t w in? nn t n it n t k J-ILIU W Jj U MDl AiN. iiUH) ji s ii u it (i, ;p it 1 1) a v, mi. i, is;n Komi Tlmo TnMi LACKAWANNA A HLOO.USIIlMtO HAIL l!OA1 Accommodation Train, MsA!"i. 7.4 a!! Mall Train j,jo A. Jt 69 1'. Jt Kxprcss Train ., i.M j.. Jt. ll.M A. M " " C.B4 P. M, CATAWLSSA HAIL ItOAI), Accoramotlatlon Train .?? a.'m. 7,8 "i"m. Itcgular Express 8,M r, M. 11,83 A. St. Through cars on Impress train cither to Now York or Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between IMtawNsa aiiil Wlllluinsport. I. K. Miller, ngent fur pianos and organ?, lias n second hand Mason & Hamlin organ, which can bo secured at n bargain. It has two banks of key, fight stops and four pets of reed, ami is In good condition. Jmt the thing for a church or lodge. tf, l'riendthip Tire Company will glvo n grand ball on tho 'J2d of this month. Judgo Stcrett, of 1'itUburg, has decided cuniulativo voting for railroad directors to bo legal, 0. A. Clark has received his fine flock of pa petcrics. Ho baa forty different pelectionn. Have you seen them ? Court next week. Call in and subicr'ibe for tho Coi.u.Miiux. If already on the lint, biing In tho names of some of your friend. V. T. I'urdoe, of Klkland, Sullivan county, has 81 first coiniu, "all alivu and kicking." Can any one beat it ? Gaulle and JSiulldin. M. C. Kritlain has removed his new clothing store to the stand lately occupied by Kleim's drug More, Main ptrcet, below Market. The list of unseated land taxes is now in tho treasurer's hands for collection, l'craons wish ing to save tho cost of advertising can pay dur ing February Court. Our thanks are duo to Senator Allen, and Representatives McIIenry and Kyau for valua ble public documents. Wo havo not heard from Congressman Collins, Candlemas, or "ground hog day," came and went as uual on Wednesday. He could see his shadow, and consequently will bo holed fur the next six weeks. Tho weather since then con vinces us thai the animal was right. AVe havo received a letter from Ion's Grove correcting our account of the manner in which Daniel L'edcrolf received his injuries. As our correspondent did nut sign tho couimunicatioii wo refine to publish it. Senator Allen, of this district, made a telling speech in tho Senate on Tuesday lat on the boom bill. This provides for the lediietiun of boomage, and Mr. Allen very properly support ed it. Some fellow out of revenge has shot a valua ble shepherd dog belonging to Ii. M. Tewks bury, and slide the trout from bis pond. Surh petty malice is unpardonable, and tho ollcnder, if caught should be severely puni-hed. In a late number of the l'hila. Chronicle, there was enclosed to us a neat piece of Calico, cut "bias." Wo do not know whether our co temporary has female cumpo"iturs or not; and would respectfully ask brother Dealy to rie and explain, because one of us is very much married. Milton is jubilant over a new Steam file in gino of the Silsby pattern. It seems to do its work thoroughly, and wo have no doubt will save the town many thousands of dollars. Af ter two or three more first class lires in this town, we may get water works, ami then, of course, a steam lire engine, For the year ending November SOlli, 1S75. tho number of pardons recommended by the Hoard of Pardons and granted by Governor Harlranlt was DO. Most of them were deserved, according to thcKepoit. One sentence of death was committed to imprisonment "fur life, and five death variants were signed. There will be an oyster supper or festival held at tho MoKelvy Mansion on Tuesday even ing, February Sth. The proceeds will be de voted to purchasing linen with which to furnish tho new Normal School building. It is rumor ed that Mother Goose and retinue will be in at tendance as wallers. Admission 10 cents. The l!cv. King Klwcll of Newark Valley. New York, who spent a few days Ibis week with his brother Judge Klwcll, preached at tho JI. E. Church on Tuesday evening last. We are informed that tho protracted meetings now being held in that church under tho charge of tho Pastor, Kcv. Mr. McGarrah, aro accomp lishing an excellent work. Lost. On Friday afternoon, January 2Sth, on tho road from Light Street to llloom-burg, or in llloomsburg, a wallet, containing from $50 to $00 in money and valuablo papers. A reward of fill) will bo paid for tho samo by leaving it at this oflico or returning to tho owner. , , J. S. IIachmax, Light Street. Tho Sheriff of Northumberland is in a quan dary. The jail has but four cells, and yet at tho la-t Court seventeen prisoners wcro senten ced to solitary ronlinement. To dbohey the order of tho Court is contempt, and tho Sheriff ii naturally anxious to know how to make seventeen go into four ono time. Wo present to our readers this week a com plete Statement of tho financial affiiirs of our Cuunly. It should be read by tho tax-payera who aro deeply interested in tho management of our County affairs. Wo believe they havo been prudently and economically managed; and due credit should bo given to tho proper officers. PlIILAIlKLI'lIU .vSl) KliAWSH IlAII.-lloAI r.mv. Tho London Times reports that tho lately oll'ered $10,000,(100 loan of tho I'hiladil lihia and Heading railroad company was taken first day, tho subscriptions being largely in ex cess of tho loan. Tho bonds wero iS'JOO each, and wero Issued at OHJ, payable by installments: r, nor cent. 011 application, 15 per cent, on allot ment, 'J5 per cent. March 1, 25 per cent. March "7. and tho balaneo April 29, This bhow.s that nt least ono American railroad has not lost favor III English eyes. Tho Illoomsburg CViiiwVmt is ono of tho best mnrnlli 1 1 in Klnti' Mill W O 1110 SOI'TV tllilt MS I.,! In mm, ,t kill 'Villi lllOUL'll to tell tho dill- ereneo between The Mlltonian and Lummtuy. Wo don't mind the items that they take with out credit but don't want tho Luminary, wuicli 1,..,, ..,.l, in nn.wi'r fur. charged with 011r cHiislons. Now, Captain, don't charge It to Klwcll, and don't do to no more 1 Miltoniun. All right. Mr. Miltonian, wo tako it all back, llutlfioiiilon'tllkolt, thoiagoof tho . unj must bo something fearful to behold I School J!ooi:s.-0iio of tho great and grow ing evils of our times is tho enormous Increase of text books for our schools, Hired agents traversocachdi.il let, and importune directors and superintendents to adopt certain systems or plans, which have no other merit other than that of novelty of arrangement. As an Induce mcnt, copies are gratuitously donated tod rect ors, and an leo-cream bout or oyster stew clinch es tho bargain. siflmnl l,r,oks cost American studeuls antiu- llv sr.nfiwiilfio and half of It Is duo to tho fn ,,ri,i .lmimcs made. which, not only unsettles ll.n mill.ml fifktlldv. bill UlllBlllCS lllO COSt of tuition. Jt is tlmo (ho matter was looked Tho Opera Houso will hereafter bo occupied on Sundays for religious purposes. Tho open Ing exercises, will bo held lioxl Sunday, Feb. Cth. at 10 o'clock A.M., at which tlmo an ad dress will bo delivered by K.K. Orvls, In ex planation of tho history principles nnel objects of tho Ciiuncic or Cihiht, or Cximstian CitDitcir, In whoso Interests this cnterpriso Is undertaken. Finn. On Thursday morning carlv It was discovered that tho houso of John Btlncr, near the corner of Hock and Iron slreets.was on fire. Hy tho nct'vo exertions of the neighbors it was smothered. It was caused by a bed tick coming In contact witli tho stove. The bed and bedding wero consumed. Had tho fire got headway, much loss would havo ensued ns all the houses In the neighborhood aro frame build ings. Tim Nohmal School ArrnoriiUTioK. On last MoTiday evening Representative McIIenry read in placo a bill appropriating $30,000 to the Stato Normal School at this place, and it was referred to tho Committee on Appropria tions. This committeo and that of tho Scnato on financo met In joint convention on Thursday. Judgo F.lwell and Hon. C. It. Huckalcw left hero yesterday to urgo the appropriation before tho committee. Wo feel confident that tho bill will becomo n law. We havo received a numbc of letters asking whether an election officer can servo at an elect ion whero iio is voted for as a candidate for judge or inpe lor. Our firt Impressions were that such candidates would bo ineligible to serve as election officers, but a cartful examin ation of tho several acts of Assembly and decis ions bearing on tho subject, seems to make it clear that they are qualified to act. Unless the courts shall reverse their construction of our laws, candidates for judgo and inspector may servo as election officers at the election when Ihcy are voted for. Tho breast bone of a young gooo is claimed to bean almost infallible weather prognosticator. A Pennsylvania Dutchman, who has used it for 25 years, getting a fresh ono every Fall, explained its workings to a reporter: "You will observe that tho middle portion of the bono is white, indicating mild weather which wo are having now. AVe will shortly have colder weather, as theo dark portions show, and we will havo some snow, but not nearly as much as last Winter. Tho end of tho bono is quite dark and the month of March will be about as cold unit rough us any. Nunc persons u-o the breast bono of a duck. Iln.i.iAiiiH ExniAoniuxAnv. At Gander's billiard room, in New York, on Monday night occurred an event never before heaidofin the lory of billiards. An ordinary gamo of pool was opened by Mr. Andrews, who, play ing No. 1, pocketed all tho balls at a break. M. Gamier ordered wine for tho players, and after it had been duly disposed of a second game was opened by Mr. Doctor, who followed tho example of bis skillful predecessor, and, playing No. 1, sent tlie fifteen balls one by one into tho pockets. Again M. Gamier opened the wine, and, packing up his pet cues, hurried oil' to catch the train forCooperstown. To PoirMAsTiT.s. Tho lollowing from the Com (land Democrat aro "words fitly spoken," and aro applicable to many postmasters who do not make themselves familiar with tho law. We wish the several postmasters in this county would obtain a coin' of the pu-tal laws, study tho provisions thoroughly, and net accordingly. When fjr any reason a newspaper lies dead in any post office, it is tho duty of the po-tmaster to notify tho publishers by letter stating the reason, if he knows why the paper is not taken out. Iteturning the paper to the publishers is prohibiten! and does not answer any require ments of the law. Officials who do not observe the law in this respect ought to be, and perhaps may be, reported to tho proper department. V.vnrtANCY Diwinkii. The first section of the bill to suppress vagrancy, introduced in the senate, defines tho ollinen as follows. The other sections arc in the main similar to those adopted by tho poor directors' convention at Altoona : 1. All persons who shall unlawfully return into any ili-lrut whence they havo been legally removed without bringing a certificate from the proper authorities of tho city or district to which they belong stating that they have a setlemeut therein, U persons who not having wherewith to maintain themselves and their families, live idly and without employment and refuse to work for tho usual and common wages given to the persons in tho like work in tho place whero they then aro. ' All persons ,ho shall refuse to perform tho work which shall be allotted to them by the overseers of the poor, as provided by the act of .Iimo ID, 1S3C, entitled an act relating to the support and employment of tho poor. 1. All persons going about from eloor to door, or placing themselves in streets, highways or other roads, to beg or gather alms, and all other persons wandering abroad and begging. 5. All persons who shall eomo from any placo without this commonwealth to any placo within it, and shall bo found loitering or resid iug therein, and shall fellow no labor, trade, occupation or business, and have no visible means of subsistence1, and can givo no rcasona hie account of themselves or their business in such place. The 7, nuWiYim of yesterday wails over tho un- ijenlhiitanli) and ci7ruiti Icons manner in which the Coi.i muia.v treats its editors in theso columns, and talks aboufperhonal journalism,"! imP'rccV ing in the filth of peisonal nbuse," and all that. The object of this kind of stud' wo cannot under stand, as it is In no way applicable to us, wo having carefully avoided eveiything like per sonalitics in our rtfeie'iices to Unit journal. As to "personal enmity" or a desire "to injure tho editors of tho Jliimlilicait in their social or busi ness relations," tho writer of tho articlo knows very well that such an accusation against us is without the slightest foundation. We challenge them to quote a single article from the Col.VM lilAN which shows anv such intention or desire, The names of tho Hepiibllcan editors havo never belli mcntiemid in our columns in a way that could possibly be consltucd into personal nbuse We havo mentioned them in connection with tho peculiar poliiical tenets which thi-y promul gate, for the purpose of showing tho weakness of their position, and not with a view to injure them personally. o hare not tho slightest ol jeetion to their using, our mimes in the same manner tint wo have used theirs. Wo havo alluded to one of tho editors of the 7MiV(i)i, who holds an oflico under tho United States, and is therefore n public man ami bin; hit to ciitici-min his official capacity. Last week we told how much salary ho receives, ami peihaps this is what the Jltyubliam terms "per' sonal abuse." When editors endorse such incen diarv speeches as that mado by Illalno in Con- gress a short time ngo, ought iney to unci i.iuu with stie.li paragraphs as the lollowing: lllalne, lirown it Heekley, it idijeimi homo, want another war, so that they can Illustrate their valor by staying at homo and abusing thoso who go. With theso exceptions, which nro in no wiso personal, wo havo seldom if ever used their names, and yet they would givo out tho impres sion to their readers that the CoHJiililANBpends most of Its timo in writing about them. Tho illustration of such personal abuse as they say they might heap upon us Is not i;ro- iws. first, becauso It woum no uiise.anuseconuiy, because tho object apparent on the faeo of It would be to injure us in our business relations as nrivalo elltens, ami not as public officials, As to the ''inexperltuetd," wo aro willing to leave th0 verdict in the hands of the publlc.wlth tho Colvniiian and Jlcpulliam as evidence. THE COLUMBIAN AND At n meeting of stock holdors of Catawlssa Deposit Hank on January 11th, tho following directors wcro elected I Oeorgo Scott, H, Hoi- 'Ingshead, Gcorgo H. Gilbert, S. H. Deamcr, Dr. J. H. Hobbins, II. J. Heedcr and H. L.Marplo. At a subsequent meeting of tho directors George Scott was elected President, 11. H. Davis Cash ier, and G, C. Scott Teller. JlcpubUcan. Thoso who wish printing done, In tho way of posters, or advertisements of sale of proper ty will find it greatly to their advantage tohave it dona at tho Cot.cjtntAN office. Wo make it a rulo to notlco In the newspaper nil sales for which wo print tho bills, and parties will there foro olwrvo that in addition to the handbills they get n notice in nearly two thousand copies of the paper, circulated through tho county. This is nn ndvantngo which no job office, having no circulation in the county, can oiler, and for which wo cliargo nothing. We publish this week the Call of tho Chair man of our Standing Committeo for tho mem bers to meet on Monday next to select delegates to tho Lancaster Convention, and also the call of Chairman Wright for that Convention to meet March 22nd. Tbcro aro no candidates for Stato officers to noiAinate this year hut it is of vital importance that our best men should bo selected as delegates to tho National Conven tion. AV'e favor Philadelphia as tho placo for that Convention to meet, and July 4th as tho time J but decidedly object to Col. Wright's buncombe resolution about meeting In Inde pendence Hall, even if it could bo obtained. It is entirely inadequate to bold tho delegates, and that fact was known to tho author of the llesolution. A spacious, well ventilated Hall is a necessity for such a meeting, eapccailly in July. Vamjamxto Every IIomi:. Wo shall do our readers a favor by calling their special at tention to tho value, the usefulness, and wo may say tho direct profit, of supplying themselves the present year, with one of tho chcapat, as well as the most valuablo Journals issued In this country. It costs hardly half a cent a day, a sum easily saved, while its practical hintsand suggestions will bo most likely to bring buck that nmonnt many times over. Tho ("00 to 000 beautiful, instructive I'ngravings, are alone worth many times the cost of the paper. W'c refer to the American AijrkuHurkl, so called because started .15 years ago as a Itural Journal, but now enlarged and improved to suit tlie wants of every family in Country, Village, and City. It is packed full of good tilings, useful, reliable, and instructive. Each number contains -11 largo (double octavo), pages, beautifully print ed. It has much for instructing and pleasing Housekeepers and Children, and Farmers, Me chanics, Merchants indeed all classes. Its Ilou-e Plans and improvements, witli Engrav ings and particulars as to co-t, and tho common-sense directions, arc worth more than many costly architectural works, Its constant, presistent, fearless exposure of Humbugs and swindling schemes, is of great value to the whole country aud every individual. In short, it is full of good things for everybody and wc advie everybody to take it this year. It will be specially valuable in this Centennial year, its circulation, w Inch is a hundred iold greater than the majority of other journals, en ables the publishers to supply the American ijriculturist at the very low rate of $1.00 a year, post-paid, or four copies for $5.-l0. Tako our advice and send for it to the publisher'', viz : Messrs. Orange Judd Company 215 liioadway, New York City. Home News. There is a little town in New YnrkState whero every man and woman has been con verted, anil some of them arc paving bacli tea and colloo borrowed six and seven years :igo. -Itissaul that the wifo of a prominent southern representative at Washington goes to bed decked with diamonds, to prevent tho Constable from attaching them to settle the bill incurred by her husband in their pur chase. Ex-Governor Francis Thoma, of Mary' land, late. .Minister to rcru.wliuo walking nn the track of tho Ilaltimore and Ohio railroad; near his homo at Frankville, Gairctt county Saturday afternoon, was struck by a helper engine and instantly killed. A pastor of a church in llarrisburg was in his, study till alato houT. Ono of his parish- onors seeing tho key in tho door as ho was passing, thought it had been left therein thoughtlessly. I Io locked tho door and put tho key in his pocket. When tho preacher tried to get out ho couldn't, llo bad to jump out of a high window. A policeman saw liim and arrested him, and not till he proved who ho was, did ho get releasee). Hammond and IScntly, tho revivalists, claim to havo converted flOO to 000 poisons in Lancaster, and will remain at lca-t a week longer. The agitation in the town and sur rounding country is said to bo very great A railroad brakeman, in Tuxa, found ii wallet containing $2,000 and restored it to tho owner. Within forty minutes after that tho brakeman fell offthc cars and was killed, The moral is plain enough. A French engineer has patented a self- propelling carrhigo which goes by steam Ho recently drove from Mans to Pari.s.a dis tance of 210 niile.s, in eighteen bonis, his carriage weighing four tons and carryin twelve men. Another start ting case ot Iraudupoii the Government is developing before tho the f-enato Committee on Indian Affairs in re lution to tho expenditure) of tho appropria tion of $300,000 to remove a few I'awneo In elians from Nebraska to Indian Territory The Government is said to be in possession of documents bhowing that pretty much the whole 'amount was squandered or stolen Tho Committeo intend to investigate the matter thoroughly. Tho Hev. .1. S. Glendenuing, Into of Jersey City, and of unwholcsonie notoriety has not' found a bed of roses in his new field Hcnr 111. His enemies aro bitter, and sillier no partielo of evidenco tognngninv him, unused. Ono day last week over fifty copies of tho "Life of Mary l'onicroy wero sold in tho town. (Steps havo been taken also to fonn a Union Church in tho community of all poisons so disposed, aud to employ an independent preacher. This seems almo-t incredible. On JXcw Year's day Theodore Tilton just returned homo from, his Western tour, found that his daughters, Florence and Alice, had not call cd upon their mother. I'lorcnce, tho eldc now a dignified and self-reliant woman, was not Inclined to do so, Mr. Tilton, It is said, urged that her mother would miss tho calls and attentions sho had been accustomed to receive, aud tho daughter at lajt started olf in a carriage, with two bouquets and an allectlonato note, with tho salutation ot tho New Year and asked to bo admitted, Tho servonts quickly brought back tho bouquets nndthunoto unopened; with tho me.ssago that Mrs. Tilton did not wisji to seo them or receive) anything at their hands. Two lawyers in a country Court one of whom had gray hair, ami the other., though just as old a man as his learned friend had hair which looked suspiciously black had soino altercation, about a !Tquc tiem of practice, in which the gentleman with dark liuir icmarkcd to his opponent, "A personal your tlmo of life." looking nt tho barrister's gray bead, "ought to Imvo long enough experience to know what is cu tomnry in stich ca-scs." You may btnro at my gray hair if you like. My hair will bo gray as Jong as I livo, aud yours will bo black as long as you dye. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, TUB STATU OAl'lTOli. llAimisnuno, Feb. 1, 187C. Tho work of tho Sctiato during the-past week lias been somewhat notablo. Impor tant measures havo been considered and tho action of that body In rcgatel it somo of them will doubtless awakeh harsh criticism in various quarters. Tho most important meas ure consldered,at least that ono in which tho members of tho Legislature havo moro than a passing interest, is tho financo bill. Your readers will remember that this bill went to tho Senate In a shapo assumed after tho Houso had thoroughly digested It. Though fears wore entertained that somo of tho pro visions inserted in tho bill would not meet with tho approval of the Senate,' tho radical action taken by that body was scarcely antlcipatcd.aftcr striking eut in preliminary reading atl tho provisions of tho bill except ing tho simple transfer of revenue from ono fund to tho other, tho Scnato last night capped tho climax by defeating tho entire bill upon third reading, A chango of votes however on tho part of Jlcssrs. Strang and Nowmyer has placed them.in posltion'to movo arcconsideratloniot tliotleleateel bill it at any future timo they may sco fit to do so. Unless such reconsideration is effected a means for relieving tho embarrassed condition of tho Treasury cannot bo devised this session, as tho rules forbid tho introduction of tho sub ject again dc novo. Although no money will ho paid out by tho Stato Treasurer until this matter la adjustod tho Houso received tho news of tho Senate's action on tho bill with seeming indifferences. Various aro tho surmises as to what tho action of tho Houso will be, should tho matter bo brought before It again for Its consideration. Somo of tho Democratic members it is thought will have back-bono enough to stand up for tho origi nal provisions of tho bill while others it is deemed, cannot bo depended on with tho samo degreo of certainty, Taken all in all, tho result of the action of a conference com mittee on this subject should such committeo be appointed cannot bo foretold. The supplement to tho conspiracy act do- fining what action of workingmen and others assembled for tho purposo of resisting em ployers, shall como within tho meaning of tho act of 1S72 has reached a final pa'sago in the Scnato after "running the gauntlet" of amendment. In the shapo in which it passed, it provides that no action of com bined workingmen toward others, shall be coiisti ued to bo within tho meaning of the phrase "in anyway hinder" unless ac companied with menaces of threats of vio lence. Although not exactly as desired by them the bill in its present shapo is accepta ble to the workingmen. Tho bill reducing tho rate of boomage to be charged by boom companies in general and the Susquehanna boom company in pai ticular upon its passage to second reading to-day in the Senate elicited a lengthy and very spirited discussion which may be but a forerunner of others to come. A very strong effort will bo made this session to secure the proposed repeal. A most salutary measure providing for the erection of watering troughs on highways throughout the Commonwealth, for the use of horses nnel cattlo cn paisant lias been read a third time in the Senate. A similar bill in thu houo is well advanced and one or the other will no doubt become a law. After once defeating tho chronic bill for" tho purcha'o of Purclon's Digest for tho members, the lloiiso again to-day took up its consideration aud consuming considerable timo upon its discussion guvo it a final quie tus for this session. Tho act increasing tho pay of Arbitrators to two dollars per day was treated in a similar manner, mirnliil llrlit tho skunk scalp bill, of ancient renown although all tho tactics within tho category of parlamentary practice) weio employed against it, lias actually as far as tho House is concerned becomo a law and tliogcntlo- from Hutlcr Mr. Campbell bv his speech upon it has won for himself undying fame. A novel cas has lately been settled m O.swcgo county. It appears that one farmer sold forty turkeys to the other at a certain prico per pound alive. It was tho under standing that tho seller should keep tho tur keys until tho buyer called for them the next day,Jand in tho mean timo they were not to bo fed. According to contract tho latter called for tho turkeys, weighed, took theni homo and dressed them, when twenty two pounds of corn were taken from their craws, it tins tno buyer uecamo angry aud deducted the abovo number of pounds from tho weight of tho turkeys, and refused to pay more. Seller, in return, became an gry and sued for thocorn. Thocasowas tried and decided in favor of tho latter, cacli pay ing his own cost, which amounted to 12 for the plaintiff and SS for tho defendant, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets aro so compounded from concentrated prin ciple, extracted from roots anil herbs, as to combino in each small gianule; scarcely la yer than a mustard tad, as much cathartic salo in drug stores. They aro not only pleas power as is couiaiiie-u in .my iaii;ei puis iui ant to take, but their operation is easy un attended witli any griping pain. They opo rato without producing any coiistitutiona disturbance. Unlike other cathartics, they tlo not render tho bowels costive alter oper ation, but. on tho coutiaiy, they establish a permanently healthy action. JSeiny tntireltj ertetallf, no particular caro is required while using them. f flOO llcwurd is offered by tho Proprietor to any ono who will detectin these Pellets any ealnmcl or other forms of mercury, uiiu eial poison, or Injurious drug, They aiosold by Druggists. COAL. COAL Old Established Coal Yard. C. W. Niiai. & Hno., Wholc.-alo & Retail Dealers in nil si.es of tho best epiulitics o( Iti'd mid White Ash Coal, at tho very lowct market rates, llavecnnstautly on hand large stocks of , Domestic, Cupola, Hlaeksinitli's Anthracite, Hituuiitioiis, and Liineburner's Coal. Especial attention given to the prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in e.si'hango for coal. Coal delivered to any )art of tho town at short notice. Order-, lelt at I. W. MclCelvy's store, or at our olllee, will receive nronipt at tention. Oflico and Yards at William Neal & Sons' Furnace, East Hloomsburg. Your patroiingo respectfully solicited, tlOAL. 7 tf 2T COAL' QONSUMPTION cilltED. An old physician, retired from active prac tice, having had placed in his bands by nn East India Missionary thoforniulnofaslmplo Vegetablo Remedy, tor tho upccdy aud jierm auent Curo of Consumption, Hronchitis.Ca larih, Asthma, and all Throat and Lung At fectioiis,uls() a Positivoand Radical Curo for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com plaints, after having thoroughly tested its wonderful curative- powers in thousands of cases, feels it his duty to mako It known to suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a conscientious desiro to relievo human suffering, ho will send free nfcharne) to all who desiro It, this rccipo with fulleiirectlons lor preparing undbiiccessfiily using it. Scut by return mail by addressing with btamp, naming this paper, Dr. W. O. Sti:vi:ns, Munroo Hlock, Syracuse, N, Y. Dec. 21, '7o-ly. When you go to Philadelphia stop at the Allegheny House, No. 812 and SM Mar ket street ; having been recently renovuted, Price ouly $2 per day. A. 11i;ck, March ll),'71-Jy Proprietor. Business Notices. New dress goods at 0. O. Marr's. Centennial Knorr's, Hooots & SIiom at K. JI. Linen for Tablo Cloths at man's. W. Hart- Lutz & Sloan havo 20 pieces of black Alpaca. Prico f!0 cents to 1.15 per yard. Clovcrsoed wanted by J. Schuyler & Son. Heal estato for salo and rent by M. Wyn koop, Feb 4 !!f Tho celebrated Tamaqua Hoots tho best in the world. A trial of ono I'air will Con firm tho abovo. For salo at E. M. Kuorr's A sure prevention against colds, good Over Coat now selling at cost. Buy a New Calico at I. W, cents a yard. Hartmau's 8 and 10 You can get all wool French Merino ono yard wido for G5 cents per yard at Lutz & Sloan's. Selling out! Wall Paper and Window Shades can bo had at cost now at Philips' Hook &, Paper Store. Feb. J. 2v. M, Ci Hrittaln lias moved his clothing store to tho Lutz Huildlng lately occuplediby O.A.Klclm. 100 yards heavy Crash 12 a cents yard at W. llartman's. All Coal slated and screened before leaving the old established coal yard of O. W. Ni:At, Sc Hno. a2tf New Orleans linking Molasses, choico Syr ups from SO cents to SI a gallon. A fine as sortment ot Young Hyson. Imperial, Japan and Dlack Teas at M. M. missel's. Lutz & Sloan's goodsaro not Centennial goods (100 years old) but aro fresh, clean and at prices to suit tho times of lf7o Snow Excluders for salo at McKinuey's. Latest styles of Calicoes at C. C. Marr's. If you want a platform Scalo examine those at J. Schuyler it Son's before purchas ing elsewhere. The highest cn.'i prico paid for Mink, Skunk, Fox aud Musk Hat skins by D. Lowenbcrg. C. W. Neal ifcHiio., spare no expense to send out nice Coal. , lilitt Having removed to larger quarters, M. 0. Hrittain will increase his stock of clothing and Gents furnishing goods accordingly. The latest styles in gieat variety. Lutz it Sloan havo ordered another large lot of Calicoes, Muslins, and Cotton Flan nels, and will be able tho hist of this week to oiler bleached Muslins by the bolt lower than tho oldest inhabitant ever bought it. People havo taken such a fancy to E. M. Kuorr's Hoots &. Shoes that they break Jin and steal them. TO WAN DA 1 iOOTS F To W A N I) A HOOTS The best and most leliablc for everyone to buy. Try them. For sale at McKm- ney s. ,A large stock of Tobacco, of the following irands. Peach and llonev. Golden Gun, Gondola, Hright Golden Government, Ha-ses choice, .Modoc in pails. 20,001) cigars ol different viuictics wholesale) and retail, Con fectionary wholesale and retail at M. M. HusseU's. , i .TONICS' PILE SALVE. The undersigned takes this method of in- lornung the public that lie has on band a SALVE which is a sure euro for Piles', as its merits have been tented by quite a large number; and Parties wishing to purebse it, can get it bv calling at his residence on Last Street lilnoinsbuii' Evan C Joni:. Jan. :!!,1S70. - Good clean Co.il to be had only of C. W. Neal ec Hro. 32tf Centennial Seamless Hags ?0 cents a piece at M. M. Htis-el's. Heal Hair Switches at 0. C. Marr's cheap. Disston's new cro-s cut saws at J. Schuyler it Sons. HATS! HATS 11 HATS 11! Ne west colors, lirown. Hlack and Navy Hltie just lcccivcd at D. Lowcnberg's. Don't be worried and annoyed wilb notemly iinnr nn.tlitv of Coal but dirlv and slaty bc-iiu hut buy of C. AV. NiiAi, Ss Hno. who deal only the best nualiues All Colors of Velveteens at C. C. Marr's WATKll PHOOE Hoots at McKinncy's, AVATEH PltOOF C. C Marr has a splendid Syrup, CofTeo and leas. Vii'iri-ns ATTi:xTinN Itussel takes Hutlcr Eggs, Lard and Produce in exchange for goods Hubbcr Hoots at McKiuncy's. ItnrtniATisM. Xetiralnia, Lumbago, Scia tica Hhcumatic Gout andNorvous Diseases nositivelv cured bv lh: Filler llhcinnafw llcmedy and Pills. O A. Kleim, Solo Agent llloomsburg, Pa. Dec. Ii, ly. ChickeiisVnntcil nt C. C, Man's. For Mince Meat, nt 13 cents a jiomul, nuil a ftno lot of l'ruiiberriu-t, K" l" nell s. OnuiL'CM iKiioro the luidillo man but it nm.7p ihem wliv J. Scliuvlcr con can s-ell Uiei'u iia clieaii as they buy f'rom.'fW liiiiuls. Kidney Dirncri.Tir.s. Srcer'n 1''' Oraiio Wine i ono of tho bet diuretics known, it ;rcmly acW on tho kidneys, stimu lating and infusing in tnem new vigor and ingcs tliein to throw from the system all tho worn out particles which if tillered to re main would jioi-on Iho blood and create di5ease. Kvrry diseaso to a certain extent deimiuils a diuietic, every part of tho s)tem must bo in worklngorderto maintain health, and the kidneys especially are tho main avenues lor tho escape ol'tlio poisons of the syt-tun. Physicians have, aflcr strict tiial and duo examination, found r-pecr's Tort drape Wine to answer the puipose admira bly, and recommend it in eases whero a diu retic U needid. Thiswino is raised in New .rer.-ev, and sold by druggists generally. Jan, 1-Jth 1S75 Iw. 7)c. ritlns Kiihtiu Cm-dial removes dc-po-its of (Irani, Calculi, Acids, ntinlion, of I'rinc limit 1'urifitr of tho Jlladdcr and Kidmiis, O. A, Kl.ElM Solo Agent for llloomsburg, l'a., Deo. 17,'75-ly. Foil Kent. A large new Store Kooin, Hall, n-d Dwelling npartmint". New brick building on Main street near Market. TeriiH ebeiip. Inquire of (iKO, . .STKKM.lt. Dec. 10, '75-tf. KA'Honjit. MnuiA'riov. Medication is on ly Hiccissful whin it is latlonal.aud it is ration al only w;hin It begins at thu beginning. In other worn, io cine a inanm.v, u rauu nm-i be removed. Wiaknes, either general or local, is thu origin of llieguat majority of disenK-s, Keinfuice tlie vilal energies, irgulato digestion and Kcretien, bv Mungllunhig the organs which pirfoim lhou uH-Iiiiik riant fumllons, and dyspepsia, constipation, kidney and bladder eeinplalnls, uterine dilHcultles,inipiiro circula tion, and ilio ihuiiMind and one allinenls which nro Iho coii-ecjHciicn of debility, nro compute lv, mid in unM eases permanently, removed. Thu best, Kifest and most ngrccnblo tonio and alterative that con be employe! for lids pur pose is Jlottiltir'n Kloinacli Hitters, Tho ex. perlinco of Iwinty-fivo jears, during which tlmo it bus oiilllud pihops tin limes Unit num ber nfph(mcral preparations whiih havo en tertd Into tonipUlllon with it, has proved it to bo untquahd us a umidy for alt dbuidirs ac companied by or piocccding fioiu woakiuts, Ftb, HENDERSHOTT'S DRUG STORK Is receU Ing a choice selection ot HOLIDAY (iUUI)S, consisting ot DitnioisT's sttNnmn.i, JOIt.CT AUTICLKS, l'EltFtlilKltY KNOUSII SOAPS, ' l'ltr.KCH.KXTlWCTrl, pout stoNNina, C'KIAlt OASES, COM11M, imusiir.1, ciiiNTst: andjapanhhi: iiANi)Kr.itcim:rs, Key West and Havana Cigar?, and lots ot I'lno floods. c -AVO 0 i9 t lie 3oW 1W0 V,eM Who said that you would like 1 People wear, rather than the wholesale goods com monly sold ? This will tell you how to do it. ThG very large Increase of our business allows us to malce A STILL LOWER SCALE OF PRICES, AND You Can Save Enough In buying a Suit at Oak Hall TO PAY FOR from anywhere In this County to the City of Philadelphia, and have a day of slght.seeing besides, Wanamaker & Brown Btand by this Statement, and so will you after one trial. Character ol tho Goods ne sell I For Men & Boys. T "0 be sure poods, Lhcv can be relied misrepresent .it tntt dn ttat retail. We bear no ill-will to any one, and state this only because some dealers sell poor goods as coming from our house. To each of our custom ers are responsible for articles bought of us. By our plan of Ticketing the right names of the materials on our goods, no one can be misled as to qualities. How Wanamaker & Brown treat their CUSTOMERS. also, that the money will be paid back In full, if purchaser within 10 days wishes, for any reason, to return the goods, unworn. 0 nnvuhcrf. anil I Exactly whero tho Store Is. counterfeit croods. Philadelphia, it is a large building, the size of four ordinary stores and is on the South-cast corner of SIXTH S IXTII SIXTH SIXTH- SIXTH SIXTH and Market Streets. Those who cannot come to tho City. to the Express Co. on receipt of goods, and the privilege of examining them is allowed before paying, Where gaods do not please, we will return the money and pay tho expressagc back to Philadelphia. i'ott should be sure to see our name on the Building and ozer the door WANAMAKER & BROWN. m 1 frfl! r, 1,m BOOKSiSMK MB STiiTIOMBR, Dealer in Law Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depository of the rcnn&ylvania WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, Books and supplies not on hand can be furnished On Short Notice at tlw Most Reasonable Rates. Sfoi'i in Exchange Ilotel oct.s,w& TOWN AND COUNTRY. TakoAjer's Tills for all the purposes of a purfra tlve, furiunstlpaliun, Inillestlen, Uadaclie, anil liv er complaint, ny unlw is.il am id they nio the best ot all purgatives lor family use, o WIir.HK TO ADVEUTlsn. A. T, Rlewait fajs tho 1 est wlcitllng me (Hums ho has ecr found '-uu Iho ulil ct-taUl'hci! organs of tho two pnllllcal paillis, at the seuial loimty seals throughout the I Men." "'lliei-e," he sajs "reach cery tnuilly of the least account In their several cuuiitle, uul are more carefully i nil than any other class of Journals." It Jlr. Stewait's Jmlgmentlsof value, there H no difficulty In dicidliu; which l'aner It Is fur tliu Interest of business mm to aflu-ilbcln The t'oi fJUUA Dr.sicc hat, upon which this paper Is partial! founded, was established In ln'it, and tho t'oi.niriAN now enjojs a vtldcr circulation and crealer 1 icin lit than It iverdhl. 11 tub wciV ly into two thousand families In i'i lumUa and ad Joining counties, and by must of Hum Is nail trom lh invito the last line, IIH the only lecoyidsed exponent i f nearly !lo thousand DeH.icr.Ulc voters In tlie county. lt(,Hes adtcitlsen.cnts a taHydls pl.ij, lhal makes them ntlraetlie to Us patrons, thus ensiirlnv (,-i'atir ceilalnty that they will perviso Hit in. While Its circulation Is undoubtedly much tho lafoCst In the eeunly, the ndveitlslni; lules of tho cotrsiiMAN aro no hhjhir than those nt either papers with barely halt snd several not onc-fouithihonum-ber of subscilbeis. 1'uets like thes; speak for them-t soli cs. No shrew d business man will ncylict to In. seit hHndvelltsemeiilslu the I'm vvir.HN otici: Is heicby given that the following named persons have tiled wllh Iho I'lcik it the epi.irter Se'sslonsuf the I'fiiee (heir petlltons for llitnsi which will be piesciili'd to tin' coiut on Wednesday thovih, day of l'eh. A. 1. Islet. Frederick JI. Gllmore, llloomsburg. Michael Doughoity, Montour. s,uaurt Huge nbueh, orange, John n. Jluiiu, Centie, wm, 11. Kuons, lUiioiiisburg. Jllllon i h.ules, " Charle's,t'l'hniaaslt.iker,rieav(r, Stephen Wooili lug, ' Nalh.in lUcelbender, tr. " ItoLeit lieaeili', Oieenwooel, Alullew T. Ikeler, Deutell, w iiii.un iilgir, liloouisliur.'. Eating House, Tuv crn. Haling House. Tavern. li. l'luvK Zeiin, CleiUii. S Jan 1, IsTfrto OTKD '10 DEAHK, Hotel In Ornncrvlilc. (V.uinibla eonutr. Pa.. Lt.rmit iim III,, .1 ill I ill I li .ml MiMitl. I.11W fH'i'll I .It'll 1,V Jehu siidir,ls lu lu let lor thu ear l ulnnlug A pill l, isit). Apply to H hMiliir. ' 1 Atfy-ot-law. Janl.'ictf, liluomsbuig, p A DMIXISTltATOU'ft NOTICE. X IsTAIH or JOHN SSVUKU, im (. IrtlerH in Aeluilulslialli'ii on ll.f !lutfl of John MU tier ot Uiciul twp. l e luuil'ta foumy elueaseel have Ui n inmiml by the Leiflsur of h,ild county to JiliieiUh so! le ', lWl t ' p.. I'uleiuUu e'tiunly.Vil., to whom nil persons liuh i teel to Mild Estate we ie epiested tu make iiue ijt, and Uiote liavliiB olalms uguliisi the said etali wnl make them kiiouu tolhp said administrator wltliout ele lay, Ji:Ur:ilIAH HNYDKI!, Jau.'.s.TC.-iw AdiatnUtrntor, TEA STORE Is now opening the very choicest Imported and Domestio Qrocories for,tho Holiday trade. ITALIAN PEACH!:!, l'HKN-CII and SPANISH t)M VI, SAltI)INP.ts, HAPSAiiociu:r.si:, FtinXClI AND TUHKP.Y MICNES. All Kinds of Italslns, Foreign and Domestio Fruit, Nuts and Confectionery, and another lot ot lino Now Orqj Japan Toas. ,oAn VW5 etV. to get such Clothing as City THE TRIP I of what we sell we manufacture our some of them In our own building. arewell cut.se veil and finished. They upon. Storekeepers out of the city us when they say they sell our goods, wholesale, but co n fine ourselves to Tin; price in plain figures ana tiotnitfgcp, inc same price to acquaintances and strangers. To city people and country people equal advantages, with each article sold, a Guarantee is given, that the Price is as low as it can be bought tnat tne auai tv is as represented rrMIIS Is important indeed, because.unprlncipled I people having stores in Philadelphia, court' terfeit out signs, cards, advertisements, and stop strangers on the street, with false directions about where the store Is, so that they may sellthcir There is but one Oak Hall in WE send patterns of material and prices by mail when requested. Persons can hae made-up goods sent by Express, by send Ing their measure (we furnish easy directions that any one can measure vyt) ana acscriDing coior wanted, and price desired. Payment can be made Bible bociety, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARDS. Building, Bloomstni'G Pa. AUDI' IN Tl DITOK'S XOTICB. T1IK MATTEIlOl' Till! ESTATE Of JOHN GKIEK, I.ATR OFVIOS'inciiTWl'. M.CHAsr.l. Tno undersigned, Auditor to mako dlstilbutton of tho balaneo ot the funds amons thu heirs ot John 0Uer, deceased, win attend to tho appointment ot hlsollleo, In nioi.iiisbiirt,-, on Tuesday tho nth day, ot I eb. A. . lslci.at la o'clock, n, in , when and whuo all poisons havliu; claims nsalnst tho said estato aro required to present tho same before tho Auditor, or Ihj debarred from coining lntornsharu ur saiu imui, i.. ji, jKi:r.hu, lllooinsbur?, Jan. U, 'I0,-4t Auditor. ADMINISTKATOK'S NOTICE. KSTATKOF I.YUIA ZIUMEKM IN, llECEASED. Letters of Administration on tho estato of lodU .minierman, laio or itmro lowusmp, eouun bia county, deceased, havo been cranti d by thu Kvn lsler of said county to Isaac K, Dlldlue, of Orango township. All pusons bavin? claims against tho estate ni the decedent nro renuusted toniesentthem tor settlement, and those Indebted to (he cslatato make pa incut to tho undersigned administrator w iiuoiu. uciuy, isA.ee u luiu'i.i., Auutiinseneeur.. Jan 14, 'Tcvcw of Orango township, A DMIMSTUATOK'S NOTICE. X. 1.S1A1E OV BAr.LY ASN YAVUt, l-ATlt OF F13UIK0 fill IK TOWMIIII-, Letters of Adnilnlsiiatlili on thoestnteof SallyAnn Yaple, lato of t'lshlngciecl: township, Columbia county, deceased, have been grunted by tho ltegls ter of said county to I'. V. i nple, of f'lshlngereek township. All pi rsons having claims against tho cstuto of the ilea dent are requested In pie sent them for H'tlleluent, and thoso Indebted totho estatu tu make puuncnt to tho unUerslgiu'd administrator without delay. l'HA.NK V. VAli.K, uuekalews, Admlrrlstialor. Altoiuejs. Jan. SVTO-it. UDITOK'S NOTICE. lei tho matter of tho salo ot Uio real estato of c. Hallos lA'e, uy uio sin un , Iho undersigned, Auditor appointed l tho Court of Oomuicui l'le.isef e olumbl.i eoiiuly toillstilbuto the money uilslng trom the sheilif's .s.ilo cf Uio real estate) ot (.'hallos Lev, sold Deo. cth, lsTMo Columbia County .Mutual savlngl'und and Loan Assoehitloii tu the purlles enlltleel lei the sumo according to law, will attend to tho duties of his appointment nt tho sheriff h olllee, lu llloomsburg, mi satinduy, the ivth d. ij of l'ebmary A. D. IsTei, nt 8 o'clock, a. in., at whlchtlmeniiil vlaeo alliiTsonsnre hereby reiiulied to Hiiikotlielrihilinsbeloiotho Audllor.or Imelobarr C'l tiem eoinliig lu upon sulci tuiid. Vv . V IUT, llloomsburg, Jan li, 16-it Audlio IKIDOE UJTISKS, ' Proposals will bo received at our oflico in lllooms burg, on 'niesday, l'ebiuaiy sth, IsTo, bitweeu oku and two o'clock, p. m., for Uio bullihng of two coun ty M'lelges, tu win one In (iieenwocxl township, near Jas. Master's, 51 tut long, upon edd nbutuients properly repaired ui.il mind one loot i to bo a biucu eovned brlJee. i t-luil urtotlioono next ubovuat t.reenly's. at a point near Win. Wilsons, llufeit ling, l) teet .visuoneiii i.ueusi lownsiiip, over uoariug creek. nun trom low vvater, wing wuus ou east siiiu lu iw vi fM r, and on west side lu feet lung. , pur to be In the centre. Liloiro to I hi in two nuns ft. ieet each. uud io Ui a braeo eovcied brlOgo tlnularto llioouo neur the Meum laniierv. Wo iisi'ivBtho rhiiilto allottho Irldgolo such lilcleler or bhhR rs ns w o think to tho be bt latere st ot the e ouiil . or should all bids bo loo high, Uio light. Ill l!U U1U UUUlll, pri'iun-aif iu bo taken for tho Mono nnel wood w 1 1 k li'iiell.e r and se pui ale, line! should tt bv deem ed best, i lupcfeult, In oilier kinds o bridges. We DM-miier I he rurlit of eholee. For iui ibir lufuimailon lull nt the oTUce. eiiuu euu v env uiui-B, bilAb Mlill-JsltV,) JDI1N llEltNlUt, JOS, K. I-AMIS, I'UiaiuTS 01 Col. Co. ic.ii-.ii.vnioi.iis uii-cv, lUooiusbuig, l'u. Atomi WllWAM KltKKHAVM, Clerk. COUliT P.ROC L AMATION. TirHF.HEAS, the Hon. Wii.ttAM V.iMKt.T. V President Jiidio of tho Court ofOJcf an Terminer and (lencrnt Jail Delivery, Court ot quar ter Sessions cr tho Peace and tho court or tommon Picas and orphans' Court In the seth Judicial Dis trict, composed ot tho counties of Columbia and Montour, and tho lions. 1bm Dime and Isaac 8. Mo.srob, Associate Judges of Columbia county, havo Issued their precept, bearing date tho Uh day of Dec., In tho year of our Lord ono thousand ciguii hundred and Bcveaty-nvo, and to mo directed for holding a Court otoycr and Terminer and General Quarter Sessions of tho rcooe, Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, In llloomsburg, In tho county ot Columbta, on tho first Monday, being tho 1th day of February next, to contlnuo two weeks. i Notlco is hereby given to tlie coroner, ujuio jus tices of tho Peace, and tho Constables of tho said county of Columbia, that they bo then and therein their proper person atlo o'clock In tho forenoon of said 5th day of February, with their records, Inqui sitions and other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their ofllces npjicrtaln to bo done. And thoso that aro bound by recognlianco to prosocuw against tho prisoners that aro or may bo In tho Jail of tho said county of Columbia, to bo then and thcro to prosecute them as shall bo Just. Jurors nro re quested to bo punctual In Uiclr attendance, agreeably to their notices. Dated at llloomsburg tho Wi day of January, In tho year ot our Lord ono JT.H. I-thousand eight hundroct and seycnty-slx ls 1 nnriin thn nnn hundredth year ot tho Indo- pendenco of tho United states of America. Sherin'soraee, AiiuiiAniiUiiurr.ii llloomsburg, Jan. 7 to BhcrltT. Juries for Fob. Term, 187G. GKANB JUilOKS. Ilcrwick Adam Michael, llctton John Swartwout, Iteubcn Oibbona. l)loom-L. E. Waller, Samuel II. Jacoby, rhlllp Unaugat. Catawlssa Samuel Long, Jr. Centre r.il. Hartmnn. conyugham James Kecly. l'lshlnccroek John A, JlcIIenry, Daniel Force, Joseph JAmmcrman, Christian Aih, Joslah Coleman. Franklin w. O. Fcnslcrmacher. Locust Oeorgo Hcayer. : Main Samuel Drum, Jr. Madison Oeorgo W, Supplec, MlOUn A. Schwepponhelser. Mt. l'leasant-IIcnry Ale, oeorgo Jacoby. Orange Iteuben bltler. Scott n. J. Millard. sugarloal Calvin Kitchen. TIlAVEltSE JUROHS. FIltST WEKK. Heaver O. V. Culp, Jesao Johnson. Henton l'eter Kaso. Hrlarcrcek Lew Is Dcitrlefc. Itloom II. C. llartman, V. II. Ycttcr, Wm. Tea. cock, Frank 1". Kline. Cataw Usa Samuel Frederick, James C. lteeder, r. O. Fenstermachcr. Centre A. K. !-human, Alitu shellhammer. Ceiitralla C. O. Murphy. FUhlngcicek Wm. lktlcr, Oeorgo M. Howell, Al fred Paston. Franklin John Mowry. Orcenwood John S. Mather, Shadracli I!vct, Wm. Ijujton, samud Freaa Lo.nist Joscrh lilllbj, s. v. Snyder. Mala-John K. Ileltz, I). 1'.. Fotuerolf Mnillson-llaltls Sterling Mllllln Aaron Andrews, Charles Mowrcr. Mt. Pleasant Joseph J. Crawford Orange I). K. Moan, Jamc3 M. Ilarman. bcott O. M. Garrison bupu-loat-Davld Koclwr, Abljah Fritz, T. Il.l'OlO. SLCOSIJ WEliK. Heaver lvtei Schllcher. llerw ick C. 0. Jackson, George E. Moycr, Wm. H Stephens, Jacob Olusson, Il llredbendtr. lienton John Smith. Hloom O. J. Thomas, J. 1). Wilson, David Iletz, C. Ulttcnbeuder, Stephen Kncrr, Wm. O. Otrlon. Cutan hsa-Samuel Dlcmer, Manilas Hartrnan. Ccutro Joseph Conner, Henri C, liarion, K. W.M. Low. Flshlngereel: Michael F.clshllnc, John Zancr, Elt l'ealer. Jackson Daniel Young. Madison lsuac Wagner, Wm. J. Allen, Solomon ll.unhart, A. K. Smith. MIIllln-A. J. Burnlngcr, Wm. Farr. Montour Alfred Arnwlnc. Orange DaMd Athenbaib, lllram Kline. ltoarlng Creek J. II. Kltni;cr, Isaac Cherrlngton. Seoit .1, M. Ammennnn. sugailouf-J. 1). Cole, James Shultz. LIST OF CAUSKS FOR TKIAL aPEllltUAsV TERM, 1STC. AT IT11ST Wl.KK. II. Ocrrcll 4: Co vs. Joseph JI. Frock. Uriah iTiemberlln vs 1) V Johnson. Leauder Carmen's adm'r vs William Applernan Andrew Craw for d v s. 1). V. Johnson. William II. Crawford vs. I). W. Johnson. Christian Wolf vs, N. .4 W. 11. It. It. Co. fctjphen pit et ux. vs. .N Jt V. It. It. Co. Lcorge K. Tryon et al v s Jacob lirown et al Ocorge it. Tryon el al. vs. -Mal l In Lubold et al. deoKo K Tryon et al. vs. William Claik et al. Oeorgo K. Tryon tt al. vs. Isal.ili Ilund ot al. Oeorgo K.Tronct al vs. Christian schacl. el al. L 11. John's adm'r vs. Aaron Oiover. 1). 1. Morgan Jt Co, vs. Samuel Johnson. W. I' Andrews vs. 1). 1'. Seybert. Levi Klnlcy vs N. I Campbell. A. T. Ikeler vs Jonas Doty. John Ueacock vs. Jonas Doty Samuel J. Caso vs Jonas Doty. Wilson Gibbons s Jona3 Doty. L. r. Dav Is vs Jonas Doty. Jcsso llartman vs Jonas Doty. Jo'JU J. McIIenry vs I). L. Jt W. It. It. Co. Ben J. Wlntcrstetn vs. William Houghton. Ellas Miller et al. vs. I". Jt It. ltall Itoad Co. John McCalla's c.Vr vs Gcorgo J. Luco et id. SECOND WEEK. Thomas McGravv.vs. John Grow. Kesty Jt Ilodlno vs. S. J. Faux et al. Mary McAlarncy's uso vs. S. 1'. t'aso et al, I. S. Kuhn vs. J. K. Orotz. I. Yetter vs. Jacob Oltllng's adm' II. W, souder vs. W. Schechtcrly. N. Urandon vs. William T. Miuman. A. Colo's uso vs. T. II. Cole, T. T. A. Colo's uso vs. T. IJ. Cole, T. T. A. Colo's uso vs. T. II. Cole, T. T. II. W. Mclteynolds vs. J. A. Losec. S. Uloom vs. Allen Mann ct al. W. Mimes' ex'rs vs Michael Grovcr, Sheriff. H. Ta lor ct al. vs It, Gorrell. Jeremiah Taj lor et al vs ltobert Gorrell. Itobcrt Taylor ct al. vs. ltobert Gorrell. Jacob S. lllnterllter vs William Mentlngcr. James Dyke vs. William Howell A. L Sharretts et al.vs It. c. Howell. A. L Shai rets et al vs David Stroup. Wagner, fctarr Jt Co. vs. William Pettlt. llenjamln Illcks vs. Georgo H. Freas. Daniel KUno vs. Charles Leo ct al. W, K. Longenberger's adm'rvs. Conrad Ilredbender. l)anlei:,mlth;vs John It. Kemble. ltlco H Michael vs David Ervlne. Dainty Oram vs William K, Fisher ct al. K. Ilrady Jt.Co. vs William K. Fisher et al. James Coi tvvrlght vs William K. Fisher 1 1 al. William MUncs' ex'r vs Mooro ('leveling llllamsport llubber Co. vs D. Snyder Jt Co. Linn & llrother vs 1). F. Dallman, Chrlstlon r. Conner, by his father, Georgo Conner, v s Frank Iarnon, John Yeager's adm'r vs M. O. Hughes. J. J. Itobblns Co. vs Georgo JI. Lockard et al. John Woodslde Jt Co. vs Daniel .Mwib. J, W. SanUey vs Joseph IJlley. A. I.. Tuincr vs l'.tnn Kestcr. First National Hank of lilocmsburg vs Jlooro Crc v e llng J. W. Irv Ill's uso vs. Jesso A. Loser. Simon Itaub and Georgo ltuuli vs Samuel Heftner. Itlco Jt llagenbueli v s William Carson. Aaron Jounson vs Thomas Shumau, PRIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE HOTEL PROl'EllTV. Tliourdirslgned oirera at rrlvato salo tho Hotel proivri y i. now u ns thu Half Way House. In Ccutro Township Columbia County, containing TWO ACRES on which aro creeled a good barn and outbuildings It Is located on the Jluln road between blooms, liurg and I'.eiwlek, iinil Is lu tvery way u elcstiiillo proiuity, Teiins easy. A. K. 8III JUK Dec. 31, 1S73.-U Llmu lildge, Fa JkTOTICE. Is belt by given that I have I Ills day j urclinsf it at Ooiistul le's fain tho foilimlug pirly ot William l'etttt e.f lip, loluinlla co. emit letl lie same In Iho Kild I'i lill h pi tH tl( ii, uud all pcis'i ns UIOUI blddeu to Inltipru vvllli the same, lit I eels am! lul illnp, 1 iruni'e, ta chillis, 1 eletk, V lota of carpet, 3 wash stiiiuw, bowls mid pile lie lb ; still' Hid bull ill cloth, 4 sieves ai.d pile, 1 click, 8 tt-bie s uud cover, tablesuiicl rll ilotli,! cupboiuil and eltthes, 1 iiincr ill luml, 1 tetli c, 1 In n klllle, li vviuli tills, liar II lu llxtuies, lsllil;, lieu lis jell., itleuis.l bluik l.i.iH-, 1 u p Un), In), tinned null, libel laid, i nil ti laiuls uneHikK. WILLIAM HIAI UII. ji.n 'j, ism. Kohl lleiltve iicinl' ''' "'Uiam bhancr SAMUEL U1.KSSLKII, Jan. Ciuutubie) YLANK NOl'l h.wlib v til u l mi i llc I ) tor tutle at ili i'oi rmim O.Tce. an-. .to m. e.l nsf i I at id 1. d II :o l- f into.