nr. tuvastrnm Ui jwrnr. im i mi ew TFTE'COLUMIUAN ddlOMBU llSHOOlUT, STAR Or THR NORTH ANDCOLBII nlANCIMSOMIUTEIi.) issued viokl , OHTy rrlilny morning, at IlLOOMHlll'llU, COLOMBIA VOl-NTY, l'A. At rwonot.Uns per lear, pa able In advance or (1 irunrtha .oar. Alter iho expiration of llio icar. will tjo charged, i'o Biiiseriti;ra out of tin! cu inty th.1 terms nro ti per i ear strictly In ndvonru li,v It not paid In advance, ana IJ.uo it payment boiimaud lwiitid thu j ar No paper ilHoonlluj"J. except nt tho option o( Iho riihllsiior, until all nnvarngos nro paid, tnitlonir n,i illiinnjl r-...llll itln Ihn .... nl .. I .... RATES OF ADVERTISING One lncll,(tvclvellnps or Its equivalent th Nonr ell typo) ono or two lnsullont, fl,cu; thice mar Hons, ll.uii. stack. in. tx. f tt. ly Osfltrich... u r.o ii.oo M.ofl lo.w TWO IneMi X.M Ml 7.09 . 16.H0 Threeluches r,.no j.o v.oo in.iu Fi'iirlhclies J.oo i.esi 11.00 n.uo vn.w (uar cr Column le.uei li'io n.iei t,.io tc.tu hall luliiimi I6.nn is.iei Kin kv.esi iai.iii on colman b ,eo ss.eo Yffttlv adrertlseintiits p able quartern i Tion sltnt ndvertlot'tnetits must l paid befute Innrnc exiiipt where jiaritea have account. lAignl ailt ertlscineiit s tn o elollani t r rlnrh tor tlire lnsi'rileib,nndatlhutrnt' for additional Insertion without reference tu lentflh. Ilxi'etiltirs, Admlnls ratoi's nhd Audl.ot u ie thiec dollars. Trahsleiit or Ixa1 notices, twenty ccntsa llr-n. regtilar advert isemi r.ts half rates. Cards In tho "lmlness litroctory" column, olb dollar per year for oaeli lino, COMl'iilMr.NTAItY HAXQUKT. if ll,ll , ...v.., vtl U. l 1 1 III mil UllllUIirSt, year will not tio glwn. All pipers sent out of tlio S'a e, or in distant post oniecs, must ho paid for In advance, unless n respon sible person In Columbia county assumes to pay tho su'ncrlptloii iluo on demand. l'OH r,ui II Is no longer exacted from subscribers In tho county, JOB 3?PtEWTI3XrC3-. I R.I tJSl 1 1711 I I . tiio .louuing Department or tlio colpmman is very 1 co nplo'e. unit our Job 1'ilntlng will compare favor- C. B. BROCKWAY. 1 -... ably wi n that of lioiar.-o cuius, aii w orh dono on a e etwft i f Editors ana Proprietors, demand, hen li and a moderate prices, i ' "" BLOOMSBUIIG, PA., FRIDAY, DECKM1SER31.1875. Till? COI.UMI'.IAN, VOL. IX, NO. f.2 COI.U.UIIIA IlK.MtinilAT, VOL. XL, NO. 4 Columbia County Official Directory. President .tiidgo-Vt'lllUm Ulwcll. Associate .tinlgos -Irani Hon-, Isaac S. Jtonroo. I'rolhjtiutnri , Ac. U. ,'rankZarr. Itoglsters: Itounrdcr Vllll.imson il. Jacoby. titstrlet Attorneylnl- i M. uinrK. -shorllT -Michael drover, mtrvu or Isaac Dmvlt. Treasurer -John smeiT, Conmlviiuiiem-Wlillain I.awton, John Horner, John Knt. Commissioners' Clerk William Krleltb.ium. Au.llUiM-lI..I.UanipVh;l ,N. V. hnilth, UaMilYost. t.'oroiitr-ciinrlesti.Miirph . .lury UommLfcloneraIncou II. fritz, William II. count Superintendent -Wl Ham II. Snyder. Illoo'n Poor Mitrlct directors o, I'. Knt, Sect, Win, Kramer, lilomnsb.irg and Thomas Cruvellng, leoit, o. p. ' Bloomsburg Official Directory. lilonmsbnrg Hanking company John . I-'unston, l'roslden ,11. 11. tiro ., t aihl'T. KIM Na tonal tl.inkchnrleslt. l'ax'on, ' resident J. 1". Tustln. cashier. Columbia Couniv Mu nit Sarin? l'und and Loan Assoelailm-i:. II. 1.1 ,j, Pruslden , C. W. Miller, livretnry, IHooms'nrir Uulldlnj niiimnttne Fund Assocla'lon -Wm. ivanuck. ITeMitfiii,.!. II. liiiblwn, sptrcar. Illoomsbnri Mu ual H lmr Fund Assnrla Ion.!. .1. llrower, I'rc.slden , u. l. Iiarkley, Kepromvy. ' CHURCH UIl'.KCTORY. turnsT ciiCKcii. ltiy. .1. P. Tim In, t-jupplv.) Hlu laySTVleeH-1 M a m rtndilMp. m. H md i "chuol 'J ii. m 1'r.nt rMo'tliiK-Everj Wed.iesda evening at fi.s, c ocl;. sjiKfree. Tlw public .re ln 1 ed 'oa lend. ST. II ITTlir.W'B I ITIIKItAN C'llt'lU 11. JMnls er 1lev. .1. "el i n. s.milay Serilees-lov; ,. m. and d'jp. m. Sunday "choul-'Jii.m. I'r.i er Moo lii'j-i;ver. Wcdn"sdai ovenliic a' ! rlock. beats free. Nopews ren'd. All aro welcome. rilKfllVTKH I AN rilCKCIt. Minis er-lli'V. VP-hell. H uelay Services- I'v. n in. and r.'; p.m. Nundav seliiMl-'.i a. in. I'r.i er Mco lii-Kveri .'.'edneyla evenlna f.', o'clock. Hoasfree. No p-;ws re'ited. S'ransan welcome. MCTinDUT k'i eoi'.M. Presiding KM. t -iici, ' s. iiu"':lu ham Mlulsier -lit .'. .t. ii Mi irr.iu. Hindis Serif""-! ii dc, y. in. stincU Sehool- p. m. lllblo cl.i-.s -liver Moti '.iv evening n' G'S o'elnek. 1'i'iii',' lion's I'm er Moe Ins-Kier 1utwl.ii evenln? n bis o'clock, (icneral Prayer Mectlns; -IliTry Thursday ermine J o'c.ock. KKmimrp ciirucit. Corner nf Tlilrd and Iron streets. Pastor Kev. T. F. lloirmelcr. H".-ldenee Hast hln-et, opp. Third street. Sunday Services 10, it. m. and 7 p. m, Siimla. school a p. in. 'r.ver MeetliiK .-nlurilav, 7 p. in. All aro Invited 1 hero Is alwnj.s room. hen lees every Sunday ktiernoon ut 1 o'clock at teller's church, Madison t wnshlp. ST. TAL'l.'S eiicncii. Hector Tlev. John Hoivlit. Mmd.i smlcos-i n.mCj4p.oi, Sunday school 9 a. in. Klr.tMiii't'iy In thu month, Holy Communion. serilces prepiralury tn Communion on Filday EienliiR buhire thu st .Sunday In inch mouth. Pons renteil ; but everilmd weli'iime. 1'eraons ileslrlntf to cvas It, thu lleelor on rellclous mitemwlll llud him e.l tho pursouukM on Kock Street. KVASilHI.UMLCIIUl'.Cll. rrcsldlng Klder-llev. A. I., ileeser. Mlnliter-liev. J. A. mine. Sunday Scnlco-3 p. ni., In Iho Iron street Chinch. l'ra er Meeilus l.iery sabbath at l p. in. All aro United. Allure welcome. 9 1,1111 Ii. I HJI Wi.JIIW.IIPJWIIM.IJIIM I WMMIPM M RLOOJlSilURG "blUKcfoUY. " SC'IIOOIj OUDTCKS, lilank, itifli. piinleil ami neatly bound In tmnll books, hand and fur sale at tho counitu in oillce. Feb 10, 181S-II T)LANK I)l?l?n.S, on I'areliu ;nt anil I.imn 1 Paper, eoinmon and tor Admlnls rators, Fxteu Urtund tnWees, for sale cheap at the Columuias onice. AUUlAdlC CKRTIKIC'ATIS put printed and for sale ut the Coi.i'miuan on'ee. Mlnls- tfrsuf the Hostel and Justices should Minnly them selves ii Ith these necessary in tides. TUSTIClvS ami Ci f J at tho COI-UMnlAN (: L,'ontaliles' IYe-Hill fur -ale reeled fees as established by lb" lus,t el of the Us; lsl.U'iro iiKiii the Mibjett lliery .lu-tlcu mid ion btnldo stioulil have one. V KN'DUI? NOTHS jn-t piinleil ami for sali ai ino lolumiii N omce. CLOTIIlNn,C. -VVIU LOWHXUERO. Mereliant Tailor Main St., nboio Central Hotel. HOOTS AND SIIOUS. EEXUY KI.KI.M, Jlanalaeturer and dealer In boots and shoes, groceries, etc., -Main st Iiloomsburi;. TP M. KXOIlIi, Dealer in lie., s and Shoes, I.J . latest and best 8 les, corner Main and Mai ket streew, In the old post tifure, CLOCKS. WATCHES, SC. CK. SAVAOK. Dealer in Clocks, Wntcliw note! aM loiit'lry, Jlnlntt., JIILUNF.IIV A FANCY GOODS. III'.IICIIANTK AND OUOC'EHS. H C. HON'KK, Caps Hoots and . Shoes, Main btieit, above Couit House. Q' II. M1I.I.KU t- SON, dealers in Dry kj floods, groceries, qui enswarc, Hour, salt, Buous, notions, etc., .Main street. l'1101'I'.SSIONAL CAHDS. Ill R. IICI'.IjKIt, Attorney nt Law. Rooms in J Kxcliaiigo Ulock, 2d floor, Illoomsbure, 'a. 68 DR. W'M. M. RKHKR, fjurceon and I'liysi clan. Offlce S. H. comer (lock aud-Maiket fcUMCtS. T R. EVANS. M. I)., Surgeon mid l'liyxi' clan, north bldo of -Main street, aboieJ. K. Hyer's. 3U - "V n. McKKI.VY, M. I)., Surgeon nnd l'hy , slclan, north side ilaln street, below Market. ' It. RoRlSON, Otlice . In Hartman's bulldlUK, Main street. s AMUEl. JAC011Y, JIarblo and Rroiui htone ivorK.s,i:asiniooiusiiuib-, ixruiuiuuu, H ROSKNSTOCK, I'lioloRraplur, over , Clark H Wolf's Stoi e, Main street. It. H. C. IIOWKR, SurKeon Dmtlst, Main St., above tu court House. J II. MAIZ1?, Mammolli Grocery, finoOro . cerles. Fruits, Nuts, Provisions, tx., .Main ant Centio stieets. MISCELLANEOUS. r S. KUHN, denier in Mert, Tallow, etc., L. Centrn street, letwe eu Second ami Third. c 1 JL CHRISTMAN, Saddle, Trunk and Harness maKer, buivo s iiiuci., jiam bih ii. fUIOMAS WKIili, ('onfectioneiviindlt.kerv, X w holesale nnd retail, ExcUaDi-e block. GW. CORIXL, l'urniliiro Rooms, tlirtc , story brick, Malnstieet, west uf Market st. DW, ROIIIIINR, Liquor dealer, cecond dor . from the northwest corner Main andiron btrects. TJSpnrl I P-itnlAivi,aT llflrllnnrl 1 f .T. V. Mnncba.c; T'or.A nmf 1 nnd 31 smrna i1 itco Maps Of Delaware Delaware HENRY "WIISON.IIi Llfn and Public Services. The nation mourns his loss. NT.4 WANTED. Appli'for choice of territory to (iuaker City Pub. Co., I hlla , l'a, Mind Hemline. INvelinniniiey, rxscinalion, Bom Charmintr, Mesmerism, and Marrlatro uaidD, shoivlnit how either sex may fasclnata and gain the loio ami affection of any person they chonae fnbUittly. 4i p.iires. llymall ifltts. Hunt & Co., 1391S.UhSt.,l'hlU. Dec. Ii .'ill -4w N' OTICI?. lirnlii mn nnlliA tlil I havo aSSltTlied. and iruiihieiriu to Jiirs. ri 7u j uui,eiiu,-i, ,u. ....... eiv.i ii a... i i,..,inti- wt.i-tlii'r t n Look orolhernl-eiuud sl!o Is hucby duly uutlioiluU to wmi ino saino lor uer unu iue. , A(J(.. Mifflin x llouds. Dec, 17, TB.-st col., Co., l'a, SAVE MONEY by tending tM5 lor ory $i !gJlno nd tuk Wkkk. iTirmnnv i.nni.1.. .r IhlTi fertile AlBCft' Ho and Tun biui.W ntKLY Tiubim! (icgular price il. Auarcs4 THE TIllUUNK, New York. MOTICE. fiom this date Iho Hlormit ure Gas ccmrony will Wt Initnlce i Ires at r.ineost midluinulittiid set hitlers at four dollais each. . ,. . . H aii im'j in LH.d a lot of pas ttrsulted 'sr raliiiliKiCth, i.dlt4is or clLw tluleiu placed tuiiforgiouud. . i. io itnis ptr Biusii w - A-.Tr-n, OttANGEVILLE DIRECTORY. A 11. IIKIimNO, Carpenter ami builder, il. IIKKHING, Cnrpei Main street below line. -CJL BUCK HORN. M, disc. 0. ct W. H. SHOEMAKER, IKilcrs In Dry (loods, (irocerlcs and General BUSINESS CARDS. T). it, a. l. turxi:r, llcsidciico oii Market Street ono door below . 1). .1. Waller's, ortlec over lileltn's Drus store. Oillce hours from 1 tn 4 p. m. for treatment of diseases of tho Dye, Ear nnd Throat. All cal's nlirht or day promptly attended to. Apr.!.v:5-tf R. J. C. RUTTKR, "HYSICIAN ftSHIlOEON, onice, North Market street, Mar.87,'74-y llloomsburtf, l'a. JQH. 11. l' GARDNER, PHYSICIAN AND SUROF.ON, m.ooMspuno, pa. OTeenl'OTB.l.schu.vleri son's Hardware store. Apr.S'tr-tr Q"ai!Al!KLKY; ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i(Peo Main Slrect, llroncr's llulldlnp, second ftery, llorims4 and 0. Oct. ir,'T5. s JAMUEL KNORR, A T T 0 R N I? Y-A T-t, A W, r.r.ooMsnrpn. pa. on'ee, llertman's DIM l-.eirncr; Main end Market Stu. is. Oct. s, c I W.MII.I.KI!, ATTIII''IIY-AT-I AW onieeln lirower's bulldlnir, lecond tlorr. ronm V' I. Illooinsburir, I'n. Julj 1,T3 - - c 1 i' a w..i. i:i;ckau;w, ATTOUNKYS-AT-t.AW, i Plosiofburu, ri oireoon Mntn Street, first door below Com t House. .Uar.iV"i-y T) r. it J. M. CLARK, " ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Iiioombur(r, l'a. Offieo In Ents lliillillnp;. April lu,',t y A. CIIKVM lS'll SMITH. IllT.TLY FWI0 SMITH. A..( CREVELINO SMITH A SON, ATTOKNEYS-AT-I.AW, llloomsburfr, l'a. t?All bnlnes entrusted to our care will reeleve prompt attention. Julyl,'73 y E. 11. 1 ITTI E. nOB'T. 11. MTTI.B. 1 II. A R. R. LITTLE, i' ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, Dloomsbure, Pa, rsriiusiness before the 1'. S. Patent Ofl'.ce attended to, on eo In the Columbian Ilulldliisf. lj 3 p ROCK WAV A ELWELL, A T TO R N I? Y S-A T-L A YV, CoLCMiiiAN HniiuMi, lllocmstiurp, Tn. Members ef the t'nlted stales law Association. Collections made In nn' part nf America. Airi'iil" Tor continental I Ife Insiuance comrmnv (f Newlcrk. Assets nenrlv, 1 he best In the eounlry. Send for descrlpttie pamphlet. tf i?7orvis ATT01IN" EY-AT-I.A W, Will practice In all the courts of Columbia, Sulli van nnd l.ioomliifr counties. In H.e Supreme court of l'eutiMlinnl.i, nnd In the Circuit nnd Dlstrft courts of the rnlted states held at. Wllllamsport, Pa Will be In his omee In the Columbian liulldtne. room vn. 1. Illoom'-biirjr. on Tuestlajs, Wcdni sda s and ThurMlosof each week; nndlnl'.rntonou Mon il.n s, Frld is nnd Saturdays, unless absent on pro fessional business Sept. 18,187s. T?RI?AS RROWN'S INSURANCE A01?N X CY, Kxchnnjo Hotel, DIoomsburp, l'a. Capital. .Etna, Ins Co., of Hartford, Connecticut... o.soo.oon I.lierpool, London aud (Hobo To,i ,0 0 UoJlof I.Uerpou 13 'Ofl.nwi I.aiicanlilrc la.roo, no Fire Association, Milladelphla 3,loi,omi American of Philadelphia 1,100 one AtLisof llarlfonl B o,ono Wvomlnir, of Wilkes Harm C.H.onii Farmers Mutual of Danillle l.non.onii Hnnvllle Mutual "n.o Home, New York 6,C'0,ono IS 1, 053,1 iOO MarchSC74 y HAHMAN & HASSE11T. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, AND IRON-SMITHS. East Street, Lelow Eail Road, BLOOrSBUG, PA. Wo resrectfullv call nubile attention to the follow ing facts that : They manufacture first data MINK CAR WHEELS AND AXLES ond nil Mndsof coal Urooker Catlr,cs They also make nil kinds of Car. Machine. Ilrldce and other castlncsmcdby contractors cencrolly, Iheyalso manufacture HEATING AND COOK STOVES, and are prepared to furnlh all Kinds of repairs, such nsiirnie?, l ins, rire itick, cirenuvis, at. ine keep constantly on hand PLOWS AND PLOW POINTS. Lnrtro Iron Kettles, Farmere' Tells, Sled Soles, Wnc on lioxes. Cellar (Irale-s. sc. 1 hey aro also prepared to furnish Savr and Grkt Mill Machinery, Shafting, l'ullej's, Ae. 1 tiey pay speilal nttenllcu to Ropamng Tliresliing Machines Ilcapers, 1c, Tho Proprietors aro both practical mechanics. Try them. Dec, J,l875-cra The Great Cause of Human Misery. Just published in a staled envelope, iYiceGc. rsnzh AUXTlTHEontlie naturp. treatment . .1 i. A.niQ&tmiu ininntinc. ii er- IIIWIUIIVUI l iui,kji.'.w , , . ji insHiiniinta tn mflrrinco irencr- a'ly.consumpllon, epilepsy and flts mental and phj steal mcupacif , sc., uy . WELL, M. D author of the Oreen Hook te, 1 ho w orld-ri nowni d author In this admlrablo Ic tuio, clearly pioies from his own cjiwrlcnco that Iho awful consequences ct self obuso may 1 effect ually removed without medicine, and without dan- . I,..., .miinn. Wnipics. lnstmmenU'. fines, or cordials, jointing out ti mode of euro at . . . i.u ,,l.iph i,i-,n' fiiifTerer. once certain niiui'iutiuiii, ,.,..v. , no matter w hat hU condition mny be, may cure him self cheaply, prlvutily snd radically. This J.tclme uill proie a toon to (housawu ami thoumndt sent under tenl.ln n plain envelope, to any ad di ess, on I ecelpt el six tents cr tw 0 postago blauips. Address tho Publishers, ,,,,., . CHAS. J. C. KLINE Ic CO., HI uowery, New York, Post onico Uox 4,t$0. AiirlHi. '7a-y " ( n i n is OV A VICTIM. .... . i.i.tH t,,r ttx vncntcf vnuni? SVI GENEHIS. CABINET ORGANS. dnequaled::!,,xuniPproached In cupaeitynnd rtcpllonco by any nthcrn. Anarilel HUiTMElim and DIPLOMA OP HONOR VIENNA, 1873; PARIS, 1867. nil I U Amerlcfin Or?m cvrr nwnrdr.1 nny rftUl UllL In U-jroxor vhUh rrwnt pmh extnonU. nary oxornonco ns to ccmnifuiil n iiio brIc there. Al WAY BnRr' li'ntioft prpmlmnn nt Tndnn ML 1 1 H I 0 trlnl I'.xpltloUK.IiiAmorlrAftMiTclUi Uaropc Out of huiclro-1- there hnvu not twin tlx in all whero any other organs Imvebuii prcfcrrnl. nrPT DnD'aril by Kfnhu-i.t JtiiIclnti, In both D u I hctniphcrf'S tn Im ii ii r I n Ictl. Fihi 'ir.dTIMONUL ClttCUfMH, lth nplnloi.a of moro til .m Unci 'B'lioiinnuil (H-ut frto). (LJOOT on hnrlni( n Mnf-oit ti Hamlin. I)n not IllutO I take any other. Dtnlirn get laiidfr com. MIS-'Ionr or nti'llntf inferior org-m, and for tJ rtaton oft'.n try very hant tn tU xtunethlng rise, PJPIV CTYI t,1,h mof iiuvrtiRtlmrmve llUl 01 1 LC1 mentu rvrr miide. Ttvw nnd Comhtnntlnn Slop, Suporh litMfjpro nnd other Cncn of new ilcilcn PIAWflRP CfVBiHET ORGAN . qnluc cvinbinatUai of l:iira:nf nt. EASY PAYMENTS, fer monthly or qunrtirly payments ; or rented until rrtlt pnjn fir the organ. PflTM nniinC Clrcnlarn. with fnllrnrtle. OMImLUUUIO Id ir. free. Alllrc,tAO f-. HAMLIN' OliOAN CO., 1.11 Tn in. r.t Sin it. I10.v TON; as Union Miiiire, NUW VUHKl or SO 4: tj AdJUisBt., CHICAGO MASON & HAMLIN CIBI1T OS&AIS MAY DP. OBTAINED AT WHOLESALE Oil RETAIL OF Ii. IB. POWELL, SCRAiraOIiT, Pa. General Aycnt also )' the celebrated CHICKER1NG PIANOS. ALSO, OF I. K. jMIII.EIi. Jil.OOMSHUKG, PA., Dealer in above Instriiim'iits. March 19, '75-y Mystery Solved. TllEOKElT SKCItZrOFTHK WONDZIIPll. SUCCESS OF VEGETINE. It strikes at. the root of disease hv nurlfvlne; tne blood, re- lorlni; tlio liver nnd l;!drejs to healthy ac- iiuu, nmguruiiug mo nerioussisiem. It E L I A I! L F, K V I 1) K N C K . Mr. II. II. rtTVF.XN: IU5AK Sin 1 ivIllinoM checrfiillv ad lmv testlmonv tntheirical number oti ha alreiuU received In favor ct ynurgreiit aud gn 'd medltlne, Vecellne. for I do not thlnl; enoncli can bu said In Its praise, fir I was troubled our thirty jears wllh that drenilfiil disease, ntarrh, and had such cousrhlnRsprdlsthat It would seem as thouuh 1 could never breathe any more, nnd Wireline Iiaicuied mo; nnd I dn feel to thank (lod all t'm time there Is so cood a medicine as Veccllne, nnd I nlMi think It one of tho liest medicines for coughs and weak slnllnc feelings nt tho stomach, and adil-o even body to take the Weet no. for I ei n avsnre them that It Is onu of tho best medicines that eier was. Mrs. L. GOHK, cor. .nat'.ulue and Walnut Sts. CimbrUUe, Mass, THOUSANDS SPEAK- Vccrctlnels aeknowledcred nnd recommended bv and apothec.itles to bo the best purllli r and cleanser of Iho blood et discovered arid thous ands speak In Its praise who liaio been restored to health. HKPORT F1I0M A PHAtTIOAL CHEMIST AND AI OTIIIXAKV. lloston, Jan. 1.1S74. Deah Sin This Is to certlfv that I have sold at re- tall I.Mj dozen (Wi! bott e.) of lour Veuetlno slneo Arnll V.'. 1S70, undean ttulysay that I havo plien the best sutl-f.u lion of any remedy for the complaints for w hleh it Is recommended that I ever sold, .carce ly n day passes u llleiut tomo nf mj eiistomers testl fj tntr to (t.s merlls on iheinsclies or their friends I am pi'ifetlli copnlzint of scleral cases ofSerofu lous Tumors belnj; cured by Vefc'etlnu alone In this viciuuy. eri respeeiiiuiy youn. A. OILMAN, cs Broadway. To II. II. STEVILNS, Keq. WILL CLEANSE SCROFULA FROM THE SYSTEM. HONEST OPINION. Mr. II. Ti. STP.VENS :- lisAa Km This Is t show that rav son was taken sick In January, ISM, with Herofuhi, which catno out In larife sores and ulcers on his les nnd hip. Ills letf wns swelled more than twice lt.s nitural size. Ho had several dor tors of hlKh standing In their pro fession two from Unston nnd threo fioin Chrli town without trotting a bit better. Ho was obliged to ne wnerever ne wus placed, ior no n.m no nso oi bis l'mbs whniever when we hnd elven up all hopes if hU llvlnir wewero told to try VeReilne, tho irreat blood ri nieily : unci he 1 nd taken It but n shoit time before wo e uldseun gloat chimje. Thosorcs run so t aci mat e una to tn.uige inocioiosrouror nin tlnieH n dnv. still, ho was eettlne belter : for ho eau d mom his limbs and help himself a llltlo, llo was soon niie insil, up in neu, lino, ii) iduhihiu uso of Vefellne, It bus cured him. llo has alamo leg, which ho will piol nbly havo for life; but o idl henestlv U'lleve. If we had used Vegetlno before we had botlcred with those doctors It would have saved theusooi his leg, and restored It to natural health.. I noeo an xnose irnuiueti wun ihtiiuui inn reua uiii testimony of me and mv sou, who hi now well and able to siienlt for himself I'Al niwil-l. flirt I iiirtr. t , DANIltL MAIHlNUy, 19 Trenton St., Charlostown, Mass. May 10, 1872. Tho almie plain but honest statement conclusively shows Iho quick and thorough cleansing cflocia ol mu VfcUisiiriK in ocroiuia. Veeetlnn ts acknowledired bv all clashes of neonlo to bo the Lea and most reliable blood uurlller in tho world. Vogotino is Sold by All Druggists, Dec. H.-lm ORPlIAiNS' COURT SALE 01' VALUAIILB REAL ESTATE! liyiiriue OI an oruer in uie. .iiiniuji miutvi Columbia cotinty.thoundciHlgned Ailmlnlstraiois of ..t... l,.,r lillnnr .lr will ., v 11, uu, In l'lihlln Halo on the pn mines on MONDAY, JANUAUV 3J, 187G, at 10 o'clock, p, m., tho following described real es tate to- It I A MBSSUAOEAND TI1ACT OF WHV, sltuato In Locust twp., Columbia county, adjoining lands of Kdward btrausser, Daild bllne, A. I'. FWier and Jacob (lutle, containing ONE IIUNDHKD AND EIGHT ACRES, moro or los, ten sens of which Is good timber land. snviDg aud exctptlnir four ucies of the uforebald tract of land set upait to the widow, iherolsodso on tho pi nukes a GOOD APPLE OHCIIAnD, agocdtprlng ond Bprlng-house, frauio bank barn, AND J'JtAUK DWlil.MNO IIOUHK, and Ihs usual out-bulldlngii. TKUMH ol' HAI K.-Hnitrtcnt cf tho one-fonnU of the purchotcn oney to Le fuld at Iho btrlklng f, tl... ........1, . .l.n ,.ud,rlli 1. k. llllltJ.ll per cent, at Iho contiruttkn tt fule and ino re maining tliitr-iiuriliblu one 5tr thtiaafter wttU mierest.iuiu iiuuruiuunu "vls) wnv MICA lit, NIIn'B. Decl7,l7. , AUialnutitor. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For Iho relief and cure of nil dernngo. men In In tho rtum nch, liver, nnd bow els. They area mild aperient, and an excellent purgative. Ilclng purely vego- ,i muie, uioy contain tin merciirv nrtninn. rnl whatever. Much serious tlcknessnnd sufrcrlnff is nrevent. Pll llV Ihnl- fl.nnl.. uie and every family should have them on hand lor their protection and relief, when required. Long experience has proved them to bo tho saf est, surest, and bent of all tho ! with which the market abounds, lly their occasional use, the blood Is pinlllcd, tho coiniptlons or the (vs. tern expelled, obstructions removed, and (ho whole machinery of lift icslorcd to Its henllliy activity. Interim! organs which becomo clogged and sluggish nro cleansed by Autr'n l'lltt, and stimulate!! Into action. Thus Incipient dl-onio Is change;! Into health, the value or h hicli change, when reckoned on tho vat multitudes who enjoy It, can hardly be computed. 1 heir sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, nnd preserves their virtues uninipalicd for any length or time, so that they are ever ficth, and perlcclly reliable. Although searching, they aro mild, nnd opcralo without dlstuibance to tho constitution, or diet, or occupation. Full directions aro given on tho wrapper to each box, how to ne them as a Family Physic, P,'!. for Vl? following complaints, which theso i'lM rapidly enrol For Ityspp,4lit nrliiillj-ctlnn, I.lill,-n. " lauipiinr and l.oimf Aiii,rtltirthey ehouhl belaken moderately to stimulate Iho utora sell, and restore Its healthy tone and nriion. for IlrrrCiiitiiiliiliitandltsvnilonssvmp. twis, nillon. ItrmlMchr, Kirk Ilt-ml. in lie. jHiindlrt- or Urrrn nirlinpas, till. Ion C'ullc and Illllnna T,thcy shoiild bpJudlcloui.y taken Tor each cae, to eonect tho diseased action or remove tho obstructions which cause it. -ir?1", ".''""y, or lllurrliorn, but ono mild doe Is generally lenuiied. I'or lllipiitiiatlsm. Jnul, Oral el, pltHtliin of tlir IBeurl, I,, ,(, Willi;, llnck and JLiiln., they should bo eontin uoiisly taken, as required, In change tho diseased anion of the system. Willi euch change thoso coinplalnls dlsniipear. For Mron.y nlul Itropslrnl iui llli,c, they should he taken In large and frequent doses to pmiluro tho effect ofn iliastio purge. for Niiirr..liin,n lnrse doo slmnld bo taken, ns It produces tho desired effect by sym pathy. ' J As a filmier VUl, lake ono or Iwo J'llls to prnnioto dlgchtlon nnd relievo the stomach. An occasional doo silninlatcs lira stoinarhand bowels, restores Iho appetite, anil Invigorates tlio Bjstoni. llenco It is otten advantageous whero im serious derangement exUts. Ono who fids tolerably well, open finds 'that a dose of thesa i'f makes h(m leel decidedly better, from their cleaningand renovating eaect on tho digestlvo apparatus. I'REPAitnn nr Jr..T. C.ATi:nJCCO.,Vrai(nl Chemlm, i.on'KLi,, srjss., v. s. a. fOlt SALE Ur ALL Dltb'GUISIS LVEI1VV7I1LUB. Ii n ii-.Ut, . i'UBL!CSALE. 11V VlflTfi: of an ord"r of tho Or bans' Court of ri,lumtili county, th tnder-.Is.'ncd E eeii'or, &e 'it Jolin lle.Uh. lute el .inckiou tewoshlp in said count , deceased. Hill cjiposo lu Public s-aleontln. prcml-es mi TUESIUV, JANUARY 18, 1S70 , ' at P' o'clock In the forenoon of said daj, the follo'.i -Imrile-ci'lhedreal estate to- it: All that certain piece, parcel or 'I It ACT OF LAND, situate In Jackson township, Columbia count . nil Julbiujr hinds ot De.r on the vast. lands of Incob Christy on Iho uoil'i, lands or lilllljm Man ning on tin west, aiei lurth, and l.imH l.ilo ol on the w. st and land of Humphrey Parker od the south couinltilii;; SIXTY-FOUR ACRES and 61 perches and allow ance, whereon Is erected a LOO DWKI.l.lNCl 1101'hi: AND HAHN. Mioiit T' acres of snld tract Is cleared and balanco In timber, iioud water ut tho dwelling houo uiul there Is on the preml es a A 0001) VOl'VO APPLi: OHC'IIAUD. TDIl.Ms OF s.M.n -Ten per cent, of iho one-fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at tho slilklna d mn of the propeilv : the oiie-sourth lessthwteii percent nt too eonllrtn it en absolute and thoie malnlng three-fourths lu onojear theieaftcr with Inteiest fiom conhnnntlon nisi. tlLOlKJIl II. 11 RATI I, Kxecuti r. Dec. 54 ts New Columbus, Pa. Real Estate Sale. One rornt r lot so fei t front, lOSfeet deep, Htuoto In Last llloomsburg.on w hlch Is erectid a good HOUSE, frame out kitchen, wllh eood well of water In kitchen, and a yood spilng-houso cellar undent. Also u FRAME STABLE 60 feet long, tmd other outbuildings. There Is also a varlt ty of fruit on raid lot, such as apples, pi'ars, peaches, iilumi, cherries, grapes, Sc. If not sold by January 1, 13,6, It w.111 b for rent. 1 hero aro also THREE ACRES of good farm land not far from said lot, with a good spring of water on It. 1 he three acres of land with tho houso nnd lot would m iko a desirable homo for u retired fanner. Lund Is in a good stale of cultivation. 1 ho houso is tho oneoicupled bv mo torn number cf jears up to April Inst, and was In good condition. Am one wishing to purchase can call on me, w hi u terms w 111 be made knovn. Dloomsbuig, W'M. KIIICKDAUM. Dec. 17, Isla.-St READ THIS NOTICE! Having cngnerd In tho Clothing Dullness Iho undcisluurt takes pleasure In announcing tothe public that ho will haio In a few daja u splendid stock of READY MADE CLOTHING AND GENTLEMEN'S' FUUNISniNG GOODS OVERCOATS, CAPES, SHIRTS, GLOVES, HATS, CAPS, and all other goods bclonglog to a first cI.lsh CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT, As bo Is not rblleed In mnkn lnrcn nronts. tn nav a heavy nut. lie can afloul to sell ut tho wry louct prices, lint lull lo cull and cxainlno his goods. You Hill soieini nei by It. Here In the old rust-tlfl co Mi d ni?. Wain street below Market, 1 door south of I, W.llarlman's block. M. C. BUITTAIN. " Doc. 17, "75-era HLOOMSnUIlfl, I'A. I1I0.N IN THU J1L00D. Tim rnKuvuN Stkui" vlUUlzisaudeuilches thu blood, tones i,p thu sys tem, builds up the broken down, cures d sihiisU licblllty, droiwy, chills and feiors, chroulo dlarihuMi nervous utfec loan, bolls humors, diseases of tho kidneys and bladilcr, Iu male complaints, tin, lliousanilH lime 1k'H rhangedb. the uw of tho remedy fiom weak, Blckly, sunerlng creatures, to stiong, heal by, happy men aud wotuin; and Inialfd- cannot i eaaouuuly hesttato toglio It a trial. CAl-HON.- lio suto ou get tho "1'kiipvun Hvsi i"' mot l'crutlau Dark.) bold by dealers goner ally. A tit-pago namphlct, contalidng a troutlso on Iron as am dlcal sgeni and other lulunble painrs, tesihuoniuistiom lUsUmrulshed oh slchins. clergy men and ol hem, will bo scut frw lo any sddivsf, hLiuii, runt- d. oun, piopnoiuis, cm, huiiiaui, Aieuue, lloston. 111IS 1'AI Iilt 1) ON l ll ll WITH ROW ELL & pHESMAN , Advertising Aoonts, tlllftd V CHESTNUT T8., ST. LOUIS, MO -3 ee HEN BE DRUG STORE Is rtcelrl&i ti cholcij selection of HOLIDAY (JOODS, consisting of nncoaisrs sundiiies, ahticii:, rUllI'U.MEUV, UNOLISII KOAP.t, i'ni'.NL'ii.ETn.ns, POUT M0NN11M, . CIHAU CASUS, co.iins, r.iirRiins ciiini: :: ami Iiapanlsk iiANDumciiir.r Key Tost and Havana Oijarp, nnd lol i of lia ' ioods. IS IT YOU B Who said thai you would like to got such Clothing as City People wear, rather than the wholesale goods com monly sold? This will tell you how to do it. The very large Increase of our business allows us to make A STILL SCALE OF PRICES, AND You Can Save EnoLigh In buying a Suit at Oak Hall TO PAY FOR THE TRIP from anywhere In this County to the City of Philadelphia, and have a day of sight-seeing besides. Wanamalter & Drown stand by thlB Statement, and so will you alter one trial. m - H i Character ol the Goods we sell! For Men A Boys. can be rtlicd misrepresent a we tfj not retail, We bear no ill-will to any one, and stAte this only hecawse some dealers sell puor goods as coming from our house. 'I o each of our custom ers we are responsible for articles boufiht of lis. Uy our plan of '1 ickctmst the right names of the maternls on our goods, no one can be misltd as to qualities mi How I Wnnamalcr& Brown treat their CUSTOMERS. mi anywnerc, ami mat me quality is as reprcsennu , also, that the money will be paid back tn full, I f purchaser within 10 day wishes, for any reason, to return the goods, unworn, a mM Ed.y 'iifcMa i where the Store Is. WM i coiiDiencit goous, incrc is but one uaK Jlail in Philadelphia, it is a large building, the size of four ordinary stous, and is on tho South-east corner of SIXTH-SIXTH SIX711-S1X1II blXTH-SlXTH and Market Streets. jjjy y Plhoso who cannot I U send mail made 9H I j o the City. II to the Express Co. on receipt of goods, ami the privilege of examining them is allowed before paying, whire gods do not please, wc w ill return the money ana pay ui cxpressago Dacic to 1 tu should le sure to see e-nr name en you enter. WANAMAKER & BROWN., BOOKSELLER MB STATIOKT3ER, Dtulcr in Law llanks frittuhiy School Libniriey, Uepositoiy of the Pennsylvania Uible yoeiety, WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES. REWARD CARDS. Hooks and supplies not on lnintl can bo furnislieil On Short Notice at Lite .Most Jieasonable Hales. Store in Exchange Hotel Building, Bloomslmrft Va. Oct. 8, i';;,- TOV,rX AND COUKTRY. K. V. Kt-NKKI.'S I11TTF11 WIKK 01' lHON. It has nncr hcen knoivi to fall In tho euro of wcaknw-s attrmlorl with E.itni tom, Indisposition to exertion, los of tnfinoo', iinilculty of hR'athlnp, weaknefs, hoiror of (lipase, ulghthwoatf, cold fect, dimness of ilMun. languor, uiilvcraal l.i'vsiiudo of the iuu?culars.istni, enormotn nppcllV, wllh rtsspei' tlc symptoms, hot hands, llvhl.liiv of tho hody, ilry nesa of tho face, pain lu tho hack, hcai'lnch of tho eyelids, frciiucnt block spots llj In? heforo tho eyes, with BUHiiMon nndhnsof sight, w ant of attention, etc. Pold only In $1 hottles. (let iho genuine. Ile pot and oftlcc, SW North nth Street. 1'hllailelphl.i. Aililco free. Afk for r. I'. Kunkel's llllter Wine of Iron, nnd takj no other. Genuine fold only In l hottles. NEKrnrs nrmtiiv I NEnvors pkbility I lvhlllty, n dprrcwert, Irrltahlo ttato of mind, a w eok, nervous, eshaii3lcd feellnp, no energy or ani mation, contused head, weak memory, tho conse quences of excerses, mental oycrwork. This nervous debility finds a soverdpn cure Inli. V. Kunkel's Hit ter Winn of Inn. It tones tho sjatem, rtlspols tlio mental gloom uml despondency, nnd rejuvena'osthe entlrosstem. Hold only In f I bott'en. OctthOKen ulne oniro, North Ninth Mrw-t, PhllartelpMa, l'a. Sold by all drucplsts. Afk fcr E. 1". Kunkel's Miter Wine of Iron, nnd take no ether. Oenulno sold only In (1 bottles. TAPR WOltM. ltemovcd olive, with head complete, In from two to three hours. No fro till remoied, by Dr. Kunkel, S&9 North Ninth sireet, Philadelphia, Pent, pin ai.d ftomach wornvs nlo remoied. Coll nndseo. Ad vice freo. Pond for clrcu'ar, or afk jour drtiRRM for Kunkel's Wumf; nip. 1'ilcetl. It never falls o Schentk'a Itilmrnlc syrup, for the cure cf cci sump tion, cousrhs and colds. The great itrtue rf this medldno Is thot It ripens tho matter and throws 11 out rf tho sjhUm, purines the blood, and thus elTeela a cure. Schcnck's f-ea Weed Tonle, tor tho cureof dssporsla, Indigestion, e. The Tonic produces nheallhy action of thoFlom ncli, crenllnp; an appetite, fonnlner ch.i le, nnd curing the mort olnllnnle cases of Indigestion. Schenck's llandrnko 1111s, for the cuio of Mrcr com plaint, c, TlieFO pills am alterative, and produce a healthy action of the liver without tho lea't dorgrr, as they are free from calomel, and yet moro efficacious In restoring a healthy action of tho liver. These, remedies are a certain eurp Or consumf Hon as the rulmento ryrup rlfens Iho matter und punnes thnblooil. Tho mandrnko rills act upon Iho liver, create a healthy tile, and remoicnll dlsase of tho liver, often a raufe of consiiinrtlon, Tho sea weed tonle glics leno and btienrth to tho stoniach.m.tkes a good dlgisiltn, and enables the. organs tofoim good blood, and thus creates n healHij i lrculallon of healthy blood. 1 ho ci mblned action of these mi dl clnes, as thus explained, mil cure t ery cato of con. sumption, If taken In lime and Iho use of the medi cines iHrsevrreil In. Ur. Hchi Ki'k Is professionally at hlsrrluclpalooicp, corner HUlh and Arch slu , Philadelphia, tver Mon day, where all letters foradilcoinubtbo addicsscd, o T1IK IlKST 1'ltOTECTION, The best safeguards ugalnbt cplUcmlo dlfeaso ant thorough dlgeMlon andfhni mrvfH. It Is becausu they assure the, regular performance of tho digestive pioeees. ond lnilgoruto the nenuus sjfclcm that Iloslttlcrsbtcmarh HllteiH uie null u soveielgn protecllvo agalmt Iho Influent es which beget lnler n.ltteut maladies and thwo which dlrtcljy at'eclthe stomach ondlwehi. It thontrtesuro healthfully tranutiil the artlwllntlen cf food perfect, as they are sura to be under tho Inlluetiro vf this standard topic and nrnlne, malaria may bodcnedi ami If, In the al since of iho most rellablo tt mcdlcol Fafc guor' ', tlio a) btcin has fallen a rrcy to din aso (t an lull rir.llti ntcr reultlint tMC, tholillttin will, 11 rcrflsted In, eradicate fiery terllgo of Iho malady. lillloutBUV, tcinirollcu, and iijt(pna jleldwlth cejual certainty to the ticratlcn it ItU (icunt ugo abiealtiratlie. RS H 0 T T 'S TEA STORE Is now orenlne tho very choicest Imported and Domestic Grocoriea for the Holiday trade. ITALIAN I'JSACllPJi, rrtRNctj nnd mpanisii olivi;s, 8ATIDINE8, s.rA()otyiRi:ss, PltCSOII AND TOP.KET ITiCXIS. All hinds tf Dalsltm, l'oreln ni.d Pomei tic I'ruli N'uts and c inf.' 'Iloneiy, nnd nnet'i'T let nf tins Nov; Oron iTipr.; Teas. r mm '"IO be sure of what we sell we manufacture our I poods, some of ihcm in our own buiWiiig -A- lhcy arewt.ll cut,i'wed andfmished '1 hey upon Stortkt cptr out of the city us when they s.iy they sell our goods, wholesale, but confine ourselves to r iiii-, price in plain ngurosand notmrgrj. Ihe I same p,rice to acquaintances and strargers To city people and country people tqual advantages, with each article sold, a Gnat ati tee Is given, that the Trice Is as low as it can be bought a"MIlS Is important indeed, brcaiise.unnrinciplcd people having stores in I'hiladelpnia, r, terjeit our sicns, curds, advcrtiscmeMs, and stop strangers on the street, mthfaUediiectient about where the store is, so that they may selltheir patterns of material ond prices by wncn rcquesud. I'ersons can have - UD cood sent bv Exnes. bv send ing their measure (we fumish easy directions that Any one can measure by,) and describing color wanted, and nrice i Wired Payment can be made rini.uitlphia. on the lluildh i Building and ever the Wr 'lakeAjers nils arnll thepiirpcn of a puiga tli e, for rinstlpath n, lnellgenlrti, heai'iiehe, and llv er complaint. I'.y uulvi rsal nccord the y ate the lest of all purgatives forjtnlly ut e. fl it Is no wonder H-tt Invalle'slce fi 1th In fpectt'.cs when t-o many wnthltt-s n-eellclne, nie sduitl ed for the cureeif various (IVuilct. bumble h, when tried ure "fovrc'. wtintlng." Wchnie te, le;irn,heiw. out, ef the llrft fnlluro cf Dl. Wl-turs I alMUn of Wild Cheiry to euro roughs, eolels, i nd pulinonary dleusc. od cents acel Jl a bottle, large tutlcb much the cheaper. -o- A T1H1N 01' HVlIi'l If weakness ct the sumach Isnllowpd to become chroma, tlio following ei Us supenene- digestion Is permanently Impaired, the s stein Ii v. ry Imper fectly noitilshi'd, theblocd becomes tliln and wat ery, and the bile, being uncmplojed rur dUeitlve and evacuatlva purposes, enters tin circulation through thu thoracic duct and Injocta Itself Into the nuporflclal veins, giving to tho skin and tho whiles ot tho eyes tho snffrou tinglndlcatlveot biliousness. Ileadacho, iisuea constipation, pidns In the side, heartburn, nnd many other distressing uymptoms which accompany 'ha Internal deranjmicnt abovo descrllxsl, w hlch, If unchecked, H ture to he follow ed by serious diseases, as the rM ng of tlw sua by Its setting. It la umiilfist, therefore, that rui luaLllliy of the stomach to net upon tho food should bo uier como without delay Tho Invigorating Inlluenco on tho stomach of Hot-tetter's Stomach I'.IUers Is hpe'exl lly felt In the dlrappoirnncei of all tho illsagreeaUo sj mptcms alluded to. 1 ho ptescrlbed mlnen.l rem edies for general debility usuilly full to nehleio any lasting result becauso they do not Inilg. ri te Iho stomich; llosleiur's Hitters nlnn)s meceed for that Is Ihelr ptltnal effeca. Tho icry farl that they nro such an excellent stcmachlc rnslimt's them ono of thi'bostEenenil ti nleln exliteneo. Toio storo dlgesilon la the llnal step towarels thorocoii ry of health, when lm alnd ly any cf the multifarious complaints which spilug from dyapeprln, anil that will he found to ! oio lecn taken by the Invalid who has availed himself tf tl.H In minis aiitt-d)srepllc remedy. ADM1N1KTI! VTOIl'H NOTICB. IfTtTT OK MAKT A. 1'. ni.VOI lb', lir.CBASEn. U'tlcmof AilmlnMralh ii on Iho (tawof 'nry A. I', lliuulle, lalotf the Town it hloouitl iirg.liiliun tM C0 ntj, elee'eiwel, haiei iH'en gr.iLti dm the lleg Ht nr tt said runny tn Mlillnm II. (illiiioro, eit Hloomsliiiig. All I erwit, hailtigcialmsngiili.n tho estate ct Ihe de'e evil nl me lesiui sled teiniioiul them for wttleini nt, und Ihchr liitk-l'(el tofhei esinteUi ranks pnimint lo tho iiiiiiirslpnixl niunlnliinitcT without ilelaj. Wll.U.l.M 11. (lll.MOKK, Aehnlulstiator. Nov. S0,T9-CU ADMINISTHATOK'S NOTICK. VSTATK OF MIASmi lltlPKlilH, IHT'P. 1 ellersni AiltuliiMinllon i n llnilMutccf lllinhelh ltotieits eit suteai li'iit lwp. t'liliinil'lateiunl) ihe'eiiHil tMie len gTunteel hy tho heylsUT uf snld etunly t (leei. lleKieVtigiiriiif I. p., lolimitlu count.i,l'a.,lo whom oil iti'iis li.ihhud In taid !tntei alo le HUeMcel lu inuke pajn ehl, and llieso haling ehitms uiralns theisald etatei will lnakei Iheui khoMU to tho said admlubtrator w Ithoul delay. iir.eiteir. lutiutti;, Nov. 19, 'Jo. Axlmliilstiuior. A. DM INISTUATOR'8 N0T1CH. UTATU Of OIIikON IIDKSIXUE11, MCTASEJ). I etters of Administration on thetftntetf llldcon llunliii'i r. lulu ctlleaier ttmiiFhlri. ( tliiu'thi til.. ilcee osed, hale UiiigrunUHlliy the 1,'isUUr i.t wild luunlt to Jihn Uuilngi'i, of lieavci luun-blii All pi IH0I1H lulling l IHlino agulllM mu tvaee ill uie eie-i i iient uie iteiiie steel lo Mi1 nt Ihem tor seUlen-tat. und Ihew Hall bled 10 ill' ivlate to make luijuieuv tu the uudifclgueu aUmtulstralur wlihout dr'ay. uuure lll'.niniii.n, Nov. sa.ift-Cf AauiluUtaar. N JOTKK. All ii rwjialr.iM lnl In the undersigned cn Hook Aeioui.t l llea'tuJULo lit 1 Tt,, leiili.tiil to call und sellle bj niylo croihtrvUe Irtiiu Jsnuury 1st, we, as alter that 1! untoiilriKie'i'ouhtswlllbeplac- eu in lue iiauui, ii mi luiier icr lui ixuuu, 1. J.BWISUKIl, M.U llnilrgosstelolrd wtlhn-o Vt, Wm. VcKelvy, we aroirepiired toatiend i ie,ui tly to all l icIvsMuiial culls In .VeeUelue, d uUtttiles. 1'ublle imtronage U reaptcltu 1) bundled. bWlullKll t McKELVT. Jersey town, Nov. 1 w. THU IIISTOKY III' CdliUMMA COUNTY. In our next number wo jiropo'o to licgln the jiuMlcatJon of n Ilistoryof this County. It lins liecn carefully ti epntcil by Col. John 0. Krcczc, wllli n view to Its publication in honk-form, uml will contain many matters that nte nut generally known. Tim mbjccl is one of eleop Interest not only to our reatlcrs 'ut to nil the i'ltl7.cns of this ami Montour iiotinly. Those wishing to rend .mil pre serve this IIMnry nliulel 'subscribe at once for the Coi.UMniAN. TO (ll'itTniAlll'.HS. With this number wo clow the Xitith Volume eif tl o ' oi.tiMniAN. We truit that It ha been a sonfco of profit iiml plen'tire to Its many rentiers, uml that nil will con tinue their patronage during 18"5. Kveryfliirt will bo miulo on our part to m.iko it a lirit class family neivspapur, anil wc ask our friemls to make an active! effort to iiicre-itse its usefulness by obtaining ail litimial stib'cribcrs. Tho yenr 1870 will be an eventful one, not only Iicivumo it is our 'Jenle iiniiil, but because of t'te eh-spcratc iiililli'.ii striip.'! that will take phuie. In .! II. inn tlii- eittr rcivrel ( honn 'i , ", t'niirt j i'""iriliii.'s, and ntlver tis.'.ii 'tits ure invaln.iblo to tiery business 'in. ?rml In lilt1 nvifs lit one.'. i. T.i' nrij' nil n im., ,if I ' i'a7rl-r. -i. .'."-,. :', f.'n, "I'll- fir.l -v'l ih'f or tin! 'ii!,ii n im h nil I'm t'lMr- Is lo'i I'or tin i "ri I'j r, - v. ti i nie wis I!Mt,f..Miri?, ' li innl if. r "V ill " wii-iun-.'. lint wi. '.ni'W it rnir l,r ii v.; ,.i, r ini.. nt' On'-i-niVr i. May it prosjuT. OJwn'i t'tn i ott iivi' any au'.horlty fir th" ahnv, as r'ion? The earliest rcfen nee I fnnl In t " p'niv, or t i 'vhnt seeins to b" I'm1 place, i' in a U"i r e f ('onrtnl Wi'lor l' the Oov c !'r. 1 itoil M iv Siil, 17i4, in whieh l.e bv ''I t'li'iijlit ii' to siul my son wllh ,I:iihc 1. 1 '.in, tiiei l.i-pe him of Shlek Oiilil'iiv,ivitli l i n t r it-ilian 'o (lkobnrv, Nl-likibecknn, vi 1 Wnvmne'r. three inrl'ni tmvus o" - i-rj't.-'inin-i'i ' North V.n'i.l will' votir Mo'inr's Mcsanre. They sol out fnmi Sliamokin ' I'Im v lmljeil th'i fiiKt tiitit at Okoharrv villi S'ii i-!:pi!(.in." .They wont thence t" N'is'Jbfk'iii wiiereohl N'titinius v.'a chief ill";, wmit the tici to Woyamocl: where l'..Kannsv was ebief. I ,im ineliiiril to t'lin'; that vnir infm miut Im i" ni'iinnleil tbec'iiof IwirtpUlMi, iviih the n.i n ! v which, fur the time, bcinir, the villa In kuowtt. lioth O-kohary anil I.,ip!ii',;-ii'l m are in the Delaware I'lngtingp, ami in Ih'it ianla!.', the meie from the Governor was ili'Iivercil to the chieftain. As early asl"l" iheDelawares.Pbawancse, ami thu Gansawe-'o were all living upon the Su-rpjohnntia. And I find a letter from .Tninei I.e Tort to the Governor dated, "Cat-mvn-se Mav ye 12, 173." So fur nearly 1"0 years, "ye tmeient tovti'Mta had a name. Ami I think that is the tir-t and original his-t"r-il i'i'"iprinti'm. (If course I need nol it Id bore that "Xiskibee'eon" ie tho nmdern X' op. I-?-. I writ" this mere by way of impiiry, an 1 in the li'ipo to I'raw out any information in the pi.sse'sioti of others. Your. .toilv g. Knni:zE. foiiraimlcated. MOS!'.S VAX CAMI". rniTOi'.s Coi.i.'MliiAN: A 0 w weeks since there appeared in the Coi.UMl'.lAN, a bio graphical sketch of soino of the adventures of Moses Van C.tmpj nnd it has occurred to me that a few additional facts on the subject might wot be uninteresting to your read ers. Mo.cs Van Camp known in tlio later portions of his life as Gen Moses Van Camp was living, in 18-11, in Livingston County, New York. He was rather above tho medium size, with a tendency to cor pulency. His face was round and full, with few wrinkles for a man of his age, and cleanly shaven. The top of his head was slightly bald, and his hair was exceedingly white. In the political campaign of that year, he changed his polities. My recollection is ho had previously been n Democrat, and that ho then identified himself with the Whigs; but I may be mistaken in this. The change may havo been in the opositc di rection. Certain it is that ho changed from ono party to tho other at that timo ; and that this fact created no little cxcitment in that flection of country. Ho was brought out to political meetings, and though not acem tomed to public speaking, was expected to say something. On ono of these occasion I heard him tnako his speech not much longer lhan thoso that President Grant is accustomed to make. If I mistake not an extended biography of Gen. Van Camp a volume of several hundred pages was about this time, pub lished by It. L. Underbill, of llath, N. Y. Gen. Van Camp, seemed to bo highlv esteemed, and bo was possessed of no litlio in fluence, iu Livingston County. He was, jf I recollect aright, somewhere in the neigh borhood of eighty years of age, at tho time I speak of. K. E, OIIVIS. AUCTION SAI-K 01' IlIli U LUTTDll VAhU AUIjES. WAfniNOTON, Pec, 21. Tho postmaster general has fluthori'ed a dead letter office auction sale in this city commencing on the 17th of .Tanunrv next. The catalogue em braces 8.C00 different fittiedes sent through, the mails but unredeemed, including books, niit-lc, paper, engravings, jewelry, neckties, bnhy clothes, socks, scarfs, vleilin strings, scissors, knivrs, shoe brushes, gloves, stock ings,corn ctusbers, scylhesiniies, looth picks, chiiins, asthmatic finnigators, night caps, nheetiiigs, rilrtions, saws and corn hiti-kers. Any person di'siring to prevent scythe stones, saws, jewelry, money, &c. from going to the Dead Letter Office, sliouhl''c.lll at tho Coi.vwniAN ptiuting offico and get their mimes and in'drctvs printed on tho envelopes, wllli a notice to tho 1'. M. to'Veturn if not called for in ten days, or more. Tho cntcitainmctit at tlio Opera Houso tonight will bo first class, Tho 1'ittiiton C'oi.t el speaks of tlio troupe ns follows. J, W. Camsku on Moniuy Niniir. We are happy to minounco that tho ciltbrutcd comedian .1 W. Ctirncr, who Is bv no means a stranger here, will appear in Musio Hall, on Monday eveulug next tho 271 U Inst., in his ureal character of "ltin Vim Winkle." supported by a lnaulficeut company of truo artists. This splendid actor nwds no nuH'nt our hands, Every body iu l'ittston knows who ho i and that ho Is n genuino urtUt, Especial nttciitioii Is called to tho fact tlmta fine brass baud under the lead of W. E, Goss. and a thoroughly drillid orchestra under l'rof, Martb Hammond, s celebrated mini cloiiiiccoiiiimidea Mr. Garner. Thouch the aunounccuicut Is a short ono yet wo predict u iuii noue. Beats ut Geo. A. Clark', nivr.x to JtiDor. jtoxnoi:. ' According to tho progratnmo.thc members of the IJar of Csilunibia county met at tho parlors of tho Exchango Hotel, on Monday evening last, for the purposo nf tetur ring their compliments to Hon. Isaac S. Monroe, upon bis retirement from the office of Asso ciate Judge. All the members of the Ilnr were present, with tho exception of two or threo who were unavoidably prevented from participating At nine o'clock, the door of the Dining hall were thrown open, and tho company entered tho room, where a long table laden with good things awaited them. Judge Klwcll presided with Judge Derr at his left hand, and tho honored guest at his right. In.i few moments, tho huslling of tho waiters nnd clattering of dishes an nounced that tho work of tho ovenlng had begun. Tho n9embled attorneys never dis cussed n ease in Court with moro zeal than they did tho turkey and pheasant, nnd oysters nnd tho Innumerable viands that were hef.ire them. They wero the jury, and the unanimous verdict that the sti .pi r wa a success. The Court did not ehur'.-. tho jury, em this occasion. Mtno host, X .n, relieved his Honor nf Ibatdiity. ami " 1 e rlvirrjln'j himself. After an hours;', ii disarranging fie tables, the chairman i'M the company to order, and with snnn- -llm'narv remarks, prvmsed the firs' 'n-4t if the evening, Tne PysMi'tit of' the Unite 1 State", to which Cni. Ivtior.-, respo;. I d. Tho following totsts were in order preip s J, and happily treated by tlio respondent- : The New Constitution, H'ltt.t'.U.nuckilcw. The Supremo Court, Ilon.Vi'm Klw ll. The lii'tieh, II. V. f "in Ic. The Legislature, 0. 1$. nroekway. The, Col. .1. G. Vr- re, The Suitor., C. G. TJarklcy. Tri ll hy .Turv I". " f.' o. The Itctlrinir Judge, W II. Abbott. I'or t'c'ir that Hie- ni.l'ni'i s in le ' Io jsI, they w-re in'oasiiiimUv w' ' v.'n with Piper. Ileiilsiel;; 'nil' the f.-ar pruved to be gronndb'-i. After the spe'i'clies !', ii eluded, Cnl. Kree-se rea l the I'Xowincr reso lution which was uimniiiKulv nil lOted, after a short preamble stating the facts and tho occasion : R'mlred. That we tender to the TTon. Is.i ic S Monro", on bis retiring fronr the lleneh of the Court of Ilcenrd of Columbia Co'inty, our acknowledgements of Irs uni form eotirte-y and urbanity and our best wis'ies for his future happiness and pros perity. Tho company then adjourned to the pri vate rooms of Judgo Monroe. A businefs meeting was organized, nt which it was determined that an annua' litrSupper should bo held, and a committee was appointed to fix upon n timo and place. Tins same com mittee was .vithnrized to elr.ilt resolutions and by-laws (or ti.o perm meiit'.i-itinn of a Columbia County liar A-euciatiun, and report at tho May Term of Court. A'ci uplo of hours wero pissed in jest, and story, a id music, and a mg by that eminent German S"h da", the ex-legisinlMr, anil its thi! hour of midnight approached tho company ad journed. Tho occasion will long bo re membered by the participants as a most dn lightful one. Tho supper could not be beaten, aud if tho quantity eutcn indicated the de-iro of the Uar to honor Judge Mon roe, ho must feel truly honored. The ban quet was a just tribute of respect to ono who has so ably and satisf ictorly discharged tho duties of his offico for six years. Ills olficial conduct has never met with anything but approbation from those who wero as sociated with him upon tho Ilench, from tlio-o who practiced before liim.'and from the peoplo of tho county. As a Judge ho was upright, and as n gentleman ho was and is always the genial Major, who.o society is ever enjoyable. It is undoubtedly a source of great satisfaction to him to retire to pri vate life with such nn endorsement atf ho has received from tho Columbia County liar. The regret iu losing him is only mollified by the fact that Catawi-a furnishes in his succcssorn gentleman who will perpetAiato tho fame of our sister village for her associ ate Judgc The llditiin Explosion. riYri uvrs f.OfT sr.Ar.CHiNO ron. Tim EODins. llosTON, December 23. No further dls ceveries have been m tile of bo llc3 at tho scene eif the gas explosion lat night, nnd as several persons who were mbsing havo slnco appeared, it is probablo tliHt the actual num ber of lives hist will bo narrowed down to live, and possibly but three. Georgo Elwcll lost his life beyond question, and one one or two of the ivoundid may die. Thoro is nothing additional as to tho cause, ot the ex plosion, which, however, mny bo explained by the totimony before tho coroner. This afli rni.on the harbor police grappled nnd shew from tho water n body said to be that of John Kelts. They also found the body if Gen V Elwell. The inquest has been adjoin n, U until Mnul'iy afternoon, without taking any testimony, fur tho purpose of finding Mimi'thing which will davclop the caus.i (,f tiie explosion. We regret Ocorgs untimely end. He should have kept away from Boston. Ills ninny friend will regret his hasty exit from this world of care, and forgetting his many faults wo should remember such of his good traits as an inventive memory can call to mind. He was a musician by trade, and an excellent amateur Constitutional lawyer. It seems nroner that the local celedirntinns of tho 1'otirth of July, JS7G, which will bo hehl throughout tho land, should be mado to contribute to a permanent historical memorial or the Centennial Cclehratiou. In each county provision should bo made for tho delivery nfnn address tracing tho history ot lliat particular community for the century or from the time of Its settlement, nnd in cluding a sketch of its growth, its resources, lntlnlrlca, prospect", etc. Theso mldrees should be published in a uniform sizo. tlmr. of tho Congressional documents, for in stancein order that they may bo bound together, by fclntes. To competent persons tho propatation of such addresses would not be an unduly burdensome taskj but in tho aggregate they would constitute an invaltm bio historical repository such ns no nation liascvorhad tho opportunity to collect, Designations of the historians might to bo mado without delay, iu order that they may iiuvo tunc in aceoinpiuii their work. It ia to bohopciltnut tho prea will give general circulation to the nwiect. ami thnt on nli journal will ace to its consummation In Ha own locality, una that the slight expense involved be nbsumcd by tho county or tunn authorities. If the peoplo wish to rcallio tho gord times promised thiui by tho BepublicMi lender-, tliey ehcultl euniiuo iho list of BhcrlQ'ti sales udvcitUed iu this weeks issue. Oct.l5.ns.u Best iw, cruoiijn, n, i,