"i to ainir- tie dc. si d BROCKWAY ELWELL, Editors. BLOOMSBURG, PA. "fi'idur. Pob.35, 18 70. "democratic State Commlitco of rciinsylvnnla. rcpl lica IlAnuisnuno, Pa., Jan. 20, 187G. low; In pursuance of tbo meeting of the l)cm- "Jcratlc Stato Committee, I hereby givo notice nnrliat tlio Democracy of tlio State through It ylicir delegates, will assemble at tlio city of ,,-iaiicMtw oti Wcdnosday, tbo 22d day of jja)March next, at 12 o'clock, in., for tlio pur witl10, c'cct'n8 delegates to represent tbo Htnto of Pennsylvania in tho ensuing Dem ocratic National Convention, and to appoint . slectora and do sucb otber matter and things w tho said convention may doetu necessary , and proier. sn" Hendmck 15, Wr.iaiiT, P'b. i i " TUB MILK IN TUB COCOA XUT. vot Tlio llabeock trial roreals tho sncctaclo troiof tbo Private Sccrotary of the President being in the criminal dock on the charge of salflcfrauding tbo Governraent,and tho cflbrt of a gQrant to whlto-wash his favorite His ovi iodenco amounts to nothing. Ho denies or personal complicity avows his belief in jllabcock's Innocence, and tbat-ho knows of fnrtio guilty act committed by the defendant, (lg.lt reminds us of tho story about a man who ,..rtwas arrested for stealing o pig. Three wit- -i.ncsseS tcstifleJ before tho justlco that they f0Xaw the accused take tlio pig, but ho won his .caso by producing Ms witnessoa who sworo (jj( that they aid not see him tale the pig ! Hut tho worst aspect of tbo caso is gatli tcrcd from the testimony of Hon. J. W. Douglas lato UommisMoncr of Internal itov- enuo ! Ho says : "Sotno two or three months'beforo Kich ardson wont out of olfico I had a talk with tho rresiuent and told him things weic crooked in Sc. Louisi, and I thought if a Ba proper investigation was mado it would re suit largely to tho benefit of tho Treasury ; let ho concurred with inoand asked when Ipro- hi posed to begin, on tho 2o'th of January .1875. I addressed a letter to tbo Secretary of tho y( Treasury in regard to tho change of super- yc visors ; tho rumors ot trauus ucginningin to 1872 caused me to write this letter j after- w wards Secretary llrislow camo into tjjp, h, oiuco ana wo talked tlio matter over, con f0 eluding to wail until the Jail election were over; we waited, and then there wcreanum f berof Senatorial elections, and we had to wail a until they were in the midst of the Presidential Q election, and that was another obilacle ; after tuat we arranged to mate mo transicrs. It will thus be seen that tho administra tion had knowledge of theso frauds as far, back as 1872, and that tho commissioner pro posed to begin in Jan. 1875. In order to act effectively ho proposed to change tho Supervisors. Ho was stopped by tho follow' ing order from Grant : Executive Mansion, Washington, Feb. 4, 1875. Sir ; The President directs me to c3 say that ho desires that tho circular order transferring supervisors of internal revenue bo suspended by telegraph until further orders. Levi P. Luckey. A pitiable excuso.is given for not prompt ly stopping theso frauds, and arresting the perpetrators. Tho administration "must wait until after tlio fall elections, and then until after the Presidential election. I" The Bepublican party Jwas afraid of its ally,tbe Whisky King, which supplied money and debauched voters. Tho party of "great mor al ideas" connived at fraud committed by Its own agents, who wero retained an office and screened by tho Washingtou officials. Grant may savo Babcock from deserved punishment, and the wliolo truth iriay be difficult to get at, but enough has been prov en to show tho rascality' that pervades the Administration from tho White House down. ACTUAL' KEFORM. Tho long continued extravaganco and corruption of tho Republican party led to n Democratic victory' in 1874. Slnco that time a Democratic Congress has been stead ily investigating the abuses of years, and re ducing unnecessary expenditures a3 well as stopping numerous Treasury leaks. Each move toward reform and economy has met with a howl of indignation from Itadical office-holders, and from tearful Republican editors, find orators. Having, always talked Reform but nevpr having practiced it, they exhibit surprise that, our Representatives adhcro to. heir pledges. When tho pruning knife is applied to West Poiut that Sem inary for Congressional favorilcs our oppo nents exclaim "let Wet Point alone." When $470,000 is cut oft in tho Diplomatic Hill, another how) is raised to save tlio Schencks.nud other political paupers who misrepresent us abroad. The proposed re. ductiou of. army expeucs is also objected to ns imprudent, when it is well- known, that your military establishment is enormously largo and expensive. In tho siuglo'itcm of appropriations to fortifications $3,250,000 wasnaved, and even Republican members lad to admit the pro priety of reduction, and proyed how indef ensible were tbo extravagant appropriations of former years. In a.word,thd Committee on apprppriations havo already .cut qtr$lX,i81,4l4, and will re duco tho cost of collecting tho rcveuuo at least $1,000,000, This is real progress In fhe iutercst of tho people and show what a Democratic Ad ministration can do. Our patty is redeeming Its pledges to tho peoplo despito factious opposition from our opponents, and proved that it alone thould bo continued In power. CIIAHLOTTECUSIIMAN. Charlotte Saunders Cushman died at tho Tarkor Houte, Iioston, yesterday, alter a long and unusually painful Illness. Jtmton was her birthplace, and in it bIio met her death. The date of her birth was 1810. Uer nnrenU wero both of tho old Puritan stock, and their daughter inherited most of tho a llent characteristics oi mat ruco oi remarkable people. She bad ability, energy and indomitable will. She was one of the most celebrated actress es of tho age, and her death will bo gener ally regretted. TIIK NEXT DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CON VENTI0N. Tho national democratic committee met at WilUrd's hall, Washington, on February 22d. All the members were present with the oxecptiou of a few proxies. Augustus Bcuell presided. After considerable discussion as to the tlmo of the convention, nd alter listening to representatives from Jitfereut cities as to the place, it was decided that it uhould bo'.hcld at St. Louis, on iho 27th of June, next. ' General Uutler has his rovolvlng eye fixed upon tho axis of icat In tlio Jorty- fifth Cougrow. TIIK MOI,iiY-MAfillUr.S AMI 11I1IEUMAN UlUIHlt. A'rcccnt letter of lllshop Wood,and extra ordinary sermon of Father O'Connor on this' subject liavo been widely circulated. An phlo l'rieat, In a letter to tho Boston Pilot, makes tho following statement, to which wo call tho attention of our readers : I St. Auoustine'h Ciiuncit! New Straits-1 I villo, Perry Co., O., Jan. 7. 1870. J I) run Sin : It was truly a strango thine to sco in your issue of the 1st hist., tho Most Itov. IJIsnop of Philadelphia, and Father O'Connor of Mahanoy Plains, mixing up nnd condemning tho powerful nnd respect nblo body of tho Ancient Order of Hibern ians with mat inlamous clan called .Molly Mngulres, and In tho samo column, Father O'llara of Pittsburg, with the approbation of Ills lit. Itov. llrothcr, asscrtinr tliat there was no connexion whatsoever between tho aforesaid societies. Now, I do confess, that as n priest and an Irishman, I am griorcd to tho core seeing such a stato of tilings in existence How can I rest content whilo I consldor that in my parish a largo body of mo a. u. is, exists, m which arcs tno nest and purest of my flock? If tbo society is guilty of tho crlmo attributed to them by tho Archbishop of Philadelphia, why not condemn at ouco tno entire uruerr mo A O. II. is tbo samo in all places, therefore, fit bo condemned in part tlio wholo must also bo condemned. If it is n secret society, it is" ipo facto condemned, and in this caso tho half of my poor congregation is estrang ed from their holy Church and deprived of sacramental nnu sacnucial grace, unless their ignorance of such condemnation cx cuso them. O God, forbid that my llttlo vineyard Bhould bo so afflicted I Hut I am convinced that, so far. the Hibernians aro frco from censuro. Not long slnco I was present at a general meeting which thei held In this village. In tbo short speect I dolivcrcd there I took occasion to concrat- ulatctbemou tho many good things they bad accomplished in my parish. They had strictly adhered to their motto "1-ricnd- ship. Unity, nud True Christaln Charity." Thoy had drawn into their ranks many who wero wandering for vcars outside tho bound arics of thoir holy religion and losing all sisrht both of their faith and nationality. They had compelled them, under penalty of expulsion or fines, to act as become good citizens, and, by forcing them to comply with Articlo XXI oftheirconstitution, they mado them tbroivasido tho accursed vico of indlffereuce which is so common in our day, auilbecomo good practical Catholics. Thus they mado themselves instrumental in sav Ing souls. Knowing all theso assertions to bo facts, how can I feel otherwise than con fused wheu I read charges mado against them, which they explicitly ucuy ami stig matize. Hacked by llishop U llara and his clcrcy. I will continuo to encourago tho A O. H. sd long as it continues to do what it is doing, and until a higher tribunal thau Archbishop Wood and his fiery and uncau- tlous subject rather u (Jonnor conuemn it, I shall uphold it. All tho members assured mo at their last meetintr that thev would at once abandon it if it wero condemned. Their constitution admits nono into their society that' belongs to any other society condemned by the church. Tho "Mollies" aro especial ly hatelul in their eyes, because wo nil know though Father O'Connor will not know it, that' these ruffians aro not all Irish,, nor, per haps, half Jrish. It is calumny, therefore, to upbraid tho A. O. H. with what its con stitution prohibits and all the members em phatically deny. To corao to, tho most objectionable part of uatner u uounor s comments,!, snail venture to say that ho spoko without tasto or jiulg ment. When I read such words as these "I feel that murder is done every day by tho Irish," and when I cousidcrcd tbo sa crcdness of tlio place in which they wero ut tered. I confess that mv very heart felt crushed and wounded. Let him remember. when ho shall have read this, that he has cast a dagger into the bosom of a brother priest by insulting my nationality, nud that no less than a retraction of this malignant and fatso sentence quoted nbovo shall fully repair tho injury, lie must bo n very weak mmded man wheu ho is ashamed of tho name of Irishman, because some unfortunate individuals liko Delanv committed homi cido. He closes his eyes to the mountains ot crime perpetrated by ail other nations, and sees wickedness in irishmen alone. Yes, Irishmen must be, what ho is not, angelic immaculate. Hut, thank God 1 their recori of crime, even in proportion to their num ber, 'is of all others, the shortest, tho least revolting and most excusauie. As this letter is already lone enough, I shall conclude by praying that the A. U. 11, may soon be approved of by all the Hierar chy pfrAmerica or else universally condemn ed, if it bo found guilty of the charges made against it. Tho individual charges made agaipst it by the Philadelphia men aro as feo- "Birds of a featlier Uock together, And wild geeso and wild ducks Hock together ; Therefore a duck Is a wild goose." "Breffni," P. P., St. Augustine's Church, RESOLUTION. At a meeting of Division No. 1, A. O. H., New Straitsville, O., Dec. 7, 1875, tho fol lowing resolutions were adopted : JRcsolced, That the above letter of our pas tor, Rev. 11. M. O'lioylan. expresses our ben time'nts with regard to the attack made on us by Father O'Connor, of Mahanoy Plains. llcsolvcd, That some of Father O'Connor's sentiments calculated to cast a slur on our Irish faith and nationality, as btich we de mand him to retract, especially thatseutenco in which bo says : "I feel certain that mur der is done every day by the Irish." Committee on Resolutions James, Donnel ly, Patrick Fahy, Michael Callighau. How Luxury Pleads for a Third Term. From J. Proctor Knott's speech on tlio ono term amendment. A salary of $50,000; a mansion Bustaincd in a stylo of luxury that few persons dream ed ofj furnished, repaired and heated at au annunl expense of $25,000, with tho very air breathed there perfumed by rare exotics- pro pagated in a $55,000 garden homo maintain- e'l atjan annual expense of $5,000. a priyato becrctary at $3,000 a year to do tho Presi dent's .writing two assistant secretaries at HHfiOiJ a year fo do tho flork ol tlio private secretary; two clerks at i-2,250 to do tho work; of the aisUtant tecretaries (laughtcr)j a steward at 2,000 to biipply tho President's table with tho choicest wines and the richest viands, that could tempt or tittiule his appe tite, with .$0,000 a year for nooks,, period!- 1 ' ... i! i-l 1 t 1 vms,! buiiiuuvty, leit-gruuis uim tuiuicui paube) "other contingencies." If tho chil dren of Israel sighed for the flesh pots of 1'gypt, what must be tho anguish of a bcnil- tive oul when taking a last long farwell of such salary and luxuries ? He as ted the gentleman to go Lomo to their honest hard worked, over-taxed constituents, and tell them why four years was not a sufficient length of tlmo for any American citizen to enjoy buch an office. Replying to tho bug- gestion that tho experience gained lu tho Presidential office mado tho Incumbent a better President, whoso becond term was moro satisfactory to tho peoplo then tho first one. We beg to suggest to people who havo an abundance of means that this is a very good time to pay of! email debts, and largo ones too, for that matter. There is great com- plaint amongst dealers becauso of neglect on this point. Just why a man who has tho money lying in bank or lu hi private safe, where it is earning nothing for him will refuse or neglect to settle his small bills. is ono of the incomprehensible things. If small debts were, as a rule, punctually paid the relief to tho community generally would be incalculable. Tho man who has thous ands and to spare is not the oue to rightly appreciate the value of five or ten dollar but with tho sewing women, the carpenter, tho shoemaker, the tailor, and all those de uendent upon the products of their occupa liana for support, the case is entirely differ ent. To them th jnjjar In hand paid when work U delivered or kervlcc are completed, Dosscsses an enlarged value, and therefor It is but just and proper that small debts bhould be promptly paid. Uwntcle, THE COLUMBIAN AND LETTER I'ROM IILOOMSHUUO. Wo find the following complimentary letter in tho last lRiio of tho Mlflllntown Democrat and llcgitten llLooManuno, Pa., Jan. 80, 1870. Sim Wo havo boi-ii siiiournlmr n few davs In this pleasant vlllao after an absenco of a couplo of month. Whether tq call this place a city or a viuago is uaru to determine. It has nil tho conveniences oflheformcr ex cept street railways, but tho really comfor tablo and attractive omnibuses always near aro oxccllent substitutes. Then thcro is a neatness and beauty about tho town that makes it tho pride or tho people. Nowhcro in our Stato is thcro a town in which every street bears tbo evidence, of such fostering caro on tho part of tbo public officials as do tho streets of Moomsburg. For beauty of situation, for healthful surroundings, con venience ol access, and rciincmcui oi mo lllllUUlliHlia. JMUVMIIDUUI QUI ,wa .... w ..a of Its sir.n within tho rango of our knowledge. It is not widely known as a business piace. Thcro aro iron works hero furnaces and foundries, but they aro not extensive. How ever, while iti.othcr towns, during tuo nnan cial crisis tho