THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOiSrilRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Ac ri cultural. FiiMiirwTii'TiiTTFiAm'. Hard tlort tiro now upon 119. Ami oplenr In dcbtt . Tiio couatry'n (all o( trouble Ami tho wont I comlnrf j ct; Tin not without iw causes. And wnll plainly tell you liwv, Tho only wiy tostopltl Is to "follow up tlw plow." Cn mrs -Then follow up tho plow, boy?, lvilowiipthPjiliw, it i ou ouid bund tlw country up, in ,t ' itlow up tlx-1 low, T i :i follow up t'.it) plow, bjyi, Puiluw up the plow i if son would null J the counlry up, ju-t fjllow up lUo plow. "ill up your Held nnd prairies With a crop that good as goW, Ami mine your hills and valleys wM t For Iron, Milt and coal. Tlw e.irlh Is the producer, And wu ou toll you how Ti made a princely fortune Tin to follow up tho plow." Then follow up tlio plow, boy1 .Vc. Thero are too many pcoplo Wlio from their duty shirk, WlioM rather mako a fortune Iiy some other means than work. Tlw man who plants tobacco, Corn, wheat or 'cotton now, It kln- among the "moneyed men" 11' "followed up tho plow." Then follow up tho plow, boyi", tc. To accrtain If n plant wants frosh potting turn It carefully out of tho pot with tho earth attached to it, nml examine tho roots. If they nro mattnl about tho allies iitul bot t.ini of tho ball, tho plant evidently require fresh potting. Then carefully reduce tho ball of earth to about a third of lu original bulk : single, out tho matted roots and trim away all that is mouldy and decayed. Probab ly the nmc put may then bo largo enough, but if it requires a larger one, It should be about two inches broader for n miadle-siiteJ plant: three or four for a large plaut. If the roots arc not matted but tho pots nro fill ed with fiber?, keep tho ball entire and care' fully jdant it in a larger pot. At tho top of a '..v- lwt, and a small one, half an inch uti nild ba left for the reception of water, without danger of overflow. A little gravel, charcoal, or pieces of broken pots should always bo placed at the bottom for drainage. Rat-Proof Corn Crib. After laboring for a whole season to make and harvest a crop, it frequently hap pens that tho farmer, by negligence or ina bility to protect the fruit of his labon in a pri jicr manner loses a very large proportion of it by one kind or other or by verain. A corn planter in a great grain sroteiaj u!a in the west furnishes the JeUowis p which may be availed of br isrofcer rrii-j ers who may have -a inttctks of bcUdisx a corn house, to protect his crop froa ca c: thn most michievoas of those pests strict iuiest his premises. A writer sagsesii tint the "philosophy" of this writer's plan the taper of the posts downward is to prevent the rats from climbing them. This bem; the case it would hardly be necessary to go to all the trouble proposed by .him make your posts larger, dressing them to a taper, and setting them inte the ground with the small end down but tho plan "Arrango for corner posts, each, say eight inches square, frame the sills, which are to support tho floor of the,corn crib, into the posts at a distance of two feet from tho lower end. Before putting the frame together, taper the lower ends of the posts for the dis tance of two feet, so that at the very base the post shall only be four inchea square. Now, when tho frame is set op let these yosts stand also on tapered blocks. If the crib needs more than four posts to bear up the corn that will be put into if, make legs like the lower portions of these posts, and set theso legs under the sills. Now lay the joists or'sleepers on the sills, and put on the floor, making tho latter light, nnd which will be about thrco feet from the ground. Have the door made tight, and keep it shut, and no rats will get into your crib." Haiti more American. Pastcrino Meadows. I know of somo farmers that almost as soon as tho day crop is removed turn stock upon them and let it remain there during the growing season, and the consequence is, that a productive mead ow will become impoverished by this ruinous course, so that in a few years it will not pro duce one-half what it did formerly. Then the owner begins to find fault and thinks it has rnn out and wants ploughing up, never once taking a sensiblo view of the matter. Somo meadows are naturally rich in fertilizing properties, or perhaps have the w li of a stock-yard, or by some means are kept up in a high state of productiveness that will bear to bo pastured to a certain ex tent. But cattle should not be allowed to come on s meadow until the second growth ha3 attained considerable size, nnd then they should bo removed before eating too close. And I think another important matter is in keeping up the fertility of tho soil, and to keep tho grass before the seed is ripe. The hay is better njid the fertilizing properties required from the soil to mature the seed is retained. I have thrco acres of meadow and one year I decided to leave tho second growth on to rot down. Now, what do you think my neighbors thought about it ? Somo said I would go crazy ; otV.ers said, "O, it is too bad that you leave bo much nice grass on your meadow ;" but I told them they should wait till the coming summer, that wo would talk tho matter over. The crop realized from my roeabow was six tons of hay. The best crop before was about four tons. We would adviso farmers not to be afraid to leave on a little grass in the fall. D. N. Kern in I'raclieal Farmer. Tub Tuck Test ov Vegetables. Large vegetables may indicate good strong poll, thorough culture and high manuring, but it 's a rv Ion in my mind whether the mammoth things should always receive tho first award. At the table whero wo give tho true test to vegetables bizo docs not rank as a very important attribute. I wai astounded to see so little taking nnd examination of texture by tho committee that judged tho vw'tiWe. No man Is thoroughly capahlo of passing upon tho relative merits of speci mens in this class unles, ho can go moro than skin deep in tho nutti'r. I iwver paw so perfect mi exhibition of garden products as was shown nt theSlato Fair, There, was eir t ! pVi. c ui'pctitlon. Still in the awar !"; ot pityen I taw no Judging of qiul ) y by taste, wldeh Is the truo test. The piU' i mity U ;i mil did correctly, but not as tho result "f careful .comparison of quality. A man may know vegetables m well un to judge from tho constant mrl'ico attributes that accompany first quality, but I luive failed to meet the man yet who ooiiudcrs himself so skillful, us tlik Tho judg.'S oi apples would consider It idxiird to pan uj, n the value of an apple by ils si and ioiii plcxiou al"i e. Is it not nju;t'lv unj-i t pasj npou beets, potatoesum! turnip. i,i i . was '' The quality of tliwo vticcinblf. just us u j i.. lit ! i lie iviiiniiiuriir in r.iw slnlc uHiiint uf un' apjd. I ilu in h there will be jirogrens in tills nmtii r, .i:.J t iat ii, ii ttl" j m will h.iiv it solid luiui Jn , i lor their do Hons, Young Folks. Tun Hortsr, and thu GnotiM A groom who Used to stcnl and sell a bore's cor i,iv, - yet very bmy In grooming and - iping Mm nil tho day long. "If you real!, ivhh mo," ald tho horse, "to lool- well, gl.'i mo l"-s of your currying nnd more of yew com." TiniTiiir.r and Tin; Don A I'Mcf com ing to rob a houo would have 'topped the barking of n dog by throwing s. pi to Urn "Away with you!" said tho Dog, "I nml my. suspicions of yon before, but tli)4 excess of civility assures mo that you are a rogue." A bribo in hand betrays mischief at heart Tnr.Cnr.AKiNn Wkerm A some. Oxen were dragging a wagon along a neavy -"ad, tho Wheels set up a tremendous creaking, "Brutrl" cried tho driver to ho wagon; "why do you groan,vhci' they wlr are draw ing all tho weight nro silent?' Thoso who or loudest aro not always tho moet hurt. Tim l)oo and Tim Shadow. A dog had stolen a piece of meat out of a butcher sliop, and was crossing a river on his way hum , when ho saw his own shadow reflected hi tlit stream below. Thinking that It vai another dog with another piece of meat, ie rcs-lvul to make himself master of that al-i , hut iu snapping at tho supposed treau'c, ho drop ped tho bit ho wan carrying, an' so lost all. Tim 1' ItUfcUMoiiT A rush light that had grown fat and Barey Willi to.i much grease, boasted one evening before n largo company, that it shone br jhtcr thau tho sun, tho moon, and all tin stars. At that moment a puff of wind caiua and blew it out. One who lighted it ngaln said, "Shine on, Iricnd rushlight, nnd hold y r toi.rue; the lights of heaven are never LO -"'n out." The Cock and the Jewel. Aa a Cock was scratching up tho straw in a faruya-d, in search of food for tho liens, hi hit up'di a Jewel that by some chance had found its way there. ".Ho!" said he, 'you are a very fine thing, no doubt, to those who pr'r e you; butglvo mo a barleycorn before all the pent Is in the world." The Cock was a sensible Cock: but thcro are many silly pcoplo who what is precious because they cannot understand it. The Ass in the Lion's Ski. An Ass having put on a Lion's skin, ro. uud about I'rifEKainc all the silly animals 1 met with, oral, a Fox, he tried to ah m hi u too. t Be; ETaird, hiving heard his -oice, t.iiu, -TslI b sart! xd I should ..avo been F r-tjind too. if I had not heard you bray." TiT who susace a' character that does ikws to them generally be ray tht.n Ivw by over acting it. The Gxat and ti' Bull. A gnat that had been buzzing about the head of a bull at length settling himself down upon his horn, begged his pardon for incommoding him ; ''but if," says he, "my weight is at all iuconvenient, pray say so and I will bo oil' in a moment." "Oh, never trouble yourself about that," says tho bull,"for 'tis all one to mo whether you go or stay ; and to say the truth, I did not know you were there." Tho smaller the mind the greater the con ccit. Tnc Countp.yman and tiik Sxakc A Countryman returning homo ono winter's day, found a Snake by tho hedge-side, half dead with cold. Taking compassion on tho creature, ho laid it in his bosom and brought it homo to his fireside to revive it. No seiner had the warmth restored it, than it began to attack tho children of tho cottage. Upon this the Countryman, whose companion had saved its life, took up a mattock and laid tho Snake dead at his feet. Those who return evil for gooi1, may ex pect their neighbor's pity to be wc.i out at last. The HuNTEit and the FIsiiebmav. A Hunter was returning from the mountains loaded with game, and a Fisherman was at tho same time coming homo with his creel full of fish, when they chanced to meet by tho way. Tho Hunter took n fancy to a dish of fish: Tho Fisher preferred p. sup per of game. So each gave to the- ether i.e contents of his own basket. An J .iius they continued daily to exchange pro rIcna, till ono who had observed them said: "Sow, by this invariable interchange, will thty rlestr jy tho zest of their meal; aud each ."ill soon wish to return to his own store aw iu. The Man and the Satyr. A Mar. and a Satyr having struck up nn, acqu'ilnt.inue. sat down together to eat. The dy being wintry and cold, the Man put hit. liugc rs to his mouth and blew upon them. "Whatij that tor my friend?" asked tho Satyr. My hands aro so cold," said tho Man; ' I du it to warm them." In u httlowhilo somo hot food win placed before them, and tho M.,n. rais ing the dish to his moutli, again blow upon it. "And what's the meaning of that," said the Satyr. "Oh," replied (ho Man, "my porridge is so hot' I do it to cool it.'' "t ay, then," said the Satyr, "from this mo ment I renounco your friendship, for I will have nothing to do with one who Hows het and cold with tho same mouth." The Wolp and the Shei-heud.A wolf had long hung about a flock of sheep, aud had done them no harm. Tho shepherd, however, had his suspicious, and for i while was always on tho look-out against him as an avowed enemy. But wheu tho wolf con tiuued for a long timo following in tho train of his flock without tho least attempt to an noy them, ho began to look upon h.m more as a friend than a foe ; and having one day occasion to go into tho city, ho intn.ted the sheep to his care. The wolf no souuer saw his opportunity than he forthwith fell tho sheep and worried them ; aud the shep herd, on his returu, seeing his llo'ji; destroy ed, exclaimed, "Fool that I am i yel 1 Je- t.erved no less fur trusting my sheep with a wolfl" . . Thero is more danger frouviT pretended friend than from an open enemy. The Mice and the Weasei. '1 Iio mice nnd tho weasels had long been atv.arwith inch other, and tho mico being alwujsde leafed iu battle, ul length agiecd r.t a nice;- iug, solemnly culled lor the occasion, that thuir dufcat was attributable to 1 ut their want of disciplineniid they i ieruiiiivd uccoriiingly to elect rcgulur coiuu..uiitis lor the tiiuu to come, tio llicy chose u.u.iu wusu valor uud proiivki most rvooiumeuuul tin in to tho important post. The nuiv ujiiuiiaiid us, proud oi llivir positiun, and iliini. ol tcii.j( as coiitpicuuus us poasibl , b . nil 1, ,nis upon their lorclieaJ.i ,is a sji if rc.-i uiiu.iui dls.iiu'i.n.i. .. l li ; 'i l ,1,1,1 i n., i'ue in.,. , Ifl' it J, .. " iu ju'ii un'ir li'j!i;.b'it tho commanders, uui i riui; uIjJd to get in from l!i length ol their horns, ntro emy, one caught and devoured, 'i'hero is no dimiurtiou without its accent I .riyliig d, nijcr. 1111 UlUUli llUjluuiuuu tch Vegetlno has attained In all parts of t tury nil n Great nnd Ooo.l Medicine, am' tlits iirr ni.i.iwrnt testimonials which nro ron KMntiv iir'itit, iinivi'ri rnitn iiersnnn who havo beet i,iirn,i hvii. n (trii ,Mi,ir.iii!rn nrnnf nf ltNfrreat value. His H'wnmi'iidcd by pluMcl.ins nnd nppiuccarie.i. .h ii moon-runner nun ni:uii"iw if Ami in,nm,fiifiii,il Vi Retlnn Ii not prepared for n fat -y drink made irOUl (IIHir IHlUUm, Mllll .I llt'Ulllltlll n nil' r,ny mi mi. Aro not the iiwny tritlmonlnlsulven for the differ, ent complaints satisfactory to any rea-onablo per- tt.M.a nrr.rtm frmn ill-io mi, tlit. tliPV mil IMI CUM d 1 Hi'iidtho dlffirent tcitlmoiitils frlvcn, nnd no one can doubt. In many of theso eases tho persons iiaj in it their nnln nml RiUTprlnir ivihliotbe l,xl'rl'Ssed.n tn cases ot scrofula, where, apparently, the whole llUHy IIIISIIIIC 1U1ISS Ul 1-M1UMIUU. ll i,v , ltcvc pain, clt anM-, ptiriry ami euro riicii, I tortiiir the patient to pirfect health after trjlntr Ifrnr.-tiF ntivulf.t'ins. lilnnl rpliliilli'S. StirTLrlllir fill y 'nrs, I s It not eonclunU o priwf, If ou are a suttercr, you can bo cured? hy Is this inedlclim performing Jiiicnijreat curi'S7 u wiuks hi inn m ripi.iir.tiiifv iiiim. ti. pin im irnlv called the Ureal lliiioil I'lirTner. Tho creat sourc'o of dlscave oriel nates In tho blood ! and no mcdlclno that does mil act directly upon It, to purify and renovate, has am m.r ,l,il, i iitinn tmlitlii nttrnttnh. lien tho blOOd becomes lifeless aud ktnirnant, either from change, of weather or cllinnte, want nt exercise, Irregular diet or from any other catuc, the Vccetlne will renew the blood carry off tho putrid humors clennra the Stomach, reciilatii tho boiels and Impart a tone u vuor to tho whole boai . tiio conviciion is, m ur public mind as well as In the medical professlon.that tho remedies supplied by tho veKclameuinKiioin are tnnm nf... mnr nnrepftikfnt. in tlm Cllto Of dlseSK'. than mineral medicines Vtetmo Is composed ot roots, barks and herbs. It Is pleasant to take, and is peiieeiiy saio w kiio un luiiuiu iru,uuuu u Do not hesltnto to try It. You w 111 never rcgrtt It. CANNOT BE EXCELLED. CltABLKSTOWN, JtarCh 19, 1569. TI CTPt'rVJi Die ah sia-i his Is to ccrttf v that I havo used your "niooil Preparation" in my ranniy lor severui jtius, ann l iniriK mai, lor i-itui'iui ur mimuum in..i.u., ftr IMipumntlp AITi'Pllrins. II. rnlilint. he OACClled. nild, us a blood purincr and sprlnu' Is tho liest tnln -1 havo ever used; aud 1 na o ued almost every thliiif. t can cheerfully recommend It to any one lo need oi tucu a meuicine. Yours respectfully, Mrs. A. A. DINIMOKR. 19 HusseU btrect. WHAT IS NEEDED BOSTON, I'cb. 13, 1871. Ht-'VllV P STP.VEV. ttan DBAn Sin-About ono year since I found myself In n fp.hli pPMillttAli frntn i-pnprfll rlebtlttV. NeiTCtlnc was strongly recommended to mo by n friend who uau uecn mueii wuhiuuu vy iia uau, i w-uuu .... article, and after tislnrf seeral bottles, was restored to health, anu discontinued ususo. i u-ei iiuuuwu tirlpnt Hint tnern u no mi dlcluo sunerlor to It foi those complaints for which it Is especially prepared; and would cheerfully recommend It lo thoo who feel that they nu-d something to restore them to perteci neniin. lttspcctfully yours, IT. I,. Peitkmsiu., FU-m ot S. 11 . rettcngin K Co., No. 10 state at., lioston, GIVES HEALTH. STBENQTU AND APPETITE. w ilnni-hfer has received ereat benefit from the use of tho Vegetluo. Her declining health was a source of great anxiety to an oi uer menus, a iuw bottles of tho Vegctlnu restored her health, strength anuuppeme. n. uujm, Tnsnrnnen and Ileal KbtatC Aircnt, .No. J sears llulldlng, lloston,.Mass, GAINED FIFTEEN POUNDS OF FLESH. Soctii Berwick, Me., Jan. IT, 1572. II. II. STEVEN'S. Esil ; DsAiitim-I havo had Dyspepsia in Its worst form for the last ten cars, nnd havo taken hundreds of dollars worm oi mwuicino vmuoui oiunuiiii uu relief. In septcmbur last I commenced taking the v egctlne, since which time my health has hteudllj Improved. My food digests weU ; and I havo gained ntteen pounds of flesh There aro several others lu this place taking Vcgetlno ; and all have obtained relief. Yours truly. Thomas E. Moonr, Overseer of Card Room, Portsmouth Co's Mills. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists, Jan. 14, 1870-1 m Bargains in Lumber! at the store of N J. KTHENRY, BENTON, COL. CO. PA. 100,000 fencing boards, at $3.75 100,000 heart Shingles, shaved, extra good, at 7.00 100,000 Sap Shingles shaved, at 5-1.50 100,000 No. 1 Sawed Shingles at $5.00 Also Plank, Siding, Inch Pine, aud all kinda of lumber can be found in ray yard. Call at onco for bargains. Doc. 3,-Sm HOLIDAY GOODS J. H. MAIZE, has Ju3t recolved a lino xssortment of ALDEN EVAPOItATED PEACHES. The best trull of the kind La the market, PIliE APPLE CHEESE, ALMERIA OIUPES, OltANrjES, LEMONS, CONFJWTIONS, NUTS, AC. &C, A splendid nuw lot ot ClUNA-WAItli, TOILET SHTS, CHILDREN3 TOY 8KT8, new style ccerreoia, CENTENNIAL BHEAD PLATES, OLAS3-WAIIB, iUEKNS-VAHK, In creat variety. A full ttock of faner Unira and flue chamber ketn. UirccUl attention Is culled to his CHbc of cuiu-rj-and itlvir narc, vihlchhu lssHIUuf at panic prlcuK, all Ms fwrts aro Uio t,t that can I,b iKjiight, A few ilwusiiuil lino Lraud clL-ais will bo clostd ut chtar. Mcds aud MlcciiiwU-s for bojs, and an endless vailoiyof itcothliiKta thlsuno. . Dec. IT, isle. LOUIS BERNHARD, Dealw In 33Z.OXDT WAXOI1ES, CLOCKS, bilvorware, AValclics uud Jewelry IlLOOHSHl'ltO, 1'A. ' Ladles' and fienilcmco's Ciold ai.d mwr Watches, f American and l'urilgn niunufuituiu, Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, riNi; ,ij;, .tc ao, REPAIRING AND ENOHAVING l l illllill) t iltrtl, ijL'ftl.wJVs t.Aitlir5, I) Vnil'lNUCAItn, JIILI.IIKAIlrl ' ititfrmis. it!- ill- Neatly ami Che.ijily jirlulrd ut Hie III.VN WHICH. Hair Vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which i s nt onco agreeable, healthy, and effectual f o i preserving tho , linir. It soon restores faded or gray liair to its original color, with tho , floss and freshness of youth. Thin j hair is thickened, falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not nlways, cured by its use. Nothing can restoro tho hair whero tho follicles nro de stroyed, or tho glands atrophied and decayed; but such ns remain can bo saved by this application, aud stimu lated into activity, so that a now growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will provent tho hair front turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. 'Xlio restoration of vitality it gives to tho scalp arrests nnd prevents tho forma tion ot danurutt, which is ottcn so un cleanly nnd ofifonsivo. Freo from thoso deleterious substances which malto somo preparations dangerous and inju rious to tho hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing elso can bo found so desirable Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil whito cambric, nnd yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Enwtloal and Analytlcnl ChcuiliU, IiOWELL, MASS. April lil-JSj, EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. AND Grontlemen'o Dress Goods DAVID LOWENBERG InvltCB attention to his lari;o and elegant stock of M FasliionaMe at hl3 store on! MAIN STllEET, IN TnE NKW BLOCK, liLooMsnuua, pa., where ho has Just received from New York and nil, adelplila a full assortment of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lncludlDff tho most fashionable, durable and nuuasome DEESS OOBS, CONSISTING OP BOX SACK FROOff, gum AND OIL CLOTH, COATS AND PANTS, OF ALL BOUTS SIZES AND COLORS, ne has also replenished his already lirgo stock of CLOTHS AND CASSIMEIiES, FIGUHED and;plain vests, sinirKD, iiinTS, CRAVATS SOCKS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, ISUSI'ENDERS, AND ARTICLES. FANCY Ho has constantly on hand a large and well select- ed assortment ot Cloths and Vcstings, which ho la prepared to make to order Into any kind ot clothing, on very short notice, and in the best manner. All his clothing is mado to wear and most of It 19 ot homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELUY, OF BVEUY DESCRIPTION, FINE AND CHEAI'. HIS CASE OF JEWELRY 18 NOT SURPASSED IN TIIISI'LACE. CALL AND EXAMINE niS OENKRAL ASSORT MENT OF Clothing, Watches, Jewl- ry, &c. DAVID LOWENBERG. illy 1,', Coughs Coldi, llron chltls, Sore Throat, In fluenza, Croup, Whoop, ing Cough, Hoarrtcnesii LivcrComplalnt, I'alna or KoreneM in tht Chest or Side, lllecding at the Lungs, and every affection m tnu Throat, Lungs and Chest, aros fed lly cured bv tho uso of Da. Wistmi's lUi.itM or Wild t iibkkv, which doi a tint dry up a cough and leave the cau-o behind, nx Is tho case uh most rcmcillcs, l.ut loohfna It, cleanses the lungs and allays lrrlta lon, Uius removing the causu of the complaint. Consumption can be cured ky a timely resort to tlds htandard remedy, as U proved by hundreds of Ufltlmuul.ils It has received 6, AH ACTUAL HVSlNEtiB INSTITUTION AND For iDtormAllon call at omco, or bend for Coum Mivimtismi, )UMHW-ly AlllxrH i Uidil.tcd to the mult Mtued on Hook A.ioiiut i'ii,,r i" Juni' ut 1 u, h'mhi-m. ii to tall .Uiu-Jll M.jiiyl iTi'Mil'lnlM , ili.ii J..liuur) lil, K,, i,. .ill. i Unit till un chl, i ,i, , ik uui ue l.n cd Ii, im, i,auo,i uf ohlier '.i c i:i ct ,,u. I. ,'nt liuLU, M, D. IUi,tiiguiiocluted uluiiui Dr. Wlu. Mclielvy, wu ur. prikiMl tuulii'ud piouiiil Wait ,iurcv.i, call in WiilMi,.,, nirger.., uinl uituitlcs. I'uouo puiiuudgo is iiupuctf uily It Itcd. HWiaili:itllcKKLVv'. JtraeylovtB, Nor, it w. AS GRAND OPENING! ELI AS MEN DUN II ALL TTAN IMI resumed the liulnun of Mcrcliau XJL discing at his Old Store, on MAIN STItlXT, ULOOMSllUUa, MKAB TIIK (01119 IIOTE!,, Desires to rail tho attention of his Friends and tho ruoucKCCcitiiij',0 ins SKW, FULL AND VAltllll) STOCK OF GOODS, JUST OPENED, And solicits nsharo of public pntronaeo HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF 1)UY OOODH, CIKOCEltWS, Qt'IiCNSWAKfc. wooDnNWAitn, WILLOWWAItE, HOOTS A SHOES, UAllDWAltl., l'LOUIl AND FEED In connection with his stock of Mtrcnandlso he constantly keeps on hand In his yard. a mix STOCK OP IBUUU U11U UUlli DDL AND SHINGLES OF HISMANUFACToltE, Bill Lumber mnde a speciality. CALL AND SEE. Oct.B,lsl.1-tf. BLOOMSBURG T. L. G-UNTON, Proprietor, MAIN STREET, HEI.OW MARKET. Manufacturer of and L'calcr in all kinds of MONUMENTAL MARBLE WOKKS Wo uso tho best AMERICAN and ITALIAN Marble. He has on hand aud furnishes to order MONUMENTS, TOMBS, HEADSTONES, URNS, VASES, &c. Every variety of Marblo cutting neatly executed it the lowest market prices. A lonir practical cxrerlence and personal nttpntinn to bustucss makes the proprietor conlldent of glvmg satisfaction. All orders by mall promptly atteudeu to. 1'. O. box i7. Qsf-X. 11. Work delivered free of chargc'IssZ Aug. 21, '74-ly. T. L. G UNTON, Proprietor. yy AINWKIGI1T & CO., , WHOLESALE OROCERS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch streets, rmi.iDKi.rnii, Dealers in TEAS, SYRUPS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES r.icc, ericas, dicihb bod, ic, Ac. rirorders win receive prompt attention. sl.T-ff A GENTS. 20 OIL CIIHOMOS niounleil r size 9x11. for fl. Xoie'tles anil Chrnmna nf eiitiy desci Iptlon. National Chi omo company, I-hll-adelplila, I'a. I Ifl VniT Jin'" or Female, "send your addreps i . i w j nun Ktx Mtii.eiuiiig una win bring WANT 3 on in honoiablv uverfiro a month sure. tfc-INVl.N'loirs union. MONEY i,o, urcenwitu bt., New York, SHORT CUT TO HEALTH. Chances for all I Male and female nirpnts ni.,1 rnn. Tasbcra. Fl co Information, nnil urn hnmnics uiih every oruer. p. o. ocx rac9 wivjun a; i;u., worm hi., x. v, Nov. 0 1 w. I'OK COUGH", COLDS, HOAItSENKSS, AUD ALL TUB OAT DISEASES USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put up onlv In 1II.UE DOXES. A Tried am) Sure Itemed'. For sale by driiguhts generally, and JOHNSTON nuLLuwAi to., ruiiaiieipnia, j'.i. A GREAT OFFER!! Wc will durli cr the holldaix. of ten Mnnna and Orcansonii&t cl.ifes makeis. liKlmllnL' 'ni..r' at lower pi Ices tl,nn ti i-r before nrreicd. Monthly inaiauiiii'iiiM ii ceneu. ruiunuj: imm Vi toimmoiitUH. Warranted for nye.irs. bccoiiU hundli strmoentsat. extremely low prices for cash, lilustinied rululoeuo jmuiivu. jiviiia , unii-ii , in ri uuiii Hl iilirillll.lV. N. V. HOltALE WA'lEliS 4: hONS. ';;D"TucK,, (CUromo.) The Great American Tea Company, 31 & 33 V Ni y Slrei-t, X. V. Teas distributed to clubs nt Importers' prices. Beautiful oil chromos. of dlllerent sl?e3. Lresented to purchatei s ot 1 , 2, 3, 4 or 6 pounds ot tea, lu clubs of80 nnd upwards. '1 he Company has now ready for delivers- a mlmdld ihromo. entitled "Nir and Tick," anon (tlneo pound) picture, Miowlnt; ulliely skirmish bctnicn baby and his l ct doff forlliepos seblon of a doll. It Is so full of roaring fun that no dsecilptloncentcll Ihefctoryfo well as tho Umplo tllloof theartH. Hiebattlo Is Just Mp and 'l ink, and must Lo sn n to be uppaUali'il. tend fur circu lar of rilccs, icrms, Ac THE (Hit AT AJIUIICAN TBA COMPANY, 31 k S3, Vcsey street. P. O. DOT "613. Nuw York Citv. DCC. 21,15-IW, ROLLINS cS: HOLMES No. UCentroStro Inita Gas ant Sleaui Fitters MANUFACTUItUIlS OF JC I 3ST "W jP E, OALVAN1ZUD IHON CfoltNICB, WINDOW CAPS, AWNINGS, Wiro Trellises. &c. Dealera In Stoves. Ilnntr- ch, Furnaces, llultimoru Iliutcrs, Low Down iraies, Ainntcin, ruAira, wcuiiilt strips, G-AS FIXTURES of tlio latest I, ;n, Hpi elal iiltenilou paid to re. nliKst fevciy ilf wr., ,1 ') heal 'H, a, l.i'j llllli,f,AC. I'll', ulll lll-l-.Uuiiiul .i.,il c ' Mile . nt 1 -tf. wlrlnif .-,lu:; uka. Ikll Uui' iHlllGUllUalld ! Air. THIS ,IUI IS (1.1 MI.K Willi Rowtu & rimm . Advertising Vx Agents, THIRD & CHESTNUT STS., ST. LOUIS, MO r MARBLE WORKS, SUI GENERIS. irate; am MASON&HAU CABINET ORGANS. UNEQUALEDnmXUN APPROACHED a fftiwvity ftfvl exerllcnco ly nny rthcr". Awanlti DIPLOMA OP HONOR, AT VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nil I U Amrrlcnn Orpun cvrr awnntcl nny modal UllLi I" Iliiroi,or whlih ,rricnt fuili cxtriiurill nnr pTccllenco as t command n )$e tale there. R Mil i VO ftwftrilivl lilRhpi-t trcmfnmp nt lri'ln" ALU AlO trinl nttKjlllon, In Ant rlrmiirlt i:nropr. Oulot hun,lrcl then' nnvu nut wi n MX In nil whr rn any olhitr or,jfta Imvo bwn pri-fcrml. nrpT Dcclnrd by Eminent Mii'Ulans In both Utol homliphcriN to Im tllirltnlrd. S,n 'lUtlTIUUNf AL CIltCUt.An, llli H'lnlw i of mire thnn Olio Tliolisnnil (rnt trie). IMPIPT on h'!nK n Mnwn Ilnmlln. Do not lliulol bike nny other. Dmitri oet I.Ar.orn cost. uisuoMi .r htumg tnjtriar nrm", nml fur M reiuson olen trvvrru hard tit telt KomclMna tte. FJCUI PTVI CO with mot Imimrtnul Imprnvo lit II U I I LtJ Inrotn fur limclc. 'n Solo ami Colllllltinllon Slop-. Mll'crll lilascro and other Cutcn of lieu' dilailH. PIAHO-HAnP CABINET ORGANS qnlcitocouililnntlt'n or thcnclnitriinirnt. EASY PAYMENTS. KSor Iinjnient., or renteil iintllrent pnys f,,r tho ori?ftn. niTll (IPIirP nml Circular, with full mrtlo IA I ALUIllJtO lllifree. A.l.trc.MASO.VA 1IAML1N OitllAN CO., 151 Tritwnt Slnt. 1I0 TONl !l,1 Union Hinnri!, NCW iORKj or bil Si Bl AilauwSt., CIllCAQa HAMLIN CABINET IMS M' V r.r oiilAlNED AT VilOLESAir. OU RETAIL r :' lie 13. PWEIilL, SCBAITTOH, Pa. Qmerat A'jcnt for tho veltbrated GHICKERING PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. riLL,EFi. r.LooMsnuna, pa., Dealer in above Instruments, March 10, '75 y NEW coons t A HEAVY STOCK, Ciflieapcr than SSves?! S. II, MILLER & SON Have Just Received the largest anil best supply ot CHEAP AND' FASHIONABLE B'RY GOODS, They havo ever offered toiueir friends and cus tomers. (Jloths, Cassimeres, and Satinetts for MEVS WEAK, Cloths, Alapacas, Merinos, for LADIES' WEAK, CALICOES, MUSLINS, (JAMIilUCS, and every variety bf Dry Goods desired. STOCK OF Carpets, Mats, Ottomann, CLOSED OUT AT COST FAMILY GROCERIES, including all the varieties of COFl'EES, TEAS anil SUOAHS, COUNTRY PRODUCE, anil a general supply of articles useful for the table always on hand. CALL AND SHE. Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change for goods nt cii'li prices. Oct. 80,'74-tf The Great Caiue of Human Mlrery, Just jiublithcd in a lealed envelope. Priced ett. A f.rrcTt'Rnontlin nature, treatment and lladlcal Cure oftemlnal iiealiuefs. -r." i-vi nuiiui i im-ii, luiuiiiii ni'll'liuuvj )mv Involuntary i missions. Iinuotenci. ner vous dillllty and impediments to marriage, gener a'ly, consumption, epilepsy ami Iltsj nieutal and physical Incapacity Ac. by llOIIKltT'.l. Cl'LvDH WKU,, M. D., author of tho (in en Hock Ac. 'lhe Morld-reiiownid URlhor In this admirable Lec ture, clearly pioiesfiom Ids own rspcilnico that thcavffulion.siqutn escf self ahuso may beeffett- uauy removed without medicine, and wllhout dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, tnstiuinciits, lings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cuio at once certain, by which eiery Miffeur, no matter what hlsccndltlon inaj be, may cuio him self cheaply, prtwitely and radically. This l.ectmc will rove a loon to thousands and thoutandt Heut under seal, In n plain cmrlopc, to any ad, dress, on receipt of tlx cents or tw o poilago stamps, Address tho 1'ubll.shers, CJIAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 1ST liowery, New York, Post Office lio.t 4,&S0. April lo, 'K-y TWO MONTHS FREE ! ! TIIK NEW YORK TRIBUNE. "The Leading American Aiucmxikt,' ' On receipt of 12 and this advertisement'! ur Wkek- ly 'iiunoKE win oe tun, Kibtuge uilil, until Decern beraiit, we, or for lam, six copies: tortw.eleieu forfJU, thlrlj-one. Address Jan. lt,'76-ly. 1 HE TItlllLNi:, New vork. ADVEHTISlNOi Clicnpi (loo.1! fivftenia tie. All persons who coiiuc inplate inaK'liiK con s with licttsimiieis tor tho lusertlun ofuder, tlsciiitnts. should tind us cents to (Ho. 1'. Ituwell .c Co., 41 Paik liow, New ork, for thilr PAMPIILUT. HOOK (iiliieti-seienth eillllim.) eouliiliilnir lists of oer sow uewspapers and estimates, showing tho cost. AUieitlstments taken fur leadline lunvrsln many Malts at a tremendous reduitlon iiompub lull,, nil III. Jllll, III ID-iy, ($KTO$20 per day. Agcnls wantcil, All til, I classes of working ncnriltmflinth saiph vmn,,. ai d "id, make more money at woi k for us,lu tlx Iron a localities, duilng their siuru moments, or ull tho time, thnautani thtiigetsc. Wo oiler emolument uui "in itj iiuiiunuilli'ljr i r L-lliy uimrij worK rud paitlculaiu. ttrms, sc.. send i.s J our address at cnie. Don't delay, how Is tho time. Don't look fur woiu or Dullness elscw here, unttljouhuU! learn, ed wo oiler. U, MissoNL'o.,rorllaud, Malue, unu iu iw-ij , $1,200 PROFIT on $100 Iniested In Htoek I'llilleges In WallStitet. Hooks and clicul.iru lelllnp, "How 'tis done," sent lieu. Addiebs llixTEii Co,, Hanktis, II Wall bl hew Yoi k. IltON IN THE III.OOD. :T.,, .Tun Pmicviiv Hrarr ..IV "oailHQKUU run. 111. IIIU rj3 blood, tones un thu sis- luiu. uuuiis up tneoiOKi'll tr. iiiiivn. in iri.i ii UII..IU. mx3k Debility, dropsy, chlllsuijii luieis, enroiiii) iiiariuuxi iierious ulTif Ions, bolls humors, iiiscusos ot iho Udiitns and bladler, re malo comphduts, i Thousands halo been changed b thu uso uf tuu r iucdy fioin wiuk, sickly, suirriliigciiatures, to stii.ii,', In, luipp mmi Mill iiuiui-ut und lui.illd I'Jiiiiiilic.ouuuliii Ii IUi..' tutflte II u ti lil. IAIIIO.S. Ill" I.UIL' I Oil L'l't IllU i.urvus Hvm r " uiul Pel ul tun Durk.) SuM by deukis muur ally, A w-pagu iimnihiet, cui.Ululinc a tro. Uxj un lluiiusum dfeat utfiiauiid ulln.r laluablu purn, tistuuoiilulsfruui UiiitliikUlslied ph ttcUus, iklfj. men ai.d olners. will be m'uL lie lu utiv uddruarf. Htm W. luwLK a buss, (iroprkturs. so HnriUou Awiiuo, nosiou, , CIII3AP nam AT THE' COLUMBIAN OFFICE. Tho Columbian Printing Estab lishment is amply supplied with tho necessary Presses, Types anil other material for executing all kinds of Printing at low rates and in tho most expeditious and satis factory manner. CALL AT THE Columbian Building. COURT HOUSE ALLEY, Bloojisuuiig, Pa. When special material is required it will be promptly obtained. Books and Pamphlets, Hand-Bills and Dodgers, Largo and Smull Posters, Letter and Bill Heads, Envelopes with Business Cards, Bussiness, Pic Nic, Wedding and Visiting Cards, Programmes, Bills of Faro, ccc, Will all bo supplied aud excuted in superior style, at cheap rates and short notice. Tho best workmen aro employed and tho best material will always bo furnished. A liberal shltro of mihlie imtrmi- i - i - ago 'is respectfully solicited. Bloomsiiuko, June 18.1875., AIL FIOAD TIME TABLED JT)fm.!KM'll AM) UK M'. ';'." ARHANtii;.ti..v i u' i .' t TIlAKSs. MAY n.l, l?tn. tnAiNsi.nivi: urriuT a pminw (ft.! Avuxo.n for Xciv York, I1ill.idcli.lla, lliwtlli., i lls. TvnaitiiH, arc, tl,m ii. in for Ontuwppn, u. hi. mid T,M p. m. For VIIII,iiirtpur(,ii,M n. ni. und 4,un p, r, . iiiAiNj ron uui'KiiT i.nw is ir)i.imn, i.m npav , iKimi).) . U'alo .Vew York, ,M n. in. t.eavo rhll.utclplita, n.tfi a, in. U-itvo Iteadliijf, 11,8 n. in., I'ottevlllc, i ii,lo p. Hnd Ttimaqtin, 1,1'U p. fa, lvo Cutttivlvw, n,u a, in. und J.nil p. m, Leaio U'llll.iiiispuit,ii,3na. in, :.uil,oii . m, l'liMeiijcers to and fi'uni Nhiv Vork mil I'.diiil pLUiijruthrotirh without clmiiKeof cars. .1, i. UoiiT 14, tsfil-tf. Uuuiirnl nuperiiit il:. mi ,t TOItniKllX UiiNTKAL HAILUAi COMPANY. On mid aflrr November xotli. I73. train- 111 u ni SlINllt'IlY a folloivgi NOItTIIW.MID. I.rlo M.U1 Mil a, in., arrivu Hlinlra u. " Cnnnint.ilyiia . i . i " lioeiieistui " Maifiiru ,u llenovo acooiniiiod.itlou 11. Uui. hi. until, i ll,i,,i itli..'iSp. in. i:inilru Mall a. m uniio Illmlr.i lo.'.M u. m. Ilaitalo Hxpross T.15 a. m. iiirliu lluilulo a. n,. hOLTHV.'AllD. lliuialo Express a. in. arrive llurrlsburrf 4..MI a. u. ' llaltliticte S.4U KlmlraMall 11,1b a. in., arrive Iluirlsljury l.r.o p. in " Washington " " ll.dtlinoi'e O.S'i " M u&liliiBluii8.R0 " lUiilsbiiigiierommodation 8.40 p. m. airlvo llnrils hdi g lo.tio p. m. nrrli o Halt tmoro s.8 a. m ' Wuslili.t'ton a.w " Uilc .Mall W.&S n, m. arrlvo llariisijuig 3.05 a. ui. " Il.iltlmorc6.40 " Washington 10.S5 " All dally except Sunday. D. M, HOYD, Jr., (ieneral Passenger Agent A, J. OASSATT, (ieneral Jlatiofcr PENNSYLVANIA RAIL PtOAD. l'liilatlcljihla & Ih'io II. It. Division. "WINTER TIME TABLE. OX anil after SUNDAY, NOV. 21, 1875, . . i',1.", !r""',,u tho Philadelphia & die Ital ituad DIUslon i III run as follows: WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves Xew York " " " Philadelphia " " " lialilmuio " " " linn IsDurir " " arr.nt WiliiainsiMit ' " " I.oi k li nen ' " " Uellefonto Ellin MAIL leaves New Yoi k " " " I hlladelphlu i." " " " ll.illliuoii. " " " HuiiIsIiuil' " " " Wlllluiiisinirt ' " " Lock Haven " " " lienoio " " arr. nt i:rlo o ss a. m 12..Vi p. Ill .m p. m .. .. cm) p. in .... Sir,', p. m . .1, '.'-"I p. m .11 .') p. in m ..o.oop.Jn --- il. in ".is a. hi n.o.1,1. m op iu LIMITED MAIL leaves Philadelphia I.W a. m a. m m M p. m 3.30 p. m 4. .5 p. m s.on a. m , a so n. m i a p. m .l" p. m 7.30 p. m ., ,. Jiaiiiiiioro.... " llarrMiiirif. ... " nrr. nt uililatusport, .1 !! I.' Lock Union.. " " llenovo LOCK HAVEN loaves Philadelphia " " " lMltliuore " " " llairlsburif .' " " nrr.atMllllaiiispurt .. " " Lock llaien -: o: - EASTWARD. PIIIL'A EXPltEss leaves Lock Haven... . (una in niutjr:iI-SS:5 " Il.ll llllOl-l! !IM, ... - " Now York 7.3.', i, w DAYUXPIiEss leaics llenovo woo m " " Loeklliven. lu. r, a. in .1 .1 ,.' , w"""nspurt.'...ll3iii.m aiilsUuiir s.iNipm ,. " New oik is !i. m ' ll-Utlmoro CMp.m KI1IE MAIL leaves Erlo " " " llenovo " " Lock llaien " " WlllUiinport " " arr. at II irrlsbuis " " " Halt Imoru " " I'ultailolulila " " " New York .... I'AST LINE leaves Wllllamsport ' " nrr. at llaiilibiinr " " " lialtlmoru " " " Philadelphia ....... ' " " New Yoi k , ..ll.soa. m .. s.i5 p. m , . 0.45 p. in . to.r,.ip. m ... 2.30a. in .... 7.U5 ii m . . ".on a. m ..'0.10 a. m ..12.3'.n. tn .... 3A1 a, m .... 7.3.1a m .... 7.3.1 a. in ...Au.tb a. m I.rlo Mall West. Limited Mail West, Lock linen Acinin. W est uiul Daj Express East make eloso con liecl on at Northumberland ulth 1 A: II. It, l. trains fur H Ilkes-llariHaiul scraiitou. Erie Malt West, 1 Imtted .Mull West and imm Line i!'t,1,na.t:.t,.(;l0;s0 ecnnectl.ii at Wllllamsport ulth N. ('. H. w. trains iiorlh. trie Moll East and West, Limited Midi West, Tast l.luo Must uiul Day Ex pi (.ss last mako close cou nei I on at Luck laveii iitlli II. K. V. (. u naliis. D-nVti!,oiw?,,n"v.1 u!v-K-x-& U"J at ,,.1.','.',,lor v"n r,,n hi'twcen Pl.lladi'inhia and )l ,1,,!j,m.''n1rt.9n '-Ifo'ti d Mall Wist, l'nst lino West, I'ldladeipliia Lxpress East and Day Ex,icssEast. Meepiug Lars on all nlsht trains. W.M. A. I1ALDWIN, Dec. 17,'75-tf (ieneral Supt, I) !C I-A W A HE, LACK A WANNA WEOTEll.N ItAlLltUAD. IlLOOMSIlUIttl DIVISION. AND Tlmc-lablo So. to, a'akes effect at 4:30,. M MONDAY, NOVEMIlElt S3 1S73. Noimi. b'l'A'lIONSI. SOUTH, a.m. ii in. p.m. p.m. p.m. u.m S Of 3 3 r, 3 49 3 111 3 117 3 32 3 27 3 23 .i 10 3 17 3 17 3 12 .'I Oil . 01 3 1 8 ,"4 2 42 23 2 2.1 2 e 2 13 2 10 2 r, 1 ss 1 13 1 4S 1 43 1 4 1 1 2.1 1 ID 1 15 1 " p.m. U IS 'J 4.1 .. .scrnnlon .. ..llUlciiut. ... . Tuilorillle... .Lackawanna.... . .I'llisluii West Piltston.. Wjomnijf .llallby , .... Ileiiiii tt U 8S 2 2J d 25 2 2', C 30 2 31 l 35 J 4-, 'J 1,3 IU l 111 DC 10 11 1 1(1 I 20 10 23 1" 27 10 V7 10 32 III 35 10 40 Ul 10 7,2 II 5 7 B1 7 41 7 -I' 7 113 7 Sf 7 'ii 7 Is 7 I,', 7 15 7 17 7 03 (1 68 II S4 a ir. c mi 11 !C II 00 li 02 6 'S B ti! t, 8 r, 40 r, 31 ft us t. .jo f, '3 4 M 4 f,U 4 .IS U.lll. V 3 U 31 0 S.1 2 3S 2 40 2 bl 2 68 3 ,4 3 17 3 In 3 17 3 2 3 27 3 32 3 37 3 45 0 43 ll II 6.1 7 01 7 III 7 11 7 15 7 2.1 11 1' 1.1, I) II y in o,i Kingston 0 6 .. .Kingston .... s wi' .. I'll mouth, lune 8 Mi;.... Vl mouth .... s 61 Wl.UCl.llU s 4S, . Naniliuko ... 7 3.1 7 40 7 48 7 6J 8 A b 25 5 45 h a U 05 C 5 li 65 7 18 7 20 7 40 7 !. 7 62 6 Ml b 25 8 4 ' 6 47 8 41 .Huiiloek'H leek, . ..Mdi'kshlnni.... .. .Hick's Kerry... ....De.ich I Until,. Ileiiilek .... 8 30 8 Ul i la, I 1.1 4 21 4 .0 4 37 4 it 4 411 4 Ai 5 2 n 8 6 14 6 20 r, ss , It 17 11 2.1 Jll 3 ..'11 'Ml 8 14 8 OS 8 2 7 68 7 64 llrlar cieek.. ...W mow (.role. l.lmo ltldgc. 11 11 4.1 11 Dt 11 57 12 i 12 07 12 10 12 25 12 32 12 3d 12 SI ll.m. 40 KspJ . 7 4 ...inooinsbiiri;.. . 7 35! impel I . 7 30 I'atanlssi bridge. 7 2il . 's bwlUli... 7 II 7 01 7 II II 45 u.m, ....Dnmlllo IhuLisky. ... ( umeioii Not ihiiiubei land. 5 47 6 62 0 10 1) 16 p.m. a.m. U'. I,1 II 1 1 u I i ll ii. i Superintendent's onico, hcruntbii, Dec, lo, lS7s! GLAZING AND PAPERING. 7"M. V. nODINH. Iron Street below sec- uuu, iiiuoiusniii g, ii,, is prepared to do al kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, and I'Al'EIt I1ANGIN liolUo bCSt Bty'e8' ftl l0nei,t rr"''' ("ld nl K" riitIsliavliiesurhor (low saiomoney viik uuirHi.lid li, t,i.i. tL.,b.... WM 1 ll('D Moivlm'l