IgCJUMj U.l l,A!?H".liJL..l! " i. JJ THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, liLOOMSJu URG, COLUMBIA COUNTY PA. ? t'HU COLUMBUS. i 1, n ii ii u ii fAtk.UV.V.N.VA & IILUlttlsmillO HA HIItllKI HAIMlOAII omnototlon Train w" M,U1 Trnlft T.40A.M -.xhroas Train 1iU ,,iMi " S.84 P. M. CATAWISSA 11A11, 1!(IA1). .ecommodatlon Train C.S? a.m. .UjJhir Kipresi n r ,. m south T.4 I A. ! r.. 2 1'. it ll.M A. At FOCTII ?,30 1'. m; om!mm?1 P un Ex)rc'!" trftln cl,ul'r t0 few Voi k or hlla.Mpiii.,. AcoominoJMIon train runs between 11.83 A.M. wiri.topncr Uttle, of l0ttv!llo li.u l.een so- itc-U ns Di-trict IXputy Ornnil Master, A. V d , for t!io counts of Colmnlilannd Schuylkill. "Ooo'l wlnu nw.il, no 1m.li, and my Roods need no n.lvcrttslnp;" CooJ wine noeils no h.isli, Imt how arc people to know that yours is 'good w inc.' Xcil Me.llujr.1,, of Kbervate, fell Into a well aViutixly A.ct lo.., on 1'ild.iy last, and won ili'rful to relate, escaped wltliout sustaining all) try serious Injuries-. Sentinel. Tho many friend, of Cap!. A. 0. Thornton, "ormeily of thl, county, will he glad to leant mat ho ha, heroine .Superintendent of tin "Sim's House," in lliioyrus. It 1, a line, largi Hotel, centrally located, and in a go-ahead city. Any of our reader going that way should give 'no Captain a call. More Thieves. Wo had supposed that about all ue cliicluns on Third street below Market had en stolen, but four more were captured from Abraham l'ry on Saturday evening. Wlicrenre xiir police? Thi, Inline?, ha, become so rig- tr that it i, monotonous. M. Sioan, of lMooimlmrg, lias been in 1'vn several day., thi, wiek. He disponed of feral of hi, line -.login to panic, here nnd : i Hie imni'dlato vicinity. Hi, work ha, such lepulalion that it sell, on sight. Hailclon nlinel. Vt a special meeting of Knapp Lodge, Xo. '2, A. Y. M., the following officer, were in- lied for the present masonic year: J. Y. icnbcndcr, V. M.; David II. Thornton, S. '.; W. A.lliuchcr,.r. W.; M. l William,, rotary, Honjamin Kvans, Treasurer. Inde- iJtnl. J!urglary.On last .Smurilay night, during the .-dice of the Widow Whitcnight, her hou-e . i broken into. .The beds and drawers were ubled, but no good, have been missed, Thi . ranee win efK-iled by breaking out a window, d pulling back a bolt. The job wa, done bv mo one who is evidently familiar willi the .omises. District Djputv, A. Kice of H.-.iver. Instilled tin- following ollicer, ol St. John's IaOilje, K. ol I' , in th'n place on the 3d Inst : C.C., W. I!. WruriMuj V. C, J. S. Phillips; P., W. K (rddis; M. of K., Tho,. Webb j K. of It. and S., V. !:. liinkcr; M. of I, U. June; M. A., M. 0. Crawford ; I. S., J. Joue, : O. S., It. lid-, ward,. Cnltimbi.i c unity i, a good place for sonn tiling,. Yon can kill your father-in-law there, an I only be indicted for manslaughter. Sim uel llog.irt tried it and it worked well, We suppose that the cooling off of u uiolher-iu-law would be a slight misdemeanor, and tho man w.mld be let ofl'witb a few word, in the shapcol a reprimand. IjctAburg Chronicle. Wc about retract what we said a few weeks ago, our ignoranco of the quality of apples rai-od in Columbia county. We know all about th ..in now, and for thi, knowledge we are in debled lo Mr. Samuel Ilageiibiith, of I.ighi Street, who made in a Xew Year 4 call an 1 prc bcii'o.1 u, ith u large basket of the bust deii ei iin specimens. ".May lie live long, and prosper. Kip Van Winkle, at tho Opera Hou-o kr-t 1'riday night, wa, the best performance of tin kind that we have witnessed since the hall was opened. .1. W. Carner, a, the jolly Itip of 17C0 and a, the rheumatic veteran of 17S0, wa, capi tal. Hi, support wa, much better than most ol tin' troupe, that visit the country, earner's m-iimer on the lago is perfectly natural and ea ;, the only fault that could be found with him b. !ng that his tone wa, too low, in some parti-, to be heard distinctly. Nevertheless, tho play w ..s appreciated by the large audience present, and the players met wilu frequent applause. 'I 'w cxccilint orchestra which accompanie, this I. uipe added much to the pleasure of the enter (..tnmeiit. Wo hope to see them all again. SiwiUTOW.v. There is something botli lucky i I unlucky about that thriving town. Charlie C- ok goes over there once and awhile. Some w j !, ago, journeying thither, he lo-t hi, pock- c. book containing a large amount of money neir the Catawissa bridge, whilst returning from llu-re. It laid in the middle of the road. Xo bily would pick it up because it did not belong ti them, and he wa, compelled to' go back and get it him-elf. He started for the same place last week, and, us usual, loi.t his pocket book a-jaiii. Knowing the honesty of the people, he mule his uual vUit', and on Sunday returned, an I found it all right, in the middle of the road oi the Fulling Mill Hill. Mind. Never carry a pocket book with in iey in it. If you do, drop it soutli of the river. At tho Danville Opera House on the 11th, llitl and 13th of January, Mr. Arthur C. McKnighl's b'.iiry Operetta of the Naiad Queen will be pre' '.eii.cd. Tnis is is said to be one ofilio most niag nluccnt specmcular dramas ever oll'eredin this coaiitry, tho scenery and costume, costing Mr. MoKn'ight S'-j.OOO in ICurope. It was performed in Wilkes-Hinu to crowded houses for six liihts, and in Williamsport ten nigliU. livery on.) speak, in tho highest praise of the enter i li'.i-utnt. and should any of our cillien, desire to ee it they will undoubtedly bo well piW, There will be a special train run from llerwick to Danville on Tue-day next, tho 11th to give nU..mw mi nniiortunilv to attend, Tho train Htart., irom Ilirwick at C.'iO I1. M, leaves M-py i 3:50 V. M.. llloomsburg 7 1. M., Rupert 7:01 1- M.. Catawissa. 7:12 1'. M., roachin.,' Diuvillo . 7:33 1'. M and retutning that night after the eiitcrttlnment. I. K, MlHer, agent for piano, and organs, has a .v-iwid hand Mxson & Hamlin orgui, wlilrli can bo bocuresj at a bargain. It ha, two banks of keys, eight stop, and four aeU of reeds, and is in good condidon. Just tlio tliin o.- lodge. : fur a ohureh tf. We me informed of a singular im-tanee ,rr iiiilleu Hualnst color. Our friends over in Lo cost must oveirome their aversion to the Cf- tn.iiili niiundnient. The case is this : Acer tain ircntlcnian who lives within a day' ride of im.iLi ..un, uroiiertv in Numidia and is tic- mr.llni.lv obliecit to n fy aschool tax over there In order that he might reap tho benefit of his taxation, he called upon the school boarel which ,. . r!on on Christmas night, and p'roseut- ml a little colored girl, demanding that sho bo Hilmitted to thu school. The boaid after some lectcd tho applicant oil everul giounds; first, that there was no jiotfliw evidence that the gtntlcnun was tiio lamer oi me HsTOiid that the girl might not be a girl, "'! mMit iio,sibW bo an fscaiK-d pauper irom rvrnvnolmm noor house. The gentleman per nl.ted, Lut tho boaid resisted, and so-tho Doe- tor!, little darkey had to go Home aim iaK u, lit (i ilribt). mill Mube. beg pardon, wodidn ....miIimi nv names returno l to Cat awist iioudtring on scuib new plan by whi(i TUB NEW YKA11. Jlied. On Friday night. Dec. 31, nt twclvo o'clock, Tho Year 1875, nged 12 months, if tho dawn of n new ycitr win ever heralded with the sntno ctithltsinBm nnd dis piny Unit greeted tho birth of 187(1, It Is bo yond our recollection. All over the country, bonfire", Illumination", brass bandq, nnd church bells, nntioitnced tho nrrlval of tho Ccntoiinhil year. In Illoonislmrp;, tho houses of many of our citizens were nbhize with gas lights, and numerous gatherings of old nnd young, waited for the hour of twelve, and as tho town clock struck tho lat knell of the dying year, from innny merry voices were lienul the greetlnc'IInppy New Year, The bells rang out their joyous peals, nnd n liberal ttso of gunpowder was miulo In sa lutes to the new born Infant, 1870. Tho Illumination nt the residence) of John M. Chumberland l'r., deserves especial men tion. The windows wero lighted with candles representing tho thirteen original states, and tho elTect was very fine. As usual, with tho old year hnvo died many fond hope.,, and with tho new, many good resolutions liavohcett found. To some, 187fi will bo reinombered ns n year of pros perity and happlnes, ; to others, it has been a seaon of constant struggle against mis fortune and adversity, and to many It will ho borne in mind as tho said timo when death visited their households, nnd with ruthless hand, snatched from their midst u beloved form. It is to bo hoped that tho new year, with Its Centennial celebration, will revive tho industries of the land, and bring an end to the hard times which so long havo weighed upon us. lien another lliuiiksgiving day shall come, may wo havo abundant cause to return thanks for our national existence and lor .renewed life and success of our industries all over thu country. Mnrritujr, A correspondent asks us to giveour viowa on this subject. The Senior ed itor declines. "Experience meetings ' should bo private We quote, however, the follow- iti' from I'ulwcr: 1 have no wish to be oiihlcdup! Moreover, man is like a nap- Kin; tho moro neatly the housewife doubles !iim the more curd'ully sho lays him on tho shelf. Neither can n man once doubled fciiuw ho w niton he may be doubled. Not inly his wife fblils him in two, but every child quarters him into a new double, till '.vh.it was a wide and handsome substance, largo enouirh for unvthing in re.ison Iwitullrs into ii pitiful square that will not over ono plate all puckers and creives smaller and smaller with every double ith every double n new crease. Then comes he washing-bill I and, besides all tho hurt.-, le receives in the washing-machine, coll ider tne wear and tear of the ironing ! In hort, Shakc-spcaro vindicates the single life, mil depicts the double in tho famous line, Inch is no doubt intended to be allegorical I marriage "Double, double, toil ana rouble." licsides, no single man can be l.urly called poor. What man can with crtainty be called rich? A single man can lodge in a garret, and dine on n herring; nojody knows, nobydy cares. Let him marry and he invites tho world to witness here ho sleeps, and what he eats. Tho first necessary a wife demands is thu most ruuious, the most indefinite superfluity ; it Gentility according to what her neighbors call genteel. Gentility commences with tho honey-moon ; it is its shadow, and lengthens is tho moon declines. When the honey is all gone, your brido says: "Wo can have ur tea without sugar, when quite alone, love; but in case Gentility drop in, here's u bill lor bilver sugar tongs." I'ltOMi'TITlim: OP NEWSl'Al'KIt DEBTOItS. The experience of tho Find lay Conner man is sad nnd mournful. Ho has lost faith u the professions of his fellow men. Hear how he talks : Last week a man stepped up to us and lid ho would pay us every cent he owed, if e lived till Saturday night; wo presume that man died. Another said he would pay i in a ilny or two, as sure as we were born ; query elm the man lie, or wero we oorn : Another said ho would settle his bill as suro as shooting ; wo are led to tho conclusion that shooting is decidedly uncertain. Quito number said they would see us to-morrow; those men havo been blind ever since, or so to-morrow has not come. Ono man told s, sis months ago, that ho would pay us as ion as ho got some money ; that man would not lie. and of course has not had a cent Ilut the experience of editors is about tho .mo all over, says the Fremont Journal. Last year wo stopped ono man's paper who owed six dollars. Ho was serving tho pub lie, and wo met bin whilo in tho dischargo fhis duties. Ho averred that as soon as e got through and iseived his pay, ho ould make it all right, ho would, indeed. Ho told us tho same story this Spring, and e presume he is still assessing. Another imo all the way, fivo miles, to town to issure us that he was all right, and that wo need not bo afraid. Ho would havo somo money soon, and would pay yes, he would. Some timo la er wo "saw" his money at u istance. lie was putting it in a bank. It was the last and only glimpse wo had of it. Ho never had a hatchet anil ran around haefc- ng cherry trees, or they would havo died without anybody knowing who killed them. Another would pay us alter sheep-sliearing. His sheep are long wools, and it takes a long while for tho wool to mature. AnotUcr would pay after wheat harvest, but his wheat, like the coutury plant, is of slow growth and don't ripen often. Another had poor health, bat was improving. He ha3 had a relapso for though hoeaU hearty and work hard, he don't get "round" worth a cent. Wo would havo somo hopes ol getting even witn sucn folks somo day, when an administrator is ap pointed, if they had anything to administer on. ABOUT liHliAI) HAKl.NH. A lady who ued to buy four loaves of bread for thirty-two cents now purcnases thirty-two;; cents worth (eight pounds) of tlourata time, from winch alio bates neven loaves of bread each equal to an eight ceut loaf (Ol'ty-six cents,) two dozen rusks, larger than baker's rusks (say twenty-live cents worth), and a raised sugar cako worth about eight cents-thus producing eighty cents worth of bread anil cases irom urnniriy-inu cents worth of flour, After allowing four rents for the consumption of coal, three cents for yeast and salt, and two cents lor sugar, there is still a saving of forty-eight ceuw. linking days she ubm four small firo shovels moro of coal than usual, and when sho can spare tho butter or lard, she puts a lump in ibn douch about the siio of an egg. She buys a penny's worth of yeast, and adds to It threo mashed potatoes, and makes r nint of yeast. When setting the bread she pours in about three pints of water (a littlo moro for rusk's) ami in niienuum mo ,!,!, two errated potatoes in tho winter sea urn. which keeps tho bread fresh and moist a week or longer if put away in a tin can, ...i.t.,i. i. nlwiivs does, winter and summer. -i i,,. grand potatoes are not added In sum iner, w1flieM,tlieyro npt to mute the bread sour In hiw v.nithtr. Her family ...... i.i- f f.in iiKinbeis. and the eiiikt pounds of flour last a m k, if some mush and potatoes are Io idactd on tho table at woie COI.CMniA COUNTY TEACHKIIS INSTITUTE Met at Orangevllle, 2 p. m., December SOth, 187fi. About two hundred teachers attended throughout the session. After prayer by Hev. Houti, of Orangevllle, nnd somo very pointed nnd earnest remarks by County Superintendent W, II. Snyder, T, 11. Miller, of Kspy, was elected vice-president, C. W. Walker sccictnry, Miss Sarah Spear assis tant secretary. An appropriate address of welcome, by Kcv. lloulz, was followed, by tho superintendent, with instruction In tho different ways of comput ing interest a matter that ho made very clear ami Interesting, lo the edification of all the teacher, not previously thoroughly acquainted with the subject. Itccess. Song by Mis, Spear, Mes,rs. Am merman, Miller nnd Walker. Prof. Do fJrnaf, of Troy, N. Y., wa, introduc ed. He said he had come to work, not talk,and would begin to-morrow morning, at ten o'clock, to which time the session was adjourned, Tuesday, Dec. 21, 10 a. m. Koll-call, prayer, music. OrthoijrajihjJSrof. he Ortwf. Hcforo enter ing upon tho consideration of his particular theme, the Professor premised lid, general order of pmnlation: first, mithod of instruction; secondly, reirt, to be attained ; thirdly, caution, to lie ob'trved. He then applied tli'c order to oral exercises in spelling, thu,: 1, Method. Require tho pupil (1) to accu rately pronounce the word, the letter, of the syl lable in order, the syllable, In order, the words of succeeding lesson before study. Illustrated by atpirant, condotenee, inquiry, or- deid, orthoepy. I. To name, In proper order, not only letters. but all mark, necessary to the correct printing i'f the word. 11 uslraled by boy'f, b-o-y-npottrophe-t, lemf, b-o-y-t-aprmlrophe, roll-tall, r-o-ll-hyphen-c-n-ll, &c. 3. Make every day s exercise In some sort a review, but call up different words dally. II. Jte.'ults.n to secure (1) correct pro nunciation : 2, correct spelling. III. Giution. 1, pronounce the word to the pupil but once. 2, Allow tho pupil "lo try" but once. 3, Dont allow the pupil to repeal a syllable. Illustrated by (say) repeating, thu,: teacher, rrpeatinj; pupil, repeating, r-e, re,p-c-a t, peat, i-n-g, ing, rejmting. The professor, (very properly, wc think,) ridiculed the fa"hion of "begins ing back at the beginning every lime ;" but why not spell thus: teacher, repeating; pupil, repeating, r-e, p-c-a-t, i-n-g, repeating, simply marking the termination of the syllable by a pause or inflection nf tho voice ? TUESDAY AriKRXOOK. Elementary Geometry, Prof. De Graaf, Principles of instruction. 1, begin at the begin ning. 2, Proceed from the known to the unknown. 3, Take one thing at a time. 1, Keep close to tho subject. The Professor held Hint the statement of the mark, of a specie, should precede the announce ment of it, name. Accordingly, his definitions, 1. That which ha, position, but not magni tude, i, a . point. 2. That which ha, length, but not breadth or thickness, i, a line. 3. The line that measures the shortest dis tance between two point, (or every point f which extends in the same direction is a straight line. 4. Tho line that changes it, direction at ev ery point is a curved line, or curve. r. A lino that change, its direction at some of its point, i, a broken line. 6. A straight line that extends up nnd down, and doc, not incline in any direction is a ver tical line. 7. A straight line that inclines neither up nor down is a horozontal line. 8. A straight lino that i, neither vertical nor horoicntal.is an oblique line. SCHEME. I. Point. II. Lines. fl, Vertical. Straight lines.-! 2, Horizontal. f I 3, Oblique. Curved line, Although this is not the place for extended criticism of the Proftssor's work, it is well for ns to suggest that curved lines include thousand, more than the two species circular and ellipti cal ; that figures and not line, are mathemati cally spoken of as regular or irregular; that a verticil line, (witli reference, now, to the earth considered a, a sphere,) is any radius or it, pro longation, and may, therefore', be neither up nor down to the spectator, but sloping, for it ih not nec essarily at right angle, to the piano of his sensi ble horizon, but is, in thi, particular sen-.e, "the lirectiou of a plumb line; a line normal to the surface of still water," as Webster justly defines it ; that, in strictness, a, no two pen-ons see the same rainbow, so no two person, at the same time', have the same rational horizon, (upon tho assumption that the earth I, a sphere, which, or some other equally definite shape must be us sumed in ordir to bring this discussion within tho scope of an exact keience geometry, not ge ography,) nnd that, consequently, every lino that is horizontal to ono is sloping, (either ne clivous or declivou,,)tn the other, and that both vertical and horizontal lines are oblique to all other straight line's with whieli they make either more or less than a right angle, (measuring tho smaller,) for obliquo lines, like perpendicular', may bo in any absolute direction, horizontal, vertical or sloping.their definitions being purely relative, thus: "oblique line, (Georn.,) n lino that, falling on another, makes oblique angles with it." "Perpendicular line, (Geom.,) a lino falling at right angle's on another line. J lUtcr the geometry, Prof. Harrett, of the llloomsburg State Normal School, givo instruc tion in written arithmetic, Superintendent Noel ler. of Snvder county, in reading, and Prof. Do Graaf in calisthenics. Tho choir sung. Ad journed. TUlSn.VY EVENING. Study, lcf. Ik Graaf. What i, meant by study ? The continued and voluntary applica tion of tho mind. Nature is the best text-book. and should bo first in the schools. What grand results havo been given to us by eminent men who,o chief study was nature I I-ranklin, New- tow, Morse-, Columbu,. Children lovotofttudy material thing,. Nature woulU teach tirst many of tho branches which wo place out of their reach in tho higher department of tho school,, It Is of little consequence, however, what oi studies ; if ho has learneel self-control, physical ly and mentally, ho will succe-cel. Iho object of study is to acquire power. . hat is onco thoroughly learned is never forgotten. As long as wc are learning, wo grow stronger; but when tho mind stons thinking, it begins to decay, If vou would have the bet results, you must givo less time to arithmetic and moro to olhe: branches that will cultivato morals. How few children know anything of our poets and their saying, I The Profe'ssor spoko at eomo length of tho im- nortanco of a knowledge of history, also on tho carele-ss use of language. The following nro some of thu anecdotes relates! ! A man Ohked a tleket-ngent, "what tlmo does the five o'clock train start?1 "Just sixty iiilnutca past four, Tho man was perfectly satisfied. A sale was advertised of "chairs used by children without backs." A lady would have fallen Into a well "but for Providence and another lady." The county luperlntendent followed with re marks upon Iho civilizing power or estimation lie instanced the four ways of obtalnliig knowl edge, by observation, by reading, by conversu lion, by retltctluu. Kay. Houtx oflered prayer, after which the wilu adjurudti WEnNlMl.VY .MOIINIMH. Penmanship Prof, IhGraaf.TUes professor's Instruction hero diflered so littlo rrom tli.it in tho writing book, that It would bo Idlo to quote It In detail. I fo makes tho proper angle of slope to bo fifty-two degrees, WEDNrStUY ArrEtlNOON. Superintendent Noetllug and Prof. Do Graaf divided the tlmo among reading, writing mill calisthenics. WF.DStStlAV EVENtNd. Itev.John Hewitt, rector of St. Pau!'s,Uloomi burg, nddresseel the Institute. Lvery pupil Is Michael Angelo's "angel In the stcne," from which stono tho teacher-sculptor Is to carve the angel. Prof. Do Graaf, following, insisted that intel lectual, moral and physical training should be simultaneous nnd co-extensive. Adjournal ns usual, nflcr prayers. TlltmstiAY MntiNIS'fl. Written Arithmetic Prof. De Graaf. Vn means one; hi, two; trl, three; quad,' four; quin, five; sex, six; sept, seven; oct, eight; non, (no-nill'-ions,) nine; dee, ten, ite. IJill ion, Is tho fourth period; trillions, fifth, Ac. Two, added to meaning, giving the order of the period. "Circular addition." GcigntphyP,vf. 1. 1'. Sehoonorcr, of llloomi- burg. Connect descriptive geography with travel; let the pupil, ns if upon a journey, visit and note place nfter place, thu, linking one to another, nnd availing himself of association to 1 memory. In this way, topography, ono of tho uio-t essential brandies of geogr.tphv, will bo more readily learned and moro permanently retained. Music, adjournment. THURSDAY AKTEnSOOK. Iangvagc Prof. De Graaf. The Professor occupied the hour (till recess) in an object les son desienid to show how the powers of ober- ation and memory of forms may be cultivates! in young pupil, liv training tliem to iiecrite objects both orally and chirograpliieally,in good Kuglish, After recess, and nfter inuic, (Prire li.uincr Quickstep.) by Mis, Kline, Prof. Do Graaf con tinued, giving a leson In letter-writing.in which he taught, among other doctrines,tliat the place part of tho date should begin a little to the left f the median line of the page; the time-part nder and a little lo thu right of the other; the iddress, with title prefixed, under and to the left, sav an Inch from the left margin of the age; that the sentences should bo made to close at thu median line; and, incidentally, that the namo in an address is of the third person, the alutation or title of the second, lhu; OitAMinvii.r.i:, Col Co., Pa. Dee. 23rd, 187.",. Supt.W. II. Snyder, Sir: W. H. Sn -der third person, sir seomdj rd (not d) afler 23, on the line. Prof. I. K. Sehoonovcr and other, dissented, holding that Snyder msght well be parsi'd as in io second person ; C. W. Walker and other. that the form 2j was correct, which the I'rofes- ,or subsequently, allowed for business letters onlv. Much harmless discussion was provoked on this subject. THOnsDAY EVEUINO. Self-reliance Jlco. Jfoutz. We want self-reli ant teachers, not in absolute sense, as this Insti tute proves; for you have met for mutuilanl general improvement. The truly self-reliant teacher will gather from others all the informa tion ho can, then digest and assimilate this, till n turn, is able to give. The difference be tween the dependent and tho self-reliant teacher is like the difference between the sun and the , The sun i, the fountain; the moon, cold and lifeless, is dependent on the sun, is the mere passive reflector of borrowed light: so of teachers ; tho ono is brimful of experience and knowledge, and constant in hi, out-flow. The other, should the cloud of circumstances inter vene, is completely bewildered by the darkness, and, like a blind animal without a guide, stick'1. not in the mire, tut in arithmetic, algebra, and grammar. Self-reliance is necessary, first, in order to gain the pupil's confidence; secondly, to mako the teacher lively and bright ; thirdly, to secure; a good reputation; fourthly, to obtain n compe tent salary ; fifthly, to promote the teacher a own comfort. Children are adept, at reading the counte nance. A dependent leacncr is icanui nun no cannot do all ho ought. Children seo it, and though he may strive to unravel the problem before him, yet, like tho fly in tho spider s web, the more ho struggles the more perplexed he be comes. Independence noes not imply mai con ceit which, when tested, is found wanting. Teachers, cultivato this self-reliance in your pupils ; encourago them lo do for themselves ; you cannot fill their cranium, by nny action of yours ; it must bo their own work, if their mind, are furnished with knowledgo that will be of use. That teacher is a robber who himself per forms the labor that properly belongs to the pu pil. FRIDAY MORMIKO. OrammarPcof. De Graaf. Name-words are nouns; action words, veros; quauiy worus, ad jectives ; connective words, conjunction, ; rela tive words, prepositions; eiuotieu words, inter jections: limiting words, adverbs, leach the child the definition before you name the thing lefined. Kemarks by tho County Superintendent on schools, school-houses, i4c. 11ESOI.UT10NB. IhsolreJ, That, in our opinion, this lustituto lias heen a success. lUsolivd. That we', the teachers of Columbia county, lender nur heart-felt thanks to our wor thy Superintendent for his untiring elforts in our behalf, and for Hie able instructors secured for our benetit. Ilesolred. That the example of those boards of directors mai nave graiueu juhiuuic viiuo iu iheir teachers bo commended lo general imita tion Resolved. That those teachers who absent them-elves from Institutes without a sufficient reason, occuiiv nositions which they are unwor thy to fill, anil that wo trust the time is not far . . . n i. ...in i... .i distant wueu Die name's oi uu uueu itiii uu mop ped from our list. Resolved. That we cannot place too blah an es timate on tho instruction, of Prof. Us Graaf. and that so far as we may be able lo m ike them our own, we will endeavor to carry them out in our daily practice in tho school-room. Resolved, That wo pay more attention lo tho morals anil manners ol our pupils, regarding this a, an important part of tho teacher's duty. Resolved, That we lender our sincers thanks to tha people of Orangcville and vicinity for their hosnitalitv extended to the members of tho In stitute : anil also lor their interest in itie csuso of education, aa evinced by their presence ami attention during tho sessions oi ino institute. Resolved, That wc tender thanks to Misses Acbenbaeh. Snear. Kline, and Fisher. Dr. Am; merman Messrs. Walker, Miller and Iw for the excellent music furuhed us during the Instl tine. Resolved. That onr thanks are due to Superin tendent N'oetling, of Snyder county, for his able instruction : to ltevs. Hewitt and Houtz for Uielr ei.tcrlaining and instructive lecture's; also to i'rol.. llsrrelt and ttclioonover lor instruction rendered. Signed by Committee on Itesolutlons : Miss Kate Amiikuuah, Miss Mattik Kikuu, MllS. I. K, SCIlOONOVEll. Tho following wero elected a Co-nmitteo on Permanent Certificates : MLsa Surah Spear.pre blent! Mr. T. C. Crea,y. secretary: Mr. T. R Miller, Miss Mary Uiiang-t and Mr. Alfred Hower. Tho above is a fair nb-tract of tho minutes, errors, omissicrs, additions and trnnsiositioiis excepted. Signed, C. W. WALKER, SARAH SPKAR, Secretary. Ass't. Sec. Nr.w YoitK, Dec- 29. Tho Rev. Henry lloehm, better know as Father llochm, tho oldest preacher of tho Methodist church i this county, and probably the oldest clear- gynuin In the world, died yesterday st th house of his grandmother, near Richmond Stateu Island. DiiMIJ, N. Y Di:c. 30. Two women mother nnd daughter, named Ilutlcr, living on that spur ofllto CatskilUnf which Mount Prospect 1, tho termination, recently had nn encounter with a bear, In which was man ifested n heroism worthy of thoso early d-iys In American history when the settlers were compelled to bo continually on tho ntcrt against ferocious beasts and still moro feroci ous Indians. Mn. Ilutlcr Is a women, about thirty-five, and her daughter .Tcnnlo U sixteen. It Is tho custom of tho husband mil father to bo absent In tho woods sometimes two or three days, leaving his wifo and daughter alone with a good watch dog nnd riflo in tho cabin. Ho was away on Sunday last, About fivo o'clock on thnttday tho daughter Jennie, was preparing tho evening meal for tho hogs which were squealing in the pen, a log en closure a short distanco from the 'house. A sudden change in the cries emitted from the sty, and tho furious barking of tho dog Joe, caused' both mother nnd ibtughter to run to tho door of the cabin and look out. What was their amazement to seo a largo black bear with ashoat weighing sixty or seventy pounds, tuckod In under ono foro leg nnd trying to climb out of tho enclosure The Ilutlcrs had lost tjirco hogs already by tho inroad, of other animals and tho women re solved to rrscuo this ono if possible. Tho dog was making a great fuss on the outside of the pen but was afraid to jump inside and attack the bear .Mrs. Ilutlcr se zed eavy maul, luedin driving wedges in logs and her d uigliter snatched the axe from the woodpile and the two moved nt onco to tho pen. They both jumped Inside the enclosure emboldened by which the dog also leaped over and commenced harassing bruin in the rear. The women rained blows hcavv and quick on tho bear, which presently dropped tho pig, and, turning on tho dog, had him in his embrace, in a twinkling and crushed him to death. Tho efforts of the women to d spateh the bear were redoubled. The bear was now raging with fury, and advanced with his jan a distended upon tho girl who w.is wielding her nxo unmercifully. With one sweep of his great paw he struck tho weapon from her hands and the next in-taut had pressed her into a corner of the pen; but the terrible blows that were showered upon him by Mrs. Ilutlcr witli the maul foieed him to leave the girl beforo doing her any great injury. He ruhcd furiou-ly upon Mrs. Ilutlcr, who managed to elude his grasp ind retained possession of her weapon, which she used to good advantage. She shouted to Jennie to hasten to tho house and bring the rifle and shoot the bear, The girl jumped frjin tho pen, her clothing nearly nil torn from her person, and hurried after the gun. The blood from tho wounds inflicted on tho bear by the axo and maul poured on tho lloor of the pen and over the shaggy coat of the monster. Hound and round the enclos ure the contest waged, until at last the bear struck tho women's weapon with his paw and sent it flying out on the ground. He pressed Mrs. Ilutlcr into a corner, whero sho dropped in a crouching position and placed her hands over her eyes expecting to be torn to pieces the next instant. Just then her daughter returned with tno rifle. Sho pushed the barrel through a chink in the log and fired. Tho Dear staggered an instant on his haunches and fell back dead. Thoball had entered and passed clear through his heart, as was afterwards ascertained. With the removal of tho great tension on her nerve? Jennie fell lifeless to the ground, and it was a long time be foro her mother could summon strength sufficient to climb out of the pen to her aid. Sho finally got her into the cabin, and succeeded In re storing her to consciousness. Neither of the women was hurt to any great extent, the aughtcr having tho flesh torn under her arms where the bear seized her, and being considerably scratched about tho body. CLf-siKo Ilouns. Wc, tlio undersigned, o hereby agree to close our places of business iit the following hours: Seven (7)o'clock, ex cept Saturday night, until further notice: I. McKelvy, I. W. Hartman, 11. V. llartman, 31. C. Uritton, J. 1C. Kyer, L. tf, Whary, A. 3f. Rupert, A. C. Philip, C. 31. Oirton, Lutz it Sloan, David Lowenberp-, Clark .t Wolf, Philip Unangst, J. Schuyler it Sun, H. II. 3Iiller it Son, C. II. Christman J. Kvani, L. D. Kase, m. Kreamer, K. Mendenhall, N. J, Ilendershott, Jloycr l!ro.s.. 0. A. Klelm. 31. Derickon, K. J. Thornton. II. C. Hower, W, 1 Hess. Donaldson's body is believed to havo peen louml in tno woous near .uanistee, .Michigan. In 3Iontreal, on Saturday, four of the men concerned in tho recent riols wero sen tenced to (-is months' imprisonment each. Senator Wallace has been appointed a member of the Committers on Appropria ting, 31anufacture, aud Revision of the Laws of the United States. Sen-itor Cam eron is on the Committees (if Foreign Rela- ions, of which ho is Chairman, Military Atlairs aud public Buildings and Grounds. Bordeaux, Dec. .Tho Trans-Atlantic company's bteamt-bip Louitannn, from the West Indies has sunk in the Girondo River after a collision. Sixteen persons, were drowned including the captain, Sho tuuk n ten niinutis after she was struck. 'I ha Gininde rescued 100 of her passengers, and crew. All tho persons drowned wero pas- sengtrs, except the captain. A bill to extend the timo fur granting arrears of Pensions will be introduced in Con gress. It is nateu mat many nieriuiriuiis pensioners have been delayed iu making ap plication by loss of paper, ignorance ot the manner of proceeding, mistakes of claim agents, etc , mid that they arc entitled to fur ther opportunity of securing what is really duo to him. -Tho contest for tho Attorney General ship of 3laryhmd was decided bv tho Court of Appeals of that State in lavor ot u. J. il. Gwiun, Democratic candidate. Tno court hold that Jlr. Gn inn was entitled to his cuium'usion as Attorney General, and affirm ed tho mandato of tho lower Coutt granting a mandamus against tho Governor to compel tho issuing o I tho commission. The court also decided that tho Governor, under hii present powers, has no authority to cxamiuo into the alleged frauds Foil BrNT. A large new Store Boom, Hall, a- d Dwelling apartments, New brick building on 3lain direct near .Market. Terms cheap. Inquire of OKO. W. S1EUNK It. Dec. 10, '75-U COAU COAK Uhl Kstablishcd Coal Uril. 0. W. Nbai. & Buo., Wholcnale & Iletall Dealers in nil sizes of tho best qualities o( Bed and White- Ash Coal, nt tho very' lowest market rates, 1 lave constantly on hand large stocks of Domestic, Cupola, uiacKsmiin b Aiuuracue, Bituminous, and I.lmcburncr'a Coal, Kspeclal attention given to the prepara tion of coal beforo leaving our yards, drain and Lumber hnken in exchange for coal. Coal delivered to any part of tho town at short notice. Orders left at I. W. 3lcKelvy'ii store, or ut our ofllco, will receive prompt at tention, Olfico and Yards at William Neal & Sons' Furnace, Hast llloomsburg. Your Iiatrouage respectfully solicited, JOAL. l7-tf-35 COAL .Business Notices. IxisT. -A Cuff ltutlon marked "Maro," Tho finder will bo suitably rewarded by leav ing it nt tho cilice of tho Col.UMUIAN. Real Hair Switches nt 0. 0. Marr's, very cheap. French dressing at Knorr's. All r-.i t.i.t .i .....,.t ut... i...t. Jill V.M. Pit. .11, Mil'. rH.i.iii,.i ii....in tho old established coal yard of C.W.N ea I. ft lino. 32tf Mens nnd Knorr's. Women's arctics at E. M. C, W. Neai. it lino., spare no expense to send out nice Coal. 32tf- TOWANDA HOOTS I TOWANDA HOOTS Tho best and most rcllablo for every one to buy. Try them. For sale at McKln ney's. When found mako a note of it, And rd to I). Lowenberg's For u fine Diagonal Over Coal, Fine Fur Heaver. The Ulster Oier Coat Just received. Misses Rubbers al Knorr's. A large stock of Tobacco, of tho following brands. Peach nnd Honey, Golden Gun, Gondola, Ilright Golden Government, Ilas-cs choice, .Modoc in leiik L'O,m0 cigars of different varieties wliok-nlei and retail, Con fi'Ctlonsry wholesale and retail at M. M. Russell's. Good clean Coal Neal .c Ilro. to Ik had only of C. W. 32tf Hair lir.iids nt C C. Marr's. Don't be worried and annoyed with not wily a poor quillly erf (ind bin dirl'v and slaty hesiilur, but buy of 0. W. Ni:.u, & lino, who 'deal onlv in the lie-t qualities. Sitf Centenni.il Semites Hags !!0 cents u piece at M. M. Ilu-srl's. WATLU PKOOF llools at MclClnncy's WATER PROOF Faemehs, ATTE.NTtox. HimscI take Nutter Hggs, Card and Produce in exchange for goods Rubber Ibots at Melvinncy's. Fur Mince Meat, nt 18 cents :i pouin , r.n:l go to a line lot of Christmas Cranberries Russell's. ovr.rt-coATS i over-coai For Men, Youths and Hoy-, Grc.ic liargaius at D Lowenberg's K. Nutlerick it Co.,, patterns nt C. C M i rrs. New attractions at RnelV. A large as sortment of Holiday Goods, con-Htiru; of china mustache cups, china cups mid sau cers, children's toy sets, cologuo sets, mugs, vases, mirror boxes, aborted toys, toy uviys and basins, pitcher,, patent hVks,c!.i"na eau uiestu'ks, holy water founts, toy c'riStor, tea sets, and a variety of goods for every bodv. New Goods this week at C. C. Marr's. Snow Lxcluders for salo at McKinncy's. Wheu vou CO to Philadelphia stop at the Allegheny House, No. 812 and Sl-1 Mar ket street; having been recently renovated. Price only S2 per day. A. Hr.CK, March 19,'76-ly Proprietor. Hlue, Hlack, Hrown and Red Velveteen at C. C. Marr's. ltliriiMATl.sM. Xcuralqin. Lumbaso. Scia tica Klieumntic Gout and Nervous Diseases lOMtivi'ly i'ii rid ly Dr. Fillers JHicumatic lemedu iititl l'ills Dr. Fillers Kidneii Cor dial removes deposits of Gravel, Calculi, Acids, retention, of L'rine, Great Purifier oT tlio Jilattuer anil Ainev. U. A. KI.RIM :oli' Agent fur Illoonibburg, I'a., Dec 17,'75-ly. QONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from active prac tice, tinvtiicr had placed in his hands by an East India Missionary tholhrimilaofnidinpte Vegetable Remedy, lor the speedy ami perm anent Cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca tarrh. Asthma, and nil Throat and Lung At fectious, al-o a Positive and Radical Cure lor Nervous Debility nnd nil Nervous Com plaints, after having thoroughly tutid its wonderlul curative powers m lliousanus ol ciscs, feels it his duty to make it known to pullering fellows. Actuated by thi- motive, and n conscic-nlions desire to relieve human sHll'ering, he will send frit of charge) to all who desiro It, ibis recipe with fullilircctions lor preparing and successful ubingit. Sent by return mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. Ttt. W. C. Stevens, Jlunroe Block, Syracuse, N. Y. . Dec. 24, 70-ly. Tin: 31ainti:kanci: or Health. Tho maintenance of health is often more dilii eult than it.-, recovery. Viti'ited conditions of the atmosphere, unhealthy occupations, extremes of heat or cold, nnd constant ex posure to rough weather, are all to many provocations ol disease. Thero is but one Mire way of effectually guarding tho system when tlius subjected to inltuences pn-judi-cial lo health, and that is lo establish, by judicious tonic and alterative medication, vigor of the body and regularity of its func tions. The roperties of an invigorant and corrective are happily combined in Hostel ler's Stomach Bilters, which, at tho same time that it infuses uuwon'.ed vitality into the i-vstcm. overcomes all tendency of the stomach, liver boivels and urinary oigans to ueviaie irmn regularity in urn uintu.irgu ui functions upon which tho welfaro of tho en tire physical organization is dependant. Health "cannot be more effectually main tained than by using tho Bitters. jau7-lni To Chkck DiARltllUA Diarrhea is a complaint that the human family suffer moro from at this lime of tho year than Irom any other, and should bo treated very carefully in order to rcbtoro tno bowels to llieir prop er strenzth. Thero is a wine, made in New Jersey nnd sold by our druggisto, calleil Speed's Port Orapo" Wine.wluch is being used very successfully in Diarrhea cases ; in fact it ii conceeded by chemists to contain iiist mch properties as to gradually check tlio lermcuting oi tno ooweis ana nuci tone and vigor to tho svsteni so as to withstand tlio miasmatic climate agaiusi iiieso pre vailing complaints. The wine is rich iu body and is an excellept tonic, keeping tho e "., .I. I.. 1 .l.'l ! functions oi ine uoniis in uieir proper cnu dition. J.uuitig Pat, jan7 lm A HKMAnKAM.F. PlIOVBif 10SAI, Pt'CCEBS. Among the notable prolessioual.inen of this country wno navo ucnievcu exiraoriunary tuccess is Dr. 11. V, Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. Tho prominence whieli he has attained has been reached through strictly legitimate means, nnd so lar, therelore, lio deserves the enviable reputation which ho enioss, This huge measure of buccetis is the rtult of a thorough and careful preparation for his calling, and t'llcnsivo leading during a long and unusually largo practice, which liaveenauKU mm logaiu uigu conimeuuiv tinn. cu-ti from his professional luethren, Devoting his attention to certain specialties . ., .1 i r..ll.. i ! 01 tne t-cieuco ne lias so enreiiiuy invesu gated, ho has been rewarded in n remarkable degree, in thce specialties, no lias ucconu a recogniicd leader. Not a few of the rem- cdies prescribed by him have, it is said, bee adopted and prescribed by physicians iu their nrivHtn nraeiiee. ins i an muicis ami niriru wort-s have been received us useful conlribu linns to nietlical knowlediie. Ho has recently added another, nnd perhaps moro important work, uccuusu oi iiinru uenrrui uiifuioniiuu to tho list of Ids putillsliril writings, in book entitlcd"Thu poonlo's Coinmou rseii 31cdical Adviser" is desittned to enter into ccncrul circulation. Dr. Piereo has reccivis.1 iiclnuiwleilL'iiU'iits and honors from many sources, and esixciallv tcientificd.gtco.1 from tool the llrt med.cal institutious iu Iho laud, S), Jjouu JUpubham. II ENDERSHO T T"S lUtUG STORE Is r - elving a choice selection ot HOLIDAY (i()OI).S, consisting ot DilL'ocijsrs bUNtntiEsi, . TO!! KT AltTICLES, I'JtllFUMKItY, k:;oi.ish soaps, l-'ItliSClIKXTltACTS, ' TOUT JIONMlfi, ClOAtt CASKS, CO MI1S, imrsirnsi, cm: A. ') JAPANESE HANIlKntCTIinFfi. Ke W".3t aud Havana Oigar?, and lots o: l'ln' i Joods. r,9j'ftjjaijiiwxji.iJBr'ii iap yT'ii iiuctpj r-j va SIS XT "TOO" H Who said that you would like to get such Clothing ns City People wear, rather than the imlwlcsala goods com monly sold? This will tell you how to do It. The very large Increase of our business allows us to make A STILL LOWER SCALE OF PRICES, AND J You Can Save Enough pj in nuyinc a sun iu rAi run from onywhere in this County to the City of Philadelphia, and have a day of sight-seeing besides. WanamaUer & Hrown stand by this Statement, and bo will you alter one trial. Charade .ctecf T !s ho sell! I -i- 1 n & Ooy$. ca.n ' 0 lie tare good, tho Goods For Men & Ooy rt-hed I tiiUrrnrMf nt u " " a we da ttrt vvUt,ilet but confme ourselves lo ret, ill We hear no til-wilt to nny one, and state thi only because some lk.iK.rs si.ll jicor gcmls ns coming from cur house, 'lo each of our custom-t-r. v.. nre re pom i Up for articles bought of . I!y our plan of 'I itKctini: the ijn( tiatnet ol tho materials on our goods, no one can be misled as to mi 1 How VVanamaker & Brown treat their I CUSTOMERS. puce in To cltv m it advantages. is riven, that anvwhere. and also, that the money will he paid hack wishes, for any reason, to return the WW Exactly I wopte ml wil II mm is where tne Siicre IS. I stop strangers on the street, xvith false directions I about where the store is, so that they may sell their counterleit Rood. There Is but one Oak Hall in Philadelphia, It It a large building the1 size of four ordinary storts, and is on the bouth-east corner of MXTH-S 1X111 SIX'III-SIXIH MXTH SIX'lil and iMarkct Mrccts. Those who cannot K send mail COme I ' made-uo to tho City. ! ln& their measure (we lurnish easy directions that ' any one can measure by.) and describing color wanted, and price desired Payment can be made to the Impress Co on receipt of goods, and the privilege of examining them is alii wed before paying, Where gsods do not please, we will return the money ana pay ma expressage DacK to 2 'H sitvmiu ee su ure to set cur aite as you enter. WANAMAKER tela I 0 as mi u 1 jt$ EE J- i II Ill I HB HI Dealer in tiw Blanks, Sundtiy School Libraries, Depository of tbc Pennsylvania Bible Society, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE P3AMES, 33WASD CARDS. Books and supplies not on hand can be ftirnii-'lied On Short Notice at iho Afosi tieasonublc Rates. Store ill Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomslmrg, Pa. Oct. S, TOWN AND COUNTRY. TnkeAjcr's I'lll'i fcr oil the purrorcs cfa jiurga tl e, for constlrntlon. Indigestion, headache, and liv er complaint. Iiy universal accord they are tho Lett ot all purgatives for lamlly use. o It Is no wrnder Hint Invalids lore faith In spectacs vheni-o mnrij vorUitrss mtilklnes are advertised for the cure of various discuses, hut which, when tried arc "fout.iJ wanting." We have to loarn.hon ever, of the rirft failure of 1)1. lstar'h Iialsimof Wild C herry to cure coughs, colds, and pulmonary (lLv utc. a (ents and tl a bottle, large Lotties much the cL.cs itr. o TIM IN OP EVILS. If weal;nci.s cf Uic stomach is allowed to become ronlt, I'm tiillnv. Ing evils bisponcne tllr.;istlon Is pcnnr.Lei.tiy impaired, tne sisiem n very imper fectly nmirMu-d, the blood becomes thin anil wat ery, aud tlu bile, being unemployed for dlgcsllxe anil cvacuatne purposes, entcis the. circulation thro-.gh tho thorr.de duct and Injects Itself Into tho fcupcrricial veins, giving to the bkln anil the wlrltes of tho eyes the fruffron tinge Indicative of biliousness. Headache, nausea, constipation, pains In tho ride, heartburn, and many other cllstret-slns symptoms hlch accompany ins Internal derangement above clcpci'bccl, w h.cli. If unchecked. Is suro to bo follow - i b serious iliieaie, as the rising ot the rim by its ttle r. 't h manifest, therefore, that all Inability of the stomaoL to act upon tho food should bo over come without delay. The ln Igoratlng liitluenoe on tho stcmatti of llostettcr's Stomach hitters 13 speed Uy felt la the dlsaprcaiaico cf all the ilh.agreeal.le s inptoms alluded to. Tho pri-sci-lbed mineral reni- lles for general debility usually fall to achieve any lasting reuult becauso they io not Invigorate the stomach; Hot-letter's Hitlers always succeed for that Is Uielr pitmol eneet. Tho very fact that they aru fciicli an exceUent Momachlc constitutes them one of tin' 1x4.1 general tonics Iu existence. To re store dlgeotlon Is tho final bit p towards tho recoi try of health, when lm; aired by ary cf the multifarious conitilalnts which spring from dyspepsia, and that Ul bo found to La o Uen tal.en by Ihu Invalid who has availed himself ot UiLs famous antl-djspepllo remedy. Schentk's PuUnonle tyrup, for tho euro of consump tion, cougtis and colds. Tho great vtrtuo of this medicine Ls that It ripens tho matter and throws It out of tlio system, pui llleu the blood, and thus effects a euro. Scheuck's Ecs. Wecxl Tonic, for tho cure of drspepsla, Indigestion, &c. The Tonlo procAices a healthy action ef the modi- ach, creating an appetite, forming chyle, and curing the most obstinate cases cf Indigestion. Schcnch's Mandraso riUs, for the euro ct liver com plaint, &c. Thoso plus are alterative, and produce a healthy action of Iho liver without tho least danger, as lliey aro free from calomel, ana jet moro efficacious In restoring a healUiy action of tlio liver. Tliem reinedlou aro a certain euro far conBiimjitlon as tho pulmontc syrup rtpem tho matter and purines the blood. Tho nundrako plll.i act upon the Hut, crct o a beallhy tUe, and remote all diseases of tlio liver, often a cnuf o ot consumption, Tlio biu weed tonic gives une and strength to tho ftomaeh.makes a good dlscbtton, and enables JJio organs to form good blood, and thus creates a healthy circulation ot healthy Hood, Tito comblncil action of tliesomeiu rlnes, as thus explained, will cure eery casoof con sumption. If taken In tlmo and tho uso of tho medt clnes persowred In, Dr. Klieurk U profe sslonallj- at hl principal ofllce, oerner Sixth an-t Arch pts , Philadelphia, every Mon day, whero all letters ICTadwcomustbo adiu-essed. TUM HKHT I'HOTEOTION. The best safi-cuarda ogauist cnldemlo dlseabo are thorough dlguHton and (inn bcrves. His because they awuro the regular performance ot tlio dlgcsltvo pioceet. and Invigorate tho nenous ?ystein that HostettfitihUmacli 1'lHcis iu such n orrelgu proiroine againti iro inuueucea wi.icn uegei inter mittent maladies and those which directly atl ct the stomach tedtweLs. if tho nerves aro healthtully trnit'iull, I to RiJinlUt!on ot foixt perfect, as they are euro to Is) under UiiUnUucnce of this standard loute nnd neiMne, malaria may bedctli-di nnd If, lu tho absence ot tho most reliable of medical safe guar.', the fjMrmbaB fallen aptoy to disease of nn Intermittent or iciiittlent tp, thoimtera will, If perklstedln.iiadlcate ecrertlgooriLo malady, lilUoutneiss, cciBilrallon, and d)il"'PiU jleldwlth equal rertaluty to tho operation cf this iiotent vege- abiouurauie. TUSINKSH CAK1)S, X) . s ri- (.nillA VhHITWl! CAltlia. UriTEU 11KADS, Neatly and Cheaply printed at the Coi.UM man uilicsx. TEA ST011H Is now cpenlDg the very iMM t Imported and DomoEiio Groceries tor tho HolleMy trade. '' ITALIAN J'KAClIilS, I'flrmctt atnl OTAMMlt OT4VJW, MAUMKIW, s.vr SAcioetiEiisn, rnn.se!! AND TUltKnY 1'itu.sm All kinds of ltalsttis, roreljn aiM DoTnt!c fruits, Nuts and Confectionery, and am-thcr lot of nno Mew Crop Japan To as, at wax nau m ucur of whit we sell we manufjLture our seme ol them in our own imiiduig. upon. Storcktepers out of the city when tliV av lliev Stll our roods. plain ligurMand netfitrej, i ne ncnule aud cour.trv Deoule ciuial With each article scU!a i,uiranttf the Trice is as lowasltcanbcbcueht that the auahtv Is as represented. in full. If purchaser within 10 day gooJs, unworn, "M1IS is Importint indeed. beeause. unprincipled has Ing stores in Philadelphia, ccun- p-mern of material and prices by uiicn recuses ted. Persons can hate crood sent bv Kxnress. bv send- rnuauv-ipma. cn the building and oxer the door & BROWN. AUKNTH. 20 Oil, CIIl'.OMOS mounted r-luvill. for fl. Novelties and Chromos ot t-uiy desi rlptlon. .National Lluomo company, 1'hll ailslph.j. Pa. llfVfWT Maleorl'rmale. Hend your address l) ' 1 WU niMgct something that will brlnt: WANT joii In lionor.itu uer;ito amunth M'I.,T tare. t?IN VKSTDlt'S UNION, Jl Ul l'j L m, Greenwich fct., ew Yorlt. '"ORTCUT TO EALTIT. i hances fi r all I Male and femalo agents andcan-v.is.-.ern. l'reo lnlormutlon, and lieu Eaiuples with uery order. 1. o. uox taeo HILTON .t CO., 152, Worth bL. N. Y. Nov. ." 4 w. FOR ('(IKilie, C0L1IS, HOAI'.SENDSS, iiUD A2iXi ttlia OAS WELLS' CApvBOIiIC TABLETS Put up oulv in 11LUE BOXES. ATrleil atnJ Mir! Jlfiiscrty. Tor sale liv druggists generally, and JOHM8TOK i:oi.LO',VAYfi Co., I'hhaSelpUa, fa. A gtieat'offerF" We win durlnir the hollrta. dlsnnso of1 icq Pianos : ii'l uri,iins or lustehs m.il.i rs, In ;uil'.ng Waters', at 'nw-er i rices Minn ivi r lufoio oaeiod. HontlilT ti.siuiiiiients reeeni.i, running frcm la toss months. V ..rr.inii-il lor C i ais-. seei Ml It- ml Instruments at 1 n-tr.i-! low pi Ices jur cun. imistrtea '-utaloguo td v arerooim- sm t rnatl-ny. iioio.( i; v .v.nts .v bonk. N. II x r n mitt it.'" ltU ANU X U JJ (CVrouio.) Tha Great American Tea Company, :J1 &.'.',S VoHcy Street, Ti. Y. Tf as distributed to clubs at imncrtei.V nrlros. IVniiilful oil ehromos, of illllc rent size s, presented t.. ur.ii.iM it, oi 1, C, 4 (TO pounds or tea. In clued oi jo and upwards, 'i lie i i.n-i jni bu-. in .v ready f.-r di-lmr.v a si.u mild ilii-'rii.u, cnilUi ct "Nir and 'Ires.' ii in w (tl.ree isrinih picture, nhovs Ing a lively suirinlfili In tueeii b.ihv anithls eel ck'g lurlhepos- .i-iun ui a dun. ii is sn iuiiui ru.-.ruig tini uiai, no iii-kCilplli-n I'iin tell tliesloi fo well, s tno simple tltl.i l( Hi.- nrilst. 1 he battle Is Just Mp mid Tuct, and must Isj m en to be appreciated, t-t-ud ler circu lar ot pil.es, terms, Ac. Tin; UllhAT ..Mi;iiIU.N ti:. companv, 31 4: S3. Vesev fctreet. P. o. Uox 'f.n. nkw York Citt. B Ilee. SVTTVjIW. Bargains in Lumber! al tho btorc of BENTON, COL. CO. PA. 100,000 fencing boards, at $.73 100,000 heart Shingles, shaved, extra good, at $7.00 100,000 Sap Bhinylos shaved, at $'1.50 100,000 No. 1 Sawed flringles at $o.00 Also Plank, Siding, Inch Pine, and nil kinds of lumber can bo fqund in my yard. Call at onco for barjiwns. Dee. 1,-tm - ir 1st 00 (IB DO l s lie wiglt gt tba.wortn of hit tax w.