manufacture, of iron has ceas ed hero it has gono steadily on. Ask tho citizens whet has mado their town beautiful, what has brought men of means nnd influence hero and Kept them hero when tlio advantage of trado might have allured them clsewbcro and thoy will say, proudly, "Our Normal School." This institution of which wo gavo a short account In a former letter, was built in 1800. All tho improvement for which tho town Is noted dates irom mat nine, oiuuu men too, moro persons have left tho town tograd uato in tho colleges of this country than any town, outsjdo of tho cities, in tho Stato of Pennsylvania. To day, as wo look up tho long street wo sco rising nuovo everything ciso iuo new hall, with its massive, four story walK sur mounted by timbeis, which aro going into a magnificent tower. The roof is already up on tho building, nud plastering and laying floors havo commenced. Gas nnd steam companies aro fitting pipes for promoting tbn future comfort and convenience of pu pils, and it is confidently expected that in a few weeks all will bo ready for occupan cy by the students and faculty. Eight weeks ago wo laid tho corner stonoofthis structure. To day it stands a monument to tho zeal of the board of trustees among whom aro Bomo of the first jurists and statesmen ol this State. Kvcu in 1U unfinished state tho buildinc shows wonderful elciranco and tasto in architecture and is a credit to Mr.- Halc, of Wilkebarre, who planned it. Tbo buildinc committee and tho principal of tbo bchool havo been untiring in their effort to havo tho structure completed and perfect in all moderi improvements before mc opening oi iuo spring ii-iui. n un jiw b.ibllitv thev will succeed. Tlio school is prosperous in the faco of all tho difficulties with which it lias bad to con tend. The graduating class for '70 will bo tho largest in tho history of tho institution It has livo members from Juniata county and thev fitand at tho head in almost all theirstudies. Thoroughness is tho motto thev work upon. Tho wholo class aro ex tremely well adavneed and will no doubt graduate with eclat. u. Legislative Acts. Among tho many acts presented atllnrrls- burg during last week, wo copy tho follow ing as being of general interest: An Act to prsvido for tho erection of water ing troughs for tho use of horses and cat tlo on tho public roads of this Common wealth. Whereas, for the want of convenient wat ering, places on tho public highways horses and cattlo aro frequent sullcrcrs; there fore. Sec. 1. Be it enacted, etc., That under tho sanction or supervision of tho supervisors of roads or road commissioners of tho re spective townships of this Commonwealth, any person or persons who may erect nud maintain in good repair a public watering trough of not less than four feet in length, twelve inches in width and nine inches in depth in the clear, of either wood, stone, or iron, nnd have puro clear water continually running In the samo by pipes or otherwise, or tho water supplied by a hand-pump upon tho side of tho public highway, erected of sufficient height nnd of easy access suitable for wateriug horses and cattle, and approved by tho supervisors or road commissioners of Biich' townships, shall bo enfitled to receive from tho road fund thereof tho sum of three dollars per annum on tho payment of his or her respective road tax. Sec. 2, That whenever any person or per sons who nre in possession ef running water, crossing any public road,that might bo made nvailablo for tho purpose of provisions of this net, or where water might bo supplied easily by a hand-pump, who neglect or re fuse to accept tho provisions of this act, the supervisors of roads may erect tho same and keep iu proper repair. Sec. 3. That when any watering trough is erected for tho purposo aforesaid, tlio same shall bo public property, and any person or persons destroying tlio samo or interfering, or committing any ntiisanco upon the same, shall bo guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall bo punished by a no or imprisonment, or cither, at tho dis cretion of tlio court having jurisdiction of the case, and tho supervisors of roads of the respective townships shall prosccuto the samo. Thanks to tho dertermined position tnkou by the Democrats im regard to tho manage ment of tho Slato Treasury. That depoi' tory of tho peoplo's money will havo thrown around it in future such safeguards as havo hitherto been wantiusr, and as will render peculations with public funds a something to bo indulged by the treasurer only nt the risk of penalties which ho will not bo likely to incur. It Is said that much of the stringen cy of tho new bill is duo to Stato Treasury Mackey's counsel. AVo can very readily presume such to bo tho case. Mackey ik avish enough with his advice, now that he is about to step down and out, but why did he not, whilo in office parctico what now upon his retirement, he so forcibly preaches? uiromcle. 'The Oalaxy for March contains "Madcap Violet," by William lilack. The story w fully up to tho author's former clforts In novel-writing. Those who are interested m Englaud's l'rime Minister will enjoy tlio ar ticle entitled "Vivian Grey Grown Old which presents 6omo views differing from those generally entertained concerning him, "Church and State,', is an ably written ar tlcle by J. G. Holland, "lteuben Dale," by Annie T. Howell, grows in intcrct, The market advance in merit of The Oalaxy proves tho appreciation of an intelligent public of n magazine, of its excellent stan dard. Published by Sheldon A Co., New York. Tho New York Express of Saturday says "It took England twenty years to get back to resumption, and our twenty will bo up in 1881, though we hopo for resumption long before this," aud adds that "all mut agree that bomethlng betides a mandatory act will bo necessary to accomplish this result that practical legislation leading to resump tion Is far better than naming a day for re sumption which may or may not be the right day." If, as I asserted, it cost tlio Stato $30,000 to inaugurate Gcu. Hartrauft, the Legisla ture should, without hesitancy, repudiate tho bill, and allow those who contracted it to kettle vith the parties who furnished tho material for the bIiow w bejt they cau, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUBfl, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. THE STATE CAl'lTOL. lUrtniauuno, Feb. 22, 1870. About the only question over which tlio Legislature has been excited during tho past week has been tbo fixing a tlmo for final ad journment. Kvcr slnco tho r.loso of tho ilrst week of tho session the minority party, ac tuated bv a ironcrous love for the Democrats, have been endeavoring, by tho Introduction of various resolutions at different lnoppor- tuno moments to effect an adjournment. Tho Democrats, however, having been caught In a trap last year by following too blindly whither tho "foxy" Mitchell led, cautloudy determined in an early caucus that they would regulato tho matter of ad journment themselves this year. This was showing their hands to their opponents nt tlio beginning of tlio game, and ever slnco tho minority, whenover they wished to raiso n llttlo excitement, have bcetvflauntlng their ndjTiuriimcnt resolutions in tbo faces or tho majority, and said resolutions every tlmo have had much tho samo cUect as a red handkorcblof exhibited before tho eyes of an irate bull. Tho last attempt In this direc tion was mado on Friday morning by Mr. Stowart, of Lawrcnco county. His resolu tion prvided for the shutting down on tho introduction of new business two weeks hence. An animated debato which lasted the entire session immediately sprung up, Tho resolution, however, was finally defeat ed. Tho Democrats, considering that tho session is far enough advanced to make somo movo toward adjournment, yesterday called a caucus which Is In session tonight, deliber ating on tho propriety of closing tho session within tho hundred days. They will not likely fix any dcfinlto time for adjournment, but will name n day after which no new bu siness snail bo introduced. This will nar row down the session and they will then en deavor to mako if conform to tho limit of tho hundred days. To limit tho introduction of new business at an early dato is an eminently wise deter mination, for tho calendars of both houses already contain enough work to consume what seems to bo considered tho legally al lotted tlmo. Tho houso calendars show two hundred and eighty odd bills, whilo the sen ate work is numbered up to a hundred and a half. Tho closo of tho eighth week of tho session is npproaching nnd but thrco bills havo been sent to tho Governor for his sig nature, viz.: tlio Finance Hill, tho act al lowing Courts to divido cities into wards, and tho act enabling assignees to sell real cstato encumbered with liens. These, how ever, must not bo considered tho entire work of tho session, for a largo number of lills wero defeated which aro as much a portion of tho wort as tho bills which have passed. Among the bills pending, attention is cen tered principally upon two or three: tho County Salary Dili, giving salaries instead of fees to county officers ; tho bill revising tho tax laws of tho Commonwealth : tho boom bill, and tho various appropriation bills for charitable, centennial and other purposes. Tho country Salary bill and Room bill wero forced through tho Senato under ex tremely high pressure in opposition. The first mentioned bill being vcrobuoxiotis to certain officials in Philadelphia and tho last montioned being very detrimental to a cer tain corporation doing business at William sport. These bills will both bo fought fierce ly iu tho House. It is rumored that it is in tended to amend the boom bill in tho Houso under a show of fairness but in reality for tho puproso of sending it back to tho Senate again where, or in conferenco committeo it is expected to dio Hie death. To-day tho time-honored custom of read ing "Washington's Farewell Address," was observed in both branches of tho Legislature, after which tho House, satisfied with fixing two sessions per day, adjourned without transacting any business. The Senate mado show of work but adjourned before the usu al hour. Tho day passed hero with scarcely any demostration. A national saluto was firod at mid-day by tbo Arsenal flattery. is. Ndmfdia, Feb'y 22 1S7G. Ed's. Columbian. Tho many friends of Hon. E. J. Mcltenry living South of tho river read with pleasure tho flattering letter of last week in regard to his services in tho Legislature. The samo meed of praiso should be given Hon. S. 1'. Ryan. Ho is always at his poit, and is atlentivo to his duties. I have reason to know that his in- fluenco is largo in the Legislature nnd that it is always exerted in tho proper direction. do not know whether ho is a candidate for rcnonnnation or not . but certainly our side of tho river can present no fairer or moro competent man. Pax. The New York Evening Post sums it all p iu comprehensive shape. Hero aro its reasons for economy, based on tho com parative government expenditures of 1SC0 and 1871: 1874. 1RC0. War Department $42,!110,027 $10,472,201 is avy Department .'iU.iMLVW I,014,iU) Civil Expen-es 17,.ri27,lir) fi,O77,O0S .Hit-cciianeous Dii.riWi.n-i 3J,708,2 Indians 5,092.1(52 2.1)01.121 Vensions 211,038,41 fi 1,100,802 I'OfcIgn Intercourse l,ii08,0Gl 1,140,1-lil Total S17S.01S.08ft f 00,010,158 ;i,i77,nii Interest on debt 107,119,815 Population 44.000.000 U1,-HK,U21 200 rcrct. Increase of 'ordinary' expenditures Increase of population 10 per ct. Gen. Hartrauft Governor nnd Comman der-in-chief of tho military forces of Penn sylvania, has issued on order granting per mission to all armed bodies of national guardsmen from other States to enter, pass through and remain within tho limits of tho Commonwealth ot will during tho tlmo oi tho holding of the Centennial Exposition, Hon.' W. W, Kotchum, M. O. from Wilkcsbarrc, is likely to bo appointed to tho United States District Judgeship to bo mado vacant by tho bill retiring Judgo McCau- dlcss,' of Pittsburg. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 miTViUTn I'rrvn'a wnTtnn I STATIC OF MOKK1S 1'L'HSEL. UKCEAPER. Letters of Admhil-lrutlon on tlio estate of Morris Fursel. lato of Mudhon townshln countr of ooiumuia, Maio of l'eouyinnlu, deceased, havo been granted to Conrad Kreomer, of Madison township, l'a.. to whom all persons Indebted to said estate aro requested to make paj ment, and thoso havlngclalms or demands will imike known tho same without delay,- ;C0NHA1) KliHAMlill. Administrator. UDlTOn'S NOTICE. JMale oi Ai ui jowicr. iteeeateu. Tlio underttlL'iicd Auditor to mako distribution of the balonco of tho funds lu tho hands of Isaiah bower Aiiirur isiraior ia io e-inio oi Asnei rowicr, lain of liorwlck, deceased, among tlio parlies entitled thereto, w 111 attend u tho dutltsof Idsiipiiolnlinent at tho ofllro of M, F. Jackson & ton, In lii-rwtck on Thursday Iho did tluy of March isia, when uud where all persons haUiik' clahnsl against Iho said i,Htjil am ri-jiiic&ti-ri to lircseliL tlio samo lieforo tho Auditor or bo debarred Iroia tomlng lu for sliaro ot suld fund. HOI!!', It. Ll'lTl.K, Feb.25,7-4w Auditor, 4J VDITOH'H NOTJC1C. VST ATE fiV UYLYFtiTUR I'EAI.KIt. liECKASED. ha uiKlerHlLrnod. Auditor to inaku dlslllbutlon Of the balnniw of ibo fundi utnonif thu heirs of Hib ester l'euler, deceased, will attend to tho upjiolntiiient atmyonico, la liloomsburg, on Thursday Iho Bulb day, ot March A. I).ls7, w hen and whero all iiersoiuj hawng cloUns u gainst I ho Bold estnto nro required to present tho uauio before tlio Auditor, or bo do- uarrea iroiatomuig iuiot utmunjLa muu iuhu. E.K.OHVIH, liloouuburg, Feb. 'O, T.-4t Audlbir, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 AUTIOX. Notlen Is lii'tvln' fflron to nil person lint mv wife. I'mm.i K nns, li.-w left tnj lied and board without mj consent, nnd tho sumo nro hereby caiulonod not to linrbor Her, or let her havo niijtlilnif on my ac count, ns i Mill not pay nny bills contnulmlby her. liVAN.o. Kohr&burp, Feb. S3, 'l-n PUBLIC SALE or VALUABLE RKAL KSTATU I Tlmrn ttllllvt rtnnsril In K.iln nt Public venduo on tho premises, partly in, Greenwood and riuo town ships, ou TUESDAY, MARCH 21st 1870. Rt 1 o'clock, p m tho following Ileal llstnto to wit: 1. A Intel ot lsnd situated parlly In (Irieuwood nnd n.irtly In lino town-dun-., ndlolnlmr binds ot Jnmvs Ij-ptrott, l'redcrlek Il.Ucs, ratten), lielrs vi iiumi tiouuson, uuccnseu, euuiuiiiiu J 61 ACHES, 11 perches, whereon are erected nClrlst Mill, a Mill, Three Dwelling Houses ni a BlW t no linrn, btnbles for mill, nnd other out buildings. ALSO: A trnet of lnnd sllimlo In Pino township, ndjnlntnt? liinds'ot tho heirs ot Tlinmni D.-irli.Jneob christian. Jiicob DrelblebLs, Wm. V.'cldu.'imtnor and others.con- Itlllllllff 104 ACHES, and Iwentv.nlnn nprrhp. nil well lltnlierpd. Theso tnotr.vf. sot landuero lAlely Iho estate of .incikon.it uomun'. TCHMM Ten nor pent of nne-fnurth of tho nor- cbuso money to bo paid nt pxecuttnn ot nereement 10 purennsp, ino u.lianro ni inc onc-iourui on iuo first dy ot April nrt, nnd Iho reinalnlns thrpo fourths In on vpir from Anrll llr.-it. npt. with lntrreit ftom April 1, 1ST, at which tlmo possession is to uo Riven, l'urchaser to pay for writing, e.. of lipids. IIUAS Jlu.-qDKNHAf.r,. Feb. s. lS7ft-ts Agent. PICA, Drecr's li-tlra Knrly. Learly Corn, lleati', Tomato, Cucumber, and nil other spoils for Market (Mrdencrs, Families, Ac. Sund stamp for breor'R Harden calendar for lite, ulth prlci-s. Henry A. Dreer, 714 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. t riui-w. JEW SALOON A XI) KESTAUUAXT. llio urdcrslcned has opened a llrsl-olas Dating Houso lu the i.xcaanse mock-, formerly occupied ny 11. Moiiner, uuero thing hi his lino. Feb 19-3in. his customirs Mill nnd ccry JIII.TON CHAllLKH. yyiLMAM unwsox, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Central ia, Pa. Feb IS, 'TC-ly. Verbatim llcportiiig. TEUMS: Actual traveling-, boarding-, nnd other expenses: livo dollars a scssinn.fortiiJtliigthorepnit; nud leu rails a lollo, ( hundred words, ) fur u riling out Into long-hand. Where Iho innl ter reported In ono day eipials or exceed fifty folios, the live-dollar feu 111 bo remitt ed, and the transeilblng Into long-hand charged at llfteen cents n folio; but, In all such cases, It fewer Hum hfty folios aro purclubcd, tho Uvo dollars will bo charged. Adibe-vs. S. X. Walker, A.M., CourNstenog. raphcr, llloomsbtug, Columbia county, l'ennsilva nl.i. Residence Iron street, between Third nnd Fourth. Olilcc Willi II. H.OrMs, r.MI.,Columblan-bulld. big; entnuice.opposlto the east gato to tlio coiut houso yaid, Ilrst lloor, Ilrst door lo right. Ofllee-bour, from twclvo to ono o'clock. ob is, lTii-lj SHERIFFS SALES. 11Y V1UTUF OF A WHIT OF FI. FA., Issued out of tho Court of Common l'lcnsof Columbia county ana to mo directed, win be exposed to salo at tho court houso In liloombburg on MONDAY, MAHCH 13, 1870, nt 1 o'clock p. m., I ho following lots or pieces of land situate In lpy, Mott tow nshlji, Columbia touuty.lo wit: Lot No. 1, fronting on south side of I'emia. ca nal, ndjolnlng lot of Wm caison on tlio east and others on Iho Nest, whereon lseiccleda litf story frame dw elling house, v 1th tho appurtenances. ALSO, Ono other lot, N"o2, nonllng oncnnnl slrccl, cor ner on alley ndjolnlng land of I'cnn'a canal company, -whereon Is en-ited a i Mory framo dwelling houso nnd ratable, w 1th Iho nppm lenancis. ALSO, One other lot, No 3, front Ing on Main fctreet, cor ner ft email street, ndjolnlng lotol .Uwph Miller, wheieou mo i n-ited time tvo-srory name dwelling houses, with tho nppurienances. ALSO, One oilier lot, Jfo 4, flouting on second M rcet, nd Jobib.g lot of ilobeitj.'nsl and olhcrs, wucicoiils eieclida two-story liuino dwclllog houso uiulMn ble, wlih tho nppuitciiunccs. ALSO, One other lot, Nn r, fronting on Second ttrcet, nd jolnlng lot of Thomas crou-llng, Jr., anil others, wlunon Is creeled a yt btory latino dwiJIlng house, with tho nppurienances. ALSO, Ono oilier lot. No c, fronting on s'econd street, ad joining lot or Thomas Crcu-llng, Jr., wlieicon Is eretlidn two-story name duelling houso or olhco and ary-huUi,c,w 1th tho appurtcnauccs. ALSO, Ono other lot, No 7, fronting on Second street, nd jolnlng lots of Win. Abbott nnd Isaac cm cling, whereon aro erected u two-story iiamo dwelling houe, planing mill, shop or storago house, Ac., w 1th tlio appurtenances. seized, taken Into execution, and to bo bold as tho property of Thomas W, lalgar. M. CIlOVEIl, Sherlirsomce, fchcrllT. Feb. is, lsii). Awarded Hie Highest Medal at Vienna. E, & Hi T. ANTHONY & CO., 091, Jiroadtcay, A'cw York, (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel.) MANcrACTrnmis, iMroiiTKits and Dkaieksin CHROMOS AND THAMES, STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, AL1WMS, GltAVIlORCOl'ES & BU1TA11LE VIEWS. Pliotograpliic Materials. Wo aro hcadqnai tors foreverjthbigln tlio way ot Storeopticons and Magio Lanterns, being Manufacturers ot tho M ICHO-SC1 ENTI l'l O LANTEI IN, STEI 1KO-P ANO 1 Tl C )N, UNIVEHSITY STKlilCOPTICOX, ADVlCUTLSKn'SSTEHKOPTICON, A11TOPTICON, SCHOOL LANTKUN, FAMILY LANTEItN PEOPLE'S LANTEltN, Kach stj le,belng tho best of its class In tho market. fntnlnirues of I-nntiTin nnd Slides, with dhectlons for using, bent on application. Any enterprising man can mako money with a Magic Lantern, IfcirCut out this auvci'tlsemeiit lor rcier- cnce.A33 , , A I in, ,u. Important TO Gardeners AND Agriculturists! "EMPEllOll WILLIAM" CAI1I1AGE. Tho best, largest nnd most prolllnblo urlely of w inter cabbage known lu Lurope, mid bnHiiied lo UI1S CUIIIliry CXClUSncii "J ua l.mK njunw, ,,m,.'i wliU llu, inrtr. firdln.irv cull Vlltloll. It llOllllsllCS US- lonlslilnL-lv. uttntnlm: nn enormous sue nnd belling lu tlio market nt nrbes most grullljlug to Iho pro ducer. in transnlanllnir, irrenl euro should Ijo taken lo giro bunicleiit fcpaco for grow th. t-olld heads, tho bloot Iho mouth of a Hour barrel, Htho ui rago run of this choice variety. Ono pnekngo a tho seed sent postpaid mi receipt of oi cents. Thrco pack atres to ono address. Il.ou. To ugvuts taper doicn mid 4 thrco (cut sumps. Iv'WUh each packago of Med wo wind a suro remedy ngnlnsi iho ruuigesof tho csbbago Uyor otutr pest, on young auu lenuer pmuia, MAMMOTH GOLlAIl INDIAN COIiN Wo planted last Bprlng ou Long Island, a vmall (lunuiiiy twmcu wo ooiiuneti whii ro-hi uun this glgantlo nnd as jot vtry ruro Mirlely ot i,rn. in snij,iniM,r. bv uciual ineasiireuieitt majority of Iho stalks stood from H to 10 feet In height, nud still growing, w lib from 'J to o enoimous clUHor corn gioulngou almost every slnlk. 1 ho yield was at tho rate ot uo bushels of car corn per acre, while tho fodder crop was Immeuso und of ilno ouallty. Wo could hno bold tho enllro cropfora blgprlco to a Now York seedsman, but declined to do bo, pre ferrlmr to Keen the crop for Iho accommodation of our uumerous couulry patrons, ho. will nnd it to thelrlnierests tu bociiio at least a smalt wiecilon of this ruro variety for tho coming spring planting. I.Ivh nvrlculturlsts. unsui, who oeuevo lit riAii iuni.u miih n umnfl fijicnii IcullUatfini nrn tor Ihtuu'isl boUi wai'B Ix-tw ecu tho rows w 111 bo astounded by (ho i e- vh Ix-twecn tuo rows will uu nsiouimou uy uiu iu- bull. We will bend by mall to any address i package ou receipt ot w ronu and Jlhrtocnit btumiis.ors gVt U1A ll-lVllil, ."11 IlilU lllluvviuv oiu.ui".. rcCA-ll t jr-r,iir umtiilv 1H lllnltcd. l'lirllf-H lt'A.lrlULr LO bO euro ilther of tho nbou rare soeils bhould not delay Ihetr orders. Allbeod bold by uswarrunted friIi niwi tn L-r-riiilrinto. No L'oods bent V. O. J). Cash must accompany all orders. J-'or tithir of above boeu4 uuurewi FELIX CI.ATII5 & CO., SMKabtlliithbU, N.Y, Fib lS-Cra, STATEMENT of THE FIXAJiCMJ ml mitt wr iiiti COUNTY Of UOI.UMllIA from .January 1st, lsts, to January 1st, JSTU. .JOHN SNYDEll, Esq., Treasurer. 1)11. I s:r. Jan. To nm't outstanding for 1S7I and pro- Mom cnrs !,.; j- I'n nnrl. mi hand nt liixlRi'ttll'Inolll.... l To nm't county tax assessed for Wfl. . 2,4'? To nm't of tax from llio registry oi oiers.. To .J. K. Ilenu r for Hlnblown brlilgo plank ni l,it,,M t,i,tllna A-p.. Mnlil nt. Court 61 01) S 1J I....'' .',., t i ort ,. To n.iUiWo.igcr for sinbtown bridge pltnK I ij To !nl. Yuager for Mnbtown bridge pl.ink . . 1M To .Jacob flnrtman, tax, Hemlock, sealed inmls !: iYn To Win 1 ). Uing, tax, tirange, tented lands os To lilooiiiMlmrg banking Company, nolo ills- coiiht-il l.W M To Mnilln Hun lis, tax, llcacr, I. H, land... Oi To William KiiPkte, Inx, Denton, V. S. land.. 4 Oil To lUiileltalllh.in, tax, Coningham, V.i. land in To .John lliiilcy, tnx, Centralla It.H. land.. . m To l. W. MPlli'iuolds, tax, Heaver, t,l, Ii W To William Morion, tax, Heaver s. 1. 1 J To Wm. Hbner lax, Hemlock To Sliliiinm tract, tnx, benicr, U.K. land... n 1.1 To A. . ou'iholter. tax. Ilentou. sealed... Mi Tn .folia ilorv. refunded .... 4 85 r,i r.. a. lniev. fnp tim l.t. Mt. coal nnd Iron Co.. county tax. conviiL'liam for lws 115 4 To Lpi.'li tirnlinui. lirlilzu Umber 'J To II. C. Ilower. for lumber from Jail lot, So. 0 r,i To i:il .Jones, for stono nnd lumber from Jail lot, So To lumber sold Northumberland county lino brldio s 34 116 mi tr.l To U. P Zarr, Jury fees. 'I'n .lames .Mclliiidi, I'- s. Itndtnx, Centralla To r. JicJi.mam.iii, i.s. ianu tax, tonyng- lmm Tn nicks Kin l,i n. limber from l'atterson brliUo r, on To .J. liaclinian, plank otfilaliliwn brldgo... 1 ou Tn John i:nl, I'lmber of Kline's bridge 1 M 'in li.inli-l Uusienh.iiKler. blank of Habtown brM);i) fi as Toarbilrnllon roiim. on fee 1 uu To loan of .losliut I'lllermnn, Podajs 3,W'HU To Montour county on suit from county... , 242 oj 'J'oam'l paid nssessois, and for blanks, Ac., dug fund loo l) To redemnllou inonov on liami. h. ,t it CI ni To redemption money on hand, s. !', II 21 4U To ri-ilenipl Inn money ou hand, H, V. II II Of) To redemption money on hand, a. V. II &l ffl 1 1 1, 111 41 CI!. by tax uncollected ror tsj.n. Hchut ll.i or. .lackvin., fins r.n mi i-.i Ilentou Ilcrwlcl; bloom 1 Irlai creek .... cniaulssa .... Centralla Centre t'oii.Migham .. I'lslilngcrcck. Franklin, (Irecmuiod... Hemlock ; 74 Ijirmt 4M IV.I . 2,M I 23 , i.oot c 0J') no 4v.i sa "08 SI l,i:) no . Kill 2.1 . 1 -a 4-2 Madison Mali Minilu , Montour MC. l'lcxsant.. orange firm lio.ulngereck. scot I niii ii 13.1 T I5S I' !M IV 321 r,ll M2 Ihl SiT mi in 731 3-J 721 Hi Sugarlo.it 327 f.2 ,2 $ir,,777 m For 1S74 'Susarloat 'Ilentou for 117.1 Coningham for ls73.. .. I1U2' .. 702 03 J7f, !H 22,'.iii7 St 1,2 IS 111 1177 2H Uy county orders redeemed commission allowed collectors " exonerations nllowed collectors " commission allowed treasurer " eountv la In meet stain lav quota " by note paid II. Hanking Co. .c Int " balance In hand of t leisure r nnd paid over '.llll 31 ol 47 1,5ml III 4M ' ll.12l 41 Tho ball bond of con.viigham duplicate fur Is7.l has been sued and Is now In loiu-se ol i ollcellon. Ilentou of ls73, Siigiiilo.it of l-7t nro In Hie hands orniioinc lor coiiccuon, wun puriuueau paid on lonuci. JOHN HNYDFII, Tli:.Sl'Iti:it, IN ACCOUNT Willi POII 1'L'NO. 1s7!i llll. Jan. Tonm'tiineolleclcdhelllcment $1,232 si " assessed for lsi3 i S2,S2(I 31 CI!. Iiy nm't duo on duplicates, lsts. lleau-r llenton lierwlck , bloom brlarcreck... Calawlssa ... Ccnti-alla .... Centio Conjiighain., FNIiliigcrvrk Franklin ilreenwood.. Hemlock $12 in Jackson .. Jtl r,n . . ! Ml . . 7:i no ... H M) ,.. lino .. m ui .. 16 611 .. 1a ii .. 10 fill .. in mi ia eo 21 r. I IB 611 70 O) 14 M 20 l) )l r,n v nn '.12 Till 11 CO 14 1-0 Locust Madison Main .Mlllllu Monlour .Ml. I'lensant.... orange rino lio.ulngereck,.. Scott SiiiMloaf . . an .. 17 r,-j . . 2ii m .. IS Hi) $010 41) 17 00 Conj Helium for ls73. hugaruiarioribii Ity nm't duo treasurer at last settlement., ' orders paid of lsfe " orders paid of lsfa " enters paid or 1-74 " orihhj paid of ls7." " iim'tTlald iis-M-ssors, blanks, Ac " cnnimlsslon allowed colleclors " :.ni)iratloii3 allowed collectors . DC 7 M 7 Oil . 1,310 II . 71 0 , 11 II on . Si I .Ml . I'.' I'll con. uiWslon allowed Inus'ircr b.ilaneo ou hand aud paid uu-r . 71 S' . mil 4; $2,S2I) 81 COMMISSIONKliS' KXIT.XSHS rolt 1S73. MIS'CKI.HNKOl'S E1-KNES. I'atd .1. C. Smith, on stato road, l'.rlarcreek. . - lis 13 .1111111 1. i, nn. cony or ".ict or Assemiuv 1 (Icorge A. liark, Iclograins, tues 1 II W. Ii. .Iitcolu. luiluMiii,' need books 011 account sou U) .). II. Ii ltz, collector Suiraiioaf. allow- unco 10 on it. 1-'. liark, attorney, vs. . 11. .lacoiiy on Indexes 411 en Stephen Knoir, pbichbar lor eounly.... I (u m. II. fciuder. county teachers' lnsll- luto 1 in 2." II, 1'. '.Mr, piolhonolary's bill 114 iiri 11. Jacouy, lceoruing ticas. bonds.. 4 $1,151 CI COUIITS, .IL'IiOJtV PAY AND CONSTAIILW HE- t l'Jl.. raid grand Jurors dm big j ear 7'ii 3' inm-ri-o jiirois iuuiiil- u-ar y,.vni 41 constables' returns durliigioar ii74 sa tlpstmes during jear nr. go Janitors ut com t '.-r, couit crlerduilngjoar Im r,u Henograplier tor cuurls (2) lsu 00 eouit cali-nder, (2 quaiteis) 17 6U Shcrlll ben lug Jury nolleo lur 1S74 and Isl.'i to on Koons, boai ding Jury, bogait tilal.... 1111011 .lacoli II. 1-iIU. Jury coin 21 -IS Win. II. Utt. Jury com 17 H) W. Krlckbauin, clerk com 15 iu $3,ns 43 COSTS IN COMMONWEALTH CASK!?. aid Com. vs. Isaiah Hall ,. Ji s " ' ltaiiilolph Kesler a 17 " " A. S. tiossley et al t,o " " (leorgo II. Iless I :u " " lleiijaniln lluir 21 s7 " " U. 11. llageiibuth s.', " int. Dcl.niey in 2.1 " " .loseph Wcllel 3 on " " S. .1. 1'niiv 11; 'j " " (lldeon blshllno.... II 01 " " John Vincent 102s " ' John Monis 3 00 " " ciiliniliio ll.ury. lu hi " " Kllen Melllek 1 M " " U' Kluly ii HI " " l'l lab Thomas 72 22 " " .luhn Mcllieaity lo 3-J " " Wells moss 14 3i " " Joseph Vansliklo v oil ' 11 Elmer ltunyan 1 311 " " Thomas 4; tiveidorf Ilsil " Straussei & bird bill " " .laeob (liunner 0- " Chaiics rosier 24 uu ' Ann (.lien is 511 ' " Howell's Family H 00 " " II. Koslenbauder 11 75 " .luhn llci w r 2 lb " " llleliaril bilsloo 1 so " commonwealth cosis to hherlrf. 2 years. 43 M ' ' ' dlstiletatl's lift uu " ' " prolliouotary u bo " " " J J lirumr. bu nco 21 3D " eommouwenlth 1 osts 10 M c Woodward 13 05 $521! 43 110AI1 AND IlllUHie VIEWS ANU UOAI) IUMAOf, l'ald sundry persons 11 .V. 11 views illO Ct ' Dl'Alberlson, (.reei.wooii mi id 1 Ihomas (icM-illiir, Scott lis 75 1 liciilamln .elirler. Scoll S3 75 ' hauiiul l!olil, huyarloaf 20 0) 1 I't ter llaguiibiich, Scott lul 25 1 I It Mfll.-nrv .t CO. .Iitckson 25 00 1 Win M lleece, (llwnwood ba' 150 00 1 Samuel llbnby, Madison to 00 ' Ellahclhl.llKlilio 5i(i(i ' ti V. smtlli, lliiariieek IW) do ' .1 lleller, Mlilll 2fi-J.ii) ' Samuel Young, Jackson (Jreemvojd.. ba 01) ' J W AlUiUou do do ... 4000 il,IC9 21 COMMISSIONEliS OFHCE AND COUHT HOUSE. Paid county Auditors lsu J " lieikblatlngactount " Thalclier ti (leniliail Court houso (las lixioies, lul " Thau her Si tlearharl chandoller Ijiw 111,1 .1 ry " Thatcher ti (iearhait lias IIMiires otllces " Jltooiiisburg (las Co, borilcoplpo " ' " " for lias ' Sundrypcrsonsforeo.il " M. Wuller cleaning nt court houso nnd yard " 11. W. Miller cleaning at court houso nnd juul " M. K. Cox cleaning at com l houso und vnid " J, u;(ilrlon cleaning nt court houso uud Mini " II. w. Miller ono wreuch " .M. 1-: Cox Janitor " I. llageubhuehsioio repair " Mrs. Ingold ctennlng cuurl hoio " Wniliiiiis el al cleaning oltlco Ac " .1. M, Ilower lepulrs., " M, c. Woodwui d poileo C. House " llolllns & Holmes stoio 1 Llbr'y " A.C. Ilabb bill rendered " 1'. Jones book caso II. X II. olilcc " W.wut auditing public nccts " V., Meudenhallblllrendeied " 1 1. Liiiomus iu.'ross pens " bloom L. co, bill lor court houso " 1". Jones bill work nt com t houso " (I. llosbcrt dock repair and lopu K. lloan caso .c desk it, & It. olilcc... " L. lluiDoii nails Ao " II, llugcnbiich'T door not Icon " (1. A. Walk wall paper court houso.... " Hitler n Miller Painting eouit hauso.. . " .Mojer bio'Hl'uhillilll " c. A, Kli-liu t'ubil bill " Uri her, Keny&co, I'ulnt bill II, 1". .arr Varnish CM. Drinker lepulr privy loik IjjuIs Ucinard paid bill " " " ciocklepalr it. 11. Menngh bal. painting bill J. II.MuIl- blllieudeud " s. II. Miller H sou bill it-mined " s. Il.ihomas bill rendtrtd )' C. . I'urmiinllblrniw lorZair Moo 25 I'U Ui02s 4109 43 2 ll'j ml 72 SI) 15531 050 1750 150 602 1 Oil C7 UU 311 S5 11125 1U37 1IIUI) 10 IK) 4020 180 111 02 110 01 1S7 4 IX) WIT 18 75 T15 TOO Hi 5 50 23 Ml JI4b7 14TI V2I2 T20U a to 50 film 6 IH) to no 502 4 43 1 55 300 JD111111. rieoocxiimsaiiy moui Wm. Ijiw ton Commissioner, . . . John Hemcr " John Ent " Wm, lirlckbauin clerk, S'JOIO . S78W S7S10 , boo DO ii.aaait lOl'NTV JAIU boarding prl raid A. smith n mi 1S7S l-M- tins on 2 IS 2,1 17V HI) 1 m 1073 807 1011-2 '21 117 '2S7 1010 1)112 8 25 2001) f)70(M 17 03 llll 01 1 4 IN 12 00 13S2 1'ifli) I 10 0 00 201 115 .M.tirover C. Jt. llrown repair to Imots, oner ltendei-sholl A Mason, coal 1icknriM coil I'eler, tones repair ntRtablo 1!. Menilentiall lumber for stable .1. Solimler Son bill rendered M, Waller et nl taking old privy down Ktwly ,v Ilodlno et nl build now prlty Daniel bowman, (irlndlng Ac Tho. llorey repairs to hog pen .1110 s. silncr building stable tiorey. Mcudonhall ,ct nl extra lo sin Me , .Tones, Mendi'iihall et nl i.tlt tenco.... II. llruoksctnl nt Jail stable Samuel tlrover nljall stnblo Hllier,VMlller ct ill luatcilal nnd paint- lug slabto .1. II. Mans medical bin I'eler bid, plank hog pen .I.e. Ilulter, medical bill l'cler.loiies table for Jill I, llagcubucli stove repair f 1,210 im lillNTISrl, STAVIONICUV ASi 10-IT.inE. Paid Daily Vntrlot, Uirrlsburg $ ' CM. VanderMIre, notice ot court.... " " com l calender, 2 ips " " luldge letlllig " " county statement " II, L. DleHiiib.iru.on. slalemenl " notices or court " " court notices, Jurors, Ac... It Ml in oil no 1 0 t nn im no ISO 00 .1 7." 1)2 in) H-2 01) brldifo lelllng blanks 4 00 3(0 com t notices, Jurors, Ac ml no at' " brldgo letttngs " nol Ices to collect ors " election proclamation blank oaths " subscription 24 jcars " blanks V.. .M. Warden eounly Rtiitemcnl ndvcrtlslni,' " brldgo lultlngs ' Hepnbllcan .1. ( nvowiii'li-cIlonlinKiamallon llrocknay fi Eluell cuurt liollces blanks, Ac I). A. becktey stamps .t iiostao Eieiell A l'otler. blanks (leorgo A. Clark, stationery Independent, Weekly, blanks c. II. sujder, independent 11 ,i) 1050 ,. mi 10 11)00 IM 1 25 ., WOO 1700 , AM 2 SI . 75 (HI IIS 75 700 ll'.SD lion El)7i! 11 W 3UJ 1,01300 iNqriMTinN. l'.iM c (I Murphy on. John Woods, Conyng- ham " c (I Murphy on W M111I111II, conjng- lia in " C (I .Murphy on Thomas lloam Conyng- ham " O (I Murphy on 1) Hughes, Coning- ham 1352 13 2S lur 13 IS (I Murphy on Ed. Hoirj, ( en- Iralla o Murphy on 1 liynn, Cen- 12 7S nana 1I2S (I Murphy ou ham (I Muiphy on T Ilrynn, conjng- i' Keller, Conjrig" 1' Keliey, conjiig- .1 cieary, Coiij'ng- 1-' -Murray couyng- 1177 ham C (I Murphy on ham O (I Murphy on ham C (I Murphy on bain 13 13 70 13 ID 13 03 O (1 Muiphy on 3 persons, Conyng- 11.1111 ,1 ,1 Ui-ower on Infant, bloom Sam. I), lib ilck on c E, vt liary, Centre .1 McKlbljiu. l' .Mnrlr-m, T Ilryan D.uld WaMi " iudieU and MtKlbblu un M Dougherty, P. M ?. WACOM! ou (J E Whaiej, 1' Mor- lem , .1 II MeKcliy on Infant, I1, Morv lem t-3 01 12 3 10 S7 2)10 4 00 50 Oil IlKlliOKS, DLil.IIINa ANU iini'.uiis. IIIINTON. Paid .las Conner plank Kain's luldge " " " llenlon billion " ' ' .Memleiihall bildgo. " Sam Applemini rcpab' " " Dan Haiimau icp.ilr wcsKrcck " 111.00M, Paid .las Conner plank liupcrl bildgo l'i ler Jouch icpalrs " " " " llailoii " " .1 W llolfiiinn " 11.11 inn " " .las Connor pl.ink Hock " " I'l-tcr.Iiiuesicpalr " " " .1 W lloriiinni " " " " Town ol lUiiiuii" Shartcr " ' 1, U llllpel L " ' " " John l.egi;utl plank " " 'J lvter.Ioiii-i lep.ilr " " " J W llollman " " " CATAWISSl, l'ald H .1 bonier lcpjlr M of Calawlssa brldgo " S Yeiisi-1-pl.ink McKelvj's bildgo " 1' swank lepulr " " ' c 1' Hauler " " " " HJJiccdcr " I'uinaco " liMIINOCIlllKK". l'ald M McHcnry repair stlllwaler biidire. 1121 S n.1 7 31 1 20 n II -1 03 Ii I, .',11 3 Ml S'J.I 1 ,-Jl 5 2.', I inn 20 111 112 (', 50 " .1 I-' .Mclb my rcpab " " 102s-.i " llohr McHcnry sldngles " " 1,11511 ".M .1 1 llepll-iuece lepalr .I0I111 liH-slH i- n-palr Z.meri ' " W I. Miinnlni; el al ri-ii.ilr Zaners ' " .lolin Di-eslii'i-n-palr 1,'aM-u neck " 2 13 " Ell liobbiiis n-palr iless " onii .. .. .. .. Junes " 23 " Manning It co contract ilc.-s " 1,3m so " " " 111i1i1110n.il Iless " 210 " J r llollman lc.im.vo " " neo I HlNKI IV. Pi.tdJ HlZlminerman leralr Yociuri bildgo (IIIKl-.NHOOIl Paid (1 r.eagln lepalr Ejcrs (novo brldgo.... " John Leircoit repair lola " " iiunllecco " nearllui-g " 31 fts " M M Kllno " " " " " (Kireeiiiy ' ', (irceuly " lou 1IKM1 OCK. Paid V lildleman, plauk liirsill bridge 1 oursT. 1) Ensleiibander repair Eslherl-' bildgo sonu 1) Kuslciibaudir 1 outran luisljs " I,'2isnn 1, leuci repair m.huowu hit. J Slider lepalr snjilcr h " 120 11 Wagner, Wiignci' " ln.1 CLAillcy" colano " 20751 MI HI MX. Paid El Sweppenhctstr lepalr Milt bridge.... ao: JIT. li.UASANi'. I'ald.Inn Moiilun repair Mordan bildiro 393' unit rop.ni .110111.111 iinugo 1 yo " liilllp .Mlllerplank rdioio I! .M bildgo.. 312s " II boaglo repair iiboio " " I111 ' " " . 2 50 ,1 1'.iiornan " " " " 101, " M Kindt " " " " 110 " J Welibcr " " " ' 03T " M Kbit " Wiuilih bildgo 26ii " " ' " below It w " 1 2: " J Mordan repair below It W " 4 mi " sundry persons.lu i'oor llouso bildgo... 12191 OKANOi:. 'aid M M Apnleman repair' II Mill bridge U'O " lien Wciiman lepalr bl.iuieit " fi4-2 " M I ballet sou lepir I'atleison " 72i) I'eli-rColeiepalrl'.illi rsoii " bin) " rullmcr K Pen lepalr " " -uu " Mnnubigivco coin 1 act " " 711910 " " " aililliliuial " " r,im " sunilry persons repair Kllno ' 119M) IlOlllIS'lltllEKK, Paid 1) bttno contract now bildgo Hugailoaf. Paid .las Conner, repair Colo's brldgo 141 " A Colo lepulr I die's bildgo si 5,499 11 I'BNITKNTIAHV .t ASVIVM, Paid support of Mis Milton, Damlllo.... " suppoiiof D. Mica, Danillte " com lets east penitentiary f I i-.-j no 1,4 (,l 291 VI ffir, 51 ASSESSOKS' I'AV, Paid nssessoisfor making string aisess ment und leglsUilng 10"' j;'.'i Paid fox nnd wild cat scalps llio 40 KIXOTION F.Xl'KSSES. Paid eonstnlilosntlcnrtlugspi Ing election'), " constables altcuilhi!; fall eleellons " elecllon oniocrx, spiinirelecllou " tietilon onicers, fall elections room icnl dm lug) ear " (Ml ll.nkley, bi naloilal It Judgo " 11 1' Zai r, chi k to It J udgos l.n r,o 4S l) 3.H 21 4113 UU 231 10 11 ut 11,290 s: TAXES IlEti'NIUCn. Uy nm't refuiuled dining sear... 1 ly icdempllou money uaid 807 87 II S3 f J22 21 III.ANK BOOKS. by ilupllealos, 2 m ts. Iteg booki, A'C by books for (iolhonoturj's olhco 47 4-2 6-2 35 99 TT llKCAl'ITl'LATION. Miscellaneous expenses conns, juruiH liay and constable returns. coiuiiioiiwoallli costs II & 11 Mews nnd It damages (.'ouiiiilsstoiiein' ollleo ti court houso County Jail stationery, pusluguund piloting InuulslllouH luMk'cs. buildings and upalrs 1'cntleutl.iry uud us, lum Assessors' pay scalps , .... Election exk'U-s Taxes refunded blank books f 1,1.-. I (II 5.f,0S 43 520 45 1,4(19 2l! '2.U3 1,2111 0.1 1,013 00 '293 1 5 5,499 It I1.-15 51 121 75 llll 40 1,290 b'2 32-2 20 93 TT Am't orders Issued. j 122,901 so Deduct from amount of orders Issued f J!2 refiiiultd by Montour fortouit exin-iises, und fH2'2 20 taxes ii-ruiHlul lealea (22,343.03 tho leal oxp.iUbOii of tho eounly SIIEKC OllUtllS IkeltU 1140 00 Madlsou l 00 Montour. , llenton , bloom Hi Urn rock KUhliigcrtck.... l'runkiin (ireenuooU , Ileiulock Jackson... Locust ., . Io no , h 10 , 181 Ml 23 (H) 8 ,0 , lUS 4'2 , 22 M , VI 60 4)5-1 Ml pleasant tu yuorungo 23 w lino s to ltoiulngcreek M 00 Btoit os 70 bugarloaf Total 1 1,03 42 KTATFJir.NT OK P0d TAX. Orders tinpalil.of isjf , a on , in , 15 nn . Ml 42 01 isiu I Of 1174 ' Of 1675 1,0.7.) 4 Tax unroll' cl ml... '. fm1 4(1 com nnd exonerations ofdlmnted oil. I.w.in) AM 40 Add nm't In hands of Tauisuur W r Total nWls - fi ExciifUi of dainnge oler sum nmi This loaves tho fund tilT.M.belleiltliaii was nt last sr-M lomcnt. If sheen nnrrnncrs would see to it nnu eauso all kllf-sheen dogs to bo kilted, or mako Iho owners ot such dogs pay the dam nge, (as by law they am leipilreil,) Iho mini would soon bo so Hint nil bills for Miccp damage could bo paid ns pre?f nted. C0UNTV 1 1NANCM. nsfels. Taxes duo nnd uncollected , lf.,MI fit . l,r,oi 0 ) Tollable com. and oxoiicr.it Ions off,. Add nin't tn Treasurer's hand Add note of tiera nower Total nssels $15,730 M I.IAIlIl.lTinS. Ami of money borrowed of .1. ivtlrrmnn. Ami of taxes due the scleral tnwnihlpH... Ami redemption money uncalled for Ami road 1l.1m.1go nsscsf ed, estimated Ami II nnd brldgo Mown duo ' t'.nno m A3 1 ffl S3 01 f,(IO Oil 201) 01) 1S1 IK) 1,101 fO , 111,831 C9 ,m l commonwcaim cosis uuc lienl nssots, January 1st, 1S7C.. We. the underslL-ned cSmmlislmiers of f'oliimbl.i county, do hen by terllfy that tho foregoing Is a cor- reci Hinieiiieni 01 1110 accounts 01 saiii coimu lor 1110 year A. 1). ls75. BtLAS McltENItY, ) Com. JOHN linnNDIl, V of .1. K..FANDS, ) Col. Co Attest! Wit. KnicxnAi'M, clerk. We. the underslirned auditor of Cnlurnbla rnnntr. haling been duly elecled to luljusl nnd settle Iho ac counts ot Iho treasurer nnd rommls-iloners of Colum bia county, do hereby cerllljr that wo nnt nt the of llcoot tlio treasurer nnd comml." oners In bloomi-bni-g and carefully examined the necounts nndioii- cners or 1110 same rrom me nrst nay or ,innutry, A. 1). isin, to the ilrst day of January, 1S7S, nnd find them correct ns aboro stated. And we Ibid a balance due Columbia county on county fund of four hundred and llttv-olght dollara nnd soicnty.Rcicn cents, (M.is.77), duo from John Snyder, treasurer of said county, nnd wo n ml 11 hal ation Hum Treasurer John snider, to mr dog f und.ot onehiinibidniiit nlnetj-slx dollars nml forlj-soicn CtlllH (l'.lli.47.) (lb en under our hands tills fifth day of January, A, 1). 1S7C, 11. 11. nnow.v, 1 County JI. v. II. KLINE, John 11. casey, J Auditors TVTOTICE OF Al'l'MCATIOX I-OU 1 ciiAicrnn. Mil ico is neiinygiien, in accordance with thonrt irassembl npprnicd the vtth flay of April, A. D.IS75, hat iiiitippllcallou will bo mado by trio unilorslgncii . 11,,'iij inu , I'liiiiuiiM.eiiiiiMii i-i'nn-yiiani.l to a law Judgo of coliiiobla county fur a ch-irlcr Incor porating The runners and Mechanics' fiduonllonal, r.eneioient nnd l'rolct:oii AsHoclallon. on tbeuiii ay of l'cbiuary, A. 1). i-.7il. l'Ei EP SWANK, 1-ilANKI.lN llllllO, ENOCH IIA11DEII, ,IA( (111 1.01(1, DAVID I.uNil, l-'cb. 1S-3W EDU 'D A. DK MEMllKM'. 1 XEC'lTOIl'S aVOTICU. ll-riTB Of liUlMlR SIIICK, IDTKlll. Ullii-Ui-slaiiieniaryoiilliecstalooriieorKe shirk lllll' or ClllllWlHsilllvp.. Crilliliibl.i i,iunl,,,-i e.iM-d, tiaieiieeii (-rallied bj me lii-L-Mcrof sold (ounty, to ... .,. 1,, . .n i .11 v 11,111, i-wu 1. uiiini mil inlin tv. I'll. EMClltor. In w limn nil ni-rm iw liiil),i.i i said cslule me leipieMcd to make p.ijment and llinsc lulling claims or demands against the said (state will mako Ihem known to Iho said Monitor wllliiiiililel.ij. n.,1. HEEiiEii, i-eu.i-iii, Execulor. A DJILVISTitATori'S NOTICU. i,L PTllB 111' .lACIIII SllllAIIMIS, IIITEASni. .1 llersiif Albnllllstl-illliill fill llu, mint,, 1, r .,.,r.l. Sheaiinan, tale orneaier lown,ilp, Columbia Co., deceased, Ii no been s:i-anled by tlio Ilejjlsler of said eounly lo Natlianbie(lbeniier,lr.,of lieaiertwp. All pers-ms hai big claims aiming I he cslale or the dece dent ale leiiucti d In presi-iit them for selllemeiil. 11111I lliii'e liiiieblid In Hie cslale toiiiake paiinent lo Iho under.-Igm-il iiitmlnlsiratiir .vltlioiii dcini. NATHAN llbEDIIENNEII, Jr., 1 ou. 4,74 nt. Aibnlnlsliator. A 'IKNTS. 1110 Klcgitit f)il Cliromo nimiiit- J ed. Slo 9X12. for or -.11 fur l. Chi-riiinw nf ei cry deseilplion. NallonaUliroino Co , l'hll.i. Aiiknim Wanted t Mudals and Diplomas mvaided for,M,,,:,,,s l(V'01,A,J mi Isiiii IIHMralloiis. Addiess fur new diuilari. AJ. Ilolmali .v Co., 9.1) Arch street, liilla. l'eb. Is-4w' l.i'iin Agenls. teachers, studeiiis. men nmi wauled 10 sell lumi-.nsiai. 1. ikii 1:11 or tub I . s Shows grand lcsulls of 11m cars' progi ess. A wholo bbrao. ' lloslun iilobe" Sol a luxiirj butaneces sll.i. "Inler-oeeim" best selling book iiublMied. i.iioupay. mini lien. Ag't In every tltj of 111,0,0. Adilicss .1. u. Meuuidj ,1 Co., liilla. i-'Lb. Is-lw Adl-.N i.s wantcil for our new ami illii.trateil ('KM KNM 11, MAI' 01' I'KVVSl 1.VA1I I, also other maps and lellglomebai ts. Tho best selling nilleles in 1110 11.11. .mulct, naasHA. i.uiaeilii, Eiiiimo Map IMabllslilnelil, 107 l.lbuly Slleet, Now Yolk. 1 ib is Iw tins 11.1 1 A. ,,,,iilu r. , SI. i bis p.iel,age has beencxaiiilnulby IheptiblNn ers of the ciu.i'MiuiN nmi r,nni,i ,,.i,,k,.,,t,.,i ivoilh the inoiiej. Wulchei, glu-n iiwaylonl'lageiils. JIIIIDE & CO., 7C9 llroadway, N. Y. l'eb is-lw FOll WHIMS, COIjIJS, HO.VRSEaKSS, AUD AEil THROAT 3)ZS23AS2S USE nnu 1 Q'H, DDfif ID rinni iirnn HIaIjIiO U2iiinuuiu-J iUJijrjio lilt up oniv 111 HU E I10XES. ATficil ntiil Sura Itciuicily. for In diiigirlsN 'generally, and JOHNSTON Hiil.I.OW.W & Co., l'lillaoelphla. l'a. 1) & Co. I'cb 13-4W .'Send 1 l'atiiliigueMM.ir.iland1.I. r. Maneh.i.M J' tor JV and 1 and IU smjrna, O liio Maiisot Hclawnro Delawaii) leb l,'7i. IW MIZS II Heading, IWcliomaney, Fasciiialinii, soul chaiiiibig, mesmerism, nnd marilagu Kiil'ie, shun Ing how cilia rscv may rase lnalo and gain Iho loie and uir.-cilou of ffiiy poison they cnonso Insianlly, luu pages, by mail, W cents. Jliint A Co. 133 s. Tin sn-eel, 1'lilladclpld.i. feb 4 -4w. mST0EY6FPMLVMIA7 U IVI'lll). iriKV'l-M lt mm, Ii,,.,, ir. n.,.-n.aH Dr. CornerH new und puwulnr II1STOI1Y Ol' I'iiN'N. s 1.1 ania, nolo tho ouillcst dlscoiery to tlio pies eul lime, A splendid nook, complete In 0110 volume, 11 1 i sruiTiii, and piiblhlied nt n pi Ice wlllilu reach of tlio people. A line ihaiice for a Ilrst ilasscan vaster. Addiess the piiblMiers, ()uaker cily I'ub llsldug Co., 217 & 219 (juliico S! lillladclplll.l. I-'eb l-4w PATENT INTEKI.OCKINO GRATE BARS Nnuuruotured by tlio .SalaiiiamUir Oiato liar ('oiiip'y These bars hau-ln-eii used and npproied In mi. wauls of 5,imo fui-naei , In fai lories, steamers and IiHomut Hex, and uio superior lo nil oiberH lu (luraliility nmi lennoiny in tlio lisu oi' Juel Sallsfaeilun guaranteed. Her irenees In all parlH of I . S. Wllce, 192 111 u.ldWU , N. Y. P. o. jinx ls09. iiiin 11 w ,S'. r, no.liOO 0 IhrCiinuine alieadywjld, ihl-. Veteran Explonr ranks among ho most lierole n-mres of iiw century! und lids hook one of the most iiinnikuble ot Iho nge. 'null ling in interest, illustrated piolusely, nndbelng iho only eiilbo nnd authentic llle, the millions uro eugir for It, and nldo-aivako agents 1110 wanted imtcMy. loriiroof and terms addiess Hubbard Pros. Pubs,, 72JS.11ISOIUSI., liillailolplila. Jttii. l'cb-i-iw. SIIElUIiTS SALE. HY V1UTU1-: Ol' A Willi' of Ii. l'a. Isssued out of iho com l of common Pleas of Columbia eounly, and lo 1110 dhecicd wlllbu exposed tu balu ut llio Cum L Huiiboou TUESIUY, 3IARC11 7, 187U. ntl o'clock p. 111. all Unit certain lot of Und iltuato lu tho town of bloomsbiirg Columbia county pa-, bouuded on tho wiulh by lands ot (I. Weiiier's helm, on Iho west by MurryV alley, on Uio north by I'ouiih sireet, and fi'iuilliig 011 Mniki l blrett 011 tho east fol tl -tour red, whereon Is iicclcd twotwobloiltd framo dwelling huiiso nnd out buildings, i ho lot Is well nulled, iho proiierry will bo bold in 0110 or two lols In bull piuihntir. Seled, taken Into execution, and to bo bold as Iho property of Jcsso Colcm.ui. jVTOTICE. 'Ilioundonslgneil would hereby givo nol ico to all pni llos Inilebicil tu him, on nolu or book account. 10 cuino forwaid ami k-iiio al onco or Iho hca-ouhIs will bo iil.icedln Iho blinds ot llio proin-r olliccr foriol lection. l'Vb.t-tf. HTEPIIUN KNOIIIt. V A ?Irr 17 I Agchls for Iho best belling J l .1 VjI l'llze iMckugo inlhowoibn II eoniaiiis lftbhci is paper, 15 cm elopes, golden pew. penliolder. piiKll.tpalenl jard measure, and 11 plied of Jeweliy. sihkIc imeknge Willi pair of elegant, 111 i-niin- rn en iiiiiiiius In tiik simitit op Tin: Si-tniio Pkiii-ohuakck ok COMllAlTOl- JOllN llOslON, lIUlEAbbP, WU Mill.. MM U I'AIIKS. To Mnlhlas Iioston, Daildson, Hulllinn Co I'm Earl lioslon, l'ulrmount, l.tucmo 10, Par lleulien llokton, lislilngcrcek.Culumbia Co, pa : (I, ), shull -Eiirlshull.-rmil llohr sliull, mbiorchlldiin of Polly ShulU deceased, nholmie I. K, Kilrklmuiu.ns ihelriiuardlaiiAiiiiuM, A. W. Weaier: Ell Weaicr 1-lslilngcreek, Columlilui ounty 1 Jlnry lifer, Naiill. coke, Lueiiioroiiiily! und Sarah E. liluard, billl. water, (oluinhla county 1 ' Yoiiuiidouih ot ou uro heaby riled lobonnU appear beforo IlieJiidies of the OiphausTouit Cel. limbla eounly. l'a, 011 llio imt .Monday of May next, then and Ik 10 tu show cnuse if iiuy.why 11 decuo ot Spwllio l'iiformance of rordiutt bhould not lioinado IK 11.'0 ,lu,'''. tm Jul'h Hobloi) wllh Ihobuld M llllam I- Parks for tho solo by urilelu of ugainient of buldJoliiUioblcii 10 buld Mlllum 1.1'uikHolri cerinln tract of loud bltuutu In Jatuoiaowwlilp Columbia county, linhilvuiila, "iij, rcb.ll-4w rrtVuiotwy.