Til ID COLUMBIAN OOHJMnUllKMOCHAT.IlTUIOF Tilt! NOItllt ANIlCOMitt- IlMNOOO,0.IOATI 1.) Issued wi , kl , every ltni.ii un mln ;,nt Ill.llltlWIII If.l l itlrtMilt 'rM.iii.iii . ..uu..,.,o,, ,,, jt,y ,1111141 111 1 J , l.li At, nvo iK)i.i..iu per jt-ar, luinblo In ndvnncn, or im m tun yu.u. niiA-r nut i'piraiiou ni mo jonr, ii.sj win Im charged. To subscribers out or tlio fount f t Ho i.tsh nro it per onr strictly in ndvuiico if not paid In advance mill f.i.oo if payment UU i.iyin wun i ui- ,t uui N",)i 'MH'.mi!ii'iuil,'"(('('pl ut tlio option of tlio Piiiill .ii, t, until ml luTiuragin arc pnfd, but lone conilnii' d credits after the expiration of tlio first jour will not bo given. Alt papers sent out of tlio Htn'c, or lo distant post olltccs, must tio pntd for In advance, unload a respoh. Kltiin person In Columbia count- assumes to poy tlio subscription duo on demand. l'O.si'AtiB la no longer exacted from subscrlliersln tlio county. Tlio Jobbing Department of tlio Coi.omman livery complce, nnil onr.Iob I'rliitltiit will compare favor ably wlili that of tlio larjfo rltlci. All work donoon demand, neatly niul nt moilernto prices. Columbia County Official Diroctory. l'rcsldcnt .Tudffo-Wllllani r.lwell. Associate Judges triim Dorr, (lenrgo Scott. I'i itlionotarvi c 11. Frank Zurr. 'tojlstor Itceorder Williamson II. .Incoby. Ill '.Net Attornej .tolin M. Clark. .stiorlif -Michael drover. Ntirve.or-Isaac Hewitt. Tri a-siirer Dr 11. V. MeltcynoliR Commissioners John llcmer, s. W. Mcllenry, Joseph Sands. CMininlsslniicrs' clerk William Krlekliaum, Auditors 31. V. II. Kline, .1. 11, Casey, il. II. I'.rown. t'ornncr-Chailos (;. .Uurplii'. Jury CominlssIoncrs-JncoO It. l'rltz, William It. Vlf. t'ountv Wiiperlntenilent William II. Snvdor. Moom Poor lUtrlct-l)lrectnrs-l. 1'. Hut, Scott, Win. Kramer. Illoomsburif and Thomas Crolelltijr, ilioit, (1. 1'. lint, Secretary. Bloomsburg Official Directory. lllnomsburj Hanking Compiny John A. l'nnslnn, rrcsldciit,ll. Il.dro'7, Cuslilcr. Mrs Nil lonal Hank Clurleslt. raxton.t'iosldent J. l'. Tltstln, Cushlcr. coliunhl.1 county Mutual Savlnt? I'tind nnd T,nnn A isoel.itlou-E, II. Little, President, C. W. Miller, KciTi'tary. Itloonisbunr Uulldln? and Saving Fund Association Wm. i'eaciclc, President, J. II. Hohlson, Seeielury. Hloomsburg .Miiui.ll s.ulng I'tind Ahsoi'I.iiIoii J. J. I!i;owcr, President, C. u, llail.loy, Sccictary. CHURCH DIRECTORY. llAITtST C11UIICII. liov. J. P. Tustln, (Supply.) Sunday Sen tcos-lni$ u. in. nndilxp. m. sundae Selinnl 9 a. m. Pro) er Mecttns-Ki ery Woclnngcliroy nhif nt c hj.iis free. Tlio public nro Invited to nttend. BT. MATTHEWS IXTllEtlAN CllfllCIt. Minister 1(uv..T. MeCron. stmd ly Sonlces-tO'tf n. m. nnd 0fp. ni. Sunday school u a. m. Pi aver Mcetltut-Kvery Wednesday evening nt f. cloi.k. so.itsfreo. Kopcws rented. All nro welcome. 1'IIKSIIVTEIIIAN ClltT.CIt. MInlster-llov. Stuart Mitchell. Sunday Sonleos-lox a. in. nnd ox p. m. Sunday selinnl!) n. in. rmverMeuilug-i:i ery Wednesday evening at C,v o'clock. scats free. Jfo pews rented, strangers welcome. MIITUOtUST El'KCOl'At, CltfllCII. Presiding Hlder-ltev. N. s. Iluckliwhain. Minister Itev. J. II. MeOarr.ih. Sunday Sen Ices lus and 0 y. in. isundav School I p. in. , , , Ulblo class-llverv .Monday evening nt.r.,v o'clock. Voung Men's Priner Mcoitng-lAery Tuesday evening at m o'clock, (lenenil Prayer Jtcctlng-Kvcry Thursday cveulJijr T o'clock. llEIOUMEDCHVUClt. Corner of Third and Iron streets. Pastor liov. T. llorrmeler. itcsldenco Hnst street, opp. llilrd street. Sunday Sen lees tox a. m. ana " p. in. Sunclav School 3 p. m. Prujer Meeting Saturday, 7 p. m. All nro ln Ited There Is nlw aj s room. Services every Sunday nlteinoou ut 2 0 clock at dcller'a church, Madison township. ST. l'AUI.'-S CIIU1IC1I. Hector ltev. John Hewitt. siind.iv Senlces lux n. m.. p. m. Sunday school 9 n. in. First Sunday In tlio month, Holy Communion. SerMces preparatory to Cotninuiiluu on l'r Iday evening befuro tlio M Sunday in each moiun. Pews rented; but ecr body welcome. Persons ilesli Ing lo ccmsult tho licctor on religious matters will Hud htm nt tho parsonage on nock sticct. EVASOEI.ICAI, CIIIT.CH. Presiding TUder-ltcv. A. I., lleeser. Minister ltev. J. A. Inlne. Sunday Senlco 3 p. m In tho Iron street Church. 1'r.u er Meetlng-l.i ery Sabtiatli at t p. m. All nro United. All nro welcome. THE Cttt'HCll 01' CltltlST. Meet In tho opera Houso every Lord's day, at 8 p. m. nnd tiwf p. in. liegular .Meeting of tho Church for worship, 3 Sunday evening Lecture, by E. K. on Is, r.'s p. in. Tho pulillc nro cordially lui lted to nttend. Scats ft ee. KLOOMSHUIIO iIkctohy. SClIOOIi OUDKISS, Wank, jut priuteil and iientlv bound In Mnall books, on hand and ror salo ut tho Coi.umuian oillce. Peb. It), isis-lt )IjAXK DKKDS, on I'arclini.'tit nnd Linen 1 ) Paper, common and for Admintsi raiors, i.xecu nisniiu trustees, tor salo cheaput tho C'oia'muian oiucc. MAUUIAOK CKllTIK ICATICSju.t printed and for salo nt the Coi.f mman onice. .Minis ters of the Oospel and Justices should supply them selies with these necessary articles. USTICHS imiT Constables' ree-Ilills for oale at thoCOLUMiiiAN oillce. They contain the cor l ceted tees as established by tho last Act of the I.eg Maturoupon tlio snbject. livery Justice and Con Btablo should liavo one. 7"KNI)UK XOTES just iirintcd nnd for sale CIIC11 III. lilU Ul.t lllUA. Wllll-l-. C'LOTllINO.tC. TTvAVIl) LOWKNI1KKO, Merchant Tailor Main St., aboio Central Hotel. "hoots and siions. HKNItY KLUIM, Manufacturer and dealer In boots nnd shoes, groceries, etc., Main St., llloomsbiirg. E- jr. KKOIUi, Dealer in lionts nnd Slines, . latest and best styles, coiner.MalnnndMaiket Btrects, In the old post onice. CLOCKS, WATCHES, &C. c Hotel. K. SAVACii:, Dealer in Clocks, AVntclies nnd Jeweliy, Main St., Just below tho Central MEUCHANTSANlMlltOCEltS. H C. HOWKlt, Hats and Cups, Hoots and Shoes, Main street, nboo Court House. SII. JIII.hKIt it- POX, dealers in Dry (londs, groceries, queenswarc, Hour, salt, shoes, notions, etc., Main street. ritOl'ESSION'AL CAHDS. Til It. IKI'.I-KI!, Allomey at I.nw. Itooms ill Jli Exehango lllock, 2d lToor, llloomsbiirg, P.i. OS i (i. jlAItKI.FA', Attoriipy-!it.I.aw. Odico In r.iowcr's building, vndsiory, l!ooms4 .V.5. Oct. 15, i:. 