The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 07, 1876, Image 1
THE COLUMBIAN CJUTMBIADta0CRT,8rKOrTll MOUTH ASDCOLUM" BtANCOSaOMDATKU.) iit'?.l1.c.?a,S?.l5l'crcry rrtl"iy morning, nt IIMWMSIIWtl, UULCMlllA COl Nl'lT l'A. T.i-1S,..U0L'"IM '':)r ""ir livable In advance, or tlulnff tho year. Alter tho expiration of tho lear, XLM, ? ?Mtsea:. T" aul'rlbcrs out of tin! l".V tf,:1"5 .u r'?.' '" ' l,er Ulir strictly in ndranoo -M.ulliiutMl(l lu ndvanco una f3,ou tr payment ho debt, e.l iii-j mul the j No in.terdisjjiuinuol, except nt tho opt Ion nf tho runllslicr, Until ml arrearages nro tmld, liutlonif sonllnuod cream utter tho expiration ot tho nrsi J will not Iju jflveu. All papers sunt, uut of thosin c, or to distant post onice, must Do ii.tia tor In advance, unless a rcsnun. oloio person In Columbia county assumes to tiny llio suliscrlpllonciuooii demand, rcisrAUli Is nolongcroxactodfrom suuscrlborstn (ho county. job s,i3srxi3sra-. The .tobblnjr Department ot tho Colcmman I? very omplo'e, nnaoiir Jolt Printing will compare favor ably wlih that ot I ho largo cities. All work done on demand, neatly and at moderate prices. Columbia County Official Diroctory. President. Judge William I'lwell, Associate Judges-lram Ucrr, (leorgo Bcott. l'rothonotnry, AC II. Frank J.nrr. Court MoiioRtnpher 8. N. Walker. Hccrlster ft lieeorder Williamson II. Jacoby. nistrlct AttorneyJohn M. Clark. fdicrirf-Mlchaefnrover. Hurvotor Isaac Dowllt. Trpasnrer llr II. W. Mcllevnolds. Commls.stoncrs-.lohn llerncr, H. W. Mcllcnry, o-'pn nanus. Commissioners' Clerk William Kilckbatim. Audltura-M. V, 11. Kline, .1. II. Casey, nrown, coroner Charles (). Jlurphv. dury Commissioners Jacob II. Fritz, William II, TJtt. Countv Runerlntendent William II. flnvder. llloomPoor ulitrlct-Dlrectors-o, P. Fnt, Scott, Win. Kramer, ltlooinsburg and Thomas Crevellng, duuiv, u. r. iui, oecrciary Bloomsburg Official Diroctory. lllaomsburg Hanking CompanyJohn A. Funslon, ll.dratz. Cashier. rirs' National Hank Charles It. Faxton, ''resident u, i . i usnn, ciLsnier. CotutnhU County Mutual Paving Fund nnd Loan ivssociiiuon e. it. i.uuc, rrcsiuent, u. vv.uncr, liloomsiiurg Ilulldlnf nnd Saving l'und Assoclat Ion win. rcacuoK, tresuieni,.j. it. ttoinson, reereiary. Illoomsburg Jluiual SaMng Fund AssocU'lou-J. J, Urower, President, C, tl. liarkley, Secretary. CIIUHCII DIRECTORY. BACTI9T CHURCH. l!cv. .1. P. Tustln, (Supply.) ttunday Services hutf u. m.' and o; p. m. Sunday School 9 a. in. Prayer Sleeting Every Wednesday evening at cys clock. Seats tree. Tho public aro Invited lo attend. BT. MATTimw'3 UTIIEHAN CIIUHCII. -Mlnls'er liev. .J. McCron. Hunday Servlccs-10j n. m. nnd OJtf p. m. Hunday School 9 a. in. Pra er Mcoilng livery Wednesday evening at c; clock. Seats treo. Nopows rented. All aro welcome. riltSBVIEKIASCItCnCll. Jllidster-Kcv. Stuart Mitchell. Sunday Services lx a. m. and C); yi. m. Sunday school 9 n. in. PracrMeoilng i:cry Wednesday evening at 0 tclock. Sent s tree. No pews rented. SI rangers welcome. MirrnuMsT Kriscoi'Ai. ciiuitcit. Presiding lilder Itev. K. S. Uucklngham. Minister llev. .1. 11. Mcllarrah. sunday sen Ices lUi and 0 p. m. suiulav School' p. in. Itlblu class Kvery Monday evening at ox o'clock, young .Men's Praier Meeilng i:ery fvcnlngat c o'clock. General Prajer . Meeting Uvcrj- Thursday evening , o'clock. KEtOHMED CIIUKCH. Corner of Third nnd Iron streets. Pastor ltev. T. !'. Ilorrmeler. lio.sldcnco Kast street, opp. Third street. Sunday Sen Ices tu' a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School 3 p. in. Prajer Meeting-Saturday, 7 p. in. All uro Im ited There Is always room, services every Sunday afternoon at ' o'clock at Idler's church, Madison township. ST. I-Al'L'H CHUKCII. Hector Hev. John Hewitt. Sunday Sen Ices loi a. m., oys p. m. Sunday school 9 a. m. First Sunday lu the mouth, Holy Communion. Services preparatory to Communion on Friday evonlng bcloro the fat Sunday In each month. Pows rented : bnt ecn Uodv welcome. Pemons dcsltlug to cuusult tho Hector on rellfflotis matters will nnd htm at thu parsonage on Hock Street. KVANUEIJCAI. CIIUHCII. Prcslillng Elder Hev. A. I.. Hccser. Minister ltev. J. A. mine. Sunday Men leu 3 p. in.. In the Iron street Church. l'rauT .Meeting hury sabbath at a p. in. All are Im lted. All uru w eleome. THE CIIL'KCII 01' CIIIttST. Meet In tho Opera House every Lord's day, nt 3 p. hi. and c p. in. Itegular Meeting ot tho Church for worship, 3 p. m, Sunday evening Lecture, by Ti E. on Is, r. p. m. The puhlle uro cordially United to attend. Scats free. m.OOMSllUli(l "l)IHIXTOUY. QCIIOOI. OUIIEUH, Wank, just piinteil and O neatly hound In small hook's, on hand nnd for sale at tho Columbian Olllcc. Feb. 19, lsJ5.ll "I ) LA NIC DKKDS, en I'nrrlir.i.-nt itiiil Linen 0 Paper, common nnd for Admlnlsi rators, Execu tors and trustees, for snlo cheap at the Columbian oillcc. MAKKIAGU CKRTIKICATKS jii.tprinted nnd for sale at the Columbus otllee. Mlnls f the dospel and Justices -iould supply them selves with these necessary articles. USTICKS"aliirCt)nt!ib!es,TillsforsaTe nt tho Columbian oniee. They contain the cor- leclcd fees as established by the last Act ot the Leg islature upon tho subject. Every Justice and Con- stable, should have one. INDUE NOTKS jtut printed and for ealc cheap at tho Columbian ofllce. MEHC1IANTS ANIMIHOCHHS. II U. HOWKIl, Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, Main street, aboo Couit House. SH. MILLKn .0 SON, .killers in Dry i (loods, groceiles, queenswure, Hour, salt, btioes, notions, etc., .Main street. T II. .MAIZE, Mammoth Grocery, I fl cerles, Fiults, Nuts, Prolslons, ie., Ceutio streets. fine CJro- Maluand HOOTS AND SHOES. aENUY KLEIM, Manufacturer and dealer In boots and shoes, groceries, etc., Main St., Illoomsburg. EM. KNOItH, Dealer in llools and Shoes, . latest nnd best stj les, cornerMaln andMarket Streets, lu tho old post onice. CLOCKS, WATCHES, 40. C1 E. SAVAGE, Dealer in Clocks, Watches . and Jewelry, Malu St., Just below tho Central Hotel. PIlorr.ssIONAL CAIIDS. J j It. IKl'.LEH, Attorney at Lnw. Itounis in ilJ Exchange lllock, 2d ffoor, Illoomsburg, Pa, o3 C1 !. 