THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY' PA. Miscellaneous. Jim Barker's Court illow they Do things ont In Colorado. Jim llnrkcr, n well known character or tlio mouiitnliii, whoso hitch string linng-t out nt tlio lienil of llluo Llzznril dutch, was duly elected n justice of tlio pence for that section of El Paso county, nttlia September election nml Mlko Irving, n couirnilo of JIiii'm, wax empowered to olllclnto ns tlio executive oil! cer of UU court. Last week .Tim eonvcneil his tint court, to hear tlio complaint of Elder Slater, n traveling missionary, who had caused tho arrest of Zlmrl Howol.x, n resident of tlio foot hills, upon a charge of stealing tho elder's one-eyed mule. Zlmrl had hecn arrested by Irving, tho constable, while in tho act of casing tho descent of tho inulo down Mad Gun mountain, with liis lariat fastened to tho tall of tlio animal. Tho proof against Zlinri was conclusive, Accordingly, thojustlce, nfter much legal per plexity of mind, proceeded to sentenco Zimrl to ono year's confinement in tho ter ritorial penitentiary, which sentence ho con cluded as follows : An, now Am, seein' lis I'm about out of things to cat, an1 as you will have tho cot to pay, I reckon you'd better tnko a turn among tho foot-hills with your rifle, an' sco if you can't pick up somo meat before night, as you can't start for tho l!lg Canyon beforo moruln'." which mar kctlug duty was performed by Mm bring ing in ono black tail fawn and a rabbit with in tho time prescribod as a postscript to the Kontcnce. On tho following morning tho constable, mounted upon his broncho, ac companied by tho prisoner astrido of tho mule, which tho cider had kindly loaned him, started through tho mountains for tho penitentiary, whero they arrived tho second day out, their animals loaded with a deer, two antelope and a small cinnamon bear. which they sold to tho warden of tho prison. After dividing tho money tho constable pro ceeded to hand over Zimri on tho following mittimus, which is carefully preserved, and may bo seen In tho possession of tho war' den : To tho head man of tho Colorado prison down nt tlio foot of tho big canyon on tho Arkansas. Tako notice ; Zlmrl Bonis, who comes with this here, stolo Elder Slater's one-eyed mule, an it was all tho mule tho cider had, and I sentenced Zim officially to one year in tho. Colorado prison and hated to do it, seein as Zim onco stood by mo liko a man when tho Injuns had mo in a tight place, an arter I sentenced Zim to ono year for stealing tho elder's mule, my wife, Lizzy who is a kind of tender-hearted critter, come nnd leaned her arm on my shoulder, an says she, "Father, don't forget tho timo when 'Am, with his rifle, covered our cabin from Granite, mountain, an saved us from tho Arapahoes, an, father, I havo heard you tell that after you was wounded at Sandy creek, an helpless, it wa3 Zimri'a rifle that halted the Indian that was creeping in the grass to scalp you." An then there was a tear splash fell upon the sentence, an I changed my mind suddenly as follows : See ing as tho mule had but one eye, an wern't mor'n half a mulo at that, you can let Zim go at about six months, an sooner if the Injuns should get ugly, an, furthermore, if tho elder shud quiet down an give in any time, I "vill pardon Zim out instanter. Witness my official hand and seal. James Barkkb, .Justice of tho Peace in Blue Lizard Gulch. El Paso county, in the Territory. Tho warden, after informing tho constable that he could not receive the prisoner upon the commitment offered, proceeded to explain that he should havo given a bond in tho sum of about $300 to appear at the district court. Accordingly, tho constable withdrew with his prisoner, when it was agreed between them that Zimri should givo tho constable his bond for tho amount mentioned by the warden. Thisivas accomplished by ,imri subscribing his namo to an old replevin bond calling for $300, found among the papers transmitted to. tho constable by his pre decessors. Then, as tho constable intended returning by way of Pinon mountain to ex amine a bear den whero ho had seen a couple of cubs playing last spring, ho gave the bond to Zimri to take back to tho justice. But Zirnri, while on his return, traded the $300 bond to a mountain squatter, just from Missouri, for a horse, and the prisoner is believed to be at this time a dashing hunter on the plains. The Sheriff's Utiles. While it will be generally admitted that tho sherill' of any county is responsible for the custody of prisoner, many people may wonder at the Sheriff of au interior county in Michigan who feels also responsible for the moral character of tho men who occupy his cells. On taking his office a few weeks ago he had printed and posted up in the ward the following programme. Prayers and Religious Singing At 7:30 a. m. Breakfast at 8 a. m. Prayer and Singing at 12. Also at 8 p. in. Prisoners are expected to leavo off smok ing and chewing when entering this jail, Svcaring will not be allowed. No prisoner will bo allowed to have cards or dice. Treat each other like gentlemen. Let your con duct speak in your favor. Be candid in your speech, lionekt in your actions mid up right in your dealings with each other. REAP CAIIEI'UI.I.V. And conduct yourself accordingly. , Sheriff. Tho official got aloug very well with most of his prisoners, but a few days ago a rough fellow was placed in his charge for larceny. He refused to obey tho ruled of the printed card, and was chewing tobacco and shullling a pack of cards. Tho Sheriff stripped him of tho forbidden things, called him into his office, and asked : "Havo you concluded to obey those rules?" "I never pray and I can't sing," was the reply. "If a man doesn't want to pray I can't force him to, I suppose; but you've cither got to sing a hymn or you won't get a mouth ful to eat for tho next week I" "I won't slug for a live man," was tho de termined reply. He was locked in a cell, and lie, held out for two days, At the cud of tho timo he broko down and came to tho point as fol lows : 'From all Unit dwell below the skies,' (Gimme bOWHlilui; to eat.) "Let Uio Creator's pruljo ailsu ;" (For I'm as hungry us u boar.) "Shall we gatlior ut tho river t" (l'uss tLut coffee tills way,) "I want to be an autre! Ana with, tlie angels stand." (I'ass la thtia btaiis.for I'm a licked wan !) And as the Sheriff gavo him his breakfast ho told tho fellow how wrong it was for a prisoner to get his back up anddeclaioho wouldn't bo good. Geraniums and calceolarias, kept in windows throughout nuimier, aro said to drive away flies, Itcincuibcr this, ladles, mid try It next hummer, j Young Folks. Chncludtd. At last thcro camo to court tho most beautiful princess that ever was seen ; and Walter fell In lovo with her, and entertain od her In a magnificent manner every day, till ono day, ju it ns they wero standing up to danco beforo tho whole court, thero camo in an old man, very ragged and dirty, with n great peddler's pack on lih back, nt whom Waller had nt looked livioo beforo ho saw that it was tho old gray goblin, Instantly ho remembered his promlso to receive him as a father, and- began to bo very much ashamed at tho notion of presenting such an old begger as his father to tho king an i all his splendid court, but Walter's ninth had taught him novcr to break his word, and always to do what ho thought was right no matter how dkigrecablc. Accordingly ho dropped tho princess' beautiful whito hand, and going up to tho dusty, dirty old goblin, kliscd nnd embraced him, brought him a golden chair to sit on, and taking tho pack from his back, carried it away him self, and laid it in n corner, Tho courtiers stared, and nudged cucli otli cr. "Who Is this wretched old beggar, Prlnco Walter?" asked tho beautiful princess, tossing her head scornfully. "You must conio with mo now," said tho goblin to Waller, taking no notico of what was said arouud him, "I havo need of you." "But my father," said Walter, "I was just about to danco witli this princess, and sho will bo offended to bo left standing on tho floor. Let mo first dauco with her, nnd then I will go with you." "No," said tho goblin, "you aro bound by your promlso to do tho first thing that I should ask of you. Go and oxcuo your self to tho lady and comowith me." Then Walter went up to tho princess, nnd lookiug sorrowfully at her said, low : "Dear madam, do not bo angry with me. I have promised to go with this old man, but I will return as soon as possible." "But do you imagine," returned the prin cess, angrily, that I will sco a beggar pre ferred to mo ? If you go with that man novcr speak to mo again." "Alas 1" said Walter, "I must go, for I havo promised." "No," said tho princess, "you shall not go, unless you wish never to seo mo again. I will not stay hero au instant longer if you go with that man." "Come," cried tho goblin. "I havo wait ed long enough." Walter, who novcr dreamed of breaking his word, turned about and left tho princess standing on tho floor ; but at that sho set up a dreadflil cry, and spreading out two great wings, sailed out of tho window and away over tho plains towards tho sea, flapping her wings, and screaming dismally as sho went. Then said tho goblin : "My son, that was the, wicked enchantress who so nearly de stroyed the king, aud whq now intended to destroy you in a liko manner. Had you listened to her instead of remembering your promise, sho would instantly havo devoured you : but now you are safe, as tho timo of her power is past." With that tho goblin tucked himself up in a ball and rolled out of tho door so fast that nobody could follow him : but Walter came to tho throno after tho king's death, and was long known as good King Walter. Legcniis. Old Eherstein. After tho Emperor Otho I. had conquered Strasbourg ho be sclged tho Castle of Eherstein which tho countaof that namo held against him. But they wero brave warriors, and after n scigo of nine months Otho was apparently no nearer his hopes thau at the beginning. Then ono of his Knights advised him to proclaim' a tournament at Spcirs and prom ise, tho counts of Eherstein safe conduct if they sliould choose to attend, and 'mean time wbilo they wero absent, tho castle could be surprised. Otho profited by this advice and the tournament was held. Tho counts of Eherstein appeared and did themselves great credit. After tho tournament thero was a ball, and tho counts danced with many of tho chief ladies of tho company. During ono of these dances tho Count of Ebersteiu was told by his partner of the ruse of tho Emperor; sho advised him to confer with his two brothers, and that they all should leave as early as possible. He acted on tho advico of tho fair lady, but af ter telling his brothers, they returned again to the dance, and after a little Count Eber steiu proposed that tho Knights and ladies should reassemble next day to repeat tho tournament, and proposed to leavo a hundred guldens in honor of the noblo ladies. The emperor consented and all separated with great good will but tho three counts of Eherstein hastened to their castle. Next day all were assembled and waited for the tournament to begin. At length it camo out that tho counts of Eherstein had return ed homo aud tho Emperor was outwitted. Then lie Bent men to try If they could not reach tho castle beforo them j hut they wero already there, aud repelled the assault in in such a manner as to convinco all that it was worse than useless to continue against them. Then Otho scut tlirco ambassadors to negotiate terms with tliem. The castellan .conducted them through tho castle, and showed them casks of wino, heaps of fruit, and an abundance of flour. Now the casks had false bottoms, and tho flour covered a mass of chtlf j but tho ambassadors told Otho that tho castlo contained provisions for another nino months, and that it was vain to think bY subduing it. They advi'cd him the rather to propitiate them by giving ono of his sisters in marriage to Eberhard, the youugest Count of Eherstein. This was done and their union was celebrated throughout all Saxony, Wait. Walt, husband, before you won der audibly why your wife don't get along with tlio household affairs "as your mother did." Sho is doiug her best, and no woman can enduro that best to bo slighted. Itcmem her the long, weary nights she sat up with the little babe that died ; remember tho lovo aud caro she bestowed upon you when you had that long spell of sickness. Do you thlnk'bho is made of cast iron ? Wait wait In silence and forbearance, and the light will come back to her eyes the old light fur the old days. Wait, wife, beforo you speak reproach fully to your husband when ho comes home late, weary and "out of sorts." He worked hard for you all day, perhaps far into tho night ; ho has wrestled, hand in hand, with cure and selfishness and greed and all the demons that follow in tho train of money making. Let home bo another atmosphere ontlrely, Let him feel that there is ono place in tho world whero ho cau find peaco and quiet, and perfect lore, The original grave of General Anthony Wayne Is believed to have been discovered on Garrison hill, in Erie. Tho remains were removed by his grandson, Colonel Isaaj Wayne, in 1600, to Wayucsborough, Franklin county, Tho old grave is to bo fenced in nnd tullably marked, Tho Great Reputation hlch Ycgctlno lin.i ottalnod In all rartfl of t jntry as n Great ami Good Medicine, nr.,1 Ihn Inririi tirttwliornf lil ImftntflU Which ftro COn MtnntlvliHtiL' li'irlvrMl frnm ncrsoin who havo lioen cured ty Its , nro concliislto proof nt Its great value. It Is lecuinim illicit liy plislclans and nnothecarle. As u liloodd'urlllcr anil llcallli-Uc-Htnrcr, Itluis mi . , Ycgetlno li not piepnrod for n fancy drink made, from poor llipioni, u lileli debilitates tlio sjstoni and lends icj uesuuy iicaiiu iiiiruii m iv-muhii iv. Aro not llui ninny loidliiioidiilmHen for tlio dllTer. nnmtil .Jul. HiiiKf.irtitrv in miv rismonnhlo Per. mms siilforTng from t bey ran be, cured? Head the different, testimonials gUeli, and no ono can doubt. In in.iny of lliesi) caws tlio persons (my that liielr rain and suffering cannot bo oxprosscd.ns In roses of Scrofula, where, apparently, tho whole; body was onu mans of corruption. It cgctliio will rcllowipalu, cleanse, purity and euro such diseases, rt'lorlujr tho patient to perfect health after trjlng IlinerCIIV IHIJSieiUHl, 1I1U1IJ ivhiii;i nuu,ti..h vnitis. la if tint, nnnriueiwi nmor. If ou nro a suilerer. Jon enn bo cured? Why Is this medlclno performing Kucuirreni unreal iv moik.i u mu "'..' circulating mild. It can bo truly called tho (ireut m,,n.i pnt-Mor. Tim prpnt sourcn ot disease orlul nates In tho blood; and nn incdlclno that does hot net directly upon it, to puriry nun rciioviuc, uu hit lust claim upon publlo attention. When the blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, ellher from change of weal her or climate, want of exercise, Irregular diet or from any other came, tho Yrgctlne w 111 renew I ho blood carry oft Urn putrid humors, clcnnso tho stomach, regulate tho bowels and Impart a tone of rl.fiti t.i llin u-hnlil hnilif. Tlio COllWCllon lS. Ill tllO public mind as well as In tho medleal professlon.lhnt (ho remedies supplied by tho VegctnbleMnedom nro more safe, more successful, In tlio euro oi disease, than mineral medicines. Vegellno is composed of roots, barks nnd herbs. It Is pleasant to take, and ispcrrcciiysnroiogivnnii iiuum. eu juu 1UllUb UCSU4UU IU WJ lit luu nmuvTi, nft CANNOT BE EXCELLED. CUAKLK8T0WN, March 1!, 1?C9. imVu sib Tills Is to certify that I have used our "inood rrep.irauou" in my mum iui :ui' j""" and I think that, for seroiula or cankerous lliimors ... -a... k IT...,l....c, It rtnitm.t Itl, nPPllin. fltlll UT IllHlllllilllW ..lll.ll l,'it, . " imiuu. T nsi n blnnil iiurlilernnd mrliiL' Is tho liest tlilnif I hav o ever used; and 1 fun e used almost cverv thlnj. I can cheerfully recommend It to any ono In nceu oi sut-u u im.-un. iiii'. Yours respectfully, JlrS. A.A. DINSMOUR, lDJlussell Street. WHAT ISNEEDEI). IIostok, l'eb. 13, Dear Sih About ono year since I found myself In n feeble condition from u-eneral debility, ecotlno was stroDKly recommended to mo by a friend who had been much bcnoilted by its use. I procured tho article, nnd ntter uslne several bottles, was restored to health, and discontinued Its use. I feel inilto con fident that thero Is no medlclno superior to It for tlioso complaints for which It Is especially prepared; and would cheerfully recommend It to thoso who feel that they need somethlnp; to restore them to pencci neaiin. ntespecttully jours, U.Ifrymsaiu, Vlrin of H. SI. l'ettentflll Co., No. 10 Mate St., Huston. GIVES HEALTH, STRENGTH AND APPETITE. i timiiinf hnq rr-riMipil trrpat bcncllt from the USO 01 IIIU M'KCllIie, Jlfl uwiiiiiih I"" " Hourco ot ureal anxiety to all of "or friends. A few ponies oi uiu ivjiiuuuiiawivu,,,. v,1-,:. : and unnctlte. N. II. 11 i.oln, No. 49 sears llulldUU', Uoston.Mass. GAINED FI FTEEN TOUNDS OF FLESH. SOCTIl I)ehwick,Mo., Jan. II, 1S"2. "'I'J'.SIS'f iN.?,'.x1?i,',wrnvtmpnsla In llx worst form frtw tl,n Inuf tnn VfiKW flDfl lmvn t aken hundreds of dollars worm or meuiciuu wiinuui, uuimm , ....j relief. In September last I commenced taMnir tho cectlne, since which timo my health lias steadily Improved. Jly food digests v ell ; and I have ira tiicd liriecn pounds of lleh. There nro several others in this place taking Veifctlnu ; and all havo obtained relief. . . , lours iriuy. . THOMAS K. M0011E, Overseer of Card Itoom, l'ortsmouth Co's .Mills. Vegetino is Sold by All Druggists, Jan. 14, lS7Mm 1876. CENTENNIAL! 1876. W. P. JONEfc & CO, Catawissa, Pa. To Outt FltlENDS & THE PuitLIC : For the kind and liberal pat onago bestowed upon us the past year you have our Thanks. Through it we have been in strumental in BRINGING DOWN THE PRICES on many kinds of Goods, "We want to sell more goods this year than we did last, and we ask for a continuance of your generous support, assuring you that we shall always endeavor to sell at the lowest possible Prices for Cash. We now call your attention to 89 Pieces, J .584 yards, Hamburg Embroideries and Insert ings just opened this week. The above embrace the newest and most beautiful Patterns ever shown. The Embroideries we sold last year with such great success, are and have been long famous as the best and most saleable, and those just received are superior in style and lower in price than ever before. We also wish to call the atten tion of Housekeepers to our largo stock of Bleached and Brown Sheetings, and Shirting Muslins. The very best Brands in all widths. Tickings, Blankets, Tabic Linens, Towels, t Napkins, &c, which wo offer at very low Prices, Wo aro also offering at reduced Prices, Shawls Furs, Underwear, and many other Woolen Goods to oloso them out. ' Call and examiuo at tho Popular Cheap Cash Storo of W. P. JONES & CO., CATAWISSA, PA. LOUIS BEKNHARD, PealM' In HLQIN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Silverware, AVutches mid Jewolry Hl.OOllHIIUKO, I'A, Ladlos' and Uentlcmtn's Hold and Bllvcr WatcLas, of American and Foreign manufacture. Silver and Plated Waro, Clocks, FINK JKWEUtY, AO., AO. HEPAI1UNG AND ENGRAVING I'ronintly Gxocutcil, IJsend 1 CntaloirnoTlMnrjlnndMJ. p Manclio.O 1 for A anil 1, nnd i)L Smyrna, O rrco .vinpsoi iiciawnru vumwnru fob 4,';o.4W MINI) Heading. Psyeliom.nicy, l'nclnntlin, soul chnrmlnfT, mcsmerltn, nnd marrlni?o Kunie, showlnjrhow either sex may fnselnato nnd irnln tho love nnd affection ot any person they ennoso uisiniiiiy, 4110 panes, uymnii, oueenvi, huiiikuo. mss.Ilfi street, Philadelphia. fel)4-4w. HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA. WANTKU, AdKNTM In every town to cnnvnMfor Dr. I'oriK I's new unit popular IHSTOHY M PENN SYLVANIA, from tho earliest ilpcuvrry to the pres ent lime. A (.plenum ihsjk, nunpii le inonnvouinin, ii i I'miiuipii. nml tmhllshi'd nt a tn lee ullliln reach of tho piople. A I aro ihaneo tor nllrsl rlxssrau- aSSCT, AU1IICSH llll. 11IIH1M1L'11, lIIIIKI'l ll I UV Iisiunjr co., mi & my ijtuncu ni., I'liunucij.iiiu, Feb 4-1 w I'ATll.N'T INTKItl.OCUINtl URATE BARS Natiufnctured by the Stiluitisiiiricr ;i'!i(o llui- Comti'y Thesn bars hnva been used and unproved In un. wnidsot r.,(Mo tin iiaerM, In factories, Mcnmeis nnd lisouioim'f, llliu uiu ii'i-iiur iu nil tuiirin ui i urn i v nnd economy 111 tlietleol Iilpl SntMncllon KUarnnleed. Deferences In nil partner l r. fiiiae, ivi iiiuuimny, . i. i . u, iiua itw, IV b 4 -lw tmmtnit Snefru! i0,000 of the Genuine nlrendy sold. This Veteran Kxplorer ranks nmonsr tho most hemic figures nf tho century! and this book ono of Iho niust remaiknblo of thoneo. Thtll- Unif In Inteiest, Illustrated profusely, nnd bclnu tho only eiitlro nnd authentic life, tlio millions uroenirir ior ii, mm wiiie-uwaivo litems uruwaincu quicHij, I"nr proof nnd terms nddi ens Hubbard Uros., l'ubs., iii:i Ninsuni m riiiiaueipiua. II x Co. Feb 4 4w. JIA1II1IKI) riloi'l.K.-Now Invention. .lust vilint jnuwnnt. llell.ible nnd durable. .Mailed nn receipt of IS els. Address Dr.JlosmaiiA Co.,, conn. iau. ki 4w lA VAIT Male or Female. Houd your nddrrtA 1J' 1 UU nnditet Mimethlni: that will bilnc WANT you In honorably over IIMi u month irvMIMr sure. t-I.NVI-lN'I'oii'.s t'.Nlo.N, ill un li j no, urcemucn St., rew ion:. .Ian 'Jl-iw AdUNTS wauled for tlio Krent OENTENNI AL II ISTORY Ion naircs. low mice, milek sales. Extra terms. Jan !I4 1'. VV. Zlecler & Co., 513 Arch St., 1'hUa. SHOUT GUT TO WEALTH. Chances for nil 1 Male nnd femalo ntrcnts nnd can. vasM'is. Free Information, and rico camples with every order. I', o. box tan 1I1I.TO.N K CO., 102, worth St., , Y, .Ian 214 w. "Wf A XTrn? 1 Acenls for tho best selllne V iVi X VjIJ l'rlzo l'ncknjro In tho world. Ucontaliis If, sheets pnier, 15 envelopes, golden pen, IK'iiholder. pencll.'p.uent yard mcasui u, and n piece of Jewelry. Mno package wllh pair of elegant. Cold Stono Hleevo Muttons, postpaid, y.1 rents, fi for Jl. '1 his pjekago has been examined by tho publish ers ot thu coi.umiuan nnd found ns represent od worm uiu money, wuicues given nvvnyioaiingenis. Circulars free. UltlDlI & CO., IC9 Broadway. N. Y, Jau 2I-4W VOli COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AITS AIiXi BBROAT DISEASES USK WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS rut up oniv in ului: doxi;s. ATrlcit anil Suva Kcincdy. Forsalo by druggists generally, and JOHNSTOX 1IOLLOWAV & Uo.hitladclphlj, I'a. .Ian 81-iw 187a! WHERE NOW? 187a H'n "KITPTIinAV tiu (if Mm fnrv.inrmt ilrturlolil.w and UealtUy fjtutcs I WHAT FOE? TO buy a FAItM out of tlio One Million Acres of lino farming, lands for sale by tho OltANU ItAP- uj a. Jill il. J.. Stronir HOlls. llendv Markets. Suro crons. flnnrl schuols. it. It. runs through centre of grant. Set tlements all along. All kinds of products raised. ricuiy oi waier, iiuioer ana ouuuuig maienais. l'rlco from 4 to 110 ner aero: ono-fuurth down, bal ance on time, twtiond for Illustrated namnhlet. full of facts aud figures, and bo eonv Inced. Address w. A, iiuwAitu, commr, Orand llanlds. illcb. 1'. It. L. 1'EIItCC, Sec'y Land Dep't. lit A. jJ. dUU Xl-SW. CALIFORNIA THU CHICAGO & NOKTn-WKSTEltN HAIMVAY Embraces under ono management tho (H eat Trunk Hallway Mues of tho WKST and NOllTll-WKST.and, with Its numerous branches and connections, lorms tho shortest nnd nulckest routo between nnd all points In Illinois, Wisconsin, Noktiiekn ..IICIIIOAN, JMINNKsUTA, JUVVA, J KUUAShA, CaiUOmU and tho Western Territories. Its OmnliH mid C'nllf'oriiltv I.luc Is tho shorteht nnd best routo tor nil points In north ern Illinois, lown, Dakota, Nebraska, Wjonilng, Colorado, Nevada, I'tnh, uulfurula, Oregon, China, il llflUU UUU AllSOilllil, i IS Chicago, Madison & St. Paul Line Is tbo 8lioi t lino for Northern Wisconsin and Minne sota, and for Jladlsou, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, and nil poUits Iu tbo great North-vv est. Its lVlnona nml St. 1'ctci- I,Ino Mankato, bt. l'eter, New ll'lni, and aft points ill fcouthern and central Minnesota, its Circcit Hay ami Marquette Lint! Is tho only lino for Janesvllle, Wntertown, Fond I)u Lac, oshkosh, Appleton, ilreenllay, liuuaba, No gaunce, Maniueltc, Houghton, llancocl; and thu Lako hurierlor country. Its rrcciiorl nnd Su1iiiiiio Lino Is tlio only routo for Klgln, nocktord, Frceport.nnd nllixjlntsvlaFreeport. Its Chicago nml MilivauKne Lino Is tho old Lako .ilioro Itoiito, nnd Is tho only oao passing through Lviinston, Lake Forest, lllglitiad I'ark, Waukegun, ltaclue, Kenosha to Milwaukee. l'ulliiiaii Paiaco Cam am run on all through trains of this road. This is tho ONLY LINK running these cars be tw een Chicago nnd St. Paul.Chlcago and Milwaukee, or Chicago and Winona. ' At Omaha our sleepers connect wllh tho overland sleepers on tho Union Vnelllo itallroad for all points west ot the Missouri river. Is tlin rttiltr t-miln fnr VVtrinn. TlnAW.nn ri.minn,,. un uio arrival ot ino trams rrom tlio cas,t or south, the trains ot tho Chicago North-Western itnllvvay leavo Chicago as follows: 1 Feu Council Hi vrn, umaha and Camvoknia. Two through trains dally, with Pullman palaco drawing loom and sleeping ears through to Council lilurfs ' '. ; ""-'":Aroi.i, iwDinroiign tra ns :ally. with I'ullman naljcii mm ntinph,..iatn iV,..V? trains. Foit gkken IIav and Lakk hri-Eiuoii, two trains dally, with l'ullmnn palaco ears attached, and run- iitii .MiuiiMU iu .tiai iui;ilt'. Foil Milwackie, four through trains dally, l'ull inaucani onnlgia trains, purlor chair cars on day trains. rf Foil Si'AHTA ANii Wiso.VA nnd points In Minnesota, Winona0 WltU ''u"muu uleepcni to in!ll.I!F.B?!)lii!' v,a rceport, two through trains dally, with I'ullman cms on night trains. Foil Drvi'ui'E anu La chossk, via Clinton, two hrough trains dally, wltu PuUman cars on night train to Jlcdregor, Iowa. (." run ffiuix citv anh vankton, two trains dally.I'ull man cars to Missouri valley Junction? Foil lake geneva, four trains dally. I'OK KOCKI'OKll. feTEIILIMI. Ki viun . l,un,ii, (lnlly lti"r f""1'8'5 ou Cftn liavo 'rum l,vo to ten trains lorK ,on Ve- "Sllroadwoyi lloston nmce, Cit-lalohireet! Omaha onice, 253 Furnham stiiet: ,ttai"",c, onlct vt i'ontkomery Mreet ; ChicA go ticket omcesi t,i Claik sheet, under bherman llouwt comer Canal and Madlsou bluets; Klnlo fpt d'lwt, corntr W. Ulnzlo undcnnal Mreetsj Wells htiett depot, coiner Wells nnd Klnilo blreets. l or rates or Information not attainable from jour homo t Ickt t agents, upply to W. II, 1-TENNETT, tien, 1'ats. Ag't, Chicago. Mahvin Ilrnmrr. Uen. .sup't.Chlcago Feb, 4,'7tf-ly HKDUCKI) TO A CEHTAINTY. Climico to (lain $100,000 $.1.00,000 Without rUk. Kcnd for circular at tnce. Nollmo Bepn'inA N S V" " iilti"'v St'' NkW Vol": PRIVATE SALE OF VALUA1JLK HOTEL PJtOPEItTV. Tho iiBderslgncd offers at prlvato sale tho Hotel .uukm IU UIU Half Way House. In centre Township Columbia County, containing TWO A CUES Cn which aro fieetrd n pruvi imrn nnii Miii,tiiifiim,u it Is located on thu Main road between lllooms buigiindierv.lek, und Is In eury way a desirable piorty, 'l erma easy, A 1.' UIIITf.T Dec, 91, W3.-U Lliuu llldge, I'a i: OTKWIO W5ASK, 7lt llr.t-1 In riMnhnHlll. r,.l,....t l . ... Va . .l.l,n k, tt.r l.i . I ... r., . ..... . .... . .... . ,1 l,v " ....J -1.IW1UWVIVV .W 1UU11IU LM UlliJIUlK l.lblO. Annlylo H l?Mlllll April ....... All'y.nHaw, Jan t.!6-tf, UlOWukbure, V Ayer's Sarsaparilla la widely known ns ono of tlio iiuirt cllocliial rcincilies ever illfcovercd for cleaii5ini tlio sys tem nml purifying tlio 1 il mil. It 1ms flood tlio tcft of 7 ,..,r, ..... .. 1U- stantiy growing rc 'utation.liaiicdou its Intrinsic virtues, nnd suflnincd liy Its re luarknlilu cures. So mild ns to lie fall) nnd beneficial to children, nnd yet so scaichlni; ns to cllectitally purgo out tlio great cor ruidloiis of tlio blood, such as the rcroflilous nnd syplillUlc cniitiuuiuntion. Impurities, or diseases tlmt havo lurked in tlio system for years, soon yield to this powerful nnti tlolc, nnd ilifappcar. Ilenco lis wonderful cures, tunny ol which nro publicly known, of Scrofula, nnd nil scrofulous tli5cnc., Ulci'i'H, JCruptions, nnd eruptive dis orders of the skin, 'I'llNKii'S, Itlotclics, toils, I'iniplcs, Pustules, Soi'es.St. Atilliiitiy'.s L'lrc, Ittise or ICr,v.sIie lns 'IVfter, Salt ltlicuiii, Scald ilond, Jdntrwot'iil. nnd internal Ul cerations ot' the Uterus Stomach, nml J.lvcr. It nho cures oilier com plaint?, lo which it would not seem Cfpecl nlly ndnpted, such ns Dropsy, Dyspep nla, Kits, Neuralgia, Heart Disease, J''iiliilo AVeaUltcss, Debility, nnd LciicoitIkuii, when they nro manifesta tions of tho scrofulous poisons. It is nn excellent restorer of health nnd strength in tlio Spring. Ily renewing thu nppctito nnd vigor of thu digestive organs, it dissipates tlio depression and listless lan guor ol the teason. Even where no disorder nppenrs, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansing tlio blood. Tlio system moves on with renewed vigor nnd a new lease of life. vnr.rAnr.n n y Dr. J. C, AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass., J'mrffrnf ninf Anutfltctil Chemists, sold uv am, nr.uuGisTs hvl'iiywiii:i!c. Apill lc-7tiyl 2"KW STOCK OV OLOTHIXO. AND G-ontlomou's DriOHS Goods. DAVID LOWENIlElia Invites attention to his largo and elegant stock ol Cheap ana Mionalile Clotliino, ;at his storo on; MAIN STHEKT, IN TIIK NKW IILOOK, ULOOMSUUUO, l'A., whero ho has Just received from New York and Phil adelphia n full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including tho most fashionable durablo and uauasomo DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING OF UOK SACK', FROCK', GUM AND OILChOTil, COATS AND PANTS, Ol' ALL SOUTH SIZES AND COI.OltS, llo has also replenished his already largo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSI.MKIIEH, STItll'UI), FIUUI1UI) ANDJPLA1N VUSTS, SilIltTS, CltAVATS SOCKS, COI.LAItS, HANDKIIIIC'IIIHI'S, OLOVES, JbUSPHNDEliS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. IIo has constantly on band a largo and well select- ed.'assortmcntot Cloths and Vestings, which lio Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind ot clothing, on very bhort notice, and In tbo best manner. All Ills clothing is mado to wear nnd most of It Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHUS AND JKWUI-KY, OF EVUHY DESCltll'TION, TINE AND CIHIA1'. IIIS'CASE OP JEWELUY IS NOT SOKI'ASSED IN THIS I'LACEr" CALL AND EXAMINE HIS (1ENEKAL ASSOItT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jew ry, &c. DAVID LOWENBERG. uly 1,'H-tt. TWO MONTHS FREE ! ! THE NEAV YORK TRIBUNE, "The Jjaulimj Avurican A'cwvimwr.' 1 On receipt of 12 and tlifci advertisement This Week ly Thiiicnk will be seni, poMngo paid, until Decem ber 31st, ism, or for 1..M, six copies i for i2,elcven : for 130, thlrty-ouo. AiHii m Jan. 16,16-ly, THE TIHIIL'NL', Now York. DVKUTIRINOi Cheap! GooJs Kyutcnia tie. All persons who eonoemnlatumakUiir con- truU, raws w lib newknaiHrs tor tho Insertion ofiulver. ILsniuents, should send 2A cents tu lieo. 1. 1 tow ell & Co.. 41 1'ork ltow, New York, for their l'Alll'IIIJJ'r HOOK (lilnety-Hovcntti edition.) containing IMsof over moo ncwtimjicra and estunates. shutting lha cost. Advertisements taken for leudlng papers In many blates at a uememkius rcdutlou fronipub Ushers' ratts. (iithik litos. jun. itlo-ly. TO $20 )icr day. AgeiUs wanted. All clashes of wurklni. nuonlu ot both boxes, voumr nd old. inakoinuroinohi'Vnt work tor li3.UitheTrDwii localities, during their mmro moments, or ull thu timo, than at uny thing else. Wo oiler emilo) ment that wUl puy handsomely for every hour's work, t'uil particulars, ttruis, Ac., bend us your uddresa ut onco. Don't delay. Now Is tho time. Don't look for work or business elsewbero, until ) ou buvo learn ed what wo error, u, briNsoN & Co., Portland, Maine, Jan. 1616-ly. s "A Woman fair to look upon." AHA, The Princess. I'acslmllo of a celebrated Oil Painting by lino. CIUItT, In 81 oll-colors-slio ITxVl Inches. Tbo roy al tieauly of f aco and form, I K li oriental roituino,ro mantlo eastern UndscniK) bntk.ground.wlth Its well, palm trees, Hocks, tents, and long stietdi of desert, and distant boundary of mountains, combine to form a raru aud lovely picture. It would giuto tho walls of any publlo cr prlvato gallery, Canvawhis are wii.novcrlt, and aro cotnpttlngfor tho Cash I'le lalums. Bend fer our hpltricliaoDer, Address l'oiinico.,rYMk(iiy Jn.l-ft.6 miMm GHANO OPENING t ML LAS MENDENJIALL HAVING resumed the liunlncss of Mcichnn dlielnt' nt bis Old Store, on JIA1N STUKUT, I1I.OOMSI1URO, NKAlt TIIK FOIIK3 IIOTEt,, ivslresln call thu attention nf his Trlends nnd tho l'ulillegeneriilly,ii his NEW, t'ULL AND VAIllED STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solldts n share of publlo patronngo HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF DUY tlOODH, tmocEiims, ii!i:i:Nsw.iin, WIMIDKNWAIli:, WILLOWWAKE, hoots ft snons, HAHDWAIlh, FLOU1I AND FEED In connei'llmi wllh Ids stock of Ml rcnandtso ho ronslnntly keepiunlmnd Inlilaynrd. A lTLL,vroci; OF Dressed and Uiidressefl Limikr, AND HlllNllI.IISOF Ills MASTFACTtlltR. YAW Lumber m.'ule n Hpociiility. CALL AND SEE. Oct.B,1H73-tf. BLOOMSBUHQ- MARBLE WORKS. T. L. GTJNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STHEET, 1IELOW JIAHKET, Manufacturer of und Dealer in all kinds oj MONUMENTAL MAEBLEWOUKS Wousotliobest AMEIIICAN and ITALIAN Marble. IIo has on band mid furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOM IIS, 1IKADSTOXKS, URXS, VASES, &e. Every variety of Mnrlilo cutting neatly executed at Uio lowest maiket prices. A lung experience nnd personal attention to business makes tho proprietor comment of gU lug satisfaction. All ordeis by mall promptly attended to. 1'. o, box 2D7. BQy"Ar. Jl. Work delhcred free nf chctry.Sm Aug. HI, '71-ly. T. L. (1UNTON, Proprietor. "yAlNWUIGllT CO., WHOLESALE (IIIOCEliS, N. E. Corner Second andArcliMrecis, rnn.Ai)i:i.iMiiA, Dealers in TEAS, SYItUPS, COlTEE, KUOAlt, MOLASSES I'.ICK, SI'ICES, alCAKD SODA, kc, Ac, iwordcrs will receive prompt attent Ion. cl.r-lf KOLLLNS & HOLMES No. 17 centre Stro Pinters Gas anil Steam Fitters MANUFACTUHEP.S OP J? 1 1ST W -A. 2R, GALVANIZED I HON C0UNICE, . WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wiro TrollNcs, Ac Dealers in Stoves, Rang es, Eurnnccs, liiiltiinoro 1 1 inters, Low Down Grates, Mantels, TUMI'S, Wentlicf Strips, &c. Also GAS FIXTURES of tlio latest design. Special attention raid to re palling Sew Ing Mai bines of eieiydi'i-eibillun, scales, l.(MkH. Ilfll lbllnrlnL'. Ki'V KIIIIiil'. Ae. 1'lLMllu Kesl. deuces Heated la Meant ut asmiill eosl above Hot Air. l'eb. W,'75-lf, Bargains in Lumber! at tho store of JOHN J. MENRY, BENTON, COL. CO. JV. 100,000 fencing boards, at $8.75 100,000 heart Shinies, shaved, extra good, at $7.00 100,000 Sap Shingles shaved, at $4.50 100,000 No. 1 Sawed Shingles at $5.00 Also Plank, Siding, Inch Pine, and all kinds of lumber can bo found in my yard. Call at onco for bargains, Dec, 3,-3m THIS I'AI'EK IS OH I'lLK Willi ROWELL & fHESMAN . Advertising Agents, THIRP-& CHESTNUT STS..BT. LOUIS, MO ii' it & i .i ' SUI GENERIS. HpaTmTiMqu MuifJrr.nATi' 1 ;-v- .rtiti ttt TKR IB ST. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS: DNEQUALEDZXUNAPPROACHED In cnimclty and exocllonoo by nny others Awnrdiil and DIPLOMA OF HONOR AT VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. OMI W Amorlcim Organn ever nwanlcd nny miilil U It L I" llnroiw, or tilth proncnt nn h cximonll. nary rxrvlli'tico MU comin and a wide mIo there, 1 1 111 A VO nwir,lcd hiKlici,t prpminms nt ln,1iii. ALW ftlO trlnir,iwltlnnMii.mfrlciinni;lln "irri'ic. llutot hundred Intro burn not lut n kU In nil litre any other organs bato been prefcrml. DCPT Heclnred by Eminent Miuidnnj, In lioth BtO hemUphcrcii. lo l lllirl nled. Poo 'JbsmtONIAt, finrtrt.AIt, wllheiilnloinef moro than lino Tholli-llllil (l free). IHOIPT on hnrlntf n Slamn k Hamlin. Do not I Nolo I bike nny oilier. Peatnt ffel LAnorn ro MlaMONa or Kllinit Inferior niwint, nnd for Ihlt reman of ti n trv let u onl lo tell tomethtng tlse. Rtrlll OTVI TP llh mort lnuwtant Imiirovo NtW O I ILCO menu e(er inailc. M1V jnli and ('' Ilinlloii Mni. Sllliel-li l!ln"ero and other I'hch of new iIcmhiik. PIANO-HftUP CABINET ORGAN " qtllnto combinatKm ot theoinrttrumrntn. EASY PAYMENTS. imI' ,ii)nienbi; or renteil until rent r"!"8 r t'10 oman. fltfTfll nnllTP and Clrenlan, ltli full imrllo. LA ALUllUto nturmfnw. Ail,ln,MASOX.Ib HAMLIN IIWIAN CO., llil Tremont Btrert, IlOrt TON i Union Square, h'EW YOIlKj or bU & tSJ Adauia St., CUIUAUU, 1AS0N & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS si w ni: oiJT.MN'nn at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL oi1 SCRANTON, Pa. Otiwritt Jycut its for the celebrated GHIGKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. MTXtEIt. r.LooMSiwna, ja., Denier in above Iiistruniciitsi. Maiclno, 'T5 y mw Moos f A HEAAT STOCK, Cr2icapcr than Elver! S. H, MILLER h SON Have Just Received the largest ami bent miiply ot CHEAP AND' FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS, They liavo ever offered tollieir friends and ens toincrs. (Jlotlis, Cassiineres, anil Satinotts for JIKN'S WKAH, Cloths, jUapacas, Mci,inos, for JiA DIES' WEAlt, CALICO Erf, MUSIJNS, CA.MIUUGS nml every variety of Dry CJooila ilesheil, STOCK OF Carpets, Mats, Ottomans, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GROCEUIES, inelmling all the varieties of COFFEES, TEAS ami SFOAIiP, COUNTRY Pll())UCE, ami a (,'eneral suiiiily of articles useful fur the table ahvays on hand. CALL AND SEE. Country luodnce of all kindi taken in ex chant;!' fur kooiIs at eali price?, Oct. !10,'Il-tf HOLIDAY GOODS- J, m MAIZE, lias just rccelted a lino assort ment of AI.D13J KVAI'OIIATi:!) I'KACIinS. Tlio best fruit of the kind In tlio market. I'lMIAITI.KCJIIXSi:, AUimtiA (iiurj:s, OltA.NtlKS, I.KMUNH, CONl'UUTIO.NS, NUTS, Vc. &c, 'AsiJudldnewlot ot CHINA-WAHK, TOILKT SKTS, CIIII.DHI'.H TOY BCTS, NKW S'l'YI.U CUHI'IDOIIS, CIINTKNXIAI4 IUIIiAU 1'I.ATKS, (ILASfj-WAKK, (iUliUN'S-WAIlE, ... .....v.j, 4 nut ftU'll III IHIH-J Killing UlIU linuclium MTM.1K. KhiK.tialatleiitlon IstallnllohU In vnitrtt a run maai. t . 1 1 .-.,,. tJ iu4 nut j null', illllUI JIU IM'llI. jir imnloinityH, ull his kk!h nro tlio best timtc vHwuiiHHuj iiimriiiH'j- iUIH', HlllfllllM IHhCUIIl PlflKi'd utit flicnn 'u imiikiu. 4 itn IllUUaJIlU IIIHt (1'NIIH Will ,1,br!i'.;vny,i.lt1?,!!,Slt'S.,'H.r,,B' n Hee.II,ls.' Coiigln Cohli, irtm chiti.", Soro Throat Hiienza.Croun, Wli la ilOOJl lug Cough, IIoarsenesH I.UurCniiiiilaiiit, l'aiiiH or SorentM in tlio Chest or Side, JlleeJing at the LilllL'H. nml everv nireciion pf tlio Throat J.unes nnd Chest, aros i Ily cured bv tlio use of lln. WihtahM II tuuu ov W 1?HVII1I. Xl'lllnll fl.JiU nt.t .1.,, ..n n ...1. .. ., ... ed 11.11 ........ ' IUI IIIUOI. ,1'IHl lmt loosens It, demises tlio lungs nndnllajali Ion, tliui reinoluir tlio cause of thu coniulalut. tllll f'Hllhil lu'hllul na .Ihn Ill 7. illen, nia Consumption can bo cured try a timely resort to this standard remedy, as Is l'wedby liumlrtds of tebtliuoululs It lmsrocolved m mm . 'ar s A k j-m m u m bp " AN ACTUAL BUSINESS INbTITUTION AND TBLEaitAI'IIia NST1TUTB. For Information call at omce, or so&d for Ooujm Aiivmrmiu, luueiiG-iy RAIL ROAD TIME TABLES pun. i.UJEM'ItA AND HEADING KOAD AltltANOEJIENT OF l'ASSENOEIl TJtAINS. SIAY 8d, ISIS. TIIAIN1 1.F.AVB lltTSIIT Afl IOI.I.01VB (SfNUAVrXCErTKI) l'or New York, riillndelrihla, Itendllig, rotlsvlllo Tainaiiia, Ac., 1l,ii.i n. in For t'alnwlina, 1t,u n. m. nnd 7,80 m, For VIIUamsrort,(i,!9 n, in. and 4,m p. tn. TJlllNJlOll ULl'KIlT l.KAVK AH FOMXTO S, (815KDAY KX CKrTKIl.) lA?nvo New York, !,0i) a. in. I,eao ridl.ideliilda, S,1B n. tn, I.ento Heading, 1I,mn. in., rottavllle, 15,10 ji. m nnd Tnmaqua, 1,ao p. m. ixae Catawlssa, (i,an a. m. and 4,en p. m. I.e.mi U'im;iijiswrl,ii,i:i)n. in. uiulti,iHi p, in, l'aisengers lo and from New York and Philadel phia go through without eh.iligo of cars. .i. i:. WdorniN, Jan. , ISTH-'tr. (ieiieral Siiierliitemlent, N JOUTHEItN' OENTUAL IJAIIAVAY L'O.MI'ANV. On and ntlcr Nmenibcr viilh, IWi. trains i 111 leao SUNlltlltYns follows! NOUTIIWAlil). i:rlo JI.ill n.20 n, in., nrrito Klnilra 11.M n. m " t'.inaiid.ilu.t... iunp.m " llocliesier t,.r, " " Niagara " Itenoo necommodatlonll.lon.m.airlte Williama itiz.r.r, p. m. l;imlra .Mall, inrUo I:imlra n, in. lIurrulutixpi'cns'.tlHi. in. nirhu Iliill'aluS.Mia. in. KOUTIIWAltl). IluHnlo Ilxpress VM a. in. mill e Hat rlslurg J.M) a. m " lialtlmoiotuo nimlraMall ll.l.'in.m., nnlvo llairlhburgl.Mip. m " Wasliliiglon " " " " Woslilngloit 8.3U " Ilarrlslmrgaeenmrnodallon S.10 p. m. anlvo llnril'v. burg1ii.Mip. m. arrive Hall Inioro a. m ' Wnshlnglon (1.1.1 " Kilo .Mall lu.65 a. m. arrlto Itarilsburgs.vsn. m. " Hall linnru 8.10 " " Washington " All dally except Sunday. 1). M. 110YI), Jr., (iencral Passenger Agent A. J. OAtJSATT, (lenernl Malinger PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. riiilailclhhlii & Ih'ie I!. I. Division. AVINTElt TI5IH TAIIEE. ON ami nfler SUNDAY, NOV. 21, 187.r, (he tralu.i nn I lie Philadelphia & Krlo Hull itoad UU Won win run as follows: PAST LINniontcs New Yoik 9 s.1 a. m " " " Philadelphia I2.r,5 p. m " " " li.iltlnioru 1.20 p. m " ' " ll.uilsbiirg r,.ei) ji. m " " nir. at Ullltjiiispnrt s.r.s p. m " ." " I.u. k H lM'll 10.20 p. Ill " " " Ilellefonte 11. W p. in EIIli: JI.lI,leaes New York m Philadelphia lMltlmoie o.oo ii , , Jlarilslmig 4.25 a. in " " " villl,imsiort " " " Lock llinen U.4.ria in " " " lieiiovo Il.iio a! ni " " arr. nt Kile MOp. m I.IllITi:i) JIA1I, leaves Plilladtlplda.. 7.2oa m " " " ll.illlnioie 7.iui u. m " " " llurrliburg. ...UM.ia. m " arr. at Wllllanispoit.. 2.20P m " " " Ick llineu.... 3.30 p. m " " " ltenoio 1.15 p. m I.Ot'IiIIAVi:.N' leaves Philadelphia 8o0n m " " " lialllinoie KW) u. m ' lliirilshurg 1.5n. m " ' arr. at Wllllani.spiirt j,, u " " " Lock llmen 7.50 p. in : o : KASTWAIW. PHII.'A leaves Lock llaen n 40 n. m " " " Wllll.iiu.spurt l.M a. in " " iiirlvrsnllhuilsbuig 11 ran, In " " " ll.illlnioie (l.1Bn. m 'I " " Pldladelnhla 4.2up.m j-' " " New Yoilc 7.35 p. ni DAY UXPHPSS lcaies lienovo a. m " " " leek Haven 10.;5o. m Ulllam.spurt....llS5a. m " " nn-.atllariWjiiig a.nop. m " " " Philadelphia C.211 p. 111 ' " NewYoik 0.15 p. 111 " " " luillmoro 0.35 p. m UllIII.MAHileaus l!rle 11.20n.fn " " " HenoM t,.25p. 111 " " " Lock Union 9.45 p. 111 " " Vllllamsioit iu.,',5 p. in ' " arr. nt llanisbiirg 2,cnu. 111 " " " Halllmoro 7.35 u, in " " " Plilladolnhla 7.(10 a. m " " " New York 10.1un.1n PAST link leaves wtlllamsport 12.S.1 n. m ' " arr. alliarrlibuig 3.65 a. in ' ' " Halllmore 7.S5a. 111 " " " Philadelphia 7.35 a. m " ' " " New York lo.25a. m Krlo Mall West. I.lmlled Mall M'est, Lock Haven Aeeom. West and Day Hxpress Knst mako con neellon nt Noilhumlierl.ind ultli L. ,t li. li, II. trains rur Wllkes-llanennd seranton. Hilo Mall Wisl, UnilKd. Mall West nnd Fast Lino West mnku close eonneellon ut Wtlllamsport Willi N. C. H. W. trains north. Hi le .Mali Past and West, Limited Mall West, Fast I.I110 West and Hay Hxpicss Past mako eicu con nection nt Lock lluun wllh p. p. v. It, II. tialns. Pile Mall Past und Most connect at P.rlu Willi Iralincli L.KiM.S 11.11. at t'oiry Willi (. c .t A, v. u 11. at Piupoiluin wllh 11. .ic p. it. 11, nndut Driftwood with A V. 1!. It, Pallor curs will 11111 bitwun PhlladeHihla and Wllllamsi'in t on Limited Mall West, Fust lino West, Philadelphia tapies Past nnd Day Pxrress JJast. bleeping Cars on all night trains. AV-M. A. BALDWIN, Dec. 17,'75-tf General Supt. 'I"EEAWAUE, r.AnivAWAxvA AND XJ WIS! ISTPIIN HAII.UOAD. 1II.00M.SI!U11G DIVISION. Time-Tublo No. 3'J, Tukes effect at 4:30 A. M MONDAY, NOVIIMIIUll 22 1475. NOItTH. STATIONS. SOUTH. p.m. p.m. a.m. h 05 8 no Seranton Hcllm no TajlorvlHo.,.. . .Lackawanna..,.. Plltfclon ..West Plliston... Wsoming. Mallbj llennelt Kingston Kingston ..Plymouth, I unc ....Pljmoutli Wondalo Nantleoke llunUuk's 1 reek. . ..hhlekshluuy..... ....Hick's Ferry... ....Ileueli llateu.. llerwiek .... Hrlar Creek ...Willow (Hove.... Llmo llldge I Pspy. ...llloonieburg Hupcit Cutawbsa llrldge.1 a.m. i) in, 11.111 J 3S 3 51 3 4'J 3 42 3 37 3 32 3 27 3 23 3 11) 3 17 3 17 3 12 a tin a 04 3 11 2 54 2 42 iii-l 2 25 2 ID 2 13 2 1(1 2 Id 1 6" 1 s;i 1 4i 1 4J 1 4l 1 25 1 HI 1 15 1 O) p.m. u 43 U 3s 0 31 0 25 0 311 I) 35 0 43 0 to fl 55 7 01 7 00 7 It 7 15 7 25 7 5.1 7 41) 7 41 7 33 7 27 7 U 7 IS 7 16 7 15 7 07 7 03 li M li 54 0 4.1 0 30 C 15 I) HO 0 02 6 55 6 62 5 IS 5 40 6 34 5 2S 6 24 r 20 6 13 t S.1 4 t'l 1 US P.m. U 44 0 63 10 () 10 (II) 10 11 10 10 HI 2D 10 2.1 II) 27 10 21 10 32 10 35 10 40 10 41 10 62 11 15 11 17 11 'ii 11 31 11 ea 11 VI 11 43 11 61 11 67 12 3 12 07 12 10 12 25 12 32 12 30 1 io 2 2.1 2 31 1) 25 2 40 2 63 2 6S 3 1'4 3 17 3 10 ll 20 e 15 0 11 U 07 05 U 15 3 17 8 6'J 8 M 8 51 S 4S 8 41 8 3d 8 HI 8 14 8 0s 8 (2 7 68 7 54 7 4(1 7 40! 7 35 Ott 3.1 3 27 7 411 3 3 'J 3 37 3 45 4 01 4 15 4 21 4 S 4 37 7 7 63 8 (5 8 25 8 4.1 8 15 O 05 C 60 0 6,1 7 08 4 41 4 10 4 65 7 20 5 12 7 40 6 18 5 14 5 20 It 3S 6 47 5 62 0 10 7 45 7 62 8 60 8 25 8 40 8 17 U 13 7 2i)l 7 11 7 04 7 III . 1.1.11 1. n r lieu.., HanMllo chulasky . .. .Cameron Noithumberland. U 45 a.m. 12 61 p.m. p.m. u.m. ... . T. 1I.1I.BTKAD, Kind, Superintendent's onico, facruuton, Dee, 10, isi6. GLAZING AND PAPERING. "TrM. v. !onIl., T-n bi,.,. i .1 kinds of"""' llloombl'urtM'-.. Is prepared lodo ui" PAINTING, OLAZINd, and PAPER IIANQINCS, uot!ce.beSt Sty"!'S, at l0W08t rr'ccs' aDl1 Mnort 1'imies havlDgsucli work to do w ill buvo money by solicited'" warranted to glvo satisfaction. Orders W'M. P. P.ODINE. Wtrtu C jt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers