TE E COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, KLOOMSJBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA ULOOMSBUKQ, PA. Fviduy, Dee. 01, 18 7 5. The l'nblln Schools will open on tlio llilril of .Taniiary, 1870. Ily the fiiiien!on of 130 collieries on Satur day uliout 'Jo.OOO ptnom were thrown out of employment. TIib Kxeetltor of John Heath dec-pan-d, late of Jnelrton twp. will sell a tract of land contain In,; sixty-four acres, on January 18th 1871). Sco Advertisement. Dr. T. I.. Grlswold, l'rot. Iturrows and llar rett ntttnded tho teachers' institute- at Dtnville last week. Tho proceedings of tho Columbia, county Institute will be published next week. The biickworkoflhoNorth Wing on theXcr. m il School liuihling, four stories high, Is com pleted, thin fpcaks well for the energy and z eal li. pi.ijcd b) the Contractor. Ve aro informed tliat the mill of Mr. George Ynnce m Mount l'Icasant Township, was burn cil on Tuesday night lat. IIo had about$2,000 insurance on tho property Brockway & Elwell have assumed tho imbli- catitin of tho liloomsburp; (Pa.) Colu.uman. CllttlST.MAs. This femtlvnl, ooo of tho most joyous of the church yonr, lias como and gone, and nnotli-r twelve months are added to llio Clitli-i.an e.i. Tho event was duly observed by mint of liu congregations In town. At tlie I.utliet .iilmrch on l'riday night, n Christmas tree wns enjoyi d li." tlio Sunday school children! tho xcr ie wero interspersed with singing, and a diet ad dress was mado by the Hcv. Dr. MrCio', at the rti'l of which n purse was presented by tit. con grpgatton to Mr. A. AV. Fry, who for in..riy ytsre l"-been nn active and falthfitl lcae.li.-f in the Sunday school. At the Haptlst church on Saturday h ?ht,gifit were dltributcd, addresses were made l.y sever al of tho teachers,and enlivening music furnish ed by tho choir and tho children. At St. Paul's Kplscopal Church a delightful servlco was held on Christmas month ;. The church was beautifully decorated wl li ever greens. Prom tho corona In tho cent - of tho chancel, wreaths of green wero hung to tho ga. jew on tho side. Tho lectern, pulpit ni.'l rout ing desk wero twined with the same, and the pillars and arches throughout tho chu.cli were trimmed in a very beautiful manner. The u. ic is said by many who heard it, to h ivu been the finest ever rendered In tho churoh. The members of the choir were at their besf, and ad ded greatly to tho beauty and imprcsslvenc3 of tho service. The sermon by tho Uecto" was an appropriate, one for the occasion, the l xt bei ig "Vo have found him of whom Mos s In 1 iu lav, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Naza reth, the son of Joseph." John 1:45. On Sunday morning tho same ruu-Ic was ren dered, and In the evening tho sermon was omit ted, and a partially choral servlco usd hi its stead. The psalter was chanted atitiphonally Business Notices. f CWT. On Monday a week nit LACK PLUSH JLi (lAt NTUJf, ln-twccn .tho COU'UDIAN onico Hid ths residence of .Tudgo dwell. Tlio nnctor will bo suitably rewarded by returning It to this ofilce. Ixbt. A Cuir Itnttou marked "Menrs." The finder will bo sitit.i'.ily rewarded by leav ing it nt tho otl'itfo of tho CoLUMMAN. French dressing nt Knorr's. Anplcton A Mutln 0 cents per yard by tho bolt, cash at Clark A Wolf's. Canned fruits, Lobsters, Salmon, Oysters, at lttissell'a. Mcns Knorr's, and Women's- arctics at E. M. C. W. Neai. it lino., spare nocxpenso tosend out nice Coal. 32tf Collars and Cuffs In great variety at Clark it Wolf's. Card cases, pearl and Itussla, at Geo. A uiiirK s. Bargains In Dress Goods at Clark it Wolfs, Misses Rubbers nt Knorr's. You will nnd at Clark & Wolfs store. complete lino of Dry Goods, Notions, iVc, at tho very lowest cash prices. , Mr. Brockway formerly published iho paper, uy tie Kector jj ci10ir, Lutz & Sloan will now reduce the tirlces on their Furs, Blankets, Shawls, Beaver uiottis, anu innny otner goods to closo ttieni out. uall soon bctoro the best aro taken and has hosts of friends who will bo glad to see him again in the chair editorial. Typo. Iho administrators ot l'cter liitner Jr. tie ceased will sell a tract of land containing one hundred and eight acres, and a good dwelling house, on January 3d, 187C See advertise ment. Installation. Tho officers of Catawlssa lodgo and Chapter wero duly installed on last Tuesday.by C. F. Knapp. In tho evcuing grand banquet was held under tho skillful su pervision of Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin. The new block of Sliarplcss & Wagonsellcr i j completed, nnd tlirie gentlemen have opened their largo assortment of notlous to the inspec tion of the public. -Messrs. Kverett it Potter have moved their book-storo into this block and have a very neat establishment. Tmr.vus. Last week there was stolen from E. B. Bidleman, on Third Street, a dozen thick ens. Wo think it is about time these depreda tors rhanged base. Try some other Street, , Third Street, below Market, has been cleaned out, and now, Mr. Thief, turn your attention elsewhere. . We had intended to issue no paper this week, but were obliged to do so on account of a large number of legal advertisements. We publish only a half sheet, however, and hope our pa trons will bear with us, as it is tho only week in the year that the printers nk for their own rec reation. Tbiikiblr Accident. On Wednesday morn ing two children of George Greene were left alone in the house at Buck Horn. Oneof them, agedj about three years, commenced playing with the fire when its clothing ignited. Tho child lan to the porch, but when discovered the clothing was burned nearly ofl, and the poor sufferer scarcely alive. This is anotuer lesson to parents, and should be heeded. A new series of stock will be commenced by tho Mutual Building and Saving Fund Associa tion of Bloomsburg on Saturday tho first day of January 1S7C. The books will be opened at 3 P. M. 1 If 500 shares are not taken tho money will bo refunded and the scries abandoned. Shares can be taken previously to that time on application to the secretary. By order' of the Board of Directors. ,: v J. B. Komson Sec'y. TInrKenuedy Komedy Kompany, wo believe Mist'is tho wav they spell it, gave threo enter tainru'ents in tho Opera House, beginning on Friday, the 21th. Tho plays were of asensa tional-character, and would have been capital if tho audience had been largo enough to Inspire the nctors with a little enthusiasm. J. Holmes GroverHms a ploaant manner on tho stage, but is by no jiieans a ''Star." Frank A. Olliver, in hia comic delineations, was good, and other members of tho Troupe did well. They ought to have had largo houses. Man Missiso. Mr. L. D. Edmond, who re sided in Cog-in valley, Lycoming county, has been missing sinco tho 25th of November. He started for Liberty, Tioga county, to buy cattle, taking with htm considerable money. He told his family when he left homo that he would be back the next day. He is a short, thickset man and wore sandy whiskers and moustache. Any Information in regard to his whereabouts will be thankfully received by his family! who arc now in illiamsport. Papers aro requested to give this a notice. There are suspicions that ho has. been foully dealt with. At tho Danville Opera House, on the 11th, 12th and 13th of January, Mr. Arthur C. Mc Uigltt's fairy operetta of the Naiad Queen will be presented. This is said to be one of tlio mcst magnificent spectacular dramas ever offered in this country, the scenery and costumes costing Mr. Jlchiiight $23,000 In Europe. It was per- formal in Wilkes-Barro to crowded houses for six nights, and in Williarasport ten nights. Every one speaks in the highest praise of the entcrtalumcnt, and should any of our citizens ucsirotoHee it, they will undoubtedly bo well paid. o aro inf irraed that tho fox chaso at Light htreet on Christmas pa-wed off very pleasantly. bporlmeu wero there from Bloomsburg, Buck- Christmas day was rather nniet, except the, or dinary number of incarcerations In "Fori Wood ward'' of individuals who undertook to carry a barrel of whisky concealed about their jiersons. Notwithstanding the hard times, many anil handsome gifts were exchanged. It was almost impossible to find a man, woman or child on the street on Friday night who was nt loaded down with bundles and packages for Christmas. Old Santa ClaiM has unhooked his reindeers, and during the next twelvemonth will be busily em ployed in making all sorts of things for good little boys and girls on Christmas, 1876. I. K. Miller, agent for pianos and organs, has a second hand Mason it Hamlin organ, which can be socurcd at n bargain. It has two banks of keys, eight stops and four sets of reeds, and is in good condition. Just the thing for a church or lodge. tf. The f emi-annual meeting of the Columbia Co. Med. Society was held in this place last Wed nesday, and brought out quite a largo number of the medical gentlemen of tho county. Tho meeting was presided over by Dr. L. B. Kline, of Catawissa. Several medical subjects wero presented for discussion, and entered into by tint doctors with considerable enthusiasm. Quits a lively discussion was gotten up on tho subject of cincer, between Drs. Vastine, Kline, Ilcber and others. Dr; Lcndcrling brought up and discu sed the operation for fistula. A lively but very friendly tilt between Drs. J. B. McKelvy nnd Turner on spontaneous evolution created not a little merriment for the society. Dr, Turner re lated a case of acute Bright's disease treated by the hot air bath, and Dr, McKelvy mado some remarks on sewerage, after which a vote was taken for delegates to the State Society, to bo held in Philadelphia, and resulted in the elec tion of Drs. Kebcr, Turner, Wm. McKelvy, and Harder. Dr. J. B. McKelvy was unanimously elected delegate to the American Medical Soci ety, Tiik Exchange Hottl, Bloomsddiio, Pa. -We spent a few days the past week, in tho beautiful and prosperous Borough of Blooms burg, Columbia county, (which was our former homo for twenty consecutive years.) daring which time it was our pleasure to enjoy the hos pitality of mine host, Major W. B. Koons, the gentlemanly proprietor of the new and spacious "Exchange Hotel." This is an entire new edi fice, erected upon the location formerly occupied Alarge stock of Tobacco, of tho followin brands. Peach and Honev. Golden Oun Gondola, Bright Golden Government, Basses cnoicc, Modoc in pails. 20,000 cigars o different varieties wholesalo and retail, Con fectionary wholesale and retail at M. M Russell's. Lutz&Sloan have just received another new- lot of Dress Goods, nnd ntaong them two pieces of Seal Brown Merino, of extra qua nj-uuuiun price. Good clean Coal to We had only of C. W Neal & Bro, 32tf Notions of all kinds S. II. Miller A Son's. In great variety Don't be worried and annovod with not onlv poor miality of Coal but dirtv and slaty besidei but buy of C. W. Neal & Bno. who deal only in tne nest qualities. SZlt Ccntcnninl Seamless Da-rs 30 centa piece at M. M. Russel's. Mens' Women s' and Childrcns. Boots and ouocs, very cheap, nt 0. 11. duller as bon.s FAnMEtta. Attention. Russel takes Bu iter Eggs, Lurd and Produce In exchange for goods Rubber Roots at McKinney'n. A full lino of Dry Goods iuat received at tno storo ot is. li. Miner st sou. For Minco Meat, at 13 cents n pound, and a fiuo lot of Christmas. Cranberries go to Jtusaeil s. WATER PROOF WATER PROOI Boots at McKinney's. OVER-COATS 1 OVER-COATS I For Men, Youths and Boys, Great Bargains at D. Lowcnberg's. All'Coal slated and screened before leaving the old established coal yard of C. W. Neal o; lino. azii New attractions at Rnssel's. A largo as. sortmcnt of Holiday Goods, consisting of cmna mustache cups, china cups ana sau cers, children s toy sets, cologne sets, mugs, vases, mirror boxes, assorted toys, toy ewers auu basins, pitchers, patent unsk's.cumn can by an Inn bearing the same namo, but this is of dlesticks, holy water founts, toy castors, much larser dimensions nnd constructed upon ?a, i aa(i a variety ot goods Jor every most approved principles of modern architec ture, and finished in the very finest style of sci entific mechanism. The Exchange Hotel pos sesses the advantage of tlio most central business location in the thriving village of Bloomsburg, the county seat of Columbia, and for beauty of finish and convenience of arrangement, in nil ita departments, is almost unparalleled in Northern Pennsylvania. jlnjor Jvoons, who has had large experience in hotel keeping, nnd is thoroughly educated in the art of "catering for the general public'gives to the Exchange his personal nttention and care ful supervision. Ilis fair dealing and provcrbi nl politeness have long since won him hosts of friends and assured his fortune. Besides, the Exchango table is always found in most admir able condition, and amply supplied with the beet and, choicest edibles the market afford, and henco thcrlmmense patronage awarded tlio Ex, change Hotel. Williamtporl Sun. We clip the followingfrom the Ibuiuuti Jour nal of last week. Many of our people will re member the lady mentioned as the one who sang at tho conrert recently. She has the sympathy of many friends here. One of tlio most disastrous tires which lias oc curred in this place for some time was that which broke out last night in the brick block of Wm. A. Uiainberlain on Alain Btreet. At about 11 p. m. firo was discovered in the millinery store of I. K. Harris in the north end of this block. Being discovered before it had made any creat headway, it was extineuished. or was supposed to be. At 'i o'clock, fire was again discovered in the store and the alarm sounded, but this time it was beyond control, despite the almost superhu man efforts of the firemen to check it. I ho second and third floors of the block ore occupied by the family of Mr. W. A. Chumber lain, and the largo jewelry store of Mr. L. is in tho utore adioininir Mr. Harris. buch was vbo rapid progress of the Dames, af- body. TOWANDA BOOTS I TOW ANDA BOOTS Tho best nnd most reliable for every one to buy. Try them, lor sale at McKin ney's. When found make a note of it, jidu go to u. ivowcnuerg's For a fine Diagonal Over Coat, Fine Fur Beaver. Tho Ulster Over Coat just received. Snow Excluders for sale at McKinney's. Farm roit Sale Containing 54 noma, in Scott township, one-lmlf mile from Iilnoml Good buildings, splendid water, nnd a fin-t class Eionc qaarry on the premise, i'rico 55,000 W.'J. Buck a lew, Real Estate Agent. Fine Holiday Goods for Gent'H wear. nnn. sistlng of Hats, Caps, &c, lies, Hows and Kcarfc, Shirts, Collars and Cul&. Silk Mufflers, Cashmere MufUcrs.J Bilk Handkerchiefs, Fiuo Driving Gloves, Dress Gloves. all of the latest style, nt D. Lowcnberg's. Rheumatism, Keuraltiia. Lumbaeo. Scia tica Rheumntio Gout nnd Nervous Disentes positively cured by Dr. Killers Rheumatic Kewcftynnd fills Dr. JMlers Kidney Cor dial removes deposits of Gravel. Catruli. Acids, retention, ol Urine, Great J'wifcr of ine Jiuntaer nnu Jitdnevs. u. A. Kixim csolo Agent for Bloomsburg, Pa., .wee. 1,-fo-iy. "0 wcnrlsome condition of humanity I" How many wretched homes in our lain! How ninny heart-broken luvnllds I Life w.th many signifies n nicro onerous existence. All are subject to disease, but Sicklings is u'tully Incurred through cxposttro or cnrclcssn s. Espcclnlly is this true with those diseases pecullnr to woman, Through her own Im prudence nnd folly alio Is mado to drag tut a miserable existence n fottrcoofnnnoyniico nnd nuxlety to her friends, nnd nny thing but n comfort nnd plcnsuro to herself. Ex posure to tho cold nt limes when ttie should bo most prudent, ntid overtaxing her body with laborious employment, nre both fruit ful cniifes of many of the mulndlcs from which she suffers. Gradually th bloom leaves her checks, her lips grow nshy white, her vivac ity depa-t", sno continually experiences n feeling of weariness nnd general languor, and tiltogethcr presents n ihostly nppMrnhoo. What docs she liecd ? Should she tftkosorac stimulating ilrus;, which will for the time mnl'P Iit "fiel brtlcr" or does her entlrn sys tem demand reparation? She requires some tiling which not otilv will restore to health tlie diseased organs, 'but will tone and, Invlg ornto tljo system. Dr. l'lerco's Fnvorit Prescription" will do this It Imparts strength to the diseased parts, brings back the glow of health, nnd restores comfort whero pre vlmtsly then- was only suffering. Every invnlid ludy should send for "Tho People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," in which over fifty pages nre devoted trt the consideration of 'those diseases peculiar to women. It will be enf, post- paid, to any address, 00. Address, R. V. Pierce, M. 1),, World' Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y, Agents wanted to sell this valuable work, Wi.vr. Produits op New Ji:r.sm. This State is becoming celebrated for grapo cul tine. Some of tho richest port in the world Is produced in New Jersey by Mr. Alfred Speer, whoso name has become celebrated ns a producer of strictly pure unadulterated wine. The Port Grape Wine of Mr. Bpror is not bottled or put up in market until it is tour years old, nini mts become thoroughly fine nnd mellow. It has proved itself x won derful assistant to physicians, who prescribe it Irom the fact that they have hitherto fnu ml it difficult to obtain-n pure Port Wine. This Wine is recommmded for debilitated persons : and is git en to consumptives to Use with IreMi raw rgg, ami as a medium tor taking cod liver oil. Tlio difficulty of get ting tin imported or even a lire California Port is well understood to bu so great ns to preclude Uoctors Irom allowing their patients to run the risk of its use. Mr. Speer being aware of this fact has taken tho utmost care in tho making of his wine from the ripest and finest grapes, so as to supplant the im ported wines by producing a genuine article. His wines uro known hy chemists to bo pure and tho most reliable lor medicinal purpose. The Druggists throughout the country tell it, as bottled by Mr. Speer. Chronicle Marriages. YOliKS-IIANCOCK.-At the residence ot Jtr. Daniel belong, by I!ev J. Mlllon IVck, on Celtics d.iy, Dec. 2 d, ls75, S. Augustus Vorks and Cornelia 1'. Hancock, both ot Danville, Pa, SNVDnit-YODUIt. On the s th ult., hythollev J. F. Wanipole, Mr. William Low Is Sn der, and Jllss l'rhctlta Yodcr, both ot the vicinity of Washliigton ville, l'o. JONKS snonMAKEIt. At the Reformed I'arson ago fa Bloomsburg on tlio 20th lnst, by ltcv. T. K. Hoirmlcr, .Mr. Thomas Jones, of Shenandoah ' My, Pa., to Jllss Haggle fchoemaker, of Buck Horn Col Co. I'a. 8WISUEK-BCTZ.-At the rcsldenco of C. II Brockway, on Christmas Evening, by ltcv. J. P.. TU8tln, Dr. Thomas J. Swisher, of Jersey town, to Margaret C. Uetz. of Webt Hemlock. IIOOl'KIt-IilNKKlt.-On the 24th ult., by the Hcv. J. 1'. Tustln, Mr. Jobeph Hooper, of lloutzdale, Clear- lleld Co. Pa., to Miss Mary A. lllnkcr, of Bloombburg, Col. Co. Pa. Deaths. FULLMElt. In rishlngcrcck township, on tho wthlnst, Mrs. Elizabeth Fullmer, ago C8 jears, 6 month and 1C days. BMITH.-On the oth Inst, In Bloomsburg, Pa. llervey F. eon of Harmon and Susan fcmlth, aged 4 years, 11 months and 19 a.y 3. 8THOUP.-In Mount Pleasant Township Col. Co ra., on tho 23d lut.t Mrs. Catharine Stroup, aged Tl 3 ears, i tnontu and 10 days SHERIFFS SALU. r.Y VltlTI'r! nv Ktrttnuv Wlil-rs Isssneii nut of the Court of I'oratnnn 1'loas of Columbia county, nnd to mo dlrectfd will bo exposed to sola nt tho Court llouso on TULSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1870, at one o'clock P. M alt that certain undivided ono haltot alotot land sttunto tnscott township, Cn. lutnbla county, P.i.,bein(t n limestone Quarry, bound, ed on tho vast by nunrry lot of Marnfo K I'ursel, on tno north by land ot Anroti Hoonc, on tho west by nnother quarry lot of Jcsso I), nice, known ns the (irecu quatry lot, south by lands of Aaron Iioono and other lands of Jesse I), nice, on which nro ri ct ed two dwelling houses.stablo, onico, hay scales and Mx lime kitns.TH'lng the undivided one-half of the quarry lot ptircluswl by J, 1), Hlco ot i hartes Lee, with the appurtuuanccs. ALSO, Tho tithor undivided ono-hatf ot the quarry lot nbovo desctlbed,b( Intf the undivided ono-halt of said quarry lot purclii.M-d by the sulci Jcssu D. Itleo from Peter schus, with tho appurtenances. ALSO, One other quarry lot, sltuatoln the same town shin, and knrinn us the (ireen quarry lut, boundrd on tlio east by the above described lot, on tho south by laud ot Aaron ll.ioiu-, on tho west by lut latoof Jcsso White, deceased, and on tho north hy lands of Ani-on Itoone, on lilcli nre treetcd a dw ellinif house, outbuddtngs and three lime kilns. ALSO, Ono other piece of land In sild township, bounded by lands of Kino v idle on tho south, ou tho east oj lands of the Cspy Miuonml cement Co. and others, on tuunoith by lauds ot Nathaniel L. Campbell, and on tho west by binder Hired nnd Wuplvs iindtlu quarry lota nbuvu described, coutaltiUitf about tour acres. ALSO, Ono wharf lo: Ituato on tho North Branch Canal In Butd township of f cott, bounded by lands of CMpt, Wnples, (1. W, cretcllnennd others, containing one quarter of nn acre, mole or less, being wlinrf lot purcnascuoi ueorgo liiutays executor uy mo saiu.1. X', JllWU, ALSO, MARKET REPORTS. , $ 1.21 .1)' ,C , .4S 7.0d T.iil l.W' .35 .30 I1LOOMSI1UKG MAKKKT. Wheat per bushel Itvo " Corn, new, " oats, ' " I'lour per barrel Cloverseed Flaxseed Butter EKirs Tallow m Potatoes sn Dried .pples 10 Hams .in sides i; Shoulders 12 uird per pound 10 Hay per ton 20.00 beeswax Timothy Seed 4.6U QUOTATIONS FOIt COAL. No. 4 on Wharf f 4,00 per Ton No. 3 " " f 3,18 " NO. 6 " " $ 2,50 " Blacksmith's Lump on wharf $4,00 " " tmuminous s 6,00 " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . T AILKOAD KLEC1TON. iSiutlcols hereby Riven to tho stockholders of the Ilunlock'a creek nnd stuncv It. It. company that an election will bn held at Koons Hotel In Bloomsburir Columbia countv Pa., on Mnndnv tho 10H1 iinv nt January A. D. 16TS, at 2 o'clock p. m. for tho purpose of electing a President snd twelve Directors of said ujjjuau.v iur uio ensuing year, uy orucr or tno C. A, BOWEltS, sec. Two other wharf lots sttunto on tho North Branch Canal In said tonushtp udjolnlnp lands of cnpt. Wa pics, deceased, Cievellni; and Mutvry and others.con tnlnhig about one halt aero. ALSO, All that tract of ot land situate In Madison town ship. Columbia 0, imty, bounded and described as follows ! Drglniui.'i; nt n pest on tho black Hun road leading from Jcisev town to Orango Hie, In line of land el Perry christian, thonco hy tho amo north forty-nlno detrreis oust rorty.tvvo and seven-tenth perches to a post, thence by lands ot Samuel Mere dith chrht)-lx pt-rclns ton pust, thence bysum- north thlrtj-two destrcs enst forl-two perches to u po-it, thi'uee bj l.ndsof NUIIam wclllver Peventj Mi dearies west fifty-three perchos to a post.thenco by the same south sxtytvto degrees west eurlity. livo perches to 11 post In tho aforesaid road, thenee by s ild road south twenty decrees cast flfiv perches to the pI.iCL of ln-tilnnlnsr, containing tlft.v-four acres and ono hundred and seventeen perches and allow ance, w hereon aro erected afratna dwelling houso. large barn aud outbuildings. ALSO, Another tract ot land adj jlnlng tho last ahovo de. scribed tract ot land on tlm north, .Meredith t n tin easi, und other lan 4s ot Welllver on tho south, being lands purchased of W. Welllver, containing about fortv-one acres. seized taken Into execution, nnd to bo sold as the ii uiJi-i iy uioi-iisu u. luce. ALSO, One lot sltuato In the town of nspy, bounded on tho south by Main street on tho west bvun ullcv, on the north bv nn alley, and on the cast bvb.tbr Wm. Sehechterly; being s2 feet front and list, feel uucp, "nereun nro. cricu-u n two story dwelling, brick, bank and name btablc, with outbuildings. ALSO, One other lot, biundod on tha south bvnn alloy, on est by an 11 1 y, on the north by second itreet, mid on theea&t by Wm. 11' Oh bin, being 83 ' feet tront. and 17 .( feet deep, whereon nre erected a 1 's Btory butcher shop, omie, and outbuildings ALSO, Ono other lot, bounded on tho nbrth by Second street, on the cast by 1 nomas w. Edgar, on the south bv an alley, and on the west by .M. A. (ireen nnd other property ot II. (). Creveling, belrif b-JVj feet front nnd 17.1 feet deep, whcieon Is erccteu a two story frame stable. ALSO, One lot bounded on tho north by Second street, on the west by Light sti ect road, ou the south bv lot of M. A. Orecn, and east by other pioperty of ll. 0, crev cling, being on second street, nnd on Light street road, whereon Is erected a two btory frnme dwelling and out buildings. scl.d, taken Into execution, und to bo bold ns the property 01 ll. o. (.reveling. ALSO, All that certain real estate situate In Scott town ship, Columbia cuiintv, bounded onthcbouth by a public road, on the weft by 1. s. Kuhn, on tho north by a nubile road, and on theeavt bv land of Daniel Snj dor, whereon li erected a fiamu barn, said land eontulntngabout twenty acres, with tho nppuile-nnnces. Seized, tnken Into execution, nnd to bo sold as tho property ot llarmuu o. Cicvcllug. ALSO, All that certain real estate situate In Benton town-hip. Columbia county, bounded and described isf ll.ms: On tnc.vMsr b .Matthew .Mcllcniy.on the 1101 th by Itoucrt hdgnr, 011 tne east bj Thomas .Mc-lleni- . on tho soiitn by the saine.w hereon are erect ed a dwelling houbcitnd barn, containing sevent- nix ucie:-, uivjiu urie&s. ALSO, In the same township, two other lots, bounded on the north by lands ot lUehnrd Stiles, nn tho south by Benjamin Mcllcnr.v, on the west by Main suect, on theiuttby arvm Masters with the appurtenances, bald two lots containing x acre. selzea, tnken into execution, and to be sold ns tho properly ui iiussui. aicuenry ALSO, All thatcertaln pltco or parcel of land situated In r iiuiiigcroei. tuwiisuip, coiuinuia countv, 1'elinn., M 1(1 lid: SHERIFFS SALES. BY VIltTUM OPHl'NDHY WHITS luel out of tho Court of Cnrimon Pleas of Columbia (mint)-, nnd to tno directed will bo exposed tosalo nt tho court llouso on TUHSDAY, JANUARY 18 187C, All that certain piece of land sltnatn tn Prlarcrcrk township, Columbia eountypidlolning lands of John Van I'cb nn the north, Archibald t'owlcr on tin? south, Wllllnhi Ullnc on tlm west, nnd Daniel Slbcrt on tho east, containing thirty acres, mure or less, whereon aro erected anno nnd a halt story hotel, a shod and other outbuildings. .... seized, taken Into execution, and to, be sola as tho property ot W llllam Linden. ALSO, All that certain lot of land situate In Jackson township, Columbia county, bounded on tho west br land ot John Dorr, on tho north bv Nchemtnh Chamberlain, nn the south by Jacob Lunger, on tho onst by (loorgo Tnrvcr, cold lining fifty acres, more or loss, nn wldch nro erected a two story house,barn, and outbuildings, with tho appurtenances. Seized, taken Into execution, and to bo a ltd as tho ptopcrty of A. J, Kline. ALSO, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY, 19, 1870, on tho premises, nt 1 o'clock P, M tho following real estate, to ltt , , All that certain real estate-situate tn tho boroujjh ot (( ntr.ill.i, Columbia county, bounded n tho cast bystreet, outho north by Company land, on tho est hy Thomas Pulton, on tho south by railroad i where jntseroctedailwclllnghoiise and outbidldlngs; said tot being twenty tivo fet tront nnd ono hun dred nnd fifty feet deep, with tho nppurtchanees. Seized, taken Into execution, aud to bo sold as tho property of Zncharlah Krcbchcr, MICIIAKLOIIOVKH, Sheriffs ofilce, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, Dec, !t. 1S75. SHERIFFS SALE. ByMrtuo of n writ ot levari Pactas, Issued outot tho Court of ( ommon Ploas and to mo directed, will bo exposed to public salo on tho premises In Berwick, on MONDAY, JANUARY 21th, 187C, At ono o'clock p. m. That certain piece or parcel ot land or lot of ground rltuate In tho borough ot Berwick, hounded and Jeserlbed ns follows t-wltt Beginning uta corner of John Itlll on Front street below Market stree t. thence by tho said John Hill eighty feet to nn nllej, thence by said alley 32 feet nniro or less to corn-r lot of William VV Illinois, thence by the said William Wllll.ims, ndhtanceot eighty feet to Tront street, aforesaid, thence by the i-aine 82 feet more or less to tho place, of tn-glnnlng, (the inortgjgo lieu on tho b.ilaneo of tho land havlug been rclcuscdjwher.1 on aro 1 reeled a two-story BRICK HOUSE used fur a dwelling nnd storo houso wllh restaurant In basoment.and upon which Is erected an lco-hou-.", together w It h t ho hereditaments and appurtenance i. seized, taken Into execution, nnd to be sold as the property 01 Jonn 11. Jacouy, ALSO, On tho snine diy, nt ten o'clock A.M., on the prem ises tn Brlatcrcik township. All thatcertaln messuage or tenement andstrre nouso anu 101 01 pnieei ot i.inu situate 111 uriarcrcek tonushtp aforesaid, bounded and descilbol ns fol lows, viz: Beginning at a stone, on the south side of thcL.SII. It. It. and n corner of lander LjdlaSpo- ut-uuerg, eueiicu uy sum i nil rouu norm eiguty-liv o degrees west eight nnd tour-tenth perches, north eighty-seven and llncc-quarte r di-gree-s west twelve perchusto 11 stone In line of lantfof Daniel I'ursel, b.ieiieu uy luu n.imu unu nmu 01 vv in. i,. r reas s tuin seven and thro -auatter decrees east slxtv-fuurand six-tenths perches to a line stone, theneu bj land of tho said Stephen '1 bom is south tlfty-ilghtaud a h df degrees cost seven and four tejiths perches to a lino stone, north thlitv-tlvo nnd aquartcr degrees cast tonths Perthes, noith eight nnd a quarter degiees (OMEIBfi, 1875. TO OUR MANY FRIEND3 AVD fATliOSN. For tlio past four years wo have given grout attention to Christmas and Holiday Prksents. Eacli year wo have striven to excel our former efforts having profited by tlio experience wo have had, wo announce this us our cRowisriKra epp.ort. For two weeks we have been working night and day to make it so. How well we have succeeded it is necessary for you to call and examine the largest and most beautiful stock of goods wo have ever yet displayed in C iitawissa. To begin wo call your special attention to our large and beautiful stock of Alabaster, Lava, Crystal and Boinian Vases ami Toilet Over 100 styles purchased for cash at a recent sale in which wo offer at one-half their, real value. Also, tn to select suitable presents, we call your attention to the following cw York, 1 1 una oie you ron LADfES' AND CHILDREN. lL'J to $00 lleantirul neck-tics from Silk mufflers white or fancy .It) to 2.00 i.aco ties bu to ,0 cent each Hotnitti scat 1's 7,1, 87, 1.00 to ,1.50 Lace handkerchief 'J.'), SO, 7," to 1.00 l'laiti linen liatnlkorchiels f, 1L', 18, 2j to "5 Initial handkerchiefs 2,"and -10 cents Kid gloves, all colors, sizes nnd pi ices Kid and cloth gauntlets 10 to 1.75 Ileal laco collars ftO to 2.00 Linen collars and cuffs 111 bets in handsome limes SO to 7.1 Wot k boxes and writing desks largo variety from 1.00 to 0.00 Ladies' bcwin?, writing and traveling neces saries, in HiHsia leather eaos " Photograph albums 1.00, 1.50 to 8.00 .Musical albums tldrtj'-fuiir and nine-tenths perches to the middle of Flench ink-standj and lianor weights tlio .North Uranch canul, thence nlong the sumo Music e-isos finl 1, ,n,li?l.:: north seventy-! even degrees west nine and eight- , , 1 C-1"' C-s' "inilkcrclitei tenths perehes, noith eight and a quarter degiees ."lv0 "live", ivn prices cast eighteen and slx-tcjnths ptrches to a stone by Silver thimbles and imfflHiYrvi land of I.jdl.i SpunMibciB. thenee; by the same notch ft.lr,i 11 00X03 eighty-tour nnd a half degrees west four and nlue- '','u "-(.tivcrs ief and tentlis perches to a stone.und nortii sov t-n anil threo Colgate's perfumes and soans in linvc MILirtprrlMirrt ut Rll,. n Hurt nliin.tnntlw ,,.,trh. I 1 , . ll! UUAIH .stottStoncthoplacBof b.). lnidug.cintainlng eight ?iu .0PCS ami views ncres and forty-seven pi-rt-hes of lai d, neat measure, ivsiioirtocscopcs clirnmos ted a large two story and a half brick duelling hoiise,'i two story frame houo used as u grocery und di-lhng, with a good vv harf , making It a desirable place for a canal gioccry. i-cized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold ns tho property of Jucob Kochcr and MniU Kocher, his Initial and plain vvrititif nnnnn Shawls and skirts Hosiery and Underwear Nnbia, Hoods and Underwear rop. GENTLEMEN. TJow, lies. latest.noviltic3 Xeck niiilleci's anl pulse warmers I'itiu white shirts Paper and linen collars nnd cufls Suspenders 25 to 1.00 Uuckskiti, shcetiskin, clnth and kid gloves. Litien and silk liaiidkerchicfs all prices Smoking sets from fill tn 2.75 Diessitig ea-es from 1.75 and up Pocket cigar cases, drinking cups, silver to bacco boxes Ilair, Cloth, Tooth, and hat brushes I' me match boxes Fins llritish hosory Pine tindenvear 50 different styles of pocket-books, from 15 to 3.00 each Pocket handkerchiefs in fancy boxes Shaving cups and fine soap3 . Itazor.s and strojis Leather valises and eabbai And many other USEFUL ARTICLES too numerous to mention. Sheriff's Office, bloomsburg, Dec. 'il, 1S7B, MICIIAEL aitOVEK, Sheriff. I). Columbia countv bounded on tho not th uy lands or it, F, Kugar,ou the west bv land of of 11. K KdL-ar. on tho south bv ninri of Joseph Dleterlch und l'cter Kveland, nnd on tho 0 1st by land of John vv'enncr, on which aio crecte-d auwo uug uouse anu suioic, containing nrty ncres, more or less, v llh the appurtenances. ALSO, All that certain pleco orpaicel of land sltuaf In Flshlngui-e-K township, Columbia count), bounded by lands ot Wlebcr Pennington on the norm, or uilas 'resident. Wm. IllilNULK. Doc. 31, 1875-St "Tha KE NOTICE. When yon co to Phlladclnhin stoD nt tne Allegheny iiotisc, iNO. 8ia and 61-1 ilar ket street: havinc been recently renovnteil. '."w" .at.... iJL,iK,i.-ra ui kuu UAUieiV ul- It," &n .- Z ter the fire broke t-ut a second time, that n part x r ' PV uay A- UECK of Mr. CharaU-rlain's family barely (capcd March 10,'75-ly Proprietor, with tticir lives. Mr. I.. D. Montanye nnd f.im- horn, Jerieytown and Orangeville. At one ily, who were asleep in the third storv. were COAL, o clod: p, in. Reynard was started thirty mill- awakened) by the smoke, and with difficulty Old Established Coal Yard. u-o -,- uuva, ce o. a uoen or more ot the best r"", h" 'in time to but v ere" - W- Neal & B"v Wholesale & Retail aal vviftet hounds in tho Countv. and in hw- i 1 ,.i (l,?v.e.n n?.u?V0 tl'b.tucre Dealera in nil .lira r,f th. W. milii. nf ,, . . ,, , , ' . . I 'ori-cu wj uy in ineir nicni cioines, carrying two 1 T, r , V,i ,. . , . V w. than one hour after the bounds wero loosed ho L.n .ll ri,n;irn ,m, .... ed and Wbito Ash Coal, at tho verv lowest was forced to take refuge in a hollow trce.where oneof the severest losers by'thoiire, everything market rates. Have constantly oh hand large both fox and bounds werj soon discovered by "J llle "nu of household goods and moch valua- "-l-k-a ' tho liorsetnen in pursuit. An ai was ha.tilv l "ra?, 'rorr7 D?SB?1 ,' "m .lnB """'i. , , , - iutuuu, v unueiEuvuei uiuv no nnu no lDur- i wui.uiu, lU'.nnt-d, th.- Hounds till placed again in re- anco. MnrkRmith'a Anthmptto straint, in order to felljtho tree without injury to the dogs, but while the tree was being worked down from its lodgement on other tree, the fox jumped from the hollow of the tree, when the hounds were at once set fox in a few minutes thereufte: merit and good humor with the crowd that as sembled to witness the chase. Ill's loss is about $4,000. Mrs. Mo'n'taiiye daughter of W. A. Chamberlain. AKTEItTlIB LADIES. oi mo tree, wnen t ie Tho Spril)gfi(,tj JiepUcan is after tho nnd Lumber taken in exchango free, and captured the udied - the following rt,lo-we don't delivered to aiiy of tl. eufter. All was mem- , , , ,. . . . . , ,, , , snort notice. Orders left at I, W. J !,t, .... .,... know whether he is a crusty old Bachelor Htm, nr nt nHr m ! ? l'i!.a , or not : "There is a kind of assumption that woman Is a neater, cleaner, more sens!- 1 he State Grange which has just closed its tiro and moro refined creature than man. It niml session at Lancaster was largely nttinded may bo so : but a lady will do many thiogs about 700 representatives of subordinate which a gentleman could not brine himself granges being present, 1 here are In this Ktato to elo. There is no gentleman in fcjDrineficld. ai- ,w ou.uuu rairons oi Husbandry, of which lor Instance, who would walk through Main D .uphln has eight granges. The first grange In street dragging part of his raiment on the I'ainsylyanlu was founded in Lancaster city in ground after him. Any gentleman would i J3. iuo granges in tho mate aro located as consider h mse f denied bv such a .rf,,rm. luliows: Jlradlord, 40: Crawford, 'li; Indiana, unc0i ana probabJy would soou find himself Bituminous. and Limeburner's Conl Btpocial attention given to tlio prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain lor coal. e town at McKclvv's oujic, or at our omce, win receive prompt at tention, uincoana larus at wiuiam iseal t. tj 1 -13 T,l , . . . u.-uuir x-uruuee, risv jiioomsDurg, lour patronage roepocLSully solicited. UAli. 17 U ZO COAL 20,- Chester, 21; Oreene, 22; Mercer, 22; Arm strong, 21; Berks, 20; Erie, 20; Columbia, 18; riuw-uehanna, 18; Venango, 18; Centre, 18; Butler, 10; Tioga, 10 ; Cumberland, 11; Lu lerue, 13; Montgomery, 13; Wyoming, 13; Bedford, 12; Washington, 12 i IIuntingdon,12; Lycoming, 12; York, 11; Bucks, 0; Lavrreuce, ; Ltbanon, 0; Dauphin, 8; Jefferson, 8; Lan caster, 8; Westmoreland, 8 ; Monroe, 7 ; North ampton, 7 ; Northumberland, 7 ; Clearfield, 0 ; Clintcu.fl; FrankIn, 0; Mifilin, 0; 1'crry, 0; Schuylkill, 0; Warren, 0; Clarion, 6; Fayette, !; Montour, 0 ; Snyder, C; IJcaver, 1; Fulton, Sullivun, 4; Wayne, 1; Delaware, 3;Lhlgh, 3; Blair, 2; Forest, 2; Pike, 2; Adairs, 1; 'fsomerstt, 1. There are said to be about 1,500, Wi grangerfl In tho Unittd Statej. in tlio hand of the police and arraigned be fore a commission dt tunatico. Nu gentle man would care to parade the streets in euch Fob Rent. A laree new Store Itoom. Hall. and Dwelling partmenU. New brick buildinir on mum niroci near juamei. terms theim. Inquire of OEO. W. rJi'EIUJBIt. Dee. 10, '76-tf. QONSUMPTION CUBED. An old phvsiciau, retired from active prac tice, having had placed in his bands by nn East India Missionary tlieformula of aaimple v egetauie jtiemeuy , ior me speedy auu perm attire that one baud was constantly occupied I anont Cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca in .1 . 1 -1. . c i j . i i I . i. 1 -.1 a ....1 ..11 'PL . ir : i , ii itcuiig iuo diuck ui -lis urueenca, alter I ahuius, auu dm aiiiukv uiiu Jjung tho mauner of holding up skirta, at the prta- ----. a' PotJUvo and Kadical Cure for w I rVtirvniia Tltilifv anil nil MurtfAin I Vn , - , , i I ' i mm t uivm umiivk ihvivuxum tiovi. v 4 1 a character 01 gambler to a man who wear-i wonderful curative powers iu thousands of cnt time. many jewels and rings, and recognize a coir- cascti, feel ' it bis duty to make It known to nato vulgarity in tho lady who similarly ""'"ing fellows. Actuated by this motive, nvorlnada l,,.rIf ,,..t.. ...i anu conscieniions uisire iu relievo II u muu overloads herself on occas ons when . per- SUfrcring, he will end (frtt eAar) to all sonal adornment la not in keeping. What who dudre it, this recipe with fulldirectinus wo mean is that there is a modesty and so- tor preparing and succeaxfuly using It. Sent briety of attire and even of bearing among by return wail by addressing with stamp, recognized gentlemen which the recognized "MC UiU paper. ajft, lady hu uot yet attained." Uunw)) jj, amcnv. R V. hat nn application will bo madn nt 11m next. meeting of the Legislature of I'ennsy vanla, tnpass nv, w w --jiu rtee. 10 unitnu an Act'1 entitled '"an Act tn prei-t. n Pnnr llnn for Conyngtiara 'lovvnsblp and tho borough of Centralla, In Columbia county." Approved April ISr.U. KQ f ip nu rel.iteu tn tlif, innrln ,.r nn. pealing from tho yearly sett cmentof the Auditors uuu wjiuras reuiujH to tne eiocuou 01 tno 0 irectors V. C. ALDEHSON. of said poor district, (--fgned) Bec.4l,l875.1ra PRIVATE SALE OP VALUABLE HOTEL I'BOrEUTY. The undersigned offers at private sale the Hotel Half Way House. la Centra Township Columbia county, containing TWO ACRES on which aro erected a eood barn and outbuildings, It Is located on tho Main road between Ulooins burc and liorwlck, and ts In every way a desirable yiuueriy, i etuis uattj, A. K. 81IUMVN. Dec. 31, 1875,-tt Ltie Hldge, l'a. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. Holiday excursion tickets will bo Issuod at reduced fare's Utwcen ull regidor ntatlons on main road and nrunche-s, (excepting between local poluu on (iermanton and Mirrlstown branch,) trood from Thursday, Pteeinbe r as, wo, to Wtdnewday, Janua ry 6. 1S76. both days Inclusive. No sales of such tickets will be made after fatur- aay, January 1, istg. I'asscnftrs should procuro their tickets before en terlnK thecals. Full fares charged if paid on the trains. j. it. wool kn. Heading, Dec, so. deucral Superintendent. J EaiSIATIVE NOTICE. Notice is hereby ptven that an application will be mado at the rnsulntr session of the legislature for the passage of an act entitled "an net making an appropriation tor the relief ot the Normal bchool ot the Mith District." The object of the application being to old in the erection of buildings in place of that lately destroy ed by by tire. WM. ELWELL, Attest : President of tho Board of Trustees. John a. VMCiizts, Dec, ihw Bec'y, $ 100.00 REWARD ! On last Tuesday night there was stolen from the premise s of the untie rslgned near tatrdsvllle, TVt o 11A1IEX, both dark bajs, one four jears old neit spring, snd the olber uboutten Kitty dollars win bu paid for the recover of the horses, und lift dollars- more for tho arrtst and com Irtton of the thieves. nsoitau I., burnt, L&lrdsvUle, Lycoming co., l'a. Docw-H- Jetotno drasley, Libelant, vs. Declah Uraslay, Libelee. In Common I'less of Columbia count-., No. 818. Kepteinber'lwin is e, Libel In Dlvone a vinculo niiuimonll. The alias sutpetna In the above case having txien returned non est Inventus, you ,tbe said DesUb Cras- tvt. bis utnu, ifivura iu rarvv vur saiuue-urv. on the Crst ilinelav it ttLtutrv sen losinivtrthi complaint tberela hied. Dg l,twa vr uiwur. VVcnner on the east, of . V. 1 rexk-r on the went. nnd of l'cter Ephlln on - he south, containing eighty acres, more or less, whereon uro a frame dwelling house, a bank barn, wagon shed and other outbuild ings. belzed, taken Into execution, and to bo sold s the property of T. W. hdgar and Vv llllam Edgar, ALSO, All that certain-tract of land situate tnrishtng-crt-fk township, Columbia county.andstateot Penn sylvania, and adtolulug land of John I'ealer on tho north, lanel of William Whltcnttrhtnnd tho h irsnr John Mucker, deo-ased. on tho cast, Ijnd of Daniel fftucker, de ceased, on the Boutb, and land of Cath.1 lino I'ealer ou the west, containing seventy-seven acres aud ono hundred and fort) -threo perches, to trether wllh the heicdltatnentsand annul tonann-H. Mdzcd, ttikcn Into execution, and to bo sold nr, tho propel u of Ella3 1', bender and Amandus Unangst, tcrre tenant. ALSO, All thatcertaln real estate situate In Flshlngrreck township, Columbia county, bounded and described us follows: on tho north by James Park, on thu south by Sainuel I. I'ealer, on the west bv It. II. Jones, nnd cn tho east by heirs of liuckalcvv.contnln Ing fourteen acres, more or le?, tho saino being un seated land, with tho appurtenances. ieuxd, taken Into cxecutloi., aud to be sold as tho property of James N. Jones. ALSO, All that certain lot of land ltuate In the town of IlioomstiUi g, Columbia county bounded and describ ed as follows, to wit : djolnln,' lot of Nathan e hro mlsou the east, by canal stmt on tno south, bv Hldge alley on the north, nnd by lot of.Mnthlas Kindt on tho ive-H, wliciconls erected a dwelling houso and oit bulldln-rs. sotted, tiiKe-n into execution, nnd to bo sold as tho prop riy or -loois iitnry. TOTICE TO HK1KS. (.ot.n-intA Codntv. ss: In tho omhans' court of Columbia Countv. In the matter of tho partition and valuation otthe estate of Noau . premiss, law or nioom toivnihlp, deceased, TO James M. Price, Noah C. i'rentlss nnd Clam K. l'reu- USCf'lll nrCJeiltS tlss; Youarohercb notltled Hint on tho lsth day of 1 i-ecexou'-r, isir, tno (rpn;iu.s (.ouil ot loiumoia county granted n 1 ulo upon thi" heirs of said deced ent to accept or refuse tho estate at tho valuation or snow cause way tno samo snouiu not bo sold. 1 nere ioro 5 ou are neieoy e-ummnniieet to Do and np, iiu uii t.ipuiius euuii w ue iiiuueil ill lliooins- mui-, 111 iiuu iui Luuniuu UUTiii-.y, un liioiir&t VVtU- ,jr , ncs-Kiy of February next, and then und there aco pt V atclies or refuse tho vstiitu at the valuation put upon It by ' uiuiiiiui-Bi uui,, u uiui.-,i, wi Biiuw .viiy iuu hninu miuuiu nui. uu sum ugiL-eiioiy ui eiio act oi Asseinoiy uieuuiLUQi...uiaui: mm )i ,i vn ifu , lien-UI lull not. Witness tlio Honorable William J-llvv i-ll. Ksmiiri' rieslilcnt of our said court ut bloomsburg, the lsth daj- ot De-ct mbcr, A. li. one thousand eli-bt hundrcel anu s-.vcniy.uvo. IHCIIAELOItOVEK Dec S4,';5-0t. SheiltT. A GENTS, 20 OIL CIIIiOMOS mounted XX. size Mil, for tl. Novelties and Chromos of I evtiy iii-scription. National enromo company, rhll- 11 H VniT JIalo or Female. Send your address 1 J vu anil 1,-et soineminc luu twill linnir 3 oum honorably over $ico a mouth DU.V. ... , UA. A Jt O UI, ,,l-, m, Greenwich St., New York. In addition to tho above wo have a beautiful assortment of LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' FURS, cliildrens' Fur Turbans and 7 tiuv, inj -.ic-jii auiu mm Also a line assortment of GOLD AND PLATED JEWELRY Chains, WANT MONEY SHORT CUT TO WEALTH. Chances for all I Male nnd female n-reutst Bn.irnn. vassers. Krce lnfonuutlon, nnd free samples with every order. p. o. cox rati) I mue (.u., vvorui St., n. y. FOB COUGHS, C0LUS. IIOAKSENKSS, AMD AIL THU OAT D2SEASBS USE WELLS' CARBOIJO TABLETS Put up onlv lu 11 LUU BOXES. A'l'i lcd und Mire Itcmcdy. For salo by druggists generally, and JOIINSre-K HU-.1.UVV ai ol vu., j ui.aueipuia, l-a. A GREAT OFEER !! Wo will durlntr the holldav s. dlsnnsn nf 11m t'i.-inn I and Organs of Ilrst class makers, Including Waters, nt lower prices than ever beforo offered. Monthly Installments received, running from 12 to 31) months. Warranted for 0 jears. t-ecoud hand Instruments at extremely low prices for cn-.li. illustrated cntaloguo . , nbiuw .iuu.i ,, ui vi uuiu-.ll IHUUll.Wl, ALSO, All that lot or pleco of land situated In tho bor- 0112I1 of Centralli. county of Columbia, state of Pennsylvania, bounde'd und described ss follows, to ll.: uu euu ntai uy iul ui u itiuiy uei-iie, iiurill uy lanuoi Locust Mountain coal nnu iron cumpany, cast by '1'rnutvvlne street, and south by ItaUroai street, sa d lot being twtntj-flvo feet deep he (ho same, more or less, on viuicuis crt-ctcuu uw citing house. belzed, tnken Into execution, aud to be sold as tho property 01 iacimiinn ivreiscner, ALSO, All that certain messuage and farm, containing one hunorcd nnd thirty-four acres, moro or less, sli- u.ao In ornngo townshtp, ndlolnlng lands of the heirs of George Kline, Daniel Kline, ana bounded In part also by s billing creek, being the same premises cuuvejl-u uy u. j.iuseiis auu miu iu l ua-r licuas. ALSO, Eight acres of timber land, te the same moro or less, tn Iho tovvntllpof orange, adjoining lands 01 jcsmj urumsieuer, josetu nisniirt, Jnir.en rves, llartman, and others, being the tamo premises con veved to l'cter litllas b Junes hvesund wife to gether with the hereditaments and appurtenances. Seized, Uiki-n Into execution, and to oe bold as tho property 01 cnaries lco. ALSO, All that certain dwelllnir house of tw o storles.hav lng a Hunt it sixteen feet nnd a depth r f thirty-six feet, situate unon a lot or niece ct hind In tho town of Espy, towiixblp of scott Columbia county, bound ed eust by a let or milium Lhibtman, southwardly by an alley, vvestwardly by a lot it W illiam o. Glr ton, and northwaidl by Second street, containing iiguiv-ivvu unii h nun leet iruuv Helzed, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the property 01 James tovvier. ALSO, All thatcertaln lot or niece ot cround situate In tho town of ll uomsburg, Columbia county, on the east side oi l ost tin el, uounucu as follows, to wit 1 ueuinmnir nta coiner on an nuev nnu cast stn i t, thenee alone? fiald East street south.eastvvardlv-nrtv. Are fi ct to lot of Jacob Shaffer, thence along said lot of Jacob t-haffer north-eastwsrdlv cne hundndand ninety. Ave feet to 1 best nut alley, thence by said al ley north-wesiwsrdly ntty-flTo feet to the alley tlrst mentioned Ihtnee by suld alley touth-westwardly one hundred and ninety live feet to the plaeuof be- inning; wi.e-rcon are erccteu a two btory irame welling house, a stable and other outbuildings. Nclzea. taken Into execution, nnd to be bold as tlio property of n h ester J, Faux and 'lillman Faux, ALSO, All that certain tractor piece of land situate In Centre township, Columbia county, and state of l'ennsvlvnnlu. Pounded and describe a as rolIowfLto wit 1 on the west b- land of Jul. 11 siller, Jr., on the north by lands ot the heirs of Andrew 1 reus and wu Uuia Hoffman, und on Uie east and south by lands latent John Conner, deecaved, containing Ihlrtj one acres, more or less, ou which lire creeled a dwel ling house snd burn, with the appuitei antes. belted, tsken Into execution, and tn be told as the prupeity ct Oeoige MUer with notice to Samuel whltmoyer, term tenant and present owner. ALSO, AH thatcertaln nloce or tract of land sltuatiiln a luuu.j auu o.um. Mvjiroaiu, uuuuueu as IMIuw s, to vv U I on the west by land ot Levll'esltr, em tl e north by land late of heirs ot Andrew Freas and William lloftmun, oa tho tost by theubovedescrlbediiit,undon tho south by land of John Conner, n jw dt-ceasd, containing thirty-one ires, mole or less, belled, tskeu Into execution, and to b sold 14 Oia I tropiiy utVMt Mticr, wllh nolle to JohublUw, 1 i, vwi-ivuuiuv-u.u(ir,nvoH-i-1 NIP and TUCK" (Ckromo.) The Great American Tea Company, 3t & '.lit Vc-Ncy Street, X. V. Teas distributed to clubs nt Imnortrrs' in lrpi. lleautlful on chromos, of different sizes, presented to purchase! s 01 1, a, 3, 4 or & pounds of tea, In clubs of so and upwards. 'I ho company bus now ready for delivery a Fph-ndld chroino, entitled "Nip anu ifCK,- a new (threo pound) picture, btiowtngallvelj skirmish between baby and his ret dog for the pos- sesion or a lion, itiHsoiuiioi roaringiun mat no description can tell tho story so well as the simple tltlo of tho artist. The battle Is Just Nip und 'rink, and must bo seen to bo appreciated, scud for circu lar or prices, icrmM, sc. TIIK Olti.A'1' AMEItlCAN TEA COMI'ANr, 31 4: 33. Vesey Street, New Tom Citv. Breast-2)ins, Ear-drojis, Kings, OJianns, 1 Bracelets, Silver spoons, Napkin Rings', Studs, Gold and plated Cuff Buttons. Black Jewelry of every discription at very low prices. We invite you to call and exiSe the aboIelodT"" Wo will take pleasure in showing them whether you purchase or not, and our prices you will nnd down to the bottom, throughout our entire store. REMEMBER THE POPULAR CASH STORE OF W. P. JONES & CO., fSatawiasfa. Dec. IT, 1ST3. s- 'sjj V. O. BOX Dec. 81.T5-1W, GOOD AGENTS WANTED. Tho HATUItDAY KVKNINO VOHT Lclngf the only imuiujf 1 itrciaij ituu ittsmuu J)UH'l puuildULU ill THE CENTENNIAL CITY Agents have no trouble in getting hundreds of sub scribers tn ove-rv Uiw-n and c-nuntv 11 fives the l:.r. I "gest anet best chromo (I9xi6) to ever)- subscriber this I ji-m. luie-u beuui bvune-s uiwu-s running, nampio I "l", IUI I, lllllt. LvI.V mt,iii,j. I'ajs largest cash wages, and gives gold premiums Jo its agents. Agents ore now making no per week. Wo give exclusive territory. Snmpltsand circulars itEEl), vficKEHSHAVf & CO., Editors and proprto- Or,7 H A&enrsrroms per wwk. wlltprovoit vivv ii-tiiii iiw, it'w armies justrai- euuHi. nunipies irio loan. Auareba w. II. CliiU- unco i nn, -ii muituwuy. spw yuik. Pec. W.76-4W. " LOUIS BERNHARD, Dealer lu ELO IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Silverware, "Watches and Jewelrv DLOOMSUUItO, I'A, ' Ijidlcs' and Gentlemen's Cold and fcllvcr Watches. ui wiuiTieuu una i-oreign manuiacturo. Silver and Plated Ware. Clocks. FINK JEWKLIIY, AC, AO. REPAIRING AND ENGRAVING rroniiKI) i:cciitcd. Oct.SIS-ly TiTlfE or tino.uuo, uu, oi1, no.m, vm.m. no,-tot nn.o'o vvuci eiuuiirr ouu tt nio imiu 111 llio touilnv InttHTV U 1it.h lu r-iMiri nr.1 oil liiiVu .. ... i f 7" HOLIDAY GOUDS-I Bamains in Lumher! o J. li MAIZE, JOHN J. IKTHENRY, BENTON, COL. CO. PA. 100,000 fencing boards, at $8.75 Lottery. hlch la conducted by sw era commlsslouert coso of ffilularSrinlMhLV'. tWStatCWl has Just received a nno assortment ol A LURK EVAPORATED TEACHIM. The best fruit of the kind la tho market. PINE AITLE CHEESE, ALMEltIA GlUl'E-3, OUANOES, . LI'.ilONS, CONFECTIONS, NUTS, JEC. &G. A splendid now lot ot CHiNA-WAKE, TOILET SET3, CUILDrtENS TOY SETS, NEW STYLE OUSl'IDOrtS, CENTENNIAL J1READ PLATKS, GL-ISS-WAtlE, (1UEENS-WAHE, In great variety. A full stock ot fancy lamps and lino ihainbi-r sets. Especial attention Is called to hU vuiiy auu suver ware, wuicuue Is selling tilu vekr. 'I tr Let tl oai-h s t ,r tit ok .,....,. .It:!:. lars with tun Infoiinatlon maded tree, AtJ-SN M (! . ? M.b. fi.. v. w Sp. lt,-n.7 " """" lUUht. A lew Ihatiiiiiliri (1m, l.ranrl r-lu-at-u will lu. closed out cheap. biciu uiu veiocipeaes ior boys, ana aa dnaJMi Variety of evtrjuiufgn- UdihnS, -"-iw 100,000 heart Shinclea. shaved. extra good, at 7.00 100,000 Sap Shinglea shaved, at $1.50 100,000 No. 1 Sawed Shingles at $5.00 Also Plank, Siding, Inch Pine, and all kinds of lumber can be found in my yard. Cull at onco for bargains, rtc'e.-iia