1SA1IKLF.Y, Ofliee . In -iirow er's building, lind story, Iloums 4 .t 6. oct. 15, 'w. Dll. W.M, M, HEItEli, Surgeon and Physi cian, ufueo S. E. corner Hock andMarket ireets. Tit. EVANS, M. D., Kuigionand l'hysi . clan,notlh tide of Main stieet, uboteJ. K. j er s. TTMcKELVY, M. I)., Surgeon nnd I'hy . blclan.north side Main btieet, below Market. J II. 11011IS0N, Attorney-at-L:iw. Oilice '. In llarlman'sbulldlug.Malnstreet. AMUEL JACOIIY, Marhlo and Iliown MOIie OrKS, i-USLlilOOlUSUUiH, n,v.u... liOSENSTOCK, J'hotographer, over , Clark Wolfs store, Main street. H D It". H. C. IlOWElt, SiirKcoii Dentist, .Main MISCELLANEOUS. AVID LOWENIIEIKJ, Merchant Tailor Main St., uboo centiai notti. 8. KUIIN, dealer it. Meet, Tallow, etc., , centrn hlreet, t etweeu second and 'I hlrd. rpiIOMAB WE1II1, Confectionery and lUkerv JL a wholesulo nnd retail, Exchange lllock. V, COItELL, 1'iirniliiro Koomn, three' , story brick, Main ttroet, west of Market st. 0UAN(iKVJI,Li:i)IHi:cr01tY. All. irEUUING, Carpenter nnd btiildci1 , Main street below Pino. ISUOIvllOHN. M. disc. 0. A V. IL PIIOEMAKEH, Dealers in , Dry uoods, Groceries and Oeneral Merchan- CATAVJSSA. M. II. AlUiOTT, Attouivy-al-Law, Main '. DAI.LMAN, .Merchant Tailor, Second btrcet, lint.blns' building. M. L. KYKKIiY, Arr0It.NKV-AT.LAW, Catawlssa, Pa, Collections promptly made nnd rerouted. Ofllco vi'jivouu miumyiu lieposit jiauK. tm - JOTICU. From this data the liloomthurg las company w III put lit ten leu pint s at nrst cost und lumlsli and set ineters at fuur dollaru each. 1 ho rfnimntkV limit r, I, ,1 n n cnUril lor palnl lug roofs, nnd posts or other timbers placed t kill iff ipiiiiijI Price lu tents per gallon or .W ir barrel. ...... t). w. MILLKlt. ocuise-u sect. g:iBI;iSJT,I!altor,n4ePritcr, 11USINES OAllTIS. QK. A. L. TUHNEIt, llcsldciico on Mnrkct Street ono door below ). J. Wnllcr's. OfUce over lvlelm'a Drug Store. Ofllco hours from 1 to 4 p. m. for treatment ot diseases of tho Eye, Ear and Throat. All calls night or day promptly attended to. Apr.!J';s-tf D It. J. C. ItUTTEH, PHYSICIAN tl BUltCinON, Ofllce, North Market street, Mar.17,'74 y Bloomsburg, Pa. TU. 11. V. GAHDNElt, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, HL00MBUU1I0, PA. Office nbovo J Schuyler & Son's Hardware store. Apr.M'js-tf l s AMUEL KNOKIt, ' A T T 0 U N K Y-A T-L A W, IlLOOMSnUHO, PA. streets ' oct. s. E. E. 0IIV1S, ATTOHNDV-AT-LAW. OiEtcE-ltoom No. 1, ' Columbian" Building. Sept. 13,1975. c 1 W. MILLKlt, ATTOItNEV-AT-LAW Ofllce In llrower's building, second floor, room No. 1. Illoomsburg, Pa. Julyl,"3 y c 1 It. A W.J.ltUCKALEW, ATTOltNEYS-AT-LAW, Illoomsburg, Pa. onice on Main Street, first door below Court House Mur.c,'74-y 1'. .t J. M. CLAltK, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Illoomsburg, Pa. April 10,'H-y Ofllco In Ent s r.ulldlng. A. CIIEVELINO SUITII. DBKVEV EW1N0 SMITU. CItEVELING SMITH & SON, All Uli.ll S-.VJ-I.AV , Illoomsburg, Pa. rAll business entrusted to our enro will reclevo prompt attention. Julyl.-y E. II. LITTLE. KOB'T. It. UTTLE. "J H. & It. It. LITTLE, Al TUUSliVS-AT-LAW, Bloomsburg, Pa. ""Business before the IT. s. Patentonicflnttenrteil to. onice In tho Columbian Building. ly 33 JHtOCKWAY & 1CLWELL, A T TU K xN li 1 S-A T-Ij A W, Columbian, Bloomsburg, ra. Members of tho United Stales Lnw Association. Collections made In any part of America. Agents ror continental uro insurance company or New York. Assets nearly S7.Ouo.000. 'Iho best In the country, send for descriptive pamphlet. tt "yiLLIAM IHtYSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Centralia, Pa. Feb 18, 'JO-ly. HARMAN & IIASSERT. FOTJNDEES, MACHINISTS, AND IRON-SMITHS. East Street,, below Bail Road, KLOOMSBUG, PA. Wrt rusnfir 1 full v rnll nn M In nttpntlnn In tlin ffiltnw- Ing facts that : They manufacture first class MINE CAR WHEELS AND AXLES anil all kinds of Coal Breaker Castings. They also make all kinds of Car. Machine. Brlihre and other eastlncs used by contractors generally. Thcy.also manufacturo HEATING AND COOK STOVICS, nnd are prepared to furnish all kinds of repairs, such ns Urates-, Litis, llro Hrlck. strttchers, Ac. They keep constantly on hand PLOWS AND PLOW POINTS. Lnrire Iron Kettles. Farmers' Belts. Sled Soles. Wae 011 ItoM's, cellar Orates, Ac. They aro also prepared to furnish Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Shafting, Pulley's, Ac. Theylpay special attention to Repairing Tlireshing Machines :capers, Ac. The Pronrletors nmlioth Tirnettenl mechanics. Trv them. Dec. 3,1875-Sm AMKUICAN AND FOltKlUlV PATENTS- (liLiioiiK A- Co.. successors to Chlrman. HosinerA Co., solicitors. Patents proeuretl In all countries. No mrsis AHVAKCK. Noclmrce unless the nntent lscranted. No fees for making preliminary exam, luatluns. No additional tecs for obtulnltigandcon filleting a rehearing, lly a recent decision of the commissioner ah, relectid applications maybore Mvcd. Special nttcntlun gUen to luteifeietK' btroio the Patent onice, eitcnstons before Congress, Infilngemtnt sutts m dltlercnt states, und all llilga tlou appertaining to Intentions or luteins, Send stamp to tllhnoro At Co. for pamphlet of sixty pages. LAM) CASKS, LAM) WAluiANTS AM) sumr. contested land cases nrosicutcd before the IT. S. Oeneral Laud onicu and Deparlment uf tho Interior. ruvaie tauu tiaiuts, mining; uuu pre-i'inpiion i-iauiis, nnd homestead eastsattended to. Land strip In 411, so unci ICO ucro pte ct h for bale. This scrip Is assigna ble, ami tail uo loeaieu in uie inline ot ui" puicnuser uuiin any (internment land subject to private entn, ntflXA perncie. It Is of equal value with bounfj luud WuirantM. Send btamp to (illtnoruA; Co. for jiamphlet of Instructions, AlmKARS OF PAY AM) BOUNTY. nnieers. soldiers nnd sailors tf the late war. or thilr heirs, nro In many caws entitled to money from the government or wmentiiey nuuinu Kuovwcuge. Write full history of service, and state nmountof pay and bounty received. Knctosu stamp to uttmoro it Co., and a lull reply, alter examluaion, will bu gUenoufree. PENSIONS. All ofllcers, soldiers nnd sailors woundcd.ruptured or Injured In the late war, however slightly, can ob tain u pcnMon by addressing (lllmore A co cases prosecuted by ollmoio A Co. before the su preme court ot tho Hutted btates.the com t of claims, unci tho soulheru claims commission. Kueh department if our business Is conducted In a separato buieatt. under ehargoof tho same expert enctd pirlles implojid by I he old III in. Prompt ut tenllon lo all business entrusti d lu (IlLMOIilS A CO. Is thus secured. We desire lu villi success by de serving It, Address, k UILM0IIK4 CO., c V street, Washington, 1). C. Jan at,'7& tf. 17UKAS UltOWN'S INHUItANCK AGEN . CV, Exchange Hotel, p.loomsbttrg, Pa, capital. il'.tna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut,,, e,6CK',tj00 i tomunl. Lundon and lllolie o uojulof Llveriiooi lsfoo.ecH) Luneanshlre... l,ooo, oo l'lro Association, Philadelphia s.loo.oeo Ainei lean of Philadelphia 1,109 ooo Atlas of Hartford buj.ouo Wyoming, of Wilkes liorro , S31,och) i,,.r Miituil uf Uanvlllo 1. ooo.ooci Iialillllo Mutual ,. 76,otio Home, New York ,?'?'000 Comtuerilal Union 11711,858,000 jlarch!0,'lT-y VULOAN IROIST OItKS, PANVILLE, MONTOUIt COUNTV, TA. ILLIAM H. hWV, Mantiuictiirer of u'tmi ,it Iron llrldee"!. Boilers, (losholdor. ,l.:r,f uuu lint's. Wroueht Iron Itoollmr. Kootllncr Praiucs, l'looilng and Doors, Turin dates and Hmp. ' ": vi rmiLl iron l'lnlni.. snieks and all kinds oi smith Work, Ac. Itepairs prompuy attended to N. u.-I)rawlngafindiUinat8sippuoa. oct. 8, 1S76-U BLOOMSBURG TANNERY. . a. iii:hui, KSt'KCTli'ULLY nnnounccn to tlio public lum uu -utwruv pencil SNYDER'S TANNERY, (old stand) Illoomsburg, Pa at tho Forks of tho Kspy and Light street roads, whero all dOHcrlptlons of leather will tin mndn In Lhu most substantial nnd workmanlike manner, nnd sold nt prices to suit Die Union. Tho highest prlco In cash will at all times bo paid for a R E E N jH IDES of every description In tho country. Tho publlcpat ronage Is respect fully solicited, Illoomsburg, Oct. 1, 1873 CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY BL00MSDU11O, PA. M. 0. SLOAN & BROTHER H AVE on hand and for sale nt tho most reasonable rates n splendid Btock ot CAIIIIIAOKQ, I1VGGIES, and every description ot Wagons both PLAIN nnd FANCY, Warranted to be made of the best and most durable maccrlals, nnd by tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out from the establishment will bo found to ho of the highest class and sure to give per feet satisfaction. They have alsoaflncassortmentof SLEIGHS of all tho newest and most fashlonablo styles woll and carefully made and of tho best material. An Inspection of their work Is asked as It Is be lieved that none Bupcrlor can bo found In tho coun try. Oct. 8, 1875-tf. "WANTED, 1,000 GOOD MEN to call at CROSSLEY'S CARRIAGE SHOP to Inspect his work, nnd he will guaranteo you can make ix on a nrst class Top lluziry It ou buyot him for cash. I oner for sole ut cost, TEN BUGtiira, 13 phaetons, 7 shifting: top a- open uugoics The prlco of my wagons la as follows : 3 Phaetons, Sarvcnt pat. wheels, gum top, ono for f 175, cost. ! Piano box, portable top, pat. wheels, gum top, ono for $101, cost. S riano hot, open, patent wheels, steel tire, ono for f us, cost. 3 Platform bprlng wagons, patent wheels, 2 scats, ono for $1G5, cost. As J am eloslnir out mv business tho offer I mnko will stand till the first of July. Allwork warranted to btnud, and are madu of good material. March 31 3m. MISCELLANEOUS. HOWN'S HOTEL, Itloonisliurg, l'a II. Stohner, Proprietor. Accommodations tlrst- iluss. tl.',25 to per day. llestaurant attached. Octobers, '75-tf c. M. BROW N, Dealer In HOOTS AND SHOPS. Tocvasua Hoots a specialty. 1 era r.nir done at short notice, under llrown's Ho tel, Illoomsburg. Oct. 8,'7&-ly pENTRAL HOTEL, A FIRS T-C LASS HOUSE, Oct. 8,'751y JOnN LAYCOCK, lTop'r. JEW. SALOON AND RESTAURANT. I The urderslened hns onened ftflrst-clnSB r.atlncr Ilettso lii the Kxthange lllock, formerly occupied by 11. stohner, where his customers will find livery thing In his line. MILTON CIIAliLKS. Feb 18-!m. c. M. DRINKER, GUN and LOCKSMITH, sewing Machines nnd Machinery of nil kinds re paired. Oi'EitA House llulldlng, Hloomsbuig, Pa. Oitl,'751y JjlXCIIANGE HOTEL. OiiONltc tlic Coiyllotixc, HLooMsnimc, pa. The Lakoesi and JJksi In nil respects In tho county W , II. KOONS. Proprietor. Oct. 8,78-ly D ENTISTRY. H.C.HOWEIt, DENTIST, Iteswctfully offers his professional serMcemo the ladles nnd gentlemen of Illoomsburg nnd vicinity, llolsprcikiicd to attend to nil tho various operations In the line of his profession, nnd Is provided with the latest Improved Pokcklain Teeth, which will bu In serted on gold plallng. silver and lubber base to look os well os the natural teeth. Teeth extrncled by all tho new nnd most approved methods, and nil operations on tho teeth caiefully nnd properly at tended lo. Oluce u fevvuooru above tho court House. Rnmcc side. Oct, 8 7& T7I J. THORNTON "i. wniild iinnnuoc to tlin rttl7rnsnf Illnoms. tiurg and vlilnlty that ho has just received afull and complete assortment of WALL PAPEI1, WINDOW SHADES, iixickks, conns, tasseis, and all other goods In his lino or business. All the newest and most approved put terns of tho day ate alwuys to be found lu his establishment, Main street, below Market, oct. 8.15 NOTICE. Tho Philadelphia & Heading R.E. Co. Heroby give notice that on or before llio first oi .viny ncit, They will open a passenger Station In 1'olrmoiuit ark. upon the lino of tno ji of tho Junction Ilallroad.tu close1 pruxnnlty lo i (juliennes ot tho lo Memorial Hall and other principal CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL EXIIII1ITI0N, And that regular passenger and excursion tralna will thereafter bo run between tlu new station and the vuilous ixjluts upon their several railway lines. 'llio attention of citizens of Philadelphia looking for summer residences, und of strangets desiring to weuro houses or lodging In the vicinity of Phlladi 1. phla during the period of the Exhibition, Is callml to iho fact mat, from nearly all places uiionlho rail roads uf the Compunywlthlu tvventyor tulrtyrulles of the city, passengers will bo able to reudi the Exhi bition vv Ituout chango uf cars In as short a time as It will require to make tho trip by horbocurs from many iioliits In tho city. SPECIAL EXCURSION TIIA1NS WILL UK 111'N mil THE ACCOMMODATION OF SCHOOLS, SO CIETIES OH OTI1EH ASSOCIATIONS. For Information upplytn c, (1, Hancock, General Ticket Agent, No. I hutith Fourth street, I'hlladel phla. and to tho several local superintendents, und to tho undersigned. J. E. WOOTEN, Central Suiitrintcndent, ltKAhlxo, March 7th, WC.-uw. HUUbU;1 HUDcttrd rueumbcr d1 Oraflon On.' )Dn, villi ua et lluDi,ill int Dew tljtet. mi kll vlubl utt9 tnttul. V,!i,lSrr0r' ',,,,,,, '' UcrHMNl iuk bd MCM'tlHCb( LAHQB, rUi SMALL. Mln. IteaUn d1 thr Trdf . fMUIIj, krtoardltll; luvlirl.n bt la u?m lo h tig y ihlUtloa. la call nJ u w od f.-r eUi-ru-. iUi I rlu kn lmii, C.Q, BLATCMLEYi ManuPr, 606 Commerce StuPhtla, March 81 Cm. Cl:r. irt (Jfeon per flay at homo. Samples wortlitl WUUU CSwtX fe)puwiPsC ELOOMSBUllG, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 7. 1876. Poetical. FLIRTINU vs. DANXISG. January married Juno Sometlmo last December t Phew I such weather, Jack, my hoy No ono can remember. Winter, llko an aged fool, soon forgot his duty clave no hint to Ice or snow, Just to plcaso tho beauty. Mist and fog with sickly breath O'er tho earth kept creeping i Hut tho lady, unoppcased, 1 Drowned us vviih her weeping. Tompkins gnvo aboil, you know Mercury nt olghty j Ventilation was too scarce, Partners wcro too weighty. Soon tho rooms began to thin Gracious I what a flitting t Just outside upon tho stairs Half tho crowd wcro sitting. Thcro upon tho lower step nested lovely Kitty, Prettiest girl you ever saw Hero In Now York city. Eyes tho very brightest blue, Cheeks as red as roses j Old Miss NIbby's heiress too, Every ono supposes. What cared t for song or dance 7 O'er her I was bending : Old Miss Nlbby saw the glatico Eyes to eyes wcro sending. out sho cumo with awful smile, Ilage In every feature rralso tho power that broke tho mould When It shaped that creature I How sho glared upon my girl t Called her rash and silly j Ordered her to lcavo tho stairs; Said they wcro too chilly. Pshaw I I saw old NIbby's eyes Plumb my empty pockets Thought I couldn't buy tho girl Silks or diamond lockets. Didn't know that Kate and I llavo a taste for rottage, That we meant to eat It, too, With Cupid In a cottage. Original. History of Coluiulria County. Copy right secured arconling to net of Congreu. NUMBER XIII. MOUNTAINS AND STREAMS. There is perhaps no County in the Statu which is so well watered ns Columbia. This is doubtless owing to tho hills which diver sify its surface, and which, shedding their waters in ull directions, leave no part of the County arid or unfertile. It is impossible to designate, even by name, the multitude of ruu9 and brooks which, through tho dry summer season, feed from their mountain springs the larger streams which pour their waters into tho beautiful Susquehanna, which traverses the County for a distance of nearly twenty miles, entering it at the lino of the liorough of llervviclc, and leaving it at the Montour County line. Hounding upon it on the north-west side are Berwick, Uriar creek, Centre, Scott, Bloom, Montour ; and on the south-ea9t Milllin, Main, Catavvissa and Franklin. Tho river is crossed at Ber wick by a bridge, at Milllinvillo by u ropo furry, at Stonytown, in Centre township, by another ropo ferry, with n third at Espy, in Scott township, with a fourth opposite Bloomsburg, by a bridge at Catawissa, and with a rope ferry near tho mouth of Roaring creek. Catawissa creek rises in Schuylkill county and runs through the entire length of the townships of Beaver, Main and Catawissa, and empties into the North Branch Susque hanna at the point- whero the townships of Catawissa and Franklin strike the river. Its largest feeder is Scotch run, which, ris ing in tho township of Beaver, drains tho Scotch Valley, and after passing the whole length of tho township, enters tho Catawissa in Main township. Roaring creek rises in tho township of Roaringcreek, thence through Locust into Catawissa, thence back into Locust, tlieneo through Franklin, striking tho line between Franklin and Mayberry in Montour County, and becoming the boundary lino to where it empties into tho Susquehanna, about three miles below tho Catawissa. Tho south branch of Roaring creek rises in Conynghani township, running its entiro length, and at its confines btriking Northumberland Coun ty, becomes tho boundary line between Lo cust township in Columbia County and Northumberland, and thence turning north into Franklin, empties into Roaring creel' about six miles abovo its mouth. Hemlock creek rises in Madison township, runs through Hemlock nnd becomes tho boundary lino between Montour nnd Hem lock for a short distance, and empties into Big Fishingcreek about ono mile nbovo its mouth, and about ono mile from tho town of Bloomsburg. Little Fishingcreek enters the County at the Lycoming County line, and in its courso becomes tho boundary lino between the townships of 1'ino nnd Jackson, then Pino and Greenwood, then Greenwood and Madi son, then Madison nnd Mount l'le.isant.tlicn Mount l'leasant and Hemlock, and entering Big Fishingcreek about four miles from its mouth, at a point whero Illoonij Mount l'leasant and Hemlock join ; and (eceiving in its windings various small streams, as Black run, Spruce run, Bear run, mid others. Big Fishingcreek, west branch enters the County from Lycoming at tho north corner of Jackson township, and tho cast branch through n gap in the mountains from Sulli van County into tho township of Sugarloaf on lands of Craig, Blauchitrd & Co.; thenco aoulh through Sugarloaf to ubout tho centre, on the west bide, whero tho two branches meet thenco nearly to tho south end of Su garloaf where it receives Cole's creek thence into Benton, near tho south-west side of which It receives West creek, thence through nnd Into Fishingcreek township, nearly to tho soutli point, whero itirccetves Huntingdon creek, a largo alllucnt from Lu zerno county thenco by ft westerly courso Into Orange, where it receives Green creek, thenco south-west to tho bouudary line be tween Orange and Mount l'leasant ; thenco to tho Susquehanna river as the boundary lino between Orange and Mount l'leasant, Scott and Mount l'leasant, Bloom und Hem lock, and Bloom and Montour, reaching the river about two miles below Bloomsburg, at Rupert, 011 tho Catawissa uud Luckawamia & Bloomsburg railroads. Brlarcreck, Big and I.iltlo havo their heads in the County, The larger stream rises in Centre, Hows castwardly through Us whole length, into and through Brlarcicck township, nnd emntvlnc Into the Susnuclinn- na about threo miles below tho borough 0" Berwick, The smaller rising in Brlarcreck township and flowing through it nearly south, emptying Into tho main stream about two miles from its mouth. Huntingdon creek rises In Long Fond, in Sullivan county, and is fed by springs and runs in Fnlrmount and Ross townships in Luzerne County. It enters Columbia Coun ty near tho south-east corner of Fishing creek township, and falls into tho Fishing creek a few miles abovo Ornngnvillc. Colo's creek rises in Sugarloaf township, in Columbia county, and runs south, enter ing Fishingcreek at Allnas Cole's mill, Colcscreok post-office. Green creek rises in Jackson township, and runs south, meeting tho Fishingcreek near Ornngcvillc. It was one of tho Colum bia