THE COLUMBIAN. iii,ooMsnunti, in lit ay, s:ncn at, ts;o Hall Homl Tlmo Tnlile. LACKAWANNA IlLOOMStlt'Wl IIAII.ltOAD noiitii, rnuTit. Accommodation Train, A.St. l,n A. M. Mnll Trntn 7.40 A. M 6. 3 1'. U Kxprcss Train IMV.M, U.M A, M 11 6.5) 1'. M. OATAWIS3A UAH, 1KIAI). south, soi'ttt Accommodation Train ...... CM A.M. 7,Eii l'.M. ltcgular llxpress 3,M 1'. M. 11,1)3 A. M. Through cars on I'.xprcss train either to New York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between Cntawlssa and Wltllatnsport. Slieriir Grovcr Is titillo sick ami confined to (ho lioiifc. A fourteen year old girl in .Sullivan welglii 185potind. Isaiah Yeager inn lea ml his hotel at Slab town to Wellington Ycnger. Tlio tramp travel Is Blaclittit; tip a trifle. The nightly average In tlio lock-up is only three or four. One of our druggists is singing. "Oil where eih where ish mine little dog gone?'1 Can any body tell Mm? It's a mailer of no particular moment, hut did any body ever hear of an organ grinder being killed on the railroad ? The D.vnvillo llccord printed lat week an ad ditional list of thirty-two Montour county sol diers who served in the late war. Tho Krio Observer remarks that -'Charles If, lluckalcw, of Columbia, heads the editorial tick it," Hotter write to Mctiamln about that. A very dangerous counterfeit five dollar hill on the Merchants' National Hank of New lied ford, Mass., Is in circulation. Look out for them, Jefso Hlcki has purchased tlio clothing bust "ess of M. U. llriitaln and removed to tho store of IT. 0. Harlman. Ho will go to tho city soon for new good. Tho Opera Homo block in Scranlon was de stroyed by firo on tho morning of March 23. The loss is slated to bo nearly $150,000 J Insu ranee $75,000. Tho firo was tho work of an incendiary, for whose arrc3t $5000 reward is of-fercd. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCR LOjMBB gRGCOLUMBlA COUNTY, .. FOR BARGAINS Mr. Emanuel Savage, of Jackson township, while engaged In felling trees on Friday last, met wlili n painful and serious accident, In which he had his leg broken in two places just below tho knee-joint. llcnton (or Orangmtlc) W'etUj, Chief of lVltcc Woodward reports that dur ing the period extending from tho middle of November lo this dato helms had mora than four hundred tramps in the lock-up. This Is a startling statement, and will doubtless surprise most of the citizens of Hloouisburg. There was an annular eclipse of the sun last Saturday, which would have been visible at a Hto hour in the afternoon, had the weather been favorable. Hut It wasn't on tho contrary, very much the reverse. Tho rain fell heavily and the clouds were dense enough to have hidden a tital eclipse. What Is ibis ground-hog business, any way? If, as we understand It, the animal went home nbout tho second of lat February with tho re mark that "cold weather won't bo played out yet for six weeks," then we innglno lint he know what he was talking about, and should not be reviled. Twcnty-fivo collieries operated by tlio I'hlladclpliia and Heading Coal and Iron Company resumed work on Monday. Centralis correspondent writes us that on Saturday night last a miner named Michael Mclnaghaii was killed at tho Continental Col liery. The body was not recovered until tlio following morning. Ho leaves a wlfo nnd two chttdrcn. Orders havo been received at Centralla to re- sumo mining operations, and It Is hoped all tho Idle men will soon havo employment. State Noiimai. School. Tlio opening of the Now Normal Hall will tako place on Wed nesday, April SClh, at ten o'clock a. in. Addresses will bo delivered by ox-Oovcinor James I'ollock, Dr. J, 1. Wickcrsham, Super intendent of Public Instruction, and others. The citizens of llloombtirg and all friends of education aro cordially Invited lo bo present. The spring term will open on Thursday,Apnl 27th, nnd continuo twelve weeks. An exchange commenting on tho weather during tho past winter, says: That mild winters are unhealthy, tho past decidedly demonstrates. Although wo havp had an unusual number of clear bright days, nnd comparatively but little foggy, rcoist weath er, diseases of llio throat and lungs, and levers never were so prevalent, fc'-o faK during March, the mortality list is unuuaiiy lorgc. l-ncti- monla, particularly, during the pat tnree months, has been moro general and fatal than ever known before." Cyrus Dricsbach, of I,ewlburg, had a dog and John II. lte-ale shot him. Mr. Iieale was sued nnd judgment awarded against him for SCO. If ne lived in I.cwislurg, wesliould raise dogs of particularly Irritating dispositions and nut to loss of temper on the part of the citizens, for a comfortable income. I'loomsburg was certainly not neglected at Lancaster, having obtained n Presidential elec tor and a delegate to the Democratic National Convention at St. Louis. The Independent HVrMihas removed its office to Ilentein, Tho editor says "this change will bo dccididly lo our own interests in more ways than one." Good reason enough. "The Centre Select School," under tho aus pices, of Centre Orange, No. 20, closed on the :ll Inst, witli appropriate exercises. Many itors were present. The-II. L. Society met ic same day to nominate officers for the next nn. The society was organized January 6th, and now has 63 members. Coal mining in tho Wyoming Valley region was resumed la-t Monday. This will give em ployment to thousands of miners, and will make the moncv market thereabouts a Irille easier. Maple sugar season is at hand but there have been loo few nm-diiny days of late for the pro fitable tapping of trees. After the first of April Wo shall prubably see freh sugar in market. Por many years wolves have been almost en tire strangers in Pennsylvania, but during the p 1st winter sheep in great numbers have been killed by these beasts in Clearfield county. A flock of wild gece lias been feeding on the grain fields along the river, every night for nearly two weeks past. Cannot some of our sporting men bag one or two of these big birds? Itcv. John Hewitt on Sunday lat held ser vices for I lie last time as rector of St. Paul's Church, but announced that, at the request of the vestry, ho would officiate or. Paster Sun day. The Dupont Powder Company, at Wapwallo pen, lias suspended work for the present. We trust this will not cause the powder keg manu factory of Judgo Monroe, nt llupert, to su.-pend operations. The Titusville Cmrier published last week, a list of nimly-one sheiill's sales, litisiness niii-t be slack in that region, but where does any one find money to buy the fauns offered for sale that's the mystery. Wo rejoice to see that Miller, the genial clerk of the Exchange Hotel, has relumed to his post after a short vacation. He looks well.of course, because "hand-ome is as huiid-,onio does," and .he always docs that. Eight feet of snow fell in Sullivan county a4 winter and only fourteen inches this season. Shouldn't be surprised if they had fresh vege tables up there this summer, but it will crowd the Autumn somewhat. Maiket, Third and Centre Streets are in an exceedingly muddy condition and the opinion is becoming general that the only way in which these thoroughfares can be kept in good order is to pavo lUem with stone. Ono of tlio queer things of life is la hear peo ple who cannot write tno consecutivo lines cor rectly, ili-cours'uig upon the merits and demer its of newspapers, and telling how they could itnpiovo them if they only had the chance. A man with a trained bear was in town, one afternoon la-t week' and the unfortunate animal performed such tricks as he had been taught. Our sympathies are always with llio bears they look so utterly woebegone and wretched. Tlio Sunbury and Lewislown ltailroad was sold at public auction last week, and was pur chascel by John K. Valentine for $101,000. A protest was read before the sale declaring It it legal on the ground of insufficient publication Mr, K. Dennett, Professor of Penmanship proposes organizing a class in this place. II will meet Ihoso interested in the art this even- .iiisi in the rooms over Drown Scott's Confect ionery. Mr. Dennett ceuies among us highly .recommended. The saddest occurrence at Lancaster was J. J. Auten, and Mart. Wilhiugton, of Nortlittniber- inl, eating three saucers, each, ot smear case," tin: Loopcr J louse-, under Hie impression that was ice iream. (,(i:tc v Jiutletin, Can it lie? Mr. Auten has the floor and will roh.iblv rise for n personal explanation. One of the Pditorsof the Illooni'-buie Coi.VM an has advertised for a bull-dog and a see-ond anil howitzer, in anticipation ol another rish g creek rehellicn. J'lymovth Judex. If begets them he will have more munitions f war than awholo army division could find n tho County in 1801. Out of nine hundred and ninety-one prosecu ions brought in Schuylkill county courts, since anuary, 1872, six hundred and thirty-two wero for assault and battery, two hundred and eighty four were for surety of the peace, ten for riot, and twenty-three for murder. I'oltsville Miners' Journal, Mr. W. P. Jones, the enterprising merchant of Catawissa, will remove his fine stock of Kernels to Past Nanticoke, on the first of April. Mr. Jones is a live business man, and we regret tat ho is going to leave this county. The pro of Nanticoke will find in him a reliable merchant, nnd good citizen. Success altcnel him. .A lot of bound blank notes suilablo for ad au'iiaitrators, or executors nnd also for vendues Alsemrelers for School and Poor Distiicts, just printed, Dlnnk petitions and bonds, for tavern nml iaiiW-house licenses, lor sale at tne e.ob' umuian Office. A new twenty cent silver coin bearing on ono side the words "United fctntes ol America Twenty Cents," and on the oilier tho Goddess of Liberty and 1S75, is out fresh from the mint. It is a litllo larger than tho five cent nickle, but of about the same thickness. Lewis Weiss, a hotel keeper of Deach Haven was struck bv n Passli.g train on the L. & 1). 11 U. near Derwiek, on Monday afternoon last, ,! r.wlveil iniurics so severo as to cause III n four IwilltM iifleruunU Mr. Wi-Iw had tho hotel urewcity in UohisbiirK, form erly kept by Mr. Kline, and expected to tako possession at an early elay. All nersnns intending to apply nt May term of Columbia County Court for Paling-house, lintel or Lluuor-storo licenses aro rcepureii u fill their petition's wilh the clerk on or before ihu twelfth dav of April next, us after tint lime will bo too late. Dlank petitions and bonds prepared under the new license lasr, can he had at tho " Printing Office." I; Dloouisbiirg. D. Phani; Zaiiii. Clerk Q. S. M rs. A. J. Colley and her son Alexander Colley, wero brought hero and lodged in jail, on Saturday, charged with setting fire to tho barn . e 1,'imi.l,. 'l l.miiMs. on West Creek, near llenlon. Tho bam was entirely destroyed willi Its content, consisting of bay, grain, harness Ac. and aUu five- head of Horses nnu a iw, pi... fir,, nr-purreil on Pridav night lat and was discovered nt midnight. ,Tho loss Is estimated nt $1200 on which no understand there U tm Insurance of $C00. The Senate at Harrisburg has passed a bill making the tenth of May the opening day of the Centennial a legal holiday. This legal holiday business is slightly overdone. It would be a good plan to have a standing committee on al holidays, wilh instructions to not let the umber run up to more than four in a week. Venanyo Sitcctator. The following officers of the Columbia Coun ty Dank were elected on Saturday last. Direc tors, W. S. Conner, U. W. (-reveling, tlios. Crcveling Jr,. C. Uitlenbender, Samuel J. Con- cr, Samuel Kuorr, and C. W. Miller. Presi- lent, W. S. Conner, Cashier J. V. Logan. Tho Hank will be open for business on April 1st in Gil more s new building. The following officers were elected on the evening of the 25lh inst., in Van Camp Lodge I. O. of O. P. for the ensuing term. N. G. David Winner. V. G. J. S. Phillips. P. S. C. P. Knapp. A. S. Peter P. Knapp. Treas, M. W. Nuss. The following bill hns passed finally in both branches of the Slato Legislature! lit it enacted, ite., That any person within this Commonwealth who shall playfully or wantonly point or discharge n gun, pistol or oilier fire-nrm nt any other person Bliall be guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay n fine not ex (ceiling one thousand dollars, and undergo an imprisonment not exceeding one year, or citii cr, or both, at the discretion of the court. The Ilngliesvllle Enterprise Is waging a fierce war against the county commissioncis of In coming county, whom it accuses of reckless ex travagance. The last number of the paper eon tains a wood-cut representing the commissioners and their clerk busily engaged in doing nothing, whilst from the figures wo gain the information that tlio commissioners get in the neighborhood of $800 a year each, and the clerk is set down at $1200. These sums aro rather large, even for a big county. It is understood that the bonds holonzihl! to various parlies, stolen from the Pirst National Hank some months aco. have uecn rctiirneii ni a cost of about ten thoiisaiul dollars. The bonds and securities amount to near a hundred thous and elollars. 1'ittston Gazette. Dank robbing is a profitable business, after all. If the thieves cannot keep all they steal, they can generally compromise with the bank officers, as in tlio above case, nnd make a hand some profit for a few hours' work. The bill providing for tlio erection of water ing troughs along the public highways has be come a law, but it does not apply to counties having less than 45,000 inhabitants. It would puzzle anybody but a State legislator to tell why this limitation is made. If theso troughs are useful in largo counties, why not in smaller ones, nnd if not deemed necessary in sparsely Bettled counties, why was the limit fixed at so high a number of inhabitants as 45,000. Wo give it up. The editors of the Dloomsburg Cbfumdiaii and the Montour American have formed themselves into a mutual admiration society. They' evi dently want to be noticed, nnd have arranged to elo it themselves, if noboely else will. JUnlelon Sentintl. How envious you fellows are. Don't any body say a good word for the Sentinel! Then ... . . , .i . .... i ., we will. It s a ue.iuiiitiiiy Tinmen, sprignuy, well edited paper and a credit to the town and county. There I ' Coals of lire, etc. you know. A daring attempt was mnelo to rob ho First National Dank nf Cliambcrsburg. l'cnnn , on Friday night last. A man call ing himself Major Itolllns, of New Orleans, of gentlemanly nppcaranco and reputed wealth, who had been boarding nt ft leading hotel In Chnmbersburg for nearly n yta'i mado tho acquaintance of many of tho prin cipal citizens of the town, ft mong them tho cashier of tho bank. U. It. Mcsscrsmlth. OnJPriday evening, Uolllns called on Mcss crsmlth with another man, namcei joun- son who. ho said, wished lo place ft nackaeo of 130.000 In thn batik. All thrco event tn tho bank, nnd the cashier while opening tho safo was gagged nnd bound by tho ruluans. lie matiageel to glvo tno aiarin, nnd Uolllns was captured, but Johnson es caped. Tho huge, drastic, griping sickening piljs, coiistiucted of crude, conrto nnd bulky in gredients, uro last lieiiig stipcrseucu uy xr. IMns,..,'. lUi-itit I'nri'fttivo Pellets, or fell- rai-.ivinieil. (Iniicpiitriitcd Uoot and Herbal lllll ll.n "1 lllln .iiiii-n. t nil-I, I mil's ,titu.,a ...v ..... Giant" Cathartic or .Mif'i'KNi fn Puri o Physic. Modem Chemical Science enables Dr. Pierce to extract from tho juices ot the most valu able roots nnil Deri's their ncuvo inceiiciuai principles, which, when worked Into litllo Pellet or Granules, tcarccly larger than mus t.inl Meed, renders each little Pellets as active and powerlul nsn lnrgc pill, while they nro much more paiatauie nnu piciisain in euw. Dr. In.v a. of llaconsburg, Ohio writes: "I recard vour Pellets as tho best for the conditions for which you pre scribe them of anything I havo ever used, so mild nnd certain in effect, nnd leaving tho bowels ill nn excellent condition. It seems to mo they must tako the place of nil other cathartic pills nnd meelicincs." Lyon k druggists, Vcrmll linn, n. 'P.. snvs: "Wo think thev are going to sell like hot cakes ns soon as jieoplo get acquainted with them and will spoil tho pill trade, ns those that have used them liko them mush better than largo pills." MA11KET ItEL'OHTS. DLOOMSUUKO MADKPT. Business Notices Ihr llenl.Tnn clecnnt room. BUltablo lor oiiices. . Kent reasonauie. ipiuy soun. J, 11. Alaizc. Kspytown Steam Planing Mlll-for snlo or :nt Address, N. U Punk, rent March 21-lf Illcoinsbtirg, Pa, rnil nt-'.NT. Thn (nrn rnomon Mnl'l Street, below Market formerly occupied by P. P. Lutz, ns ri Drug Storo nnil lately uy M. C. Drittaln ns a Clothing Store. Inquire of P.. I. Thornton. Mm. 21.-U. Por Unnt A first-class oflico In the Co- himbian llullellug, fronting tho Court House, Apply nt this olhcc. Vnn Ur.s-T. Tho House, barn, and lot on Past Strcrt, formerly occupicel by I. W. iics, appiy io juiuuiiwAi Dloonisbtlrg, Pit. tl Mnver Itmiliets lmva lii their Main Street store tlio best assortment of Hard lttibber Gnnds. over brouuht to Dloomsburz, com prising Hair Dritshes, Combs, or various styles, Drinking Cups nnd PInsks, March Doxes, Funnels, Syringes, Untiles nlso (Jtim Glotli, nanus, eve. unu mm examine. O. C. Marr's New Goods nro nlways the latest Styles in the market. I.utz &. Sloan havo received their new spring styles of Mine. l)einoret's Cut Paper Patterns. Those not having received ti cat iiliiguo from the carrier can get one by cal ling nt tncir store. New Prints nnd full lino of domestics for c.T-li or produce lit Clark cc Woll's. Spring Shoes at E. M. Knorr's at very low prices. $2.00 buys a good pair ladies' Shoes at Atiliviiiiiigi n. White Dress Goods uro beginning to be looked at, at I.W. llartmnn's. Tho latest styles of Dress Goods at C. C. ilnrr s. GO TO THK THEY NOW OFFER 10 lbs. bent Wbito Sugar for 1 00, 2 and ono-hulf lbs. Good Oolong Tea for $1 OO. 5 Cans of 3 lb. Pcaciioa for $1 OO. 3 lb. Can Toiuatocu 18 ccnta each. CANNED CORN 20 CENTS PER CAN, All other- goods equally low, for cash or produce. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, VTOTICK. 1lin unrterslimMl wi uM here ty ftv i tn , I'm. i i i psrtl(s lnitetiN el to Mm. on nlo or Iio placed In the nolieli e.t tlfb proi-er iril lVbTi-tf. sTnniKN Kvorit, tonl lltll lo will r l rci- A DMINISTItATOU'8 JCOTHT. kstatk or KnwAiw inrrFv. i.atko, oi-niioroiNrBAiu, roi- si , -i it "in iti i S OCt. IMS. 11 MATTER OF POPULAR INTEREST. L- Por Wall Paper pn to G. A. Clark's. t l.ii Wheat per bushel llye " Corn, new, " lints, ' " Flour per barrel e'loverhceel l'laxsoed nutter 'rah'ow'V.V. I'otalocs Dried Apples Hams sides A; shoulders Lard per pound Hay per ton lioeswat Tlmnthv Si-eil UUOTATIONS I'll It COAL. No. 4 on Wharf 4,00 rcr Ton No. 6 " " 8.W ; No. r, " ' Mi . lihicksraltli's Lump on tliarf $ 4,m " " liltuinlnous ' 1 0.00 " " .ei' 1 CO 1.KU 7.ISI .35 .10 ,1'H .411 .10 .16 .VI .10 so.uo .2." i.W A. J. Drown, tho artist, has e-nesiccd ns an nssistant .Mis Uella Wilbur, wlioso reputa tion us a first class artist is unsurpassed. Hold tlio Port and buy a new pair of shoes nt McKinney s. J. Sehuvler it Son eivo notice that af ter Anril 1st thev will not liust. but will sell lower man any ono can nn uoing 11 credit busincs. White 3 pairs ol laelie s Cotton Hose at Dutz ev S You can get three oan's for 25 cents. I'UUAHY WKAVHU. At the Lutheran IMrsonago In catawissa, on the na, lnst., uy itcv. w m. ei. Mr. Win. T. Crcisy, to Miss Sarah J. weaver, bom ot Cntan lssa Township. FISHKU 1IENKV. on the sarao the same, Mr. Wm. Fisher, lo Miss Lucy A. Henry, bom 01 Main Township. COAL. COAL, Hid Established Coal lard. O. W. Ni:ai, & Duo., Wholesale & ltetall Don't buy old-fashioned poods because Dealers in all sizes of tho best qualities ol tliey are cheap. Uo to u. u. fliarrs ana gee Ilea and White) Asli Uoal, al me very lowest mo iiiicsi. spring si) -its uirai', market rates. Have constantly on liana largo stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Dlacksmith's Anthracite, Dituminous. and ivimcuurncrs ejoni The Scrnnlon Republican says that Asa Pack er told a prominent citizen of that city the oth er day that since tlio project of a Lehigh Val ley branch road from Pittston to nernnton I1111I leen so favorably eliscu-scel, lie hail made up :iis mind to build it if lie was forced to elo it alone. If a man has pluck and twenty millions, or so, lie can do most anything in this sinful world. The Harrisburg Patriot, , by sonic bluml L'lves the name of one of the Delegates from this Kleventh Congressional District as "David Lowrv." It should bo "David Lowcnberp.' The Philadelphia J't'mrs prints the mime cor rectly, but wo notice that some of our exchan ges have adopted tlio Patriot mistake. Mr David Lowry of Lehigh county, was a elelegate to the State Convention but does not go to St. Louis as a delegate. According to the report of the Secretary of Internal A flairs, McCandlcss, thirteen countios in tills State have no debt, viz: Aelams, lilair, Ducks, Dutler, Centre, Columbia. Cumberland, Pulton, Green, Huntingdon, Snyder, arren and Wayne. Tlio aggregate debt of the other counties of the Stale i S07.492.0 1, Philadelphia monopolizing $C0,C00.10 of this 'blessing." In addition Philadelphia has a floating debt of some ten millions. If a municipal debt is a mu nicipal blessing that city is the most highly fa vored one in the laud. The storm of Monday of last week did much laniape in Wilkes-Harre. Signs were blown down, roofs lorn oil' nnd plass broken. Messrs. Cath- cart & Clark, our former townsmen, were so un fortunate as to have one of tbe large plates of plass In tlio front of their store broken by the force of the gale. Dloomsburg ilul not sillier iialerially, though the storm was a severe one The barn of Mr. John Gibson, situated ir township, Lycoming county, togetli cr with cigiii nurses ami a mi pnnu ". stioyeel by lire on Wednesday evening lnst. In eiuhavorintf to rescue tlio horses Mr. lubson was badly burned ubout the face and neck iinil barely escaped Willi Ins life, llio loss is liniated at 815,000, supposed to bo partially insured. The light of the burning bam was plainly seen at Milton. Miltonian. If your next door neighbor has a little patch ol ground which ho intends to convert into a garilcu tlds spring, it is your duty, as 11 freo born American cituen, lo purchase ten or a uoz- 1 chickens and let them run at largo after lie gets alt his seeds in. Nothing leans so much excitement and healthful exercise to garden making as driving out your neighbor's chick- . .. . , . . ... 1 !.,.. C1H. II 11 is inconvenient io heej, emthviis, u young and lively dog, with an earnest dcairo for acquiring Information will answer llio same purpose. The iury to assess tho damages for straight ening tho Pennsylvania railroad between Cain station and Coatsville-, a distance of about ona mile and a quarter, has found llio sum of 2j 22tl 00, which is thought to ho enormous. Tho railroad company have no appeal, they having aereed to abide by the decision of the jury. Some of those juiors must have come origin. ally, from Sullivan county, where they don t liko railroads, There is treat excitement in Adams town ship. Cambiia county, over the reqwrt that llio Stinem.ui family have been left by relatives in Germany a forluno of nine millions of dollars, It is long since we have heard of one of those largo foreign fortunes, and it looks liko old times to read tho above statement. I he reek- less manner in which wealth is handles! abroad is well known, nnd nothing feems to be moro common than for fortunes running into millions to be found ownerless. To be sure, nobody on this side of the water ever gets any, and tins is really the only drawback. If wo could only know of some body getting a million or so it would be a preat relief. It would also stilfeii up our confidence in tho limnagcnient of wcaltli in the old country. Mr. (ieorge Washington Cliilds A. M. has been credited with somo of tho incut elaborato and curious obituaiy poetry known to tho pres cnt day. Some of the examples given have of course been purely imaginary although, in a humorous wav. very much liko some of tho verses to bo found in his paper, Tho following is genuine and wxs taken from the 7'iith'c Ledijer of March 2Sth where it was published under llio head of "Deaths." W u rather fancy it will bo considcrcil ditlicult to surpass this little cilurt. pnld newiy lliose'liltlo drewei That our Ceorgie used lo wear, He will need them on earth novcr., He has climbed the golden stair. Our first in hetivcn. Gone to meet ids grandmother. Tho editor of llio Danville Intelligencer an swers our urtlclo of two weeks ago 011 tho sub ject of tlio Ppiscopal church and tho common schools, by a Hat denlul that no ever cnargeu llio church with opposition to thuschool system, and then devotes a hulf column of illogical ai- punient, based mostly 011 mlsrepicsentaiions of our aiticli", to prove that he eliil inako such a charge and lliat It is true. The "scribe" of tlio Ooi.UMiUAN feels It a prhileije at all times to defend the Ppiscopal Church, from false charges made against It by the Ignorant, or malicious, ht lie does not deem It a nifuiy to defend it ugainst anything that the InttlHyen err may say. Tho folio wing aro Ihe appointments mado I tho Central Pennsylvania Conference of tho M P. Church, for places within this county . hanvii.i.K DiSTittcrr. N. S. Diickinglinni, prodding elder, Dlooms burg postofiice, Inla J. Lloyd. Duckliorn J. Horning, lllooiusbiirg J. S. M' Murray. P-py and Light Street A. Drittaln. Orangcvillo H. S. Menelenhall. Denton C. L. Denscoter, It. Lovcland. Derwiek J. H. McGarrh. Millllnville P. Gciuhnrt. Catawissa S. W. Seairs. Ccnlralia (1. M. Larned. Messrs. J. Lorish and J. P. Stoker, Columbia county men, proHwo opening their brick dwell ing house, No. 3733 Market Street, Phlhidel plila, for tho reception of boarders during th Centennial Inhibition. The house is wilhl; eav distanco of llio pxhibilion grounds, and III horse airs pass the door every few minutes, Tlioso who wuli to secure hoarel and aveilu tli lariro prices charged by llio hotels had hettei wrlto to Messrs. Lorish and Stoker and uiakour- raiiEeinents. Heavy baggage will betaken the house by the proprietors If visitors will han them the It. It. checks. March 31-lf. Marriages. W. P. Hess has removed his storo lour doors below the old stand into one of the rooms of tho bin dins' lated V erected by W ni. Gilmoie, where ho is opening a large stock ol new goods wliicn win uc soiu us eucnp as can be nail in tnc city. Dress Goods at Clark & Wolf's, 121 cents and up, with a lull lino ol J.iujies' lies, ltuchings, licru ietis, i,nccs, uuipuro im and Uiisliniere l.aces. Por comfort and durability, buy McKinncj 's fine. Shoes, all widths and sizes in the best makes. TtpndvMado Clothing. Chcancr than ever at D. Lowcnbcrg's. Flour and Feed at M. M. Russell's. Wo condensefrom tlio Lehigh r.enhkr the tuusuiiii-u ;i uy fiiversuiiun unomuaic nan, in rhiladeyWily eVanamakcr& Iirown's " LurKCist Clotlilnjwifo In America." A visitor mid attendant-ft 0 tho speakers : I Inter. " What corner Is the BulMlne on?" Attendant, " Komli-Fjirt corner of Ruth and Itnrkct, l'leaso nolo tlio SIXTH, fur somo nrangers recking Oak Hall, havo been misled by designing pi uons." V. "H Is pcriectly colossal I Do you know its dimensions?" A. "12,000 quiro fect-W 011 Jlarkrt, and 180 odd on Sixth, tlx stories high, has our threo acre! rtfloorlsf, nnd cove- - fpaeoone-o occupied by tiircSian twenty diCcrcnt busi ness placcs." V. ''Ho you uso steam-piwer?" A. "A giant young engine iurnlhcs power Torino freight nnil passciii-cr elevators, anil ll.o boilers e team for healing, and tho other opera tions of tlio house." V. " What order do you lake with gooda?" A. "Theynio first iJpejfcd nnd arranged In tho basement, on longlv counter.!, and taken thence on tho fljAto otor to tho inspec tor's room on thij'io'ii Coor." V. " Is InMicctiuaTilio lirst operation?" A. "No, elr, measuring, alio gojds nro first jneiwurcdin llio piece, then Inspected. H10 rloth passes o er rollers In tho fac 0 of a rtrong light, and two men sit, ono before ond ono behind tho goods, watcliln- with tho cyo of ft hawk for llio least pin-hole imperfectlr n, on l marking every flaw, so that tliu cutter may (to and avoid it when ho comes to cut tho car lncnts." V. ' You must employ nn arr? of cutters V A. "Coma to our tilth in,r and seel Wo keep ,0 hands all tho tiiyi ey.ting up tho rlrth Into garments, beside.1;; maeh ncs that do a dozen men a work caclTU r. stroke." V. "Do you mauulacturo all your own goods?" A. "Wo do, and most carefully. Our ex aminers Inspect ctcry ititcii nnd renn, nnd rcrtilyto every pamient as extra-well mado beforo wo put our tkkct on It, and becosio rc'ponslbio for It." , 'V "Your system must cave you n great deal ? y A. " in every direction, c!r. It is IK, t- uuu leunuuiy v, u that enables us : rsionla as wo do. V. "Aitcrlcsptctlngtlio work, whet tccomca of it?" A. "Dcforo it goes Into Flock It i.i ttclc'cJ. Every single gaiment bos its Lumber kik other points Doled on it, so tha iucntlro Ike Jory cuu Lo traced wlU.i,ut fad, upta our honks." Y. " You must have CO cr -n salesmen?" A. "Why nr, 011 busy di.ya ; 1-11 me-'Aeo 100 in tlio various rooms nnd suites ot rooms, gelling to the throngs of eu-;mers." . "Iio you do cu order Lucie' by mall perfect ryten cId mlcsof self-measurement inako Iti'OMilhlo to ploaso t'coplo S.ieni miles nwuy Jf?t iiyfcrficlly as If they were hero lu XK-rson.'V V. " I euppoFo you barest least half a dozen different eU'imrtmcnuv A. " My dear tlr I wo havo moro than tiecntu, c.-ieh charri '1 with Its own business, and each, thoroughly ufanlred, a nccoKary w heel wilh- ;n liiu, V. "Ulll )vu i r.moaelozcn er so of tticml" A. "twin pleasure, 'llio Custom Depart ment, for Ihoso who prefer enn-.m-mndo to rondy-madf. 'j;Vu riirnlihlng Department, with its fflruio ftock of all underwear, llio Bhlrt Ktctorjr, witti Its busy machines, ralng Department, itself r.sbtg as many n regu lar ft. ro, Tlio (.armcnt Mock llocm. Ilia ltccelving I'.oor.i. Tl.o Order Depnitmcnt, named before. HieFpceialUnlfomu Depart ment, llio Delivery Depaitmcnt, with IU scoroof njesseiigeri!. The" V. "lluld.holdl sir, enough I" A. "rmiii.tlinirthrrughr Tho Advertising Department,wlth lu bllLand sign distributors. cditlnAnd publlsliii-ca business and jicpular journal, circuirrsig.ifte, iei,eweri..ismomiily (tell all your frl'tfVioiciid ftrltj. 1 ha Mens , i.w I'n.iwiuuii iuuu,;ll, toputc.urprA'uwii Uiho anil express?" A. " very great. All over tho country. Our Department, wltinis mr.ny rooms. Tho Hoys' Do-.inrlL.unu Tho Youths' Derailment. Oho Children's Department, with lis special cntrnueo for lsdlcs. 'llio Telegraph Deport ment. Tlio Chler elt-rk's Dei.rimint, wilh Its book-keepers and alstants. lienei-al Man tiger's Depai.menti l'ltiainler's OIUcc, nud ether c-ff.ces tf tl.o firmall bu-y as bees thinking, planning, exeiitlng, bulng, male-ing.reiistering.reiiA-ipv.scndlrgejiit.ielllig, anil in a thcusrinuA.j s joining tlielr forces to carry e n a business rwfili tho I enple nmount lng to between fJ,txi0,W)0 ana 13,000,000 an-tiu-illy." V. "P-t-ii-p-c-n-il-(vn-sl" A. "Indeed It isl I forgot to nnmo tho Ci'liler's Department, w hich handles its S25,UJO or retail salej on somo slnglo days I" V. "fl'.OOOl Immento I That's.what enables tho hou.-o to buy e hcai and sc'Vchcapi" A. "Dxaetlyl You liavo jjt h.t it. Tho reoplo throng here, krivylni that wo depend on low price., and ImnwsXeiales." V. "V.lut nro tho 'rota Mats' I hear so much about'"' A. "Our-; Irm of business dealing 1. Ono price, no dovu ' ,c,n i i Cash fcr ei erj tiling ; y. A guarantco protecting tho purcliaser: 4. Tho money relumed If tho buyer CiU't othcrn lio be suited." V. " Kothlng could be fairer." A. " Nothing. And llio iorlo r-eo It." V. "Well,! thank you, sir, ior your pvllto attention." A. " Krt at all. It's a pleamro to Fpfvo you. Call again; and be n:ru cl to phyTe Wuia maker f: Drmvn's Oak Ilallrt'ouSi-liut cor ner bixtli nnd llnrkct." Xf V. "Thnnl: y.-'Ut I shall bo harpy to do so. Good coining." hotter of Administration nn ihs-prtsT' Itniroy hit" of Hie Iirourli ol I'-ntn ' . ColmnMs, deeBSd,hV('InBriinteii ' ter of said county u, funui II. nalifiy of 1 1' of t'entralla. All lrvms lmliitjeh.ini eistatn of tho ilecoefont are roniinstort to nr tf unlfln.n,nt. nnil lliOHtt Inilt-ht, (1 I'll ' niakfl tsiyineut lo tlio uurterl(rnel nilmlnl r t wlllioutdehxv. 8.MIAII 11. iiai 1 , Mawli !l,-oi. Adinlnlstr,.i.rlx. DMINISTIt VTOIl'S NOTICK. of riAviD iiatik, huccabho. tz-tters of Administration on tho Hn - of David limis. lata r,I lleaver township, I'oiii.ii'iia' oi nt. A1 eleceasert, haTo licen ffrantPd by tho ileal it oo.. to Morgorct and. of llivld mm nf Rsld ret and John II. Davis, Aelu Inl-.lrntors .1wM All n-win. t-lnlmi against thooslatoof tho ilece-elent arc rcepie ted lo present them for settlment, nndtlms- inde-i-'ed ti tho eslnto to make- payment to tho iindcn.h,ntd Administrators without elelav. ,,.,,. , .1 A ll.t n in I if i , i, JOHN II. DA IS, Marenil,-t. Admlnlst.rut jrs. AlrtHNISTItATOU'S KOTICL. K"TATK or S. K. Al.TtKHTSOM, Dtl E A' D. letters of AdmlnlstMllon on the est.teof O.K. Al'.iertson. I.ilo of lienton lownslilii, nitiiitvot I f coiinty, flat) if lisnnsyivnni , ai a n, havo been grnneou io ii. i. f" '""") ! l'.i to whom nil prrss'ins Indcbterl to s 1 1 . M . , o niiucited to make layment, and t.n - ha Insf cl-ilnisordomandswlll nuke ssoown t',- a wt,i oul delay. II. 11. A t.llhl. isn N, Dentoi., March 1" -Cw, Aiinjiu i mt. ADMLVISTK VTelll'H NO PICK. 19ITATB OK RSOH IOIVI.IIK, UBe 'PA.-,I3. lAitiersot Adnilnlstiniliin nu B3NH s rs tnte ot Knos l'owl"r, latu of Itrlaren-ci. t wt, nip, Co. liimbla county, state ot Pennsjlvanta, ii. d, vo licen granted to W. 11. Drli-sbacii.of !-:il a t n . p, I.iiAei no county, l'n., to whom nil pi-rn-m . In le'1 ed nr.- reiiufstpil to inike pnvmtnt, fiud t , - lu4 nit claims or demands will make known tun sale w itn outdjluy. w.m. dijksi. a. Admlnlitrntor iu t m . M. .March IMC DMIN'lSTltATOlt'fKOTKT. rairATK or nonius 1-fiWr.l, DtcEAsi-n. u-tti-ra or Adndnlstrullou on tjie vt MorrH 1'ursel, lain of Miidlson tomishlp county ef eJoluinbta, state cf l't-nnsylwinla, ili-c el, huve Iwcn L'l-nnled to Coliruel lircnmei-, . f Mnal. cn tiiwiishln. l'a.. to whom all persons ln.1' ' at i ..-.Lit., ni-i, ri'niif-sted to make pnrnit nt. O. A. Clark has iust cotten in his purine stock of Ulauk Hooks. It is large and well assorted. No ulaco like I. W. Hartman's for Cheap I -a m " I Another lareo assortment of Calicoes. Jlus- j-.-Mie.'e;iui .icic-iikii.t. nii. w . --- ---r , i . i . c I ion of coaU.fore leaving our vnrds. Grain litis and Tickings, just received at l.utz ev CT. 131. JLIZIE'S MAMMOTH (GROCERY. Corner iMain and Center Slreets BLOOMSBURG, jP -A- - , n.l tn ,o hatlm,' claims e.r deuinnds Mill hhiki- im n tao sumo Hltnoit d.'la . CONK AD Kill' M Ell, IVu K5-is Administrator. 4 IMMTOK'.S NOTICK. t KSHTKOr WIIJIOX ALI.8N, DOTBl D. i no undersign -d AiidKoi' to m.r..- en '-i 'bnof tho fund In Hie hands of the Artmini-!"r if t . n tatei f Wilson Allen, doi uasod, Mill a", ad titno duties ot hlsnppolnttn.-nt. nt his nC tn lib. .ns burg. on 1'uesel.iv. Ap.-I n'tu. I Kill, ut la o'eiocl. a. m., when nnd when- all persons li ol' ' e Ins ugainst tno said estnte, nro reepiind to pr .rut the same before the AUultor, or lu debam If. ji e Jin Ing in lor a share of said fund. & otl I March 21, 1S?-4W. Auditor. A DUITOI'.'.S KOTICE. ri. E ESTATF. OK JAMF19 ItlS, L.VTi: Of COI-CM- BIA OOCNTV, PECEASKB. Tlio undersigned auditor appointed by tho Court to dlstubute tho balance in the luiid-. of the amln lst rotors ot s-.ilil deccM"Pd to nnd ani"nir the persons eutltl -d to tiie same, will attend UitheetulU sot his appointment nt iho MierliT's ofilcc In llliomi tiun:,on '1 uiwd iv, the Utli elay ot April, lsis, at ten o' 'look n. m., when nnd here all pi-rsousnro hereby notltied lo in iko their claim belmutiiq Auditor or bo debar rot rom coming lu on suld lund. WKSLEY W1UT, Dloomsburg, JIar. li-lw. Auditor. 4 UDITOIt'S NOTICE. fii tno matter of tho Sheriff's salo of the real t -tato T. II. and William 11. Ddgar, traditions Edward; iire. The undersigned, appointed by the fiurt ct Com mon Picas ol tiolumbta. county to distribute tnc nicn ev arlilntr from said sales to and nmongM. tlio i en titled, will perform the duties of his appointment nt tho onice et It. r: js .1. M. Clark In liloomsbun, on NUurdav, April, 22, is?n, nt 10 o'clock a in., when mid Leie all persons interested will i ttend. u. f. claim:. March 17-w. Auditor. .1UKUA UU1. v........-...-....-- "SH-- "- . t . .. . . "SI ml Lumber taken in exchange for coal, bloan's and will be sold at tnc cry T ho llV't stOl'k Ol trrOCOl lCS ami provisions, t.ilieCIlSWlU'0, U lltsBWlll e Uoal short btore. tpiitiem. &. Sons' Furnace, East Hloomsburg. I LiUIUUVl UUVtll lit v-jvittmw" " " , II delivered to any part of the town at cash prices. irt notice. Orders leit at I. AV McKclvy's Tmirhr.i rnrZi Pl.nin " re, or at our office, will receive nrompt,at- 0 I .y I n rord Carpet Chain, - tilm. Office and Yards at William Neal Clark oc A oil s. 8 cents at atronftKO respectfully solicited. COAL. 17 tf 25 Your COAL A fine collection of Surgical Instruments la nffpml for sale hv Mover Urotlicrs. Theso instruments arc of the very best materials nnd wiirkmanshit) and are mado from the When vnn o-n to rhiladelnhia ston at latest and most approved patterns. There the Allegheny House, io. Hl anu si-i Jiar kct street ; having been recently renovated, rice only per day. A. iii.cic, March lU,'7o-ly rropnetor, etc., etc., in the county, for sale at wholesale or retail at the very lowest prices. Oct. 8,1 8T5 A Hi u UDITOH'S NOTICE. mo matter cf tho Sheriffs sale of tho property. real estnto of Daniel fuieler dud Daniel .smder Company, and Abram Snyder and Ell Hart nun. Tho undersigned, appointed by tho Court of Com mon Mens ot Columbia county to distribute t.o money nrlsUigfrom said tales to and nmontr-.ttho lien creators, win jcrrorm the duties of his appoint ment nt the olt'.ce ut Hre-ckwny A; Elwell lu lilooios burc on 1'ilday, March .Ust, 1S7G, nt Mo'cloek a.m., when and where all persons Interested will attend. oi:o. D. ELWKI.I., March S-Iw Auditor. UDITOIl'S NOTICE. In tho matter ct tho salo by the Sheriff of tho real estate of Charles Leo ou Levaki IMcias, o.l., l'eb'y lenn, ISTS. Hie underslctnerl auditor, appointed by tho court toulstilbute tno money orisinc ii n. r 1. 1 1 io SeSi frii t'jtJ tsT-y i are no superior instruments in market. Any article not in stock: will uo lump-lieu uy Dr. Fillers Kidntv Cordial removes de posits of Gravel, Calculi, Acid), retention, of Urine, Ureal l urijicr oi tne luauuer unci Kidney. C. A. Kleim Solo Agent for Hloomsburg, Fa., Dec. 17,'7&-ly. ltupture cured In from SO to oo days by the Tri umph Truss Co.. ot 834 now ery, J. l ., who offer 000 for a rupture they cannot euro. Sec advertise ment and cut ot Truss In another column. Sena io cents for descriptlvo book of Triumph Ilupture- Curo. March 24, ,6-ij- Moyer lirothers with the least possible de- i-),,.ip.. ;n Tow Blanks. Pundav School Libraries), Depositary of the lay iii,dat.,,anufact'sjutpr.ce.s. Licuet ii Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARLS. Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Short Notice ai the Most Reasonable Rates. Store in Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomskirg, Pa. Ladies, call and seo E. Ilutterick & Co's Spring Pattern Hooks at U. U. Mnrr's. Tiow Shoes at McKinncy's. HAAS' EXl'ECroitlNT The irront uemcuy rnr WANTED. WANTED. WANTED. Anv nuantitvof Musk-Hat. Mink.ltacooii, Fox ami Skunk skins for which the highest Ouh price will uo panl by uaviei jjowenuerg. Ladies in mournintr can cct Henrietta Cloth. Peruvian Cloth. Cashmere'. Wool De- lain, Crapes, Handkerchiefs, or anything they need at iAitz x bloan's. Oct. 8, 1ST! pn,n.ii. r-niiii. cnnMiinntlon. anil nil Diseases of tho nnd num. 111 cure, and ottenwhen thelcaso apparently nopeiess. uuo nui iiil-uu iui.i, nine uo.en , at -u. Jl !ii... ti, i mx.H urn llpstroed nnv ineellelne can 1 create them anew. Hut u do say, that If a person has a violent cougn, Mgni Rwenes, ereepiiiK cuius, ,u n,inn..,i in ii.-r, 11 i-iiri- imiv uu ciit-Lit-u. .1. ii. linniel A! Co i Dear blrs I have used Haas' I'.xpectorntit In my family for so years, and hne the i-.-e perlenee cl l now liifc- Its Rreat nierlls.nnd do (,'Ind- ly ieeOIIlIlll-IHl It I" i Bminno nuu msu w.- ress,Kco...p.a,u,,u1 j55tf;jHKYiii:n, liuttcr 35 cents a pound, Eggs 1C cents a lUlsofdl s. Calf Hoots very cheap at E. M. Knorr's. II. -I, It 7 f "l "fT..Jl. I.n", ,ln,,l,l ll.C I null j u'cr. vi. v. v.iaiix uai ..i.i.u.i. ... stock of any other establishment in town, which must uo soul. fialllpolls. Ohio, Nov. s, lsls. Try It I I'lticu 6CCENTS. Bold oy an Drugcisis. le-u. li. sin I'noMiT ItmNKOitcr.MKNT. When tlio nhyi icnl tneiL'ies arc overlnskeel or Ilac tliroutth weakness or disease, they need prompt rein foreeinint. Ilenewcel vicor is most snccelilv sup (ilied llirough the medium of a Ionic stimulant, and among medicinal resources nf that clai,I Ios- tetcr s btomacli Hitters assuredly deserve a pre eminent nlace. Weakness, whether constitu tional or nrisiuc from disease or over-fatieue. cannot be beller compensated lor man uy a re sort to this prime strengthening cordial. Iho enfeebled invalid, tho convalescent and the. iced and infirm find that it is an unfailing source of vitror and comfort, lis combined tome and al terative uronerties nisei constitute it nn invalua ble rimidv lor indieeslion. weakness of llie or gans ot urination, constipation, torpiuity en ine liver, anil many ether irregularities nnu disa bilities, and render it an invaluable protection against malaria, as welt as disorders ol ine stom ach and bowels. March. Ladies, co to C. C. Marr's for E. Ilutter ick it Co.'s spring dress patterns, tho best in town. Ladies' foxed Gaiters $2.00 at McKinncy's. Now SnriiiK Styles of Dress Goods very cheap at u. u. Jiarr s. New goods this week at E. M. Knorr's. 1000 yards of Dry Goods to arrive this weeK at i. iv. iiuriinuu s. Oranges and Lemons always on hand nt M. M. itiissell's. For a nobby Cap go to D. Lowcnberg's. For lihuik Hooks go to G, A. Clark's. THE TRIUMPH TllUSS CO. No. 331 liowery, New York, TO WHOM WAS AYV.MIDED Till! PltKMHMI aiEIJAIi 1-on the Best .Elastic Truss and Snpr ier At the great A me i lean Institute 1'alr (4ESS10N ISTS.) Cl'IlE ltl'lTl'lIK IS l'UOM 1,0 TO 9 1 1UVF, ANII OlTEIl fl.Mii ton A Cask Thev cannot Cche. They em tiny a tlrst-cln-s Lad Surgeon. Terms modcinte. Cures e.uiiranteed. 'I lie usual discounts to 1'iitniis ct Husbandry. KMiiiilnalloiii Vice orders lllled by I. all. !e-nd ten ci nts for DescrlptHo Hr.C. W. II. lU'ItNIIAM, Mar. '.'l.Tii.-ly, Uc-uernl fcupcrliiteiideut. " sniVBZxTririjLTZ d ware. Electro-Plated Tabls Waro, AND Ornamental Ait Work IN onilAT VAHIETY, M AN U FA CT U 1 1 1C D 11Y TIIE Canned fruits of all kinds nt Itusscll's. liuli 10 TIIE AFFLICrEI) AND CNI OItTU- NATE. There is no class ot niirn mora enneneneu io iieae successiuiiy limn Ihoseiif a prliute characte r. Jinny physicians sun- tiose thai wnt-n tno primary Bjnipiouis ine ie'iiioeu, tho disorder or poison liiisbec-n oiercouie. huehls not the case, 'iho dllllcultles, or the various stages of the ellseaso aro then to slice attacked aro the throat, nose, ti-iirlrins. bones. IlL-iiinentH. ears. Iv these sjinplonis are treated by physicians as sim ple ulcerations, until some ot tho liniiortant organs ,rtiinl,odv becomo lmolw-d. wheiicieatli rellee ine bunerrr. int. 11. i. i.uiio, uuiiii; umuo u pu- iled- ulo diseases a study, guarantees a speedy nnd iier- innneiiL wmi iiureiv eifeiiiuio iiit-uic-iiic-s. jit-u- leul unices and drug store, P.O. S31 North Fifteenth btri'tt. Hours, hi till 1.30 mid 0 to 9 p. tn. iinrcu ir, 'lu-iy. Dr.TtiisWfEtlalileKuive Remedy. Tor arerfect restoration ot the nervous si stem, causing nil limueoiaiu uuu proin-r cuici in iiiu iuiiui liigcasesi lupous debility hnimlie-d nutrition of Ihu body, lassitude, weakness 111 the limbs unit back, Indisposition uml incapacity for study, dullness of upprelienslon, loss of memory, aeersloulo Boelcty, timidity, self-distrust, tllulncss, headiiehe, Incident tuboth sexes, for whoso benefit It Is designed and whoso hn plnesa It will promote. 'I ho most eminent I hslclans of tills country havo exerted themseUcs to the utmost to cluck Ihe In eieaslng falallty resulting from the rclnintlonof llio nerves. llulluL' for u long peilod devoled uitieli study, tluiu anil labor In establishing u reieedy lor tho perfect it-storatlou of tlienereous system, Ills Spring lirnche Shawls at I. W. llnrtman's $12.00 15.00 and $18.00. Don't forget to call and examino E. M. Knorr's Spring Goods uclore buying clsc- v here. Tho Newest. Neatest, and Nicest Clothing coed. Hie parts tirst- for jlum nn,i thUdnn lliat can be obtained i.'eyesl'Teliu'en in the'Niw York market hist received at XJ, l.uil Cliuci a. rieture Frames. A larco variety of Pic ture Frames, 8x10, in stock. Other sizes made to order, nt u. A. Ularrs hook oiore. New Orleans liakhig Molasses, choice Syr ups from 80 cents to $1 a gallon. A fine as sortment ol Young llybon, Imperial, Jupuu and lllack Teas at M. M. Uussel's. HATS 1 II ATS II HATS 111 Newest colors, lirown, lllack and Navy Itlue. just received at D. Lowenberg's, G. A. Clnrk annoiriices that nltlioUKh he does not keep "music" on hand, yet he is coiista ntly ordering. Send him your onlers l-'AiiMi-ns. Attkntion. Hii-m'1 lakes liutler the pe-rfeel itsiorat ou ot tne nereous sjsiein, it is i ,, - i ' V i. i.. i.. i .... r.,,,. gratliylng lobe able to announce the succeisat- Legs, Lard and Produce in exchange' for goods tending my new method, 'lUioiigh this remedy tho I - - lilllXMATlsM, Xettralgia, Lumbago, Scia tica ltlicunintlu Gout and Nervous Diseases nositivelv cured by Dr. Fillers llheumatic GENTS I 50 subscribers daily. Host literary paper, einiy 51. .011 3 ear. 1111 Mu neon & JlarchlT-lw. Only si. "A) a j ear. Tin co 10 chromes pi-nsier, I'uus , riiua. FOIl COUGH!:, COLDS, HOAKSKNESS, WELLS' CARBOUO TABLETS Put up oniv in ni.UD HOXKS. A Ti icil sini! fini-c Ilcmcilj'. For salo bvelrueerlsts cenernllv. and JOIINSTOK HULLOWAY Co., 1'hlladelphla, l'a. .Marcii i.-w. i:g rrom tue Micriu s i the duties of his nn- lHilntinent on s-atuielay, Uieblh day of April A. 1). Isiii, nt 10 ocluk a. m at the hherirf'H oilicc, in Hloomsburg, at which tlmo and place all persons nro hercbv re quired to rr.nko their claims beforo the au ditor or be debarred from coming In upnu nald fund. WD1XY W HIT, Dloomsburg, March a, 1ST0-4t Auditor. A UDITOIt'S NOTICE. Joseph 1'. Conner and Snmuel Conner Administra tors of ei. 11. l'owlerdece:isc'd,v. H. v. Daker. Hi tho Court of Coininon Mens or Cjlumbla County No, 23a Dec. T. lbTl-l-l. 1'u. 112 Dec. T. l;5 Vrud. Dx. lll-'eb. T. isio. Tho unaerslgncd appointed by tho Court to dis tribute the money arising from iLe bhcriri's ? alo In the above easo among the Lien Credltrrs legally ct titled thereto will attend to tho duties ot Ids ap pointment, at the Oflico of A. C. Mnllli & hem In llloomvburg on Kilelay tho 71111101- ct April lsTe!,wheu and where nil pel-sons baling Ileus are rceruc ted 10 present the same before tho Auellter cr lu delnrreil from ccmlng in for a shaie of told moiu y. HEIIVDY li SMITH, March 10, 'T0.-4t Auditor. WATERS' l AN0S, Miff-rag THE IlilsT MADLi tlio'loue. Touch. Woikiimushlu and Durability unsurpassed. WATRIiS' ltc; iXS, Concerto, NEW OIICIIESTIIAI., VEM'I'.lI. CHAIT.I., VIAI 11;, una 1 1 .Miu.i.i.A cunnoi no e-Meueu in luuo 101' Is 11 line 1MIT.V Warranted furblX or beauty. 'II10 coNe'I'le'lo v I 111. 01 llio 11L1A. tUICU. YEAIIS. I'ltlCKN r.XTIIEMUI.Y LOW fe-rcnUi during this Month. Monthly Installments rccctecd. A l.lbernl Dlsi ount to 'iciieliers, Mlnlsters.thurch. cs, M-lKinls. I edges-, 1 tc. AeiEN'i s 7 NTl'.D. 1H clal Indueeinenls to the trade. Illustrated Cat alogue sent. IIOUACi; WATUltSfiSONs-.-l-d llroad w ny, New York. , March 11-iw nerie-H cun bo reueiieu ami in such a way tnat. now- en cr shuttered or prostrated, they cuu bo poife-etl) rebtoriid. it nets on Iho nines ul once, jet with getilleuesg restoring Ihemto aiialurid stale, uud reir.ueiiig cuu nour uisutssuitf uisi-uac-D. M, 1 ., 1 litllo rt A T.'lnt.r. ejiA r,i lioiu bc-xe-s, inoio oi less, uuougu 1110 probiriiuoii 1 iiciruy .um 1 no. v. 4. u.v ..v..., Jec. ii, 10 jy of Ihoiienous byktein, loso their energy. In Mich I liloonisburg.Pa. Instances thuNerio lteinedy li.ay be itlled Uou In "'uu"1!!ul"bi o50 li roadway, Now York Tho best plated Spoons and l'oiks aro those Sliver Plated heuUcst 011 the pails wliironeccssailly tho most wear coincs, and bearing the lrade Mark, 1817 UOGEllS llltOTIlEltS-XII. N. II.-This great hniroumcnt In Slutr-I'lated spoons and 1'oiI.b Is applied ulilo to each grade ot l'late. A 1. Bund 12 oz.. osordeied. The Process and Machinery for manufacturing thete goods aro Pat ented. 1 he Ultra or "Staudaid Plate" made by this company Is slumped A 1, simply, Hid Is plated M percent, heavier than the ordinary markttstand ard. Iirrirfct l'n 111I1.111S ancrded al al l'ulrs where exhibited, frrm Wcriel's 1'iur ef lsj-j to American I nslliute l ull-, U75, Ineluslee. Jlnrcli 10, 10. dm. Aiiims HiMrn! Medals nnd Diplomas awarded forllolmans OKlAh MHLKS. ifio llluslratloi s. Addie-sblui i.ew circulars. A J. llolman A co.,V3j Aich tlreil, Hilla. JIar. 11-iw -ir 4 xtfPlll Agents for Iho best selling WiVjN I l iliii l'aekogo in ll.o world. It contains 11, sin 1 lb pal 1 r, ir. em eluj es, guide 11 pen, penholder. peliclO'iittlit juiel meusuie, nnd 11 pleeo if jewelry, Mnglo rnckuge Willi pair cf elegant Hold Menu Weeio liollins poslpnid. tn cents, s, w nil assorted Jewelry, fi r II. 1 1lls p .i-ktu,'" hub been eainliiid by tho imiillsliersol the nnd found us represented woilh thuliioi.e, ,ulehes Kiiiiittwoyioaiiugenis. cuciuaisirie. lUIIDK A. CO., 7Cy llrcudwaj. N, Y. Mar 1T-4W KAUB FRYMIER & EDWARD Successors to 11, Dorsey t Son, 0IIINA. GLASS & QUEENSWARE, Old Stand, 9.'3 Market St., opp. new I'. 0., I'hll.i. An offeilng gro.t inducements tn purchasers of I'llUNCll DI.NNHll mid 'I I1A MITS, plain nnd decoriite-d, eliole-o slyle-K uiiilfciiperlur nujltle. AnoxlentUe undMirlid nsse rlinent of clIAMUlilt, ii-Ki.ieir. ami iio.Mi:sue' e.LASswAiti-;, plain, cut. nnd encraeed. ourblci-k has U-en oniv. iully telected and pun hused lor cash, enabling us lo sell nt the lowest pilc-e-s. lispecial care devuted lo our 11 lull di I'nnii ill. i'urllcular allrlillun given to decoialloii of clilua nnd glasH 10 older, In fulisets ortu mute h broken sets, mil lino or latest styld-i undtn-si niakmof hll.Vlill-WAlli;. D H Co. March 17-isw OIUDGE LETTING. n o will be at our office, In Dloomsburg, on Mon day, April srd. 1S70, nud will receive propo-inlbe-tw ecu ono and two e.Ylcw!: p. m., ot said day t J build the following named bridges : Ono out Little l'isldng creek, near Jacob Christ ian's, superstructure to ij a wooden bracoc reel bridge. 44 feet span, Vi feet rcadway,aud built upon old abutments. ono hew bridge over samo Creole near Samuel Ecknian's. To bo a wooden brico covered bilUge, 52 feet span, nnd two abutments 8 feet high with aultatlo wing walls, roadway Hi feet. PU.A8 jioiir.NiiY, 1 ejomrs. joun iinr.Nr.u, of J. E. 6AND3, J Col. Co Comn'lssioncrs' ofllce. Dloomsburg l'a., Mar. 21, let. Attest: March 21, "o.-5w. WM. KUICiaiAt M, l lerlr. Verbatim lioporting. h--r . nud ' I" ' i-; fur vi 11 1 s TliilMS: Actual travellnc-. boniilln" ezpenses; live dollars a sesbliii, tert.-i 11. nini icu ce 111s a 10110, t uunureu vor ..-i, 0111 uuu loiig-imuei. Whc 10 the matter reported In one day erju or exceeds Ml tullos, the iie-.Mloilar 1 v .1 1 i-b llt e d, nnd ihe iranseillilug Inii, long-lui.d e 1 at lllteeti i-ents a folio; but, lu all we". 11 - ii wir limn nri folios are purchasu!, the uve 1 s vt.i bo charged. AililioHH. S. N. Walker, A. M . luui ? -.. rapher, Dloomsburg, Culumidu county, 1'-i,',ajia. Ilia. Uoeldcnco. iron street, between "ultit met l'ourtli. oniee, WlllE. E.Onls. Dsq. .foli'ialii i-Uulld-tng; entraiice.opposlto tho cut gutr to tao cujrt houeo said, nrst lloor, llrstdoo: ti. rt -lit. onli-e-Iiour, from twelve tu one o'c. ii, rcb is, isTC-ly A warded llio Highest Medal at Vienna. ..SSIIERIFFS SALES. iiv viiiri i: or a wkit or vr.ND.rx. v 1 cut of tliu Court of Cotniiioii Pleas of I'ouuubl, 1 j. ty no's lu Inn uuceteu, wui bo tAi-osed ti..ilr u.i l 10 piCUUSL-S Ull SATUl'DAY, Al'HIL 8th, 1-7C, at 10 o'clock a. m., nil that certain real e " ' to In Montuna, Coiijnghain lowuulilp. ccp ,. r a ty, lioundidby hu d of Dvau., i.f .Mury 1 ee ) tho west 1 being ubout lldlty fiitin Hunt, 'IhoNerie heiucdvts- laielullv loiiinouiided audi ill up In boxes with full dlrei-Uoim. l'llee, 0110 dol lar, ciuresied 10 any address on receipt of prleo. 1)11. 1. ClIAl'NCl'.'Y Tl-.llllY. 12iw Vino bireet, 1'hl'a. onico hours, 11 a. m. 10 s p. m., 1 to v p. in. March lei,T-ly Tint ONiiv Hi'iuf I'l'iiK Yon Iti'i-TiuiK. 'I'ho oldest and best hernia surgeons In the world aro some of th advantages olfeied by tho Triumph Truss Co., 331 llower)', N. Y.i whoso truss and supporter wero I awarded tliu meiiai at mo late tcwslon 0! mo eireai American JustUiitu l'alr. Mend 10 cents for thelr uowboe, March 21 JC-ly If you want a good Hum, If you want cheap uml gotiel Tea, If ypu want Coll'e'c Java or Uio, If you waut Kooel C'uniieel Fruit, If you want tliu best Mackerel, If you want Sugar for tho least money, If you want tho best Syrups iu town, If you want goenl Cigars, If you want good Tobucco, It' you want anything In tho Grocery and Provision line, go to Huiui'Xi.'i'.Malii street, tf-25 WANTDD, AODN IS for Iho eillDAT CKNTENSIAIi VNIVKliSAI, IUST0UY to the elotu cl'thu llrst lis) jears of our National In cletH, Ineluiilng 1111 uee-uuiit of the 10 m Ing lii uml ceiiteiilihil Kxh bltlon, too who, lino eiigrnv- s. i.xua leiins. m-iiu tor Co., ais Aich Miccl, 1'hUa. logs, low pi lei1, tiulik sales, clioular. I'. W.VlefclerJll MlUvlilHw, "V7"ANTED, AdF.XTS. A complele lilslo 11 ryot I'eniis.iluinl.i, 1'roni Iho Hist selile. meiits to tho picouit. I Wm. ii. Cviltill, !.. I . ll. Noaily co - hireo octnui nugi-K nvf-rTl. tinei llln-tm- iloiis. No full hUli of our stale has bes-n Issued foroicr hullu cciiliuy. Agents will icce-lvou our. dial welcoii.olii liiliuiluelug IhlK siiletidld work. A 1UKE eluse i:. We- wulit livnl netnu luce er town shin. lurlllll iwlllcUlAmuud rhuleo ot terrlUiry. Addiowi ouaktrr City I'libluiilnif Co., Jilbouilifl Mitel, I'hlhe. Aliuch II-5w. E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO., O'Jl, Hroadicay, iVcie? York. (eipp. Metropolitan Hotel.) MiiiiTACTriinis, IsirotiTEiis anp Dealers is ClIliOMOS AND FKAMES, STKHEOSCOPES AND VIEWS, Ll!l' MS, GltAPlHWCOPES &SU1TA11LE VIEWS. PlolopiicWerials. Woare headiinailcrs Icreierj thing In tho way ot Storeopticons aud Magio Lautcrns, lieliigManufaclureiso; iho Mlt'ltO-SCIENTIFIC LANTEltN, ' bTEltr-O-PANOPTlCDN, LNIVEHSITV STEIlEOPTICdN. A DVEUT1 SE1 t'S STEU UOPT ICON, AKTOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTr.IIN, FAMILY LANTEliN IT.OPLKS LANTl-.ItN, Bach stjlo being Ihe best of lis clam In tho market Ciiinlrgiios ot Uinttms uml tildes, with tHroclIeius for using, se-nt em u41e4llon. Any euUirprUliig'iiiau can mn(. money with a Manlii 1 iitilnl 11 fltfrOut out this uduitUciiieut for Vcfcr ciui'jftW JvU. ixTo-m 1 LANK NOTKS.wllh oiviilhoiil eit-uii lloi 1) tur salo at llu) OoLi usuii uil'cv, ' .id ty, iKiunueei uy 1111 us 01 j.vau, 1.1 Mury on Ihe soulli, 11 public road em toe e. f 11 llio wese t iieing 1 no liiiiiUied and lertv feel in net t whereon uro elected a dnu Lng hou e unci se reel, taken into execution, and to 1 e sold tin proju-rtj of Ullum Morgan aud J hhiii D. llUjUt .. ALSO, Uy virtue tf a writ of Alias l'lul '"1 l. s to inn lib eel ed will tm cxiiobcd to pnlHii ale e'. tho Court House In filoomsbiiK'. .11 to t m - stiiige el 11 liuct of laud utunlolu e rant, 1 wr In, Coluinbla eouiity, p.i., bounded 1 n the 1 . i tti 1 , 1 ii f Dniiiel Kline anil Abner Welsli, tul io wit j DiiLlel Kline and Jonathan l'oieit ruth n - ly ,iolin Kline, and on tho east by Aore-r Welsn; c talulng 00 ncii'b, moio vir hoi. tr et X a. dwelling-house, barn, nndolhcrcuui . Udlni,.-. ALSO, A certain lot of crround Shvnt. r.-in- No. el onivhall ut lot No. 7 In M-li . 1 sain town.wiii'ivon nro eret ied two ip ' ' e. slublu nud oilier uutbullctinus. E-ciM-ci, luKeii uuu oAeie-iieieu, nnu ic r piofciij ut mailed iav. MSQ, At tho same tlmo nnd place, by vlrt tie t I.unrl l ui las, idl.tliut exilt.ln lot or t" t situate lnl'.euMr lowhshlp. c, 1 mil.'. . .. , b.HJI'lled nud rleeribl luf follows, lo . i. norlh ten luhi b) lapdof I'. .Meu, e, ,i.i 11 nn iitii along 11 reitaln street uol 1i ir Daniel lm-is, ou iLtieukl h) iuuili l .-.ii 1 niMj-iwo anu iwevii-nin j'Pixnei. nt.ri d a 1 rho IHt Uylumlot Jeitiu 11, Ue4iK sniy-iwo un I iwiehi'ii to tl.o iilutc if W'glim.ii-j i , i eiiKiiil u uwi'lllrgliouiiekGd uil. 1 un 11011 Kuoil, lakeii Into exocutlmi. 1,1. j i.. 1 et u juettu ai. hueae. Stwrln'somc, Muroli I. lU. M, LI e M C;iOle(1yuUein. A'fceU want ,1 (1 t rj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers