THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCJc. , 'LOCYi&L IJB.G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, THE COLUMBIAN. II I, O O .11 N II tl II (I, (' l: 1 1) .1 y, ji ui( U, IMO Hull l!nml Tlum LACKAWANNA llLOOMHIlUlM UAH. IIOA1I Accommodation Train,... Mull Train linprcss Tinln , south. Rnnrti. . (1.4.1 A.M. 7.40 A. M , 1.M P.M. K.31 P. XI. !M.. JI. 6. ! P. Jt II.M A. M OATAWISSA IIAII, 1IOAI). . .. Komii. Accommodation Train A. M. Itpffiilnr Lxtiresq n f. it f RlM'Ttt T.CU P. M. 11,3.1 A. JI. Through care on l.xprcss train cither to New York or Philadelphia. Acciimtninliitlon train runs betw een i uiuwissa uim it iiuaiuspori K:iler Sunday comes on tlio ICtli of April this year. Sliail niiiile their appearance In tlio market last wick. The mijpetnion in tlio coal region will con (nine until .March 20th. Nathaniel Taylor, nn4 Wank lUrmlollor were mlinitted to practice law in Montour Conn ty last week. Farmer, if yon want n first cl.ii irnn-bcam plow go tn llarinan & lla.iorl. March lO-.lw, Rnli-cr!leM to the Qilumhian who propose to change their resiliences, hIioiiM give us prompt notice. Wo arc informed that William KricUhanm County Clerk, is snfliiring from a severe attack of dlpthcna. (IcorRO 1). Jackson hat been clio-cn as reprc sentntivc delegate from Sullivan county to the Democratic state convention. Judge Taft was sworn into ollieo us Stcretary of War lat Saturday. The O.ith was iiilniihis tered by Chief Justice Walte. An adjourned session of court for the trial of several important cu-c, will lie held in April, he ginning on the 3rd. Tlio list of jurors will he found in .mother column. Large (locks of pigeons passed over ami near town lat Salindiy. Seveial of our sporlsmeii were out hut with no success the birds living h high us to be beyond gun shot. Hon, Charles It. lluckalew baa been chosen !iy the .State llousoof liqirc'cnlatives as one of the lloaid ofTm-lccs of "The I'ennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art." Hairpins covered with silk to match the shade of the wcarei's hair are another inven tion. They lire Invisible, and, moreover, keep in place bitter than the oidinary kind. ComacTio.v. A station agent at l'upert re quests us to deny that ho is in any way impli cated willi the "Molly Maguins." We give 1 1 i in ll io benefit of his denial, and refer him to our advertising rates. Jcsticks' Commissions. The Commis sions for I.. A. German, of I'iuc; William Hellas of Orange; J. Paul Frey, of Heaver; 1). A. Manson,of Wanklin ; and Philip Harris, of Centre ; have been icceived at the Ilccordcr's Olliee. Nr.w l'Al'i:ii. We have received the first number of the Danville f'eeonl, edited by I).' It. H. Hrower. It proposes to bo independent in all things. The Doctor has the ability to get out a good newspaper, and undoubtedly will do so. We wisli him success. Wfld pigeons in greater numbers than have been seen for years are now in the upper part of this county. Periiaps some of these birds may Ih.d their way into our jniuktts and at such prices as to put them within tlio limits of every purse. Prof. J. W. Fence delivered a very intcicM ing lecture at Normal Hall on Wid.iy evening la-t. His subject was "The nature and practi cal valuo of iiiutlicinatics.'' The Pioh's-nr, al ways iiitcicsting, sustained bis reputation on this occasion. Monday last was the first genuine March day we have had this year. The wind was high and keen, the sun's rays without warmth ami the general feeling of the community was that although the winter's back bone would have been broken if it had given any evidence of possessing one, there was some vitality in the old fellows system yet. It is remarkable how many persons aged one hundred years or thereabouts are coming into sight lately. Thu veterans have become sudden ly quite fashionable so much so, in fact, that no family having a proper conception of its own dignity should bo without one. Where's iniiii ' Here is a glorious opportunity for him to sccuie a galaxy of lbu"oldest living human beings on the globe," Admission fifty cents and liberal arrangements mado for Sunday Schools. This is St. Patrick's Day. It is not celebrat ed by fannies in Pennsylvania this year. The order has gone foilh fiom the heads of tlio var ious Irish societies "that out of love for Ameri can libeity and a desire to render thoone hund redth unimersaiy of the declaration of Inde pendence all the honor due to the occasion, nud to make the I'ouilb of July parade a meniora hlo one in the history of tlio Irish organizations, that there bo no general parade upon 1 lie 1 Tilt of Maicb." Thus far the fiuit tries siem to have stillcrid no injury, tlio weather not having been so con tinuously warm as to start the buds. Wheat is looking well and has sustained no damage from the alternate fucnings and lliiiwiugs which so singularly rlinrntt i r)7i il the month just past. It nould bo a pity, truly, to have short crops, (specially of fiuil, in this Centennial year with nil the world on our own soil prepared to cat and criticise. It is odd, by the way, that the usual annual dcstiuclion of pincli buds In New Jersey has not ns yet been reported. Tlio following bill now befoio tlio I.euisliituie will, if passid, save much liiomy to those who aro stockholders in tlio building and loan as sociations of the country. li run and aflir the pan-ago of this act it shall not be lawful for any building and loan associ ation hi rclofore incorporated, or hereafter to bo incorporated under tlio piovisions of any act of the gincrul nssimbly of this commonwealth, to impose upon any stockholders thereof for lion pay mint of installments on stock or interest upon loans any gi eater lino or penally than one per lint, for inch and every month that said iiistullmint or interest shall riiuiilnunpald. Tlio C'onfutiico of ibis Sinatorlal District nut at tlio City Hotel in Danville on Satin day the 11th at 2 p, in. for the purpose of select ing a Delegato lo rcpnscnt tills District in tlio Diniocriitio Slate Convention to bo held at Lancaster on the 2'Jnd, Present A. Ocringer, mid Jacob S. Coxle of Montour, David I.ohiii birg and Charles U. ll.irkley of Columbia, Adam Gcilnger was eltctul Piisldcnt and Charles 0, Jlaikle-y Secretary of tlio Confer ence. A willliu concumnrc from tlio Sullivan confines M. Mcylert mid Waller Spincir, In favor of tlio nomlnie of Columbia County was read and allowed. A litter tins produced and read by Mr, Cox io fiiim O, II. Hcigbaril of Lycoming request ing the Conference lo udjourn for ono wcik if ho could not bo sent us tlio delegate, Mr. Coxio nominated Thomas Coxie, ond Mr. Lowen beig nominated Wurrcn J. lluckalew. Kigbt ballots wcro taken in about two hours and upon the last ballot Wurrcn J. lluckalew was elected. On motion to make tlio nomination unanimous Mr. Coxlo votes! no. Adjourned tincdie. Three prisoners escaped from Jail one day Inst week, one. returned, another was captured and the third, Shatter by name, Is still at