debtor disappoints him of a promised payment when due, by taking a two years stay, ho in turn is unablo to meet his demands, and tho result would bo gen eral confmion and distress. Capital woull bo withdrawn, and credit would close. Wo aro of tho opinion that tho ordinary laws of trade should regulate financial mat ters, aud that unwise legislation has led to present evils, and a bill hko that proposed would causo further complication without benefiting the people. Sinco writing tho above tho bill has been defeated In tho House. OUK ANSWEK. Tho appropriation bill has been finally reported by Chairman Randall In thollouso and taken'up by sections for consideration. It proposes a sweeping reduction of all sal aries of ten per cent. In this the Demo crats again prove themselves tho enemies of the laboring class. Jiepuwtcan. Yes. Tho Democrats havo an idea that there has been too much stealing about Washington, and they are trying to stop it, and "let no guilty man escape." Of courso "orgaus" edited by Tost Masters squirm. We see no reason why Grant's salary should have been Increased from $25,000 $50,000. We do not seo that Hartranft makes a bet ter Governor because a Republican Leg islature increased his salary from $5,000 to $ro,ooo. Wo call tho attention of tho ''laboring class" to tho following facts, as to tho num ber of employees : " 1859 1873 Treasury 3,782 11,430 War 24G l.GOG Navy 92 8,241 The aggregate in all tho Departments in 1859 was 42,989 and in 1873 80.GG0. We insist that Randall is right in knock ing off the barnacles that clog our ship of State. Sinecures should be abolished and useless officers discharged. If tho employ ees do not liko tho reduction of salaries, they can resign. A host of competent mcu are willing to take their places. Go on Mr. Randall, reduce extravagaut sala ries, discharge useless employees, and tho "laboring class" who are benefited by it will not be your "enemies." There is reasonable ground for the hope that the experiment of substituting silver coin for the fractional currency will soon be i!.i m. ....!. !nn r,.. .:itn !.: Iincu. 1UD uiipiupiiunuu jui iiiiiiliu Luia money has run out and tho committee havo concluded not to renew it with a view to the issuing of coin for the worn out cur rency as fast as it is brought in. About $12, 000,000 in silver coin and $4,000,000 in bul lion are on hand. The mint can coin $2, 000,000 a month and the secretary has au thority under the resumption act to buy bullion for four and a half per cent, bonds. If the mint work full time tho secretary of the treasuryjean havo $20,000,000 of silver coin on hand by the first of July. It would be a good thing to begin by giving tho stran gers who visit tho centennial next summer ilver coins instead of the shabby fractional currency. It is calculated tnat so long as gold remains below 120 the silver coin will remain in circulation. As it is not at all probable that so wide a margin between gold and greenbacks will tako place there can be no danger in beginning tho resumption. Cleanliness, economy, and every other con sideration aro in favor of the change. Tho small notes hardly run a year until they must be renewed, and tho annual cost of this petty work alone amounts to nearly a million and a half a year. It Is estimated by the directors of tho mint that the treasury will Bave almost one hundred thousand dol lars a year by substituting silver for the9o fractional notes. The people at the same time will have a clean, safe and durable currency in their dally transactions. Patri ot. It is said that Ben Butler Intends to run for Congress next fall. This will afford the voters of his districts fine opportunity to earn the gratitude of tho country by over whelmingly defeating him. The Republican Press is heavy in favor of typical pyramids: The following is their latest: JOYCE, M cK EE, Mcdonald, B A B C O O K, IIELKNA P, NEW HAMPSHIRE, We Btart as follows: TEXAS, CONNECTICUT. Tho house of Sheriff McCartney in Car lisle was blown up by nltro glyccrlno last week and reduced to a mass of ruins. An attempt was made to destroy the house some weeks beforo which was fortunately unsuC' cessful. Hanging Is far too good for tho perpetrators of so horrid a crime. Paris ato nine hundred jackasses last year, They aren't relished so well In this coun try lixenangc. No they aro mostly In office iu this coun' try, devour the people Instea d of being eaten and aro not popular, From W. R. Chlsholm, M. D., of Now Bod ford, "I have employed the "Peruvian Svnui' successfully in cases of dyspepsia, chronic diarrhoea, uervous debility, neuralgia, erysl pelas, bolls and diseases of the skin; also, chlorosis, leucorrhca, prolapsus uteri, and in females complaints generally. As an al terative tonic, the syrup ought to be used by clergymen, editors, cashiers, clerks, lawyers, and others who use their brains more than thetr muscles ; as well as operatives, printers tailors, shoemakers, seamstresses, and jil 1 those whose occupation confines them lu ill-ventilated and over-heated rooms, who are liable to suffer more or lesjtrom uer vous debility." The Governor has issued a warrant for the execution on Thursday, May 4, of MI clmel Doyle, the Carbon county murderer. TTTR COT.TJMTtTAX AND WASIIINOTON IiETTEK. Washington, 1). C, May 4, 187G, 'pecial (krretpondence. Tho proceedings last week in Congress were of great Interest. In tho Houso tho bill reorganizing the army pasted after con siderable discussion. Tho pay of tho higher officers is largely reduced, and whllo tho number of soldiers Is kept tho same, tho number of officers Is lessoned by making fowcr regiments nnd abolishing somo of tho staff departments. Tho saving In expense from tho adoption of this bill will bo Im mense. A bill authorizing tho Secretary of tho Treasury to coin sliver money nnd uso It for tho redemption of fractional currency al so passed tlio'IIousc. Under its provisions sil ver dollars aromado a legal tender for any sum not over fifty dollars, and smaller silver coins for any sum not over twenty-fivo dollars. The executive, legislative and judicial ap propriation bill was discussed, several night sessions being held for that purpose, homo minor bills wcro passed. In tho commlttes tho examination of tho Emma mlno was con tinued. General Schenck tostlfied at length in his own behalf, and If wo tako all ho says without qualification tho distinguished poker player Is ono of tho most guileless of inill viduals,only fitted to reside in somo Arcadia whero such tempters as Trenor W. Park aro never permitted to enter. Tho Judicial Committee reported tho arti cles of impeachment against Belknap,and tho Democratic Houso caucus selected tho man ngcrs to conduct tho trial ; they are Proctor Knott, of Kentucky, Lynde, of Wisconsin, Lord, of New York, Jcnks,of Pennsylvania, McMahon, of Ohio, Lapham, of New York, and Hoar, of Massachusetts, The two latter are Republicans. Tho trial will probably commenco this week. Tho Post-office Committee havo been ex amining witnesses in regard to the Sawyer contracts in Texas. Enough lias been shown from tho books of Sawyer to prove that ho had ono or two of the clerks in the P. O. department in his pay. Hood, one of tho bribed clerks, is now auditor of tho Su premo Court of thi3 district. Before the Clymer Committco a man named C. S. Bell has sworn that ho was s?nt by President Grant himself to St. Louis to act as a spy upon District Attorney Dyer. Bell says that tho President believed that Babcock was innocent nnd was being perse cuted. He wanted Bell to find out and let him know. When Babcock and Luckey found that Bell was in St. Louis, they pro posed to him to steal any papers ho could find in Dyer's office that would tend to im- licato Babcock or show his guilt. They paid him $200 for this service. Ho says that ho discovered that Babcock was guilty, and so notified President Grant, when he is immediately discharged from his posi tion as a secret agent in the Interior olfico. Bell also sworo that Secretary Belknap of fered to sell him a post-tradership. It is but ustico to say that so far, I have seen no one ho believes a word of what Bell swore to. On his own statement he was employed by both sides, getting pay from both and be traying both. It is thought that tho head-quarters of the army will at onco bo returned to Washing ton. It is understood that Secretary Taft insists upon this, and should tho House bill becotno a law it is imperative. Gen. Sher man objects, as ho bays his salary is not suf ficient for him to live on here. Quito a num- cr of the Democrats in the House aro ob jecting to the proposed reduction of tho sal aries pf government clerks, and it is almost impossible for tho people in other towns and cities to realize tho expense of living iu Washington. I do not think the salaries are too high, though there are without doubt more than tho requisite number of employ ees in nearly every department, nnd great reductions could be made in that direction without injury. The bill equalizing pensions will probably be voted on in tho House this week. It has been reported mi favorably from the Commit tee, and passed both Houses last year, only failing to become a law by some informality. It provides that every honorably discharged soldier and sailor and tho heirs of all de ceased shall rcceivo a bounty of eight and two-third dollars per month for all time m tho service, and that in paying this bounty all sums already paid shall be deducted. There is no question about the justice of this law, nnd its passago should be urged both as a matter of right aud as a good political movement, for it will prove to tho Union soldiers that the Democrats are anxious to reward them for their devotion. A strong feeling in favor of Senator Bay ard, of Delaware and Judge Davis of the Supreme Court as presidential candidates is being developed. It is justly said that not ono word against the character of either ofthesomcn can be urged and that their ability, patriotism and honesty cannot bo questioned. Among tho Republicans Blaino has the call, though the administration men aro ev idently working for Conkling. Should the honest clement of the Republicans prevail n tho convention, Blaino or Brlstow and possibly Blaino and Bristow will bo tho ticket. In that event the Democrats must elect men abovo reproach or they cannot hopo for success. The news from Europe is rather startling. It is Baid that the Czar of Russia intends to abdicate in favor of his son. The latter is known to hato Germany and to indulgo in the most extravagant dreams of almost un versal empire. He wants Turkey as the base of his operations on India and .can no doubt secure the co-operation of Irauco by promising it revenge upon Bismarck. The usual revolution Is progressing in .Mexico with some chance of our Government being drawn into tho fight, as gunboats havo been ordered to protect tho foreign residents at Matamoras and troops to pursue Mexican marauders across the border. Heno, NE W ADVERTISEMENTS. ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. aVa nallra. that on the Sd dav of Anrll. 1876. 1 bought at coi (.table's salo the articles enumerated ueiow, una nave iounea me same iu juun ji, jiecK ner to hold clurlnir inv nleasure. All ncrsons are for bidden to Intcrft'te with his nossotBlon of the same: one pig, cupboard and dishes, 3 tables, 4 stands cook.stove and utensils. 19 chairs, clock. S rocklnir chairs, parlor stove und pine, tloungrs, M yards of carpel, 2 tubs, copper weiue, iron settle, two iook. Ing-gtassoa, tewing machine, 3 reds and bedding, lot, ueu-ruom carpet, uurcau, meai bumiu. 1-15TKH 1SNT. Light Street, April 4, 1SI0-4W. TTTIDOWB M'l'RAIBKM F.NT8. VV The follow lu ir aDnralbeineuts ot real and nernonal property set apart to widows of decedents a a men nieu iu iuo umiu ui iud ui tui- unibla county, under thu llules of Court, and wiu be prtsenicu lor auwjiuiu couunnauuu uj uiu wrimuutt Lourvlo be uem in moumtuuniu unu lur biuu wuu tv. jii Vr.ndav. tho lbt dav of May. Islt. at I nVinrk n. in., of kald dav unless exceDtlons to such continuation aro previously nied, of which all jer- sons iniercbieu m bum tbiawv win laite nwwi 1. Widow of William Dlldlue, Uto of Madison town' ship, deceased, i. Widow of Jo'au Snydur, lato of Lojuit uwushtp decuasud. 3. Widow of Morris l'ursel, late ot Madison town snip, deceased. 4, Widow or Jacob SUairmiD, lato of Ueaver town, ship, deceased. 5. widow of Michael Pearls, late of Mount Pleasant township, deceased. . widow of Samuel creasy, lateot Mllttla town hip, deceased. . Widow of Evan WeUlver, lato of Montour town ship, deceased. 