The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 24, 1875, Image 2

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Friday, Doc. 24, 18 7 5.
Our party cliiillenges tho ndiiilratlon of
tlio world for In punishment of fraud.
Tho mliiiinlstrntloii of Clou. Ornnt lin
wrllleti for It.iclf n grand record in (lie
iHtmnco "Lot no guilty otio escape." He
publican. Any reader can seo at once that the above
wa? written by an editor who hold n poit
oflico and for years lmi feaotcil on tho pat-
roiingo of hi party. Of course htn statement
1 not true, b ut then the man U paid for
Haying it.
It i a remarkable fact that fraud lmi been
lesj ferreted out nnd punished, ami that
more guilty have escaped under Grant's ad
ministration than from tho timo of Wash.
inton to 18(33.
Ho and hU relatives moil tho Treasury
for speculation, nnd "Mack Friday" was
the result.
iroandhis relatives and retainers were
engaged in Indian frauds which were clearly
proven, and neither his brother Orvillo nor
other persons engaged in tho transaction
were punished.
Tho Republican party and its head created
nnd carried through tho Credit Mobillier,and
neither the Vico President nor Congressmen
who through it robbed tlio nation, havo over
been brought tojustice.
The crimes and admitted frauds in the
I'recdmans' Heurcau were perpetrated with
odicial sanction.
Tho Moiety system, by which Xcw York
city custom House officials received $1,100,'
000, and Informer Jayno $910,000 was
Rciublicii measure and a proved fraud.
The tiatiborn contracts, by which Grant's
three particular friends made in three years
$1,500,000, was a Republican measure, and
whilst the fads have been proven, Justice
slumbers at Grant's dictation.
Tho long list of defaulters in every De
partment in numbers and amounts stolen is
ollici.iMy shown to be double that from 1789,
when our Government was inaugurated, to
tho accession to power of tho Republican
patty in 1S01.
The enormous frauds by the Whisky Ring
were committed by Republican officials and
Grant's bosom friends, and when an active
Secretary of the Treasury began to unearth
them, and investigation was reaching the
V hite House, the faithful prosecuting at
torney was dismissed, because ho knew loo
much, and a more subservient officer placed
in his stead.
The "admiration of the world" has been
challenged. Let tho world consider tho
above facts, which are but a tithe of thoso
wo could mention
While Grant is endeavoring to foment
sectarian bitterness, aud is aided by a few
addle-headed ministers, tho body of the
Christian Church resent tho proposed at
tempt of tho Government to meddle with re
ligious matters. Tho Pacific Churchman
speaks as follows:
Religious training for the young is an ad
mitted necessity by all who arc believers in
religion of any form, whether Protestants,
Romanists Israelites, or Mohammedans,
IIjiv euch religious training can bo best
given without violating tho conscientious
scruples and religious liberty of any, is tlio
important problem to solve. That no secta
rian teaching of any kind can consistently
with our republican institutions, bo taught in
our public schools, is admitted by the most
liberal-minded persons. In justice to the
rights of a largo number of those whose
children atteud our schools, nnd who contri
bute to their support, no particular religious
training should bo enforced in tho system of
public education. Yet as an exercise of the
inherent right of self-protection which
society possesses to guard itself from crime,
there should bo some means provided for the
religious teaching of the young.
Moral trainiug, such as can be given un
der our public school system, should bo sup
plemented by religious training in the home
aud by the Citurch. It is within the power
of tho pareuts of the land, with few ex
ceptions, to say for themselves whether the
young minds entrused to their care, shall be
taught religions principles, or whether this
grcai . .n shall Lew illihcUl from them. Re
ligion need not depend for an instant upon
tho publicschool foritsperpetuation. If we
Insist upon a broad, liberal standard of
inora'ity, comprehensive enough to embrace
the whole duty of the citizen to society and
tho State, and full enough to exclude the
bitterness of theological wrangling, our
duty as Churchmen in tho premises should
ha done. II there is not enough vitality in
tho Christian Church to preserve it intact
without tlio organized aid of tho State
through its tchools and otherwise, nothing
of the kind will save it from dying out. Hut
the great truths of tho Church do not de
pend upon such artificial aids for their sup
port. It is in the family that tho church
mu'it cither receivo its best support or its
deadliest blow.
Tho education given by eur public schools
of itself, will injure tho religious principles
of no child who has been taught be
side a weak tissue of sophisms under the
name of religion. "Truth is mighty and
will prevail," and if the teachings of relig
ion are true, there need ho no danger In ex
posing them to the crucial action of nn iu
tel igent, educated mind. Tho highest at
tainublo human knowledge, is compatible
with tho strongest and most beautiful
Christian kith.
Tlio report of the Agricultural Bureau for
ovcmbcrand December states that the corn
crop Is ono of the largest ever grown in this
country, probably equalling the crops of
1870 nnd 1672 ; that tho potato is extraordi
nary, both iu product and quality, the total
yhJ beiug fully one-fourth larger than last
year; that tho cotton crop will pass tho lim
it of 4,000,000 bales ; and that there is an
incrcaso of 75 per cent, in the yield of tobacco
over that of last year.
Tho "Mysterious Pjlgrims,"lt Is told have
dissolved their organization. They will re
appear again in a new guise. Scoundrels
haven natural attraction towards each other,
and will combine in tho future as they have
m the past. "What's Iu u name? That
which wo call u tose by any other name
would iniell as sweet."
Uroadhead has succeeded Heuderson iu
tho prosecution of the St. Louis whiskey
ring. He will bo careful to say nothing that
may be construed by Grant and his cabinet
iutu a reflection on the govermcnt. Should
hi offend he knows what to expect. He will
find it safo not to push tho prosecution
ajaiust Bahcock with too much rigor. Tho
tenant of tho While itoune ta extremely tea
Third Tcrmlsm was actually ph . tng up
ftrength especially among tho bigoted pot
tion of our population.
Iltit the following resolution In (.ongretsi
offered by Mr. Springer, a Dcmocr t, is n
severe blow to the scheme !
V.VWrfi.That In tho opinion of tltuhow
tho precedent established bv WahInston
and other presidents of tho United States in
retiring from tho presidential olll o alter
their second term, has becomo, by u .lvcml
concurrence, a part of our republican system
of government, nnd that nuy d'parturo
from this time-honored custom would Do
unwise, unpatriotic, and fraught with peril
to our free Institutions.
Under operation of tlioprcvious question
this resolution was niopted by a vot of twit
hundred and thirty-two to seventeen.
Among tho negative volo we find tlio name
of ono Democrat' nnd one "Intlopjmien"''
Republican, but not one leading Rep ubllcttu
is lecordcd with them.