large. Ilavo any of our readers noticed thu cxtraor dlnary brightness of tlio livening slar of late? It is really qulto remarkable. On Tuesday nlglit iat the star was surrounded by n welldc' filled halo and looked like the moon in miiil.v til re. Tlio place to buy good plow points ami plow repairs is at llarinan oc IIac-rl t. .March 10-.1w. The Jlfpubllam, almost weekly repeals the assertion that that paper is read moro largely by Iho business men, nnd has tlio largest circu lation of any paper in this county. Wo woiil I simply inquire why It Is that tlio postago paid by the Jliptillican on its weekly issue is just one fourth lessthan that paid by tlioCoLUMnlAK. When a man detects a mlsslm. bntlnn riftcr getting on a clean shirt no one in tlio house is aware oi mo Met. I le lakes oil tlio shirt nnd puis on another, iiuletlv smilinir nil tbn He never, never speaks of it to a soul. The marricil ladies will hear us out that these- are solemn f.icl. Wanamaker & lirown hate the largest cloth lug establishment In America. They make the best kind of goods at llio lowest prices. Their establishment occupies the space formerly u-ed by six dilll-rent business houses, and employ an army of men anil women. Their new advertise incut in another column gives full information concerning the inducements ofiered by them, A sad accident occurcd on Tuesday at a sale' near Selinsgrovc. James Hover, nged twentv- three, while hi the act of examining a pistol, .od'ered by thu auctioneer, accidentally shot Mi-s Woodlmg, aged fifteen years, in the head nbove the left eye. She was standing on a porch about fifteen felt away. Sho is not expected to recover. On I liumtay evening of last week Crusade Commandery No IS, Knights Templar held their annual election of officer in Maonie Hall, willi the following result : Eminent Commander S. L. Wench ; General issimo W. 11. Potist; Captain (iencrjl C. A. Boone; Treasurer J. J. l'rowcr; Hecorder 0. I' Knapp. At the conclii-ion of their business, a grand banquet was partaken of by about sixty Sir Knights, at the Exchange Hotel. The tables were beautifully arranged, and the occasion was greatly enjoyed by all present. A.V Iri:M roil Gl-KN-IUU. Tlin AiUmi-lim hints conicd from OtIO of tbn li'ndillf ntinrtliinr papers in the country, will perhaps bo read with interest by the sportsmen hereabout: (.inns anil rillcs can bo easily cleaned frmn lead l,j the following process : If a inuzile load er, stop up Iho nipple or communication hole witli a little wax. or if a briicb ln.iih-r. in. scrt a cork in the breech rather tightly ; next pour some quicksilver into the birrel, and put another cork in the muz.le, then proceed lo roll it about for a few minutes. The iiiin-iirv ,,ml the lead will foi m an amalrram. and leave llm barrel as clean and free from lead as the first lay it came out of the shop. The same quick dlvcr can bo used rcnc.-itoilli- ! j "j h through wash leather; for the lead will be left in iho leather anil the quicksilver will again be fit for use." In the comities of Schuvlkill. Northumber land, Columbia nnd Daunhin tin- nii,iilnr kill. ed, maimed and the number of widows and or- lians made in conseoiience was l.fi20 the nasi seven years. The largest number of casual ties Mere ill Schuylkill countv. lit! I bavin" been killed and 1.GC7 malum. The number killed and manned in Northumberland county was !!! and in Columbia 79. In the several enmi ties the number of fatal casualties from fills of coal was 2111. from fallinc rock anil slide- i?, from falls into shafts and slope (iO, from falls of timber IS, Irom explosions of firc-daiim 101. powder 2.1, blasts and shots 21 and steam boil ers HI, ciu-bul by timbers, wignns, etc., OS, t illing oil slope anil shaft races II. hre.-il.iii.. of ropes and chains 20, crushed in wheels and machinery 20, crushed in rollers 21, sullhcatcd by noxious gases g, ii,j,rc,l by animals 8, and eight miscellaneous accidents, making a total number of deaths of 73o. The iiiiioIiim' miim. cd and injured was 2.0SD. The numler of willows was ,IS2 anil orphans 1,1.10. An adjourned Court was held on Monday last March Kllli, at which the following business was transacted : Petition of Addie C. Pniiins tn beinm n ftmc mJe trader. Court order petition to bo marked hint and lecordctl in Hecorder s olhco in and for tlio County of Columbia Petition for guardian by Win. S. Iliilo et al. Win. II. Abbott appointed. Ilond in ?100 for each ward. Alfred Eck approved as surety. In the estate of Daniel Snyder Sr. Citation to Daniel Snyder Jr. awarded. Mary A. Moss vs Wm. E. Moss. Petition in divorce. Subpicna awarded. In the estate of Mellaril '. Kelly. Iteport of sale confirmed nisi. In the estate of Wesley Johnson. Inquest nwaided. Alexander Colley. Petition in lunacy. A. C, Smith appointed commissioner. Win. Snyder's Exrs. vs. Jacob Heehtel. Judg ment opined and Mrs. J. Heehtel allowed to defend, Case set for May Term. W desire it to be understood that wo hayo nothing to do with Mr, Dieflinbaeh's accounts, nor witli their collection. They are in the hands of JC E. Orvis E-q. whose office is cm tlio first Hour, right hand door, of the C'oi.usi WAN building, and persons desiring any infor mation concerning their accounts should inqiiiic of him. Quite a number have inquired of us why lliey are charged two dollais and a half a year by Mr. Diilliiibaeh in settling bis accounts. Wo answer that it is because the adverti-ed rales of sub-eription are two dollars paid in ailumcc, and two dollars and a half if in,t so paid. It is only thioiigh favor of tlio publisher that any papus ale suit nut before the subscription is paid. If subscribe. a allow their accounts to run oyer one year, lliey ought not to complain if they aro aked to pay what it is distinctly slated will he chained in such a case, mid cer tainly no one should stop his paper now, on ac count of a matter with which tLo present pro piltlois liayo nothing to do. Our price is two dollais per annum. caution to ruiiusiii:ii.-i. An advertisement headed "Consumption Cur ed" and signid, Dr. W. C Steven, Miiuroo block, Syracuse, N. Y. nppeurcs In many pa pers in this section of the state, nnd for tin) benefit of the pie ts, wo giveourexierIenco with the gtiitleninn, After a letter of inquiry, as to prices Ac., which we answered, wo icceived tho following postal curd. Syiiaitm: N. Y. Deo ISih 1875. Gentlemen.