THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUBfl, COLUMBIA COUJNTX, i'A. TJ1E COLUMBIAN. mi M a ii n , I' mi) ay, n:ii. a-., istis fOUTtl. 7.40 A.M. r.."ji'.M U.MA.M porni 30 r. M. 11,93 A.M. Hull linml Tlmn Table. LACKAWANNA A llLOOMMIIt'IM HAIL 1!0AI) Accommodation Tnln n.i.i .. M. S Train J.-MA. M JtExi'rcwi Train l.M p. M. Jn- " " mh'.m. ., CATAWISSA HAIL ItOAD, Ion Train c.'si A.M. w iteiriihr Impress n,f,i I1, jt. t Through ears on Uxprom trnln clllicr to Now York 'Or I'llU.lili'llilifn. AtfWimm.v1ntlr.ti Irnl.. nm.1. In ctntuwlsn.i niul Wllllatnuwrt. i i gyyi u.mui iww.irijKaBBwwwmBiWil The Rev. Charles It. Itixhy. of lirooklyn.olli- elated In St. Paul's Clmrcli on Sunday last, Tlio Knights of l'jtlilai will liolit llieir mum nl reunion nt Denton on Saturday. Tlio fra ternity in generally invited to iitteml. A littlo fou of John 1). lWell whilo T.itncis Ing tlio haiilism on Pumhiy lnt, from the rock, lowed hii footing ami fell over, llu was bailly cut about tlio head. Tlio Committee on Appropriations have re porltil a l ill Kiting $30,000 to our Norma School, V'a have no doubt hut tlio hill will b:co:no a law. llaynian's flouring mill .it r'oundrjvillo was hurncd on tlio night of the 22nd inft. It U Pupiioed to hare taken fire from the machinery, Wo have not learned the lo?, nor tho amount of imurance. If Ixmixixn. were misinformed as to the clerical forco employed by Register Jaeoby in indexing tlio records of this County. He In form'! w that at times he had from ten to twelve men employed. It has been decided that If a partner of a dis solved firm neglects In glre notice through tlio ncwnappri of a disolntlon of partnership, ho is cipially liable with his late partner for all debt contracted nfler dis-olntion. Cteorse R. Ellert, a gradnato of this office, has commenced the publication of an admlis ing flicet at T.ock flaven. It is nat in form and is erldently well pupported by tho bushier men of that locality. Slierlfl" Grover Ftarled for rhiladelpliia on SaturdiT Iat tn put in effect the sentence of im prisonment in tho Eastern Penitentiary pro nounced on Samuel Recart. .ludgo Dorr ac companied the Sheriff a an ni'tant. r.AiTiu. The solemn rite of baptbm wa- ndniiul-tcredat tho usual placo in Fishing creek on hist Sunday by ReT. .1. V. Tiwtin. The daj win fine, and a Terr large crowd was in attend aiice. Eleven persons wero added to the Church. Wo havo printwd and will keep on hand blank notices of road and other view, such as are re- ipiind by law to be po-ted along the proposed niutc. Viewers will Have themselves trouble by using them. (Inly 3 cents apiece. Andrew I.aubach, of Sugarloaf, has been for some time willering fiom a iUc:fc of tho eye. and was threatened with blindness. On Satur day last Dr. Turner performed an operation oi Mr. I.aubacli's right eye, and in all probability his sight will be completely restored. Tltt: NOTAliY lTIII.IC (Jt nsTION'. l'.d-kb-v and Knorr are after the wains of Itch iiiMin and IVecnck, and have tho iiwid track. TIaitranft has sent to thu Sonalo the names of das. C. llrnwn. and Ilany liiltcnbcii- iler as Notaries Public. Thcie is nothing lik keeping thc-e little appointments in the finiily A very pleasant entertainment was given on lal l'rldav evening bv the Mics l'nn-ton fni tho benelit of their friend-'. The pigraiiiiu eoiM-tod of vocal and instrumental niu-ic, tal leans, and a little pl.iy entitled "The Loan of a Lover." Evc-y thing pa-cd oil Mtli-r.irtnrily and it is probable a new era in amu-enu nt- among our young people has opened. Tut! Stati: Convention-. S" many of our cotcuiporaries have misrepresented tho recent action of our Standing Commlttao that wo deem it proper to re-stats its action, lion. (!. R.l'.uck dew and I Ion. J. O. Ereeo were selected as representative, delegates to Lancaster, and W. J, I'.uckalcw rccnmmfU'M as penatorial delegate They wero instructed tosuppoit D.ivid f.owen- berg as a delegate to the ational Convention WASHINGTON'S 1IIUTIIIIAY. Tho "'2nd of Eebruarv was duly nb-crved in llloonwburg by tho clo-ing of places of business and the di-play of flags. In tho evening a liall was paiticipated in by tlio mcnilSrs of I'rienddiip 1'iro Company and their friends and at tho Normal School, tho two Literary Societies held a re-union, where a fe-v ppeeches wero made and refreshments nerved to their gucnts. Tho exercised were interspcrsud with music. In tho haste that was necessary to get a full report of our town election ready for press an error was made in tho addition of votes for as sistant asses-or which mado it appear that E. V liillmyer and II. C. Hartman wero elected. It linnl.l linvo kIiowii that C. llittcnbenilcr was elected, instead of Mr. Hartman, ho having re ceived 21S voles and Mr. Ilartin in 1112. The orrnr was not discovered until it was too late for correction in our lai.lisr.iie. Tim il!y!n' ticket beat tho reznlar Penio- crallc ticket in Centre twp. It was a complete triinmih over tho Wlu-ky lting. U.wiMirmi. Tho above fling at tho Democrats of Centre is unjust and uncalled for. Tho Democrats made nomination, but t-omo disappointed perons turned in and aided the Itepubl leans to defeat the ticket. There, as here, no strict paity line were drawn j and tho whUky ring of tho neigh Imrlinml .-mbi-MCL-s as iiianv Ileiuiblieain as Democrats. Imi'OI'.tant Lwivi, Drx'Mnx. The Sn premo Court has decided, in a cao from the I Coiiunon 1'Ieas of Nmtliumberland county, that orders drawn by the president of a board of directors upon tho treamrer of the school dis trict, under school law, aro not negotiable bills or orders, but are warrants for the payment of money to tho persons to whom they are i-siied, to bu disbursed by tho treasurer under the ail i thority of the law. They lliereloro do not mi thori.o a bubsc'incut owner to maintain suit in his namo upon u promissory note, hill or order. Thev do not nos-ess tlio ordinary properties ol a mere contract, but aro a statutory means of drawing the public money out of tho hands of the legal cu-todiau of the funds of tho distiiet How to we Gas. There are numerous causes of Pteeti gas bills, which housekeepers might well look to. I'lominent among these are defective burners, a poor one of which may easily burn double tho gas and not give half tho light of ono properly made. Tlio ordinary stylo of burner, besides, bums out, and through ilm cnhircenient of its orilieo soon bce-oiues wasteful of i:as. Another cause of waste is due treoplo trying to read or work by several IlL'hts located In a high chandelier ur fixture instead uf by ono light hruiight near them. A single burner, ono foot distant from the pago of a book, will shed on that page thirty-six times more lliiht than the same burner U feet away ; or, In other words, tlio single burner, located as 11 rot stated, will light til' tho pago as brilliantly as sdx chandeliers of six burners ouch, hung six feet from thu book, Tho absolute ipiantlty of light Is tho same at all distances, but It Is spread , out over nn area which increase with the snuaiu of the distance front the llamo j bo that it Is ob vious that lights are used very wastcfiilly when they aro placed far away fiom the objects ll at they aro to Illuminate. TOWNSHIP r.t.CCTlONM. Wo givo below, a complete) list of officers elected in thp pcvcral towmhlps of the county. IILoom. .1, 1',, T. ,1. Morris; 1'roidcnt of Town Council, David LowenbcrB! Town Colin- cilinen, E. It. Drinker, W. O. Holmes, 1'eter .lone", Geo. E. l-.lwell, Eli Knorr, Isaiah Hag- enhiich; Conlallc., M, C, Woodward, E. Jl. Ilidlemati! School Directors. It. II. lllnaler. .Jacob K. (Irani; Assessors, S. 0 Shlve, (I. W. Sterner j Assistant Assessor?, 0, lllltcnbcnder, k 1'. llillmyerj Judgo of Election, .1. K. Eyer, Stephen Knorr, We-t District, lie vote, .Incoh II. Until, East Distj Inpeclors. I. It. Meiidcu- hall, S. Jaeoby, EastDistjK. C. Ent, J. D. Vulson, West Dist, Justlco of l'eace, J. 1'. Ercy; Coii'tatile, .John Ilinlerliter: Supervisors, !ocph I.cht, l'etcr Eckrotoj l'oor Overseers, Geo. t'aden, Joel I'ledbcnncr ; School Direct ors, Edniond SchclJ, Ered Hosier j Assepors G, v, Ercv. Aaron Drlembach : Auditor, l'etcr Kneelit. 1!i:nton. Constable, Geo. W. Hirlemani Siipcrv!or, Ellas Sliullz, II. J. Davis; Orer seerp, Jacob Wellver, Win. Ilulmo; Scliool Directors, Peter Kao, lliraniAsh; Aseor, Samuel Hess; Ast. Assessors, ,1. It. Kceler, I. K. Krickhaum ; Judge, C. E. D.ivis, Inspect ors, A. Hartman, John llcacock; Auditor, C. Gibbons-. II nnwiric Chief lliirgcs, Joseph fonst; Assistant llurges", II. C lVas; Town Council, John Moorelicad, Daniel Itccdy, W. li. Frea, A. S. Philips, J. W. Cooper ; Constable, W. J. Knorr ; High Constable, John Fronts; Over- peers, O. II. f. Kitchen, Levi Kurtz; School Directors, II, E, Frea", E. T. Thompson ; Judge G. II. Wells; Inspectors, A. Vanhotiten, Wm. Ilrcdbender ; Assessor, A. Thompson ; Aist- ant Assessors, D. II. Thornton, II. It. flower. l! Constable, V hllip Pponey ; Supervisors, fi. IVitlcrich, William Stout ; Overseers, J, H. Smith, Iteuben II. Sitlcr; Hcliool Directors, David Shatler, Jr., E. V. Adams ; Assessor, Geo. W" Miller; Assistant Assessors, William 1. anion, Samuel Sitlcr ; Judge, Lewis Shaller ; Inspectors, James Stout, Samuel Hawk; Auditor, D. W. Kitchen, l'own Clerk, T. II. 11. Davis. Ckstiiama. Chief Uurgcss, Anthony O'- Donnell ; Town Council, Owen Kane, D. F. furry, John Kilker, John Mor.ui, Martin Kane, Jr.; Constable, D.ivid Welsh; School Direct ors, Thomas Gerilv, C. G. Murphy; Judge, John Folev ; Inspectors, John Spinnev, Alfred James; Assessor, Edward Curley; Assistant sses-ors, Thomas Flyim, Michael Ciorey Auditor, James llyan ; Treasurer, Henry Cod lingtou; l'oor Director. Thomas Genty. Co.VYNditAM. J. P., Anthony Wel-li ; Super visors, Michael Fuy ; Patrick, Patrick McDonald, tie vote ; Overseer, Thomas Chap man ; School Directors, Peter I.eiby, Xeal I.eni- han : Assessor, John f . Hannon ; Judge, l.ryan Kelly ; South j Edward Hughes, Xorth ; Assist ant Assessors, John C'urran, John Crane; In spectors, Moith, Itichard l'uisel, James Me-g- ban, South, John Y. D.ivics ; John Codcllar Auditor, Martin l-'lanigaii ; Town Cle-ik James I'rcnuan. (' vrAvts.s, Constable, Joseph YA alter; Su pcrviioi-s, Win. Sbarplcss, Abel Thomas ; Over eer, Joseph Maitz, l'etcr Karns; Assessor Calvin Claik ; Assi-tant Acs-ors, Geo. Scott, Elias Weaver; Judge, Lewis Kugler ; Inspect ors, .1. ji. letter, li. Aludgctt; Auditor, tt. li, Deiincr. Cr.NTi!i:. J. P., Philip Harris ; Constable, I. A. IIos.s; Supervisors, Isaac Krwine, Henry K. lteinly; Over-eers, II. Schwcppcnhei-cr, Chas. Mar.-eh ; Scliool Directors, Aaron Kelch nor. 1). 1. Wliitiiivcr: Assi-tant Assessors, .las, Kochcr, Edivaid Ilaitman ; .luilgc, Levi Fester In-iicetors, KclcliiicT, J. P. Gunner ; Audi tor, Samuel Kelchner ; Town Cleik, II. J. Diet- lick. FisiiiNin-i:i:t:i;. I. I'., .Moses Mcllcnry ('instable, P.. 1-. Ldgar; Supervisors, .liilin Dre-cher, Aaron l'.-uder ; Overseers, John Wen- ner, lVtcr Weaver; Scliool uireelors, .losiaii Colciuan. Wm. Stoker. Samuel Smith: As.-es- snr, John Sutton ; Assistant As-es-ors, S. C I 'reve-lin-'. II. V. Ainmeiuian ; Judge. (Vius Uohhins ; ln-pccliis. Levi Iicishliue, Eli .Viidilor, L. .M -'reveling; Town Clerl;,Da vid Eeishline. FitANKi.ix. J. I'., D.ivid Mun-on ; Consta tile, ). I). Kostenluiider ; Supervisors. Jesse John, Andrew L-dirman ; Overseers, Jonathan Eahrman, Jonathan Fortncr ; School Directors, Jonathan I.ohrman D.ivid Muiison : Assessor, O. I), E. Kostcnbaiider ; Assistant Assessors, Iteuben Kuittlr, Michael Me-nsch ; Judge, J, 1'. Hoaiiland: Inspectors, Isaio J. Foley, Win Teeklo ; Auditor, J. f. Clierringtou. Cir.Knxwool). J. P.. A. J. Albertsou ; Con- table', II. S. Fairman; Supervi-ois, J, G. Kel ler.D. Demott ; Scliool Directors, John Sands, G. W. Ult: Assessor, It, F. lkitliu ; Assistant Assessors, J. W. Eves, Adam Ult: Judge, Al fred Heaeiick; Inspectors. II. E. Mather, D. D, JSrady j Auditor, J. A. Dewitt. Hi:mlock. Constable, Win. F. Fun-t ; Su pervisor:, John Miller, Wm. Appleman ; Over seers, Xehemiah lteeso, Lewis Girton ; Scliool Directors, 1'. Folk, m. l-.arnst ; Assessor, Ma- thias G. Girton ; Assistant Assessors, Samuel Old, II. D. Appleman ; Judge, 1). W. Yociim ; Inspectors, Thomas W. l'urscl, D. I!. Wagner Auditor, Win, Shoemaker. Jackson-, J. P., Daniel Fritz; Constable, II.J. Ilirleman; Supervisors, Henry Hirleman, Matthias McIIenry ; Overseers,; John Yorks, Wm. Young; School Directors, S. li. Hi'ss, Frank Drelblepieco ; Assessor, Z. A. liutt; As sistant Assessors. J. H. Fritz, Henry Ilirle man: Judse. Win. lirink: Inspectors, J. I1 Hess, E. Savage; Auditor, Wm, Maniiiiv Town Clerk, J. F. Derr. Constable, Win. II. Keinbold ; Sit perviors, Samuel Keller, Mayberry Snyder; Overseers. Jacob Stiiu Henry Ilelwig; Scliool Directors, Elijah Cleaver, A, II. Fisher; Asses sor, l'etcr Maurer; Assistant As-essors, Adam Diiuuiick.Sarus Shaller: Judge, D.inieJ Houck; Inspectors. Isaac Dver, Edward Krviuscr Auditor, Ellas Creasy. MAlUso.W J. 1'., X. Welliver; Constable, Wm. Slmll. : Supervisors. Xelsou Kitchen, E. II. Hartman ; Overseers, Conrad Kramer School Directors, I). A. Watson, John f. l!uu von: Assessor. John G, Xevins; Assistant As-essors, Daniel Smith, Silas Welliver ;.ludge, II. F. Tlionus: Inspectoral, Hubert JI. Iiutler Morris E. Masters, : Auditor, Thomas H. Gin gles. Maini;. Constable, Joseph (ieigcr ; Super visors, John Nils, Ellas Shunian ; Overseers, Martin Miller, Aaron Grover; School Direct ors, Jo-cph Geigcr, Win, II. Fisher; Assessor, F. M. Fleming; Assistant As-essor, W. II Fit, John W. Sliuinan ; Judge, George Ilollen hack; Inspectors, F. E.I!ent,F. M. Flenimlng Auditor, David I. Jlrown. MllTMN. J. 1'., Jolili Il.lfetlerjCon-tablo Obcdiali Snank, Supervisors, Nathan Nuss, Peter Michael ; Overseers, S. J. Hartzel, Win. lCekroto; Scliool directors, Daniel Pond, Abr. Mosteller: Asse-s-or, A. W. Decs; Assistant Assessors, Lewis Eekrote, Stephen Gearbart ; Judi;e. Charles Workheiscr; Inspectors, Christ ain llarpslcr, A. J. Iliu-kalcw , Auditor, Clnus- Mosteller. MoNioctt. Constatile, John X. Gordner ; Inspectors, M. lloiich, Iteuben Itoucli ; Over- B,MU Alfred Irwlne. l'etcr A. Evans; School Director. Emanuel Lazarus, Isaac Yot ; Asses sor. Peter M. Kursheucr, Assistant Assessors, Andrew Clark. Isnao Mowery; Judge, Isiuio fnweie ; Iiisneclors. Christian Clewell, Luther liver, and Evan Welliver, tie vote, Auditor, .1. A. Huberts. Morsr fl.liASANT. Constable, D.ivid Siroiin: Supervisors, Win. llowm in, E, Ikelcr ; Overseers, Gabilel Evert, John Vance; School Directors, Joseph Ciawfoid, Justice Ikelcr; Amwor, I'. W. Jaeoby; AwUtant Assessors, Samuel Jaeoby, Ellas Howell j Judge, John O. '1'boma.s: lii.pcctors, O. II, Mason, Hiram, Thomai Auditor, W. 0, Wright. ' OtiANelt: J. f Wm Hellas j Constable, M. U Keller; Supervisors, Moses Everett, N Fleckeinleln j School Directors, Oliver Coven hoven, 1I.G, Knorr, A, It. Herring, Adam F.itlerponj Overseers, D.mlel Keillor, A. 11, Herring; Judge, John Megarglllj Inspector", Oliver Covenhoven, Jacob llarman; Asscspqr, Thomas Mel lenry ; Assistant Assessors, Silas Conner, Aimer Welsh; Auditor, John Welsh. 1'isn. J. V., f . W. Lyons; Constable, L. A. German, J. 11. Cornclison ! Supervisors, James Dribjlpicce, Adam Ilubh; Overseers, Joseph Shoemaker, John (lordeu ; Scliool Directors, f. Whltmoyer, Ira fursell ; Assessor, f. W Sonos; Assistant Asresors, A. K. Girton, Henry Gordon; Judge, James Drlbelpleco; Inspect ors, A. J. Lyon, John Wellver Auditor, f . V. Sones, HoAtiiNH Cnucit. Constable, Wm. Ounan ; Supervisors, John Trump, Josep'.i Lovan ; Over pfers, Abraliani llltner, Wm. Yeager; School Directors, J. II. Kllnger, J. W. Clierringtou;, Assessor, D.ivid Long ; Assistant Assessors Win. Yeager, llenrv. Itofliiian; Judge, John KarL'i Inspector.'. Wm. 11. Yociim, Daniel Itarig; Auditor, Mahlou II. Myers. Sco MiLDM-1. I. P., Henry C. Hess; Consta ble, Jesse Fritz ; Supervisors, C. S. Moore, Sam ncl lles, Scliool Directors, 11. F. Krotzcr, Dan iel Hess; Assessor, J. ILhritz ; Assistant Apse's sots, Henry Fritz; C, S. Moore, Wheeler Sliull, tio vote, Judge, A. H. I rilz; Inspectors, W I!. Dateman, A. II. Aldertson, Auditor, Henry C. 1 less j Town Clerk, Andrew Laubach. Scott. Constable, Hobcrt S, Ent; Super visors, ueo. llccKman, Joepn Jinwciman School Directors, Jacob Terwllliger, E. 11, 1'iirsel: sewnr, II. It. Ilrown; Assistant As- scssors, (i. W. (.'reveling, et. . .lounsou Judge, II. G. Crcveling, Inspectors, It. C. Kelchner, Daniel Mowcry; Auditor, E. D, Hagenbuch. WASHINGTON I.ETTKK. fitnTHCT Tim Fi:i.t Asi) Wm-Tf. Must peo ple have noticed that a favorite articloof winter clothing for children is a comforter wrapped around the neck. This, pays a writer for a med ical journal, is a great error. Tho feet and wrists are tho proper members to keep warm. The face and the throat will harden into healthy indiflerence to cold ; but tho muffler, exchanged for an extra pair of thick Focks and knitted gloves, would preserve a boy or girl really warm and well. Kronchltis and soro throat have declined lilty per cent since tlio absurd use of high collars and twice round neckerchiefs went out of fashion ; and if the poor would take better care of their children's: feet half the in- fantllo mortality would disappear. It only co'ts a trifle to put a piceo of felt or cork in the bottom of a boot or shno, and tlio dilfc-rcnco is often considerable between that and a doctoi's bill, with, perhaps, undertaker's beside. 'CCNTK-SMAL" The following is tho Treasurer's Statement of the receipts and Expenses of the "Centennial Dramatic Association" for tlio Entertainments given on Feb'y 13th and Ifith, ' HECEll'TS. Feb'v 13th Heccipts of the livening. STtl.TU 10th " " " lill.tii Total. EXPENSES. To Vaimatla .t Hawlings fur Opera IIllll-O. I'.rockwavcc Elwell '' Printing. " .1 an itui- of Opera House. " Painting Pill I'.u.ud. Making Co-tunics and Sciuerv and Material fur Same. Incidental Expcii-os. Kll.t)-", S3 1. If) 1 1.0 1 J.tlll urn I7.r, JI.'.K) Total. A mount Cleared. .lulls T. Dl'.l'.HP.l!, Sl".-02 Treasurer. Maisvii.i.i:, Feb'y, 21st. ISTii. Ml:. Emroit. A ir Sir : A sad accident oc- cured in Main Tow n-liip, no ir Mainvillo Col. Co. P.i.. on Sund.iv evening FeliV.Urttli, 18Ttt. Mr. and Mis. J. Clint, Sliiuhan went to the barn lodii their milking and chores leaviii two little childitn alone in the liou.e. Afler thev had been gone about liiteen minutes they returned to tho houso and were stricken with liorror to liud the clothes entirely burned oil' of the'ir little buv aged about nineteen months. The child siill'civd until about nine o'clock on Monday Morning when tho pain was reliuved bv Death. It is siippo-cd tho clothes caught by the i-hil It e-u playing with the Cue in tlio stove'. correspondent, speaking of our recent election, says : "In lllooiusburg, wheio a somewhat com plicated and twisted invention, or double re fined and compounded system of rostriinuz ing called cumlilativo voting, is practiced at the polls, all organization fails. Xo expres sion upon any thing is possiblo wheio sev eral persons aro to bo elected to the same position, and wherein only expert gambling is a winning card. Elections linvo lost so much of their interest and vitality Hint tho voters generally interest themselvcd only in those offices wherein eacli can cast only n singlo vote, or two at most. Yet amidst all this demoralization and hair-splitting sleight of hand, wo observe tho saino sure land marks as here. Tims, Hon. David Lnwen berg, ono of tho most influential and ever activo Democrats in that county or that quarter of tho State, carried tho city for Mayor by n majority largely in excess of his party strength five or six times as much. Jle is a genial, most worthy and very popu lar gentleman. Yet tho strong point of his strength consists in his earnest, constant and ihvays unyielding political activity. I.Mt'OItT ANT TO ML'SItll'AL OlTICEItS. It will not be out of place at this time to call attention to the act passu! by thu Legislature last winter fur fixing and regulating the terms of all members of councils and other ward, bor ough and township ollicers, excepting school di rectors, and also fixing tho time for organiza tion of tho legislative depaitments of tho mu nicipal governments of the Coiumonu-calth. Tiie law provides that all ollicers named abovo except school directors, elected on Tuesday, the 13th of February, "or in any year thereafter. whoso term of oilico would, under exi-tlng laws, expire prior to tlio first Monday of April, shall continue in oilico fiom tlio date, at which said term would otherwise- expire until the first Mun- lav of April next ensuing thereto; and tlio terms of their successors shall begin on the fust Monday of April and shall continue for the pe riod now fixed for the duration thereof by exist ing laws In each particular case; and hereafter all elections fur ollicers which will be vacant on tho first Mor.ilav of April shall be lie-Id on the third Monday in Fcbiuaty next preceding thereto." Si'cond si ctlou of the same act says, "that tho members of legislative depaitments of municipal governments of this Commonwealth hereafter elected, shall as-cinhlo In their respec tive places of meeting fur the purpose of organ ization, at ten o'clock in tlio forenoon of the first Monday in April of each year ; and that mayors of all cities of this Commonwealth shall ho Inaugurated and take the ollicial oath nl twelve o'eluek noon of tlio samo day." Every policy of insurance is a special con tract, and Is to be determined by its particu- ular provisions, l-or instance, it A has it Block of goods valued at i 10.000, which ho insures against firo to tho iiinniint of20,0U0, and being damaged to tho extent of $,1,000 ho may recover tho full amount of tlio$.1,000 loss if ho has n policy properly worded to that cllect. Hut If holms taken a, policy with a clnitso wblcli limits liu recovery to such a ptopoitlnu of his loss as Ills Ituiu unco bears to tho total wiluo of tlio properly at risk ho will recover only half of his low, AVasiiinciton, I). O., Feb'y 21,.1870, fyedat Oorrctpnndcnce, Tho preachers say "faith U tho cvldenco of tilings not seen," and that the Hlblo not only describes facti Hint hve occurred, but that theso facts are typical of thing", to conic. Taking lhco statements for granted, I havo just read In my well worn and often thumbed copy of tho Hlblo, ths liistorr of tho build ing of the tower nt llabfl mid lb confusion of tongues incident thoreto. 1 am strongly inclined to accept It ns typical not only in name.bttt incidcnt.and that tho writer looked forward with the- eyes of faith, or through Inspiration, over centuries of timo mid saw what would occur here in Anno Domini, 1870. A little broadness in tho pronuncia tion of tlio namo of that tower, would mako it fit our national capitol exactly. Tho lower of babbit is Its bcs,t name. Somo "po tent and grave Seigneurs" In Congress havo enough of cl.wle lore to knorr that the cackling of f;eeo onco saved tho city of Home, by waking lip a sleeping sentinel in timo to prevent a barbarian Irruption with in tho city walls. And they aro saving tho country after tho samo manner. Streams of babble flow from them 'wt steadily na water from perennial springs, and like tho geeso they expect to bo deified for their cacklo. It comes from them "as tho waves come when navies aro stranded." I once saw a school of whales in tho Facifie Ocean, they wero in a playful mood find were sporting around in n lively manner. Whalcs.and minnows, too, in our tower of babble remind mo or that scene. They spout oven more lustily than lhoe Pacific whale, they cackle moro in- litstrioualy and louder than the sacred gecso of IMme, they babble more Inccseintly than did the builders npon Shinar's plain. Tlio confusion of tongues is more mtnifest among them than it was ever among tho babblers of Hahel after an injunction had been served igalnst ths further proceedings with the building of the tower. By tho way, couldn't an injnnation bo mado to lto against our babblers. I thinlt thera Is ono court with proper jurisdiction. It is tho court pknlte, or the court of the people. If yon agreo with me, Saxon will apply .to this court and see if this eternal, I might say infernal babbling, cackling, spouting cannot be stopped. When that unliquidated and nowalmosl forgotten instrument, the Constitution of the United States was made, the Congress was instituted as a legislative- body.investcd witli power to niako and repenl laws. AW it consumes its time in trying to mabo reputa tion for its members, to secure their re-elec lion, to make party capital, and let law making go to hades. Tho workin-ii in our tower of babble should remember the fate of their prototypes, They wore dipcrscd about tlio earth and unable to communicate with each other, The power that created them disponed and lcstroyed them, So too, the power that sent our "babuleis to the tower, can uisperto them and make them as insignificant in the future, as most of them were in the past That power is tko people. And Acy aro tired of the babbling, cackling, spuulin crew. 1 f a grand procession of nil the voters iu tho United States could uuictly march through Washington, each one spending lay in viewing the public servants, how small our great men would become, and how many of them would bo relegated to private life 1 opine dial if this were dune that the scene that occurred over eighteen hundred years ago, in the temple that crowned the height of Mount Moriali, might be icpc-ated and the thieves and money changer i be driven from our temple. Mind you, I am nut wilting of either paily, for they aro both alike in what I am talking about. I feel scriptunilly inclined to-day, my mind seems to seek smiles in that book, and us I wrote of the Tower of I'.ibble and the Temple of Moriali, I remembered Samon, and laughed aloud as I thought how the long-haired giant would havo felt ashamed of himself if ho could revisit this planet md see what improvements our modern leg islators havo mado in tho nso-of his favorite instrument of warfare. He slew a thousand of tho men of fhilUtia witli tho jaw bono of an ass but some of our babblers ar do- better, many of them aro killing llicm a name. Don Carlos, that restless spirit who wants ft throne, seems to bo further from nn earthly ono than over. If tho Alfonslsts, who havo him hemmed in tho mountains, should succeed In catching him ho may got ono ho Is not longing nftcr. Tho f rlnco of Wales Is nearly through looking at tho "Nautchy" girls in India, nnd will soon re turn home. Forforlo Diaz la trying to bo President of Mexico. Tho ballots In the election nre bullets, Tho Emperor of lira- 7.11 will soon start lor New York, and our flunkeys aro delighted, I intend to slop right here, and.I expect you aro delighted to hoar it. Baxon. Ladles' foxed Shoes $2.G0. C. O. Marr soils his goods cheap for ready pay. T n.ltnd nn.l , 1w, nnW TT-tnrJ nt Clark . Volf' with lost of other novelties. Hems. Tho .rt France newspaper has been fin ed ono thousands francs for publishing falso news, Tho meetings begun in Washington by i lainmotid, tho revivalist, grow moro in teresting dally. General Gideon J. Pillow lias filed n petition in bankruptcy at Memphis, assign ed among other causes in tlio petition, tiio fact that ho is held responsible personally for his acts ns maior general in tho lato war. A Physician In London has discovered a euro for tlio toothache, lie claims that by llssolving half a drahm of bl-carbonato of soda in an ounco of water and holding tho solution iu your mouth it will givo Immedi ate relief. lion, Samuel .T, Randall having declined tho position of Vlco Chairman of the Na tional Democratic Exectttivo Committco, it has been given to John G. Thompson, of Ohio, tlio Scrgcant-at-arms of tho United States House of Representatives. It is now generally believed that when Boss Tweed went up stairs to see if thoro was a robber in tho houso, ho inadvertant ly sat down upon a box of dynamito, be caiiso ho Is bolng fouud all over tho oouti try. Tho Babcock trial, whatever Its result, will bo a dark stain upon tho reputation of Grant's administration. Babcock and tho dwellers of tlio White lloiisoaro insepara bly connected, in tho public mind, witli tho conspiracy, ami though a veiilict ol acquittal bo rendered, there is not whitewash enough in the country to cover tip tho blemish. Chronicle. For Mlnco Meat, at 13 cctitsavound, and n fine lot of Cranberries go to Russell's. Fori Runt. Threo rooms on tho second floor and ono on tho first floor of tho Eut building. Iuquiro of Mrs. M. E, Ent. . J'OU. SU-21V, Eclkctio MAcuztm Tho March number ol th JCicclie opens with a timely articlo on "Montenegro," by Mr. Edward A, Freeman who thiows much valuablo light upon the "Eastern Question" in general, and the insurrection in Herzegovina in particular. other notante articles in the number are a lecture on "Science and Art ; Utilitv and Beauty," by tho Right Hon. W. H. Glad stono; "In My Study Chair;" "Richelieu;' "Songs of tlio Winter Days," by Gcorgo Macdonald; "Why Have Animals a Nervous System."' by Dr. 11. Charlton Haitian "Statistics:" "Alone iu London;" "German Home Life; fart VII. Men;" "The Unseen Universe:" and "Two Leaders," by Alger non Charles rwintiurne; there are also three additional chapters of Mrs. Alexander, "II Dearest Foe." and Mrs. Fiaser-Tytler's "Jo natau" is brought to a couclu-inu. Tlio number is embellished witli a fine portrait of Prcsideut Barnard, of Ccliimbi College, which if accompanied in the letter ires with a sketch of his life; and tho Ed itorial Department is filled with the itsiu.l Busiucss Notices. at E. M. Knorr's for Just rccelvod, a full lino of Gents' Kid Gloves In nil tho newest shades, black, white, lavender, &c, at I). Lowcnberg's. Centennial Knorr's. Boots k Show at E. M. O. A. dark nnnounccs Hint although ho does not keep "music" on hand, yet ho is constantly ordering. Send him your orders. New style Laco Tics, .15 cents to SI. CO, at l. w. Jiarimnirs. Carpet Chain nt Clark & Wolfs. Don't ask O. 0. Marr for credit, von will bo refused. Real oslnto for ealo and rent by M. Wyiv koop. Feb 4 St For Rent A first-class ofiico in tho Co lumbian Building, fronting tho Court House, Apply nt this ollice. tf. For a nobby Cap go to D. Iiowonberg's. Expected this week nt I. W. Ilartman's, a largo lino oi rancy lies lor uuiics. Muslins, Calicoes, c;., just received at Clark et Wolf's. The celebrated Tamaqua Boots tbo best in tho world. A trial of ono Pair will con firm tho abovo. For sale at E, M. Knorr's TOWANDA BOOTS I TOWANDA BOOTS Tho best and most rcliablo for every ono to buy. Try thera. i'or salo at aickiii ney's. C. 0. Marr buys chickens. Fou Rr.NT. The House, barn, and lot on Eat Street, formerly occupied by I. W Nilcs, apply to Buocicway oc Eiavt.i.i. Bloomsburg, Pa. tf IIENDERSHOTT'S DRUG STOKE Is receli log a choice selection of HOLIDAY (iOODS, consisting of DltrCUIST'S HUKDMEt), TOII.IIT AIITICI.F.S, l'Kitl'U.MIIUV KNtlMSlI KOAl'H, l'Ili:.SX'l!,KXTltACT8, 1'OItT MOXNI, CIHAlt CASH'S, COMIW, imusiiiss, citiNim: AS'n.TAi'ANran iiANnKKitcniEi's, Koy West niiil Havana Oigars, nnd lots of lino Moods. -TEA STORK- , ' a Is now opening tlio very chelccst Imported and Domcctio Qroconos' for.llio Holiday trade. ITALIAN l'KACHIM, i . ritlJSCII niul ftpANttt 6f.lVI, ' ,' BAItUlNliM, . . HAi'SAtiorJiinnsK," l'ltnNOlI AN II T0I1KKY rtttWES. All kinds of Itatttni, l'erclffnftnni)6Mt4tto rru'ttfl, Nuts and Confectionery, and another lo't of Una Now drop Japan Teas. .. ' . yiv cc." V3 T2L 1. VMIA"1' ....vv-lv" sA ..,e.rS .'HOI-- 4' ..vol" 13 1,00 ,0 New goods just received at E. .M. Knorr' a. Clark & Wolf opened to-d.iy a full lino of Ecru Tics, Nctts and Laces at very low prices. Canned fruits of all kinds at Russell's. Linen-faced paper collars for 1-J cents per box at 1. V. Ilarlinaii's. All Coal st.iti-il and Hcrtened In-fine- Ienvini the old established coal yard of C. V. il.,l. ci lino. "-itt' Wiiilu Neck Ties at 1). Low en berg's. 0. U. Marr wants Go-mi Fe.ithor.s. New Orleans Baking Molasses, choice Syr ups fiom Nl cents to sj-1 a gallon. A line as sortment ol Young lljsoii, Imperial, .lapau and lllaek Teas al M. M. Uusscl's. Snow Excluders for al McUiunry's. Lemons aluaj on hand at Rovcrdy Johnson's llfo is wild to bo InJ sural for $ 100,000. selves with the samo weapon, which should bo a greater causo of rejoicing to our people than Samson's feat was to the children of Israel. But tho hablcrs and cacklcrs and spouters aro not all in tlio tower or in tlio Depart ments. Thero aro thousands of them who sit at tables or desks and babble, eacklo and spout over the wires or through the mails and old Guttcnberg's invention, with steam and lightning enable them to send their childish babble broadcast over tho land How pat that prayer, "From all manner of evil, good Lotd, deliver us," comes in when wo think of these. Fortunately not much damago can bo dono by this class. Their babbling has grown innocuous to a great ex tent because tho babblers have heeomo known to tho people. Their cackling is like tlio hissing of tho East Indian cobra when its fangs aro drawn, To lcavo tho Bihlo and look into Shakespeare for a thought, we ro member tho fat knight and his exclamation when wo read after these spouters, and say "Good Lord, how this world is given to ly ing I1 I put in that last from Shakespcaro to pre vent you from thinking that Brother Ham inond, 'vim Is hero trying to convert tlio sin ners of this city, has drawn mo into his folds, I havo consulted witli him on tho subject I writo about, and suggested that as ho had not the strength of Hercules bis attempt to cleaiiso this Augean stable would fail But tho old man feels confident of his ability to start tho dirt, and says tho pcopi must play tho part of Hercules, and shovel out the filth. Ho says that if this is dono grace and hard work may do tho balance, and Washington ho saved from tho fato thai befel "tho cities of tlio plain." A littlo sprinkling of sulphur and firo might not bo amiss. Tlio sulphur itsidf would probably euro Mime men ol the itch they havo fur of fice though tlio disease, ouco contracted, is said to ho incurable Aro you Ccntciinially Inclined? If so,you can pack your carpel-bag, fur tlio show will open punctually as advertised. (See small bills for particulars.) Tho main hall Is lin islicd, and most of tho other buildings tiro iu hitch condition that all will bo ready. Ex hibitors aro sending iu their goods, and tl managers tiro delighted. Como on witli your duds, f-axon will ho tiiero to meet you ; and while ho will have neither silver nor goldnot oven gold "such as I have will I givo unto thee." A monster petition Is now being circulat ed, and will bo prcs-euted to Congress, ask ing it largo appropriation for "Old Prob; bllitios." He has given us Mich delightful weather that ho should bo encouraged to re new his ellbrts and givo us iu nimmer about tlio tempciiituro of his winter In this lull tude. t-ctid on your namo and let mo add it to tho list, Disraeli Is imitating tho wltche. iu Mac belli and propose to givo tho Queiu of Eug laud and her successors a higher title Em press of India bound well, though It h hut Oranges and M. M. Kus.cir C. V. out ni" W. ,1' lli.o. ,1. .du.ibic notes on Literature, Science and :irt. Published by E. I!. Pellon, 2." Bond tieet, Ni-w-iotk. lerius '. per year; Single number, -)" cu's. The number of soldiers' Orphans in the ire of the State of Pennsylvania reached l,i!:il at the close of the year lSli'.i, and there after the number at tho elo-o of each year is boon steadily reduced, except that iu 1S71 there was a slight addition over tlio number in the schools at tho close of IRO'J. Since 1S71 the decrcaso in number lias been carried forward steadily, and on May ol, 1870, the number of children iu the schools was only 2.7S9. Tho Superintendent esti mates that on May 31, 1S79, thero will not bo moro than fiUO orphans in the care of tho State, and that no great hardship will arise from their discharge at that timo under thn law as it now stands. Tho number admitted to tho schools sinco 1S7C has been 7,SDS, and of theso 3,443 wero discharged becauso they had arrived at tho ago of sixteen years, 1,4S2 wero discharged "on orders," and 102 died Tlio wholo Stato expenditure for soldiers orphans sinco the inauguration of tho sys tem has been 51,438,220 and tlio estimated cost for tho three succeeding years in which tho system will continuo in operation is $1,400,000, including tho amount now ap propriated but not expended. Linen towels, I. W. ll.iitm.i:!'.- 10,: ,pan- iinexpcii-e to si nd I'.'Jit I ), i! and .'0 tent-, a A large slock ot Tnh.iccn, of the following brands. Peach und ll'-uoy, Gulden Gun, Goii'lnbi, Bright Golden Guveniiiu lit, I'msm-.s choice', .Mii'li'c ill pails. 'mi isui linai-, of lilU-ivut vaiielics wlinlc-nlc and i. .ail. C n- fielionaiy whulisali) ami it-tail at M. M. illsM'll's. onlv of C. W, 32lf Piinnles. ri'iiutinns. liotifrli Skill. Tho svstem being put under tho influence of Dr. Pierce's Golden .Medical uiscoycry for a few weeks, tlio skin becomes smooth clear, soft, nnd velvttv. andbeinir illumina ted witli tho clow of perfect health from within, true beauty stands fortli in all its clorv. Tlio cllectsofall medicines which onerato uiion tlio system throuch tho medi um of tho blood aro necessarily somewhat slow, no matter bow cood tho remedy em tiloved. Whilo ono to threo bottles clear the still ol pimpics, uioicncs, eruptions yellow spots, comedones, or grub, a do.- i n mav nossblv bo renu red to euro sotno cases where thu svstem is rotten with sciof- ulous or virulent blood poisons. Tho euro ol all tlieso diseases, however, from tho com mon pimples to tho worst scroiuiais, with tho Use of his most potent agent, only a matter of time. Sold by dealers in medi cines. Good (lcitii Co:il .t Pro. to be HATS Ml HATS! IIA'ISI! Newest ci'lol.s. Brown. Black and Xavv Blue, jiisl received at 1). Lowcnberg's, Don't beworiiid und nnnoyid with not only a kiov oiiahlv of foil but diity nnd slaty besiiles, ult buv nf C. W.Nkai. ei i'.uo. who deal only in the best (indilies. 32tf WATER PROOF WATER PROOF Boots at McKinncy's. Who said that you would liko to get such Clothing as City People wear, rather than the wholesale goods com- . ,.. . , In Tl ' .!, i.ll 1 li momy soia ( I nis win leu you now io uu u, The very laree Increase of our business allows us to make A STILL LOWER SCALE OF PRICES, AND You Can Save Enough In buying a Suit at Oak Hall TO PAY FOR THE TRIP from anywhere In this County to the City of Philadelphia, and have a day of sight-seeing besides. Wanamaker & Brown stand by this Statement, and so will you after one trial. Character ot tho Goods wo sell I For Men & Boys. TO be sure of what we sell we manufacture our goods, some of them in our own building. They are well cut, tewed and finished. 