The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 21, 1876, Image 3

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    m in? hat n mih a m
1 II JLI VJV.lJ U M D 12111.
n ii o o m s n v u (i, i- ii 1 1) A v, .1 is, si, ii;n
Unit Iloml Tlmo Tnlile,
f-oinn. Inn Train,,,.,,, (Ui A.M.
Mall Train T.IO A..M
Bsprcss Train l.M r. M.
" " Ml V. JI,
, XOKTlf.
Aecntmindatlon Train c,ss A.M.
itcgnlnr Vprrss sua I'.M.
ThruiigltWs on Express traliultherlo Now York
or I'hll.tdclpii, Accommodation I rain runs between
y 1 1 : r i .
7.4') A.M.
1I.M A. .M
7,nu 1'. M.
Judgo Klivcll holding Court for Jinlso
Htroctcr in Buin,iieliam county tlit week.
Klcction notices for salo nt tlio CoiX'MntAN
The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Itail
road Company recently had $800,000 of a inorl-
gage, satlsheil in tliH county,
Tho Kcv. Milton I,lBlitncr, of Lock ltavcn
preached in St. 1'aul'n Episcopal cliurcli on
Sunday lat.
The mow vc talked of last week was a fraud,
After a ehort squall it ceased, and wo have teen
nothing of it since. Slciglu may he put up in
UIU 1011.
There will ho an adjourned session of Court
in April, for tho trial of several important cases
wmcli would occupy too much lime to Lo likd
ni tho regular term,
Wo are indebted to U.S. hem-urn.
A. Wallace, Statu Senator Uoliert P, Allen, and
Jicpresematives Jiyott and Mcllcnry for valua
hie public documents.
Tho inauguration or Gov. Harlranft took
place on Tuesday. Tho Coj.u.MMAN and He
jmVicnn were repiesented by Mew. lliock'.tnv
and lleckley respectively.
Wo have received from the l'nhlishers The
"World Almanac for 1S7U. It is, as iwual re
plete with tho most useful Information. llini
liens men and politicians should piovide them
Eelvcfl with Ibis valuable publication.
The new heading of ihe HepuUiatn U a iluid.
cd improvement. While we are sorry (hat (hey
hold fo (ibstinalely to their political delusions,
wo arc glail lo note evidences of enterprise and
prosperity of the present management.
The llloomshurg Coi.u.MntAN ha entered its
tenth year. It is the best Democratic p.iper in
Ihe State. 1l7i'iM;ior( (Insclk ,t Jlallitin
Jlrolhcr Lambert, wo always said you were a
man of sense.
On Saturday last. Arthur Smith, youngest pon
of A. C. Smllh, U)., bail n narrow ccnt.o from
drowning. Ho wan ukaling on iho creek below
llio rccoinl bridge, and tho leo not cxlemllng
entirely over llio creek he skated too near tho
edgo mid went lb rough, Mr. Alexis l'nxtoit,
who was skating nomo distance below, wan In
formed that thcro was n boy In llio walcr, anil
rushed to tho rescue. Ha arrived In time to
savo tho boy by jumping Into tho walcr, which
being up to Ills neck, caused him sonio difficulty
in getting lilmself out. Only for the rorlunaio
presence of Mr. 1'axlon, tbu lltllo fellow would
undoubtedly lave been drowned.
On (Sunday n deaf nnd ibmib boy named
Moore, residing in n neighboring county, killed
a bear while roaming in tho woods not far from
his father's house. Tho boy observed a move
ment at tho mouth of a cave. Approaching, nn
object resembling n bear became visible. Ho
cautiously proceeded in the direction of thu
cave with an axe which he had In bis posses
sion and selected a position where ho could deal
Iho animal a blow as ho emerged from tho
opening. When tho coveted opportunity pre.
scnted Itself the boy raised the weapon and
plunged it into tho head of tho bear, repeating
tho operation several times. Ho soon had the
satisfaction of seeing the animal fall prostrate at
his kit. The next day the bear, which weighed
220 pounds, was taken to Alloona nnd sold.
How to Klt.t. A Tow
a lown, put up no more
obliged to occupy your
an empty building and
mil il, uk about threi!
Look at eviry new con
a cold shoulder lo evert
lowho seeks a homo at.
your wares, rather llm
merchants and manuf.iM at the samo price,
Kcfuso to advertise, so
will not know that nnips Is being dono In
your town. A prop
If you wish to kill
lings than you are
If you should have
olio should want lo
ies lis iiilunt value.
Ith a scowl, Tut ii
ue -small or median-
)ou, tin nliioad lor
irehaso of your own
persons at a distance
ntfloso observanco of
ivi In less Ihau two
these rules will ruin
AcciniiST. Last ficsiy i carriage in
which were caled .rsjeander K. Itishel,
Kgbert Thompson, PL k-se, nnd tho driver,
which was rcturnliom jo funeral of John
1'. drove, broko dopilc the Co-oporatlvo
works nnd cast thrf upaw out, severely injur
ing Mr. ltceso In pad The driver, Corn
man, was nlso bai lurl.
Since tho nbov it iype, Mr. Kecso has
died. Ho expire 'leilay morning about 0
o'clock. Thepli miiciiled that the spinal
cord was rupture Ir. Ueese was one of our
most industrious! respectable cili?en. lie
was President ofiCo-opcratlyc Iron Works.
Ho was also nii'rof Romulus lodge, Is o,
271. Kntirhls of lias, of lb! place Litclli-
sojii; itKsrirs w tiii: yuaii.
MI'.ltOANTIM: MtHI'OKTltttlft IN 1875,
Tlio tnnol tnnrkcil i Heels of tho pleasure ol
llio llmi's urn In I m f tut ml in tho frcfjuriity
with which failures Imvo been rcnortcil.
llotli bccniiso thcro Inn u been mote1 casualties
to report, ami because' tho newspapers linvo
given moro than usual promlmnco to this
cast of Item's, tlio public linvo been inailo
moro familiar than over beforo with th"-
occurrcncci). " "0 "i"mM "u" lu
oxaggemto In somo ilegrco tho number in
public estimation, mid to crcato moro np-
prehension than tho nctual circumstances
justified. Wo uro thcrefuro glad to bo nblo
to present to our readers tho exact figures
from n most rcllablo sourco ThoMcrcnntllo
igcncy of Messrs, It. 0, Dun & Co. -from circular wo gather somu im
portant facts.
Tho number of failures In nil tho United
Stales show a largo Increase as compared
with thoso of previous years, whllo tho
proportionate llnbllily Is somewhat less than
tho average. Tho following nro tho fig
Tho followint'ii extract ofrom a letter
An arrangement has been ifiVetcd by the Ldi
torn of Ibis paper for weekly letters from Wash
ington and HarrMiurg, which will give Iho la
test news from Capitols of (ho Nation ami the
Slate. Our readers will find lliem very interesting.
About six miles from Shainokin, Xorthunibcr
land county, one evening last week, seven
thieves entered the residence of Mrs. llilhnati.n
widow, while sho was nt the barn milking
bile the depredations were in progress, a son
In-law of the lady, named Ilvniilnircr, approach
cd her houe. lie was warned oil' by a sentinel
who fired nt him as ho retreated to his own
house. Hennlnger ran up stairs, secured
gun and fired three shots at the robbers, who
had congregated on the outside, killing one of
them, Philip Hughes of Shamokln. Another
of the robbers, with whom they lied, was wound
ed. They were tracked for several miles lo a
ravine, where a large ciuaulity of blood on the
ground showed that lliey had hailed with their
wounded comrade. It i.s supposed that the fel
low has since died. Martin Parrel, ouo of llio
alleged robliers was arresleed near Pottsville,
une ol tho evidences of his guilt were his
bloody hoots. Mn. Ilillman was robbed
about $2,100, none of which has been recov
written by Harur
The merchant of llloomshurg have asrecd to
cIoko their business places at 7 o'clock every
evening except Saturday, unlil further notice.
This is dono that the clerks may have more
time to attend to their mental and moral culture
and patent leather hoots. Iumhmry.
I. K. Miller, agent for pianos and organs, has
a second hand Mason & Hamlin organ, which
can bo socurcd at a bargain. It has two hanks
of keys, eight slops and four sets of reeds, and is
in good condition. Just tho tiling for a church
or lodge. t
Van Camp Lodge of Odd Fellows, of this
place, celebrated their 30th Anniversary on
Saturday night last. This Lodge was oiganicd
in 1815 with A. Hoover, Uuiry Wi-Uj nml i:.