-ours ol 17th Inst toliaud. Your rates aro satisfactory. Please insert ad "Con sumption Cured" and on receipt of '' coiitaiuiiigad in reading column, I will receipt by P. O, older lor first quarter. Yours Truly. W. C. Stevens. Tho advertisement was inserted on Dec, 2 lib, 1875, and the paper sent regularly, but no P, 0, order mado its appearance, Wo wrote Dr. Slcvens, but recti veil no answer. Then wewroto again, with tlio samo lesiilt, Finally, determined to sift tho matter thoroughly, wo sent a sight draft, daUsl February 27lh, which ciiiio back to us on March 7th with n refusal to pay, and un endorsement "'will write." After again waiting several days wo wrolo him, say ing that if we did not hear from him within four days wo would publish htm, That time has passu! nnd wo aro as good as our word. Newspapiii containing this advertisement may as will discontinue, and charge to profit and loss. Jerry llhiek has become counsel for the Dis trict of Columbia real clatu ring, as well ns for Ibjlktiap, and they wiy who know him best, that ho horcr takes n In-iiig cno. Jerry Is a hard-shell Democrat. (hutlte it IliM ti.u Itopublieaii scoundrels aro getting hard push ed and, doubtless much against their wills, have to employ Democratic brains to help litem out of their trouble. Theyi'on't tiut their own parly associates and so go where they can get honesty nnd ability. Thcro will bo more ofllicm needing tho aid of "Hard shell Democrats," be fore tho end comes. YANKEI! DOODt.n. In tills Centennial year every tiling relating tn the ltcvnlutionary era is being rovlvcd. lint "Yankee Doodle" seems to havo been forgotten. Many versions of it aro now given, but wo agreo witli a correspondent of the Pitlston Gazette that the following aro tho original words. At least our grandmother taught ns so : I'atlier and I went down to camp, Along with Captain Oooilln', And there we saw tlio boys nnd gals As thick as hasty pudding. And there was Mr. Washington, Ami nil tlio folks ntiout lilm, And I think that rather said, '1 hey couldn't do without lilm. llo put on his Sunday clolhse, Hot on tils 11 ippins stallion, Anil placed the folks nil In rows- A thousand or a million. And there they had a great big gun, As Mg as a log of maple. They had It on a llttlo cart, A load for father's cattle. Kvcry tlmo they nred It orr It took n horn of powder, It made a nolso like father's gun, only a nation louder. It soared mo so that I run home, Nor stopped as I remember, Till I got safe and sound Into tattler's chamber. l'l'lll.IC SAMM. All sales fur which we print bills will bo no ticed in this column free of charge. Drafts of bills, containing a list of articles or a descript ion of land to lie sold, witli the d.ito and time of sale and the conditions of payment, can bo sent us by mail or otherwise, and wo will promptly print and return them to any part of the county as directed. March 18th. William H. Hess will sell ner- sonal properly on his premises in Centre town ship, at 1 o'clock p. in. March 18th. Executors of William J. Ever. deceased, will sell real estate and personal pro perty ot decedent in Catawissa, at 10 oeloek a. in. ceo advertisement. March 18th. Daniel S. Heehtel will sell tier- sonal property on the premises, near New Co- luinina, at w a. m. March 20th. Horace Schwcimenheiser will sell real estate and personal properly in Mifflin, ai v o ciock a. m. Marcli 21st. E. Mendeiihall will sell real es- tate of J. J, Hobbins, In Greenwood and Pino townships, at 1 o'clock p. in. Sco advertise ment. .Marcli 22d. The administrators of S. K. Albertsou will sell personal propeity. Denton. 10 o'clock a. m. Marcli 2:lrd. Administrators of Steuben Gear- hart, deceased, will sell personal property at the late resilience of the decedent in North Union township, Schuylkill county. The JlenuLlietin of last week gives no informa tion to its readers on the subject of Helknap. In an editorial headed "A Severe Morsel" it labors to show how tickled the Democrats aro because "they think they see a little political capital'' in the alf.tir. It gives no particulars of H.-lknap's, but does not forget to charge Ilon.Ileis- terClymer with permitting Marsh lo escape. If there is no political significance in tliis exposure of one of tho admini-tr.ilion pets, why is tlicitV publiean afraid to tell the whole story 7 When it says that the President issued no order di recting the piosccution of all who were con nected with the transaction, it shows that its editors cither do not read the papers, or else that they wilfully misrepresent facts. Tho President directed tho Attorney General to in stitute prosecutions against alt accomplices, and by that order closed tho mouths of those who otherwise would have testified in the ca-e. Hut Giant didn't want his family matters exposed. hen tho j'cpulHetm says that 1 leister Cly- mer discharged Marsh, it makes another mis take. He was discharged by the consent of the whole committee, demanded his pay as a witness, received it, and left. The Committee had no legal authority to detain him. We pre sume Congress is governed by the laws of the land, and they certainly had no right to detain any 'one on aVubpiena to testify before a commit tee, and then when he had told all he knew, de tain 1 1 in i longer until some body got ready to arret him. Tho statements made bv the lltpablietm have all been denied openly in tho Houso and shown to bo false by tho records, and lo publish such things after their falsity is establishes, is tho trlik of a petty politician, and tho last resort of a demoralized party. EPISCOPALIANS ANII THE COMMON S.C1I06L HVSTllM. Tho Danville Inttlliyeneer last week, In clos ing an article in which it takes back its former allegation that the Episcopal Church is opposed to the common sihool system, says: As lo the views held bv the clergy of the Protestant Eniscoiial ihlircfi of America in re gard lo our Common School syslem wo are not prepared to deny that they aro "enthusiastic supporters" of it, We are pleased to learn it, 111 uie same time we can t understand why it is that in tho city of Philadelphia and in fact wherever the wealth nf the church will admit of it, parochial or parhh schools me established, and strenuous clliirls are made by the minister or ministers of the parish lo have all the chil dren of tho laity attend them. The nsluto writer of tlio article reluctantly abandons the ground that the Epi-eopal Church is opposed to common schools because, forsooth, she maintains schools of her own, and her elei- gymeii u-e llieir inllucnce to secure tho attend- unco of church childim where they can be taught tho doctrines of tho Church. Ho would have us believe, then, that tho patrons of all private schools arc oppo-ed to tho common school system ; mid indeed tho State itself, be cause it has oiganized nud maintained institu tions of learning which aro separate and dis tinct from tlio common schools, Tho writer "cannot understand why It is" that people of wealth and ciiltmo should desire to give their children bitter advantages than tlio public school adonis Can he understand why Pres byterians, and Huptists, and Methodists, nud Lutheran should send their sons and daughters to institutions conducted by their respective de nominations when they nro prepares to cuter upon a higher course of study ? And yet his reasoning would lead to the conclusion that they do ltd bec-juso lliey aro opposed to tho common school system. The Epi-eopal Church I among tho most liberal of tho Christian denominations, nud there Is no other that labors more earnestly for tho general dissemination of learning. Tlio common school receive from her the warmest support In its endeavor to accomplish that for which it i intended, viz., the education of the masses ; but as iho public school does not de pend upon tho number of pupils In attendance It Is hard to seo why tho Church should be com plained of because sho maintains schools of her ow n. We believe Episcopalians are not exempt from tho payment of school tax, and If they see proper to suppoit a parish school besides, it is their own business, and not a matter to bu re form! to ns evidence of opposition lo the com mon school system. Tho London Hour nays: "Mr.Sehonck's course In quitting England without taking leavo of tlio Queen is unprecedented," Ho was too busy trying to savo tho knavo to think of tlio (jticcn, Tho constable. wero after lilm. News llr-mi. Ilecclior, lloweii, lltitlcr, ll.ibcock ltcl knap, Iterssle, a bad batch ol Il'a. No won tier Spelling Decs nro tlnfnshloniiblo, Dr. Edwards, of West Vlrgiiiin, wlio was n mpmbcr of Congress In 1813, and received John Qulitcy Adams In liU arms when tlio old statesman fell In his pl.ico in tho Houso of Representatives, died nt Wheeling last week. Wonder If Clrant over heard this mice doto of President Plerco? A gentleman from Clinrlestown, Massachusetts, went lo Washington and applied for nu ollicc. Ho was recommended, ntul would doubtless havo received tlio appointment but for his name. "Hut 1 urn 110 rclatlvo ot yours," said tho gentleman. "I know It," was tho courteous reply of tho President, "but your name Is Pierce, audi might be accused of showing iiinliio partiality to lny relatives." Kuvclatlous of corrupt practices on tho pait of Purinan, Republican Congressman irom Florida, which will necessitate his ex pulsion, hnvo coino to light, tjj gays ttidis patch to tho Plilln. 7Vic. Oijn'. CusTiin's Opinion. Tho following is the full text of tho telegram sent by lien. Georgo A. Outer to lleister Clyncr' from t-t. Paul, Minn , on tho lid Inst,: An Investigation of the trudcrsbip along tho Missouri river would expuso as disgrace ful a state of all'.iirs as has recently been dis covered in connection witli Fort Sill. The Jury in the $-0,000,000 suit ngainst Tweed found a verdict for tho people for !? 1,710,9 10,:S-5 principal, and $l,S17,177,0;t interest from September, 1870. Total, $0, 07,117,38, Wiuslow tho liostou forger had a hear ing in London and was committed for fif teen days when he will bo sent to tho United States in tlio cmtody of nn American officer to await his trial. Joscphus Sooy Jr., tho defaulting New Jersey State Treasurer has been convicted of embezzlement and sentenced to three years imprisonment and until tho costs of prosecution arc paid. Preparations arc being mado to go to work in the coal regions next week. Tlio rail roads havo begun the distribution of cars among tho mines mid business shows signs of improvement especially among the merchants. Hon W. W. Kctclutm member of Con gress from the Luzerne district has been s-ery ill witli pneumonia. His friends havo not abandoned hopes of his recovery. J oil 11 Hntscy is one of tho "0110 nrmed Republicans" who has been dismissed from the service of the House. He Inst that one aim in a saw-mill, and got tflo.OOO of Pa cific Mail funds. Tho Luzerno Union is anxious to know whether "it is because Pennsylvania is so rich or because it is so hard to govern," that her Governor should get so much larger a salary than do tho Governors of other States? Perhaps some Radical voter will rise and explain. It is now charged that Senator AVest, of Louisiana, a pet with tlio administration, spent ?25,000 to sccuro his election. L. A. Wiltz, member of tho Legislature, is tho man who makes tho charge. Let tlio Sen ate investigato West, and if guilty, send him after his Kansas predecessor. A curious incident of tho lieecher pro ceedings lias occurred. Mr. Ilowcn read a statement before 1111 assemblage of Ueeclier's friends, and when about to retire, belore tlio party had an opportunity lo question him, found thc"donr locked. Itowcn took in tho situation at a glanco and darted out tho back door, upsetting tlio furniture. Tlio Committee on patents of the Ilnus of Representatives havo reported adversely on the applications of A. !. Wilson for tlio extension of Ills patent on sewing machines known as tlio "four motion feed." Here tofore the various sewing machine compa nies havo been compelled to pay a heavy royalty for the Uso of this extremely valu able improvement and it is claimed that as it now becomes public property tho price of sew ing iiiacuuies win 110 grcaeiy reuiiccci. This will bo good news indeed to tlio peo ple of the whole country. It was given in cvideuco before tho Committee that tho cost of sowing machine is not moro than from twelve to fifteen dollars. A Few Words To Feclilo Anil Delicate Women. Hy R. V. Pii:uck, M. 1)., of tho World's Dispensary, Hullalo, N. Y., Author of "Tho People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," etc., etc. Knowing that you arc subject to a great amount of sulfeniig, that delicacy on your part hi a strong tendency to prolong it, anil tho longer it is neglected tho moro you havo to cniluro and tho moro dillicult of euro your ca-o becomes, I, as a physician, who am daily consulted by scores of your sex, elesireni) say to you 'that I am constantly meeting with thoso who havo been treated for their ailments for mouths without being benefited in the least, until they irivo be come perfectly discouraged and havo almost made up their mind never to take another doso of medicine, or bo tortured by any further treatment, They had rather die and have their sullcriiigs ended than to live and sutler as they have. They say they aro worn out by suffering, and aro only mado wor.-o by treatment. Of any thing moro discouraging, we certainly cannot conceive and wero there no more successful mode of treating such difficulties than that, tho prin ciples of which teach tho reducing tho dep leting of tho vital forces of tho system, when thu indications dictate a treatment directly the rovciso of tho ono adopted for them, their caso would be deplorable indeed, lint, lady sull'erers, there is a better and far moro successful plan of treatment for vou ; one more in harmony witli tho laws ami require ments of your system. A harsh, irritating caustic treatment nnd strong medicines will nocr euro you, If you would use rational means, such ns comiiion-sen-o hhould dictato to every intelligent lady, take such medi cines as embody the very best invigorating tonics nnd nervines, compounded with spe cial reference) to your delicate system. Such a happy combination you will find in my Favorilo Prescription, which lias received tho highest prniso from thousands nf your sox. Thoso languid, tiresome) sciintions, causing you to feel scarcely ublo to bo on your feet or ascend a flight of stairs ; that continual strain that is sapping from your system nil vour former elasticity, and dri wng tlio plood from )our checks , that con tinual strain upon your vital forces that renders you irritable and fretful, mar all boovcrconio and subdued by n preserving use of that marvelous remedy. Irregularities nud obstructions to tlio proper working of your syttem nro relieved by this mild ami safo means, whllo periodical pains, tho existence nf which is a stiro indication of serious dieaso that should not bo neglected readily yield to it und if its use bt kept up for a reasonable length of time, tlio special cause of these pains is permanently removed. Further light on this bubjett may be obtain od from "Tlio People's Common Sense .Med ical Ailv.ser," in which J havo devoted a large space to thu consideration of all forms of diseases peculiar to vour sex. This work will bo sent (post-paidlto auv nddreos on receipt of $1,50. My Favorito 'Prcscrip. tiou is bold by druggists, HAAS' KXruntilUXr-Tho meat Itemedy for coughs, Colds, Consumption, und all Diseases ut Iho throat unit lungs. Will I'ure, and otlenwlien theVaso apparently hopeless. Woilo not ineun tosav, that when Iho Lungs uro ilestiojiil any medicine can create llieui anew. Hut v. o elo say, that It a person has a Violent cough, Night Sweats, Creeping chills. Is eonHiied to licit u cuie may touilecteU. J, II, Daniel ic Cut-Dear pint I liinu used Haas' Kxpectorunl In my luiully for uujcais, and hue thu oxiicrleiieo ot knowing Its gicnt inirlis.auil Uo crlml- ly recommend ll to ull suneiirs with thoso dls lictaiug eoiiiiuaiiiin lur njueu u is llieeillleel, ii:n. w. iiicis's.nviiu'i. tl.1n V.t (. 1L1. Try It 1 1'lilCK Mlt'liNTS, Bolel by all Drugjtsts. Kb. 11. Jin Business Notices 4 $2 00 buys a good pair Indies' Shoes nl -ucKiniicy s. For Wnll Paper go to Cl. A. Ulark'n. I tell you 0, 0. Morr sells nice Syrups. You can buy Oooel White Dishes nt I. W Ilitrtinan's for $4.00 per set. Tho largest ond best assortment of 8 cent ejnllcoes ever opened in llloouibiirg now on hand at Lutz I't Sloan's. Lookout for Spring Goods and pri suit tho times lit K. M. Knorr's. ccs to Oo to 0. 0. Mnrr for fresh Garden Seeds Ready Mado Clothing Cheaper than ever nt I). Lowenberg s. Flour and Feed at M. JI. Russell's. Gum Hoots at E. M. Knorr's for $3.00. For first class Photographs, Oil Paintings or any kind of pictures go to A. J. Hro'vn's new uniicry in sterner iiuiiiitug, aw. G. A. Clark has i list gotten in his siirimr stock of Blank Hooks. It is largo and well nssoricu. 1'vr Jlcnt. Two elegant rooms, sultablo lor otiices, Kent reasonable. Apply soon. J. 11. Maize. Over H000 yards of Hamburg F.mbroldcr ies just received at Lutz it Sloan's. Price on ('ainbric ll cents to $2 fiO per yard. Plow Shocs-atMcKinncy's. You can buy 3 yards Kentucky Jean at I. W. Hartmnii's for -18 cents. WANTi:i). WANTED. WANTED. Any quantity of Musk-Rat, Mink, Racoon, Fox and Skunk skins for which the highest Guh price will bo paid by David Lowenberg. Huttcr 35 cents a pound, Eggs 10 cents a dozen, nt M. M. Russell's. .-. . C. C. Marr buys Dried Apples. ',lU I'aper.G. A. Clark has double tho stock of any other establishment in town, which must be sold. Ladies' foxed Gaiters $2.00 at McKinncy'a.' For Rent A first-class ollicc in tho Co lumbian Building, fronting the Court House. Apply at this ollicc. If Custnm-mado Hoots at E. M. Knorr's the best and cheapest in Market. Oranges and Lemons always on hand at M. M. Russell's. For a nobby Cap go to D. Lowcnbcrg's. C. C. Marr has Flaxseed for sale. For Blank Books go to G. A. Clark's. For. Rll.vr. The House, barn, and lot on East Street, formerly occupied by I. W. Nile., apply to Biiockway it Ei.wkli. Uloomsburir, Pa. tf Canned fruits of all kinds at Russell's. A large assortment of Ecru lace tics, silk ties, Casiuncrc laces, Valenciennes laces.Eng lish crape, white bed spread, Napkins and Doyles towels ecc, just received at Lutz it Sloan's. For Fine Calf Boots go to E. M. Knorr's. C. 0. Marr Buys Hogs Bristles. You can buv 12 yards of Plaid Dress Goods at I. W. llartman's for $1.00. The Newest, Neatest, and Nicest Clothing for Jluia and Children that can bo obtained in tlio New York market just icceived at D. Lowcnbcrg's. You can getEmbroidery at Lutz & Sloan's wide enou gh to make a child's' dress skirt of one widtli without any other material. Picture Frame. A large variety of Pic ture Frames, SxlO, fn stock. Other sizes made to older, at G. A. Clark's Rook Store. . m ' i TO WAN DA BOOTS I TOWANDA BOOTS The best and most reliable for every one to buy. Try them. For sale at McKin ney's. New Orleans Baking Molasses, choice Syr ups from SO cents to $1 a gallon. A fine as sortment ol Veiling llvson, Imperial, Japan and Black Teas at JI. M. Russel's. HATS! HATS!! HATS II I Newest colors, Brown, Black and Navy Blue, ju-t received nt D. Lowcnbcrg's. G. A. Clark announces that although ho docs not keep "music" on hand, yet lie is constantly ordering. Send him your orders Faiimkiis, Attiintion. llussel takes Butter Eggs, Lard and Produce in exchange for goods Rin:uMATisM, Ktumlijia, Lumbago. Scia tica Rheumatic Gout and Nervous Diseases positively cured by Dr. Fillers lihtnmntic lltmtdy and Pills. G A. Kleim, Solo Agent, Jllooinsburg, Pa. Dec. 17, '75 ly. If you want a good Ham, If you want cheap and good Tea, If you want Coffee Java or Rio, If you want good Canned Fruit, If you want tho best Mackerel, If you want Sugar for tho least money, If you want tho best Syrups in town, If you want good Cigars, If you want good Tobacco. If j'ou want anything in tho Grocery and Provision line, go to Russni.l.'is, Main street. tf-25 I'komit Hmnforcemun't. When tho phys ical energies are overtasked or flag through T.cakmss or di-ca-e, they need prompt rein foiceinent. Renewed vigor is most speedily sup plied llimugh the medium of a tonic stimulant, and among medicinal resources nf that class, los teter's Stomach Bitters assuredly deserve a pre eminent place. Weakness, whether constitu tional or nilsing fiom dlsiiuso or over-fatigue, cannot bo better compensated for than by u re sort to this prime strengthening cordial. Tho enfeebled Invalid, the innvalescent and thonged nnd iiilirm find that it is an unfailing source of vigor ami comfort. Its combined tonic and at lenitive properties also constitute it nil invalua ble rciuidy for indigestion, weakness of the or gans of urination, constipation, torpidity of tlio liver, mid many ether irugularilies ami disa bilities, and render it an iiivaluablu protection against malaria, as will as disorders of thcMom ach nud boc!. March, COAL. COAL (Mil Kstalilislioil foal Yard. C. W. Ndai. it lino Wholesale, it Retail Dealers in all sizes of tho best qualities ol Red and White Ash Coal, nt the very lowest market rates, llavoconstautlyonliandlurgo stocks of Domestic, Cupola, Blacksmith's Anthracite, Bituminous, ami Llnicliiirncr's Coal. Especial attention given to the prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange for coal, Coal delivered to any part of tho town at short notice. Orders left at I. W. McKclvy's store, or ut our olliee, will rccclvo prompt at tention. Oflico and Yards nt William Ncnl it Sous' Furnace, East lllooinsburg. Y'our pntroniigo respectfully solicited. WAL. (7 tf 2.11 COAL When you go to Philadelphia stop at tho Allegheny House, No. 812 anil 811 Mar ket street j hitting been recently renovated, Price only $2 per day, A. lll'.cu, March HV75-ly Proprietor. J)r, Fillers Kidney Ihrdial removes de posits of G'raetl, Culruti, Acid, retention, of Urine, Great Fwijhr of tlio Madder mid Kidney: U. A. Ki.uim Solo Agent fur lllooinsburg, l'u., Dec. 17,7fi-ly; FOR BARGAINS GO TO THE THEY NOW OFFER 10 lbs. best Whito Sugar for$l 00, 2 aud one-half lbs. Good Oolong Tea for $1 00. 