1-U. WM. M. HKIiKlt. Surgeon mid l'livsi- I f clan, onlco S. II. corner Hock nnd Market buects. T It, KVASS, M. D., Surgeon niul I'liyi ft . clan, north tide of Main snoot, nbooJ. K, i;yei s. J 11. McKHIA'Y, r a slclau, lioi th side Mai M. D., Surgeon and l'liy- .111 sued, ueiow .uaiKci, II. 150I1ISOX, Altornev-at-I.aw. In Hurt nun's building, Main sticct. Ollici s AMUKL .IACOI1Y. MarWo and llrown btono works, Kust uioomsourg, ner ick ruau, HKOSKXSTOCIC, , dark i Wolf's st 'liotograplicr. store, Main street. li. II. C. IIOWEK, Surgeon Dentin, Mum St., nboie Hi court House. J. Cent i H. MAIZE, Miinnnolli Grnccrv, line (irn eerles, I'rults.Nuts, Prollons, lc.,Mulnund ntro st nets. MISCr.LLANEOl'M. S. KUHX, dealer in Mer.t, Tnllow, etc., , centro street, letween Second and Tlilid. T 11I0MAS WKIUI, Confeclionery and Hiker" wholesale and retail, llxuiange mock. V. COliELL, Fiuiiiluio Itooins, tliiec , ttory brick, Malnstioct, west of Maiket si. CATAW1SSA. M. II. AliliOTT, AUoiiiey.at.Law-, Main bireci. 11 F. ! ). st F. DALLMAX. Mcrclmnt Tailor, Second rect, liobbins1 building, . I;. KYEItLY, ATTOItSEV-AT-UVW, Cutawlssa, l'n. Collections promptly mado and remitted, onieo .Opposite Cataw lai Deioslt Hank. Cm-Ss TOTIOE, i mm inisdntn (Im li nmnsbuiL' nns comranv w 1 1 put hi n r tco pipes ut lint cost and (urnla.li mid set I jit leis ui lour uoiiurs tmn. 1 ho company luno on luiiid n lot of gas tar bulled for lull nt lug loofu, and posts or other tli underground. I'den lo leiils tier tmllon or i' r,o ner barrel. 0. W, MILLEIt, Oct. 15, Tts-tI beet, YULOAN IRON "WORKS, JMNVJLLK, MONTOUIt COUNTY, J'A. TT ILLTAM H. LAW, Manufacliirer of Y Wrought Iron llrldges. Hollers, llosholder, i.Mr,.,nnr Itnll.llm.H. U'rnnidit. iron lioottnv. ltoolllllg L'rntiies, l'looilng and Doors, I'arm Oales and lenu ni'. also Wrought Iron Piping, Mucks and all kinds cii tmilh Work, Ac, ltepidrs promptly uttcuded to N. H. Drawings una jaunmua buppuou. U I, d, 1816-U OIIANGEVNjIjK diukotohy. All. ltl'.IUUXn, Carpenter mid ImHder, . Main street below Pine. UUClCltOKX. 1 T G. ,t V. It. SlIOKMAKKK, Dealers in iLm iryooous,ui ;troecrles nnd General Mcrclinn. disc. IUVIXKfj'S CMins. "Jit. A. L. TUliXKII, ltesidenco on Muikot Street nno door liclow P. .1. WnllerV. orilcpoer Klelin'.s Drug More, oniee hours from I lo 4 p. m, for treatment of diseases of tho llyc, J!ur nnd 'I hro.it. All calls night or day promptly attended to. Arr.M'T.i-tf D,..I. C. IIUTTK1!, physician .tstMiar.ov, onice, North Market Ft rert, Inr.s.71-y llloomsbiirg, P.i. YU. 11. V. OAllDXICH, l'HYSICIAX AND SUltOKOX, HLOOMSIll'IHl, PA. omce above J . Schuyler & Son's Hardware store. Apr.M'TSJ.'- g'OlulCL kxoki:, A T T 0 V. X K Y-A T-L A V, iiLooMsnuito, pa. omrc, llartinan's lllock, corner Main and Mniket streets oct. s, '! i onvis, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW. ofeice liooin No. 1, ' Columbian" llulldlng. cjii. i,is,,',, Q W.JIII.LdCl! ATTOllNTY-AT-LAW onico In llrower's building, second lloor, room Ho. 1. llloomsbiirg, P.i. Jul 1,73 y Q K.cVW.J.UCKAU':W, ATTOItNEYS-AT-LAW, llloomsbiirg, Pa. onieo on Main Street, llrst door below Court House .Mar.C,'74-y T F. .t- J. M. CLAltlC, ATTOIINEYS-AT-LAW, llloomsbiirg, Pa. April lo,'7I-y Ofllco In Tint's llulldlng A. CUEVEl.INO SMITH. 1IEUVEY EWINO SMITn. A CIlEYKIiIXO SMITH & SOX, ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, P.loomsburg, Vn. fJ"All business entrusted to our caro will reclevo prompt attention. Jul1,'73 y E. II. 1.1TTI.E. KOU'T. 11. LITTLE. "Hi H. & 15. li. LITTLE, ATTOl IN E YS-AT-LA W, llloomsbiirg, Pa. CTiiusiness before tlio XI. S. Patent Ofllco attended to. Oillce In tho Columbian llulldlng. ly 3s piSOCKWAY A KtAVKLL, A T TO 11 X K Y S-A T-L A W, Cot.vJtr.iAN IIcildino, llloomsbiirg, Pa. Members of tho United stales Ijiw Association. Collections made In any part of Ameilea. Agents for continental l.Uo Insiirnnec Company of New York. Assets neailv f7,niio,ono. Tho best In tho country. Send foi'dcserlptlio pamphlet. tf "YflljLIAM HKYSOX, ATT011XKY-AT-LAV, Ccntrnlia, I'a. l'eb 1, '715-1 j. KA11MAN & II ASSERT. FOUNDEES, MACHINISTS, AND ' DION-SMITHS. East Street, below' Bail Road, I3L00MSBUG, PA. We respeet fully call public attention to tho follow ing facts that : They manufacture Hist class MIXK CAll WHEELS AXI) AXLES nnd all kinds of Coal llreaker Castings, They also make all kinds of Car, Machine, lirldgo and other castings used by coutrauots generally, 'Ihey.ulso manufacture. IIKATIXG AXD COOK STOVES, and nro prepared to furnish all kinds of repairs, such ns Unites, lids, l'lro liuck, Mictchers, Ac They keep constantly on band PLOWS AND PLOW POINTS. Large Iron Kettles, rarmors' lielts, sled Soles, Wag on lluxcs. Cellar lirules, Ac. They uio nlsopiepuied to furnlsli Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, shafting, Pulley's, e. Hieyipay spielal nltenllonto Repairing Threshing Machines llenpers, c. The Propiletors are both practical mechanics. Try tliein. I)ec.3,1s7s.cm MHHICAN AND FOHUKJXl'ATEXTS. (Hi moui: ,t Co., successors to Chlpinnn, llosmer c o.. solicitors. Patents nrniuicd In all eountiles. No m.s in AtiVANCE. No charge unless tho patent is grunted, no lees lor musing preliminary cxuiii Illations. No iidilltluii.'il fees for obtiilnlnguudeon. ducting a rehearing. Hy a recent deilslon of tho CinnmKsloncr ai i. releeicd nnnllcatlons may bo re- lcd. special iiltiiillon given to Hiterferein ceases nelore Ilie raieui niuee, e.iensiuns iil-iuiu iiuiiiirn, Infringement hulls In dlllerent states, and nil litiga tion iinni-rliiliiliiL- in luienllons or natents. Send hlainp lo i.iuuore .v i u. lur p.iiiiuiii i ui m.ij ii.ii-n. liAXI) CASKS, IjAXI) WAKKAXTS AXI) Contested land cases prosecuted before tho 1'. H. Oenerul Lund oillce and liepuiiment or ino inierior. I'llvnle land claims, mining uuu pre-ciiipuon claims, nnd homestead east sattinded to. Land scilplu4i, mi niul mo ncre nieces for salt). This serin Is usslgnn- lue, unu can ne lueaieii in wio uuiiiu in me inui-iiu-! upon any iiuM'iuin in i"in oimji n ,h,ihvj, hj, niiiiBi iieriieie. Itlsnf entul Mine w Hi bounty land Warrants. Send stamp to ollmoroit Co. for pamphlet oi iiisiruciiona. AltltKAKS 01 TAV AM) IJOl ATi. iiriir-irs. soldiers and sailors rf tlio Into war. or IhOir lieini,aiO HI mail lusti iiiiuh u in nivm-., iiuui tin. cmi-riitnenL or which thev have no knowledge. MnteiUII llisioiy Ol M-lllix, niul ruin, iiiuuiiiii ui pay and bounty icceiieu. i.iicuim- sui i.piuuuiiiuiu it Co., nnd ulull icply, aiur exuiulimtlon, will bo gH en J on flee. l'KXSIOXS. mi r.nirera. solillei-s and sailors wounded.runtured or Inpiicd In tho Into war, howoer slightly, can ob- lain u iteiiMi'ii m uiiiiii -i- Mb i.imi,' i uses iiriiseruu ii nj iihuh.iv ., ...... .r.i.i,. iwmri nr ihn ruled siutis. he com tot claims. iind Ihosouthiiu claims ecinuiilssK.n, LnCll uepillllllini 1 1 UUI uueiih w in imiuuuoi in senurato bureau, under (barge of tho same eiiicrl enud parlies einp'.o i d by the old Hi in. Prompt at eiilloii l!) all business ciitiiMcd lo (ill.MOlli: & CO. lslhus tecuud. Wi deslioto win bticciss by.ilo senuisu. Address, ,,,. t C89 rbtreit, Wnshlnglon, 1), 0. Jnn tll.io-tf. 7UKAS llltOWX'S INSURANCE AGEN- CY. Exthango Hotel, liloomsburg, pa. Capital. .Vina. Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... o,wk,uoo I lien ool. lAJiidon and (Hobo fo, u,uou Alius of llarlfoul..... uv,iM Wvon ing, n Wilkes llarro Ml.ooo l'am'crs.Mui. il ot DauMllo l,lK),ooa I urns llld Mlll -it... Home, Now Yolk.... JdarehSH-y ,., 5,000,000 01,UiS,000 BLOOMSBURG TANNERY . 1J EHI'ECTFULLY nntiotitices to tlic imWic JL.V tbut ho has reopened SXYDElt'd TAXXEIlY, (oil stand) lllnninsburg, l'n., nliho Porks of tho l!py ami Light. Street ro.uls, where all ileseilptlous of li'iither will bo made In tlio most substantial and woikinnnllke manner, nnd sold nt prices to suit Hie times. The highest price In cash will at all times bo pnld for a it k ex lunns of every defctlptlon In the country, lon.ige Is respect fully solicited. Htaoiusburg. Oct. 1, 1S75- The publlcpat- KEYSTONE CABBIAfiE WORKS' m.OOMPIlUKO. l'EXX'A. AS. C1SOSSLEY lias on luiiid nnd for sale cheaocr than tho chcnnesl. for ensh. or will o.scliango for old Vngous on reasonablo terms. OAltUIAClES, BUGGIES, AXD WAGOXS ot every description both plain and fancy. PortnMn TnnTliimles. nnen lliiffL'Ics. Plain and l'aiicv PlattorinSmlng Wagons nil ot the latest st.Mo nnd mado or gl material and fully warranted, (live me a call before purchasing elsewheie. ns I can notlieuiidersold. I claim that 1 mako thobest wag ons for the least money. lalsodo painting, inmming unci repair oui wore at tho shortest notice, old springs welded nnd war ranted to stand or nn pay. 1 will exchange n porta ble top bugg for any ktndot lumber, suih as heir lock, pine, ash, linn hickory nnd poplar to beilelUel cdutinyshop by tho nrst of February, W3. Iron daluoiilers taken nnd McKetvy, Ne.it A- Co's for i e- pann 'nsensn. ,. . uiiu?.si.r.ir oct. s, 1s75. CARRIAGE M A N UFAO T ORY liLoo.Msmma, pa. M. C. SLOAX & IlltOTHEU HAVE on hand and for salo at the most reasonable rales a splendid stock of t!.illHI.li:S, HUGGIES, and every description of Wagons both PLAIN and FANCY, Warranted to bo mado of the best nnd most durable maeerlals, nnd by tho most experienced woikmen. All work sent out from tho establishment will bo found to bo of tho highest class and sine to give per fect satisfaction. They have also a line assortment of SLEIGHS of all the newest nnd most fashlnnablo styles well and caiefully mado and of tho best material. Anlnsnectlon of their work is asked as It Is be lieved that nono superior can be found In tho coun- iry. Oct. S, lS7.--tf. MLSCELLAXEOUS. "pnOWN'S HOTEL, I'.loonislmrg, l'a 1!. Stohner, Propiletor. Accommodations Ilrst ciuss. fl.tu to i.5o per day. liestnui.ml attached. October s, '7i-tf c. M. B 11 O W N, Dealer In HOOTS AND SHOES. Tow-M)V Hoots a specialty, liep.ilr'.ng done at short notice. Under llrown's Ho lel, llloomsbiirg. Oct. sVi.i-ly pEXTKAL HOTEL, A F I II S T-C LASS HOUS E, Oct. s.siy JOHN LAYCOCK, l'rop'r. TEW SALOON AND ltESTAUKANT. 'I'lie urderst(rned has onened n tll-st-class Eating House m tho Hvchniigo lllock, formerly occupied bj II. Stohner, wheio his customers will Ilud eery thingln his line. MILTON CHAltLES. l'eb is-jm. c. 1 M. DIUXICEI!, GUN and LOCKSMITH, sewing Machines and Machinery of nil kinds re paired. Oi-kiiA House llulldlng, llloomtbuig, Pa. octl,'7.',ly JXCHANGE HOTEL, Oiiposllc lliu Court House, HLOOMSIIUWl, PA. The La no est and 1.st In all respects In tlio county W , 11. KOON'S. Propiklor. Oct. 8,'75-ly OKS TO THE COLUMI1IAX. Persons Indebted to tho underslsncd for Kubscrln- uoii to i no coi.i-MiiiAN aie ni ieo innuineii inniiney may nt any llmo seltle the aeeounts duo by them to ine wlih K. K. orMs, I si., at room No. j, Columbian building. After 1'el.runiy tnuit, the extra Iltty cents per J cur will In nil eases be added. Persons owing nceounts fur uiUiitlsIng nnd Job woikme liiKamed Hint setllenunt must bomade, by pn nieiit or note, within Mi U:i.k, or thev will t o pi.ieeii in luu minus m a jusuieioi uitiiuoiaio col lection. II. L. HIEIT'ENHACH E-L.Mjirs Is no longirntithorled tocollect for mo coi i Aim an or 10 iccene uitney ior inc. Deo l(i,'75-tf. D EXTISTliY. 11. C.HOWElt, DENTIST, Itespect fully otTers his professional senlcesto tho ladles aiidgeiithmen of liloomsburg and Melnlty. lie Is prepared to attend In all Iho Miilousopi'ialloiis lu Hie line of his profession, and l proMdeil with tho latest limirov cil l'oncEi.AiN '1 Khl li. which will bo In serted on gold plating, slUcr and nibbcr base to look as wen us ino nniurui icein. -iceiu eMruiieu by all the new mid most appioM-d ti it Hinds, and all operations on the teeth ouiuully nndpro iily at tended to. onico a tow doors nlovotho Court House, snmo Bide. Oct. s 75 17 J. TIIOIiXTOX I'i. would announce totho cltlensof ltlnoms- Iniig nnd Mclnlly that ho has Just recelu'duiiill and couipiclo assol uncni oi WALL PAPEll, WINDOW BIIADES, riXTfllES, C01ID.S, TASSELS, and alt other goods In Ids lino of business. All tho ccst mid most approved patterns of tho day nro nlwais to be futind In his establishment. Main slreet. below Muiktt, oct.s.15 Maiital: HOW Lost, How Bestorefl ! . .lust tiutillshed. n new edition of Dr. vAaTJA tulierwcirs celebrated Essuy on tho A-CtfVlx ruoicai euro twiinoni luiuiciueioi siht. 2bjiiMiV inntonhu'ii or seiuliiul weakness. Iniol. lininry seuilnnl losses, lui)ioteiic) , mental and phi s. enl luenpacllj, liniu'dlnientsto Innulacc, elei also, consumption, epilepsy and llts.lnduiedbyself.lndul. genie or sexual extimugunce, AO SfTrKc, In n sealed enMloiHi, only six cents. cleurh dtmoiii'trules, from u tldrlj years sum ssiul iiraeitee. Hint Hie ult rinlng eonsi iiuenees of lelf- 'lull I'l'it ulull 11 iiiiiiiin. ill ml, iiiiiiiiiuiiiu iw.il. nbuse mnv be ladlcnlly cnied without thodangeious use of internal iiadlelno or the appllentloiiof tho tnirii! MilntliiL' out n inodo of i urn at once slinble. uitulnund eileilual, by meuiisof which el ery sur. fenr noinntier whut his londlllon uuiv be, limy cuio iiimseu cncapiy. prnuieiy Mini ruuu-uiiy. SP-'lhls litiiro should li In Iho bunds of ulery youiii anil eiery man in ino luuu. sent under seal. In u nlulii imeloiio, to any ad dress, on reci lot or six cents or two lostago btumps, Aaurcss iuu i'uuusucrs, , , F. IIIU'HMAN SON, 41 Ann St., New Yolks 1'. O. llox 4!i S. M, I'. Jan Vl-3m. PEAS, Dreer's Extra Hcuiis, Tiinato, cucm for Muikel (Jvdeners, lu tru l;urlv. J'.enrly Corn, urumbir, and all olher seeds for Maiket ilBdeiiers, Pumtlle, Ac. send sininp for lluirsouiaeii cuieuuur ior ism, iui pucsti, Henry A. Dutr, 1U Chestnut btiett, J'hlludclphU, 1(.U lb iw. LANK NOTlCH,witli oi without cxcmiitloi lOr tWO V UIO tX)LL'MlllA UUUV. iiiwii I UK 'n mmmm mini, i'iw'iw1 H liit'lM-- in n i mini. nil iiMrBin mmm mmmi wr wwpw4 iiww wwwn BLOOMSBTJRG, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 10. 1876. Poetical. rutin IjIt riji: Prop yer eyes wldo open .Tocy, Pur Vio brought jo'l sunipln great. Apples ? No j n darned sight belter I Don't oti lako no Int'rcst 1 Walt I ITowers, .toe I know'd jou'd llko 'cm A 'n't them scrumptious? A'n'l litem high? Tears, my Iv y? Wot's them fur.loey? Tin re-poor little .tool don't cry. 1 was sklppln' past n winder, Where a bang-up lady sot, All amongst a lot of bushes Kuril one cllmbln' from a pot ; Kfcry bush had flowers on It Pretty? Mobbo notl Oh, noi Wish you could a seen 'cm grow In', It was slcli a stunnln' show. Well I thought of you, poor feller, I.yln' hero so sick and weak, Never knowln' any comfort, And I puts on lots o' cheek. "MlssiiV'gnjsl, "II Jon please, mum, could lax you for a roso? Tor my llttlo brother, missus Neer seed one, I suppose." Then I told her nil about you How I brlngcd you up poor Joo I (Lnckln' women folks to do It.) Such a' Imp you was, you know Till yon got Unit aw f til tumble, .Inst ns I had broke ycr In (Hard work, too,) to earn your llvln' P.lackln loots for honest tin. How that tumble crippled of you, So'a you couldn't hyrcr much How It hurtcd when I seen you Pur tho first tlmo with jer crutch, "Hut," I says, he's laid up now, mum, 'Pears to weaken every day ;" Joe, sho up and went to cuttln' That's tho how of this bokay. Say I It seems to me, olo feller, You Is qulto yourself to-night j Kind o' chirk It's been a fortnight Senee yer eyes has been so bright. Hotter I Well, I'm glad to hear It I 'cs s they're mighty pretty, Joe, Smellln' of 'em's mado you happy ? Well, I thought It would, you know. Never sco tho courtry, dldyoti ? l'lowcrs growth everywhere. ? .Sometimes when you' ro better, Joey, Mcbbo I kin tnko 0U there, l'lowcrs In heaven? 'M Is'pososo; Danno much about It, though; A'n't ns lly as wot I might bo On theni topics, llttlo Joe. Hut Pvo heard It hinted somewhero That In heaven's golden gates Things Is cverlastlu' cheerful ll'llevo that's wot tho lllhlo states. Likewise, there folks don't get hungry ; so good pcoplo when they dies, l'lnds themselves well lived foreer Joe, my boy, wot alls j er eyes ? Thought they looked a Utile slng'lar, Oh, no I Don't you have no fear: Heaven was mado for such ns you 13 Joe, wot makes you look so queer? I Icro wako up I Oh, don't look that way I Joo I My boy I Hold up your head I Hero's yer flowers you dropped "em Joey,; Oh, my (lod I can Joo bo dead? 1'ckifArku-r'ight In the Graphic. Miscellaneous. TUB Sl'lKIT HANI), A MY'STP.IVY. For what I am about to relate I can oftcr no explanation. I merely stato tho laets, ami lcavs tho reader to draw- his own con clusion. On tho night of March 20, 1SBS, my friend Dornlon Leroy and myself wcro seated together in my room in the Hotel. Tlio night was a very bitter one outside, but wo cared little for it as wo sat thcro talking of tlio past ami tlio present, in which thero was littlo that was disagreeable to discuss, mil ol the future, tho knowledgo of which was mercifully withheld from in. "Do you remember old Doctor Trent?" Leroy asked, with a laugh. "Indeed I do," I replied ; but I did not smile, fr I could nover think of tho man without a strange feeling of horror. He had been at one timo a member of tho faculty of tho college which Leroy and I had attended. Ho was deeply learned in metaphysics, and was in many respects a re markably agrceablo man, but ho was not generally liked. Ono morning there had been a terriblo interview in his room be tween him and tho president of tho college, and tho next day ho was dismissed from his position nnd left tlio institution, since which time I had not met him. It was never known why ho had been discharged; thero wero many vnsuo rumors alloat, but nothing de finite was known. One of the students had heard him say to tho president as the latter left his room : '.Remember, Dr. D , this secret is yours ar.d mino alone, and, by the eternal powers, if it becomes known through you, tlio vengeanco of ono whoso might you havo never, until this day, dreamed, will follow you through a wretched life and into a rest less grave." Tho student said that President D tottered through tho hallway as if ho had been face to faco witli death. What occurred in Dr. Trent's room that morning I do not to this day know. "Do you remember,' Leroy continued, "what singular ideas tlio old doctor had re garding a futuro existence?" Lcroy,though a splendid fellow,a brilliant scholar, possessing a wonderful intellectual power, was an infidel. "I wish you would not mention tlio man," I said, impelled to thp uttcranco by the mi- accountable feeling of horror of which I havo spoken. "I cannot bear even to think of him, I do not know what his ideas of futurity were; I do not think I ever heard him express thcni. "It seemed to mo," Leroy said, "that tho old man used to take a strango delight in drawing mo asido nnd reiterating to mo his belief of what occurred after death ; and now that I think of it, I do not remember that I ever heard him vcntilato his ideas in public. Why, ho believed-" "Excuse me, Dor'Jton," I interposed, "I don't want to hear what ho belloved, or any thing about him. I cannot bear to hear tho man mentioned," "Well, ho was n ilisagrceablo old fellow," Leroy said, "nnd we'll let him rest j though I can't understand why you havo so great a horror of him, Tako another glass of bhcrry. my boy, it will steady your nerves." 'As wo nro on tlio bubject, Dornton," I said, "do you still maintain tlio Bamo opin ions regarding ti future existenco as of old ? I Inyo you not been forced to chango your views?" He icplled that lio had not, Wo then entered into an nrcumeut, I endeavored to ninko him undi'fstnml tlio subject ns I un derstood it ; but all my efforts wero in vain. At last, jumping from his tent, ho ex' claimed : "1'Sfe'k, listen to mc, nnd remember what I tay. Jf I uio before you, I will, If I ktill exist as n spirit, return to you and tell you of the cxltcnco after death," "uornton," 1 interposed, but ho went on : 'Twill do this; and if in this future slalo I am forbidden to fulfill my promise,! swear to resign my right to existenco in tho spirit laud to remain on earth a wanderer for ever," "Dornton, Dornlon," I cried in horror, "you do not know what you say. You can not comprehend tho terrible significiuico of tho words you utter." "Andyct,"n, voico said, "I ".question not that tho vow ho has mado Is registered in tho spirit land." Whoso voico was this? X'ot Dornton's ; not mine. Tlio door which separated my room from the ndjoining apartment was open, nnd on tho threshold stood Dr. Trent. Dornton Leroy and myself each uttered his nunc. "At your scrvlco, gentlemen" ho said, bowing, nnd continued, "Mr. Leroy lias not told you what lny ideas of futurity nro; but they are not very different, Mr. llemington. Irom your own. Ono thing I know, which is that such vows as ho has uttered aro registered by unseen hands, and a strict ful fillment of their conditions demanded al ways, always !" His last words died away to nn almost in articulate moan, and ho closed the door and left us alone together Dorntorn Leroy and myself. For a moment wo sat silent and paralyzed witli astonishment ; then I rushed to the door and attempted to open it, but it was locked on tho other side. I knocked nnd rattled the handle. Soon I heard Mr. Trent's voice: "Mr, Remington, you will oblige mo by making less noiso ; I wish to sleep 1" I retired from tho the door and resumed my former seat. "What do you understand by this?" I asked Leroy. 'Ts it not strange,mystcrious, incomprehensible ?" "Xot at all," ho said, "merely a coinci dence. Wo happened to be talking of Doc tor Trent whilo ho was in tho next room. Ho overheard us and seized tho opportunity "Wlut I" I cried, grasping his arm. Ho repeated tlio words. "It cannot be," I gasped, "you aro mis taken. He left me in perfect health at mid night it cannot' bo 1" "I have just left his homc,"Charlton said; it is "true." "I cannot realizo thisl What was tho causo of his death ?" "Remington, 'twas suicide." "Suicide!" I exclaimed, almost prostrated by tlio accumulation of horrors. George Charlton told mo that tho inmates of the house in which Leroy had boarded had been awakened by the report of a pistol ; it pro ceeded from his room. They had found him lying upon tho lloor, dead, tho fatal weapon in his hand, a bullet in his head. Upon tho table was a note containing thee words: "I havo no desiro to livo longer. Fare well, all." "Merciful heaven I" I exclaimed when I heard this, "it seems impossible that this is so. When ho left mo at midnight ho was in the best of spirits." "And yet," . Charlton said, "at twenty minutes past four ho took his own life in a fit of melancholy. Is not " "At what hour ?" I interrupted. "So you see my boy," Leroy said "our old friend caino in that room by perfectly natural and legitimate means." Notwithstanding this, I could not sup press a shudder of loathing at the very thought of tho man. Dornton Leroy left mo with a cordial pressure of tho hand and a good-humored admonition to carefully fasten tho door be tween my room and Doctor Trent's advice which I lollowed. That night I was awakened from a sound clumber bv a peal of unearthly, horrible laughter In Doctor Trent's room. I sprang from my bed and lighted tho gas ; a cold moisturo was upon my forehead. The laughter ceased. I consulted my watch ; it was just twenty minutes past four. It was long before I could sleep again. At last I fell into a slumber, lrom winch 1 was awakened nt eight o'clock by a loud knock ing at my door, "Who's there?" I cried. "Georgo Charlton," was tho reply, "let mo in ; I havo news for you." "Good or bad?" I asked, as I admitted my old friend. "l!ad, bad?" ho said, gravely. "Dorn ton Leroy is dead." for ventilating ono of his peculiar ideas." "Rut how came ho in tho next room?" This is a hotel ; therefore I sco nothing singular in his presence there, It is ex tremely improbablo that ho'camo thero by other than natural means, If you will tako tho trouble to accompany mo down stairs to tho ollico when I start homo which will bo directly you will doubtless tee his namo on tho register. You havo a singular dread of this man, Frank," I have, I always havo had : I cannot help it. You're not going yet?" "Mut, my dear boy, I havo to get up early in tho morning, and it's already- consulting his watch, "as I live, it's mid night an hour later than I thought." I went down to tho oflico with Leroy, am' on the hotel register wo found tho name, Trent, M. D." "Tho shot was heard at precisely twenty minutes past four." It was nt that very moment that tho peal of fiendish laughter from tho old doctor i room had awakened mo from my sleep, did not tell Charlton of this. It seemed horror too great for utterance. Tlio though occuncd to mo to notify Doctor Trent o Leroy's death, I rapped on tho door, in forming Charlton briefly that an old friend of tho deceased occupied tho room, but thero was no responso tn my knock. On in miiry at tho ollico I learned that Doctor Trent had left tho oflico at six o'clock that morning, I went with Georgo Charlton to tho room whero Dornton Leroy lay dead. As w looked upon his face wo each thought of one to whom his loas would bo a far moro bitter application thnn it was even to us, his bo. som friends. That ono was Alico llcntley tho young ghl to whom Leroy was to hav been married in a month, They had been engaged ono year, with tho full approval o; nil concerned or Interested. Sho was a rare ly beautiful and intellectual girl, tho idol o her parents, who thought Leroy tho only man in thoviorld worthy of becoming hor husband, while hu considered her far too good and too puro for him. Bho was n frail, lollcato creature, nnd I feared that this blow ould kill her. While Charlton and myself iro still In the room sho entered; wo Im mediately withdrew and left her nlono with er dead lover, Two days later wo laid Dornton Leroy beneath tho sod. Six months passed. Alice Rently did not o ns sho stood by the coffin of the man she oved so dearly, but as tho days and weeks ussed on sho faded liko a frail plant torn from tho soil which matured it.nntt the phy sician said that nn entire chango of scene, at once, might save her, hut nothing else could. o a European tour was planned. I was a member. On tho 3d ol October wo sailed for Liverpool.' Wo had scarcely left the barf when I discovered that among the passengers was Doctor Trent. I recoiled i tit positive terror as my eyes-fell upon his ice. Must I bo brought for two weeks in constant intercourse with this man, whom I detested ? For a moment I thought of leav ing tho boat at bandy Hook nnd returning to Xew Y'ork in tho pilot boat, but I dis missed tho idea, for I knew I could give no satisfactory explanation to my friends for sucli an act. I endeavored to persitado my self that I was wrong in feeling as I did to- urd tho man who had nevcr.harmed mo by ord or deed, that I was morbidly sensitive pon tills subject ; but all my efforts were in un ; I still felt toward Doctor Trent n3 to rn! a poisonous reptile. I depi.scd,drcadcd, oatlied him. Rut he boon became very generally liked by tlio passengers. My friends soon learned that ho was an acquaintance of mine, and each insisted on an introduction, which I gave witli a reluctance I- strovo in vain to conceal. During the voyage Doctor Trent spent tlio greater portion of his timo in Alico Rentley's company. It gave me tho keenest pain to see them together sho whom I lov ed as ono far abovo me, and he upon whom looked with loathing. Rut what was my horror upon learning that this old man, Doctor Trent, had asked Alico Rentley's and in marriage, and that she Lad promised im an answer in three months. I refused to believe this at first. I could not comnrc- end how this girl, pure as an angel, could, for a moment, listen to the addresses of this creature, Trent ; how slip, upon whoso lips y friend's kisses had been pressed, could til to spurn this man witli contempt. Rut as time passed on I saw that sho was com- lctely in Ids power, that he was draw ing her to him nearer, nearer, day by day, by means of a dreadful fascination, a magnet ism which she was evidently unablo to re- ist, her will being completely subservient to his, Doctor Trent traveled witli us through Europe. He was constantly at Miss Rent- ley's side, and she never repulsed him. I new that Alice did not lovu him, but I be- ieved she would marry him. Sho marry him I O 1 the thought was torture to mo ! I avoided Doctor Trent as much ns possi ble; I seldom spoko witli liitn. Rut one day he met me in a cafe in l'aris, and seating himself by my side, said abruptly : "Jhat was a terrible death of mv old pu ll, Leroy, was it not, Frank l!cmin?ton?" 'I he question was so strangely nnd sudden ly uttered that for a moment I knew not hat to say. Finally I murmured an affir mative response. Fixing his eyes upon my faco with a strange earnestness Doctor Trent continued : "Do you remember tlio oath which Dorn ton Leroy uttered that night, a few hours boforo ho died ?" I did not reply, 1 could not speak with this man's fiery gaze upon my face. Ho read my answer in my eyes, and went on : "I can recall his exact words ; they wcro these: 'If I die before you, I will, if I still exist as a spirit, return to you and tell you of tho existenco after deatli ; and if, in this future state, I am forbidden to fulfill my iromise, I swear to resign my right to cxis enco in the spirit laud, and to remain on earth, a wanderer forever.' " Thcso words, as Doctor Trent uttered them, seemed to burn into my very soul. I strovo to speak, but could not. "Ah I" Trent exclaimed, seizing my hand in his own, which was so cold that it chilled mo through, "It is not safe for man thus to triflo witli a power of whose might tho hu man mind can have no conception, Frank Remington, where, in all tho universe, do ou think Dornton Leroy is now?" My faco must have shown tho horror I felt of this man and at the fearful thoughts ho suggested ; for ho paused suddenly and said, willi a laugh, "Rut my talk does not buit you. well, well, let us uismiss tlio buuject. Ry tho wav, you will bo at Madamo 's ball to-morrow night, will you not?" I replied in tho allivmutive, and as soon as possible left tho man. The next night I was at Madamo 's ball. The company was about dispersing when Trent advanced to the centro of tlio room, holding Alico Rentley by tho hand, and said in a loud voico : "Friends, congratulate me ; Miss Rentley has consented to mako mo tho happiest of men by becoming my wife." Ho had scarcely spoken tlio last word when tho girl uttered a terriblo shriek and fell fainting to the lloor. when, a low min utes inter, sho regained consciousness, sho cried : "Where is he? Oh, whero is ho?" They nked her whom sho infant. "Dornton Dornton Leroy," sho said. "As Doctor Trent finished speaking, Leroy appeared beforo mc, and gazing fixedly into my eyes with an expression ot intenso an' guish, sei.cd my wrUt in his hand. Did you not see him ?" Doctor Trent burst into n shriek ot wild laughter which thrilled mo with horror. It Vas tho tamo that had echoed through my room on tlio morning of Dornton Loroy's death, A moment later tho man was profuse in apologies, attributing his sudden and Iuap propriato outburst to nervous excitement. "Rut, ladies and gentlemen," ho exclaim ed, taking Alico Rentley's hand, "look here; is not this a remarkablo pliciioniouou?" Upon tho girl's wrist wero distinctly visl bio tlio marks of human fingers, as it sonio ono had grasped it very tightly. Ono morning two month later I entered llrtlo English chapel ill Florenco for tho purpose of witnessing tho marriugo of Alico Rentley nnd Doctor 1 rent. Tho bridal party arrived ut tho tlmo ap pointed, and tlio ceremony began. Alice was lu tears and murmured tho ivopumes in mi almoat iuaiidiblo voice, 1'roecntly tho clergyman read tho word "If any man ran show just cauo why THE COLUMRIAX, VOL. -'. XO. 10 COI.U.M III A DEMOCRAT, VOL. M.I, Ml. they may not lawfully bo joined together let him now speak or else hereafter forever hold his peace." A terriblo cry ran through tho chapel as tho clergyman paused, nnd Alico Rentley fell to tho floor. Again