This has placed tho Republican party In
Congress squarely against tho projec'.. Not
only that but the Republican Conventions
In New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and other
important States havo declared against it,
ami can hardly bo dragooned into a reversal
of their decision. Still, Grant lsshrcwd,and
ho may make tho "exigency arise." mention
ed In bis Hntry Wliito letter, cither by a
war with Spain, or an attempt to forcibly
annex Cuba, in tlio hopo of nrous ng thu
now slumbering war passions of our pcoplr,
Hut ns Congress must vote the necessary ap
propriations, and is tho war makin;; power,
a Democratic House will save us from such
evils, if attempted. So, Good llyo aud
liabcock I
Speaker Kerr has announced tho Houa
committees of the present Congress. It is
but natural that there should bo some chagrin
felt by members who expected better treat'
Utetit, but censure should not be indulged iu
until the results are seen. The appointment
of Morrison as Chairman of the Ways and
Means Committee wo regard sw a com
promise between other contestants for that
position. He will havo trouble to hold his
own. Randall has been placed at the head
of Appropriations, nnd wo know will care'
fully scan each item of proposed expendi
The following aro the other Chairmen i
Committco on Elections Harris, of V:i.
Committeoon Ranking and Currency
Cox, of New York.
Committee on Pacific Railroad Laniar,of
Committee on Judiciary Knott, of Ky,
Committee od Public Lands Savior,
Committee on Foreign Affairs Swann,
ot Mil.
Military Affairs Banning, of Ohio.
Commereo Hcrford. of W, Vo
Post Offices and Post Roadu C'iark, of
Claims Bright of Tenn.
War Cialms Eden, of III.
Naval Affairs Whitthorne, of Tenn.
Revision of Laws Durham, of Ky.
Education and Lafcor Walker, of Va.
District of Columbia Buckner, of Mo.
Public Buildings and Grounds Ilolman,
ot inu.
Patents Vance, of N. C.
Invalid Pensions Jenks. of Pa.
Revolutionary Pensions Huutou, of
Indian Affairs Scales, of N. C.
Weights and Measures Stephens, of Oa.
icrriiones coumaru, or unto.
Agriculture Caldwell, of Ala.
Mines and Mining Bland, of Mo.
Private Land Claims Gunter, of Ark
Public Expenditures Milikin, of Ky.
Railways and Canals Jones, of Ky.
Mississippi Levees Ellis, of La.
Reform In Civil Service Whitchouse, of
Manufactures Stone, of Mo.
Militia Cowan, of Ohio.
Expenditures on Public Buildintrs Met'
calf, of New York.
hxpeuuitures in Navv Department
Beebe, of N. Y.
.bxpenmtures in the Treasury Depart
ment Ely, of N. Y.
Accounts WiJIiams.of Ind.
Expenditures in War Department Civ'
mer, of Pa
Expenditures in Post Office Department
atone, ot jio.
Expenditures in Interior Department
Mutchler, of Pa.
fcxpenditurea in the Department of Jus
tice uauineiu, oi ins.
Mileage Egbert, of Pa.
Rules The Speaker.
Printing Vance, of Ohio.
Entrolled Bills Harris, of Ga.
On tho Library Clymer, of Pa,
Select Committee on the Centennial Cele
bration Hopkins, of Pa.
It will thus bo Been that Pennsylvania has
six Chairmanships her full share, although
tha most of tho Important Committees go
West and South, Our member Mr. Collins
on tho Cmmittce Reform in Civil Scr-
A Dank Teller Taught a Lesson.
A singular case was decided last week in
the circuit court for Washington county, Md.
It was given as evidence on tho trial that in
1871 Mrs. Susan Weckler asked the First
National bank of Hagerstown to cash a draft
on New York for 1,047. The teller ot the
bank, John D. Newcomer, being told by her
that she wished to Invest $1,000 in Wash
ington county bonds, advised her that a bet
ter Invetraent could bo made in Northern
Pacific bonds, which bonds have since depre
ciated to about fifteen cents on the dollar.
It was also stated as an inducement for such
investment that Dr. John F. Smith, Mrs.
Weckler's physician had invested ilO.000 in
the Northern Paeifio, and this assurance de
cided her. Robert O. Nymar,tho
of Mrs. Weckler, confirmed tho testimony,
lie being present at the conversation. Tha
action was brought against the teller of the
bank to recover tho amount invosted under
deceitful representation. The Jury gave a
verdict in Mrs. Weckler's favor. Tho defen
dant denied the allegations of deceit, acd
said that at that time the railroad bonds
were in good sale and catoemed an excellent
Investment. Dr, Smith testified that he had
never Invested In the Pacific railroad bonds,
nnd never told any body that he had any.
Mrs. Weckler first brought her action against
the bank, but the court decided that It could
not be maintained because it was not within
tho chartered powers of national banks to
deal in bonds, and that any one who dealt
with a national bank boyomt its powers did
so at his peril, and can havo no remedy
against tho bank. The defendant hs filwl a
motion for a new trial.
Danger of Coal Gas.
Persons who have Moves hi their bed roonui
or In rooms connected with their sleeping apart
ments cannot be too careful In arranging the fire
at night. At Shaniokln a widow and her two
daughters came near loalng their lives from mi
inhalation of coal They put some fresh
coal in the cook stove, and having paitly're
moved the lids from the stove and turned th
damper, they retired for the night, the doors of
tlio various rooms in the bouts MVing been left
open, Next morning the mother awoke feoUnin
very tick and weak, but managed to get out of
the home to call In aeveral neighbors. When
they arrived they found the youngest daughter,
aged ubout twelve years, alrnut UDcontcious,rnil
the oldest daughter, about eighteen years of age,
terribly tick. A doctor was iuiuwIUtely teut
for, and succeeded in saving the lives pf all, but
siys that it would have taken but a liulo wbtlf
longer until the youngest daughter wolud have
been dead. Whoa tht dtctor arrived alit had
scarcely any pub Tb whole kSullj Lad
a narrow Kffoai Mwrib!WI
The Ailjnarncit Session.
Tho session of tho Pennsylvania legisla
ture, says tho Patriot, which will mcotontho
first Tuesday In January next Is known to
the constitution as art ".vljourned annual
session." It will not bo a new legislature
becauso one-third of tho senators Is renewed,
but an adjourned nekton of tho legislative
which was chosen for two years in Novem
ber, 1871, and which will therefore remain
in existences until iu successor shall bo chos
en lu 1870. With tho oxccptlon of a mem
ber or two elected to fill vacancies, tho house
remilns tho s.vne, and tho renewal of one
third of tho members of tho senate docs not
afti tho Identity of that body. Analogies
of this kind nro rarely complete, but If ono
woro nccde I It Is found iu tho congress of
the United States. The officers of tho house
elected at tho opening ot tho present session
will hold their positions until the dissolution
of tho Forty-fourth congress on tho Fourth
of March, 1877. no matter how many nil-
journcil sessions may bo held In tho mean
time. Such legislation as may remain un
finished at tho closo of tho present session of
congress will go over to tho next session,
when It will bo considered. This is what is
proposed to bo dono with tho unfinished bus
iness of tho first session of tho present lcgls
laturoof Pennsylvania.