7, Widow of Samuel K. Albcrtscn, late ot Denton township, aeoraaea. .. MoomiJjurg.ktirM.lWM Iteglster, DEMOCB AT, J3L00MSEURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, TTIXKCUTOli'S NOTICE. ill xstats or mvlD osirz, picsissd. Letters tesiaineninry on mo taww ui imviu Diets, late of Beaver twp., Col., Co., deceased have been granted by tho Register of said county to Conrad Dell r, of Denver township. Columbia County, Executor, tu whom all persons Indebted aro reqnest ed to make pyment,nnd those having claims or domands against tho Bald estate will make them known to the said Executor ""UAo'litBTZ April 7,-Ow.' ' Executor. COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, tho Hon. WlLLtAM El.wr.M, President Judgo of tho Court otojer and Terminer nnd (lencral Ja'l Delivery, Court ot Quar ter Sessions ot tho Pcacoand tho Court ot Common Picas and Orphans' Court In tho 2Sth Judicial Dis trict, composod of tho counties ot Columbia nnd Montour, and tho lions. Irau Dim nnd Obobos Scott, Associate Judges of Columbia county, havo Issued their precept, bearing dato tho 19th day of Feb., In tho Jearot our l)rd ono thousand eight hundred nnd seventy-six, and to ino directed for holding n Court of Oyer nnd Terminer and Ocncral quarter Sessions ot tho Peace, Court of Common Picas and Orphans' Court, In Bloomsburg, In tho couuty ot Columbia, on tho llrst Monday, being tho 1st day ot May next, to cohtlnuo two weeks. Noltco Is hereby given to the Coroner, to tho Jus tices of tho Peace, nnd tho Constables of tho said county of Columbia, that they bo then nnd thcru In their proper person alio o'clock In tha forenoon ot said 1st day of May, with their records, lnqul. sltUns nnd other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their oillccs appertain to bo done. And thoso that aro bound by recognizance to prosceulo against tho pilsoners that aro or may bo In tho Jail ot tho said county ot Columbia, to bo then and there to prosecute them as bhallbo put. Jurors aro re quested to be punctual In their attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated nt lltoomshurg tho 4th day n ,1 of April, In the year ot our lord ono L.S. -thousand eight hundred mid seventy-six I , J and In tho ono hundredth j ear of tho Inde pendence of tho United stales ot America. Sherlll's onice, CltAS. (1. MBRPIIY, Bloomsburg, Apr. T to Coroner nnd Actios Sheriff. SHERIFFS SALES- lly Mrtuo ot sundry nrlts to the Sheriff of -Columbia rounty dlrvcU'd. will bo e.xioscd to public bale at tho Court House lu Illoomsburg on MONDAY, MAY 1, 187G, all that real cstato sltuato In lioarlngcreck town, ship, Columbia countv, bounded and described ns followH lt i on tu.' south by lands ut David I lower, on the c 1st by land or U, on tho norm by land of Michael bi rous.-icr, and on the uctby lands of .Michael Htrdusn'r; uouuiulng forty ncres, moroor less, whereon Is erecUd a dwelling houso and out buildings. ALSO, Tho undivided one-third Interest In tho following tract of land sltuato lu Heater township, bounded und described as follows : bounded on tho north by lands of William Hmllh, on tho east by land of .lohn Sherman, tin the west by laud of Ueuben llrcdbcn. uer, ou llio south by company lands ; containing one hundred and seven acres, more or less, whereon are erected two barns, a dwelling no use, and outbuild ings. N-lzed, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho property ot Catharine Sherman. A LSO, All that certain real estato sltuato In Beaver town- ship, Columbia coHnty.bounded und;deacrlbed as fol io a : on the eat by Abraham Ulce, on the north by 1, luiuiu ojiiiLu, vui uiu nni .-meuiiuu s ileus, uiiu on the south by company lands; containing eight acres, more or less, whereon are erected a dwelling house and outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution, and to be sold as tho property ot John Sherman. ALSO, All that certain real estate situate In llnaver town. ship, bounded and desc, lbed us follows : on the north uy puunuiuau, on t'le east u t. u tuumau, on uie ent by public road, on the south bv Kusau sant : said lot being 40 feet In front and !!ixj feet In depth s "uercuii uru crvtieu 11 unciiing; nuusc, u ouuKSinuu shop, attached together. SeUed. taken Into execution, and to be sold ns tho property of John Sherman. ALSO, That certain nronertv In Main tmvnshln. Co. lumbla county, l'enu'a., beginning at a beech treo, thence by lantls of Jacob Uinlci liter north eighty de- Sreescast mo perches to n post, thence south 11 egrecs west of perches to a stone, thence uorthM degrees west 20 perches to u stone, thence south gsjj degrees v,vt,t Kl perches ton Spanish oak, thenco north 87,V degrees west sljf perches to n white pine tree, thence south w degrees west lis perches to a stone, thenco south o;f degrees ea&t 23 f-w perches u bionc, lueuee mjum us ucgreca vvebt in pcrcnes a stone, thenco north sx degrees west 05 perches a post, theuce north 32; degrees east 23 lurches a beech tree, tho Dlaco of beclnnlnt-: containing . . uv ia miu ,d Luca i.uu uuun ui;u, uu mo same more or less, together with the hereditaments nnd appurtenances. seized, tuktn Into execution, and to bo sold as tbo property of Samuel Fisher. ALSO, Tho following real estate, to wit : situate In Main township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded on tho nor Ih and east by lands of Jacob Shuman, on the south by lauds of Charles Cox, and on the west by lands ot Ueuben shumau; containing S2 acres, moi our, w uereon are erected a largo two-alory frame dwelling house and barn. Scueu. taken Into execution, and to be sold ns the property ot Jeremiah Derr. with notice to terro ten. uuls. ALSO, All that certain real cstato situate In Scott town ship, Columbia county, bounded on tho east by pub lic road, on the south by Isaac Hess, on tuowestby a lime quarry, on tho nonh by lienjamin MUIer; con taining C3 acres, rnoro or less, whereon are erected a frame dwelling house, barn and out buildings. ALSO, A farm situate In the same ton nshln. bounded on the south by public road, un the west bv uubllc road leading to the railroad, on the north by railroad, on uiu casi oj Aurcu jiuuu, wucreon arc crectcu n two story frame house, a bank barn und outbuildings; said farm containing forty ncres, inoro or less, with luu uppui leuunees. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold ns the property of James Carr. ALSO, All that certain real estate kltu atn intliAtnwnnf lluckhorn, Columbia county, bounded on the north by John Keller, on the east bv Nchcmlnh Hnece. on the south by Joseph summers, on iho west by ubllu road : being lu front lis feet nnd in depth ion eet : on which aro erected a frame riweiitnL' house. store house, stable and out buildings. seized, taken Into execution, nnd to be sold as ths property of Charles Nclhart. ALSO, All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in Montour township, Columbia couuty, bounded ou tho west by lands of Ellas (llger, on tho south by lands ot Ilaibara (ilger, on the east bv lands of Jacob Ulrton. and on the north bv lands of (Jldcon Heist: containing thirty acres, more or lets, hereon are txicu u iu biury jug iiuuse, u uaru, u irame nouse, stable and other outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution, and to be Hold an the luupciiy vi kiaiatuiiutuii ALSO, All that certain tenement or tractor land situate In Mlfllln township, Columbia county, I'a bounded und described as follows, to wit : beginning nt a post lurucr.ui iauu ui r.u&uueiu i.ui,uieju.esouiu 14k, ue- i.Mnu, nnhM In n fh.iulniirB.nll,,. y land ot Sarah Swank south 15 degrees east 20S' uercues iu u biouc, luuucu muu ui uacou Jiomz north T4jrf degrees cast 83j perches to a pot, corner of Elizabeth I.utz, and thence by the same north 15)tf degrees west liiuw perches to tho place of beginning, couiaimug sa acres uiiu vo pcn-uei, Binet measure ; whereon ure erected a tw o-story f raino house, barn uuu UIUUI uuiuuiiuiuga. ALSO, All that other tract and lot ot Inndrltuate InMlf. fllu township, Columbia county, l'enna., bounded und dcsarlbed as follows 1 beginning nt n black oak grub, thenco by land of tho w Idow I.utz bouth TO de grees west U S-lu perches, thenco by n public road und lands ot thu heirs of Dai Id Prown not tb n; de grees wen vi k-iu iieieneu iu u siuite, uieuee uy lauu uf Ceorge Swank north 75i decrees east 15 lurches, J1UIIU1;,) lUHIWa nco.H iv,t.Hta iuu DIUIH-, UUI H!( degrees east 4S lurches to 11 stone, north lu; de grees wesio pel l lien lu u oiuiii-, ujeiieu 1U11U Ul Henry Sfhlosser north 15,'dcgrce3 fasten 7-loperch-i-Ktn a stone, thence bv land of John llond south 11.V negrees eafct 11 -w iiercues iu me piace or ue glnnlng; containing si ncres und Mi perches, ueut riieiiHure. whereon are erecUHl u two-storv frainu house, barn aud other outbuildings. Seized, take u into execution, nuu to lie sold as mo piOpCjiy Ul DIAIUICII II, RITUUr. UIIU DILI IUI nVUUK. ALSO, All that lot ot L'rountl Mtuato In tho town rf liifKimstiuru'. coiuinuia county, ra.. uu untie a iiini ilthrrib(Ml 11s follows, to wit : anthonortli bv nn nl. lay, on me cum. uy ioloi imuu uruubt, un uiu bouiii ny iuum Hircci, uuu uu uiu nm, uy currticr n aiivy iH'lnir w feet front und wi feet deco. more- or less on vhlch aro erected a new two-story framo Hoube, coal nouye, pi pen unu uuirr uuiuuuaings. ALSO, a truer of land situate In Pine townahln.Columtilft county, bounded and described as follows 1 on the norm uy lauus ut vbiui uuuu-i ,uu mn tuab muu of Elijah Fullmer, ou the south by land fonnerlj of k :ii lenaennuii. uuu uu me neat uy uuiu ui nusan rails, cuuiuiuiiik 04 anus. 11. ueieq iietuvu;, uu wmcn is eretteu u ix biury iug uuusc, AUSO, a nnn-i levcnth Interest In a farm of 110 acres. roore or less, situate In 1'lno township, Columbia county. inmiiieii Ann ill nLrmuu 11a iiiiiuvin. lu mil uuuuum on the north by laud of Wesley Hates, on tho east by muu UI nuauu muu, iu uiu nuuiu wj luiwvi ..hub Mi.nilfnhull. mill nn the west pv land ui 1'. w. raua ! known as tiie farm of Thomas Faus, deceased, on which Is erected a good two-story frame bouse, barn and other outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution, and to be sold as tbo proiicrvy 01 ouuuu ji. i'uus ALSO, All those two following described lots of ground In or iidlolnlnir the vlllatro of K.snv. In Columbia county, and stale of Pennsylvania, to wit 1 The llrst bounded aud described us follows t beginning at the northern corner of lot owned by Ellas Mace, (now by Jucob Hess), thence costwurt'ly by an alley 101; feet In width ce feet to an ulleyio feet wide, thenco by the sumo southwardly 113 IT feel to Ma n street of sail Milage, thence westwardly by said blrect-so feet to said lot of Ellas Mace, (now of Jacob Mess), thenoa northwardly by the samo l!3k fct to the place ot beginning; ou which ure erected n twtvmory brick house, stable, iiulkltehen and other oulbulldluL'S. SECOND beglnnlug ut iho corner of an alley ID leei in wiutn running noruiwuruij irum uiupuuiie road leading from llloomkburg to lierwtck to and counectlnir with an ullev running eastwurdly and westwardly Idle feet wide, thenco easlwardly 19 feet IU U CUmer UI UlUVUI MUnirj iiuRie, buuiuhmuij itsu ttvt tii inn afortisQlii tiublto road, thence hv the said road westwardly It feet to the said alley 10 feet wide, then by said last mentioned alley mxt feet to the place of Uglnnlngi they being the same two lots of ground which Hurler tugar ana wife granteu ami fxinieved In fan simple unto the said Thomas W. Edgar, together with the hereditaments and appur tenances. . Belted, taken Into execution, and to be sold &s the property 01 -j nomas w, cugar. 1 u. jnuiiril 1, Coronert Office, Coroner und acting Sheriff, uiooiuvjurg, Apru i-is. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. mtlKASUItKH'S SALK Ol'' UNHKATHD X UNDS IN COMMI1U CO., PA. Iiyvlrluoot sundry fictsot tho (lencral Asi'mbly ot the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania relalliifto the sale of Seated nnd Unseated Lands In tho Ouiin. tvotColumbla,cto.,for taxes duo nnd unuild, I will oner at pubiio sale at. the Court House, lu tho Town of llloomsburg, on tho SECOND MONDAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1870 at 10 o'clock a. m., tho following described plocos of land, or such part thereof as may bo necessary tu suisfy tho amount ot taxes due nnd unpaid arnlnst tho same, nnd ixtjtlnuo tho samo from diy to day as tho samo m ty bo found noccssary, TERMS OF SALE. The nm6unt of taxes and costs must bo paid whon tin' land Is struck oil, or tho salo may bo avoided, nnd tho property put up and resold. No. of acres. Warrantees or Owners. Dais, cts. llUAVKIt. Amos, Abott ft Losco Columbia Coal Iron Co 84 1 400 4110 400 8SU 4X1 l 23 VI luu 2112 " Si so -.1 C3 liH 41) TJ IUI 140 2 JO 4S II) 1JS My; 400 401 12 7 75 US1 :i " 1 1 " 1 3 ' 4 '. 1 B " 8 " 3 " 3 " 3 " 3 " 0 " 5 " 3 ' 4 " 2 " 2 ii 4 " 3 " 1 ' 3 " 2 " 3 " 5 " " 3 " 3 " 5 " 3 " 2 " 0 " .. 00 .. 10 80 .. 19 Wl .. 10 SI) .. 17 GO ... 10 Kit nrlesbach, Isaac 4 41) Divls, Isaac, eslute , 1 3 J 1, , 11, inaao, rin Fry, Oeurgo V. . .. 4 4) rncK, lieu, i-,,,. ...., (Iraorf, John , ilrav, William llam'K, hall Illiiderlldcr. Jacob A H. ... llonts, Charles A John... Longenberger, N Morris, Daniel Mann x Hoat Nuugessiir, (leorge sti'wart, William , Smith, Tliemas Vanduscn, Altuman & Co. s so 13 20 1 41 2 J UO 4 41 4 04 4 40 3 M 4 CI 0 r,o V 21 13 20 1 Hi 2 01 5 84 7 C9 3 H 112 (U West Puck Mt foal Iron Co", Woineldorf Lefctcr 1 2! 40 Vil 4 r.f 2.1 2 21 A roh, Jacob... Ash, (leorge L, 07 2 Hi neaer,.ievio., 3 33 Denver, Charles 1 11 Hover, F. 222 liog.irt.Miry 1 II lluilcr linger. 3 113 names. C. It 144 Currow, Morris 04 cnanes. simon, .jr a 20 Drleshach, Oeorgol' 1 04 Evans, lleece 1 us Flanagan, A 1 us Try, v. s 1 os (leiirlmrt. Win. M .1 33 Hauler Chester..., 8 (0 llortmun, K. u 3 20 Hunt, E. (1 1 I'S Henry, William 1 iu Hildlev, Joseph 1 34 llnnh'j, Jocih 1 HI Klase, Jacob 4 44 KcMcr, Frank a 33 Klein, A co Lawrence, W. K 3 3.1 howls, Frank 2 22 Price, Clarence 1 OS Patterson, 11 3 29 ltuthford Sum A: Co 4 oil Smith, ,1. V 3 33 Muck, J, J n 33 Scott, Peter..... 6 r-l Tlltou, (leorge 8 31 Vnstlne, II ll 2 22 wetrel. c. s s 54 Wnrkhelscr, Samuel 1 OS wood, Augustus 3 S3 BENTON. 1 is no 4.1 c Mcllcnry, llenj 42 Applemun l'ctcr 1 as christian, Ann 10 eo 1'ennlngton, Jesse It.: 9 so Smith, Ilannah 1 r,s llUIAItCItEEK. Apple, Paul . 2 23 lluwman, Jesse 4 01 Bryan, (luv 1 is 4 Of 200 3S H Ot 210 3D 2S 7 K Of 300 s if of ino v of 200 100 1124 HID ri 100 10 Cone, Chester 81 Clem. Win. T. 1).. Key 3 23 tioatr, uenrv Doty l'enler Edwards, Martha J Eisner, John l'ealer, Samuel J Heecer, Abram btackhousc, Joseph 1 83 1 CO 15 11 to 1 12 2 25 7 29 4 50 1 21 2 25 22 Sltler& stackhouso., CATAW1SSA. Brobst, J. 8 5 11 Coxe, C. S 7tl ClewcU, Jacob 5 22 Joseph 2 b3 " " 4 57 Oaumcr, David 87 Krum, Ellas 4 57 McNInch, J. S 4 57 " Wm 27 23 Shuman Ueuben 12 57 CENTRALIA. C4 10 100 11 IS i S3 S3 65 12 2 lots 1 ' 2 " H" .1 lllvtn, James 1 93 Crane. Michael Chad nick, Ann Jane Collins, Peter F ,. Cleaver, Wellington Dougherty, Mlcnaal Davis, Henry : Farre), Martin How ells, Thomas Hoagland, Wm. M Holmes, Thomas Hughes, John J KUno Illnebold Keller widow... Lnngon, Patrick Marks, Lloyd ' Oeorgo Macheu, Thomas McKlnncy, Charles. 63 CO 110 10 30 7 50 B 10 00 7 97 1 SO 3 10 7 0J 1C 20 8 15 10 20 8 15 8 15 8 15 09 1 " 1 " 1 " 1 1 I " 10 31 oiilnn, Patrick s 15 sweet .STorry ! i M Van Buren, S. E Mrs 1 s7 Wltttck, Fred 8 15 Van Uuren, s. E "o oi Kantner, lowls. 15 Zlgler, William 7 10 orimili, Benj 2 92 llanley. John (J 7 ss llannon, Michael 10 2J CENTRE. Achcnbach, Sam 1 21 i onncr, Isaiah, estate G os Fritz, Wm., estato 1 sa (iood, Jacob 81 Hagenbuch, Jerry 2 ui CONYNOHAM. 441 Brcnnan, Ebenczer 101.02 Brown, Nathaniel 493 oo liucher, Peter 62 oo 4W 101) 112 400 232 270 Huston. John 75 94 Kline, John 0 oo Kline, John I. 9 oo Jordan, Hubert r75 to l'orter, Andrew 7o7 47 Wulker, Lewis "02 91 " 17 so 2S3 1103 8 170 Huston. Thomas. . 4S ut list) Huston, Mary 1U5 55 Trlen, Jacob.. 00 () i " CO 09 Ashman, Jacob 4 05 Brown. William ... s 30 104) 10J lotl 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 ' J 1 i 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 ' 32 1 7 ' 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 2 Hurt. Andrew b 07 Bicsllne, llernard 5 si Cook, Catharine. 5 C5 " David 20 65 Donahoc, Cornelius .'. . . 2 81 Davis, John K a 89 iiaiiuL'hcr. Frank 7 74 Jojce, Peter 6 Or Jones. Evan T 12 19 Kllugainan, Fred a C3 Kathelrles, Ooo 9 t.0 Llndeninuth, (leo. D 5 a Morrison, Jas 20 Magulre, Tcrrcnco 15 es Marr tc Morris ss uo Marr. 11. 14 27 50 McManainun, Peter 1 9 Murphy, Anthony 4 52 Hlchard 9 Ci ' Thomas 9 C2 Milvelv. Mathew 15 11 Yocuin, Frank 4 03 Couchlln, J.J 1 00 Stokes. Washington 1 FISllINCCIiEEK. 37 02 75 14 200 14'J 101 li Of OS loo 3 Ammermnn, M. A 173 Buskalew, Wm. Est 3 69 Fowler, David 3 22 .InniM. it. 11 . 1 so Kindt. Jno.ft Co., 8 os Lemon. Thomas 5 99 Mertrs, William 8 C5 Mcllcnry, Ed 3 11 Montgomery, H. Est V 51 l'ealer, ueorge aa l'ealer & Doty 3 so White, C. B 7 79 x otrco FUANKLIN. Vought, James s ii OIIEENWOOD, Imon, Jacob. Watts, John H Wasliburn. Ceo ....m. ii 10 2S 1 53 1 82 4 17 Lots 8 Heairle. (leo 2 01 Ecs,.Mary It 1 32 " Emily - Miller, Isaac Masters, (leo. Est , Wilson, J. D Parker, II. Ester,... HEMLOCK. Applcman, Win. llrugler, Kllsha. Campbell, I- N Avaus, A.J Harris, Jacob Est..... NealK I'm sell Pursell, Sjlvestei JACKbON. 70 12 10 3 30 3 3 3 30 fe9 1 34 14 10 120 100 30 It) 7S SO 20 4 10 2 34 V 40 4 70 2 84 50 600 75 100 u 25 Frtck, Oco. A Hess. Amos S 10 30 0' 12 211 Hess, Benjaudii 13 20 Kanousu Wash 1 41 Lewis, Isaac 1 VI LOCUST. 1200 22 20 40 M 10S 4 200 UU 1W) 200 200 200 43 muinuton. Thomas is C7 Hollg, Kiuonuel 1 ti Beaver il. Si J. 1. Kline 1 51 Fisher, John... 8 01 Keller, Hlchard r ns Kllnu J. L. U, Itupp. V 79 levari. I ji villa 1 ui Myers, Mary . 8 0S Huston, '1 nomas........ 4 04 lleece, Daniel , sos Huston. Mary 8 cs Charlotte s OS Ueynolds, John s oh bllne, Daniel 2 02 MADISON. 20 40 810 Bechtcl, Jacob Ellis, Win. heirs ........ Freezo John U. ............. MAIN. Carey, Edward... M 1 us 37 10 4 230 11 100 IS S sou 4 112 319 114) 403 WO HO 100 24 1 74 7 44 ncwaii, ruuiti..-..... - Fisher, Chas. Hosier, Jacob Klefer, Joines...... i lxjugtnU'rger, (loo. Kst.. Mann, I'. F ......, Mr,i.iMiir. Jusenh .,..11..... 9 25 19 40 3 10 IS CO 24 SO 1 54 Miller, I'lilllp....- 15 W Shuman, Ueuben 21 to Sincck, uroust, Ycttcr Hauk 19 40 Shuman, Win. T s 40 Heubeu ., si 6) Ycttcr. Daniel Est ... is 40 luiao . 0 so Vrockusyii Ent.,...... 1 vs MlFl'UN. Oroasj'i Henry 1 ' Klkeiiilnll, Nathan Keller, John - ? Michael, John .lr ?J Nungesscr. (led - ; s Muss. Jacob J 0? j'oncDccker, Jacob 51 Parks, Sam Est 2 00 UutJlir, Joel 2J Hchweppenhelser, I.K 4 97 Abram 3 OS Williams, Bam 1 21 Voiii, Amelia i w MO.NTOUlt. M 12 SOI r,9 101) 0) 1.1 21 S3 123 23 1J Of M 37 M !V 2S 10 Clark.Androw 21 00 " Mary 11 t M lllshcl, JonaiTian'srr. lliimsey's, Est WeUlver, Evan MT. PLEASANT. Mcllck, John .' OltANOE. 13 21 21 00 1 OS 4 .1) 2 10 2 44 80 S Bowman, Wesley. 1 1 is iTuuse, uiram. 1 ss ('reveling, Samuel IUI, line, Abram suyder, Win, K PINE. Cox, Heirs , l'rlek, (leo. A, l'uiiston, J110. A Prick, Ix'ggott & Co Kllnu X 1 ulterson Varner, Margaret.,,.,,,. Davis, Thomas Est Done. UCu HOAniNOCllEEK. lluchr, Peter Ilielschflleo 73 1 ns 2 is 611 Ka 3D ll) Ml HD lotl " 1 4 42 21 SO 2 M 8 00 IS 19 15 67 2 19 42 M 40 lu.1 12 20 1.0 ' 41 144 19 7 43,V V 100 80 40 IM 27 IS Ml 00 3 19 4 17 5 40 45 1 89 IS 20 4 53 3 43 G 37 01 45 2 00 45 13 50 .1 00 B 71 8 50 2 27 2 07 2 27 2 114 llemer, (,Vo. Ii J. L. Kline.. 1'ilek v shumau ilutton, John part ot Little Itobl Mori Is M.ll. Hughes..., Wellington, Win ltaub, J. Miller....".."".".'.'