c.imo thnt burst of wild laughter from Doctor Trent, who rush ed to tho door and left the church. "Ptand back," said tlio clergyman to tho friends who crowded around the altar, "givo her air. Too lato I" ho added, ns ho bent over her, "sho is dead !'' And upon her wrists wcro tho marks of human lingers ns wo lind seen them two months beforo at Madame -'a ball. Xot ono of our party ever saw Doctor Trent again. How 1'iilnnni Was Raveil. When Lord Howo and his English nrmy had marched Into Xew York city during tho Revolutionary war, says a writer in Serib iier't, tho commander-in-chief and his staff wcro enraptured to find Mr. Murray, n noted Quakeress, and her beautiful daugh ter ready to greet them with a warm wel come. Tho parlies had once met in moro peaceful days. "William," said tho Quaker matron "will thee alight and refresh thyself at our hoti'c." "I thank you, Mrs. Murray," said the plca?uro loving commander, "but I must first catch tho rascally Yankee, Putnam." Tho Yankee general, who had just escaped and was only a short distanco ahead of Lord Howe, was not to bo caught this time, if the truth must be tortured into a shapo that should deceivo in order to save life. Very demurely the lady rejoined, in that plain language of her sect which always carries with it such nn emphasis of truth : "Did'st thou not hear that I'utnam had gone? It is late to try to catch him. Thee had better como in and dine." The invitation was seconded by the bright est smiles of 'tho daughters, and Howo wavered. Promising to purstio the hated J'nnkce after he had dined, tho Rritish com mander alighted nnd entered tlio house, whero tho fascinations of charming host esses mado him forget for hours tho object of his expedition. I'utnam meanwhile was Hying up tlio Rloomingdalo road, never dar ing to draw breath until lio caught sight of Washington's tents. Thatelier.in his "Mili tary Journal," writes that it became a com mon saying amocg tho American officers that Mm. Murray had saved Putnam's di vision. Woes of a lliisliaml. John Henry has been oil' on a busines trip and got home at three in the mouiing. He found the doom all locked, and tried to get in tho back window, in tho course of which proceeding a policeman nabbed him for a burglar. "Why, you big idiot. 1 livo here," said the injured man. "Xo you don't, cully ; that dog won't jump. Pvo had tho nippers on you afore. You're a cunnin' cove, you arc." "Rut I tell you, you blasted fool, that my mime's Henry, nnd I live here, Just ring tlio bell and ask my wife." So the guardian of the law rang tlio bell, purely as a matter of form, for ho knew his man. 'Mrs Henry stuck her night cap out of tho window, and asked, "Is that you, Charlie?" "Who in the bluo blazes is "Charlie?" thought John Henry, and whilo his heart was boiling over with jealousy, tho police man asked : "Is your husband at home, ma'am " "Xo, ho's out of town, and won't bo homo lor several days," aim men siammcu ino sash down in a hurry. So tho bewildered John went offto the statiou house, and found out noxt morning that "Charlio" was a brother from tho conn who had como to mako a few days' visit. A story not unlike one that every body has heard already is related by a German correspondent as being a true account of an incident that occurred after- tho lato impe rial hunt at HubertustVck. Tho Emperor William feeling unwell proposed to return lo tho castlo on foot in company with the King of Saxony and the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg. lint, tiring on tho way, the party got a peasant to givo them a lift in lit ntlytho man's curiosity being io appearance of his pas?igers, cart, Prcsc excited by tho ho said, turning to one of them, "And who may vou be?" "lam tho Grand Duko of Mecklenburg." "Oh, indeed," replied tho peasant, with a wink, "then who may you be?" ho inquired of the next. "I am the King of Saxony." Rcttcr and better," cried tho carter. "And you ?" accosting the third member of the party. "I am the Emperor of Germany." Well, then," said the conn tryman, in high spirits, "I wilt tll you who am ; I am tho Shah ot Persia, and can hoax people as well as you can." Rut when .ie drove up to tlio castle ot iiuuertiistock, tho honest fellow found that, of all the po tentates in tlio cart, ho was tho only ono whoso claim could not bo substantiated. ,ri :.,.i: ii, ,i f ti, ,n.,i in..t- f wn.t,,,Wer London ti, ....ut f,.i,n. ne,ii is Rso r,n,iJ takes ten minutes, but the winding up of .!, vtrll-!,, nnrts-.lm oliarter nart and the J 3I"" I hour nart-takes five hours each, and this 1ms tn bo .lone, twieo n week. The contract ((hiu.m,i..ib'..po.ui,uiM,s..v.u,i-.. Tli n nrmr rC im rtinnlr fimmmtutn nnlT nhnnf" - 1 . .1 1 ill niv ...i,,,...,, j -v and thero is no other clock in tho, world of which tho same can bo said. , , . :V protty anil sensiuio young i.iuy romano ed in tho presenco of seven baro faced young men tho other night, "that it just uouuies 1110 vaiuo 01 it kiss to nnvo 10 uor- row it lrom iituier a mustacue.- 1110 next morning ono ot our uruggest just sold soven uomes 01 a preparation 10 eiicuunigo uius taches. in less than linlf an hour after open-1 ing. A waggish speculator, 0110 of a numerous family in tho world, recently said: "Five years ago 1 waa not worm 11 penny in tue; worm nun ico mit-cu 1 uui iiiiuii&u my uwn exertion," "Well' whero are you?" "Why, a thousand dollars in debt," Gnil Hamilton savs that a clrl should pick out her hiubaud m sho picks out an apple. And llristow thinks n man should tilnlr nut his Mrl ns lm itlnki nut Ms nntili.. I'--- - - o - 1 - - "i riv iaok a littlo abovo nroof. uocior, piouso cut 111011s mo seam," gain 011 aiiecvionato who to a physician, wuo was cutting open ucr apoplectic lius. 1 11. 1.1. . uiuiu mini- IMTJBd OF ADVIiliriilNa ono Incti.ttwetve lines or Its cmilrnlcnt In Vonrn elltype) ono or two insertions, 1,W tint Inser tion, f-i.w, SPACE. 111. 3)1. W. (M. ly onelnch .M) .w .( c.od fio.oo Two inches .no fi.oo ?.i .w iwo thrre turbos Mm j.m v.m lu.ni r-.o Four im hi s i.i" D.oo 1 1. hi IT.' it'.i'O ouur orei.lnmi IM u.'o H. .' wwo Half column lMe is.oo v ou no.en co.io on oolumn 3 m so.oo .oo ou.w lio.io Yiir1yadveitlement pajabttquottcrly. Tron' Blent ndvirtlsemcntR must bo paid bcfoiv Inicttca except where pan Its liBeaccoiilit. , .,. ,, Legal advert (wment s two dollars i erlncll for three tnserilniiB.andatthatrnto foraddftlonnl Insertion without reference to length, Kxccutor'f., Administrator's nnd Auditor'! KotlcCB three dollars, Transient or Local notices, twenty cents a line. regulnradrortlsciniiitBhalf rates. Cards In tin "liuslness lUreclory" column, oto dolhirpcrycorforoauti lino. 1'rom tho Burlington Hawk Bye. Sal 'o;v Year's llelleetions Singular EHccls of liurlingtoii Whiskey. Irtish i Hark! List, oh, list I ' It Is a time for dreams and reverie. Tho dying year is passing mvay. Ifithadnny kind of a hand It would tako It up; but no it pases; passes; slowly pnssos; railroad passes; minstrel passes; compasses ; pass us tho mustard ; almost any kind of passes. And yet,inethitiks it wero notalway.1 thus. Tho midnight hour is sounding from tho belfry lower, as lu heavenly tones tho old town clock tolls tho knell of tho dying year. Wo bad to borrow n town clock from n town over.ln Illinois in order to work this stanza through, For tho Rurlington town clocks nro not on tho knell, very strong. If tho dying year waited for our town clorks to ring them out, tho Centennial wouldn't como around for a thousand years. Rut no the subject is too painful-; let it pass. It wcro better so. Rcttcr that the tinburlcd thoughts that rise liko restless ghosts and. haunting, hover around memory's gate, should folds their puletcss hands ou tho still drapery and sleep. Oh, tho long nnd cruel dingbats that flute magilder tlio tawdry thingumbobs of flap doodles in their ghastly gondcrnoss. And whero? Oh, sunhrowncd sirocco, who ato the Castile soap ? ' sh I Memory, memory bar thy iron gates. What wast? Hist I Ah, bo still, sad heart. Only the rising wind rustles tho uncertain drapery. Judge Drapery; may be. And yet but still and then or no ha, yes I why, no it is 'tis not it was 'tis two 'tis fifty, 'tis fifty-two. All, well : long, and starless has been tho night, buttsomctliing cometh with the morning. Ay, Dunbar's gong. St. Julicn mend this pensive mood I Whero are tho friends of my youth? Xever had any. Out of tho swinging portals of tho past, whoso feet aro tho restless, moaning sea, and whose lofty head is swathed in tho inky pall of tho drifting clouds that frown away the summer light, a fair sweet figuro rises, liko a dream of hope. Out of tho gates of tho impossible, adown tho30 mystic vistas whoso enchanted sliore3 and magic isles have echoed to the siren songs of boyhood's sunny hours, thnir beckoning figures riso and glido across thothrcshuld of tho all-pervading present and their silurian cinthes mock tho encurtained future. Rreak, break break, on tho cold, gray rpeks, oh, mcifsent up for ten days and no money to pay your fine. Change, change, change. It is a world of mutations. To-day wo look out upon tho street; it is crowded with loved and familiar faces, tho constant cheerful faces ot men wo owe. To-morrow we look: out, ana lo, a change. A cow stands in tho middle of tho street, which was not there before. Thus cities grow, and chango comes with tho rowth. Small change. Givo mo two threes and a two for an overcoat button. Xo? Then fade every sordid joy. Slowly the old year moves away; slowly but surely it moves. Wherefore? Perhaps it doesn't liko tho neighborhood. Maybo somebody steals its wood. It goes away from us into tho irretrievabloipast.tbo oldyear,not the wood, and wo know not who has taken it, the wood, not tho old year, and wo em balm1 it; in bitter tears, tho old year and we lock up tho next cord wo get, the wood for tho mines of Golconda cannot count its value, whoso every moment sparklis with diamonds of thought, and golden instants of opportunity, the old year, that is ; and wo ioaii one or two of tho hollow sticks with dynamite, tho wood that is, and lay its precious lessons -away in memory's casket, tho old year, you know, and leavo them ly ing carelessly around for a trap, tho wood, we do that witli and hido them deep in tho inmost chambers of the heart, the old year we'ro talking about and it picks up a stray neighbor or two, maybe, the wood does and it perfumes lifo with the subtle essenco of half-forgotten pleasures and sacred sor rows, tho old year docs. Away I Tlicso fancies burn into tho wearied brain. Lead mo to Lethe's fabled stream wherein its dark and turbid waves tho soul may hido from every carking caro and bo at rest. What, ho! without thero 1 Wine; bring hithcr sparkling wine; witli its eyes and t01,gu of ilani0' Wine. wine tuo oIJ Crow kind. Hush, tho lust stroke of tho midnight hour trembles on tho starlit air. It is the dawn ing of the Centennial year. This year is a hundred years long. Oh, blessed thought, Wightful vision for the man who pays his rent by tho year. Oh, lingering horror for tho man whose salary runs tho same way. Oh,'.raro Centennial morn. Oh, natnl birth lay. Oh, longing eyes of a yearning world. Oh, spptless record of unrecorded time. Oh, several other things. Oh, pshaw. A sheriff at St. Albans, Vt. having two in sane persous to convey lrom tlio fet. Albans jail to an asylum for tho insiiuo ut Rrattlo- boro, Vt., called one of the lunatics asido I and asked his aid in keeping watch on his companion during tho journey, and thou did the samo with tho other. The two luna- at Mo by side silently ckuisic!i otli- through tllO WllOlO TOUtC, and thev- havo I II.. I...i ..!. l. I.. ""' ' ""J vj.v sua.u c.iuu uum m 1,10 nsvlum evcr Bince- "Sir. vou area tmlitienl thin!n nee. I... ' 4 I ""'""0 iiiiiiviuutiuviiiiiui'i ittmitK- I runt 11 ovorvth ni lint. .10..L-I" "llns T don't understand German, but I'll drink , ... - - -o j, with you!" Tho difllculty was bottled on .1 iuav uusis. Thirty Chinese students who lately roach- ed this country with tho purpose of being educated In New England colleges aro to b allowed fifteen years for study. They havo I tho promise of high offices under their gov- - 1 eminent when they return homo. I An Indiana man fell into n well tho other day, and when they pulled him out in n j half drowned condition ho sputtered forth : j "It serves mo gosh denied right for foolln round something what I don't know nothing 1 auoui. I A young man, who went about last Mon- ,l:v morning siiulling an't blowing his noso. I oxphiincd ton friend that "she hadn't ndy ,lro W tUo l,iulor Sud,ly dlgl't nd id wiw blabo I vwuu. maddens fctovon3' houtekeonar h.n le n allowed 7,71 1 for ferview as hoiuskemirr I by tlio oxeoutoM of Mr. Slovem. niul Dr 1 11. t'arpeuter LeU Sl.tioo for iirofrssi.ni 1 . - 1 service