At tho closo of tho last session of tho leg
Mature it was proposed by tho scnato that
all the unfinished legislation should fall witli
tho adjournment of tho session. The house
did not take this view of tho enso, but held
that, tho noxt being an adjourned session,
all legislation not finally disposed of would
remain in statu quo, and bo considered when
tho legislature should again meet, iu accord
ance with the provisions of tlio constitution.
This seems to bo the sensiblo and practical
view of tho question. In obedience to the
action ot tho houso n calendar has been pre
pared and printed by tlio clerk showing the
condition of tho unfinished legislation.
The houso calendar shows that when tho
first session of the present legislature adjourn
ed last spring about two hundred bills re
mained undisposed of in that branch. Up
wards of forty of these bills aro on third rend
ing. Jluch of this legislation is important
nnd the whole of it can soon bo disposed of
in one way or another. But if the work of
last session is to bo begun anew, and all the
bills, good, bad and jndifl'erent, thrown again
into the legislative hopper to he ground over
there will bo double toil and trouble. For
what good 7 Some of this legislation is of a
local and private character, and due notice
has been given according to law. If )t must
be started afresh the notices must also be re
newed to the great trouble and expense of all
It is intimated that the courts might decide
this legislation unconstitutional on the
ground that the renewal of one third of the
sena'c makes the next session of the legis
latnrc a new body. B,ut the constitution dis'
posed of the objection in describing the next
as an"adjqurned annual session." If any one
should be disposed, however, tq test tho oont
stitutionality of an act of assembly on this
question that would be attended witli much
loss trouble than tho renewal of all tho in
complete work of last session and the conse
quentprotraotlon qfnext session and the
delay of the public business. In tho passogo
of tho bills now standing on tho calouders o f
tho scnato and the bouse all tho requirements
of tho constitution will havo boon complied
with as fully as it this proposition should
prevail. They will havo received a constitu
tional majority of the'duly chosen representa
tives of tho people. But there is a number
of these bills that will not pass and ought not
to pass. If they are not despatched at once
they will bo started again on thoir weary
round. Some of tho bills on third reading
on the houso calendar have already passed
the senate and unless amended they will not
;ain coiuo qndcr the control of tlio latter
body. When any qf tho important house
bills of last session shall bo sent to the sen
ate it will not bo in the province of the sen
atetolnquireintotheirrcgularity. The sen
ate will baldly commit an act of parliament
ary discourtesy by refusing to consider them.
But should tho hereto dealing to roiumo the
unfinished legislation of last session on the
ground taken at tbendjournmcut,tho respon
sibility of embarrasslug tho public business
will not ret with the house. If two or three
unfinished measures of last session happen to
be in a condition that is not agreeable to par
ties interested in them, this is a consideration
which should not be permitted to obstruct
lagi&Ution of the whole state, The real or
imaginary Interest of Individuals must yield
to the right and interests of the public.
Eclectic Magazine. The January num
ber, beginning a new volume nnd a new
year, is a good specimen of the magazine, and
offem a favoraqlo opportunity for new sub
scribers to begin, It is embellished with two
fine steel-engravings, "The Flower Gather-
irf'wWQtorye Washington and Ms family,"
The first la a child-pleeo, very beautiful iu
design, very tender in sentiment, and admir
ably engraved. The second Is peculiarly
appropriate to tho centennial year, compris
ing portraits of Washington in his uniform,
as general of tho army, of Martha Washing
ton, of Wm. Lee, and of tho children, Geo-
Washington Parko Custis aud Eleanor Parke
Custla. We may add, that eaeh monthly
number of the KcUctic eontains at least one
steel-engraving, usually a portrait of some
man distinguished in letters, art, or politics.
Qf the literary attractions of the January
number, the most striking are) A synopsis
of the curiously fiaclnatingAfwieiri of Stint-
Simon; an article by rrof.Tyndall on Mat-
enaltim and Ut Opponents ; an excellent pa
per by Col. Chesney on Aernian ami JoAn-
ston; Gallon's suggestive paper on The hit
tory Twins ; an admirable biographical
article on Two Danes : Thorvaldsen and An-
Uften! nn entertaining treatise on Automa
tic Vhtts. aud Pard Playing f another descript
ion of The ZMcA and their Dead Cities ; a
oollectlou of (yComclllana , a brief paper
on tho natural hUtdry of the Arctlo Regions,
and another giving tho Jttcott Jlistory oj tit
ritcatrn Jilandert, Besides these, there is
some gocsl poetry j stories by Mrs. Alexan
der, author of JKe Wooing Cft, and Miss C.
U, t-raser-TyUer j and tho usual well-filled
(Klltorial departments- Burcly it is an exact
lug twte that will not find wimetblnK here to
Katlsfy it.
Published by K. R. Pelton, 25 Bond Street,
New-York. Terms, $5 per vear: Sinirlo
number, -15 cents.
The Supreme Court of 1 ennnvlvHnlo linn
decided that tho Directors of the poor havo
nn n,, l..i,A ,lnnn . I t i i
.w aukuuui; v iwhu MUUtttlull U po ILSCLJ IOT
any charitable purpose. Their powers aro
limited to the poor who are actunlv undertho
fctjpervhuVjq of the country authorities.
A Valuajjle WenK. Dr. H. V. Piereo.
of Buffalo. UisUnniished iusurcerv. and the
genoral practice in tho profession ho hon
ors, uas mono a vaiuauio contribution to tlio
medical literature of tho dav. in a compre
hensive work entitled "Tho People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser..' While scien
title throughout. It Is singularly free from
technical aud stilted terms. It comes right
luwu to the common souse ofeverv-duv life.
Dr. Pierce is a noblu specimen of Amerlcuu
manhood. Ifo hu sprung Irom tlm people;
anl. with many sympathies In common with
uie masses, uas tourbt to render them a sub
stantial svrvictin this the crest work of hi
lift, J"
Philadolphia & Reading Railroad.
llollitay excursion tickets will tio Issued at roliicc.1
lares between nil regular atnllons en wnln road
and branches, (rxcoptlnir between local points on
(icrmantonn anil Norrlstown branch,) jfocnl Irom
Thursday, December ai, ISiS, to Wednesday, Janua
ry t, lSTrf, both days Inclusive.
No sales ot sueli tickets will bo mado utter Satur
day, January 1. ista.
rn.sonicrs should procure their tickets before en
tering the cars. Full l.ires elmrt'i'il If paid on flic
trains. .1. K. WoorKV,
KuadlnR, Pec. !0. (Icncrnl Superintendent.
iTliMlls hereby Blven that an nnn'.lcitlon will
be mido nt tho onsulnif soslonof tho legislature
rortno in"sajro nr an ici iimiicn "an mi innkinv
nn iipmuprl.itlon for Hie relief of fin Nonnil (-chool
of I ho Mxlh District." 'IhoiiliJ.s t of the niipllcnllon
boliiir to aid In tho erection of buddings hi place ot
that lately deMroicd by by inc.
vm r.i.wiat.
Attest ! I'rrslitontot tlio Hoard tf Irii'lccs.
JIIIIM (I. I'lli:i;.K,
D-c.'Jl-lw ce'y.
$10 o.o if "ill: avXriF!
on ta.vt Tuesday nliht IIhto wnsMotcn from tho
pri'ioKi's ot the uiid.'rslRiicd hoar LolrdiUlli", TWO
M M1KS liotii dark bayt, une tour mmm old next
sprlinr. nnd tho oilier about ten Fitly dollars Hill
1m pal I fur tho lvcou'rv of the hori, unit lift, dol
lars more tor tho nricst nnd lonvMhui of tho
CinilMli: I.. SMITH.
I.iilntsWllo, l.jL'uiiilhi' co., l'a.
Dec. 51 -W
Jcromo nnislcy,
IK flah lliasliy,
Itn Common Picas of Columbia
co'intv. No. !H. Mi'picniticr 'Icrm
is ft, l.tlK" Hi Dlvorco a lnculo
Tho alias subpirna In Iho nbovoeaso lmlnbcen
rciunic.x unu oiiiivcnius, you ,mo sam iit'SLUiuras
hw. -iro h ii-hv rpfiulriMl lo atwearnt tliti Ccurt,
on tlio li ml Mondavof l'lbrnurj next to iiinwir the
oompiaii,i lutivin iuou.
M. (IKOM'.tl.
De: H,M-D3l-iw hhulT.
An old p1iy!c!nn, retired from active pr.iC'
tlce, having had placed in ills hands by an
1, it nulla .Mi'sioniiry tuulnrmtiluol it simp!
VMCtnlilo IJoiiieilv, lor tliesiiceilv aim perm
mailt Cure of Ooiwimiitiun, Ilrourhitw,
tnrrli, Asthma, mm all I linwt ami l.ung At
Ic'llDUs.nlso a l ositlve anil Itailical Cute Id
Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com
plaints, after having thoroughly tested
wonderful curative powers in thou-atiils
cases, feels It his duty to make It known t i f -Hows. Actuated hv this motive1,
and n eiiiieii'iitiims drsiro to relieve human
suD'cring, lie will send free of cliarte) ti
who desire it, tins recipe Willi lullilirection
tor preparing nnd successful using it. hent
by return mail by mldressing with stain
naming mis paper.
Dn. W. C.,
Munroo Block, Syracuse, N. Y
Columbia Codntv. ss :
in Uio Orohans' Court of Columbia countv. In Uir
matter of the partition and valuation ot the esuito of
noaa . I'ronifss, iai or niooin township, ueccaseu.
Ellen, Intermarried with .tames M Price, nnd to said
James si. Price, Noah c, Prentiss nnd Clara K. Pren
tiss ! You aro hercbv nolined that on tho nth day ot
Docembcr, Wis. tho Orphans' court of Columbia
lumitjr Ki.Mii.iu it i inu iijitjii ii)o iicitdoi naiu lICl'l'U-
entto accept or refuso thocstato at tlio valuation
or fuuw uuusu wuy uio samo snouid noi oe sum,
'I licifforo you aro hereby commanded to bo and nn.
peur at an Orphans' Court to bo lioldim at Ill Huni
bure. In and fur Ihusnld countv. no ilmnrsr. Wtd.
nesifay of February next, and then and tin ru ace. pt
ur muMo uio esiuie at me valuation puL upon 11 oy
the Inquest duly awarded, or show why tho numu
should not bo sold agreeably to the act of Assembly
In such coses mado and provided ; hereof fall not.
Witness the Honorable William Klwull, Fsqulre.
President of our Biua court at llluomsburir, tho isth
day of December, A. D. one thousand elpln hundred
ami seveniy-nvc.
Dec U,1S-tU Sheriff,
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, Issued outot
mo lourt oi i ommon rieas ana lo ino directed, w 111
be exposed to public sale on the preuilf cbso lu
I'll, a, uu
MONDAY, JANUARY 24th, 1876,
That certain piece or parcel or land or lot ot
ground situate lri Uio borough of licrwlck, Loundcd
and desctlbed as follows,' to ivli ; IKglnnlnc iu a cor
ner ot Uhlnard Derger on rront btriet below JIaiket
street, ihence by uio said liergtr eighty feet to an
alley, thenco by said titty feet mole or leas to corner
oi low m twuiaui wiiuums, uience oy uie saia w n
Hams n dlstanco of elirhtv feet to front ktrm t. nfnr,..
said, thenco by Uie toiuu Htty feet, moro or less, to
the place of beginning; whereon am erected a two
awry uric uuu.-u um.'u lor a awciiuig and store
houso, with restaurant In basement, and upon
n .in..! 13 i-ii-tii-a uu ilo uuusu, logciuer wiiu uio ucr-
vuiuuucuia uuu uu purLOliaucvs.
Seljed, talicn into execution, and la bo Bold as the
On the same day, at ten o'clock A.M., on the prenv
Ises In Urlarcreek townshlD.
All that certain messuage or tenement nndbtore
house and lot or parcel of land situate m lirlarcreek
lutYUBuiu uiurt'suiu, uuuuocu ana ucscrioou as fol-
lows, vizi lieglunlug
ut u bione on me soutn side ot
a corner of land of l.jdlas-po-
uiu im &. ii. ji. iv, upu u corner c land or 1, uia r,p
nenberir. thenco by said rail road north eipMv.fU
degrees west eight and four-teutli perches, north
eighty-seven and lUree-quarter degrees west twelve
Perches to a stonu In line ot lando! Daniel l'ursel,
thence by the samo and land of Win, L. Kreas a.iuth
seven and thrc -ouartcr deirrtcH oast MTtv.rntirnuri
sti-tenths perches to a line stone, thene o "by land ot
tho said Stephen Thomas south Utty-e Ightand a halt
uvrt;t9 cuei. nich uuu lour icmuH percnes 10 a lino
stone, north thlry-nvennd a quarter degrees east
Udrti-tour and ulue-tenUis perches to tho inlddlo ot
the Isortu Uraneh canal, thenco along tlio same
north beyenty-feten degrees west nine rand eight
tenths pcrcheB, north eight and a quarter degrees
east elghtoea and six-tenths perches to a Btouo bj
land ofLydla bDonenborir. thiTiiii nr inn
elghty.iouranilahiUf degrees wesv lour and nlne
tentha perches to a Wone.uud north soveu und three
quarter degrees west suteen and nine-tenths perch
es to a 6touc,the placo of bothinlng.contalnlng eight
acrss and forty-beven perches of lai d, neat measure,
wkcuivi niMiiuoujijjuHtiiiillttaj Oil WUICU Vi CreC-
ii a large two siory ana a hair brick dwelling
i ana
nu tin.
property ot Jacob Kochex and Mart Koeher, his
SherltPs Offlce, bherirr.
Woomsburg, Dee. w, 1875,
A GENTS. 20 OIF. f!IIHnMnS nmnnlnl
J khewil. tor l. NovolUes and Chromos of
oury ucbcnpuon. wauoniu thromo company, l'hll.
adelphla, Pa.
Male or Female, Kend your oddrets
uuu KCb nouieiiuug mat win onng
juu iiwiiuiiiiiiv uverflbu u IIKIUIU
sure. nr-invisnTOii'ri UMUN,
175, Greenwich bt hew York.
Chances for all I Malo and female airents andean.
vassers. Free Information, and ireo bamplts with
every order. i o. oox HMD
niuua uu., iw, worm bu, K. V,
Nov, 54 w.
I'ut up onlv in ULUE DOXES,
ATi lcti mid sure itemed.
PorRalo bv drtlfrcrUtJl pfinprnllT- nnd .TnnvuTiiv
HOLLOWAY S Co.a'hllndelphla, Vi.
Wo will durlnc thn bolldavH. dbtnnRA nf inn 1...
and Organs or nrtt class makers, Including Waters',
nt lower prices than ever before offered. Monthly
Installments receled, running from u to 38 months.
W'a rranted for o years, second hand Instruments nt
extremely low prices for cash. Illustrated catalogue
iiiuucu. n,i;uw niuucu , ureruuilis ,il
I llroadwuy,
"NIP and TUCK"
Tie Great American Tea Company,
ill &!J Verity Street, X. Y.
Teas dltrlbutod to clubs nt lmnortprK' nrtcpn,
lleautlful nil rhriitnrw. at rttrrfrnnt kl.Mi nreu'Moil
to purchasers oi 1, 3, 3. 4 or 6 pounds ot tea, In clubs
of no and upwards. The company has now reedy
for delivery a splendid chromo, entitled ".Nip anu
TliriV.' ft nHW (, nnnnill tlfl urn . tir.urin,. Htui.
Bklrmlsh between babv and his iet Ohl- fur inn ,ui..
Botloii ot a doll. ItlHbofullof rourlngfun thatno
urtcriPtioo can leu tun story so well as the simple
tltlu c( the artist. The battle Is Just. Mp und Tuck,
ana inuhl bo seeu to bo appreciated, bend for clrcu-
vi iiiii-rB, iiiiu.1, ae.
St S3. Vcu'v Street.
P.p. Uox fM3. Nkw Voai Crrv. .
IX)C. a4,15-4w.
Th HATllllDAY KVKNIN'n I'llUT tirlnir thnnnlv
(ampy, Ijterary and fashion puper published u
Agents have po troutlo In getting hundreds of sub
surlU'rs in every town nB(i county H gives thu lar.
gest and best chromo iiui'.C) to every buWrlber thin
j ear. Three serial stories u)w a) a running, baroplo
bent tor a three cent stamp.
Pays largett cash wagrs, and glvos gold premiums
la lu agents. Agents oxu now making IM per week,
We give eicluklvo territory. Bamplesaud tlrculars
freelo agent'i.
llEKli, WICKKIIRIIAM t CO., Editors and nroprle
tors, 7I Bamboa bt, Philadelphia.
Agents proflts per week.
Will prove It
iew ariieies lust pat
Address W. ll.C'lIlD,
ented. Oamnles free to all.
t-,KW5niru(iV((y, ew vert
BY VIIITCI! OK St'NimV WlltT Iwued out
ot th Court ot t ointnun l'lcns of colutnl la county,
anil ui ma dlrecied will be i-xixncU tu sals nt tho
Court Houso on
ntonoo'cloek t. M.. nit that certain undHldeil ono
ballot nlotot lind sltuatn In Scott township, co
lumbla county. Pa.,liolhg n limestone quarry, bound
ed on tho east bv quarry lot nf .Mnrple rurel, on
tho north by land of Aaron lloone, nn the west bv
another quarry lolcf .U we 1). nice, known ns tho
Wwii quarry lot, south by lands of Anron IKhmio
ami other lands ot .lesso D.ltlce.on which nro erect
ed two dwelling houos,stnble, onice, hay scales and
M llmo kilns, being tho unditldcd one-half ot the
quarry lot purchaied by J, 1). lllco ot t hat les Lvc,
with the nppurtenances.
Tho other undivided ono-half of the quarry lot
nbmo descrllied.belng tho undlildcd one-hall of sal, 1
quarry lot puichnsed by tho said Jesso I), lllco from
Peter Schug, with tho appurtenances.
Ons other quarry lot, situate In thosatno town
ship, and known us the (Ireen qu irry lot, bounded
on tho east by tho aboo described lot, on the smith
by land of Aaron lloone, on tho west by lot latouf
Jesio White, deceased, nnd on thu north by Units of
Aaron lloone, on w hlch nro ended a dw citing house,
outbuildings and three Uino kilns.
One other pleco ot land In said township, bounded
by lands of Isaac hlto on the south, on thu east by
lauds of tho Ksp l.lmciind cement Co. and others,
on the north by lands ot Nathaniel L. camplHMI, und
on tho west by land of I'iiifcI nnd Wnplcs and the
quarry lots ubuto described, coutatnlng about lour
one vtlinrf lot sltuatn on tho North liranch Canal
In said township ut Scott, bounded by lauds of capu
Waples, 11. W. ;ru cling and others, containing ono
quarter ot an ucte, moio or less, being what! lot
puichased ot ileorgo llldlaj's executor liy the said J.
1). nice.
Two othnr wharf lots situate on tho North liranch
canal In said township adjoining lands or enpt. w.v
nies. uecenseu, i-reveiin nun -ionryanuouiers,con
laming uouui one. nun ucro,
All that tract of of land situate In Madison town
ship, Columbia cuuuty, Iwundcd nnd described as
follows! lieglnnlngata isiston tho Hlack Hun ruad
leading from .Iersu town to Urange Uie, In Uncut
land of Perry Christian, thence by thosamo ninth
forl)-ntno degrees east torty-two and socn-tenth
Perches to a post, thence byhuidsof Samuel Mere
dith elglity-slx )rches ton post, thenco bysaimi
north tlitrtj-two degiecs forty-two porches to n
post, thenco by lands of William Wellher seventy
six degrees west tltty-three lierches to a po-t,theuc8
by (ho same south sxtj-two degrees west eighty
flvo perches tu n post. In the aforesaid road, thence
by said road south twenty degrei s east nrtv perches
to tho place of beginning, containing tit ti -four acres
and ono hundred and seventeen perches nnd allow
ance, whereon are erected n frame dw elllng house,
largo barn and outbuildings,
Another tract ot land adjoining the) last aljavd do
sorlhed tract ot hind on thu north, Meredith on the
east, and othor Uiiisnt Wellirer on the south, being
lands purchased ur V, Welllver, containing about
foi tv-ono ncreH.
Ss Ized. taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the
uiuj'eiij oi uessu u, iiicu.
Ono lot sltuato In the tow n of Espy, boundod on
tho south by .Main street, on tlio west by an ulley,
on the north by an ullov, nnd on the cast by lot of
W m. Kchechterly ; being s tcet front and 73!((cct
ueep, wnereon nro ereeu'U a two story uwcilin;
brick, bunk and tramc stable, with outbuildings.
Ono other" lot. bounded on tho south bv an nllov
on webt by an n.ley, on tho north Ivy second St r'et,
and on tho east hv Wm. (I'Ulrtim. belnir saw; fuel
front, and I , ii( feet deep, whereon aro erected a IJtf
Biurj uuieuer Muqi, uiiiee, tuiu ouiuuiluingb,
Ono other lot, boundod on the north by Second
m--i, uu inu luai m luiiiuiiM , r.ugar. Oil III
south bran alley, and onlho west In- .M. a.iiimci
and other properly of II. l. creveltug, lielnf ss,
feet front and i":r.i feet deep, w hereon la iruftcun
iuEiuij iruuiu SLUUU',
Ono lot bounded on the nortli by Second street, on
mo j.igiu ruieei. roan, on ino souiu uy lot r,i
.M. A. (Ireen, and east by other ptojierty ot II. (),
Crevcllng. being on Second street, and nn
Light street road, v. hereon is ercctdif a tw o btory
Ir.iinu dwelling and out bulldlniTs.
selied, taken Into execution, and to bo bold as tho
property of 11. u. (.reiellng.
All that certain real estate sltuato In Scott town,
shin, Columbia countv. bounded on thu south hv u
Eubllc road, on the west by I. S. Kuhn, on the noi tti
y u nubile road, and on the cast by land of Daniel
snj der, whereon Is erected a frame barn, bald land
conuuninguooui, twenty acres, wiiu ino nppune
nances. Seized, taken Into execution, nnd to bo sold as the
property oi iiarman u. vroveung
All that certain real estato sltuato In Itcnton
township. Columbia county, bounded nnd described
taMlo8: On thelwcBtbv Mattliew.Mcllenry,on the
nortu by Itohert Kdmir, on the east by Thomas Mo-
neiirr, ou uio nuuui uy uio suinu,wnereon aio creel.
euauweuing nouseanu oarn, coniTimini- seei!ty'
sia uiieo, iuuiu ui icoq,
In the eamo township, two other otn. bounded on
I lie north by lands of Klchard Miles, on the houth by
Itenlainln iicllt'iin-. on tho west bv Main Ktrcct. nn
inu uubi. oy t urvm wubtfre wiui me nppurifnancos,
said two lots contnlnlnir acre.
Seized, taken Into execution, nnd to be bold as the
projH-Tiy oi itusbvi i iiuiitnry.
All that certain nleco or narocl of land situated In
FlslilI'L'creek towushln. columblu count. Penn.i..
bounded on tho north by lunds of II. F. ltdgar.on tho
west bv land of of 11. F Kilirar. on tho south bv l.inil
of Joseph Dleterlch and 1'uU r Iceland, and on tho
e ist by land of John Wenner, on which ore erected
uunu nog uuuso uuu tuioie, containing liny acres,
All that certain nleco ornareel of land sltuntnln
FLshtmreicck townshtn. Columbia, countv. Ixmniiisi
by lands of Wleber Pennington on tho north.ot lillas
and ot Peter Kphltn on ihu 'south, contamtue elirhtv
acres, moro or less, whereon nro a frame uwililng
iiuum:, u uuu& uarii, wuguu bueu uuu uuicr UUIUUIIU-
M'lzcd, taken Into rxocutlon, and to be sold e u the
pruperijr ui i . v . uugur uuu iiiium iMjgur.
All that certain tract ol land sltuato lnrisblntr.
creek township. Columbia county, and state el Penn
sylvania, and adjoining land of .latin Pooler on tho
north, land of William Whltenlght and tho lelrsof
luiiu piuuKer, ueoeuoti, uu tuu east, lanu ui iiaiuei
Stucker, deceased, on tho south, nnd land of Catha
rine Pealer on the west, containing seventy-seven
acres and ono hundred and tortv-thrce Tterche.. to
gether with thu hereditaments und appurtenances.
ccizcu, uikcu uuu eAeumiuii, uuu iu no sum us the
property of Kllas P. liendcr and Amnndus Unangst.
terro tenaut,
Allthatccitaln real estato sltuato In rishlntrereek
tow nship, Columbia county, bounded nnd desci Ihed
as follows: on tho north by .lames Park, nn tho
souin oy Miinuci .i.reuier, on ine west by u, n,
Jones, nnd on the east by heirs of lluckalew.eontaln.
Ing fourteen acres, more or less, tho samo beliur uu.
sealed land, with the annurteiianies.
CU.ed. taken lntu executlo.i. and to bo sold as the
Jiuici.J ui ifuiucn ... tiuuep.
All that certain lot of land i ituntn in thn fnm rt
it oum'ii urir. l uiumum cnuni v nnunnpri nni iiicrirL.
ed asfoIlowH, to wit: dlolnlnLMotof Knthun hro-
"in iiiuviDis.ujr t-ttnui eiii'ii uu inu buuill UV
Kldtre alley on the north, and bv lot ofMathlna Kindt
on tho west, whereon Is erected a dwelling houte
Mtiu uut uui i'jiukSi
Seized, taken Into execution, ana to bo eold as tho
All that lot or niece of land ntnaleil in thn ).or.
ough of Centralla. countv or ?niumtin. ktntn of
Pennsylvania, bounded nnd descilLed en follows, to
wn: on ino west oyiotor widow llo'ne. north bv
east by Trnutwlno street, and south bv liniinmi!
anu i'i un.u3b 1.IUUI111UU V.UUJ uuu irfin 1'iirnminv
street, said lot belnt- twent.nvo feptdeoTi tu. thn
same, moroor lets, on which la erected a dwelling
Seized, taken tnto execution, nnd to be sold as the
prujivriy oi .acuanau nreiscner.
All that certain messuae-n and fnrm. rnntninim.
ono hunured aud thirty-four acres, moro or less, slt
uato In Orungn township, adjoining lands of tho
heirs of (icorgu Kline, Daniel Kline, and bounded In
nurt also bv st&hlm? creek, hr-tnir thn
.uucjtu uj vi, muiiiH ruu who iu icu,t iieiUB.
Kteht npresof timber land, bo tho samo mnro
or IchH, in tlio tomithlpol or&no, adjolnlntr landH
ji jtsMj urumsieucr, jurn jinan, .jam en c(t,
iianman, and ouiern, belnt; the barno premisen con
ficd to l'eler I Sill as bv James Kvemind wl ft, to
gether with the hereditaments and appurtenances.
Seized, taki n Into execution, and to bo told as tho
livKtiy ui mum's iec.
All that certain rlivpU1ni.houso of two htrlen hur.
Ing a rront of sixteen feel and u denth i,r
feit, sltua(o upon a lot or pleco of land In tho town
Of kMnv. tfiivnlliln nf (.nlllmliln rvomli- lu-inil-
ed eust by a lot of William Chrlstman. souihwurdly
by an allev. westwardlv bv a lot or William (1. (Ur.
luu, uuu norimvarui uy r.ecuuu sireci, cuuiuining
clghty.two and a half feet front.
seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as tho
pruperiy or James router.
All that certain lot or nleco of trrounri slluntnln
the town of II oomsburg, Columbia county, on tho
cast side of East street, bounded as follows, to wit t
beulnnlntf atn corner on an allev and Kust stieet.
thence along said Kust street south-castwardl)' tlftj.
live fi et to lot ot Jacob Shaffer, thenco along said lot
ot Jacob Shatter north-enstwnrdlv one hundred and
nlnclv.lllo feet to ( hestnut nllev. thenco bv Mjld nt.
ley north.westwardly tlliy-iuu feet to tho ulley llrbt
ineniioneu ineneu by said alley soutn-westwaiuty
ono hundred and nluety flvo feet tu tho place ot he.
luumg; wuereon aro erecieu a two siory iratno
welling house, a stable and other outbuilding.
Nezed, taken Into execution, und to bo sold us tho
roperly ot s l eater J, Faux and T lllinun Faux,
All that certain tractor ilefeol land sltuato In
'cutro towpbhlp, Columbia county, and statu of
'eiiiiyWvanla. bounded and dehcrllied us rollows. tu
will ou the west by land ot John siller, Jr., on the
north by lands ot the heirs of Andrew Freosund Wil
liam HoIIiuud. and on the cost und booth by lands
latouf John Conner, deceased, containing thirty
ono acres, rnoruor less, on which aro erectod a dwel
ling houao and burn, with tho appurtenances.
property of (ieorge sitler, with notlcu to Samuel
.....w, .vu uuu nuuiiuu. uuu w uu nuiu an mu
.Vhltrnoyer, terre tenant and present owner,
All that certain pleco or tract ot Und situate In
thu townshln. countv undstato ufuicsuld. bounded
and described as tullows, to wit; ou tho west by land
of I evl Fester, on tho north by lauds late of heirs of
Androw Picas and WUllam llonman, on the oast by
the above described tract, und on the bouui by land
cl John Cornier, now CuceaMd, conladnUK thb;tyin
Atres, mora or Itm.
Sttea, tkktk liiM iutltt, nil vo U Ma u Uit
By viiitt'i: orsii ximv wimts isueii
out of Hie Court nf Common Pleas of Columbia
county, nnd to me directed mil bo exid to sale
nt the court Houso on
TUllStlAY, JANUAHY 18 1870,
All that rertaln pleci' of land sttnato In lirlarcreel;
township, CnluinbU county, ndlolnlng lands of John
Van Pel on the north, Atchlluld Fowler on tho
south, William Kline on tho west, and lianlel sibort
on the east, containing thirty at res, more or less,
w hereon are erected a one nnd a half Morr hotel, n
Hied nnd other oulbulldlnpi. . ....
seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the
properly ol William Linden.
All that certain lot ot land situate In Jackson
township, Colunihl i county, twuiided on tho west
by land of John Herr, on tho north bv Nehemhih
Chamberlain, on the south by Jacob Lunger, on tho
east by (leorge l'arver, cont lining titty acres, moro
or less, on which nro erected n two story hou-e.barn,
and outbuildings, with tho nppurtenances.
Sol7i'd, taken Into execution, and tu bj sMd ns tho
property ot A. J. Kline.
A 10,
on WKDNESDAY, JANUAHY, 10, 1870,
on the premises, nt 1 o'clock P. St., the following
real estate, to w it i
All tint certain real etate situate In the borough
ot Centi iilla, Columbia county, iHiunded n tin cast
by street, on the north by Company Und, on tho
west by Tlnmas Dalton, on the-south by railroad;
wacro in Ui ro 'tdla dwelling house nnd outbuildings;
said lot lielhgtiu'iityilu1 t-et trutit and unehuii
dred and ritt feet deep, with tho nppurtenances.
seized, taken Into execution, and to bo sold as the
proinrty ot Zaclurlah Krelscher.
siieritrs ortlce, siiiriir.
liloomsbnrg, lvc, 51, IsTR.
11V Vlit rn: ut an nnlir of the Ornhans' Court
of Columbia i ounU, the un.toratgned Kseeutor, A c.
of Juhti Heath, late of Jaeksuu township In said
countv, deceased, will expose to public sale on the
premises on
at U o'clock In the forenoon ot said day. the follow
ing described real estate to-w it : All that certain
piece, parcel or
situiteln Jackson township, Columbia count", ad
joining lauds of Irani Pet r on the east, lands ot
Jacob ChrMy on the north, lands of U mum Man-nln,-
on tiu 'ct and north, aud lands late of
- ou the west and lands ut Humphrey Parker od
the south containing
aud 61 perches and allowance, w hereon is erected a
About, si acres of said tract Is cleared and bp.ance in
timber. (Juod water at tho duelling house and there
U ou the rrctuhca a
a oooii yoi'no Appi.u oiscuAnn.
TIIUMS OF SAI.K Ten percent, tt the one-fourth
of the punluso money to tio paid ntthostrUUig
dJwnofthe property; the one-sourth less the ten
per cent, at the confirmation absolute and the re
maining three-fourths m one ear thereafter with
Interest trom condrmatlon nM.
(1K01K1K 1). HEATH,
Dec. 24-ts New Columbus, Pa.
Real Estate Sale.
One corner lot to feet front, IDS feet deep, sltuote
In East lilooiuahurg.on which Is erected u good
frnmo out kitchen, with eood welt ot water In
kitchen, nnd a good bprlug-houso cellar under it.
to feet long, and other outbuildings.
There Is also a arlcty of fruit on said lot, such ai
apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, grapes, Ac.
If not sold by January 1, lsto, It will be for rent,
there aro also
of good farm land not far from bold lot, with a good
spring or water on It.
The three acres ot land with tho house nnd lot
would nuko u deslrublo homo for a retired farmer.
Land Is in a good stato ut cultivation. 'I ho house is
tho ono occupied bv mo for a number of sears up to
April iasi, anu wns in goou connition. Any one
wishing to purchase can call on me, whi n terms w 111
be mado known,
llloomsburg, WM. KIHCKDAUM,
Dec. IT, ls;o..3t
Iiy vlrtuo of nn Order of Uio Orphans' Court of
Columbia county.thn undersigned Administrators of
the estato of Peter Iiltner, Jr., will expose to lMullc
Sale ou the premises on
at 10 o'clock, p. m., tho following described real es
tato to-wlt :
sltuato In Locust twp., Columbia county, adjoining
lands of Edward Strnusser, David btlne, A. P. Fisher
and Jacob Cable, containing
more or less, ten acres of which Is good timber land,
saving and excepting four acies ot the ufoitsald
tract of land set apart to tho widow, Theru Is also
on the premises a
a good spring and sprlng-house, tramo bank barn,
and the usual out-bulldlngs.
TKllSIS (IF SAIK. Tenner rent of Ihnnnp.fnnriti
ot the purchase money to be paid at tho btrlklng
down of the property; tho one-fourth lebs the leu
per cent, at the continuation uf sale and tno re
maining threc-fuurths In ono vear ihereartnr with
Interest from connrmatlon nl. n.
Dec. 17,1675. Administrators.
Jlavlnir entraireo in tho Clothini? niiinott ihi
Underst trued takes nlcasuro In nniniunctiiLr tniln
nubile that ho hao In a t'v dnva u hnlcmllil
and all other goods belonging to a first class
Ab ho Is not oLllord to inik-n larco nrnntH.tnn.iv
u iiCUi ) ri'Ill, UV CUM UUUTU lO SCII til UIO UT.V 10till
prices. L'ont fall to call and exainlno his gooita,
on will sa o tuouey by it.
Ntorti In thn nlil lVis.l.(in)p(t linlMlm Vnln Utrtt
uviuw .nurKL'i, iuuorhuuiuor i, wjiaituiaivdoiock',
Dec. IT, 'IMin
liLooMsiiuiia, r.,
hereby jrno notloe that I liavo assl'iteil, ana
iiuusiiiriu iu .-urn. f.ii7a iiri'uucimtT, lor vuiuu ro
cctvtH, ull my notis, ana nccountB, uliethir tin book
or OtlllTW 1.L. uuu fcl.t, Is Iiit.1)V illilv ti.
Mlullu M JtOUllS.
Doc, IT, 75.-8t uol., Co., 1'a.
In a truod cuistoui mill, to run clthoron shorcBor
for monthly jiay. (looU itefeit'iiru tan bu kI en.
n"s" IV.-HU-ll.r.,
Doo 10,'Tti-Sw. Mill Hrote, Col. Co,, l'a,
by EcndluK tl.TS for any II llagailno and Tint Weii
IV Tiiibcke (rot-ular prlco JO), or J4.T0 for tho Mayu"
ilnoanaTUK!iimi.Vi!i(ii.v tkibvnk (rrcular rrlco
3), Audreys
TiiisTitiuuMS, New vorlc.
r rom thin atle tho Illoomibur( Gat Company will
put In lervlco pipes ut tlrbt cost anil mid net
luittra at four dollars each.
1 Ua company hr on band a lot of ets tar suited
for patuUuV roofa, and poiu or other tbcUra placed
uader vruund.
frC tu cmt j per gallon t UM per barrel.
CKit.lS,T6.U UM,
For the past four years wo
Christmas and
Each year wo have striven
profited by the experience we have
c is, o "w nsrinsr o effort.
For two weeks we have been working night and day to make it so.
How well we have succeeded it is necessary for you to call and
examine uie largest ami most Oeautilul stock of
yet displayed in Cutnwissa.
to our larirc ami beautiful stock
Alataster, Lava, Crystal anfl Bourn Vases ami Toilet Sets.
Over 100 styles purchased for cash at a recent sale in New Yorfc
whieh we oiler at one-half their real value. Also, to enable you
to select suitable presents, we call your attention to the followiii".
Beautiful neck-tie. from 1 to $12.00
Silk muffler white or fancy f0 to 2.0G tie GO to To eents I'aeli
llomati warfi. Tj, 87, 1.00 to a.,r0
Law handkerchief L'.'i, .10, 7.1 to 1.00
Plain linen hanilkeiehieP (i, lL't, 18, L'5 to 7.1
Initial handkerchief LMand -10 cents
Kit ylovcu. nllwlow, sizes and prices
Kul and cloth gauntlets -10 to 1.7,1
Heal laeo collars .10 to 2..10
Linen collars and cuffs m scLs iu handsome.
boxc ,10 to 7.1
Work boxes and writing desks largo variety
Irom 1.00 toTi.OO '
Inlies' scwin?, writinj; and traveling neces-
fcarics-, in HiKsia leather c.aos
rliotoRraph albums LOO, 1.50 to 8.00
French ink-Hands and paper weights
Music cases, card cases, handkerchief and
trlove boxes. AH prices
Silver thimbles and puff boxes
Card receivers
Colgate's perfume, ani soaps iu boxes
htcrea-copes and views
Kiileidocseopes chromos
Initial and plain writing papers
Shawls and .skirts
Hosiery nnd Underwear
Nubia", Hoods and Underwear
In addition to the above we
ehildrens' Fur Turbans and Hoods, which make very desirable and
useful presents. Also a line assortment of 3 "n.ioie ana
-Bracolo ts,
Silver spoons,
Napkin Kings,
Gold and plated
Cuff Buttons.
lack Jeweh'yjijvery discription at very low prices.
Wo invito you to raCexamlno "
e will take pleasure in showing them whether
you purchase or not, and our prices you will
find down to the bottom, throughout our entire store.
Dec. IT, 18T3.
has just received a flno ossortmcut of
Tho best fruit ot tho klad la tho martel.
A kplondld now lot of
In eruat variety. A full Mock of fancy Limns and
tluo ehiuaber beta. Especial attention U callod to hU
coMtof culU:rv and fellver wura. uiiiri.i.u iju.ntni
at paulo prlcea, ull bis wod are Uie beat lhat can
b bouifbt. A lew UiQuauua Uu brand clirara i IU bu
closed out cheap.
Meda aild loCltdA fA bt.A Afa Areata
Variety ot vttrj thing lu thlalliii.
have given great attention to
Holiday Presents.
to excel our fhrmnr nlTni ia l.,.,.
hud, wo announce this as our
loods wo have nvni-
begin wc call vour snecial nltmiiirm
' l -.-V.W...
Hows, tics, latest novelties
Neck inull'eer an 1 pulse warmers
r me white Miiits
Paper and linen collars niiiWulls
Suspenders -'."i to 1.00
Httclvskin,, cloth and kid ghnvs.
Linen and silk handkerchiefs nil prices
Smoking .sets from t'.S to 2.7.1
Pressing cases from 1.7.1aiid up
Pocket cigar cases, drinking cups, silver to-
baeco boxes
Hair, Cloth, Tooth, and hat brushes
r jtio match lioxcs
Pino Pritisli hosery
Pino underwear
SOto XOo'eieh1''03 0f "ockl!t-boolis ''ror.i If,
Pocket haiKlkerchiefs in fancy buxes
ohaving ottps and lino soaps
IlswnrH and strops
Leather valises and cabba.s.
And many otlicr
too numerous to mention.
have a beautiful
assortment of
Bargains in Lumber!
ut the store of
100,000 fencing boards, at $8.75
100,000 heart Shingles, shaved,
extra good, at 7.00
100,000 gap Shingles shaved, at
100.000l.No. 1 Sawed Shingles
at $5.00
Also Plank, Siding, IIlch pinc
and all kinds of lumber
can bo found iu my
Call at onco for bargains.
Vw, t,th
k.ev ti, t,9