The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 03, 1876, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, ELOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, Agricultural. BthaW ah Maniim: ron Whkat. Dur ing ft recent visit to Western Now York n number of farmers niked our opinion m to tho value of atriiw ns a covering for their wheat field tho coming winter. Tho Inter est which such ft question Implies ta gratify ing. Ithows thnt tho roor wheat crops of tbo past two or threo years lmvo taught far mers thnt something Is tho mutter, nnd If whent growing Is to ho continued some thing must bo dono to make better crop?. Stable manuro put over tho wheat In tho fall is known to bo ft vahmblo protector; but docs It savo tho crop chiefly as a mulch or from its manurial properties? It Is not easy to get stable manure! enough to cover tho lnrgo wheat fields which many farmers sow. and somo of tho best farmers draw their barnyard manuro on corn nnd potato ground In tho spring and have littlo lelt for ton tlrcsslne in tho fall. They, however have straw in plenty, and If it can bo jnad available fr Immediate use their fields can bo well and cheaply protected. Our own .observation anil experience shows that straw Is of littlo valuo for this purpo.'u. Whent is often winter-killed from oxposuro to bleak winds, nnd It seems ns If n covering oven of straw would not be bene ficial. Practically, however, it Is probablo Hint poverty of soil w tho true difliculty, Wo havo seen wheat fields exposed to th bleakest winds and tncHt severo freezing where the crop came out all right because tub soil was rich, while on poor soil In pro tcctcd situations tho wheat was an entire failuro, Tho nlant on noor soil docs not seem to havo much to llvo for, and gives up the ghost to Insects, cold weather and other evils about as readily as thoroughly His ' couraged men and women do when attacked by disease. Poor land is subject to many fatalities which crops on rich soil escape. AVheatwas mado to endure tho cold of winter, nnd when nroperlv crown it has means of protecting itself from its severity With plenty of appropriate food it will man nge to wrap itself with n mantle of its leaves nnd bravo tho severest storms ot winter, Wo havo repeatedly seen wheat on rich soi pass through tho winter successfully, win! on poor soil, with less exposure, it has been almost 'ruined by winter-killing. Commer cial fertilizers, drilled in with wheat, havo tho s:mo effect, whilo mere straw has not, Straw is not by any means a cheap ma nure. Its value for selling may bo low, but ovon then it is worth far more as feed or for bidding than as manuro in its uufermented stato. If it can bo sold at ten to Mtcen dollars a ton, a3 was dono in most of our large cities a,yeavar two ago, selling straw . i notTbad mode of disposing of it, provid ed better modes are purchased in its stead. Hut always save enough for bedding and as an absorbent of manures that would other wise be lost. Thus used, tho soil will in crease its fertility, so thnt very soon winter grain will bo well fed and strong enough to maintain its vitality without protection dur ine the severest winter. Moore's IluralA'ew Yorker. Educating Horses. Horses can be educated to tho extent of their understandings as well as children, and can bo as easily damaged or ruined by bad management. We believe that tho great difference found in horses as to vicious hab- ' its or reliability comes more from tho diff erent management of men than from vari i ance of natural disposition in tho animals. . Horses with high mettlo aro moro easily educated than those of less or dull spirits,, and aro moro susceptible to ill training, and consequently may bo as good or bad, accord ing to the education they receive. Horses with dull spirits aro not by any means proof against bad management, for in them may often bo found tho most provok ing obstinacy j vicious habits of different characters that render them almost entirely worthless. Could tho coming generations of horses in this country bo kept from their days of colt-hood to tbo ago of five years in , tho hands of good, careful managers, there would be seen a vast difference in the gen eral character of the noblo animals. If a colt is never allowed to get an ad vantage, it will never know that it posses ses a power that man cannot control j and if made familiar with strange objects, it will not he skittish and nervous. If a hotso is inado accustomed from his early days to havo objects hit him on, tho heels, back and hips, ho will pay no attention to the giving out of a harness or of a wagon running against him at any unexpected moment. We once saw an old lady drive a high spirited horse, attached to a carriage, down a Btecp hill, with no hold back straps upon the harncbs, and she assured us that there was no danger, for her son accustomed his horses to all kinds of usages and sights that commonly drive the animal into a frenzy of fear and excitement, , A gun may bo