Keller as its leading officers. They first nut
in a building where llrown's Hotel now stands.
Pj:nsoNXi.s. Judge C. P. Waller, of Wayne
county, is the guest of his hrotlur, lhv. D. J.
It. M. Tubbs, of the Mountain i'cio, was in
town this week.
Mr. K. P. Lulz i.s visiting his friends here.
Ho is residing at Bangor, Northampton Co.
ShcrilTOrovcr presided in the Con-t House
last Monday, Iho occasion being the saVs 0f
eighteen dillerent properties by creditors. 'I'm
room was nearly fillul, and the anxious faces of
some plainly indicated who the unfortunates were
whose homes or lands were struck oil' under the
Sheriirs hammer. Surely tlie'Wlancliolydays
have come."
Accidhnt. A man named Mr. Welsh, of
Nescopcck, working on the railroad a short dis-
tanco above lown, met with a painful accident
on Friday morning last, which has cau-ed him
considerable fullering. Mr. AVelsIi,with a num
ber of others, Were removing a large stone and
in some way it becamo unmanageable and fall
ing on him crushed and bruiaed hftn badly.
Jlcmick IiuU'iiendent.
Niagara county, N. Y., raised Jour hundred
thousand barrels of apples lat year, valued at
over one million dollars, and it wasn't a good ap
ple year, cither 1 Here is a fruitful theme for
the discussion of our farmer's clubs ill this State.
Why should not Northumberland county pro
duce apples and other fruit in paying miantitiis.
AH that is needed is Intelligent tllbrt on tho
part of our farmers.
AVe have on our tabic two very neatly print
ed Ipamphhts sent us by Dick & Filrgirald
Publishers, New York. OueisintilUd "Holme.'
very little dialogues for very lilllo folks," and is
mi excellent book for the purpose intended.
The other is intendul for older l cople and is
alvled "Tho Art and Lliiiuillo ol .Making
Love." Any body who cannot make loe with
out the nMnnco of a hand book bhoiild send
for this work al once.
A gentleman who has spent some weeks in
nur town lias written a long and vtry good arti
cle to The Idta, a paper published in Wcstfield,
I',, mniwnliii' our bii-incs luteiests, to. Wo
cannot copy llio whole of it, hut give Iho follow
ing as showing tho accuracy of narration observ
oil I iv tho writer:
Like AM, other court towns, llloomshurg is
it... fn In run imnilicr of lawvtrs. and
lilt' Itr.nviiiu n ..I f
unlike somh other court towns it has some of
tho best attorneys now practicing in 1 innsylva
nia. To givo anything like a complete list ot
tho resident members of the bar would he a illl
licult tak; but if you want any legal busines
dope, vou'vo only just to slep mil on i me sireii
and ne'efist the !lrt man you meet ns'Snuiroani
make a fair statement of your cao and you will
bo put on Ihe way to victory wiinoui uuuuo in-
iy. .
About two wceksago llicTt ,vn Council pasod
a rcolullon reiiuiring tho owner of a lot on atrwt next (111 Ihu north to Dr. J. Il
l.i-nnuf In 1-. mnvQ obstructions from iho side
walk, and lay a pavement In accordance with
I . m,.... n-,,!itnMitii rmrll
IIU 1UH1I "l""lv f" r - - .
days were given tho owner in which lu comply
with Ibis order, nnd if not complied with, tlio the couiic was directed lonavo mm
bound over to Court to answer tho charge of
maintaining a nuisance. The ten Hays pas.iu
n,.il nilll !iho iiuinanco w.n unabated. In ac
nnril'inpA wilh tllO order of tho Council, JohnS,
Slemer was urrcsted on Wednesday last, nnd
will havo a bearing beforo Kpi!ro Urower on
iho 25th. Wo are sorry to bee any nouy
trouble, but when a man displays his defiance
of (he law, and his determination to iiii'
Upon llo (.qmniuully, wu tllui; i u mgu mnw
ti nt ho should know that there nroalnoluto
rights, which is ouu thing, and (hero are relative
ilehts which Is (lulto another thing. Mr, Slemer
will find that he has adopted a rather expensive
method of "showing what Iho prlviligcn of a
builder are."
1'mi:. A box fiTlcd with saw dust in ICsipilrc
-ucAnalls ollicoand Used as a spit box, came
near hemg Iho cause of n destructiva e-onllagra
tiniKin l-riilay night last. It seems thai Mr
John l'ranlz, who happened in theollice iluring
the evening and bclore leaving unintenlionally
MioiKcu mo asiies anil hie from his n lie into
llio box which communicated with il.n a..
lu-t and shoitly after Iho office had been lockesl
up for Ihe night, Mr. James 1'. Freas. whoso res
idence is next door to the ollice, was aroused by
Hie smell of smoke, and upon investigation
found that it camo from the 'Squires office. He
immediately sent to Mr. McAtinaH's residence
for the key to the office and upon opening the
same, the room was found to bo filled with
smoke; the saw-dust box entirely consumed and
a large hole burned in the fioor. Hut for this
timely interference there would be occasion to
record a mot destructive fire, as this portion of
me lown is thickly built up, and no doubt
would have resulted disastrously to the princi
pal business places of tho town. Jlcricick huh
"Last cveninir about six n'clnrl.- n Ar- Wil
liam Schuyler, an old and respectable citizen of
South Park, was leaving Ids resilience lo go
now n town, as nas been Ins usual custom for
many years, Willi ibe exception only of a short
interval in the spring of 1S50, during which ho
was confined to his bed bv iniurins reri.ivr.,1 ,,
attempting to slop a runaway horse by Ihoin'ht
lessly placing himself direcllv in its way "and
llirowni" tin his hands mill sl.nnli,,.. . ...I.f.l. :r-
I I t , - ........ , ,l,ull
"- -", i.-i-ii .i single moment sooner,
iiiiist inevitably havo frightened the animal
mih more instead ol cheeking Us speed, nlthouch
i iaJroin enough to himself as it was and ren
tiered more melancholy and distrown" by rea
son of the presence of his wife's mother, who
was there and saw Ihe occurrence, notwithstand
ing it is at least likely, though not necessarily
so, that she should be rcconnoitering in anotlier
ilirtrtinn when incidents occur, not being viva
cious and on Ihe lookout as a general thing, but
even Iho reverse, as her own mmher is Niid to
havo stated, who is no nunc, nut died in t10
full hope of a glorious resurrection, upward of
yV:ul, ,,,. i.,k,,.mA, i,eln n (jjlr;s.
nan -)m!m aml without guile, as it ,.
properte, jn consequence of the fire u. . ! " i
which (iesti,vc,i evt.ry solitary thing sue nati in
the woild. Jii FlC, life. Lit us all take
trarnine by this noUmn ncrnrrence. and let us
endeavor so to conduct ourselves that when we
come lo die we can do it. Let us place our
hands upon our hearls and say with earnestness
and sincerity, that from this day forth we will
beware of the intoxicating bowl 1
The friends of this estimable cilizen, whoever
ho may be, of South Park, wherever that may
be, will be truly sad when they learn that ho
has met witli a terrible calamity. The pathetic
manner in which Mr. Twain relates the details
of tho accident is enough to draw tears from the
eyes of an early rose potato. We regret to hear
of this distressing accident, and now we want to
know what happened to Mr. William Schuyler?
From tlio Muncy IAm(nari.
itcroHT or ni.r.oi'io.N nv thr iu'.s'i.ocic.s
The stoekholdeisof the II. C. Si M. It. It,
Co., held their regular annual meeting in the
parlors ol lliu ivxcliangc Hotel, al Jiloomsimrg,
Columbia county, on Monday, January 10th,
1870. A largo number ol stocKiioiuer.s were
present. Tho proxies fronP Lycoming county
were represented by P. M. Smith amid (1. W.
Phillips; from Columbia county by Jonas Duty;
from Lurrrnn by lion, .lohn Koons. iiiu fol
lowing ofiieii-s weio elected for the ensuing
'mrrruil-riicii. Mm. jiriniuc. .Muncy.