1 hey can bo relied upon. Storekeeper out of the city misrepresent us when they tay they tell our goods, n tin nai but confine ourselves to retail. We bear no Ill-will to any one. and state this only because some dealers sell poor goods as coming from our house. To each of our custom ers we are responsible for articles bought of us. Ily our plan of Ticketing the right nanus of the materials on our goods, no one can be misled as to qualities. Tilt: price in plain ngurcsana ticttirtgcif. ine same price to acquaintances and strargers. To city people and country people equal advantages. With each article sold, a Guarantet is given, that the Trice is as low as it can be bought any where, and mat tne quajity is as represcniea; also, that the money will be paid back in full, if purchaser withm 10 days wishes, tor any reason, to return tne goous, unworn. q THIS Is important indeed. because.unprlncipled people having stores In rhibifclpnia,foK ttreit oui signs, cards, advertisements, and stop strangers on the street, unthfAke Uimttons about where the store Is, so that they may sell their counterfeit coeds. There Is but one Oak Hall in Philadelphia, it is a largo building, the size cf four ordinary store, and is on the South-east corner of blXTH-S IXTH S1XT1I S1X1H How Wanamaker & BroAn treat their CUSTOMERS. Exactly nhero tho Store ts. SIXTH SIXTH and Market Streets. Those who cannot como to the City. WE send patterns of material and prices by mail when requested. Persons can have made-up goods sent by Express, by send ing their measure (we furnish easy directions that any one can measure by,) and describing color to the Express Co. on receipt oi goods, and the privilege of examining them is allow ed before paying, where gods do not please, we will return the money and pay tho cvprcssage back to Philadelphia. You should be sure to see cur name on the Building and ever the door aZyou enter. WANAMAKER & BR0WN. l''.vnMi:n.s. Attention. I!u-t.l tnkra Iluttcr Kgg-, Liinl anil l'ruiluce in exchange for gooils Itubbcr Hoots tit MuKlmicy's. .Itnr.tiMATlsM, Xcumlgia, Lumbago, Scia tica Rheumatic Gout nnd Nervous Diseases positively cured by Dr. Fillers Rheumatic cmedy and l'illrf. C A. Kleiui, Sole Agent, llloomsburg.ra. Dec. 17, '75 ly. Rational J1i:iiK'aiox. Medication U on lv suceoffiil when it U intional, and ilia ration al onlv when it beiiini at tlio lpccinninj;. In other word, to cure a nialndy, its cause niu-t Ijo removed. l eakness, eillierpinenil or local, .is the oricin of the criat mnioritv of diseases. Reinforce the vital energies rtgulato digestion nnd secretion, by strengthening tlio organs which Derform those, nll-ininortant functions, and dvspepsia, constipation, kidney nnd bladder compfainta, uterine iliflicultiei,iiiipure circula tion, and the tliou.-atul and one ailments wjiich aro the con-cquences of debility, are complete ly, and iu mo-t eaten permanently, removed, 'i'lie best, safest and most agreeable, tonic and alterative that can lie employed fur this pur ueo is Hosteltcr'a Htomaih Hitters. Tho cx periencu of twenty-five veins, during which timo it has outliveil peluipt ten times that liiinv tier of euliemeral nreiiarntieins whieh have tiv tcred into competition witli it, lias proved it to he line nualcd as a remedy for all disorders aC' coinpaided by or piocVcding fiom weakness. Feb, BOOKSELLER Ms! Dealer in Law Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depositary of tho rennsylvania iiible bociety, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Short Notice at the Most Reasonable Rates. Store in Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomsburg, Pa. Oct.8,lST5 TOWN AND COUNTRY. TakeAycr's rills for nil tho purposes of a rurga tlve, for ccnMlpat Ion, Indigestion, lieaelaclie, and liv er complaint, liy unlicruil nccciid tliey aio tlio best of all putgattes tor family use. MARKET REPORTS. 111.00MSI1URU MARKET. f i Ml Wheat per tiuslnJ Iljo ' Corn, now, " riuurivr turret Cloversceil flaxseed Iluttcr .'. 30 KJTM 1" Tallow ' Potatoes 11 Hrleit Apples Hums .. ' I" Sides & MioilldiTS i..ird per pound i 1 1 ay iKTujn 1ICCbWllC Tlinolliy heed 4.HI (iflJl'ATIONS I'Ult C'DAh. No. 4 on Wharf 4,00 per Ton No.n " " t S.T5 ' No. it ' ' t IM " lil.iilcbinllli'.sI,iiniponwliart 4,iki ' " ' lmmiitaous " o,oo " " COAL. 111.1 Kstnhlislieil Coal Ynnl. COAL C. W. Xi:ai. ec lino., Wholesalo & Retail Dealcra in all sic.s nl tho liet realities nf Red and White Ash Coal, nt the, very lowest market rates, linvo constantly on lianil largo stock of Domestic, Cupola, lilackmitli'rt Anthracite, liitUlllitllUH, und Iduicburiicr'n Coal, Especial attention given to tlio prepara tion of coal Itforo leaving our yanK Oraiii and Lumber taken in excJianiro for coal. Coal delivered to any jiart of tlio town nt short notice, Ordcrnlcltnt I. W, McKelvy'H store, or at our oilico, will receive jirompt at tention. Oilico and Yard nt William Xeal it Sons' ruruace, Kast llloomsburg. Your patrouai'o respect full v solicited, COAL. 17 t'f 25 COAL Marriages. Wllirri.i:-KlUKNi:il. At tho MethoUtatl'art.oii aeo on the Situ ult, at Jurat') timu l'a by Itev. Henry H. JtendcUluU Slr.comley Whipple to CMJiar tno It, Klruncr. Deaths. WAltN'i:tt. Iu (irceiiwootl istli lint, Jacob W. Wuria r njreil II years, l niontli and 18 da) . CIlAWl oltli.-Iu Ml. ricnxnnt lltlilnst, Andrew fuiwforil, ase'dcn)eiirs, ll mouths and sa day. WKI.CII, Iu Oruujio!!uihlnt, Mrs. tsamli Welch, In Jut Jtli year. Dr. Fillers KUliiey Cordial removes tie li4U of Craal, litUuHf Aeid,ittt'ntimi,u Crine. Grtut luiij'nr nf tlio Uluddir nnd Kidney: U. A, Kl.iilM Solo Aiient for Itloonisbtirtr, I'n,, Deo. 17,'7i-ly. QONSUMITION CURICD. An old physician, retired from activeprac tiee, bavin;; had placed iu his hands by nil Kast India Missionary tliofoiniulaofiihimple Vegetable Remedy, lor thu spccily and perm anent Curo of Consumption, lliuiicliitis, Ca tarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung Al fectious, also a l'ositlvo and Radical Curo for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints, after having thoioughlv teeted its wonderful curative, lowers In thousands ot caes, feels it his duty to niako it known to siid'criug follqws. Actuated by this motive, mid a (oiiscientinna ilcslro to relievo human ufl'cring, ho will (-end free ofchanie) to till wlio do tin It, this recipe with full directions lor pioparing and mcciwd'uly using it. r?eut by roliiru inuil by nildrcshini; with Ktmup, naming this paper. ln. W, 0. KruviiNH, Mitnioo lllock, Kyiiuiisc, N, Y. Dec. 21,T5-ly. wiiEitETo advj:iitise. A. T. Stewart Fays tho hebt nrtvcrtlilner inceltums ho has ter found "uro tho old established organs ot llio iwo political iwrtlcs, at tho several county seats throughout tho Union." "These," bo fcays "reach eery faintly of the least nccouni In tlitlr Ruvtinl counties, and aro moro carefully lead than any clher class of Journals." If Mr. Stewart's judgment Is of valua, thero is no dlfllculty In deciding which, paper It is tor tho Interest ot businessmen to adcrtlso In TUotou'jicu Dkmocuat, upon which this pajurls partially founded, was established InlsOC, and tho Cou'MiuiN now enjojs a wider circulation and greater prosperity than tt ci er did. It gees wee I. ly Into two thousand families In Columbia and ad Joining counties, and by most of them Is read fruu lu Mint to tlio last Hue. It is Uiconly iccognlsed exponent of nearly mo thousand Dettocratlc voters In the county. It gles ndertlseriicnts a tasty dis play, that makes them attractive to Its pations,tlius ensuring greater certainty that they will pomsj tliem ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE OK LYDU ZIM5IF.M1AN, DECKASHP, Utters of Administration on the citato of Lsdta Zimmerman, uio of t'entie townslilp, iroluin bla county, deecosed, have been granted by the Iteg- township. All jiersons having claims ogalnst tbo estate eif tho decedent am requested to present them lor settlement, and those Indebted to the estate to make pament to tho uudersigiiOd nrtmtnlsiralor without delay. ISAAC K. UIUlINi:, Adintnlstrator, Jan 14, 'IC-Ow ot Ciango township. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. ESTATE: 01' SADI.Y ANN YAl'l It, LATK OF FISUIKQ CI1KFK TOWNCllIP. Letters of Administration on the estateot SillyAnn Ynple, lato of 1'WiliiKcreel: lowuship, Columbia county, decensed, have lnwn giuiited by tho litgls tcrot said county to V. W. li.ple, ef I lsl.lngereelc tonshtp. All persems having clidmH against tho estate uf thedeieelent aroreiiuestcdtu pri beuttliem for Bettlcment, and those Indebted toflie estate to make payment to tho undersigned udiididslrator without delay. yitANIC W. Y.M'LK, liuckalews, Admlnlstialor. Atloi nej t. Jan. Sl.'IA-lt. A1 t'S NOT1CB. T7XKCL'TOR'f All i:srATK ov ucsiiv iikisiimnt, m'l EesKii. Letters testamentary on the est ale et Itenn Helli- llne, I.etobf l'lslitngLiick twp., l.'ul., to., du':.u,'d hae been graiiteil by llio Itegl-ler of sold fOiinty to ill) I.el llelshllne. FlnliluL-elvel:. und K.llcialilLne lliinUngilon Luerno county, "llxccutnrs, iu whom nil nervous lndtbteil aru leiu,ul to muk'o nuv- wiiiin itHPlreulnilonKiunilniilitMivmnrhtiin I ment, and lliose liaMiig claims or demands ugnlust Whlioiisctrcuia onisuntiounttni) murntho I ,lt, M1ll ,lhaU, x Hi inaku thini knon to tho laraebt In tho county, tho advertising rotes t.f tho t'oi-oiiu ln aro no higher than those ot ulher papt ra w Ith baivly half nnd beveral not onc-(ourtli tho num ber cf hiibscrltie'rs. Tacts llko l liens siu'ak for them beh es. No shrew d business man w 111 negle-ct to tn bert his advertisements In tho couhman tf bald Es.eLUlors without dela: ADMIN J STK ATOK'S SA LE or REAL ESTATE! When you go to Philadelphia ktoii nt tho Allegheny lliidse, No. K12 niul 8M Mar- keinreet: inivitig ticvn iccentiy rutiovntcel a., l'roprictor. 1'rlco onlv i'i wt day, Tlio underslgnrd Administrator of Nathaniel Oier (loir, l.uu t f fuliiwlshii, township, t'olumbl.i county, ilrceubed,, will caiiso to public sale on tlio premises on SATURDAY, MARCH -1th, 1870. nt cr.c o'clock, p. m., tho fellow lug debcrtbed Ileal Ustalo to-wlt i A House nnd Lol of Ground situate In ratawlssa townlitp and county aforesaid, adjoining n lot of Uuthiuliw iieillug on the ulley on iheeast, lot nt (I. W. sciilt en iliesiiiiih and soeoiid Kliet l on tlio wist, tho said lot lieiiigim net Hunt unit s.u feet In depth, 'Jhe'io Is ciucied on Uu' premises a two-story FRAME DWELLING . HOUSE and nut.hjitlillngg. TKItMS nl' SAI.U.-Ttn ht cent if tho one. foiutli of the pimli.ise mmmy to be iiald nt the sinking dimn o the piOK i( ; me out'-riirih ntM, the tea per ent m lit,, fundi mutton ubMjuttiaml the lenialnliigllueti-Ivurilis In ouo letir tbtiusaiei with inteicst Hum ceimiu.nilun ntsl. l'eb. 11.-4W." iv. ijjvi i:i:iiiLiNi:. JACOB s. iiuisiii.inu iXeeutoiu. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. XA. ESTATB OF 11 IMEI, HARIO, lifcCBlgm. IaIU'm ot Ad iiliiistration outho est doof Daniel iiuug, lam of KuuriugereeK townsnip,e'oiiuubnii'u.. l.vgll eglsti rof said deee.iMil. iuo In en irinnted bv iho 1 county, to 1'rank liarig, ol Ixn-ust and John Hiulg, of ltouiliigeriek. All Iersons liaMng elalins ngidn&t tlio estate of llio deeedent, nro reipieMled to present I liein fur settlement, and those ludcbtcd totluil'4liitu to m.iko p.15 ment to tho undcrblgnediiiliullilMrntols without delay. i ItAMi It MtlU, JOHN llAUlll, l'eb, 11, -c-r,t. Adtnlnlbt rators. ADMIN JSTR ATOR'S NOTICK. KSTATK 01' JOUN S.SV UKH, libC'Ii. utters ot Administration on thotalo cfJolm Hiijderuf Usiist twp. Columbia County iIiivummI been giuiited by llio Itegtster ot said enmity to .It remind fnjclcr, lAieust twp., I'olumblacfmnty.i'a., to wluiin ull ivrsons ludebled to suld Kstato ute 10 iiuesiid loienke puyu tut, and tliot hnv'i.g tltiltns ugatmi estate will mnlio them khv, 11 to tho baui nomuui,iruior w luiuut eiei.iy. Jan, SiViC.-tw JKItotlAH KNYDinr, Aiiiiuni-intier. Vlb. 11. ta M, V, 11. KL1NK, AduunlHiutor, 13 LANK NOTEfi,wltli orwllhmtt nvniiWoi lj torstofituiocoi.uBUNonico. 187G. WHERE NOW? 187C, To MirillilVN, one of tho foremost, nourishing and hiiitlhy Mules I WHAT FOR? TO buy a UAltM out of tho Ono Million Acres t t ltne funning lnudsfor sale by tho fiUANll IlAl". Ills jc INlilA.VA Jl.Jt. sirui'H sells, ltently Mnrkcts. Rure crork (tood. or lit !-. It. It iiiidi ihriiUBU otnlra if .imut. s,i. II4I.MU1 lilt along. All tlnils el piulHMs rklsuil, ritiilM if wuter. Iliuliir Luudlnir niaieiljN. riiee nun fl lufiu It 1 ueiv; nne-luurtli down, lu'- inue. Is r niaivi UU. unwobtlma, , . Kl-iha rf.v nhiklintn.1 m,M,,thl rii'l A t.w.tu n llgurei uul b einHoeviL, , 1W11 , W. A.J0'-lt .IJnmiiT. (Iruiullia-ltH, viisii. V. II. I. UUIltt'i: Stfy Uud Ik . 11. pa. Jun Hi tlw, 0. 0. w. 00 to n- !d 3 t, a d