The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 18, 1876, Image 3

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i. oo .us nun (i, I-in ii .iv. 11:11. 10. in
Hall linntl Tlmn
Accommodation Train . A."i.
Wn' '""' 7.40 A. 11
Impress Train 1.M p. it,
" " 6.34 I'.'it,
Accommodation Train e,s a. m.
Itcgularl'.xpros) a.r.i v. v.
ll.M A. At
r. Jt.
Through curs on Impress train i Ithcr to New Yut
or Philadelphia. Ion train runs between
'llliSlillu M.IL.JU.
The receipt of the Ladies' entertainment lat
Week nolteil nliont $2'0,
Another attempt at a mow storm on Tuesday
lal. lint wo liavo given up nil Ideaofheariti;
llio uierryjinifloof nlclKhlielUllin winter.
Wo acknowledge tho receipt of public doc
inncnts from lion. 1 1). Collin, our member
of Congress,
The resignation of Hev. John Hewitt as rector
of fit. l'aul's Ciiurch, Jlloomsbiir, has heeii ac
cepted by the vestry and will tako effect on or
kforu Easter Sunday.
Samuel Shailer, Jr., hai Rreatly improved tho
nppearanco of his residence 011 Third street. If
any 0110 want to know what kind of woik Mr.
Shaffer does his house will prove a first claw
The Ileal Kitate of Nathaniel Ovcrdorf, lato
of Catawissa, deceased, will be fold by tho ad
ministrator on tho premises on Saturday, March
1th. Soo advertisement in another column.
The Marquis, of Lome will visit the Centen
nial. Wo arc glad to hear it. Now that the
gentleman is coming over to see us wo don't
mind admitting our loyalty to his lordship,
l'oor printers nru all fort-ornc.
Wo were pleased to meet many of our friends"
and patrons in our sanctum during Court. M'u
are always glad to receive calls, and especially
so when our visitors come in to get a receipt for
subscription for a year in advance, as many did
dining tho last two weeks.
Thero will be a meeting of the "Thespians"
at the residence of K. .lacoby, on Iron Street on
on the evening of l-'ub. Mlh. The members are
uipie-ted to attend as there is business of im-
po' tauco to transact. l!y order of the Stage
Manager. E. Jauoiiy.
Mr. Milton Charles, formerly proprietor of
tho Forks Hotel, has opened a saloon and res
taurant in the room lately occupied by I). Stoh
ncr in the Exchange block. .Mr. Charles lias
fitted up his saloon in a ve'ry neat and hand
Fome maimer, and his many friends will be glad
to know that ho intends remaining in Columbia
The Friendship I'iie Company of this place
will givo a grand ball on Tuesday evening.Feb
ruary SAl, As the proceeds are to be applied
to necessary repairs of the engine house and
other properly of the company, they ought to
receive liberal patronage. They are making ar
rangements for a good time.
1. K. Miller, agent for piano-, and organ', has
a second hand Mason A- Hamlin organ, which
can be seemed at a bargain. It lias two banks
of keys, i-iglit slops and four sits of reeds, and is
in good condition. Ju-t the thing for
or lodge. tf.
In our lepent of the Kline trial last week, we
said that Messrs. Uiikloy and Iktler addres-ed
the jury 011 behalf of lliu defendants. This was
incorrect. Mr. Ikcler opened tho defense, but
Col. Free.e and Mr. I.arkley summed up. Tho
sentence of Samuel I'ngart and of l'etcr and F.
M. Kline will bo found in another column.
A shooting all'ray occurred at Stonytown
Monday. We have been unable to h'arn
particulars, lint understand that two young
men went by directions of a con-table to make
an arrest, a. id when (he parties saw them com
ing they attempted to escape. The ynung men
lire'd at Ihem, one shot taking elleot in the leg
of one of the escaping men. Tho oll'enilcis
were lodged in jail to await a tiial.
Tho performance? of the Cennennial Hramat.
io Troupe at the Opera House on Tuesday and
Wednesday evening's were well aituidcd, by
appreciative audiences. Tho plays were well
tendered, though hardly up to Ihe standard of
the Troupe, which aroe probably from tbo
fact that baldly enough time was given fur pre
paration to enable tho plavers to learn their
parts perfectly. We are not informed as to
tho amount of the receipt.
What aim: I.uoat. Holidays? We are re
quested to publish a list of legal holidays:
1. New Year's Day.
2. Wa-hington's liirtliday, Feb. 22nd.
li. (iood Friday.
Decoration Day, May "Olh.
Independence) Day, July -lth,
Thank-giviiig Day.
The roads through the county havo been in
n vcrv bad condition for some time. Mo-t of
the stage lines to and from this point havo been
obliged to drive four hotc to their convey
ance, and even then have found much difficulty
in (ravelling. Soring seems to have opened,
in ki.iln nf the retliction on the 2d ilist. What
a cruel tiling it is that the traditional ground
hog should have pioveu him-elf a hoax in Ibis
the centennial year of our national nulepcn
a ..o.,ib. nf ilir. Sunday Sebools of the
V,.il,ui,d,..,l!ind lianti-t Association will be
held in the i'ir't Kaplb-t ( huieb, William-port,
.. TlmrMl.iv. Mnv 1Mb. Ih7fi. The convention
...:n i. .,.',.,,.,.l nf f In- l'.isiois of theicsiKC
live (burehes, and the Supeiinteiidiiit and two
,m,i,. rumnili nbool conneeled Willi the
association. The committed having die details
of tho convention in charge are Lev. , lv. e,.
lloiuk, of this place! D. A. Koons, of Clinton
township ; S, 11. Burrows, of Picture Kueks.nnd
F. M. Farra, I,mainunj.
Columbia county is Included in tbo -North
umberla nd llaptM Association, and wo hope it
will be fully represented
Tl,., result of Tuesday's election in lllooms-
l,nrL. was neillier a Democratic nor a llepubll-
can victory. 1 1 was simply a victory of tho i ico
nic, over faclions. With ono or two exceptions
we could not havo de-sired a dilli-rcnt result,
Tl, i-nuiiilliiieiit to Mr. Loweliberg meant no
rillecliou on Ids opponent, Mr. Peacock, but the
people aio not yet icady to di-peiiso willi the
services of one wiio basso faithfully served lliein
a President of Ihe Council for the pa-t two M. (;. Woodward received lor contain
tho largest vole polled for any e-andidato on the
ilikct. which shows that our citiz-ens, irrcspec
it,-,, nf .,.-,rtv. believe that the peace of the com
,Mntii- Is safe hi tho hands of Mich a guardian
Altogether, it i tho most satisfactory election wo
havo held for souio time
Tho Hughe-svillo Bilirpnue goes for the I.y
coming officials In thiswise:
. i cdnmijl.-! county Iho total expenses
..i it,.,, ,, tone. Tux-pavers, what
d . vou t link of this kind of economy?
. .... , !.., i, ri-lres and mllcaRi
111 LOIllllllHU euui,,; :t -t1(. i f
of three commissioners nmounted to S 0, while
hycoinlng couidy paid her cuiumn-i
.mi wiiv iblsdillerentoV
. i , ,..i ii.n ,,i,,nlsloners al
ioweirShirt .innglhoaevcamtsof
Iho county Jjfil, just SIUO less in a . , -
.lit tho account, of l-ycomlug county. hy is
Tho reason, friend Kinsloe, Is because in this
ii . !.., l.,..w.,t mill nnniiu'tl lit
county wo generally cine '"'" - ..., --
men, whom tho itoilo and press hold to n Uriel
On Katurday night last tho Democrat of
Woom-burg hold a caucu In the Commisloncra'
ofllco for tho nomination of town officers, C. 1).
llrockway, l!n,,wai chosen a chairman, and
F. 1". lllllmyer secretary. David Lowenberg
wai unanimously nominated for President of tho
Town Council. Peter Jones, tleorgo E. Klwcll
and M. Knorr receiving tho highest number
of voles for Members of Council, wcro declared
tho nominees-. Tho following gentlemen wero
put on the balance of the ticket ! Ju-tlco of tho
Peace, Wesley Wirt i Constable, M, 0. Wood
ward; School Director, Jacob Oraul j Assessors,
Simon C. Slilvc, 0. W. Sterner ; Assistant As-scs-or,
F. P. lllllmyer, L. II. Itnpcrt j Judge of
Election, west ward, Stephen Knorr, Inspector,
J.D.Wilson, eastward, Judge, Jacob CI raid,
Inspector, Samuel Jacoby. The Hepublicans
nominated William Peacock for President of
tho Town Council, Isaiah llagcnhuch, K. 1!.
Drinker and W. O. Holmes Councllmen. Tho
result given below shows that tho lcgnlar nomi
nee of both parties for .Member's of Council aiu
elected. Tho successful candidates arc marked
thus .
rmisiDUXT op town council.
T , Hut. ll'of.
Lowcnberg, 2.-,0 lift
Peacock CO 111
J. S. Sterner
W. flartman
II. C. Hartman
D. Winner
J. I,. Oirlou
2 la
., ... CONSTAlILi:,
M. 0. oodward -100
E. H. Hidlcman 1 IS
James C. Sterner 01
ji'mtici: or
rin: rr.An:.
1. J. .Morris 121
W. Wirt IS!)
Joeph Garrison 32
O. W. Steincr SI
J. K. Kdgar lor,
Simon C. Sbivo 103
I., li. P.upert 111
C. Ililtcnbmder
, 7
11. 11. I.ililo
II. C. llarlmau
C. S. l'nrman
F. P. Hillmver
I.. 11. 1.upeh
school iimncrou.
15. II. Uingler
1'. Kiiaint
Cli Jones
Jacob 1!. Oraul
113 Jacob 15. (Irani 1711"
113 C. O. Marr 100
K. Ever
Stephen Knorr
D. Wil-on
C. Knt
There being
03 s
101 109
Samuel Jnevhy 171
a tio vole foi judge in the Wot
Di-tiiet there is no election.
There arc some les-ons to bo learned fiom
the result of this election, tlie first of which is
that when tho substantial voters of tho tow n
concentrate their votes on their regular cundi-
kites they can elect them in spite of factions
that assail tho polls on all occasion. The
conviction may bo forced upon certain parties
that a guod deal pf precious tinio is va-teib- in
trying useless experiments.
Flection in Catawissa resulted as follows.
Judge of Flection Lewis Kugler.
Inspectors J. I!. YettcrS. K. Mudget.
Supervisors Win. Sharpie Able Thomas.
Poor Overseer Joseph Mart. Peter Kuril.
School Directors Win. llnrtman Solomon
Coiiatablc Joseph Walter.
Auditor S. I!. Deiincr.
Assessor Calvin Clark.
Ass't Assessors tieo. (Judge) Scott Kliaa
llcrwick elected the following officers on
ucsday :
Chicl liurgess Joseph Faust.
Assistant l!urges II, C. Fleas.
Town Council J. M. Moorhead, A, Phillips
Daniel Heedy, Joseph Wank, W. 11. Freas, J.
W. Cooper.
Judge ol Flections O. II. Wells.
Inspectors A. Van Houteii, Win. Urcdbon-
Assessor Alex Thompson.
Ass't Assessors 11. If. Power, David Thorn
Constable W. J. Knorr.
High Constable John Frantz.
Ovcrecr of Poor O. II. P. Kitchen, Levi
On Thursday of last week Samuel liogart was
brought before Ihe Court, and upon being a-ke-i!
whether ho had any thing to say why sentence
hould not bo pronounced upon him, ho entered
into details of thedillie'ulty between himself and
mid the Klino family, and among other thing
lid that his conscience was clear and that li
had already been puni-hed more thaw ho de
served. While tho Coiutwa addicssing him
lie frequently interrupted. 1'clow we give the
remark of the Court and the sentence in full as
officially reported by S. N. Walker, A. M.
sentiinci: or Tin: coma-.
A merciful iuiv in yuur caso havo found that
vnii did not mlcnd to willully and'
ed v take the lile ot clliver A. Kline. .Mr.
iioiT'iiit, interrupting I had no more idea of
laking his life than 1 have of taking yours or
anv boilv s lieie now.! 1 bey found, however,
that you did feloniously and unlawfully kill
him. Thev have found also that it was not in
self-defe-n-i' I hat you did it, for that would have
aciiuitled you entiiely of tho charge. We are
sali-fied that the jury were justified in finding a
verdict again-t you ol at least as lilgli a grade
of ollcn-o as that which they did find man-
laughter. 1 his misdemeanor was committed
in he! i.i ion. in a moment of pa-ion, hut real
lv without that amount of provocation which in
ijw, strictly, would reduce the ollen-o even to
the giade which the jury fixed upon it. At tho
lime when vim Inflicted this moital wound upon
the person ol ellivis,A. Kline, lie was outside
.,(' or store, vet unill your pumiscs. lie de
manded vou to come one anil uie mailer coinii
lie settled. Ill a moment of passion you seized
tbiselcadly weapon and iullleted upon him that
wound which caused his death. 1 regret this
morning to hear you state that you feel as
though you had done nothing at all not ju.stilia-
hie upon your part. I would much rather havo
heaid you regret mat you nan neen icu on uy
tho injuries inllieled upon yon, as you suppose,
by the Kline family, mid that in an angry mo
ment vou had done lid great wrong, for which
on felt penitent and sorry. Mr. liogart I am,
finiir Honor nlca-e. very sorry that there has
ever any tiling of the Kind happened that I do
Sa)'.J jIIUOllgll U ".It m'l llisis.i.i fin a, ui
upon the trial, nor urged, that thi great ciime
was caused by reason of your having indulged
in Intoxicating drinks to loo great nn extent,
yet tho Com t nre aware of tho fact that for some
vejrs vou have Indulged to a largo extent in Iho
' i, ...... i i ..: . . i . in. ..,..,. ,.i,il.
usee)! iniuA u.iiii'K in iiiivs, iii.vAiun ,,,iii
vou make this morning, that it was on account
of tremble in your family, is but of tho kind
which persons make in almost all instances
wlicre tiny have an nppetito which they are
willing to gratify, and seek somo excuse. If you
had been Ihe Samuel liogart l hut you were be
r.,r.. i),ta habit of ilriukiui: to intoxication hud
fastened iuelf upon you, yon would not havo
slood hero to-day n criminal before this Court,
It is In this source that, 1 am confident, may be
traced the greater share of your troubles, and
that your own rellcction and consideration will
i, .11 vim how near the Court are to tho truth in
regard to it. Tills, however, is no palliation for
tho ollenio which you havo committed. Tho
lav does not permit a man voluntarily to make
idinself that which ho would not be without his
voluntary nclion, and then excuse tho wrongs
lie may elu when lie lias mauo nnuscii yuiumur
Hi. ,i tili-inoii.1 I do not know. sir. that wo could
say any thing further to you that would bo of
III. II C I H IO )-OII. llUlUlisi iiii,u . u ...,u
for some tlmo to como to your own solitary ie
ii, Pilous. Tho mUfoituno which ha befidhii
your family, of course, wocanuot but rcgrctj wo
feel pily aid sympathy lor mem j
.i.,..,ia ,,f ,i month v and re card for your fuml
lv should luvo restrained you in your Improper
courso of action-. You Inlng It Upon tusm
yourself. Mr. liogart If, without disturbing
on, ir your honors incase, recollect about my
Ife be-lnif threatened. 1 find run from I hem
tlmo and again, which, according to tho course
of nalurc, lliero ain't many men that would havo
done. Notwithstanding theso fact which tho
Court have stated In regard to your oUcnse, con
sidering your age, Iho Imptlsonmciit which you
havo nlrcady undergone, nud tho wreck It
makes of your fortune, wo aro disposed to bo
merciful, nnd wo trut that when you properly
comldcr tho subject you will also come to the
conclusion that tho Court wcro merciful in your
cie. mctlni' out to vou certainly no more than
you deserved.
Iho sentence or Iho court is that you, Samuel
Pogart, pay a fino of three hundred ($300) dol
lars and Ihe cot of prosecution ; and that you
undergo imprisonment by separate nnd solitnry
confinement i,t labor in the penitentiary for tho
eatcrn district, for the term of tlireo years j
and that you stand committed until thi sentence
I compiled Willi: and that lliu sbcrifl conduct
you thither within leu days and bo allowed ono
Peter A. and F. M. Kline were then brought
up, nnd after tho Court had listened to eloquent
remark on behalf of Iho defendants by Col.
l-re-e.o and F. It, lkeler, the following sentence
wa pronounced upon them :
ion have been convicted of infictiiiE malic
iously, unlawfully, a grcviou bodily harm upon
tho person of Samuel liogart. At tho time
wlicn tills injury wa Inflicted, Samuel liogart
wa in the custody of the law; ho wa bound,
under bonds of ten thoU'Jiid ($10,000.00) dol
lars, to nppcar hero and answer tho serious
charge of having taken tlie life of your father.
The law that lie-Id him in bonds was abundantly
able to vindicato itself without personal violence
at the hands of the relatives of the deceased.
o are satisfied, clearly satisfied, with the ver
dict that the jury rendered ; and In that is im
plied a conspiracy upon your parts to Inflict
tills injury upon Samuel liogart ; it could not
have been accomplished in any other manner
than by a previous agreement and understand
ing on your part in rcfcrcuco to it, and that
makes your ollenso much greater than if it had
been committed under any other circumstances.
Wc aro by no mean satisfied that all the per
sons, inmates of that family, who have been In
introduced hero as witnesses were parties to anv
Vtuch understanding we are by no mean satis-
lied mat that was llio cae, hut that Iho matter
was planned uy you and carried out, we think
was established so that the jury believed, and
ought to have believed it. There seems to have
been a feud existing between your families, yon.
the brotbcis-ln-law, and Samuel Dogart. And
when lie was placed in jeopardy, it would seem
as though vou sought and seized that occasion,
...i ....;..!,... i .i ,.!...
ue-ii piuiiiu opinion ooiu i, inn upon mm, io
wreak your vcuireance upon him. The defense
that you made as to tho facts that yon could
not have been the guilty parties wholly failed
before the jury, and the introduction of somo of
the evidence which was brought by you hero to
exculpate yourselves shows that you were not
only capable of committing a ciime, but al.-o of
reselling to extreme measures to avoid the pen
alty. And yet, cor.iderinir all tho circuin-tances of
the case, considering that the iniury which vou
indicted wa not of a lastinc: kind, (although the
Court instructed the jury and wo fiel that wo
aio oounil to instruct, now and herealtcr, in
every case that sucli an iniury a you inl.ictcd
upon Samuel liogart is, within the meaning of
the law, a grovbms injury that the smearing
of n man's face, hi eyes, Ids mouth, with a com
jinsilion such as that which you put upon him,
injuring his eyesight and inflicting degradation
upon him by tarring him, nnd perhaps with the
intention of going still further if you had not
been inteirnplcd, con-titutas in fact and in law
a grievous bodily harm,) it is to be hoped that
uie punishment which the ejouit will millet on
you, although not of so severe n character as we
might inllict. by any mcan, it is to be hoped
that that which will be indicted will in-
luce you hereafter to refrain, under all cir-
circuinstance-s, from violence to the per-on of
another, ami that you may .-co that the indul
gence of malevolent and leveiigeful dispositions,
(although forthe time biing it may seem as
though revenge were sweet), in the end brings
lutlerne-ss and trouble, ion nre young men,
:ind for those connected willi vou we cannot but
fi el sympathy. At the same time the law must
be viiidieatid not simply by n vcidiet but by
the puni-hmcnt which inil-t follow that verdict.
Jhe sentence of the Limit is that vou. and
c.uh of you pay a lino of one bundled (100)
dollars and tho cosls ol prosecution; and lliat
you severally undergo imprisonment in the jail
of Columbia county forthe lei m of one year;
and that you stand committed till this sentence
is complied with.
Commonwcallli vs II, (!. Crcveling. Non
pros allowed on payment of costs by James
Commonwealth vs James Carr. Xon pros.
allowed on payment of costs by II. (i. Crcve
Petition of Mary A. Snyder and William L
Snyder for guardian. John lle-rner chosen and
appointed, witli Solomon Shumau approved as
surety, in $1,000 for each ward.
Petition of Joel Snyder for guardian. May
berry Snyder chosen and appointed. P.ond in
$1,000. Lucas l'aliringcr approved as surety.
Commonwealth vs Samuel Miller, Itecogni-
.ance of defendant and Miner Hill in $000 for
appearance at next session.
Commonwealth vs J. F. llatbbun and John
II. Gable. Charge", forcible entry and detainer.
A true hill.
Commonwealth vs J. F. Itathbiirn. Charge,
malicious burning of a building. A true bill
loininonwcaltli vs i-criliuand wall. Charge,
laiceny. Jury called, and verdict of guilty.
Commonwealth vs same. Charge, larceny.
crdict, guilty.
Commonwealth vs Henry Fvcland. Jury
called. Verdict, not guilty,
F. 11. John's administrator vs Anion Clrover,
Jury called, and vcidiet for defendant. Abbott
for plaiidifi; lkeler for defendant.
William II, Ilcclilel vs Kate llechlel, petition
in divorce. Subpuua awarded,
Account of lleuben Miller, executor of John
Linden, deceased. Fxccplions to account with
drawn. Lice uses were granted In the following persons;
F. M. Oilinore,
William II. Koons,
William Oiger,
Michael Dougherty,
N. Ill edbi oiler, Sr.,
Sleplu li Woodriug,
John S. Mann,
Samuel lliigenbiieh,
Hubert lleagle,
A. T. Ikcler,
Milton Chalks,
Fating boils
Petition for lev lew of an alley in Catawissa
township, near the house of Henry HaiUcl.
Court appointed Samuel Drum and Haruian
John viewers.
Ilridge in Pine town-hip nppiovtd by grand
jury nnd by tbo Court.
Petition for division of Locust township was
presented, and Couit appointed Samuel Snyder,
F. II, Iirown and Jo-cpli (Jeiger coiniiiissioncis
Petition for a road in Madison, near John Sit
le-r's. Court unpointed William Fyi-r, llobeit
Hobblns and Joseph W. Kvcs vleweis.
Petition for a road in Madison township, near
Wesley Johnson's. John Applemali, John Be-U
and Charles Dicllciick appointed viewers.
Tho Couit ordered an adjourned Court to con
vene the second Monday of Maich, A. I). 11)70,
at 10 o'clock A. M.
Older for salo of real cstato of John H, Van
dcrslice, deceased, continued.
Centre township poor district vs llloom poor
district. Hide granted on defendants to show
cause why an older should not issue to compel
payment of money for support of dialled Mi
ICttalo of James Hess, deceased. Wesley Wirt
appointed auditor to distribute balance In hands
of administrators.
Wiley & Kussel MTg. Co. vs William 11
Law, witli notice to Frank L. Shiiiuan, (land
slice, llulu granted on plulnlllls to show cause
why tho judgment should not beset asido und
service of attachment stricken oft,
O, 1). Millard vs Conyngham nnd Centralia
poor district. Statutory writ Issued,
llloom poor district vs Centro township poor
dlstilet. Hulo on defendants to show cniiso why
an older should not issue (o compel payment of
money for support of Hosella l-.yerly.
O. G, Murphy vs Conyngham nnd Centralia
poor district. Statutory wilt Issued.
In tl.o matter of the funds In thu hands of J,
A, Fmistoii, administrator of Wilson Allen, do
ceased. . F. K. Orvl, Esq., appointed auditor
to niako distribution.
Kstato of John lloston, deceased. Petition
for specific performance. Publication ordered.
In the matter of Indexes In llecordcr's office.
Samuel Knorr ami F. II. Mlllo appointed a
committee to cxamino ludexe and report to tho
"Know Thy Opportunity"
Tho grim monster, Death, wiw stealthily
approaching, 1 could almost feci his hot,
fiery breath upon my foredicad. My faith
less godelos, llygcln, had utterly elesertcil
mo. Only now and then would Morpheus
befriend iue, but on this auspicious day, ho
had (Icigncd to moisten my eyelid with
heavenly ambrosia, mid I slept. As I slept,
behold, I had n dream I I thought that I
was roaming upon foreign soil whither my
physician had sent mo to recover my health.
I wa in n great metropolis onoof tho grand
mart of tho world. In ono of my strolls I
chanced to meet u man who had In hi hand
n handsomely-bound volume, entitled, "The
People's Common Scnso Medical Adviser,"
and who said that ho was nn agent for tho
salo of tho book. The titlo was such
a novel ono that I was Impelled to givo
tho work a casual notice. As I hastily
glanced over its pages, 1 observed
that it contained treatises not commonly
found in medical work. Hut I had too ma
ny times been hoaxed by appearances, and I
determined that I would havo nothing to do
with it. A voico within mo like a faithful
mentor, whispered, "Know thy opportunity;
in that book is thy salvation I" I began rea
soning with myself. Although doubtful
and distrustful, yet t put fortli my hand to
tako tiio book, and; loi tho agent wa3 gone!
I was miserable. In .ny agony I awoke.
Great drops of perspiration wcro upon my
brow. Hy my bedsido was a friend who had
called during iny slumber to seo inc. Said
my friend, "I have brought with mo a book
just published, which I thought might in
terest you," Ono glance at tho work, audi
was assured that it was "The People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser," by Dr. H.V.
Pierce, of Itulfalo, N". Y. Surely, this was tho
veritable book wliiclilhadsecn in my dreams.
My friend loaned mo tho work, and ovcrv
day, as my strength permitted, I perused its
pages. Although it contained very interes
ting treatises on Iliology, Cerebral Physiology
Human Temperaments, Nursing of tho Sick,
etc., yet being an invalid, I was most inter
csteel in tho subject o( Diseases and Heme
die. I bcliovecl that I had liver affection,
and yet more than one medical attendant
had pronounced my disease Consumption,
and tliatlwotild fall with tho autumn leaves.
In that book I found my symptoms perfectly
portrayed. I was then confident that I had
not deceived myself. I reasoned thus ; "Any
man who can sb truthfully depict my feeling
and apparently understands my constitutio
nal tendencies, must know jttt what my phy
sicial system demands. I will trust my case
with Dr. Pierce. 1 will tako his Golden
Medical Discovery as recommended for my
di.-easo." The result is, that alter having
per.-evcringly followed his prescribed treat
ment, I once again enjoy tho blessings of
health. Therefore, 1 would say to tho
alllicted, "Know thy opportunity," and
take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Keverily Johnson.
Hon Hovcrdy Johnson, tho distinguished
statesman and jurist, died suddenly last
Thursday at Annapolis, in tho 80th year of
his age. Mr. Johnson was born at Annapo
lis, on May 21, 1700. Ho inherited the le
gal acumen nnd judicial cast of mind for
Which ho was so eminent, being tho son of
1 Ion. John Johnson, Chief Judge of the
First Judicial District of Maryland, and af-
terwauls Chancellor of that State. After
r.uluating at St. John's College, Annapo
lis, ho studied law with his father, and was
ldmitted tu the liar on the completion of
his 21st year. Ho aciiuiicd a large practice,
mil during the next eleven years reported
tho decisions of the Maryland Court of Ap
peals, tho seven volumes of "Harris and
Inhiison's Reports' having been chiefly
prepared by him. In 1S17 ho removed t'j
llaltiniorc, and was soon after appointed
Deputy Attorney General of tho State. In
1-S20 bo was appointed Chief Commissioner
of Insolvent Debtors. From 18:21 to lSil
ho served as Stato Senator, resigning in the
latter year to devoto him-elf to his profes
sion. Less than twenty vears aftcrwaids lie
was the acknowledged leader of the Mary-
mil bar. 1 To was elected United States
Senator in 1815, and in IS 11) was appointed
by President Taylor Attorney General of
the United States. On President Taylor's
death, in. lK5U,lio retired from the Cabinet
and resumed the practice of law. ile was a
member of the Peaco Congress of 1S01,
ami in 1S02 was reelected to the Senate of
the United States. After tho war ho was
ippointed by the Government as umpire in
questions which had arisen witli foreign gov
ernments during tho occupation ot Jcw
Orleans. In ISO'S he was appointed Minis
tcr to Fiigland to succeed lion. Charles
Francis Adams, and negotiated a treaty for
tho settlement of tiio Alabama claims, but
it did not meet tho views of the United
States Senate and was rejected by a large
majority. lie was recalled from Hnghindiii
ISO'.), again resumed the practice of law, and
was engaged in several important cases be
fore the Supreme Court of tho United States,
Mr. Johnson would have been eminent as :i
jurist ami a statesman in any age or country
Tho strength and solidity of his judgment
were fortified by tho depth and accuracy of
his legal knowledge, and tho largeness of
his experience. Ho was the last of that
race of great constitutional lawyers and
statesmen of whom Webster was the chief.
Suviiitr, AcciDiiNT. On la-,t Tuesday
morning, as Air. Janic-s ShulU, of Cooper
township, this county, was passing alon:
the road at tho loot of Illuo Hill, o,i tho
opposite sido of tho river with n two-hor.-o
team and a. wagon loaded with corn, tho rear
end of tho wagon blippcd over tho hank at
tho sido of tho road in consequence of its
icy condition. Tho wagon fell down over
the embankment onto the railroad, carrying
the horses and tho driver witli it. Mr. Shultz
fell between tho horses' feet, and in their
struggles they struck him about tho faco and
head and indicted somo very severe wounds.
IIo win canied to Zehndcr's Mill wheio ho
lay in a critical condition until noon, when
it was deemed advisahlo to convey him
home. Intelligencer.
In tho supremo court at Philadelphia
on l-'eb, D, John 1). Lewis, a colored
man, made application to bo permitted to
practice in tho courts of tho state. Upon an
examination of his certificate, issued by tho
clerk of tho Miperior court of Masiachtisctts,
und tho perusal of a recommendatory letter
written by Gov. Gaston, of tho t-aiuo state,
tho court decided to grunt tho request und
ndmlt Mr. Lewis to tho bur ol' l'eiiusylvu
niu, This is thojlrst ihstnnco of u colored
man being admitted topractico in this state,
nn application for a similar privllcgo hav
ing been refused fcomo two yours ago.
Two exnrcfcsionson tho temperance ques
tion; 1. Do you think a social glass of wine
over nllowublo?" In our climate and
among our people so much inclined to tho
vico of Intoxication, wo think social drinking
in every form an evil and u prolific source
of ov11"WVomi Mr, JUecher'i answers to corr
espondents in the Christian Union,
2. Drop in and beo mo to morrow after
noon, Tho jug is filled, and not with wa
ter, cilher."-Voi a Utter by Mr, Jieecher to
Drank Moulton,
Tho Duko of Norfolk, who is President,
of tho Koman Catholic Association of (Iren
llritnlu, culls for subscriptions to aid tho
"persecuted" German uriests. Tlio Duko
subscribes 5 COO and Cardinal Manning
Till', STATU (!.riT0l,.
IlAltlilsliuiKi, Feb. 10, 187C.
The momentous political questions in
Issue has called homo all of our Inw-innkers
to the elections which camo oir yesterday.
For tho representatives from Philadelphia
to sit quietly in their scats and transact
business whllo tho Spring elections nro trans
piring would bo next to nn Impossibility,
Last year they wero not able to lufusoa
sufficient degreo of patriotism Into tho
minds of their fellow representatives from
the' country districts to effect an ailjoiirn
incnt on tills occasion, this year however,
whether fear of constituency on tho part of
country delegates was less mocked or argu
ments brought to bear upon them moro
powerful nn adjournment from Friday last
until to-night was accomplished and every
representative availing himself of tho oppor
tunity to visit his home, tho Legislature
chambers for the past tlireo days havo been
'liko somo banquet hall deserted" vacancy
being relieved only by tho periodic presenco
of some sleepy officer or disconsolate reporter.
For tho session to-nlglit thero is n show for
slim attendance in both houses though somo
action on tho county salary bill is antici
pated. The loose manner in which tho tax bill
reported by tho llouso committco on Ways
and Mcaii,oii Friday, is framed excites con
siderable comment. Great expectations of
this bill wero entertained, which its itclul
lias sadly disappointed. It modifies and rc
reviac -all tho tax laws in existence in this
State, but in such a mixed up manner as to
bo almost unintelligible. It will require a
careful remodelling beforo it becomes a law,
or our system of taxation will bo much moro
complicated in tho futtiro than it has been
in the past, liosido the bill abovo mentioned
soveral other tax bilks aro pending which
must bo incorporated in it, or in somo other
manner disposed of.
In tho general appropriation bill of 1871
an appropriation was mado by tho Stato for
tho purpose of removing and burying in a
inorosuitablo manner and placo tho Con
federate dead buried on tho field of Gettys
burg and at dlirbrcnt points through Adams
and Franklin counties. Dr. Fahnestolk of
Gettysburg was appointed by Gov. Geary as
trustee of this fund ; frtr somo unknown
reason no action was ever taken in the mat
ter nor tho money lifted from the Stato
Treasury. Last week Major Harry Kyd
Douglass of Ilngerstowu Maryland, an ex
Confederate officer and member of Stone
wall Jackson stall' appeared before the House
appropriation committco in reference to this
matter asking that another trustee bo ap
pointed and the money applied to the object
for which itwas appropriated. Mr. Doug
lass is an ablo talker and is said to have
mado an eloquent appeal to tho committee.
During tho late war Gov. Hailranft and
Maj. Douglas met under interesting circum
stance. At the scige of Fort Stcadniaii tliey
camo together under a Hag of truce and dis
covered that thev were graduates of tho
line college Franklin and Marshall and
niembers of tho samo college fraternity a
bond of friendship was established between
theiu then which has not been forgotten in
later velars.
On Thursday evening (to-morrnw) Gov.
llartianft and lady givo their second ic
ception of the season. A largo num'ier of
strangers are expected, and tho occasion
bids fair to lie a most brilliant one.
We hope in our next communication to
record the maturing of somo important leg
There are two editors twenty tlireo phy
sician, eighteen lawyers, and twelve clergy
men in the Insane asylum at llarrisburg,
When ii man earning a salary of fifteen
lollars per week can dress his wile as well
as a man earning $H),i)rfi per year, what's
the use of earning $10 000 per year?
There's nothing mean about tho Sultan
ofTuikey. His servants at tho palace mini
ber.loOt'J; the Kitchen employs Coo, the sta
ble loo, tho menagerie 2U0, and others ac
cordiugly. Tho gentleman's wives number
-rrof. Tice is satisfied that in 21,000
vears liom now we will liavo another
un-ually mild winter liko tho present one.
-o you needn't think about saving up mon
ey to buy an h I-tcr overcoat for that winter
Wheat ncr bushel i 1"'
Use " 'Ji
Com, new, " -0
ii.ui, " " 40
1'louriierli.urel -i)
I'lovei-si-eU Mil
riaxseed 1.W
Tulatoes l1'
lirlt-d Apples in
1I.I1IH 1"
Miles & s,hotilclers 12
I.arU per puuiid K'
Hay per ton 8W
Timothy SSccil M
(jroT.vnoxs l-'oit coal.
Xo. 4 on Wliart 4,00 per Ton
No. 5 " " 8,r '
No. II " " S.MI "
lil.iel:smtth'a Lump on wliarr f 4,n,i " "
" JlltuuilnoiB " I c.oo " "
lUN'KLIi UOAN. Vebru.iry 13th, by lfov. ,!,
Tiislln, Jlr, 1',1-iiJ.unln 1 ItUikerlolliisJemiloltoaii,
both ot iiluoiusliun,'.
IIOVK!: lliilTK. On tho 13th Inst, liyitho llev.
Wm. i. Uiltle, -Mr. Andrew Uojer, of Locust town
ship, to Miss liosauna llouck, of ItonrlnKcreek town
bhlp, Columbia county.
fl.KAVKIl-CIIKASV.-On l' uruary lo, tho
residence, of the bil lo's father, by llev.n. 11. Declmnt,
XlrC. .1. Cleau-r, of Montour county, to JllssMary
II, Creasy, of Coin mbla county.
K YER. At lior residence In catawissa, Jlrs. Char
iot t Kyer, consort of tho lato llev. Wltllam .1. Kj er,
used 71 jers, n mouUis, and vd.ijs. l'caeo bo to
her ashes.
llANfls. In Greenwood, on February 8rt, Mrs.
Amanda C, nanus, Otfed 20 ) ears, 3 months, and s
Dr. Fitters Kitlnen Conlial removes de
po-its of (Iraret, Calculi, Acids, retailhii, of
t'rinc. Gnat J'urifitr of tho ltladder and
Kidneys. O. A. Ivl.LIM Solo Agent for
Hloomsburg, l'u.,
Dec. 17,'75-ly.
An old ldivslcinn, retired from active prac
tice, lirivintr had placed in his hands by nil
Last India Missionary thof'ormiilaufuslmplo
cgclnlMo liemcily, lor llio specily ami jierm
nnent Curoof Consumption, Bronchitis, Cu
tarrh. Asthma, and nil I'll rout nud Lung Af
fectious, also a Positive nud Itndicnl Cure for
Nervous Debility nud all Nervous Com
plaints, after having thoroughly tested Its
wonderful curative powers in thousands ol
cues, feels it his duty to niako it known to
suH'eriiii: fellows. Actuated by Ihls motiv
und a conscientious desire to lelicve human
Millering, ho will tend free of 'charm) to all
who desire It, this recipe with fulldlrectlons
lor preparing und successfuly using it. .Sent
by return mail by addressing with stamp,
naming tins paper.
. Dn. W. O. Si-macs,
Munroo lllock. Syracuse, N, Y.
Dec. 21, '70-ly.
When you go to Philadelphia stop at
tho Allegheny House, No. 812 und 811 Mur-
kttbtrettj-iiuving ucfcit recently renovated.
Price only per day, A, jilck,
March l'J,'7(5-ly Proprietor.
Business iToticos
Go to C, U. Marr, for fresh Garden Seeds.
Ladles' foxed Shoes at K. M, Knorr' for
A now lino of children's Point Laco Col
lars just received at Clark oc Wolrs very
For Mlnco Meat, at 13 cents a pound, and
a fine lot of Cranberries go to HusscU'h.
Centennial BoooU & Shoes nt K. M.
Ileal cstato for salo and rent by M. Wyn
koop. Feb i iit
Cashmere Tics, Xettsnnd Luces now open
at Clark & Woll's, cheap.
Tho celebrated Tamaqua Hoots tho best
In the world, A trial ot ono Pair will con
firm tho above. For salo at li. M, Knurr's
NOTICK. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to K. Mendeiihall, on book
account, noto or otherwise, aro hereby noti
fied that settlements must bo mado without
di&y. lilooiiiibtirg, Feb. 17th, 187G.
New goods just received at K. M. Knorr's.
The best and most lcliablo for every ono
to buy. Try them. For. salo at McKin
ney's. The new novelty wash Vaniers just re
ceived at Clark & Wolf's.
O. C. Marr has tho nicest and cheapest
Spring Dress Goods in tho place.
A sure prevention against colds. Buy a
good Over Coat now selling at cost. At D.
For. Iti'.NT. The House, barn, and lot on
Eat Street, formerly occupied by I. W.
Nilcs, npply to Hkockway ei Kuvr.l.i.
Hloomsbtirg, Pa.
Morp of that 15 cent Dress Gooels just re
ceived at Clark & Wolfs.
A Farm for Sale. Containing fifty acres,
moro or less, situated in Fishingcrcck Town
ship, tills county formerly the property of
T. 11. & W. K., on which is erected a
new dwelling house, stable andothcr out
buildings. Terms, $1000 down and tho re
mainder in e:u-y payments.
Inquire of W. 11. Abbott Catawis.a or W. J.
Huekalew. Hloomsburg Pa. Attorneys, lw.
Canned fruits of all kinds at IIil-scII's.
A new lino of ladies'
Woll's, very cheap.
Slioes at Clark it
Ladies' go and see C. V.
of Calicoes.
Marr's new stvlcs
All Coal slate d and scuciied be fine leaving
the old established coal vaul of I'. YV. Nl l, ii
Hno. . 32lf
Table linens, Towels, Napkins und house-
furnishing goods in great vai iciv at (Jlark &
Volfs at exceedingly low prices.
New Orleans llakin Mola-sc, choice Syr
ups from SO cents to $1 a gallon. A line as
sortment ol i oiing llvson, Imperial, Japan
and lil.iek Tens al .M. ,M. Kus.sel's.
Snow Kxclndors for sale at McKinncy's,
do tu (J. U. Jlnrr for Miner's Soap.
1000 vard.inl'Xow Hamburg Kd-'iugs now
on sale at Clatk it Wolf's, cheaper than
- -
The highest Wi price p.ud for Mink,
Skunk, l'nx and Musk skins by 1).
Xew stvlcs in Collars, Cull's, Ties, Combs.
etc., just received at Clink oc Woll's, cheap
lor casii.
Oranges and Lemons
M. .M. Itus-eli's.
alwavs on baud at
C. , Ni:w,
out nice Coal.
it lino.
span- no expense to send
A large stock of Tobacco, of the following
brands. Peach and Honey, (inlden (Inn
Uomloia, urigni (.louu-ii eioeernniciit, isascs
choice, Modoc in pails. 20,00(1 cigars of
dille-re-nt varieties wholesale and retail, Con
li ctioniiry wholesale nnd retail at M. 31.
A new lot of Carpet Chain just received
nt Ularic cc wuit'd.
C. C. Marr buys
and Perries.
Dried Apples, Cherries
Clooil dean Coul
JCcal & liro.
tu 1C had
only of O. Vt.
llrmd.-omo Black Alpaens, Mohairs nnd
Ciislinierci at Clark ft Woll's, very cheap.
HATcj! HATtiM II ATS 11!
Newest colors,
llrown, Illnck and Navy Illue.
just received at I). Lowcnbcrg's.
Don't 1,0 worried and annoyid villi not only a
poor quality of Coal Imt dirty and slaty besides,
tint liny of C. W. XllAL & Uno. who deal only
in the 'best qualities. IWtf
Kcrtie Tics and Xctts and lots of other
fancy goods just received al ft Wolfs.
Hoots at Jlclvinncy's.
I-'aiimiuis, Attiin'3 ion. Hiiht-el -takes ll'.ilter
Kgy, I.ard and Produce in exchange for goods
lluliber Hoots at McKinuev's.
Chuk & now havo n eonmlelo lino
of new Ginghams, Calicoes and Muslins
which will be sold us cheap us tho cheapest
wr easn.
Itlir.llMATIsM, jS'ruialtiin, Lumliairo. Pda
tica lilieumatlc Gout and Nervous Diseases
positively cured bv Dr. J'illirs lthcuuudic
Remedy and Pills. C A. Kleim, Sido Agent,
Hloomsburg, Pa. Dec. 17, 'i0 ly.
You havo left it too long. Muslins aro go
ing up at I. W. llnrtnian's.
New lluekcts. New Tubs. New Carnet
Chain, New City llrooms nt I. llurt
man's. Rational Mi:iucArinx. Midieation is on
ly mrci-ssful whin it is lallonnl.nnd it is ration
al only win n it begins at thu beginning. In
oilier wolils, to euio a uuilaily, Us eau-c must
bo removed, Weakness, cilli'crgcnerul or local,
is the origin of lliu gnat majority of dUcafcs.
Keinforce Iho vital energiis, regu'lato digestion
and Kcrctlon, liy t-lreiigllienini' tho organs
which nerform those nll-liniK'itant funetions.
and ilvi-pcpsla, roii-ttpation, kidney and bladder
cuiiijiiiiiiii.,, uicniie iiiiiiiiiiiies,uiiiiirc eireuia
lion, nnd die thousand and one ailments which
arc tho consequences of debility, aro coinplelc-
ly, nun in nia-i casis peiinamuuy, icmoviul.
The Iiest, safist and most ngieiahlo tonle and
alterative that can lio einplojed for this pur
posu is Hostitter's loinaeh Hitters. The ex
jierieiico of iwinly-livo years, during whieli
time it has oiillivid jk lin j,s ten thms that mini
her of euhcmcral lirinarnilons whiih havo m.
lertil Into tonipitllio.i with it, has proved it to
no uniquaiiii us a uuicily lor all disorders ac
lompaiutd by or pioctcilitig fiom weakness,
(lid Kstuldishoil Coal Yard.
O. W. Niiai. & Hno.. Wholesale & Uctail
Dealers In nil sizes ot tho bust qualities of
lted mid Whlto Ash Coal, lit tho very lowest
market rates. Have constantly on haiullurgu
stocks of
Blacksmith's Anthracite,
and l.iuiebiirncr's Coal,
Kspecial attention e,ivci to tho prepara
tion of coal before Iciiviiip? (mr yards, drain
and Lumber taken in exchange for i-oal.
Coal delivered to any part ,of the town ut
shortnotice. Ordorslettut I. W. McKolvy's
store, or at oHr ollioo, will recelvo iiiompt at
tention, Ollico and Vurds ut William Neal
& Sons' I-uriiiiee, l-ist llloonihburg. Your
patronage reapectfullv solicited.
COAL. l7-tl'-'.'3
Is receiving a cholci select Ion of
consist Ingot
Ditcoaisrs HU.NDitinsi,
KNOI.lSlt FOAl'fl,
tout monnii:h,
CRlAlt L'ASCts,
Key West and Havana Oigars,
anil lots of Kino Hoods.
said that you would like
!e wear, rather than
monly sold? This will
Tbo very larce Increase of
m I Peopl
You Can Save Enough
In buying a Suit at Oak Hall
from anywhere In this County to the City of Philadelphia
and have a day of sight-seeing besideB. Wanamaker &
Brown stand by this Statement, and so will
you after one trial.
Characler of
the Goods we sell!
For Men & Boys.
retail, We bear no ill-will to any one, and state this only because some
dealers sell poor goods as coming from our house. To each of our custom
ers we are responsible for articles bought of us. By our plan of Ticketing
the right namtt of the materials on our goods, no one can be mtiled as to
Wanamaker & Brown
treat their
HE nrlce
Is given, that
anywhere, and that the quality is as represented;
also, that the money will be paid back in full, if purchaser within 10 dajs
wishes, for any reason, to return the goods, unworn. a
where the Store 1;
about where
Philadelphia, it Is a large building, the sire of four ordinary store, and Is
on the South-east corner of SIXTH S IXTII SIXTH SIXTH
a I .VI 1 1 a I AH l and market Streets.
Those who cannot
to the City.
E send
to the Express Oaou receipt of goods,
waniea, ana
ijou rev
la aiwwcu uciuro paying, wnerc eeous ao not p lease, we win return me
money and pay the cvprcssage back to Philadelphia.
1 oh should b4 sure to see cur name on the ISuildinsr and over the door
a? you enter.
Dc-aler in Law Blanks, Sunday
T'mitiavl Villi!
Books and supplies not on hand can bo furnished
On Short Notice at the Most Reasonable Rates.
Store iii Exchange Ilotel
Oct. 8,1S-5-
TnkuAjei's rills for nil thopurpores ofa purga
tive, liu-eonsllpnllon, Indigestion, headache, and liv
er complaint, liy unlvi rsal nccoid they aro tho best
of all puryath es for tumlly use.
A.T. siewnrt f-ajs tho best ndiertKIng mediums
ho has cer found aro Uio old established org-nns of
tho two political run tics, nt tho several county eents
throughout tluu Union." "These, ' ho says "leach
ecry family of tho least account In their, tcu-nU
counties, and nro moro carefully read than any other
1 class of Journals." If Mr. Mewivrfs Judgment is ot
ulue, tut re is uo dlfUeulty lu ik-cldUig wlilchpaptr
It Is for tho Inn-rist cf business im u lo advertise lu
The Couiiuu DraotiiAT, upon which this paperls
partially founded, was established In lt-SC, and tho
Coi.vuuun now enjojs a wider circulation and
greater I rospcrlty than It ever did. It goes tici li
ly tnto two thousand families in Columbia and ad
joining counties, and by most of them Is read from
thUrstto tho last hue. It Is tho only recognised
exponent of nearly tlu thousand Pcmocrstlc voters,
In tho county. It gHis ndi rtln ineuts n tasty ills-'
play, that them attractlvo to Its patrons, thus
ensuring greater certainty Unit they will pcrsso
them. While Itsclreulatloulsundoubtedlymuchtho
Invest lu tho county, tho advertising rates of tho
COLvsinUN nro no higher than thoso of fcthcr papers
with barely halt nnd several not one-fourth tho num.
ber of subscribers, rnels lll:o these speak for them
selves. No shrewd business man will neglect to In
Bert his adv crtlsemcnts in tho Coi cmuun If
Tho undeislgned Ailmlulstrator of Nathaniel Over
doif, luloof l uluvilss.i. township, Coluutbla county,
deceased,, vvtll eipuse to public sale uu lliu nxuibea
nt ono o'clock, p. in., tbo following desci Ibed Iteal
Kstato to-v It i
A llouso and Lot of Ground
situate In Cntavv Issa townslilp and county aforesaid,
adjoining a lot of Catharine iletllngon tho norlh.un
alley on Iho east, lot ot II, v. ssiult on tLu south
and second n n et on the west, tho said lot being cu
leet Iront und tl oieit lu depth. 'I heio Is erected on
thu piemlsesutwo-steiy
and out-bulldlngs.
TKIlMts ol' mam:. Ton ptr cent of tho one
fourth if the pun-husn luimoy to lio udd ut the
fclrlMinrdimii ol llio pi-openyi Hie oni'-fourlli ies
thuli-u ni ceiil lit Iho ouullriiiulluii ubaolub'iiial
tliiiit-iiinliiliigiliieo-loiirilis lu unu i our thereafter
with Intel est It can ecnilimulloii nud.
JI. V. 11. KI.1NK,
Feb. 11,-U AduuuUvtiator,
"I)LANK NOTKrJ.wllh oiwithout eiemptloi
li lor salo H tho coluuuian ouice.
Is now opening tho wry cliolfWtt
Imported and Doinostio Grooorios
ror.Uie Holiday trade.
All kinds ot Italslns, Foreign' nnd Domestic IHiltn,
Nuts and Confectionery, and another lot of lino
Now Crop Japan Toas.
. tc. ., ri i ens'
to cet such Clothinp; as
the wholesale goods com
tell you how to do it.
our business allows us to make
TO be run of what we sell we manufacture our
goods, some of them in our own building.
They areweUcut.sewedandfinJshed. They
can bo relied upon. Storekeepers out of tho city
misrepresent us when they say they tell our goods,
as uv da net wholesale but confine ounelvts to
In plain figures and nothing eff. The
ptice to acquaintances and strangers.
:v ceot) e and country teot
With each article sold, a Guarantee
ana country people equal
the Price is as low asitcan be bought
THIS is important indeed, because. unprincipled
people having stores in Philadelphia, coutt
terjeit out signs, cards, advertisements, and
stop strangers on the street, withatse directions
th store is, so that they may sell their
roods. There is but one Uak Hall in
patterns of material and prices by
when renuested. Persons can have
- tin iroods sent bv F.vnrecs. bv send
ing their measure (we furnish easy directions that
any one can measure by,) and describing color
price ucsirca. i'aymcntcan oe maae
and the privilege of examining them
Sbhool Libraries, Depository of the
n Tlihln Rnninfir
Itoilclms, Bloomshirff, Pa.
U tters of AdmlnUtratlon on tho cstato of Lydta
Zimmerman, laio or eeiiiro tovvnshlii, Colum
bia county, deceased, havo been imirm d bv llio Heir.
Isler of said county to Isaac l lilldlce, of urnngo
townslilp. All persons having elnlins ngiilnst thu
estate of the decedent aro renuested lu present them
rc.r settlement, and those Indebted tofhe estate Ui
mako puvment to tho undersigned udmlnWratur
iiuuul uciay.
ot Oruugo township.
letters ot.ilmliifst ration on the estate ot PallyAnn
Vnple, Into ot Hshliigcreel: township, Columbia
county, deceased, have teen grantnl by thu Ilegls
ttrol said county to V. V. Vaple, c;f Ilsl.lngcncK
townslilp, All persons having claims against thu
estate of the decedent arureiiuesttdto puseiittheui
for settlement, und those Indebted loilio estate to
latiku pajiOL-nt to thu undersigned udi. lnlsirator
w llhoul in lay. KltANK W. V A I'l.K,
liucKnluwB, Administrator.
Jan. il.TiS-lt.
Utters testamentary on theestate ol Hem) Uelsh
llne, latu of rishlngereek twp.. Col., Co., deceased
havo been granted by thu lleglster oi said county to
Levi llelslillue, l'lshiugcreck, and Ji-i-ub 8.1le.: hfiue,
Huntingdon Luicmo eouuty, Executors, lo whom
all iwrsiins Indebted nro requested to inaku pay
luent, iiiidlhos-ehavlngclalmsordcmaiu" against
thu said estate will lnuUi Ihem know ( lo thu
said EAceutors w lthout delay. linsin ink,
jACOii s. ii..'-.iii.ini:,
l-'eb. II. Cvv. l.u-cutors.
bolters of Administration on Iho vitiluol llantcl
llrulg, lato of lloarlngcivel: towiisiiln.t - lumblaCo.,
deeeased, havo been granted by the in ,i -ti-r of said
county, to I rank Unrig, of Ixicust and John llaitg. of
ltoiirlngcrcck. All ls-rsons having claims against
thu estate of tho decedent, aro requested to present
them for settlement, nudlhosoluiU-bteAlotheestato
to inaku paj meuv to tho uudersteued oiluilntstratonj
without delay. PltAMi; It AllIu,
Vet). 11, Mt.'
iXlters or Admlulstmllon on tho Estr-te of John
Snjderof Iwust tw n. Columbia county deceusid
have been grunted by tho IU'glsti-rof said teuntyto
Jei emluh t-uyder, Locust twp., Columbia couuly.Vu.,
tu whom all rsons Indebted to sold Kttute me ie
quisteil lo inuke puyiuent, and liuvlug claims
ugidnsi tho suld estulu will mite them kuo n tu thu
suld adiuUilstrutor vitthoui aeluy.
Jan, Ss.'TO.-tw Administrator.
Dealer In
Silverware, YiUc1ks and Jcwcliy
Ladles' and (icntleinoii's Cold unl Kl'nr,
of Aiutrlcan ai.d I'uiiltia nuiuuluituie.
Silver and Platod Ware, Clocks,
FINK JT.Wl'.LUY, AO., .U".
l'roinilly llM'tiUcd.
ojv.i.'is ly