DinHnn linn. John Koons, I), L. Chapin,
New Columbus, Liiurno county, S. II. I)ud-on,
Waterton, Luzerne county ; Jonas J-ioly, an
Camp, Columbia tonnty, Piter Laubaeli, Haven
Creek.loluuiliia county, llichaiu Miles, jiioonis
burg, Penn'a ; (J. . Phillips, John Crou-e
Lninlsvi i. Lvcoiuui" i'(iunty ; J", il. lruiii
bower, Maj. II. W. Petiikin, P. Smith, Charles
Mnzlev. Muncv. Lvconiiui; county.
Tho clciliou oil' liaiiiiouioiisly, and
ivncral satisfaction was cxnrisnd by thu infill-
Urs present. After tho ebctlon, speeches wcro
announced as the next ileiu of busineass. At
the announcement of this order of exercise thu
spirit of "70 ' seemed to pervade the entire as
sembly. The chairman expressed the senti
ments of cverv irentlcinau present by a few
pointed and well-timed rcuiarks.tOur old friend
Jonas -WOiy, Ol uuiiiiuuia euuin, s;'" " nil'
morons account of tho eatller times, when rail
roads wcro Utile known, nnd slagc coaches boru
ihri burdens of Miblie transportation. Our fel
low townsman, P.M. Smith was then calbd out
nmiil a tremendous burst of applause, and ie
galed tho audience with a song, inlillcd "Killing
on a Itall." IIo was followed by our friend P.
M, Trumbower, who impressed Iho audience
wilh a deep seno or Ihu vast responsibility o
American citizens as we enter uiion the Ceiiteu
nial year of our cisteice, S. D. Mellck was
iir-Tt itiliuduced and took the Hour amid a thuii
tier of applause. Ho siioko of uiilioads as the
grcjt agent of civilization, and intimated that
they might be called "Unman iJlcvaton
:Cuo lo a nsident of this
place, and is gpi pbow the spirit in which
he takes the coi '"on ol lus senience to im
prisonment for
"Tills iiortlic imate don't seem to ngrco
with me, nnd liysician tells mo that tho
latitude of Phi hiu is more moderate, and
would suit my Ito constitution much hcllur
than this cxtnlorlhcrn region. Tlicrefure
I haveconclinljinove east in a few days, and
it is very likell 1 will make Philadelphia
my home for liuainder of my days. I have
been thinkiiig'lmo lime of retiring to pri
vate life nnd frhe world easy. Its all the
same price II should visit Philidtlphia
ilnrliH- ih,. f!.flial vear. don't foiuettopay
me a viit. fitmbly, when in the city of
Philadelphia, K my homo at (lie "lintel de
Crow-bar," whBnu will Hud mo taking my
comfiiit in nivfe-'o. 1 lliank the Loul that
I havo a man jl fall back on that the Slier
ill' can't sell I'rciD." Junci Luminary.
A singular citls been exciting the people
of the vicinity, 'Jig out of the death of Miss
-Mamie llolmaiul about i-ightccn,whose par"
cuts reside ncaru's basin. Sho died on last
Saturday morniiier lingering for some lime
in an indispose'lition, uf what the physi
cian thinks wasll disiase. After death the
body remained j", did not grow still'. This
awakened the lSd then the belief that she
was not dead, al her body has conliuueil in
that limp condo this timo without mortifi
cation, the thoijj'f life slid lingering in the
body is entertauand it has not been inter
red. Many pi have visited the residence',
as the case has fl much attention generally.
We believe tlfio failure of the body to get
stiU'and the life redness of the lips is the
crounil for tlnfight that it may be a ca-e of
suspended anum, or "Irance." The physi
cian attendinj case has no doubt that the
young womailead, but as there is a feelin
injtlic family tji may not bcso,hehas advised
that the familj p the body till they are fully
satisfied that lias left it. At the timo of go
ing to press ifuly has not been Interred, nor
could wo leaf -I any time had been fixed for
In nnswebe numerous invitations sent out
by the para'f the bride, a large nuiubcrnf
our citizen!11' last Tuesday evening at Mr.
and Mrs. ?jhner's,to extend their congratu
lations to I Charles M. Otwnn and his fair
vniinr. hrirl It was a very pleasant an.
' -'J ... . ,
From h:Jist seven until nearly nuunigui
the two ti i the dining hall were Illicit wiin
guests, wj'artook of the excellent supper pre
pared foim witli evident relish. The happy
couple w the recipients of many handsome
and uscfircscnts, among which we noticed a
(luantitv silverware, consisting of knives and
forks, .sins, soup and gravy ladles, sugar
shells, sp cups, spoonholders, fish knife, cak'
Knilc, itt lame cioins, nap""i
l.tln nmnnn u,-'
maw, we in p.o.n. u... " -'-.c, g0,eis,
iiu ariir . " ( ""."ii-chamber-setcon
bowl anWchcr, toilcj , , & .
sib nig i ..(. IIlany Mlcr Uli Aftpr
KiuleanH ' i r-. i...,-.
Slll,,,,, J... tilV .... ...
ii", iie ball becan. Jlanciii!' con-
rO0h 'Jfainlif.lli-. Alll.niir.!, ll.iu .,..-1-
limiCll tinvtir; I,,.,,,., it nrf,lW r,lnrl,.
tlio libi'.ving his good sense in closing the
bar earl! the evening. Wo wish Mr. and
Mrs. (ill much happiness and may they
..." . . I,
live Winn prusper.
iVbol! o'clock this morning the above
buildinas discorcrid lo be on fire, and in
one liriicreafler it was totally destroyed.
Tluildintr was creeled. wr hpllnvr. In IR1
by thisbyterian Church and congregation,
ami wjen as a nou-e ot worsnip by mat bony
until 3 or '57, when it was purchased by a
numljj our citizens and converted into a hall
for liti' and public purposes. For the past
year n half it has been used as a Musical
Acadi The present owners are A. M. Law
she, IVni. II. Marr, and Win. A. Marr.K-q
Mr. Jbe holds an insurance of $1,500 on hi
share Ihe others are not insiirid.
l'jiuslander, tho Principal, is Iho heaviest
biserlis piopcrty ihslioyed coiisi-tid of six
piaijive organs, violin.violocello, about $500
won mu.sie, his ace mint books, and a niim
bciBlieles of lessor value, in all nmouutinij
to fin $1,500, on which ho holds an insiir-
nnijp,500. Ho hail ricintly placed in tlio
Aif a piano valued at $700 and a niagnif-
ivijin of slill greater value, all of which are
nojoilhloss mass. MU D.iniuu saved her
vi'Jut sulliusl a loss in music and other ar
tiiluountiiig to several hundred dollars,
Prcrra saved a cornel, but lost a fine gui
tari large quantity of music, much of which
wiuuusual value a loss of $200 at least.
Ttung men, Messrs. Kirkland and Marsh,
wjimed in the Academy, narrowly escaped
wleir liven by jumping through a window.
I firemen were on the sjiot with all tho
piniss possible, and succeeded in prevent'
:2.. 0-.. I- 1! l
iiiu iium riie,uiiii. inu iieatiemy
!il.u tinder, sinding storms of spaiks.
tlio iieigbboring buildings, igniling thu
jufs almost constantly. When discovered,
opict of saving the Academy building
puless. teuUhury C'hronide.
K SiiKKWinsiT Yi:r. A applied lo 1 tor a
fSlOO. II replied i "My dear A. noth-
foiihl please me bitter than to oblige jon,
will do It. i haven't $100 by nit-, but
a nolo nnd I'll endorse il, and von can get
noney from tho bank." Grateful A procenl-
ihis point tho proceedings were interrupted by5t once to write thu note. "Stay." said II.
tho announcement that the ttj-- was waiting lifh0 t $'joo . i Wllllt ejjoo myself." A did mi,
d'SsKn'atS ' discounted it,
The meeting there upon adjourned, with lachrf 1 ,1,u money was divided. When llio nolo
nioso cspresslnns of icgret. lis due II was In California, ami A had to meet
After iho adjournment of Iho meeting of ttj0 ptyment. What ho is miablo lo cipher out
Stockholder, the Jloaid of Direelo met n , )U i)0noHld ?100 of ,j J(
procuded wh their duties, while yourrepoiiS. . tr , .
proceeded homeward. l $.00 of l,l.u.-.e.u, Cbuner.
ltrt'oiai:u.l .
Yes, tho eleillon passed ofi' harmonlon.-l -?''i 'P I.udltig, an innmto of tho station
, , ,i fhoiu at Lancaster, was found dead hi thu
because tho only men not elected were tlmiifler., . m,irli b
who conducted thu election. "1 he largo mimlc, jlr.Shay, Ludlug had tied ono end
of ktocklmldel's" cousLled Illicit men, llloi
burg, whhh has a vital Internal in tho w
prlso was ignored, and cannot boast of even.
shaie Director,
Wo wcro i.i.t pi went when "tho spirits
were introduced which led lo McllcV "II
Klcvalor," nor when Smith gsvo Ids expi
of "liding on a, r,a
ufb scait' lo tho L'ratlli!r of tho cell, and
wlljtho other uiadii noo.a and fastened it
anl'd his ucck. mid then cnmiiiitlci! suicide.
llvas dead when tho keeper unlocked tho
ce Tiki man had a family, a wife, ami
tho children, living lu l.-inctisler, but re
fujig to t.iko Ills body on niviiiiut of pnv
eif, bo was iulerreillu the pauper burying
lousiness jVoiiccs.,
Applclon Mus'lu 0 cents ca.'i nt 1. W.
All slabd and scninisl befuro leaving
Iho old eslaLlblied ,-oal y.ud of C. V, Ni;U. fi
lino. siC
iVo. of
7,7 10
1,00!) '
As nn increato of fifty per cent, in the
number of failures within tlio last year
would at fir-t glanco appear very startling,
and as indicative of tho condition of trade
is n most important revelation. Hut tho
circular before us urges tonic suggestions on
this point that should not be lost sight of.
It says :
"As compared with tho number of parlies
in business, the pioportiou of failures does
not seem excessive, especially bearing iu
mind how long continued the depression in
all interests has. been. The number of per
sons now reported in business in the United
States on the books of the Agency arc O.IO,-
000. Of this number 7,740 have failed
during the year, indicating a proportion of
ono iu every eighty-two. It is true this is a
higher percentage than usual ; but wc ques
tion very much if it is u higher than pic-
vails iu oilier countries under similar cir
cumstances. In our previous quarterly
circulars wc took occasion to prove, by fig
ures then adduced, tho general correctness
of the position, and we believe if the stytii-
tics of the failures iu either countries for in
stance those of Great llrilaiu or Germany
wore accessible for the past year, the number
of failures iu the United States would be
found not propoitionately excessive. Wo
are entitled to whatever comfort this rc-
llcctinu may bring to us, especially to meet
tho frequent allegations that our misfortunes
aro the result of a monetary system diU'ering
from that of the rest of tho world. The
figures iu the above table from California,
whero business is dono on a gold basis, indi
cate that one trader iu every forty-two has
failed ; whilo in Canada, with a low tariff, a
mostndmirablo banking system on a gold
foundation, and a light taxation, the figures
ate even moio suggestive, tlio number of
failures having been ono in every twenty-
eight. This latter proportion is very ex
treme, aud is in amcasuro accounted for by
certain amendments to tho local Ikinkrupt
Law, to avail themselves of which a large
number both iu and out of business made
application for relief before tho expiration
- uiven period. Still it is undeniable
that,nlloui"b i'"-1 1-'"-" . c,,,
tires in Canada aro far in excess in propor
tion to those in tho UnitodStates.
Tho nn-nber of failures in Pennsylvania
for IS"-! l OS.'! ; amount of liabilities $1S,-
247 t2. Tho figures show n much larger
i,s,reaso in the number of failures thau dur
ing any twclvo months since 1S70, whilo
tho average amount of liabilities for each
failure is loss than at any previous similar
period dtuing that time,
A now lino of Collars, Culfs, Laces, Unfil
ing, Ac, at Clark & Woll'a just received
Men's, and boys' Gum Hoots, Kip Hoots,
and French Calf Hoots, tho best in market
and nt tho Ibwest prices at 1 31. Knorr t.
'i'i. ...on., ,i-r.nllir,v lm nrcnlltf interfered
witli tho snlo of Furs, nnd Lutz & Sloan
havo a Largo Assortment of Ladles', Clill-
drens' una ucnts' seis jet. on mum nmui
lt. Ill -nil nl t.rAnll., rnlfltCMl 1irlC.CS.
iiiov inn cvii . h,v,...j :-." I"--"" -Sco
their stock of Dress Goods beforo buying
Snow Kxcludcrs for sale nt McKinncy's.
C. W. NHAintllno., snare no expense to send
out nico Coal. U'-tf
Tubular Lantern Burners and Globes nt
Klcim's Drug Store.
a iimv r-inct- nf Illnok Altmcai and Cash
meres, now open at Clark & Wolfs,
Tho best and most tciiablo for every one
to buy. Try them, bor salo at Mekln-noy's!
Fon Sam:. A house and lot on Hast
strett. Apply to S. II. Miller.
Jan. 1 l-3w.
Vl.irge tock of Tobacco, of tho following
brands. Peach nnd Honey, Golden (Inn,
Gondola, llright ( lolden Government, H.tses
choice, Modoc in pails. 20,000 cigars ol
dillerent varieties wholesale and retail, Con
fectlnmiry wholesale and retail at M. M.
T)r. Fitter's Vivctrihln Liver Pills only 20
cents per box, at O. Kleim's Drug Slorc.
Fruit of Loom. Hill, and Lonsdale Pleach
ed Muslins 12 cents at I. W. Hartman's.
Clark A Wolf will open this week ono of
tho largest and cheapest lino of Hamburg
huging, ever ollerecl by tlieui. Uau anil sec
Wheat per bushel
Corn, new, "
oats, " '
l-'iuui per barrel
nutter ,
Prletl Apples
Miles J shoulders
I.anl piTpouiid ,
Hay per tun
Timothy Seed
no. 4 on Wharf $ 4,no per Ton
No. Il " " !,.M
lilaeksmith'sl.innponwhair f -i.oo
" IlltllllllUUUS " i coo
$ J.l
1.1V I
KOONS At New Columbus, Jan in, lsTii, of rtyti-
tliert.t, Wilton M. Koons, sou of .1. II. and Cecilia
Koons, awu I years, 7 months and fi days.
KOO.s'H At tho samo iilaco at tho reldenco of his
mother, on Thursday ,tlio nth Inst., l'red Koons, son
of W. I,. Koons, deed, of Washington, a'ed is j ears,
i liiontln and s days, ot tlu saiao dlsoas.'. both
were tlio giand-oinof John Koons, 1U., and were
sick only about fuur dajs.
li:ci. .laiumry 4th, In Centre, Miss Susan Heck,
aged j juan mid 7 inunihs.
rONNliit KOCIIKI!. On January 13th, ISTO.uttliu
house ot thebrldu's parenls, by Itev, II. Koclier, Ml-.
Isaac N. Conner to Miss s. fs.uiiantha Kouher, both
or wnumlres, Culiunbla county, l'a.
Flllt ltllN'l. A lnrfre new Slrirn llr-mm Unit
at d Dwelling apartment". Xew brick building
on .iium siren near ii aiKct. Terms c-Iicm
lnitdic of (il-;o. V. .STUUNHlt.
Dec. Ill, '70-lf.
When you co to Philadclnhia stoii nt
ll.n l 1 1 ....I. a.. ll.... n 01.1.....I rsi , Ar ..
niu iininiiiii iiwiir-c, !ii, oi. ami oi-i iiar
kci street ; Having been recently ronovntttl
Pricu only $2 per day. A. Hkcic,
-Marcn iv, lo-jy 1'roprictor,
"Facts Ai'i:STfiii!OiiNTiiiN(is."Thous
nnds of human bciiiiis are viailvboino nn
tlio swift current ofdiscaso down to tlio irravH.
just because they do not pos-css a suflicient
Kiiowieugooi iiieniseive.s. A man meets hi-,
ncigiiuor, nnu too iiist salutation is, "I low
aro you?" or "How is your licallli?" Tho
reply iiequently is, "tin, I am well, with
too exception r,i a coin." jiiot persons
liifhllv regard a cold, lteailer iln vim l.-nrm
that a cold Is ono of tho most dangerous of
miuaiiits? a coin not only clo".s uii tho notes
of tho entire system, and retards circulation,
but il is prodtictivo of Catarrh, which is quito
uiiv iu lean in uniiiiiupiiou. "uii, ' you say
u is noining out acou in inv icai ." Tiui"
but thai cold isreallva inildliirni nl'Cnlarrli
and If not nrrcstcd iu its cotirso will become
cnronic. uaiarru is tlio most disagreeable,
oll'ensivo direction in tlio catalogue of disea
ses. Tlio passago to tho noso Is obstructed,
the sciiso of smell iuinnlrcd. mid thorn I,,
disagreeable sensation of niessiiro In tho
head. Iu tho luoi'o advanced stnircs. iln.i.i
is a tllscliaruo havinir nn o ens vu m nr. if
tlio tU'easo bo allowed to continue In lis
course, thick, liard incruslntloiis will form
in tno ncau, ami tlio nones ol which souie
tlnios becomu sol'teucd and break away in-
picees, liy will poisons routlnuo to sutler
limn such mi iiuuoviiiL'. dlsL'iistlui' ,IU, -,,.
when they can just as well bo cuicd of it?
