The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, March 03, 1876, Image 3

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HI, 0 0 31 S II 1111 (I, IF It 1 1) A V, MAIiUISI, IstO
l!nll I'mol Tlwn t.,i.i
Accommodation Train,.
Mull Tialn
L'xprcss Train
NilltTli. kiwrtf
u.WM.SI, T.luA.JI.
... T.40A.M B.' 11 1', M
... 1.M l'.M. 1I.M A..U
" Ml P.M.
Accommodation Train c,2s a.'m, T,so im.
ltcgtilar Impress .I.M V. M. 11,33 A. M.
Through cars on Express train cither to New York
or Philadelphia. Accommodation train run between
llfttnwtwnnd Wltllainsport.
Since I'abcoek's ncijuittal tliu l!enibl!catn
liavc not so mitcli to my about "rebel Juries" in
IIWiop Ktorfuot, of Pittsburg, HMiop of tliu
western district, wn on a profesional visit to
l)r. Turner one day last week.
EJKor tenio reason unknown to in our Harris
burg letter iliil not reacli in tbii week. Wo will
try to prevent this in tlio future.
Tlio senior editor of llic Jlrpubtlcan was ho ex
cited by tlio figlit for notary public tliat, as wo
lenrn from tlio Kcho, be rodo clear (oShicksbln.
ny in oijor to reacli bome.
T.uzerno County S'portsman'a Club ordered
1,00) ipiail from North Carolina, wbieli tlicy
will distribute through the county for propaga
tion, It it in vain to liopo to pleae all alike. Ltt
.1 man Maud with his f.ico in what direction lie
will, ho must nccessaiily turn his back on one
half of the world.
What h.n become of tlio black haw and pal
nion trout placed in the Susquehanna and
I'iihingcreek? Our full warden, (hull and
JIargerum should explain.
The President has renomimted Set h I. Com
ly as Collector.of Customs at Philadelphia.
lie is a brother uf Joshua W. Comly, hvq., of
Danville. lie. has the reputation of being a
faithful and eflicient'olliccr.
HThe HepibUnm has hauhd down the name of
Hen. Jlristnw for the presidency. What is tho
matter? Has our P. M. received orders from
Washington, or lias ho done loo much Investi
gating? Persons eleeteil to the ofliee of Justice of tho
Peace at tlio recent election are required to give
notice to tlio l'rotliotiotary, within thiity il iv.s
of their election, of their acceptance of said of
fice; otherwise commissions will not bo U-ueil.
Wo havo received a letter of inquiry as to
the time when township olliecr.s ought to meet
and settle their accounts. Our answer is crowd
ed out this week, but will appoar in the next li
ttle. Itcv. Charles K. Mcllvnino, rector of tho
Episcopal Church at Towauda, died on tho
evening of the 22,1 lilt., of pneumonia. .Mr. Mo
llvaiuo was a sou of tho late ltUhop Mcllvnino,
of Ohio, and son-in-law of l'Uhop Lee, of Dela
ware. The Mauch Chunk Democrat denies "on au
thority" that J udgo Packer is a candidate for
tho Presidency. It would not make much dif
ference if ho was. We hope lint thcPenn.ylva
nia ilelegation will nut ui-ikcnsisofthepi-clves
at St. l.ouis, as then- did at New Yink in lSliS.
- - -
Dayman's mill, at l'oiuidi vville, which was
burned down recently, was invuied for &;!,l)U0
in tho Danville .Muliial. Tliere was an in-uv-nnce
of Sl,o(JU in the Xccopee ln-nr.ince Co..
lint it inn out in la-t Aiigu-t, The total Ium in
cslimatcel at .?.),UU0 It is not proposed to re
. build the mill.
Ilrcalliou there a man witii soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath slid,
I will a family paper take-,
llolli fur my own and children's sake?
If such there b-, let him repent
And have this paper to him rent.
ur.ai3 oi' Ii,ioM-i:ci:ei. Divid Iwou
herg, Ksq., has been ehettel Chief llurgess of llie
borough of I!le,om-burg, Columbia county, fur
tlio third term. This time by an iueieaed ma
jority. Mr. l,,winberg is one of the men
and soundest Democrats in that borough, and
has always made a most ellicient ollieer, Sun.
During a recent revival in a neighboring vil
lage', a prominent niini-ter from a eli-tanco paid
a viiit and found much fault with the singing.
One of tho brethren, in desciibiiig tho occur
rence shortly al'tcrwaid, said that tlio mini-ter,
after telling them that their singing was eteced
i 1 1 ill V hid, remarked most carncitly, "What you
nee'el is good eowjrirsiijmd singing."
Tin: Giiotls. For sheer lack of nothing
else to say tho Republican editors, (conspicuous
among whom are those in this place,) pursuit
the corpse of Hamilton's child with licndi-h
vengeance. That the Republican party has no
belter text than tho supposed naming of a child
after ISoolh shows mental and moral imbe
cility. John Coehlin, Treasurer ol' Mahanoy town
ship, in Schuylkill county, Patiiik Dolphin,
President of the School Hand in the same town
ship, and live others, lmvo been aneiteil anil
hehl to aniwer for "irregularities" in ollice.
Tlio "irregularities" con-i-t in "raiding" oider.s
such in ehauging nine to ninety dollars pre
senting fraudulent claims for work not done',
and collecting taxes and not turning them over.
This is a mild suggcitiou to some ollicers in
our own Connlv.
The Mauch Chunk Ihinnrral says a rumor
prevails in that town that Mrs. Alice Kemlull,
a former resident of Mauch Chunk, was found
with her throat cut near her place of rc-idenco
at Catawimi on Friday, and that herhuihind
has been arrested, sif-peeled of killing her.
MijjUnton-n llujhtcr.
Which it news to tho people of Columbia
county generally, and Catawlssa particularly.
Taking advantage of the ico formed during
the recent cold spell, a number of persons were
busily ingaged on Friday and Saturday of la-t
week In filling their ice-hoiiics. It in't safe to
put ofi'ice-gallieringat tliis lato season, There
may and probably will' bo cold weather dining
March, but whether tliere will ho enough to
form lee of sullicleiit thickness for cutting is it
matter of pure conjecture.
Ran:. On la-t Friday a week two tramps
committed an assault on a young girl in Ruih
township and violated her person. She had
gone lu tlio bain In search of eggs, where the
tramps nu doubt were hidden, who seized her
and accomplished tlio deed. Tho family were
at dinner, and the girl not Immediately making
known tho assault the villains had time to es
cape. They have not yet bun captured. In
Idliycnca; Catawissa, Pa., Feb. 10, 1670.
I hereby give notice", that tho regular meeting
of tho Distrletdrangeof Columbia and l.iucrnu
counties, will bo held In Centre (irango Hall,
Centra lumulilp, Columbia county, I'.i., on thu
second Fiidny of Mitrch 1S70, (It being the
0lh) at 10 o'clock a. in. Fifth Degree rltesnd
ministered. Send three delegate who will ho entitled to
volo. M. i'.ut, M. and wives If matrons, and all
fith degree members will participate in tho
meeting. All llh degree members will head
milted when doing biulncM in that degree. All
Patrons will bo met at I.lmo Ridge Station, by
addressing, Samuel Xeyhard, I.iiuo Ridge-, P.I.,
in time.
Patrons, rally to this the (eond meeting In
(he Centennial year,
K, M, TmvKsouBY,
See. District Orange, No. D, P. of H.
A On.NiAt, Mr-imso. On Saturday last,
the Knights of Pythias of Denton nnd vicinity
held their Annual Reunion at tho Ronton
Church. A delegation from llloomsburg was In
attendance. Prayer was mado by Rev. Mr.
Shlpc, and eloquent addresses hy tho Revs. Ren
scoter nnd Sutton, A few concluding remarks
were made by Mr. Rrockway.
Tho Knights, Inquires nnd Pages, with their
accompanying Incumbrances then partook of n
magnificent banquet nt Host's Hotel.
After that, thno who were Odd Fellows ad
journed to their Lodge, nnd tho visiting breth
ren were kindly received. Tho feeling of
friendship is nil nglow on tho Fishing Creek,
nnd various charitable orders thero ehotild bo In
ii flourishing condition.
thi: NoTAitv runuu ijukution.
The ngony Is over. Rccklcy has sue cceded
in getting his partner, Mr. Rrown, appointed
nnd continued as Notary Public. Mr. llittcn
bender has been lobbied through lis his col
league. Roth of theso gentlemen arc eminently
qualified for tho position, nnd their Republican
ism Is of the darkest stripe. Rut Mr. Peacock
nnd Capt. Robison were also pronounced Re
publicans. Tliev had held the' ofllco for years,
mid their duties hail been faithfully performed.
As citizens, their names are beyond reproach.
They were recommended by both our banks,and
oaelorscd bj the bulk of our business men. The
public may well ask why they have not been
reappointed. It Is because Rfckley was bound
to punish them. They have not obeyed all his
commands, nnd as sonic Republicans were get
ting restive under his management he deter
mined to show his powtr, even in the appoint
ments to this petty ollice. Some years ago ho
had a Mr. Kestsr appointed, but tiio babe died
soon for want of nourishment; tho banks gave
Mm no Tho Governor could easily
have appointed nil, nnd then each could have
secured such business as his merits entitled him
to, but tho ring wanted a monopoly. Sen
ator Allen urged tho claims of Messrs. Peacock
and Robison. The soldier friends of the latter
appealed to "His Excellency" without effect.
"Helping the soldiers" seems to bo Letter in
theory than in practice. Tho secret of it Is that
Ifartranft aspires to the Presidency ; and when
the editor of the llqmblinin, and at tho same
lime Chairman, Tmnurcr, and "boss" generally
of the Standing Committee made an appeal, he
could not resi-t. R.-ckley, of course, was ably
seconded bv the ex-Assc-sor.
The meane-t part of tho whole transaction
was tlio threat that if the senate did not cos. linn
the nomination, tlio Governor would veto the
Normal School Appropiiation Rill. It is pitia
ble to know that such low means were- used to
accomplish thefo appointments, and that our
Kxctutivo should bo a patty to them.
lll'IXS roil I.kxt.
Archbishop Wood has issued the following
rules to his Hainan Catholic biethron for the
ob-ervence eif Lent to the of Phila
delphia: The first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday, fallj
this year on the first d.iy of .March.
1. All the faithful who have completed their
twenty-first year are bound to ob-ervo the f.i-t
of Lent, unless ili-pcu'ed for legitimate reasons.
2. One ine'al n day is only alloivcd, except on
!,. This meal Js not to be taken until about
!. On those days on which permis-iun is
granted to eat meal, both meat and li-h are not
to bo nsid at the same meal, even by way of
A collation of paitial meal is allowed in
tlio evening. Tho general practice of pious
Chriitiiins limits its quantity to the fourth pait
of an ordinary meal.
0. Rrcad, butler, cheese, fruit of nil kinds,
salads, vegetables and li-h are permitte-el at the
collation, mill; and eggs me pioliibited.
7. Cii-toni has mado it lawful to drink in tho
morning some w.uni liquid, siieh as tea and cof
fee, and thin choinlato made with water.
S. Nece-ily and cu-toni have authorized the
u-e of lard iintead of butter in prepiring ll-li,
vegetable', Ae.
9, The loliowijig persons are not bound toob-
servO tin-fa'-t, viz.: all under twentv-ono years
of age', the sie-k, pivgiunt women and those giv
ing suck to infants ; thoso obliged to do hard
work, and all who through weakness cannot fast
without injury to their he-alth.
10. lly dispensation, the use of fresh meat
will be alloweil at any time on Sundays, and
once a day on Mondays, Tue-diiys, Thursdays
and Siturday.s, with the exception of Holy
Thur-il.iy and the second and la-t Saturdays of
11. Persons exempted from the obligation of
fisting, by age, or laborious occupation, are not
te'-trictcd to the u-o of meat at one meal emly
on thoio days on w'.iieh its use is granted by
dispcii-aliim. Others dispen-cd from tho fast
for other ciu-es, as well as theise who are oblig
ed to fa-t, are perinilteil to u-e meat at one
"Tilt: last mk iaiii.i:."
On Monday evening wns gathered at the Ex
change Hotel one of the most seh'ct nnd elegant
parties that Ins ever been enjoyed in llloonn
burg. During the winter our young people
havo been holding sociables every two weeks,
which have been iindcn-tood to be informal af-
I. iirs, and when tho season drew to a cloie', tho
gentlemen who had attended these social gath
erings determined to have :i parly that should
bo the allliir of tho year. In accordance with
this determination e'lmunittccs were appointed
and arrangements completed. Tho committee
of arrangements consisted of F. P. Rillmyer,
.fames Schuyler, David L"che, .lohn M. Clark,
and tieo, K. Flwell, designated by white badges ;
and the floor m iuagers wore W. C. Mclvinney,
II. 11. Clark, X. I'. Funk, I. R. Mcndenhall,
F. I). Koous and (ico. A. Clark, designated by
red bulges. Tlio services of (1. 1). Heriing, of
Willcesb.irre, weto seemed as prompter, and the
uuiije fimii-hed by him also. Mr, Heriing
has a fine orchestra, and It was expected that
they would, bo piesent, but a previous engage
ment prevented, nnd substitutes were sunt.
Herein was the only drawb iek to the fullest en
joyment of the occasion. Tho niii-Ie was simply
unendurable, No more substitutes need apply
1) Hiring began in the Dining hall at half past
nine, nnd with the exception of an mr and a
half, whiio the room was occupied in the prepa
ration and disposition of supper, continued un
til nearly live o'clock In the morning. The
hall presented a very attractive appearance.
Tlio "he'auly and chivalry" wet) llieie, and nil
at their best. The display of elegant and be
coming dree.s was tho fine-t we have ever wit
nessed in Rloonisburg. As wo do not belieyn
in personal deseiiptlou of such an occasion, we
shall not ulteiypt to describe tho exquisite ap
parel worn by cadi lady. Among the gue-ts we
noticed .Mr. 11. llaivey, of Wilki's-Rarre j Win.
H. Abbott, Esq., 1. S. Seosholt, C. R. Fun-ton,
and their ladies of Catawlssa j William Hes,
Miss Harinan, nnd K. W. Fulton, of Rupert j
MM Ceioley, of Wilkes-Rane ; Miss IC.i
ton, of Louisville, Kentucky i Miss
Hlnney, of Rethlehciii. Tho members of
tho Sod il Club, witii many of our prominent
citizens mid their ladies, made up it party of
nearly ono hundred. The gentlemen of the
several committees performed their duties in a
ver.v creditable manner, and it is owing greatly
to this, that tho affair proved so brilliant nu en
tertainment. The supper was perfect and the
arrangements about tho houso complete, To
Mr. F. D- Koous belongs thu credit of this por
tion of the programme. Ho was untiring In Ida
eirorts, and the many expressions of approval
and satisfaction, show how well he performed his
duties. Tlio "Last Sociable" of tho lllooms.
biirx Social e' ub, fur this seaxm, will long bo
remembered us the finest cnteilelnmcnt of the
kind ever given in lids section ' of Peimsyl-
Wo do not wish to bo understood ns having
committee! ourselves to any cnndldnta for any
office. Our endeavor is to conduct our paper In
llio Interests of tho public, and when tho citi
zens of any community bellevo that It is to their
Intern! to put n certain Individual In any polit
ical position, wo are willing to print one short
rommnnic.itiou bringing the mine of such In
dividual before the people, Of courso wo shall
not tako up the cudgel and becomo champion
for nny candidate, but will treat nil alike In
these columns, Candidates destring their names
to appear mora than once must announce them
In tho regular way and pay for them.
At ft meeting of tho Qinrtorly Confcrcnco
of tho 3t, K. Church on Monday evening,
tho following resolutions wero unanimously
adopted :
WllKBEAH, Tlio Rev. .1. II. McGarrali
lias ministered in tills charge most accepta
bly nnd profitably for tho two years now
closing; therefore resolved, Thnt tho Hishop
bo requested to return Ilro. McGnrrali to
Rloonisburg Station for tho third year ; nnd
that tho Presiding Elder, Ilro. lliickingham,
bo requested to urgo his appointment In tho
Councils. Mr. McGnrrali expressed his
thanks am! a willingness to return, ngrec
nblo to their request. Tlio conference was
very linrmoniotto. Hejntbllcan.
All sales for which we print bills will bo no
liced in this column free of charge. Drafts of
bills, containing a list of articles or a descrip
tion of land to be sold, with the date and time
of sale and the condition of payment, ctn bo
sent us by mail or otherwise, and we will
promptly print nnd return them to nny part of
tho county ns directed.
March 1th X. Overdorf's administrator will
sell rcnl estate in Catawlssa. See advertisement.
March Dili. A. K. Shutnau nnd Samuel Feddcr
will sell personal property on tho premises of
Henry . l cdder, in Centre township, at 10
a. in.
March loth, Henry Doak will sell valuable
personal property at his residence in Rriarercek
March 10th. John A ten will sell personal
property at hi residence in Mifflin township.
March lfith. C. R. While will sell personal
property em his premises in FMiingereek town
ship, at 10 o'clock a. m.
March ISth. William II. Hess will sell pet-
sonal property on his premises in Centre town
ship, nt 1 o'clock p. in.
March lSth.Extcutors of William . I. Eyciylc
cease'd, will sell real estate and persoml proper
ty of decedent In Catawlssa, at 10 o'clock a. in.
Seo advertisement.
March 20th, Daniel S. Rechtel will sell per
sonal property on thu premises, near Xew Co
lumbia, at '.) a. m.
Mareli 20lh. Horace Schweppenhei-er will sell
real estate and personal property in Mifflin, nt
!l o'clock a. in.
March 21st. E. Mendenhall will sell real es
tale of ,1. .). Robhins, In Greenwood and Pine
townships, at 1 o'clock p. in. Seo advertise
ment. March 2.1nl. Administrators of Stephen
Geaihart, deeea-cd, will sell personal properly
at the l.ilo residence of the decedent in North
Union town-hiii, Schuylkill county.
Our tlinuk.s are duo Senator Allen for :i
copy of Simill'-i Hand Rook for 1K70, and
other public documents ; also to Superinten
dent Snyder lorn copy of School Repents
for 1S70. From this we loam that seven
new school houses wero erected during tho
year, onu in Rloonisburg, one in L'ulnwiss.i,
two in Locust, ono in Maine, and two in
Milllin. There were 1 PC teachers em,
In!) males anil 77 lemale.s. The whole num
ber oi pupils enrolled in tho public schools
is S,7'J2. Tlio Superintendent of the County
In-Ill twenty-five public mid fluty-throe pii
Viito examinations ; traveled 1.277 miics.vis
iting all the schools in tho county but one,
which was clo-o.l on account of sickness.
Out of 1-j1 school hoii-es, only l'.l nro ic
potted as elm-. ; ."1 are unfit for u-e; ol
are badly ventilated.
Thero is too little intcreM. manifested in
our public schools by parents. Without tlio
cooperation af patrons, tlio labors of tho Su
perintendent uio ulino-t fruitless, and the ef
forts of teachers in vain. .School directors
should visit tlio schools more frequently ,iind
endeavor to stir up an interest among tho
people and get them in tlio way of attending
tlio schools in their respective districts. This
would incite tho children to industry, and
prove u great encouragement to teachers.
Citizens should remember that tho public
schools cost for buildings, teachers, &c, mil
lions of dollars annually, and it is their duty
to sco that tho money is well invested. Each
individual tax-payer should feci a personal
interest in tlio schools, and show by his ac
tions that ho desires them to bo successful.
Without tills his money is thrown away.and
his children derive hut little benefit. Too
many parents look upon the school as a
pluco whero their little ones may bo sent to
get them out of the way nt homo nnd keep
them out of mischief. Until this feeling is
overcomo our public school system will nev
er bo what it ought to be.
Tlio following Sheriffs deeds were acknowl
edges.! in open Court on February 10 nnd 10,
1870, by M. Grovcr, Sheriir:
To Hannah Conner for 1 acri'.s in Scott, con
sideration s-00, sold as properly of J. R. Ritten
burg. To Ruildiug Association of Rerwick for a lot
in Rerwick for S10,property of Arthur Oliver.
To Mary E. Snyder for live tracts in Scott for
l?.'!109, properly of A. Snyder.
To James Trump for lot in Scott for $500,
property of C. W. Tiiuup.
To Eininor Dieteriek for lot in Rriarercek for
$.111)11, property of Jacob and Maria Kocher.
To Col. Co. M. S. F. ic L. A. for RJ2 acres in
Orange for SI V.'O, property of Charles Lee.
To Win. Hiilmo for 70 nites In Rcutou for
$011, properly of R, P. Mciienry.
To Warren .1. Ruckalew tor 1 1 acres in Fih
Isngcreek, for $o, propel lv of . :11110s X. Jones.
To George Cadwallader for 127 acres in Fi-h
ingcre'ek for $001), property of Jacob 1'arver,
To M. G. Hughes lor lot in Conyngliam for
$11, properly of William Goodman.
To Win. Shatter and Je-o Hoflinan for lot In
Rerwick for $1200, property of John G. Jueoby.
To Philip Angle for lot in Scott for $70,
properly of H. G. Crevcling.
To R. S, Howell for lot In Scott for $5, prop
erly of James Fowler.
To M. S. F. A. of lllooniiburg for lot in
Rloonisburg for $520, sold us property of S, J.
To W. Krickbtum for ! hits Si Epy, for$l,
UIO, property of II. G. Cruvcliug.
To Warren J. Ruckalew for 121 acres In
Scott, for $12,!25, piopcily of Daniel Snyder.
To G. M. Hiker for lot in Espy, for $500,
properly of S. W. Raker.
To J. H. Jainem for lot in Centralis, for $100,
piopertj of Stephen Thomas,
To Clinton Lewis for 50 acres in Jackson, for
$l;ll() property of A. J. Kline.
To Warren J. Ruckalew for 2 acres In Espy,
for $2010, properly of Danlfl Snyder.
Tu F, C. Harrlsoi for 31 ucris In Centre, for
$.ni."i ), property of Whltmlio and Sitler.
To O. W. Miller for 25 ncres In Milllin, for
$C05, property of Obadlah Swank.
To Warren J. Rueknlew fur 2 ncre In Espy,
lor $02 75, pmpcrty of Snvder, Hartmaii ii Co.
To C. W. Miller and Ellas Utt for lot In
Hlooinshurg, for $500, property of E. L. Myew.
To Warren J. Rueknlew mill W, H, Abbott
for CO ncre In FUhlngercck, for$IS00, property
of Edgar .V Hi".
To Wanen J. Ruckalew nnd W. II, Ablnitt
for SO acres In Flshlugcmk, for $5,property of
Edgur it Ilro.
Post tlio Hunks.
State carried or 7'c
publicans in tal elec
tion! for Stale nffl
cert or J!riirsr,itt
tkes in Omijren.
Statrt carrinl iigawtl
!eiiblicaus in Iml
election! or State
ojliccrt nr Hcprctcnl-
at ire! 111 iwiirctn
New Hampshire
Hhodo Island
South Carolina
fi'XoW York
fi Xew Jersey
West Virginia
I own,
11 Missouri
10, Arknii9ai
6 Toxin
II Lon''l-"in
5 M eslsslp.n
11 Alututlua
North Carolina
iYj. firm,
81 fi
2!) -Il
11 127
07 80
Xew England Stales,
Middle. States,
Southern States,
Western Stati'j,
Pacific States,
111 225
15 28
Number of States,
Number of electoral voles.
Number of votes necessary to victory,18,"
Our Hunk Titlde.
a vAi.tfAiii.r, wortK.
The Centennial Il'utory oj the United State!
row the fiiicorery 0 the American Continent
to the Close 0 the First Century 0 American
Independence, lhj James fi. JfcCabc, Au
thor 0 "A Manual of General Jlistory,"
"The Great Jlcpublic," file, Etc ,
It is a well known fact that the great
mass of our people are compelled to rely,
fur their knowledge of tho history of their
country, upon the outline works intended
fortheiiso rt scliools,whicli by their very na
ture aro brief; designed for tlio compre
hension of children, nnd in ovcry way un
stiitcd to tho adult mind. Thero lias long
been felt a genuine want of a History of the
United States, covering tho whole period
from tho discovery of the Continent to tho
present day, and presenting in a succinct
and comprehensive form the history of our
country tluougli its various periods, from a
higher nnd more thoughtful standpoint
than would bo proper in a school history.
This demand we aro happy to say is satis
factorily met in "The Centennial History
of the United Stales," a woik which is ev
i lently designed to take rank as tlio Stan
dard History of our country. Tho author,
James D. McCnbc, is an able and well
known historical writer.
Wo heartily commend this work to
our readers. It is no dry nia-s of details,
no bombastic effort to inflame the national
pride1, but is a clear, vivid, and brilliant
narrative of tlio events of our iii-lory, liom
the ilicovery of the Amciiiau Continent
to tho present day. It gives a inter
esting account of the Indians of North A
niericn, fiom the timu of the coining of tlio
while men. Tim voyage of Columbus, the
explorations of the different nations of Eu
rppe, and the wanderings of the Spaniards
in search of 'gold and immortal youth, are
told with graphic power. Tlio story of the
Revolution is related with all the interest of
a romance ; then I'olloiv.i a clear and succinct
account of the formation of the Federal
Constitution, the Second War with England,
tlio Mexican War, and tlio events of our
history up to the commencement of the Civ
il War. The History of the Civil War is ie
lati'd with intense vigor, and witii strict fid
elity to truth. The author writes through
out witii calmnc-s and impartiality, and
pleads tho cau-e of no section 01 party.
The book contains an Appendix, giving an
account of the approaching International
Centennial Exhibition.
It is comprised in one lingo and hand
some volume, of 1)25 pages, and contains
142 fine engravings on steel and wood. The
book is isiiicd by tlio National Publishing
Co , of Philadelphia, whoso imprint is a
guarantee of tho excellenco of tho work
manship. The price is luw considering tho
character of the work, and each subscriber
is presented witii a handsomo lithographic
engraving of tlio Centennial Exhibition
Ruildings and Grounds. It is bold by s,ub
hcriptiou only, and tho publishers, want
agents in every county.
A googiaphy printed in London in 1719
"describes California to be an island, and
publishes a map hhowing it to bo entirely
surrounded with water; tells ofalrco in
Florida the leaves of which, if bruised and
thrown into a largo pond of water, all boasts
which drinks thereof will swell up and burst
asunder; describes tho air of Pennsylvania as
"generally granted to be clear and sweet,
tho heavens seldom being overcast with
clouds," and that "tho length of tho days and
nights is much tho same as in New Jersey."
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company
recently advertised that they would receive
applications for tho position of conductor,
to bo employed to tho number of 150 dur
ing the Centennial season. They had 10,
000 responses in ten days.
Tho Maharajah of Cashmero lias pre
sented to the JPrince of Wales, a sword
valued at tho lowest calculation at X10,0l)0.
It is studded with precious stones from hilt
to point.
KAItNOlt-Tltl'Ml'. At tliu Jtotormeil ti.use.nago
on the mill ot liev. T. V. lIutTmeier, Mr,
('lurks Kurnor, of Haml'le, to Miss Jlary Annum
Trump, ot Iiloomsuurg, I'.i.
:.III.I.Klt-l't'llsi:M.. At the sanio place, by tlio
Hame, on llio 'Jltli e.t rclmi.iry, Mr. Wt'Il.un A. Miller
to Miss Susan J. I'ursell, both ot Hemlock township,
Uoluiiillacouuly, l'a.
SSVl)i:it-lii:CSi:it.-At tho Mine place', by tlio
same, 011 the 2Gtli ot I'ebruary, Mr. Lewis bnj iter to
Miss Alleo ltee'ser, both ot llloomsburg, pa.
(1II1I1ONS-M0SS. At the hotel In llentou.oii IVI).
If'.'il, by liev. N, Spear, Mr. Wilson (UUions.oI Wilkes-llarre-,
to Miss Kinm.t II. .Moss, ot l'alrmount.
Itl'PllItT-I.ISIIWK K.-At the MethoUW parson
age, Dixon, 111., on .1 miliary Mill, IsTV, by ltev. J. I. Ill
charger, Mr. I.. Harlon liufeitto Miss Mary Itlse
wick, both formerly or this place.
UVUlthY-KIlsworlli, last surilMng sonot Owen
It. unit Aimto l.'j erly now resiuing at Morelaiul, l'a,
elteil I'ebruary ss, isw, after a painful ami linger
Ing sickness, ugeit 1 1 jeurs ami s mouths.
I.AYCOCK. In liloomsliurg, on Kunday morning,
I'ebruary STth, Mrs, l-nrnh Lujcoek-, ngeel 16 j ears, 1
mom li mill is elay s. Shu hail been In )ioor health for
two or three ; curs, but' bore her nlllletlons w Hit pa
tient reslgtmtlon. Mis, baji-oek camuto lllootns
burg lu ISM. unil baJ, therefoie.beeii a resilient fur
tweiity-foiir jours. The funeral took pluco on Tues
day I.ut fii'in tho re silience of her son, John l.uj
cock. Mi:nAlt(li:i.b.-In orunieWlle, 1'ebruury Sltli,
Detlitc II. Mogurtrcll, niffitiw jevirs.
Tlio Uuceaseel wusu brother if Dr. (, A. Muirur
gell, of orainfeMlle. At llio bruaklnL' out cif thu Lite
rebellion ho wus ono of tho llrst liien to robpouil to
tlio call ot President I lueoln for troopB, uml dilutee!
in Co. A, Ctli liest I'.lt V. ('. (Iron dual el), bis inns
terdatlni; from Apill IMiud, 111, In thej wrvlmlio
proved a vuluaklu unit upright soldier, steady tn ac
tion, nmlbelouxl byhts comrades, on account uf
Impaired health ho wus iniuteiesl out I'cl.riury tth,
Jso I, on tlio Bureocu's certlllcato of disability, T hus,
ono by one our old comrades t'O to attend tho roll-
call ot tliu elrcat Commander.
Business Notices
I. W. Itnttmnn ncll MtislttiVi cheap, Try
Tot Mlnco Meat, nt l.'l cent a pound, ntid
a lino lot ot (JrannerrlCH go to itttsscll s.
Belling nt Cost, in order to mako room for
Spring (Joods nt 13. M. Kuorr'a.
Ton Rr.NT. Thrco rooms on tho second
floor nnd ono on tho first floor of tho Ktit
building. Inmiiro of Mrs. M. K, Ktit.
Feb. l!o 2w.
- 4 in. im
Just received, a full lino of Gents' Kid
Gloves in all tho newest shades, black,
white, lavender, xo., at 1). liOWcnuerg s.
G. A. Clark announces that although ho
docs not keep "music" on hand, yet he Is
constantly ordering. Send hint your orders,
- . - . , .I.
Ilargalns, llargalns at Knorr's this week,
Selling at Cost.
Real citato for talo and rent by 31. Wyn
koop. 1'eb -1 iil
I. W. Hartman has opened up bis Spring
For llcnt A first-class oflico in tho Co
lumbian Rullding, fronting tho Court House.
Apply nt this ollice. 11.
For a nobby Cap go to U. Lowonbcrg's.
The best and most reliable for every ono
to buy. Try them. 1'or sale at AlcKtn
noy's. WjY. Ttr.ST. Tho House, barn, and lot on
Fast Street, formerly occupied by I. W.
Nilcs, apply to Rhockway & Kiavi:i.i,
Rloonisburg, Pa.
I. W. Hartman offers So cents for nice
Canned fruits of all kinds nt Russell's.
All Coal slated and screened before leaving
the old established coal yard of C. W. Nl!Al eV:
lino. 32tf
White- Neck Tics at D. Lowonbcrg's.
New Orleans Raking 3Iolasscs, choice Syr
ups from SO cents to SI a gallon. A fine as
sortment ot Young llvson, Imperial, Japan
and RIack Teas utM; 31. Rus-el's.
Suow Kxcluder.s for sale at 3IeKiuncy's.
Or.instes and Lentous always on hand at
31. 31. Kussell's.
C. W. Xi:ai. 0Ri:o., spare noexpenso tosend
out nice Coal. Ulitf
A latgc stock of Tobacco, of tho following
lo,lo l'.'nch nii.l 11,.,,.,,- P.. .!,!
Gondola, Rright Golden Government, Rasscs
choice, Jlodoo in pails. 20,000 cigars of
ditlercnt varieties wholesale and retail, Cnn-
lectionury wnuiesnio anil retail at Al. Jl.
Good clean Coal to bo had onlv of ('. W.
Neal & Rio. Ili'lf
Newest colots,
Riow n, Rh'cl: and Navy Itlue.
just received at 1). Lowonbcrg's.
Don't be worried and nnnoyid with not onlv a
poor quality of Coal hut diity and slaty hc-idis,
but buy of C. W. XllAI. A Ri:o. who "deal only
in the bet qualities. '."2l(
Roots at 3IcKinnev's.
u:mi:i:s, AriLMtox. Rus.d takes Rutter
RgKs, Laid and Produce in exchange for goods
Rubber Root.-, at 3IcKinney's.
Rlir.ti.MATlsM, Xuirtitijia, Lumbago, Scia
tica Rheumatic Gout and Ncnoits I)ieaes
positively cured by Jh; I'ithr Ithcvmntie
Wnmdy nnd Pills, C A. Kleim. Sole Agent,
llloomsburg, Pa. l)cc. 17, '7" - ly.
R.moxM, 3Il'l tcAilnx. Meditation i-only
sii,ev--!u! whin it i- lntienal, and it is ralii 11
11 1 01 1 1 when it lupins tit the luc,iumue;. In
othe r winds, to (uio a malady, its enu-u 11111-1
bo unloved. Wi al.ness, either gi lieral or local,
is 1 1 ..- origin of the giet mnjoiity of eli-enses.
Ri infoi ic the v itnl ene;eies, iipululc digestion
and seiietie.n, by slieiigthening die organs
which perform tho-t- 11 !-itiif i I suit functions,
and ily-pepsiu, eonstipiition, kidney audbhiihler
complaints, nteriue elitli(ulliis,impure tin illa
tion, anil the tiiousanel and one ailments whiili
are the cnicip;e!iecs of debility, ale complete
ly, :u, el in inn-t cases peimanintly, riuiovid.
The lust, safest nnd must ngieeablc tonic and
nlteralive that can bo. emiiloved for this 1 ill 1-
pose is IloFtettci's Stomach Rilteis. The cx
pciiitiec of twcnly-lhe vials, during which
time it has outlived pi Imps ten times thnt mini'
her of ephemeral preparation wbieli have en
tered into competition witii it, has proved it to
bo mil quale (1 ns n remedy for all disorders ac
companied by or pioeeeeling from weakness.
Old Established Coal Yuril.
O. W. Ni:ai, & lino., Wholesale k Retail
Dealers in all sizes ot tho best qualities of
Red anil White Ash Coal, at the very lowest
market rates. Havo constantly on baud large
stocks of
. Rlacksmith's Anthracite,
and Linieburncr's Coal.
Kspecial attention given to the prepara
tion of coal before leaving our yards. Urain
and Lumber taken in exchange for coal.
Coal delivered to any part of tho town at
short notice. Orders felt at I. W. 3Icielvy's
store, or at our ollice, will receive prompt at
tention. Ollice and Yaids at William Neal
1 Sons' Furnace, Fast Rloonisburg. Your
patronage respectfully solicited,
COAL. L" tf 251 COAL
An old physician, retired fromnctiveprac
tiec, having had placed in his hands by an
Fast India Missiomuy thoformulaofasiniplo
Vegetable Remedy, tor tho speedy and perm
anent Cure of Consumption, Rronehitis, Ca
tarrh, Asthma, nnd all Throat and Lung At
fectious, also a Positive and Radical Cure for
Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com
plaints, after having thoronghlv tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
ca-cs, feels it his duty to make it known to
sud'ering fellows. Actuated by this motive,
and a consciculioti.i desire to iclieve human
full'eiiiig, ho will tend (tor orhurir) to all
who de-ire It, this recipe with fiilleiiicctlons
lor picpnring and successful)- using it. Sent
hy leturn mail by addressing with stamp,
naming this paper.
D11. W. C. Sti:vi:xs,
3Iunroc Rlock, Syracuse, N. Y.
Dec. Ill, Vfl-ly.
When you go to Philadelphia stop at
tho Allegheny House, No. Sit! and Sl-1 Mar
ket street ; having been recently renovated
Prico only $2 per day. A. Ri:ck,
3Iarch 1 9,70-1 y Proprietor,
fir. Fillers Kidney Cordial removes do
posits of Gravel, tutculi, Acidt, rttintion, ci(
I'rinc, Gnat J'urifitr of tho Jlludder and
Kidmys. C. A. 'Kl.i:iM Solo Agent for
lllooiiisliurg, Pa.,
Deo. 1 7,75-1 y.
Wheat per bushel f l.M
Itjo " 'Jl
Ooru,now, " , r.11
Oats, , 4ti
rtour iter barrel , t.ern
e'loMiseeel 7,1m
f laxseed l.rsi
liulter :u
lift- I"
I'oiiitoiw 1. ,'...!!!!! .10
I'l'iotl Apples 10
I IlltllS . 1 il
Sldets & Miom'deiV ! '. '. '. '. '. '. ', '. '. ',""'.".' i I
Ijll-il itpr tuiiiii.l lit
Hay per ton ',, ".',','.'.'.'.!'. 'joieu
oeoswux ,VB
Timothy Heed 4.KI
f iiti fi' Tlnvs i.'tu
No.4 01lVll(llf ..." ! .'. t 4,00 per Ton
Kri. K ,1 tt
uucksiallU'd Lump on whaif 1 4,00 "
Is receh lug n choice' wlnctlon of
lit) M DAY ;I0!)H,
niifooifrrs sUMmtuw,
Toit.irr Aimoi.ijs,
1:N(1I.1SH SOAl'M,
relltT JtOMKIKsi,
Koy West and Havana Oigarg,
nnd lots of Pino (loods.
- His "VI JI
Who said that you would like to get such Clothing as City
People wear, rather than the wholesale goods com
monly sold ? This will tell you how to do it.
The very large Increase of our business allows us to malce
You Can Save Knough
In buying a Suit at Oak Hall
from anywhere In this County to the City of Philadelphia,
and have a day of sight-seeing besides. Wanamakec &
Brown stand by this Statement, and so will
you after one trial.
Character of
1 the Goods we sell I
For Men & Boys.
0 he sure
can be relied
as Tin da not
retail. We hear no ill-will to any one, and state this only because some
dealers stll poor goods as coming from our house. To each of our custom
ers w e arc responsible for articles bought of us. By our plan of Ticketing
the right names of the materials on our goods, no one can be misled as to
VVanamaker& Brown
treat their
anywhere, and that the quality is as represented,
also, that the money will be paid back In full, if purchaser within 10 days
wishes, for any reason, to return the goods, unworn.
I whero the Store Is.
Philadelphia, it is a large building, the size of four ordinary stores, and is
on the South-cast corner of SIXTH S IXTH SIXTH jIXTII
SIXTH-SIXTH and Market Streets.
, Those Kho cannot
to tho City.
E send
to the Express Co. on recei
Is allowed before navintr. i
money and pay tho e"prcssage
cy and pay tho ex-prcssage back to
Voa should be sure tJ see our name
a? you enter
Dtaler in Law .Blanks, Sunday Sdiool Libraries, Depositary of the
Pennsylvania Bible Society,
Books and supplies not on band can be furnished
On Short Notice at the Most Reasonable Hates.
Store in Exchange Hotel Building. Bloom sburg, Pa.
OCt. S, 1SJ5 '
Tnl:c.jcr's l'UH for nil tlio pmpofos of a pin tru
th i', foriciibtlimllcn, imlljjtttloii, licaduelio, nml lit
er complaint. Hy uiilvi i sal arcord nio tliu best
ot all puig.itlu'b for family us.e.
A.T. Hew ait rnjs tl.o left n&u itlilnp mediums
lio has cer "aiu tlio oM ei-t.iUltliiil oigans of
tho two polltlial I'uilliB, nt tlio tovcrul couiity seats
througliout tlio Union." '"Iliei-o," Lo i-njH "roatli
etery faintly of llio Unit iiuouia In Hair fctMinl
counties, nndaiomoio cart fully Kail tliim any other
elassof Journals." If Mr. t-lownit'H Judirmcnt Is of
value, tliere Is no illltleully In dcdUlntr wlileli paper
It Is for tlio InU 11 hi of buslnefsintn to iicluitUe In
Tlio Coi.iniiA DKsiotiiAT, upon lilili this pnirl.i
partialis four.diU, vn& tbtnulltliul liiltii;, and tlio
C'011-sii.ian low enjojs u wider cliculatlon uud
Kreiittr pronuilly tl.uii It eer djd. It tcis week
ly Into two tlK.utnnd fuiulllea In Ci luii.Ma nniliid
Joliilni: count lc.", anil ly li.ostof tin ra Is i end from
tli llrsi to tliolut-l lino. U U tlio only uiotintted
cxpcLcntof r.euilj the tliouf.Ml Heiceiijlle oteM
In tlio (ounty, lt,lis ir!m u:m 11.1 nts ;i t;iM, ills
pluy, that iii.U.1 s iliciu iitiraello to lis pntrons,thus
ehsurlm; tr tutor ctrtalntj that tl.iy will pernso
them. While lis flrciilatton Isuniluiibtttlly ictifli tlio
laroist In the tounty, llio luttmtslni,' r.ais of tho
coi.t'Mi'.iAK uio no iiijthi i ihiin thoo of Mhor papera
Willi barely half mid sevt nil not onc-fuui Hi tho num
ber of MiUcrthors. rnctB lll.o thes. spent, for them
fcoltes. No sluewd Imslnoss man will neglect to In
n it his cdt i ttlsenicnts In tho t'oi tuuu.v tf
Tho underiflitned .tdmliitnintor of Nathaniel nver
dorf, Into of ( iitawlsMi. towiishlp, foluinl'la county,
di'ieaswl,, will e.xoso to public litlo on tlio premlsoii
SATUKDAY, MAliCII -Itli, 1870.
nl one o'tletk, p. m., tho follow Ins doterlLotl Heal
Ustato to-wit :
A House and Lot of Ground
kltiulo lii I'utnwlsiut towiisliUiniid eouiitynfurtlil,
luljotnlii u lot of catlurlno iielllnff on tin, iiortli.iiu
alley on tho ea.l, lot of II, V. nhiII on Ihusnulli
anil M eoinl nluet on tho tvost, the Md lot Mxut 11
feet front nnd i! ufnttit depth. Thoio UtrootoeTou
tho pu'u.lvs a. itto-blory
mid outbultdlnti.
TI.ll.Ms HI' htl.i:. Ton tr coin rf the ono.
fouitli of llio puiehuM' iiiiuie.t to lu pnlil at Uio
hUlklm,' ih.v.n of Uio pruieit ; tho oiii-luuiili iomi
llio Ion per u i.t ul th .niiirin ill.m uUhoIiU" uwl
tliu reiiialnluK throo-fouitht in ono teurtUetoutUir
Willi inti ii . 1 1 rum tuiiliii.utkn nu.
51. V. 11. KI.UN'i:.
1'eh. 11,-U
LANK NdTKS.witli ornllliout exeuii.lim
for tale Rt Uio CoLWBiiK OIUW).
1 now opening tho wry cholem
Iuijiorted find Domostio Qrocorios
for,tlioll01Uy trade.
All kinds ot Italslns, Foreign anil Uomestlo I'rultn,
KuW nnd Oontectlonery, and another lot ot nno
Now drop Japan Toas
. in WW
I! 11 !m
of what we sell v. e manufacture our
some of them in our own building,
arc well cut. sewed and finished. Thev
upon, Storekeepers out of the city
us when they tay they sell our poods,
ivhaltsiitf. hut confine nurndtH tn
THE price In plain figures and nothing cff The
same price to acquaintances and strargers.
To city people and country people equal
advantages. With each article sold, a Guarantee
Is eiven. that the Trice is as lowasitcanbeboueht
THIS is important indeed, because.unprlncipled
people having stores in Philadelphia, coun
tertit out signs, cards, advertisements, and
stop strangers on the street, wth false directions
about where the store Is, so that they may sell their
counterfeit roods. There is but one Oak Hall in
I, !
patterns of material and prices by
when requested. Persons can have
- un cooda sent bv Exnrt&s. bv send
ing their measure (we lurnlsh easy directions that
any one can measure uy,j ana aescriomg coior
wanted, and price desired. Payment can be made
ipt of goods, and the privilege of examining them
Where ge-ods do not please, we will return the
on the building and over the door
Utters of Administration on tho estato of Ltdla
.linir.eniiuii. lute of t'entio townMilp, Coluui
bla eoiuity, decea'-ed, hate been (fronted by tho Hec.
lstor of said county to lFnnc lC lilldlno, of Oranco
township. .Ml loisons hatlut,' Halms against Uo
estate of tho decedent mo leiiuested toprostnt them
tor settlement, anil those lndebttd to llio estnloto
iiinKo patmeut to tho undi rstKiieit aduilnlitrutcr
without delay. ISAAC K. DIMUNK,
Jan 14, '10-r.w of OiaiiKO tow nshlp.
(lll.KK TOW.VSUll',
1 1 tiers of Admlnlstratloii on tho estato of SallyABii
Yaplo, hue of I'tshlnRcioe): township, t'oluinLl.i
eountj, deceused. hate 1 ion cimiUd bj the llei;l
tirof mid uunlj to 1'. V.aplo,of i hhlii!;ciiol:
tow nkhlp. All Inrsons hut luo; chums against tho
en.iie of the Ueculcut aro leiim sled to piesi nt thein
for s-ettloinrnt, and those Indihtul tothe estate to
make piitn.mi lo lLo undei signed administrator
without delay. t'HANK W. VAl'IX,
Ituchalew s, AUmlnlstralor.
T?XK('UT()U'.S NDTIL'i:.
J J K-i.HK or iiisnv nii.miNi', iiKenAn:n.
U tteis- lo-tniiieiitarv on tho estate tf llonp Hi Mi.
lino, late tf 1 Milntfcieok ttvi.. CO., to., ilei-oased
hatotxeii Lrranted l,y tie lloijister of mid lunniv to
Levi llel-lilliio, I'lshliiBi roi k. ami .laeoli S.liolkhllno,
lliintllil.'iloii 1 nii no eotmty, Kxiiuiors, lu whom
all pcrsiiis liidi'Med nro leiiuestod to mako pus
nit nt, mid those hat tut; claims or demands niralnst
tho said istato will in.iko tliim known to tho
said i:.etutors without delay.
u:vi liiniiMNK.
jAions. iiM-ni.iNi;,
l'tb. Il.-Cw.' j;eoutoi.
Utters of Adn lulsttaliuu ontho estuioof D.mlot
liaiitf. I.ito or Itoailngcriek towiisiilai'olumbl.ti'o..
doeoastd, o boon k'luniod by tho lieRtster of suld
county, to Finnk Hm fif, ot hoc ust mid John llinlif, of
ltoaiini'citek. All pirsens hatlni,' cluliiH aifulun
the estato of the decedent, mo requested to j ni nt
lhom for settlement, mid those Indebted tolhuoMnto
to make p.ij l.icnt to tho ULdertli'iiedadndiilstrntors
without delay. liiAMi ItAllKl,
JOHN ItAltlt.,
1'cb. 11, T0-0t. Admmistr.itors.
X. ItlATK OK JOHN IMIU'K, llEl' ll.
hTltcrs oi Adinlnlstialton on tho Ilstato of John
Hi tier of Locust twp. I'olumhla i 'ounty doteusoil
liuiebeen gianieil lij tho lioirMer of said roimtr to
Jeienil.iliHijdtr, Iaxua twp., lolumblaeouiitt.Vu..
tu whom nil persona Indented to said Kktulti nio re
iiuesled to innko luiymc nt, mid thoso luitlui; claims
Utfiilnsi tho sum ostttlo wtll muko them known to tho
Jan. H,'T..f.W
t si ats. op sntwiy rrii'ici, ukokaikh.
Lettiis of Adlnllil.t Hilton on tho i wtnti. ,.r ,n
I'ursel. lato of Mndlhoti timnship couu'ly it
OolmuliU, Halo tf l'liinsjUiinla, deneaiwl, hatu
In on oialiled tu
tuwusiili', l'a., to whoi.i all iviwms liidPhTol tuwilit
rwtllU' uro iviuesU'rt t'l L'.lko IWJtuollt.ulItt 11.10
..I.,,,.,, ol juaiiisou
game wllliiiul dtli;,
n.iMuii i luuuit or ueiuannx win idhko known thu
i" uiuiiuKuni iwi'uum n niatrfMiii rtlnir
liiliiL. in iitj. lino '"'J e'
tiling lu his line,
Fob 18-tui,
Ycrbatini ltoporliug.
TEttMHi ACIimltrntellhff-, lionnlln., nml other
erpensos; nto dollars a wsslon, for taking tho n-port!
and ten ccnU a folio, ( hundred word ) for writing
out Into lonjr.finm!.
Hiicrn thn matter reported In ono day equals or
exceeds fifty folios, llio flve-tlollar fee will Ikj remitt
ed, and tho transcrltitnif Into lonpt-hand chanred at
flfuen eentfl n folio; but. In nil xuch case. If fewer
than fifty folloa nro purchnscd, tho tiro dollars will
bo cluireed
Adilress. s, N, Walker, A.M.. Courr-stcnoir-raphcr,
llloomsburg, Columbia county, l'cnnsylva
nlrt. Itostilcncc, Iron Btrect, between Third and
onico. With K. E. Orvls, Taq. , Coliimblan-bulld-Injfi
entrntice.oppo'dtn tho east trnlo to tlio couit
housn yntd, first lloor, nrat door to rlirht,
ofilcc-hour, from Iwclvo to ono o clock,
reb is, s7-ly
Awnnletl the IHglicit Jtctlal at Vienna.
. &H. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
69), Jiroadway, Kew York,
(Opp. Metropolitan lloteL)
Photographic Materials.
Wo nro hcadqnnrtcrs for overythlnrr In tho way of
Steroopticons and Magio LanteraH,
Uclng Manufacturci a of the
Each Btjlo being tlio best of Its class In tho market.
Catalogues of Lanterns and slides, with directions
for using, sent on application.
Any enterprising man can mako money with a
Magic Lantern,
Oa)"Ciit out this advertisement for refer-etice-ffitff
reb. 18,7c.
The best, liirgcft and most profltnblo variety of
winter cnbbngo Lnotvii In Europo.mid imported to
this rountrv oxelustvelr bv us last sorlnir. where.
with t io mast ordinary eultlv.ttlon, It nourishes ns
tonlsulnglv, nttolnliitr an ( normous .size nnd soiling
lu IQu in.irkt t nt prloes most gratifying to tho pro
rttic?, In transniitiitlii, great e,iro should bo taken
tn ktvci sinicl, lit n neo Mr growth, solid heads, tho
size if tho mouth of a Hour burro!. Is tho nverago
run of this choice tartety. ono package ot tho seed
Rent pustpil.ton leeelptof 5 eenls. Three pack
i. s to one ndilress. $1,110. To rgonts t3 per dozen
und 4 thro c. nt st4iiiu
ti"Vltti c.i"li pack.uo of sed wo smid n surn
10 1 1) o-itii't the rtiMisesff ttu eabbuso lly or
otn. I- pesl, t.ij oung mid tender plants,
v, e nl ii'edHst spring on Long Island, a small
fie rnttti i'th! li t,'? obtained with dlfllcultyjot
t ls (-ig.ini !. nut 11s yet very r.iro variety of Indian
e rn. Ill Sci romlier. by actual luPitsurornenf.n largo
m.ijirlti ,.f Uo, stalss st-ioit from u to in feet In
lie.jhi. mid si 111 groitlng, wlthlroui'i to s enormous
ear of eorngionliigoii nlmo-t every Moll:.
The -li'lil w,.s nt 1 ho rate of ttno liuslicls of ear corn
p,.f a"ro. w hllu tho f Alder crop was tuiuieiiso and of
llm fpt.illtr.
tt'o coin. I have sold tho ntlre crop for n blgprlco
tn a Nmv York seedsman, but declined to do so, pre
ferring to keep the crop for tho aeeommtHlatloii of
our numerous country patrons. ho will nnd It
1 1 lh"lrlnierest.s to secure at le.ust .1 small selection
of this rare ninety for the romlng spring planting.
Lite agriculturist, who belli, u In "I'UiKiiiiii.'irwltH
nsmall i-mh'ii lutlltu or.s nto poor tilings, both
wilts lietween thn rows will lie astounded hy tho re
sult, lu, will send bt-tnntl toanviullressl patkago
on reeelpt. of c eentsand ti three cent Knmp?,or3
paeiaaoson ns-olptof ?' nnd 4 thro cent stamps.
:"i)ursiiiplv Is limited. I'ltrtlos desiring to se
en o cither of the above ram seeds should not delay
Ihilr outers Allseed suld by us warranted fresh
11 1 lo gciinlnuto No goods sent o. t. I) Cash
ni it neeompnny all orders. For either of aboto
0 si. address
I'llI.IX CI.AltE & CO.,
reh i8-cm. ru liist nstn St., N. v.
1873. CENTENNIAL! 1876.
Y. P. JOXEk & CO.,
Gatawissa, Fa.
To OltP. FltlEXDS & THE PuitLio :
For the kind and liberal pat
ronage bestowed upon us the past
year you lmvo our Thanks.
Through it we have been in
strumental in
on many kinds of Goods. .
"We want to sell more goods this
year than we did last, and we ask
for a continuance of your generous
support, assuring you that we
shall always ehdeavor to sell at
the lowest possible
Prices for Cash.
We now call your attention to 89
Pieces, 1384 yards, Hamburg
Embroideries and Insert
ings just opened
this week.
The above embrace
the newest and most
beautiful Patterns over shown.
Tho Embroideries wo sold last
year with such great success, aro
and have been long famous as tho
best and most saleable, and thoso
just received arc superior in stylo
and lower in prico than ever before.
We also wish to call the atten
tion of Housekeepers to our largo
stock of
Bleached and Brown Sheetings,
and Shirting Muslin?,
Tho very best Brands in all
Table Linens,
Napkins, &e.,
winch wo oiler at very low Prices.
Wo tiro also oflering at.rcduccd
and many otlicr Woolen Good to
close them out.
Call uml oxanriuo ut tho
Popular Cheap Cash Store of
w. r. jones & co.,