county coal oil locations, Tin Catawissa mountains givo character to ah that part of tho County lying east of tho river. Between Bloomsburg nnd Cata wissa tho river, which has been running a south-west course, suddenly turns south nnd breaks through tho mountain range instead of passing down the valley. Some tcrriblo convulsion must havo caused tho chasm through which the winding Susquehanna pours its floods, and the scenery along "Tho Rocks" is beautiful and picturesque. The hill gradually breaks down as it stretches into Montour county, and is finally lost in the gentle depression. But on tho cast side of the river, casting olT a spur hero and there, it breaks the wholo fiico of the Coun ty into great irregularities. Between Cata wissa and Centralia two distinct ranges of mountains bar the way, and upon tho far ther sldo of the second we strike tho coal measures of the Schuylkill region, and enter upon a country differing materially from all other parts of the County. Upon the opposito or west sid of tho county tho vast ranges of tho Muncy hills strike in, and seem to encloso us within their protecting convolutions; and passing onto the north end wo encounter another branch of the great Allegheny range enveloping us on that side. Nob mountain rises abruptly in tho town ship of Orangevilie, and extends north-east-vvardly into Luzerne county, where it also declines to the level of the surrounding country. Along its base rushes Huntingdon o;ek, which rises in Long l'ond in Sullivan county, and passing through n part of Lu zerne empties into Fishingcreek just at tho edge of the township of that namo, whence together they continuo to and pass round its western cud, leavo its wooded sides nnd seek tho g'een valleys that lie on the Susque hanna. Nescopeck mountain extends from Black creek westward into Columbia county and breaks down at Mainville. It is beautiful and regular in its formation, and is now be ing prospected for coal. Scotch Vulley lies south of it, and bsyond the narrow slip rises McCalla mountain, in which there is a large deposit of coal. It breaks down nt about Milllin Cross-Roatls. Beyond McCalla mountain comes Beaver Valley, and beyond that Buck mountain, which slides down into tli o valley some distance abovo Shu man's. A map of the County, giving plainly tho names of streams, hills and mountains is greatly needed. Montour's ridgo extends from the Wet Branch abovo Northumberland eastward by Danvillu to a point north-east of Blooms burg, where it breaks down and sinks away to the level of the surrounding country. It is a beautiful ridgo and rich in minerals; and derives its name from a celebrated In dian family of that name whoso history and exploits will be related as fully as they havo been rescued from oblivion, in a subsequent chapter. Miscellaneous. TIIK CASH OF JACCU'ES LA I!l!I!.N. When a lawyer wishes to impress the minds of a jury with the conviction that it is extremely dangerous for them to convict anyone on evidence alone, he rehearses a long list of instances in which such proof has turned out to bo a delusion and a snare, and prominently amopg these there figures a garbled account of the trial uud conviction of Jacques La Brun. This s.imo case has often been related by lay writers, who, ignorant of the true principles on which tho rules of ovidenco are based, insist that direct testimony only is to be re garded as of any weight. The true history, however, of the trial of the unfortunate Le Brun, gives support to no such theory. On tho contrary, had his judges paid u proper regard to the weight of circumstantial evi dence, he would huve been ncquitted. Here are tho facts in the case, us set forth by M. in his great collection of Causes Celebres, published years ago. Madame Mazel, residing in 1'nris, had passed tho meridian of life,nnd was possessed of an ample fortune. Sho employed a ro tiiiuc of servients; two footmen, a coachman, Jacques Lo Brun, who had lived with her twenty years, and was her butler, and threo ieinalu servants, composed her household, A man called tho Abbe Poulard lived with her on tt footing of intimacy which did no honor to her reputation. In the courso of thesiimnier of 1GQ0, she had taken from Le Brun n master-key, which opened, all tho doors in tho house, and gave it to (he Abbe Poulard for his accommodation in coming and going at all hours. Lo Bum had n du plicate key which ho continued to use. On Nov. 2!, 1GJIS, tho first Sunday in Advent, Matlanio Mazel, who was very punctilious in the exercises of religion, went to vespers She left her houso nttemled by Lo Brun, on whose arm she leaned, and tho twp footmen followed her. As soon as she was in the chapel, Lo Brun quitted her and went to hear vespers himself ut tho Jncobns, in tho Ruo St. Jncqucs, Madtimo Mazel, upon her return, supped according to her usual custom tete-ii-tcto with tho Abbe Poulard. At H o'clock sho went to her chamber. The maid, as was her usual custom, put tho key on tho chair, alter which they all quitted tho room, and Lo Brun who went lust, drew tho door after him and shut it. Ho thou went Into the kitchen mid took thokoyof tho street door and locked It; ho took It off the hook, but finding himself cold, he laid It down on tho tnblo while ho warmed him self; nnd, being fatigued possjbly, too, having drank moro than ho was accustomed lo ho insensibly fell nslcep, When ho awoke ho heard the clock strlko one. Ho run up to lock tho door, which, to his sur prise, he found wide open, and, v lieu ho had dono so, took tho key with him to his room. bo passed tho night away. Madamo Mazel usually roso nt seven, nnd the servants, w hen eight o'clock struck tho next morning, expressed to each other their wonder that she had not rung her bell. Le Brun hnd gono out early in tho morning to see his wife, to whom ho gavo seven louls and somo other money, which ho bado her lock up. On his return to tho housa ho asked If Mnic, Mazel was yet up. Being told that tho was not, ho expressed great surprise, and uneasiness. Tho wholo house hold, by this (Into nsscmbled in the kltchcm dctermineil to awaken her; they went to her door and rapped loudly, but nil was silent. Soino one suggested that nho had nn npo plcctlc fit, another that bleeding of tho nose, to which sho was subject, had caused her Ui faint; but Lo Brim remarked that it must be something worse. "Something," said he, "is wrong. I nm very uneasy, because I found the street door open last night." The door was broken down, nnd tho servants entered. Lo Brun went hastily to his mis tress' bed. Sho was nssassinated and covered with blood. M. Do Savonnleres, her eldest son, at this moment arrived, (Mine. Mazel lived apart from her family,) and at onco sent for the lieutenant crimincl. In tho namo of him self and his two brothers ho laid a formal complaint beforo that official, and surgeons were sent for to examine the body. About fifty small wounds mado with a knifo were found on her hands, face, shoulders and throat, and these lust, having oceasioned a great effusion of bloud, had been the cause of her death, for none of the wounds were of themselves mortal. In the bed was found a pieco of n laco neck cloth, mid a towel twisted up in tho form of a nightcap, which tewcl belonged to tho housc,atid was marked with nn "S." The-cords of the bells were twisted up above tho reach of the hnnd,atid tied to tho curtain rod; in the ashes was found a knife, seven or eight inches long, the handle of which hnd been of tortoise shell, hut it was nearly till burned tilf. The key of the chamber door was not found on tho scat, where tho maid affirmed sho had put it. No door was broken, and the two doors which opened on tho hack stairs were both shut and locked from the inside. Tho key of the clothes press wns found in its usual resting place under the pillow. On opening tho press, tho purse in which she kept her card money all old dowag ers of that period, she wns tin inveterate gambler Wit3 found, containing some 300 livres in gold. The key of tho strong box was in the sumo place, and in it were lotind four bags, each containing 1000 livics, and many other bags containing different sums, on one of which was written, "This is tho property of tho Abbe Foulard." Voder onu bag there was nn empty purse and red leather writing desk, which contained all Mine. Mazel's jewels, to tho vnluo of lfi.ODO livres. In her pocket there was found the sum of eighteen pistoles in gold. Undoubtedly some other motive than robbery hail caused the perpetration of tho crime. Tho lieutenant crituinel questioned the two women who attended on .Mine. Muz-d : they related succinctly what had passed tho night before. I.e Brim, who was next called upon, gave with equal clearness ac count of everything that had Iiuppeued to himself from the timo of his going out with his mistress to vespers down to the moment of his examination. Ho wns Kcarched, and there was found upon him tho key of the hall, where his pantry was, and a master key, with large wards, which, on trial, was found to open the door of Madame Mazel's chamber, upon which tho lieutenant crimi ncl ordered him into custody. On putting on the napkin it wns found too small for his head ; they examined his hands, but there were no signs of blond on them, nor on his clwthes ; nor wcro thero on any part of his person any marks of that resistance which it was very evident the unftirtunato victim had made. Somo of tho hair of the ruffian who had killed her sho hnd torn off, nnd still held clutched in iter hand. Lo Brun was tin examined in prison, and neither on his person nor in his answers was there found the least cause to believe him tho guilty person. They next examined the lodging of his wife.whero nothing was fouud to criminate him ; however, they seized on his linen, to compare it with a shirt which was found stained with blood in tho garret, hidden under some straw (mid which it was reasonably supposed had been worn by the assassm,) and with the lace neck cloth. Two of tho female servants declared that this neck cloth never had belonged to Le Brun, but said they remembered having washed it, fur a servant named Berry, who had been dismissed from the servicoof Madamo Mazel about four months before, bccatiso he was detected iu robbing her. No resemblance was found between the shirt und those of Lo Brun, nor in any enquiry that wns made did the slightest circumstance arise that tended to fix tho charge on him. On January 11, IC'Jl), M. Do Savnnnicrcs represented anquestto tholifiilennnt crimi uel in ids own name, and in that of his two brothers, demanding that Le Brun should bo declared duly convicted of having murdered Madame Mazel, , and of having roboed her of a qtmn'ity of guld coin that was in her strong box ; and that ho should bo at tho samo time deprived and declared unworthy of a very handsome legacy which had been left him by his old mistress. With such force was that hitter point urged that it was plainly npjmient that tills saute legacy was tho real suitrco ol all the enmity of Do SdvouniQres toward tho unfortunate Le Brun. M.D'Aucour, who vvas employed as Lo Brim's advocate, showed conclusively that it was impossible- ho could bo guilty. Tho deceased had received about fifty wound and had evidently mado great resistance,but tho prisoner had uot oven tho slightest scratch on his hands, or spot of blood on his clothes ; tho towel twisted up like a cap was so much smaller than his head that, he could not put it cm. Tho knife was not his; tho neckcloth was known to belong to another person ; tho shirt was not llko any he possessed ; it was unllko not only In quality, but also in size, mid was mado for a small mail, whereas Lo Brim was tall nnd robust The misdirected zeal of tho prosecution was strongly urged upon llio Court. Why was not inquiry mado after Berry ? Berry, who had once robbctl Madame Mazel who was known to bo an infamous wretch, capable o any inUchlef ; to whom tho iieckelotii was known to belong; who was lu Purls about tho tlmo nf tho murder, ami had been seen since with un amount of money which he could not havo honestly obtained, Why was no notice taken ol the Abbu Poulard Jan cnulvocal character at best: n nrhwt who. I after being iu two orders, actually belonged ','! , ,, l , ., TUB COLUMBIAN, VOL., X. NO- 14 UpMJMIlIA DIIMUUUAT.VUI,. .svj.j - to none, who hnd access at all hours W tno house of Madamo Mazel ; who had been seen to enter It at midnight the hour the mur der was committed nnd who had niniiilor- est In tho death of his benclnctress, Which Lo Brun (who was Ignorant of tho legacy left to him) had not, The counsel on tho other siilo lalti great stress on tho possession of tho key, on Lo Brim's exclamation, "This is not apoplexy, but something worse." and on tho soven louls ho gavo his wife to lock up, and,whlch it was pretended was part of tho money tak en from Madamo Mazel, although no Identi fication of it vvas even attempted. Never was there ft clearer case. There was, no di rect ovidenco either way. A singlo circum stance tho possession of ft master-Kcy, oi which ft dupllcato was known to bo in existence was all that could bo urged against the prisoner, whilo iu his favor thcro was a mass of circumstantial evidence, clear preponderating nnd convincing. His ac quittal seemed certain, but we.who occasion ally feel Inclined to grumblo at the perver sities of juries, would do well to study care fully tho history of French jurisprudence beforo tho Revolution. Poor Lo Briin was tried at different times beforo fifty-fivo judges nun whose business was the trial of causes, and whom the knowledge which comes from experience should havo eullghteucdi But other causes were at work they always wero at work in tho old French parlements family influence, friendship, money, social relations all exerted nn'iuiluenco on these bodies which juries rarely feel. To their iniquitous decisions, on many occasions, was largely due that intense hatred ot tho old systom of proceduro which mado its over throw ono of tho earliest steps lu tho Revo lution. Of the eleven judges who first tried him, two declared that they required further information, two voted that he might bo put to tho torture, and b!x condemned him to death, and that, too, in the most cruel man ner that could be devised. On February 2'.'J his case camo up for re view, and sentenco was passed upon him by tweuty-two judges. Two only of these de manded further inquiry; the other twenty decided for tho torture, ordinary and extra ordinary, Le Brun was in consequence put this dreadful trial, but amid the most dreadful tortures persisted in declaring his innocence. On tho 27th, twenty-two other udges being assembled, two of them voted that he should be sent to the galleys for life; but the rest voted for an adjourned enquiry f twelve mouths, during which tino Le Brun was to remain iu prison, though his wife was to boat liberty. Lo Brun, who had nil this time been kept iu a dungeon, without being allowed to sec any ono but the ailor, was now allowed to receive his wife, children and friends ; but alleviation came too late ; the violence of the torture had so reduced him, though a very athletic and althy man, iu the prune ol life, that his wife had only time to procure for him tho administration of the sacrament's. As he received them he again solemnly Protested lis innocence, and expired amid the despair of his wife and children, and tho regret ol all who knew him. A fnv weeks after this occurrence infor mation was given to tho magistrate uf Sens that a man named (lerlat, otherwise Berry, had established himself in that town its a dealer iu horses, aud without any visible means by which he could acquire money to suppoit such a traffic. Ho was arrcsted,nnd upon him was found a watch which was known to belong to Madamo Maz;l. Pro cess vvas instantly commenced against him and witnesses examined. Several persons swore they had seen him at Paris at the time of the murder ; a woman swore she saw him come out of the house after twelve o'clock on tho very night it was committed A barber deposed that ho hud shaved him the next day, aud bavins observed scratches and wounds on his hands Berry had told him that they were ma''o by a cat which ho had attempted to kill. Tho shirt and neck cloth were proved to bo his by coinpariug them with those found upon him. Berry was put to tho torture, when he con fessed that he had concealed himself in the garret of the houso from the Friday to the Sunday, feeding upon bread and apples, which ho had in his pockets: that on Sun day morning, when Mine. Mazel went to mass, he entered her chamber and crept un der the bed where ho lav for some time. Af ter dinner, when she had gone to vespers, ho warmed himself at tho lire, and llinding his hat troublesome, mado a night cap of a towel, tied up the bell-cord, and stayed till ho heard the coach cuter the yard. Getting back into his hiding place he waited patient ly till the old lady had been in bed an hour, He then showed himself and asked for her money. On her commencing to scream lie told her if sho cried out be would kill her, and upon her still continuing tu do so and Attempting to ring the bell, he struck her witli n knife and kept on stabbing her till she died. Ho then lighted a candle, helped himself to i,000 livres in gold, took his hat leaving the towel and neckcloth ho knew not where, ascended to the garret, whero ho took oil' his shirt, and putting on his coat went down to tho stroet door, which ho fouud open, nnd so made his escape. Berry was broken on tho wheel, and the pdrliamcnt of Paris declared tho memory o Lo Brun to bo freo from any stain, A com raou jury wouiu nave spareu tue llio o: which these experienced judges had deprived him. It Don't I'ay. It don't pay to have fifty men poor and ragged, in order to havo 0110 saloon-keeper dressed In broadcloth and flush of money. It don't pay to havo these fifty men llv on bone-soup and half rations, in order that the saloon-keeper may flourish on roast tur key aud champagne. It don't pay to havo the mothers and chil dren of twenty families dressed in rags uud starved Into tho sqmblauca .of emaciated scarecrows and living hi hovels, in order that the saloon-keeper's wifo may dress satin and her children grow fat ant hearty, unit livo lu a bay-window parlor. It don't pay to have ono citizon in tho county jail becauso another citizen sold him liquor. It don't pay to havo ten smart, attlvc. and intelligent boys transtorivwd into hood lums mul thieves, to enable 0110 nun to lead an easy llfo by selling them liquor, It don't pay tu glvo 11110 man, fpr flftec dollars n quarter, -a llcenso to sell liquor, uiui men spend twenty tuousand dollar tin tho trial of Tim McLaughlin for buying mat utiuor and liieu committing murder der iU influence. RATES OP ADVERTISING ........ nni.Attrn nUjirntilrn1ftit In NODDI ell type Sono or two insertions, H,W three Instr lions, M,oo, ..irr IV. 1I. t, CM, 1 Tiro incurs M J- "' " rr, HIWI t.Cfl B.fO 11.10 1B.M OR iiturtercolunin IMJ ifi llnlf column.. I wo crt r.n rnrn r.n.oi on column .' jolon bi'.io liu.ti . ,-....n.Mnc,,ta nnrnlklrnuftrtfllV Trill Bieniociverurcmumn - t rr,.r.i iurf nnn esllnveecfllnIl,. . ....... t nitrwIlvntPMHlHIIUD RIR rilim' ' V'.' - insTriioitB,'i without reference to leiiKllt. ..,,. ,..,,,.,11,, F.jecutnr's, Administrator's snd Audi tt incuts 'TnsVent'nr Leesl notlces.'tv-enty cents a lint reuulsradvcrtlseinents half rates. . '"'v -I.: ...... ... f nr., ill tttmnl InictlU dbllor per year forcaell lino. ,wc. 1 n ih p.mi'cinrHn .iiiivciuii v. Killed at th Altar. On April 23, 1601, tho Federal tronp, sta tioned at Charleston hsrbbr. ham tune to tlmo throw ft shell into the city, but nobody seemod to bo disturbed. Miss Anna Pickens, tho daughter of one of our former Governors, would not lcavo tne city. Despite the representation of Gen. Beau regard, sho remained, braving shells and Greek firc.tendlng'.tho wounded andchccrlng all with her presence. Arming tno woun ded officers under her caro was a Mr. An- rew de Rochcllc, a descendant of ono of tho noblest Huguenots of the city. Tho young man was full of tho liveliest gratitudo lor his nurso j gralltudo gave birth to a moro tender sentiment ! his suit was listened to; Governor Pickens gave his consent, and tho marriage was fixed for tho 23d of Ajiril, Lieut, de Rochollo was on duty at Fort Sumpter In tho morning, aud it was deter- incd that tho ceremony should tako piaco at the residence of General lionnatn, at o'clock. At the moment when the Epis copal clergyman wns asking tho brido if slie was ready, a shell fell upon tho root 01 tno building, penetrated to the room whero tho company was assembled, burst, and woun ded nine jicrsons, among them Miss Anna Pickens. Tho sceno that followed cannot e described. Order being at last re-estab lished, the wounded wero removed, with tho exception of tho brido, who lay motionless tho carpet. Her betrothed, lean ing and bonding over her was weeping bit terly, and trying to staunch tho blood that flowed from a tcrriblo wound under tier lelt breast. A surgeon camo and declared that Miss Pickens could not livo but two hours. Wo will not paint tho general despair. When the wounded girl recovered her con sciousness sho asked to know her fate, when they hesitated to tell her, "Andrew," she said, "I beg you to tell mo tho truth; if I must die, I can die worthy of you." Tho young soldier's tears' were his answer, and Miss Anna summoning all her strength, at tempted to smilo. Nothing could be moro heart-rending; than to see tho agony of this rave girl struggling in tho embrace of death and against mortal pain. Gov. Ticketis, hose courage is known, almost without consciousness, and Mrs. Pickens, looked up on her child with tho dry hajgard eye of ono whose reason totters. Lieut, de Rochello was the first to speak. Anna," ho cried, "I will die soon, too, but would havo you now die mywife. There yet time to unite us." The young girl did not reply. Sho was too weak. A slight flush rose'for an instant to her palo check ; it could bo seen that joy and pain were struggling in her spirit for tho mastery. Lying on a sofa, with her ridal dress all, stained with blood, her hair disheveled, she had never been moro beau tiful. Helpless as she was, Lieut, do Roch ello took her hand and requested tho Rev. Dr. Dickenson to proceed with tho cerc ,.,.,.. . vm,.. : ... .:.., -, (t,n ,t,.t (t.Ull,. ,, Mill II. IliM 11, (IU ,U, ,IIU J irl to say yes, her lips parted several times, but she could not articulate. At last the ord was spoken and a blight foam rested pon her lips. The dying agony was near, he minister sobbed as he proceeded with the ceremony. An hour afterward all was over and the bridal chamber was the cham ber of death. DlNNr.rt in SinKlUA. Our dinner par ty in the evening and it was really a din ner party was oxtremely merry. Each one laid his stores under contribution. Somo brought out frozen bread, others fro zen caviare, others still frozen preserves, others again sausages whicli could not bo bent even if put against tho kneo nnd pull ed with nil tho strength of both arms. Can 011 imagine without laughing tho appear ance presented of seven different dishes bo- fnrn tlintn .tut imalit. tt ..r.t,A. -... .w, ....v. v..,t.w,v. m i.'l.l-, UI1U Ktl lUCMl except at tho risk of breaking their teeth? Nothing could bo dona except to wait pa tiently for tho dishes to bo thawed. Grad ually, ns each articlo of food softens, faces brighten, and when at hut a knife entered ono of the dishes, thero was a shout oftri- mph, which announced tho beginning of to meal. At the closo of the meal we had some excellent fruit, which had been kept rozen. Throughout Siberia, as soon as very colli weather Bets in, all fruits are placed out f doors with a Northern exposure, that tho sun may uever touch them. They aro com- lete as just -plucked from a tree. When placed on the tablo they aro as hard as wood and when they fall accidentally 011 tho floor they make the same noise that a wooden ball would do. Tho heat of the dining room gradually softens them, and they icstimo their' original forms. Whon eating some gamo one day, I, out of curiosity, in ked how long it had been killed, I was told over two mouths ago." When ojld weather sets 11, nearly every butcher kills all tho ho requires during tho Winter. Fish be comes bo solid that In all tho markoU they are seen lean'mi: against tho wal's on their ills, no matter what their length or weight may be. What is; in IInvr.N. Tlio following llncs(in the 0rgin.1l spelllngjfrom a noeni entitled tho "Pricko of Conscience'' by Richard Hollo, a Doctor of Divinity, were written about JBGO.J I her is lyf withouto ony deth, And ther is youtlio without ony eldo ; And ther is nlle manner wcltbo to weldo : And ther is rest without ony travalllo ; And ther is pec3 without ony strife, And ther is alio manner lyklngs of lyf; And ther is bright somer ever to so, Aud tlierUnovcr,wiiterlutliatcountrlo: And ther is moro worship nid honour, Then ever bado kyrige other emperour. Aud ther grcto melodic of auugelcs song, And ther is preysiug hem amouge. And thero is alle manner frendshlpo that may be, And ther la evcro perfect love and charltie; And ther is wisdom without folyo, And ther is houesto without yileucyo. All these, a man may joyesof heveno call : Ao yutte tho-most sovcreyn joyo of alio Is, tho klghto of Goddes bright fuce, In wham rcsteth alle mannere grace. As a colored, resident ol'Detrolt was breast ing tho storm, with a new umbrella over his head, he was Halted by afrioud aud brother, who asked: . Mc "Is dat your umbrella J" "Yes, Btih cost me $2," was tho prompt reply, 'Mr. Savage," said tho other very, snleni" ly, "when n man will buy a $2 umbrella 1 1 keep tho wet oll'n a fifty-tent uflt ofclut. es, what's do uso to talk about cv. 110 ny '