Dr. Sagn s t'nliirrli liemrdy is soothing and
luallng lu ItsfllcelH, ami when ucd wilh
Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche, accordlngto di
rections, docs not full to cH'cct n n,ir,i SJ.I.I
by nil Druggisls,
Good clean Cod lo bo had only of C. W,
Neal & Pro. 32tf
Men's Puck Arctic, and all kinds of Itub-
bcrs al K. M. Knurr's,
Centennial Seamlesi Hags 30 cents a
pieco at M. M. ltu'sot's.
S2.fi0 will buy a nair of lluttnn f-'hocs nt
K. JI. Knorr's.
Don't be worried and nnnoyisl wilh not onlv a
lour ipiality of Coal but diity and slaty be.-hles,
lint Imv nf C W. Xi:ai. linn, who deal onlv
in tbe'liest cpialities, 32lf
Hoots nt McKinncy's.
New lino nf Calicoes, Muslin, Ginghams,
ivc, just received at Clark ,v oil s.
FAnMnns. A'rrr.N'Tiox. Itussel takes Putter
Fggs, Lard and Produce in exchange fur goods
Kubbcr Hoots at McKinncy's.
ltlnnl.- nnd ltrnwn O&slilnern IflO vds.Prown
and Hottlo Green De Laincs. 25 cents at
I. v. llartmans.
Hiir.UMA'risJi, 2uralqiii, Lumbaco, Scia
tica ltlicmnatic Gout and Nervous Diseases
positively cured bv Dr. fillers lihcumnl'n
Kerned; and Pills. C A. Kleini, Sole Agent,
HloomsburgjPa. Dec. Ii, o ly,
For Mincc Meat, al 13 cents a pound, and
a lino lot ol Cranberries go to Jitisscll s
iviDMiv iiiri'ii i i.iiijs. sneer's i'ori
Grapo Wino is ono of tho best diuretics
known, it gently acts on the kidnevs, stinm
bating and infusing in tncin new visror nnd
urges them to throw from the system all the
worn out particles winch it sullereil to re
main would poison the blood and create
disease. Lvery disease lo a certain extent
demands a diuretic, every part ol the system
must be iu working order to maintain health,
and tlio kidneys csneciallv aro the main
avenues for the cscapo of tho poisons of the
system. Physician-, have, after stiict trial
and due examination, found Spcer's Port
Grapo Wino to answer tlio purpo-o admira
bly, and recommend it in cases where a diu
retic is needed. This wino is raised in New
Jersey, and sold by druggisls generally.
Jan. 14th 1S70 lw.
lsim-IHin,ntliulu Mlisvlli.iiiif
11111,1 DA V (;!0l)N.
consisting of
COM l!S,
Koy West and Havana Oigar?,
and lots of l'lne floods.
Is iniH oiKiiIng Hie ti rj choicest
Xinpoitotl ami Domcstio Orocorios
for.llio Holiday trailn.
1'ilENPII and NPANI8II Oi.l Via,
All kinds ol llalsins, Forclgnland IJotncstlo Fruits,
Nuts and Confectionery, and another lot of lino
Now Drop Japan Teas.
Dr. Fillers Kidney Curdir.l removes de
posits of Gravel, Calculi, Arhh, rtlnitinn, of
Urine,. Greal I'urijier of tho Jlaihkr and
Kidneys. O. A. 'Ki.i'.im Solo Agent for
Hlooiushurg, Pa.,
Dec. 17,'7.)-ly.
If you want a good Ham,
If you want cheap and good Tea,
If you want Collee Java or llio,
If you want good Canned Fruit,
If you want the best Mackerel,
If you want Sugar for tho least money,
If you want the best Syrups in town,
If you want good Ciirars,
If you want good Tobacco.
If you want anything iu the Grocery nnd
Provision line, go to;, Main street.
Tun Maintenance op Tlio
maintenance of health is often moro dilii
cult than its recovery. Vitiated conditions
of the atmosphere, unhealthy occupations,
extremes of heat or cold, and cnutaui ex
posure to rough weather, are all so many
provocations of di-ease. Thcro is but one
sure way of ('H'ectually guarding the system
when tbu-, subjected 'to inlluenccs picjudi
clal to health, and that is to establish, by
judicious tonic and alterative medication,
vigor of tho body and regularity of its func
tions. Tlio i ropcrtics of an invignrant nnd
corrective aro happily combined in Hosiery
ter's Stomach Hitters, which, at the sumo
timo that it infuses unwonted vitality into
thi-systcm, oveiconus all tendency of tho
stomach, liver boivols nnd urinary organs lo
,t....t..i e.. i:.. .i. .if ..i..v ..i-
wuii.iiu iiiiiii u'j;iii;iiii in (iiu ilisilliirgl- 111
functions upon which the welfaie of tho en
tiro physical organization is dependant,
lleallh cannot be more cU'ectually main
tained than by using tho Hitters. jan7-lni
Old IMablishcil Con! Yard.
C. W. Neai, k Huo., Wholesale Si Helail
Dealers in all sizes of tlio bent qualities ol
lied and White Asli Coal, at tlio very lowest
market rates, 1 lave constantly on hand lurge
stocks of
Hlacksniith's Anthracite,
and Linioburner's Coal.
Ivqiccial allontinn given to tlio prepara
tion of coal licfoio Itavimrour yards. Grain
and Lumber taken iu exihiingi' for coal.
Coal delivered to any part ol tho lown nt
short notice. Orders loll at I. W. MeKelvy's
store, or at our ollice, will receive prompt at-
(.nil,.,, 1ltl,. 1 1 1 . ... U'.'ll!
iiimwii. s 'iinu nun i iiiun iu ii iiiiain i-,u
& Sous' Furnace. Fast Hlooiuslmrtr.
patronage rcspcctlully solicited.
17 tf
An old physician, retired from active prac
tice, lutvinir had n need in Ids hands bv nn
Fast India Missionary tboformuiaofasiiupie
Vcgetablo liemcdy, ior the speedy nud perm
anent Cure of Consumption, llroiichitis, Ca
tarrh, Asthma, nnd all Throat and Lung Al
fcctlotis, also n Positive m.d Itadical Cure for
Nervous Debility and allNcivous Com
plaints, niter havlm? thiiiiuii'lilv tctcd lu
wonderful ciirntivo noweis iu thousands of
casus, feels it his duty to make it known to
Htfleililg fellows. Actuated by this motive,
and u conscientious dislro to relievo human
Milli-ring, ho will send (free of clmiie) to all
who (lesirn il, lids icclpo with lullilirccilons
lor prcpnilng and siicccssfuly using il. Sent
by return mail by uddrossliii; wfili stump,
naming this paper.
I'll. V. C. S'l EVENS,
Munroo lllock, Syiuciisc, N, Y.
Dec. 21, 75-ly. ' ' '
Who said that you would like to get such Clothing as City
reople wear, rather than tho isholcsalo goods com
monly sold? This will tell you how to do it.
The very large Increase of our business allows ua to make
You Can Save Enough
in ouying a dim ox uaic tiau
from Anywhere in this County to the City of Philadelphia,
and have a day of sight-teeing besides. Wanamakcr &
Drown stand by this Statement, and so will
you after one trial.
WUKRKAb, tlio Hon. VIfAf KtAvr.hh
ITcstrleiit Judge of tlio Court ofojer nml
Terminer nml (Icncrnl Jail Delivery, Courtnf lnar
ttrwiioti9of tho iVftconnd thoCnurtot Common
nhll f tlhtinria' flint! In Dm or It. hi..
Irlil, i-iiiiiim-M-il ot Iho eiiiiiilles of Coliiinlilii unit
Alunlijur, liua thu HoM. llUH 1IKKK UUll IdAAC S.
MoNKot, Aix;inle.luilKeof Columbia countr. liavo
ltsued tliclr Jircccpt, benrlinr ilAtei tho ntlidnv of
liolUlngn Court olOjcr nnel Terminer and UcncrSl
(Jimrlcr Sessions ot tho l'cacc, Court of Common
Picas and Orphans' Court, In llloomsbiirff, In tho
county ot Columbia, on llio llrst Mond.iy, being tho
Uli day of February next, to contlnuo two weeks.
Nollco Is hereby BlU'n to tho Coroner, to tho Jus
tices ot tho l'cacc, and tho Constables ot tho said
county ot Columbia, that they bo then nnd thcro in
their proper person at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of
suld Uli day ot February, with their rocords, inqui
sitions nnd other remembrances, to do thoso things
which to their ofllcos appertain to bo done. And
thobo that nro bound by recognlianco to prosccuto
against the prisoners that aru or may bo in tho Jail
ot tho said county of Columbia, to bo then and thcro
to prosccuto them as shall bo lust. Jurors are re
quested lo bo punctual In their attendance, agreeably
to their notices. Dated at Illooinsburg tho Tth day
1 ot January, in tho year of our Lord ono
Character ot
ihe Goods hq sell I
For Men & Boys.
Wanamakcr & Brown
treat their
AO be surf of what we sell we manufacture our
poods, some of them In our own building,
llicv are well cut. sewed and finished. Ihev
can be relied upon, Stonkeepcrs out of the city
misrepresent us when they say ihey sell our poods,
m we da not xt hole salt, but confine ourselves to
retail. Wc War no Ill-will to any one, and state this only because some
dealers sell poor goods as coming from our house. I o each of our custom
en we arc responsible fur articles bought of us. liy our plan of Ticketing
the right namtt of the materials on our goods, no one can be misled as to
r ii I h price in plain iigures and nothing ejt l he
.iiuc yum iu yiu.iiiiwiu.t uiiu Mrtiiigtr
Td citv rtconle and countrv ticctile cnual
advantigcs. With each article sold, a iiuaranttt
is the Price fi at low as It canbeboucht
' ' " ' nnv where, and that the nualitv is as renrcsentedi
also, that the money will be paid back In full, if purchaser within 10 days
wishes, for any reason, to return the goods, unworn.
( ri"MIIS Is Important indeed. because, unprincipled
Exactly I I people having stores In Philadelphia, ccuh
i siop siranficn on ine kircci, wimaite uirrtiiont j
j about u here the store Is, so that they may set) their
counterfeit goods. There Is but one Oak Hall In
Philadelphia, It is a large building, the size of four ordinary stores, and is
on the bouth-cast corner of blXTHS IXTII SIXTH SIXTH
SIXTH-SIX'! 11 and Market Streets.
E send patterns of material and rrices by
mail when requested. Persons can have
made-un eoodi sent bv Ex Dress, bv send
lug their measure (we furnish easy directions that
any one can measure by,) and describing color
to the Express Co. on receipt of goodt, and the privilege of examining them
Is allow cd before paying, Where csods do not please, wc will return the
monev and rav tho cxnrcssarc back to Philadclnhia.
ou shcuU tt sure to tee our name on the building and over the door
or you enter.
Those who cannot
lo Ihe City.
Donlcr in Law Elimks. Sunday Soliool Libraries, Depository of the
rciiiisylvunia Uible bociety,
Eooks and supplies not on hand can be furnished
On Short Notice at the Most Reasonable Rates.
tMoro m Kxcijeins'o Hotel Building, Bloom sljurc:, Pa
Oct-. S, KTf.-
Take Aycr s riiisrornll tliopuriwos rfa purm
live, for ron&tljiatlon, liulli'Hloii, Ik mlicl e, ami liv
er complaint, liy nctoiil tliej aio Hie ln'St
ot nil purgatives for family use.
it Is no unmix r Hint Inrulldslrre fnltli In ecltles
ulicnso mnnj woiihicts mei'ilelnes nie ailveitlseil
for tlio cine of various illseii'-es, lull vvlilcli, wlicn
trieil aio "fcunilMiintliiK." Wel nvu lo leniii.liow
eer, ot Iho llrst fulluieor in. wisi.n'H I'.aKuuof
Willi C'lieiry In chip coughs, rolils. nml pulmonary
disease. ..ii cents nml $1 n bottie laige bottles inucli
tliu elioaiwr.
ScheutU's l'ulmonlc syrup, for tlic cine of eonbump
t Ion, comjli.s and colils.
ThORieat Mrtiio of tills miillclno is lliat it ripens
Hie malter nml tlirovislt cut t.r ll.c syslim, piullles
llio blood, and tliii-. effects a euro,
schenck's sea Weed Tonic, for the curoof dyspepsia,
Indljfosllon, ice.
Tlio Tonle produces a licnltliy nclloncf the stom
ach, ereallr.s an pppctlte, running chj le, and curlnt;
tho most obsllnato cases of Indigestion.
Schenck'-s Mandrako rills, for tho cure of Uer com
plaint, Ac.
These pills aro nlterattie, and producon healthy
action oftlio liver without the lot danger, as they
nro freofrom calomel, nnd jet inure elllcaclous In
restoring a heallhy nctlon of the lit er.
These lemedlos nro n certain cure fir consumption
nstho pulinnnle sjrnp ripens the malter nml purines
tholilood. Tho mandrake pills net upon Iho liver,
create a heallh bile, and lemme .ill diseu"es of the
liver, often .ii aus-oef eoi.'-ui.ii'tlon. The sea weed
tonic irte.i u no and stienctli tu the stouiacli.makes
nfond dL'i stten, and enables the organs to form
good Mi.O'l, nml thus cieates a henll-'iy ilreulatlon of
heallli) lihiid. 'Ilieiombli.ed anion or these inedl
fines, ns thus explained, will cum eery eaauof ion
sumptl' ii, If I iKeu In tlmo and Ihe use or Hie. meill-clne-s
peisi'U red In.
Dr. Si hfiii'l; is profe'slonally r.t Ms principal ce,
corner MMh nml Arcli -ts , 1'hll ide'p!ila,eery .Mon
il.iy, win re uli letters ftr ndUeo must be nililiessed.
wiiiniu id aivi:i:'i isi:.
A.T. sirwait fajs tho best ndwillslng mediums
ho has i"M r fmiml 'Mre li.e old etabll-l.eil orgiins ot
Iho two pollile.u parties, at the boural i.untj seats
throuKlioill the I'lilon." "'1 hesiV' he kijs "reach
oury l.iuilly of Ihe least ncroiint In ketetal
counties, and are moro carefull) read than any other
classot Journals." If Mr. Mettaifs Judgment Isof
talue, theie I-. la, illlllculty In riecldlnir uhleli jupeT
It Is for Hie Inti list it bulntss iikii lo niltiilise In
'llio tin linn HuiotiiAr, upon tthliblhls papi-rls
parli.ilij foui.ikd, tviiststublMail In and the
Cot.iMiiiAS now enjoys a wider elieulnllou and
Krenterprospeill) Iium II ttir did. It ink
ly Into two thoumiiil liiinllles In l olimil la unilail
Joliiliigeuuntles, and by must of tlmu Is lead frcm
tltllrslto tlio last line. Ills tho only leeoKiiUnl
exponent ot laaily lite thousand Hi utic tolers
In tho comity. It trltes udtertt.-cn.iiitsn tanj dis
play, that makes lliem attraetlte lo Its patrons, thus
enduring glealer etitalnly Hint thej will pen so
them. While Its circulation Isundutibliillj much the
largest In Ihe county, the udicitisli.g tales of tlio
ecu imriAN iiiennl.lj, tlian those of papeis
with baiely half nnd not one-iuui Ih tho num.
her of bubscrlbei s, l'liclbllke llns. bpial; forthein
sclics. No bhrewd biislnebs man will neylict to In
belt Ills udteillscmeiils In Ihe Cm imi:un if,
IS1IIK MAVrKltOK 1 1ll: I'STtlKflK JOIIS (Ill.EIl,
I.ITK ortlONIOI'llTttl. lltt'KV'IF.Ii.
Tho unileislidied, AudlKr In m.iko dl-lilliulli.n of
the bal.lllieor tile fllUds ulllnllg tho lielrs or .lullll
lilt'ir, (li'OiMH'd, will iilleiul to the appointment
at, lu,', en ' Hie l.lli
tlay. of l ib. A. II. ls;c,at liio'elock, u. m , whin nml
wl.ern nil iHrsniis li.itlnic il.ihns iik'nlnsi iln- .ild
i stnte are required to inesent Hie suine lu fuie thu
Audlinr or lw debarred from comliiir Infi.rubhaiu
Of said fund. UII. Ikkikk,
lilnouisbtirg, .Ian. H,'ii!..4t Auditor.
lelleMuf AdinliiUlrallon ou Ibe nalutu nf l.till.i
Z! I ii lull I mi n. lain if t inn n tienelilp, ciiliuu'uiiiitt , iliseuseil, l.aii U eu uruiili it lit the Hot.'
Uter of bald euiiiil) loln,i.ii K. Iillillne, nftmuiite
iwiishn. All HiMUvt butliiK el.iluns lunlnH thii
t stllte i f Hie III leilent llle litiilli Med lo pleM lit Illl III
for sctlli iiii lit. and llne Hnliblul In Ihe i slalutu
liiaku p.Meiit lo the mull isK'iied itilmliiUIMtor
witliuiilililiiy. K Illl IIIMI,
Jan 11, "ivihv of t'i;!ii-o tiiui.blilp,
Llfri'Kil IIIIADS,
llll.Ii 1 1 UA I I.S
IWi'tillH, ('.. Ml.
Neatly iiiitl Clioaply priiilisl ni lliu (Niluh
MAN Ollilf,
eoi.i-Mni.i corsTY. ss:
In the in nitons' Court of Columbia County. In the
mailer of the partition nnd valuation of tho estateof
Noah s. 1'ientlss, late of Illoom tonnshlp, deceased,
l.IIen, Intermarried w Ith James M I'rice, and to said
.lames M. Pi ice, Nouli c. l'rcnllss nnd Clara K. i'ren
llss: Vim ine heribv nolltlcd that on tho lstn dnvor
liecember, IsTfi. the Orphans' Court ot Columbia
mum iiiiiui'u ii ruie upon tue niirsoi sain tiocou
I'litto accept or refu-.e theestntp atthe valuation
or show eauso why the samo hhoulil not bo sold.
I hernfore ou are hereby commanded to be and np,
near at an orphans' e'ourt tu be holilen at blooms
buig, In anil ror tho said county, on the llrst Wed
nesday or 1'ebruary next, nnd then and there accept
or iituso the cstttto nt the valuation put uimn It by
Ihe lnipicst duly awnrdeil. or show why tho same
-uiim ui.i iit sum UKitTUUlJ III 1110 act, lit ASSt'IUOiy
In such cases mado and nruthli'il : b nr f.m not.
Witness Hie Honorable William lilwcll, Ksciulre.
rresldent Of our said Court nt ntnniiisiniitr. iiu. kii
day ot DecemlK-r, A. 1). onu thousand elt'lit hundred
aim aeicuiy-ntc.
DecSi.'iS-M. Sheriff,
liy v lrlue of a writ of levari Facias, Issued out of
tho Court of common l'leas nnd to mo directed, will
lie exposed to public sale on tho premises In
I'll I IIU, Ull
At one o'clock p. m.
That certain pleco or jiarcel of land or lot of
Kiiiuiiii Miuaiein ihu iiuruitgn ot ticrtiici;, iiounueu
n ml tli'prllicil ni rnllnu-u tii.ii1r . l!.iri,inl. ,t ..
curlier of John Hill ou Front street below .Iaiket
street, l hence by tho satd Joan Hill eighty feet loan
alley, thence by said allev S'J feet mere or less to
eoriiurlotofWllll.ini Williams, thence by the said
William Williams, a distance or elL'iitv ritrtn Krunt
street .itDies.ild, Hieiieo by tho RamoS'2 feet mure or
iris iu inn pi.iee ot ucjjinuiug, tine moitgago lien on
mi- u.ii.ini-1' ui un, uiiii uatiut; ueen reteaseii)w.'icr
on ate creeled a ttvo-storj
used for a dtvelllng nnd storo house, with restaurant
in iiav-iiifiii.aiiu iipuii tiucn isereetedan lee-house,
Ii Wilier It h tho heivilllameiils and nnmii ii'imnees.
seli-itakin Into execution, and to bo bold lis tho
pruiiciiy oi joiiii u. aacouy.
on the same d t , at ten o'clock A.M., on tho prcm
lsesln ililarereel: tuwnahln.
All (lint certain uiessll.ieo ortenemenf. nml itnr..
house and lot or parcel or laud situate lu liilarereek
tnwiishlp aforesaid, bounded and deseillied nsful
lows, tut liegliinlng at a stone on tho south side of
the l it 11. II. l(. nnd u corner of land of l.jdl.i Spo
nenlierg, thence by said rull road north eight). lit o
degrees west eight and fuur-tentli perches, north
eighty. seven and three-quarter degrees west tweltu
porches tu a stone lu lino of land of llaulel l'ursel.
theiico by tho samo nnd land of Win. L. Kn-iui h .inn
seven andlhro -iiuatter degrees eust slxty.fouruud
slx.teiillis jieielies to u lino stone, thelieu by land ot
tho said .Stephen Thomas south llfty-eightnnd it half
degrees east beteu and four tenths iieixhos to a lino
stone.noiUi thlity-llte nnd itiiuaifer degiveseast
thli ty-rour and ulue-lenths i-che to the mlddlu of
the oli liraneh canal, theiico along thu sumo
noith betenty-ieten degrees west nlno and elglit
tenths lierches, north elglit and aiiuailer degiees
east eighteen and sU-tentlis lurches ton btonoby
land of IdUMionenbei g, llieneu by tlio samo iiortit
elghty-lournnd n hair degiees west four and nine
tenths lieiehes to u slone.and not lit seven and threo
(purler degrees west sixteen nnd nine-tenths ls reh
es to a stoite.tho placo of bej.lniilng,contnlidngelght
acres and toity-scten n iehos or land, neat immure,
logcthcr Willi the nppinleiiaiiccs: on which Is erec
ted a largo twii story and a halt hrlck dtvelllug
honse.a tw o story liiimo hniiso used ns it grmery and
dwelling, with a good whaif, making It it deslrablo
pl.tee lor a canal gioceiy.
selied, taken Into execution, and to bo sold ns the
pioH.rty of Jacob Koeher and .Maila Koctter, his
I- .t. I-thousand eight hundred nnd Revent.Rlx
y J and In tho one hundredth ) enr of tho Indc-
nendenco of tlio United Htatcs ot America.
Bherlirsorilcc. MICHAEL GHOVEiu
Illooinsburg, Jan. T-lfl hhciirr.
Juries for Fob. Term, 1876.
OltAND JUllOltS.
llcrwlck Adam Michael.
Hot Ion John Stvnrttvout, llcuben UlbBona.
llloom-I.. i:. Waller, Samuel II. Jacoby, rhlllp
fatiiwlssa Samuel Lonj, Jr.
CentreIil. Ilartman.
l onyiigham .lames Ktcly.
FtshlnMi-eek-,Iolin A. Mcllcnry. Daniel Force1,
Joseph Aminermnn, Cl.iistlnn Ash, JoshUt Coleman.
Franklin V. (1. renster.maciicr.
txicust (leorgn llcnvcr. .
Main Samuel Drum, Jr.
Madtson-ilcorgo W, Mupplee,
Mlfllln A. schwcppenbclser.
Mt. 1'le.tsant lleury Ale, tlcorgo Jacoby.
Orange llcubcu Killer.
Hco It- II. J. Millard.
SuRarloaf-Caltlit Kltclion.
llcavcr el. V. Culp, Jesse Johnson,
llenton l'eler
in Urcrcek U-w Is Dcltrlck.
Uloom-ll.C. Ilartman, W. 11. Ycttcr, Wm. Tea-
cock, Frank P. Kline.
Calnwlssa Samuel Ficderlck, James C. Itecdcr, 1.
(1. Fenstermacher.
Ceutro A. K. Shuman, Alien Shellliammcr.
CoatrnlU c. a. Murphy.
Flshlngcreck Wm. lkcler, Ooorgo M. Howell, Al
fred l'restou.
Franklin John Howry.
(Irecmvood John S. Mather, sliadrach Ktcs, Wm,
l.aivlou, Samuel Freas
Locust-Joseph lillllif, S. I). Snyder.
Main John K. llcltz, D. Ii. FutheroU
Madison llaltls Sterling
.Minttn Anron Andrews, Charles Mowrcr.
Mt. Pleasant Joseph J. Crntvfonl
Orange I). K. Sloan, James M. Ilarman.
Scott-(I. M. nnrrlson
Stigarloaf-David Kochcr, Aliljnlt Fritz, T. 11. Cole.
Heaver rctei Schllcher. nf
Ilerttlck C. tl. Jackson, (leorge K. Mojcr, Wm. M
Stepliens, Jacob (llosson, Levi Ilredbender.
llenton John Smith.
Illoom-C. J. liioinas, J. 1). W llson, l)at Id Uetz, C.
Iilttenbcnder, Stephen Knoir, Wm. (I. Glrton.
Catnttlssa Samuel Dlemcr, Mathlas Ilartman.
Centre Joseph Conner, Henry C. Ilnnon, Ii. W'.M.
Fliltlngrreek Michael Belshllno, John Zancr, 11
Jackson Daniel Young.
Madison Isaac Wagner, Wm. J.Allen, Solomon
Ilurnhart, A. K. Smith. "
Minilu A. J. licinlngcr, Wm. l'arr.
Montour Alired Arnwlno.
Orange Hat id Achenbaeli, Illram Kline.
Itoailng Crcck-J. 11. Kiiuitor, Isaac ChcrrVagton.
Scott J. JI, Ammerman.
Sugarloaf J. 1). Cole, Jnmcs Miultz.
jaFLUllUAY TU1UI, 16T0.
nilST W EEK.
II. fiorrell & Co. vs. Josejih M. Freck.
Uriah Chcmbeilln s D W Johnson,
Leander Cai men's adin'r s William Appleman
Andrew- Crawford vs. I). W. Johnson.
William II. Crawroid vs. 1). W. Johnson.
ChrUtlan Woll ts. -V. & W. 11. It. It. Co.
Stephen Wolt et ux. vs. N. & W. It. II. Co.
lleorge K. Tryon et nl vs Jacob llrotvn rt al
Uecrgo K. Ti-yon ctal. vs. Mm tin Lubold ctnl.
(ieoige K. Trjon ct nl. vs. William Clark et al.
eieoigo K. Tijonetal. vs. Isaiah Haudetal.
(leorgo K. Tryon ct al. vs. Christian Scltack el nl.
E. II. John's ndm'r vs. Anron tlrover.
1). I. Morgnn S: Co, vs. Samuel Johnson.
W. 1" Andrew s vs. 1). F. Seybert.
Levi Klnley ts N. I- Campbell.
A. T. Ikeler vs Jonas Doty.
John Heacock vs. Jonas Doty
Samuel J. Case vs Jonas Doty.
Wilson Gibbons vs Jonas Doty.
L. F. Dav Is vs Jonas Doty.
Jesao Ilartman vs Jonas Doty.
.folm J Mcllcnry vs D. L. & W. it. It. Co.
UenJ. W lnterbtctn vs. William Houghton.
Ellas Miller ct nl. vs. V. ,t It. Kali lload Co.
John Mccalla's ex'r vs Ocorgo J, Luce ct nl.
Thomas Mcllratv s. John Grow.
Kesty & llodlna v s. S. J. Faux ct al.
Mary McAlarney's uso vs. 8. P. Case et aL
I. s. Kuhn vs. J. k. (irotz.
I. Yettcr vs. Jacob timing's adm'r.
E. W, Soudcr vs. V. Schechlcrly.
X. Urandon vs. William T. Shuraan.
A. Cole's uso vs. T. 1). Cole, T. T.
A. Colo's uso vs. T. 11. Cole, T. T.
A. Coio'a uso vs. T. 11. Cole, T. T.
II. W. Mclleynolds vs. J. A. Loseo.
s. illoom vs. Allen Mann ct nl.
W. M lines' ex'rs vs Michael Orovcr. Sheriff.
II. Taj lor et al. vs it. Gorrell.
Jeremiah Taj lor et nl vs ilobert Gorrell.
Ilobert Taylor et ul. vs. Ilobert Gorrell. ,
JncobS. Illntcrllter vs William Mcnslngcr.
Jnmcs Dyko vs. William Howell
A. K. Slinrretts et nl. vs It. C. liowcll.
A. E. sunrrcts et al vs David stroup.
Wagner, Starr ; Co. vs. William l'ettlt.
Hi'iijamln Hicks vs. George II. Freas.
Daniel Kline vs. Charles Iao et ul.
W. K. Ixmgenbcrgcr'a adin'r vs. Conrad Ilredbender.
DanlclIsmtUO's John II. Kemble.
lllcu i Mleliael vs David Ervlno.
Dainty A Ornm vs William K. Fisher ct nl.
E. Brady & Co. vs William K. Hsheret nl.
James Cortttright vs William K. Usher ct af.
William Mllnts' ex'r vs Mooru Cretellng
W llllamsport HubU r Co. vs I). Snj der & Co.
Linn .t nrothervs II. 1'. Daiimnn.
Christ ion K. Conner, by his rather, Ccorge Conner,
vs Frank Lamon,
John Yeagcr's ndm'r vs JI. (1. Hughes.
J. J. Ilobblns & Co. vs (leorgo M. Locknrd et nl.
John Woodslde & Co. v s Daniel Jlorrls.
J. w. suukey vs Joseph Lllloy.
a. tw -i ui nor v a Kima Kester.
Flnt National llauk ot Uloomsburg vs Mooro Crcvo-
. Vt'. lrtln'd IILA lu .Talla t Tlak
hlmon llaub nnd (leorgo llaub vs Samuel Henncr.
ltlco i HagenbucU vs William Carson.
Anron Johnson vs Thomas Shuman.
iiluomsbtirg, Dec, l, lsT5,
'b l.niv.1.,. ..lent. Il.n, Il.n rn,1n .
. ... , ' i''-" nt. ii inu luiiuiiini. iiumeit persons
hate tiled vt H i Ihe Cleikot the (uarler Sessions of
Iho l'entsi their petitions for lleenso which villi bo
piesi iitedtullioeuuit on Wtilnesd.iy
Haling House,
Tat tin.
Ealing House.
JIU hai l Doiigherly,
John s. .Maun,
Win. II Koons,
Villi., I I'l.oH.w
Stephen Wih-Ii lug,
Nalhall 111 cdl onili-r. sr. u
linlrit Heatile, (lioenwriod.
Alnlletv T. Ikeler, IVllloil. ii
Wlllliimt.lger, llluoutsburg. ii
Illl 1 1ST.- in Vmhk Zaiiii,
" ' 1,;"'c cieikij.s
rKK NOTK.'K. '
1 I kilt fill tt 111 .Hunt l.i. .. lit t
ftr.n' i'!,'J I'M"1.1.", ''""""''II) nnd tin, lii uei, U
( i iilral a, fii Columbia i;oui,i)." Appinti-ir Apill
r .in.... . ..' ". 'nan in I in ii,ui o or uii-
ISMlhilf tluw the yeurl) s, it i menl ur Hie Audlli, h
!,t Mtl u'n'st'lk" l"tl,U t'U't"" ot '"cwS
OocXtelm ' W.C.ALDUISON.
M r'lvosalc the Hotel
Half Way House.
In Centro Township Columbia Countj-, containing
TWO ACKES,ltM!.,r '-M1,
A.iJ'.K,bf,uslmlt.ljU'11 ,oll' umlcrMgnesl on Hook
Account vitor to J unu it t 1T6, nro rwitUbUal iu i call
.uaitllut notu i'olherwhi.beri.o JunuJry ut!
Sf:, u K i,cr l,Ual.a" """-IUoJ itu-ouj"l , iu I UjUw.
ed lu the hunds U ku nnleer lor eoUcctlon.
T. J. kWUUlSII, M. D.
Having uss elated wilh mo Dr. Win. VcKelvy.wo
aru to tit.iiid piompily to nU piorlhsUnul
Jerso, u.. No nw.,,1:""' McKL''-VV'
iimi",H,iln ."raiifovlllo, ColuinMa,
joiiii MiviiiT u r.? ; . . ; .". .". "t vr: .. tw:"
l.lsjl. 'Apjlj lu -V..K......,
ed I y
Att'l'.nl-l, ur if.