5 Caws of 3 lb, Peachos for $1 00. 3 lb. Can Tomatoes 18 cents each. CANNED CORN 20 CENTS PER CAN. All other goods equally low, for cash or produce. fl Oct. 1ST3. V0S 1 ,it-s- 1 tt: .v AM- v .15- Wo condensefrom tho Lchtah ncntrtrr tho '"tancoofaunvereatlon about OntlUl in Cloth niSgiso In America." A visitor hml ittcnuaiitZo tho tpoiikeri : Visitor. " What comer la tho liultdlnj on r Attendant. bouth-rjt corner . t KixUt nml .Market. I'lcaso noto Iho MXI1,, lur ntino (tmngcrssccl-lns Oak Hull, l.a u botn nUcd by designing pi it on-." . "It Is ivrrcttly lolossal I Da you know its dimensions?' A . in tn r et. ... . 1J0 odd on PlitinuVie, higlClu"'. Vr occupied by' ness lilcrrs." "sW -vvnuwiuK, uiui c mr i ,rjif mo rum twenty ulUreiu Lat v . jo you u'o rtcam-powcrr' TA;''S' jilt oiins fii,-.iie liimlihcj power for Iho Irehjhtnnd pii?.-cn.;cretevat.T.,r.;,J 11.0 boilers steam for heating, olid tho ether oivn.. tlons or the house." 1 Y" hS1"11 orJ'.,r 'l0 Va j-il with pond."?" 'h.llic' .t0 SI'V'i'l "nd urranpjil In in1'.",'' ? J?", V?' eotratcM, nnd taken thencoon tho rlitlcvatir to tho inspec tor's room on theen Coor." V. " Is lnsiiectluyihe lirst nrx-ratlon ' m;,"i,,slr.',lr'CIl;ur":i-'- Goods flrt rnctwured in Iho pleic, then Ins-noe'ed. llo cloth pusses over rollers In tho lace i.f a rtroii!; light, and two men tit, ono before end cno behind tho goods, watching with tho eyo ef a hawk for tho lean p.ii-holo lai crfei tlui. r.nd S??f ?g0,NV.r)r ?IW' f" t,lu -"tier may ,eu and avoid It when ha eomes to tut tho car- .W VU, .-.U t.... Joy nn arry of cuttcis?" huh II..' nnd loo I 'i l'ien.ftiiiBiipiho(l(t! V. ' Vou must employ .1. bUlUD iu our t, onTO Li in.lj .11 il n into Barmcnts,-bosidesSyf liiach.oslhitdu V. .. .. v "on- eueu-i n ltroi.e." goods""0 yU tuuuul'lctl"0 Ki' j--"' own A. "Wo do, and most carefully. Our ex- il7rKy tD "'Y EMinvrt '-a undo refisJofo'llT UeUt m --.n-au-i- deair"1" 'i'"Cm muSt kavo -ou n fca A. " In every direction, s'r. It 3 lhf FyMcm tmd . cconou'y wo practice all tin w. thr 1 M penplo ns wo do." ' I IlilllW U 11J t,x I. lit , . ..'0f . -r-."' v. , , Alteriuspcctins tlio worU, what becomes of ur r-V. I. F " cocs Il,tn Etocl- Is Hcidat. E.ery tlnpio gciment has its numler uiui plhtr itiit.) noted ou it,,,, that iu ciituo ills' bL" C'J viilhou l!lJ'. upon our V" '.' Xm" m.ust havo co or " talesmen r A. Uiy dr, un busy ihiyy..iiinuAcolM filling to tho throntM ol eu-tome's " andenik5,1,!' U C,rUtf Lu mH A. " very great. All over iLccountry. Our I MATTER OF MAMMOTH GROCERY. Corner Main and Center Streets IB L O O -JVC SB TJ 3? J. . , Tlio largest stock of groceries and provisions, Qucensware, Glassware etc., &c., in the county, for sale at wholesale or retail at the very lowest prices. Oct. 8.1S75 BOOKSlSIaSalSR MB STATIONER, Dtaler in Law Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depositary of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Short Notice tit tho Most Reasonable Rates. Store in Exchange Hotel Oct. s, wis fMIVHN I'l'KU. AVonro jiivinc SCIhCw V.J Inif nun bines, hiinltiii;euMi wntelie, M'Uet msIh nnd black silk ilnssesfreii with nurOivcntmck I'nekiiges. Send lo line ntors 1'i.ton, lla (ireenwlcli Hlleel, .New link. Mulch il iw. PSYCHOMANCY or SOUI. C1IAHMINO. How ellher hex tnav faKlnatu mid inilntho lueo and nUeetln-isot uiiy pcrMnllii' eliouheliiblant ly. This simple aciiulriimiit nil i nn posum, lii'i'. by mall, or 2.'e, liigellier nllli u nun rl.igt KUIile, Kgl tlan, oinclc, ill iiui", lilnib to ladles, wiildliig-iuglil shirt, Jte. A ipieir book. .dd;es.i, 'I . William l'u, l'ub4., 1'hlla. ilureli3,"0-nv LONGACRE & CO.'S ?$Z, j-" CENTENNIAL 1,""J"-- "S2rXS SSSkS" I ut i. .aJ l,vw tl.. liuiulfc ThA.o t..trli!f f.r Olllc., UK J. II).. I nnr.,. r. tin llwoJ. Ulliuf r.i.b.r. tt I'ub. Uhen, H. W, Cr, llhkllulil tiu., VLiU. ttu hi C'lrculr, The (Iteatmt Sellimj Centennial Hook ir As It was ami K treiitlniriit uurbblury and gov .Tiiuieiit, Milled Mil Haul ellimili', UM niouiilulim, likes, rliem, gn at lilies anil manufactures, wealth Ui iiniii nils, Interim! liiiproeuii'iili, Ireo Mlmols somlerful uelileM'iueiils, ugrlcultuii', comiueret', n Btiuees, em losllles, etc A bpli'ndld Mew nl this ltlglity Yalikeu Nation, ilelily llliiKtiuted, Nullum; like 11 evtaiit, loirnuble', low j Hie. Ak'i'nts want ed vi'it-kLV. 'linns easy. Addiess., HtllllAltl) tllKts, W Hiinscm ht., 1'hlla. JlarB Jw A Jb ami oi' Your Own -IS The Best ReineQyJbr Haul Times! FIIEE HOMESTEADS AND Tllh "Best ami Cliutuicst l.ailroiul Land Aro on the Llnu nf tlio UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD MHtlt'.SK t. .Sfctre n Home A'oic. Full liiforniiittnii u-nt I'llKi: to ull parts of World. Address, e) F. liutls, loiud euui'r f. 1', 11. IL. Oiiin ilui, Nebraska. 1)S Co. MalUU-lw, -T. 1 Iw . ..M- ...uY-Ji3" . jCAO" perfect tystem nd rules of rolf-mcasurcmcnt ir.aI:o It rosslbo to pleaso pcoplo ;!,tO) inllcs nv.ay JSoj4ierfeitly as If they Moro hcru lu liT'on. V. "I supporo yon havcaUcasthalfa dozen dlltcrcnteli psrtmci.Ur" A. " My dear tlr I wo havo moro than tventy, tiiui charail with its own business, und each thoroushly eranbod, a necessary i heel with )n iho pre at l.cel." Y- 'u'' ,"ll0! a dozen or so of them r A . " XV 1 1 ll l.toiclltn 1 I .. ft. t .... ir.ciir, furthoto who prefer ei:.L u nnr ,. i its .rje&o ttoi'k It all u inaHn;;. urcnwi lirst-classi-lilit?. 'Uio Irlm laini; l cpaitmcnt, ii-cf n-Ly ( i weny a. lmu- n.iiii i-vitJiury, Willi IH )UJV L.ilili in- l.eeclvinir llou-ii. ll.o Older l'e:.rtment. I'fSW1 lbr" I!''"1 l'nlnii' I'epuit mcnt. H.o Dcllicry L'ciiartmeat, Willi 113 coro of rcciirnjcre. The" V, "Iluld.lioldl flr.cnriighl" A. "I'm not hi ilflhr nghl 'Jh0 Advcrttslmr Dfjiartincnt.wllh u MlLcr.d fgn eti.-triLutcr? iliilnj!andpiibllhii.c4.iif nc icndpopuiur Joiiriuj ,c!rciiltnr.;rtf.Jii,iii,,p.,.,1',eI,,,1ly Jcnirnnl, c.'rcnlwjnc,;, ln,l(n, p.iiiuii'ihi Itell nil your IriM'lj . 1 ,.d f,.r nj-i , Jispartmciit.i.ltlfTti niaiiynoinr. Iho JJoiW ; i i . 1,,u ,lul" i-ei arimcnt. Jlio Children s i Dererinicnt. w 1 11 m ,,,c(.al eutianeo for ladle!. Iho I.crart' lis brok-kiepers ond r.Irtants. t.irri.1 Jlun c',cl:3 l'?pmuneiiti 1'inciiclcr's OCee, nnd ether office, of tho llrrrnll bu-y ns beea thlnkiiy, j lauiiln?, escyuting. bminp, mr.k inif. r,nerlnp, reiiihiB&.ieiiali.B e ut. lellli.t;. and in a thcuEnnilsij s Jeuiili.B their lenci to tarry on n busiiicw Vlth the i eGMo uiiouiit Llnlly" UCU f-''(iC0''JW -J.tC0,t(,0 an- . 'f?-t-ii p e" A. "Indeed it I forrot to ncno ll-n Ciuh er;slJciartmciit,wliU!,haniilesliAa,ao ol leUIl i alt j on tonic Unglo days r . "fij.OJJl lmiiieiuol 'I lintvy lint enables ao hi uo to buy cheap and tU cheai, , . I TOf il XT I -'i I . . S . Iho nudinboutT"'0 th0 'ro'""' Hiearso A. "Our iy;tcm of business dcnllnc-i. Ono price, no elcvUiie n ; a. Cash for eiKi-vihi,,,.; a A guarantee protecting Iho purehasir: 4.V1.0 '.'."futdif tho buyer ie.n-t wLurv. i.S V. " Nothing could bo fairer." ' .. $.ol,l,l",'1. Al,ul ,1,u 1 s-.'1-lo rcc it." attention'"' k yCU,''r' fCr -our SKjm rti ifi'.' Rt C,J', ll'8 n P,ca?rc to rofva you. call again; und bo mru .i tl',i plnie wt n ma'.er lirov.n'K Oil. IIullA.,.ixt tor ncr blxtlx und Mnrhit." ii r- ,'"ihm- ,'" I l 'ball bo h.ippy to do to. Good raoruiui;." ' 1 ' Building, Bloomsbiirgj Pa. PUBLIC SALE- OF VALUA1ILK Real itstato & Pei-sonal property Tho subscribers, executors tf Vt'ni. J. K) er, late of the town et catawbsa, Columbia count) , deceased, liAflunU IU pUUllH b.lIU Ull SATURDAY, MAUCH IStli. 187IS, at the lato rcsldeneo tf tho aforesaid decedent, a HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND the Into lesldeueo of Ilia decedent, situatt, In tin. town of Catawissa. coninosed of il larim Krntmt Duelling House, outhouses und a Lain, uud ulsuul Ihe same tlmo will lie e.osedto public sale a cer tain piiiiilscs slluute m thu comer of .Main und i rum sireeis in uie ion or e utattisati, composed ut . nun uui.uiieu un u BlUll, u D 0 D I VfiLUXG.UO USE, and a building now occupied as a merchant tullur biiup, .iisu ui iuu sainu tune u lot or iot'8i:iioi,i) (iooi)s. .-alo to commence ut ti u o'clock of said day, tt hen .v.uMV. nuiu i. ... vi. .I..IUU ftllUnil UV F. C. LVLlt, WM, HVLIt, . . ... LllTliEK KYKlt, Culim Issa, March 8, iSTfl-ts. Lxccutors. J ( oausliitf an limartlliilo nt i! proixr cuw lu un fullnv. , iiiir i-ftM'b i nmoiM Uttlliti luiiwin'tl imtrltiunut I ,li,,lui.1.' Inssltii.,.. lin.iLi.i... In Id.. Mi...... . iuUImhiii1i,ii 111, a Incapuclt) for study, dullness uf uiipnheiislGii, losscf inenioiy, atersloiilo sucletv. llmldllv. selfHlMi ust. dlziliies. imii'iKi iTi i....: to uith sexes, tor wliuseU'iulltlt Is deslsned and .. ...n ,u, .,.tv,b .III. "IVMUII-, 'Iho liiosliuilnciitiilijslclaiisof thu country hate ft . ."'.'."r. ..".ii .mi ii-iuiiiiiuui'i i lie nertes. llatlug fur u long isrlud elutuieit much stud), time und labor 111 eslabllshlngu run edv fur llm luiltit. r.wlf.riilli.i, ... , ,, M Krallljliig to bo utile to uimouneu thu buetissal In, iillnir inv iiiiw ,m.l lin.1 'Ii.f,h..i. ...... - ...v,...n., . .i.uuKu i.iia ii'iiieeiy ui nertes tun bo reached nnd lu suth a tvuy Umt. bun nver shattered ur piiistruted, tliejcunui perWtl' .. iii-w wiiihi mill-, u, I'Ull'. )fl, Win geiitliness-restorliig lliiiulo u uatuiul state, und liuiiot lug the abot u distressing discuses. lliilli sexes, moru oi less, tin uush tbo piustrutlou dt the lii-nous st stem, lose their enerifv. ln-nri, Innaneus thu Neitu Lelninly may bo lelleU uptu In returns thu puttent tnto thu tigor of jouiu" ,',i'l!',,:it'ri' e ltt'",A'rly.'?i fHt,--,"y eompouuiled nml I ,u uiuiuviiih UIU, UI1U UU1 POPULAR INTEREST. , ..r.w. u rniuiim ui. tiivipi UI IIKS.', Int. i. ciiAi NiLv ik'hhv . .. HaWVInuMi-eit, 1-hOa, Oflico hours. It a, m. lu J . nu, l eo v . m. Wurilj lu,7 )y. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, JkTOTICK. Iho iinrtrrslgnfil would lirroby plronottco tool inrtlfliKlohted lolilm. on nolo ur hook nrcrmnt, to totnei forward ond nettln nt onco cr tlio ncrounlii will 1)0 nlnrcd In tho lianit.1 of tho proper omccr fur col lection. led). Mf. fiTKPJIEN KNOIIIt. I.MiCUTOira XOTICK. J'J l?sTATK0l' IlkNIlV MIMIMNe, prciiJIIiSP. Utters trtniiioi!tnry on tlioestntn of llenrj Itel.ih line, I.Ueiiif KIMilnffcrerk twp., Col., fei., difcaivil have been rrrjiilfil by tho llecjlster of Mid eni.nty to boil llel-hllnu, Flfhlngcretk, and Jncoli H.lleUhlinp, lluntlncdon I.uzerno county, Kxecutum, to whom all iciuniis Indebteit aro mriiiMtl to tnnko puy inent, and thoso Inning claims or eleinands ajtolnst tho Hnld rstatii will miilfn lliin Irnowti l lli,. said Jixecutors without delay. J.I'.VI IlKISHUNB, . JACU11B. 11EI.HIII.INR, reb. 11. r. Jlxcculors. ADMINISTKATOll'8 KOTICK. USTATB or JACOa SIIKAHMAN, IlCCKAfKn. l'tteni of AillnlntNtrflltnn nn i.nn pljiln r.r .inioh fsheaniian, late of Heater town-hip, Columbia Co., deceased, liavo lieen uranted bv tho Itegtster ot aald countv to Nathanllredbeniicr Jr.,of Heaver twp All ivrsins batlni; rial ins against t ho estate ot I ho dece dent nro requested to piwcnt them for neltleinent, nnd those Indebted to thr estate to make iiatmcnt to tho undersigned administrator without delay. AiiiAa mii!.uii,.s,r.ii,.jr., Feb. 4,t-et. Administrator. 1 rnMKT!!ATnl!' VDTtni.' ESTATR OT IIANIRI, llAKld, DKCEIPED. fetters of Administration on the cstuteof Daniel ,v.iiK, iiiiu i.i iiuui iiiKtieen luvviiauip, t-uiuuiuiil t u.. Ueeeused, have been irrnnted tiy iho ltenister of salil county, to t runk Harlic, of Ixiust and .lolin Knilif. of lloarliigercek. All ihtsoiis having claims ngainst thu estate of tho (teuHent, nr requested to present thm for settlement, and those Indebted to thu estate to mako payment to tbo undersigned administrators without delay. FIIANK lt.Mtlll, .11111.1 HAltlll, Feb. 11, TC-dt,' Admlnlotrators. A milNISTlt.VTOll'S NOT1CK. 4, KSTATR OK MOliniS I'l'KSI!!. IIECEASEP. A'tters of Administration rin tbo estate of Morris i uisi-i, mill ui .Mimiauil iutv,is,ii, tolling UL cjoliunbla, Mtato of I'ennsilvanla, deceased, liavo lieen Brunted to Ccnnid Kreomer, of Madison township. I'a.. to whom all persons Indebted to said esiuio iiru reipiestesi iu inuKe paj mem, una iuosv nat tiTfr claims or ticmanas will make k nown tho same u Ithoitt delay. CONHAD, Administrator. i eu nj-Hii- UDITOH'S KOTICK. Mtate of Athel J-owler, elecenseit. Tlio tlliderstiriieil Auditor to make dlstrlhutlon nf tho ot tho funds In tlio hands of Isaiah Ilower Administrator ot tho elate ot Asliel Konler, late of lierwlck. deceased, atnonir tho parties entitled iiiereiu, win aiieuu io 1110 uuiies oi ins apiiointmenL at tho omee of M. E Jackson ton, In iiitwIck on Thursday Iho S3d day ot .March 1570, when ond where all nersuns hatlnir clalmsl atralnst thn said estate am requested to present tho same before thu Auditor or bo debarred from coming In for a share of said fund. IIOU?. 11. LITTLE, reo.av.-iw Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICK. ESTATE OF BTLVESTEIt TEAI-EK, DECEASED, 'i no underslgnod. Auditor to mako distribution of tho balance ot the funds among the heirs of Silvester I'ealer, deceased, win attend to tho appointment nt my onice. In Iiloomsburg, on Thursday tho Willi day, ot March A. IMS76, when and where nil persona having claims ngainst tho said estate nro required to present tho s.uuo before the Auditor, or bo dc- uarrcu irom commg in ror a snaro or said iunu. l,. t.. uu is,, Illoomsburg, Feb. M, tc-lt Auditor. I itniTnt!' vrnMnt,- J ESTATE 0E JonN I.1KDKN, DECEASED, Jii the Urphunii (Jnnrt ef (Jjlumbut Cbiiny. The luiderslirned auditor annolntedto dlsttibuto balance tn tho hands of lteuben Jllller, executor of tho estate of John Linden, Jeceoscd, will attend to thediiltesof his appointment at tho oflico ot Hrock way Kltvrll, In litoomsburg, on Tucsdav, March Us, 1ST3, at lu o'clock, a. m., when und where all persons hat lng claims against tho said estate aro required to present the bamc before tho Auditor, or bo debarred from coming lu for a shnro ot said fund. ucu. i.e. tt .1.1 r.l.iomsburs, March 3, ls;.-lt. Auditor. A UDITOK'S NOTICE. io matlerof the Sheriff's Rain of the nronertv. real estate of Daniel Snider arid Daniel hntder: company, and Abram snjder and LU Ilartman. The undeislEiieel. nniHilnted bv the Court nf Com. mon l'leus of CDluniblii countv to distribute the money n Using from said sales to and amongst tho Hen creditors, w 111 jicrform the duties of un appoint mntiittheGir.encif Ilrecktvnr KIhcII In lllooms burg on Friday, March Slsr, lsTo, nt in o'clock a. m., tvnen und where all persons Interested will atteud. lf.CI. J-.. L.!t Cl.l March 3-4w Auditor. UDITOR'S NOTICE. In tho matUT of tho salo by tho SherllT ot the real ri.u ui t.Kiries ia'o on cut Aiu facias, ito. av, Feb'y term, ls7C. The nmlorslL'lieil ninlltnr, nnnolntpil liv llio Pnnrt to dl.tllbuto Iho monev nrlslnir from the Sheriff's sale lu tlits ease, will) attend to tho duties of bis ar- noiiiiinvnc on Saturday, me Mil nay or April A. I), lsii!. at 10 ocliA'k a. in., nt the SlierlfTR omee. In lllGoinsliurg, nt which time and place alt persons nro hereby icqulied to make their claims before tho au ditor or Lu debarred from coming lu urou said fund. tVLSLliY t HIT, Kloomsburg, Marcli 3, isTo 4t Auditor. A UDITOIt'S NOTICE. Joseph I'. Conner and Samuel Conner Artmtnlstm. tors or (I. IL Fowler N. V. linker. Ill Ihe Cnult of Colntniin l'lens nfCiiIiimt.l.LC'niititv No. 1U.I Dec. T. 1S7H-F1. fa. 112 Dec. T. 1S75 Vend. 11.1. 11 Fib. T. Is70. Tbo untieislirlied arnolnteil bv the Court tn rin. Irllilltl the monev arlslntr frcm the Shei-in's .sale in thu abote t.ue!iiiiiOugtl.u Lien Creditors legally et lltled tliereto tllll altend in the duties r.r hlsnr. pulutment, at tho onieo of A. C. Smith : son In liioomsnurg nn nniay tno Ttnuay of April ls;c,when and where all rcrsons bating Hens are requested lo pretciit the same tho Auditor or bo debarred irom ccmlng lu for u sharo of said money. IIEHVLV K S.M1T1I, Mni-Mi in l. l, ....I,...- ....s.. ,u, .v. .u .IUU11U1. DUDI.IO itOTICK. thereby give notice that Josbu.i .1. Hrlnk. of Hen. ton township. Col. Co. l'o. did on tho 1st day of July 1tl?st..1l ,,. 1lln. .nn .n,1n.n,n. . .wo.. .U1J.IIJUUIIII ,l,llll UIU lUllUlllll i Biaj horse, 1 bay mare, 1 bay colt, I two horse Iron axel wagon. 1 set of double harness. 1 heifer..! cow. 1 side hill plow, i light band plow, l borrow, 1 ralr of Hy. nets, 1 threshing machine. I liato loaned all Iho aboto mentioned property to tho said Joshua.), Hrlnk during my pleasure, and I hereby notify ull persona in iim-iiciu ieii mu slum-. Jiarcu m, ',0,-3w HEXJAM1N" lilt 1 N K. 2)HI1)GK LETTING. Vt'o havo decided to re-bulld the County brldgo aboto orangetllle, with nn Iron Superstructure 131 iei-L iuiik, ".un pier ui eenire.unu win uo ni our oiuet) on Monday March 2 ', "next" to reeett e proposals for iuu muiu utllltl-u UIIB IU1U lU UtlUlKp ill, UI SUUl feiLAs Mciiii.vity, Coin. JOHN IILK.VEH, ) of J. K. SANDS, 1 Co, Co lilooiiisburg 1M., Mar. 0, '70. v.uiiiiiiiss.iuimr M mill',.. .txiese,: tv.M. I.ItlCKHAl'M, March 10. '7I1.-2W. Clerk. "VTOT1CE OF Al'l'LICATION FOK 1 ClIAUTLIt. Notice Is hereliv clvcn. in accordance t Ith tno act of assembly npproted tliu UU (luyuf April, A. D.ls73, nun un uiiiieiiiiuu tviu uu mane ino unuersignea citl.iiisot thu coiniiionwcaltUcif I'euiisjltanlatoa law Judge of CnlutnUla county for ni baiter tneor lKiratlug The Farmers anil Mechanics' Kducatlunni, I'.unetolentand Protection Association, ou tho villi day of March, A. D. lsiei. l'CTElt SiWANK, FIIANIvLIN It.Mtld, L.NOUIl UAltDLlt, .lAC'OII Lllel, DAVID LONti. March 10-3W LDW'U A. IiU JIUMUHAY. IN THE MATTKK OE THE HVECIHC I'SIITOKVIANCE OF C0M11ACT0KJ01IN UOsrON, lll-CEAstll, WITH VII4. 1111 I.. I'AllkS, To Manilas lloston. Datldson. sulllvnn c-n.l'n. Karl Huston, Falrmount, I.uzeri.o eo, l'u: lteuleii Itnstmi. !Si.lil,ii,AriiiiL' (Villi, ntiti, l'u t . ,1 1, i.i..ii- 1'arl shultz,- und itdir Shtilt. 'minor children o rouy Miuiiz eiccenseu, who nate-1. it. Kiiei.nauui,nH their (iuardtau ah uitM, A. . Weater: KU Weuttr Mslilncereck. Columbia countv: Moit l-lfer. Nnnii. cuke, l.uerne euuiity ; lilul Sal ull K. l.luaid, Sllll wuter, Columbia county : luiiuiiiieiicu ui juu uro nen uy citen louenna apM'ur bifoie the Judtes of the ori buns' e t ol umtilucounlv. l'n.cinthe tn-st Moi.duvnr invm.vr. then nud tbero to show caus.- If uuv.wby a Uis.-ue e t r-i,- lllv i t-iiiiniiuiiLU in eui.iruil SUOUllI nui as inaue 111 I he Kslate uf said John Lostim ulth tlmi..iiil William L. Parks for the sale, by article of agreement uf mi Id .John licislon to fold lllliiin Li'mUrni certain tract ut land tltuuto In Jtnkscn tottusblp, I'lilllinhl.i I iiiinli. l'pnnsvlviinl- , . 11. t. ZAIIK, Feb. U4iv l'rothonotary. rtONYNtillAM .SCIIOOI. DISTlilCT. Juiin Curran Collector anil Treasurer In account tvifi uii-.iK-"i irviiuui iiisini;b ur IUU t CUr C01U- intiieliig Juno 1st lsii. Dr To nmt, ot Tat Duplicate 110,111 10 Mine uppropnauoii........, 272 00 " ' Insurance reeelM-d kuoo " " Itccd. from sulu of stot t- 3 ckj Totl TltjisaeTlo OIL Ity omt. of rnseatrel land tax rctumeet mi vuiiiiiniii ,,,,. VM SS ' Of ITrOrS lilul nynnnrnllniia nt Job til " Collectors com. nt 6 per. cent. . " htcrcturyH salary " tiiiUstttudlngoielersot pretluus tear r.-ili.eiiniil. . 441 set mou l.HMO'J 3,-3310 I S3 01 WI to lliSM ( J 4U 1,I.I 43 IX) 7H7T1 1S5 kt 3lil it " Valdfor leuelierssiUuiles.', District Siunt. Kilarv. "'""'' " Fuel couilusencles and cleaning " stiiiMil iieivbsaries " Insurance iiiuiuing und linprotloi;.. iiu,t.,-j uiea fusis and i-si-iisiu ,. , " lioi.ks, furniture nnd tuts- 1 i-lliiuioiis expenses " F r latnir luutcrtahi and ro m pidilng...... Duo tbo dlsirlci'by trtubiireV Tutul tl'J.VlilllU n. 1 . . ",",,. .iuuim.i-h ur c out ngiiiiin i?,n !f ,'l.'!.',0r .'I" V-ur ,1UV" sMretully e-i. miuiTi tl'l. Illl. .1,.,!. n.l . - uut, -mv .... ..i.u 11 itneii usuiivellt SIAltTIV FIJVNAOAN, ronynghom. ,wP.. Feb.'iVA"U llV")lrB. Jlarctilo, -7(J,-3t " 131.A. Diurs l-jur, ICailv. Kiorlv (,n, i. r .-n.Twni-tn. .ujuinla-r, uud all 1 tier e.o' fi J'--l:t,-:-id'i.e-rs, Families, . sti.d st 1111 or luuiiiomieu luiuiiiiir fur .sir v lit" " 1 Fu'ijlCVrv'"''' ;,n'u,-"ut WlD'li IblluCtlihla t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers