ft 855 iix 'V I F i? n m iiiini a m m ih uu LU MlHAiN. t! t ii (i c Itall Itniui Time Tnl.lo LACKAWANNA t M.OllMmit; UAH, OAI Accommodation Train c.n a. si. Mull Tmln , j.jo ,. Jl Pxprcss Haiti i.m p, j, " " 6.34 I'. M. catawissa iiah, hoad, Accommodation Train o.ss 'a.'m, llegular Kxpress 3,r,s P. M. HOt'Tlt. 7.4'IA..M r.. 2 P. M 11.64 A. M P0PTI1 7,80 1'. M, 11,33 A.M. Through cars on Kxprtss train either to New York or Philadelphia. AccominOil.itlou train runs between cniavvissa ana Wllllamsport. Tlio plnys at tlio Oponi House, arc for thci U0 irfit of llio lirotll lelor.s. fin mul Holmes Orovcr ami Company, on tlio 21tli HIIU HI1. f Villi lnt motllng of the present lmant of X Comity commissioners will tio hold on Mom iluy niul Tiicsdiiy the !Uli ami 2itli, to scttlo and adjust, accounts for tu year. Ml persons having iiaims win present them at, tunt time. WILLIAM LA ATON, 1 JOHN HHUNI.lt, Commissioner., JO'I.N KNT. j Dec. .4, ISM. Arcli-HMmp WoikI liiiscxcntniniinicnteii from tticCalliolIoClmrclinll wliolieloiijrlottie "Mollv JlagulroV." Tlic lloanl of l'anl' tx, at !t lat session ro- cnmiiHiuKi) tin- jiarilt n of die Clearfield rloleis A e liave no doubt that flov. llartninft will sicr. the pardon. Ilcnty Octingcr of 1 mvillc was shot tliroogli the slomacli on lat Tn il.iy night whilst in a saloon. We have not learned the name of his noallnnt nor the came for the act. Octingcr died foon after. 13. S. AVa'-on lias withdrawn from the Williamport Sunday Timer, and K. S. Ilethcr li ii lcninius solo puhlUher. Tins Time" is a reidalilo paper full of news and reading matter puited for the home cire'e. If you wish your liristntas Rifts to lie appreciated get s-miiethitit; ueful of Lut. & Moan. Our carrier hoy will call on our patrons in New Year's day, and we linpe lie mav he libel- lly (halt with. Tbioi'gb heat and cold, rain and Kiiii:o, he made Ills weekly trip, Ulvo him n lift. The enterprising firm of WaiiaitriUcr&Ilriivvii ndvertNu tlieir establishment in the Comjmiiian". It if the cheapo"!, most reliable clothing house in Philadelphia. Kcul theiv notice, and tec what great imlucetuciilK they ofivr. I. IC. Miller, agent for pianos nnd organs, has a second hand Mason A Hamlin organ, which can be soeiirisl at a bargain. It has two b.inKs of keys, eight stops and four sets of reeds, nnd is in good condition. Just thu thing for a church or lodge. tf. We liavu an arrangement by which wo can furnish a Marvin safe, a Ilur.lctt organ, a Wat ys t Son's piano, a Victor si wing machine, or a Sliouiiigcr oigan at astonishingl- low lutes, Any one desiring to putolia-e ran sate marly half their money by calling on in. CiitouiVd. The original n imo of C'atawi-a was Im-jmuyh-pdin, The fust syllable of tha' Indian name is all that there is le:t for the town. Its next name was llughesburg, (named after "Mabe" we presume,) but weknow it now by thu sweeter name of Oif-ii-u'iVcd. May it prosper. Vittij. TliciiVymiiinii, in its account of the Ilogait trial.mcntioned the nanus of all the coun sel employed, except A. ('. it II. Smith. The latter opened the ca-e, and Ihe foimer made an able argument to the jury. This is a small speci men of revenge, and beneath tho dignity of an editor. ANoniin Cisow !IC. M. liwk-lniy, of Calaifsa has n Hull Cochin uostir, hnlihcd in thccooisiof A. C. Siiarphss, that wtighs ihvdi (ll)pounds .less one ounce, Aoiidupois. Mr. "Cochin" has never taken anv Alcohol or "Hit- tern" to aid digestion, but boa-ts of being a"Cold water" fowl who will please crow heavier! K. M. Tr.wKiiuitv, We expected to print the President's message last week from a stereotye plate, but as it ilul not come, wo were obliged to put the menage in typo afier nearly two days delay. Notwith standing this, our employees, without extra as-i.-tance, got the paper in the Thursday aflcr Jioon mails at the usual time, which they accom plished by working all night on Wcdue-d.iy. They deterve much credit for their energy. A new firies of steiek will be commenced by the Mutual liuiUling and Saving Kund Associa tion of Hloomsliurg on Saltnday the first day of January 1870. Thu books will bo opened at. I T. M. If 500 shares ro not taken the money will burcfimded nnd the seiiesabandoiud. Shares can bo taken previously to that time on applica tion to tho secretary, Jly order of the Hoard of Directors. J. II. HonisOK Sec'y. Col Tale, of' tlio '?mi beamed upon us on Wednesday'last. .He looks as hale and hearty as a man of seventy. Ills many fiiend, were glad to see him. lllooteisburg CWuwtian. Well, that is complimentary, as tarns it goes and also very gratilying. Hut we have scver years vet to run before we attain that buoyant age of "sevenlv." Will you make the cor-' rection, MesWllrockway & ttlwclt V iu. Just as you say, Colonel. Our leaders will now understand dial the veteran editor of die Sun, is not seventy by several years. COUItT PHOtXCDI.NGS. On Saturday morning the ease of Samuel Dognrt was again brought before! the thocouit by a motion of the District Attorney John JI. Clark.to suspend sentence until February court, m the ground that Hogart was the principal Mitnes-s in the case of the C'ominonwcaltlwigainst V. JI. and IVIer Kline. The defendants were indicted for an aggravated assault on Hogart, Jlr. Clark.K. II. Jkeler and C. O. JUrkley were the counsel for the prosecution against Hogart but now tho District Attorney representing the Commonwealth asked for the retention of Hogart m u witness, slating that they could nut safely go to trial without him. Tho prosecutors in the homicide easo are the defendants in this case Mr. liuckuU'W, and A. C mid H. K. Smilli.who defended Hogart, are counsel for the Common, wealth, after somo consultation tho Court stand that justice to all parlies, and to the public required that Mr. Hogart hould bo held as a witness. Sentence wasthtrefore suspended, until February court. Vkimo-VAI. Wo wero pleased to receive calls from .Mr. John Snyder, editor of dioHcrwiik InJrjxmhut and Jlr. W. Smith ol the Orangevlllo during Court week. Our ranclum Is always open toouredltoiinl brethren, Come again, Jfr. Vmiilt lVrshliiL' of I'ottsvllle, liaid in a t Ms. lVrthhiL' Is a son of the eminent Judge of that name, Schuylkill to. '1'he many Aiei d ho made while here will be pleased to liuve him tune ogalli when he can stay longer. Wo ugret to leain of tlio tcvero IIIiicm of Dr. AV. II, lili elly of the Muilcvr Auuritun. He lias been cuiiitiesl tu bis bed for some lime Hot n to l.rur of bis eui ly refjvery. l'iof. II. h'ehnvler.of Lafayette College, la at limit, i er.dii g his ( lulkltuaa vacatlm, uiuonc Ida friends. Mr.VIUlMnTtuv f Atldmd, s In town 'l.efeutiteriwlUiieif litvl-t t Uaim. THE THU CIIIIISTMAH mTIVAU ITS OltlOIH AND cmOUS. The Institution of this festival Is nllrihntcd to IVpo Tellphoru, who died A. D. 138. At fircl It was ji movable feat, often confounded villi tho lCpiphany, nnd cilobralcil by tlio Untorn churches in April and May. In the fourth cen tury St. Cyril, of Jerusalem, obtained from l'opo JnlliHl.nn order for an Inrisllgitloii to be madacnnoernlng theday of ChrUl'n nativity. Tlio result of this Inquiry was mi agreement on the lGlli of December. Thero was no iijsitlvo proof of this being the correct dale, but It was uni formly accepted, and has ever ilnco been a fixed festival In the church. The eiitom of ringing Cimllcles at Christmas, called carols which rp. called the songi of the shcphcrils at the birth of uiri-t, dates from the tlmo when the common p 'oplu ceaed to understand1 Iilln. The Ilih- ops and lower clergy often joined wilh the pop ulace in carolling, mid the fongs wero enliv ened with dances nnd muic. During die lat 'lays before Christmas it is Mill the custom for C.ihibrian inliiMrcls to ilcfcenil from the inoun t'lins to Naples nnd lloiuc, saluting the shrinos of the Virgin Mother with their wild muic un- ler tho poetical notion of chieriiig her until the lurth lime of her Infant. Preparatory to Clirl mas the bells are rung at midnight throughout Kngland and the continent, Anionic the revels of tins season were tho so-callid feasts of fools, in which every thing serious was burlesmud In (icrnritiy Christmas is often called the "chil lien's hvtlval," and it is from there that we lie rive our custom of giving preseni", and the Cnstmai tier, though the remote origin of gill m iking undoubtedly aroo from the fact that the wise men of the cast brought gills lo the infant Saviour. That fat old gentleman whom the children think of with so much ibdiglit, St.Nlcl; ones, originated in Uerminy. The presents made by all llio parents to their children weru sent to sonio one person, who, in high lmkih, nhituiobe, a mak and an enormous llix wig. went Ii om house to house-, was received with great pomp and reverence, and di-tributed tlio gilts among the childien according to the- char aeler which he heard from the. parents, after se vere inquiries, Christmas has alwavs been a iol!giou,domcs Ho nnd merry-making fe-tiv.il. In Kngland the revels used to begin on Christmas cvp, and lasted often until Candlemas, Feb. 'J, In the hoii-es oi die nobles "a lord of mi-iule was appointed, whose ollici- was "to make the i.irest pastimes. to delight tho beholder." A glowing lire made of green logs called yule logs, was kept up In Hie fire places ami the generous wa-sail bowl never failed lo bring tumultuous joys. The common cu-tom of decking the houses mid churches with eveigreei s is derived from nncidit droid piacdces. It was an old belief lint sylvan spirits might flock to the- evergreens and remain unnipped by fro-t till a milder sea son. In iliis country, since the puritans were at first stern opponents of Christmas pastimes, the day has been generally less celebrated in New Kngland than in theMiddleand Southern states. There are many singular superstitions regarding Christmas in some countries. Formerly in Fug laud it was said that on Christmas eve the oxen were always found on their knees, as lit an atti tude of devotion. This was derived from the pievalent mediicval notion that an ox and an as which were present at the nativity fell upon their knees in a suppliant manner. It was an ancient tradition, alluded to by Shnkespeaie tiiat midnight spirits forsake the earth and go to their own confines at the cro-.ving of the cock, and that Keer 'gainst that season comes Wherein our s.n lour's lili Hi Is celebrated, This bird ot dawning slnifclli all night long; And then they say no spirit stlr.s abroad; 'I lie nlght.1 aro wholesome; then do p anet strikes No fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm, Ni hallow ed and so gracious Is the time. Of course all these superstitions exist in Chris tian countries only as traditions. In Kngland the Christmas celebrations have lost their prim itive boisterous character, and, as in this conn try, family reunion", making pre-ents, and ever green tiimmiugs aro nearly nil that remain of die rough uiertimcnts that once marked the fes tival. The celebration of the- birth of Chri-t is becoming more and more universal in the Unit ed States, and the day is probably not far distant wli-ii, on the morning of eacli Christmas day, all Ihe people shall praise tho Loid that a Sa vior has been born unto the world. If you are undecided a hat to get for your friends Christmas presents, go to I.utz it fcloans, and llicy will tit you out Willi something useful and elegant. ClIltlST.MAS HliKVIC'Ds. There will be services in St. Paul's Kpiscopal Church to-morrow (Christmas) morning, at 10 o'clock. The pastor will preach u sermon, and die Holy Communion will be administered. A plea-ant service is expected, ns Ihe choir has de voted some atlcndon to tlio preparation of the inu-ic for the occasio.i. The church will Inap propriately decorated. The children of the Lutheran sunday school will have a Christmas tree in the cveiiiug,nt the chiire h. At the liapti-t church gifts will bcdisliibuted among the sunday school children In the even ing. On Thursday of last week K. L. Davenport played IlA.Mi.irr in tho Danville Opera House. A special train went down "from tho country," ami on it wero nearly a nunureu rustics iiom Hloom-burg and vicinity ; at least there was one , ......... i ., man in the audience wno so e:onsi iereu too Illooiu delegation, lie was a snob, from tliceify of Danville. The people of whom he spoke as being "from Ihe country" were thu representa tives of the best families in this town, and among litem, gwitlemcn of slato and national reputation. Well, there are tomo people clown there, who having never been out of their town limits, imagine that Illoomsburg and Columbia county aro suburbs of Danville and that thero re only two cities in the State to wit : J'liua lelnhia ami Danville. "You think tho rtistin cackle of your burg the nun niur of the world, Without the emintry tumjittin on the kpecial .. . . It...f....l l..tl.. ,.f tl.ol (rain even me uiiiiiuuese pupuiaiiui. great metiopolls (of .Montour co.,) would have been insiillieieiit to fill the Upera Jloiise. The kindness of Jlr. Peter Hahly Jr. in af fording our citizens an opportunity to hear Davenport, was fully appreciated, out mueii ins- atlsfaction has been expresses! ai llio inisuraoiu management of the rail toad company, anil particularly at the impudence or some of the employecson the train. The pas,engers found the seats unturned in the car, after the theater, and much inconvenience was expo rinuesl in wailing for the brakinan to do what ho ought to have done before. We have all Opera Home, but who ever heard of a delegation from U.in ville? Tlilir I Tlllir I r'inic fcotir.drel, ihard up for a tlili-tinns dinner, without the fear of the fulnie lefoic his eus, deliberately and with imillee- (tfnrethought, stole three chickens from tho senior editor of this paper on lust Tuesday night. That man i a fiUulject for the gallows, and our only ee.nfolatlwi Is lluit lies will bo pioperly dealt wilh in the- Great Hereafter, It isbiideroughtosteuli but to rob poor editors is a high eiiiuc and misdemeanor. ntn it is coiisldeKil how aiduous Ida labors are -llio small tompeiifiitlon ho receives, (and that is un-icrmlnl-diat if nld at all It is in chips, whet ftt t if, J tefint-prldilUf, ppil buek-w beat Hour the iigginvotion of llio cue nee can be aern In It full folic. Our Chiistinus dinner will boa fall ,v 'J hose whem wo invited neesl not attend, We'agiei-.lwevir.tp plead in Court, without f,i- the-ease of any man who shoots a chicken thief. Tho Jurv would appreciate Ihe lilualinn, i d even llio Cult herfedf having lost filleen tUeLeiai would m m Mercy will. Justlev. Wc ill idee, (lit.lfnliv nMM N"' announcing l,e fuet that .mho of iluw icarnp have been firWiJi dy K"l ly a vigilant cidie-n. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMS! ORG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA. If "tlio achooliiMstcr Is nbroad" It would bo well for lilm to call at llio oflico of tlio llloonisburg Jltjmblican, llo's needed there, Tho Heiubtican has never been ills tliigutslicd for literary chyniicc, but tlio ciulo'isly Involved and IntrK-ali! construction of the article in last wcejt's paper, relative to tlio trial of Samuel Hogart, merits special mention, llegiiiiilug with tlio undcnlablo statement that "Klluo was the father-In-law of Hogart" tlio writer adds "this niarrlago proved to bo an unhappy one." It is hardly to be wondered at that a niarrlago between n man and li Is fatlier-in-law should bavo been unhappy, but the fact that such a monstrous union could exist in a civilized community will surprise most people. The writer goes on i "For years quarrels liavo been kept up between tho parties. Hogart and bis wlfo would begin It" (what? rpiarrels?) and by tho time it ended tho whoto of tho Kline, family would bo involved." The reader will notice tlio hopeless confusion of singulars nnd plurals in tho above,and tho samo thing occurs In tho next sentoiicoj "Frequent separations between him and his wlfo wero the result " Oh I it were, were it? Heaiitl fid Indeed I "So if continued for years until on tho "tli of September last it culminated in tho death of Mr. Kline." What was it that "continued for years" and "culminated in tlio death of Jlr. Kline?" Does tlio writer mean that tho "separations" "con tinued" and "culminated ?" If so why does be say "it" and how could tho "separations" of man and nlfo "culminated" In tliedeiithof a f.ither-iu-hiw ? Wo should have thought that "meetings" wero morn likely to have brought about so s.id a result than "scparit' lions." Here is another fine- specimen: "Hogart took a pitch fork and rushed upon tho old man and plunged it into Ids skull from the elFects of which he died " This is the first easo we ever knew where a man died from tho "cITeets" of a skull. Jlost people have skulls and manage to live with them but whether the skulls liavo "cllc-cls" or not we aro unable to say. It may kill a man every time to have "effects" of the skull. Again ; ''.Mr. Htickalow made one of the bc-t efforts of his life in his defence." What Mr. lluck alew had done, and how bad it was, we can not tell but we are pleased to know that he acquitted himself so well. Pronouns and prepodtlonsjSingul irsaiid plurals give much trouble to the IUpublirnn'e writer. .More richness : "llio charge of Judge Klwell was an able discussion of the x" (ditcuvhn is good) "with regard to murder and made a deep impres.-ion upon tho iiimds ot all hy its exhaustive review of the evidonco mid its entire impartiality, i uis is incorrect as to i.ict. l ucre was no 'oxhaiistiveievier of thcovidence"intho lull meaning of that phrase. Judge Kln-ell said "I shall not repeat the evidence upon the subject of tho e., counter in detail," and did in fact reler to the evidence only to explain thu law bearing upon the points in question Judge Klwell will probably be pleased to know that he was impartial, and did not thirst for Ilogart's blood. Here is a bit of lino writing!; "a solemn silence pervaded the mid-night audience as the foreman James Dyke,bauded the verdict to the Clerk of the Court, wlio pas-ed it to the Judge. After he examined it ho returned it to the Clerk" &c. Nothing could have been more im pressive than this, unless the Clerk had handed tlio verdict to the Court-crier, who had then given it to the Deputy Sheriff and ho in turn lo tho Sheriff who might have hande'd it to a tipstave to be by him pre sented to the Judge. Xobody would im agino from the wording of the Jltpubllmn irticie that the clerk of tho Couit always receives the verdict ol a jury and hands it to the Judge. Taking it all in all tho Jlcpubliean may congratulate itself on having achieved a succcs-s in muddy, uiigranimatical and illogi cal writing, not likely to bo readily excelled or even equalled. Is tho "schoolmaster abroad" or is tho postmaster ? News Hems. Chambersburc is to bnve water works costing 405,000. In Dublin last week the death rate rep resented a mortality of 22 in every 1000 of the population. Vice President Wilson is said to havp ir ft an estate worth SIS.OOO, and his placo ,n Natick is valued at $2,000. -New York dete.-tives are searching Ot tawa for William JI. Tweed, whom tbev have reason to believe has reached there. -Judge Kelly claims to have reasons to believe that a bill will be passed by the House luring the iiresontscssioiisubstitutin-r green back for national bank currency. -James Dale, tho Delaware county com missioner ivhcse prolonged absenco from his homo in Chester, has excited the liveliest apprehensions of bis family, has not turned up. Mr. O'Conor continues in about the iiiino condition ns before-reported, with the exception that lie is becoming more re-tless. I He end, apparently, is not lar oil. Jlr. Sleek, ofHughesvlllc, has nearly com pleted tho plan for a Granger's centennial encampment near Philadelphia. He has re ceived valuable assistnnco from Mr. Utile, his architect. It is now certain that tho project will prove asucccKs. Gen Georgo II. Williams, now in Wash ington, will leave for Kurope shortly as the commissioner of tlio Government of Japan. He is accompanied ny two Japanese gentle men of li iuli rank, JIt-ssrs, Tamito and Jlin- ami. A man was bulled in Sullvmi county. only u year ago, weighed SOpoumW two ilaw bclorc Ills ileatli. llio oilier etay Ills Uoeiy was exhumed and found to weigh 477 pounds. A caso of petrifaction. -Hishon Simpson has denied tho state ment that lie had expressed an opinion on tho subject of the third term. lie deprecates anv ii 1 1 1-n . t to connect the Church with no- litfeal nominations or elections. A determined effort will bo mado In tho next legislature to erect an insane asylum lor the counties of Ilcrks, Ducks, Chester, Delcware, Lehigh, Montgomery and North ampton, Three men. named Mnhlon Nay lor. Win, Cole and Diehard Kiiton, weru instantly kill- S . . , - . 1 !l !.!... 1 . .. ! 1 .1 1 . I. cei ai ino main exiiioiuoii ouiiu.iig on iiiu Centennial grounds on Wednesday. They were on a eaflbld which pnvu way, and they fell to the ground a distance ol seventy teet Geneinl Henderson thinks It a little rough to be told by tho Attorney General that "tho ilepariiuem win run coiiuuuu io pay spe-ciai counsel for Ibis kind of services, when, as n matter ol fact, lie liud pever received a cent, hud never lenderid apy bill, and the matter ol coni emntirinhr.il been under considera tion nt no lime. Jlr. Henderson adds that tho appointment ol special counsel ciuno to lilm entirely unsolicited. Decently a party of four went out hunt ing in Fulton county. Hiram Suolts, ono ot tin in, became separated fiom tho rest, and to let him know w hero they wero two of bis companions discharged their guns. Ono of IhobnlUbtiiakSnotts, ami hedied soon af ter. A Texas Judge la credited with the fol lowing decision: "The fact is, Jones, tho jail l un old, rickety all'air, as cold as an Iron pedge, You implied to this court for a release on bail, glUng It aa your opinion that you would Ireczo to dcatb there. 1io weather bus not mule rated mul to keep you llolil fliezilip, I will direct tho Shirill' to bang you nt lour o'clock thin Hltcruoou," Business Notices. T OST. On Mondav last a Itt.ACK PhUSH XJ UAUNt'LOT, between tho Columbian onlco and thu residence of .ludgo lilwell. Tlio finder will bo suitably rewarded by returning It to this office, (Ircat Holiday entertainment nt the Opera House, i ho scenery (it llio Hurtling saw Mill is brought by tlio Company. French drclng at Kuorr's. I. V, llartmau lias bought so far this season seventeen pieces of cotton flannel 10, 121, ID, 18, 20, 22 cents per yard. Toilet Sets at C. C. Marrs, cheap. Gold spectacles, lust tho thing for a Christ mas present, nt Oeorgo A. Clark's book store. Notions of all kinds in great variety S.H. Miller & Son's. at "Tlio Track of Quilt" tomorrow-night, at the Upern House. Grand nnenlnt; of tows nnd bolldav nrcs cuts in unsurpassed variety and at extremely low prices at A. C. Phillips' new bookstore. Fine Holiday Goods for Gent's wear, con sisting of Hats, Cap", occ, Ties, Hows and Scarfs, Shirts. Collars and CulTs. Silk Mulllers, Cashmere .Mulllers" Silk Handkerchiefs, Finn Driving Gloves, Dress Gloves, all of the latest style, at I). I.owcnberg's. Holiday Goods in great variety, also a fresh supply of French Confectionery un surpassed in quality and flavor, only forty cents per pound, tit llendersliott's. Port folios, Dreka's dictionary blotters, rosewood nnd walnut writing desks at G. A. Clark s. A beautiful lot of fancy dishes, vases, cups, &c, at 1. W. Hartmaii s. C. C. JIarr has a nice lot or Collars, Cuffs and Handkerchief's. TOW.VNDA BOOTS I TO WANDA HOOTS The best and most reliable for every one to buy. Try them For sale at JIcKin ncy's. When found make a note of it, And go to D. huweiiberg's For a fine Diagonal Over Coat, Fine Fur Heaver. Tlio Ulster Ove-r Coat just received. A full line of Drv Goods just received at the store ot'S. II. Miller & Son. For Jlince Jleat. nt lit cents a pound, and n lino lot of Cluistnias Cranberries go to DiKse-il's. hook in C. C. JIarr's windows for nice things. A I! C nnd building blocks at G. A.'Clark's book store. t New attractions nt Knsscl's. A largo as sortment of Holiday Goods, consisting of china mustache cups, china cups and sau cers, children s toy sets, cologne sets, mugs, vases, mirror boxes, assorted toys, toy ewers and basins, pitchers, patent flasks.chirta can dlesticks, holy water founts, toy castors, tea sets, and n variety of goods'for every body. Go to the Opera House to-night and tomor row-night. Friday and Saturday and see J. HolmcsGrover in tliegrcatplayof'I.O. U." WATER PDOOF Hoots nt JIcKinncy's. WATER. PROOF beautiful lot of cbromos for Christmas at G. A. Clark's book store. New lot of Germantown, just received at W. Hartman's. Independence Toy Tea Setts at C. C. JIarr's. Jlen's. women's, bovs' and misses' f.incv slippers for Christum-) gifts.at E JI.Knorr's. JIabie Todd & Co's. gold pens and pencils, the best in the world, to be had onlv at O.A. Clark's book store. Snow Excluders for sale at JIcKinncy's. Dlir.l'MATlsM. Xcuralim. I.uinbaeo. Scia tica Rheumatic Gout and Nervous Diseases positively cured by Dr. Fillers Rheumatic Xcmedii and Pills Dr. Fitters Kidnen ('or- dial removes depo-its of Gravel. Calculi. Acids, retention, of Urine. Great J'urilier of tho Bladder and Kidneva. C. A. Ki.mit Sole Agent for Dloomsburg, Pa., mc w,io-iy. "I. O. U." at the Opera House to-night. Fancy inkstands and beautiful uaoer weights at G. A. Clark's book store. Jlens' Womens' nnd Childrens. Roots and Shoes, very cheap, at S. H. JHIlcr et Son.s. Tiie largest lot of fancv and other Hand kerchiefs nt I. W. Hartman's to be found in Dloomsburg. Faumbiis. AtrcNTioM. Russel takes Hutter Eggs, Lard and Produce in exchange fur goesls Pocket books, cigar cases, and Russia goods of all kinds at G. A. Clink's. Call at Ru-scll's and fee his stock of Qucensware. Fakm for Sale Containine M acres, in Scott township, one-half mile from Dloomsburg, Good buildings, splendid water, and a first class stone quarry on the premises. Price $5,000 W. J. HlICICAf.KW, Deal Estate Agent. Great attractions nt the Opera House to night nnd tomorrow-night, for tho benefit of the proprietors. Every-body ought to patro nize them. Chess, checker', backgammon, jack-straws, dominoes, and n great variety of games at Q. A. Clark's. Go to C. C. Marr for Christmas Goods. Oysters of fine selection, at M, JI, Rus sell's. Rubber Hoots at MeKinney's. Diaries for 1870, from fifteen cents up, at O, A. Clark's book store. Jlen's clotli boots at E. JI. Kuorr's. Toy books in endless variety at the book store pf (. A, C'Jark, Tobacco, Cigars and Confectlorery at wholesale, very loiv.by JI, JI, Russell. - w Pictures and picture) framed at tho book store of Georgo A. Clark, OVER-COATS 1 OVER-CO ATS I For lien, Youths and Doys, Greac-Dargains at 1). Lowenberg's. All Coal slated and screened beforo leaving die pld established coal yard of C. W.Nkal& llBQ, 32lf A choice selection of the best tuithurs re ceived fur tho Holldaysat George A. Clark's. Centennial Seamless Dags 30 cents a piece at JI, M, Russet's. Card cases, pearl aud Russia, at Geo, A, Clark's. flood clean Cysl to lo had only of 0. W, Neal & llro. &3tf Don't be worried and annoyed with not only a iioor quality of Coal but dlrly and slaty beside, but buy of C, W. Nl'-M. & Duo. who deal only in Ihe best qiiallctt. ttUtf C. W, Nsai it Duo., spare no eapouk to scad out nictCokl, 82if The old "John Dull." tho first locomo tlvo ever run on tho Catndeti and Amboy roan, whlclt uis been a il tin at the lion eu town shops for many years is bclnic imt in riming order again and will be sent to tho centennial noxt year. H was built bv Robert Stenheiisoii. over forty vears nM! has twclv bv twenty-inch cylinders, onn t.alr four and a-hnlf feet d;lvers, and weighs about twelve ions. Dishop Wood, of Philadelphia, has been sued lor $101. 000 bv his parishioners Tills Is tho fund entrusted to tho chareo of rather Gerdenian in tho shapo of deposit! upon call upon which four nnd six nor cent Interest was to liavo been paid, but which wasmalnly invested in church Improvements nnd could not bo repaid when called lor, As It Is proposed to sell the church property of which mo bisiinp nnids llio lltio to pay tlicse claimants some interesting nuestions ot aw In regard to tho precise tenure ofccclcsla?tlcal property will ho raised in a very favorable shape fur judicial determination, When you go to Philadelphia stop at tt.o Allegheny iiousc, io. tsta and n iuar ket street; having been recently renovated Price only ?a per day. A. iikck, March 19,'70-ly Proprietor, CO Ah. CO A I (llil I'.stnlilislieil Coal Yard. C. W. Ni:ai. fi Duo.. Wholesale & Retail Dealers in all sizes of tlio best qualities ol Jted and White Asli coal, at me, very lowest market rates. Havo constantly on hand large forks of Domestic, laipoia, Dlacksmith's Anthracite, Hittiniitious. and l.iniebtirner's Coal Especia' attention given to the prepara tion of co d before leaving our yards. Grain and Lumber taken in exchange for coal Coal delivered to anv part of the town at short notice. Orders left at I. W. JfcKelvv's store, or nt our olhce. will receive prompt at tcntion. O licoaiul i arils nt William ycal & Pons' Furnace, East Hloomsburg. Your patronage respectfully solicited. nn - r- . o-l i t ttij. ii e. -i vwive, Fon Uy.s c. A large new Store Room, Hall, a' il Dwelling apartments. .ew nncK iiuiiuiug on Main street near Mnrket. Tirnis rheai Impure of GEO. SI FRN'FR. Dec. 10, '7o-tr. Hi:u' TOMOTiinr.s XnrtMxn Infants It is a conceded fact that mothers who have the caie, anxiety and draught of nursing in- lants are weak and nied the aid ol some stri'gthening tonic to make up the notir- slnncnt roouired lor the- erowtli ol tin child. Ale, portcr.and lager beer have often been recommended. Of late, since physicians have become awnre that 1 ort (..rape. v inc .reduced bv Alfred Spcer, of Pas-aic, N. J , is -trictlv i tire Ibay have prescribed it in tend of nle and porter. I Ins wine is prill- cip illv sougli for bv mothers who have niir- sire in ants as the le-l -upplv lneilium to be found. The wine is rich in body and not in toxicating but gentlvst'inulatiiig. Diuggists eenerally keep it, and sell it for a dollar a bottle. hnrHirer. Marriages. I)RKIS',ACn-I,KNN'IN(ITON--Tt tlio bride's residence, on the Olh iu-t, by Rev. A. Houlz, Mr. Nathan Dici-barh, to .Mrs. Marv Vnniiigton, boll, of l isfungereek twp. POTTS WII.SONT-On fifth day, 12 month, Ifilh, 1S70, at the re-idinee ol thebnde s parents Millville. Pi... bv l'riend'-eeremonv, William oils of P.irkersburi:. and Anna L. daughter of Reuben and sarali 1:. Uson. STEES ARMSTRONG On Tlmrsd.iv the 10th inst., at the bride's residence in Hloom-burg, by the Rev. Stuart Jlitehell, Dr. J. I. Slees, of Cairo, Union county, to Jlis Anna I.. Arm- trong, of liloomsnurg. OILHI-RT COOK Dec. 9lh, at the rcsi- denco of die bride's parents, by the Rev. H. P. King, .Mr. Nicholas eJUbert to .Mi.-s .Mary A. Cook, bolli ol" Stockton, I.tizcinc- county. SHl'LER DENNIS Dec.llth, at the JI. Parsonage, Weatlierlv, by Rev. H. P. King, Jlr. Alfred J. Sliuler to Jliss Emma J. Deniii?, both of Weatlierlv, Carbon county. JAJIES-STRAUSKR In Centralia on the 21st of December, 1S7", at the residence of the brides parents, bv the Jtev. U. .M. I.arned, -Mr. icorge- . Janus, lo Miss Clara JI. Htraiiscr, both of Centralia, Columbia county. Deaths. ANTES In Hemlock twp., Columbia countv. on the 1 III) int., Marv l.mma, daughter of eler and Sarah Ellen Antes a gee 1 2 vears and davs, SANDERS At the residence of Mr. Wm. II. Oilmori-, in Hloomsburg, on the St Ii inst., Mrs Sarah Sanders, aged Si years, 0 months and 21 da)s. IIOSLER At Jonestown, Dee. lGih, Emma Hosier, aged 17 years, 1 month nnd 28 days. POST On the (ith of December, at his re-si- ence in Fuirmnnnt town-hip, Luzerne Co., af ter a brief illness, ( ideon Post, sr., aged SI! vears. 1 months and l!l days, , MARKET REPORTS. Ill.OO.MSllUltti .MARKET. Wheat per bushel t.!i IHe ' Corn, new, " to o-its, ' ss I lour per barrel Wu Cloiciseeu Loo Flaxseed butter 33 Kggs 30 Tallow s Potatoes 40 brteu Apples 10 Hams ..." 10 Mldes Shoulders 1 I.arcl per pounil 10 Hay i-rton 20.nu beeswax W Timothy Seed 4.W IJI'OTATIONS l-oll COAL. No. 4 on Wharf 4,00 per Ton No.s ' " $ 3,T3 No. a " " A . f tjm " blacksmith's Lump on wharf t 4,00 " " bituminous " $ c.uu " " SORIBNER'S MONTHLY for 1876. Tho publlsheis Invito atte ntlou lo tlio followm-rllst ot soma of the iittiucileo aillcles secured forHcnb ncr's Monlhlr, for llio coming -ar. In tho ilelilot Iktlon, besides numerous uoeelelles and shoitrr sto ries, theio will bo Two Remarkable) Serial Stories HY AMKUIl.'A.N AUTHOHS. Tli! first of these, now complete In our hands, "GA URIEL CONHOY," by IIIIIIT. IIAKTK, Is-clns In the November number, anil will run for twelio months. Wo shall also u-cln In tho .tiuiimry munlK-r, ILI I NOUN'S FltlKNUS, or, Show Your Passports," by KllWAItl) KVKHKTT 1IALB. Tlio scene ot this story Is Intel la tho south estern territory, now furmlng the states of IueMsLinr. and Texan, at tlio time of iuron burr's treason Tlio characters lled In a fcectlcii which was now Ameri can, now 1-iench, now Spanish, and this recent of Hair adienturoiis lives nukes a story of Intense and unflagging Interest throughout. ASliCONI) "FAKM Klt'S VACATION," by COL, i:r.O. IS. WAI.INll, Jr, ' Cel. Waring Is now In Kuropv, visiting, In a row. boat ilde of two hundred and nfty miles, onoot tho most til tlio and lnteiesllngof tho vino-grow line val-Ii-jsol Huropo. Tills M-cor.d seilcs of paner jaoni. Im-h to bo tun more Interesting than that with w hlch our readers aro already familiar. UKNTKNNIAL LKTIKIIS. eellted by JOHN V. CIIKNY, A rarf collection of Itevolutlouary letters, mainly from stores lu tho bands of the dtwcndi-uu of col, Joseph Ward. The-y am full ot Interest, and w(ll bo lead with a raroielWilu connection with liu Cen tennial ccl;'bra;uii of (ho ) par. Brilliantly Illvi-tiated Articles on AMERICAN COLLEGES, Written iisiec l.elj by their fileueU, will appear during the ear. OLD NEW Y0EK. rircantly Illustrated articles on lilu New York, by Join. V'. Mines, will appear nt once, and wl i utlratt tho alteu.li'n of all, lu city or country, who murk wltli Interest tho eloec opmelil ol the gn-ut hiFtrn lls, and amsnionatcly remember tho quaint peculiar ities of Its oldcut line, lhrery nuirl-r Is profusely Illustrated, thus ena bllns us 10 ulvo toourili-hcrlptlieand naniilleo aril I Ics it t imi-ri st iiid iicriuaneiit taluo never attained lu a iiou-Uusrated m rlodlcul, The 1-Milorial lXiarlmenls occupy oecr twenty pHL-es of eacli number, and con lulu l)r. llollmid'a Mcoious and timely editorials, well asreelewuuf tho late-bt works In Art, Litera ture, and science. Ti:il9I.S. U a Yeur, la advancu; ii cents a number, Tho 10 eols. complete, Nov, mo, io Oct. Ists, bound lu muruon cloth titi.in do, do, Inuiid In half morocco, su.ixi Vols. Uga In J.'ocmlr and Hay. Any of the earlle-r volumes to VII l)w III bo supplied sepHmlely to panics who wish them to complete lets, ullhn rate, I. o., cloth, ti; half mon ceo, ii, llooksellciK snd ixluiubters will xi sopiUed at rates that will enable them Willi any of lbs above pfdm'S. suileillsis will rlcaio r toil la I'.o.mcr.eyo alia, er h. Ink el.isls, er by leiiiiiniu liileu etnry lo ietlen not nijlsteied, at leiiOtfsiUL. aCWUNEItt'0,T4mroawy,MtwYwk. HENDERSHOTT'S DRUG STOlt Is leeching a ehclev Mb clloti e,f H0L10AV (iOOUS, consisting of HIIL'OOIST'S SONDltlES, TOILCT AIITICLUS, i'i:itt-u.Mi:itY, K.S'OLISII SOAPS, FHENCIt KXTItACTS, 1'OltT .MO.N.Nins, CltlAll CASUS, COM 1)9, IlItfSIIKS, CIIISKSG AND JAPANI'SI; IIANDKLIICIIIKFS, Key West nud Havana Oigarc, and lots of Pino (loods. Who said that you would like to get such Clothing as City People wear, rather than the wholesale goods com monly sold ? This will tell you how to do it, The very Urge Increase of our business allows us to make A STILL LOWER SCALE OF PRICES, AMD You Can Save Enough In buying n Suit at Oak Hall TO PAY FOR THE TRIP from anywhere In thiB County to the City or Philadelphia, and have a day of Blghtseelng besides, Vanatnakcr & Drown stand by thla Statement, and so will you alter one trial. Character of tho Goods we sell. For Men & Boys. he sure I roods, lhry cm he rilled I misrepresent , we at not unoitsaie, out eoniine ourselves to rie i f l,carn0 "'-will to any one, and Mala this only because some dealers sell poor Roods ai coming from our hou. '1 o each of our custom tn wc are responsible for orticU-n bought of tu. lly our plan of TicVeiin the tfit uatKct ol the materuU on our goods, nr one can be mi&led as to qualities How Wanamakcr A Brown treat their CUSTOMERS. advanLige, Is given, that I , , , anywhere, and that the quality is as represented . also, that the money will be paid back In full, if purchaser within 10 dajs w ishes, for any reason, to return the goods, unworn. a Exactly vthcro tho Store Is. teteit stop stra risers about where the store is, so that they may Fell their ,.,,,,,,, , counterfeit goods. There ii but one Oalc Hall in Philadelphia, it H a Urge building, the ire cf four ordinary store, nnd is ??v?r i32lit:J:?;t ctir"5r ,of MXTH-SlXTH-SlX'IH--i;lX'lII-blXlil SIX I !1 and Market Streets. Those nho t Cannot I sen IV m"' 6 , . made come to the City. I InK their measure (we lurnish easy directions that ' - any one can measure by,) and describing color . , wanted, and price desired. Payment can be made to the hxpress Co on receipt of goods, and the privilege of examining them is allowed before payirg, where goods do not please, we will return the money and pay thu cxpressage back to Philadelphia. 1 eu should tt sure to tre ear ,r on the building and aver the deer as you enter WANAMAKER & BROWN.. 99m3M BOOKSELLER Dealer in Law . Blanks, Sunday School Libraries, Depository of the Pennsylvania Bible Society, WIND0V7 CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, Books and supplies not Oi Short Notice ai the store m McJiangc ilotcl TOWN AND COUNTRY. K. V. KVNKr.I.'S JHTTKK WINK Ol' llil.N. It lias noirr been Know i to fall lu tlio cure nt wcnMit'ss lUU'iidca will. Hjmptoms, luili-iKitlun tu oxcrllon, lo.ss of m-inorr. dnilculty tf tin athlntr. weakness, horror of disease, night swi ala, cold feet, dimness of Won, languor, unhersal 1 issltude of the iniivcular s. stein, enorwoui nppollte, with ilsien lle synip loins, hot hands, llushlim of the body, drj uessof the face, ialu In the hack, lwaMnesstf tho ejellds, frequent black spots HjIik; befuie the ejes, ItU RUflii-lon nndlosJiot bight, want ( t intention, etc. Sold only In II bottles, (let the genuine. De pot and ofilce, s&9 North Ninth street. 1'hlladelphU. AdMeefree. Ask for K. P. Kunl:el'nl!lttir Wine of Iron, and uke no other. Ccnulne sold ouly In il bottles. MHlVOfa I1EU1I IIY I .NFRVOl 8 DEDILITV I Debility, a depressed, Irritable state f mind, a weal:, nenous, exhausted feeling, no c neipy or anl- mnllon, ennfunl head, weak memory, tho eons'i nuences of e.veesses, mental m mill k. This ncn oils debility llmls a smerelsn euro In E. I'. Kunkd's Hit ter Wine of Iroi. It tones the system, dispels Ihe mental gloom nnil despondei cy, ami rejuvenates the eutlresvstem. sold t nly in tl bott'ex. (letthegen- ulno Ofl'fe, North Ninth Street, I hlladelphl.i, 1M. Sold by all druggts'ts-. Ask for K. F. Kunkel H Miter Wine of Iron, and take no ether. Ce nulne sold only In fl Iiottles. Tirs WOHV. Itemoved alUe, wltli head complete, In from two to three hours. No fee 1111 remoiert, by Dr. Kunkel, IB!) North Ninth sirtet, riilladelphlo. Mat, pin and stomach worms also removed. Call ur.dseo. Ad- Tlce free. Send for circular, or askour druirgl-t for Kunkel's Worm sjrup. Trice 11. It never tills Selienck1!) 1'ulmonlo bjtup, for the euro of coi eim;)- t Ion, rouglLS and colds. The great lrtuc of this medicine Is that Itrtpriu tho matter and throws- It out of tin1 s.nliui, purUlea tlio blood, nnd thus effecta a ruro. Seheackuseu W'tcl Tonic, for the cuiuof djspepbla, Indigestion, to. Tho Tonic produces n healthy !ictl,.ii cf tlio stoui- aeh, crontlng an appetite, forming clij le, and curing tlio most ot'sllnnto eased of InJIgeutloii. Schcnck's Mandrake I'UIa, for tho ci.ru of liver com. plaint, S.C These pills urn nllerallie, and proilueeu henllhy action of lh Ilier without tlio least daugi r, a they are. free from calomel, and yet more i Olcaclou!. lu restoring it healthy action of tho liver. These remedies aro n certain euro fir consmnjllon nslho pulmonle syrup rlj ens tho matter una purlllea tho blood. Tho mandrake plIH act upon Ilia Hut, cri'a'o a healthy tile, and ri'move all iliaoase-s of tho liver, often a cau,so ot consumption. Th b,a weo t ionic gives lone nud etreuglli to tlio stomach, makes nod digestion, Hnd enables the organs to form good blood, and tliun creates a UeiNUiy circulation ot licallliy IjIikxI. 'J lio combUied action ot these iiusJI- clues, ns thus explained, vvlll cure eery caso of roe- sumptlou, It taken Intln.oand Ihoufoofthe medi cines perseiered In. Dr. Scheuck Is prtfesalonally at hlsprlnciftlclllee, comer Sixth ami Arch sUs , Philadelphia, every Mon day, where all letters forndilcoinustbu addressed. -0- TakeAjer's ITHs for all the pun'oscfl of a jiu.itu- tlvo, tor crnHitpallon, Indlgi'sllon, Headache, nnd liv er roiiiplulnt, Hy universal accord Itiey aro llio U st of all purgatives for family use. H It la no wonder that Invalids lose faith In H'H'll'es hi n so many wonhURs mc iiicuiih rv dulld for tho euro ot arlous rtlseuses, but which, when tried aro "found wonting." Weliao tu learn.how- eur, of tlio tint failure cf Di. Wlst&r's Rilsamof Wllil Cherry lo cure toughs, colds, and pulmonary disease, .scents and l ultttle, largo Iclllis much tho cheaper. TI1K 1IEHT I'ltlNTINO OKl'It'Ii. Thni rtMnt Is a gocd cwrtunlly lu rt'inlnil iho friends cf tlio paper, audtho publlo eei.erilly, lliat IhoCotiMiiUN Jon ll.iNTisu Ohick luik nu wui erlor lu thU fccllon, and, In scuie ncs, Is without an ciHial, During tlio lastj ear wo bMocoiupIctily ro- nowisl our I)1k and mado largo addltloi.s, und It Is no Idle boast to Bay tliat wo bato now thu Dest I'rcucs, Ihe licit AtsoKmeut ot T)e, I lie llest ,suck ( f 1'uiKr, ('aids, dr., and tho Hcsl W.ikirep u tliorountry, Ourwoilmcn aresivtlJll) adaUdfor tlieir rlactn, apd wo inalell aiolnl loalHusnghe our custcmcrs a mat, comet and satisfactory Job. We do not claim to do woik ftrlcustlunollifra, but will warrant II to bo us cheap us ruiibu duuouny- Uei o and Icld a decent pixiilt. All w ho ate lu need of Job 1'rtiitUig tf any Mud-Hutu or lu Colors-will llud It to tbelr Intert at 10 gtto li,'i Co(.vubUN Olllco a trial. We hp 9a bund every vurlety of Cards, itper, Ink, laielois., Tugs, He, that Is UUlv lo bo called tor, and ctdi turnUh any quantity or ity 1 ol work on U.ort notice. Undliloordr, u. TKA STOlUi Is now crenlni; tho ry rliolcret Imporlcd and Domestic Grocories for the Holiday trade. ITALIAN riMCIIKM, ritUNCII and SPANISH ol.IVKS HAltDIN'US, SAP SAOO ciikesi:, rilKNCII AND TfllKUY l'ltt'NKH. All kinds ot linlslns, Torclgn and Domestic Prultf , ..ills and Confectionery, and nnothcr lot of flno Vi ov; Crop Japiu Tcas.3 of what we icll w e manufacture our some of them In our own building, are well cut, stwed and finished 'lhcy ujHm. StortAtcpers out of the city us ulen they say they sell our Koods, TH F. price In plain figures and nothing-eff The Mmc price to acquaintances and strangers. To CltV DCPtlle and COllnlrV nrnnlfl ,tn-1 With each article sold, a Guarantte the Trice son lowasltcanbebought pMIIS is important indeed. becauie.unprlnciplcd I I people having stores (n Philadelphia, court- our signs, cards, adicrticments. and on the street, titth fah ti!nu P11""1 of material and prices by u',en fco.uested. Persons 'can hae - up good sent by Kxpiess, hysend- AID STATIOHJER, PICTURE FRAMES, RETC.D CARLS. on band can be lurnished Most lieasonuhle Hates. Jiuilclni'r, Bloomsbiirr Pa 1 Till: HEST PlIOriXTlON. ! The lest sofeguaids against epidemic dispose are thorough digestion and mm neries. Ills liocausi , they nssuie Il.e regu'ur pel formance 1 f IhedlgestUe pioiees. nW lnl',-erate the nenous sjstem thill llostelltfsstru-.0(h l.lllers aro smh a sovereign protccllve against the imim nces whlih bcgi t Inter mil tent maladies and these which dlicttlyntlect tin stomach and bowe.s. If the nerves me healthful!; irau'iull the iistln, nation cf food perfict, :ls thev aro sure to bo under the Inlluenco tf this standaiii tonic end nervlm , inalui la may be d lie d ; and If, In tho absence of the must reliable of medical sale guard, the system hts fallen a prey to disease of 01 Intermittent or lemlttent type, tlioimtus will, If pcrslstulln, crndlcte ivuy vestige 1 f tho malady lllllousnits, cn.sllpntlcn, 1 hd dyspepsia jleld wlil erpi.ii eeitalntytothetrcratlon ottMs rount vege able alterative. a Ti:AiNi7r r.vits. It weakness of tLeslLmmli Is allowed to bocon c chronic, tlio following evils supervene-digesllon Is permanently lmpal.-ed. the svster.i Is verv Huper rectly hotitlshed, I he blood becomes thin milwu. cry, aiuthu bile, bilug uneinploved tor du-etlvi and eviieuatlve puip,,.es, enteis the ili'.ulatlon through the thoracic dm t und Inleets Itself Into Il.e supertlclal veins, giving to the skin and tho whiles of Iho oje the san"rottiing'lndlcativi'et biliousness. Headache, nau-ea consllpallon, pales lu tho side, heartburn, and many other dLstiesslng sjniptoms which accompany iho Internal dcruii-i me.it above described, w hlch, If unchecked, Is sure to bo follow -td by serious disease, as tho rl.-lng of the sun by Its setting, it Is manifest, therefore, lhat an (liability of the stomach to act upon tho fooil should be ovei' come without delay. Tho Invigorating intluence 011 the stomach of llostettcr'a Stomach Hitlers Is speed. Uy felt In the disappearance cf all iho disagreeable symptoms alluded to. Tho prescribed mlnual rem cdliw for general debility usu illy f,,i to achlev 0 any lasting insult btcjiuso tbey do not Invigorate iho stomach! Hostel Urt llltUrs alvvajs sueccd for that Is tbclr pllnial eneit. Thu very fact that tiicj aresucliKii excelUit stomachic ciustltutos them onoot tholn-stgeiieiui tonics lu existence. To re store dUeatlou h thu llnal step tuvv ar.la the recoveo of health, when l:n alrtd by any tf Hie multifarious complaints which spilng from djspeiMl.i, and Hut will lie found to have Uvu taken by lb.' Invalid win has availed himself tt thLs famous antl-djspcptk remedy o wiiiini: -.(. Aliviniusi;. A. T. Stewuii says the lest a.!verllilng niedlum.- 110 haa ever found "are the old oMaUMiod organs of tho two political pnitliH. at the n v ral lountr svats throughout the t'ni n." Hitse,'- he says "reach every family tt Ibo least aieount Hi tlnir several counties, uml are more cirefullj i-v,ul than any othei elassot Jonrnals." If Mr.Mevvjits Judgment Is. ,1 value, there s m. dnilculty In detldlng whkli pajier It Is lor the Interest of business men to advertise in ThoCoi.umiA UmociuT, uiHiii whhhlhU p.iierL paiilally founded, wiistslablL-hcil in km, and the 1'oi.ouiAN now eiijojb u wider clivulatlon and greater prosiierltj tlian it ever did. II goes n gul.,r ly lntotwu thousand f.uiillleb In l oluml 1.1 nnd ad joining count les, and by mot.tof them Is lead front 111 llrstto lhola..t line. Ills l lie only mogntsiil exiKiiient rf nearly live thousand Dciiocr.tlo voleis lu the county. It gives advertlion nits a tasty ills, play , that makes 1 hem ulliaitl.e tu IW patrons, thus ensuring greuler certainty thai ll.ey will iiertso I hem. While lis circulation U iiudonbudly much tho largest In iho lounly, llio adveillslng laus of the Coi.fjiuus aie no higher Ihaii thosocf Mhwpaisn, with barely half , ml several not one-fourllilliciium-ber of stilwrlbors. Kacts like ihie. speak for lliem Kives. No shrewd business man will neglect to In ten lil.siidieillsemi ids in tho Cm vjiuhn if. AD.MIMSTKATOIl'S XDT1C i:. JSTATB Ol' H.UAI.i:Tll UUHrilTS, Ml- ll. I ettersni AUinlnlstiuitoii on the Lsiatetf nizalietn lav-ollil.Vwii'nV'M:' bavo bten granud by tho Keguur of s.i, eoutily to iS'i. 'tJ"i,.''irarlrur m p.. t'y.Uiml 1.1 ,.uiit,t",:, u 'ui'inlllir'vtlWou1! del!;? U'U" A Knv ,0 flLillOIIXlIOIIK, Nov. 1D.T5. AdmlnlstiuTor. LOUIS BERNHARD, Iiealer In EICIJvJ WAKCXJES, CLOCKS, Silverware, AVntelics and Jewelry III.OOMS1II IIO, I'A, ' Ladles' aud (lciitl. men's Cold ai d St ver W'uUlies, v, ,u.v,B, im 1 vii it;ii uisiiuiacture Silver and Plated Ware, Clocks, ,'INK Jl'.WKI.ltV, fiO,. UliPAllUNG AND ENGHAYING I'rouu.lly l:t vnUO, "TOTICK Mierrl.y fiivtli llial I linvMhla Xl day purehnsoil fiom Mulhlas iljcrono blind mare, two set Im double harnefn. one anting wagon 1 'o one black horse foin James l.jcr, and liavo loaned tlwsan.o lo them (luring my plrnsur. Die. 1,7.1 aw l'llll.ll1 AI 1'1.1-MAN ADMIN'ISTUATOK'S NOTH I , WTATB OF LOST JOIIJtfTOM, I.A1E 01' UAMHON TOW-MUIII', litlemof Admlnlstiatlon on llio r .t.dc of Ilbheit Jolmston, late ot .Madison U win nip, l olumbla count), deceased, l.avo leen granted b-- the 1,'egli. Urof suld eoniity lo Inne V, sitil, of Wni l.'ni tonvllle. All peisons having ih.ln i s.i le t llo csuil" of the decedent arertipiested to pi. nl Mum for settlement, and thoso indihtcd to (lip estate ti mnko pavmeiit to the uudeiahmed ndmltil'trulor without delay. WAAl V At I,, Nov. in.lD-ct Administrator, A n.MINISTUATOll'.S XOTICI;. il. KSrATR Or GIDEON lll'.NSIVUEH, UtCKAfEP. ..U'tters of Administration on llio tstitcf rildeon llunsln'rer. l.lto nf Heaver tnwnsliln. f Vilumbln l?n.. deceased, liavo been granUjd l.v the Heglstcr of said county to John lliinslnger, of Heaver tjvvnalilp All iTt rn ins iiav.ng claims against ino esmn ol ino noce dent nr.) requested to present them for settlement, and thoso Indebted to lh estate to make navmcnt lo tho underslgucd administrator without delay. JOHN III NSlNHI.K, Nov. Mtn-ct AdmlnUlrator. ADMI.NMSTIiATOIt'.S NOTICE. 1TATC OP JIAKV A. V. liaflll.lK, IHCEAr.Hl. letters of Administration on the estate of .Mary A. F. Ilritfrltc. latu of tho T'own of Hlooinshurtr. (,'olum- hla county, deceaseit, have been grant d by tho llcg Ister ot salil county to William II, ttilmorc, of llloonisbiirir. All persons luivliii-cil..ins nfitlni.t tho estate of Iho decedent hit red ii s'rd ' ... i (hem mrsi iiiement, mi l tnoso indtbted t , t e utr to mike p..,vn.rnl to the under-l-wd u tmlnlstralor wlthuulihl.1). Wl 1. 1.1 AM 11. fill MIIIIK, Auminisiator. Nov. siV's-et, I Wend I Catalogue I ) 3lnr) html t,i, I. for A mid v and lU I'. M Ii ha, J si,, rni . O 1 lawaro Tree Maps of Dcl.ivvnie TTIONUY WILSON. Ills Lit. and I'.tl.lic a a Melvu-es. I ho hull in mniirns Ids irfss. ai i.ms WANl llli. Apply for choii of t 'rrltcry to ij.i.ikiT flty Pub. Co., phlla , Pa, Mind Ite.nling, l'syelioinai.ey, la- nation, Soul Cliarmimr. NlesneTNin. d Mnrriju-n (lulde, showing how either Hex mav I. seln.ue m,ii gain the love and urfectlii. of any is raon fl.ey eln oso Instantly. 41 pages, lly mull to ct.s Hunt A, Co., is.., S, ;t!i St., I'hll.i. Ill .' 1 ,'.S-4W r fraloguo of New Hooks on liuildinij frco 1 Uleknell ,t Co., lifWiirr. list., Sr. V. tPli'V I'Q 2') elegant oil (Tiroinosmoiinled.slro ;VUIVi In wxtl. MrJI. or mo for : mrholldav presents. National Chroii. j Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A CtKXTS WANTKI) for the best ami fas' f.est selling book ever piibllslie.1. Send fori Ircn n' and our extra terms to agents. N., 11,11. .11 m llshliio; Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Aiw Biokf.v the 1,01X1,01X1. Our Western Border Ono Hundred Voars Ago. A f:ranlild hlstorv of the liornte enMlt nf AineHen border llf.'. Its thrilling conflicts 01 red and whllo foes Ilxi'ltlng adventures. e nttvlMr:i, fia'.ivs.scout.s, Hiineerw men nndluvs, Indlin war.i.u'hs, camp life and sports. A Ino!. or voting and old. Not 11 mm page, ocompeiiiion. i.noriiiuus sales. Agentsi wanted evervw llere. c lr'lll.,rs .r,. Arlflrr .1 t. Mccurdy A co., 2a, s. Seventh St., Phil, dolphin, Pa. Ihl. rxlriinrJln.ry ofTfri ir. ,n , n xm,Ult oljt II tier tl-M rtolHttlltfrrf In nnv rnmirtrnt wvin of either jji.tsi"vrr:ij!rr" c"mi,n' v" niuitt.uon. fotnnir 9IU..HNI, una iho rnlirflnrrMnrononnee It Sho Ut Ijot.d l'.mshlr., S .rclmrn rre. and full eirllculiri Iruj. PSYC'lIOMN( Y or M)l', i IIAltMINO. Ilnwilther sev mav f.iselnat" and gain Iho uve and atloctlj e.of any person tin eh, owlnsiaut ly. This simple iiei.iiirement all can pos , fr e, by null, lor'.", together Willi u man lage gmde, l-gvii. tla. oiiKle, dreaiiis, hints to lull - e n" .night jhlrt, Ac. A quei r book. Addis s, T. William i. Co, Pubs., Pulla. XV VrI,!?T Scents forth.' best s Hlog it Ail I I j U I'rUe p.iekng" m the v.rui. 11 fonialns is she. n Mk.t. 1.1 envelopes,, jld.'ii p", penliokWr. pencll.tpatuut jar.l incisure, and n pli hi ol L'welry. smglo piekago with ilegaut pniMwat pald, ascents, 1 Ireu'ar fn-e. llllIDi: .1 CO., "(Jj Ilroudway. N V. WANTKD. Rood, 1:1:1.1 ir.i.KMhv ami vvosiKs- rA) solleit orders In a tiKsr-ci.Ass pa).ng b.i.lness, old esUMMied aud rellaiile house. il.xeliisUo territory. Liberal In ducement.soirered and constant emplovment given. Ileferences .,stu eti.un.'tcr r.siittied. For mil nar tlcukirs eneloju cent sump and address .. , ItlMlHU.'!!. MJIl.S'll&CO., Nov. 13, 4w Union city, tale Co., Pa. CjQ A DAY guaranteed uslDg our WUI.I, Al'OKIS J6J sndimius tin a moiiPi pal.l to gocd Vltfeolirl " ' 1 ' Aucr co., St. I ouu , A (iKN'l'S WANTKI). MKDAI.S AND XJL Diplomas nwarded for HOSMAN'M Si" I'K'iOiii ii. itnt(.i:s 130.1 1 Illustrations. Ad Iress for new circulars, A. 11UL.M N x Co., P3ii, Arch streit Phlladclplda. THE $50,000 BONANZA $5.00 to $50 OO ,,?r:i;,!;fa,,,lst,lfc?rt: SENT E.RKK ! ! 10 ti!ai 10 r (tuiiiirx. Kxplinit .rv c.re Hi" ho.v io to I si Invested In tuck Pi iv tl' go., Im- pal I and will pay Iairs-o Pivllts. allroaiist 1, ks, Ponds aiidiioldboti -lit 011 margins, aterest sX m.? xVM ,iIWod on ,p .(J., s s,,i,,,,f.t to glitdralt. 1 ci sw Mini: .1 eo. bankers and brokers. Jnwu ns'e Sure,- ! 10.0U0 of the Genuine ilreud. h" villi! hinder the Nile mjsleiy, ophl.'s gold, tho i.luiis' l.,dr. and millions tf super ,tlilou bolnrs. (rnphle ileserlpil. as, splendid Illustrations jill- i.oiis want, It. We wimt iigents oulcklv. prints .un. send for leiins. IU'ltiiAUD Ullii.s., pubs', V.,, sau- i mi .--1 , 1 1.11,1 , r.t. $5.00 TO "$10,000 Has been Invested lu stLCkpr.ilo sand paid 900 per cent, profit. T.M-'MmV,','!.0.!,1'' A lino's 011 Wall Ssireet sent fice. l IllMimilMiK a; eo baukirs and brokers, a Wall street, New iurk. " TIM) ItKADlNO, l'SYCIIOMA N O Y, li L i's( in itios', si ll. (iMKviMi mksvikkism, and iiiiulav.! inline, showing lmw either sex may fasci nate nud gain the love nnd am ctlon tr nnv lenon the) choose ln,iantlj,jii pages b mall . cents. Hunt jl 10 , l.v south ;t!i strut, Philadelphia, lu. A 1 0 t 1 .4300 m v' "11 'irett often lends to a for A " lwlwok entitled: Men 11 id lill. ins of Wall stieel," explaining every. thing. n P I' John Uickiiku ,t co. bankers Ulj end brukers, w lirtadway, New s,ork. ( AGEUTS AiTCD FOR THE J HISTORY of the U.S. 1 ho great liiluesl In the thrilling history of our 11 mill) n.ukis ildsll efiistisiselllnBtioki'viriiib llsle.1. liiutiln, ivtr tli.e It t. rlcnl eiiiiav ligs. in.., eu imes.wnh 11 111 I mcountif ilien.t lioaehliigi.iiii,.li( i.u, Mai cehbr. Hon. tend foi a ditclptli 1, . 1 it 1 Mi, 1 ti 11.1s 10 1 gn.t . f.AlluN.M. U Hl.I-i.'M, to., ll.na., la. 'PliMV .' 1 is waiiiMl. n.l 1 hanee for nuk. I lir Inel 1 J, In 1 eilli s Willi di vo wi.il, or pari ol ilsi, In -1 lllng , ur im. 1 iiwiui comu li stuns send n i-in s. P. o. lux rcu. tileat Am. Ill uu 'lia 1 1 nipalo, ol A. ... Vt-t) t , , AI ToliMa'S 1IJ.NKS, C'oimnon 11 ml Judgment PoniU, iut printed ml for snlont the cm 1 nhian cflleii. All kinds of AII01 ncy's blacks either kept on hand or piuied to order. A FIRS'. CLASS NEWSPAPER. DA II A' AnT Indopcndont in KvcrythiuK ! Neutral in iNutlilug, Opposed to nil Corrupt Kings in .Municipal, State and National Allah. TllK DAILY TIM KSl Mill I )f Ucm.l r,,,,.. iJili ul March next, inli viiy inorMcg thereafter, Siiuda-s euei.ted. under the editorial dliccili a of A. K . enure, irlntei compaclly from clear, new .UK '," 1 1 1;,r".p ,V1U Klll'l'.t' ""talnlngall inei.eii V'.i lui v "J,lu.i-: 'viATia-iiKSH n i.e- !.' ,. 'I'l'laJ. Ii'iegrams and Correspondence 1. uui in. s inisui inuresi, mm fearless editorial Uls, tussloiis of t'lirii iil topics. Price, '1 W o CitNTH. Mall subscrlplloiiH. isistugo trie, six dollars ntr aiiiiuin, or till) mils nor inontli. In ndvauco. 1 Is'yiV;l':,.S!,dfn-Ku!f;m5- ,hlrl "u,s The Weekly Times Will to Issued ou tSatuiday, March 'MU. wuklv Uierealler, innlaliiliig mi iininitaut news ol the "vKi',u.,,,ll'0'"l'ul0 t'l i"l ftnnni-Ul Hi ports, latti ,uro" ,'ar' l,ooluSu '"'. llw follevvlp lino I'opv , ji i Ti n Copies i,",i 'IVflit) CurJiis '" ic'm ADVKU f imii KN1 K tv enly.tUo it iiis per line. H Iwiultaniea sxoidd bo mudo by Drufta or 1'ot Of. Address TI-IR TIMES. ho, U Soua SevtulhSlHet, PlULALlSUUIA, .... 'I'll,, fill llll, .,,.., ... tl... .w.l.l..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers