THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMfiE URQ, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. I'll E COLUMBIAN. -r.ooasntrnn, rntnAT, nr.c.n, isjs Hull Itoad Tlmp Tnlilp. LACKAWANNA li ULOOMSIIU1KI HAIMlOAl) S.OHTII. Accommodation Train,,, Mall Train tJxprcss Train ,, BOl'Tlt. , e.5 A.M. T.40 A, Jt l.M 1'. M, 7.4.1 A. Jt 6. 1 P. M 1I.M A. id " 11.34 1". M, CATAWIHSA IIAI1, liOAt), NOttTll. vccomraodatton Train A, M, vgutax Kxprcjes 3,m I'. M. POCT1I T,80 P. M 11.M A. 11, Through cars on Bxprcss train cither to New York 'i.' Philadelphia. Accommodation train runs between .itnwlssa and Wlltlainsport, Ton Kent. A large new Storo Koom, ir.ill, i il Dwelling apartments. New brick building i Alain street near Market. Term cheap. Inquire of UF.O. V. SrKllMCH, Dec. 10, '76-lf. Tlierc nre 180 lawyer In Luzerne county, Ono bale of Apple-tun A. Mtilin just rev ueivrcl nt !) ci. per ynrtl per bolt. Cash fit Chi k A Wolfs. We wish our frie-nels in the rniintv wnulil fond us any ilciin of news that wmitd lie of In Ic-re-t. The llloonnburg CVicm''iVm Is much improved mid gelling In be n decidedly live paper. Man tmr American. liev. .IiiIiii Hewitt will lecture before the Ti'iehrrV Institute at Orangeville on Weiliies. day evening of next week. file Pclionl nf ihe Zion Clinrcli in Fishing cnek Township, will give an entertainment on Cli riitma- evening. Admittance 2 cetitfl. The "Thespian" Dramatic Association" ten der their thanks to the Stuck holders of the Has company for their liberal donation. A. C, l'liillps has removed his book store to th" room formerly occupied by C. S. Fttrman n- a harness shop. 1'. L. Ilai kenberg has retired from the edito rial chair of the Miltoninn and is succeeded by In old editor, I.. M. Morton. Wo wish both Mr. (!. A. Klvini has moved into his new d.-ug store, win rc he-hopes to meel nil his old eii-ti iners, and many new ones. He is one of tliti enterpri-ing young men of the town. 10 or fiO pieces of those chenp prints, and canton flnnncls at 10 rentsnml up, with felt s-irts nt 7.ri cents mid up, to be in this week nl Clark & Wolfs. A largo nssnrlinent of letter heads, bill heads, note heads of all kinds and prices, statements, pa; er hags fur wheat and buckwheat flour, 23 and CO lit., just ticelved at the Columbian office. In answer to the Cu'uni'jimi, in regard to the communication on the "roofer" fight, we would just refer it to the "retiring councilman," or our correspondent "Quad." (?) For further partial lars see the "loo-ter." Kcho. Appointments. The commissioners l.ave m-ide thu following nppoinlinents for 1870: Attorney, John (i. Freeze, Esq. Clerk. Win. Kiickhautp. Mercantile Apprnher- S. II. Jacoby. Mr. JnmeH Reilly lias leased the barber shop under the Exchange Hotel, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in the neatest in inner. Hois an experienced workman, and deserves liberal patronage. The large Thorndale tannery, four miles from Iimrtc, Sullivan county, conhins 200 v.its, and the Laporte tannery 18.1 vats. They arc 1ml li running on full time on Spanish sole leather, and employ 100 hands. This company owns 3"i,000 acres of bark lands. C. Wilson, of Towanda, has shown us his patent reversible griddle. Wc have not had sufficient time to test it fully, but it seems to work and othcrsvho have it fay it bakes a supe rior cake. The agent will visit any house at any hour, and parties can have a chance to test it. We nre selling ofT our Dress Oooils nt greatly reduced prices anil llcmnantu very cheap al Clink A Wolf's The Williamspnrt .Sim calls the llloomshurg CWiimiimt a Judas Iscariut. Mtntour intn'om. A gross misrepresentation, Mr. Amerlenn, as we never said anv such thing, and scarcely know whether fa attribute such a blunder on our part to proverbial ignorance or deliberate false hood. Sun. In the year 17S1 the Pennsylvania legisla ture "resolved, that hereafter no member shall come into the chamber barefooted, nor eat his bread and cheese on the steps of the capitol." The legislature will soon meet now, and tlierc is no record of that resolution having been re Haled. The Jury in the case of Dr. S. W. Trimmer, Frothonolary of Luzerne county, have disagreed. We arc told that they stood ten for conviction and two for acquittal. He waschnrged, in con Diction with his clerk, with having altered the returns of the late election sufficiently to change the result. FimcitAsi: op Land. Mr. M. W. Jackson, of this place, purchased last week the Jesse IIofTmart farm in Centre township, this county, adjoining the Andrew Freas farm which hepur chased a few years since, making In all about three hundred acres of the best 1 nd in this sec tion of country. Consideration, $12,500. In deptndent. Christmtm la now close nt hand nnd Clark A Wolf hnvo n store lull of goods of nil titiUa suitable for presents. We notice that the other papers of this town, and several of our exchanges speak of the re cent concert as having been given by the " loomsburg Quartette Club." The Quartette bid a prominent part in the entertainment, but it Ij unfair to ignore some ten ladies on 1 gen tlemen who assisted in making the entertainment a success. This mistake occurred through the blunder of editors, and not from nnv desire on the part of the Quartette Club thus toassumeall credit. Monday night some tramps effected an en trance Into the depot at Hunloek's Creek. After ransackine the drawers and breaking open the ticket cases they only succeeded in petting otT with filtv ctnts and an old razor. 1 lie same night the depot at this place was also entered, evidently by the same paity, as a broken razor was found, used probably In endeavoring to on .! tho ticket case. They made their entrance thruuxh the large bay window, by breaking the glass. They left without anything for their trouble. Imo, Catawissa Lodge A. Y. M. No, 319 at their annual cite lion for officers Dec. 7lh selected the following niiniid gentlemen j IL II. Aldtkli, W. M. J, II. Geary, S. W. 0. W. KtlfMiydir, J. W. A. H.Sharpless, Treafiner, 1 II L'idiili. S. irilarv. Tho Chapter, Ne, 178, Dec. 8th, held their election, as follows: II, II. Aldrich, II. 1'. N, F. Moore, K. II, J. Herder, H. H. D. HInard, Treasurer. J, 11. Knitlle, Secretary. i ...,.. r-i I It iliut ,'itra wide Dlaek CWnuere we just reeelvetl wu will sell '4urV1..3peryatu. viam a huh. TIlO Mil-tent Aa-nrtflttnn nf c"Vntr1 IVnn sylvanln, comprising thirteen countlos wilt hold Its Third Annual Convention, In the Musical College, I rccburg, Fa., commencing on Monday January 10. and continuing until Frltlar. 14 Grand concerts will 1m riven each cvcnlnir. l'rof, I. W. Nllcs, formerly of this place Is among the Instructors. Commissionp.iw' Omen, Dl.ooMsnuno, Dec, 0, 1875, Wc hereby givo notice that the collectors have all been notified to make prompt collection and pay over at once, as the money la needed to meet the proper ordinary demands on the treasury of the county. WILLIAM I.AWTON.i JOHN IIKKNKK, , Commissioners. JOiIN UNT. J 2t Tj'llltfW A' fJnntti' tf vnti nrn rrnlnn tn Imtf n present for n iriend do not fall to .look at vyiaric iv oirg uclore buying. On Friday and Saturday evenlntrs ot last week we had the pleasure of being one in a larceand appreciative audience, assembled In the Opera Hone, nt Hliinni-liiirjr, to witness an entertainment given liy the "Thespians," n dra matic troiltie. hitelv nrfrnnlzMd in It,! til.,, f- the benefit of the Normal School. William Tell, a pl.iy in three acts, w n rend -red, which, we think, could not have been nrtod much better by first-class travelinc Irouncs. A f.ircp. dan. cinp, Ac, were nl-o inlrodiiced. Wc can trtilv say it was one of the best entertainments we ever witnessed in that place. Kcio. The trial nf Harman O. Crevcllng for forgerv, last week, resulted In a verdict of not guilty, the pro-cenlnr, JiiniesCnrr to pav Iho costs. Il ap pearcd from the evidence that Carr had fre quently endorsed notes for Creveling, and It was on a note where his name nppearul as endorser that he denied the signature. Several witnesses testified that they did not bclievo it to be genu ine, and as mmv more thought it was. The evi dence for the defense was of the most convin cing character, and left no doubt as to the inno cince of the dclViicl.iiit. He was very properly acquitted. Healthy 1'laci:. The Philadelphia I'rttt says: "IVqtica township, Lancaster cniintv, pulled IS!) votis tor Ilartninft and only 8 for l eMiing. Mce town-hip to Hvi in that.' No nicer tdaee to live than lCttlred township. Monroe county, which cast 191 votes for I'or shine; and 1 for Hartranft ! Xancriftfr Intelli gencer. And no nicer place than Codorus township, in York loiintv. which east 312 votes lor Per shing and 14 for Hartranft I York Presi. Nor Conyngham township in this countv, which gave 231 votes fur Pershing and 10 for Hartranft. Important to Hah: Hall Flayers. Among the new rules to be proposed at the next convention of the National Association is one providing that foul Hies caught shall be consid ered in play as are fair flies; that is, when a foul H y is caught a man on the base should be allowed to start for his next base directly after the ball has been caught, instead of his being obliged to wait until it has reached the pitch er's hands. Jt i uu proposed to change the rule so that a runner who attempts to run on n f Jill hit slull be allowed to return to his base intcail of being "caught oil," as is now the case. OniTi'AUY. Died at Hillboro, Carolina county, Maryland, on December 2d, 1S75, l.av ina, wife of II. L. Oearliart and sister of Thom as Creveling, Jr., of 1'spy, and O. W. Creveling of Afton, aged -19 years 11 months and 2 days. Her death was very sudden as she had been employed in preparing the breakfast in the morning anil died between 8 anil 9 o'clock from apoplexy. Mrs. (iiarhart resided in this coun ty nearly her whole life. About seven years ago si(e removed with her family from Ureenwood to their present home. The deceased was a vciy consistent member cf the M. K. Clinch for ni nrly thirty years. A large circle of ac quaintanees will mourn her loss. 8ilk Ilnndkercliiefs nnil fancy Ties very cheap at Clark & Wolf's. THESPIANS. The following is the treasurer's statement of receipts and expense's of the "Thespian" Dra matic Association, fur ihe entertainments given on the 3d nnd 4(h of Dec. for the benefit of the llloomshurg State Normal School. Total Ileceipts. $21S31 Total Expenses. 13.J.07 SS2.07 A I.cfolution vias passed by the Association that the proceeds of these entertainments go to wards furnishing the principal's office of the Normal School, and that it be placed in the hands of lion. William Flwell until such time as we wish to lift the same for the above pur pose. D. W. Conneii, Sec. Taney boxer of nil kinds at Clark & Wolf's for the'llolidnys. Call and examine before Inlying. Messrs. Rawlings A Vnnnatta have engaged J. Holmes (Irover and Company for a Theatri cal preformancc at the Opera House on the eve nings of December 24lh and 25th. On Friday the 2 Ith drove's original Comedy, drama en titled "I. O. U." or, The way of the wicked, will be performed. This is a great play and has been favorably commented upon by the press of America nnd F.urtqie, having been presen ted in the principal cities. It abounds in Hart- ling incident)! and sinking stage eflects. The A'lie 1'nrA Ilemll says, J. Holmes Orover has performed his Sensational Drami during the entire engagement, to very large audiences, His Yankee, Negro, Irish, German and preneh characters are very interesting, and the great 'Saw Mill" kcene of "I. O. U." is received with shouts of applause. On Saturday the 25th the "Track of Guili" will be played. ,Tliia too is an exn llent drama. Thcso bills ought to fill the house, as likeopporluniisareseldoni offered here. Turnout, and enjoy your Chistmas! 1'r.v-tical iokes arc sometimes funny and some- ilm,.u not. A certain eentleman of ouracqiialn- tanco had the good luck to be mado the recipi ent of a patent leversible combination back-action pancake baker. The machine di" not -ork ellectiially, and the illustrious disciple of Grnt, the gift taker, so Inmrineil the agent who nan presented it. The agent nt once olTercd to go to the house of the above mentioned on the follo v- lug morning and bake them some buckwheat cakes for breakfast. In order that he might be in time, the careful vender of gridirons inquired what tlmo ho should come. "Oh, about five rrxillisl our friend, who soon after went home and retired to his couch, forgetting all about the matter, or rather, batter, lieroro day. iL.l.t unit inoriiini! our friend was awakened by a noise in hi' room, and upon opening his orbs, Ik. was startled nt seeing Iho liireel girl alius I...LLL. ulih hah on end. wri.,elnc her hands and trembling with fiar. When she raw that he was nromed, the exelalmcd in a stage whis per, "There's a mini down slairr." "Whstlat this time of night I It must he a tramp." t uny I, ihis i i in,- lui trot mi. ilresed himself Milt.. , rt . , Iii his tmcktt and a shot cull over his shoulder, and started down stairs ready fu r a deadly encounter, ejautlousi- no wenuiHi,ni l,ii, ilm kitchen with his unloaded musket and w as about to make a rush nt the form of the man, who stood near the stove, whtu thetuppOR i in m il about nnd. tieluc our friend, mla'mtd, "Good morning, Captain, I've come lo buko them cakes," . .1 1 1 n...l rrcil will flllll fit I 1)0111 OIU, Ymillfc, "s. fs, - i Clrl- & Wolfs store goods in great vailely tuilable for Christmas prcieuli, ut price to j comparo with Ui Uuiea. COUUT PHOCKK01NOS. December 8, 1875. Sarah Kllno vs. William Kline. Petition In dlvotce. Divorce decreed from the bonds of matrimony. Commonwealth vs. James Carr, charged with perjury. A true bill. Commonwealth vs. Henry Kveland, clnrgod with assault and battery. A true bill. Theodore Fnrver assigned to George Cadwal lader vs. Jacob Farver, Sr. ltute lo show cauo why the levy, the Inquisition and condemnation shall not be set aside. Kulo discharged by the Court, Petition for n county bridge across lloarlng creek on the road to F.lysburg and Paxlnos, be tween Northumberland and Columbia counties. William Stoker, William Fisher and Jackson Cleaver appointed viewers. Heport of viewers, vacating a road In Green wood township, near William Staley's barn, con firmed nisi, Commonwealth vs. II. O. Creveling, charged with forgery. Three true bills relumed. Sheriff acknowledged the following deeds! to I. S. Klilill for 80 acres In Scott township, sold as the property of Thomas Creveling.considcration $7,000; to A. II. White for n lot in Light Street, sold ns the property of F. P. Kelly, for $1,200 to Columbia Co. S. F. A L. Association fur 125 acres in Seolt township, sold as (he properly of Charles Lee, consideration $11,000 j To II, S. lleay for a lot in Espy, sold as the property of Kli Harthiati, consideration $205. In Jackson township, near D. Young's, confirmed nisi. Kcort of viewers to vacate n public road in Locust township, near Nathan Kostcnbauder's, confirmed. Ilepurt of viewers of a road in Jackson town ship, near the Pino Grove school hou-c, con firmed, Heport of viewers of a public mad in Centre township, near George II. Kelclmer's, dec'.!, confirmed. Heport of viewers of a road in Scott township and llloomshurg, near M. F. Creveling', con firmed. Heport of viewers of a road near in Greenwood township confirmed, Grand Jury made their final report December 9th, and were discharged with the thanks of the Court. Commonwealth vs. George Fettcrman. De fendant discharged. Petition of Clark D. and Maggie K. Kline for guardian. A. 11. Herring appointed, and Miles A. Williams approved as surely. On motion of John G. Freeze, Esq., Henry M, Hinckley admitted to practice in the several courts of Columbia county. In the estate of George Mans, dee'd. Audi tor's report making distribution confirmed nisi. Heport of viewers of a road in Mitlliu, near John Hoofnagle's, against the road confirmed 'i. In the estate of Philip Miller, dee'd, report of sale confirmed nisi as to part sold, and order of sale eontinued as to balance. Petition of Araminta J. Kline for guardian. A. H. Herring appointed, and Miles A. Wil liams apprised as surety. Petition of Jacob Lunger and Adella Lunger for guardian. A. U. Herring appointed, and M. A. Williams approved as surety. Heport of viewers of road in flugarloa. town ship eonfirniid ni-i. j ltcport of viewers of a bridge near Samuel Kcknian's confirmed nisi. Petition to lay out and vacate a road in Lo cust tonship near lands of Moses 1 lower. James McNinch, David Longenbergjr and Charles McKclvy appointed viewerJ. Petition to lay out a road in Beaver township near Jonas ISrcdbender's. William Sliuman, Isaac Yctter and Hudolph Sliuman appointed viewers. Colpmlia County Pomonia's Giianok P. of II. A regular meeting of the District grange of the County of Columbia and a portion of Luzerne will be held in Opera House, lllooms burg Fa. on the fir-t Friday of Jan. 1870 (it being the 7th )at 10 o'clock A. M Officers to be installed for the ye-ar and full 5th degree rites administered each subordinate grange will send three delegates. All 5lh degree members will participate in the meeting and all -1th de gree members will bo admitted as visitors when doing business in that degree. All patrons invited. E. M. Tewksbury Sec. Fenu G. No. 5, RETIREMENT OP Jl'UCK JIONItOL'. At a meeting of the numbers of the Colum bia county Har In Id in the- Law Library on the evening of Dec. 15th 1875, on the motion of W. II. Abbott Esq., the meeting was called to order hy the election of the Hon. C. K, Iluck alcw as chairman. Mr. Huckalew stated the object of the meeting to be tho recognition of Judge Monroe in his retirement from the bench. On motion of E. It. Ikelor, Geo. E. Elwell was elected secretary. A motion of C. H. Hrockway for a committee on resolutions consisting of thrceto be appointed by the chair was carried. iVnundeel by Col. l reezc by making same com mittee1, a committee of arrangements, amended by W. J. Huckalew, by making the number five instead of three. Chair appointed Capt. Iiroek way, Col. Knorr, W. II. Abbott, Col. Freeze, A. C. Smith. The evening of Monday the 27th was decided upon as the time for giving a com plimentary banquet, to Judge Monroe. Tho meeting then adjourned. Cashmere just received at Clark &. Wolfs, very cueap. In another column will bo found tho charge of Ilia Honor, Jllilgo Elwell, to tho Jury in tho Ifogart Klinu homicide. As it contains a history of thn case, wo mako no comments upon tho trial. The Jury con sisted of W. L. Freas, G W. Correll, J. F- Wideman, Julian Townend, Augustus Ev- erhart, Matliias Whitcnight, II C. Kelch- ncr, Henjamln Goldcr, J. O. Wilson, Hcnj. Savage, John O, Dildino nnd James Dyke-. The trial began an Friday nt last week and continued until Tuesday night, when tho Jury nns sent out at nine o'clock. A few momenta before twelve tho Court House bell raug,unriouncing that theJury had ugrecd.Tlio room was soon filled with an anxious audi ence, mid the Jury filed into thu box. They found the prisoner, Samuel llogart, guilty ei manslaughter. The lentcnco lias not ye been pronounced. A PHEACIIUIt IN JA1I. On Saturday last, Rev. J W. Conery, rt United Ilrcthrcit Preacher, of Shaniokiu township, Northumberland county, was ar rested by Constable Hull, of Snydcrtowit, on a warrant issued by Justico Wolvertnn, eif the same place. The chargo against the reverend gentleman was the very serious one of forgery It Is alleged In tho warrant that he signed the namo of Jeremiah Lewis to a certain promissory nolo drawn by hint in favor of Georgo Gousar for tho Mini $100. Tho prisoner rcqucsteel to be brought beforo a justice in Sunbury tor a hearing, and not to ho taken to Snydertown, for some reason best known to himself. His request was complied with, and the constable brought hint before Justico Purse!, who committed him to jail in default of $300 bail, Tho prisoner fays ho was only paid $40 for tho past year's services and is n poor man. Having to keep a largo family, ho perhaps is to bo as much commiserated as blamed for his ofleiice. - Stokes, who killed I'isk, Is said to be confined tu his bed lu prison with asthma and chills nnd fever, utid that his hair is uhlin nml Lisfsonstltutioii ruined. His term will exnlre next Senteuibt r. but an effort U bring luted lo have Mm puJjutd, Business Notices. French drcsniu, at Knorr'fl. Gold spectacles, just the llitnp for a Christ, mas present, ut Ucorge A, Cla.k's book storo. Go to C. O. Marr for Gcrmantown wool. Grand opening of toys ami holiday pre cuts In unsurpassed variety nnd nt extremely low prices nt A. C. Phillips' new book store. Fine Holiday Goods for Gent's wear, con sisting of Hats, Cans, &c, Ties, lioivs and Scarfs, Shirts, Collars and Cutrs. Silk Mufllers, Cashmere Mufllers,; Silk Handkerchief', Fine Driving Gloves, Ilr..oj ril.iV.iS all of the latest style, nt I), l.owcnbcrg's. Holiday Goods In great variety, nlso a fresh supply if French Confectionery un ... l' miiilitv nnd flavor. onlV forti cents per pound, at' Hendershott's. Fort folios, Dreka's dictionary blotters, rosewood nnd wnlnut writing dc-ks at U. A. Clark's. tot vnd v a ) r i i i'o w vNDA hoots Tho best mid must iclhtlile for veryoni to buy. Try ihein 1" r sale ut atclvltf ncy s. When found make n note ofit, And go to I). Lowcnbcrg's For a fun! Diagonal Over Out, Fine Fur Heaver. The Ulster Over Coat just received. C A. Kleiin has just received his Christ m.ij ..,., f.(iiisiiin . nf fiitiev lamps, vases. cups and saucers, cigar sets, toilet sets, &e etc. Christmas Dishes nt I. W. Hnrtmans. Go to C. C. Marr for H Hutterick ic CoV. Patterns. I.nt .t Sloan havo ri-ceived and have now on e'Xtiiliition a large lino of goods suitable tor Christmas gilt', consisting ot tames lin en and silk handkerchief, neck ties, silk saslies, collars and cull's, jewelry, glove, shawls, dress good', ladies , children's ami gents' furs, with n lull line of other good', and will strive to p!ea-o and assist in your selections for vour friends. New attractions at Hnsel's. A large as sortment of Holiday Guilds, consisting ol china mustaches cups, china cups and sau cers, children's toy sets, cologne sets, mugs, vases, mirror Imxe, assortsd toys, toy cwer .....I l...;,,j .:, ti-lt.wil fl't' f'llitl.l I'llM- dlesticks, holy water founts, toj iiislor-. tea sets, anil a variety oi gooiis ut eeiy body. WATER PKOOF WATER PROOF Hoots at MoKinney's A beautiful lot of cliromos for Christinas at G A. Clark's book store'. Men's, women's, boys' and misses' fancy slippers for Christmas E M. Knurr's. All caved in on Applcton A. Mil-Jin cepr I. W. Hartuiaii. 9 cents will buy it th s week. Miilih Toehl & Co's. ireild nensaml pencil. the lies', in the world, tu be had only atG.A. Clark s book smre. New Goods at C. C. Marr's this week. Snow Excluders for sale at McKiuney's. A 15 C and building blocks at G. A. Clark's book store. Mens Gum Hoots.Hoys Gum Hoots,Ladies, .His-i's aucl Children l.uuucis at i. m Knorr's. Christmas Furs at I. W. Hartmans. KiilumatisM. Nmralnln. Lumbago. Scia tica Rheumatic Gout anil Nervous Disease positively curiil by J)r. I'itler Jt'ieumutic Hemctli anil mis Dr. J-ttlers AMitey cor diul removes elenosits of Gravel. Calruli, Acids, retention, of I'rine, Great J'urifier of the Jlladder anil Kidneys. U. A. cole Agent lor ISloomsuurg, l'a., Dec 17,'75-ly. Fancy inkstands and beautiful paper weights nt U. A. Llark s Uodk store. Farm Kits, Attention. Russel takes Hutter P.ggs, l.aril anil 1'ioiluce in exchange lor goon Pocket books, cigar cases, and Hiissia goods of all kinds at G. A. Clark s. Cull at l.usscll's and see bis stock of Quecusware. New Caps for boys and men, nt C. C, Marr's. Farm tor Sai.i: Containing 51 acre, in Scott tnmishin. one-half mile from Ibnnm-burg, Good biiihlings, splendid water, anil a first class stone quarry on the pienuses. nice fu.uuu W. J. Hi'CK .j.lw, Heal Estate Agent. Chess, checker., backgammon, jaekstraws, dominoes, and a great variety ol games at G. A. Clark's. Oysters of fine selection, at M. M, Rus sell's. llubbcr Hoots at McKinneyV. Diaries for 1C70, from fifteen cents up, at U. A. Clark h book store1. Choico variety of Cranberries and Minco Meat nt M. M. Hussell's Men's cloth boots nt E. M. Knorr's. Toy books in endless variety at the book teore ot u A. iiark-. Tobacco, Cigars and wholesale, very M. Confectioi ery M. Russell. at Pictures and picture frames at tho book itore of George A. Clark. OVER-COATS I OVER-COATS ! For Men, Youths and Hoys, Greac Hargains at I) Lowcnberg's. All Coal slated and screened before leavlm.' the old established coal yard of C.W.NpalA IlRO. 32tf - - - A choice selection of the best authors re ceived for the Holidays at George A. Clark's Centennial Seamless pieco at M. M. Russel's. Hags 30 cents a Card cases, pearl and Russia, nt Geo. A. Clark's. Good clean Coal Neal & Hro. to bo had only of C. W. 3'2tf Don't be worrie d nml annoyed with not only a floor quality of Coal but dirty mid sla'y besides, nit buv of C W, Nkal & Hro. who 'deal only in the best qualities, 32tf C. W. Nkal it- Hro., spare no expense tosend nut nice Coal. 3'Jtf llr.i.p TOHOTiiiins Nuusino Inpants. It is a conceded fact that mothers who have the care', anility mid draught nt nursing in. fants are weak and need tho aid of some Mrcgllichitig tonic to mako up the nour ishment required for the growth of the child. Alt', pnrtcr.nud lager beer hae often been recommended, Of late, kIiicc physicians havii bet-onio nwnre that Fort Grape Wine produced by A 1 1 reel Spcer, of Pustule. N, J., is strictly pure tbay have prescribed it in stead of ulc and porter. This wine is prin cipally sough for by mothers who havo nur sing in funis as the best supply medium tnbu foiinil. The wine is rich in body and not In toxicating tut gently stimulating. Druggists irenerallv Veep it. and sell it for a dollar a i bottle. Lnguirtr, nt dar ket street j having been recently rcno atcd Frlco only 2 per day. A, llr.Crc, March lt),'7&-ly Proprietor. COAL. COAL Uhl Kstnlilislicil Conl Yard. O. W. NnAL k lo.. Wholesale Retail Dealers In all sizes of tho best qualities ol lied nnel White Ash Coal, at tho very lowest narkct rates. Have constantly on hand large .tocks of Domestic, Cupola, Hlacksmlth's Anthracite, llltumlnnus, and LInicburncr's Coal. Especial attention given to the prepara tion of coal before leaving our yards. Grain tnd Lumber taken in exchange for coal. Ceial delivered tei any part of t tic town at diort notice. Orders left nt I. W. McKclvy s store, or nt our ollicc, will receive prompt at tention. Ollico and Yarils at William Ncnl & Sons' Furnace, East llloomshurg. Your patronago respectfully solicited. JOAL. 7-tf-251 COAL ai t n ir i.vii REPORTS. IILOOMSIIURG MARKKT. Wheat per tnc-licl f l.SB .to .40 7.IIII t.isi l.f.0 .811 .W .1 S .40 .HI .10 .15 .10 20.11 4.MI Corn. new. " oats, " Mum per turret Jluvvrsecel l.ixseecl Ilutter S'.'R'i raiiow I'otaloes 'tried topics lains siilcs A' "houlJers t.iml per puna. t Hay per ton ieesitu rtinntliy fee el QUOTATIONS KOIl COAL. No. 4 on Wlurf 1 4.nii ner Ton Vo.r, " " $ 3.M " No.B " " f H.MI " i'.l.icksmlth'J Lump on .vlirirt 4,i " " lllllllllltiniis " f ii.iiii " Marriages. WOI.I' 0, at the I.uth- cara parson i j" In tuts place, by the ltev. Thomas Suck, Mr h.irlesll. Wolf lo Mis Sarah A. .Men t 'Per, both ot MilUln, tloliunljla county. IlltRIs ;.UlI-l'i:NNIN(ITiiN.-t thobrlitos rel- d nce, on the oth lust, by tlio ltev. A. Itoutz, Mr. N nil in Drelsbach to Mrs. M ifj Pennington, both ot I'lslilnscreek townihlp. i'Deaths. LVANS.-ln Socopeck, Dec. ml. r 6, Mr. Daniel i ans, In lils 8 ( li tear. M't-LSIt.-tn Itrl irereck, December 4, Miry Kllen. daughter ot el -ure an 1 M ery Ana Miller, tu her 3d year. IIAItTi:;t.-t'i HuHenbaek, Ue;rm'.ier I, Mary.wife of Jacob Haiti r, In her Itth e;l' anovnit.-lu iiollen'iick, December a, Samuel I icuu, son ot Paul ami tlll.a i.rover, In 1.1s 1 t y ar. tvv-.ln Hemlock, on the oth Inst., W lillam P., son ot IM.vard and IHiiilM Hy, aged 6jo.irs, 4 months a id il s. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY for 1876. The publishers Invite attention to the followlnillst ursomoeir Hie ulli'.ieiltu nitleles siuoreil lorseilb ni r's Muiiililt. for the euailug .M'.ir. In the Held of tl lion, besides iiiuiii rous novelettes and shorter sto il 'a, mere will be Two Eennrkabls Corhl Stcrios I1Y AMKItll'AN AlTIIJItS. Ural of these, now complete In our hands, "GA URIEL CONROY," by lillET. 1IAUTK, begins In the November number, and will run for twelve months. We shall ulao begin In the January number, "PHILIP NOLAN'S FKIEXDS, or. Show Your Passports," by i:i)WAiti) Evinturr halc. The scene ot this story Is laid In the southwestern ten Iter), now forming the tales nf l.oulsl.m. and Texas ut the tta.eeit Aaron llnrr's treasnn. 'Ine cliurartirs llicd In it seetli n which was now Ameri can, now French, now spu.tsli, nnd this record of I lieir iulicntunnn lUes makes a story of Intense and unllagijliig Interest throughout. A SECOND "F A KM M ITS VACATION," by fl)I fino. t:. WAI.INll, .Ir, Col Waring Is now lu Europe, visiting. In a row boat ride ot two hundiul and 11 fit mllen, oneof the most f.'rillo and lnteiesllus.'of the Wno-moiWni; vul ti' s of Europe. 'Ihls seeu.-.d series ot papers prom ises to bo ctcn more litis resting than that with which our readirs nre already rumlllar. CENTENNIAL LETTEItS, edited by JOHN V. CHEW. A rare collection eif Itevolut'onary Letters, mainly from stores hi the hands of the elescendenls of i ol. Joseph Ward. They aiufullot Inlerest, nun will be read with a rare red-h lu connection with the Cen tennial eelebra, ton of the j ear. Jtrtlliimtly Illuttmtcd Aiticlcs on AMERICAN COLLEGES. Wiltten ri speciUely by their friends, wilt aprcar elm tog the ear. OLD NEW Y0KK. Elegantly Illustrated articles on Did New York, hy Joim I-'. Mines, will appear at once, and wl lutlr.n t tho ntteiit"iuif nil, In eitj or counirj, who mark wph Inleri st Ihe dete opuient 1 1 Ihe great metropo lis, andalfi etlonalilvieinembir the quaint peculiar ities ot Us olden time. Everv nun her Is profusely Illustrated, thus enn lilln us lo glte looiirilserlitl eand narralhe uni fies mi intei est unit r nn.nitnt value ueer attained In u noudll list rated pt rlodleal. The Kdilorial Departments oceupv over twenty paces of e.nh number, and con tain 1 r llollann'u MoroUs und Ilnn'lt tdltoilals. n well as ret hot sot the latent ttoilh In Alt, Litera ture, and hclence, Ti:it.tis. fl a Year, In adeance; S5 cccts a number. The 10 eols. complete. Nov. 1610, lo Oct. 1ST5, bound lu maroon cloth do. do. bound In half morocco, Vols, legln In Norndicr and May. Any of the earlier volumcul to villiwlll benippllid sci urate ly to parlies who wish Ham to ce tnt lele lets, at tills rale, I. e.. t.' ; half lui r tco, .t, PoeiksellerH mid pi simasti rs will le supplied at r. tes tliut will enable them tu till uu) of theubou orders. MP serlliers will pleote re roll In P. O. meney o dirs, or In I ii n K clucks, er l iciihtmel liiteit. Money In li Iters ne I li H-tt ltd, ft it i.e 1 1 sfhk. tCltlllNElt A CO. 743 llionelitaj, New Yeak, ".1 Comphte lietoriiil History of the Times'' "7'ic best, vheaput, nnd most successful l'umitij 1'iper in the L'nion." Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Kitieesof the Press, Harper's Wcekh Is llm nblist nml most powerful Illustrated pt'it"dlcal puUMie'd In tliUeounir.. lis I'dltoilals it to schul.irH and nmincln'-', atdciT much weight. llsU udratlonsof current otent- a-e full and f ivsh.and uro prep ired !) our btt d 's gn ti U nil a circulation of ni.U'1 , tho W'eeklt tsiiadlf at least h tit a million per-oas.and ttR lull' enoe as art organ of opinion Is simply I rcmciidous. Tho Week'' ni'tliitnlns a positive poslllon, and cypres bes d cUI -d Mews on pollileal and social probklil-. -Louisville Couiler tourt al. Its articles uie mrslels ot high-toned discussion end Us plct rl il Illustrations am I'ftcn corn h r t'o nrgiiinemsot no small force. New York Evumluer and I'lironlcle. Its papers upon o'lstent nuestlons anil Its Inimita ble cartoons help to mould Iho bcntlineuts of the country. 1'lltshurg Commercial Harper's Weekly stand ut Iho hoad of Illustrate 1 Journals In tho t'lilh-d Males, In circulation edltorl ut ability, and plctorla Illustration, Lailles' Ileposl lory, Cincinnati, TERMS: Postage Tret! to all SuliscP'lieTs in IIik Uiille'il Suites. Harper's Weekly, one Jear U Co t uo Includes prepaj merit of U. H. pufctngeb tho puoiuin rs. siitiserintlnns tn Harrier's Maerazlne. Weekly, and liarar, to or.e address for mo jenr. t' i or, two of uarpcr s rciiouicais, toono auuress luronejear IT.eO: l Ostiure tlee. An Exliu Ci py e f either the Vngarlnc. Wceklv or Ilurar will he supplied gratis for eiert Club of I'lve Subrentals at to i sih, In one n nilitauce ; or, H v Ceples for t'W.oe, wlthotd extra copj i postage tree. Pack r.uml ers ran lesupplhd rt any time. 'Iho Annual Volumes it Hurler's In neat cloth Hi till p, will lu out I opress, lneoiex i ense. ft r f LtMi eiteb. A cemrh-iu Set. ei tnialsliiLr Nlnilte u nt t n icee Ipl of rush at die rule of f'.v. rlol.. fiilght utekishset f iurchsstr. I rt mine nt tillinilon will lo flu n in Haiptr's Weekl) in the III istrullon tf the I i.nlal li.Iir nam mil Kis silk ii. Newspapeisure net to cepv tils nelvt rllsi merit tilt nut the cgpri sseieler of luni tuA li:innnis. Aeldress IIAIlPKlt ii liltil 1I1.I1S, .New Yell.. HtCS pa-oTK K. All rersons Inde bled to the undersigned on Hook Account prhr to Juno lit l-". are teiiuestiu to call and settle by note eroilierttlse Pefuro Jnnuury 1st. lsio, as utte r thot ull un-enlcil aeeoiniisiMllbeplac ed lu thu l.unda ot mi tllleer for eoreelU n. T.J.MVIsllUH.M.D. Having OFsrcloted wlihmo Hr. Win. VcKelvy, we nre'ireisired tout mil rmipily In nil rufi'taloiiiil e alls In iledhlne. t-urgerj. in rt eiUttttles. lublhi liutibnagu t lupecttull) so trued. swuiitit .vci;i:lvy. Jr.j Uitb, Wer, l w, When you go to Philadelphia stop llm Allnirtim.e tlntlan 'n HtO noil B1J V HENDEIiSHOTT'S DRUG STORK la i-oceli Inpr a choice selection cf HOLIDAY GUUUS, consisting of Ditt'coisrs suNiiinns Toll.ur AltTICLLS, PEIIt'U.MEItY, i:n(ii.ish s-oapsi, ITtENCIl i:XTll.CTS, POUT MONNIES, CIllAlt CASES co vinsi, imi'siiEs, ClIINE'Sn ANDJAPVNESi: lIANIIl.EltCtltr.I'sl, Koy West and Havana Cigar?, anil lots of I'lno floods. IS IT Who said that you would like reoplo wear, rather than the wholesale goods com monly sold? This will tell you how to do it. The very large Increase of our business allows us to make A STILL LOWER SCALE OF PDICCS.AND You Can Save Enough in Duymg a sun at uaic nan TO PAY FOR THE TRIP from anywhere In this County to the City of Philadelphia, and have a day of sight-seeing besides. Wonamaker & Drown stand by this Statement, and so will you alter one trial, Character of tho Goods we sell! For Men & Boys. i murfDrescnt m we do not u'hoUialf. but confine ourelvc to retail We bear no ill-will to any one, ami state tins only became some df-nlm cll poor gcoris n coming from our house. '1 o each of our custom trt we arc rupunsiLle for articles bought ol us Hy rur plan of ' ickcting the right tuimtt ot the materials on our goods, no one cn be misled as to dualities. I How WanamakerA Brown 1 treat their l CUSTOMERS. anywnere, ami tndi tne quality is as represented alio, that the money will be paid back in full, il purchaser within 10 das wishes, for any reason, to return the goods, unworn. a 'MIISIs Exactly where the Store Is. people ttrjcit mW&i W Exactly I counterieit goou. mere is out one uak nail in Philadelphia, It is a Urge building the size cf four ordin.uj Ktortt .md is on the South-east corner of blX I'll S IX'l 11 SIX'I il SIX! II blXIII-SIXTU and Market btreets. fcivg H those vsho cannot h come to the City. to the Express Co. on receipt of goods, and the priv.lege of examining them is allowed before paying Where goods do not please, we will return the money and pay thu expressagc back to Philadelphia You xhould be sure to set our name on tht Building and cxer the door at you enter. WANAMAKER & BROWN. ur a BOOK BLiLSSsR AiSD ST 1TIOHSE, Dtiilcr in Law Blanks Punday Frliool Libr.ti iet. I depository of tin Pennsylvania liiblo Society, WINDOW CURTA'.NS, WALL PAPER, PICTURE FRAMES, REWARD CARIS. Books anil supplies not on luintl can bo furnislied On Sliort Notice at ihe JIoal lieu son able Hales. Store iii Exchange Hotel TOWN AND COUNTRY. II. F. KfXKni.'H IIIITFl! WINK OF IIIOV. It Ims never Ijeen knowi tn tall In the euro cf weakness attended ltli symptoms, liidl-positirni to exertion, lose of m"inory, einilculty of breuttilutr, weakness, horror cf disease, nlijht sweats, cold feet, dimness of M;lon languor, universal l.ishltude cf the muscular svsti m. enormous appetite, w 11 li dyspep tic Kiniploms, hot li.ind-, llusliln j cf Ihe body, dry ness cf the, pain In the back, heaU'iessof the e.M'llds, freinient t lack tnutnielntr befuie tho e.cs, with suffusion nnd loss of Uplit, want cf, etc. sold only In fl bottles, ffet tuo peiiulne. De- pot and ofiiee, tto N'orlh lut'i street. I'hlladelplda. 1 Ail Ice free. A-k for K. I". Knnkel's Hitler Wine of j iron, nun i.iue no oenir. ejenumo sum eiuiy mei bottles. NEKVOl'rt IIFri! ITV ! EItTOS PECIMTV ! Dellllty, a depressel, Irritable state cf mlu 1, a weak, nen-ous. exhausted feelln',', no etier'jy or ani mation, cinfmed head, weak memory, tho remsts. queneesof ecesscs, mental overwork Thlsnervutis ileMUty Units a sneenu n cure In II. F. Until el's Tit ter Wine ef Inn. It tones the se stem, dispels the mental cloom and df siondei cy. nnd reJueen.Vcsthe entire sFtrm. si id only In $i tiott es. f;et tnp'n nine (Wee. Not 111 Ninth street, rhllnrtelphli. 1M. Sold by all drursMs. Ask fr n. F. Ki nlcel's I liter Wine ft Iron, and take no ether, Cenulno sold only In II Iwttlcs, Terr wonw. removed allee. wltli head complete, In from two tn three hours No fee till remoeed, b Pr. Kunkel. .'.9 North Ninth sireet, I'nlladelpliln. Seat, pin and stcmicli worms nUn lemoved fall and we. Ad vice free, send for rlicu'nr. or nMsjonr dniil-t for Kunkcl's Worm syrup. Prlco $1. It U"vcr falls o Schcnck'a Tulmonle syrup, for the cure cf cci turn tlnn. cnnt?hs and eolds. Th"preat Mrtue cf this mrrtlr Ire s tl . t It rlnens the rnnttcr nnd throws It out efthe sj stun, purines llm Mood, nnd thus effects a cure. Schenck'H Fea Weed rente, fcr the curet f ilvsrepsla, tndljestlon. se. The Ionic produces n healtliv ncllnncf the storo- nrli, rn ntlntr nn npret'te, formlntr rln le. and curing the most ol stlnnle cn'es rf Indigestion. Schenck's Mandrake Fills, for the cure cf Uvrrcom. plaint, c. These rills rre nlternthr. and produce a, healthy nctlnnofthe liver without the lea-t ilanpT, ns they tire free from calomel, and H moro e fllcai lous In rrstorlnir a bealihy action of the m cr. Tliese r.-inedi.'s nre n certain cure f ir consumption as th" piilmoide ryrnp ripens the matter nnd purifies the Mood. The mandrake y'U net upon Ihe liver, create a hoaltli title, an I remove nil il's "a-e i of tho liver. often ncausoof consumption. Tho H'l weed tonic slees fine and strength to tho atom ic''-s atjooil dlKcsilen, nnd ennhles the orunns t ifuim cond Mood, and thus creates a heuithv circulation of health. 1 locd. Ihe combined action ef thefemedl clnes. ns thus esplnlned, will cure ee ery ca'ecf en . sumption, If taken In time-and the use ot the meell clncs persevered In. Hr scln-Hck is professlenallv nt ti's rrlnclral cfilce, corner Sltli nnd Arcli stH , l'hllade'pld.i.cver Mon day, vi hero ah letters fornduce must bo addressed. o TnkcAer's Mils fcr nil tl.c purposes of a pursiu tlve, for ccnstipatlcn. linllKestlon, headache, nnd liv er complaint lly vmlvcrsnl nccord they are the best ot all purgatives for family use. It Is no wrndcr that Invalids lote faith In specifics whenso ronnj woillilrss medliliiesnro ailreitH'il lor inei lureui .11111111-. iupuimi-. ."ii mu.n, imiwi tried are "fcurel wanting." Wehnee to leaiii,bo ever, ef ll.o first fjlluu-ef l'i.Mstai' lislsamct Wild Che iry to cure eoupl.s, colds, and pulmonary disease. -o cents and tl u l itlle, large bottlm much tho cheaper. T1IF. HKST riirSTiTNO OFl'IC'i:. TheircHt.t Isa pciedcprtitui.lty to rt mtr.rt the filrndsef lliep.iir. imdtho public ceneiill, that 1 1m t'01 1 Jon I'niM imi (it ICK bus no sl e 1 h r In this section, and, In tune mi Is, Ik wlil.iut an equal, in-.rltit the latt J nr wu l.aece mpliti l le M'u 1 il our ij 1 ei. m il made laiee- uetdllkiis, ui.ti It Is no Idle least to suy that u ha now il.c l est l're-stes, the- leH Atscilii.eiit ef 1l tl.e lest Mock et I ui 1 r, ( aids, Ac., and ihe- PeHWeil-iiinlu llii coublij. 1 ur witltuii itetieclull ueiuitielfor their puces, did wo 11 Bk" It h jeltit lo alv P)u five our tutleiiiers a mill, re licet M el salltfiuu I) Job, We do net ilulm to do util (cr less t him ell us, but wlllwairiit.t It tu loss tin ap as c uu 1 0 ehi.e-ar.y. where and jleld a elcc-.-ul lent. All who lire in 11 id cf Jet 1 ilMttib tl(ti kind- Plainer In folois-wlll Unci It lo licit (littlest to Kite the Ci 11 wins onic'v u trial. - lu 011 1 and icry ai1ity ( f Cuida, l';ir, ll.k, I lAClll is. Ilitu, le II ot Is llil tobtt called fcr, ami cmi funlvlian; civ.ut.llty u-kt;. le ot urerft fcu Lul IK. JUttieU-K tgulr, U. TEA STORE I now tpehlrgthc urytholctt Iuipoited and Dcmcstic Grocorios f jr tho Holiday trade. ITALIAN PEACHIN, PltENOlI anil MPANlSIt OLIVES SAItDI.VKS fAPSAIiOCIIKESE, PI1ENC1I AND Tl'ltUEY PHUNES. All kinds of llnlstns, Porelgn ahd Domestic Prutts Nuts ami Confectionery, and another lot ot fine Now Crop Teas. YOU to get such Clothing as City "I"0 be sure cf what we sell we manufacture our I coods, some of them in our own building, lhcy arc well andfim-hci! They can be rtlicd mon Stcr-'Icteners out of the cltv us when thev av they sill our cooda. ryUl. price in plain figures and ncthingej; The I mmc price to acquaintances and nt rangers 1 a city people and country perple equal advantages, with each article sold, a ituatanttt Is given, the Trice is as low as it can be bought important indeed, becatiBe.unprlncipled hating stores in riniaaciphia, a un our signs, cards, advertisements, and stop strangers on the street, with false ait n liens About where the store is, so that they may selllhtfr WI". send patterns of material and prices by mail when requested Persons can hae madc-up goods fent by Kxpress, by send ing their measure - wc furnish easy directions that nny one can measure by,; and describing color wanted, fltid rtrif (llri-d Paimpnt can be made Buildiiiir, Bloomslmnr, Pa. Tin: iii:st imiotixtion. The le't safeguards epalnst ej Idemlcillscase are thorough dlccitlon ar.(lt:ttn l.ervcs. It is bicatise tl.ey iissure tl e npii'ar cf theelkfestlu piiieus. and Ineltimle the nemus t, stein that Iloslc tin's Me 11 litters die- M:ch n si.erelRii proticllie npalnst the li.liuci.ies which bipct Inter mlt tent malcellesaiid the ic which dliectly aite-et tin stomach and bow cR If the nerves are healt'itulh trcii'iull tl.e asMmllatli 11 ct find pirftct.ns the) nie sure to be under the ce of this standard tcnlc end r.cnlne. mahiila nae ledellecl: and If, In the nttcice-cf the mcst reliable cf medical safe cuiir'1, thesiftcin has fallen apiee todlMase of an Intiin.ltlent or iiiilttcnt tjio, the I'.nti rs will, if eislsli d In, 1 iixllcnle eetj estl.c c f the mal.idj. l.lllciisr.e ss. rci siti ntlcn. 1 i.el it.up I sla Jleldwlth ccitalntj 10 the cj crr.tlcn e t this potent e-ge--iible nltvr.itl.'o. . Tn.ixt7i' i:ii.s. If wenkness ef tlestom ieh Hallowed to become (hronlc, the fuller. Inge. Il su inene-cllestlon Is permanently linpulicrt, the s stem Is very Imper feellv nourished, Ihe blood tieeeu es t'dn and wat ery, anil the bile, hi Ins unemployed f.jr illestlvi' and ivncuallee inrposi-., enlcre the clreul.itloi. throuKh the tlifrarlc eluct and InJ'-cts Itself Into the M Ins, Kleins to tl.e whites of the ejea tl.e sulfrun 111.;,'.' Iudle;.tle(,f bill unesE. Headache, nausea constli uili n, p.ili.s In the- side, heartburn, and many ether ill .tn -s!i -.n-ipti uh which accompany hclnte111.1l dcr.insi-menl above-dc-scrlbeil. which, If unchecked. Is suiv to be fallow ed bv sei lous disease, 11s thu rl-lu ot the sun by It setting, it Is maulrett, therefore, that an tnablllt.e of thu stomach to act upon tho food t.tiuun iv ocr couio without delay. The lnMstratlnK lntlucnci) on the stomach of 'lostcttcr's Mcinach l.lltr io Is speed lly felt In the disappearance er all the- dlsjpreeallo sj mptoms alluded to. T he prescribed mineral rem edies for general dc-blllly usu illj tn to uclilu c any lasting K-au'.t becauso they do ut luelsorate the stenijch; Hosteller's Hitters alwa:s succeed for , that Is their 1 ilioul cllect. Tlw eerj fuel that they I aro such an excellent stumaehlc conslltuUH them onoof tin-best general tonics In cxls'once. Tore 1 stcio dlgestlun te Ihe llnal step towards tho recovery j of health, when Imi aired bj any if the multifarious 1 complaints whlih spilcg from dj spcpMa, and that will be found tu l.ave lieu taken by thu invalid who has availed hluise.f et this famous ulili-eljspcrtlc 1 cmedy. wiiEiti: to Aiivr.itnsi:. A. T. stcwait fajs tho test advertlilng mediums ho has ever found "an- Iho old c tinbiu-hed organs of tho two pc'lliiccl anus, at the se v. ml countv scats thronguuut the 1'i.Ln." "H.ete l.e sajs "reach cvir family et the- least account tn tin Ir teteral counties, and uiu more carefully reael than any other clas-sof Journals." It Mr.Mcwnits Uof value, there Is 110 clin.e'ully In deriding wliMi paper it Is for tho Interest tf business mi n to aetve rtlse in Ihe e oiiMiie jicucniAT, upon v.hlclithls paper It paittallv foundcel, vvase'stubllshiU la isse), and tho e eiLi-KiiiAN now enjojs a wider circuiutlon and greater irosjerlly tLaii tt ever did. Itgoesrcgul r 1) Il.totwo families In t'olumlU nndad- Julntng countie-", and by most ot them Is read from tit llrstto tl.e last line. Ills thucnly recognised exponent ct nearly live thousand Heitccritlc voters In the- county. ItglviB nUvcitlseir.enlsa tasty ells. play, that mrkes thera attractive to lis patrons, thus ensuring greater certainty that they will peruso lueni. while lis circulation la undoubted! muchlhe- lar.rtt In tho county, tho ndvcillslng rates ot tho l ci till ian aicnc hlgheitl.iin those et other papers witii barel) half nd several not om-touitlithenuiu. ler of kubscilbirs. 1'r.cls like these speak for them, sel es. No shrewd business man will neglect loin. 1 K'lihisaiivertlseuitutsluthcCoiisiniAK tf. A DMINIf-TllATOlfS NOTICK. f tSTATB OK '1I7AMTII HOSIIITH. men. I iltersoi AilintiistratIoiionthei:f.t.ttei'f r.liiabclli ltobi Use f Suriirll'HItVNP.'rimli il, i i.nueil have 1s t li granted by Iho lie gl-lei of snlet county to eieii Moi ie.MiKaileiif t, p.. e elumlla countv ,i-a.. to vv hem all leiM ns IndiLlid tn mid 1 nnii am ciuesied lo n like pnjii e 1 1, at it tin to having claims. Mil 'i'1!11" i'ui1' "in niusL- mi-Hi Ki.ejvvn lu tne out,, ii, iiitui; ii nLi.1 iiiiiioui. eieiiis , Nov. Hi.-js. AUinliilkliiilir. LOUIS EEENHAHD, Dealer In riCIIvI WAaci35JB,0)LOCtlS, Silv orwaro, AVntclics and eJewolry ni.ii.i)iiiui;u, -., I ndles' mel l.e mirm-'iiV (icld ni d si'icr Wutclics, it Aii.tilci u at el Forilgu moiiulucturo. bilvor and Plated Ware, Clocks, FINH JUWKl.UV, AC, AC1. llKPAlHlNG AND UNGHAY1NG rruiitiitly JLvccilU-el, ocu,ti-ir "VTOTICK Miercliy gircn lint I liar i. day purebaseil from tnthlas Kyerono mare, two setts double 1. nrne-s, one fprlcif w a so otio tdack horso thorn James Kycr, and loaned the umu to them clurlnir tnv bletsurj. Dec. IVifr it l'llll.lF Al-ri.liX A1.11111101 i we 1 vi c 1 iv. 1.. L.1TATB Of llOK'T JiUINHTOH, l.ATE OF MA TOVTNsmr, iz-tlersof Admltilslratlon on Iho estato nt II Johnston, late of Mnillson tovrnshlp, i-nli county, doei-iised, have been grnhtcd by Iho l t ;r nt snlil county to I-nar y, until, of "s tonvllle". All iiersnns Ii.aiik; clulms ngtln estate of thu decedent oro reipiested tn pn ent for settlement, nml those Indebted tothe esti make pnvincht to tho undersigned ndmlnlsi wlthoul elelay. isAAt F SAl Nov. Admlnlslra ADMINISTUATOiW NOTK'H. ramr or. ciiukom in-ssiNonn, deckasr Utters of Administration on Hie estate of 0 ttunslnge-r, late of He-aver township, Columbia deceased, li ivo lieen granted liv the- lleglst -r ol cuiinlv to.lulm lliinslnger, of llcavcr toniu.iilp p rsms Imv lng ins ugnl list t hu e tato of t he dent are reepiested to present them for settle! and thoso Indebted to I h estate1 to mako imj to thu undersigned admlnlslrntor without elfin. JOHN lll.NSIMIKI Nov. SOts-et- AdmlnlFtrn l Tail-lL"rli .n-.-vti'a vniffee A U-MINISTKATOIVS NOTICK. XX. T.STATK Of SIAHV A. F. nilfOUK, DECKASSI tetters of Admlnl'tratlon on tho cMato of Ma F. lltuglle, l.iteof 111,1 Town iif Idoomsburg, Co Wa cu nly, ilece.isi-el, have been grant -d by tho 1-ler nt said county tn William II. l.llmor lllooms'iurg. All tiii-sonshavthir cuilini ngulns estate of the' eleee'le-iit nre le piesti il I pn-senti 1 ir f.- iti -tn.-nt, mill tli .s tjtiio e-wn miko pnyine-iit 10 tue utid rslrm 1 admlnlst wit hout il'-'l.l). Wh.l.I.V.M 11 (ill, MlliiS Adudiilstiat Nov sc, ;&-et. PSend 1 catiilogiiu I ) MarvTaud 1 J. K ilancl t for t mid Ji nml ill Mn.vrna, 1 1 iw aiujis 1., jiviiw.iiu Hl:NI!Y VII.SON.U1s Life nnelT'e Sirvteei. The nailnii luourni hU A i..S'M WAS 11:11. Appt. for c.ulcuof te-irl tn ej 1 i!.er c ltv I'uli. 1 ., i hll.i , l'a, Tl .? imi lle.ullhg, l'svilinnuiiiev, 1 ieiilii i Soul l harming. i sine rl hi, nml Slut finite, now ImfU'ivr either He x Ilia ta'sinute .aln I lit- love and ntTe-etl u of nny ron tiv-y el, In-t.inti . 4 pues. lly mall M Is Hunt . UJ, s. , St.. I'nil 1. - . ft I 'IViligie of N'.-.e .,111. , II 11 III VA I i,ir.n-:iA. ' 1 iri 1 I ai V J M le-I'-i 1 ' e 4111..111 . 1 1 r 1 i)u. f ir 51. . r i fni i.. ur l- vi 1, 1 u si. , r t 1111 i-i, iirnoi National Chi jiiu o., 1 .lia'le-l lita, 1 llOl .... s ... 1 i'Ii. .... . e ,,l..1i l.e t Ol NTs WANTI.l) inr III lust nml I -TA-s s. Ill.i.r 1.0 ever , iiu.l V -d, Scud far tl . and our 1 .Ira li-niis le i.j 11 s. ..t.uiiai 1 shlti eo., I idi lelii.ihia, l'a. N.'onrm.T ro w Kirif 'lianeo f"i til ) : Mule mil f m lo 11. -ents andi isrr ,. I'n Information, uiiel fre samples e ve n oi-di-r 1' 0. box 111 u 1 e-i.s ,v u., 1 ., v ori.i ae , -n, iov. r. 1 w. 1'dR CU (ill- , rLS. iIAKSi:XKSS USE VKLLS'iWHh.'i I' T'Hlir Put ni i-ili In lll.l I. Ill X s. k : 1 ii-ii ii mi sih i- tti-iiti-i:. . lirs,' ti. .r ',','ist : -ti Till . 1111 1 .1 1 s T 11.. i-iii .1 li le .1 1. 11 .V ':j.r 1,1, I.Ojj.i .) Our Western Tjjrdif O.10 Ilundrci l .-ars A.n-o. e .,1il. 1, , , ,r II... I, . n 1 In...-, In ir I. t lite- 1 1 -s 1 ! 1 ri 1 1 1 r 1 uf cun:ii. t f i dimdwi rms Fx-Pin .ulve nturts. c ..'-lei I. s, f, .. . seen nl.ineer w it: -n anilines, liull.iii wa .paths, c Mr .1 ni ,1 ns Mini; or cue, iiinlold. M i'lllji.l.- Noeompi-UUiill. Iln irmuU'i. lies. Age ill! ,1 e- I 1 lii-r e ire 11. ill's fe eli e ., .1 e I ' A i.. ". u x,., f, i,e-nrt III,!' TO BOOK AGENTS. 'WiJfiSEflSSSS'Sa tejt th prrat popularity cf Tho W. Knox new .acAifc.or Ljcind .lt?ntu,n nte Unrht. wetnakit this MtrinTdinQTy orlfn ((' ctll ftnt a camiUte ou'ftt Ut ce II 5l a'mlHtttittrtr to any rani; tent ivrcjn ot'ttlhtr Mi uhomil ww. It rontnlni 2i f-ptrnilid llutttiloDt fotiny Atu.iMMi, nrl the entifcrwi pronounce it "the brrt new bofk out.' In lowfnrr iti th (oolc for the tim.ini ApcnUfBtlly Ato lUtt day. Wo want llbfininerry k,,l the te tntoi offtru tma Hilt. Lawe Illui tictf il I'nmphlf J. prcimrn parep. and full rartlculJM fret "iNIPam. TLCK" eC'hromo. The Great Ain ricaa Tea Cohidid it X .iii -SI-J Mi-til t, I.. . Teas ellstrlhute 1 toclulmit Importers' rrlces. r.eautlfiil oil ehroiiiiis, tf c!tnViviitslcs. irebent to tuiiciiasern oi i.'-'.s. I e rr poumlsof lea, In clu utjiiiiinel upwiirili. i lie t onii nnv has now rea fur delivery u sp'.iiidl 1 elirn-on, entitled ".Mi- a I'i-i s,' n new (thu- t inmili plciure, sliowliign live sklniilsh be tvve-i-n bain mm nls i c t ilo far the pt se.sjjn or :v doll. UtssMuliof roaring fun that s, I Ij'll "11 I ill, ,11, 111,-s,,,,, pt, , U. 111 -11UI till,-if Ihe lilt 1st. '1 In- b.itt,i- Is lust Mn and Till and! be see-n to In- upiircci..le el. stud for ctrc -ii e'l I'li.-e.-. lerui. r. i in. nut. r -.u:i:ii' n ti:a low-am, al .t. Ki, Ves.-v Mri'Ct. o. Il , m.i. Ni:vv Touk City. .niv ar-, . ,-i',v )SYl-i:()MANCY or SOI I, CIl A Ii.MlNt How either sec m.i- l.isi tnnte nml train t lue'o a'ui nlli eii.j isof nn pcr-Kin tneycii irisuinstai ly. liii! stiiip'i- ae 'iiiivnieut ml .'nn pus '.ess. free, I mill, fur '.-i.e, t.igi-iher with n uiarrlago gu'ele, Fgy tl.lii. nriiele. dl'i am.. 1.1. its In 1 a. s u i il(lln--.inL shir, , ,v. -. A iiui-i-r Imok. A, 1 1 ess, i. William e I'UOS.. i'llll.l, T . V'lTk i-i-llts f i-tV- best selllt .N I Si I I'll I'.ie ,in In tin, unrl li etiiu ui.s 1-, sue. l.s p ip -r. i , eni 'lopes, l, ilUi'll Jie pi ii.ioliler. pi i.iil, ur.l iiia.iMir , and a pioi of J,-weir,v siugl pin. i,- wlt.i e-lcant pnze.pjs, a i cents, e l-"t irrr e. Illilllll .V I'D Il.J lll-i'lllIWay n v. WANT Hi). flno'l, iif.i i et'l.ii i i i ami eeiiM 'ii: irr.rders a i puv me basil e-.. i 1 i si.iijiuhed un l.ible- Imil-e. h.-cill-lv l i- ill lllierul Ii dee-.-uu i.ts eiui red enn-taiii e ap' jyme-nt giv e In I 'i clu ci .Ki,. i u.iiii.-i, r ri p ii i. Forfullpa iie.u.,.1 .s i-m n, ,o 1 1 sill ii, anil iiitiir 1 II Mil Nil .tco.. Ve.v. I. -IT I nioii c lly, Kile Co., 1M. -;) i I'AY gu irantee-il u-tng cur WK1.I, Al'Oi: OrJt' l.lllt lll.ll.l.s. 'flU II liioill a 1-iilJ lo goo A-nuts A a;;, r bo U five. Jilz Yihjcrc ., St. I.oul .1-1-, in i. AtiKNTri WAXTl-K. MI-.DV1.S AM Idol Unas iivvnrdc.l t a- ikii HW'd M'i fit i'o:t:i. ui:ti in ., . . j . Li... 'in. .tn .u s., iniii-,, laiciuary, -l.s tleiu.n v.n ,v i u., i. :n, Aiv-i sir.'fi I'lilladi'lphls. Tin-: onanza. tun, i ull p-iti.'.iirNM-i tn-M Adiln KMJLt i "1 it '.ill's i ,1 it itir MM iV till . Ull t.llVi't MMV i ol if. SENT FREK ! ! Ui itw; .a:--. (( .'..ii) itoU'irs. St K-K l-i li il ,; -s 1, l, paid .mil . Ill pav I.-lrern l-rnllts ii ss, i.iinil-. au'lt.nlil b iufit on inirglus slg.,t ilr.ui. I . . siv enni a. co, liiiukirsamt broken hi. -it - i, .s.-n i"i. ! if llU'l.4Jli i.O'li) ,f ( s 7onifn nlr ai ... , .. i. ... i , ... iif., it Hi-i d.l i.niil. f tue Nil ii, -t'o oplilr's geld, the I.t HIS' 1. II. ill 'I Illt.llOllS I'f SOIIL'l .lit llllls. bllllL'S lir.iplili lies iipnuis splcniilil lllu-lrallons Sill ii. 'us ev an. ' i . we- Haul ,,-lin ipuvklr, prullts mo hen I fur tei-ui". in i.i Mi huum., pubs., "as, t-an isuiii r-i , riii.a . l'a It' s - v ' v - j-. s , . y ix. v 5 w W V llasiiii'ii invest-illn slot kprlv Hint's and paid 900 pBi' cent, profit. rii tdiiMiii'tv . i m .. .. V:..1. l!K'l'?4. fill ( Ul,'rMi 2. Mzovxll. for ti. Noyi-W-m una Chrciraos o cuy tu-wrlplwu. Nallujuu tltiomo l omnany, m aaclilila, Tn, M. INI) HHADlNO, lSYC'lIOM V X V Y V triVitl Mll'l ( IIHIMIkll uienie.i.ia.. STaiiin.-.. rsm.i... Vi.;.ni;.: i , ". i,t,:,; r'. -j '"""j t.atc ui.el inilti the live h . i m they elioose Inslantiv, mi . :es lymall to cents . s i.,, nwiiiu uu rue ci, i iiiinueipuia, ra. SlO In psriOO1" Unl-Mrect often lead! ton for . t""- A l'i'elKMk entitled J'J en and Idioms ot Wall strc t,- e.siUatnlns ever M T l Wli JoiiNlltcMisoA-en. banken I I Itrirj i'tid Irol.ers, r) Uroadwuy ag:wt3 ,aml:o roil tiil HISTORY of the y.s. .... V. .... i IsJliigiiiS TtCKrent lntt nt In Hit thrt-1- K llstirytf oui country innlt-K litis tl e f. it. t- m lieike'erpul ll-leel. lte nt ill's cAtrA. tie- II t irieul e iriuv Irpi. I i d to I eni"- wltli a Hi I ti ' nt i f thu op I'lcuihlim utiiiil ii niei tdai . ill) i. in u, end fori eiceiipin n i i n i aim u-in i .'ei ,ts NA'llu.NAl, ll'lll.l liiMi cel.. 1 J.lla., l'a. n? I O AbciiIs vvantiil. floort ch-.neo for le l i'n tlii; money, to I iirtles vvlm di vote ir put cf tlmi-ln selllnk'ei'r It-is. Literal t-uuili for leak. te v 1 or put cf time lu siiiiuk'ei'r it-is. Literal i-uuinli- SIOI1H. Slilll ti r u huh. 1'. il. bm f on. tient Aim id i ii'ieii eeuipuii),at , Vi A lleil.NI Is 1 l.A.Mvh turmoil eiul f .Im'cmeiit liendi-, tust rlulHl id for m Ui.lVvu'lisiAM lifluik All kluitKif Alb iliei". Ihliiki Vls.U VV VU UHUU W ,UIKM .V VIUVf