fired from tho back of a horse, an umbrella held over his head, a buffalo robo thrown over his neck, a rail road engine pass close by, his heels bumped with sticks, and the animal take it all as a natural condition of things, if only taught by careful management that he will not bo injured thereby. There is great need of im provement In tho management of this noblo animal ; less beating wanted and moro of education. How to TitiUT Oiiapk Vines. Cut out the dead bits, shorten back the long branch es to five orslx joints, moro or less, cutting i, some clean out altogether'when not needed to fill up gaps, then spread out tlio urancn Oi to your liking and tio with anything con venient and your work is dono. A word about renewing and changing vines is not, perhaps, out of placo here. To renew a vine that has become old and shows symptoms of decay, is simply to bend tho limbs down and bury thein a foot or so in tho ground, keeping them there by means of stout pegs or istones. New roots will bo pro duced, and your old vine will soon be young !.. . 1.... .. .!... tl lo lr,.rl,,r .,, ll,n Uglllli , UUb IVlll-ii (V w nil ,v.v. b'Ml v "v better way is to cliango it by grafting it with the desired kind-slmply done by cut ting the old vine off at the ground with a saw, iplitting tho crown In half and Insert- inir two crafts, ono on each side. These grafu must bo cut wedge Bhaped, with sharp knife, the outer edge somewhat the thickest, In order that tho barks fit neatly together, for ou this depends, to a great cx teut, the success of tho operation. When the grafts aro set, cover all up with ground, leaving only the top cyo of tho graft out of the ground. The operation Is so slinplo It can bo done by any one, man or woman This, like tho plan of changing other fruit trees, pears and apples for instance, Is inucn preferablo to grubbing up and planting young ones, as they come Into bearing In less than half the time tbo young tree comes Into bearing. But ono thing mustbe kept In mind In' regard to the grafting of tho grape vine, and that is it must always ue performed before tho vine begius to grow Iu spring, aud tho souner the better now, for tho grapevine wip starts curly, Humorous. A subscriber to n Southwestern newspa per died recently, leaving four years sub scription unpaid. Tho editor appeared nt tho grnvo nnd deposited In tho collin n palm leaf fan, n linen coat, nnd n thermometer. A II iby who kisses his mother nnd fights his father may bo said to bo partial to his ma nnd martini to h!s pa, Many a man who would roll up his eyes In horror nt tho idea of stealing a nickel, will swoop down on n silk umbrella worlh 10, nnd mircli oil with his lips moving peacefully as if in prayer. Somo robbers having broken Into n gen tleman's house, went to tjio bed of the ser vant and told htm if ho moved ho was n dead man. '"That's n falsehood," said he, For if I move, I'm sure I'm alive." A country paper, in speaking of tho street-organ playing ofn soldier, without arms, who worked tho crank witli his foot, happily says, "Ills playing was fur above the usual nvcrago j ho threw his bolo into it." It is B.iid that a hearty laugh Is a foo to dyspepsia so it is proposed to chnngo a well-known sentence thusly : "Head, Mark Twain, and inwardly digest." Hut suppose one doesn't want to "dyest so," how then? Thcro is n story of a western hunter who after he had for four days diligently follow ed tho trail of n grizzly, returned without tho beast. Uelng asked why lie had aban doned thochase, ho explained that "tho trial was getting too darned fresh.', They aro feeling that way in Washington. VhiladeU jihia Times. The married men of Urooklyn who como homo after midnight prop themselves against tho wall nnd warble a stave or two of "Hold tho Fort," under tho awful delusion thnt their wives will supposo they have been to a revival meeting. A son of Galen who was very angry when any joke was passed on a physician,once de fended himself from tho raillery by saying: "I defy any person whom I ever attended to accuse mo ofignoranco or neglect." "no' replied the wag for you know, doctor, dead men toll no tales 1" "No, sir," said a weary looking man on a street car to an individual by his side, "I wouldn't marry tho best woman nlivc. I'vo been a Hry goods clerk too long for that." "Somo infernal idiot has nut that ncn where I can't find it," growled Old Asperity tho other day, as ho rooted about tho desk. ''Ah, lira, yes; I thought so," ho continued in a lower key, as he hauled tho article from behind his ear. Mr. RusHn pitches into the voune ladv Sunday school teachers. "At present" he says, "you keep tho dancing to yourselves and teach your scholars tho catechism. Sup poso you wero to try ior a littlo while learn ing tho catechism yourselves, and teach tnem to dance." A-funny story is told by an exchanee. of two ermont farmers who nro not grangers. They induced their wives to join nnd report oeioro tuey would commit themselves. Now, when they will they cannot. Two black balls greet every application. Meanwhile tlio wives go regularly and triumphantly to every meeting ol tlio grange, and tho men stay at homo to mind tho babies. Professor II , of Yalo College, was passing out of the recitation room one dav. when an ambitious Freshman dropped slyly into his cap n pieco of paper on which he had legibly written tho word "monkey." Tickled with his joke, ho told his success to all-his student friends. At tho next recita tion tho bland Professor addressed his divis ion thus, in his sweetest tones : "Gentlemen, as I'was passing out of the room yesterday, ono of your number did mo the very high honor of leaving his card with me." "Billy, how did you loso your finger?" "Kasy enough," said Billy. "I suppose you did but how V "I guess you'd a lost yourn if it had been where mino was." "That don't answer my question." "Well, if you must know," said Billy. "I had to cut it off or steal tho trap." "Sympathy," says Johu Paul, "is some thing which I never withhold from thoo in trouble, whether they happen to bo frinds or not; there's nothing mean about me. I nnd, too, that ono can go around shedding sympathy on all sides, for weeks at a time, without spending a cent or being at much personal inconvenience." Somo weeks ago a Detroit wife disguised her chirography and wrote her husband a lovo letter under an assumed name. lie an swered it very promptly, and a correspon dence ensued, which lasted six weeks. Ho finally threatened to commit suicide in caso his unknown correspondent did not meet him, nnd the wife had a parlor seance and exhibited the letters. Tho attempts of tho husband to laugh, and declare that ho knew her handwriting all tho time, and wanted to sco liow far she would go, were among tho most lamcntablo failures of tho present sad year. Tho boy stood near n sunken shaft, nnd bitter tears ho shed; wo eyed tho young ster foro and aft hishairand nosewero red. Ho looked the picture of distress, tlio very typo of woe; we asked why his tinhap piness, his voico cnino tad and low j and while tho lad in tears relates tho story, wo are aweu. said no "i nought a pair Of skates nnd now it's gono and thawod." He Didn't Flinch, Ho came back to his mother looking very forlornly, with a big red swelling under his left cyo nnd four or hvo,handtulsof torn shirt boiling over his Drecchei band. "Why, where on earth have you oeen?" bIio asked, "Mo and Johnny's been playln. He played he was n.pjrato and I played I was a duke. Then he put on airs and I got mad, and" "Yes yes," interrupted his mother her eyes flash ing, "and you didn't flinch?" "No'm, but the pirate licked,' The Itev, Dr. Ritchie of Edinburgh, though n very clever man, once met with his mutch. When examining a student as to the classes he had attended, ho said, "And you attended the class for mathematics?" "Yes." "How many sides has a circle?" "Two," said the student. What a laugh in tho court the student's answer produced when he Bald, "An insido and an outsidol" Tho doctor next Inquired, "And you attend ed the moral philosophy class, aUo?" "Yes.', "Well, you would hear Ijrturcs on various subjects. Did you ever hear ono ou cause and effect?" "Yes." "Does an effect ever go before a cause?" "Yes." "dive mo an Instance." "A man wheeling a barrow." The doctor then sat bowu and proposed no moro questions. Groat Rotluotion ,in Price I Uroat Reduction in Prico Hrnnf Pod notion In Prion I Tln'nlr of it. I Think of it Think of it I Think of it Think of it 1 Think of it BAUGH'S -oUlE MAM ii- BONE Mado from Haw or Viibtirned Animal Hones, OlIKAl' FOR CASH. Wo nro now soiling our Haw Bono Supcr-Vhoi pnaic m mo ioiiow nig c;ifAUATi:i:i) analysis. Ammonia .... Solublo aiul 1'rcclpltntcd riKwphorlo Acid, .l'liosnhntn of I.tino. rendered l'rom a to 4 per ecu rromo to It percent, Soluablo, l'rom so to 24 per cent At NKT cash wholesalo prices to farmers and riiuiu-is, p.o. it, ui 1 0V l'IMCKS 1 'litl.idclphU, ut tlio following 1W) Tons and over, .n per ton, 2,000 lbs, to tit) Tons, 411 41 42 43 to 43 " to 82- " to 10 " BAUGS-H'S GROUJND raw bones, CSyGuarantced l'ure.-XSa At tho following cash Prices! loo Tons nnd ov er, J3 1 W 50 " to 03 Tons 35 00 8 " to 43 " 110 0(1 10 " tOli'J " 8100 1 " to 11 ' 8S 00 .PI,,., l.nnn la i.mtin.l ..iter. . I a rtrt rr n. Mh.l'.,1 nnd tiio Rolld bono lias not been selected from It lor ciirbonlzlnir niirnoses. Farmers mo requested lo glvo tliclr orders to the dealer early, nnd it they cannot cot llaiigh's stan dard Fertilizers Horn dealers, they will bo supplied uy us uircei. BONE MEAL. Sffl-WAltllANTKD I'UltK.-TBfl r. O. I). In Philadelphia nt tho following Low cash 1'IUCES. loo Tons nnd ov or, f.w oo per Ton, 2,000 lbs. is to u-J Tons, 83 00 so so 10 IU 4 1043 " to:2 " to to " 40 C) " 41 O) ' 4 2 00 " 43 PO PHILADELPHIA . Ground Bones, In lings, on Hoard Cars at Works, At tho following cash Prices s 1 0 Tons nnd over, $30 in per Ton. so 3J 10 to U3 Tons to 43 " to Sil " to o " 81 (10 82 0) S3 10 UI 00 1 If packed In barrels, (no tare off.lviovWll make a ueuucuou oi l per ion iiuiu iiuuve puees. Persons desiring to take adv antuirc of tho nbovo low- pnees suouiu scnu in tneir orucra at once. No, 1 FINE BONE DUST (JUAIIAXTUUD AAAIiiisIS: Ammonia - from 2 to 4 percent, l'ho&pliortc Aeld " 14 to IT " llouu Phosphate ot Llmo "33 to 37 " " This nrllclo Is pound very fine, nnd Is noted for Its quick action, nnd can bo bought nl Ihu following re- u uceu prices, ireu uu uuaru es-M. la utuur i iiuuuci phla orks : loo Tons nnd over, 130 per Ton, 2,000 lbs. go " to yj Tons ai 30 " to 43 " 82 " " " 10 " to 23 " 33 " " " 1 ' to 1) " SI " " JCSyX. B. Ono Dollar per Ton additional on above prices it Mapped lroui Baltimore, 1JAUGH it SONS, BAUG1I & SONS, 1! A U H & SON S, 20 South Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. 20 South Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. 20 South Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, 103 South Street, Baltimore. 103 South Street, Baltimore. 103 South Street, Baltimore. Feb. 4-l3t. CALIFORNIA T1IU CHICAGO & XOhTH-WnSTCRN RAILWAY Embraces under ono management the Oreat Trunk Hallway Lines ot the WEST nnd NOltTII-WJOsT.nnd, with Its numerous branches nnd connections, furms tho shortest nnd quickest routo between Chicago and all points In Illinois, Wisconsin, jJoiithekn Michiiian, .Minnesota, Iowa, Nkukaska, California and tho Western Territories. Its Omnlin and California 1,1 ne Is tho shortest nnd best routo for nil points In north ern Illinois, town, Uakotn, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Itevadn, Utah, California, Oregon, China, Japan and Australia. Its Chicago, Madison & St. Paul Mac Is tho short lino for Northern Wisconsin and Minne sota, nnd for Madison, M. Paul, Mtnneapolls,Duluth, and all points lu tho great North-west, lis Wiiioim anil St. I'cter la no Is tho only routo for Winona, itochestcr, Owatonnn, Miuikato, St. Peter, New llm, and nil points lu houtliern nnd central Minnesota. Its Green Hay and Itlaniuctte Line Is tho only lino for Jancsvlllo, Watcrtown, Fond l)u Lac, Obhkosh, Appleton, (lreenll.iv. Kscauaba. Nts gaunee, Marquette, Houghton, Hancock and tho Lako superior country. Its l'reeiioi t nnd Dubuque I.lnc IS tho only route for L'lirln. itockford. Frr-ennrt. irnn all polL ts lu l-'n-epoi t. Its Chicago it ud .Milwaukee I.iuc Is tho old Lako Shore Itoute, and Is tho only ono nursing tlirouith KvnirMun, Lako l-'orest, Ilk-bland, Park, Waukegan, llaclne, Kcnoiha to -Milw aukee. Pullman I'aiaco Car aro run on all through trains of this road. This Is tho ONLY LINK running theso cars be tween Chicago and St. Paul,Clitcago and .Milwaukee, or Chicago and Winona. At ouulia our sleepers connect with tho overland sleepers on t ho Unit n Paclilc Itnllroad tor all points west ot tho Missouri river. on tho urrlval of tho trains from tho east or south, the trains of tlio Chicago North-Weslcin Jtallway leave Chicago as follows : l'OU COUNCIL lll.l'HD, OMAHA AND CAI.ITOllSIA, TWO through trains dally, with Pullman palace drawing room and sleeping ears through to Council llluirs. Fon st Pai l and Minneapolis, tw-o through trains dally, w 1th Pullman palaco cars attached to both trains. Fun Oueen hay anhLake Sitekiok, two trains dully, with Pullinun palaea cars attached, and run ning through to Marquette. Fun MiLWAVktK, lour through trains dally, Pull man cars on night trains, parlor chair cars on day Full KrAKTA AND WlNOMA nndnfilntMfn Mlnnr,antn ono through train dally, with Pullinnu sleepers to Pun DrarorH. la Freennrr. tu-n ihrnitfrh tminu dally, with Pullman cars on night trains. FOH lR-lil'WK AND I.A CilOSSE, Ma ClllllOll, two turuURb trains dally, with Pullman cars ou night train lo Mcoregor, Iowa. Fon Siocx city and Yankton, two trains dally.Pull man cars to Missouri Valley i unction. Fon 1akk (lENBVA, four trains dally. Fon HocKioun, ntkklinu, Kenomia, Janesviilk, and other can havo Hum two to ten trains dally. Now York onice.No 415 Broadway ; Ilostononicc, Shinto streets Omaha olitee, Hi Farnhnm streitt Kan Francisco olilce, 141 Montgomery street: Chica go ticket onitos : w Clark street, under Sherman Ilousoi corner canal and Madison btiuts; Kln!lo street depot, corner W. KUulu andcaual stieeta: Wells street depot, corner Wells nnd Klnzlo btrects. For rates or Information not atlohuiblo from your home ticket ogents, npplj to W. II. stknnktt, JIaih in llniuirr, Uen, Pais. At t, Chicago. Gen. bup't.Chtcngo Feb. 4,70-ly ltEDUCICD TO A C13HTAINTY. Chnnce to Gain $100,000 $100,000 Without risk. Send for circular at unco. Notlmo to lose, ALLEN LO., 19 Nassau br., Nt- Vokk. bcp. 11,-Cm. TTOTKIi TO LEASE, Hotel In Orant'eilllo, Columbia county, Pa., known as tho Juccbdood stand, now occupied by Johu to bo let lor tho iarUBlnnliii:Apifl i, iotw. Jan Lio-if. H. KNOItK. Atfy-ut-law, Vlooinsburif, P BUSINESS OAKD3. VlSITINOCAItllS, LItTTKU HEADS, UIIXIIKAIIS, l'OSTKRS. kO.. AO.. Neatly and Cheaply jirintod at theCoLUM' bias uinoe, lvAVY mm. super phosphate; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Dlaonsos of tho Throat nnd Iiunss, suoli as OoiiRha, Oolclii, Whooping OouRti, llronohltis, Asthma, and Consumption. Amone tho Croat discoveries of modem & science, few nro of moro real valuo to , mankind than Hits ef fectual remedy for nil fjdhcoict of tho Throat nnd Lungs. A vast trial or Its Urtno. throughout this mm other countrlc", has shown that It dois surely and tffcetnnllv control tliom. Tho testimony of our best cllf rcn, of nil clashes, establishes the fnct, that C'iieiiuy Pi rroiiAt. will and does relievo and euro tho nflllctliift disorders of tho 'lhront and Lungs beyond nny other medicine. Hio most dangerous nfTcctlons of tho Pulmonary Organs yield to Its power! and cases of Consumption, cured by this preparation, nro publicly known, o romarknblo as hardly to bo believed, wero they not proven beyond "dlpulo. As n remedy, it is adequate, on which tho publio may rely for full protection. Ily curing Cough", tho forerunners of moro serious disease, it saves un numbered lives, and nn nmount of suflerinf: not to bo computed. It challenges trial, nnd con vinces tho most sceptical, l.vcry family should keep it on hand ns n protection ncnimt tlio early nnd unperccived attack of l'unnonarv Afiec tlous, which nro easily met nt first, but which becomo incurable, nnd too often fatal, If neg lected. Tender lungs need this defenco) nnd It Is unwlso to bo without it. As n safeguard to children, nmld tho distressing dlcnes which beet tho Throat and Chestof childhood, Ciieiihy I'fctoiiai. Is invaluabloj for, by Its timely use, multitudes nro rescued from prcinaturo grave", nnd saved to tho lovo and nflcction centred on them. It nets speedily and surely against ordl nary colds, securing sound nnd h'ealth-rctoring j sleep. Xd ono will sutler troublesomo IiiIIinJ en?n and painful IlroncliltN, when they know how easily they can bo cured. I' Originally tho product of long, laborious, nndj, successful chemical investigation, no cost or toll Is spared in making even- bottlo In tho utmost possible perfection. It may bo confidently relied upon ns possessing nil tho virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures ns memorable as tlio greatest It has ever effected. pHErAncD nv Dr. J. C. AYER tt CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemletg. SOLD lit ALL UIIL'OOISTS EVEKYWHERC. Apill U-T.'olEfl STOCK Oh- CLOTIIIXO. AND Gentlemen's Droaa Goods DAVID LOWENIIEUO Invites nttcntlon to his largo andolegantbtock ot Ciieap ani FasliiouaWe Clotliit nt his storo on; .MAIN STlinET, IN Till! NEW I1I.OCK, ULOOMSDUIiO, PA., whero ho has Just received from New -Uork- nnd Phil adelphia a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lacludlBir tlio most fashionable, durable and' iiautiiouio BRESSS GOODS, CONSISTING 01' uox SACK, FllOCrC, GUM AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS. OFALLSOliTS SIZES ANfc0L01tS, Ho has also replenished his already lnrgo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSI.MEItES, STHIPI5D, FK1U1IED ANDJI'IIN VESTS, SUHtTS, , CliAVATH SOCKS, COLLARS, ANDKEltCIIIEFS, OLOVES, ISUSPENDEIiS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Ho has constantly on hand a large and well Eelect- c4 assortment of Cloths and Veatings, inch ho is prepared to mako to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tho best manner. All his clothing is mado to wear ana most ot It Is of homo manufacture. COLD WATCHES AXI) JEWELKY, OF EVBr.Y DESCHI1TION, FINE AND CHEAP. HISCASE OF JEtVELHV IS NOT SUltPASSED IN THIS PLACE. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS (1ENEHAL ASSOIiT- MENT OF Clothing;, Watches, Jew ry, &c. DAVID LOWENIJEItO. uly VJMf. TWO MONTHS FREE ! ! THE NEW YOEK TRIBUNE, On receipt of J2 andtlils advertisement T uu Webk i.v Tiiiuunis will bo bent, postage paid, until liecem lier 'Jlbt, ihs, or lor il.Mi, tl.t copies : for ttti,cloeu : for f.iu, Ihlrty-onc, Addresi Jun. 15,'1.1-ly. THE Tltllll'NE, Now voik. A DVEHTISI.NO i CI x. tic. All persons w ho ITuuls n 1th new hpaners to Cheap: OonJ: Syf tenia in eoniiiinnl,i(fun!il.-lii rn. 1th new snaners tor thn Insertion ririwii-r.r. tisements. should M.-nd 25 cpuin to (i;n. luiu-nii Co., 41 Park How, New York, for their PAMPHLET HOOK (nliicty-M'entU edition,) containing lists of over unoo newspapers nnd estimates, showing the cost. AdvertlM-ineiits taken for leading papers In many states nt a tremendous reduction from pub Ushers' rates, om iiik Hook. Jnn. 16'is-iy, TO$2Q per iloy. Agents wanted. All clasps of working neonlunf hoth nexeR. vmtnt. and old, make more money at work for us,lnthelrowu localities, durlng.lhelr spare tnoinents, or nil tho time, than ut any thing eio. 'u offer emioymeut that will iay handsomely for every hour's work. Fuil particulars, terms, sa.. send us our address nt once. Don't delay. Now Is thu time. Don't look for work or business elsowhero, until you m o loam cd v hat wo oiler, O. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maluo. Jan. 16T5-1y. s "A Woman fair to look upon." AHA, The Princess. Focslmllo ot a celebrated Oil Pointing by IlltO CIIAltT, In Jl oll-colors-tUo llxs. Inches. Tho roy. al beauty of fuco nnd form, rich oilental inantlc eastern landscape back-ground, Ith Its well, palm trees, Hocks, tents, nnd long btatch ot defcert, and distant boundary of mountains), combine to form a rare and lovely picture. It would grace tho walls of any publio or private gallery, Camvasskks are wiuiocrlt, and aro competing for the Cash Pre miums. Bend for our fcplcndld offer. Address J, v. roiiD & co., nowy JtMl-tt, m GRAN0 OPENING I ELIAS.MEN.DEN.IIALL HAVING resumed tho husliaw of Mrrchnu discing nl his Old store, on MAIN ST11KHT, llLOOMSUUltO, NKAll Til IS FOIIKS HOTEL, Pcslrcsto call tho nttcntlonot his Friends and tho Publio generally,!) his NKW, AND VA11IK1) STOCK OftGOODS, JUS'L OPENED, And solicits asharo of publio patronago HIS STOCK CONSISTS op DltY HOODS,' oiioci:ijii:h, tltlL'UNSWAll!!, woodiinwahi:, wiixowwAiii:, hoots & snobs, HAllDWAllh, FI.OU1I AND FL'Ll) In coniiecMon wllh his slock of Mcrcnnndlso he cnnMunlly keeps on hand In his yard. A FULL STOCK OF fiHiiilifi AND SlllN(lLi:s OF HIS MANUFACTiIHE. Eill Lumber niadc a spociulily. CALL AND SEU. oct..i,is;3 tf. 3LO OILVESBXT-EIGJ- MAHBLE W-OBKS, T. L. GUNTON, Proprietor JIAIN STltEET, IIKLOW JIA1IKET. Manufacturer of and Dealer in all hinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOES Wo use tho best AME111CAN and ITALIAN Marble, Ho has on hand and furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMI1S, HEADSTONES, UliXS, VASES, kc. Every varletv or Marblo euttlntr noallv executed .it. iiiuioweai luarKei, pnct-H. A lone- nraettcalp.vnerlcnen and nersnnnl nttnntlnn to blls.luesK inakon tlm Ul-onrletnr (-ntitlilf-tit rif irlvlnt. BULi.-Muciiuu. iiu uiuers mail jtroHipuy aiienueu IU. 1 , Kl, UU. XVI. JBSyjr. Jl. Work thliiercd free of ehmre.-S Aug. 21, '74-ly. T. L. OUNTON, Proprietor, "yyAlNWKIGIlT & CO., .WHOLESALE OIIOCEHS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streojs, PlIlLADKLrnlA, Dealers in TEAS, SYItUPS, COFFEE, SUOAIt, MOLASSES KICK, 91-ICE3, EICAKB SODA, 4C, &C. urorders will rccoive prompt attention. Ei.i-tr ROLLINS & HOLMES No. IT Centro Stro. Mm Gas aud Steam Fitters ! MANUFACTUF.EliS OF -TI2ST "W ABE, GALVANIZED IKON C0IINICE, WINDOW, AWNINGS, Wiro Trellises, Ac. Dealers in Stovcf. Kanir- es, I'urnaces, llaltimoro Heaters, Low Down Orates, Jlnntc-, 1'UMl'S, Weather Strips, Cic. Also ' G-AS FIXTURES of tho latest design. Special attention paid to re- lali lug -owing Mai hlni-h (,f u cry desci I iitlnn. Scales, .oekN. Pell Haiiulmr. Key nilliiL-. Are. i' i.'esl. deuces Healed liybteiimul ntniall C0htnboo Hot Air. Feb.'JO.'IJ-tf. Bargains in Lumber! ut tho store of J, BENTON, COL. CO. EA. 00,000 fencing boards, ut 8.75 100,000 heart Shinles, fihuved, exini gooci, aiipv.uu 00,000 Sap Shingles sliaved, at $1.50 00,000 No. 1 Sawed Shingles at $5.00 Also Plunk, Siding, Inch Pine, and all kinds of lumber can ho found in my yard. Call at onco for bargains. Deo, 8,-sm. THIS I'il EU IS ON 1ILE Willi ROW ELL & (HESMAH - Advertising Agents, THIRD & CHESTNUT 6TS., CT. LOUIS, MO SUI GENERIS. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. UNEQUALEDrXUNAPPRO ACHED In rapacity ami ctcclMini by any "tncr. Awnnna E a DIPLOMA OP HONOR AT VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nil I l Amrrlcnn Orifann ever awnnlrd any mrd-d U ll L I In ll'iroiw, or w Men prc.rnt Mich rxlrnorill niry rTcelloncw ai to command a uldo wila there. AIUI.IVP uwM-dnl liiphcrt prrmlnmii at IndnB A Lll II I O trial Iponltion", In Amtrlra ihmcII m I 'ur.'i.r. Dntof hunilmla thcro lmvo nut been ill In all nhcro any other organ liafo been prcfcrretl. nrpT Hee'are.l by Kmlnent Mntelan, In both DCol li. tiii l -r. , w bo uiirlinlril. Peo ll-til lMDSIM, CtnCUr.All, with ti.liilor. of mora than One TIidiisuikI (ent Irto). I1IPIPT on havliur a JInon fi Homlln, Do not ItlolOl tikennvoihcr. Iwhi gel laiiohi com. ,.r wHun tii.rlur ii-,iii, nml or thlt re-Ltnn tifUn Iff very html to Sett Komrlhtng eUe. HFW STYLES r.'rsr to! Snlo ami 'illlliitllltlill Slnpo. Stlerl ISlHKPi-ii and ollur 'iie ol new lrlum. PIANO-HARP CABINET ORGAN iHil.ltoeoinblimtU'11 ol the-ollifirlunMitB. CAPV nUVMCiilTP Onroin wild for nwh; tr CAO I A I 111 til I 0. formonthlyorqimrurly laynieiitn; or rented until rent inys f,r tho organ. nTIM flPlinP and Circular, wtth full partlo lAI ALUIJULo lir.troe. AiMri.ABONA HAMLIN OIKIAN CO., 1.11 Trcmoirt Htn-ct, llOd TONi S3 Union Riiniro, KEW YOltKi or tl) Si KJ AUilMBt., CHICAGO, MASON & HAMLIN CABINET GR&ANS MAY UC ODTAINTD AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL or SCRAWTON, Pa. General Agent ttlso for tho eelehratetf GHICKERING PIANOS, ALSO, OF I. K. iMILLEll. llLOOMMimia, J'A., Denier in nliovo Instrtiincnts. JInrelH!i,'7! y 'NEW COOBS! A HEAVY STOCK, S. II, MILLER & SON lLivo Just llccoivod tho largest nntl bc.-t supply ot CHEAP AID' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They havo ever orrerecl totliclr friends nnd cus tomers. Cloths, Cassimores, and Satinetts for JIIJX'S WKAlt, Cloths, Aliipacas, Merinos1, for LADIES' WEAR, CAL1COKS, MUSLINS, CA.MHKICS, anij every variety of Dry Gootla (lesirril. STOCK OF Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAnfA7 GIIOCEEIES, including all tlio varitties of COKFKKS, TEAS nniLSUOARS, OOTJNTKY PllOOUO.13, ami a general supply of articles useful for tlie table always on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods at cali prices. Oct. 30,'Ji-tt HOLIDAY GOODS J H lias Just received a flno nssorlrncnt of AI.DKN nVAl'OHATi:!) I'lIACIIES. The IjosI fruit of the kind lu tlio market. mnAiTux'iimsi:, auii:iiia (iHArr.s, oiiANnns, i.i'.mons, 'con'i-t.utions, NUTH, ic. AC, A splendid now lot of cuina-waiii:, toilet hutu, ClllI.IlitllXSTOVSIJT.S, NKW KTVI.E CUSl'IDOUS, CENTENNIAL HIIEAI) TLATKS, (ILASS-WAItE, (JUEENS-WAltE, in (jrcat variety, a inn hwk or inncy lamps aim lino cli.ilnlM'i MlB, EKpcclnlnttcutlmi Iscallcilto Ills cuk' tit tulleiT nnd Mlic-r wine, whlclilio Ishi lllni; (1. ,1,I. . I,,u , I,,.. II... I.I.LI tl.'ll I IjoiiKlit. A f'cwtliousuiidlliio liraiid cltruru will U) lOSLIl UIUt'llt'lll. Mcds nnd u-loci(U'S for boys, and an endless ,nrlfty of itcrj Uilnt; In tlil.slliic, III.IV EXI'lClflltlNT Tho L-rc-nt Iteincdv for nitn-liM. folds. L'oliviiiniitloii. anil nil Diseases of tho throat and lungs. WUl.ciire, mid olli-iiwlien tlii-J'aso iiiiirt-iitly lioiielci-s. Wo do not miau lufciiy, lliat wuilllliu i.uukb UIM U-bllU)L-tl uuy IIJl-llllllIU lllll c-n-nto Ihelii nlicw. lint wo (lo buy. thnt If a iri-rsou lian a Violent cough, Might hweuts, t'lci pliii,' Chills, Is eonlliied lo l td mini- may LocUc'tcd. j, li. I'uiuri A' -ui i,-i'dr Mns i jiuo iispii nans-ExiK-ctoruiit lu my futully foniojems, und luiotho i'X)i'il(iicii ot kiiou lui; Its ki cat ini-rlts.and do flail lv ii'i'WiimCMil It to u!l suiuxis Willi dls- tick.slni; cuinplaliila for w hkh Ills lntcndi d. ui-... . tii.iran i iir.ji, (liilllpolls, Ohio, Nov. i", 1616. Try 111 I'IIICEoOCENTS. SoidbyaUDrUBSU.ts. 1'etj. U.-8IH AN ACTUAL I1USINESS INbTITUTION AND TKLEaiUrillO N8TITUTK. For Information call at Offloo, or send for Colli ADTumssB. JuueW-ly CHEAP FIIIII AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE. The Columbian PrintiiiK Estab lishment is amply supplied will the neecssary Presses, Types ant; other material for executing al kinds of Printing at low rates am in the most expeditious! and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building, COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloomshuuci, Pa. "When special material's required it will be promptly obtained. Books and Piftnphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Large and Small Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with llusincss Cards, Bussincss, Pic Kic, "Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Fare, Ac. Will all bo supplied and oxcutcd in superior stylo, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho best workmen aro employed and tho best material will always bo furnished. A liberal share'of publio patron age is respectfully solicited. BLOOMsiiinta, June 18.1875. RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES piIII,Al)i:i,l'IIA AND ItKADINU ItOAD AltltANCIEMENT ()?' 1'ASSHNaUlt TltAINS. MAY M, 1575. Tit AINU I.BIVK IllTEKT AS lot.l.ons (SfNIlAVMCWISn I'or New York, I'lilladeliililn, lleadlnt,, 1'otlsMllo Tninariua, Ac, ll,ri3 a. ni Tor Uiitnwlwa, 11,98 a. in. and 7,30 p. in. I'or Wlllliilnsport-.SS n. In. and -1,0(1 p. in. TRAINS tOK IIL'I'KRT LEAVE AS lOLLOWP, (SrSnAV R. CIU'TKII.) I-no Now York,V,on o. m. Ix?avo I'lilliiilclpliln, o,ir a.m. Leavo lleadlii,', 11,3) a, in., I'otlsvllle, 12,10 p. m and Tainniita, l.SOp, in, tavo cntnwlss.1, n,so a, m, and l,oi) p. in. I.eau Vllllampnit,t),20a. liLniidM" p. in. 1'asseiiKcrs to nml rroni Now York nml l'hlladcl phla go liitotigli w lihoiit'o of ours. .1. I.'. W'OOTTKN, Jan. 14, 1S7fl-tf. (icncral Hiincrliitcndent. TOKTIIEltN C'ENTUAIj ItAIMVAY on and niter No 'cmlier iiolli, 1S73, tralii3 will leave SUNIIUIlYns follows! NOItTllWAHD. Erlo Mall 5.20 a. in., arrlvo Elinira tl.M a, m " Ciinandnlgua... 3.35 p. m " Itochestcr Ms " " Niagara u.iii " ltcnovo accommodation 11.10 a. in. anno Williams rtU.Mp. m. Elmlru Mall 4.15 a. m., nrrlvo Elmlra a. m. llullalo Express 7.15 a. m. nn ho lluHulo 8.5U a. m. MJUT11WA11I). IlulTalo Express s.r,o a. in. nrrlve llarrisbure 4.65 a. m " llaltlinoreS.lo " ElmlraMall 11.15a. m,, unho llurrlvburt' l.M) p. in " Wushlnjjtoii 10.30 " " llaltimoro 0.30 " " Wjishlnglous.30 " llarrhburg accommodation 8.4op. ni.anhu liairls huri 10.50 p. m. arrive llaltimoro 2.25 a. m " Washington 0.13 " Erlo -Mall 18.55 a. ni. arrive llarrlsburg s.ns a. in. " llaltimoro S.40 " " Washington 10.35 " All dally except Sunday. 1). I. ISOYK, Jr., (Jcnernl l'assengor Agent A. .1. t'ASSATT, Ocneial Manager PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. riiilniU-liiliiii & Krio K. I!. Division. WINTKl'l TIJIK TAI1LK. ON and after .SUNDAY, NOV. 21, &7r, tho trains on tho Philadelphia & i:rlo Kail Uo.ul Division vvltlrtiii as follows: WKSTWAlll). VAST LINK leav cs New York ... 0 25 a. Ill ...12.55 p. Ill ... 1.20 p. IU .. p. m .. 8.55 p. IU ..111.20 p. lll .11.50 p. Ill I'liii.iiu-ipnia. ., " " " ll.lltlhlolil " " " Ibii-iMmrg " " nrr.nt Wllll.uiisport..., " " " Lock 11-iveii " " " ilellefuuto Kill li MAIL leaves Now York I liu.uleliihl.i ' " " li.ilthiiore ' " " llitrilsijin-L'- in ..o.nop.'" 4-25 H. Ill h-is a. m -45n. ni 11.05 n. in ' " " Wllll.imsnurt 1 " " Lock Haven 1 " " lll-llOVo 1 " air. lit i:rle HITKD MAIL leaves rhlladelphla., " " ll.iltlmuie " " " ll.iiiNburg. .., " " arr. at VMlllanihport., " " " Lock i lav en... " " " llenovo f.-M p. nt 7.20 a. m '3o a. in 10.45 11. iu 2.2-) p. ,i . 3.30 p. m Lis p. m I.OC K IIAVHN leaves I'lilladeiplila ".oo a. m . 30 a. m 1.2.1 p. m , .lo p. m , 7.30 p. in 1I.1IIIII1IIIO " " llariWburg ' arr. at W llllamsiiurt , " " Lock lluven : 0 ;- EASTWMW. 1'IIIL'A r.XI'UHSS leaves Lock Haven... .. fi.40a. m ... T..wn. iu .11 Ma. in .. 0.15 ii.iu .. 4.20p. iu . 7.35 p. lu .. a. m . 10.-.5 a. in .11 35 a. in .. 3.00 J). iu -. 0.2D p. m .. !' 15 p. m .. 0.35 p. m .11.20 a, in . b.25 p. ill . 0.45 p. m 10.55 p. m . 2.Slln,m ,. 7.35 a. m . 7.00 a. iii -,10.10 a. m vv iiuainsport... " " nrrlvcsut llurilsbiirg " " " llallliiiniii " " " l'hiljUcrphla.... " " " New Yolk DAYIIXI'IIIS.S leaves ltcnovo ' " " Lock Haven ' " " ' " nir.allliiriijin-g " " I'hlladi-lphla... " " Nework ' " " llaltimoro LltlU MAIL leav es L'rlc " " lienovo " " Lock Haven " " WIlIl.iniMiort " nrr.nt ll-nilsburg " " D.ililmoio " " I'hllailelnlila " " Now York FAST LINK leaves Wllll.imsport 12.3.1 . m 1111. iiiiniiuuig 3.55a. in " Ii.illlmoref. 7 35 a in ;; DiiiKuieipiiu 7.s5a.m " NeWvoik lo.25a.m i.ur .Miiu . i-M. 1.1111111-11 .i(iu i,ock iiavcn iiLi-iii. i-fti-nml u.i ipu-ss i.asi maKo con-iH-ctlonnt Noilhuiiibi-ilaiiil with L. ,t 1J. it, it. trains fill- Vl'l ILi,w-l!ni', .1 11 ml Ki-wi i,t,,M Lrlo .Mall Wt-s-t, Limited .Mali West and I'avt Lino Vvt IIHIL I. r-l,,.,i l,rl,,,llr . l . ...... N. ('. It. W. trains north. .viau i.usi anu yt est, Limited Mall West, l'nst .....v ....vot.u ,,ALm 1JIUI.I, L1USO LOU- iiection ut Lock Haven v.llh II. II, V. It. It. tinlns j.uu -linn i.iiai una utisi, L-ounect at 1.110 vwtn trains on L. S.S.M. S It. It. at Corry with o, v. A- A. V . It It. at Liniiorlum vi It h 11, N. V. . A; 1'. li. It. and at llrirtwood wild A V. It. II. 1 al ,.-'.?!!'m V.'". "i'lvvren rnnade 1.I1 a and v llllauii-poil on l.lmltid JI11II West, Fast lluu West, i im i, i i i,iu ,1 i ,.,ii uiiii ujy i.iri(ts IJust, Sleeping fin a 011 all night tralus. i. VM. A. UALDW1N, Dec. 17,'75-tf (leueral Supt. D ULAWAIiK, LACKAWANNA AND IIM1UIW I.AlLItOAD. lil.OOMSIIUIta DIVISION. Tlme-Tublo No. 3D, Takes effect nt 4:30 A. M MONDAY, NOVraillUt 22 16,75. NOllTH. (STATIONS, south. p.m. ).ui, 11. 111 a.m. 11 in. p S 115 S in 3 5S 3 51 3 4'J 3 4 -2 0 43 . ....scranton Meileviiu ...Tajlonlllo.... Laikaw.vnna,.... 111. 25 30 83 4.1 111 55 111 0 3S II J4 0 431., 0 S ., 11 3D. 0 251., 0 vol 6 il 7 55 7 4(i 7 41 7 33 2 2,j 2 31 2 3S 2 40 2 52 2 5S 3 tt 3 (7 3 10 3 17 3 12 3 27 3 3 -2 3 37 3 43 4 Oil I 15 4 21 I :-u 4 37 I 41 4 40 4 51 5 1 2 5 (JH 5 II 5 20 D 34 5 47 5 5 -2 0 10 0 53 10 HI 3 37 3 3 '2 3 27 ruthion .. West 1'lltstou... Wyoinnijr Maltby? LL-iiiietl Kingston Kingston ..I'D, mouth .lune,. ....1'l.vmouili .... Woiidalo .... Xnnlli r,l.- 10 to 10 11 10 10 10 20 II) 23 10 27 10 27 7 27 0 15 0 11 U 07 II 115 0 15 t 5'J S 50 8 51 s a S 41 8 .10 (1 II) S 14j S Oil 7 22 3 23 7 IS 3 10 III! 11 15 25 35 40 4S 53 1,5 25 45 'fi (1.1 61 US 18 0 40 I! 52 50 25 41 7 15 7 15 7 07 7 03 fi H U 51 0 45 0 30 (1 !5 3 17 3 17 3 12 .1 00 .1 01 3 1 1 2 51 2 42 231 2 25 10 32 IU 35 10 40 .lliinloik'h 1 reek" 10 44 lll 53 . ..Milek.-lilnny ....Ilk'k's I'erry... ....lieaili Haven,.. Ilf.-ul,-l. 11 15 11 17 11 23 11 mi 0 110 0 02 2 5 5 2 13 8 T 11-1,4 k , 5 52 2 10 7 s ...Willow drove!!!! 11 til 11 .VJ S IS 5 40 5 31 If, ' i LllllO mage 7 40, Uspy 741, .iilooinsiiui-g 7 35 liiiiK.-rt.r. 7 311 Cittnnlssa Dildge. 1 13 1 IM 1 .l 1 4-i 1 43 1 40 II 51 11 57 5 as 12 2 5 23 6 20 5 13 12 (17 12 10 7 Sil fiiu-k's switch... 1 7 11 7 04 7 II II 45 11.111, N.lllllllA 12 25 4 55 1 III 4 10 1 IS I 35 1 l t'liiilakky t'llllll'IOIl .NortbuinbeiLiiid. 12 82 12 30 12 51 t, in 47 IS III, P.m. n.m 1 .. . , ' 'i ai..- 1 r.AH, Plllll, W. 1 IIAI.STKA1 nui'i'iiiiieimeuts uiuee, M'lUUloll, Dee, 10, 1S7I 3?-A.iKro:insrGi-, GLAZING AND PAPERING. .TV 7"M. V. I10DIN1C, Iron Street Mow K-c kinds of uuu, jnooiusourg, 1 a., is prepariil to do al PAINTINO, mid I'AI'KH HANGINGS, notice bC8t 'lt'Ies, al lowc" fflciB, atd oltlott Parties having such work to do will navo rnonej ly work warranted to L.ivn nntinfiirtiin iirA.u solicited 1 v,a AVM. V, 110 DINE. Marcli T4-1 yr