. Siiuman, Jacob SkaR', Harvey Tricu, Jacob Yocuui, Elijah SL'dAIILOAl'. lUckalew. .las Est 0 M 20) SI Ta soil is? 19 123 75 111 Cue. Ezeklel 23 73 custard. Marv 32 91 Docbler, Chus su 00 dross, .Nathaniel 8J (W llartuiau. Jesse 2 12 1 less, crei ellng .t Co 0 SO I jiutj.icli, Ern, x s. i:o,ver v i) McllenryJno. J.... 20 00 Stephens. Win. M 0 vo Vunie, Henry 3 30 11. W.Mclt!iYNOt.lN, Ti eiisurer. April 7. 'liUKASUKKlt'd SALK OK SlIATKI) JL LANDS IN COLUMBIA COUN I V Also Hie following lots, pieces nnd parcels of Sent ed lainds, returned by tho tax cjllectors, are to bo sold ut the samo time, under the pro Islons of uu Act or Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to the sale of lands for taxes In Columbia County," approved Jiarcn am isgs : SEATED LANDS. BEAVElt. lot 1 loo 7S 204 Baker, Thomas 1 31 Mclteynolds, 11. W 12 10 .Morgan, t. u iu 22 l'lum, B. M 31 SI BENTON. IS 10 hoous, John 4 20 Lulz, Jacob i ki) lis awanwuue, Jonu 22 8 M 80 t0 Conner, 1'reserve 2J 40 Brink. John 3 n7 Buss, John , i ai iiiie,.uurow 1 34 BERWICK. Seybert, Daniel r si BIUAliCHEEK. 4.V Smith, Tobias 1 19 Brader. Daniel.. 1 chambers, J. F.. Zauer, Anna , 1 62 C3 CENTRALIA. Moore, John Monaghan. Mrs. .Ino , Kreishcr, Zacharlah Mellck, Wm. I) Mc.Meely, Michael Knltlle, J. 11 IIMwlg, Jno (inuglien, Thomas llanley, John O CENTRE. 1012 7 05 1 1 2 10 7 n 11 00 7 40 29 50 7 4) 9 22 3 90 2 1 1 1 37 37! sutler, John J n 2.9 Whltmlre, Samuel lot 1 juacK, .Marina Seybert, Samuel CONYNGIIAM darn, Pat Brad, Peter Knlttle, Jonathan Dyer. Jinks GREENWOOD. Smith: Kresslcr Harry, James Kesler' David M. Est Vanderslice, T. J Kline, Psxtuu.Est LOCUST. Myers, Jacob . M AD1SOX. Witts, Joseph Whipple's, J. Est HOA1UNOCHEEK. Erwlu, Wm la.'an, Solomon " I'llscllla Wltchy Mary lot 2 91 4 00 15 35 1 00 5 01 9 00 3 20 3 40 CO 00 13 91 7 70 11. W- McREVNOLDS, Treasurer, April 7. 'P fGISTEK'S NOTICES. -IAj Notice Is hereby trl en to all lee-atees. ernill. tors nnd other persons Interested In tho estates of the respective decedents and minors, that the rot lowing administration and Lrunrillan iLcciiinitn li.mi been filed lu tho uillco ot thu Heglsler of Columbia county, nnd will be presented for confirmation and allowance In the'H court In l,r, hi-m In Bloomsburg, on Monday, the 1st day of May, ls70, at 2 o'clock, p. in. on said day: 1. Tho final necount of I.ydla Relchard, Guardian ot -nary 1. lieicuaru, minor child or Jonn-Helchaiit iaie ui jiuuisun tuwusuip, cieceaseu. 2. 1 he llrst und partial account nf H. 11. iirnun.sur Mvlng executor of Jacob Yohe, lato of MtJltm Lunusiuij, ueteuseu. 1. The Urst and final account nf Ann Iipprs. Hvpcti Irlx of Jesse Beers, late uf Hemlock township, 1 . The account of George W. Ilelfsnydcr, deorgo L, jiuaieiiu.tuucr uuu r.iizuiiei n i.nsipiiii.iiinnr. am. mlnlstrators of Samuel Kostcnbauder, lato of buiuotM vui.iiauip, ueeeuseu. 5. Tho first and final account of Eleanor A. Eves, Aumuusirairix ot .loscpti i;cs, laio ot (ireen nuuuiunusiup, ueceaseu. e. ThWircount of Henry I.ltwellcr, Kxccutor of L-muuiiue i-uwcuer, uiie 01 locust luwi.suip, ue ic-uoeu. T. The ateountot Conrad Krenmcr, Administrator ui i-iuiiuriue tvrcumer, taieui luituisoii towusuip, uyvciueu. f. The account Of Franklin Rarle.' duardlan of thn person and estato ot Lucy Hurig, mtuor child of Jicuueu IJLlwIg,. 1UIO 01 j-ocusi lownsuip, ue- 9. The first nnd Hunt necount of Joslah Coleman and inancs uoieman, uxtcuiors of Joseph coiemau. jaio ui 1 isuiugcreei. tuwiiMiii), ueceaseu. 10. Tho account of Henry Lltweller, Executor of Po- icr j.iLwcuei, luiuui i.ucusi lownsuip, ateiuseu, 1!. Tho account of lewis Yetter. Administrator of jonaiuan f. iiisnci, late of Montour townsuli deceased. 1J. Ihe supplemenlal and final account of Joseph Gilbert, Administrator ot Ellrabctli Klstler, hue ui iuuiil. i uuouiii, iuh iisiuii, uieeuseu. 13. Iho account of II. J. Dhteiich. Guardian of Hull. frtD.KInney.mlnorlielrof Henry Dlettrlch.luto ui iiiiuiLirvi. luiiiisuip, ueceaseu. 14. Tho llrtt account of (icoruo W. Corrcll nnd Wll Hum II. Weaver, Fxteutorsof George Weavir, iuiu ui iuu iun iiui uiouuisuurg, ut ceaseu. 15. The first and final account of Perry I). Black, (luardlan of the rslnteof snrah Keller, minor child 01 Gcorgo Killer, lato of Grcmwood town. ship, deceused. 16. The nrst and final account of Charles A. Souder. acting Administrator of William F. Souder, late Ul SLUll IUH UOlllll, UlUlUL'U. IT. The first and final account of John K. Glrton duaruian 01 t uaries 51. anil navia k, uirton, ml nor heirs ot Hannah Boone, lute of Bloom town. suip, ueceaseu. 18. The necount of Daniel Rambach, Administrator or wuuain lierin, laio of the Borough of Her w ick, ueceaseu. 19. The final account of CO. Jackson, Guardian of Mary a. van iiouieu, iniuur ueir ui a. ii. reurce, laio 01 iiriarcrteK lownsuip, ueceusea. SO. The account of Samuel Yetter, Ouardlanot the person and estate of Lew Is Yeiter, 11 minor child of Daniel Vitter, late ot Main towushlp.decenscd. 21, Tho llrst account of John A. Funston and Wll Ham Elwell, Executors of tho last w 111 and tcstu. inenlof Charles Conner, lato of oiuogo town snip ueceaseu. 22. The final account of Isaac K. Dlldlne, Guardian ot tue person ami esiuie 01 juciU'iiuia 1. Drake, minor child of Levi uruke, lato ot 1'utnamcoun ty, Ohio. 23. The account of Franklin Yocuro, Executor ot inuncs ujcr, lute 01 jiuarmgcreeK iuw nsuiji,uO' VVUU'U, 24. The account of Charles Dyer, Guardian of Benson Miller, minor 1 hi Id of William J. Miller, luu of ltoarlngereek, defeased! us Hied by Franklin 1 ocuin, uxccuiur ui suiu uuurieu iyer ueceaseu. 25. Tbo account of Charles Dyer. Executor of Samiul D)(r, lato of Hourlngcreek township, deceased; ns filed by Franklin Yocuu, Kxccutor of soil diaries Vj er, aeceuscu. St. The first and lltinl account of Samuel Nejhard, Auuiini&iraiur ui neury a. uruuiiu, laie 01 nrr srcrien lownsuip, ueceust-u, 27, The nrst account of Samuel Nev hard, Adminis trator of surau sc) bert, laio of centre township, ueivtioeu. 88. Thollnal account of Samuel Neyhord, Admlnls- 1, B1U1 w. uvu.l I.IVUHI iu.u v. uuiu. IMl LUI. U1 snip, uecuuscu. 29, Tho first and partial account ot llltnm It. Kline onu liaviii AClieuoai-ii, jbitvuiurs ui jonn ACIien bat h, late Of orange lowiismp, ueceaseu. B0. Thn nrst and llnal account of Hlroin H. Kline Ailmlnlstrator of David It. Albcrlson, late el riSHlllglTCCfc lunusiup, uev-uscu. tl. The sreosd account of William II. Yetter, acting administrator of Daniel letter, lato of Main township, deceased. 19. The account tit U P. R021II and I. V. Itozell, Ad mlnlstrators ot lit njatnln Koitll, late of lleuton township, deceased. Register's onico, ) luooinsburg, Uur W, B7(. W. II,JA(X)UT, Register, NEW ADVErlSEJENTS MoriCKi Vnother renly pay Mote on nnd jatlet 'May 1, MM. jolsi.s,latli,sldlng, s.iwetl nudH un eti Ru lmr0 chairs running cltle, nnd pay nt least a part o j,,,1r,(1"llji and se ness, llohrsburg 1'a. April T,-2t, Juries for May Term, 1876. GUANO JUltOKS. Beaver-Ellas Miller, Josepn iur. llcnlon-Ellas Mcllcnry, Sr., John Ashleman. Brlarcreck-Adain suit. Bcrwlck-W. B.opdjko. ,..,i,r,,.t,,ho s. sterner, CatnwIssa-losophMnrtz, II. J. Boeder. nshlugcreek-J. M. Buckalow, Thomas Hutchison, L. M, Crevcllng. (ircenwood-' has. Howard, David Dcmott. Jnekson-Cllnton Lew is. toitst-Josepli K. Ithodes, Samuel 1 rice. Main-Aaron Miller. Montour-Pavld Mouser. Mt. Pleasant Win. llowcr. orango-Jamcs llarman. ltoailngcrcck-I.llas narig. iv,ttii. l'. Oman, (leorge n, iiascr. TllAVKUsB .IUUU1U3. 1T11ST WEEK. Benton (leo. Kcelcr, I. K. K. Lnubacb, I. K. unch- baum. nrH,.L-imiirTt. (1. Crispin. Henry C. Ireas. Brlarcrcek-Wllllam Lamon, Andrew Fowler. DeaUT-N.Bredbcnner.Jr. Illoomsburg-John Wolf, -Michael Casey, Sr., 11. 1. (licks. Catawlssa-Oeo. P. Drlcsuacu. Centralla Scth Thomas. Centrelesso Hicks. Praukltn-Joseph Heedcr, Samuel i;. i.onrnuui. Flshlnscreek-D. W. Kitchen, C. W. Kreamer, John suttou. Orecnwood-(lco. W'.Utt, J. H. lkelcr. llemloek-Amos B. Ilartnian, II. i). -mcitiu!., Nehemlah lleece. ... Locust-Win. Wilson, Jonathan Bachman, V. H. iteihbold. Isaac Johnson. MalnIamcs Keefer, stacey John, F. H llcntz. Madlson-D. A. Watson. Mt.Pleasant lohn It. Vanderslice,.!. v , iiagenuiicu. Mlniln-Allred W. Hess. Scott-S. W. Edgar. SECOND WEEK. Heaver Will. Shell. Berwick J. W. Dletterlck, John Taylor, Samuel C. ,invne. llrlarcrcek Jos,c")h Spononlxrg, John Fesler. Bloom3hurg-Samtiel Yetler, J. M. llowcr, A. V. Fry. center-Goo. o. Frctlericks, I). I liayman, inrum Whltmier, Philip Creasy. Catawlsia-deo. Gilbert, Nelson Ilartnian. Centralla Wm. Illgley, John Citrran. Greenwood-Ss Ivester Albertson. Jackson John l'.dgar. Locust Ephrnlm Achey.Danlel Morrls.Edward vvat- klus, Ml:hacl Itonborger, Jonas Berningcr. Maln-Chas. Fisher. Montour Levi Weaver. Miniln Thomas Aten, S. II. Swank. Mt. Pleas itit-Jicob Gilbert, ciemuei uucKie. orange-Reuben Bellas, Wm. Y. Hess. Pino .lohn 1. Fowler. Scott-Danlel Suyder, John Steeley. Sugarloaf Danljl Hess. XNUAl. STATEMENT OF THE TOWN A ENDING WITH MARCH, 1S7C. SCATDMEWX Or 3XHDBIPIS AND BrBNTOZXanBS. KECEIITS. Am't uncollected on duplicate of 1S73 nt last annual uxuiici aiiuii- ununi. und balance jet uncollected Market slreet contributions collected by E. B Less cosh In handset collector Market street contributions collected by attorney. 1-css expense of collection, 5 per cent uncollected on duplicate ot 1S74 at hist annual statement U'ss exonerations of Maich s, 1SI0 unci balance uncollected Centre street contributions collected by M. Wynkoop Less 5 per cent, of amount collected In 1S74 anil 1875 und amount paid Treasurer lu is74 in excess of amount collected . Tax assessed for 1S75 Less exonerations ot .March S, 1870. ... und balarce uncollected Collected on book account by E. B. Bldleman " : " " " M.Wjukoop Less expense of collection for amount ot 1674 Collected on hook account by JI, C. vVoodnard Less exiienseof collection t.... Second street contributions collected by Treasurer... " " " " " Attorney Less cxpenso ot collection , Fourth street contributions collected by Treasurer " " " " " Attorney Less expense of collection Penalty for violation of ordinances, collected Fines and licenses collected by President of Total cash received by Treasurer.. EXPEXDITUHICS. raid on road necount, to w It : ijioor anu rougn stone., 12,312 79 94 40 Flagstone, 11. .. Jacony. btrcel commissioner, E. C. Barton " Street engineering, Samuel iNejhard " High constable, M. C.W ood vvard " Chief ot l'ollco, M. c. Wood- VMIl'd " Assistant Policemen " Rent of pound, 11. stohner ... " Viewers and witnesses ou Second street opening. " " Iron slieet opening " ' Centre street openltig " Rent ot lire engine house, I, s. Kuhn " Keys for lock-up, J. buarp lessfi Son " Gas ior slreet lamps from Mav,1875,to February,ls70, luclusHe, Blubinsburg Gas company " Erection of street lamps, in exessof bond No. 14, to Bloomsburg Gas Company " Ijimpposts.inexcessotbond No 13,10 J.sharpless & son " Copy of nssessm't, R prepar lugtax roll for '75, w.wtrt " Secretary. W. Wirt " Preparing books of entry for bunds und tax account, un der legislation of lb74, W. Wirt " Auditors for IS74 " Rent of council room for 1S75 J.J. Browcr " Jesse Culernan, releoso from nlm, lu full " Expenses of. opposing road leading from near Creve ling's, scolt township " Oaths of tow n omcers, J, J, Brower, Esij " C, O. Barkley, town solicitor nnd in the trial of causes. . John G. Freeze.Esq., services In iho trial ot causes " Charles Forster, damage to wagon " Jos. E. Barkley, town order No. S77, lost previous to paj mentor same " Tux refunded to estate ot J. F. Mclirldo, deceased " William Rupert, cleunlug streets and crossings. .. " II. F. Zarr, swearing iusls- Umt policemen M. C.W oodward, serving no tices during the year " rrlntlng, rnuters'bUls dur ing tho year " W.,ti. Koons. discount on l'etrlken note, Expenditures proper for 1673 t Ills of 1874 for w hlch orders wero Issued In 1815, to win Rent of council room for 1874, und oaths, J, J. Brower M, c. Woodward, services ns high cunstublo for 1S74, balance l'llnters' bills, isj), " 12,771 14 60 5) 150 (0 73 60 89 00 15 00 257 61 19 25 6 50 7C3 SS 1S3 21 8 00 20 00 160 00 50 00 15 00 40 00 40 00 Paid by orders interest, on out standing bonds durlug 1S73 Total fur which orders wcro Issued during 1S75 Disbursements fur which noorders , , , were Issued, to win Paid by Trcos.,bond o 1, 2d Issuo Interest on same.. " " " bond No. a, 2d Ifsuo Interest on same... " " liond No. 4, 2d Issuu .. .. Interest on same.. " " " bond No. 6, vd ltsuo .. . Interest on same.. " " " bond No. 0, sd Issue .. .. Interest on same.. mm .1 ou Judgment No. ill, Sept. term, i74, s.A, l'etrlkeii et ah vs. Town of Bloomsburg (0,114 85 (CsS 60 lb 87 600 (HI 43 67 6ou eo 43 57 too 00 6 0) 600 00 6 00 2,009 70 4,812 21 10,1120 60 M 49 207 19 llalanco duo Treasurer as per on nuul statement of 1974. . Commission allow id Trt usurer as per his account l'alu orders ot previous jeurs, to Wit I HrtS .' w ...,.;r... Cash la hands of Treasur cr Deduct oruoubt orders cf 1S75 out standing, , Aint cash received, by Tiessurtr,, 1,018 04 154 18 1 12,550 us 2,103 78 10,M4 64 70 eo 67 01 3,519 09 631 CO pUNMANSHII'. vytlh'stamp, tor terms jmltncns, T-llV. II1UUIUSUI..B, 1070 WTTRRT. NOW? 1876. ToMtCHlOAN, onool tho foremost, nourishing nnd healthy Stales I WHAT FOR? TO buy a FARM out or llio Ono Million Acres of nno farming lands for salo by tho (IRANI) RAP IDS INDIANA R. R. Plenty" ot wn.e timber nndbulfdlng malerWs Prlco-from 1 to tioiwr acres one-tourtfi down.bal nnceon time. mi,ir.t. full of facts nnd -semi lor iiiuiiiint'. i...."!,""-' -figures, and bo convinced. Address . W. a, Howard, Comm'r, WAHll. l-uilliili, , Grand Rapids, Mich. l. ti. I PEIRCE. Sec'y iJind Dcp't. ' I). &Co. Jnn2l-UW,c.o.w. T 1ST OK CAUSES l'OIl TIlIAIi AT XJ MAY TERM, 1S70. FIRST WEEK, William Brown et al vs. John Brown's ex. Andrew Crawford vs. ). W. Johnson. WllllSm II. Crawford vs 1). W. Jo hnson. Christian Wolt a S.K tt. 11. It. It. ( 0. S II. Wolf et ux. vs. N. . B. II. R. (.0. Wellington IHwhes vs. iMiMlp Snoncnhcrger. W I'laiii Harris vs. llorwlck llolllng Mill Co. II. S. Morgan Co. vs. Samuel Johnson, snvder. Imrtinan Co. vs. N. L. Campbell. Levi Klnley vs N. I Campbell. lJllnsr. Bowcn Englo vs C. R. Barnes. A, T. lkelcr vs Jonas lwiy. John lleacock vs. Jonas Hotv Samuel J. Case vs Jonas Doty. Wilson Gibbons vs Jonas Doty. L. F. Davis vs Jonas Doty. John J Mcllcnry vs I). I. W. It. R. Co. lien, ttliilcrstccnvs. William Houghton. Kllas Miller vs. P. A It. Hall Road Co. John Medina's ex'r vs deorgo J. Luce. Benjamin Illcks vs. .Tool E. Iialley. Mary McAlarney ct nl. vs. S. P. case ct al. SECOND WEEK. Francis Evans vs. Samuel II. Hagenbuch. A. cole's uso vs. T. 11. cole, T, T. A, Colo's uso vs. T. II. Cole, T. T. A. cole's uso vs. T. II. Colo, T. I . II. W. Mcllcj nolds ct nl. vs. J. A. Losee. S. Bloom vs. Allen Mann etnl. W. M lines' ex'rs vs .Michael drover, Sheriff. Wldlam Snyder's exrs vs. Jacob Bechtcl et tit. Jacobs. Illnlerlller vs William Menslngcr. Peoples Fire Insuranco Company of Pa. vs. J. J. IMIrirv pf. (ll. Peoples Flro Insuranco Company ot Pa. vs. Blooms burg Lumber Co. James Dyke vs. William Howell A. H, sharrelts et al. vs It. (!. Unwell. A. E. Sharrets ct al vs David SI roup. Benjamin Illcks vs. George II. I'reas. David Lewis vs. John Dlllz ct nl. Daniel Smith vs John 11. Kemble. lllee K .Michael vs David Erwlne. llllamsport Rubber Co. vs William Mllncs' cxrs. David H. llowcr vs. William SwMier. second National Bank of Tltiisvlllo vs. J. A. Losco. Tim K Brothers vs. 11. F. Dallman. John II. doodinau vs. John Sanger. Christian E. Conner, by his father, Gcorgo Conner, vs Frank Ijimon. Bloomsburg Lumber Co. vs. Hawllngs & Vanuatu. J. 1' Wtdemm X Co. vs liawllngs K Vnnnatta. John Yeaicr's nilm'r vs M. G. Hughes. J. .1, Dobbins K Co. vs George M. 1iekurd et al. 1, w. McKelvy vs. Wm. Slialler ct al. John Woodsldo .t Co. v s D.tnll Morris. J, M. Dewltt vs. Samuel Crevellng. J. W. Sankey vs Joseph I.lllev. A. L. Tinner vs Elma Kester. J. W. Irvln'.s uso vs. Jesse A. Losee. sunon ltaub and George liaub vs Samuel Hcffner. lllco & Hagenbuch vs William Carson. Aaron Joiinsou vs Thomas siium 111. Samuel Herruer vs. Samuel Cunfalr el al. Albert Wintou vs Jonas Doty et al. Frv Roto vs. C. R. names. Samuel Ji Conner vs. Henry c. Frens etnl. lion man & Jackson vs Henry L. Fleas. W. 11. Kllnu vs H. J. Mcllcnry. Gcorgo Conner vs. Frank Lamon. Bloomsburg Hinklug Co. vs. James W. Sankey. Thomas Downs vs. Silas Davis. Goo. Hess vs. A. II. Stewart. Christian schotz vs. Hartold Klerkoff. Thomas Gorey vs. Thomas l'arrell. Peoples Fire Insurance Company of ra. vs. S. II. Millers son. OK llLOOMSIIUKO FOHTIIE YEAU 1875 statement (91 11 42 05 $3 04 80 01 Bldleman (51 40 7S 01 as 00 43 00 04 27 07 05 3 3S 4S7 59 110 00 SO 29 190 33 302 00 2.3 07 2 5) 27 67 7,637 93 CS 39 155 71 221 10 274 43 7,433 SJ and is"! SS 05 2 9J 3i 15 14 92 970 00 1,013 00 f4 25 1,050 1 2,0110 75 so 00 57 00 CO 00 3 10 67 00 by Attorney..., Council 15 00 44 110 110,391 CO VALUATION OK TAX A ISLE I'HOI'EHTY. Real property, to wit : iiuiit, up.. I3I,423 00 siiljiirbau 120.S55 10 . Farm m,u 011 ersoual pioperty 20,203 00 t7M S'iV nn Occupations, trades, 4c 102,4s5 un (832.310 00 ASSETS. Cash In hands of Treasurer. f 101 29 Bal. " E. 11. Bldleman, collector for ls73,vli: on Maiket st. contributions K5 00 uncollected ou duplicate ot 1-73 80 01 Uncollected cn dupllcata ot 1874 " 1S75 Due from sundry persons on acc't Market St. contributions uncoil. Fourth " " " Centre " m .1 Second " "t. !,S20 43 LIAIill.ITlES. Floating debt: Am't due sundry ier.sons on acc't " orders outstanding, 1S73 " " " ls74.. " " " IS73..., Bal. Judgment Snruh A. l'etrlken et ul., No 111, sept term, 1674 Int. on same from Dec. 9, !S73,tu March 23, u;c ' Costs on same Judgment W. Snyder's helrs.Nu 112 Sept. term, 174 Int. on sumo Horn sept. 0, 1875. to Murch 25, isid Cosls on same " tl 13 65 4 03 2 0 89 2,103 72 5,(00 IS 92 67 13, 35 11 CO 41 31 T tal lloallng debt 8,930 02 Funded debt: Bond No. 1, dated Nov, 3, 1S73. matured Oct. 1, 1671 Int, irum Oct. I, 1S75, to March 25, 1670 , Bend No. 2, dated Noy.'si'isV". matured Oct. 1, 1673 Int from Oct. 1, 1675, to Maichi'i 1670 Bond No. 3, dated Nov. 3."ii73" matures Oct. 1, isto 'nt; 'rpm Oct. 1, 1673, 10 March Bond No. 4, dated Nov.' i "lMih matures ott, 1, 1877 Int. from Oct, 1, 1875, to Marcii Bond No. 2, 2d Issue, dated Feb is, 1875, matures Jan. i, is77... 23 1870 ou' l8 10 'arch Bond No. 7,'Vd is'ue'.'dnte'j'F'eb 15, 1675, matures Aug. 1, 1870.. 'Si! 0ct' K',s tu U JES JSIO Ul;5u.?. M lssl,c- datcdFeb. 13, 1675, maturcH Aig. 1, 1475. 25 1670 Ct" '' "',5' 10 Mart" Bond No.'i,'s'd'i'uei'iiated'''F'eb 15, 1675, matures Die. 1, 167. "'l;'rom Oct.l, 1673, to March 23, lSTfi, , Bond No. 10, 2d IssucdalcdFeb 15, 1675, inaluics Oct. 1, 1677... 25, mo ct '' 1M5' 10 iIon" "V?'a.M2 n" 'issueVdare'dFcb. 15, 1673, matures ou. 1, 167s . 25, 1670 "Ct" '' t0 lttrCU l, 1675, matures Oct. 1, 1679 23, im..1 '' Mt' 10 Uuvi Itouajio'.'ialM 'issue.'i'atedVict', 2, 16,5, matures Aug. 4, 1670... mih" 0tl' MU Mcii tSVVJ'S''' 15, 1673, matiireB Juno 9, Wo, iViwsl.?:..!' 10 lart,; Total funded debt " lloallng m Loss assets Net debt WIS 40 ' (4,6113 ii t',013 72 8,950 O'i 114,143 SI) DA VI II liiei..M, ...... W, WIRT, J'resident of Town council. KvAiviury, VASS!!F,,ot Town of WM. KHICKIIAUMI iImxUS3,in(i. J"-".UUOT jAudltonL i J .to ,1 1 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers