The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 04, 1876, Image 2

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j-Pi'idny. Pnli. A.. IHVfi.
Dcmocrnt'c Stale Committee or lVnnstylrttnla.
IlAimwiiuna, 1a., .Tun. 20, 180.
In pursuance, of tlio meeting of tlio Dem-
ocmtlcF talo Committee,' I hereby give notlco
that tlio Democracy of the State through
their delegates, will nucmlilo at tho city of
Lancaster on Wednesday, tho 22d day of
March next, at 12 o'clock, m., for tho pur
pose, of electing delegate to represent tlio
Stnto of Pennsylvania m tho ensuing Dcm-
ocratic National Convention, and to appoint
electors and do such other matter and tilings
ns tho said convention may deem necessary
and proper.
iri:xrmicK II. WntaiiT,
In accordanco with tho Rules of tlio party,
tlio members of tho Democratic Standing
Jinmitteo of Columbia county, arc request
id to meet in tlio Reading room of tliu Kx
change Hotel, on Monday, February
1 o clock, r. JL, for tho purpose of appoint
inj delegates to tho Stato Convention, whle
Inn been called to meet at Iiucastcr on the
2d of March, 1S70, and to attend to such
other business as may bo brought before tlio
Committee. Tho members will please bring
with them tho window books which wcro i
sued to each election district last year.
Wakhkn J. Uuckalhw,
Samuel,, Chairman.
lil.OOMSlit'Wi, Jan. 31, 1S7G.
Corporate lullitenco is doing its utmost to
get Congr&s to endorso tho now worthless
bonds of tho Southern Pacific R. R. Col.
Thomas A. Scott is an adept manipulator of
Legislatures and Congress, and knows no
such word as "fail." Despite) tho nearly
unanimous voto in Congress against subsi
dies, land grants, and government aid to
bankrupt railroad schemes, it looks as if
his powerful arguments would convert tlio-o
who so recently declared against tho scheme
Wo have already given these. Pacific roads
over ffi-1,000,000 in money subsidies, and
over 220,000,000 of acres of public land,
which in all conscience should bo enough.
If, however, thero i3 an overflowing
Treasury, let tho Government bojust before
it is generous. It should properly compen
sate tho soldiers of tho lato war by an equal
ization of bounties. This has been prom
ised them time and timo again, but no bill
for that purpose ever became a law. The
three years men boro tho brunt of tho war,
and yet received but S100 bounty, whereas
raw recruits towards tho close of tho rebel
lion were given from $1,000 to $1,500, and
most of them never emolled gunpowder.
Even tho pittance of $100 was denied thoso
who were discharged on account of sickness,
beforotho expiration of their terms of ser
vice, even if they had faithfully served two
years and eleven months.
Again, tho one year's men wcro solemnly
promised $100 bounty by tho Government,
but wcro discharged with but $33.00 and in
somo cases $00.00.
Bounty lands wero also promised tho sol
dier, but thepromise was a delusion, becauso
if was coupled with the proviso that tho sol
dier must resido upon tho tract. Had it
been given to him absolutely he could have
located Iiu warrant, and eventually used it,
It used to bo tho cry "millions for defenco
ana not one cent for tribute." It may
how bo baid truthfully, million) for rail-roads
not one cent for the country's defender).
From a hasty glance at the Auditor Gen
cral's Report, wo calher tho followim
amounts paid the Stato by citizens and corpo
rations of this County during the last fiscal
year :
Hotel Licenses '. $1,003,40
Retailer's " 3,0.19.53
Restaurant" 217.00
Tax on Hank Stock 352.(19
Locust Mt. Coal & Iron Co 7,508.01
Coal Ridgo Co ...... 842. 1 G
B. F.t Zarr, Prothonotary 531.23
"V. ill. Jacohy, Register 500.20
Jackson & AVoodin 39.00
Personal Property 013 40
Espy Liino Co 87.50
Bloomsburg Iron Co 1,000.00
1st. National Bank, Bloomsburg. 475.00
Ncscopcck Bridge Co 89,00
Catawissa " " 110.35
Berwick Rolling Mill 21.90
Y, II. Abbott, Notary 1 25.00
Total, $14,840.87
This amount does not includo tho tax on
some coal companies whoso corporate nnirie
wo do not recall, nor tho tax on rail-roads
which run through our County. If they
wero included it would raiso tho amount to
nearly $50,000.
It will bo seen that only ono Bank makes
a return, tho First National of this place,
and several corporations aro omitted forborne
To show tho morality of our peoplo wo
may add that no Hcenso is returned for Bil
liard Rooms, Bowling or Ten Pin Alleys,
Brokers, Pedlers, Theaters, Circuses or Me
nageries, Patent Medicines or Distilleries.
Ito pamphlet laws wero sold in 1875 and no
Collateral Inheritance was reported for that
Mr. Randall purposes applying tho eight
hour law to tho clerks in tho Government
departments. AVhercas they havo hereto
foro worked six hours a day, he wants them
to work eight, which will enablo tho Gov'
crnment to dispenso with one-fifth of the
number and cave several millions of dollars
annually, without diminishing tho effect
ivencss of thejbrce or lessening tlio amount
of work done. This will bu cruel and in
human, of tourseiiut there is this much to
bo (-aid in extenuation of Mr. Randall, that
clerks in newspaper offices', manufacturing
establishments and business houses all over,
tho country uro glad to work ten hours a
day, and even longer, for salaries no greater
than thoso which the Government pay, The
tax payers everywhero will sustain Repre
sentative Randall in his efforts to equalfxe
tho hours of labor in tho public employment
with thoso usual outside ol office.
Tho Ifacleton Anthracite Sentinel of Jan
28th risks:
"When will that Pardon's Digest swindio
bo stopped in tho Pennsylvania .legislature!
Tw.t until thu th loviiiif station
ers aro prevented from dl vying with dishon
est members.
Tho answer is to bo found in tho samo
journal, of tho eamo date, and in tho samo
column as tho query, us follows i
Tho Houso bill providing for tho purchaso
of Purdon'H Digest for the members of tho
Legislature, wns defeated on Tuesday last,
'.fully ono for reform.
Years ago, under Democratic nuplecs,
tho robbery of tho Treasury by n Democrat
of ever so small nn amount, would have
been n text fur every Radical newspaper
mid orrtor in tlio land. Tlio rascality of
Tweed, although promptly punished by n
Democratic Administration, was mado n
national question, and with effect.
But our npponents nro Indifferent when
wo bring homo to them Land Grabs; Credit
Moutllicin, Crooked Whiskey frauds.and gen
eral rascality) as if a matter of course, and
tho Republican voter stands at tho polls
annually to perpetuate tho scoundrcllsm of
his leaders. As n samplo of tho general
demoralization, National, State, and corpo
rate wo give tho following synopsis of one
day's doings.
T. J. McLain, n private banker of War
ren, Ohio suspended yesterday. His liabil
ities aro $100,000, assets unknown.
Jordon, Clark Sim., tho Boston clothiers,
who wcro compelled to suspend recently, by
tho embezzlements of their book-keeper,
Satiford, met their creditors yesterday. They
stated their liabilities at $390,132, and their
assets nt$351,C2G; but their books havo peen
kept in such n manner that it is imposslblo
to get at tho exact condition of their nfiairs.
Jonathan Earle, Treasurer of tho Norfolk
and New Brunswick, Hosiery Company, nt
Now Brunswick. N. J., has been found
"short in his accounts" to tho amount of
$142,000. Ho has acknowledged the "ilcfici
encj,"and turned over property sulllclcnt
to cover tho amount. It is said that his son,
G. B. Earle, of new York, who kept the
Treasurer's bank accounts, was given blank
checks of tho Company to fill out as required
to meet the Company's liabilities as they
camo due, and that ho used them, and lost
tho money in Wall street speculations.
It now appears that tho robbery of tho
Northampton National Bank, at Northamp
ton, Mass., was accomplished, and that the
securities taken aggregate $720,000. The,
loss as usual, falls almost wholly upon
snecial depositors. A reward of $25,000 is
offered by tho bank olllccrs for the return of
tlio property anil tlio conviction oi tlio bur
glars. Tho robbery was committed by seven
unknown men who, it is said, "had been
hanging about the town for at least a month."
After thev had bound tho cashier, Whitlle-
siiv. ninl his l'uinilv. and eonitielled him to
civo them tlio combination ol tlio sale vault,
. - f . - 1 ....!, .1 t .1. - ..!!.. ...1.
Liiey ttaiicu uuiu uiey i;uw mo infill wmi-u-tnan
had gone home, and then got into tho
vault with ono of the four keys needed, the
other threo being at tho house of tho other
bank ofliccrs. Owing to tho want of these
keys, they were balked by tho safe contain
ing tho money and securities of tho bank
itself. Three hours nfter tho family wero
bound and gagged, Mrs, Whittlesey succee
ded in freeing herselt and giving tho alarm
lrom a window. llio rest or tlio r.imily wcro
then liberated, and tho cashier, still bearing
tho handcuffs, went to tho bank. It is sup
posed tho robbers, or at least six of them,
left for Springfield on tho six o' clock morn
imr train. Of tho $730,000 taken, only
812,000 la lost by tho bank. About $500,
000 is in registered bonds and certificates of
stock, and, therefore, not negotiable.
llev. E. U. Winsloiv, tho lioston lorger,
has been traced to the steamship Rotterdam
winch sailed lrom icw lork on Pruiay last
for Rotterdam. It is stated that there is no
treaty of extradition with Holland. Noth
ing new in regard to winslow s lorgcrios
was developed yesterday at Boston.but their
amount was estimated as high as $000,000.
Tho report that ho sailed in tho Rotterdam
steamer is discredited at tho Hub, but it is
bclievcdthere that ho took very littlcjmonoy
with him, wherever lie went.
A plan to rob nn express car coining East
from Chicago, on AVedncsday night, was
frustrated, and tho robbers were captured.
Four men, formerly railroad employes, got
on tho train at AVauseon, Ohio, and as soon
as it was again under way, began to bore
out part of a panel in tho express car, when
they wero pounced upon by ofliccrs who
wero iu waiting on tho train. The robbers
aro now in jail at Toledo. Tlio safe in the
express car contained $275,000 in currency
and over $125,000 in bullion.
AVo clip tho following from tho financial
columns of the Press of January 20th:
In London to-day it was reported that tho
directors of the Bank of England intended to
reduco tho rates of discount at their next
meeting on Thursday. It will thus bo either
4 or 4 per cent from that date. Tlio Times,
!.: i i '
m us uuuiiciai nruciu lo-uav says mo money
market remains inactive. Thobusiness con
sists chiefly of loans, which yield a better
profit and quicker returns than discounting
bills of exchange. Consequently, discount
is quoted in several quarters abovo tho ac
tual market rate, which is not abovo 3Vpor
cent, ior tnree months' bills, mo jjank
of England is doing no discount business at
all. Tho inclination of Continental ox-
change continues favorablo to England, in
consequence oi larger purchases or stock
nero ior tno account or Continental deal
Here, threo months bills with good secu
rity, cannot bo negotiated, except as a mat
ter of favor, for less than 10 per cent, or
three times the amount charged in England.
Our country is rich and should bo prosperous
and our rates of interest only provo tho
extravagance of our government, and tho
vicious legislation of tho party in power.
A Democratic IIouso of Representatives
seems bent on economy, and tho opposition,
of course ouject because the dignity of our
Government must be maintained, Supposo
wo take our Minister to England as au ex
ample. "A London letter to tho New York
Tribune throws light upon tho recent cable
dispatch to tho effect that writs had been
served upon Minister Sehenck, Albert Grant
and others connected with tho management
of tho EinnlaMino Company. At tho date
of tho letter Mr. Alexander MacDougall,
chairman of tlio company, was about to bring
ait action again't tho original directors of tho
concern, MacDougall makes tho specific
accusation that sehenck was bribed in the
sum of $50,000 by Trenor AV. Park. Thero
is much speculation as to whether tho great
Pokerist will stand his trial liko a man or
hide behind tho shield of his missiou.'
Tho Insurance Bureau in. our Stato was a
favorite schemo with tho Republican party,
and especially with Mr. Foster, tho present
Superintendent. His foresight is shown by
tho fact that last year ho received in fees
$11,805,50 and a talary of $2500, making a
total of $14,805,00, or more than threo times
tho amount received per annum by Gov
Tho whiskey ring mado n firm stand on
McKee, in tho recent trial (it St. Louis,
But ho was found guilty, and now thero is
no barrier between Bristow and Babcoek ex
cept Grant. A'o shall await tho trial of tho
President's Private Secretary with much in
terest, and sco to what extent Grant will
shield his favorite.
No ono is surprised that Grant and Sher
man nro opposed to a reduction ol tho army
but Grant and Sherman aro soldiers,
Quiet, peace-loving peoplo who pay tho taxes
and aro not enamoured of tho pomp and cir
cumstanccs of war, nro not of their way of
thinking. Just as long as wo havo a largo
standing army and a strong navy, with a
military man at tho head of tho Government
tho Nation is constantly in danger of being
plunged into war, Chromcle.
Mrs. Everett, of Angelica, New York,;iias
tho original commission given by General
Burgoyno to Colonel Bauni, In 1777, order
ing him to proceed to Bennington, Vermont,
to tako charge of tho stores of goods thero
a strategic movement which led to tlio
battle nt that place. It should be iu tho
Centennial collection.
Wasiiin(1ton, D. O., Fcb'y. 2, 1870.
fyrctnl Oirrcspondcncc.
Bonio one, Shakespeare, 1 think, said,
''There's a divinity that shapes our end.."
With that lino running through niy.mind I
sat in the gallery nf tlio House, and took a
good view of the top and bottom ends of
somo of our Oongicssmcn. Tho bifurcated
lower ends of numbers of them wero visible
on tho seats when they were hoisted In that
peculiar pool lion which Is said to bo tho
American's Idea of comfort, and a lesson
could bo learned from tlieso feet. Somo of
them wcro broad, strong looking, conveying
tho idea that tho owner was a man of will,
who, when "ho put his fool down," meant
business. Others wero narrow mid small
suggesting weakness, physical and perhaps
mental, upon tho part of tho ownor, and
still others wero of such enormous proport
ions that they gavo ono the thought that
the owner must get fatigued by carrying
them round. But while tho feet or minor ends
wcro of few varieties, the caputs were almost
as diverso in shape, size, nnd appearance ns
thero wero members. Yon sound, well-shaped
head, with its full crop of hair cut close
and tinged by tlio passing hand nf time,
clear cut and well poised, shows power, will,
ability "'to do and dare,"and marks a man
that leads wherever ho may bo thrown.
Thero is another, of a different style, but
equally strong, Long from point to rear,
with a projecting forehead, depressed at the
sides, with the hair thin and disappearing.
It shows brain power, nervousness, skill, and
wo know as wo look, that onoof tho leaders
of tho body sits beforo us. Sco the small
pointed head, sloping from every way to the
center, and you wonder what that man's con
stituents sent him here for, and what ho can
do more than say "aye" or "no," ns his par
ty leaders dictate. A closo examination
shows that this class, or others indicating
llio samo characteristics, largely predomi
nate, and a few days watching of tho pro
ceedings proves that tho divinity "that
shapes our ends" makes no mistakes in the
shaping, for tho ones with tho good ends
(heads) lead and the others follow.
Bennett, lato prince- royal, but now king
of tho New York Herald, is going to be mar
ried. This is no falso rumor to bo denied
in time. Ho marries an American girl, born
in Washington city, and now resident in
Now York. She is tlio second daughter of
Dr. May, and captured tho erratic Bennett
at Now York last summer. Bennett will
advanco tlio season this year for his "May"
will como to him in Febiuary. Well, peace
to his ashes, is tho prayer of his bachelor
"Thero was mounting in haste of tho
Nctherby clan," and so thero is hero of all
tho clans. No young bride lias been snatch
ed from her destined spouso and borne away
by an ardent Lochinvar from out of the
west, but there aro many political movers
seeking a bride, and her name is "nomina
tion." Among tho democratic movers somo
anger has been excited by Mr. Speaker
Kerr's letter, expressing himself as favor
ing Governor Hendricks. This has been
most outspoken by the friends of that ardent
young .lover from New Y'ork Tilden. But
a great many others, who do uof'speak out
in meeting," like Tildin's friends, think the
Speaker should have held his peace, at least
for tho present. Hero tho followers of tho
grim Morton do not liko Senator Sherman's
letter, nominating Governor Hayes. They
.say it is nn effort to spiko Morton's guns.
But all tho friends of all the candidates are
mounted and riding for tho prize, while
sensible men like you and me look on and
Tho woman suffragists havo been hero in
full force, only somo familiar faces wero
wanting,Susan B. Anthony and Anna Dick
inson wero not witli tlicin. It cannot be
that they havo grown lukewarm, for they
aro of thoso "whom ago does not tire'nor
custom stale." Thoso dear ducks want tlio
privilege of voting accorded to tho women
of tho District. As it is ono not now given
t the men, wo all favor it here. Let Con
gress make them voters, by all means, and
give us tho experiment or a woman's gov
ernment on a littlo larger scale than the
homo circle. Ono thing is certain, there
could bo no better placo than this to make
tho experiment, as all tho governments by
men tried hero havo failed.
Investigations aro tho order of the day.
Everybody and everything is being investi
gated. AVliat will bo developed by tho
Smelling Committees is yet an unknown
quantity, but I have very littlo doubt that
they will discover, if they persevere, that
thero aro good oysters, a fair article of
whiskey, excellent tcrrapin,and fiuo import
ed wines, to be had at certain places in this
city. Some of tho investigators may find
a "big bonanza" in tho shape of a roll of
greenbacks, (checks aro not taken and
memorandum books allowed.)
It is mournful to view tho lobby. The
patriotic and high-muled men who eongre-
gate hero at every Session of Congress, eacli
one having a Senator and two or three
Representatives for sale, aro at a discount
liko others, their occupations gone ; for tlio
'men who havo schemes have generally dis
covered that they havo been purchasing
goods that could not bo delivered. It rends
one's heart, nnd causes great tears of pity to
flow from tlio eyes of sympathetic to seo the
blank looks that followed tho announce'
ment that Tom Scott would not havo a lobby
for tho Texas and Pacific bill. Tho vultures
had congregated, expecting fat pickings
from him, when, liko a thunder clap in a
cloudless sky, camo tho announcement that
thero would bo no lobby. It is to bo hoped
that this winter will glvo us tho last of tho
disreputablo "third house," particularly as
thero is a bill now beforo tlio Senate, to pro
vido a bar which shall issue licenses to per
sons to practico beforo tho committees. This
law requires that tho applicant shall havo
license to practico law in' tho highest court
of tho Stato in which ho resideB, and pun
ishes any attempt to approach members upon
tho subject of a bill,
Our "foreign relations" continue to ho in
a confused condition. Tho truth is that It
would requiro more acumen than tho ordi
nary mortal possesses to arrivo at any con
elusions upon tlio conditions of nfiairs iu
Europe Ono day wo hear that Andrassy's
note has been accepted by nil tho great
powers, and that Turkey acquiesces. Thei
this Is denied. All wo do know is that
fighting is going on iu Spain and iu Turkey
and that all Europo Is as usual armed, and
each one of great powers is watching for an
opportunity to "annex" n littlo territory
Wars and revolutions nro talked of in somo
of tho Spanish American States, but that
is no news.
Michael J. Doylo was found guilty of mur
der in the first degreo at Mauch Chunk on
Tuesday, Kelly and Kerrigan will bo tried
at tho next term of court. This caso has
attracted great attention, Doyle belonging
to tho Molly Mngulrcs, at wboso Instigation
tho murder of John P, Jones, a ml no boss,
was supposed to have been committed. The
verdict is generally approved.
Hands ofT tlio People's Monoy
Victor E. Piolct, lato Democratic 'candi
date for State Treasurer, is at llnrrlsburg
boring for an nppropratlon of $50,000 Iu aid
of tho Patrons of Husbandry Centennial
Encampment. Tho peoplo of this Stato
hnvo enough heavy burden to carry without
being called upon to assist tlil, or any oth
er private AVIiy don't Mr. Pio
lct apply to tho National Grango who havo
nearly $100,000 surplus fund on interest, for
tlio $50,000 ho desires. Ho and his friends
knoiv very well that tho officers of tho Na
tional Grango aro too keen to allow their
money to bo thus used In an enterprise' that
is expected to enrich a chosen few promi
nent among whom Is Victor E. Piolctlo.
AVIiy ask tho people of tho Stato at this
timo of paralyzed industries, nnd general
business depression, to submtt to additional
taxation for tho.bcnefit of this purely private
enterprise. Every citizen of tho State who
attends tho Centennial nnd puts up nt tho
Granger Encampment will bo expected to
pay for what ho gets. Then let Mr, 1'iolctto
nnd his friends furnish tho money to erect
tho buildings and run tho establishment,
AA'itli tho samo propriety might tho Masons,
Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Knight
Templaro, Good Templars, American Me
chanics' Red .Men. Sons and Daughters of
Tcuipcranco, or any organization, ur indi
vidual, demand tho same amount of money
for tho samo purpose. Can thercjbo n doubt
that if this appropriation is mado somebody
will bo $50,000 better off and no citizen of
tho State benefited in tho least. Tho idea
that this is only it loan, is richness indeed,
Who for ono moment suppose that it is tho
intention to pay back Into tho Stato Treas
ury ono cent, should tho appropriation bo
obtained. If Mr. Piolett and his iricnds
will give the proper security tho money may
bo obtained from private somces nt any mo
ment, Tlio splendid mansion and stock
farm at AVysox alone, would bo good for tho
sum of money asked for. o shall anxious
ly await tho action of tho democratic "ro-
form" Houo of Representatives on this at
tempt to filch $50,000 from tho already sore
ly pressed peoplo of tho State. Muney Lu
minary. Food for Hcimlilirnns.
Senator AV'cst.of Louisiana, is tho latest
of tlio administration pets to como under
fire. L. A. AViltz of tho Louisiana Legis
lattiro' charges him with having paid $25,
000 to secure his election, and what is worse
ho apparently proves it by showing a list of
tho members whom ho bought, with tho
sum paid for each. This isn't tho first timo
a certified price-list of tlio legislators of that
State has found its way into tho newspaper
and wo aro not surprised, thcreforo, to boo
that .AVcst gotjmost of ins constituents nt tho
low price of $500 a head. Thero wcro four
to whom, according to this list, ho had to pay
$1,000 or $1,500, and two particularly high
toned fellows whom it cost an ;outlaw of $5,-
000 each to Bccuro for him. But tho latter
two represented rings, and aro supposed to
havo divided with others. This makes ono
moro of its members which the Senate oftho
United States needs to investigate. The
worst of it is that if AVcst wcro to be expelled
thero is no telling when poor Louisiana
would succeed in getting another man into
his seat. Thero aro two or threo fcenators
elect from that Stato now hanging around
tho door of tlio Capitol. Times
You.vcnvoMANSTOWN, Jan., 20th 1870.
3Irsus Editors of Coi.ujip.ian and
Democrat Gents :
Yonr historian is in crrsr in saying- that
Bethuel Vincent had been married a short
timo beforo ho was taken prisoner. He
should have said Daniel Vincent. Ilctlmel
Vincent was not married until ho returned
from captivity ; ho married Jlartha Ilcmrod,
and Daniel Vincent married Angelica HcufT
of Xcw Jersey,
I make this correction through tho sug
gestion of my wifo who is a grand daughter
of Daniel Vincent.
It is important that the historical account
bo as correct as possible. And being a read
er of your paper and interested in reclaim
ing tho Early history of Pennsylvania lrom
oblivion in tins our Centennial i car of our
National Existenco I havo thought proper
to mako theso suggestions.
Truly Yours.
A. I. Quinr.r.v.
Six llorso Thieves Hanged.
Atchison, Kan., Jan. 31. A commercial
traveller, of this city, has just como iu from
Solomon valley. Ho says that six horo
thieves wcro hauged there a few days ngo
by a vigilance committee. Among thoso
lynched wero Hiitelnn-on, Cox and Con
naughty, three desperadoes of tho frontier.
Tlio thieves wero surrounded in their cabin
at night, just after returning from a trip to
Nebraska, whero they had been to di-posc
of stolen ttock. They wcro tried by a lyn
ches' court, found guilty nnd executed at
WiLKKMUitni:. Pa. Jan,, 27. Verdict of
not guilty was rendered this morning in tho
caso of Dr. Trimmer, pi'olhonotary, and his
clerk, M. E. Clauglinn, chaiged with forging:
and altering election returns last lyovcmber.
Wlicnt per bushel. ,
llso " ..
Corn, new, " .,
o.its, " "
Flour per barrel ..
, 1.85
, 7.011
. l.M
Dried Apples ..-
Mdes Shoulders
. 20.CO
. 4.W
ard nor nound
Hay per ton
Timothy Seed
Ill II I'A'I llln I lilt 1.IIA1..
No. tonWhart I 4,ooper'Pon
No. 5 " " f S,7(i "
no. o J 2.MI
Ulacksmlth sl.mnp on wharf $ i.uo
" liltumlnous " f o.oo
Vi:i.IVi:it-Ill'NVON,-On Jon. cm ull. nt tho
residence o( tho brldo's parents by tho Itev.ll, C,
Muuro, Mr. Emory Vt'cllter, of Jcrbeytown and JIIss
llunyon, ot Madison,
OAltY-WlILlVPIl.-On Jan. 27tli ult, nt Wlilto
Hall by tho ltev. II. O, Slunro, Jlr. Clarence Cary ot
Wlilto Hull to Ils,s Koto Weltvcrof -Madison,
0lt0Vi:it-HAUTZi:i.U-At tho residence of Mr,
Pajcn Weaver, In Cntawlssa, on tho 1st liibt., by tho
ltev. William (1. Laltzlc, Mr. Prnnklln Plerco drover
to Miss Sarah Hartzell, bolliof MaUl towntJilp, Co
lumbia county.
KI.INI!. In Oiango on Jan, 21bt ult, Sirs, llebecca
Kline, nged 71 years, o months nnd s dajs.
McC'AItTV.-In Greenwood, Jan. 2SIH ult, Samuel
Mccarty, aged oa jears nnd V dojrs.
llKIHIIUNH.-ln Plihlnt'crcik, on tho sotli ult,
Henry llebliUnc, ago 7a jeara, u months aud 13
imUMIinu.EIl.-lu C'aUttlesa twp., on Jnn.Uth
ult, M rs. t'atherlno lirumlicller,t Ho of Jacob Hruin-
liellcr, ago 70 tears.
WAI.TEH. Near, Van llurcn CO. Iowa.
Jan. 24Ui ult, Mrs. PlUabelli I), wlta of (leorgo l),
waiter, In tho scui )iar of her nt'o.
JOHNSON. In Iicu&t twp., Jan. Sid ulr, niza
Johnson, wlto of Hlas Johnson, ko C3 years. 10
months and lis da) s.
"i lio iindcrsttrncrt would Iiorcliy plvo notlco to all
nnrtlos Indebted to lilm, on unto or book lu'comit, lo
iomo rornnrilniid settle nl onco or tlio mwtints will
Ito placed m ino nanus oi mo proper omcrr iorcoi-
A'ttors tosliunCntAry on t ho estntn or (Icorpo !
not CntawlsHitwn.. Ooliunbl.i coinitv. decc
lmvobcenitrnnted liy tlio irrjrlater of suld county, lo
ll. J. lrwilr-r nt f!iflnulsRi ('nlmnl)t.t noun
... 1,n t.'nt,. ,n ulinm nil nnwu. InrlnlitAil In
satd cstnto aro requested to innko payment and
tlioso hating claims or demands against tho snld
cswto will mako them known to tho said l:ccutor
without delay. 11. J. Illinium,
reu.l Gl u.xvi;uiur.
utters or Administration on tho ostatoor Jacob
Shearman, lato or Heater township, Columbia Co.,
deceased, haio boon granted by tho Ueglsti'i- or said
county to Nathanllri'dlK'nncr ,lr.,or Heater twp. All
persons having cl.ilrns ng.ilnst tlio estate of tho dece
dent ftro requested to piesent thein ror sutlctucut.
nnuinoHoinneiHeii in xnnoaiaie 10 nuiKu p.ijmum
lo tho undersigned administrator tilthout delay.
NATHAN Illti:i)lir,MNi:il, .Ir
I'cb. 4,'Tt-ot. Administrator.
Great Reduction ,iu Pneo I
Groat Reduction in Pricol
Great Reduction in Pricq I ,
Think of it! Thmkof it
Think of it SM0?'
Think of it I Think of it!
n MM
Jtado rrotrl ltaw ort'nburned Animal Hones,
Wo nro now selling out Kaw Uono Suncr-rhoc.
finale at tlio following
Ammonia .... rroni 3 to 4 per cent,
soluble nnd Precipitated
.l'liosphoilo Acid, Prom 9 to 11 per cent,
Phosf hato or Mine, rendeicd
Koluable, Tiom 20 to 21 per cent,
At NET cnsli wholesale piiecs to Palmers nnd
Planters, r. o. U. In Philadelphia, nt tno rouoivm
ion Tons and over,
73 ' to 09 Tons,
CO ' to 74 '
?0 " to 49 "
10 " to 29 "
1 " 10 10 "
fas per ton, 2,(ioo lbs,
119 " " " "
40 " " " "
41 " " " '
42 " " " "
43 " " " "
feSy-Guarantccd Pure.
At the follow Ing ctsu Prices:
100 Tons nnd over, $.1 1 Co
w " to m 'ions . io
so to w " M oo
10 " lo 20 " 87 00
1 " to !) " 3S 00
This bono Isirroundimro; Is not steamed or baked,
nnd tho bollil bono has not beui selected from It for
carbonizing purposes.
runners uro icnuesii'u 10 kivij ini-n uim-m m n,u
,v.ninr i.nru. niui ir ihev f .ninfii. irei li.iit''lfs stan
dard Pert Imcrs lrom dealers, they will bo supplied
by us direct.
P.O. 11. In Philadelphia nt tho following Low cash
ino Tons nnd over, $3S no per Ton, 2,C00 lbs.
to 99 Tons,
toll "
10 49 "
toIM "
to 10 "
39 Ol)
40 01)
41 0.1
42 00
43 00
Ground Bones,
In Jlags, on Hoard Cars at 'N'oiks,
At tho following enit Prlccb:
HO Tons nnd over, $30 no per Ton.
to " to 99 Tons 31 oo " "
3 J " to 49 " 32 (M " "
10 " 10 2D " 33 HO " "
1 " to 9 " 34 00 "
If packed In barrels, no tare olf, tvo will mako a
deduction ot f 2 per ton rroin nbot o pi Ices.
Persons desiring to take ndtnntaguot tho abovo
low prices should send lu their orders at once.
from 2 to 4 per cent.
" 14 to 17 " '
" S3 to 37 " "
I'hobphorlc Acid
Uono rhofrphalo of Llmo
This nrllclo Is ground very tine, and Is noted for Its
quick nctlon, nnd can no bought nt ine louowing re
duced prices, rreo on board t cbsels nt our Philadel
phia Works :
100 Tons nnd over,
80 " to 99 Tons
so " to 49 "
10 " to 29 "
1 " lo 0 "
$30 per Ton,
31 " "
112 " "
33 " "
Bl " "
!,ooo lbs.
ESyX. Ii. One Dollar per Ton additional
on abovo prices if bliijitivu from llaltimore.
15 A I! (J II & S 0 K S,
B A U ( II & SONS,
20 South Delaware Ave., Philadelphia.
'M Soulh Delaware Ave., Philadelphia.
'10 South Delaware Ave., Philadelphia.
103 South Stiett, llaltimore."
103 South Street, Baltimore.
103 South Streit, Baltimoic.
Pel). 4 1st.
rmbraces under ono management the Croat Trunk
Hallway Lines or Iho WUST and NOUTil-Wi:sT,and,
with Its numerous branches and connections, forum
tho shmtcht nnd iiuickest louto between Chicago
nnd nil points In Illinois, wiisTO-nmn, Noiihiehn
Miciiioan, AIiNNFbOTA, Iowa, Nkduaska, California
und tho Western 'iviinoneb. lis
Omiilisi iiiia California line
Is the shortest and best rnuto for all points In north
ern Illinois, Iowa, liukoln, Nebraska, Wjomlng,
Colorado, Nevada, I'tah, Cnilforiil.1, Oregon, China,
Japan and Australia. Its
C!il HKo,:iI::llson & St.I'aul lAnv
Is tlio short lino tor Northern Wisconsin and Minne
sota, and ror Madison, ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluin,
aud all points lu tho great Norfh-west, Its .
IV I ii on a anil St. t'eter I.lno
is tho nnlv routo for Winona, ltocbestcr. Owatonna
Monkato, St, Peter, Nu,w 1 lm, and ull points lu
boumcru auu central juuuc&uiu. ua
Green Huy ami niarqiiettti I.lnc
Is tho only line for Jnnest lllo, Watertotvn, Pond Iiu
Ijic, Ushkosh, Applelon, mini Day, L'fecuunb.i, No
gaunee, Mninuute, Houghton, linniock and the
Lake (Superior country, lis
I'roeimrt and Bnluiquo IJno
Is tho only routo for Elgin, Hockford, Prceport, and
an poms tia i roepori, us
Chicago anil Milwaukee) Linn
Is the old Lako Shore Houte, and Is tho only ono
parsing through Uvunston, Uiko Porest, Highland
Park, waukeguu, Itaclne, Kcuosha to Milwaukee,
1'iiliinan I'a'aco Car
aro run on nil lliroutrh trains of this road.
This Is tlio ONLY LINK Tunning theso cars lx-
ttvei'ii Chicago nnd ht. I'aui.cnicugo aim -tiiiwaunee,
or Chicago und Winona.
At oimiha our klecnerH connect with Iho overland
sleepers on thu I'nlon 1'itcllle Kullroiid for ull points
it est or ino jussouii ruer.
On thu arrival or thu trains rrom tho cast or south.
tlio trains of tho Chicago X Noilli-Western Hallway
lcavo Chicago as follows i
Poi; Council Ulcus, uuaiia and Caliiornia, Two
through irains uauy, wiiu ruiunnn paiaco nruwuig
room and Mccnlue cars throuch to Council llluITH.
l'oit br. l'.u i. anii minnb n ous, tw o through trains
dally, with Pullman paiaco cars attached lo both
Pou (Hikes Hay ano Lake Scifuiok, two trains
dally, Willi Pullman palaeu cars attached, ami run
ning through lo Muniuettn,
Fob Milwai'kke, fuur through trains dally, Pull
man earn on ulght trains, parlor chair curs on day
P011 Si'arta ami Winona and iiolnts In Mlnnosota,
onethiough train dally, tvlth Pullman bleeiei-s to
Poit Di'ueocK. tin l-'reenort. two throuirb trains
dally, tvllh Pullman curs 011 ulght trains.
Pou and La ckoskk, tla Clinton, two
through trains dally, with Pullman coin on night
tialnloMclliegor, Iowa.
P011 Sioux l'ii v anii Vanston, two trains dally,Pidl
man curs to .Missouri Valley Juncllon.
Pou Lake (iknm'a, four trains dally,
P'ou HocKionn, hinu.iMi, Kenosha, Janesvii.le,
and other )iolius,you can hat 0 from two to ten trains
Now York oltlce, No 41511rondwayt Iloston onice,
5 btato btreet j Omaha onice, V53 Purnliain street!
San Kranclscn onice, 121 Montgomery Stri et s Chica
go ticket onicest lit Clark blreit, under blii nnaii
Ilouso j corner Canal and Madison btriitsi Klnilo
sneet deiut, comer W.KInzlu amlcnnal si reels:
Wells blreet depot, corner Wills and Kluzlo btreets.
Per rates or lnfonnallon not attnlnnblo from your
homo ticket agents, apply to
W. II. Stennett, Makvin HioniTT,
aen, I'aaa. Ag't, Chicago. oen, bup't.chlcogo
Vdb, ,Wy
op tiii:
from January 1st, lTr., to January 1st, istn.
JOHN SNYDEU, 1H. Treasurer.
Jon. To nm't outstanding for ls74ntulpro-
tlous years 7 10,ni.l M
To tim't on hand at last settlement nt na
To nm't county Inx assessed lor 1S78., 2S,473 no
'o nin't or tax from tho registry ot voters.
:ovn hridiro manic
2 10
To lamps, mattings, ic,, sold nt, court
so m
1 75
t S3
1 00
To Dat Id Ycager ror Slnbtown brldgo plank
to ini. i eager ior wiaoiown uriugo pianK..
To Jacob Hantaan, tar, Hemlock, seated
To win 1). Long, lax, Orange, soatcd hints
to monnisourg uauKiug company, noio un
counted 1,463 M
To M.irtln Downs, tax, Ilcnrcr, U. 8. land. . , 01
To William lluekle, tax,, s. land.. 4 ml
io ji.uiuT Ltuiuian, uix, lonynguaui, u.o.
land 40
To John Hurley, tax, Ccntratla IT.H. land... so
To II. W. Mdteynolds, tax, lioater, H. h 2 so
To William Morton, tax, Heater . 1, 1 os
To Wm, lilmer lax, Hemlock 70
To Milnmnn tract, tax, Denver, U. 8. land... B 13
io a, .t. uvi rnoiizer, inx, uenion, soaieu,.. i"
To John Out, rrfunded 4 23
To 1.. A. Illlcy, ror tlio U. 5tt. coal nnd Iron
Co., county lax, Conynghnm tor 1573 115 45
To IwlH(irnhnm, hridiro timber 2 i'I
To II. c. Hower, for lumber from Jail lot, Ac. 0 M
To Kit Jones, for stono nnd lumber from Jail
lot, &o ICS
To lumber sold Northumberland county lino
brldgo 8 02
To 11. P. Zni r. Jury tecs 110 oo
To .lames Mcminn, P. .s. land tax, Ccntralla no
To p. McMiinnmnn, U.S. land tax, conyng
hnm 8 70
To lllcks Kitchen, timber from Patterson
B 00
1 on
1 no
To.!, ltachmnn, plunk orsiabtown brldgo.,
To John i:nt. lumber ot Kline's brldgo
'lo Daniel I'.oi.k nbauder. nlnnkor Mabtown
brldgo C 33
Tonil.ltrnllon room. on foe loo
ToloanorJo'.h'U Petteririan, WMIajs 3,0oo (to
Tu Montour count) on suit rrom county.... 212 0J
To am t paid iiMcssurs, nnd ror blanks, ..,
dog fund ,
100 oo
21 31
21 10
To redemption money on hand, K. .t It...,
To icdempllim money on hand, S. I', II....
To redemption money tin hand, s. V, II,...
To redemption money on baud, s. p, ii.,..
1 1 05
ll'J 03
f 11,121 41
Hy tax uncollected for ist.i,
$143 os Jackson
.. 15S Oil
.. 551 4'J
Itrlni creek
conj ngham . . . .
,115,1 Locust
4.15 O'j Mmllsou
2,59121 Main
1,(io7 0 Mimtn
02') on Montour.
431) so Mt, Pleasant..
tno si orange
l,4.".o to rine
r.'jil 23 itoailngcreek.,
1-13 42 scott
721 o
752 72
. . 4l!'.l
.. 435 71
.. 4,S t
, . 1X1 07
... 023 50
, . r.02 oo
.. 2-7 74
179 10
., 73S 3'J
. 327
$15,777 9J
Kugarlo.rt $55 09
"ilenton for 1S73 11927
"Conynghatn for l!73 702 vi
$S7ll US
22,90 7 SI
1.2IS 93
877 20
Hy county orders redeemed
' commission allow eu collectors,...
" exonerations nllowi d collectors..
commission allowed treasurer. ,
910 31
" eoiintv tax lo meet Slate lax nuota.
51 47
liy note p.ihl 11. n.mklng Co. .tint 1,500 10
1 balaueo la hand or treasurer and paid
43S ;
I4,121 II
Tlio ball bond or Conyngham duplicate tor 173
has been sued ami Is now In course ol collection.
Ilenton or 1S73, Sugailonr or ls7lnri'lii Iho hands
or attorney for colleiilon, with part already paid on
ui iirt.
John, TiiP.Asumm,
1S75 Hit.
Jan. To nm't uncollected fcctllcmcnt J1.232 81
" " Ilssesswl Ior ls73 1,587 50
$2,V20 31
Hy nm't duo on duplicates, 1S75.
12 no
$11 30
13 on
21 51
15 50
7(1 0 )
,M aillson...,
, 73 00
. H 3D
. 19 (-0
, 15 50
, 15 60
. 13 W
, 10 50
Ill Lire reek
Ml 1111 ii .
14 50 Montour...
20 oo Mt. Pleasant
11 50 orange
o oo Pino
92 50 Hoailngcreek...,
11 50 .seotl
14 (0
conj ngham
, 10 0!
. 20 51
, 17 5'
IT 00
Conj ngham Ior 1S73....
hugailoar lor ls74
. 20 50
, 12 90
$010 40
Hy nm't duo trcnfiurcr nt last settlement..
" orders paid or 1s70
" oiders paid or ls73
" ordei-s paid or W4
orders paid or 1x75
" nm't paid assessors, blanks, so
" commission ullowed collectors
' numerations allowed collectors
11 commission allowed treasurer
" balance on hand and paid ot er
. $232 01!
7 1(1
7 00
. 1,319 (0
. 74 0
. 110 0
. SO
. 92 00
. 71 s:
. 190 47
$2,b20 31
Paid .T. c. Smith, on Stnto road, Hilarcrcek . ss oil
" John II. Lynn, copy of "act or Assembly 1 21
" (leorgo A. clink, telegrams, luxes Ill
' W. ll.J.icoby. Indexing deed books on
account 800 CO
" J. ii. 1-1 ll, collector Migauoar, allow
ance 10 oo
ji. i- clone, nuorney, ts. w. 11. Jacoby
on niduses 40 00
" Stephen Knoir, ptnchbnr lor county.... ltd
' t in. ll. hut iter, county teachers' las -
tuio 143 2:
" 11, P. Zarr, prothonotury's bill 114 05
" W. 11. Jacoby, leeordlng trcas. bonds.. 175
$1,151 04
Paid grand jurors during year ?7fs 37
" lui'oiMluiliig tear 3,w.o 4
" constable,' returns during year 2,1 12
" Upstates dm lug tear 17000
" Janitors nt couit 3S 95
" couit crier duilnir tear 182
" stenographer lor courts (2) iso no
" court calcndir, (2 quarters) 17 to
" bin 1 in sort ing jury noiku ior 11574 and
lsT5 255 00
" Koons, boarding Jury, Hogoit tilal.... 110 110
" .laeob fl. Piltz. Jury com 21-14
" Wm. II. Utt, jury com 17 so
" v. Kilckbauin, eleik com 15 uo
sfo.tes 43
Paid Com. vs. Isaiah Hall
" " llundolph Hester
" " A. S, Clossley et nl
$-1 f 8
a 17
i 50
ucoi'go 11. 1 less..
1 3
21 (V
llenjamln (ioll....
c. 11. Ill
1'iu. iieianey
' " Joseph Wiluel
' " H.J. Pu-
' " (ilrleon Iilslillne....
' " John Vincent
' ' John Monls
1 " Orlhoiliio Hairy
' " i:ilon Melllck
' " Lot! Klnly
' " Prlah Thomas
' " John Mellu-uity
' " Wells liioss
' " Joseph Vauslcklo
1 " Hliner ltuujau
' " Thomas & ovcrdorr
' " strausser.v Hlrd
" Jacob (iiiumer
' " Charles Foster
' ' Ann l.iveii
' " Howell's Puuilly
' " 1). Koslenbauder
' " John Iteeser
' " Itlchard lirlsloo
' commonwo.dlhco.sls to sheilir, 2 )enrs.
' " (IMrlautt'jH
1 " " prothonotarj
' " " .1 J liruwer, Jus-
' tommouitialili costs lo M c Woodward
10 2'
3 90
10 9.
17 01
10 2S
a 00
19 01
1 35
O 91
72 22
15 39
14 3
23 00
l.i si:
21 00
IS 3
a no
2 1
1 s
43 50
05 IK)
1.1 Mi
21 30
13 (15
$320 45
raid sundry persons 11 Ic 11 views $110
' 1) V Albeitson, llieenwood 00 iu
" Thomas cietellug, hcott lis 7:
" benjamin Kilgicr, ueott sj
" Samuel Hobeiis. hugailoar 200
" Peter llageubuch, hcolt 101 25
" c 11 .Mcllenry c co, Jackson 25 00
" Wm M Hei-oe, Uieeuwood ba1 150 uo
" Samuel Hlinbj, Madison 5o 00
' LIIiotK th Hills, Pino 511 do
" H 11 smith, Hilaieietk 850 (10
" ,1 11 Vcller, MUI11..1. 25 oa
" Samuel Youiig, Jacksou & ilrcemvood. 63 00
" JWAlbvruou do do . ... 40 mi
$1,109 20
Paid county Auditors isll
51 00
23 00
" iTciKsiniingaccouni
" T butcher K (leai hart couit houso (las
I'lMuivs, lul
" Thatcher & (ieuihart chandelier Xaw
" Thatcher & (leaihart Oai llxturcs
" Illooinsburg out, Co. sen leu plpo
" " ' " tor (las
" 'Sundry pci-sons ror coal
" M. Waller eleuulng at euurt house and
yui d
" II. W. Miller cleaning at couit houso
and )urd
" M. L'. Cox cleaning at com t houso and
" J. K. (Hi toil cleaning at court Uouso
and yard
" II. W. Miller 0110 wii-nch
" M. H Cox Janitor
" I. llugenhhuchstovorepiilr
Mis. Inguldcleiiiiliig com LltousO
' Wllll.nns 1 1 nl i-leaiilng 0II1CO io
' .1. M, llowcr lepalrs
" -M. C, Woodwind police v. House
" nullum Holmes stoto L. Llbi'y
" A. C. ltabb bill rendered
" P. Jones book caso H. K it. ofllco
" W.H lit auditing publlu uccta
" 1:. Mendeiihallblllrendeied
" H. I.. 'I homus Sgross pens
" llloom L. co. bill ror court houso
" P, Jones bill wm k at couiihouso.
" (I, llasseit clock lepalr and roiw
" It. iloan caso desk H, X H, olllco..,,
" L. Huiijon nails to
" It, llageubuch '7 door notices
" (1. A. Clark wall paper court houso,,,,
" Itltter Miller Puiutliig court house,..
" MoiirHio'sPulutblll
" c. A. Kleliu ralut bill
" llu-her, Ueuy&co, Pulnt bill,.,
" H. P. Zurr Varnish
" C. M. Drinker iipulr pilvy lock
" IaiuIs IlernuiU paid bill...
" " " cioikiepalri ,,,,,,
11. 11. Monagh bal. palming bill
J. ll.Mnlo bill leilderKl
B. ll.MUIer , Son bill iinderod
" H.ll.'lhoinus 1.111 leudcud
" v. h, l'uiiuuni2Ktrui rorZair,.,.,,..
" John (1, Precito comisatty
11 Win, Lawtou Commlssloiier,,,,
" John Hemer "
John L'nt " , ,
" Win. liilckbauia clerk,,,, ,
43 2S
72 SO
5 50
17 50
1 00
07 UO
SI) s
10 37
10 0,1
10 00
40 20
10 0.1
300 1
4 00
IS 73
2 40
5 50
23 SO
174 bl
14 SO
5 (Ml
30 00
4 43
29 J 10
278 1 U
C00.NTY 1A1I-
PAld A, Hmlth boarding prl ' -r.
M.OriMr " "
ii Ml H ii
" u. M. Brown repair to boots,
oner -
" llenderMiott Mason, coal
ii Peter Jones renatr ntstablo
i' 3
1 SO
S4 6T
54 12
20 00
39 Ot
ll 402
12 50
13 82
12 00
4 10
0 00
V,. Mendcnhnll lumlier for stnblo
J. Helnivter A: Sim hill rendered. .
" M. Walter et nl Inking old privy
" KestyA; llodlno et nl build now privy
" Daniel llowmnn, (Irlndlng kc. .,,,,.:
" Thos, (loroy repairs to hog pen
" Jno K. Miner building slahlo
" uorey, Mcudenhall ct al extra to
stubM ,
" Jones, Mendenlinll et nl Jail fence-,...
11 It. Hrooks et nl nt Jail stahlo .
" saimielo rover ntj.ill slnblo
" ltllter Miller ct al material nnd point
ing stable ,,
" J. It. Plans medical bill ,
ii- Peter Hut, plank hog pen
" J. C. flutter, medical bill
" Peter Jones table tor Jail ,
" I. llagenhucli slot 0 repair
$1,210 03
'aid Dally Pulrtot, llanlsburg $
" CM. Vnndernltcc notice or court,.,.
" roiirt calender, 2 ars
" " bildgo letting
" county statement
" II. t. DlelTciibach.eo. Mnteincnt.v
" notices or court
" " court notices, Jurors, c....
4 00
on no
uo 00
3 75
S2 00
82 no
4 01)
85 75
0 50
4 50
75 00
9 0l)
80 70
" brldgo letting
" blanks
" court notices, jurors, c...
11 11 1,
" brldgo lelllngs
" notices to collectors
" election proclamation
" blank oaths
" RUbscrlntluu 2V J ears
" blanks
H.M. Warden county stntemcnt
" ndtcrllsliig .,
" bridge lettlngs
" Kepubllcnn
J. C. Drown election proclamal Ion
Hrockwny ,t Llncll court notices
lilanks, ,ve
1). A. Hockley slninps : postage
Uvcrctt X Potter, blanks
Oeorgu A. Clark, stationery
Independent Weekly, blanks
u. ll. bnj der, Independent
$1,013 00
Paid OOMurrhyon John Woods, Conyng-
C (1 Murphy on W Miuhull, Conyng
ham.......... 1323
C O Murphy on Thomas lo.un Couyng
ham - Ills
C o Murphy on 1) Hughes, conyng-
hani.......:. 1315
O (1 Murphy on L'd. Holly, Cen-
trails......... 12"
O o Murphy on M l'ljnn, Cen-
tralla....' 112S
C! (I .Murphy eu T I'.rjau, conjng-
hnm 14 77
C (1 Murphy on T Keller, Conyng
ham.......... ' 12 78
C (1 Murphy on 1' Kelley, Conj ng
ham.......... ..; 13 70
C O Murphy on J cleory, Conj ng
ham 13 4)
O (1 -Murphy 011 1' Murray Conj ng
ham 1303
C 0 Murphy on 3 persons, Conj ng
ham 13 01
J J lirumr on Infant, P.ioom 1237
Sam. Dtltterlek on C. P, Whary, Cenlro lino
.1 MeKIWilii. P Moiteni, T sun
Dat lil Walsh t.4 00
Lashell and Mililbbln on M Dougherty,
P. M 50 00
W A Caso on C H Vtharci, P Mor
tem Hi 00
J 11 McKclty on mrant, P. Mor
tem WOO
$'J 13
IlllinriES, tlUILDlNO AND KEI'.tlllS.
Paid .las Conner plank Kain's bildge
" " " Ilenton hi Idgu
" " ' -tlendeuhall brldgo.
" Sam Appleman repair ' "
" l).m llnilmaiiicpalrwestcicck "
Paid .las Conner plank' Hupert brldgo
" 1'itcr Jones lepalis " "
." " " Harlon "
" J W lluffmnn " H.11I011 "
" Jas Connor plank Hock "
" Peter Jones leiialr " "
" .1 W llolliiian " " "
" Town or uiouni" MiiiiTer "
" 1, 14 Hupei t " " "
" John Leggott plank " "
'J Peter Jones lepalr " "
" JWllonman " "
Paid II J Heeder repair M ot Catawissa
" S Ycager plank McKelvy'b brldgo
" P swunk lep.ilr " "
" c P liurdir " " "
" IIJHcedcr " Puinaeo "
PaldM Mcllenry repair Stlllwnler bridge.
" J P Mcllenry repali " "
" Hohr Mcllenry shingles ' "
". W .1 'l llepleplece lepalr " "
" John Hiushir repair Zancr.s "
" V L Maiming el al repair oners "
" John Dresher repair llatcn click "
" Hll Hobblusiepalr lless "
" " " Jones "
" Mniiiiliig & co conlrnct Hess "
" " : " addlllonal llcs.s ".
3 0.1
7 91
1 511
94 03
11 511
1 -,()
1 50
211 (10
r 10
IS 05
2 55
102 M)
0 73
0 (II)
23 35
1,3-19 fO
2 01
5 CO
" J F Hollman IcamAe " "
Paid J II Zimmerman lepalr Yocuin brldgo
Paldo Ileaglo repair Ujcrs drove brldgo,...
" John Leggoit repair I0I.1 "
" Thoslteeeo " near Hurg "
" M M Kllno " " " "
" ll Oreeuly ' ', (Ireouly "
Paid Y Hlnlcman, plank Purscll brldgo
31 5S
3 00
" 1) Knstcnlundcr repair Psther P bildg
' 1) Kostenbauikrcontraet Host's "
" (1 Yeager repair Slablown "
"so 00
2 25
.1 snjuor repair snjuer s
4 03
H Wagner, '
co Lino
Paid HI Swcppenlielser repair Mill bl Idgo, . , .
Paid Jno Mordan repair Mordan brldgo
" Klnl repair Mordan luldgo
" Plillip Miller plank nboto HMbildgo..
" (i Ileaglo ieiulrabotu " "
11 ,i 1. i, i, 11 it
" .IC Mordan" " " "
" M Kindt " " " "
" .IWelllter " " ' '
" M Hint " Woiilch bildgo
11 1, it ti hclow H w "
" .T Mordan repair below It W "
" sundry persons, to Poor llouso bildgo...
Paid M M Appleman repair H Mill brldgo
" Hen Wi-iliiinn repair big open "
" M II Patterson rep'lr P.ilti-ison "
" Piter Colo lepalr Patterson "
" Pullmer Pen repair " "
" Miinidngitco conlraet " "
" " " addlllonal " "
Sundry poisons repair Kllno "X3
39 37
31 2S
2 Ml
9 87
4 00
5 4:
5 00
119 51)
Paid 1) Stino contract new bildge
Patd Jas Conner, repair Cole's bildgo.
" A Colo repair Colo's bridge
773 (HI
1 41
8 10
$3,139 11
Paid support or Mis Mellon, Dam lllo....
" support ot 1). shea, D.imlllo
" com lits cast penitentiary
$109 00
174 00
231 91
$033 51
Paid as'essors Ior makln? miHiil' assess.
ini'iitaudieglsterlngtoters $721 75
paid fox nnd wild cat scalps $no 40
Paid constables attending spring elections ,
" constables attending lull elecllons
" (lection ofilci'i's, spilng elecllon
" 1 lei I Ion olilcers, tall elections
" room rent dm Ing j ear
" 1; ii Haiklcy, siuatorlaiu.ludgo
" 11 P z,ur, ilerk lo 11 Judges
$iss 00
4S IH)
834 22
40.1 90
. 291 10
.'1 50
11 50
$1,230 k)
Hy nm't refunded during year
liy redemption money told
307 87
14 83
$322 20
Hy dupllcnles, 2 sets, Peg books, o
Hy books for Prolhouoluiy's olllco
47 42
52 35
$99 77
Miscellaneous expenses
Courts, jurors nay and coustablo returns. . .
Commonwealth costs
II iV 11 1 lews and H damages
Commissioners' olllco & coin t houso
County jail
Slnlloneiy, jioslage niid prlullng
Inquisitions , ,
KrldgiB, buildings and lepalrs
l'cnlleiitlniy aiiuT osiluin
Asst hsors' pay
scalns ..,. -...!!,..!!!!,".."..,"
Pleollou expcn'es
T'ttics urunded
lilunk books
$1,154 01
5,50i 4:1
520 45
1,403 20
2.9S3 11
1,210 03
1,113 00
293 15
5,499 11
035 51
721 73
110 40
1,290 S3
S22 EU
99 71
Am i orders issued. $22,907 S3
Deduct rrom amount nf orders Issued $212
reiiinded by Moulour for eourt expenses,
and $22 20 taxes it-funded leutes $22,343.03
the real exptusos of the county
Hcntou $11000 Madison
llloom in 00 MouUmr
Iirlaienek 4150 Mt pleasant
Plsklngirock 9J 23 oruugo
l'ranklln 23 00 Pino.
(ireenwood 50 Hoarlnarcreek
Hemlock 42 00 Scott..."....;...
Jackbou ts 75 tjugarloat Z".
. 10 00
, 131 CO
ii 00
, 8 IU
, lOS 42
, 22 B0
, VI 50
uwuav ..m,-, MOV
Total ...$l,0-i0 42
Orders unpaid of 1sHT..
.-, f01
! " or is
ISM a... 8 01
t,t 1B71 83 (I I
" " CI 1S70 ,. 931 41
' $1,050 42
Tax uncolP'cteil f oio 40
Com Mid ptonf rllns rdlmntcd oil. 150 00 400 4(1
Add on tin hands ofTAtnsurcr 100 41
p.Total assets $050 87
Excess ol dimngo over said fund SJ to
Thli lenves tkt futl $117.70 better than It
was ni ii ."rnumfni,
lfslifcn rrlsrs would neo to It nnd
causa ml kllf-ilifD docs lo bo killed, or
mako tho onirrt f sch dogs par the dam
age, (as hy Uw tk'y irn required,) tlio fund
would soon n so that nil bills ror Rlieop
damage could fc paid ns presented.
Taxes duo nnd uncollected $10,01 91
Probnblo com. and exonerations off 1,500 0 1
$15,131 91
45S 71
is.1 od
, $15,713 23
Add nm't In Treasurer's hand..
Add noto ul (lern Hower
Total asset 1
Am't or money borrowed of .1. Petterm.m.
Ain't or laxes duo the screral townships,..
Am't redemption money uncalled tor
Am't road damg assessed, estimated
$1,000 oo
031 f(l
113 01
OHO 01)
200 00
1S1 (XI
$4,107 eo
, $11,331 GS
Am i it nnu unngo tiows alio "
Am't commonwealth costs duo
Itenl assots, January 1st, 1S78.,
We, tho undersigned commissioners of Columbia
countT. do hereby lertttv that tho roreiroinu Is a cor
mtiiT. do neret
ct statement 0
rect statement of Iho accounts or said county for tho
year A. D. ls73.
Col. Co
Attest! fill. KmcKDAUM, clerk.
Vt e, tho undcriltrncd auditors of Columbia county,
hat Ing been duly elected to adjust and sellle tho ac
counts or tho tiensiirer and commissioners of Colum
bia county, do hereby certify that wo mot nt iho ot
llcoot thu treasurer nnd commissioners In lllooms
burg nnd carefully examined the accounts nnd ton
rhersor tlio samo from tho first day of January, A.
1). Is75, to lliollrst day or January, 1S70, nnd Had
them correct ns nboro stated.
Aud tteflnd n balance duo Columbia county on
county rund or lour hundred nnd nrty-elght dollars
and betonty.ovcn cents, (fins.77), duo rrom John
Snyder, treasurer or catd county, and tvo nnd n bal
ance rrom Treasurer John snt der, to tlio dog rund, or
ono hundred nnd nlncty-slx dollars and furty-scten
cents (1190.47.)
(liven under our hands this ntth djy ot Januaiy.A.
iJ. 131 V.
p. 11. HltowN, 1 Com
-M. Y. 11. KLINH,
Chance fo (lain
Without risk. Send lorclicular atunce. No timo
to loso. AI.LHN .t CO., 79 Nassau St., New Youk.
Sep. 17,-cni.
PSend 1 CalnlogiionMar-landiiJ. P. Mancha.t
A. ior xi nnu 11 nnu 111
Preo Mans or
1M) Heading. I's.vchoniancy, Fascination,
X. soul (harming, mesmerl'-in, nnd mairlngo
guide, showing how cither sex may fascinate and
gain tho lute mid nfreetlon or nny person tlieycnooso
Instantly, loo pages. Ily mall, 50 cents. llunt&Co.
189 St. 7th Sticet, Philadelphia. rcb4-lw.
WANTI'.D, AOHNTSln every town to canvass ror
Dr. comers new und nonulnr HIstohv ot' I'Cnjj.
SYLVAN1A, Horn the imlli st dlseotcry to tho pies
ent time. A splendid book-, complelo In onotoliime,
11.1 1-sTKAiKii, and published at 11 price within rcncli
or the people. A rare chance ror allist class can-
tasser. Addiess the pulillsinrs, Quaker city Pub
llshing Co., 217 4; 219 (Jiilnai Sl Phlladilplila.
Nauuracturcd hy tho
Salatiiaiiilfr ftrale liar J.'oiiip'y
'I hose bais hato been used nnd approtcd In up.
wnidsor 5,000 ruinnces, In raeloiles, MeainviH and
loconioiltes, nnd aro suptilor to nil others In
(lurahility and (Tniiohiy in the use ui' luel.
Satislactlon guaranteed. Hererenees lu nil pnrtsor
P. S. Olllee, 192 Hr.cadiYoy, N. Y. P. O. pox H09.
Pt b -1 -Iw
Immense Success.'! fi0,000 nf the Genii
already sold. 'I his Veteran explorer ranks among
thu most heroic llguies or Iho century; nnd Ibis
book eneorilieiiiost.iemnikiibluor tho age. Thril
ling In Interest, lllustinltd piolusely, and being Iho
only enllio and authentic Hie, tlio millions nio eager
Ior It, and wlde-awnko agents uiewanted (iiilikly.
Porpioor and tonus address Hubbard Pros., Pubj.,
723 hansom St., Philadelphia.
Its: Co. Pcb-i -iw.
MAHIilPI) ppopi.C New Intention. Just what
Jon waul. Hi-ll.iblu and durable. Mulled on receipt
oI75cis. Addiess Dr.Mosinau& Co., Mlddletown,
Conn. j,,,. 21-iw
IX1VAIT Male or Peinale. Mend ) our nddreM
1J' 1UU and get nincthlng that will hilng
WANT j on ill honuiably liter $tm n moiilfi
JJlUii III X 175, liiiciiwlchbt.,Ncw Yoik.
Jnu 21-sitv
ACHNTS wanted for tlio great
, 700 pages, low pi lie, tpilck sales, Hxtra terms.
Jaii 2t-lw p. u . Zlcglcr A; Co., 01s Aicli St., Phlla.
Chances for all I Male and funalo agents andean
tussers. 1 ice luroiiiiatlon, nnd rico samples with
etciy older. p. ,. box won
Jan 211 w.
V A TCrn?ll Agents tor llio best selling
i.i..l JillJ Pi l.o Package In tlio w m lit.
ihuii inns HiMiiHiH pniier, 15 cm elopes, golden pen
penholder, pcnill.'pofeiit t aid measure, and a pleci
SInglu poekngo with pair or elegant
cu-u,u ituiidiis. iosii.ui, ceuis. a ior
nackaco has bei-n i-mi mined hv ihr. mo.iisii-
crs or tho COlcsiiiian and round ns represented
w 01 1 If I Ii" money. Watches git en an ay 1 0 nil ugenis.
Circulars free.
Hill DP 4: C0..7C9 Ilroadway. N. Y.
Jan 21-iw
2 50
Put uponlv lu HLUi: HOXPS.
ATrli'tl aatl Sure llcinil)-.
iimi0!' "!,'", l'-yKll''.""Kls,s generally, and JOHNSTON
1 23
..v....... n,u , v u., 1 iiiiauei,llia, J ,1,
Jan 21-iw
1876. WHERE NOW? 1876.
ai;dheahhy,Ltates!','0'Jl '"U '0mWht' "ourh""'-
TO buynPAHM out CI tho
Ono Million Acres
1 ')"' INDl'I's- u"fll,rr bal0,'"'th0 ""AND HAP.
strong soils . llendy Mnikels, Sure crops, cood
schools. n. H. iuiis llirough ccnlioor glint, sct-
eim-W.s all nlong. All kinds or pioducts raised.
lenty or water, timber and building mateilaH.
iVAi-o cmtli,il-1 1 ' lel' 11010 ; t"lt'luuilu "u". '"I
JWsind for Illustrated pamiihltt, lull ot racts and
llgures, uud bo cent lined. Address
W. A, HOWAHD, comm'r,
i- ii i i.m.m. f , , , , ')r-l"a l''U1ds, Mich.
' .!.':. nI,!cl: kec y Land Dcp't.
D. ; Co. Jan21-iw.
,X , Hpw either sex may faselnato and gain tho
Jan 7,
'An aillto business man, lo eantuss und bill Ilia
lllilit'a I'ltlciulvr OIiicKn
i- in tills county. Pxiluslto contiol of tenltory glv-E-
i ' i'iV.V"1' h,, 1 h- k,"llul tu bank, oil lev, pai ior
and l.llihi i.guiug llio llmuol ihoihii, lay or
'.'n' tvI.M ,V ,"m ''"', and moiilhor 'lhu
J. ,n "''i'ded accuinlo limo keeper imdpir
" ,.!,.?,u",K"u''r. cimblncd. Husiuebs light and
prollituble. Addiibs (Willi rcliiin postage), "if
lciiiis,iiileoilsisniidlnroriuallon, ''lm
- l.eo, t , W ood & Co., lieu '1 Agt's, Ithaca, N, Y.
fan 7,'7fl-lw
i ako notlco that I hato bought lrom J ll. Kitchen.
P'W-.t'oluiiililu county, ono bay horse, o i to,
buggy, ono snilui'-tviii'dii. nuim,, ,.'iV..vS.
and loaned llio sumo tu tho mid .1. II, Kitchen to i its,,
n!!r1,!lf,',1,y ,' t'','!'",'u "ml 1,11 1'l'lb0U3 afo loiuldKiI ui
Interreruwfihlho baine
Espy, Pa., Jan. 18, 1570. It1
Notice Is heieby given, In aceordanco with tlio net
that an application t 111 bo mado by iho unde'ri L'ueil
clllcnsof tho coiuiiiouwenltlior'pc iiisj auA o it
law ludnuor coliimhi.i i-mmn. mS V,,r., J".11
liorailiig Tho Parmers and Meclianlcn' Hducalloi al
w .1 i S'WUS. 40., 40.,
NoaUyand Cheaply printed at thoCoLDU.
wan Ofllco.:
i.. ",,,lv,u laul person ineycnoiiso nstant
ly. ' his sliuiilo niiiuiivim nt ull can possess, m-e. by
null, lor 25c, together with a inunlago guide, lvj ,f.
I an, oracle, diiuins, hhitnio ladlib.tti iddlng.niSAt
Pubs' foin 'lUUr L0uli' AM-S' 'l'- Wllllain 4: tvl