THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, ELOO.M8B URG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. .t I .A. I (5 SnIitittBrrfiu BB0CKWAY& ELWELL.Edltort. BLOOMSBURG, PA. F rid ivy, Fob. 1Q) 1870. Democratic State Committee of I'piiiis) lvanln. lUniusiuma, Jnn. 20, 187(5. In pursuance, of tho meeting of tho Dem ocratic Slato Committee, I hereby give notice that tho Democracy of tho Stato through their delegates, wilt aascmblo at tho city of Lancaster on Wednesday, tho 22d day of March next, at 12 o'clock, m., for tho pur pose, of electing delegates to represent tho tato of 1'cnnsylvniila In tho ensuing Dem ocratic National Convention, and to appoint electors and do such other matter and thing as tho aid convention may deem necessary and proper. Hr.SDrticK 11. Wiuairr, CMIIls! No family or Individual ought to he with out a newspaper at any time, and much less during tho Centennial year of 1870. Tho Great International exposition at Philadel phia which opens in May next, and contln uea for six months, will bo ono of tho most important events in the history of tho United States, aud it will he conducted on a stupen dousscalo never before equalled in tho his tory of tho world. In addition to this, a very interesting matter to all good citizens will bo the Presidential campaign which will open in July, by tho meeting of tho Democratic National Convention to noniln nto a candidate Altogether tho year will be ono of tho most important periods of our national existence. The Columbian' will contain full Information of all theso things, and in order that every ono in tho county may bo posted on what i3 going on, wo inakS tho following oftcr ; To anyono who will send us tho names of live new subscrib ers and ten dollars, wo will send tho Colum bian Fitra postago paid, for ono year. There ought to be at least ono person in every Township who will undertake this, and se cure for themselves afirit class family paper gratuitously. THE DlFFEKENCti. England, notwithstanding her enormous national debt, has an nbundaneo of money for business purposes, and is glad to mako loans at from 3J to 4 tier cont. Franco, displte her tcrriblo disasters in tho Prussian war has restored her credit, and paid off her war indebtedness. The supply of gold In the vaults of the Sank of Franco continue to increase, amounting at present, in round numbers, to 325,000,000, said to he the lurgest amount ever held by any single institution. Tho French currrency is now at par. Yet in ihe Unlied States, tho largest coin producing country in tho world, gold com mands an average of 114, and through de fective legislation tho credit of our Govern ment is lower than that.of most European governments. It is time that the remedy should be applied to this evil. WUKUKFOBK? Last week we published an articlo from the financial columns ofJthoV showing that in London three months bills were languid at 3 J per cent discount : Tho Ledger of monday now says : The demand for monoy continues light, and the aspect of the market is unchanged here or elsewhere. The bankB continue quite troubled to satisfactorily place their large surplus. We still quote call loans easy at 4(ii 5 per cent, strictly first-class two name paper at C per cent, strictly lirst-class single-namo paper at 5(,G per cent, do. do. on lirst-class ponds and stock at bQlG per cent, do. do. on second-class bonds aud stock at C(ifJ7 per cent. Such being the fact. . We would like to know why good paper in tho country towns cannot be negotiated at 0 per cent, and with difficulty at 8 or 10 Some of this superfluous capital should como into thointerior for investment. Legislation op Domestic iNTnnnsi. Two bills wero introduced iuto the Penn sylvania Legislature which have a certain domestic interest. They were: . An act to punish persons for pointing or discharging firearms at other persons in this commonwealth. Section one makes this act nmisdemeanor, whether kdono playfully or otnerwise, and fixes the penalty at not ex cecding $1,000, and imprisonment not ex ceeding three years, upon conviction of tho ouencc. An .act allowing certain personal proper ty of tho debtor to bo exempt from lovy and tale (supplement to law 18491. This bill gives a mechanic or other persons the furniture, tools and other inplcments nec essary Scarry onlhlsbulness; nlso tho library of a professional man and tho necessary provision and fuel for a family for three months, also all pictures maps and family libraries and cemetery lots or rights of bu rial. Massachusetts paid something less than iivo iiunureuuonnrs lor the conveyance o Vice President Wilson's body from Washing ton, tb is amount covering llm -ntlro penditures of the funeral committee going and returning. The lioston journals very naturally cannot understand why it cost Philadelphia nearly seven thouand dol lars to have thebodyllein state for a few nours cn route In its passage from Washing ton to New England. Ji-est lue reason is plain. In Massachusetts the people have plain, old fashioned ideas about economy, Philadelphia on tho con trary is controlled by a set of Itcmiblicau rlngster, whose principal duty is to rob their city, tho btate and stuff ballot boxes, Their efforts to accomplish these purposes nave been constantly sustained by tho Jeu, JUDGK McCANDLESS. By a press dispatch we learn that The Senate Committee on tho Judiciary have decided to report favorably upon the hill retiring Judge McCandless, of tho Western district of Pennsylvania, and it ileanied from an authoritativo source that Hon. W, W, Ketchum, now representing tho Luzerne district in Congress, will he appointed to the vacancy. Judge Scofield is his chief competitor. Wo think this action of Congress is right as Judge McCandless has outlived his use fulness. CENTENNIAL UKUATH. On Wednesday last the Centennial appro priation canto before the Senate and was de bated at length, but no vote was. taken The friends of the Hill aro sanguine of suc cess. A fire in New York last night destroyed nearly tho whole block bounded by Ilroad war, Grand, Howard and Crosby streets, Nearly thirty buildings wero consumed, and the Joss is estimated at $3,000,000. Three firemen wero killed nnd several others wero injured by falling walls. IIKUTIM! TO INDKliTKltNCSS. Tho following bill has been passed by tho Senate: That tho existing Indebtedness of any county, city, borough, township, school district ornlhermunlclpallty or Incorporated district within this commonwealth, evinced by outstanding bonds, certificates or notes issued prior to t.ho 20th day of April, A. D. 1875, may bo provided for as tho same shall mature-by n re-Issue to tho holders of such outstanding bonds, certificates or notes, If they shall agreo to receive tho same, or by tho issuo aud sale at not less than par of like bonds nnd certificates of indebtedness as thoso outstanding on tho said 20th day of April, A. D. 1875,cxcept as hereinafter pro vided that such bonds, certificates or notes shall hear interest at a rate- not exceeding 0 per centum pcrnnnum,and may be ro-lssued or Issued redeemable at tho pleasure; of tho obligators at any tlmo within thirty years from the date thereof, nnd It shall bo the duty of tbo proper corporate authorities of such municipality or Incorporated district to assess and levy a special annual tax, not ex ceeding five mills nn tho dollar on the assessed valuation, tho collection whereof shall commence Immediately after tho pas- sago of this act,to pay existing indebtedness or tho first year after such bonds, certificates or notes aro re-issued or issued aud sold, and which" shall bo sufficient for nnd applied ex clusively to the payment of tho interest nnd principal of such indebtedness, bonds and certificates, within a period not exceeding thirty years from tho date of such Indebted ness bond and certificates so rc-lssucd aud sold; provided further, that the provisions of this act shall not bo so construed as to authorize a re-issue of any bonds or certifi cates which were issued for alleged advance ments of money in the building of state road or roads tho legality and validity of which Is now questioned by legal proceed ings In any of tho courts of the common wealth, and provided further that this act shall not apply to municipalities tho amount f whoso legal indebtedness Is limited in their respective charters of incorporations and supplements thero to a well as those not limited. This bill, whilst general in its terms is really local in its application, and intended for our mining districts. In effect it post pones the payment of creditors at the will of tho "obligators" for thirty years an aver age life time, and would bankrupt not only many municipalities, but tho holder of their obligations. Wo trust1 tho House will care fully cxamlno tho bill before is is permitted to pass. Tho jlnuch Chunk Trials. This trial has, in many respects, been a most remarkablo one. Not only has out raged law been vindicated but vindicated in caso that may rack at present among the cautet celebre of murder trials. In the great majority of cases in tho UnitedStatc3,murder is committed for tho purposes of gain 5 or as an adjunct to other crimes such as robbery, rape, etc., to avoid detection j or by persons in an intoxicated condition ; or through motives of personal revenge. Put this case is altogether different. Theso men were to tal Btrangers to tho murdered man; they had so far as known, no personal animosity against him ; hut they wero the tools of a lawless organization known in Ireland as tho Black Militia," and in this country as the Molly Maguires" or "Buckshots." For years this association has been the terror of Schuylkill and adjoining counties. Any person falling under the ban of this gang was speedily doomed. Tho secret workings at their conclaves of course is not known, but it is supposed that tho persons selected for tho job were drawn by secret baliotrom list made up ot btrangers to the locality, and a guide detailed to assist them. That this was the case in tho present instance is lorally certain, as tho cvidenco given goes to show. Heretofore the actors in these outrages havo escaped, their plans having been well matured and skillfully carried out. There seemed no possible chance of detec tion. Tho Catholic Church had thundered its anathemas against them with but little effect. A formal sentence of excommunica tion lias been pronounced, but tho associa tion still flourishes. But in this case, proba bly relying upon the potent name with tho terrors attached of the "Mollies," a murder was committed in such a bungling manner that no great skill was required to truce the perpetrators, and they wero speedily arrest ed. Monoy has been lavishly furnished to secure an acquittal, but the facts in the caso ,wer too plain to admit of any doubt. Thus tho first blow against this gang of outlaws has been struck, and if followed by swift punishment, will havo more effect in preventing a repetition of this order of crimes, than all tho gubernatorial procla mations and church anathemas that havo been or will bo fulminated. There docs not appear to bo any general feeliugs of viudictiveiicss against tho pris oners, lhcy aro considered by tho majouty of peoplo as the guilty ones, and as such they should bo held as examples. Demo crat. Instead of Hanging The Scientific American discusses hang- ng as a modo of capital punishment, and proposes n substitution of electricity for tho gallows. It recommends tho following as tho way in which to have executions conductci "The battery and coil should be of sufficient strength to deliver an eighteen inch spark- In caso of there being more than ono person to execute, all of tho condemned would be conducted, with all due ceremony, to the place of execution, tho left hand of ono man handcuffed to the right hand of his neigbbo; and the conducting wire fastened to brace lets on the disengaged wrists of both crimin als, if only two aro to bo executed, or to tho wrlsfs of tho outer men if more than that number are to suffer. Tho culprits being seated so as to ho seen by tho legal witness es, the Sh erlff presses the button. The cur rent is instantly established from tho coil passes through tho bodies of tho men, and all is over." Some of tho Ohio papers are hoisting "Hayes and Hartranft" colors. If they will write 11 "Jiariramt ana naycs" wo will con sider tue coalition. Irett. "What a fall Is there, iny countryman I1 As a somersaultUt tho J'reis has no equal In 1872 when this same Hartranft was u candidate for Governor, no paper was more bitter than this samoiVco. His connection with the Ring was proven. His connection with tho Evans swindle was reiterated day after day. His complicity with tho notor ious' Kemble, and "Dear Ycrkes" was shown by his own letters. His speculations with State fund), and criminal neglect as Audi tor General to collect from certain corpora tions taxes due the State to the amount of TiirtEE millions op DOLLAitswere fully ex posed. The iVf then proved beyond tho shadow of a doubt Hartranft's connection with the infamous Philadelphia King. Bu now it wants Hartranft for President. Four years have so debauched it, that It would have the man elected President whom it formerly proved waa guilty of the worst crimes in our iiolitlcal calendar. Verily, "consistency is a jewel." The Itciioiiilnatlon or (Irnnt. It is conceded by tho New York Jterutd that plumes Itself upon forecasting public events, (which, however, wo find as often incorrect as otherwise, In tho majority 01 tho prophesies), that U. S. Grant will bo nominated at Cincinnati on Juno 14th, 1870 J mid tho Democracy of tho country can, with somo degree of l.ilth, wo think, accept this opinion pf the Herald, as all probabilities point to that rc-ult. We havo never had any doubts of Grant's deslro for a third term. Wo havo never had any doubts of his strength In tho National Convention of his party j and wo find tho Jleratd thus sum ming up his chances for tho nomination : "President Grant holds tho Republican nom ination nt his mercy j tho united volo of tho Southern delegates is within his control ; ho needs only a few Northern delegates, and of them ho can havo a surplus without tho asking." Tho Herald challenges tho pro duction of nny cvidenco that Grant's wish for that nomination is not fixed and firm, and wo havo had that opinion for a year or more, aud to-day believe not only that ho will get tho nomination, but tho Democrat ic party will find him and Ills backers no menu antagonists at tho ballot-boxes of tho country, on that great battlo day. Wo re gret to say that, up to this moment, thero is a startling degreo of apathy discovered in tho National Democracy. They do not sccin to havo yet discovered that ono of tho most Important elections is to como off, that has ever taken place in tho history of tho American people. There nro millions of Democrats asleep to tho fact that this is tho last chance for tho re-instating of n Jcf fersonian government, nnd tho re-establish ing of tho old Democratic prosperity ; if wo fail this time, farewell forever to Democrat ic principles. Tho Day-Hook ha9 remained truoto tho old landmanks of tho glorious past; but alas! whero arc tho old millions of voters who onco held thoso landmarks in reverence? There has been, and still is, a most amazing looseness of principlo in the co-called Dem ocratic party. False teachers have poisoned the minds of the generation now just entered upon political manhood, and a most formi dable host of yoters aro worshiping false gods, and showing an npostacy that would have caused their fathers to shed tears of agony, and pour asiies on incir revcrcu heads, from sheer shame. Wo tell you,onco again, Day-Hoot readers, you who still hold to the true faith, unless you go out into tho high-ways nnd by-ways and awako the slecj lug millions from tlicir apathy ,ourprinciplcs will bo over-ridden by the corruptions in November ncxt,and tho miii of that eventful ay will throw its setting rays over the gravo of Democracy, buried, never never to bo resurrected again, on this Continent. There is time yet to save tho party and save tho country, but work, work only, will do it. ft'. V. Day-L'ook. Uabcock's Trial. St, i.oiiis, February 9. Acting under tho advice of tho court tho government counsel 11 the Babcock trial to-day passed over tho conspiracy in 1871 nnd 1872, and produced testimony to show tho existence nnd opera-, tionof tho whiskey ring from 1873 to 1S75. No direct cvidenco was brought out against General Babcock, tho testimony being general in character, tending to show who were in tho conspiracy nnd the extent. The examination proceeded witli only occasional technical objections from tho defeino and ery little of tho testimony was ruled out. John F. Siedentofl', tho foreman at Ul- rici's distillery was put on tho stand. His testimony related wholly to the operations f the distillery of which he was foreman nnd manager. It. W. Uirici and Kitzroy nlso testified and their cvidenco was tho same us has been published several times. Mr. Storrs stated that tho defc-nso had in tended to have tho personal attendance of President Grant as a witness, and ns tho case now stands, ho thought this would' not be necessary, particularly as the exigencies of public affairs require- his attendance at Washington. He then proposed to the coun sel for tho prosecution that they should meet with tho counsel for "tho defenso nnd agree upon questions and cross-questions to bo put to tho President, and that tho exam ination should bo mado before tho chief usticooftho supicino court. Col. Dyer had no objections. Mr. Storrs btatcd that they lad their questions written out, and asked the court to prolong tho noon session until 3 p. 111. to givo the counsel for tho govern ment time to prepare their cross-questions. This the court agreed to. On tho re-asscmbling of tho Court, District Attorney Dyer stated that the counsel for tho Government had met the counsel fordc fense regarding the questions to bo sent on to Washington but they had not had time to prepare their counter interrogatories. Ho therefore asked the Court to adjourn until to-morrow morning to afford both sides an opportunity to properly nrrango their ques tlons and cross-questions and that the conn sel may leave to-night for Washington aud arrivo thero in time to have a deposition taken on Saturday and tho Court adjourned until to-morrow. A very curious bill was brought beforo tho Stato Legislature yesterday. It provides that in all first-class cities first-class pas sengers shall not bo compelled to pay faro unless seats are provided for them ; that the seats in tho cars shall be partitioned off, and that it shall bo a finable offense for a con ductor or driver to receive passengers alter a sufficient number is in tho car to fill tho seats. Much as tho present practice of over crowding cars is to bo deprecated, wescarce ly think this bill a judicious one. In soino respects it is to bo commended, but in others It is unworthy of a moment's serious con sideration. A street ruilway car will com fortahly carry more passengers than can bo accomodated with seats, and if conductors wero compelled to restrict admissions to reasonable numbers,tbero would bo no -light- ful cause of complaint j but when a car that will hold say thirty-fivo persons, withoutcx cesslvo crowding,! crammed with passengers to tho number of sixty or seventy, us is frequently the case, then tho practice be comes an outrage against decency and liu inanity. We do not for a moment suppoao tho bill will pass in its present form, but it is a comfort to know that the Legislature has at long last begun to take cognizance of the fact that tho abuses of passenger railway corporations could possibly bo u proper sub ject fcr legislative consideration. The bill ulso Imposes a penalty of $.000 for each car not partitioned as rcquircd,wlthln sixty days after its passage. Jamhs Partok's Mauuiauk. Boston Feb, 8, Thcro.Is quite abensatlon lu New buryport over tho marriage of James Paiton the author, to his stepdaughter, such mar riages being forbidden by the statutes of this state, 1 ho bridegroom learned his status on tho morning succeeding that o tho wedding, and, to prevent further scan dal, left his home in chargo of his wife and took rooms for himself at a boarding house, He will apply t the legislature fur. nspeclal I act sanctioning tho marriage. WASHINGTON LETTKK. WAsiitNUTo.v, D. 0., Fcb'y f, 1870, fycclal Corrcrpondciicc. Somo most startling exposures havo been mado lu the Senato of tho fraud, rottenness nnd corruption that have characterised tho management of this District. When tlio republicans, uuablo nny longer to withstand the current of public opinion, abolished lloss Shcppnrd's government, tho act appoint ing tho coinuiU-doiicr.s nnd hoard of nildlt distinctly prohibited tho Increasoof tho Dis trict debt. In direct violation of tho law, tho debt has been Increased snvcral millions nnd tho people of tho United Slates havo these millions to pay. The whole matter was thoroughly ventilated by tho democratic Senators, and tn their credit ho it until, som republieansjoined them in tho work. But under the act the money must ho paid. It seems to ho exceedingly difficult to gel a government for this District. Suffrngo puts power in tho hands of a negro rabble, and they elect tho worst thclvcs they can find, nnd appointments by Grant havo only pro ven tbntns a detective, ho can bent tho ne gro rabble, for ho has succeeded always In finding bigger thieves to put In ollico ; a new deal will probably bo tried this session. itr.ritKSeiiMKNT axi nr.pouM. Tho work of reform goes bravely on In the House. Expenses nro being reduced lu every department, though the radicals pro lighting the reductions, ami it is feared tho rcpublicanSenato will not agree to the ap propriation bill, and will, by a committee of conference, forco them up. Whilo the democrats really desiro to reduco tho expens es ns a political mcasuro they can stnml that kind of a movement. That tho democrats wi force a reduction JVat least twenty mil lion dollars is now certain. Had they full power it would bo more than doublo that sum. The efforts at reform are not confined to tho finances alone. Thero havo been many and flagrant abuses In tho judiciary depart ment of tho Government, and tho Judiciary Committee is at work trying to correct these. But in. INM1IAK A1TAIIW. corruption and rascality aro being developed that absolutely startle tho searchers and al most excite incredulity at tho magnitude of their ramifications. From the highest to the lowest, all connected with theso affairs are more or less implicated, either in thciv ing themselves or concealing thefts of others. Tho bottom facts will not bo arrived at for somo time, and only thoso unusually favor ed can hear anything of what is being done and that only upon a proinuo of sccrcsy. Tho committees nro absolutely forced to this course, as wero their work public, every effort would bo mado to defeat them by keeping witnesses away nnd destroying pa pers. Quite a number of witnesses, hum moucd from Minnesota and tho Northwest to appear before tho Indian Committee, havo arrived this week. TEXAS AND PAClriC RAILROAD. The advocates of this road havo been be foro tho Pacific railroad committees of both the House and Senato during tho past week, with arguments showing not only the neces- ity but the economy of tho asked for aid, and proving conclusively that tho Govern ment will be amply protected in guarantee ing the Interest on tho bonds of tho road which is all that is asked for. The Hon. John C. Brown, late Governor of Tennessee, is now vice-president of the Texas Pacific, and is here in charge of its interests) Ho leclines to use the lobby, or any disreputa ble means, to carry the bill, puttirg it sole ly upon its merits as a great national work demanded by the people and for their bene fit. Tho Union and Central Pacific oppoe the bill as it would destroy their monopoly, aud your correspondent last evening heard a man, supposed to bo in their interest, say these roads "will spend a car load of money" to defeat the bill. I'UKSIDIINT MAKINO. continues, and tho friends of tho various prominent men aro "working doublo tides" to securo tho nomination of tlicir friends. Senator Bayard is the favorite of tho hard- mency men, but tho insigniflcanco of the vote of his State, and the certainty that it will go for any democrat, weakens his chances and increases those of Tilden, whoso friends claim that his selection is necessary to enable tho party to carry New York. Sherman's friends mako tho samo argument for him as to Ohio, and claim that he is tho only man from the west who can carry both Ohio and New York. Hendricks is now tho most favored by the western men and by all those opposed to immediate, resumption, it being admitted that neither Pendleton, Allen, nor any oth er pronounced greenback man can carry either New York or any of tho Eastern States. Judgo David Davis, of tho Supremo Court, is frequently spokcn,of and he is more feared by the republicans than any one clso as ho represents tho conservatism of tho whole country, and has a record that cannot bo attacked, Tho republicans nro at work also, endeavoring to evolve unity out of tho claims of a dozen aspirants, tho fiiends of each of whom say ho is strongest. Blaine lias decidedly tho inside track, though Conk ling's friends aro zealously striving to securo a Conkling delegation from New York, which, if they should succeed in doing, will keep tho ex-speaker from ever getting tho voto of that Stnto ns Blaiuo nnd Conkling aro bitter enemies, iuo declaration 01 Senator Sherman in his Hnyei letter, that the renominntion of Grant would "bo suici dal f'jlly," about settles the third term ques tion, for that part of his letter has been cn dorsed by all factions of tho radicals, even tho National Itcpubllcan, Grant's homo or gan, agreeing to it. THE l-OULIOX MIWS is of'llttlo interest, except tbnt part of it relating to Cuba, Tho Government denied to tho llotiso of Beprcsentntivcs that any communication upon Cuban affairs had been sent to nny foreign power biit Spain, yet it turns out that Secretary Fish sent copies of his dishing letter (already pub lished) to our Ministers in England, IrancC; Germany, Austria, and Itusshi, with Instruct ions to lay it beVoro thoso powers. This proves that Grant not only violated tho traditional policy of tho Government tho Monroo doctrino but, to bay tho least and uso tho mildest languago possible, equivocated in his answer to tho Huusc. Tho work on tho Centennial building pro gresses finely, and in my next 1 will givo somo notes of the progress made., Tho Itadicals havo a strugglo on hand in the State Senato over tho appointment of Mr, Lear as Attorney General. Tho Gov ernor has appointed him, but there is oppo sitiou to his confirmation, Tho reason fur this opposition is, says tho Doylestowu Dem ocrat, that "in tho lino of his duty "as Attor ney General he issued a quo warranto against a bogus railroad company known as the Continental." It Is Bob Mackey's ring that's fighting him, It is tlicir funeral, but the sympathy of tho Democrats Is naturally with tbo officer who Is honestly fighting against tho uitscupulous combination of ids own party. Homo News. Tho Doylo murder trial cost Carbon coun ty about $-100 n day, Mrs, Bccchcr Is said to bo gelling moro nnd mora n stern and uiiiinpnssloiied wifi', who never smiles. A suspension lu tho Coal regtons has been decided upon which will continue from the 7th Inst until March 11th. Tho piano voted to a popular In dianapolis man at .1 ladies' relief baza'ir was Immediately Bclzed by tho sheriff to sat isfy a debt. Thero aro C70 prisoners in tho Western penitentiary, a larger number than every be foro confined there. Tho American Dairymen's Association propoo to hnvo a grand display of products at tho Centennial, with factories of eheeso nnd butter in full ooze. Tho first fruits of leap year ehlno forth in tho case of Miss Bella Harper, Kalrhaven, W. Vn., who shot a man boc.uuo ho refused her offer of marriage. -llutlcr has turned up. It is "positively asserted" that ho will run for Congress again or nt least for tho nomination in his old district next summer. -Thero is ono young lady, nnd sho lives at Johnstown, Pa., who is willing to own that sho would not appear well in a pull-I back dress. Sho is 10 years 01 ago ntui weighs 400 pounds. -Fred. Christman, tho Bepublicnii Sheriff in Jefferson county, has been indic ted by tho Grand Jury for bribery. At Grccnslmrg, Indiana' they havo a tree growing out of tho tower of tho court- louse, eight feet high and ono hundred nnd twenty-five feet from tho ground. -Mr. J. W. Freeman, of the Pitt-don Comet, was released from jail 011 Saturday, his pardon having been approved by Gov, Hartranft. -It seems to bo just nbout ns hard for Morton to shut up ns to stand up. His peech will go nu by Ids aud starts, until the Presidential convention throws him ovciboard. Jlridgctou, is. .1., i cb. r WMo i: M. The court room is crowded witli persons in tcresled in tho verdict. The ringing of the court houso boll caused a great outpouring of tho citizen, who gathered lo hear tho ver dict. Bridgcton 10:30 l'. jr. Tho verdict is 'Not guilty, on tho ground of insanity Cach juror certified to tho finding after which tho jury wero discharged. German lawyers claim that if Thomasscn lad survived his attempt at filicide ho could only havo been lightly punished under exist ing laws though ho caused tho death of one hundred and twenty-eight persons -It appears from the nvidenco in a New York divorcosuit in which Dr. Joseph Wal ker, of "Vinegar Bi Iters" fame, is tho plain till, that Walker was n laborer for a corpo ration in New York city at $1.12 per day in 1821, and that 111 1S74-0 ho had an an nual iucomo of more than 170,000. Advertising did it. A Scotch .gentleman of fortune, on his death bed, asked the minister "whether, if 10 left ten thousands pounds to tho kirk, his salvation would bo certain." Tho can tious minister responded : I would 11a like to bo positive, but it's wcel woith tryin The gentleman paid the money, and toon afterwards gave up tbo ghost. NEW ADVERTISE MEIMTS, EXKCUTOU'S NOTICK. hsTAlEOP 1IENUV lliasllt.lXK, Iir.CUASF.n, ij-lleru testamentary on tbeeslato of Ileni.vllelsli. Hue, lulu of l'Nilnucreek tw'ji., col., Cu., ileee.iM-U liau been ki allied by Uio HeijliUrof said county to lfl Helslillue, risblnireieel;, unit Jacob MleMillne, llunlliiL-duii Lu.enie, county. Lxeciilors, lu whom all iiersons Indebted aro reiiuesleil to inula! mj ment, and tbosu huWnxchilui-s 01 demands against the said estate "111 luiiku lliem known to tho bald Kseeutois without, delay. l.KVl lU.IXIII.I.M., JACOll S. UKIM1LINK. l'eb. 11. ew." Ilxeeutois. A DMlNISTKATOK S NOTItJl';. .ii... i.a ""'" ' '.'.v',:: .;t,..i, U'llfrS OI AIIIlllll-Utllluil on HI" v-nni'J.'i I'.iiuu, KarlL,', lato or KiiarliiKcrock lown,hl.L'oiumbla'o, it,,e,Misi,iL lime liei-n ifrunled bv IllC KetrlStcr of sail oiiiniv. tn Frank llarl-r. ot Locust and John llaili,', ot ICUllllUKCrcCi.. .Ml IH.-ISIII13 llimilK iliillll-i iiKiniiM, 1 in esi. mi nr inn neeei eni. uru iei uemeii in iieM-nt them for settlement, aud those Indebted to thuestatu to inaku payment to tho uiidcrsluiiedadinlhlstrntors l-'HANK HAltlO, ,IOII,i K.Mllli, Administrators. Feb. U, TG-Ct." 11 1 ! rviit'irioitiXT Tho emit ItemciVv for r-nn'friiu r-nliU. f 'inisiimnl Ion. anil all Diseases of the, it mi,) iiimrM. wiiiii:ine. and utLenvvlien the!eau apparently hopeless, utm nut iunmi"iMj,iiui NUtJI I1IU i.uiiKB urn 111,01 1 "j .-i. .v ...v...,..v ..... eieato lliein anew, niii ive. uu ha;,, ui.n u n I'VJV'" lias a Violent Cougu, MKlil sweais, Lieepnii; 1.11111s, . 11 111., 1 til lu'll 11 -liri IlltlV 11! IlIIL-Lll'll. .1 11 tmnipiit co; Dear .Mis I used Haas' Expcctoi-uul in my family for so 3 ears, anil lan c, tho exieiieneu in nuuimin h'-"i- .in-iii.i"-. " e,--y ly leuumiiiiiiu u iu .m .mini . ,,nii tiessl,.,; computus .or v, j", (iatllpolls, Ohio. Nov. so, lsis. Try 111 PHIuilMiCKNTt), Hold by all Druggists, l'eb. 11, tin SHERIFFS SALE- m-viiiTi'r! OP A WHIT ot ri. l-'a. Iv-sucd nu r.r ti.n ivinit nf cutiitiion Pleat) of Coluiutili eiunl and to 1110 dlirctcil will bo exposal lo suits at tho Court Houso on TUESDAY, 1IAUC11 7, 1S70. at 1 o'clock p. m. all that rcitoln lot ot land rltu.ilo in tlwi tnii-ii nr lorititnuhili-i- Ciillllnbl.L eulllltV I'll. bounded on tho south by lauds of (I. Weuur'H heirs, 011 tho west byjlurrj's alley, nn tho north by l ouilli street, and froutlmr 011 Muiktt street on tho east fin tj-fimr feci, vl1erec.11 Is ereeteil two twosloileil framo dwelling house ami out buildings. '1 ho lot Is well irultcd. Tho pio-nriy will bo bold lu uno or two lots to suit pui turner. 1-eUed, taken Into execution, nnd to bo bold as inn properly 01 Jitsu v,uieiii.iii. IH THE MATTER OF THE S1ECIII0 PEllFOIlMASCi: 01' rONTIIACTOrJOUN HOSION, 1IKCEASHI, Willi IU. t.n t. Iiiitkil. 'iv, Mntiiirw itniann. D.itdnn. Sullivan Co. Pa Kail Hoston, l'ulrmount, Ui?tuio eo. Pa; lleulnn ltimtim. i-,Kiiiiiin-rei-k.columbia Cu. Pa :!.!. MiulU. J'url Hhulu, and llohr fhultr, minor children of Polly t-liulti deceased, who havo I, K, Krlekbauni.iis .. .n.. ... . II' ll-nni-ni, t.'ll ll'iill-i. ineir iiiiiiiuiiiii a i' i iir. 'i, ,i. ... ii ihi . ..i. Klshlngcrei k, Columbia county ; Mary I Kir, Nan coke, l.uernecouiiiy: and Sarah H. lllnard, fctlll-xi-iitnc r-iiliimliln i-nuiitv : You anil each of jou nro heieby cited tolionml nPIH-ar Kioro inoauiigesiii uiu iniuiuni umiiiui iii.iiiiii rvmtitv. iii. (in the nrst Monday of Mnv next I hii nnd there to show cause If nnv.why nileereo of ripecino Performance of eonti act should not be made In tho L'stnto ot sold John Iinsion with thosald William L. Porks for tho salo by nrllelo of agreement of said John Hoston to sain William I.. rurKsm u certain tract of loud slluato In Juckson township, Columbia county, J'cnnsjnuuia. II. r. Altll, Tib. 11 lw Prothoiiotury, ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE 01- REAL ESTATE! Tho iindersIgnrilAilinlnlMralor of Nathaniel Over ir.,f intiwit i 'iitniiUh.i. triwiisbln. CulmikbU county ileceused,, w 111 expose to public salo on tho premises on SATURDAY, MAltCH -1th, 1870. at ono o'clock, p. in., tho followlm; described l!i litluiu to-wit I A Houso and Lot of Ground iituntn in cataw Issa townslili) and county aforesaid. adjoining a lot of cnthai Ino (letllng on tho alley on tho east, lot of (1. W, huult on llio south ana bceoiiiiMretmii uiu "i', i"v ,"'t ; feet front ami S'X) feet In depth, 'lliciulscrectt'do tho premises a two-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE mill niit.liliUillmrtl. 'i'i'iimm nit nat K. Ten ner rent of tho one- fmitlli f,f tint tnruiev III bt) D.lld Ut tllO striking down of tbo property! tho iine-fourtli less tho leu per cent, nt tho eouilriunllon absolute and tho lemululngthieo-fourllis In one jcar thereuller Willi luicieti ii out coiiuriuuuuu inai. M. V. 1). KI-INK, J'cb. 11, Ut Administrator, JOTICli. Mm liiiilershrned would hereby givo uotlco to all parties tiulebied to him, on nolo or book uecount.lo como foruuid und bUllo or the accounts will be plutea in llio nanus or ino iuoperujueer loreui- nbU-lf.' HTKI'IIKN KN01I11, UMENT of THK l-'IXANTKS or tiii: COUNTY OV COUI.MIUA from January 1st, Istn, lo January 1st, lsifl. JOHN SNYDKli, l-Hi Treasurer, lilt. ISTfi. tan. To ntn't outstanding for 1T1 nnd pic- . Moui loan fuv3 io 'o am'), on nandnt last settlement... To nm'l enur-ty tax nssessed for 1873 CD 61 Oil o am i of tax from tbo registry onoters. T 0 .1. K. llcrncr for Slnbtown brldsu plank 1 VI iH BT 1 1.1 1 M Tn Limps, mattings, c., solil ILL Ct Court jiMuat , ,,,,.. I'o lUMct Yenifcr for siaMnwn lirlilce plank linust unci. le-uLTPrior miiuumwi nnup pi.uiK. . 11 .tneob llarlnian, tax, Hemlock, seated lamls 1 (HI OS Lies r.ii r.i t It! 45 HI 1 SH 1 OS TO a is fill I'o Win D. Lontr. tax. oranmi. suated lands To lilooinslmrg Hanking Company, notu ilia rmuili'il To Mania Downs, tax. Heater. II. M. land... iu imam liiu-Mo, lax, iienie-n, i , r.,. I'o Daniel Callllinn, tax, CoiiynRlinm, U.K. laml To.lolm Ituiley, tax. Centralis tt.H. land... To II. V.'. Met!enoUH, tax, Heaver, H. L a w Ilium JlDi loii, tax, llcavcr . L o Win. Kliaer tax. Hemlock ToMilnmnn Ir.iet, tax, Hearer, U.K. land... To A. A. (H.-iiioiler, tax, Ilcnlou, seated.., To.lolm iniy, lefimded To L. A. Illlej, for Ihe l.t. .Mt. Coal and Iron 4 53 115 13 2 ml C M Co., eonnl.L (ax, cnnvnjrliam forlsjs I'o Lenls Craliam, lutil.'e lllnlier To II. r. Ilowcr. for lumber from lall lot. Kc. To 1:11 Jones, for Mono and lumber from Jail 1UI, (U d lumber sold KoithumbcrUnd comity lino brMirn S .1-1 To II. I-' air, Jury fees To.lumch .Mi Hindi, t' H. land tax, Cenlralla 111! IHI V3 10 r. ii, i .n. una lax, coujm,' liam To llleka Kitchen, timber from Patterson bi 1.1 r, oo 1 1 1 60 To J, IliiChman, i auk of M.iWown luldco. To.lolm Cut, Itimbi-r ot Kline's luldirc.... 'i'o Daniel Koslenhaiuk-r. plank ot t-fabtown milieu Tnnilitti-atlon ruom. on fee. a 33 1 nu To litilll or.luslill.i Petti l-mati. iiO iia n.Cniio Tn Montour county nn suit rromeuunly Itl 01 to am i p.iiu assessors, and ror blanks, Ac, dog fund 100 CO To le tempt I, in innney on band, K, A 11. . 21 .11 10 i-tiiemiunn money on u.ino, s, r. u.. To ledemntlou mony on hand. s. I-'. II.. ill 4U 1 1 ll.-i m ex To rodomplluii money on band, S. I-'. II.., II,L!1 II CH. Ity tax uncollected fur isw. Ileal er. $113 Mi Jackson fl'S 00 331 4J Iientou Ilei'wlek UllliHII Ilrlarerei k TIT. 71 I.oril(l 436 RI MailisOll u.r.'J i as .Main i.eiii us Minim DSN no .Monlour 439 si) Jit. Pleasant... Tan si (ii-nngo l,4:m Pino O'.i'l iw Doarlngereek.., . 1 :i 4-J Scott . Til CT Sugai'lonf 4110 J3T T I ns i Ili3 0 cainMlsi-a Cenlralla cenlre Ciin.vnghntn ... ar mi 60J !iii T4 ITU 111 TBS 3'.l SIT TO ibuuiiiuvck.. Praiiklln lUeenwood.... Jluulock 10' IV Jlfl.TIT tl.l .. f65 09 .. 119 2T . , 703 (U l'or 1171 Sugailoaf T teuton for 173 Con for lsTS... (slit tn 22,9117 s t Ily county orders redeemed commission allow en eulleelois ' exonerations ulloned collectors 1 eimimisslnn nlloueil trensuier 1 eounli lax to meel Slato tax ouola ' Ily notu paid II. Hanking Co. .; hit 1 lulaneo In band of treasurer and paid oi er 1,1! IS U.i :i7T '.'ii UIO 31 iM 4T l,.MHl (0 46s ; -tl!.t?l n Tho ball bond of Conineham ibmile.-ttn ri.iis:.t has been sued and Is now In eourso ot eolleettiin. teuton r ls;:i, siigailnarof IsTlnreln llio hands orullorney forcolleitloh, with p.ut aheadv paid on joiin snvdi:ii, Tni:.srni:i!, IN ACCOC.ST WITH 1100 1 ixn. is:s nit. .Tnji, To nm't uncollected settlement f 1,232 si ' " assessed for lST.i..i i,-s7 no t.'.S-.'U :n cu. Ily am't duo on duplicates, 1 st.t. Heater f l-J en Jackson-.. ... $11 so ... 2s 30 ... T3 eu .... SSI) .... 19 10 ... 13 SO ... 16 SO lleuton llerwlek 13 Ul) '.'1 SI 15 Ml Locust Madison... Jlaln Itloom llrlarcreek Catawlss.i Ccntnuu Centre ('oujnghaiu II 01 -Miniln. 14 so Montour 2i) in -Ml. Pleasant 11 r.n oiaiigo In) Pine Ii-. s-i Poailngereek.... 11 on Scot I iuo ... 13 IO 10 fill i-isiiingeieeK .... Franklin II) Oi 20 60 tireenw-DOd IT lUmloel; IT oil Coungham lor 1s73 20 60 12 90 nugiuioai ior isi4 .. 010 40 Ily am't duo treasurer at last settlement , $232 00 oruers pani or istu oi del s paid of 1T3 oidem paid of IsTt orders paid ot Isl.T am't palil assessors, blanks, Ac commission allowed eolleelois Kxoneialliiiis allowed collectors commission nllowed Ireasurer balance on hand and paid out T (0 T 00 1,319 10 , T4 0 , It 0 0 so S3 '.12 ei) , Tl s: , ltlii 4T $J,S20 31 coMMissioNr.its' i:xpr.Nsr.s rou ist.t. MIsCKI.I.lNhOl'S KM'KKmF. Paid. I. c. Mnlih, on Slnto road, llilareieek.. - Bs 03 " John II. 1.5 nn, copy of "act of Assembly 12' " (.eoi-ge A. Claik, telegrams, taxes 11 " V. Ii. Joeoby, Indexing deed books on account son to " J. II. lint, collect or sugailoaf, allow ance -. loon " It. I-. Clark, attorney, vs. l . II. Jaeoby on Indexes 40 no " Stephen Unoir, plnehbar ror county.... 1 lo " win. ii. sniuer, county teachers' lusti- tllto 143 2' " 11, V. Zuir, pioihoaotary'h btl ill i; " V. II. Juiuuy, refolding ticius. bunds.. 4T $1,131 01 COfltTS, Jl'llOllS' PAY AM) CONSTAUI.i:.V 111.'- '1 11 K.N S. Paid grand Jurors during year i;sa: ' tl al erso juiois inning eai a.:iiiii i 1 constables' lelunis dining jear 271 si ' llpstnies duiltig jear 1T0 no Janitors ut cum I lis 96 1 louit eiler during year 132 1 stenographer lor courts (2) Ino nu 1 louit calender, ('.' ipuiileis) 17 to 1 s iei III strung jury noiiio lor is74 aud lsjn 266 mi 1 Koons. boanllng Jury, P.oguii trial.... 1411 n 1 Jacob II. I'lllz. Jury com 214 1 Win. II. Utt, Jury com 17 so 1 W. Krlckbaiua, cleik com 15 oj 3,r,CS 43 COSTS IN COSIMONWIIAI.TII CASKS. Paid Com. vs. Isaiah Hall " ' llaiidolpli Kestcr -" " A. s. ciosaley et id " " (ieorgu It. Hess " " lleiijamln (.olf " " c. II. Ilageubueli " " Pat. Dehmey " " Joseph Mcllzol " s. J. l atix " " (ildeon llMillne " . " John Vincent " ' John Mollis " " (Mtnailiic Hairy " ' i:ilen .Melhck " " u-il Klnly " " l ilah 'Humus " " John Mi'l'ileally ' " Wells (boss " " Jo-eph VaiMcklo i' " l.lnier Hull) im " " 'I nomas A oictdoif " su aussur K Ittrd " ' Jacob (laumer " " Charles Poster " ' Aim (liven " " I low ell's l-'uinlly " I). Koslenbaudei' " Juliu IMbcr " Hlcharil Itilstoe " commonwealth coats tosheilir, 2 sears. ti . " district Ait'js it " prolhoiiutaiy 11 ii " J J liioiu-r, Jus- tlco " commonwealth costs 10 .M 0 Woodirai d $1 ss :i 1 1 :l 21 S' s. 10 23 3 HO 10 II 0 10 2- 3 00 19 on 1 3.' 0 91 72 21 16 11 23 no 1 1 1 si: s 1 21 no Is 3 0 2 ( 1 s: J.I Ml C6 III) 43 SO 2t 30 13 (13 $020 4, 110 in Asn liainaE views and hoah him auk. Paid sundry persons It A 11 Mews " DC Alberlsoll, (llccuwood " 'lliomas Cieiellng, heolt " lleiijjuiln .elgler, .Seott " Samuel Unbelts, htigailont " lvter Hageubuch, Seoll , " C II Mellenry .V co, JacUon " Win M lleece, Urccnivoua b.i' " Samuel Ulmby, .Madison " Pllabetli Hills, Pine " H K Miilth. liilalel'cck " J II YclUr, .Main , " Samuel Young, Jackson ti lireenwojd . " J v Albirttou do do ... fill) SI CI) 0 lis S3 T3 2) 0 101 2! 2T HO isn no so 00 so On 260 no V5 (HI S3 (HJ 40 00 $1,109 cojiiissioni:i!S oiTici: and coupt liot'si:, Paid County Auditors ISI4. 64 00 " LleiK staling aienuui " Tlmtiher Ailearhart com I house lias fixtures, bal " TlmteheriV (leailiait ihandeller Uiw llbriuy " Thatcher A licaihart (las llxluies unites ' llloiiinnbuigiiasCo. sen leo pipe 1 t ti ti for (las 23 IKl 1002S 4109 49 2S 30 0D T2S0 " Sundry persons for coal 15531 .m. i uuer cleaning ulcoui 1, iiuu-so nun yaul " 11, V. Miller cleaning ut couit houso and aril " l. U. Cox cleaning ul 10111 1 huUso and uld " J, K. (ilrton cleuulng at couit house and yard " II, IV, Miller onu ivielicli 660 IT Si) 150 .M. 1; cox laniior (IT 00 60 S3 19 21 1031 I. Ilageiibhueli stole 1 opair. . M i-h. Iiil'uM eleauliiL- court bo ugold cleaning court liou-o... W imam et ul cleaning oiuco &u. , .1. 31. lluwerrenalrs... 10 0, Jl. C. ll'oodwuid jiolleo (!. House Hulltus A: Holmes stole I.. IJbr'y A.C. Iluhb bill tendered P. Jones book case It. It. olllco M'.ll Irt uudlllng publlo acets K. Mendenhall bill leiideied II. 1.. 'I humus ligioss Kin liloom I,, co. bill for com t house P. Jones bill 1101k at court house (I. Hussci t clock repair und tojie II. Itoau caso A desk It. & 11. olllco.., I, , llunyon nails AO II. llugeiibueh 'J door notices (I. A. Clui k wall paper coui t house. . mttcr A Miller Painting court house.. Muier liro's Palut bill. 0. A. Klelui Paint bill Dieher, lleay Aco, Palm bill II. P. Zuir Varnish c. M, Hi inker repair privy lock Louis llci mud paid bill t 11 clock repair II. II. Meuagh bul. iwlnlln bill J, II. Jlalo bill mulcted ti. II, Miller iv Sou bill icmkied b. II, '1 hoinas bill lendeied c. H, l- uiiuan 12 sirups forKarr JoluKl. l'rise coiuisntiy Win. Ijiiiion cummlssloiier John Homer " John Ida Win. KUc-kbaum clerk , ,,, 1000 4UV0 190 100 1100 1ST 4 SO 29 IT is 15 T13 TOO 2 40 6 SO 23 SO 171 SI 14 SO 221 7200 1110 (HI 6 no SHO SOW) 602 4 43 1 S3 111 10U0 29H VirtO V1SI SOO 00 !2,to3ll STAT COUNTV JAIL. raid A, Hinllh boarding prl . n $1100 HIS 23 179 911 1 110 1075 S1IT 1001 2 1 ST 2 ST 1010 Ml! S23 2001) 8T300 4103 B9III 7! IM 12 60 " Mttirnier " " 1 ii .m, ii ii ii t75 " I, M. llrown, repair to boots, pris oner " llenilirnholt & Mason, coal " liOckanls " Pel) r Jones repair ntslablo " L. .Mendenhall lumber forstnblo " J, whuIcr& Hon bill rendered " M. Waltir ct nl laklng old privy down " KostyiV, llodlno tl nl build now privy " Daniel llowman, drlnillng Ac " Thos. tiorey rejialrs lo hogpen " Jim . sillier building stable " oorey, MenJeiiliall et nl extra" to slnbli- " Jones, Mehdenhall ct nl till fence... " II, lirooksctnlnt l.ill stnblo 11 Samuel (Inner aljnll stnblo. " lllller.tMlller et nl material nnd paint ing stable " J. urPians medical bill " Peter Kill, plunk bog pen ' J,C. Ilulter, medical bill ' Peter Junes labli) fur Jail " 1. Uagcubuch stove repair.., 13 82 U (HI 4 40 0 00 2 00 115 $T2I0C3 .. I-IUSTlml, STATIONKltY AND rOST.lOK. aid Dally P.ililot, llnnlsbtirg I " .CM. Vandersllee, notleo of court.,., " " coui t calender, 2 qrs " " lulilgo lei I lug 11 couniyslalemelit " II. I stalement '1 " notices or court " court, nollcos, jurors, Ac..., 1160 111 (HI DO 1 0 4 00 IXI tHI 130 00 3T5 BlOO 84 00 400 bridge letting blanks 3310 court notices, Jurors, Ac 30 0 1 ..1 u brldgo lelltntrs . oso nollees lo collectors.. .. 1050 election proclamation 1S0IK) 40 Oil 4 SO 1 2-"' 12100 1700 (ISO 2 SI T3tH) 1IST3 TOO 1060 000 30 TO J 1 0(1 noj $1,013 00 ' blank oalhs " subscription 2U jears " blanks 11. St. Warden county statement ' advel Using , " bridge let lings " llepubllcnu .1. C. llrown election proclamation Hroekway A Klwell cutut notices blanks, .le.... 1). A. Iieckley stamps A postage Hverett A Poller, blanks (leorgo A. Claik, stationery Independent Meekly, blanks C. 11. Slider, Indep'.'iident ISQl'ISITIOV.S. 0 (I Murphy on John Woods, Conyng- Paid ll-llll ijd'l C (1 .Murphy on W Mtnhull, Conyng hain 1D2S C (I Murphy on Thomas Iloam Conyng ham ;..... ins C 0 Murphy on 1) Hughes, Coning- ham 1315 O (I Murphy on Hd. Hotly, Cell- tralla 12 T3 C (I Murphy on M I'linn, Cen lralla 112s O (I .Murphy on T llrjiin, coning- ham ; 1ITT .0 (1 Murphy on T Keller, Conjng- ham 12 T8 0 (I .Murphy on P Kclley, Conuig. bam 1:170 C (I .Murphy on J Cleary, Conyng- liam 13 I ) 1 CO Murphy on r .Murray conj og ham 1303 C (I .Murphy on 3 peisons, Coning- h.un 13 01 .T.I lliower on Infant, llloum 1231 sam. Deltterleknn c. II, H ilary, Centre 1010 J -McKlblilii. P .Mullein, T llrjun 2110 D.iild ll'nlsli 400 IiU-lnll and MtKllibluon M Dougheity, P..M 6000 1 W A (J.iso on C 11 Mhaicy, P Mor tem lili,l J II MeKclty on infant, p. Mor x tern in 00 i'iiu 15 CUIIKIES, Ul'IMIINU AMI IICI'AIIIH. IIKNIOV. Paid Jas Conner plank Kain'H bildgc 1121 3 11.1 Till 1 .') 20 15 iieiiiou 01 iug " " jileiidenhall bridge.. Sam Appleman lepalr 11.111 llaitmau lepalr west creel: " 11I.OOJI. Paid Jas Conner plank littpeitbildge lis 03 til OT j 1-11 1 uoiiea icpailM " " " " Hal Ion ". " J W Hoffman " llailon " " Jas Connor plank Hock " " Pelt r .loins repair ". .1 IV llolliuan " ' " " Townotiiioom" Shalfir " " 1. 14 liiipert " " tt " John U-ggott plank " V 'J Peter Jones repair ' " J W Ilollmaii " ' CAT.111is.s1, Paid II J Herder lepalr M of CilawKsa bridge " S Yeager plank MeKelvy'a bilugu...!..'.'., " 1' swank lepalr linn 3 60 H'.IJ 1 6 1 SO 1 IHI 20110 1121 0 SO 1(0 ir. s; 6 10 C 1-' lliil-ilel- 0 0 II J Hecder I'm uaco l'ISIIINCCllCKC. PaldM JlcIIenry repair Sllllwatcr bridge. " .1 1' .Melkniy repali " " " Hohr Mclkiu-y shingles " ' "W .1 'lileplepleeeiepalr " " " John Du-slier repair Zaners " " IV 1. .ibtniilng lepalr znnei-s " " John DicshiT repair Kaieucreck " " 1. II Kubbliis lepalr I less " 11 tt 1. .. Jones ' " Manning A co contract Jless " 2 66 1112 SJ 6030 TINI 0 Till 213 0 00 23 1,319 SO 2 1 IHI 5 I'D aiiiiiiioiiai ness " J F llolliuuu team &e " " 1'll.lNKI.I.V. Paid J II Zimmerman repair Yocuin bi Idgo liltKKNWOOll Paid c; peaglo icpnlr i:jus (nolo bridge.. .. " John 1.1-gguit repair lol.i " " 'I'hiislleeeo near lltifg " " .M M Klllio ' " (i (lieenly ' ', Oreenly " I1KJU.0CK. Paid V llldieman, plank Pinsell bihlge I.OCCST. 316s 3 00 1(10 " 1) Kostcnbaiider repair Hslber I-' brMgo " D Koslenbaudtrcoiiliait KusIjh ' SO In) l,24sliil 2 21 120 -I ti.l It 1 C.lnCl lljl.111 Pl.llllllW U " J siij der repair Snj dor's " II Wagner, W agner " " CI. Ailley" co Uuo " Minns. Paid HI Swc ppc nh( p er repair M 111 bi Idgo. . , . JIT. ri.E.lSHNT. Paid .Ino Monl.111 repair Mold, ill brldgo ' Kbit lepalr Monlan bildgo " Philip .Miller plank iiIjoiu ItMbildgo.. " (1 lieaglo rcpuli'uboio " " II t. 1. .1 1. tl ,! " .ICMurdan" " " " " M Kindt " " " " 20151 39.".: 121 so 111 2S 110 2 Ml 1 IK. 1 CO " .1 Welllier " M Klut 1)117 Wanleh brldg 2 60 below H w 12' " J Mordan repair below it W " " sundry jieitoii, to Poor llouo bridge.. OliANOK. Paid M M ApPleman icpalr H Mill bildge.... " lien Mtitman lepalr " " Jl II Patterson it-p'lr Pulleisoii " " Peler cole icpalr Path rson " " l'ulliner A Pen icpalr " " " Maiiiilngiicii enntiatt " " " " " adillllomd " " " Sundry peisons repair Kllno " llOlltlSOCllKEk'. Paid 1) btlno contract new bildgo Sugailoaf. Paid Jas Conner, repair Coin's bildgo " A Colo upalr cole's budge 4 00 12101 6 4 720 SOU 4 0 79910 6 00 1)960 lis 1 41 h III $-'1,499 It VEN1TESTI UtV A ASVU'M. i'ald support of Mrs Mellon, Danillle " supiHirtof I). shea, Danillle " conWUs cast penitentiary $109 (hi 111 21)1 $035 51 ASuKtisOlW PAY. Paid assessors for making spilng assess ment nnd loglslcilngioters sen m. $721 7: Paid fox and 11 lid cat scalps $110 10 4 KI.ECTION KXl'KS'sKS. Paid constables attending spilng elecllons., " colislllblesutlendllig full elect lulls " clcitlnu ollhcis, spimg elcclloii " ileclloii ohleeiH, lall (lecllous " riKiiuienl ilurlugX'ur " (id iiuikley, sciiatiulal 11 Judgo " 11 V Zarr, clerk lo 11 Judges $ms 00 4s no 334 22 403 1)0 291 10 :i r-o II 60 $1,290 sa TAXKS UKl US'liKI). Ily nm't r( funded during year , Ily lcdeiupllon money i.ulil LOT 3T 14 S3 $322 20 ni.ANK roots. Ily duplicates, 2 setB, Heg books, Ac. Ily books lur Piolhoiiolary's olllce.... 4T 42 62 35 $J IT MlCAMTUMTION. Miscellaneous cxiieuses ('onus, jurors pay and constable returns commoiiiveullli tests 11 A 11 ileus and It ilamiiL'rs , $1,161 CI , &,66S 43 . 620 45 1,109 20 Cbinmlssloiiei's' olllco A court houso 2.9S.I 1 1 County Jull 1,210 iu stationery, tiostage nnd piloting 1,1 j co man Holm vvj bridges, buildings and icpalrs 6,ivj 11 Pihllciillnry und usiluiu 035 61 Assessoib' pay 7(1 T3 Scalps , 110 40 Hleelton exivu'cs 1,290 S2 Taxes ri funded ... tit lu blank books , 99 TT Am't orders Issued. I $2,90I S3 .Deduct from amount ot orders Issued $212 rCTunded by .Montour for court exin-nn-s, ami $322 20 tuxes lelunded lest cs $22.1143.03 tho leal cxinnsot ot the county fcutti'oiibiiiisisai'ii) lleuton llio 00 Madison. . 10 00 liloom 04 00 .Montour.. s 10 Iirluureck 4 1 60 Ml pleasant 131 60 l'lsblngeieck , 113 13 oi-uiigo 23 00 Praukliu 23 no Pino - s o (luiipAood tn 60 itoarlngea-ek , 108 42 Hemlock 4oo Huott 22 CI Jaeksou... os 75 Hugurlouf VI 60 iAlUi ... , (IU Total tl,VJ5 42 STITF.1IEXT Or POO TAX, Orders unpaid ot 1M7 , $0 0) '! " Of 1970 S 01) " " of H74 S3 in 11 (it 1876... C61 42 $1,060 U Tax uncollected tun 40 Comnndnxonersiionsesiimnieii on. iso uo Add ain't In bands ot Tacnsiuxr 400 40 19il'4T riTotal assets $060 81 llxcoss of dnningo over said fund 8'JJ 65 '1 hit leaves tlib fund $217,70 better than It wnsnt last settlement. If sheep nnprnlsors would neo to It and cnuso all klll-sbecp dogs lo bo killed, or mako Iho owners of such dogs pay tho dam age, (as by lair tlicy nro required,) tho fund would soon bo ho lhatnll bills for Miccp damage could Lo paid ns presented. county riNANcrs. nssets. Taxes duo nnd uncollected Probable com. nnd exonerations off.. , $10,031 til . 1,600 01 $15,131 (It 46S TI 123 Gil , $ 1 5,139 2S Add am't In Treasurer's hand,, Add nolo of (leru Ilowcr Total aiscts MAIUI.tTICS, Am't ot money borrowed ot .1, 1-'elterman. Ain't of tnxes duo the several townships... Ain't redemption money uncalled for Am't road damage assessed, estimated Am't It and bridge 1 lows duo ' Am't commonwealth costs duo $',0011 01) 331 Id 03 01 r,oo (hi 200 00 191 00 $4,I0T CO Ileal nBsots, January 1st, 1ST0 1,. $11,831 cs We. tho underslitned commissioners of Colutnbt.i cottntv. do hereby certify that Iho foregoing Is n cor rect stnicineni 01 die aeeouuis 01 sam county lor 1110 jear A. I). 1S73. SILAS JIClin.N'HY, U01I1. JOHN HIlIlNKIt, of J. P.. SANDS, Col. Co Attest! Wu. KiucKiHi-st, clerk. Wo. tho tmilcrslencd auditors of Columbia, cotintr. hailiur been duly elected to ad lust nnd sett to tbo nit. colons of the treasurer and commissioners of Colum. 01a county, uo ncrcuy certity mat wu met nt tho of llceot the treasurer ami commissioners in lllooms burg nnd carefully examined tlienecounts niuliou cheis of the same from tho first day ot January, A. 11. is, n, 10 iiicnrM uay oi .luuuary, JSii), ami uuu them correct ns nboio stated. And we lino n uaianco uuo ( 0 nmb la conn vnn county fund cf four hundred nnd llily-clght dollars nnd seienly.ieven cents, (fl.vs.77), duo from John Snjder, tieasuier of said county, nnd wo llml n bal aneo from 'Ireasurer John snuler, to tlindoglund.of one bundled and nlnell-slx dollars nnd fuity-scven cents ($UM.47.) 0 ven unuer our nanus tins nun uav or Jnniif.ri'.A. 1). 1ST0. K. 11. 11IIOWN, 1 1 M. V. II. KI.INH, JOHN II. CASKY, J County auditors Groat Reduction m Pnco I Great Reductioa'in I'rice! Grrrit Eetluction in Prion 1 Think of it I Think of it ! Think of it I Think of itl Think of it I Think of it ! BAUGH'S . . . Mir it 1- Mado from Haw is- 1'nburned Animal Hones, (JIIKA1' FOR OASII. Wo nro now snlllni' our Haw llono Suner-Phos- pbnlu al the billon lug (;gr.&it.iivr.:r.i .i.v.iiiVsis. Ammonia .... I'ruinatol percenl. Soluble nnd l'reelpllated I'oospuoiio A1111, 1 rom a 10 11 per ceni, Phosj-bate ot l.bue, leudeud Suluable, l-'iom 20 to 21 per cent. At NHT cash whnlcsnlo mlccs to l-'armers nnd Pkintcis, F. (). 11, In Philadelphia, al the following io- i-UK'i's: 101 Tons and over, - $3S per ton, 2,000 lbs. T5 ' louo Tou, - 3-) ' " " " 5) ' lull " . 40 " " " " !0 " t049 " - 41 i' ti 11 .1 10 " to 2'J " . 42 " " " " 1 11 tu 10 ' . 44 11 'i ti BAUGH'S GROUND RAW BONES, K,y'C!iiarantecil rure.lSia At tho follonlngcisii Prices! loo Tons nnd out, $31 co 60 " Id 99 Tons 35(0 30 " tu4;i .1 do nu 111 " to 2') " 3T 00 1 " III 9 3S 00 This bono Is ground pure; Is not steamed or baked, and Iho solid bono has not been selected from It for cui lionizing put inses. rariiu i.suio ieiuesled logliolhelr orders lo Iho dealer enily, nnd If (hey cannot get llaugh's Slan daid l'i illllers Horn dealers, they will bo supplied by us direct. ' 130NE .MEAL. CSSrWAltliANTHI) l'lTl!K.-a P.O. 11. In Phlladelpbla at Iho following Low cash I'lllOS. loo I ons and oyt r, $.is 00 per Ton, 2,(,ou His. ." II, i un-t, 39 OJ 40 (II) 41 II) 42 IH) 43 OJ no toil 30 10 T I049 lo:2il to 10 PHILADELPHIA Ground Bones, In ling", 011 I'oanl Cars at Works, At the follow lug cash Prices : lr0 Tons and over, $30 on per Ton. 60 " 10 no Tons . si no " " 3) to 49 ' 32 00 " " Hi " to 29 " an no " 1 " 111 9 " Jl (H) "J tt If packed In bands, no tnro on", wo'wlll mako n deduction of ii pir ton from nboio lakes. Persons desiring to lake ndvnnlngoof tho nbovo low prices should send lu their orders nt once. No.l FINE E ONE DUST .-i'Ait.t.ri:i:i A.v.iiiY.sis: 910 Ammonia Pliosphoilc Acid Hone Phosphalc of I.I1110 from 2lo 1 per cent. " 11 toil " " 33 to 37 " " 1 1 XV 1 1 v'nMEdWfiV I ) V7 1 111 SUPERPHOSPHATE, This 111 dele Is ground very line, and Is notodfor Its (inlek aeilon, nnd can be bought al Iho following re tluccd lulu-s, Ii-co on board vcssils at our Philadel phia Hoiks: ino Tons und oier, $30 per Ton, 2,000 lbs. 00 " to 09 Tons at " " tt 30 " to 19 " 32 " 10 " (0 29 lij " it 11 it 1 " tu 1) " 31 " " " WN. 1!. One Dollar per Ton additional on above prices if slopped from lialtiniorc. I! A U (.' II A II () II I! A 1: (; II A: s 0 s s, ic SONS, it SON S, 20 South Delawaio Ave., I'liilaileliiliin. HO .South Del.-iwaroAve., l'lillailelpliia, 20 tSoulli Delawaio Ave., l'lii!aileliliin, 103 South Strict, llalliinoie. ID.'I Sunlit Sued, llallliuoic. 103 Soulli Sluit, Jialtimoru. l'eb.4-13t 10 AM. WHOM IT MAY CO.NX'lvIlN. l ake notice that I havo bought from .1. II. Kitchen. of Kspy, Columbia county, one buy horse, one lop buggy, onu spilng-imgon, and one set of hnriiess, nnd loaned tho sumo lu the bald. I, II. KIKheu to usu during my iileiismu and all persons 1110 foiblddtnlo Intcifeio wlili the same, STCPIIKN PHTTIT, Kspy, Pa., Jan, is, 1STC 41" ATOTICK OV Al'l'I.lOATlON VOll L'HAKTHll. otleo Is bertbv clien. In nccordaneo with Iho net of assembly iipproved tho Hthdayof Apill.A.H.lsVi. iiiiii, uuuppiicimou win 110 inniiu oy uiu uuiieiigueil eliuinsot Iho coininnnwenlth of Pcniisjliaiila lo 11 law juuge 111 1 iiiiiuioiu county ior ueuuru-r ineor. poratlug Tbo l'unners nnd .Mechanics' Hilucntloiial, lleneiolentund prolettjm Association, on tholllli day ot l-'cbruary, A. 1). ism. li.THIt SWANK. PIIANKUN HA1IIO, HNOC'll HAllHUH, JACOll 1.0.MI, 1IAVI1I wml, HDW'l) A. Hi: JIUMllltAV. I.XICCIJTOU'S NOTICK. I.STA1K OK 4,lOII(IK SUICIi, lUTWSKn. f.t tiers I cslumentary 011 Iho eslnto of (itorge Side k lato of cataiilssutwp., L'olumblu county, ui-icnsed, bale bun gruidid by thu.Heglstirof said county, lu 11, .), Ilteder of Cuiawlssii Columbia coun ty, pa., Ksecuior, toviboin all persi ns Indeblcd to sufd cstalu aio iciimsted lo make pa j incut nnd thoso baling claims or demands ugulnst tho suld cslaln will mako them known to tho said Hvcculor vi II bout delay. II, J, HKIUIHII, l'eb.l-ct llxccutor. AD-MIMSTllATOH'S NOT 10 K. KST11K Ot JACOll SIIKAHUAN, UKCKASKll, u tters of Administration on the estate of Jacob Shearman, Into of Healer township. Columbia Co., decuased, bale Urn grautod by Iho lleglster of bald county to Nallianlliedbeimer Jr.,of Healer twp, All pKl-sons baling claims against Iho estate of tho deeo. dent are ruiuesled to biesent lliem for sitllemeiil, mid Ihuso bubbled lo Iheeslale to mako pujimnt to tho undcislgucd udiulnlstralor vvltbout delay, , , , NA'IIIAN Jll(i:i)lli:NNHII,Jr., Feb. 4,1(1 Ct, Adinlulsliutor, BLANK NOTKS,with oivillliotit x(iriillo tor sale at tbo Coti's tiiN on ce.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers