Agricultural. Al-o ii I rn llnnso.J. Tlio prm-tlon of liililillin; len linllse-l lio low llio mirfacn of the primml hcA iieni-ly p.ncl mviy. The objection nro tlio tlllU culty in providing perfect nml certain drain njrr, tlio heat conveyed to tlio walls from the conducting earth, and tho additional expem ci ; Iho only advantago Is the greater facility In filling. Where the Ico home can bo set on n Moping bank all tlio ndvnnta$M may bo Hccnrcd .vlthont tlio drnwtinclts. Tlio drnlnago may bo perfect, nnd the led may be brought and easily placed within, from a wagon or a died, at Iho upper or rear part oftho building. Tho lower pari is built with 9lonc or linnl bitmed brick, tho upper with double walls (lllcd with dawdilst. Or, tho upper portion may be slnglo or double walls, provided tho Ico is to bo packed with ton inches or a foot of sawdust on each side. Tho only objection to this modo of build ing U, that tho lower walls must bo thick er than tho upper, making n shoulder all around. This Is obviated by making n ftructuro of iron to correspond, or larger nbovo than below. Or tho wbolo may be built of wood If tho lower part is protected ngainst decay, by first filling the pores of tho wood used for this part, thoroughly with crude petroleum, and then coating tho sur face with hot gas-tar. Tlio petroleum ren ders tho wood as durable as red cedar, and tho hard coating of gas-tar keeps it there. From many years of experience, wo find it easier to maiiago an ico houso with single than with doublo walls, because wo can tee distinctly mat every part ot too mass ol ice is properly protected. Ten inches of well packed sawdust will protect it from tho heat without. (If sawdust cannot bo had, eigh teen or twenty inches of finely chopped straw will answer as well.) There aro three essential requisites to bo observed in every case, namely, surrounding the Ico on every sido with a perfect non-conductor, giving perfect drainage without admitting air, and allowing a frco ventilation over tho top pucklng. With thow requisites provided tho ico will keep without difficulty. Tho easiest and simplest way to effect urainago is to place an even stratum of saw dust about ten inches thick, on a loose plank floor, through the crevices of which tho wntcr from .tho melting ico will freely pass. Tho sawdust should bo thicker on tlio top, as it is moro or less distributed or displaced in taking out ire, and there, is danger of too thin covering being left in places, unless abundant material is provid ed. In filling any ice-house, tho interior di mensions should first bo found, and tho ico bo then cut of such size as to leave tho right degreo of thickness for tho packing. Coun try Gentleman. Household Receipts. Rusk, rieco of bread dough largo enough to fill a quart bowl : 1 tea-cup of melted butter, 1 egg, 1 tea-spoonful of soda. Knead quite hard, roll out thin, lap togeth er, cut with a mould and set them to rise in a warm place. Yazor QiNaKBDREAD. 1 cup of sugar 1 of butter, 1 of molasses, 1 of sour milk, 4 of flour, 4 eggs, 1 tea-spoonful of soda. Ginger to taste. Delicate Cake. 2 tea-cupfuls of white BUgar, 3-4 of a cup of butter, 1 cup of sweet milk, 4 cup3 ol flour, tho whites of 4 eggs beaten to a stiff froth, 3 tea-spoonfuls of baking powder. Flavor to taste. Soda Biscuit. 1 pint of sweet milk, 1 tca-spoouful of cream of tartar, J teaspoon ful of soda with, tho milk, and 1 tea-spoonful of lard mixed with the flour; a little salt. Cut 1-4 of an inch thick, and bako ten minutes. I'oi Oveks. 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of flour, 1 egg, -and 1 tea-spoonful of salt. Hake in gem pans. Let them get hot before putting in tho batter, and bako quickly. Servo immediately. Importunes of (looil Cooking. To cook a potato exactly right, so that it will bo just done and no more, bo mealy, whito and perfect, requires an exerciso of that talent which is a little short of genius, so ono would think who cats vegetables at ordinary tables. The Bamo is true of onions, that odorous bulb, which is almost always served under-done j of beans which aro eith er burned in tho baking or dried to a chok ing consistency. Now a hungry epicure oven can make a good meal oft" of three or four things nicely cooked meat, perfectly prepared potato, a aish of ripo fruit aud exemplary bread and butter. It is not vari ety or quantity that is so important as the quality, and If thoso who iced at their hands would certainly be tho gaiuers. It is a great deal easier, when one has really made up hor mind to it, to have everything just right than it is to let things drift, for one right thing fits into another right thing and then tho whole is right. Badly cooked food is not only sheer wasto in nerve aud muscle, but soul power. The. hungry body vainly attempts recuperation in trying to digest and assimilate food not "conven ient" for it, so that what might have been accomplished had the food been right re mains undone. Pure Air. A fruitful source of heart-disease is the hrotUtug of lmpuro'alr, and thousands of people ignorantly favor its occurrence by confining themselves to cloely-shut, lll-veu. tllated rooms. The child who, fresh from his afternoon's ramble In tho fields, last ovenlng said his prayers dutifully, Jand lay down to sleep in a most Christian frame this morning sits up in bed with his hafr bristling with crossness, strikes at his nurse, una declares lie won't say tils prayers that he don t want to be good, Tho simpl difference Is, that the child, having slept in a close box of a room, his brain all nigh fed by poison, is in a mild ttato of moral insanity, DellcUo women remark that it takes them till 11 or 12 o'clock to get up their strength in the morning. Query: Do they sleep with closed windows and doors. nnd with heavy bed-curtains. I'I-owino. Winter plowing is better than fall plowing in this latitude. It turns up many noxious insects, and they aro not in a condition to make a retreat, and di from the exposure. The fall rains aro suji posed to bo over, and don't melt and beat down and compact the soil, It Is turned uji fresh, and tho freezing and thawing aud pulverizing process can go on to the great advantage of the land. Tho teams are now fresh and vigorous, other work Is not pres3' Ing, and every week gained now In plowing, puts (he tanner ahead that much In (he spring. Especially should the land to bo town to oats be now plowed whero it can be done; or if any laud is to be sown to clover or timothy, by all means plow now, so as to now early lu tho spring, Jand to bo plant ed in orchards, If not plowed, should be deeply and thoroughly plowed now, Humorous. lliiyiird Tii J lor nays that bliick-ejid wo man can lii-Mr lino us fondly ns tin with blno ryes. Hi', don't give your wifn a black eye. Washington was onco risked to dlno with .Iiidgo .Tones. The chair In which bo would havo sat, if ho had accepted this invitation, will ho exhibited at tho Centennial. A llulfalo man dreamed that he was going over tho Tails, and ho had his wife by the throat when ho woko up. Next night sho had a dream, and broko his noso as she stiuck at an Indian. It look 300 pounds of nltro-glyccrino to blow up James IlaVnuin, of Pennsylvania, Hut It was n thorough job, a3 tho Coroner admitted when ho sat down on a vest button and Instructed tho jury to bring in a verdict of "fooling nround." Detroit Free Dress. A Chinaman In California, whoso ltfo was Insured for a largo .amount, was seriously hurt from falling on" a wagon. There was somo doubt of his ever getting better, and at length ono of bis friends wroto to tlio in surance company, "Charley half dead ; like half money," Pum: Winks. Tho other day a stranger entered a Detroit wino shop whero four or five men wcro drinking, and In a loud voico Inquired for tho proprietor, That person came forward, nnd tho stranger said : "I am hard up and I want to sell you a recipe. For two dollars I'll show you how you can mako a gallon of best Catawba wino out of twenty cents worth of drugs and whlskv." "Would you insult mo?" cried the dealer. "I havo none but wuro wines hero 1 Get out nf inv rtlnnn Hirl" Tho man got out, but hadn't gono a block when a boy camo running after him ami said : "Como around to tho back door if you want to sell him that recipe." .Why Shi: Didn't Smoke. Old Mrs, Duflickcr stated to a neighbor, tho other night, whllo comfortably sitting in front of tho fire, that sho had "allers had great no tion to learn to smoke, sho did so lovo the aromy terbackcr. I would havo learned long ago, dear knows, but I heard wunst that a man had his tonguo paralyzed by smokin' nnd that skcared me out. Lord knows I wouldn't want my tonguo paralyzed, fur I cdtildn't talk none if it was." Hero tho old gentleman, who had been llcntly gazing into tho fire, drew a long sigh. There's no telling what tho old fel low was thinking about. The Advantage or It, The day had been set, nnd tho young man was happy. But his father failed iu business, and ho collected all tho pink lovo letters, the lock of hair, the faded violet, etc., and started for her mansion. Ho was high-minded and honorable and felt in duty bound to release her from tho engagement. Yet he grew faint as ho was ushered into tho parlor. Such lovo as his wouldn't stay crushed. "Georgol dear George!" sho exclaimed, as sho entered tho parlor and seized his hand. Arabella, I am hero to do my duty," he said, as ho rose up. "W-what's the matter?" she asked. "Il-haven't you heard of of my father's failure?" ho innuired,his heart beating pain- Why, yes, dear ueorge, ana wnat oi it I" 'Aren't you won't you that is I" "I'm glad of it that's all 1" sho cried. "You aro ?" "Of course I am! I was talking with father and ho said if your father had failed for $00,000 he'd mako at least SoO.OOO out of it, and of course, you'll get twice as much as you counted on!" Geoiioe Was h ington Jones. Ho walk ed into ono of the banks yesterday morning with firm step, and going straight to tho teller's window ho remarked : 'It's mighty close times.' 'Yes,' was tho brief reply. 'Docs yer know what ails dis ycr country?' continued Sir. Jones. There was no reply, 'Dar's do merchant nnd de lawyer, and do laboring man, all crying hard times,' con tinued Mr. Jones, 'an nobody beems to know do remedy. Is dar a remedy?' ' The cashier woman t compromisolns Dank by making a reply. Of course dar isr exclaimed Mr. Jones in a voice showing contempt and indigna tion. 'In do fust place capital governs labor. Den money governs bof. Don't you begin to sco now 1 Isn't do solution perfectly do fen8iblc to viow?' Tho cashier wouldn't say, 'Do laboring man works for money,' con tinned the financier, 'and when ho gits money ho lays it out in cloze and eatables and opera tickets. It circulates nroun' from hand to haud,pays debts, carries on business and do hull machinery moves. Don't you sco now? Isn't it perfect imparent to you?' Tiie cashier still preserved silence. Do solution am dis,' said Mr. Jones, after a brief rest. "If nil de folks what work will go to work at threo dollars a day, dese hard times will bo knocked nowbar in about fivojilis. Threo dollars a day is eighteen dollars a week for tho working man, and dat's miff for any body. Den when ho goes to work have all do lawyers git cases, at fif ty dollars each, Dey can make two hundred dollars a week, and dat a enough for de law yers. Den have all do doctors, git patients, all do merchants heaps of customers, all de banks give out money when a feller wants it and don't de solution strike you. Don't dat philosophy allude to yuur fiuacial judge ment llko a load of brick?' Tho cashier didn't even smile. Dat's do way to get along,' continued Mr, Jones, 'I'v hnndled a heap of money in my time, itfed dar ain't a culled pussun in declty dat pays do atteshun to do finances as I do, do solution is yours. 4 uon t make, any charge for it. I want to seo this country run ahead, and I wants folks to know how it can do it,' He cast ft long lingering look at tho cash ier, aud then walked out. Tnr. Dii'FEitE.NCF. Hktween 'Km. There Is a vast difference, says the Danhury News, in tho conduct of a man and a woman in new clothes. When a woman gets a new suit sho immediately prances down town and for hours will walk contentedly aloog a crowded thoroughfare, receiving fresh iui' pulses of joy every time another woman scans her wardrobe. Hut a man is so differ ont. lie won't put on his new clothes fur tho first tlmo until it is dark. Then ho goes down so cautiously as to almost create the impression that ho is sneaking along, If ho bocs tt crowd on a corner he will slip across the way to avoid them, and when ho goes into his grocery store he tries to get behind as many hoxea and barrels as ho can. All the tlmo ho Is trying his level best to appear ns If tho suit was 6,1 months old, and all tho while realizes that hp i making au In fernal failure of it. We hope the time will come when now pauU will be fco folded by the manufacturers that they won't show a ridge along the front of each leg when the wearer doni them, THE COLUMBIAN AND Great Uo.luction ,in Pnco l Great Reduction in Prico Great l.cuuotion m Price 1 . . . Think of it I Think of it Think ol it I won Think of it I Think of it! BAUGH'S . . . n l 1 1" RAW BON 15 Mado from Haw or Vnburncd Animal Hones, ciiKAr roil CASH. Wo nro now selllm our It.vw Mono Super-l'hos-pUato ut the following (3tlAU.itTUIU AX.1JVSIS. Ammonia .... rrom 8 to 4 per cent. Solublo and 1'rcelpltated I'limpiiorio Acid, From o to 11 per cent, t'hosphato of Mint', rt'iitlcied Mjlunblc, From w to M ncr cent. At NET cash wholesalo prices to Fnrmein and Planters, I'. I). 11. In 1'lill.ulclpUl.i, nt the following low i'iucr.9 1 inn Tons ami over, .19 per ton, 2,000 lbs. 80 40 " " " " 41 " " " " 42 ' " 43 i ii ii II to on Tons, 10 n to 49 " 10 2'J " to 10 " BAUGH'S GROWN D HAW RONES. ewTGuaranteed rurc.-fBa At tho follow Ing cisti Prices: loo Tons nnd over, Ml 10 no " tow Tons 85 to so " to 4'J " 80 0') to " tow " ST t 1 ' to a " 8S no This bono Is cronnd pure Ms not steamed or linked, and tho Kolld. bono lu3 not been selected from It for carbonizing purposes. Farmers nro remtestod to slvo their orders to Iho dealer early, andlt they Cannot KCtnaiitfli's Mon dard Fertilizers irom dealers, they v. Ill bu supplied by us direct. BONE MEAL. jSy-WAKKANTKD ITJIJE.-a F. O. II. In Philadelphia nt tho following Low cash PI1ICES. loo Tons nnd over, $.13 00 per Ton, 2,000 lbs. 89 oo " " " " 40 O'J " " " " 41 0) " " " " 42 00 " " " " 43 00 " " " " T5 to no Tons, no 80 10 tun 10 49 " t(l2il " to 10 " PHILADELPHIA Ground Bones, In ling", on Hoard Cars at Work", At tho following cash Prices: 1 0 Tons nnd o er, $.10 in per Ton. no 81 10.99 Tons 81 00 tO 49 " to 29 ' to 0 ' 32 01 83 CO 34 00 HI 1 If nnefcrri In barrels, fno tare olf.lwowlll make n deduct Ion of ll pLr ton rrom nbovo prices. Person deslrliiL- to t.iktt ailvantiisro of tho nbovo low prices bhould send lu their oi dels at once. No.l FINE BONE DUST (iii.vii.i.ri;i:i) .trv.ti..iis: Ammonia from 2 to 4 percent. " 14 to 17 " " 33 to 3T " " 'linsnhorlc Acid lono I'hosphalo of I.tmo This nrtlclo Is irround vers- fine, and is notedfor Its nick netlon. and can bo bomrht nl tho foUunbur le- duced prices, five on board ossels ut our Philadel phia Works: m 100 Tons and o er. 30 per Ton, 2,000 lbs. 31 ' " " " 32 " 33 " " " ' 84 " " " to yu 'tons so " to 49 " 10 " tO 23 " 1 " to 0 " ESrN, II. Ono Dollar per Ton additional on above prices if shipped from lialtimore. 15 A U G 11 Ai S 0 N S, B A If fill & SONS, B A U G H iV SONS, 0 South Dclawaro Ave, Philadelphia, 20 South Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. 20 South Delaware Ave, Philadelphia, ' 103 South Street, Baltimore. 10;S South Street, lialtimore. ICS South Street, lialtimore. Fe,b.4-l3t. CALIFORNIA THE CHICAC10 A NOIlTlI-WKSTEltN RAILWAY embraces under ono management tho (irent Trunk iallwuv Lines of tlio WEST nnd NOllTlI-WEST.and. with Its numerous branches and connections, forms tho shortest and quickest routo between Chicago and nil points in Illinois, Wisconsin, jmomiiehn jiicuhiak, Minnesota, Iowa, Neuuaska, California aud thuWcbtunTcirltorles. Its Oniiiliu mid California Line Is tho fchorlcfct nnd best route for nil points In north ern Illinois, Iowa, Dakoln, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, hcvada, Utuh, California, Oregon, ChUia, Japan and Australia. 1 ts Chicago, Madison & St. Paul Line Is tho short lino for Northern Wisconsin nnd Minne sota, anu lor jiauison, m. raw, jiinueapoits,uiuuth, and nil points In the great North-west. Its TVIiioiiu nml St. Ictcr Line Is tho only routo for Winona, Rochester, Owntonna, JIankato, ht. Peter, Now Ulm, and all points lu touthem and central Jlluncsotn. Its Green liny and aiurqtictto Line Is tho only lino for JancsWUe, Watertown, I'ond no uie, usukusii, Apnieuiu, i,rcen way, i-canaoa. e- gaunee, .Maniuctle, llouguton, Hancock and tho utku oupenor country, its rrccport and Siiliinine Line Is tho only routo for Elgin. Itockford. Frccnort. nnd uu jioii ia wu i i vepuri. jis Chicago and .Milwaukee I.jne Is tho old Lake Slioro Eoute, and Is tho only ono lassing turougii j'.vnnsion, taiKf t oit-sr, iiigui.uio ark, vt aukegun, icacuie, ucnosna to Pullman I'aiaco Cars aro run on nil through trains of this road. This Is tho ON'I.V I.1NK runnlnc tbeso earn bn. tw een Chicago and St. lMuLClilcago and -Milwaukee, or Chicago aud Winona. t tJiuuua uur bieepera connect ivmi mo ovei land sleepers on tho Union PacUlo Ztallroad for all points (lu tho antvnl of tho trains from tho cast or south, the trains ol thu Chlcnco & North-Wustern Itallwnv lca o Chlcairo as follow s : i on cot'NL'ii laurra, umaiia and uauioiinia, two inroui;!! iruiuH uuuj, witu i unman paiaeo urawinir room and Mecnlnircars throuirlt to Council Ulutn. 17m fcr 1'At'i. ash MlNNk&em m, twutttrouyl, trains dally, with Pullman palaco cars attached to both Fon Qrren IUy and Lake Kcraanit, two trains uuuy, wun I'uiimnn paiaeo cars auncneu, ana run- nuiK lliruuKii iu Munpieitc. .run aiiLWAUKi lour iuruui;it trains ua iv. full. man cars on night trains, parlor thalr cars on Hay ForHpauta and Winona and points In Jllunasota. on through train dally, with Pullman mt opere tu Wiiiouu. Kok lirnygiT, via Vreeport, two through trains dally, with Pullman curs on nlitht trains. l'Oll llt'lirill'K ANII t.A t'ltaK. !n lu.n thruuith tridns dally, with Pullman cam on nltht train to Mcdiegor, Iowa. run riocx t;iTv ami i ANKTON, two trains dally, Pull- Foil Lake (Iknkva. four trains dniiv FOIl KOCKtOHD. hTUItl.lMI. KENOSltl. .T Ivrevt, t v and other points, you can hnvo from two to ten trains U.UIj. New York oniee, No 415 llroadway s lloston oftlco. sau I ranelsco olllee, 121 ilonlROinery street: Chlea L'o ticket onices i C2 dark street, under bheruiau llousuj corner Canal and Jludlson t-tieuss Klnzle r.vVfV1'1"1' LU"'er n.iunuo ann canal streets; ells Mreit denot. coi ner Wells nnd if in7in sin t iu For rutes or Information not attainable from jour W.II. BTKNNirr, JIakvin llL-anirr. oca. l'uis. ab t, ciitcaeo. oen. bup't.cidtaco Feb. 4,'Jd-ly LOUIS BBRNHARD, Dealer la HXiCtXXtir WATCHES, CLOCKS, Silverwaro, "Watches and Jewelry Ladiou' and G en tit mo n 'a Gold an a fc liver Watches, oi American ana roreiffn manufacture. Silvor and Plated Ware, Clocks FINE JEWEIJIY, AO., AO. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING Promptly Executed, BUSINKSS OAUDfl. viaiTiNocAims, LKTTEIt IIKAD3, illlXIIKADS, Neatly and Cheaply printed at theCowm DEMOCRAT., BLOOMSBTJltG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, Ayor's Cathartic Pills, Kor tho relief nml euro of ftUilcrnnpc' mrtiM In tho Ptinn noli, liver, nml bnw rl. ThoynionmiM npcricnt. nml nu pxecIlcntpnrKntke, Kcitlif titli-rlv rtro. ' table, (hoy conliiln imtncrniry oMninc rnllintcer. Mm Ii perlou sic'kiioianiril ptl liv thrlr llmplr mo ami every family hoti1.l ha c them on hand for their protection nnd iclief, when leqnlrcd, Lonff cxiiericnco )im proved them to ho the nt cat, unrest, nnd hent of nil tho Villi w ith w hit h tlio mnrlet nnotimlA. Ity their ocrnlotul use, tho Mood Ii inutnod, tlio corruptions oftho m-o tern expelled, obstntctloni lemored. and tho wlwlo mnchiiiery or llfo ietored to licnllhv activity Intemnl orpnnn hloh beconio rlogKcd nnd fluffRih mo clcanficd ly Auev I'ltl, nnd Ptlimilated Into netlon, Thus incipient illtriino 1 ehnnffed Into henllh, tho vntno of w hicli eli.tnee, ttlicn reckoned on tho vat tnultitmlcsuho enloy H, ran hnrdly bo computed. '1 heir supar commit makes thcin pleannt to take, nnd pleerve8tllt,lr lrtue nnlnipftlred for nny leufrtlt or time, no thnt they nio ever fi-c&li, nnd peifcctly reliable, AUIioukm searching, they nro mild, nml opcrato without ilituibancc to tho con6titntlon(ordict,or oceiipatlnu. Full directions nro Riven on tho wrapper In each box, how to ma them nft n Family riiynle, nnd for tho following complaints, which theso VIM rapidly euro! For It MiM'pln or Imllccitlmt, T.lvtlctti ini, Iintnior and f AiMM'Ht', Jhey t hould be taken moderately to pttmulato the Ftom ncli, nnd letoro Its healthy lono nnd netlon For Ut rr Complaint and Us various symp toms, milium llriiitiirlus Nick II ! ntlip JmiiHllcorJr'iii Mlckiie, llll l(Mi ?ollc niul llllloti Vv vm, they should bo judielounly taken for each cne, to correct tho (Ileaed netlon or remove tho omUiuctlons which cause It. hor irTucntrrr or iinrrliirtit Ij ono mild donl ircneriillv rcnuired For lllit'iimiitUm in nut, i!ratrl fal- fill mm i tu tii iiiiri, i"n in In llio Nhlr. Ilack and IaoIii. thev sliouM bo contlii' notify taken, ns rcqulrcil, to clinngc tho diseased action of tho system. With such change thoso complaints disappear. For lroii,r nml lroilcal Nu'ltltnr, tlicy Miould bo taken Jn lnrfsrunnd frequent dote to produce tlio effect of n drastic pui-jrc. lor Nuppri'loiitn larpc don should bo taken, ns It produces tlio dcalrcd effect by sym pa thy. As n Dinner JUIlt iaXo ono or two Vtlta to promoto digestion nnd relievo tho stomach. An occasional doso etimulates the ftomach and Lionels, restore iho nppetitc,nnd Invlporatcs tho Fystetn. ltencc it Is oltcn ndvantnpeoits whero lio wtloiis doranpement exlts, Ono who feels tolerably well, oflcn llnds that a doe of thoso J'tlls makes him feel ilectdeilly better, from their cleanMiiR nml renovating effect on tho dlgcstlta apparatus. rr.ErAiti:n nr JJi-,.7. C.AYllIt&'CO.fJ'racttcat Chemists, i,o)t'j;Ln, mass., u, s a. TOii SALU BY ALL lUtUUaiSTS LVKUVWIIEKB. April 10-Tfily STOCK Of CLOTHING. AND Groiitlomon's Dress Goods. DAVID LOWENBEKC Invites attention to Ills larfenndelcKantstockof iieap and Fashionable Clotliii at his store on; MAIN STHEET, IN TIIE NEW 11LOCK, DLOO.MSIIUIiO, PA., whero ho has Just received from Now York nnd Phil adelphia a full assortment of MEN' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lncludlns tho most fashionable, durable and nanasomo DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING 01' l!OX. SACK, fhooic. and oil cloth, COATS AND PANTS, 01' ALL SORTS SIZES AND COLORS, llo has also replenished his all eady lwgo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMEUES, STUIl'UD, I'I(lUItEI) ANDjl'LAIN VKSTH, SdlltTS, CltAVATH fcOCKS, COLLAIIH, HANDKEltCUIEFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDEItS, "FANCY ARTICLES. lio has constantly on hand a large and well select ed assortment ot Cloths and Veatings, which ho Is prepared to make to order Into any kind ot clothing, on very short notice, and In tbo best manner. All his clothing Is mado to wear and most ot It Is ot homo manulacturc. U0L1) WATOIIKS AND JEWKLHY, OF EVERY DKSCIUITION, PINK AND C1IKAV. HIS CASE OP JEWELItY 13 NOT SUIU'AbSED IN THIS I'LACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS GENERAL ASSORT WENT Of Clothing, Watches, Jew ry, &c. DAVID LOWENBKna. July i,T3-tf. Tako Aycr's 1'llls forull tho purposes of a purga. tlve, foFcoiibtlputlon, Indlgcbtlon, headache, and llv. er complaint, lly nnlveisal accord they aro tho host or all purgatives for family use. o WHERE TO ADVERTISE, A.T. Mcwart ta)s thu test adieitlfcliig mediums ho has etr found '-are tho old established organs of tho two political parties, at the tcveral county beats throughout tho union." "'lhcte," ho bajs "nacl every family of tho least account lit their bceral counties, uud aro moro carefully read than any other class of Jonrnals." Jt Mr. Stewart's Judgment Is of value, there ts no difficulty In deildlng which paper It Is for tho liitt rebt of business meii to advertise In Tho C01.DUBU Democuat, upon whlclithls paper is paillally founded, was established lulbso, audthu Cot-unBiiN now enjoys u wider circulation and greater prosperity than tt ever did. It gees mk- ly into two thousand families In Columbia aud ad Joining counties, and by most of them Is read from tlKtlrbtto the last line. It Is the only recognised exponent ot nearly lite thousand Detcocrutto voters In the county. It gives advertisements a tasty dis play, that makes them attractive to Its. patrons, thus ensuring greater certainty that they will pcrvso them. While Its circulation Is undoubtedly much tho largest In tbo count)-, tho advertising rates of tho Coitubian are no higher than thoso ol tthtr papers with oareiy nair and several not one-fourth the num ber ot subscribers. Facts like tbes? tcak for them, stives. No bhrewd business man will neglect to In sert his ndvirtiMmenUi Ui the Cou'ubun tt TTOTEL TO LKASK, "TiTa Hotol la prangevllle, Columbia county, l'a., Known as me jjeoouood Maud, now occupied by John Hn) to be let for the year beginning April i, ii(o, Appjy iv , H. KriOIIlt, , Atl'y.uUaw, Jtn TW-tf, Uiooinsburg, v ORANO OPENING! KIjfAS 1MEN DENIIAIjL II A VINO rpptmipil tlio limlntw of Mcrclian- tlloc lng nt hit Old Mui o, u MAIN STKKKT, Hr.OO.MSllUltO, MEAIt THE I0IIK9 HUTKt,, Postrcs to rnlltlio nttcntlonol lil Trlciuls nnd tlio rutlloi;enonilly,o Ids NKW, rUM. AND VAlllIlI) STOCK OF GOODS, ,IUST Ol'ENKD, And solicits ft share ot ptiblli; puti onni:o 1113 STOCK t'ONSISTH UP DHT (100US, (lnocintins, (JIIKIlNSWAItl:. WOODCNWAltn, wim.owwaui:, hoots SHOKS, HAIIDWAllh, ri.ouit axu i'i:i:i In connection Willi hW slock of Mercnnndlse ho constantly kccpion hand In his yard. A FULL STOCK 01' Dressed and Unteeil Luier, AND SHINGLES OF HIS MANUFACTURE. IJill Lumber nuulc it speciality. CALL AND SEE. oct.s.ra-tr. ELOOMSBUBG- MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GUNTON; Proprietor, MAIN STREET, HE LOW MAltKET. Manufacturer of and Healer in all linds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE YOKKS Wo uso tho best AMERICAN and ITALIAN Marble. Ho has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, UltNS, VASES, Ac. Even-variety ot Mnrblo cuttlntr ncatls executed at tlio lowest market prices. A long practlcalexporlenco nnd personal attention to business makes tho proprietor contldcnt of giving satisfaction. All' orders by mall promptly nttendeu to. 1 O. box '--OT. JKayX Jl. Work delivered free of eharge.'Tsin Aug. 21, '14-ly. T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor. Y"AINWlllGI1T & C0-' WHOLESALE GROCERS, 11. E. Corner second nnd ArcU strc&j-), 1'nlLADXI.I'IIIA, Dealers in TEAS, SYRUI'S, COFFEE, SUGAIt, MOLASSES KICK, SPICES, BtClIIB SODA, AC, &C. nrordcra will rcceivo prompt attention. sl,T-tf HOLLINS & IIOLjMES No. n Centre Strcsi. Plniifa Gas and Sleam Fitters l MANUFACTURERS OF JCXJST "W ABE, GALVANIZED IRON CORNICE, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wiro TrcllUes, &c. Dealers in Stoves, Rang es, KurnaccM, lialtimoro Heaters, Low Down Grates, Mantels, l'UMPS, Weatlier Strips, &c. Also GAS FIXTURES of tho latest design. Special attention paid to re pairing sewing .Mat nines ofeveryUiscilptlou, Scales, Locks, Hell llahirluir, Key Kitting, Ac. rilvnto RtBl deuccs Heated by steam at ubmidl costaUovu Hot Air. I'eu, xu, , j ii, Bargains in Lumber! ut the store of JOHN J. MENRY, BENTON, COL. CO. PA. 100,000 fencing boards, at $8.75 100,000 heart Shingles, shaved, a i i c-n fr c.xtiii guuu, la (j.vjvj 100,000 Sap Shingles shaved, at 54.00 100,000 No. 1 Sawed Shinglca at $5.00 Also Plank, Siding, Inch Pine, and all kinds of lumber can bo found in my yard. Cull at onco for burgains. Dec, s,-3m nils i-ivut lg on riLr. vvnu R DWELL & HESMAN - Advertising V Ajents, THII1P& CHrsTNUT 8TS., ST. LOUIS, MO SUI GENERIS. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. UNEQU ALED ."XUNAPPRO ACHED tn enpneity anil cxeellcnco ly any olhcrn. Awartltil and DIPLOMA OP HONOR AT VIENNA.1873; PARIS.1867. nil I U Amfrlmn Orpunn ever nwarilwl Rny mnUl U (l L 4 In Enrol-, or which t-ronont (nth f xlruorill lury t)Tcrll7nco iu command a vldo uld there. AIU1AVC nwMM hlphept premiums nt In.lof. ALlI ft I O trlnl Kiporitlon, In Amtrleumwelln" Kurnpr. Onto! hun.lmli there hnvo nut been all In nil where nny other organs Iiivtb Ikii prcferrcJ. DCPT Dee'nre.t by Eminent Mnntelnn", In loth Dtol liemlphen. to Im linrlvnlnl. Beo i IMTI.MOXUI, tillir-Ut,Att, with oiilnloi c.f mow thiin Ollu I IioiimiikI (wnt friv). IMPIPT en hnln n Mnmn : llnmlln. Bo not IIIOIO I take any other. Ptaltn gtt ARctn COM. itiMiOMi fr mil "J tuftrtor organ: Jr '' reason qfun try rrrv hnrd l netl nornetling el: , HCUI PVVI CP with mott ImportAnt tmrrove liClI O I I LEO nmiitu eer tnilc. tiew Solo nn.l Collllillliltloii Still". Snpcrl, J'liicro iui.! other Cn-en of n,-w- 1cIi;iik. PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGAN " (inMtocumbtnatinu ot thrsoiniitnimenti. EASY PAYMENTS. SSS5i!S l-nyment; or rented until rent pay for the orRnn. flUTAI nPIICP KU'l Clrenlnr), with fnll pnrtlo llAI ALUUUto nlafrer. Ad.tre.nM AMIS HAMLIN OHIIAN CO., 151 Tremont Street, I10S TO.Nl M Union rVpinre, NUW VOllKi or SO Si Kl AJauis bt CI110AUO. MAS0.1& HAMLIN cabinet mm MAY BU ODTAIKED AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL OP 1.. 38. POWELL, SCRANTON, Pa. General Ayvttt ttUn for the celebrated GHICKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. IMILLKK. nLOOMsnuna, pa., Dealer in above Instruments. Mart-It 19, "s y MEW jGOOBSl A HEAVY STOCK, Ciicapes? than Ever! S. II, MILLER & SON Have Just lleccivcd the Inrge.-t and best Hipply ot CHEAP AliD FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, Tlicy liavo ever offered totnclr friends and cus tomers. (Jlotlis, Cassimores, anil Satinetts for JIEN'S WKAll, Cloths, Alapacas, Mci:iiios, for LADIES' WKAII, CALICO K.S, MUSLIXP, UAJlIlItlCS, ' aiul cvcr,y variety of Dry Oooils desired. STOCK OF Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GllOOERIES, iiu-liiding all the varieties of COl-'KEia, TEAS ami SLTC!A15S, COUNTIIY PKODUOE, and a general supply of artieles iBeful for the tabic always on lianil, CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken ill ex. change for goods at cadi prices. Oct. 30,'74-tf Important TO Gardeners AND Agriculturists! llT?AMI.MnT ll'TT TT A At" C A IUI A fiV The best, l.irirest and most prolllalilti variety Inter ruliliucu known lu l.urou, nnd liniHirtei) tilts country ecluMely liy us l.iit hpilnir. wlic-i Willi Iho most iiidlnaryeiiltltnllon, It llouil-ilins n toiiNIUuxlv, ntialnlii; an i-nornioiis Mze and m-iiii hi ine iiiniKei ai iirici-s mnsi irraiiiyiiiir in lnoiuo ilucri. lu truusplautlii;;, ;ieat i.uo tlnmld I k. I akin to clvo f.uniclent t-pace tor ciowtli. Solid lieads, the hluof I lio mouth ot a tloiii-li.iru-l, ts tint uveian kntit tnkl n.,1.1 f-.ti , ..r.i.l,tr tit f. ,,.,itu "'I'lni.n n.iL'. Ui n IU illllll l-m, 4 i.vw. luiigtitia Jll'l uuail 1.11,4 Hill V LL'llU Bltlllljin 5"Vltli cneli pnclniro ot wed wo wind n nu remedy iitfiijied tlio riiMictsof tlio i-Miba-jo lly t otlur pett, on ounc and tender pi. mis. MAMMOTH CiOI.iTn INDIAN COK.V. Wo, .planted List sprlnjr on lung Island, a small nuau"t.v (Hlilili ho obtained villi treat dllllcull)oI Oils kIl'iuiIIo aud as jctM iy ruro uulety of IihIIjii corn. 1 u M iii ember, by at t ual measui cnient.a l.u uu iiniioni.i vi iiih s,uii,s mooii irriii vt 10 nt it-el in lielijlit. and bill! ki uu liiir. ultli Irom a lonciiorinous Tn. jii-tii uai ui i7,e i.iiuoi neobii-liclsof enrcorn ix-r ncie. while tlio fodder cion was Immense and of Inequality. Wo could lin.o sold tlio entile eropfora bl'prlee ton New Voik sitd?mm, biiidicllnut to doso, pre fen I nir lokoep tlienop for thu aeioinmodallonof our iiiimeiuus couniij lulions, vho will nnd It to their liileiests toncuro ut least a small selection of Hits rule Mirit ty Ion ho coming ipilii! planum;. I le uiti'lculturlsUi, who bclleo lu "i ioi'iiiiinu"1Hi II siiinilTlolou cultlvaiors nro poor thlmrs, both W'aju W tween the lows wtd bo itstouudod liy the le biilt. Wo will send liy mall to any address 1 nackuuu niecelptut nicculHiind a throe cent htamps.oru ui-kascs on leeelpt of II and 4 tinee cent stamps. itrt)r supply Is IlinlU-il. 1'aitles deshlui; to so ure either ot tho above rare seeds should noiuel.iy liolr orders Allseed sold by us warranted fresh a id 10 Kciinlnalo No itoods sent c. o. 1). t'nsli ID 1st nivoiiipany all ordut.. l'or cither of abu.u ujds nddiess 1XI.IX CI.AII1: A CO.. l'ol) IS-Oin. 2-1 liist intli ht N, V, AN ACTUAL BCSINKHH IKSTITt'TlON AND TEUJOItAl'lllO N8T1TUTK. Kor Inform alien call at, Olllce, or tend for roil AoYMiTwin. junoai-ly THE "MOODY SHIRT." MADE TO OKDKlt ONLY. A 1' Kit I' EOT KIT OUAltANTEEl). nentleinen iloslrlnifKlilrtHWill plca&o drop ui a lino nnd our Auenl will cull and fot the lueasuienieut. jaiciory .o. vt iJiCkiiwuniui avi-iiuu. .ddress 1', O. MOOIIV, Kcranton, l'a. Jlorch IU, '10 ly CJ end 85c, to (1. 1'. KUWKI.Ii & CO., Now York, for kJl'mnphlctof 110 paces, cnntulnlHL' lists of jhi ntwsuutieiii, uudoi.tliiiuU.ShliowlUL'cobt ot advertts Ing, March lu, fo-iy. B I.ANK NOTI'M.wllh orwltliout extmplloi fur utile at the (Xilcxiam onlee. CHEAP AT TIIE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with the necessary Presses, Types anil other material for executing .'ill kinds of Printing at low rates and in the most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT TIIE Columbian Building. COUllT HOUSE ALLEY, Ploomsiiukg, Pa. When special material is required it will be promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and SmallPostcrs, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussiuess, Pic Nic, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Faro, &c. AVill all bo supplied and oxcutcd in superior style, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho best workmen aro employed and tho best material will alwayn bo furnished. A liberal shiiro of public jiatron-i ngo is respectfully solicited. Br,ooM8iiuna, June 18.1875! RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES I.ADKIdMIA AND UHAD1NU KOAI) AUKANOUMHNT OF PASSKNCJKIi TUAINS. StAV 5d, 13T8. TltAtNS t.nAVK lltTKIlT fOMOWH (StNIIAY KXCKtTEn l'or New York, Philadelphia, Itcmllng, 1'oltMlllo Tnmanua, Ae., 11,3a a. m l'or Calawlisa, ll,s.l a. m. anil T.So p. m. l'or Wllltnmsport,I,2S n. la. and 4,(n1 p. tn. TltAtNS 1011 IIOt-KRT I.EATR AS TOI I.OWP.Xl'UNPAV t CKITKIl.) Iavo New York, 11,00 n, in, U-ao l'lilladelplila, f,16 n. in. IiCMollcnttlnif, 11,3m. m I'ottsvllle, 12,10 p. m and Tnmaqua, 1,S0 p. in. Iavo Uatawlssn, c,so 11. m. and 4,00 p. in. I,eao Vllllamsport,ti,!ion. in. nnd r,vo p. m. Passengers to nnd from New York and l'hlladel phl.i go through w ithout change of cars. .1. 1:. woorn.v, Jan. 14, ls"i)-tf. Ileneral Siipeilnteiulent. TOUTHHHN CKNTUAI, JtAIIAVAY COMIMMl. on and after November soth, 1S7.1, trains w 111 leat 0 SUN 111)11 Y as follows t NOIlTHWAIIl). Ilrlo Mull C.50 a. tn., arrive Klmlra ll.r.o a, m " Oniinndalgua... a.n.'i p. m " llocltester MB " " Niagara u.iu lienoro accommodation a. m. ntrho Williams ri I2.r.5 p. in. Klmlra Jlall4.15 a. 111., nrrho Klmlra 10.20 a. 111. llulTalo Uxpress 7. is a. in. an ho HulTaloS.CO a. in. SOUTllWAlll). Ilutlalo llxpress 2.60 a. m.nrrl.c llnrrlshtirg 4.M n.m " lialtimore 1.10 " MmlraJIall 11.15 a.m., nriho ilarrlsbuiKl.Mp. m " Washington 10..10 " " llalllinoro 0.30 " " Wa.shlnglon8.30 Ilarrlsburu accommodation s.40 p. in. anlo llanls burglo.Mp. m. arrive llalllinnio 'i.v a. m ' Washington .13 " Jlrlo JIall 12..5 a. in. nn ho llarilsburgs.ii.'in. 111, " lialtimoro s.40 " " Washington 10.C5 " 411 uauy e.cepL noouay. 1). JI. liOYl), Jr., tieneral l'.isscngcr Agent A.J. CASSATT, (leneral Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. riiilailelpliln & line K. U. Division. WIXTKll TIMK TAlll.E. ON ami after SUNDAY, NOV. ill, lRTfi, tho trains 011 thu l-hll.idelplila Krlo Hall UU Islon w 111 1 1111 as follows : WESSTWMW. PAST 1.1 N E lent as New York " " " l'lilladelplila. ... " " ' lialttinoio " " " llarrlsburg " " llllamsporl...., " " " Uiek IMMii " " " ik-llefonlu Kllin MAlIi leaes New Yorl; Milladelphl.i.... " " " llallhuoie " " " Ilarilibtirg " " " Wllllanisport... " " " Lock llnu-n ... " " " Itcno.o " " air. nt trie 0 25 n. in iw p. Ill .. 1.20 p. 111 .. A.IIO p. Ill . S.55 p. Ill ..10.20 p. Ill .11.50 p. Ill 111 ..9.00 p. J!,' .. 4.26 , m .. WW. 11. Ill ..0.45,1. 1,1 .. ll.osa. in ... f.'-u p. Ill I.IMITI1D JIAII, leaves l'lilladelplila.. a. m " " " n.iltlmoie i.:io a. in p.' in p. Ill p. 111 a. 111 " " " llaiilibnrg. ...111.45 " " nrr. at Wllllamsporl.. " " " Lock lliuen.... 11.30 " " " llenoio 4.15 LOCK HA Vi:. leaves l'lilladelplila 8.00 ' " " lialtimoro n 30 u. m lunrisoiirg 1 25 " " nrr. at, Wllllanisport 0.10 p. 111 P. in p. m " " " lock uaen ;jio :o: EASTWMll). I'HII.'A EXI'KI.SS leaves Lock Haven... " " " Wllllanisport.. " " urrhrsatllaril.sbiiiL' " " " lialtimore " " " l'hllailelphlu.... "' " " New York DAY KXl'KKsy leaves lienoio " " " I.O0k IlllM'll. ., " " " Wllll.mispoit., " " nrr. at Han Isbiirg " " " l'lilladelplila.. " " " New Yoik " " " liiUtlmoru EKIEMAII, leaves Urlo " " " Iteuoo " " " Lock Haven " " Ultll.llllSK,lt, ' " nrr. at llirrlsburg " " " lialtimoro " " " I'lilladeliihla " " " New York . Cion. m .. I.U II. m .11 r.ia. hi . 0.15 p. m . 4.21lp. Ill . 1.35 jl. Ill .. 0.10 a. m , HI. 511. Ill .11 3Ml. in ,. S.IHl p. Ill . 0.20 p. Ill .. 0 1.1 p. Ill ,. 0.35 p. In ...11.20 a. in . . S.25 p. Ill . . 11.45 p. Ill ,. 10.65 p. Ill .... 2.30a. 111 7.35 a. 111 ... 7.00 u. 111 ...10,10 a. in .... 12.85 a. Ill 3.55 a. in 7.35 a. Ill 7.35 a, 111 10.25 a. Ill I'AST LINE leaves Wllllamsport " " arr. at llairlsliuiv " " " li.Utlinoio Iill.ulr.lnni., New York. . . .' Erie JIall West. Limited Mall West, Lock Haven Accom. West and li.iy Express East mako clo&o con liecllou at Noithiiiubui'lnnd w 1th L. K II. It, It. trains for WllLes-llarre and .scranton. Erie .Mull West, Limited -Mull West and Fast Lino West mako close coniiectlcn at Wllllanisport with N. c. it. W. trains north, Erie .Mall East and Wett, Limited JIall West, l'ast l.lno West and Hay Express East make close con nection at Lock Haven with U.K. V, It. 11. Indus. Kilo Mall East and West connect nt Eilo with trains 011 L. N. .V. M. S It. It. at Cony wlih o. v. A A. V. II. It. ot Enipoiliiiii wlih II. N, . I'. It. II. and at IliKtwood with A V. It. It. I'ailor Tars will 11111 between l'lilladelplila and WllllJiiispoit 011 Llniltid Mall West, East lino West, l'lilladelplila Evpiess East and Day Kxrm East. Meeplng Cars 011 all night trains, AVM. A. HALinviN, Dec. 17,'75-tf (icneral Supt. D 1-: l, A WA 1 i K, I- ACK AWA NN A WKSTEli.N ItAlLltOAD. IILOOMSIIUIK! DIVISION. AND Tlme-Tablo No, 30, Takes tllect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, NOVEMIIEH 22 1ST5. NllltTII. .STATIONS. MIUTII. p.m. p.m. a. in. a.m. i 111. ji.Ill. h oa a o H 11 3 5i 7 65 3 40 7 411 3 42 7 4 1 3 3f 7 33 3 82 7 27 3 27 7 22 3 SU 7 IS II 10 7 15 3 17 0 4 Scranton Hello uo Taylor, tllu.,. T.fick'nH nmin V 3S 0 4S 0 63 1 mi 11 ir. 0 4.1 9 114 0 81 2 2.1 0 ! 2 81 II 85 II I I 10 no 10 00 10 11 2 38 0 25 1'IIIStOll. ..'...! 2 40 20 . west i-iiiston... 2 62 0 65 0 15 V 11 0 07 0 05 0 15 tt 60 S 60 b 61 S 49 a 41 S 30 S 10 8 14 H OS 8 .2 7 6s 7 61 7 40 7 4i 7 35 7 .10 7 2il 7 11 7 04 7 (I U 45 vi'iomiug Jlaltby 10 111 10 20 10 2.1 2 68 3 114 S 1.7 7 III 7 Oil 7 11 7 15 7 25 7 85 7 40 7 4S 7 hi 8 in 8 25 8 45 8 in 'J 05 II 611 0 Ui 7 114 iienueit Kingston Kingston .... .,1'lj mouth .nine.. ....l'lj mouth .... ..... Nantlcoko .Iltlllloek's 1 reek. ..Milcksldnny ....Hick's Kerry... .... Heath HaU'U... Herwlek .... Hilar 1'ieek ...Willow llroio.... Ltino llldge Espy . ..Hloomsbuig 10 27 3 ID 3 If 3 S'2 3 2T 3 32 3 37 8 45 7 IB 3 11 iI3 W 10 82 7 07 3 12 7 l3 0 M a 00 10 85 10 40 10 44 10 62 11 & 11 17 H 04 3 11 y c-4 2 42 II M a .r. a mi 4 UI 4 15 l! !5 -2 31 0 00 i 25 It 23 4 21 G lu 2 19 11 81 II 80 II 10 11 43 4 V) 6 L5 2 13 1 10 i 37 4 41 5 CI r. js 2 1 a 1 &s 4 40 5 40 II 51 4 65 7 20 r. 31 I :i 1 4s 1 4J 11 67 12 i 5 12 6 IU 7 40 7 4. 6 2S r. 2.1 Cntawlssa llrldgei 12 07 n 11 7 r.'i 6 20 1 40 . U1.11K U nuien. 12 10 6 20 8 60 6 I it 1 25 ...D.111VIH0 ...rimldsky, 12 25 6 84 6 47 4 65 4 60 1 10 1 15 1 II) p.m. 1-2 3 '2 8 40 12 80 6 62 8 47 12 61 0 10 U lfi 4 35 p.m. I.Norlliuiiiberlaiid', a.m. p.m. p.m. u.iu. ii. 1. II.MAI li.MI, Mipi. Supeilntendeufa onieo, bcrautou, Dee. 10, isi5. GLAZING AND PAPERING. "WJr. F. ItODINI-., Iron Rlreet liclow kcc ond, Dloumsburg, l'a., Isproouitd to do ul kinds ot PAINTING, ai,AZIN(, nntl FAPKK HANGINGS, notice beBt stylcs' 111 lowcn:irrIt(B, etd auiort l'artles havlnir sucli work to do w 111 myo inorcy t y calllna on we. All work warranted to glvo satbtactlon. Ordora solicited VM. F. 1IODINF. March C 14 1 jt